#just in case it goes horribly and i dont want to be alone LOL
tenrosedyke · 11 months
I think I'm gonna come out to my family this weekend because frankly I just can't wait anymore and yes this might. irreparably destroy my relationship with my mother but it's ok. I pre-grieved so essentially I'll be unharmed
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asmobeuses · 1 year
Asmo give me any atsushi hcs fluff, angst destory my atsushi lover self DO IT!!!!!
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Me ^
Atsushi HCS!
Warnings: Insecurity, mentions of bickering and arguments, hurt/comfort (u said angsty. Ask and u shall receive.)
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I apologize in advance if these r ooc, I don't know much about his character UEUEUEUEUE💔
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Tjis fucking loserboy!! He's completely whipped for u no doubt about it
He's constantly doting on you! Making sure you're okay, tending to any of your needs,
,,,making sure you're okaaaayyyy
(Ran out of things he does it's 3am spare me)
Treats you as if you're married lol
"Astushi we don't even live together"
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Him cuz u said that
"How could you" :(
Apologize rn.
> Angst below the cut
Angsty (this is my shit right here)
He was very insecure about your relationship when it first began
He would always make sure to go above and beyond because he thought you'd leave him if he "wasn't enough" :((
Hug kiss and tell him he's important to you right NEOW!!!
No but fr his love language besides physical contact r words of affirmation
He constantly needs reassurance.
He may not need as much further on into your relationship, but don't think that means u stop giving it to him 🤨 (pause.)
Obviously like any couple, yall will have occasional disagreements that MIGHT turn into arguments if you're not careful
He loves you but damn does he get heated and passionate when it comes to his views on smth
At the end of each one he feel rlly bad tho, even if he wasn't the one who started it
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Literally him after yall argue
Yall always end up making out up after every argument yall have.
You both end up forgetting about it after a night of movies n snacks n cuddles
The next day the Ada r like "you guys are on talking terms again?"
U and atushi in unison: "we weren't?"
Bonus angst
Thinking about atushi's reaction to you wanting a break and what caused it.
You love your boyfriend with every fiber of your being
But that doesn't mean you have the space on your shoulders to carry both his and your baggage.
Obviously you're there for eachother during your lowest, dont get me wrong!
There will be moments where his past is weighing in on him and he wants nothing but your reassurance!!
Butttttt his judgement gets clouded sometimes and he loses his emotional intelligence
Causing him not to notice when you're down in the dumps.
And this varies for whoever reading obv but in this case let's say you're the type of person to bottle up your emotions until one little thing tips the cup over
You end up blowing up at him over something small, really only because of how overwhelming your emotions got.
Now it's your turn to be like
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(Hopefully) You end up feeling very guilty about your outburst
"Look, atsushi, I really think we need some time apart."
Whether you say that bevause you feel horrible about blowing up at him or you just need time alone to process your emotions is up to you 🫡
Prepare to be bombarded with questions.
"Are you breaking up with me?" no "Are you getting tired of me?" no "Is it because of something I did?" no
The list goes on
For the love of all things holy please make him shut up tell him you love him and just need time to yourself!!
He will understand and respect your decision, but prepare for him to look like a kicked puppy
Er... kitten?
Some type of cute creature that makes your heart clench when it looks sad.
Sorry idk where I'm going w this anymore
Yall always have a happy ending tho!! No matter what, there's no force that can keep you away from eachother permanently.
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Would you like some coffee fluff with your sugar ansgt?
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wiihtigo · 3 years
Ask meme for ichimatsu… sorry I luv your thoughts on all those brothers
shoutout to the other person who asked for ichi and only sent it as "mx ichimatsu" into my inbox
send me a character and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them
hes the same kind of autistic i am. so in this case its mostly a relatability thing..(guy who always gets ichimatsu when he takes which matsu are you quizzes online). umm literally everything i like about ichi is linked directly to his ASD. sory. not my fault. i guess i like how he came across at this scary serial killer darkmatsu murder kill guy but as the show goes on he becomes more and more just some guy with really bad anxiety. forever love the ichimatsu incident for emphasizing this (first look into ichimatsus inner monologue and its just constant screaming)
least favorite thing about them
his self deprecation makes me cringe now sometimes. it reminds me of a dark time when i was a very hard to deal with 13 year old. cmon ichimatsu lets practice saying nice things about yourself
favorite line
his exchange with jyushimatsu in the starbucks episode when theyre like pretending to be cowboys in the big city for the first time or sth and theyre like "i aint never had a western confectionary like this" "theyre not called confectionaries niisan theyre called sweets nowadays!" and with the most blank expression he goes "S-s-s-sweets!" it always makes me laugh
this made me realize how i used suuji parka and iro for my kara oso and jyushi answers. UMMMM. NOT MY FAULT I THINK ICHI DYNAMICS ARE FUN. ok well aside from them i really like nenchuu bcuz i know perfectly what its like to be left alone with a sibling you dont really talk much with (anymore?) and to be like damn. this is even worse bcuz we're brothers. why dont we have shit in common. SOMEONE HEEELP. i think choro always have funny dynamics with anyone but him and ichi is just a specific brand of awkwardness. its so funny theyre the two brothers with social anxiety. also ichi making him a horrible demonic plush cat for his going away gift was so funny i cried
no one really he literally barely interacts with anyone outside of his brothers LOL i think he watches a whisker away and feels wistful though
idc but i think ppl who pair each matsu up with an assigned woman and give ichi kinko bcuz her bra landed on his face that one time are so funny. really scraping the bottom of the barrel
random headcanon
mickey posted this earlier on his blogge but i think hes closeted gay jus cuz he doesnt want karamatsu to be supportive about it because he knows he would. also feels slightly jealous karamatsu is so open about his lgbt swag (regardless of if or if not karamatsu is actually out yet) when he feels kind of embarrassed about it (wearing his cringe fashion that he secretly thinks is cool, being so confident in himself even though hes in the same boat as the rest of them, yells at him when hes openly affectionate LAMEEE CRINGE STUPID ) you see the ichimatsu incident could all be about ichimatsu being closeted if you close your eyes and let me hit you over the head with a bat and give you a concussion
unpopular opinion
i dont know. a lot of people think ichimatsu is a sexy sadism masochism dom whips you come here.gif sex god and
well thats all i have to say about that.
song i associate with them
all apologies - nirvana
favorite picture of them
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wrestling jyushimatsu
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scottxlogan · 2 years
If you need to, don't be afraid to turn anonymous asks off. It sucks to have a child in your dms crying about how much they hate a ship and literally giving a death threat..?? Like damn they need to touch some grass and get off the internet if a ship is their whole existence they feel the need to go off on other ships about it.
Of course thats up to you but I hope you're doing good and things start to look up a bit!
(P.S. I'm only sending this on anon in case the child decides they wanna go after me for calling them out 🙄 I mean I honestly dgaf but I dont got the time of day to deal with that, I actually got ADULT responsibilities lol)
First of all thank you anon for your supportive message! I appreciate it more than you know :)
The thing with turning off anonymous asks is that I'm in various fandoms and my original fandom has a lot of shy fans who will reach out by anon to me to talk about fandom related things. I don't want to discourage or push them away because this one person (and I do believe it is one person) keeps stalking my blog and harassing me. I've blocked them multiple times here, but they keep coming back for whatever reason they feel they need to do.
Part of why I posted a response to them this last time is because I know that I'm not the only one dealing with this harassment. So many others have been tormented by this anon to the point where they have closed off their anon asks, where they've had to moderate comments on their stories and to the point where some of them have felt that they can no longer participate in fandom. That, in my opinion, is wrong and I don't think that a bully should be allowed to win by pushing people back into the shadows under a wall of protections. Granted, I understand why some have to do it for their own mental health and that's alright. Bullies like this one are intense and brutal and hurtful.
The reason why there was a public response to their latest hate on my end was because I want the others who have endured this in silent suffering forced to close their world down and make it a little smaller with all the walls that they have to put up to know that they aren't alone. Simply deleting the hate doesn't stop it. I've deleted well over 20 messages and only addressed a couple of them publicly. It bothers me, but I will not allow the anon bully keep me from doing what I love. I just want others to know that they shouldn't have to be stopped from enjoying their fandom either. I realize that the anon will never take the time to think about their actions or respond to why they feel the need to be so horrible, but overall I just wanted everyone who goes through this to know that they are not alone and as hurtful as this person is they don't hold any power over fans.
As many have said in my initial response people should ship and let ship in peace. This person who is hurting others doesn't believe in that. I cannot for the life of me understand why they feel the need to be so vigilant in their cruelty within the MCU fandom considering that all they are doing will not change what is. They should find something that brings them joy and peace beyond hurting others. It's sad that they don't. :( Thanks again for reaching out and being so supportive! That means a lot to me anon! I appreciate your wisdom on the subject matter!!!
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makebank · 4 years
silver lining
Request: “it's a day on set and you haven't been feeling good you pass out mid filming, and it turns out to be serious”
Warnings: nothing really, but mentions of surgery and emergency rooms
Rudy Pankow x reader
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: i know i said i wouldn’t do the actor but i changed my mind bc this seemed innocent enough. not sure if i’ll do more, as i prefer the characters. but i figured i’d at least try once. if this bothers you i’m sorry. also not even a blurb lol, i can’t make them short unless they’re phrase prompts omg
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You woke up this morning feeling like you had been hit by a truck. All last night you tossed and turned alternating between sweating and shivering. When your alarm sounds, you roll to the side to turn it off and are hit with a wave of nausea. Instantly, you rush out of bed and barrel towards the bathroom. You thought you were going to be sick, but thankfully nothing came up. 
You sigh taking in your disheveled and damp appearance. Lifting up your shirt, you inspect your right lower stomach expecting to find a bruise. Oddly, there was nothing there but you felt a dull ache taking over the area. You were curious about why you suddenly felt so horrible, but knew you had to get to work. Turning on your shower, you steamed up the room and stepped in. You were hopeful that a nice, scorching shower would be enough. 
In the shower you contemplate how important it is for you to be okay. You finally landed an acting role and didn’t want to mess it up. It wasn’t the largest part, but you were in the second half of the TV series season quite a bit. This spring you had auditioned for a love interest on Outer Banks and shrieked when you got it. Your character was supposed to start slowly falling in love with the character JJ Maybank, while he secluded himself off from his friends. He goes through a tragedy of dealing with John B. being gone and feels left out by his best friends dating. So, he meets you while surfing alone and they continue to meet up often. Anyways, you were among so many great actors that you felt insecure at times. And the last thing you needed was to be calling in sick and halting filming. 
Besides, you had a huge crush on the actor who played JJ. You never did anything about it though. During filming it was professional and after you would smile and joke with the lively blond. It was hard not to like him. He was full of so much life, was intelligent, kind, and could have any room rolling with laughter. He was always so sweet and respectful towards you but that was it. You two had spent hours together rehearsing and filming. You were growing closer, but it didn’t seem that he wanted it to move any further. It wasn’t like him and his co-stars who were already all friends from the first season and had a visibly strong bond.
Pulling yourself from your thoughts as your long shower grew cold, you shut off the water and start to dry off. You would just have to fake it for the day. There was no way you weren’t going.
Arriving at set, your stomach pain only worsened. Instead now, it was sharper rather than dull. You head into your trailer and pop a couple painkillers before splashing water on your face and making your way to hair and makeup. Walking in you see the one person you got most excited to see, Rudy. 
“Hey y/n.” he greets with his usual bright smile.
“Hi Rudy, what’s up?” you try to match his tone. “Oh, you know, just getting my flowing locks perfected” he jokes while the hairstylist sprays the hairspray to hold his flawless gold waves in place. You chuckle in response but try not to wince at the pain it causes. But to no avail, your face gives it away. 
He frowns at your obvious discomfort. “Are you okay?” You beam at his genuine concern. “Sorta. I just have this weird stomach pain. But I’m fine!” you rush to reassure. He raises his eyebrow at you like he doesn’t believe you. “If you’re sure, just take care of yourself first please.” You actually fully smile this time, “Thanks, I will” you slightly lie. 
He rises from his chair with his hair finished. “See you on set, lover” he gives you a two-finger salute as he heads to film scenes with the other cast members. You feel your neck heat up at the nickname. You knew it was only because you played his love interest, but you couldn’t help but feel flustered every time he did it. 
After sitting through hair and makeup, you head to set overhearing a scene being filmed. It’s Rudy yelling at JD about something to do with his character JJ being distant and it being none of their business. You take in the sight of him now in different clothes. He’s wearing that cutoff you love that shows off every inch of his defined arms. They’re bulging even more, because he tenses with anger. His fingers covered in rings as they run through his hair. You admire Rudy’s acting and his seemingly effortless portrayal of JJ. 
Suddenly, while waiting another wave of sharp pain hits you. You curl up in your chair and whimper. No one notices because they are too entranced with the scene. Taking a couple deep breaths, you try to distract the pain away. It didn’t alleviate it at all. Shortly after, they’re done filming and Rudy is walking towards your chair next to his. Bounding with a sense of pride in his work, he innocently smiles towards you. Once he’s close enough to see your expression, his demeanor falls.
“Y/n you don’t look too good. You sure you should be filming today? We can take you to the doctor.” he offers becoming increasingly concerned. You quickly shake your head no. “I’m okay. C’mon let’s go” you try to get him to drop it. He looks unsure but ultimately follows you to the towel on the sand to start your scene.
The director starts to give you both some instructions that you can hardly pay attention to. He yells “action”. The scene starts off well, Rudy is acting perfectly as always, and you deliver a few lines without issue. 
Without warning, your stomach wrenches in agony. You start wincing and your eyes tear up. You curl your body up and start groaning. The camera men stop filming, and everyone rushes towards you. Rudy is the first to try to help. He places his hand on your arm to try to see if you’re okay.
“Y/N! What’s happening? What do you need me to do?” he’s frantic and rushing his words. You only cry in response until you muster the energy to speak. “I don’t know, it just hurts so much” you whimper. Immediately, Rudy is scooping you into his arms and hauling you to a vehicle. You hear everyone panicking in the background but can only focus on the soreness. 
Rudy rushes you to the emergency room where people surround you and start performing a series of tests. Soon you’re being sped to surgery. You’re told you have appendicitis and need emergency removal. It all happens, so fast your family isn’t able to get there before it starts. They live all the way on the west coast, so sadly they won’t make it until way after. 
You wake up from being put under on anesthesia in a hospital room. You slowly blink open your eyes to find an unexpected visitor. It’s Rudy nervously biting his nails and bouncing his leg in front of your bed. When he realizes you’re awake, you can see with weight being lifted off him
“Y/N! You’re awake! I’ve been so worried about you.” he looks so stressed and miserable. “I’m sorry.” you croak. He looks taken aback, “What? You have nothing to be sorry for. I’m just glad I forced you here when I did. How are you feeling?”
“Like shit” you tease and you both erupt into giggles. He grabs your hand and rubs his thumb softly on your fingers. “I’m really glad you’re okay.” “Me too. Thank you for everything you did and for waiting for me.” He stands up and places a gentle kiss on your cheek. “Are you kidding? There’s no way I was leaving you. I’ll go get the others, they’ll want to know you’re awake. Your family is about an hour out by the way.”
You sink further into your hospital bed feeling the butterflies taking over. You’re still slightly sore from surgery, but his lips and the pain medication make you feel on cloud nine. You weren’t sure if Rudy felt this way before and the emergency brought it out or if he’s just being kind, but you were loving every second of it.
A few days later you get to return home, but on bed rest for the next two weeks. Rudy spends every minute he can in bed with you watching movies and cooking for you both. He has to continue filming, but he reassures you that in a few short weeks you’ll get to pick up and finish the last few episodes you have with him. 
You weren’t excited about having your appendix removed, but it did bring the boy you cared for full force into your life. He was your best friend. And now eagerly becoming more. 
i didn’t add my everything tag list bc i dont normally write for actors and didn’t want to tag you guys for this just in case. 
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bfkunimi · 4 years
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♡ hi hi! im back! so im feeling better but that aint stopping me from finishing this story! i think i'll update my smau too! (shameless plug lol) but yess it’s boutta get long, serious and interesting so hope y’all like it. also i know it was kuroo’s bday a few days ago but i didn’t want him to go through these horrible sad things on his bday ): our kuroo deserves to be happy because he deserves the whole world! 
pairings: Kuroo x Tsukishima, Tsukishima x Yamaguchi, Kuroo x Kenma
genre: angst, hanahaki disease au, pain
warnings: will make you cry, made me cry lol, hospital setting, cheating, thoughts of suicide
notes: hanahaki disease: a fictional disease born from unrequited love, where the patient’s throat will throw and cough up petals and flowers. but this isn’t a typical hanahaki au, in this story.. the main character (in this case it’s kuroo) finds out that his partner (aka tsukki) doesn’t love him anymore  because he started developing the disease.
if you want to be added to the taglist just send me an ask! ♡
𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯 | 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑. 𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐧 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭
- loud ass video game noises -
the sounds coming from a video game, woke me up as i found myself in a hospital once again..
kei was nowhere to be found.
without even looking i knew who was right by my side, it was kenma.. my best friend since we were kids.
kei must’ve sent him to take care of me. why couldn’t he come here himself?
oh. wait. he doesn’t love me anymore.. still he could’ve had the decency to stay with me until i was better.. but i guess im just a burden to him now.
kenma sees me waking up and rushes to call the doctor.
“sir you passed out due to your hanahaki disease. im afraid you’re in critical condition. you’ll need to stay here for a while so we can monitor you to make sure nothing goes wrong. however, your lungs are flooded with petals... thats not a good sign and if it gets worse we may need to do surgery.”
the thought of surgery scared the shit out of me.
i heard most hanahaki related surgeries weren’t that successful, i remember reading that they had a 65% success rate. and that 35% fucking scares me. 
not that i was afraid to die but i was afraid for kei who i know would feel guilty for being the cause of my death, he may not love me anymore but i know he’s a caring person. it’s one of the things i learned about him when we got together. on the outside kei is a hard exterior who just seems like an asshole but on the inside he was soft and kind. he really cares about the people that mean a lot to him.
but wait.. do i even mean anything to him anymore? even if i stay alive i'll just continue to be a burden to him. hmm..
i dont want to be a burden to anyone. not to kei, not to kenma. so maybe it’s just better for me to-
“kuroo? kuroo? KUROO? are you okay” kenma had this concerned look on his face.
i didn’t even realize the doctor had left, i didn’t even notice that i was grabbing the sheets of the hospital bed and pools of tears were pouring from my eyes. 
“did he ask you to stay with me?” i could barely look at him but he slowly lifted my head and looked at me.
“mhm” he said, never taking his eyes off me. 
“im sorry kenma, you dont have to stay. i can handle it myself” 
he then made his annoyed face (y’all know what face lol) and says “no kuroo, don’t start thinking you’re a burden again. i know you well, whenever you feel like you’re not doing your best or whenever you feel shitty about yourself or when you don’t want to accept help from anyone even though you need it, you start to blame yourself and think you’re burden to this world. 
but you know you’re never a burden to me, you’re one of the few people i care about and i know what you’re going through seems like the world is ending but no matter how hard it is i'll be here for you always. so stop worrying about being a burden and just focus on getting better.”
kenma’s words were comforting. he doesn’t say much, but when he talks seriously like this it really means he cares. 
but those feelings of being a burden. i can’t stop worrying about them. i can’t help but think i'm heavy weight to all the people i love.. kei doesn’t even want to take care of me, let alone visit me in the hospital. kenma is saying he’ll be by my side but the longer im sick im sure he’ll want to leave me too.
i can’t stop thinking about the only solution to this.. maybe i should just-
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freespiritalyssa · 4 years
Para || A Little Surprise ||
Description: Alyssa heads to her appointment and gets some news 
TW: Abortion
A/N: lets just pretend that time froze and she’s still early on in her pregnancy lol 
Alyssa had never been fond of doctors. If anything she hated going to them. It was a cold, unwelcoming place that posed a nuisance to her schedule and her day. Even when she had her annual check ups, she made sure to wait until the absolute last moment before going. So when she scheduled her appointment for today, she was torn. On the one had she hated the doctor regardless. On the other hand she was going to be happy to get back to her life as usual. No worry of morning sickness or babies that she hadn't planned or wanted. She knew that she could have called someone to be with her. In fact Santana had offered multiple times and had even suggested that she contact Sam but she really wanted to just get this over with. She felt nothing but fear and annoyance at her pregnancy. She wasnt even sure if she wanted kids ever and here she was pregnant when that wasnt apart of the plan. She knew that it was her body and she had the right to choose what she did with it and she was choosing this. She lifted her sunglasses off of her face as she entered the office and walked to the front desk. “Hi, my names Alyssa Johnson. I have an appointment at 11:30,” she smiled to the nurse. The older woman looked up and nodded, handing her a clipboard with information for her to fill out. “Fill this out and then we’ll be right with you.” Alyssa took the clipboard and walked over to one of the empty seats, an extra pen in hand and began to fill out the info. She wrote down her full name, her age, how long she assumed she was pregnant, all of the details that doctors needed to know before terminating a pregnancy. She looked around her, seeing a few other people, one girl who looked young and scared. She couldnt have been older than 18 and she was nervously nibbling on her nails. Alyssa felt sorry for her and wondered why she was here alone. Her eyes drifted to a couple, whispering amongst themselves and flipping through a magazine. They looked a bit older than her and Alyssa wondered why they were here in the first place. They seemed like the type who wanted kids and would make good parents. But she also knew that she couldnt judge a book by it’s cover. “Alyssa Johnson.” She stood up and grabbed her bag that was placed beside her before following the doctor who had called her name. “Hi,” she nodded. “Hi,” the doctor grinned. “I’m Dr. Hassan. I’ll be doing your procedure today. Is this your first time?” Alyssa followed her into the examination room and nodded. “Uh, yeah,” she said, placing her bag on the chair by the bed. “Well it’s okay to be nervous or even apprehensive. My job is to make sure that you know your options and help you with whatever choice you make,” Dr. Hassan smiled. “You can change into your gown while I go grab your information okay?” “Okay,” Alyssa replied, watching the doctor walk out of the room. She quickly stripped out of her clothes and changed into the itchy hospital gown before leaping on to the bed. She clicked her heels together, waiting for the doctor to return and nearly jumped when she came back, swinging the door open “Okay,” Dr. Hassan clapped her hands. “So by law I have to inform you of your options as far as your pregnancy goes. There’s of course adoption, termination and moving forward with the pregnancy. Have you considered any other option besides termination?” “No,” Alyssa shook her head, nervously twisting the end of the hospital gown. “The um… the guy that you know… we’re not together and neither of us want kids right now. I know my options but everything besides this is not a real option. I’m a model and pregnancy is the last thing my career needs.” Dr. Hassan nodded. “If your choice. Shall we get started then?” “Please.” “So it says on your chart that you think that you’re about three months along?” “Yeah I mean. I shouldnt be more than that right?” she shrugged. “Well how about I take a look okay? Lay back for me.” Alyssa followed her instructions and placed her feet in the stirrups. Dr. Hassan sat down on her stool and pulled the ultrasound around to face her. “Alright so you’re gonna feel a slight pinch but that’s just me looking to see how far along you are okay?” “Okay,” Alyssa nodded. She winced, feeling Dr. Hassan insert the ultrasound stick but soon relaxed, knowing that this would all be over before she knew it. Dr. Hassan was silent for a while and she started to grow uncomfortable. “Anything?” “Well, you’re definitely pregnant,” she said, furrowing her brows. “Hmm.” “Hm? Is that good or bad?” Dr. Hassan removed the ultrasound stick and unrolled her gloves off her hands. “Alyssa, I dont think I’ll be able to do this procedure today.” Alyssa shot up. “What? Why?” “Because, I believe you’re further along than 3 months. Unfortunately in the state of New York and in most states, terminations cant be performed after 12 weeks. It’s far to dangerous for the patient and while early delivery is possible, that’s only in extreme medical cases.” Alyssa wasnt sure what she was hearing. She knew time wise, it was a little off but she also knew that there was no way that she could have this baby. “What are you saying?” she blinked. “I”m saying that it’s too late to get an abortion. Looking at this ultrasound and based off of the info you gave me about your last period, you’re about 16 weeks along.” She shook her head, her anxiety setting in. “No. No, I mean it was New Years but it cant be too late.” “I’m sorry Alyssa but it is,” she frowned. “If you’d like, I have some pamphlets about your other options but I recommend you get an OBGYN soon.” Alyssa felt like she was about to burst with emotions and nodded her head as tears fell from her eyes. Dr. Hassan left her to change and Alyssa curled her knees up to her chin. This couldnt be happening. Being pregnant and then terminating it was one thing but finding out that she couldnt. That she was going to have to have this baby regardless, made her feel worse than morning sickness. She suddenly wished she’d brought Santana because she felt so alone. She mentally ran through all the things she would have to do to figure this out. She wasnt a mom type. Being a mother was the last thing she wanted and she’d grown up with horrible examples as it was. And now she was going to have a baby. She was terrified. She quickly dressed, not thinking about the information that Dr. Hassan was bringing back to her and practically ran out of the office. She didnt know where she was running to. All she knew was that she needed to get out of there.
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hobiheavenly · 5 years
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☼ Pairing: Jung Hoseok x Reader
☼ Summary: you decided to play a prank on Hoseok since he called you undesirable, but were his claims actually true or is there something else hiding under the dancing man’s fascade?
☼ Word count: 4.6K
☼ Warning: fingering, cunnilingus (male receiving), slight dirty talk, penetration, cream pie, Hoseok’s huge dick and dancing hips
☼ A/N: ITS FINALLY HERE! I’m sorry to have kept all you waiting but finally I got this out of me. i swear I had the most horrible writers block but I hope this turns out for the better! Please let me know what you think! And as always I haven’t edited anything lol what else is new?
The sun was shining in Hoseok’s face. Normally he was usually a morning person but never after a party. He stretched out of the covers but then suddenly felt he wasn’t alone. He reared his head and his face lost all color. Oh no… he had really done it this time. I mean out of all the silly things he could have done, he truly fucked up this time. There you were lying in his bed. Looking under the blankets he confirmed his biggest fear….he was naked. And judging by the looks of the environment, a trail of clothes from the door to the bed, you both had sex. Hoseok went full panic mode as you slept peacefully naked underneath the covers. What even happened last night?
“Think Hoseok, think!!” he thought to himself. What DID he even do last night? All he remembered was going to Seokjin’s party and getting wasted after the dance battle he had with you and dancing with many girls, but in no moment had he gotten close to you….did he?
He remembered seeing you in that cute black ensemble and dancing with that pretty boy who had his hands all over you. That only made him just want to grab you and mess you up till you forgot all about that other guy. Sure he didn’t well like you but he couldn’t deny himself being attracted to you. But even if that were the case….at what point did he even get together with you?
You rolled over to put a hand on his chest, starting to hug him and pull closer to him. As you sighed in bliss, Hoseok looked at you as if you were an alien of another planet. SINCE WHEN DO YOU HUG HIM? WHY ARE YOU NAKED? There were a million questions in his mind he was bound to short circuit. In his jumbled mess of thoughts he knew one thing was certain. It would have seemed that you both had made love all night long. But it also seemed Jung Hoseok didn't have any memory of the incident whatsoever.
Now he had to face the consequences.
Slowly you opened your eyes and smiled as you kissed his cheek.
“Good morning” you said, smile so soft and warm. it was such a contrast to your regular serious face you greeted him with the exception of the occasional small smile popping in his direction.
“Uh, good morning Y/N”
“Y/N? why so formal? What happened with calling me “babygirl”? I mean that’s what you’ve been calling me all night” you stretched a little like a kitten waking up from a nap, a little bit of the sheet slipping down revealing your cleavage.
Whoa, were your tits always this good looking?
“Y/N… I mean Baby, what happened last night?”
“You mean you don't remember? I mean after doing it four times I thought for sure you wouldn't forget”, you give a flirty wink.
Hoseok was in total shock. FOUR TIMES! He knew he was a good lover, but for heaven's sake that was too much on a drunken night.
“All I remember is going to a party with Seokjin and drinking a couple of drinks, and then everything goes blank.”
You smiled and blushed. It was as if you both shared a secret but unfortunately he wasn’t able to recall at all “Oh that was some party last night. Especially the one you and I had here. I mean for a man who claims he doesn’t desire me you couldn’t keep your hands off of me” you looked down and traced circles in his chest while the hue of your cheeks went a little more red “Even when it's my first time without a condom it still was incredible!”
HOLY SHIT! He had fucked you without a wrapper. If he was feeling bad before for doing this the fact that you had entrusted him to fuck you without a condom made him feel even crappier. Jung Hoseok was many things in this life but he was a gentleman first and foremost and he would never fuck without a condom, especially on the first go. But how do you tell a girl who is over the moon about your sexual prowess that you remembered nothing?
“Y/N, I'm sorry but last night was a mistake.”
Bad start. He knew better than to start with the M word just as you were happy about this. You started forming the cutest pout with a splash of sadness coming from your eyes. It would be a lie to say he didn’t crave to kiss your lips and take away that sad expression. But no, this is time to focus.
“What do you mean a mistake? You were the one who actually begged me to do it. I was saying no, but you kept insisting.”
Hoseok sat up and took his hair off his face. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. This must be wrong, he would never beg a girl to have sex with him. "Ok calm down Hoseok I'm sure you must be dreaming. Y/N isn't here and you are just dreaming. Yeah, you are just having an erotic dream about Y/N"
He rubbed his eyes and even pinched himself, but it was useless, you were still there. Then panic struck him like a hammer. What if he got you pregnant? Damn, he was a goner if Krystal knew what he had done since she hated his guts more than anyone.
“Are you ok, Hobi? You don't look so good”
HOBI? A cute ass nickname? Really? Just how far did all this go?
“I….don't remember anything last night” He said nervously “I am so sorry”
A pained expression covered your face as you clutch to the bed sheets, “But you said you loved me. that you would treat me right. Are you saying you lied to me?”
“Technically it’s not a lie since I don’t remember” he tried to joke it off but that only made things worse because your face was just even more sad. Hoseok grabbed your shoulders, “Again, I’m so sorry, Y/N. I normally dont sleep around so easily. I’m always more focused on my dancing that I never think of girls.
“But what about those other girls you dated? Momo and the other girl?” you asked surprised.
Hoseok sighed and sat up straight. this had been thrown in his face so many times before it was necessary to set the record straight, “Ok so let me clear that once and for all, Momo is my dance partner and nothing else. She and I never dated and it was all a dumb rumor that grew way out of proportion. Besides she’s in a happy relationship with Jeongyeon, the other girl in the picture”
You blink for a second, disbelieving the statement the naked man in front of you had just said. It couldn’t be wrong. All the indications said otherwise, there was no way this could be true.
“But I saw the pictures...And the kiss emoji...you two were so close. And then the tons of girls that you go after.”
“Nope, Momo is completely utterly in lesbians with her girlfriend. Funny you mention that because Jeongyeon believed that same rumor and for the longest time hated my guts thinking I was going to snatch her girlfriend. But that time we went to dinner all together we bonded and she doesn’t hate me as much” He chuckled lightly reminiscing the many colorful threats and hard, cold stares Jeongyeon would throw at him from time to time, “and the other girls are just fans of my dancing and nothing more. I draw a fine line between my fans and myself and I have a rule of never dating a fan. Too troublesome.”
Unbelievable! You think you know a guy and it turns out he’s actually good?? Unreal!
“So you’re not a player?” You ask still blinking in confusion.
“Of course not. I barely go out with friends. Sure girls ask me out and stuff but I mostly just dance, go home, eat, and play videogames. My sex life is pretty dry to be honest. Which is why I’m very surprised I even slept with you”
This was the first of you hearing this. After all this time, you just thought he was always going out and sleeping with different girls, which made hating him easier for you. This entire scene was based on the misconception of this, but it turns out he was just a simple guy who could only think of dancing and if his body was any indication, he truly did it a lot. His abs glimmering in the morning light. You were starting to regret doing this.
You shifted in bed trying to get up scurrying yourself away from him. You needed out of this whole convoluted situation. “Listen Hoseok, I think it’s best if we just put this all behind us. Like you said it’s a mistake and we can just never speak of this again”
“But, you said we fucked without a condom?” Hoseok asked.
“Yeah, fucked me raw all night. But what does that matter now?”
He saw the precipitation in your eyes. There’s something here more than meets the eye and he wanted you to spill the beans. There was only one way he could get a woman to tell him what he wanted and you were right there ready to do what he pleases.
“I have to take responsibility over this Babe.” the brunet haired Adonis said as his face grew a sneaky smile. “I will have to get you to go out with me and form a relationship….probably even marry you if it turns out you get pregnant”
“Well, you don't have to do that. I mean, this was just something that...happened” You said nervously as Hoseok got closer to you. Each inch making you difficult to breathe, “I can just take the day after pill or something…”
“Oh, but I want to. And I wouldn't mind making you my wife” he said with a very sexy smile. He’s got you cornered just like he wanted you.
“Really?” you said surprised “cause I don't mind that we did it without a condom. I mean we wouldn’t be the first couple to do so... I..I…”
You were interrupted abruptly by a very passionate kiss that Hoseok layed on your lips. It was incredible how easily you felt weak and trembled in his arms as he possessed your lips. You felt the room spin in circles as both of you submerged into kissing each other.
It would be a lie say that you had never imagined yourself kissing Hoseok. Deep down, as much as you grew yourself to hate him you couldn’t really do so. The attractive style, his grace as he walked, the way he seemed to own everything but was never smug about it always pulled you in to him like a magnet. You didn’t hate Hoseok so much as you hated yourself for being attracted to him.
He pulled you close as he deepened the contact you both made instinctively your hands went to his chest and neck. You brain screamed to stop, your heart yelled go, and your body seemed on fire all from just one kiss.
When you both pulled away you were both breathless, lips numb and eyes dark from the passion that formulated within both of you. You had to slap yourself mentally to regain consciousness of reality. This can’t be true! Hoseok would never have feelings for you...right?
“I’m confused, I thought you said...that you didn’t like me” you closed your eyes. The room seemed to spin in its own axis threatening to make you dizzy.
“We said a lot of things online but most of them were fueled by anger I felt. If I’m being honest I didn’t hate our first date. Yes, I will admit I didn’t help make a good impression coming in all sweaty and in my dancing clothes. But overall I had fun and I thought you were cute, peculiar, but cute nonetheless.”
“That’s why the tweets hurt so much for me. I thought we had something but then you went off to complain and then proceeded to date another guy, of course I’d be mad”
Oh my god, your day out with Jungkook! That wasn’t really even a date for you. You felt bad about this whole situation, it was necessary to apologize and tell him the truth of what went on but Hoseok continued talking.
“I was angry at you and then at him but then I became more angry at myself. I was the one who blew it so it’s only natural. I just wanted one more chance to try to mend things but you and I would get into arguments and I must admit I love confrontation with you, it really turns me on”
Your mouth went agape with Hoseok’s confession. This was totally unexpected. You just wanted to prove the point that you were desirable to him but this goes beyond what you expected to get out of him. He took advantage of this moment to continue kissing you his hands spread on your back as he continues to press against you.
Hoseok’s lips spread on your skin beginning with your neck and going down to your breasts. You parted your lips the moment his tongue started getting closer to your bosom but instead of a plea to stop what escaped your lips was a soft moan. Oh how you cursed your body for betraying you.
Hoseok’s eyes looked at you, darkened by the lust he felt as he continued licking and using his teeth on your now hardened nipple. “I’ve wanted to touch you and taste you for the longest time. And from here on out you are going to be mine, no more pretty boy for you”
The sexual haze was drowning you to the point of forgetting everything that was going on around you. You needed a moment to think. you needed….
“Hold it right there!”
Hoseok turned to the door and saw Kim Seokjin and Jung Krystal, your personal friends, standing there looking at the couple. Your lover grew angry. “Seokjin this better be good! What do you want?” he said irritated.
“I can't let you take away Y/N’s innocence.”
“What are you going on about Hyung? Innocence? This a private matter between me and Y/N”
Right behind Seokjin, Krystal came out and pushed the rich heir out of the way making her presence be center stage, like the queen she usually was. “Actually no. You and Y/N have never made love to each other” Krystal interjected.
“But last night….”
“You passed out after a couple of drinks. I told you drinking scotch was a bit too hard for you” said Seokjin shrugging his broad shoulders and shaking his head.
The confusion on Hoseok’s face became the most evident. It would explain his lack of memory of any event occurred last night. But was this all really just a ruse? Had all the emotions you displayed right now been a lie?
“And the three of us had a perfect way to prank you” she replied with delight, “well better yet, Seokjin and I made a bet to Y/N that she could pretend to have made love to you. Fortunately for us, she was already buzzed and was looking for a thrill”
You could see Hoseok’s expression changed in that moment. Gone was the smile and the playful smirk and was now being replaced by a stern face. You instantly felt the pang of regret in your chest. If only you had known before about his feelings. Why had you been so blind?!
“I got to say, she is a good actress” said the older hyung, rubbing more salt to the wound.
So it was a prank? He hadn't made love to you? He felt a bit relieved but the other part of him felt angry. Hoseok had revealed his emotions to you so easily. He felt like a fool for trusting you so quickly seeing as how you had previously expressed anger and disgust. That couldn’t have been taken away a in one night and he should have known that.
“How could you do this?” Hoseok said with a somber and serious voice.
“Well at first i did it because Seokjin was going to pay me. When I thought this more I convinced myself that this was payback for all the snarky remarks you did about me being undesirable and i thought what better way to get back at you than to scare you” as you relayed this you could see his face harden with each word until you finished with,
“But then I realized that in reality this was a really great way to get closer to you.”
Hoseok blinked in confusion, “If you wanted to get closer to me then why did you have to make up all this?”
“You think you would have taken time to even get to know me, or even listen to me for more than three seconds without you fighting with me? I wanted to be with you as something more than just the silly girl who you always make fun of.”
Hoseok looked at you tenderly. Even through the competitive nature you both had and the disdain you had always shown him you were a sweet girl. An impulsive one, but sweet nonetheless. He looked at Seokjin and gave him an evil glare.
“Get out now!”
The elder shook nervously behind his tall girlfriend, “Look Hobi-ah we are sorry but please take it easy. We were only having fun.”
“Get. Out. Now!”
Hoseok pulled Seokjin and Krystal out of his bedroom and out of his apartment.
“Wait, what about Y/N? Don't tell me that you are going to punish her?” said Krystal.
“As a matter a fact, I am. My soon to be girlfriend has a thing or two she needs to learn about the consequences of trouble making” Hoseok slamming the door in their faces and directly went back to look at you lying in his bed. His eyes redshot in rage and a stern line on his lips. He walked slowly, like a lion hunting his prey.
“I….I’m sorry” you held the sheets in a tight grip, nervous as Hoseok walked up to you, “I can make this up to you somehow, I didn’t know you liked me and I…”
The moment Hoseok shook right next to your bed, he swiftly pulled you close to him and possessed your lips in one stealthy move. His lips were demanding, pressing you so close to him it gave you no space to breathe or think.
“You wanna make it up to me? How about making that fake scene come true? How about I take your body and mark it mine again and again till you have nothing in your mind other than me?”
His words sent chills up your spine and started a fire in your core. You looked at his eyes, studied his expression as you touched his cheek, then gracing his neck and his chest. Normally your instinct would yell to run and leave, but your body felt numb to instinct craving the attention and the touch of Hoseok’s hands all over you.
“Then make me yours, hot shot. You should know well by now that I never back down from a challenge”
With just a growl as a response, Hoseok pulled away the bed sheets and pushed you down on the bed. He observed your body spread on his bed, waiting for him to fuck you hard and make good on that threat he made. He was determined to enjoy that delicious body of yours slowly till he drove you mad.
Hoseok lowers himself kissing you passionately as his fingers explore your skin, the touch sparking fire on your body, every inch he touched burning. He looked at your nipples for a second as he pinched softly on one of them, the sensation sure to ignite more heat.
But that was just one bump in the road, there’s was much more to explore and have fun with. The moment his fingers reached your core he swiftly entered his digit inside the hot entrance, your pussy already hot and wet from his previous foreplay.
“All hot and wet for me babygirl? You’re feeling rather tight though” with just one finger he started to pump inside “do you think your pussy can take me?”
The challenge, he knew how to get you fired up. You responded to his touch with a soft moan as you grabbed yourself to his shoulders and arched your back. You took advantage of the distraction he had with your breast as he dipped his head to succor your tit to grab a hold of his erect penis, pumping him slowly. The unexpected movement causing him to react to your touch. If he wanted a challenge he’s gonna get one.
“You let me worry about my pussy… unless you think this big fat cock’s not enough?”
Fuck taking this slow, he wanted you right then and there. But just like with dancing he wanted to take this sensual tango for two and make it as long as necessary. He pumped, you pumped, he put another finger inside you while his thumb traced circles to your clit while you tightened the grip on his dick tracing circles on the hot red head. It was all a give and take as you both kept kissing each other almost devouring each other with each kiss.
“Hoseok….i feel like I’m gonna cum soon” you felt the flashes of pleasure come in like a tidal wave and wipe you out in the most delicious way.
You didn’t need to be a psychic to know he had his smug smile come through his face as you descended from your high. Round one went to Hoseok, but the battle wasn’t over yet. “Aww...cumming so soon? And my dick hasn’t even gone inside you yet” he faked a pout.
Your breath hitched for a bit as you closed your eyes on him. Swiftly you push Hoseok on the bed and slithered your way down to his dick, waiting erect and hot for your touch. “Then I guess I better step up my game”
His dick twitched with excitement which brought a smirk to your lips. Your lips sucked the head, the taste salty from his precum. One thing was true, his cock was way too big for you to take. At least with your mouth for sure. You had to use both of your hands to pump while your mouth sucked him in and out at an increasingly slow tempo. Hoseok had slept with many girls in his lifetime but seeing you between his legs bobbing your head and struggling to be able to take his full length inside your mouth was both adorable and erotic. That mouth that once spat vicious things to him was now sucking him off as if life depended on it. He could see you touching your clit trying to get some fun out of this yourself but you opted to just stick to pleasuring him. Your high would come soon after.
But your technique was too good on him in the long run, his orgasm threatening to come any second. You let go of Hoseok’s cock in one pop and it took him all of his inner strength to not come in your face as he saw you; hair messy, lips red from the friction and your eyes darkened in lust.
“Are you not gonna cum for me?” Your catty smile grew wickedly on your face. Seems like you’re both at a tie.
“I’d rather cum inside you” he shifted his weight on his forearms as you lifted yourself back up and kissed him once more. His taste lingered in your mouth triggering a beastly growl from Hoseok as he grabbed your legs to put you in the correct position, grabbing his dick to probe around your hot entrance that was already twitching to be fucked.
The moment his dick entered your core, time seemed to stop. There was no twitter war, no other people, no feuds of any sort. It was just Hoseok and you in a strangely perfect link of body and soul.
For Hoseok, pussy was madness; pleasure feeling so heavenly, the heat feeling like something made from hell. He felt bliss and sin all in one sweet movement of his dick.
You closed your eyes feeling his entire length slowly enter you, the head of his dick gracing the cervix making you see stars so quickly. But Hoseok snapped you back to reality, by literally slapping your ass, eyes fixed on you.
“Look at me while I fuck you, look at me and only me”
“You truly do love an audience when you dance” you said breath shaking with the warning of an impending second orgasm.
“This is my best dance yet, babygirl” he winked, moving his hips slowly and little by little increasing his tempo. Hoseok’s dancing abilities truly shined the moments he fucked you. His hips knew the right force to which to drive you crazy. Soft, soft, hard. Your hips swayed along not wanting to fall back
Your legs locked behind his back as you bounced on his dick. Every second his dick was out, your pussy pulled him right back in. You craved it you needed it like a drug and Hoseok didn’t fall behind. It was crazy just how right you both felt. The crook of his hips gave perfect access for your legs, your beautiful tits bouncing on top of his in the most synchronized way.
“I can’t…I’m gonna cum again...fuck you’re so big inside me”
“Same...your pussy is so good it’s devouring me whole...I can’t wait anymore”
Even while on the verge of an impending orgasm, Hoseok’s mind was knocked into reality. He didn’t have a condom on and cumming inside you would be inconsiderate. And as if you could read his concerns you put your lips close to his ear and whispered: “it’s okay I can take the pill, do good on that promise and mark me as yours Hobi”
“Ffffuuuuckkk!!!” He bellowed as he came on top of you, his hot cum splattering on your insides. Hoseok tumbled down next to you, both of you out of breath and completely dazed after the most amazing orgasm both of you had ever felt.
“This... is way better than a twitter war” you spouted happily as you kissed your brand new boyfriend in his lips.
“Had I known sex would be this great we could have avoided so much shit had we just fucked the first date” Hoseok smirked toyingly.
“Good sir, but I am still a lady!” You feigned indignation, “I never sleep on the first date!”
“Well then, good thing the first one was already over. How about I take you to many more to make up for the one I screwed up?”
“Challenge accepted” you laughed as you continued to lazily kiss each other.
For the rest of the day the two of you decided to just stay in his room where you dedicated the entire day talking about how you felt, about every single misconception between the both of you and of course there was the "obedience lessons".
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airanke · 6 years
Actually I have some ideas (?) I wanna’ discuss-- it’s mostly Amita story stuff, but for Legion and Battle For Azeroth stuff (so I’ll put everything under a cut because... I already accidentally spoiled someone on what happens in the Zuldazar raid and like I feel horrible =_=;;; ).
But yeah it’s just points that I want to see if they make sense, because obviously Amita’s story is going to fork off completely from Legion (the biggest two factors being that Vol’jin AND Varian don’t die, because I have a really good idea for Varian that forces him off the throne and puts Anduin in his place and wow amazing it doesn’t involve his death I never knew that was possible wow).
Okay, onwards! I also apologize in advance it gets rambly and long but I have a lot of ideas and I need to make sense of them all :C
First I’ll briefly mention Warlords. I feel like Blizz wanted to put player characters into the forefront more and that’s why Vol’jin “didn’t do anything”. One major thing that happen in Lascivious Ophidian (from here on referred to as LO) is this:
Jaina and Vol’jin tag-team to kill Garrosh. This is proper poetic justice for both the Bombing of Theramore, the Divine Bell incident, the attempt on Vol’jin’s life, and the attempt to wipe out the Darkspear tribe. Remember when Vol’jin tells Garrosh that he’ll get an arrow through his black heart? Yeah.
Anyway, moving on to Legion:
Sylvanas was more than capable of taking out the fel guard before it hit Vol’jin, and so, she does (keep in mind I personally characterize Sylv as being empathetic and deeply caring - perhaps, somewhat compassionate - but she masks it all under anger and indifference. Broken Shore actually supported this and then... BfA happened smh).
Vol’jin and Varian end up fighting the fel reaver together while everyone else gets their shit together and Sylv / Jaina provide long range support, though the latter is considerably mana depleted. Vol’jin still breaks a tusk and ends up losing both.
In the retreat, both Varian and Vol’jin are injured but Vol’jin still manages to shoulder Varian anyway and carry him to Jaina, then he collapses and Sylvanas picks him up and sounds her horn to call her Val’kyr. Horde and Alliance soldiers alike then find themselves either scrabbling onto the Alliance gunship or scrabbling onto the Horde boat. Sylv and Geblin are helping to pull soldiers onto their respective ships.
Slightly off-topic, but an Alliance Paladin and Horde Death Knight (and probably a few other hero / champion aka player characters) stay behind on the shore to prevent demons from pursuing their leaders. They die, of course.
Vol’jin, being a troll, recovers from his critical injury (not sure what it is yet, but trolls are well known in lore from being able to recover from anything, plus in that short story Judgement Vol’jin regenerates his thumb). Varian, on the other hand, is not so lucky, and ends up paralyzed from the legs down. Geblin of course builds him an incredible wheelchair. He begins to mentor Anduin in kingly duties (see? Can “take him out of a story” and not kill him and still have Anduin become king and not have Anduin SHOVED into being a king. Wow. Amazing. Didn’t realize that was even remotely possible).
What events lead up to Amita actually ending up in the Dreamgrove are up in the air, but she does becomes the Archdruid of the class hall in it’s entirety (I need this to be canon to set up BfA events). Thrall also does not disappear, and instead stays at the Earthern Ring to continue mentoring shaman (and passes on the Doomhammer to another shaman as a result). I’m actually not sure if Aggra will even be IN Amita’s story, as she... is literally unimportant and has virtually no impact on Lore as it currently is, except for Thrall’s personal story (I am also Thraina trash, because have I ever told you that Thrall x Jaina was legitimately my first ship before I even knew what shipping was? Yeah. Exactly).
I have no thoughts yet on whether or not I will have Ysera still die in Amita’s story, but we’ll see. This is mostly because I’m still debating on having Amita be nightmare infected in canon (currently it’s just an AU idea I have), but either way, There Will Be A Dragon Fight.
Okay here’s perhaps the most important point. I’m still considering having Vol’jin pass on the mantle of Warchief, but it won’t be to Sylvanas. It will be to Baine - or rather, Vol’jin makes Baine acting warchief in his absence. I remember reading somewhere that the original plan for Vol’jin disappearing on BS was that he “needed to go talk to someone” and then made someone else warchief in his stead so that he could have the freedom to do that. In this case, I’m going to have Vol’jin make Baine acting warchief, and Vol’jin goes to scout out the Zandalari islands, which is where he ends up learning that Talanji and Zul have gone missing, which will of course lead to the infiltration of Stormwind yaddayaddayadda because yes Teldrassil still burns.
Okay, Battle for Azeroth:
I think everyone collectively agrees that the War of the Thorns stuff was horrible because it’s the same old story that everyone is tired of hearing. Anyway. After the Legion’s defeat, Azerite still poses a problem (resource war. I’m going for a resource war). He agrees that taking Teldrassil would be strategic, so War of the Thorns kind of proceeds as is, but he’s THERE, and lets Sylv go after Malfurion.
Horde gets Teldrassil. Baine tells Tyrande to evacuate her city because the Horde will be occupying it soon. Dead are given proper burial rites because Baine is a tauren and Saurfang is an orc and that’s honourable. When the Horde get to Teldrassil, they find siame-quashi crawling all over the place but they soon disappear into the shadows, but Baine knows his brother well enough to be aware that Vol’jin has been in Teldrassil long before they arrived.
Genn incites the burning of Teldrassil - and no, not because he’s malicious and petty but because it makes sense as a war strategy. Yes he knows people are probably going to die, but he corners a Forsaken soldier and pins it on the Horde (the Undercity will also still be blighted into oblivion, and Idk it makes sense to me for the Alliance to make a move like burning the tree if it means taking away a strong foothold from the Horde - or at least, Genn does, but no one finds out that he was the one who started it until Zuldazar Raid stuff. I’M GETTING THERE I PROMISE). Anyway, speaking of that, Vol’jin watches Genn do all of this and then of course has to book it the fuck out of there because no thank you. And he’s not sure how to process the information so he tells Baine to help evacuate the tree as much as he can before yeah they’re forced to leave (also hey the Alliance has shamans too, and if Genn mother-fucking Greymane tells you to do something I’m p sure my scared ass would listen).
Debating on if Sylv starts shooting civillians who can’t make it to the portals / are stuck due to the fires because “killing them with an arrow through the eye is more humane than letting them burn to death”. Compassion, but twisted in a sense. Horde / Alliance mages though try to teleport as many people as possible and both sides suffer some significant losses.
Instead of Legion BS being the reason Jaina becomes furious with the Horde once again, the burning of the tree is. She gets so angry (understandably, plus I can imagine her and Tyrande being rather close as some of the few female leaders in the Alliance) and it’s like an extra blow because Jaina’s already lost Theramore. So then she leaves on her little soul-searching expedition and Thrall wants to go after her but because none of them know how to bring up the news that Greymane was the one who started the fire they kinda go “well shit” and do nothing (which of course bites them in the ass).
Undercity proceeds practically identically to in-game however the comment Sylv makes to Greymane while sitting on the throne is more in-line to “oh yeah you mean the throne you abandoned when you built ur wall and let the Lordaeron citizens - who are basically the Forsaken, btw - die to the scourge you uh. You mean that throne?” obviously way more eloquently but you get the idea.
Amita is coaxed into being under human guise (and goes by the name Juliet, which is also one of Jaina’s nicknames for her) because Jaina decides that she needs the emotional support from her good friend as she goes to Kul Tiras because this has now become a resource war with both Horde and Alliance furious over losing two major important cities respectively. Horde of course infiltrates Stormwind and gets Zul and Talanji out (I’m actually not sure what happens with Saurfang but I think I can still have the event with him facing the Alliance leaders alone happen but more as a “SYLVANAS YOU NEED TO PREPARE EVEN THOUGH I DONT’ AGREE WITH WHAT YOU’VE PREPARED I’LL HOLD THEM OFF” instead of “RAGRGARGR I’M SO MAD HOW DARE U” so Baine is like “I’mma finish evacuating you get yourself ready for the confrontation”).
Lots of shit happens but I’m gonna’ skip to Rezan stuff. Mostly because Amita kills Yazma so I’m not sure how the corruption thing happens, but I’m still going to have him die (perhaps while trying to face off against Mythrax? Translating some raids / dungeons into story points is pretty tough so I haven’t really gotten to that point yet... I’m totally not avoiding it LOL). Either way, whether or not Rezan lives or dies (because that’s important to the story Blizzard wants to tell, but not important to the story I personally want to tell), something does happen that causes Rastakhan to still rapidly age (could easily be something like Bwonsamdi messing around with the connection between Rezan and Rastakhan, after all, Bwonsamdi reeeeeeeeeally wants Rast’s soul).
Oookay so... Siege of Zuldazar:
Amita is in Boralus when the Alliance is planning this. Yes amazingly still no one in the Alliance is aware of what Genn has done (lets just say that he dealt with anyone who tried to let Anduin and Varian know). She ends up ousting herself and Jaina tries to calm her but she ends up furious enough to say “if you march on Zuldazar, the Dreamgrove stands against you. Remember, I am the Archdruid now”. And then she leaves because you don’ fuck w/ a dragon.
So the Dreamgrove of course ends up sweeping into Zuldazar to stop the Alliance in their tracks, and then the Earthern Ring shows up because Thrall is like “I stand with you, Amita”. Amita’s priority is keeping Rastakhan alive so she has Hamuul and Thrall take him and his council to a safe place, and then instructs the druids and shamans to evacuate / protect the civilians, in a sort of “let the alliance and the horde come to blows, I don’t care, just get as many civilians to safety as you can” (wait.. I don’t know if I made it clear that Amita is Champions of Azeroth / Khadgar / Neutral aligned. Okay. She is. Okay back to my rambling).
Basically there are vines everywhere.
Now I still don’t know how the raid ends (like if it ends with a huge naga / old god thing or what, but I’m gonna’ tentatively roll with the idea of Azshara forces rolling in like “durrhurhurr heeellLO LANDWALKERS”), but I know how it ends in LO. Vol’jin confronts Genn in the throne room or... wherever it is that the Alliance confronts Rastakhan, and he and Genn basically have this duel where the whole time Vol’jin is like “why don’t you tell them, Genn, why don’t you tell them who REALLY burned down Teldrassil? Haven’t you told them about how you shoved a torch into the hand of dead forsaken soldier? What about those shamans that were at your side when it happened, what’s become of them?” etcetc which leads to a break in the Alliance’s resolve and they retreat out of Zuldazar because honestly Anduin doesn’t know how to handle this information and I wouldn’t blame him. Neither does Jaina.
As the Alliance is falling back, however, the naga are like ���EEEEYY LANDWALKERS” and the Dreamgrove / Earthern Ring come to the rescue with Jaina and Thrall tag-teaming to beat the fuck out of either an Old God herald or a huge Naga mmyes. I will have my Thraina. And the mages show up too because Ollwen is a good friend of Amita’s and she brings the Kirin Tor to HELP. This also saves the Alliance time cuz then they just teleport all the Kul Tiras boats and shit back to Kul Tiras and... then Anduin has to confront Genn. And Tyrande can still become a night warrior lmao don’t worry (as much as I apparently... dislike her???), because even if the Horde wasn’t behind burning Teldrassil, they were still very much behind everything that led UP to burning Teldrassil.
Rastakhn therefore lives but only solely because I want to write him sucking up his pride and stepping down from the throne to let Talanji lead with him as her mentor for at least a year before he finally passes away quietly in the night. Not all deaths have to be blood and glory on the battlefield to have impact. A quiet death is just as impactful (and honestly I have some experience because of how recently I lost my grandfather. Death hits hard regardless of how it happens). So my plan is to have Rastakhan pass away quietly and Talanji goes to greet him in the morning only to come across his cold form. Yeah. The ouchies are still there.
Annnnnnnnnd we’ll see how I decide to proceed from there. Yeah. Wow thanks for reading all the way if you did LMAO?!?!!? You are literally a trooper.
I guess you can tell me your thoughts?? //cries softly.
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alkemicjouno · 3 years
Giving Pah His Flowers
First of lol at saying “giving him him flowers” cause when did I start even using that
Pah got a real sense of justice, yknow. And I think it deserves to be talked about. The disagreement and fight between Mikey and Draken is understandable. Cause its not just about Pah. Its about his sense of justice. And like Draken says, his decision as a man.
Personally, not jus as a man but as a person because anyone willing to take a stand and lawful stand at that of what they do? Just wow. These are the people at the top of Toman.
Pah already says, he’s gonna get back at the guys who did that horrible shit not just to his friend to his girlfriend. And he should! He has the power and could have the backing of the almighty Invincible Mikey and Toman. Pah might be able to take they guy on, one-on-one. But whoever he is a part of Moebius. Gang affiliation means gang war if it goes that far. It be wrong for Pah not to take that leap and get back at the guys who did this. Pah, in his on words, is jus a meat-head. But a meat-head with some sense-some moral understanding. Its not hard to wonder how he was a part of Tomans founding and Mikeys friend.
So he asks Mikey for permission. To take these guys on. Cause he has the backing of Toman and he could jus involve his division in the fight. If there’s some code among gangs, then I think besides the one on one fight, the divisions they lead would get first go in a bigger fight.
In any case. Moebius shows up during the meeting on how they’re gonna do it. Cause Mikey doesnt just make the decision. I mean Mikey was gonna back Pah anyway. But getting the whole team involved means asking them if they’d take part. And yknow, Mikeys a leader so he phrases it in a way that says you have a choice but are you gonna let them get away with it? Are you gonna let one of your own do it alone? Of fuckin course not! We’re Toman. And fuck anyone who thinks they can do shit and get away with it. And so know Pah is fully Toman backed.
Was there a snag? Yea, cause Moebius showed up and Osenai took his stabbin. But before that, Pah is 1000% into doin this fight right the fuck now. Fuck an official meeting place and fight. You’re here now talking shit, lets go then! Are there way too many guys for 3 people to take on? Maybe. But, even tho we see it later on, Mikey and Draken can even the numbers.
Anyway. The point is, even after Pah takes his justice fueled revenge and the cops are coming, he decides he gonna stay and take the charge for the stabbing. And I think thats very strong of Pah. To have the decision to run and not take it. To stand so strongly in what he did and say “Yea I did it, so what. Whether Osenai was the one that did it or not, he showed up and wanted the business so I gave it” Pah was always about it and there was never gonna be any question about it.
He tells Mikey and Draken to get on, to take off, to let him handle the consequences of his actions. And I think thats part of his justice too. That the guy who attacked his friend should get his and that Pah too should get his for his actions. Even if it means some Juvie time. Pretty balanced if you ask me.
Now the fight between Draken and Mikey. Mikey definitely wants people like Pah in his circle. People who are gonna take a stand on what they believe no matter what. But it sounds like it stops there. Pah did what he had to do, rightfully so. Now nothing else and no one else should get involved including cops. As far as Mikey is concerned, the situation has been handled and Pah should come back with them.
True but thats not what Pah wanted. Thats not a balanced justice. And Draken understood that. Dont get it twisted, Draken wanted Pah to run with them too. But thats not their decision to make. And Pah had already made his decision. Who was he or Mikey to take that from Pah? So as much as Draken wants Pah to move, he let’s Pahs decision stand. And thats cause Draken would want the same thing. If he makes a decision, don’t overule it. You can understand all you want, can think otherwise all you want. Can explain why all you want. The decision is made. Draken did it cause he would want others to respect his decision to. (As a man, as they point out)
And again, Mikey wants that type of person around him. People who are going to stand on what they say and do. People who are gonna make decisions and act on them fully. He admires that type of person. So the question is why? Cant jus be because of Shinchiro. There’s something under that. Mikey has the power, sure, obviously. But is he really making the decisions? Does he believe when he acts, its not on his own decision? That he has to have someone other than him help him make the right choice, morally? With his heart? Mikey is sensitive and powerful. And having both makes him aware of what he can do. Mikey KNOWS he can go off the rails and keeps people around him to keep him straight. Allows himself to trust so fully in them after seeing where and how they stand. So it hurts to see Pah go when Mikey doesnt think Pah deserves it.
I also think this is how Kisaki gets moved up higher after the Valhalla fight. He talks Mikey through the aftermath. Tells him Kazutora deserved it for what he did. Tells him that they have to leave and can have someone else take the blame for it. And Mikey lets him. Kisaki (besides prepared) comes off understanding of what Mikey “had to do” and follows it up with not letting him get caught by the cops. Draken can feel how he wants about taking lawful responsibility for their actions but Mikey was never on the boat to start with. So escaping and taking care of business is what he wanted and Kisaki provided that.
I mean the Valhalla fight was, what…, 3months after losing Pah? 3 months after nearly losing Draken? Mikey is on board with having his justice prevail and that be the end of it. With that, he’s (probably finally) cleaning up his mess with Kazutora. And because Kisaki helped with it, he gets a promotion.
Now does Kisaki actually care about Mikey? Probably not. Like Moebius and Osenai, Mikey is a means to an end. With Mikey and Toman, he’s got numbers and the power to continue with what he wants. He jus needed the platform. And Mikeys morals and mental stability are his own issues, not Kisaki’s. He could play number two as long as it meant he was makin all the decisions. Which is how, in two different futures, Kisaki is pullin the strings. He doesnt give a fuck where Mikey has holed himself up.
Anyway, Pah has a good sense of justice and was right. Flowers for Pah.
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snow-okki · 7 years
Messiah Akatsuki ‘LIVE’ reaction 4/?
This is not the end :D
Part one
Part two
Part three
Shikura-Guen agaaain:
I hate it when these two appear. It means they're gonna be talking about heavy things that I can't understand :(
Typing madly into a tablet doesn't look as cool as typing madly on a keyboard.
Guen counting down satellite falling like he's counting down fireworks.
Oh hey that first necromancer possessed guy is now a part of KINDER.
Ichijima decides now's a good time to wear his coat again.
A smartphone with such classic ringtone XD
Shikura: 'So Ichijima is not planning to dismiss section 5…' "How about you join me here?"
Ichijima: NO
Ichijima's smartphone is very very thick. Did he mistaken a power bank for a phone?
Ichijima-Kogure-Kuroko scene:
Something important is said here that I can't understand TT (Something like Ichijima's okay with section 5 being dismissed but bragging that graduated SAKURAs are already scattered around the world?)
"Mitsumi Haku" *Kuroko takes out Nanny* Kuroko you bring THAT around?!
I am convinced Kuroko's pocket is a gateway to every possible conceivable item under the galaxy.
Also only 4 cadets have graduated so far?? The Church system is obviously not that very effective.
Ariga-Yugi-Miike scene:
Okki "WHOA!" XD
Ariga is a lot more serious with MiikeYugi than with Kogure. I wonder if it's because of that JunJun scene~
Yugi carrying that oboe case reminds me of Haku in Hisui
Yugi's oboe case wasn't handcuffed to him through since he dropped it aside mid battle.
Gen3 movements are a lot less energetic than before.
Okki holding onto enemy with face as if he's going into labour.
Suddenly Salyut-Kagami-Checker:
That segue is very very abrupt.
N!Kagami is very very awesome.
The plot is getting heavy from here onwards TT.TT
Ichijima and the cadets scene:
"Kill Kagami"
Everyone has a lot more reaction to that than Ariga, even Kogure
Dr THREE why are you using that tiny paper-like laptop even Dr TEN get to use tablets.
Ryoki being Italy at the such brilliant timing. If Yugi's not there Miike is surely dead by Mamoru and Ariga's hands
Even Ichijima can't refuse Okki's puppy eyes :3
Wonder why Yugi only voiced his concern regarding Miike now though
Ariga is ready to kill Miike XD
Even Ichijima seem so solemn at the project of losing his life.
Deadpan-ly solemn.
I realize that rather than asking someone question, Ichijima's way is to always ask the question ("I've done some thinking and…" "Have you found the answer?")
Ichijima is a man that keeps to his promise (yet has no problem exploiting its loophole).
Holy crap water splash transition:
The guy that called Checker…that same ensemble guy again? XD
Yugi be like "Let's go Kogure!" And Miike's just like fine leave me alone it's not like I'm here or anything.
Compare Ariga's treatment to Junjun vs this Ariga who's ready to abandon Miike in a heartbeat.
Guen's super petrified stance is all I can pay attention to.
Man ensemble casts' showcase! They're awesome!
Kogure's style is to always be back up once he's done with his enemy. I like it.
Yugi wanted to kill them quickly and send them to heaven?
Yugi you might want to either try joining KINDER, or colored rangers instead.
Eyy Yugi-Kogure back to back~
OMG Yugi-Kogure back to back for 2nd time!
Yugi whom immediately charge at the enemy, and Kogure who always kept a distance. They complement each other
But actors wise Yugi-Miike chemistry is better totally not biased
Miike solo:
Miike's too pissed to bother fighting with Ariga
Ariga's head is too full of Kagami he readily agreed to let a freaking newbie fight alone
Meanwhile Miike's style is both short and long range, alternating between kicks and short distance shooting
Miike's breaking point is so gonna have him laughing like a lunatic, I'm calling it.
"Is living that hard? I see…so it's the same." 'So'?
Eh the music changed?
OMG this Guen is so freaking adorable >.<
The rest is plot, and proving that 'politicians are incapable'
Finally our main hero and heroine:
Dr TEN role is really, really just standing there looking good.
There's one camera angle where it looked like Kuroko was aiming his gun at Mamoru.
Salyut has whooped every single person in this place. Probably why he's interested in Ariga who equaled him.
And you don't have your lollipop
I guess lollipop would be too distracting for this climax scene
Checker stop trying to molest everyone
Salyut 'my god I must sit through this crazy guy's bragging'
Dr TEN 'And here he goes again…'
A lot of serious plot happens here it's hard to tsukkomi things
Oh well Mamoru when you raised both hands in that prayer pose thing, it looks like you're really gonna break into prayers
Omg checker that shot is low
Mamoru the area where you grabbed Checker that's also pretty low
I feel really bad for forgetting where the phrase 'I will protect Mamoru' came from exactly
Mamoru's displaying his skill as the master of falling on the floor
Oh hi Salyut
"What a disgusting look" Nah Salyut that's just Checker being beautifully hammy as usual.
KABOOM count: 1
"That day when I was prepared to die…" OMG SHIBI CALLBACK?! "My capturers shoot each other in the head" Oh it's callback to the opening scene che
This scene convinced me that Kuroko is really the heroine of Messiah.
The blue-ness of this scene is making my eyes hurt
"Ore wa…hagane no ishi wo tsuranuku!" HAGANE! :D
KABOOM count: 2
Ichijima-Dr THREE and the non main characters:
Can I ship these two old guys? :D
Miike also did a flying roundhouse kick
The one time when a gunshot wound is long lasting -> the one to Kogure's left arm by Dr TEN
The positioning is such that Yugi is in the middle, and Kuroko is behind the three. IT'S SYMBOLIC
OHH SLOW MO hisui~
Everyone else *we'll just sloooooowly get away from this dramatic scene*
KABOOM count: 3
Kagami's dgaf face and dgaf voice really fits the mood
"Since when have I become this weak…!!" Good characterization on Ariga.
Kagami just dgaf shoot Ariga.
Aaaaand again.
OH KAGAMI DON'T YOU DARE--oh that's the solution it feels so…cliched.
I'll be the happiest person on earth if I get praised by Dr TEN's "Subarashii..!"
KABOOM count: 4
"As your foster parent, I will continue to look after your growth, from now on and always." This is making me cry more than anything
Oh hi Ariga
This is so reminiscent of Hagane
Seeing Mamoru and Ariga, the original 2 Gen desperately reaching out for Kagami, the 2.5 Gen is lovely
And then we reached the true climax:
and hi Ariga cuddling Kagami
also Gen 3 not wanting to be left out
Mamoru's so intense his tears are overflowing.
And his spit is flying out.
I always wonder why cadets must, MUST recite the entire SAKURA rule in their most dramatic of time.
KABOOM count: 5
Aww I still want to listen to that music…
Before ending:
Ah it's the same ending music as Hagane
Guen…I'm not sure how sad the things that you're saying here but I wonder if you've been legitly crying from Mamoru's scene :3
Salyut really likes that both arms halfway up (the 'Pa!' stance since I can't think of a way to describe it_
Dr TEN really likes to point at people. And to sloooooowly lower his arm.
Kuroko's back!
Oh hi Kuroko's crying--TISSUE BOX?!
Oh lol
Ichijima you picked them up??
And was slightly disgusted by them XD
Kuroko 'interview' is also back!
That oboe case is half the size of Miike.
But where is Kogure--oh here he is.
Eh Ichijima removed his glasses?
No Kogure you don't need to remove yours XD
Kagami calling Ariga Ryo…hmm….
Salyut what did you say?
The final scene!
Also a callback to the first battle scene~
The 'Yuuri' enemy reminds me of Amane. Amane... TT.TT
Oh god it went so blue for a moment
Ariga sharp as always
Kagami "Thanks for flipping me" *smack* *bang*
I'm convinced part of Miike's fighting style is to have unstable stance
Yugi's punches look like they'll hurt like hell if they actually hit. Thankfully Okki's really afraid to hit so the gap tends to be huge.
Kogure your actions pale in comparison to the other Gen3 
Omg really Kuroko, to Ichijima?
Dr THREE Dr TEN Guen, all at one bc they're boring XD
Salyut--oh it's that ensemble cast again!
Shikura got the freaking spotlight for 5 seconds just for him to stand there looking imposing
OOOHHH so that's where that shot comes from!
Mamoru's fist bump with invisible Yuuri kinda makes him seem delusional
Ah it's the ending--wait no curtain call? Nooooooooooooo 
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jess-oh · 6 years
I’ve been trying to process externally through other people instead of internally through my journal and lowkey it has been affecting my relationships with other people and I don’t want it to. 
Recently, I was hanging out with Mitchell and we witnessed a drive by shooting and overall, I’m pretty okay now. I was pretty freaked out at first but I think I’m okay now. Honestly, I was in denial a bit because I couldn’t tell if I was just putting on more of an act so people don’t think I’m a sociopath but whenever I talked about it and actually felt pain or a tightness in my chest or cried about it, I would be surprised and realized I was more affected than I initially thought about it. I was honestly afraid to go outside and I did get triggered whenever I heard loud, sudden sounds. But overall, I am better now. I think sharing it with people and asking for prayer did definitely help and going to God first. I listened to “Resurrecting” and “Even When It Hurts” a lot and really resonated with the words. Honestly, even on Sunday during service, I tried really hard to be real and honest with God but I couldn’t stop crying. I did feel super nervous being outside at all on Saturday and clutched my tote bag closely over my chest just in case one of the speeding cars suddenly started shooting. I was afraid and I admittedly still am to some extent but I am a lot better now. I am a little bit more edge than usual being outside but I’m getting back to normal. I am. I’m close. And I’m glad. Thank you, God! Thank you for wonderful people around me.
But I think it was good that this happened to me. It made me face the reality of how I felt. I feel as if I’ve been living with a layer over everything recently and haven’t been totally honest with anyone. Which is, admittedly a little tough. I want to have a best friend to whom I can just tell them everything. But I am surrounded by guys and I don’t want things to get awkward in sharing too much? I know I need to set boundaries! 
I’m just sad because for the girls, I really don’t have a lot in common with them so I can’t necessarily go super deep? I do get along well with Amanda but she’s a horrible texter and already has so much on her plate and I feel bad. I don’t want her to feel like she just has to take care of me all the time either? Because I know she has her own trust issues and I want to be accommodating to that! But it does kind of suck. I know other people feel alone too and I want to reach out to them and let them know I’m here for the but knowing the line between guys and girls is kind of hard. I want to reach out more Jason and P. Josh but they are guys. And that isn’t something I normally actively think about and I don’t see either of them in a romantic sense at all. I JUST WISH THERE WERE MORE SISTERS :’((( The community is lacking on our end! And I know I, along with Amanda and the other sisters can do a better job with community on our end bUT, it’s just unfortunate. And Movement isn’t super big either so it makes sense but it does kind of suck. I lowkey always questioned P. Josh whenever he wanted to intentionally do something or have something with a specific gender but I get it now :’( 
I really dislike gossip and I know that I do it sometimes but I actively try to go against it. It’s annoying, just leads to drama, and is extremely passive aggressive which also bothers me. And I’ve been the victim of it in the past and it freaking sucked and I hated it and it was such a terrible feeling. And I don’t want to feel like that again and I don’t think anyone should have to ever feel like that. Ever. Really.
But now I know about this thing that happened between Joyce Park and Jason and I don’t know what to do now? But typing this at all has actually been helping me process a lot. I know that I can have a big mouth at times and feel like I can’t keep secrets and I definitely want to get better at that but this...I don’t feel the need to share it with more people because I understand it isn’t my place. I’m not the most trustworthy person and I think my first love language has become acts of service. If my friends ever need anything, I would gladly drop everything I’m doing and go to help them as soon as I possibly can. And I don’t expect others to do the same for me because I understand that it’s a big time and energy commitment. I don’t want someone else to do what I am willing to do for others necessarily. I just want to have some that I can fully rely and depend on. Which used to be Jeanne but she never really shared back to me and I wanted to be there for her too. I didn’t just want to use her as a resource and toss her aside once I was done. I know what that feels like and it really really sucks. It does! And no one deserves to suffer through that kind of pain. 
I’m also kind of confused because Jason has been saying a lot recently that he shoudn’t talk or hangout with girls as often which has left me confused? Am I just a bro or does that include me? Orrrrrrrrr I don’t know. I think I’m a good friend for him and he’s definitely a good friend for me too but I need something or someone more than that. Not necessarily a significant other but someone to whom I can always rely on, yknow? Preferably of the same gender to avoid all of this potential unnecessary drama. Because I did lowkey crush on Andrew for a time and highkey with Anthony. I think I see Jason as an older mentor figure if anything. I realized this yesterday. I definitely see him as an Anthony in my life. But for Anthony, it was very much him helping me more than me ever helping him and looking back on it, I was really glad that he was there to support me but I wish I was a better friend to him :/ Maybe because I already liked Jason before I have nothing to worry about? LOL. But yeah. This drama...is so easily avoidable. I don’t want any part of it. At all. I’m happy that I’ve been able to be there for him but... I don’t know. He is there for me but I am still cautious with what I tell him. I don’t want to just be a bro but I want to be a good friend too. 
I’m also kind of salty towards P. Josh and Jason right now. I know I was really tired last night and lowkey dreaded going home. And I don’t always take great care of myself and them two plus Johnathan know that all too well. When I’m sick or overworking myself, they can definitely see. I have such a need to define myself by my productivity and what I can accomplish and it’s hard to remember to take care of myself and I get that! ...nor do I always think I deserve to rest but that’s a topic for another day.
BUT, I am S A L T Y towards P. Josh and Jason bc they keep discussing whos gonna take me back home amongst themselves without talking to me first and asking if I even want it to begin with. Which I usually say no and they refuse that as answer. Which sometimes is nice but other times just feels degrading like my opinion or voice doesn’t matter. And I’m reminded of when I first didn’t want to feel like a burden when I saw my mom, dad, and Olessia discussing who was supposed to pick me up from school and I just watched them argue. And I felt terrible in that moment and I felt like a heckin big burden. I don’t expect them be my chauffeur. I never do. I learned that from my parents to never assume. I learned from P. Joe to never make excuses and instead to make things work if I can. He had a low tolerance for excuses and I respect that about him but it has left me a bit scarred to some extent.  But yeah. I don’t know. I want to bring this up to them but I think I need to get better at taking care of myself and understanding my limitations first. Oh man, am I glad to be journaling again. It feels so good to just freely express everything again, ahhhhh. 
Anyway, okay! I’m going to make an honest attempt to figure everything out. I think being self deprecating and not taking care of myself has become a “fun” yet “toxic” and “normalized” part of my identity which is not very good... haha. I need to figure this out so that I can help other people who are in the same boat as me! And they are definitely out there. I know them. And I want to help them. I want to figure this out through God’s grace and lead others in the same direction. I pray that he can use me in such a way where He can bring others to Him through me. This is my hope and prayer to you, God! People desperately need you. They really do. And I want to help because it pains me to see them in pain as well.
I know I’m pretty bitter towards my parents and it’s easy to toss them under the bus but I really am grateful for them. My dad is supportive and my mom does worry for me.  Yes, they can say hurtful things at times but I think they do care for me at the end of the day. My upbringing was rough, theres no denying that. We really didn’t get along until after I left. But I am thankful for them. I am.
Jason and Joyce are off to have their conversation! Good luck little flapjacks! I hope all goes well. I care for the both you very deeply.
I am lonely, I think. I think Rhyarna, Eliza, and I made Emily feel bad for being so wholesome and now she feels the need to be “bad” to be on the same level as us and I feel as if we corrupted her and I feel bad now. And we used to be close but she would never really respond to me. Or at least not in the way that I wanted. And I don’t really trust Eliza and Rhyarna to be unbiased. I don’t just want support. I want someone to listen to me but to also tell me the truth. That’s what I need right and that’s what I lack right now. I used to have it with Jakob and Mana but they left. And even pretty limited with them. I used to have that with Marlena but she got busy and went to study abroad. I had that with Andrew but he started dating Sofia and they’re both so far away. And I don’t want blind support. And honestly, Andrew just gets mad at me sometimes when I don’t see my own potential but because he gets angry, I don’t want to talk to him at all. I don’t want to be another disappointment. I had that with Sharlene but she transferred schools to California. I had that with TyKira and Jordan but they both got busy and graduated. And I know none of them meant to leave because of any reason against me but I felt the most real and honest and happiest with them and now they’re gone and I’m alone again. I’m left to search for a new support system somewhere, somehow. But I just feel lost and confused and alone. It is lonely. I was close with the seniors at school but they’re all graduating soon and I’m sad and I’ll be left to search for support from somewhere else again. It’s been a very transitional, lonely time. I miss them. I need them. But I don’t want to just use them either. I did really care for all of them and wanted to be there for them just as much as they were so gracious in being there for me. I think I just need to pray more and be more honest with God instead of rely on such temporary humans. Maybe that’s why He keeps taking my friends away. Because I’m too independent when it comes to Him but too dependent when it comes to man. Or I’m just suffering from lack of community. Or both! Who knows!
Jason and Joyce just came back and they seem relatively calm so I think their conversation went well? I didn’t think they would talk so long. I’m actually pretty tired now. It’s 10:43pm now. Wow. 
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ifiwerebraveenough · 6 years
let’s get personal real quick
lets get personal.
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
I hope you’re happy-blue October, 100 letters-Halsey, bad at love- Halsey, ever long-foo fighters, FFYL-QuinnXCII, high hopes- P!ATD
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
Dead: my great great grandfather, Hatch. Living: Neil Gaiman or Jk Rowling
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
“There are no flies, just flames”
4: What do you think about most?
The future
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
“I will once I download it”
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
7: What’s your strangest talent?
I can juggle?
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
Girls rule, boys drool.
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?
Yes both actually.
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?
I dunno. More of an air drummer tbh
11: Do you have any strange phobias?
athazagoraphobia, coulrophobia, monophobia, philophobia
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
Once I stuck a monkey berry up my nose and my mom had to take me to the ER
13: What’s your religion?
I don’t have religion. But I’m a pantheist if that helps.
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
Reading. Or basking in the sun.
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
Behind it.
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
Band… panic! At the disco
17: What was the last lie you told?
That I didn’t have feelings about something.
18: Do you believe in karma?
What goes around comes around and karma’s a bigger bitch than I’ll ever be.
19: What does your URL mean?
It means I liked it so I picked it. Just kidding. It means there’s a world of possibilities and ifiwerebraveenough is tackle them all.
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
I’m a good person with a good heart. To both.
21: Who is your celebrity crush?
Johnny Depp or Ryan Reynolds
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
23: How do you vent your anger?
Not well lol usually screaming and cursing
24: Do you have a collection of anything?
Bouncy balls lmfao
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
Ew neither? I guess on the phone.
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
As far as progress goes, yes. But I’m not done yet. But when I am “I will love the person I have become because I fought to become her”
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
The sound of shoes on a basketball court; thunderstorms and rain on a tin roof
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?
What if I’m never truly happy?
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
Yes to both. Crazy to think we’re the only ones here…
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
right: pillow, left: my phone case
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?
my dog
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
oh gosh... the bathrooms on bourbon street
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
west coast
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
Brendon Urie
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
whatever you want it to be 
36: Define Art.
anything that makes you feel something
37: Do you believe in luck?
of course.
38: What’s the weather like right now?
hot af
39: What time is it?
9:41 pm
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
yes and yes, totalled my mom’s truck
41: What was the last book you read?
Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere (best book ever)
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?
yes... too much
43: Do you have any nicknames?
Lrn, peanut, London, Brenda
44: What was the last film you saw?
Sweeney Todd The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
probably my broken nose
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
Black Mirror, my dog, graduation
48: What’s your sexual orientation?
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
duh, who hasn’t
50: Do you believe in magic?
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
for a bit, yeah
52: What is your astrological sign?
53: Do you save money or spend it?
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?
55: Love or lust?
56: In a relationship?
57: How many relationships have you had?
like 5 
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
i can actually!
59: Where were you yesterday?
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
a candle
61: Are you wearing socks right now?
nope. I dont wear socks unless I have to
62: What’s your favourite animal?
stingray or elephant
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
being bold and outgoing
64: Where is your best friend?
in her room
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.
lol i don’t know them like that
66: What is your heritage?
Irish, Welsh and Native American
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?
Drinking wine and eating dinner lol
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
I like to think so
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
Fire my ass bitch. That animal can’t save itself. 
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
I would tell some close family and friends. Spend them doing fun and exciting things with the people I love, I would not “Death is but the next great adventure”
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
Trust. I can’t have love without trust. 
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
How Far I’ll Go from Moana
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
loyalty, trust, and being able to be yourself around that person
77: How can I win your heart?
“Welcome to The Price is Right!”
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
Adopting Freya
80: What size shoes do you wear?
I dont wanna talk about it 
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
Here Lies Lauren. Leave her alone. 
82: What is your favourite word?
Fuck. Obviously. 
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
the beating organ that keeps me alive. 
84: What is a saying you say a lot?
“okay hear me out”
85: What’s the last song you listened to?
Sunshower- Chromak
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?
purple and blue
87: What is your current desktop picture?
Overlooking homes in Greece
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
lol that’s a rude question to ask. 
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
“Do you love me?”
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
Deuces. Im out. 
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
The power to become invisible. or fly. No! the power to find more of them so I can a lot of powers
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
The last time I saw my Great grandmother when she was coherent and in her own house. 
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
ugh. October 2016 - March 2017
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
Brendon Urie lol or Halsey (even though I said I was straight haha)
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
Europe. Italy specifically. 
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
why is this a question? Yes. I do. 
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
98: Ever been on a plane?
I have. 
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
Do better. 
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Days 10 and 11
I'm so sorry I forgot to post yesterday! But nothing really happened lol. I could start feeling some differences as far as my immediate dentures fitting a little more loosely due to my swelling going down, but nothing too bad.
As of right now my face seems to be normal size as far as I can tell in the mirror, as well as I feel pretty normal. I actually like the teeth more now, as I don't have a horrible case of the horse mouth anymore. It's still a bit difficult to close my mouth completely and comfortably but it is progressing pretty well this week! It is not as painful to put the dentures in, and I dont have to use a combo of Anbesol and Ibuprofen to get things going.
On a more important note, I cannot stress enough on practicing speech! I was so embarrassed at first that I couldn't enunciate as clearly as before, and you could hardly understand me. I wasn't having any of that. I always read to my son at bedtime, but lately I've been reading to him more. He enjoys it because he loves books, and I got some much needed practice. I can pretty much talk like normal now, with barely any lisp (especially when making the dreaded "s" sound!).
Even my boss and coworkers told me today during our meeting that I was speaking much better. That made me feel really good. Of course they all know about it except for the brand new employees. I'm kind of using them as an experiment right now lol, to see if they will notice or ask about it. Other than that, I'm pretty open about it. I just didn't want to be at work and they accidentally drop out, and my coworkers be like 🤤🤤🤤🤤 lol. They have been so supportive, and I am thankful for that.
I go for my two week checkup tomorrow and I believe everything will go well. I have good days and bad days, and I'm not ashamed to say I will be politely asking my dentist if he will prescribe me some more pain medication for my bad days. Hopefully when I get some adjustments done I won't need them, but you can never be too sure. It's always best to be prepared!
Oh, and I also couldn't resist that 99 cent Big Mac today lol. But I conquered it! It didn't hurt that much at all, and my dentures stayed in the whole time. None of that flopping around business! It was nice to actually eat a dense food for the first time in a while. Although I did have some trouble with the fries, I'm not really sure what was going on there. It was hard to chew them and manipulate them in my mouth to really enjoy them. I will try again sometime later on.
I also can actually crunch ice now, which I haven't been able to do in years. The sensitivity alone was practically a sudden death, but now it feels good. The cold is soothing, and on the bright side I don't have to worry so much about brain freeze since I have that upper plate on the top denture.
Staydent has been doing really well for me all around, and I think I will stick with that brand for now. It is definitely hard to remove and I haven't found an easier way to remove it from my gums other than swishing warm water and alternating with a towel, but it is really easy to remove from the dentures if you let them soak in warm water for a bit.
Basically the products I've been using are Staydent and Efferdent soak tablets. I wash my dentures every night before soaking and every morning before wearing. I haven't had to take them out during the day at work for any reason, no slips or anything so no need to reapply adhesive, but I still carry the adhesive and my brush in my makeup bag just in case. Its better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it!
All around it has been a good experience, as far as these things go. I did have regrets at first, but not anymore now that I can see and feel some actual progress. I have been much more confident in my smile, and no one seems to be able to tell that they are false teeth. I have been complimented several times on my smile, and I really enjoy it. I feel better not just about my vanity, but my overall mood has improved and I feel much better about myself.
I will make sure to update more tomorrow after my checkup to let yall know how it goes! Have a good night!
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