#just johavi LOL
crystallizedkingdoms · 6 months
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TWO DAYS until Johann Appreciation Week starts! AND the FINAL countdown post! That’s right, we’ve made it to the showcase of all the seventh fics of the years before. Thank you so much to all who counted down with me! See you soon ;) 1 2 3 4 5 6
2021 - Prompt: Legacy (M/M, Teen, 1.9K)
Johann bargains with the Raven Queen. Surely, a legacy is worth more than this ending.
2022 - Prompt: Francis Forever/Two Slow Dancers by Mitski (M/M, Teen, 2.4K)
A continuation of the 5th fic of 2021. After Johann’s giftgiving is thwarted, he has a hard time keeping it together.
2023 - Prompt: Coda (M/M, Teen, 2.7K)
After Magnus’s death, Avi just wants him and Johann to sleep in each other’s arms. But fate and work tug its strings on Johann’s soul.
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saveyourheart13 · 7 years
idk what all you like but I'd love to hear some of these for Johan :D
Ohh there are many things that I like, but I will gladly talk about this lovely bard!
Give me a character, and I will answer:
Why I like them: you know, it’s kinda because he’s fairlymelancholy about things? It’s a really interesting contrast to most of theother characters in TAZ (at the same time it pulls at my heartstrings because my boy). But also he’s got that sarcasm and sorta dry humor, and he’s verytalented and I’m proud of him???
Why I don’t: shh no he’s my good bard boy
Favorite episode: Lunar Interlude II (Episode 28)because THAT DUET
Favorite season/movie: all of it no, uh, I mean he’s not aroundmuch so? Just whenever he’s there lol
Favorite line: “You’re going to have to fight, and… YOU’RE GONNAWIN!” because hey thanks my dude for supporting everyone even though you’refucking dead
Favorite outfit: uhhhhh
OTP: Johavi (hello, yes, I ship it)
Brotp: Johann and the Voidfish? That sounds weird but lol
Headcanon: it came from a sorta-AU someone made ((I can’t rememberwho off the top of my head, but whoever you are, bless your existence andcreating that AU)), but that he also gets recruited by the Raven Queen tobecome a reaper after he dies and things go back to normal?
Unpopular opinion: I genuinely don’t know if I have one? Uh
A wish: well it would have been that he didn’t die, but
An ‘oh-god-please-don’t-ever-happen’: I MEAN HE’S ALREADY DEAD, SO
Five words to best describe them: bard, talented, melancholy,nerd, remembered (heyooo)
My nickname for them: Bard Boy, and variations of that lol
Thank you so much for the ask, friend! Always glad to talk about this lovely character who I am absolutely not biased about, not at all ahahaha
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cherryvales · 7 years
Do you think when Avi and Johan say they’re going on dates, they’re really just getting drunk and going stargazing in the middle of the Bureau’s quad?
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crystallizedkingdoms · 5 months
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isn’t it fucking insane how johavi was literally confirmed in the crystal kingdom graphic novel and everyone just ignored it????
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Also 10 12 13 and 18 for the writing asks 💖
10. Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
GOD yes I am haunted by So Many pieces of writings. I define being haunted by a writing by how it affects the way I see things, whether it be certain objects (i.e i think of melodía when i go up long flights of stairs lol) or even general concepts in life and shit. i also define it by how I see those writings affect my own writing.
and yeah… my own writings haunt me. quite literally on the case of the ghost au LMAO
12. If a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be? Btw if you wish for more wishes the genie turns all your current WIPs into Lorem Ipsum, I don’t make the rules
I’d wish for the ability to make and keep to a schedule, to finish WIPs, and never run into writer’s block ever ever again.
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy?
It’s very difficult for me to write about things being stolen from a character. not necessarily in a material way, more in a “this character has worked hard to achieve this one thing, and then gets it, but only then is it stolen away.” I find it easier to write “this character has worked hard to get this, and has failed multiple times to do it correctly, but has finally got it” or even “this character has worked hard to get this, but before they can get it, it is taken away for good.” there’s a distinction there that means a whole world of difference to me tbh
I’ll do question 18 under the cut cuz knowing me I’m gonna take a while LMAO
writer ask game
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. Spicy addition: Questioner provides the passage.
"The two felt it before they even saw it. Instantaneous and gentle, the feeling of hands— real, tangible-like hands— clasping around his gloved ones almost made Avi’s knees go out and send him stumbling into the snow. His entire body flushed with heat, his scarred arm even more so, but he couldn’t care less. All Avi cared about was the feeling of Johann’s hands around his being cradled with a weight that held life in them.
“Are we— Avi, can you, can you—”
“Gods, yes, Johann. I can… I can feel you,” Avi laughed, relief dripping through every word. “Johann, we’re… you’re holding my hand! We’re holding hands, Johann!!”"
GOD GUYS. you don’t understand how important this specific passage means to me. I came up with this scene after I was debating which of two tiny johavi 2019 inktober drabbles i had written i wanted to become longfics.
originally, Johann’s whole thing was being Extremely Cold instead of being Extremely Hot. but in the midst of thinking about this specific scenario, I was like “hm… but wouldn’t it make more sense if Johann was hot? to contrast the february winter but also his whole died-in-a-fire shtick?” and I just kept thinking about how to make this one scene fit better, to make the impact of them holding each other so much stronger, that I started to think “how did they get here? I want to see how they got to this point.”
eventually, after a few other factors as well, this scene spurred on me writing the ghost au as I know it today. it’s a little different than I originally thought of it. the biggest difference other than the temperature is that Johann was originally gonna touch Avi’s skin, and that this would make Avi incredibly happy but also very sick afterwards. but it wouldn’t have mattered to Avi because wow, this was what he has wanted for so long! who cares if it had terrible effects on him?
obviously that’s not a part of that specific scene anymore, but it did set in stone Avi’s very… devoted affection towards Johann in my brain rather early. so yeah, very wonderful scene :]
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