#just imagining going to work on monday and being like ‘yes I promise I'm listening to you’
gottagobuycheese · 2 years
was doing SO GREAT for the last few days and now all of a sudden it’s like all the accumulated sleep debt of my entire life piled into a gigantic frying pan and smashed me in the face. incredible. 0/10. would not recommend.
#both in the sleepy sense and the sinus sense#@ sinuses what is the point of you. why can't you ever behave when something else goes wrong#no but seriously this tiredness is ridiculous#went to bed at like 1 am woke up at 7:30 to remind the work coordinator I'm out sick#then went back to sleep and woke up at 10:30#had breakfast#and proceeded to nod off every ten minutes#the moment I tried to do anything other than just lie on the couch every cell in my body was like NOPE NAP TIME RIGHT NOW#CLOSE YOUR EYES OR DIE#too sleepy to read too sleepy to draw too sleepy to write#too sleepy to EAT like HELLO CAN YOU PLEASE KNOCK THAT OFF#too sleepy to figure out that licensing nonsense#anyways after inhaling some 20+ year old vicks and singing my forehead on a pot of boiling vicks water#I do feel slightly more awake#it could also be because I spent almost the entire day with my eyes closed just flopped on the couch#this post took. several hours to make#just imagining going to work on monday and being like ‘yes I promise I'm listening to you’#‘I just need to keep my eyes closed and rest my head on this table and not respond to you through any form of communication’#Cheese's personal molasses#Cheese's plague adventures#really thought I was going to get one of those fics done today#alas#it was like *opens laptop* *tries to write a sentence* *nods off* *tries again* *nods off* *tries again* *nods off* *tries again* *nods off*#meanwhile the orv-ridden part of my brain: OMG JUST LIKE BEAUTIFUL GENIUS CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED AUTHOR HAN SOOYOUNG#anyways here's to hoping that this was just a weird once off day and that tomorrow will be Normal Plague#can't believe all I did was sleep all day and I'm still sleepy...#truly adolescent hsy hours
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hollandorks · 2 years
hiii I just needed to stop by and say the ending of MOTN was SO. FREAKING. GOOD. I didn't have a chance to catch up on it until last night, but OMG. And the one-shot!! the one shottttttt ugh, just kill me. Bruce and all the emotions. The way his feelings are just coming up all at once and how you can literally feel how he's literally about to implode. That breakdown was... so so heartbreaking.
Back to the ending of MOTN tho. Chapter 31, I'm so glad they actually got a chance to truly acknowledge how they felt about each other. And not just showing and telling each other, but fully realizing the extent of it within themselves. And him realizing he wants to marry her?!?? Are you kidding me??? I can literally imagine the gears in his brain coming to a full stop when he thought that.
I think my favorite line is "I think I was in love with you when you fell out of the sky" because, same girl lol. And Alfred talking about how he was going to lock them in a room together 😂 poor guy was making all sorts of plans to get them to finally admit how they felt to reach other lol.
But really, I think the most heart-warming part is him being insistent about taking her on a date 🥹. Him wanting to do things the right way and take her out is literally the sweetest thing and not caring about paparazzi or anything is just UGH amazing. I love that he was giving her recognition for being a good cook also, in front of someone she clearly respects, that was such a good detail to add in.
And the epilogue!!!!!! His mother's ring?????? I literally can't. I would also put money on Alfred being the one to tell the press lmao. They're literally together and he's STILL meddling, it makes me giggle haha.
I also genuinely love that he sees value in her helping him. It's like, he realized simultaneously that he doesn't need to go through life alone as Bruce Wayne, and Batman also doesn't have to do things alone all the time either. Like, that's huge for him, especially after her almost dying. They work so well together!! Even when they're not doing vigilante stuff, I'm literally so happy about the restaurant and how it gives back to the community in such a constructive way- that was amazing!!
Overall, this was a great ending to a seriously epic story. And I am loving what I think you're setting up for the sequel!! I can't WAIT to see what they get themselves into lol
This is so sweet, thank you so much 😭 Listen I know the oneshot was rough but I'm going to post a smutty oneshot tomorrow or Monday to make up for it, I promise!
But yes poor Bruce definitely short circuited when he realized he wanted to marry her. Poor guy panicked. He overthinks everything so this would be no different! 😂
I love knowing what you loved about the ending 🥺🥰 It makes me so happy. I tried my best to tie everything up neatly while still leaving room for the sequel!
I can't wait to explore more with these characters in the sequel and share with everyone!!
Thank you so much for sending this 🥺🥺
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shinebrite97 · 3 years
Part 11
The atmosphere was different now.
Yuri noticed it the second she left her bedroom the next morning. With her room right off the kitchen, she made it to the dining room quickly enough, passing Beel in the kitchen, who glanced up long enough to offer her a quick smile, but nothing else. Easy enough to assume he was just preoccupied with fixing his plate, but in the dining room, nobody said a word to her. Occasional glances were cast on her, but the silence was deafening.
She couldn't blame them. She knew exactly their feelings for her. She made it known how she felt for all of them, and now she was devoted to another.
The sneaking around now made sense to them, and if Beelzebub was mad at her for lying about being tutored, she wouldn't blame him.
However, it was the weekend. With no social buffer of RAD, and nowhere to go, she spent most of her Saturday in her room. Only emerging for meals, and looking up from her studies when Belphegor dropped in for a nap.
"Why Diavolo of all people?" He'd asked as he clung to her in her bed. "Like, way to sleep right to the top."
"I haven't slept with him." She snapped back. "And I probably won't have to."
"But you're gonna marry him."
"Only on paper, probably. Nothing will change."
"You promise?" He yawned into her hair, listening to the soft drum of her heartbeat as he dozed.
"I promise."
Sunday seemed to snap everyone back to normal. A lazy breakfast with Beel, Mammon, Lucifer, and Leviathan, and lunch alone in her room; going out on the town with Asmodeus and Solomon, and then a rowdy dinner prepared by Leviathan served as a sense of normalcy that Yuri was grateful for.
At the end of the day, she left the common room where she'd been working on tasks with a Lil D of Pride, bidding the smokey void goodnight as she trudged through the first floor to her room.
She nodded in resignation, seeing Mammon sitting at the long table in the back of her room. One earbud in his ear and a notebook in front of him.
"You know, I was working in the common room, you could have joined me there." She said.
"Nah, I knew ya'd come here sooner or later," He sighed, leaning far back into an indulgent stretch. "Wanted some time alone with ya."
"Really?" She asked.
"Whaddya mean 'really'?" He demanded. "Course I wanna see ya. I'm your demon after all!" He stood up, a hand on his hip, and gave her a confused glare. "Just for that, get'chur butt over here." She obeyed, walking over, unsure of what to expect, until his arms fell to her shoulders, wrapping tightly around her waist and he squeezed her in the warmest hug she'd ever had.
"Mammon?" She asked.
"Now don't be tellin' anyone. The Great Mammon doesn't get all touchy-feely for just anyone." She felt all the muscles in his frame tighten as she snaked her arms around his waist, hugging back just as tight.
"Thanks, Mammon. I really needed this."
"Course…" he replied. His voice cracked one and he cleared his throat. "Don't be forgettin', got it?"
"How could I?" She asked. "There's no way I'd ever forget "The Great Mammon?"
"That's right, human."
Yuri giggled, still fully encased in his hug, and she was surprised when he didn't let go first.
That night he slept in a pile of blankets in her room.
. *. *. *. *. *. *. *. *.
Satan walked with her to school on Monday morning. It was silent at first, but at the crest of the hill, seeing the rooftops of RAD, he finally spoke up.
"May I ask you a question, Yuri?" He asked.
"Of course," she replied.
"Are you in love with him?"
"Lord Diavolo?"
"Fair enough question," she sighed and adjusted the bag on her shoulder, flaming up to meet his piercing green eyes. "I wouldn't say that I am, really. We're friendly, but...I really don't know him like that yet...and I can't imagine he feels that way about me."
"It still seems like a far stretch. To ask for a hand in marriage without romantic attraction…"
Yuri kept her mouth shut for a moment, letting his opinion sink in. There was still too much hanging in the balance. Too many questions about the most simple aspects of all this. Before worrying about the demons who would target her, the responsibilities she'd face soon, and the logistics of this wedding they'd been skirting around; how exactly did Diavolo feel about her?
"Satan?" She asked after a few minutes.
"Yes, dear?" His response had been immediate.
"Have you ever been in love?"
She looked up to see his face, and his reaction was satisfyingly pronounced. His eyes doubled in size, a bright blush exploded across his face, creeping up to the tips of his ears, and he stumbled, catching himself as he stared down at her.
"That's quite a random question, isn't it?"
"Is it?" She asked. "It seemed like we were on the topic to me."
"Perhaps we were," he smiled as he studied her face. It was a smile that she took comfort in, something way too soft and serene for the avatar of Wrath.
"Yes," he finally said. "I have, and I don't believe that will ever go away."
Something about his answer stuck with her for the rest of the morning. No doubt Satan had been in love before. He'd been alive longer than she could fathom. She wondered who it'd been. Did he still love them as much? Did he yearn for them?
The jealousy she felt had no place in her heart, she thought. She was engaged, why should she care who Satan dreamt of?
The announcement would be made soon anyway. Soon enough she'd be holding hands with Diavolo, making her public appearance at his side and waving at her future subjects.
Maybe by then, she'd finally have a grasp on their real feelings.
"Yuri!" She stiffened, already on edge from her own stress, and blinked as Luke barreled toward her. "Have you seen the RAD school paper yet?"
"Um… no, I haven't."
"Look!" In another moment the paper was in her face, far too close to her eyes to make anything out, but she took hold of it, reading the headline and looking at the photograph.
Crowned Prince in Love?
The image was of Diavolo taken from the side, his arm out and being tightly held by both of her hands. When they were walking back to his castle on that first day. She hadn't even realized people could have seen that. But whoever had caught the image, did so just as she had tossed her head back to laugh about something he'd said. The pink flush of his cheeks was rivaled only by the illumination of his own smile. They were quite the image of attraction here.
"Can you believe these demons? It's bad enough they have a gossip column, but to put their exchange student into something so serious!" He whined. "Yuri, you need to be careful about getting so friendly with them...especially with someone like Lord Diavolo!"
"Right," she chuckled nervously. "Thanks, Luke. For letting me know."
"Of course!" He beamed.
"Do you mind if I borrow this for a bit longer?" She asked.
"Sure, I'll just share Simeon's copy."
"Thanks!" She smiled. "I better get to class."
"See you in the exchange seminar!"
"Yup!" Yuri kept up her smile until Luke was out of sight. Frowning, she quickly scanned the article. It was just speculation and base rumors at first, but the final line, urging readers to read The exclusive interview on the third page, spurred her into action.
There it was. The interview between her and the demon from the other day. It started with a paragraph introducing her.
Yuri Ivanov, aged 24, has garnered the attention of many powerful demons during her first term as an exchange student from the human realm. Harnessing no magical ability, she has succeeded in forming pacts with the seven of our nine council members, living with the officers in The House of Lamentation. But now she has set her eyes on a new prize. Our very own Lord Diavolo.
His following questions were printed in bold, her answers were quoted, word for word.
In an exclusive word from the Lord himself, we see that love is in the air here at RAD. It seemed that Lord Diavolo is very smitten with this enigmatic exchange student, quoting her beauty and unending enthusiasm in his project as the key factors that drew him to her.
Will Miss Ivanov prove to be a worthy Queen? Keep up with this unfolding story by purchasing the Weekly RAD newspaper.
"There's our official announcement." Yuri jumped when she heard the soft voice behind her, turning on her heel, she smiled and bowed to Diavolo.
"Good morning, sir."
"Good morning, dear. How are you today?"
"I'm good," she replied. "I think I'm just a little surprised at the suddenness of this. I just thought it would be a public announcement we made."
"Tomorrow," he said. "There will be a public viewing from the ramparts of my castle," he extended his hand to her, waiting patiently for her to decide whether or not she'd accept. She offered up her hand as well, grazing the skin of his knuckle until his big hand enveloped hers. "We will stand as one, holding hands just like this, and the people will see us together. A united front. I will make a speech about the union of The Devildom and The Human Realm by our marriage, and the changes that will be enacted after our ceremony." Diavolo pulled her to the side of the oncoming student body, all rushing to make it to their first classes, and in his haste, he flung her against the wall. Feeling the stone against her back was startling, but in some odd way, welcoming.
"So sorry," he said.
"It's okay." She replied. "Was there something else you needed, sir?"
"I just wanted to say this," he grinned. "This one act, that you seem to find so effortless, has managed to bring together these two realms faster than any exchange program plan I had made. So from the bottom of my heart, Yuri...thank you."
"Just keep it up, okay?" He asked. "This is now way more than just helping me make the throne. You are making history in a way you couldn't even begin to fathom."
Yuri nodded, now no longer able to speak.
"One more thing," he said. "After the viewing tomorrow, you are invited to have dinner at the castle. Some of my family will be arriving early for wedding preparations and they will meet you. Another customary step in the process."
"Alright." She replied.
"Do you know the basics of fine dining?" He asked.
"Yes," she replied. "Is it much different here from the human realm?"
"A little," he said. "That's no problem though, I will send you links to some videos on Deviltube. But I already know you'll be perfect."
"Thanks….um but I should get to class."
"Of course," he replied. "Allow me to escort you."
"Well, if it isn't Lady Exchange." Yuri glanced up at the student who spoke as soon as she sat down. A demoness with humanoid features and a sharp-toothed smile. "I can see what it was that he liked so much...you're cute, too naive to be a gold-digger."
"If only you heard them!" Mephistopheles groaned across the room. "All lovey-dovey, calling each other gross names."
Yuri glanced over, confused. She hadn't called him anything other than his name or 'sir' but that hadn't been different from any other time she spoke to him. But she saw the glint in his black eyes. And the wink she shot her. He was trying to help.
"Ain't that right, 'lamby-kins'. Don't have your 'boo bear' here to protect you now…"
That's laying it on a bit too thick, Mephisto.
"Best hope we don't start making out during the viewing tomorrow." She grinned. "Or maybe we will, you can take a picture of that for your gossip column."
"Gross." He groaned.
"Ew, have you really?" The demoness asked.
"Jealous?" Yuri sassed.
The day continued with similar occurrences. Teasing from some, glares, and menacing knuckle cracks from others. Forked tongues run along lips in front of sharp teeth from a fair amount, just reminding her exactly who she was. And just how fragile she could be.
Diavolo wasn't exaggerating like she'd hoped, but having Satan and Beelzebub at her sides helped.
They escorted her for the day until the final bell tolled and they left her at the council room, as per Diavolo's request.
This time he was waiting inside. He looked up at the sound of the door closing and smiled.
"Yuri," he said. "How was your day?"
"It was fine," she said.
"How many students threatened you today, Yuri?" He asked. "I need an honest answer and your best estimate," Diavolo stood up from his seat, stepping down to the center of the room, drawing close enough to reach out. He placed a hand on her shoulder as she looked up to meet his grave expression. "It is in the interest of your livelihood."
Yuri deflated under his touch, finally feeling truly safe for the first time all day.
"Quite a few," she admitted. "Most of the people who know me were fine, it was some other students, mostly in the hallways, but I had Satan and Beel walking with me."
"That's good," he replied. "But only for so long."
"What should I do?" She asked.
"I want you to wear this." He said, opening his hands to reveal some hemp cord. He held it up for her to see in full light. It looked like a necklace, a small round stone with a familiar-looking sigil burned into the center.
"I had Lucifer and Barbatoes work together to craft this today," he said. "It's a classic protection charm laced with both of their magic abilities."
"Diavolo…" she gasped. "Thank you."
"My dear, this is the least I could do for you." He moved his hand away from her shoulder, clearing his throat stiffly, and unclasping the necklace. "May I?"
She nodded, lifting and holding her hair as he worked behind her, carefully attaching the tiny clasps, and tapped her shoulder once he was finished.
"How does it look?" She asked with a grin.
"Marvelous." He replied. Yuri giggled bashfully, placing her hand in his.
"Oh!" She jumped a bit, and he instantly retracted his hand, afraid he had somehow hurt her. "What should I wear tomorrow?" She asked. "I don't really have a lot of fancy clothes, and I assume it should be formal if I'm meeting your family."
"Come to the castle during lunch tomorrow," he said. "I have a dress prepared for you, along with a quick refresher on things. We will have tea and a light meal together before we make our appearance."
"Okay!" She beamed.
"Make sure you get back to the house of Lamentation safely," he said. "I'm sure Satan and Beelzebub are still waiting for you."
"I will," she replied. "Thank you."
He smiled silently until the door closed behind her, losing the tight grip on his facial muscles, he sighed.
"I love you, Yuri."
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aliasimagines · 5 years
Meeting, falling for, dating and eventually having to leave Billy Hargrove would include :
request: Billy has a girlfriend before moving to Hawkins, being her the complete opposite of him (shy, a good person, honest, kind, dedicated, sensitive, right, who likes games, who fights for the power of women, etc…) the headcanon / imagine could be how they met, how they fell in love, how was dating (the day by day), what does Billy's family think of his gf, maybe moments / hobbies / things they both did together and perhaps what the two looked like when they both had to move to different cities. by @im-hqlover
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a/n: I'm soooorrryyyyy it took me this long. It's messy and all over the place but I think I included everything (?). Also this is long. Sorry 🙏
Metting & getting to know each other
You met on the first day of high school
Billy didn't have a mulet back then, he wasn't wearing the leather jacket and didn't have his ear pierced. So wasn't really having the "bad guy" look just yet
You didn't really interact since he soon became popular while you liked to stay in the shadows thanks to your shyness
He was arrogant and rude while you are kind and quiet most of the time
But of course you have noticed him. He is gorgeous. Whit his wavy blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes.
Billy first really acknowledged you when you got paired for a school project in sophomore year. (not cliché at all)
You were nervous. Why wouldn't you be? It's Billy Hargrove we are talking about. One of the cool guys.
But honestly you didn't really think he would care about it
Much to your surprise he found you in lunch break. Billy told you that he has to pick up his step sister after school, but if you give him your address he will meet you there at 5
You were a bit shocked. Does he actually care? About a stupid school project?
Turns out he really does because he is failing the class
It's 5 past 10 when he shows up. He's got a small cut on his cheek which weren't there at school.
"Are you okay, Billy?"
He shrugged his shoulder, annoyed
"Can you just let me inside so we can do that stupid project?"
Deciding it's better not to anger him you step aside and guide him to your room
You start to do some research when you hear him murmur quietly
"I don't get this"
he was pointing at the task.
"Which part do you not get?"
"All of it?"
So you begin to explain him calmly and slowly
After about 2 hours, Billy kind of gets it so you start working.
You eat dinner with books in your hands while discussing the project.
And it's like you have been friends for years. You forgot your shyness and Billy forgot about all his problems. You even joked around between two tasks.
It's pretty late when you finish but it's friday so it's okay.
When you said goodbyes and you're about to close the door he suddenly turns around.
"Thanks Y/N. For explaining that shit."
"Of course, Billy! I'm glad I could help you!"
On Monday you and Billy present your project and the teacher is blown away by it. And Billy is so happy he pulls you into a bone crushing hug. And your bl
The teacher says that if Billy can keep this up he won't fail the class. So the teacher asks you to tutor him.
Growing & confessing feelings for each other
Once a week Billy comes over after he walked Max home( cause he doesn't have his car jet) and you guys work on home work together and study. Overtime he a bit longer stays after you finished studying. He stays for dinner (your parents love him) or you just hang in your room talking and listening to music.
Billy feels so comfortable around you. It's the way you treat him. Always so calm, kind and caring. He just feels like he can trust you. And he eventually realizes that he fell for you.
And oh boy, that scares him.
First Billy doesn't want to do anything about because he thinks there is no way you like him back.
But after spending many sleepless nights with fantasizing about what your relationship would be like he can't keep his emotions bottled up.
He gets up at 3 am and just goes over to your house and starts throwing rocks at your window
"Billy! What are you doing here?"
"I want to speak with you. Can you.. come outside?"
2 minutes later you find yourself walking next to Billy in a short and an oversized shirt you quickly changed into.
Few minutes pass and he still hasn't said anything. So you nervously turn to him and open your mouth to say something but he beats you to it.
"Y/N thanks to you I've got good grades and I'm super grateful for that but that's not why... Ah shit.. I can't"
He notices you're slightly shaking.
"Are you alright?"
"I'm fine just a bit cold"
"Oh, here. Take my jacket" and he puts it on your shoulders
And you're jumping out of your skin.
Because over there months you spent together you grew feelings for this boy and now he was giving you his jacket. Billy freaking Hargrove was giving you his signature leather jacket!
Oh, you weren't blushing. Naaah, not at all.
"T-thanks Billy..."
"Sure thing."
"So You were trying to say something?"
"Oh shit! ...You... I was trying to say how fucking nervous you make me." *cute small laugh*
Billy took a deep breath and stoped. You looked at him, totally confused.
"Y/N... I... I like you. Like... Like like you. I have been for a while now. You are just the cutest and kindest person I have ever met. Whenever you and I are alone I feel so happy... You make me super happy."
He looks at you like a lost puppy. He is just so goddamn cute.
Even though you're shy you pull him down by the collar of his shirt and kiss him.
Just a few hours ago you wouldn't even dare to dream about Billy liking you, yet here you are kissing on the poorly lighted street at 3 am.
That's how it started
Dating Billy & what his family thinks of it/about you
So Billy likes to show you off. Take you to parties (but if you don't want to he won't force you to), hold your hand in school or even kiss you by the lockers.
You definitely earn some jealous looks after that, even some threatening ones. (don't worry, Billy will punch everyone who tries to hurt you)
You accompany him when he has to walk Max home
Max does not mind it. You're always nice to her. You quickly befriend with the cute little ginger and take her to the arcade or play video games with her.
Once Billy gets his car you go on nightly car rides
He loves surfing, so he takes you to surf whenever he can. You have little competitions like "who can stay longer on the board?"
Or if you can't surf he will teach you.
Once you come out of the water he likes to walk around the beach, fingers intertwined, maybe get some ice cream or something. You guys would stay till ot gets dark.
Or sometimes even after that. Billy wound find a nice hidden spot where you can gaze up at the beautiful night sky as he holds you in his strong arms. And he has that smile on his face. You know it's a smile he only uses when it's just the two of you.
Like I said he is a show of and likes to drag you to parties so in return you drag him to demonstrations for women rights.
Billy loves listening to music and he loves you so listening to music with you is one of his favorite things to do.
You met his father and Susan when you ran over to his house to return his jacket.
Susan opens the door, asks who you are and when you tell her that you are Billy's girlfriend she immediately invites you in
She tells Max to inform Billy that you're here
Susan was cooking when you knocked so you ask if you can help her in anything till Billy comes.
"Oh aren't you sweet! Thank you, I would appreciate it!"
You and Susan are in deep conversation while you are cutting some vegetables when Billy walks in.
"Babe? What are you doing here?"
"Oh, I just brought back your jacket."
That's when Niel enter the kitchen too. He doesn't even says hello, he is just like: "who the hell is that?"
"I'm, uhm.. I'm Billy's girlfriend, sir."
Neil snorts and turns to his son "Your girlfriend?" Billy just nods so Susan takes the opportunity to speak up
"She is such a sweetheart, I didn't even know you had a girlfriend Billy."
"I guess I just didn't had a chance to talk about her"
Now his dad is looking at you "Does he take good care of you?"
"Yes sir, Billy is a wonderful boyfriend!"
"Pff are you talking about my son?"
And you're looking at him like wtf.
Later Billy tells you about his dad and how he treats him.
First your just so angry, because how can someone do that to their children?
But than you comfort your boyfriend. Tell him how he deserves the word and how you will always be there for him.
Moving to different cities
Billy is heartbroken when he learns you have to move.
But than his father announces that they will move to Hawkins and now he is hating every one.
You are devastated too, obviously. You just want to cry and be held by Billy but he is too busy being angry at the world.
You find him at your hiding spot on the beach, smoking.
"Billy, please don't be like this, this is hard for me too!"
He is too afraid of living without you, you're the only good thing in his life. And he doesn't want to lose you too.
"Baby I don't want this..." his voices is barely louder that a whisper, and you know he is fighting with his tears too.
"Me neither, Billy but... But we could figure out something?"
"What? We will be so freaking far away from each other!"
"Yes I know, but after high school we could still come back to Cali and live in a cute house by the ocean like how we planned"
"I... Yeah. Yes, you're right. But still, i don't know what will I do without you."
You sit next to him "We will talk. Every day on the phone. And I will write you."
The they you have to say goodbye is the worst. You are both crying. He doesn't want to let you go. You ran your fingers through his hair, one last time. He kisses you.
"Promise you won't forget me, Y/N. "
"I couldn't never!"
"Just promise."
"I promise, that I won't ever forget you Billy Hargrove."
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aboutlouishofmann · 5 years
A Life Devoted To Music
[Original interview here which is already in English. I'm just testing. All images curtesy of cinema.de]
FRIDAY, 7/5/2019
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In PRÉLUDE Louis Hofmann plays a talented pianist.
Rising star Louis Hofmann has often been seen at FILMFEST MÜNCHEN — for example, in the tender coming-of-age drama CENTER OF MY WORLD. By now, Hofmann is well-known all over Germany thanks to the captivating mystery series DARK. This makes us all the more delighted that this up-and-coming actor is returning to Munich this year with not one, but two exciting films. In PRÉLUDE, he plays a talented musician who experiences the downside of being an artist; and he also has a role in THE WHITE CROW, about Soviet ballet dancer Rudolf Nureyev. We met the amiable actor at the world premiere of PRÉLUDE and asked him about his own experiences as an artist and how life in the spotlight affects a person.
In PRÉLUDE, you play an aspiring pianist named David, a freshman at a conservatory who's under pressure from the beginning. What was it about this story that caught your interest?
In 2015, I was invited to a casting for PRÉLUDE. I think I'd read only a small blurb about it, but it won me over right away and I knew I absolutely had to play this part. I don't know whether I'd already seen WHIPLASH. I grew up around lots of music and have an affinity to it — and probably a fascination with sadness as well. I thought if the script fulfills the promise of that little blurb, I've got to be a part of things. Then I went to the first casting with director Sabrina Sarabi and we simply got along very well and I noticed that she does very fine work.
When did you finally shoot the film?
Two years ago. It was hard to get all the money that was necessary. It is just a small film, after all. I'm still glad that we made it even though we didn't have much money. Being so close on set was also great. On the first day of shooting, there were maybe 15 of us on the set. It took some getting used to, because I'd just come from DARK, where we'd had 100 to 150 people. That was our own little microcosm, and working with such a small team was something I enjoyed to the fullest.
Is that something you generally prefer: a smaller scale?
No. I just prefer good material.
What does good material consist of?
That's the question. There are only the standard responses: well-developed characters, a nice development of the role, a story that's exciting, not one that's narrated. David is somebody I can identify with to a good extent. He's sensitive. He has this great ambition that I carry within myself. When he does something, he jumps in wholeheartedly. That's also the approach I take to my own work. That's why I understood him right away.
You mentioned that music has always been very important to you. Do you play an instrument?
I played violin for a year, because my brother played violin. I stopped pretty soon after that. Then, at age eight or nine, I began to play the drums. I did that for eight years.
Do you still play?
I stopped when I moved from Cologne to Berlin. I didn't have a drum set there, nor did I have the infrastructure: a place to rehearse and so on. I didn't take it up again until this year. I rediscovered how awesome it is and how much I'd missed it — how I'd totally been caught up in the piano as well. I used to be able to play chords or three-finger accompaniment. Classical pieces, though, were pretty foreign to me. I somehow put in a lot of effort with a teacher, without being able to read music. We did it with videos. I think it helped me a little to be able to play the drums. But to learn a new instrument and suddenly understand how it works and to be familiar with the keyboard and to get into the groove when playing: that really did a lot for me. In addition, it was just extremely good preparation for the part. It made the character accessible to me, which is something I hadn't really expected.
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How long did you practice?
After I got the role, we did two years of workshops. In the end, we had two-hour lessons, five days a week for three months, and then two to four more hours a day of practice.
That's a lot.
You're right. But it's great. At first it's so difficult. The first two weeks were so rough: you're really just searching for the notes; your fingers don't understand it all just yet. You feel like a dyslexic on the piano, just so amateurish. And suddenly after two or three weeks, your fingers start doing what they should. You follow the instrument, and it's simply awesome.
Are you still doing it?
Unfortunately not. No, because I can't read music and because I'd noticed that I get bored easily because I only ever play the same pieces. My roommates and I have a piano, and I play it sometimes, but not like before.
What kind of music do you listen to?
Mainly indie rock, indie pop, alternative. Sometimes soul classics, chansons, or jazz hip-hop.
Can you name two or three artists?
Two or three artists I can name... Somehow that's always pretty hard to do. Right now I'm really looking forward to the new Dope Lemon album that's coming out soon. As for indie pop, Bon Iver is one of my heroes. Parcels is great. I could go on forever. Music is a really important part of my life. I just immerse myself in it and discover new artists. It's a lot of fun.
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There's this gotcha question that I once picked up from a job interview: If you were a song, what song would you be? That is, a song that describes you very well.
I have no idea. I think the songs we listen to speak to only part of ourselves. The first song I thought of is "8 (Circle)" by Bon Iver. But that's just my melancholy side. It wouldn't describe me completely, because I also have a non-melancholy side, a very happy side, that I wouldn't be doing justice to.
Now that you've had a brief look at the life of a musician, even indirectly, what would you say is similar to or different from the life of an actor?
The pressure is what they have in common. The expectations one has of oneself. The competition. Although I have to say we're a generation, I think, who fight more alongside each other than against each other. For a pianist, it's a more individual fight than for an actor, because as an actor you normally don't perform alone.
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In the film, David has to put his personal life on the back burner in order to get somewhere as a musician. Since you said that you enjoy immersing yourself, to what extent do you find yourself having to put your personal life on the back burner?
Since the work always comes in phases, you only have to do that in phases. And then I do that. In recent years, I've also learned that you can't completely separate the two — that the project phases should intersect more with the phases of free time. I've always felt that I've completely forgone personal life while working, up until the end of shooting. At some point, I no longer thought that was a good thing. In this line of work, you have to watch out, otherwise you'll start thinking of the year only in terms of blocks of time. I've resolved to be aware of this for more than a whole year again. Theater actors can probably do that a lot better, because they have regular work. They're able to balance their personal lives and their work more easily. That's a small obstacle that a film actor has to overcome at some point.
Let's assume you have free time. What do you do to unwind after work?
I had a hard time of that in Berlin. But this year, I went back to some old hobbies, like the drums. Also skateboarding, climbing, bouldering, and so on, to find balance. It's just about doing something that no one judges and where there's no output. Where you're not forced to deliver output. Because all you do when playing is give, give, give. You learn something, too, of course, and it gives you something back. But it's very relaxing to just do something that no one is appraising.
And where you're not being watched.
That, too, yes.
How often does it happen nowadays that you're recognized out on the street?
Sometimes. Occasionally. There are days when nothing happens, and other days when it happens several times. It also depends on whether I'm in a bar or another place where people gather.
Imagine that for some reason you had to do something other than act.
What would I do?
Hm. That's difficult.
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Did you always want to be an actor, or were there alternatives?
A soccer player, of course. I definitely wanted to be a soccer player. When I finished high school, I was also very interested in psychology — and art. But I don't believe that I'd study art or psychology, even though I was still saying that two or three years ago. I also have a lot of fun working behind the camera, and I've been a set manager for short films. I enjoy organizing a set in the extreme, because I also have experience in how these things work. I'd probably still prefer to stay in the world of film and then maybe try to develop material or help to see it realized.
So you could also imagine directing and scriptwriting?
Probably not scriptwriting. I'm more the kind of person who reads the script and says, "Oh, that's what happens. I think it'd be great if this and that also happened." I don't think I could write a story myself. I have a lot of respect for those who can.
What else are you up to next?
On Monday, we started filming the third season of DARK, so I'll just do that for now. That'll probably take another six months. After that, we'll be done. The series was planned as a trilogy from the beginning, so the story will conclude with the third season.
That's all from me. In closing, do you have any more comments you'd like to make about your film?
I think Sabrina is very talented, and I'm very proud of this film and hope that people will see it.
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