#just in case you couldn't tell
chromadrop · 4 months
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rugged ol' witcher
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youlackconviction · 2 years
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the portrayal of LOKI in the disney plus series is like if they remade pokemon, but pikachu looked like this ^
hmm but maybe that’s still a bit too generous. after all, at least trash pikachu is still yellow. 💀
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andiv3r · 10 months
Ahh sketch sheets my beloved
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No color for this one because I'm working out how I'd draw them in a comic, which would likely only include color on a few panels per chapter (likely it'd be the really important ones like, for example, the kiss). So I was trying to really focus on their shapes.
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soul-wanderer · 1 year
Alright, it’s been a few days since the last episode aired, and I figured I wouldn’t become any more chill about this, so we might as well tackle this rant regarding people’s judgement of Theo’s character and the underlying racism issue in this debate.
Let’s start off with the fact that we’ve slowly been learning more and more about Theo’s past, which is relevant when it comes to unpacking his current behaviours. In 05x17 we learn that Theo’s best friend, who turned out to be gay, was rejected by his own parents due to their beliefs and that Theo let his friend crash at his place until said friend’s dad showed up at his house with a gun, ready to kill his friend. We then subsequently learn that this both highly affected both Theo and his friend, to the point where Theo is still getting emotional over it when telling this story years later.
We also know that Theo grew up in a tight-knit but poor community and that he lost his dad when he was eight years old and that he still misses him, which becomes apparent after the barbershop fire. We also get glimpses at the overall tone within the community, when his friends/family sort of tease him about the person he’s become, and it’s clear that Theo is struggling with that, because on one hand his career is important to him, but on the other hand it has removed him from his community, especially because he tried so hard to blend in at the SFD and part of him is probably still trying to prove that he is worthy of his career, despite where he came from.
In 05x04 Theo tells Vic about his previous relationships and pretty much admits that they were all toxic (”I didn't think it was real if it didn't make you want to kill yourself”) and that Vic was the first person he didn’t have to prove his love to.
Fast-forward a few years, we get to Theo’s time as a captain at another station and to his friendship with Travis and Michael. The three of them were best friends until the tragic accident that cost Michael’s life. There’s never been any doubt that his death has absolutely wrecked Theo, to the point where he asked for his own demotion, meaning the SFD did not find him guilty, simply because him misjudging the situation was a mistake - a grave one, but a mistake nonetheless, and mistakes do happen, because we’re all just humans after all. It is also important to note that Travis, at this point, has fully forgiven Theo, which he keeps making clear, by reassuring Theo in everything he does. He even goes as far as saying, “No, you’re not [screwing it up]. You’re figuring it out. There’s a big difference. You got this, man. You’re a great firefighter. I’m proud to call you my captain”, which is a big deal, because the last time Theo was captain, it got his own husband killed and Travis, of all people, was ready to forgive him for the mistake he made and trust him to be captain again.
So, let’s get to the good part now. The part where Theo is clearly stressed to the max and to the point where he has seemingly random outbursts because he feels like he’s losing control left and right - something he absolutely wants to avoid, because he wants to do better, because he doesn’t want to lose another person, because there is so much pressure on him, and large portion of it is coming from himself. And Vic keeps pushing and probing, which is absolutely understandable, but Theo clearly isn’t at a point where he is ready for confrontation, but needs reassurance and support instead. It doesn’t make him a terrible human being, it just makes him about as flawed as any other person on that goddamn show. I mean, remember how much Maya screwed up as a captain at first? And the team still managed to give her another chance, so why not extend the same second chance to Theo?
And this is where we get to the uncomfortable part, because part of the reason why Theo is very much judged differently than Maya (or any other captain on this show), very much feels and looks like underlying racism and very much matches what we know about his past. Theo himself has told us between the lines that he is working hard on his career and to be professional and be taken seriously on the job. Which, given his ethnicity and upbringing, is probably really fucking hard. If we take one look at the captains and other people in leadership positions, it’s not hard to figure out that the majority is middle-aged white men. And well, Theo is not that. But Theo worked hard to get there, to prove himself worthy and capable of this position. Even when he doubted himself after the mistake he made. And he still does - doubt himself. Which proves that he has the heart in the right place, because he cares. He cares about his team, and he cares about doing things right, and he knows when he is messing things up.
And most of all, he knows he is going to be treated differently, he is going to be judged harder, for messing up. He is going to get judged for his temperament, for his words, for his manners. He is going to get judged for everything he is and for everything he isn’t. And even Vic acknowledged his code-switching as a means of survival, but sometimes that still isn’t enough and Theo is painfully aware of that, too.
The bottom line: Does Theo need to learn how to handle the pressure differently? Sure! But what he needs, is the support and reassurance of his team - and Travis gave him exactly that, and Andy was trying to give him that, too, and I’d like to believe that this kind of support is what is going to help him find a balance and escape this crushing weight of responsibility he is facing, simply because of who he is as a person.
And I am sure Andy and Theo will get past their “argument” soon enough, because they both have a similar temperament and grew up in similar communities, so if anyone understands Theo, it’s going to be Andy, of all people at the station and because Theo clearly felt terrible once he learned that Andy was trying to do something nice for him.
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songweaver · 11 months
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My edit
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nootville · 2 years
sits up so fast i get a headache THE NEW CATALOGUE COMES OUT SOON
new update soon!!!!!!!! so very soon!!!!! and the WEAPONS the new WEAPONS I MIGHT GET NEW DUALIES
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kachavashka · 13 days
Araucarias are the true master race. I believe in Araucaria supremacy.
One day, the Araucarias will rule the Earth and you pathetic chordates shall be their slaves!!!
EDIT: I already posted this on the wrong fucking blog.
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ps1demodisk · 5 months
I love being completely exhausted but unable to sleep because the kittens spilt water all over my bed
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lotus-ignis · 7 months
I am finally watching Doctor who again. I already have to motivate myself to watch new things and the combination of River not reappearing until the end of season 9 (I'm at the end of season 8) and Clara's constant presence doesn't leave much motivation.
Let's hope Missy gives me some motivation back to watch, so I don't have to basically force myself like this 😅
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emberglowfox · 1 year
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birds of a feather
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poussacha · 2 years
I jokingly said ONCE that I was the person fact checking fanfiction and now someone in a group chat I'm in has a bug up their ass about my extire existence thinking I'm out there calling people out in fic comments.
Dude I'm fucking autistic sometimes I just Google stuff I see in fanfiction because I'm fucking curious and want to know for myself how something works/if it works.
Sometimes I get excited about stuff and want to share information and people think I'm being an asshole and they need to "put me in my place".
It sucks when you think a space is safe to joke and vent and be yourself and someone proves you wrong by saying you're a garbage person who doesn't deserve the space you take up on the planet.
I've had a really shitty go of it lately so this definitely helped. Good on you person from the group chat. Just barely hanging on, in deep desperate emotional turmoil, on a sewer slide watch where my friends cannot leave me alone without fear that I Will Not Make It Through The Night.
But no, you jumping down my throat for using humour to cope in a way that is HURTING ABSOLUTELY NO ONE, really helped with all that. I'm cured.
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demigod-of-the-agni · 10 months
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they all get called pullingo and are kicked out of the city
Pavitr and Bhim Rajeshkumar and Karna Prabhakar.. the spider bros...
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sarcastic-sketches · 8 months
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Trigun x Doctor Who
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loupy-mongoose · 1 year
I bet Nico has a really interesting and tragic backstory that will be a lot of fun to read.
Having said that, I'd be lying if I didn't want his scar to be from something mundane. Kind of like a "Nick Fury loses his eye to a cat", kind of scenario
You got me.
It was Jerry.
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blackkatdraws · 1 year
My obsession is just Stanley doing the most random things ever.
Like, not even the fanart Stanley— I meant the actual in-game model Stanley. That guy.
I wanna see him dance, I wanna see him holding a weapon, I wanna see him go to the backrooms, I wanna see him do something.
I'm starting to see why Narrator was so fixated on this guy...
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juniorsized · 2 months
no matter what you do, don't think about xaden writing to Sloane during Liam's first year, giving her updates on how her brothers doing (and stupid things he does). Don't think about Liam telling Xaden things to include in his letters, advice on how to climb the gauntlet, information about Deigh and flight lessons. Don't think about Liam then rushing back to his room, writing down all the things he forgot to tell Xaden to tell Sloane (and all the little things that are just for them).
Don't think about Sloane getting a letter from basgiath, excited that Liam's year of no-letters is finally over, only to see Xaden's handwriting telling her that her brother is dead.
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