#just keep it sfw lol
Stardew Valley Crack-Ship Poll Winner!
Hello, one and all! I made a very silly little poll to see which random pairing using SDV characters you would like to be canon the most. And with a whopping 41.5% (nearly half!), the winner was clear. It's...
...Willy x Wizard!
The second most popular result was "OP what are you on/results" (fair, by the way) with 24.8%, followed by Pam x Gunther with 11.5% in third place (or second place if you count only pairings). In fourth (or third?) place was Clint x Morris with 8.1%. Following that was Alex x Emily with 5.6%. Not one I was expecting, considering Alex was the least popular bachelor in a recent poll. But then again, it was the only pairing with two eligible marriage candidates.
In second last place was Pierre x Harvey, with only 4.7%. Not far off Alex x Emily, though! And finally, in last place with only a measly 3.8%, was Shane x Gus. Honestly, I expected it to be low. Though, I was expecting Clint x Morris to be in last place since both are unpopular characters. But I suppose it must be like math, where two negatives make a positive, perhaps.
Anyways, I'm deciding to keep my word and write something on the winning pairing. What I will write I have no idea, but it'll have to be something. Please leave something in the comments/tags if you have any idea on what I can write. It won't come out for a while (especially considering I have no idea what to do), but it'll be there soon enough. Have patience!
Here is the poll link in case you want it.
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merakiui · 9 months
omg, dacryphillia with Azul like mentioned in your last post please, please, please, I need it-
>:) imagine wringing so many orgasms out of him that he can't cum anymore and he's sobbing because he's so exhausted and overstimulated, tears streaking down his cheeks in fat, salty globs. His makeup is an absolute mess, all smeared and smudged, and there's ink dribbling from his lips because at some point you made him ink with your ministrations. <3 you're telling him he can cum one more time, right? He's a good boy, right? He's your perfect, pretty, crybaby Azul, right? Just once more and then you'll kiss his tears away and let him fuck you if he's still feeling it.
Azul is so convinced he's an ugly crier because he hiccups and heaves and gets so snotty and whines and whimpers like the world is ending, so he always tries to avoid breaking down in his daily life no matter how tough things get. But then you get your hands on him and he's reduced to a squishy, crybaby octopus and he hates it because he doesn't want to be that, but you're mixing sweetness in with the bitter and it feels good. Yes, he's a crybaby, but he's your crybaby. Your cute, handsome, lovely crybaby octopus who's cumming dry and drooling ink and saliva; and his eyes keep rolling back up into his head and he's arching his back on the mattress, his fingers curling into the sheets. You send him to heaven every time you do this, and he's so addicted to you and your voice and the feeling of your hands and mouth wrapped around his poor weeping cock. :(
You take everything he's worked so hard to become: the untouchable, charismatic, silver-tongued businessman; and you reduce him to something pathetic and weak and blubbery with just a few skillful touches and kisses. But, oddly enough, he doesn't mind it. Because when he gets like this, you still love him and you always shower him with affection before, during, and after. He's so hooked on all of these feelings you give him, and the feeling of your tongue lapping up his tears is a heady ecstasy he's fallen for.
If you ever leave him, he'll cry an ocean and then you'll really have no choice but to drown in him.
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s1mpactafterhours · 2 years
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Sure... let's just pretend that's what you actually meant 👀
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solarpawbs · 2 months
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split raoule in half oh no!!!
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Squishable little weirdo
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Dw she's not in danger, she's just afraid of basically everything.
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kubfoo · 2 months
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design for Artemis, an NPC for a ttrpg i've been designing :D i've posted a blog about it to my patreon if you wanna check that out
Patreon | Ko-fi | Commissions | Shop
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brisskwinds · 6 months
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2024/yearly updated fursona ref... Been working on this on and off btwn owed stuff for a while!! she's real (again)
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ultra-phthalo · 1 month
Act 3 Shockwave moment I've just written
…Shockwave, already struggling to hold up the kicking wild seeker, decides to body slam the problem seeker. Pinning them against the ground. Shockwave pointed his blaster into its face hoping to threaten it. But instead of submitting to the threat of being shot. The mute seeker bit down on the lower rim of his blaster's barrel. Virtually shoving its face into the gun's muzzle.
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[Low quality jpeg Shockwave reaction.]
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shieldedreams · 1 year
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*your honor, yes*
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jichanxo · 21 days
and now i can ask about the difference between animation and writing for you :D aside the obvious things, and since it's a sequence of events/actions/a story and going back to senseific: are there any parts there that you feel you'd have an easier time drawing/animating vs expressing it with words? and is there anything particular you were/are tempted to visualise in an artform (but haven't)?
more long answers below!
animation is certainly a special medium because you not only have way more control over how your audience experiences it (audio, pacing, etc) but you have to pay the cost of it being way more time and effort. so the most distinctive part of making my last project was that i had to stretch my resources as hard as i could. in other words, you can do a lot more! (/pos) but oh god, you HAVE TO DO A LOT MORE (/neg).
you kind of have to compromise somewhere -- your time, the quality of your work, your vision, your motivation. i know i'm inexperienced and that my motivation would give out, so my plan had to be practical. 30 seconds is a long span of time to fill.
i used colour to set the mood -- quick and low effort i used only lines, didn't colour anything in -- saving me time the movement is minimal -- i knew i couldn't do a lot at once, so i had to focus my efforts --
the shot of the eyes moving and of the kiss have the most movement, but are also the most sparse shots, allowing me to focus on getting the movement of this one thing right, without distraction
i create interest in other sections through contrasting shots, rather than using movement -- kuwana and yagami in bed together, then him alone -- the meaning is conveyed through the sequence, rather than any movement, and the music helps make the progression feel natural. following the beat, yknow
i also had to accept that the quality of my work was going to vary, and some of the illustrations would look good and others would just have to be serviceable, or it would never get done
and of course, my own experience -- i know the basics of csp's animation tools, but i don't know enough to make my life easy, you know? i was fighting the program, doing things inefficiently.
i had to think about how i was organising my layers/folders, i had to grab the audio and trim it and make sure it sounded right and... blah blah blah. you see what i mean, right? the format itself has so much potential, being able to create meaning through movement and contrasting shots and audio is great, but it's so strenuous (and i am not used to it) (not to gloat about how wow i did this and it was soooooo hard, nah, but this is what it was like for me at the novice level so like. for more involved work, just imagine... just imagine...) (or better yet, imagine with an example. you'd probably get more interesting answers about animation from @/phantasy14 than me)
by contrast, one of the best things about writing is that, at its core, you can just... open a document and type. not to downplay the effort that writers take, and yeah part of it is that my fanfic writing is Not That Complicated, but in the end... words are free, you know? i don't have to worry about straining my wrist, or if this would look better with an extra frame here or over here, what function i should be using in my program... i can kind of just get to the heart of the matter. i guess i kind of said something similar in the last post as well -- that writing makes it easier to dig into details and context, and the same applies here. since Words Are Free, you can really dig into the meat as much as you'd like. in a process like animation, any decision could add hours or days to your workload, so you have to be absolutely certain that the decision is worth it. this conflict between the artist's idea and the effort is a very defining difference in the mediums, i think.
so, aside from Fighting The Art Process, i suppose i should talk about why this idea ended up being an animatic instead of say, writing. first of all, the song, ofc -- it was the whole inspo, and it's nice to work with it directly. secondly, i think, is because i was trying to convey an emotion more than anything. this is where that ambiguity/detail difference between mediums comes in. i'm portraying yagami missing kuwana, and just that alone. i'm not trying to explain what he's thinking specifically, or why, or even the exact nature of their relationship before all this. what i'm conveying is i miss you. and the most direct, most blunt way to express this is to contrast being together with being apart. to fixate on the features of the other person so to depict a yearning for them. the ending contrasts a remembered(/imagined? you decide) smiling kuwana against kuwana walking away, of him leaving.
you were here (smiling, with me) + you left = i miss you
it just makes sense. writing this would have necessitated detail, would have necessitated more context, and muddied the feeling which is conveyed so concisely through the video instead. look at how i've written yagami missing kuwana so many goddamn times. it takes so many more words, it forces you to hold onto something more concrete like thoughts and events in order to convey the emotion, instead of depicting it on its own. so yeah, the ambiguity of illustration combined with the contrast achieved via sequence, these were necessary to convey this feeling as directly as possible. i also just think it feels more elegant. there's room for the audience to breathe and really feel the difference between kuwana being there and kuwana being gone. the imagery is blunt but the feeling itself surprisingly isn't... at least imo. it just wouldn't feel the same written, would it? i hope that answers your question.
anyway onto the next part... senseific <3
it's good that you named that as a specific example because i never thought about it, but now that you mention it there are absolutely some parts i would probably have an easier time drawing than writing
your honour..... (with a massive sigh) THE FIRST KISS SCENE. HAS BEEN BOTHERING ME. FOR MONTHSSSSSS. it's. sigh. well where do i start with this one... the thing that makes this difficult for me is that it's very much a "wow this is a bad idea but we're doing it anyway" kind of kiss, right? and like. because they shouldn't be doing it, it's been troubling me all this time if their trains of thoughts even make sense. i don't want to force it, but it's difficult to direct things into that direction when i know that they know they probably shouldn't be doing it... i have revised it and i think it reads kind of alright now? but i'm still worried about it...
and this. would be great. for illustration. i wouldn't have to explain shit, i just have to make sure i convey an atmosphere that lends itself for them to make this dumb decision. that's not to say that i wouldn't care if it didn't make sense, of course not, but if it was a visual format, i could just let the atmosphere speak for itself, you know... they're alone together, they'd both been drinking a few hours ago, kitakata comes close, and though yagami sees it coming he doesn't seem to stop him... and it just. there it is. it's happened. no need to say anything, just let the atmosphere and the audience's imagination do the work. the lack of detail in the medium would work in my favour. no issue.
the other one that comes to mind is a scene where kitakata and yagami smoke on the roof together. it's a similar situation where ambiguity would play better for the scene. there comes a point where the conversation stops between them and it just kind of sits. it feels really clumsy having to explain in words that this is one of the first few peaceful moments between them, that yagami doesn't mind being around him for once. this would be better expressed with just visual space. letting the audience feel that peace, that quiet moment between them. i'd draw them apart, so you can see the visual distance between them, and yet they're together, and they're quiet and maybe just maybe they could become closer, could choose to spend time around each other without getting on each other's nerves... or at least that would be the implication. it's much cleaner than having to spell it out in writing.
oh! and i remember i was tempted to draw kitakata's messy desk at some point. that one's easier depicted with words but i just think it could be fun.
AND IF I MAY BE SELF INDULGENT AND BRING UP "are you seeing anyone?" AGAIN..... that gag. just that gag and nothing else around it. i mean. now that i think about it, it's kind of joke-comic-y.... but the joke itself relies on a bunch of stuff beforehand... perhaps not...
a group photo would be nice too... a club photo perhaps... get everyone in there. just some mundane snapshots of everyone in their daily lives... hell, i could even throw sawa in there! i definitely should do that!
and something sexy... i should draw something sexy with kitakata and yagami...
i ought to add some of these to my mental list of things to draw...
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merakiui · 2 years
Your tags talking about being alone in the woods with jade made me think of this one thought I had bouncing around in my brain for a while. The thought of being alone with jade at night at the campsite you both put together, sitting by the campfire while drinking something he "borrowed" from the lounge stocks and getting buzzed from it. The innocent touches (which were really just him using the opportunity to getting ever so closer to you) slowly turn into him fucking you into the dirt while you're on your hands and knees.
Sorry if my utter depravity for the eel man bothered you. Your tags made me think of it and I had to let it out.
Omg yes... this is the dream. OTL getting drunk in the forest with Jade and then getting railed into the ground. <3
Imagine if the two of you aren't even that close to begin with. You're only staying in the forest to gather materials because you're partners for a project in Professor Crewel's class. But when Jade reveals a bottle of some pretty-looking liquid and tells you it's come right from the lounge's secret stocks, you have trouble denying him. Jade's good at making the worst ideas sound so pleasant, which is exactly how the two of you end up buzzed and whisper-giggling about the silliest of things around a crackling bonfire.
Alcohol always makes strangers seem so much more attractive, and the amber glow from the dancing flames highlights Jade's handsome features so nicely. You realize he's much closer than he was before, his shoulder practically touching yours as he leans in. Under normal circumstances, Jade would never be this intimate with someone he hardly knows, let alone the human Azul's tasked him with gathering information on (it's strictly business, or so he'll lie). But he can blame the alcohol for that come morning when the sun's risen and the fire is but mere ash and still-warm embers.
It's only natural that teasing, experimental touches will snowball into something more deliberate when inebriation guides you closer to lustful attraction. Wandering hands, fleeting smooches, the shedding of pesky clothes... You'll be on your knees before you know it, with your face pressed into your arms to muffle your moans, while Jade's pounding sloppily into you from behind, his hands gripping your hips so roughly his fingertips leave crescent-shaped indents in your skin. You'll spend a good portion of the night fucking in all sorts of positions, and come morning you'll wake in the tent, curled into each other like two perfect puzzle pieces.
There's a heavy silence that thickens in the air when both of you realize your proximity and slowly detach yourselves. You gather your clothes in awkward silence, dressing as quickly as possible alongside Jade. He tells you he's content with never speaking of what occurred if you are, and you agree immediately. What happens in the forest stays in the forest. You make this truce with a mouth full of granola and a mounting sense of embarrassment.
After taking the tent down, packing your supplies, and cleaning your area, you set off for NRC. Jade spies the bruising bite mark on your neck, just slightly higher than the collar of your shirt and completely visible to anyone who might be looking. He can't help the amused smirk that crawls onto his face. That'll be there for the rest of the week.
And so will your image in his mind, apparently.
#meraki thirsts#n/sfw#hi hello i am once again simping for jade leech#i think he would be a cute drunk hehe#maybe he's more expressive when he's drunk#the type to freely admit all of his deep innermost thoughts that he usually keeps sealed behind a polite smile#you get jade drunk and you will hear unfiltered honesty#and probably some breeding kink#he has the filthiest thoughts bouncing around in that brain of his#he sees you tipsy and thinks you look so breedable#it's the eel instincts <3#conversely i think floyd would become sleepy and maybe even a little reserved or more easily irritated#he gets really energetic but is just as quick to crash and become so tired#azul is far more emotional very clingy cries when you tell him that's enough alcohol#probably shameless as well#the type to give you the dreamiest look while admitting all sorts of truths#no veiled sentiments or backhanded compliments#just real true genuine tako#also breeding kink LOL jade and floyd are dragging him back to his room#and he's throwing a tantrum over how he'll never get to give you any babies#because he's being 'taken away from you forever' (dramatic tako)#azul wants to experience the eager anticipation that is waiting for his babies to come swimming home#to you and him after they hatch T_T he wants a sugary happily ever after under the sea#also the type to ask the next morning 'did i do or say anything strange?'#jade and floyd are like 'lol do you *really* want the receipts from that night?'#knowing the twins they likely have all of it on video#azul is mortified </3 his babygirl-ness really shows through when he's drunk
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ev1lmorty · 4 months
weird weekend
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fancifulflora · 1 year
Headcanons for the modern au of the tale of crowns s/o's?
OH hoh ohoh youve done it now anon, I have so many hcs brewing for a modern!AU with these LIs and AUs give me a whole lot more creative freedom to go hog wild
They'd come from a relatively well-off family, spending a lot of time at the public library with their mother when they were a kid
That is, until their father became sick, their mother forced to take on more hours and their elder sister and them put in charge of making sure their dad was alright
Even with limited time, during middle and high school, they found a lot of fun participating in musicals and plays- although when they grow older they'll vehemently deny it.
Their passion for reading and writing continues throughout their childhood, pushing them to major in English
It's during college when they'd meet the other LIs, first bumping into R at the library
After college, they'd find work as a writer, enjoying a pretty relaxed life off of the royalties
They'd dabble in poetry and might even write up a screenplay or two due to their background in theatre
Outside of that, they'd spend a lot of time with their family, taking care of their sick father when their sister couldn't
I also think there's a real possibility they may turn to teaching as a profession too
Being a professor or high school teacher for literature, they'd try to instill the same love for reading in all their students
Nothing embarrasses them more, however, then going out to catch up with friends just to see the latest novel or book they've published being passed around
Honestly the most 'normal' of the LIs in their childhood
They come from a military family, at least on their mom's side, so it left them with their other parent most days while she traveled.
Was a kid that kept themselves busy with different types of extracurriculars
They'd take on a sport or two, but find real passion in martial arts
Surprisingly, they also enjoyed choir, being a bit of a natural at it
Despite the family ties, they'd have little to no interest in actually serving, however, a free ticket to university is a hard offer to pass up for most families struggling financially
Still, seeing the effects that it had on their mom gave them second thoughts
Regardless of whether they get it covered through a military program, their athletic prowess alone could easily get them plenty of scholarships if they committed themselves to a sport
The first person they'd meet in college would be A, the two bumping into each other on the way to the gym
They'd probably major in kinesiology considering the career they take up
After college, they'd teach self-defense to others and be damned good at it too. They're strict, but it's more like they're particular over form- not wanting improper form to hurt their students.
They might even own a gym or a center that they'd teach in. They'd be a strong motivator for those wanting to get healthy, and an invaluable resource for those looking to find introductions to new interests like judo or rock climbing.
Though, sometimes they think they do their job too well- X constantly pestering them to spar or challenging them to beat a personal record whenever they stop by.
Was adopted at a very young age so they don't know much about their birth parents
Since they showed a lot of promise when they were young, reading books far beyond their reading level in elementary and winning science fairs left and right- they skip grades
A handful of them
It also helps since they don't come from a lot, so their performances win them a shit ton of scholarships
It's a little surprising for those who see the teen in college, their first encounter with the other LIs being with X who assumed they were a high school student that had gotten lost
Due to their love for animals, they opt for the veterinarian path, majoring in biology with a focus on zoology
They may double major in the humanities or literature just to make the most out of their time at university
During college they'll find a great professor that quickly becomes like a mother to them, helping them find internships and job opportunities after college- even including them in research projects done over the summer
Unlike the others, being very young when they start college lets them spend more years fitting in classes that are neither for their majors nor minors
So long as have their funds covered, they're happy to explore and take classes that interest them
Hell, they probably have so many scholarships the school itself might pay them to attend
And once they're ready, maturing enough, they'll start their work with animals- keeping in close contact with the small handful of friends they've made over the years in university
Was raised by a single mother for most of their childhood, until a housefire left them an orphan, both emotionally and physically shut off from others
Bounced around in the foster care system until they were brought into a family in a rough neighborhood
Luckily, that's where they met two kids around their age, quickly becoming friends
Coming from a poorer family, they worked a few odd jobs here and there with their friends to make it into a good university
But instead of going down a direct path, they opted to attend part-time, continuing their work outside of that
It certainly helped pay for a lot of their classes, but was a way they could support their family, their tight-knit community back home
And make enough money to support a rather lavish lifestyle
Didn't really major in anything specific, but did take classes that offered them certifications that would help with getting the job they did want
To be a firefighter
It's actually where they met D, the two bumping into each other during their first aid certification courses
Even after their college days are over, they are certain to keep pestering the more intriguing characters they bump into
And besides, they'd have to keep in contact with their college friends- there were far too many jokes unmade, challenges unwon for them to do otherwise
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anonymouspuzzler · 1 year
hey, after wafflin' over it for a lil bit i decided to post this sfm fanfic i wrote for fun a while back! ***please note it is 18+, no minors reading this, I will block if ya do***
I don't plan on making mature content a regular part of my repertoire at all, so don't worry bout that! I just liked this one well enough that I figured it was worth making public. enjoy of the guys!
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hwanghyunjinenthusiast · 10 months
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Tossing him into the crowd or pretending he's going to lol. Oh to be in the crowd to potentially catch him </////3
Also, sorry ngl I'm very focused on his arms. I want to bite and lick and be put in a headlock so bad-
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aikotos · 11 months
🤢 why did you make that knowing labrys and aigis are sisters
They need to unwind somehow without 024 and Makoto around, be nice to them 🥺🙏🙏
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