#just incase anyone gets mad abt anything
olioli-oxenover · 1 year
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i like them a normal amount, he's my baby :))))))
WH is smt i ak OBSESSED with rn, brings lots of good vibes for me.
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💋🌹🔥🍊🍑😊📀🍐💧🌀💤🍇🍆🎀🌺 (sorry there are so many-) any oc you have on the mind/ want to talk abt!
dont be sorry this is amazing!!!!! lol the only bad part is having to copy and paste each line from the post bc tumblr mobile wont let me do it the easy way......
ill do this for sun since i like her and she deserves to be more fleshed out
put it under a cut bc its so long lmao
💋 How affectionate are they with their friends? Their family? Their romantic partner(s) (if they have any)? Are they more physical or emotional when it comes to displaying their affection? Why?
shed be pretty affectionate! more physically than emotionally, but theres definitely both. i feel like her friendships would be important to her especially bc shes been pretty lonely for a lot of her life (especially in unreality - after her first death shes almost entirely isolated from people, other than the occasional unreality traveler or anon). but shed probably refrain from being so affectionate incase shes annoying or something - she wouldnt want to ruin something so important to her or make anybody mad.
🌹 How easy is it for them to connect with others and make friends? On the flip side how easy is it for them to make an enemy of someone? Are they the kind of person who hangs around the food table at a party and never talks to anyone or are they the type who can talk to anyone?
im not really sure..... but she has made more enemies/negative relationships than positive. i dont even know if she actually has a more positive than neutral/negative relationship. im so sorry girl lmfao
shed be the kind of person to just hang around, not really sure what to do/say. theres so many people... but shed probably try to start a conversation or something. in the past (like as a kid or teen) shed be totally up to talk to people. she does want to make friends but she saw the horrors so its a little hard
🔥 Give us a list of general likes and dislikes, such as colours, textures, music, weather and other stuff!
colors - likes warm/bright colors! dark colors arent really her thing though
textures - smooth and cool stuff is soooo nice. also fluffy things like teddy bears (happy teddy bear [the abno] enjoyer)! shed hate those like velvety textures. like fake velvet clothes or something?
music - she listens to vocaloid bc shes based and just like me fr. im never typing that out again
weather - likes quiter weather. more dangerous weather just scares her lmao
other - robot hater. finds the sephirot kinda fascinating but doesnt trust them at all, even if they were human before
🍊 What is your OC’s favourite meal? Snack? Dessert? Drink? Any reasons behind this besides liking how it tastes?
homecooked stuff is always the best.. i dont think shed really mind what. its kinda hard to get specific stuff lol, but she would like saviry food over sweet stuff. she gets a liking for tea over time as a manager - as her first part of unreality hell, she mostly only gets tea lol. good thing shes immortal
What is your OC’s most hated food? Stuff they can’t stand to eat or drink?
i think shed like fruit but if theyre too different shed hate eating it. anything too sour just isnt her thing at all
🍑 Where is your OC’s favourite place to relax or calm down? Recount a story of their time spent in this place! What makes it so special to them?
librariessss. i think shed always go reading books as a kid out of curiosity. shed play coolmathgames on the computers. libraries are generally just a nice, safe place to be. especially since she spent a lot of time there as a kid, she remembers it fondly :)
Is there anywhere your OC hates to go to? Anywhere that stresses them out or have negative memories of?
unreality is a 50/50 'safe but on guard'/'GET ME OUT OF HERE'. she knows shes safe but is it where literally 99% of her trauma takes place lol. unreality is also hostile to people/life, but give it enough of yourself and it wont hurt you.
she has a lot of negative memories of it, with lots of deaths in many different places. shed be wary of like anywhere she goes, knowing anything could hurt her. she is very aware that shes weak, so she tries to compensate with vigilance, knowing when to run
😊 What can make your OC smile even when they’re feeling down? What cheers them up and makes everything feel better for them? Is your OC genrally a happy person and do they enjoy making others smile? What about your OC makes others happy?
animals. give her a cute cat or duck video she will go 'awwwwwweeeee!!!!!'. even as an arbiter she still likes animals. the only good things in the world (also very cute)
shes generally positive, trying to see the best in things, but as an arbiter she starts seeing things more negatively. she likes to make people happy and be a sort of light in the world.... but doesnt really care as an arbiter, kind of resigning herself, saying shes only a tiny part of the world and that shed make no true difference (also being an arbiter and fucking with people is fun). kind of edgy but like. after unreality hell itd make sense okay lmao
however like i said shed never hurt an animal. completely reverts into a positive mindset around a kitty cat
📀 How easy is it to shock your OC? To confuse them? To lie to them, to manipulate them? How are they with feelings of trust? Can your OC be trusted?
its easy to shock her. easily spooked no matter what lol. shes not very easily confused, though, and likes to think things through. lying to and manipulating her are harder, especially in the future/as an arbiter, bc she has like no trust for anyone. she trusts people to do their jobs and such but worries when it comes to relationships/personal things. shed like to think shes trustworthy! she can be trusted, but as time goes on she gets less and less trustworthy.
🍐 What is your OC’s mentality? Are they overall positive? Negative? A bit of both? Describe their thought patterns and reasoning behind their choice making!
like i said, overall positive. she tries to see the best in things and make good out of a situation, empowering herself to get through it.
she just doesnt trust the sephirah much at all so she takes what they say negatively, and tends to not really argue with people who talk badly about her, like "they have a point tbh". she doesnt want to be egocentric or only see herself positively. she tries to make choices that help everyone (and sometimes to gain peoples trust/prove shes a good person).
💧 What is the earliest memory your OC can recall? Do they know what their first words were or remember where they took their first steps? Do they have any mementos of their childhood they’ve kept such as a stuffed toy or tiny baby clothes?
idk what her earliest memory would be tbh.. but she has a good memory. she took her first steps at her own house (technically her parents but still lol). and her parents were SO proud and they recorded it and everything. she couldnt keep anything since she got put into a whole new dimension while at work so. kinda hard to keep anything
edit from another question: EXCEPT her little hairband with the red things (gems? dots? idk what theyre called....)
🌀 Where is your OC from? Where were they born? Do they still live there, if not why did they move? If they still live in the area how has it changed since their childhood? How many places has your OC lived in and where has been their favourite?
she was born in the nest, living a pretty good life there! youll never guess why she doesnt live there anymore. she hasnt moved much, but she did actually move a bit away to work at l corp. the nest is still her favorite place, its just normal place for once.
💤 What was your OC like as a baby, a child and as a teen? (if your OC is a teen or a child, what will they be like as an adult?). How have they changed since then? What lessons have they learned and what things about their youth do they miss the most? Do they have any general regrets?
sun was such a happy baby. full of childlike wonder (amplified by being a child). she was a nice kid, but was also super curious and unafraid to be a menace. she only loses this partially as a teen. she had good parents so she basically learned to be a good person and stuff (pretend i know this part thanks). she kinda just misses her youth generally, especially just being innocent/not knowing things. she regrets not spending more time with her parents.
🍇 Day or Night? Sun or Rain? Summer or Winter?
day, sun, winter. the day is just pretty tbh, sun > rain, and winter is super chill. you can make snowmen and snow angels and have hot chocolate. its awesome
🍆 Tea or Coffee or Hot Chocolate? Sweet or Spicy? Fruits or Vegetables?
hot chocolate/tea (but shes okay with coffee. not preferred though), spicy, fruits! shed be interested in trying spicy stuff tbh. and fruits are nice and sweet
🎀 Do they wear a specific accessory with a special meaning behind it? What is their usual fashion sense like? What do they wear when they want to be comfortable and what do they wear when they’re going to a fancy party? Or do they just not care?
her hairband is from her parents! it reminds her of them and makes her happy :)
she has a pretty good fashion sense, and likes wearing popular stuff, but sorta puts it off as a manager. she wouldnt care much about what to wear is she just wants to be comfy. for a party, shell put effort into dressing nicely though and wear a dress.
🌺 Does your OC have any tattoos or other body art? Does their body art have any specific meaning behind it? Do they have any scars? How did they get those scars? Any birthmarks?
the endddddd! yay
she has an X tattoo on the backside of each palm, and an X scar over her eye. these dont really have a canon meaning yet, theyre kinda just there bc shes the manager lol. though i do think the managers from her like. 'line' of managers all have X scars of their own. as for birthmarks, im not really sure, so no rn.
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finelinevogue · 3 years
We need more Bella and Megan content!!! Insta posts were so cuutee!!! Maybe a blurb abt the relationship between Megan and the family?? It could be interesting… I imagine then being a very open and close knit family u know, where they can talk freely about anything,and yes including sex, and I think it could be interesting to see how maybe bella needs some advice/want to talk to someone about being intimate w her gf and doesn’t know how to bring that up to her family bc she is embarrassed and doesn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable?? I’ve never read a doc like this, or where one of the kid is not straight (only w/ Harry or the reader being bi) and yeah it should be written abt more.
megan and belle are sooo cute yes! ok let’s see where this goes!! hope you have fun reading;
belle - 18
“Will you stop faffing, you look beautiful honey.”
You slapped Belle’s hands from playing with her outfit again. Tonight you and Harry were properly meeting Megan for the first time, by taking them out for a meal at this new Thai restaurant down the road. Belle had been worrying all evening as she was getting ready, coming downstairs multiple times to show off outfits to you so you could give them your honest opinion. It didn’t help her when you said she looked beautiful in all of them. Belle wasn’t into playing “girly” dress-up, but she thought that putting effort in for her girlfriend, tonight, might be a good idea. So she’d finally decided on some denim jeans, a basic top and then one of Harry’s old blazers. She looked amazing.
“Just so nervous.”
“Why? You like them, right?” You asked, adding on a bit of lipstick, whilst you were sat at the table of this fancy restaurant.
“Yeah. Like really like them.” Belle emphasised, shrugging off the blazer as she was becoming too hot with nerves.
“Well then we’ll really like them too. We trust you.” Harry butted in, sitting as close to you as he could whilst sat in these chairs. Before you’d managed to sit down at the table he’d moved your chair along to be closer to his, meaning he could slink his arm around the back of your chair and have his hand in your lap if he wanted to. Even after all these years he still knew how to make you feel especially loved.
Belle’s phone pinged and it made her freak. “Oh god, it’s Meg. They’re here.”
“Okay, B. Calm down and go and get them from outside, we’ll just order some wine or something.” You ordered her softly, trying to put your daughter more at ease. She was more nervous than you imagine Megan would be.
Your daughter stood up from the table, both you and Harry smiling at her. “Okay.” She pushed her chair in behind her and about to walk off, but she quickly turned back to you both, “Remember; Megan Dover, they/them pronouns and don’t mention anything about astrology otherwise we will be dead before we leave this table,okay?”
You both chuckled at her, loving how she was so aware of her girlfriend and the things that were important to them. “Okay love. Now stop fussing and go.” Harry shooed his hand and his daughter away from the table. She turned back around to flash you two thumbs up and you both smiled at her, watching your all-grown-up baby walk away.
“We’ve done well Styles.” You turned to face him, to find he was already admiring you, thinking about the wonder life you’d both created and the wonderful children that had been a product of it.
“Was just thinking the same thing, m’heart.” He smiled and leaned in to kiss you, pressing his lips onto your lipstick-stained ones. He didn’t care if his lips became painted a different colour because of it, he would never miss the opportunity to give his beautiful wife a deserving kiss. He loved you too damn much.
You cupped his chin and he tightened his arm around you, that had been slunk around the back of your chair. He squeezed your thigh three times in signal for saying ‘I love you’ without any words needing to be spoke. You tapped his chin three times in return. Everyone always hated how loved up you two were, but really you just think they’re jealous of how perfect your relationship is. Sure you have your ups and downs, but isn’t that what makes it so perfect? You pulled away and looked into his dreamy eyes, kissing him once more for good luck, before returning your attention to your glass of water for a drink.
“Thirsty?” He asked you, keeping you close.
“Mhm. All that talking I was doing this afternoon on the phone to that bloody insurance company.”
“You did give them a piece of y’mind though, love. You were a lot more civil than I would’ve been.” Harry chuckled, waving his hand to catch one of the waiters attention.
“Seriously though? Nearly charged us an extra £1,000 for a service charge. Bloody fuckers.” You sighed and put your water back on the table after taking a lengthy sip.
“£1,000 isn’t really that mu—” He didn’t finish his sentence though because he caught sight of your stern face and knew exactly what you were thinking. You hated when he talked about money as if it wasn’t a problem, because you didn’t want your kids to grow up with that ideology. “You know what? They’re bastards and i’m proud of you for handling them so well.” He kissed you again and then the waited came over, stopping you from having a go at him for being cheeky. You pinched his leg in respond and he caught your hand, holding it tightly in his as if a warning for you to stop.
“Evening Sir. How can I help?” He asked politely, his serving towel draped over his forearm.
“A bottle of y’cheapest red wine please.”
“Certainly Sir.” And the waited was gone.
“Cheapest?” You asked confused, making Harry turn back towards you.
“Well it’d be a bit hypocritical of us to ask for our favourite bottle of wine, which is £1,000 darling, now wouldn’t it?” He smirked at you, knowing he’d played you just perfectly.
“Such a git.” You scoffed in pretend offence and then kissed him again too make sure that he knew you weren’t mad.
You both sat back and looked in the direction which now you could see Belle walking back over to you from where she’s gone to fetch Megan. Belle was guiding them book, Megan following closely behind her, and they were holding hands. They looked completely adorable and you wanted to just rush your camera out and snap loads of photos of them to remember this moment. Yes, you were that mum who takes a photo of everything and anything when it came to your children. You even had an album on your phone dedicated to your children’s haircuts… You leg started to shake nervously in anticipation.
“Calm down you!” Harry laughed quietly, just incase the two girls could hear you. Harry stood up out of his chair first and held out his hand for you to follow. He made sure your chair didn’t tip back as you stood and kept ahold of your hand as they approached you both.
You caught Belle’s eye and you could how happy she was from the twinkle within.
“Mum, Dad, this is Megan,” Belle introduces you all, Megan still stood slightly behind her, “Meg, this is my mum, Y/N and my dad, Harry.”
Harry was the first one to cross his hand over the table. “Lovely to meet you Megan.”
“And you Mr Styles, but please just call me Meg.” They shook hands together and Harry smiled at them warmly, wanting to make her feel as part of the family as possible. He was good at that.
“Well then then you, please, call me Harry. Makes me feel old otherwise.” His joke made the table laugh and ease any nervousness that had been there before.
“That’s because you are old, dad.” Belle added cheekily.
“Oi watch it you. Don’t think I won’t embarrass you in front of your girlfriend.” He raised his eyebrows teasingly and pointed sternly at his daughter, who did pack quite the punch with her snarky responses sometimes.
“I’m counting on it Harry.” Megan laughed, which made everyone chuckle again. Megan was such an easy girl to get along with and it was clear that they made Belle a very happy person, for that you indebted to them.
“And nice to see you Meg.” You shook your hands with Megan as Harry and Belle continued to banter over the table. You were sat opposite Megan, Harry next to you and Belle diagonally opposite you. You and Megan both sat down before Harry and Belle did.
“Likewise Mrs Styles,” you gave them a look which had them chuckling as they corrected themselves, “Y/N, sorry! Are they usually like this?” They asked you, watching Belle and Harry talk about some absolute rubbish.
“Oh don’t even start! They wind each other up all the time. Drive me up the bloody wall they do!” You laughed and you felt calmer when Megan laughed too. “Wine?” You offered them, having had the bottle delivered whilst you were all being introduced to each other.
“Yes please.” They smiled and held out the glass to help you pour. You poured them a generous glass and then followed by pouring yourself one too.
You weren’t blinded by the beauty of Megan. They had strong-loving brown eyes and blonde hair that seemed to be toned down with brunette roots. They had a simple face with perfectly plucked eyebrows and a fiercely sharp jawline. They were just very naturally pretty, that you could tell. They were wearing similar to Belle actually, which made you think they’d coordinated their outfits - your inner mum was freaking out over the soft thought. You and Harry often liked to coordinate outfits too, like tonight - both of you were wearing navy blue.
“You want wine B?” Meg asked Belle, breaking her away from the pointless conversation with her dad.
“What? Oh, yes, yes please.” Belle responded, shifting closer towards Meg and holding their hand again. They kept their public displays of affection to themselves, a bit like you and Harry had originally been. You filled up your daughters glass, but passed on filling up Harrys glass because he was driving home tonight.
“So what do you plan on studying at university Meg?” You started the conversation with the easiest question you could.
“Marine Biology.” They answered and you could tell they were clearly excited by the tone of happiness in their voice. You didn’t miss the squeeze of pride that Belle gave them either.
“That sounds good! Where abouts are you going to study?”
“Newcastle, actually.” Meg went quiet and you understood why, because Belle was going to the exact same university to study Engineering.
“Oh really?” Harry asked, pretending to be surprised but it definitely came through sarcastically - this earned him a kick under the table from his daughter.
“Oh shut up!” Belle rolled her eyes and Meg smiled at her playfulness with her family, it made them really happy that their girlfriend had such a loving and special family.
You were so not ready to send off your daughter to university, because she was your final baby to leave the safe nest of the Styles home and it was just going to be you and Harry left. You were excited for the time you’d have with him, but you were sad to see you final child leave you. You were even more excited for Belle to be going out and adventuring the world as she wanted to. She was going to do great things and you couldn’t be prouder of her. It eased you to know that at least Meg would be their with her - almost like a home away from home.
“You have any brothers or sisters Meg?” You asked.
“I have a younger sister, but she’s evil.” Meg laughed, before taking a sip of their wine.
“Evil how? ‘Cause my children are the exact same.” Harry spoke sincerely as if one of his children weren’t sat directly in front of him. It earned him another kick to his legs from his daughter. “See? Evil.” Everyone laughed, Belle just sulked.
“Well Ivy just terrorises everyone and anyone. She’s just evil.”
“Belle ain’t much better i’m afraid.”
“Dad! Meg is going to leave me if you keep painting me out to be an arsehole.” Belle rolled her eyes, but was brought out of her strop by Megan who brought her hand up to press their lips on her skin.
“Can’t chase me away that easily Belle.”
And it was that moment that you knew that Belle had found a forever partner in Megan, just as you had found in Harry.
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Sanders sides mimecraft/YouTuber au
Some basic info is missing but they all have roughly the same age/subscribers and stuff
Collects EVERY animal and names them all . 'Teams up' with people a lot. Mainly makes funny and casual irl games and vlogs.  He can only really play mc well and never uses cheats  ("not the honest or hardworking thing to do!")  Always has a MASSIVE Base (mainly houses for his animals and farms so he can feed them all)  either dies every five minutes or never dies there's no in-between  (the more upset he is the more he dies normally)  has a new hair colour every month (definitely virgil's doing)  has a subscriber farm/ garden  and puts atleast 2 people in it each episode
Swears like sailor   when playing so he has really edited and almost never livestreams  when playing minecraft he does do lots of qna/ irl games on livestreams and sometimes convinces one of the others to join. Has a "not PG" playlist of collabs where he has a few swears and dirty jokes (normally from the others). Travels a lot and always has a bag of sweets (vegan and everything free so anyone can eat them)  incase he meets any fans when out.  Has and will spend hours collecting things for his friends if he hears them complain about how they can't find any insert item here or need a certain amount of it but can't get it.  He has a "drop off hut" at their spawn where everyone but him has a chest and he'll leave whatever they need  for them to pick up and occasionally he'll leave sweet notes in them too if he knows they're having a bad day.  Doesn't make serious videos often but will always speak out on other social media about current events (blm, lgbt shiz etc) and give his support and thoughts on it there are some issues he doesn't talk about for personal reasons tho.
Basic info... 22..... vvv gay.......  totally not crushing on remus..... trans dude.....  about 3/4 mil followers.
Has a good sized Base and is focused on efficency and survival. Almost always streaming or filming. Has 2 pets à series (max.)  And the rest if the farm animals are definitely not pets (most have names and he refuses to kill them). Is practically a god by episode 5 so most of  the time he does stupid challenges and makes shops and trades/ helps  the others.  He only ever blogs for events (vidcon/comicon)  most of the time his camera is stolen by either remus, patton or Roman and they'll make sure to get all the funny and embarrassing moments on film.  Logan always réalisés two videos for each event eg :  video one: "Vidcon 2020 day 2"   video two: " Vidcon 2020 day 2 patton's  cut" (where all the shenanigans and  weird shit is posted).
He's always a sarcastic mum (so normal )  and loves to watch the playful banter and whenever any of the viewers see it he'll be spammed with edits and art for the next month or two. Of course he goes through everything he's tagged in and makes sure to like and comment. Because it's logan everyone still simps for  him and he posts photos a lot  and lots of group photos from when they all meet up and shiz  and most of the comments are people drooling over him.
Has a playlist of info videos where he talks about social justice stuff and is super supportive and informative about it and almost always gets someone he knows and is affected by it to talk to and make sure he's doing it the right way and he has all kinds of channels linked that talk about it all in more depth and always links petitions and places to learn and donate.
Basic info:  24... gay ..... abt 3/4 million subscribers... in a relationship with virgil  but only the group know about it.
Roman asks his subscribers every series for a theme (pirates, Princes,  mediaval, fairies etc) each series which he has to stick to
Always over the top and dramatic
Livestrwams once a week (mainly mining) and he has a few hours where he'll do song requests and they call it radio time and occasionally he'll get his bf or whoever's home to do lives with him and they'll do qnas and shiz abd sometimes do mini versions of tags abd shiz
Merch galore he has merch for every series (they're vvv long) tries to get fans to design them and uses underground artists
So many collabs
Lots of people think he has tattoos he sometimes tries to cover when really it's doodles that were done in sharpie and still haven't come off.
Shipped with EVERYONE and often has to make posts saying "I love y'alls creativity but all my friends are in relationships and please do not ship us because it makes it very uncomfortable and awkward."
Makes  so many vlogs and is always doing something new and interesting.
Has the most extra and intricate bases and all kinds of weird pets and he changes his skin for each series.
No one remembers adding him to the servers or anything but he's just there.
Normally shares a base with patton or is super close to it and basically has a house with a lava moat and a basement abd that's it. So many swears and dirty jokes.  Lots of random short vlogs that he has in a playlist that's called 'why I love these dumbasses'. Constantly flirts with patton and when they start dating publicly they do all kinds of tags and have a mc world together where everyone thinks they'll be sweet and wholesome but most of it is them killing eachother for the fun of it which everyone is mad for.
Remus always challenges patton to find a super rare pet (jokes on you remus patton has every pet in the game by episode 5)  for filler videos where they don't know what to do. Remus does lots of trolling and making traps/ death houses videos and mainly plays on servers or plays other games (mainly horror). Always ends up pissing someone on the server off and starting a war (they all know it's all in good fun) and spends wayyyyy too long working on different pranks for different people (He once made logan's house neon pink by hand)
Janus is pretty normal and will play with mods so he can get reptiles as pets. Is barely ever on servers and will barely play on them if he's part of one. He does lots of one off challenges / games with the others. Doesn't post anything but gaming vids and only ever does voice-over and no cam for a long time and is shipped  with everyone  he had every social media but only posts about upcoming videos and events. Lowest subs of the group as he doesn't do it for the income (unlike most of the others)  and just does it because the others convinced him. He keeps his home life secret until he accidentally turned up in the background of one of Remy's videos and everyone went mad with theories and he came out and explained it all so after tgat he occasionally posts vlogs for big events but that's it. He lives with emile and remy in a 2 bed apartment (they were previously roomates) and has his own room which is really an office with a spare bed in it.
Virgil :
Mainly does series on his own or speed running /parkour.  He's weirdly good at building so he has a series where he builds houses for his friends. He does a mixture of  art and gaming videos when he does collab with the others it's always one off games against eachother (bedwars parkour etc)  he almost always wins (his only real competiton is logan) and stays silent most the time   and only really throws around insults.
Remy (+emile)
Lifestyle  and challenge blogs doesn't game but he has tried a few times on janus' channel (so has emile)  he has a playlist  of mental health videos made by emile (He's still a therapist but he wanted a way to help people further so he does these with remy)  and occasionally does makeup / fashion videos and is a super super popular channel so his bfs  (janus and emile) don't really need to work but they like to contribute.
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