#just in general erika ishii is one of my favorites
morathor · 5 months
Erika collecting the buzzers in Beat the Buzzer is so good because:
It's a good strategic way to keep track of which buzzers have been used up, thus preventing future confusion and expediting the search. That's efficient from a gameplay perspective, but also makes for a more exciting game show, although I guess if the dead ends got too bad they could be edited out of the final product.
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mushroom-madness · 1 year
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🍄 Vote for your Favorite Fungi! 🍄
Descriptions Below ⬇️
Danielle Barkstock
"Erika Ishii... uwu 🍄” - Submission 23
“✌️😌✌️” - Submission 43
"you already know what's up i'm just here to pad the numbers" - Submission 62
"Shes got the hat and I love her, that is all your honour." - Submission 128
"Danielle Barkstock is a student at the Aguefort Adventuring Academy and a member of the Maidens adventuring party. During Fantasy High and Dimension 20 LIVE, she is an NPC played by Brennan Lee Mulligan. During The Seven, she is a PC played by Erika Ishii." - Dimension 20 Wiki
Click Here for links & propaganda, or search the characters tag on my blog for more information!
Todd (From Mario)
"Todd is a baby possum who has a Mushroom on his head. He is a precious darling with big, soulful eyes, and is one of the most popular characters from Drawfee." - Submission 118
"You know who he is
You said none of the examples were not guaranteed and I really want Todd in there so submission here " - Submission 188
Timestamp ~ 1:25:00
Click Here for links & propaganda, or search the characters tag on my blog for more information!
Toad Berry
Shrub Berry
"shes the last of her kind she has ladybug wings she can talk to wolves and i love her lots" - Submission 183
"Shrub's empire is called the Undergrove and is located in the forest hills. She has gone for a general mushroom & forest-inspired cottagecore vibe for most of her builds, with several hobbit hole-like villager soon-to-be villager homes as well as a big colorful mushroom castle with multiple levels for her to live in.
The empire's main exports consist of nether-based building materials such as warped and crimson stems, as well as shroomlights and different kinds of mushrooms." - Empires SMP Wiki
"You know him you love him" - Submission 32
"Toad is one of the main characters of the Mario franchise. He is Princess Peach's attendant and a longtime protector of the Mushroom Kingdom. He is actually a singular character among an entire species of look- alikes (much like Yoshi is to the Yoshi species). leading to confusion over some of his appearances. He usually has the role of a supporting character who tries to help Mario and Luigi on their adventures" - Super Mario Wiki
Click Here for links & propaganda, or search the characters tag on my blog for more information! Toad Berry has a special tag, go check out #Toad Berry Saga for the full lore!
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where are you at in worlds beyond number?
After today’s commute, I am at the very beginning of Episode 11 and things are *T E N S E*
Love the show, though. I’m currently bouncing back and forth between this and Murder She Rolled, and they’re both very different actual-plays in terms of setting and style and vibe, but in both instances the players and DMs bring the whole thing alive in a very fun and engaging way where it’s both sitting at the table while these people all have a ton of fun playing DND, and also a very immersive story that you get attached to very quickly.
Sorry I’ve been flipped into Gush About Stuff I’m Listening To Mode, I’m gonna ramble and gush about these podcasts for a bit now.
Alan Seawright in MSR is great at bouncing off of everyone at the table and flipping the switch between being the action hero in a serious way and an action hero in a comedic way, and basically everyone else at the table has picked up on that seemingly from the beginning, and it’s great. If you like…dark comedy and eldritch horror, it’s very fun.
Worlds Beyond Number is four heavyweight DND champions (both in actual-play settings and in terms of DND advice and design and generally being people present in the culture).
First off. @quiddie is a genius. Because she did something I now desperately want to try in the future, which is create inter-party tension by creating Suvi as a character that is intensely devoted to both her friends/adoptive family, but also to this place that she has now been raised and shaped by for the majority of her formative years that is set in opposition to what sort of ways Ame and Eursulon come from.
Second off, Erika Ishii as Ame is amazing, and a very fun way of playing…what I think is a Druid with some tweaks? It’s such a fun way of approaching what feels like the same class set but from a direction I absolutely would never have thought of and it’s amazing, I wanna try it now in a future game if I get the chance. Also Erika’s great, they’re amazing at interacting with everyone and keeping the lighthearted stuff lighthearted but also being able to drop into drama when needed (as has happened in the last few episodes quick specifically).
Lou Wilson as Eursulon is the sleeper hit of the show. For sure. And I am astounded by how well Lou managed to make it happen naturally. Because early on the episodes focus more on Suvi and Ame finding each other and going to find him with a quest focused on Ame and a lot of tension from Suvi’s background coming into play and being utilized to get things rolling, and then…Port Talon happens. And you realize he’s not been playing this dude that’s seemingly hit rock bottom and is ashamed of being taken advantage of as the new guy in town one too many times despite trying to live up to this *impossible* ideal, and he pulls out all these great character moments that build right to where I’m at where he’s been shamed by this great spirit for what he wanted to be and leaving his old world behind, and having finally clawed back what he could to reach what they set out to do he has to make a *choice* now, and he’s clearly struggling with what that choice is in the face of his friends’ lives being in danger and his old ideals coming back to give him pause about what he’s been doing and just…*gods* he’s possibly going to be my favorite at this rate? He’s playing a very similar character arc to what I wanted Jace to have when I played him in the campaign I played in with @charlezarrd, only…*way* more, and it’s amazing.
Also BLeeM’gan is an insanely good GM, this probably doesn’t need saying given his reputation, but it bears mentioning anyways. He’s crafted an insanely deep world that’s immersive and feels alive in a way that is…not easily describable.
And also him as the Fox is the best. The Fox is my other favorite character. He’s so good.
(Also Will Gallows might be my new favorite criminal mastermind, TBQH)
Anyways yeah Worlds Beyond Number is great! The only reason I’m not fully caught up up yet is because Murder She Rolled is also great!
(TBQH I would love to see Alan Seawright and the e rest do the MSR crew get thrown at the WBN crew, because I think it would be total chaos in the best way)
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kdinjenzen · 2 years
kdin I know you're like chetney's #1 fan and also like laudna, but what are your thoughts on the rest of the bells hells + dorian?
Chetney is 100% my fav, and as much as I wanna say "BECAUSE HE'S A WEREWOLF", it was actually waaaaay before that when I was like "yeah, no, he's the fav for me."
I haven't seen the one-shot where he was originally introduced, so Campaign 3 was the first time I was introduced to him.
Travis just gets SO into it with Chet that it's way too fun to watch. Especially as a fellow voice actor, seeing Travis just maintain Chet's energy throughout the entire session - dropping it the least frequently of the cast - really is just something really fun to experience.
Plus Chet is just... he's a little WEIRDO but he's also super honest.
"YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW ME! I COULD BE ARMED TO THE TEETH!" "...are you armed to the teeth?" "Yes!"
First of all, hilarious and also like he's RIGHT they just kinda blindly trusted him for no reason and he's like "bruh, you guys gotta be more careful"
And also FORESHADOWING! He IS armed to the teeth... LITERALLY!
And then when his werewolf form gets revealed to the rest of the party he just:
I won't lie. There are some things that I haven't told you yet, but I'm trusting you more, and I have selfish desires. There are people that need to die, and things that need to be righted, but that's down the road.
And don't even get me STARTED on when Dorian asked if Chet had friends and he replied "I do now..."
These, the constant screaming of "BALLS!", and much more are why Chet has maintained being my fav since I first was introduced to him.
Laudna and FCG were my original two favs, and we are currently up to episode 36 (paused right at the ROLL FOR INITIATIVE part before bed last night) and I am ALL KINDS of not okay about SO MUCH.
As time has gone on, I got pretty attached to them all and my "order of favorites" has shifted around.
Chet is still #1 with Laudna being #2.
Orym (accompanied by the many heartfelt moments of his portrayal by Liam) have brought him up to tie with Laudna in the #2 slot.
FCG used to be my #3, but I feel like Fearne has swapped with him. So FCG is #4 and Fearne is #3.
Imogen is #5 on my list and is a great constant for the group. The thing I really appreciate about her, especially as someone who has followed Laura's career since I was a kid and took my very first VO class EVER with her when I was 14, is the fact that she's playing really close to her natural voice for this character which - honestly - I don't hear much in a lot of the stuff Laura is cast for. It's really nice!
I feel bad saying Ashton is my #6 on the list, he's a fun character, he's got a lot of stuff going on and he's super interesting and I love his agency but he's just not a character type I tend to enjoy much. That said, I appreciate him a lot.
Additional Temporary Party Members (That I've Met) Time!:
I MISS DORIAN SO MUCH HE WAS SO GREAT!!! I love that Orym and him are keeping in touch using the stones because those little messages give me LIFE!
And I really really REALLY loved Erika Ishii as Yu/Dusk. Like Erika RULES and they are legit one of my favorite people ever and I'm blessed to have been able to chat with them as many times as I have and their energy IN GENERAL is so fucking RAD and gets me hype - so Yu/Dusk will remain a favorite forever for these reasons and many many more.
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What dimension 20 content have you watched? Because you seemed to be familiar with Brennan as a DM watching exu but appear to be watching fantasy high for the first time now. Have you watched A Crown of Candy? That's my favourite Dimension 20 story
Yes! I loved A Crown of Candy!
So, my first D20 campaign was actually Misfits and Magic. Because it was the Summer of Aabria and I needed more GM Aabria in my life after EXU.
Then I watched The Seven, because Aabria again. Also Erika Ishii. Obviously. And that was my first introduction to Brennan outside of random clips I had seen! I knew who he was, because some of the people I follow watch D20 and I'd seen Matt talk about how great he was and my GM at my primary table went through all the D20 content after he binged Critical Role. But I was immediately pretty obsessed with the way he tells stories. And just his general enthusiasm and excitement.
At that point, I was like, okay, I love him. I knew that I would want to go through the whole D20 catalog eventually, but kept putting it off. Actual play stuff has a tendency to suck me in and I was already so invested in Critical Role and was having a hard time fully embracing other actual play content. Random, but at some point in here, I binged all of Game Changer because I saw that monologue of Brennan about the game being against him.
But then! I started playing at my second table. One of the other players suggested I watch ACOC because it was his favorite D&D and in an attempt to bond (a successful one!), I decided to watch it. And I watched it so fast. because it was so freaking good. And that was the first thing I watched with the Intrepid Hero folks in it.
After that, I was like, well now I'm in love with all of them and people have been telling me to watch Fantasy High for a minute, so I caved. (Also, I really want an excuse to watch The Seven again, so that's another thing.) It's been a slower watch, because I've been training someone new at work for the past few weeks, but I love this one, too! I am 100% planning to make my way through all the content!
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simplyirenic · 4 years
hi hello my friend made me watch escape from the bloodkeep and now I’m obsessed with dimension 20, what should I watch next?
YESSSSS HI HELLO i am so glad you enjoyed escape from the bloodkeep, welcome to d20 hell! i am going to use your ask as an excuse to dump this primer i’ve been working on for the last few weeks. sorry about that
There are two categories of D20 campaigns: main quests and side quests! Main quests are campaigns which feature the main cast (Zac Oyama, Emily Axford, Brian “Murph” Murphy, Lou Wilson, Ally Beardsley, and Siobhan Thompson) and side quests feature guest players (Matt Mercer, Erika Ishii, and some College Humor regulars in Escape from the Bloodkeep, the McElroys in Tiny Heist). Main quests are longer (17-20 2-hour episodes) and side quests are shorter (6 2-hour episodes). Depending on your level of time commitment, you may want to start with another side quest or just hop right into the main quests!
A good chunk of D20 can be found on their YouTube channel, but if you’re enjoying it I highly recommend subscribing to Dropout if you can afford it. It’s only $5 a month and you get so much good content for the price.
FANTASY HIGH D&D high school AU but, like, in a truly good ‘80s movie sort of way. A Breakfast-Club-esque assortment of freshmen is thrust into a massive conspiracy that threatens their world. Player characters include a preppy wizard elf with anxiety, a half-orc barbarian who was adopted by gnomes, and a Jesus Sol camp cleric who is about to run full force into a lesbian awakening. NPCs include a warlock greaser who isn't allowed to fuck and a truly incredible family of anarcho-socialist halflings. The confusingly labeled second season is called DIMENSION 20 LIVE, which takes place during the party's sophomore year. Also this is the season with two live episodes where Griffin McElroy plays a stoner druid and Brian David Gilbert plays a goliath theatre kid, so I feel like that's also very important to mention.
Also very important to mention: if you’ve watched the first episode and enjoy it but aren’t really feeling it yet, please watch until the end of Episode 2. This is a rite of passage for anyone who starts with Fantasy High. You gotta be Episode 2′ed.
You can watch the full first season of Fantasy High here. The liveshow with BDG can be found here; Griffin’s is on Dropout. The first four episodes of Sophomore Year are available here; the rest can be found on Dropout.
THE UNSLEEPING CITY Urban fantasy campaign set in New York City! This was the one I started with; I understand that as a NYC resident myself I am super biased, but I genuinely believe it’s the best campaign of the lot. A little more adult in tone than Fantasy High, but in a good way. Player characters include a Staten Island hairdresser drunken master monk, a perfect himbo firefighter paladin, and a literal rat who is also a druid. NPCs include the patron goddess of bodega cats and also Stephen Sondheim. Fantasy High is kind of the flagship campaign of D20 but Unsleeping City is hands down my personal favorite because everyone is just...enormous cynical disasters who don't form a found family immediately so much as dance around each other warily as they come together to fight capitalism, and that feels right for a New York campaign.
This is also the campaign for which a Dropout subscription is absolutely essential. The first eight episodes are on YouTube here, but the swearing is censored and IMHO a NYC campaign is absolutely not the same when you can’t hear the fuck word being yelled at full volume.
A CROWN OF CANDY Just complete as of yesterday!! Candyland setting where everyone is whimsical brightly colored food people, but with Game of Thrones level politics and murdering. It is very good but also very different in tone compared to TUC and FH (it’s a campaign with permadeath, no revives, and extremely limited heals), so I don’t generally recommend it as a starting point.
The first episode is available on YouTube here; the rest is on Dropout.
Side quests are probably not the best place to start if you want actual longform narratives because they're pretty short, but they might be good if you're short on time? I guess? I do love the main quest cast a whole lot so i'm biased sob
ESCAPE FROM THE BLOODKEEP  (You’ve watched this already but for the sake of completion:) Evil campaign where a dark lord's lieutenants have to try and figure out what to do after his unexpected defeat. Quickly devolves into a workplace comedy. Amazing and great if you're in the mood for a thinly veiled but masterfully done Lord of the Rings parody. Feat. Matt Mercer of Critical Role fame.
This side quest is available in full on YouTube here.
TINY HEIST The Borrowers meet Ocean’s Eleven, feat. the McElroys! Griffin and Justin especially are i n c r e d i b l e in this one (especially Justin as always). It's a ton of fun, the sets are incredible, and I watched all of it in a week despite (full disclosure) suffering from near-constant Travis fatigue, so you know it’s good.
The first episode of Tiny Heist is here on YouTube; the rest is on Dropout.
Hope that helps! If I absolutely had to pick a next season I would go with Unsleeping City, but again, I am deeply biased. Both Fantasy High and Unsleeping City are great starting points :V
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