#just like i did with derek's dlc
ryuuisnotpresent · 1 year
to celebrate the b man's dlc launch + his official birthday, take baxter in this totally normal pose, and in black and white of course
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congrats on your dlc launch you dramatic ass man, can't wait to play it finally
bonus (old) drawing of baxter and calyun meeting in step 4, I can't remember if I've posted this before
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okay yoo joonghyuk I say knowing damn well I used him as a reference
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gb-patch · 7 months
Another query of mine, hoping that's fine after my first being so soon just now, is that knowing there won't be additional LIs ( like how Derek became one in the first game ), I'm wondering what makes Tamarack ( I LOVE HERRRR ) and Qiu ( They're sups cool ) so highly complex for that reason? Cove seemed pretty complex too! Or was it a time crunch reason? Or maybe an actual game mechanic? I hope I'm making sense and not offending or overstepping! I wonder how diverse the branching of choices are
It's the fact that there's two main leads who get as much time as Cove did instead of one, significantly more choice options on the menus, more personality traits being tracked, more ways to customize your relationship/dynamic, and your choices/personality impact more of the script.
With all of that combined, Moments in OL2 already require twice as much words/effort at a minimum than they did in OL1. And I'm not even in Step 2 yet where there will be more elements to manage, ahah. I can only spend so many years on a single project. For OL2, all the time I've got has to go into the main game and the DLCs for Qiu and Tamarack. I'm afraid I can't add side character DLCs on top this time around.
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Derek propaganda:
“Extreme hot take but Derek is the best OL1 love interest. He has the best and sweetest confession in the game. You play video games together. He seems reserved until you actually start dating and find out that he's actually just a gentleman who didn't want to be overly forward with someone he's not in a relationship with. He's a family man. You get to blatantly abuse your 'dating' privileges in front of his brothers. He's just so insanely sweet and caring and makes me wanna cry whenever I play his DLC.”
“- Impossible to dislike
- No, like, literally impossible. OL1 will allow you to be indifferent to it's two other LIs, Cove and Baxter but you actually can't pick that option for Derek. Game decided that You Will Be (at least) Friends With Derek
- This boy is so good!!!! He's a sweetheart and has your back in the best way and he's constantly doing his best to make sure the people around him (especially you) are happy
- This is also a complex flaw of his because he feels like he needs to be the best that he can be and to be worth something
- This both manifests in how he treats others (he's exceedingly well-mannered and does everything for others because he secretly hopes that someday someone will do the same for him) and his career prospects (he takes on excessive practice to get good at football/soccer so that he can potentially get a scholarship and become famous all so he can potenially feel like he's worth something. This is actually a major conflict in his Step 4)
- His DLC also has some of the best moments in the game
- He also has a family and they're also really good and you get to see a lot of them
- His dad is hilarious, his mom is gorgeous and their relationship is very cute
- Meanwhile, Derek's brothers are great. I wanna gush about them because I love them but also play Derek's DLC yourself!!! See how good they are for yourself!!!!
- I will say that these three have a really good relationship dynamic and the development it takes in the 10 years between when you first meet Jorge and Nico as little kids to Step 4 where they're adults (and a teenager, Nico is 16 in Step 4) is genuinely very well written
- If you're into the steamy stuff, Derek also has the best make-out session out of all of the boys
- He's also just. Very funny. This boy will invite you to a waterpark and then ask you if its a date so he knows whether or not it's ok to check you out in your swimsuit
- Or, if you aren't dating by that point (but you do want to to date him), the narration will note how he's trying so so hard not to check you out, he's just trying so so so hard
- Puppy dog face. Look at it. Tell me you can look at that face and not want to smooch him
- His confession is also the best, did I mention it's the best? Because it's absolutely the best one in the entire game
- He has a whole thing about having to confess to you on a ferris wheel and he's so committed to it that he actually avoided ferris wheels for a long time before this confession because he promised himself he'd do it the next time he went on one
- And then he went on one...and he literally doesn't confess when he does it because he lost track of time and he had to get off
- so he asks you to go on the ferris wheel with him again so he can actually confess this time
Just. Just vote for him!!!!”
“He's sweet, polite, and out-going and is always willing to put you first (sometimes too willing).”
“polite responsible jock u r NOT immune to this”
Asra propaganda:
“He GIVES AWAY HALF HIS HEART TO REVIVE YOU okay but like. He's the MCs roommate and they were together for a few years before the MC caught a plague and died and he obsesses over a way to bring them back before succeeding by making a deal with a god to trade half his heart for MC and betraying the emperor. And then when MC comes back but without any of their memories, he takes care of them and teaches them how to live all over again and he never asks for anything in return. On all the routes where you don't choose him he's really supportive and helps you out despite your history and overall he's just really nice and supportive of the MC and is their rock no matter what route you go down. Also he has a pet snake named Faust and I love her she's so <33 
Idk I just appreciate him so much”
"He gave you half his HEART!! He would literally go to hell and back for you!! He wants to take you on adventures all around the world—doesn’t matter where, as long as he’s by your side!! AND he’s nonbinary!!!"
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ramenthroughthe6 · 3 months
Our Life: The Jeremy King 'DLC'
Step 2: Intro
Note: I hope you folks enjoy! I am more than willing to accept constructive feedback via ask box! I'm hoping to activate and AO3 account soon so I can post this on there too! In the meantime ENJOY!!
As the sand crunched beneath his feet, the frail looking boy, who was anything but, stomped away in a flurry. His bright-green bowl cut swayed in the ocean breeze, as he got smaller, and smaller, and smaller, into the distance. 
> You stayed standing. 
> You slumped to your knees
It all happened so fast. You looked to Cove, then to Derek, then back into the center, where the mean kid once was. 
You hoped to never see him again. Whatever wind you had under your sails that day was instantly swept away by an unruly tide of a boy. Cove was the first to say anything, 
“Are you alright?”
> You weren’t alright and you told him so
> You said you were alright, you lied
> You said you were alright and you meant it 
Cove still frowned slightly at your response. Just giving a small “okay.” 
“I know what’ll make us feel better,” Derek’s sudden voice made you turn to his direction, watching as his eyes darted to the cut fruit bouquet in your hand then back to you, “We could eat the fruit now!”
Before you could even utter a yes or no response, Cove had already plucked a melon skewer from the parchment wrapped, food-safe foam in your hand.
You laughed at his antics, “Hey, I didn’t say we could eat it!” 
“My dad’s the one who paid for it,” Cove shrugged before polishing off his skewer in one bite, letting some of the melon juice drip down his chin. Ew.
It felt like you were dazed in the hours that had gone by: one minute you were chatting with your friends on the freshly heated sand of the ocean-front park, the first signs of summer break veering its head. The next you watched them dart away as your sister, Elizabeth, came to confront you about the family’s missing summer snack, now plucked clean and barren like a shrub in the fall. Before long you found yourself chatting on the phone, absent-minded and distant as you chatted with with your cousin, Lee, on the phone.
“I met a mean kid today.”
“Really?” Lee immediately peaked up with interest, “What happened?”
“I dunno. I have no clue were he came from, but it sounds like he’ll be in town for a while which sucks. He’s got this bowl cut and this big ugly frown and he’s always yelling.” You felt like you could go on forever about how much you disliked Jeremy.
“I don’t think I wanna meet him.”
“I wish I never did,” You joked, “hopefully we won’t have to cross paths again.”
That was the worst thing you could’ve said  
That evening Cove, in his upset, joined you in your room by coming in through the window. His parents seemed to be on the road to reconciliation and it was hard for him to deal with the change. But you were there for him, you were always there for him. And Cove was always there for you. Even when his mom came into town the next day, you stuck around til the bitter end to ensure he felt safe talking to his family about how he felt. 
A few more languid days passed into June. Ma sat flipping through a catalogue, legs crossed and back leaned against the couch, while Mom sat curled up with a lap blanket despite the incoming afternoon sun. Breakfast had been finished ages ago, being marked by Elizabeth’s exit; she had friends to see that day, you supposed. You spent time in the living room with your moms waiting for Cove to stop by on his almost daily visits. 
But a shouting broke up the peace. 
It didn’t sound like the type of hollering you’d hear in a fight. It was more frantic. A plea. It was so familiar it scratched at a part of your brain, but you couldn’t remember what.
Mom, being nosy like she was, immediately threw off her lap-blanket, put on her slip-on shoes at the entryway, and peered out the door. The shouting only got louder. Ma would later follow suit, trying to peak behind her wife’s shoulders. Curiosity got the better of you, and you too would slip between you mothers, muttering and ‘excuse me’ as you stared at the long stretch of empty street filled only with indiscernible shouts. You looked either which way for the culprit disturbing Sunset Bird’s early afternoon serenity. You caught a glimpse of Mr. Holden, Kyra, and Cove doing the same as your family. 
“What’s going on out here?” Mr. Holden asked as he took the initiative to approach your house. Moms must have felt more comfortable at his presence too, as the three of you spilled out of the doorway to join the Holdens and Kyra in the middle of the street. Before Ma could answer, another call ran out, albeit much closer. 
“Where are ya, kiddo?!”
Your family looked over at the Holdens before searching the street for the calling family, and in that time you caught Cove’s eyes. This is exactly what you felt like when you first met him; the shouting for him to come out, the moments where it felt like Mr. Holden was ready to thrown in the towel on searching for his son, finding him behind the hill. Cove gave you a knowing look. He’d thought the same.
You followed your family in the pursuit of the voices, before coming to a sudden halt, nearly bumping into your Ma’s backside. Along the shore, cutting through the park, were a man and woman.
The man’s beacon of orange hair shown like the falling sun over the ocean at the end of the day. His pale skin didn’t help the contrast either. Next to him, a taller woman, looking equally as frantic, her choppy, dark-green pixie cut took up splashes of ocean mist as it whipped backwards.
“Hey!” Mr. Holden’s yell seemed to bounce off the pavement in an echo. It stopped both people in their marching tracks through the warm, off-white sand, “Need some help?!”
For a moment they seemed to look at each other, as if confirming the validity of the offered aid, before jogging nearly in tandem to meet the sets of families. 
“Oh thank goodness! People!” The green-haired lady smiled almost in immediate relief. “Our son is missing- he ran off and we can’t seem to find him.” 
“Thats just terrible, we’re so sorry,” Ma offered a sympathetic look, “What’s he look like? Maybe we can still spot him before it gets too late.”
“He’s short, with light green hair, he’s got on a white shirt with multi-colored stripes, and-“
“Glasses,” the woman’s much meeker partner spoke up. Instantly their words rung in you, a flash in your mind of the memory of that rotten boy.
“He’s got a bowl cut?” You said so out loud, though accidentally.
“Yes! That’s him! Have you seen him?” The woman’s eyes seemed to be filled with hope, only to look even more downcast when you shook your head ‘no’. It looked like she was about to cry.
“Oh my god I feel awful. We’ll help you find him Mrs….” Kyra paused for her to fill out the rest of the sentence, pushing the people along with a twirl of her wrist.
“King. I’m Jennifer and this is my husband, Jackson.” The two extended their hands, shaking them with each of the parents, before pausing to give a friendly wave to you and cove. Cove offered a pleasant, yet retained, wave back to the couple.
> you returned the gesture
> you remained as you were
Mr. Holden placed his hands firmly on his hips, 
“You remember which direction he ran off in?”
“It was away from my sister’s house,” Jennifer answered unsure, pointing in the direction of the row of houses and shrubbery past the playground, “but he probably wandered away from there, too.” Beside her Mr. King rang his hands around each other nervously.
“Okay. Then I suppose we can split up and start there.” Mom waved everyone over in that direction and the group soon followed. 
Kyra and Mom split together, Mr. Holden and Ma, and naturally, you and Cove. Everyone seemed to shout for Jeremy at every corner, and it was starting to get late. The early afternoon sun had rolled over the sky, as shadows began deepen and elongate. Mrs. King was verging on hysteric tears when the reached the coastline edged with nothing but rock and dense palm trees. There was no where else he could’ve gone. 
“Oh my god…my baby ran off….” Mrs. King started up with another bout of tears, her husband following as he tried to comfort his wife.
“There there, Jen.. We’ll just have to call the police next.” As you watched the scene helplessly and with concern, as did the rest of your family and neighbors, when the foliage gave way to rustling. It snapped everyones attention towards the source of the sound almost immediately: Cove was trying to make his way inside.
“Bud,” before Mr. Holden could barely do what was considered reprimanding his son, Cove was fully submerged in the miniature jungle, crunching around a bit before a familiar, and unhappy, shout of ‘hey’ was heard.
“I found him!” Before Jeremy could raise more of a fuss about Cove revealing his secret hiding space, Mr. And Mrs. King came barreling into the palm foliage through the opening Cove left. Though it was hard to see through the dense and shaded plant-life, it was clear Jeremy’s parents were heartily sobbing in a joyous reunion with their son. Cove popped out of the bush, taking a stance by your side, so he could let the Kings exit. Despite likely being 11 or 12, Jeremy was still small enough to be held by his mother. Which would be easier if he wasn’t writhing like a carp on land. 
“Thank you so so so much for helping us find our Jerebear.” Mrs. King tried to nuzzle her cheek into her son’s poofy bowl cut, only to be rejected as he continued to squirm.
“No! Let me go!” Jeremy emphasized every word as he continued to pout over being discovered.
“Seriously, you all have no idea how much this means to us,” Mrs. King attempted to hand her squirming son over to her husband who looked not at all prepared to hold the little hell ball that was his own child, “can we get you folks breakfast? Our treat of course.” 
“Oh! That sounds fun!” Kyra piped up for the rest of the group, miscellaneous agreements arising here and there.
“Perfect! My sister should have no complaints if we use the house for a little brunch soon. It’d be nice to make some friends while we’re out here, huh, honey?” Mrs. King asked the question to her inattentive husband, who was much too preoccupied trying to get Jeremy to hold his hands still while rocking him side to side. Jeremy didn’t seem all too pleased at the idea, but Mr. King gave an enthusiastic nod. Before leaving, Mrs. King got the contact information for Mr. Holden and Kyra, as well as your house phone, before sweeping her son in her arms once again. “Thank you folks a million times over! Say ‘bye’ to your friends, Jeremy.” Rather than doing that, he stuck his tongue out at you over his mother’s shoulder before giving up and being whisked away. 
‘This was absolutely the start of the most obnoxious summer you’d ever have’, was your first and only thought as you watched the family walk away into the darkening orange sky. 
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differenteagletragedy · 10 months
how do you think cove would have reacted the moment mc told him they had a crush on his dad or mom at some point like
I can imagine him trying to keep it cool and going "oh, okay" but it really depends on which step it is cause i fwel like little kid cove would be like "ewww my dad is old" or something.
Like i wish there was like a scene in game where you can just tell cove about that and you can see his reaction because them briefly mentioning it in the baxter dlc feels like a tease tbh.
Well the thing is that I was replaying Step 1 some last night got to the part where Cove asks you what your favorite flower is, and I didn't realize it but I picked a different one and MC says something about how it's their mom's favorite flower, and Cove goes "that makes sense, it's pretty like her and you." I don't remember the exact phrasing, but he definitely calls one of MC's moms pretty and he did it first, so he can deal with you talking about his hot parents.
I love how you can name all the parents in the scene with Baxter, but I also love how at the end of Step 2 when Derek asks you if you like any boys you can be like "Cove's dad" and he's like "Haha, they didn't understand what I meant," like yes I did understand you Derek and I meant what I said.
-- Step 1 Cove would judge you and not be afraid to tell you about it.
You: My favorite flower is peonies, my mom likes them.
Cove: That makes sense, they're pretty like her and you.
You: (in awkward 8-year-old) Thanks, you're dad is pretty too.
Cove: Why would you ever say that to me.
-- That's the only way I imagine it coming up in Step 1, because 8-year-olds just say stuff lol, but in Step 2 when Kyra comes, MC has the choice to think that she's very pretty too.
You: Both of your parents are so pretty.
Cove: I ... what ... don't ... huh?
-- Step 2 Cove can't handle life and he certainly can't handle that. He's going to be giving you that side-eye for the foreseeable future. He might even get mad, but he can't stay mad at you for too long!
-- Really this is the only option for Step 2 Cove, he would just feel so awkward and embarrassed and want to crawl in a hole and die. But if he has a crush on you, he might one day be able to work up enough nerve to be like "Some people have said I look like my mom ..." and then you stare at you trying to make you understand that that means he wants you to think he's pretty too.
-- Step 3 Cove and beyond would laugh I think. He's more comfortable with his parents and more comfortable with himself. But that also means that he'd tease you about it/threaten to tell them.
Cove while you're planning your wedding: My dad is going to be wearing a tux, do you think you can contain yourself?
You: *endless suffering*
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kunimilktea · 19 days
This picture of kori in the last post is sending me
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She looks so silly dkkskskdkd.
Speaking of kori (also hey I had an mc called cori that's cool!) when do her and cove get together? Is it in the step 2 epilogue with the confession or during the charity confession?
Also unrelated to Kori but what do you mind going more into depth on your thoughts for both Derek and Baxter dlcs? I love discussions around their dlcs I wish people would genuinely talk more about itz going into depth into the themes of the dlcs and how they affect Derek and Baxter as characters, but then again I'm someone who loves analyzing the media they consume so djdkdkjd. General discussions about these things drive me crazy (I think is worth mentioning that I'm autistic so djdkdk)
Your art is also very lovely I loved watching your doodles, you're one of the artists I always look forward to to get a notification from 🫶
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Im kidding tho it's appreciated nonetheless ^_^
SO FIRST OF ALL THANKS FOR LIKING MY ART 🥹🥹🥹 i try my best to make time for drawing my silly our life doodles despite being busy in college and i appreciate anyone who rlly enjoys my dumb doodles of my ol mc shenanigans
Answering the confession question, they confess at the end of step 3 cause i thought the slowburn was fun 😇
I actually drew their first kiss right here
Now with the derek and baxter dlc question,,,
So fun fact! With how i played the the dlcs over all me and my friend Lo (@/oiulse) would choose which boy to play the dlc and stream it on call, so Lo picked Baxter and i took Derek, it was really funny cause casual constantly played in our heads during the Baxter dlc (bless lo btw for gifting me both dlcs labyu oomf 🫰)
With how i feel with BOTH dlcs
For my boy Derek Suarez
When i played the first moment from dereks dlc my voice started like acting up from how long THAT specific moment was, maybe its just me but the first moment in particular felt really long, I get it though its the first time ur meeting the suarez family and in no way did i NOT enjoy it, but there were indeed moments where im like DAMN ITS STILL NOT OVER cause of how tired my voice was getting LMFAO, all the other moments were rlly fun my favorite one from the dlc was where u hang out with liz on daddy day and there was an option to gift a card to cliff 🥹, his step 4 was also a bunch of fun i loved the family bonding get to do with the suarez brothers (u can just tell that i love family aus) and getting to hang out with derek made me love him more as a chr, HIS STEP 4 VOICE IS STILL A JUMPSCARE TO ME FROM HOW DRASTICALLY DIFFERENT IT IS (no hate to the va btw) STILL VERY FUNNY THOUGH HAHAHA, i made it so that Derek, kori and cove get to be neighbors before the both of them get married so now they hang out LOTS
With THE Baxter FUCKING Alexander Ward
I heard from another friend that the baxter's dlc was gonna be angsty and i was like oh hell fuckin yeah i love angst! AND THERE CERTAINLY WAS ANGST ILL TELL U THAT MUCH, since i was watching lo play through the Baxter dlc i will admit there were a few times where i spaced out cause ANOTHER fun fact, we played the dlcs like really late on my timezone so i was either drawing while Lo was playing or i was in the brink of conking the fuck out, i was able to know what was going on overall i think the ONLY moment i like fully spaced out on was when the mc and baxter were like out drinking or smth and there was this entire thing with the bartender and the singer, that specific scene in particular i was fully focusing on smth else and it wasnt till later that when i played the baxter dlc for myself that i knew what was finally going on, since me and lo have our castaways au to think abt while playing these dlcs we were building aus upon aus of what lo's mc would do when meeting with baxter again after 5 years its fun lo has never been the same since and neither have i, the angst was good soup and i can see why baxter's dlc was more expensive than derek's LMFAO
But ironically enough the dlc that made me cry was DEREKS DLC,,, that moment on the step 4 epilogue with the brothers having a heart to heart is going to be MY ROMAN EMPIRE, I FUCKING LOVE FAMILIES BRO GAUGHHHH
Anyways sorry that was unnecessarily long i could have organized my thoughts more but i dont have the patience for that so i hope u dont mind that all my thoughts and feelings were all over the place hahaha
In conclusion the dlcs was a nice content buffet 👍
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sugar-omi · 1 year
THIS IS THE WEDDING NIGHT REWRITE YALL BEEN WAITING FOR i rewrote this like 3 times n it jist got.. freakier and freakier n... i actually made my own kink bigger after this.... i will never be the same n now i kinda need to do this derek n baxter..... me abt myself: i can make him worse
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*kinktober masterlist | *ao3
tags : NSFW, wedding night dlc spoilers, gn + top/dom reader, multiple choice dialogue, sissy training, cove in white outfit, use of toys, dirty talk, degradation, mind break, oral (reader receiving)
synopsis : while on your honeymoon your husband finds your gift for him while you're sleeping and surprises you by wearing it.
of course you have to show him how much you love it, and he finally admits he loves everything you're doing to him. everything you're turning him into...
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you didn’t think the first thing you’d wake up to would be your husband in the lingerie you bought him.
‘he must have found it while i slept…’
cove jumps, calling out your name in surprise, he turns his head, using his arms to cover his chest but it’s unnecessary, something down out of instinct since he’s not exactly covered in other places…
"you look so pretty in this baby… what do you think, did i pick well?" you wrap your arms around cove, trailing your eyes over his body in the mirror.
he nods, squirming in your hold. "is it… supposed to be this skimpy?"
you nod, letting go to admire his butt.
the back of his panties is completely backless, only a piece of fabric in the front to hold his dick.
now that you're paying more attention though.. you notice a little extra something that wasn't included in your gift.
"cove… what's this?" you ask, spreading his cheeks to look at the jewel butt plug.
cove bends over a bit, leaning on the sink to present his own gift. "i wanted to surprise you.. do you like it?"
your curse, dropping to your knees. "fuck, i love it."
you cup his ass with your hands, digging your fingers into the flesh.
"god, i can't believe you…" you drag your teeth over his ass, kissing down his inner thighs. "is that what took you so long? you were stretching your pussy open for me?"
cove whimpered. it used to fluster him terribly when you feminized him, but now.. he'll even do it himself.
"yes.. i want you to fuck me in this, please…" cove looks over his shoulder, pleading with you.
well, how can you deny him that after such a lovely confession?
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cove waits obediently while you grab a few things from the bedroom, rolling the condom over your dick and pulling out the plug.
cove moans at the drag of the plug against his walls. it's not a small plug, the stretch has cove's head spinning.
you bite your lip, cursing lowly.
when cove's clingy hole finally let's go of the plug, his hole is left clenching around nothing and lube slowly running down his taint.
cove speaks, breaking your trance. "please… just stick it in…" wiggling his hips to sway you.
you laugh, lining up with his puffy, slutty hole and sinking into him with one sharp thrust.
he yells, his moan echoing throughout the bathroom.
you rear your hips back, holding onto cove's hips so you can have leverage for your brutal pace.
the sound of your hips colliding with cove's ass, echoing through the bathroom.
you lean over him, pulling his hair so you’re chest-to-back. “you’re already moaning like a whore and i’ve barely fucked you. you like being fucked that much?”
cove moans, looking down, unable to face his lewd expression.
you lay a swift smack to his butt, feeling warm at how his cheeks are slowly reddening with every harsh thrust of your hips and now your hand print.
“i asked you a question, or are you so cock-drunk you can’t even think?”
cove just moans and stutters a few letters before giving up, not even bothering to form full sentences.
you smack your lips, letting go of his hair and instead you push his chest against the counter, pulling his hips away from the counter to meet your thrusts. “you are! and i didn’t even have to do anything!”
then a thought strikes you, and you look at your new husband in the mirror, his hands clawing at the counter and you can see his lust-struck eyes. “i’ve turned you into such a slut, all it takes is a butt plug, womens clothes, and a dick for you to fall apart!”
cove swallows the drool pooling in his mouth, trying to be composed. “ha- that’s not… true..”
you laugh wickedly, “oh really? then why are you moaning like a whore?”
cove startles, eyes wide and an adorable pout on his face. “that’s-! that’s because you- haa.. ‘cause you- tease me so much!”
you hum considerably, “so should i stop?” to punctuate your solution, you start to pull out.
“no!” cove cries, reaching back to grab you, tears in his eyes. “don’t… please don’t stop…”
“but why, you said it’s my fault for teasing you so much.” maybe you’re cruel for teasing him, but after all your hard work and spoiling him with pretty skirts and dresses and make-up.. why, it just hurts your heart that you like it more than he does. you don’t wanna force such lavishness and pampering on him if he doesn’t want it…
cove blinks, and now you notice he’s wearing a bit of make-up. the mascara and shimmer eyeshadow with pouty, glossy lips making him look like a doll.
“i just mean…”
you hum, egging him on. you’re looking forward to hearing what he has to say.
“i did.. do it for you but… it’s..” he squirms, biting his lips to stop from moaning because of your shaft still half inside him.. “nice to see myself like this.. and dressing up.. being spoiled by you… it feels good.” he peeks at you through his lashes.
you coo and awe, pulling your husband against your chest. which also shoves your dick back into him, right against a sweety spongy spot inside his walls, making him moan loudly.
“you’re so sweet! i love spoiling you, so just tell me how much you love it, okay?”
you bring your dazed husband to the full length mirror, his knees weak as you hold him up wrapping an arm around his waist, the other coming to cup his breast and play with his shiny new jewelry for the occasion.
“look at how beautiful you are. you like dressing up all cute for me?” cove nods and you reward him with a slow, deep thrust, drawing out a loud whine.
“and you like it when i spoil you with nice skirts?” cove nods affirmative, his mouth falling open when you grind your hips into him, your tip brushing his prostate.
“mmm… do you like it when i feminize you?” you put your chin on his shoulder, cove crumbling in your hands, his hands on the mirror to support him. he nods.
“yeah? when i play with your tits, and use your cunt however i like?”
“yes! i love all of it!” the words spilling out cove’s mouth with moans and gasps.”please.. please don’t stop spoiling me, using me!”
you pick up the pace again, your hips slamming into cove’s. “good boy! just admit it!” you lean down to nibble on his ear, lifting up his chin to make eye contact. “admit that you like me turning you into a sissy whore!”
cove moans, hanging his head, pushing his hips back to meet your thrusts. “i.. i like it! fuck! i like- being turned into a girl!”
cove looks up, his teary eyes meeting yours in the mirror. “please! fuck my pussy more!”
you definitely couldn’t deny such a lovely plea.
you focus on pounding cove’s insides, his ass twitching and clenching on your dick, making your cock drag against his insides.
“ah-! i’m cumming!”
cove’s legs shake, his upper half collapsing against the mirror. his cum stains his panties, soaking the lace.
you still, burying your cock into him as you pull cove up against your chest. “look at you. you made a mess of your panties!”
cove looks down at his messy crotch, his dick nearly bursting through his panties, cum soiling the lace.
“you’re such a dirty girl, you came without permission. is your pussy that sensitive?” you degrade, reaching around to palm him through his panties, purposefully stroking his cock with the soaked fabric.
"haa… y/n.. please." cove gasps, shaking.
you tease his tip through the fabric. "poor baby.. since it's our honeymoon, i'll be lenient."
you pull out, purposefully taking your time so cove can feel the drag of your cock against his walls, the prominent vein on the underside of your cock making him quiver.
he falls to the floor, the sheer fabric of his babydoll top sticking to his sweaty skin.
you remove your strap.
you remove the condom.
and lean against the counter in front of cove, tangling your fingers in his hair and nudging his face towards your sex.
"well? i'll let you off easy for finishing early if you suck me off / eat me out. deal?"
cove nods, and you can feel his shaky, labored breath against your skin.
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he puts your leg on his shoulder and leans in, licking a stripe up your cunt and taking your clit in his mouth, sucking and lapping at the bud.
you moan, cove sinking his fingers into your cunt and angling his fingers to stimulate your clit from the inside.
"fuck- just like that.." you gasp, tugging on his hair to bring him closer.
cove moans around the clit at the sting of your fingers tangling and tugging his hair, pulling off your clit with a pop to stick his tongue alongside his fingers.
he uses his other hand to circle your clit, cove dropping his head to suck on your inner thighs and leave marks before returning to your cunt.
his lip gloss is totally ruined. rosy gloss on your inner thighs and your outer lips.
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he takes your dick in his hands, quickly swallowing the tip and working more of your dick into his mouth.
he pulls off your dick with a wet pop, tilting his head and licking up the side of your dick, swallowing down to the base.
cove hollows his cheeks, sucking and taking you as far as his throat allows until he pulls off with a gasp, stroking your wet dick, giving kitten licks to the tip.
his lip gloss is totally ruined, rosy rings of gloss make rings from the tip to the base of your dick…
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your stomach tightens, that familiar pressure rising up and you take cove by the hair, forcing his head down on your clit / cock.
"ah- so good.. i'm going to cum in your mouth…" you pant, grinding your sex into cove’s mouth.
cove eagerly sucks at your sensitive sex, holding onto your thigh for leverage, the other furiously fingering his sloppy ass.
you throw your head back, your hips stuttering as you finish in cove's mouth.
cove laps up your slick, slipping his tongue into you / slowly pulls off your dick, cleaning off your cum with his mouth and tongue.
he removes his mouth from your sex with a wet smack, bringing his hand to his mouth to clean your slick / cum off his fingers.
he slow takes each digit into his mouth, his tongue wrapping around each finger carefully to taste you, his tongue dragging over his palm…
he keeps eye contact the whole time. and with his fingers still in his mouth, he babbles a request.
"can i.. ride you?"
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he's totally brain dead… all he can think about is you and your cock.
you can't help but lay back and admire the view though…
cove's hands under his lingerie, tugging and rolling his nipples as he rides you, his weeping prick making a mess on your tummy.
his panties are long gone, the lace not much more than a weak net for cove's cum.
but his ass-pussy swallows up your cock / strap so nicely, and he rolls his hips just right so your tip brushes against his prostate, his hole fluttering around your dick.
"your pussy is so greedy.. you're swallowing me whole." you comment, a wicked smile on your lips.
you're enjoying this so much, watching him fall apart… his mascara running from crying happy, horny tears, and yet he still takes more, baking about how good you feel, and how he wants you to stuff his womb with your cum..
how cute.
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wings-of-ink · 5 months
Hello! im a big fan of ur IF i literally have never liked a IF n been so hooked like i have been with urs lol i still dont know who i wanna romance bc everyone so good! (so im gonna romance them all) I did see on your itch.io profile you had our life series n the DLC's which makes me so excited bc i love that game so much! i was wondering if it ok to know ur fav character/love interest and scene in the game! Thank you for ur time! (i know it not a question about the IF but i hope it still ok to send in)
Oh, heck yes, Anon! I love Our Life. It is my comfort-VN and safe space. I actually found Our Life during a super difficult time in my personal life, and I found it very healing. It let me step back and take a much-needed breath.
I have to say, I do love Cove the most. He is near and dear to my heart, and I felt like I had a lot in common with his character through each step, so that was a driving force. Baxter and Derek are wonderfully charming as well, and their stories warmed my heart, but my homeboy is Cove, lol.
My favorite moment is hard to choose, but I am partial to the Step 1 moment, Fireflies. I just found it so beautiful and touching, especially since I was totally fascinated by the little bugs as a kid too.
Thank you so much for the message and question, Anon! I am so thrilled that you are enjoying the story and world (I always end up romancing everyone in these stories as well, lol). ^_^
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mistyscenter · 21 days
I think what pisses me off about Baxter fans is that they'll go out of their way to shit of Derek's DLC and not even bring up the good points and the bad/weak points, just repeating over and over again we should have had more one on one time with him (something that we do in Baxter DLC) which is so interesting to me because so many writers/general public will tell you that the best love stories are the ones where the characters feel like people (aka have relationships outside of the LI), but I digress.
No see the point is that, as much as that could have been good criticism, when it becomes your only criticism that becomes a preference because I can exactly pin point to you what are Baxter DLC weakest points.
An example is that the nostalgia In his DLC feels forced, and while not everyone might feel that way about it, for some people it might feel that way and for good reasons. Let's take the mentions of the events in "Planning" when MC and Baxter had to bake cupcakes for Miranda's birthday right? Those events feel so heavily forced and out of place when mentioned because it's been 5 years. Realistically MC might remember doing something like that but not remember the full details because it's been 5 years, human memory is short and quite frankly, one is more prone to remember the anger and sadness a person of your past brought to you than the happy moments, which is also my next point. Nostalgia is an inherite happy emotion it can turn to sadness but when we use it we mean it in a positive way, there's nothing positive about what happened with Baxter. While yes, your MC might feel different about it due of the playthrough, it doesn't change the fact that someone living you as rudely as he did is something inherently shitty, you won't feel nostalgic to see Baxter you feel anger and/or sadness. And the nostalgia could have worked out as a mean to make things bittersweet but it doesn't, it fails to do that.
That is not to say that it always does that though, the scene when you bake the groom's cake is a good example of nostalgia and how it can be bittersweet. That works. It works as a good bittersweet moment and how the happy feeling of nostalgia is turned bittersweet.
Cuz here's the thing Baxter dlc does this a lot, is always so close to being something actually genuine and interesting but it fails to do so because you can feel the writer not thinking things through with his character/relationship, which is a pity because step 3 was a genuinely good set up that got thrown out the window with step 4.
I'm sad this is the fate the dlc has because Baxter was an interesting character to me, genuinely he is, he's a fucking mess but it feels like I'm the only one who sees him as the complex being that he is. He's messy, he has no idea what he wants in lifez he still needs to work on unlearning all the shit his parents thought him,he craves human connections, he's terrified of them and enters in this cycle of keeping himself at arm length whilest confirming his fears, he's a literal idiot, he tries to be charming but is only a façade. Baxter is a good character, his dlc could have been good, the execution was trash and left me, and others, dissatisfied
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multi-fandom-imagine · 8 months
can you explain the Price of Flesh?
Uhhhhh...where to i start.
First and foremost it is a game that is meant for 18+. I do not recommend anyone below that age to play it due to the dark theme.
It is an amazing game, i had a lot of fun playing it
But here is the description from the site.
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The Price Of Flesh is an 18+ survival horror visual novel made by Gatobob.
You begin the game in an auction, and you are what's being sold to one of three bidders. No matter who purchases you and where you are taken, you must rely on your wits and skills in order to survive your new harsh conditions.
If you are bought by Mason, you'll be taken off the grid, deep into the dark Canadian wilderness. Mason's goal is a good hunt, and you are his prize. On this path you'll not only be dealing with Mason, but the mountain itself, and all the danger upon it. You'll need survival skills, and to keep your wits about you. You'll need to manage your health, the freezing temperature, and the onset of insanity to have a chance of surviving.
If Celia buys you, you'll be taken to the basement floors of an abandoned office building. Celia is a bit high strung, and she's looking for a way to relax. Unfortunately, her preferred methods of unwinding are a bit violent. One wrong move and you may lose your life. Her path is more psychological, and you'll need to be smart and stealthy to stay alive. Unfortunately, there's no way to tell time underground- and you'll never know when she's going to come back.
Derek belongs to a sort of 'club'. If he's the one to purchase you, then you'll find out what this club is all about. In the middle of the desert, five killers bring five victims- including you. Not only will you have five murderers to contend with, but you'll have to worry about the searing heat of the desert. There's no food and no water, and the clock is ticking for your own survival- and that of the other four victims. You may need to work together if you want to make it out alive.
In the DLC you are taken in by Ren { a character from B2D and B2D2 }
<Ren is my favorite>
Fox DLC is more focused on survival as opposed to individual endings. The MC needs to appease not only Fox, but his chat as well. Therefore, this is a guide on how to complete the route, as well as any alternate methods
Mason was the hardest for me, not only because of you needing to stay warm but you gotta watch out for him hunting you. It took me a while to get the good ending. { which is finding the bear trap, setting it up and getting him} also the dude does give you shit to survive the wilderness...so theirs that i guess.
Celia's took me a bit to get the best ending since you need to keep your sanity between 20-30. I did like how she is the only one that lets you go in one of her survival endings, Sidenote. I low key find it adorable that she lets you go but you can choose to stay with her and how happy she gets.
Derek....FUCK THIS ASSHOLE AND FUCK THE PEOPLE HES WITH AND FUCK THAT DESERT. God he pissed me off, the satisfaction of offing him and his goons then escaping with the other two survivors was just beautiful.
Annnnnd now my favorite
Ren...first i gotta say that unlocking him is such a pain...well was until i actually found a good walkthrough.
I love him due to the previous games he is in first.
Second, i love his good ending, like i wanna share the screen shots of it so bad { so if ya'll wanna sit or any of the survival endings let me know.}
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a-linearis · 1 year
visual novels : the best form of escapism
(after books, ofc)
One of my friends made me play "Our Life: Beginnings & Always" last summer and I have no regrets. I have played through the whole goddamn thing 3 times over from then til now, and got married to Cove, three times over.
This probably isn't healthy. Will I play it a 4th time? yes I will.
I literally refuse to be mean in that game. I refuse. I don't want to hurt any of their fictional feelings WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME.
Am I using this game to substitute real life intimacy that I don't receive from my loved ones? (is that my fault or...? I should really check that out) Probably.
No, but seriously, it's awesome. As a closeted queer kid ("queer" in the reclaimed sense), it's the dream to be able to be who you want to be (from skin colour to name to style to hair) and exist with parents and family who love you for who you are. The 4C hairstyle rep made me want to CRY the first time I saw it. One of the times I played, I transitioned in Step 4 (bonding moment with my guy Terry, that was a lovely little detail) and everyone just got it like, pronouns, gendered terms, everything. Literally the dream.
Low initiative setting for Cove tho. Just needed to put that there
I feel like I understand better what sort of intimacy I'd like in friendships and possible relationships, which is always a plus. A good friendship just makes my soul wanna leave my body (in a good way)
Also, voiced names.
Voiced names.
Had to put that there too.
Anyone who's played the Derek DLC/Baxter DLC, would you recommend??? I'm thinking that once my exams are over, I'm going to get on that :)
Any recs for visual novels would also be welcome!
[I heard Under Maintenance is good, I've also played Error143 and did enjoy it (a lot) but I heard there had been some drama to do with it?? I don't have twitter, and I'm not so sure I wanna know...?]
Thanks for reading :)
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Derek propaganda:
“Extreme hot take but Derek is the best OL1 love interest. He has the best and sweetest confession in the game. You play video games together. He seems reserved until you actually start dating and find out that he's actually just a gentleman who didn't want to be overly forward with someone he's not in a relationship with. He's a family man. You get to blatantly abuse your 'dating' privileges in front of his brothers. He's just so insanely sweet and caring and makes me wanna cry whenever I play his DLC.”
“- Impossible to dislike
- No, like, literally impossible. OL1 will allow you to be indifferent to it's two other LIs, Cove and Baxter but you actually can't pick that option for Derek. Game decided that You Will Be (at least) Friends With Derek
- This boy is so good!!!! He's a sweetheart and has your back in the best way and he's constantly doing his best to make sure the people around him (especially you) are happy
- This is also a complex flaw of his because he feels like he needs to be the best that he can be and to be worth something
- This both manifests in how he treats others (he's exceedingly well-mannered and does everything for others because he secretly hopes that someday someone will do the same for him) and his career prospects (he takes on excessive practice to get good at football/soccer so that he can potentially get a scholarship and become famous all so he can potenially feel like he's worth something. This is actually a major conflict in his Step 4)
- His DLC also has some of the best moments in the game
- He also has a family and they're also really good and you get to see a lot of them
- His dad is hilarious, his mom is gorgeous and their relationship is very cute
- Meanwhile, Derek's brothers are great. I wanna gush about them because I love them but also play Derek's DLC yourself!!! See how good they are for yourself!!!!
- I will say that these three have a really good relationship dynamic and the development it takes in the 10 years between when you first meet Jorge and Nico as little kids to Step 4 where they're adults (and a teenager, Nico is 16 in Step 4) is genuinely very well written
- If you're into the steamy stuff, Derek also has the best make-out session out of all of the boys
- He's also just. Very funny. This boy will invite you to a waterpark and then ask you if its a date so he knows whether or not it's ok to check you out in your swimsuit
- Or, if you aren't dating by that point (but you do want to to date him), the narration will note how he's trying so so hard not to check you out, he's just trying so so so hard
- Puppy dog face. Look at it. Tell me you can look at that face and not want to smooch him
- His confession is also the best, did I mention it's the best? Because it's absolutely the best one in the entire game
- He has a whole thing about having to confess to you on a ferris wheel and he's so committed to it that he actually avoided ferris wheels for a long time before this confession because he promised himself he'd do it the next time he went on one
- And then he went on one...and he literally doesn't confess when he does it because he lost track of time and he had to get off
- so he asks you to go on the ferris wheel with him again so he can actually confess this time
Just. Just vote for him!!!!”
“He's sweet, polite, and out-going and is always willing to put you first (sometimes too willing).”
“polite responsible jock u r NOT immune to this”
Zen propaganda:
"Extremely handsome, HES A MUSICAL ACTOR FKFNKSNSJ, deep and relatable family trauma, He's genuinely a good person behind the vainness <3"
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starlit-dreaming · 11 months
when honestly you can't recall (Baxter Ward/MC) p1
Rating: M
Romantic Ships: Baxter Ward/Original Character(s); Derek Suárez/Leandra "Lee" Last
Platonic Ships: Main Character | Jamie Last & Leandra "Lee" Last, Main Character | Jamie Last & Original Character(s)
Tags: Unplanned Pregnancy
TL;DR: A self-indulgent Single Parent AU. Lee has a better relationship with my MC compared to Liz. I wrote this when the Baxter DLC was still in beta, so I opted to avoid writing spoilers (for now) and to avoid rewriting moments of the Jude/Scott wedding.
A/N: Cross-Posted on AO3 under the same title (@ Starlit_Dreaming). Also, obligatory tag @arcosoffireheart because they deadass made a post yesterday, right after I took a break from editing this first part and just needed to reformat it before posting. This fic is still very much a wip but it's CRAZY that they wanted this au too, even if it's not entirely the same in how they might've imagined it to go.
Links: [1] | 2 | 3 | 4
Everyone assumes that Gabby is exactly like her mother, but Rosaline will always see the traces of her daughter’s father. The shape of her eyes, how fussy she gets if there’s even a hint of conflict, every moment her daughter is calm and serene in her arms, the sweet and gentle smiles. 
Her daughter does not have her black hair, either. Wavy hair, yes, but it was not fully black and her father has only ever dyed his hair.
It’s a miracle that nobody notices their similarities.
Including Baxter himself.
// In which Rosaline ends up becoming a single mother in the aftermath of her and Baxter’s summer fling. Some things change. Some things don’t.
Part 1: we're just strangers tonight
Two Months Ago
Beginning of Summer
Step 4: Age 23
“How did we even get here?”
She chuckled bitterly, purple eyes flickering up to meet dark brown before averting her gaze from his. Whatever expression he had on his face after the question was asked, she didn’t know, and she didn’t want to know.
Not any more.
They both stayed this way, swaying along to the music and the beat, dancing in tune with one another as they’ve always done. It was a song and dance they’ve been intimately familiar with over the years. Every summer since the first time they kissed, they would meet by pure coincidence, and every summer’s end, they’d say their goodbyes with the belief that they wouldn’t find each other again.
Most would call it romantic. Most would say it’s lovely. Most would claim it to be fate.
She would say it was tiresome.
And he… says nothing to her.
Good. Rosaline is quite certain that she prefers it that way, swallowing down the bitter and the hurt. She’s not sure that she even wants to hear anything he has to say at this point. Even if he claims that he’ll talk to her after the wedding is over, she’s very much doubtful. Avoiding important topics has always been his specialty, and she’s sick of it. Sick of his avoidance, sick of his damn smile, and sick and tired of how he still makes her heart skip a beat.
Rosaline isn’t a lovestruck fresh-out-of-high-school girl any more.
Every time, since she was 13, every meeting she would fall for his charms again. Every time, he would sweep her off her feet like a perfect puzzle piece. Every time, he would leave, again, and again, and again. Every time, she would accept the situation. She would forgive him for cutting contact.
Every single fucking time they meet, she would smile at him and accept it, only to cry and nurse her broken heart the second he left.
And maybe it is better they leave it at that. After everything they’ve been through together, everything they’ve done, she’s tired. Tired of feeling that maybe he’ll change his mind, tired of feeling hopeful and falling for him every single time, tired, tired, tired. She’s tired of crying over him, of accepting his goodbyes, of having her words go in through one ear and out the other.
She was tired of him telling her that they wouldn’t work out, if they were to ever try long-distance. That he was never suited for the long-term. That she shouldn’t be with him.
That he didn’t deserve her.
Maybe, Rosaline thinks solemnly to herself, this should be the last time.
Step 2: Age 13
The first time they meet is at a summer soirée hosted at The Cypress.
She’s a little bored, because she’s letting her moms have a chance of a little mini-date without her third-wheeling. And while she does want to socialize for a bit, she feels a bit too ansty — dancing it is.
It starts with a tap on her shoulder, putting an abrupt halt from her search for a dance partner to instead focus on the boy with black hair and a boyish smile, with brilliant brown eyes. He was roughly around her age — certainly taller than her, which made her feel less self-conscious about herself — and he was, admittedly, very cute.
(If anyone were to ask, however, she would claim that Mr Holden is the most attractive guy in her life, but that is neither here nor there.)
While she recognized several faces of the teens her age due to accompanying her moms to The Cypress events over the years, she didn’t recognize him. Rosaline quite likes meeting new people, so she smiles back and takes this meeting in strides.
He’s dressed in a typical formal suit, with his hair tousled in a way that made her heart race — like those romance novels that Lee gushes over with pink cheeks and a wide grin. This boy was like a mysterious prince swooping in to steal her heart, and she thinks that she’ll be content with just the thought alone.
(Maybe, she will think, years down the line, this is when she first falls.)
And then, he asks her if she’s going to dance.
And then, she tells him that she was looking for a partner.
And then, he holds out his hand, smiling and asks her to be his partner for a song.
How charming, she thinks, smiling wide as she takes his hand. They dance, with her allowing him to take the lead — she knows how to dance both parts, but likes to follow rather than lead. She enjoys the song and dance, the way they move gracefully and fluidly in time with the music.
Dark brown eyes visibly brightened after they dance for a few seconds, and it’s likely the same reason why she’s vastly enjoying herself in that very moment: he’s a fellow dancer.
By no means was Rosaline a competitor, but she always insisted on dancing with someone when given a chance. Not a lot of people in her life were great at dancing — Cove only knew the basics because of her, meanwhile Elizabeth practically hated being in the same space as her most days and only tolerated her on the other days. Her moms danced, but Ma was too tall and Mom liked to tease her a little too much. Lee was probably the only one who would entertain her dancing demands without teasing.
It was the first time in a long while that she’s had so much fun dancing with another person outside of her classes. Especially someone outside of her social circles.
And it ends just as abruptly as it had started.
He doesn’t really stay for a small conversation, he doesn’t even give her his name. All that happens is him commenting on her legs, and then never turning back.
That’s how their first meeting ends, but it’s her first actual crush.
(Lee is the only person who knows.)
End of Summer
Step 3: Age 18
Lee is the only person she calls.
Not Derek, who is literally miles and miles away, who, out of all her friends, is the only one with his life put together apart from needing therapy. The only one who knows how to give some semblance of comfort from a distance.
Not Miranda, who would offer her soothing words of comfort over the phone, who won’t push her to talk, who will be there and offer to listen if she needs it.
Not Terri, who would understand what it’s like, to have someone reject their offer of friendship due to how their personalities can be considered “too much”. She would offer to talk and talk and talk, to help her drown the thoughts away with fun conversations and get her to laugh and smile. A temporary sweep before confronting it later.
Not her moms, who live in the same house as her, who would offer a shoulder to cry on and warm hugs of comfort, with soothing words. And if things were different, if Rosaline had told her moms that she was serious about Baxter, that she was thinking about their relationship in the long-term, maybe she would’ve woken them up.
Not Liz, who had already left on her plane to go back to college, who — Rosaline cannot talk to her, nor does she want to confide in her sister regarding the matter. She can’t, and she loves her sister, she cares for her deeply and keeps her secrets, but Liz was never there for her when she needed her the most, even if her own sister doesn’t know that.
Not Cove, who is, well, the most surprising of them all. The boy who literally lives next door, her best friend for life, her brother in all but blood and official paperwork. Cove, who would literally come rushing to her via climbing in through her window, who would hug her, cry along with her, and tell her that she’s worth it. If she laid out her broken heart and its broken pieces, he would try his best to help her fix it. Even if he’s already asleep and in bed by then, he would come to help in whatever way he could. He would offer to call Baxter, to take it upon himself to try and mend her broken heart and…
It’s Lee. It’s Lee who she calls in the quiet evening in the aftermath of it all. She’s sitting on her bed, her hands trembling as she hugs her pillow, tears dripping down her cheeks and — well, she’s in shock, maybe, the reality finally hitting her. It’s Lee, who Rosaline wants a hug from, who Rosaline wants to hear words of comfort from, who Rosaline needs to talk to.
“Lee,” she sniffed, and that’s all it takes for her cousin.
“I’ll be right there,” was all she said, keeping her phone on. Rosaline isn’t sure why her cousin hasn’t hung up yet, so she can focus on driving, but Rosaline doesn’t make any move to end the call either. At some point, she hears a door opening and closing, the clack of a door being locked, the slam of a car door, the twist of a key inside a car, the rev of a car’s engine, and the clack of her phone being placed down. It was oddly comforting, if she had to be honest.
Lee didn’t live too far away; just a 10-minute drive without any traffic. Maybe she’ll break a few laws if she speeds over to her, but Rosaline doesn’t mention it.
She keeps sniffing, and her eyes are burning from the tears, and her cheeks are uncomfortably warm and cold and wet from the tears. Her pillow’s damp, and it — it sucks. It fucking sucks.
“We broke up,” she croaked. She’s not sure if Lee heard her through the muffled pillow.
All she hears is the sound of a moving car.
(Liz would say “I’m going to kill him,” before coming to hug and comfort Rosaline by saying that he’s not worth it. Cove, her parents, Derek, and Miranda would apologize to her when they all know they’re not to blame, give her a hug and say that things will get better. Terri would ask why, would ask too many questions that she just can’t fucking answer and—)
“I was worried about that,” Lee softly admitted.
Because it’s Lee, who Rosaline had poured countless insecurities that laid bare between them over the years. And Rosaline had been worried that this would happen, that Baxter would leave her, that he would dump her for something else, maybe even somebody else, but the reality is so much worse.
Because it’s Baxter, who decided that their relationship wasn’t worth the long-term hardships. It’s Baxter, who says it’s just a flight of fancy.
It’s Baxter who…
“He doesn’t think we’ll last if… if we went long-distance.”
“…I figured,” Lee gently answered, her voice so soft that Rosaline almost didn’t hear it.
“I… I want to stay with him so bad. I thought we could’ve… I… fuck! Sorry, Lee, I’m— I just—”
“Don’t apologize,” her cousin firmly, yet softly said. “It’s not your fault for feeling the way you do. I’m here for you, Rosa, and if you need time, then take as much time as you need.”
“I just… I love him,” the words come out rushed, a quiet whisper admitted into the dim night. “I fell for him so badly in three months. Fucking hell, Lee, I love him.”
“…I know you do.”
(If she called anyone else, she knows that they would all try to help and help and help, to try and fix her broken heart. Few might think that she’ll move on, after all, it was only three months.
But Lee understands her, she’d see the broken pieces and leave it as is — she won’t sweep it aside, hide it under a rug, or try to patch her heart back together. She’d help her pick up the pieces and set it aside, leaving her to deal with it when she’s ready because her relationship with Baxter was doomed to fail the second he didn’t want it any more. She won’t assure her that she deserves better, that Baxter isn’t worth an ounce of her affections.
Because Rosaline knows this better than anyone else. She knows that she deserves better than being dumped just because Baxter didn’t want to try. She knows that she deserves to have a little bit of happiness.
They would all try to fix her.
Lee would not.)
“I’m here.”
And it’s Lee, who rushes to the house even though it’s far too late in the night for it to be convenient for her, and gives Rosaline a warm and comforting hug the second she opens the door for her cousin, and it’s Lee, who tells her that she’ll get through this, that it wasn’t her fault.
And it’s Rosaline, who breaks down in Lee’s arms at 2 in the morning over a boy who doesn’t want her, who thinks that their relationship isn’t worth the distance.
(She does feel bad that Lee’s plans for the following day were set back by this incident, but the understanding smile and a warm hug goodbye was enough to reassure her that it will be okay. That she will be okay, just as Lee can be okay with this change in plan.
What happens next, however, is a surprise like all the rest.)
Beginning of Autumn
Step 3: Age 18
What happens next, strangely, is a surprise unlike all the rest.
She knew that she was going to end up meeting a former friend of her birth mother. Ma and mom both told her that her birth mother did leave her a few things with her friend back then, and that the grief of meeting her deceased friend’s child had been too much at the time for her to meet her.
But Rosaline never expected it to be Carol, the old lady who regularly appears at The Cypress, the country club her moms regularly attended. Even though she’s spoken to the elderly woman a few times, her moms often do, once Rosaline was allowed to leave their side to play or interact with kids her age, she never really gave her a second thought.
“I’m sorry,” Carol softly spoke, giving Rosaline a pained smile. “I know that perhaps I’m overstepping, but I felt that these things needed to be addressed sooner than later.”
“You were… friends with my birth parents?” Rosaline simply asks before taking a seat across from her.
She’s not like Liz, who wants to know everything about her birth family. Rosaline didn’t care, and all she knows is that her parents are dead, and she still has an untouched inheritance that she’s had access to once she turned 18. Frankly, she was content with never touching anything relating to her birth family, but with the future expansion of her family, she might have no choice.
“No, just your birth mother,” Carol shook her head. “I’m also the owner of the company you applied to.”
Well, that made this meeting all the more nerve-wracking.
“I’m not here for a formal meeting as your future boss,” she smiled reassuringly. “However, if my relationship with your moms make you uncomfortable, I would not be hurt if you chose to work with another company. There are some people who knew your mother, back when the company was much more of a small-time business, and that might make you uncomfortable to handle the comparisons that will undoubtedly occur.”
“I used to work part-time at a mall kiosk,” Rosaline stated. “I can handle the discomfort that comes with dealing with strangers.”
That made Carol smile with mirth in her eyes, “That’s good.”
“Um… why did you want to meet me all of a sudden?”
“You’re an adult now,” Carol softly states. “And I… I still have your birth mother’s belongings. I wasn’t sure if I should’ve gotten rid of it, since there isn’t a will discussing an inheritance, or anything like that.”
That felt… odd. Even though she knew her birth mom passed away, and that she found the idea of someone she doesn’t know being her birth mom to be unthinkable, she thought it was unexpected. Didn’t people normally have a will? Sure, Rosaline didn’t have one yet, but she was thinking of it…
It felt a bit awkward to ask, and maybe… maybe her birth mother was younger than she thought.
‘…there’s no will…’
~1 Year Ago
Beginning of Summer
In-Between Steps 3 & 4: Age 22
If there’s a will, then there’s a way.
It comes to no surprise to her that the moment she takes her daughter out of her toddler seat, the second she places her daughter down for a moment to rummage through her purse, her daughter darts off. That was negligent of her, she had to admit — no matter how calm Gabrielle was, she was still only three and can act like a hyperactive puppy.
Her daughter was normally well-behaved, but there were only so many people she would run off to. Where’d she learn that behaviour from?
Cove, probably.
“Auntie Lee! Uncle Dare!”
Of course.
Rosaline let out a fond sigh, watching as her toddler fled to her cousin and her friend. She then smiled, watching as Gabrielle cling to Lee’s leg, babbling and rambling about her day and squealing the second Derek swoops in and picks the girl up.
“Hello to you, too, Brielle!” Lee cooed, smiling wide as Derek held her in his arms.
“Heya Gabby,” Derek grinned.
“Hi,” she greeted, purple eyes bright as she giggled.
“Hello lovebirds,” Rosaline greeted with a teasing smile. “You’re lucky that you were there, otherwise I’d be scolding Brielle for running off without me.”
“Uh oh, looks like we saved you, Gabby,” Derek grinned, tapping the toddler on the nose, causing her to giggle.
“Rosa!” Lee squealed, hugging Rosaline right away. “Thanks so much for coming!”
“I wouldn’t miss it,” she hummed, pulling back from the hug to look at her cousin happily. “Congratulations on the engagement. You’re both totally lucky to have me in your life,” she grinned, poking Lee’s cheek.
Lee grinned at that, “And you’re as modest as always, Rosa.”
“Never change, gal,” Derek laughed as Rosaline gave him a hug before he handed over Gabrielle.
“Never,” Rosaline agreed, smiling as she looked at her daughter. “Next time, hold mommy’s hand when you leave the car, okay Brielle?”
“Okay, mommy,” Gabrielle nodded.
“That’s my baby!” Rosaline cooed, cuddling her daughter and making her giggle.
“Mommy, you’re smooshing me!”
“Man, she’s looking more and more like you every time I see her,” Derek commented, his arm wrapping around Lee’s shoulder as he watches the mother-daughter interaction with a smile.
“Of course she does, my god-daughter has her mother’s good genes,” Lee stated, straightening her back and puffing up her chest in clear pride.
“Yeah, yeah, no need to rub it in,” Derek laughed.
“With me and Cove as godparent candidates? Yeah, you didn’t stand a chance, babe,” Lee poked his cheek. “You’ll have to settle for godfather-in-law.”
“I think I can accept that,” he softly said, staring at Lee with a warm smile.
Rosaline was used to Derek and her cousin always being the cheerful type of people, but when they were together, there was just this look in their eyes, one that just… it felt like genuine love. Lee’s eyes shined brighter than ever before, while Derek’s eyes softened — not quite closed, but rather his eyes would be half-lidded.
Playing matchmaker for her and Derek was definitely a good move on Rosaline’s part.
(Ignoring how exhausting it was when they were kids. It didn’t help that Derek used to have a crush on her when they were teens.)
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Rosaline smiled softly. “Cove’s bummed out that he couldn’t make it tonight, but he’ll still be able to make it to the engagement party next week.”
“That’s alright, it’s just gonna be dinner with the wedding planner, since Liz, Sofiya, and my brothers can’t make it tonight, either,” Derek smiled. “It’ll just cover the basics — the classic getting to know you stuff, possible wedding themes, things we’ll need to think about for the wedding and all that. He said it was fine if we didn’t have an answer right off the bat, since we’re gonna go into details throughout our meetings. He knows that you’re a single mother, and he’s okay with her tagging along to our meetings as long as she doesn’t cause mayhem.”
“Thanks for accommodating us. You’re prepared as always,” Rosaline grinned, pinching Derek’s cheek. Brielle blinked, reaching out to poke Derek in an attempt to imitate her mother. That made Rosa laugh, causing her to lightly tap her daughter’s nose with a soft, “Boop.” Her daughter giggled.
“He is pretty reliable, isn’t he?” Lee smiled softly, cheeks pink as she looked at Derek with a loving stare. “I’m so lucky.”
“If anything, I’m the lucky one here,” Derek chuckled, sounding awfully bashful as he held Lee’s hand.
“Well, at least I’m not the only one third wheeling this time,” Rosaline laughed, looking at Brielle who tilted her head. “Isn’t that right?” she cooed at her daughter. “I’m not alone.”
“Not alone!” Brielle cheered.
Rosaline then follows Lee and Derek into the restaurant. It vaguely reminded her of The Cypress, if she had to be honest, bordering on almost casual and formal.
“He said he already grabbed a table for us close to the windows,” Derek explained, leading them down the restaurant as they weaved between the tables.
“Oh! Is that him?” Lee asked, nudging Derek as she looked at a lone man sitting at a table, staring out the window.
“Sure is,” Derek answered before calling out to the young man. “Hey, Baxter! Thanks for waiting.”
“Wait…” Lee froze, abruptly halting as she narrowed her eyes at the man, scrutinizing him. “Did you just say Baxter?”
“Huh? Yeah, I guess I forgot to tell you, huh,” Derek blinked as they both finally approached the table. “Lemme introduce you guys. Baxter, this is my fiancée and—”
“Oh my god!” Lee exclaimed, eyes wide.
“What’s wrong?”
“Ah… of course. A pleasure to make your acquaintance again, Leandra. Admittedly, I should’ve put two and two together when I saw your name.”
“Wait, you already know each other?” Derek looked at the two back and forth, surprised.
“Do I know him?!” Lee looked at Derek, looking downright panicked and still in blatant disbelief. Rosaline understood that pretty well, but she’s gotten over the shock relatively quickly unlike her cousin. “Of course I do! He’s the guy who—!”
Her cousin stops, glancing at Rosaline for a brief moment before calming down and taking in a deep breath in and out. When her shoulders relax, she shoots Rosaline an apologetic look before looking at Derek. She mouthed, “Later,” to which Derek frowned at.
Baxter abruptly stands up from his chair, his hand gripping the table as he looked at Rosaline with wide eyes.
Rosaline stared back at him, her expression softening for a moment.
“Mommy?” Brielle owlishly blinked, reaching a hand to tug on her mother’s hair and abruptly interrupting the quiet moment. “Do you know that purple mister?” she tilted her head, her eyes flickering back and forth between Baxter and her mother.
Rosaline winced before gently prying her hair from her daughter’s grip. “Careful, baby, it hurts mommy if you tug on mommy’s hair like that.”
“Sorry mommy.”
“It’s okay, baby. And yes, my Brielle is so smart!” Rosaline kissed her daughter’s forehead, making her giggle happily. “That’s Mr Baxter Ward. He’s the wedding planner for your Auntie Lee and Uncle Derek’s wedding.”
“Mr Batter?”
“Baxter,” she corrected with a laugh. “And he’s going to help your auntie and uncle get married,” Rosaline smiled at her daughter before looking at Lee and Derek. “He’s a fantastic planner — your wedding’s in good hands with him.”
“Are you sure?” Lee softened, completely ignoring the man in question. “You’re my maid of honour. You’ll be interacting with each other a lot, especially because you’re my dress designer…”
And, comes the unspoken words. Memories briefly flash through Rosaline’s mind, memories of sobbing into Lee’s arms, crying over a boy who left without knowing anything of her broken heart. Part of her thinks that maybe she should be enraged at him for ignoring her phone calls, but he did give her the greatest joy of her life.
Rosaline chose to become a parent.
Baxter did not.
“Lee, it’s okay. Really, don’t sweat it,” Rosaline turned to look at Baxter with a smile. “Welcome back, Baxter. Looks like we’ll be working together.”
And when she looks back at him, there’s something different in his posture. The way he looked at her was a clear indication that this was only business, that he wasn’t here for a reunion like she had once dreamt of. Yet, as his eyes land on her hand, as if searching for something, he says nothing about her, about Gabrielle.
If she were hopeful, if she was still that fresh-out-of-high-school girl, she would’ve thought that maybe he was trying to see if she had a ring on her finger. Maybe then, she could believe that maybe, just maybe they could…
He only gives her a grateful smile, an awfully hollow smile, and Rosaline drowns the thought away, smiling back at him with an equally hollow smile.
What a frightening situation she’s in.
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gb-patch · 2 years
I saw an ask about whether OL2 would have DLCs that add new LIs, and I can't help wondering why OL1 ended up having them? Like, was it planned from the start or did it happen because it funding & fan interest or something? And why Derek & Baxter! Sorry if this has been asked before, I just discovered this blog last night and scrolled through a bunch of it last night haha ^^'
OL1 had them because I hadn't realized exactly how long the story of just Cove would be and thought it'd be fine to have some other possibilities. They were always a part of the concept. OL2 does not have them as part of the concept because I'm now very aware of how long it's going to be to do the base story for Qiu and Tamarack, ahah.
And Derek and Baxter were designed from the start to be interesting side stories that are set in only two of the four Steps. They weren't random side characters given side stories later on.
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differenteagletragedy · 10 months
heya! i loved your ol:ba headcannons, and i saw your post asking for requests, so i thought i'd sneak in here and ask for some more? have a wonderful day!
Sure, this is fun! And you too!
-- Baxter and Derek LOVE each other. Baxter would eat him up with a spoon. It doesn't matter if you end up with Derek and then reconnect with Baxter, if you end up with Baxter and introduce him to Derek, or end up with Cove and they meet at the wedding, this is the bromance we need to be talking about.
-- I thought about this because I was playing the wedding DLC last night and when you call Derek to ask him to be in the wedding party he answers "Hi, this is Derek," like yeah buddy, this isn’t 1999 on a landline, I know exactly who I'm calling. It was so cute and polite and formal, so I thought about Baxter's old texting style and how adorable it would be for them to communicate, then boom, they are best friends.
-- Baxter thinks Derek is the most charming person in the entire world, and he appreciates how well he was raised. He likes that he always opens doors and pulls out chairs. Derek does all the old-fashioned gentleman stuff too, like he always makes sure you walk on the inside of the sidewalk, if you're cold and he has at least one stitch of clothing on, you're getting it, and Baxter thinks that just so nice.
-- This isn't unique at all, but I like to think that you do all three Step 4s -- so regardless of romance, you go to your moms' anniversary with Cove, spend Father's Day with Derek, and meet up with Baxter at the wedding. So even if you end up with Derek, you make friends with Baxter again, and can you imagine planning a wedding with Derek when you and Baxter are solid buds? I love it so much.
-- One more one more -- Baxter and Derek making friends and Baxter going over to the Suarez house for events. Nicolas is OBSESSED with him, he's such a weirdo and plus Xavier likes him so that's an automatic win. But Derek's parents take Baxter in too, and now he's got a place to spend Father's Day and it just makes him feel so warm and cozy.
-- Is there another guy in this series LOL
-- There's at least a 90% chance that you cut Cove's hair for him. If you reeeeeally aren't comfortable with it then obviously he won't force it, but it just makes sense to him for you to trim it up for him when he needs it so he doesn't have to make it a whole thing. If you don't do a good job, that's ok with him -- you tried your best and he loves you for it!
-- Do you and Cove have a kid? Cove is that kid's doodle pad, and he gets at least one tattoo of a lil baby drawing your kid did. You might have to convince him not to do it every time. He loves that baby more than anything and the thought of having a little piece of them with him always, ugh, he really likes that.
-- Baxter loves cats and wants one very badly but he does that whole thing for a while where he doesn't feel like he deserves affection from any other living beings, so you'll have to talk him into it. But when you do, that cat is his child.
-- I'm not saying Baxter is in danger of turning into a crazy cat lady, but you might want to keep an eye on it.
-- "Baxter, did you spend $500 on this fancy robot litter box?" "Yes."
-- Baxter (I am currently on a Baxter kick, sorry) references magic several times throughout the story. Honestly I don't really know what else to day about this, but I think it's really sweet and important that he talks about it more than once.
-- Both Cove and Derek canonically like it when you wear their clothes, but Baxter likes to wear yours. It doesn't matter if you're smaller than him or if you wear traditionally feminine clothes, he wants in them. they smell like you and remind him of you, especially if you're long distance in the beginning after Jude and Scott's wedding. He's not going to like go out in them, but he'll wear your hoodie around the house for sure.
-- This also isn't like a hot take I don't think, but none of the boys ever change, ever. Like they grow and stuff, but if you're with Cove, he's going to be clingy and have heart eyes for you when you're 80, and there literally will not be a day that goes by for the rest of your entire life that he doesn't tell you that he loves you -- guy is going to be on his deathbed and blushing when you tell him how you feel about him. Likewise, Derek is going to be Derek forever -- always just so so excited to be with you. Hope you can handle literal decades of "it's Derek Day." Baxter does have a lot of settling to do, but please imagine a 90-year-old man smirking at you and giving you those flirty little lines. He'll never stop.
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dreamtydraw · 2 years
i am asking about derek and cerise. tell me EVERYTHING!!
First off, thanks you for asking about the babes 😔💕 i shall over writte about my otp for everyone's delight.
But before that here little doodles.
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OK NOW DON'T MIND ME i'm gonna ramble becausethis ship is pining.
Sure, sure, cove x cerise was pining but they confessed when they were 13.
Derek and Cerise ??? took them 10 years to realize the other liked them.
As shown, Cerise did not talk but she was nice and she has her charm, she was a cute girl with a kind heart so that is why the first time Derek managed to make her laugh this was a huge victory.
After some time talking around him became easier to try. She said hi, she asked for the ball and slowly she started to talk with him and have full speaking conversation together.
Then one day summer started to approach its end and it felt sad. Cerise didn't like school and she didn't like the idea of not seeing her friend and them Derek asked "do you like boys ? I mean would you consider being with one"
cerise brain went :
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So they made the 10 years pact. It was sweet, to have someone who you could trust to have in your life in the future, and at that moment, even with all the signs, it occurred to neither of them that in the present, someone wanted to be here.
They saw each other less and less until they both got their phone. Age and distance occurred and it was during this period that Cerise realized her feelings toward her friend. It was hard to find time to see each other but they kept calling and texting.
She tried her way to show affection by sending letters and taking pics "oh this reminds me of" "I think you may like it" and "would be nice if we went here". Sadly even with all the effort they could make, distance was here.
Derek loved cerise, he knew she liked crackers and had terrible balance control, he knew she liked green and that every week she would send him pictures of seagulls or sunset after school.
Cerise loved Derek, she knew when he had games and tried to send messages before the events, she tried to learn about what sport he liked the most and how his family was doing, how school treated him.
They both knew and loved each other, but couldn't realize that they were also loved the way they dreamt they were.
"he's just being nice, derek has always been polite"
"she's just being friendly, she likes to share her stories"
also with distance: miscommunication and doubt
Derek had a lot of friends back there, Cerise didn't know what it might feel like to be that liked, but she knew that meant there could be people who liked him as she does and there is nothing she could do about it because of that life. For a long time, Derek's selfless attitude just make him think he had no chance, then one day... Baxter arrived (yeah causing angst here too, I will talk about Baxter and Cerise when his DLC comes out ).
Baxter is really a special person in Cerise's heart. He is the first friend she managed to make by herself and engage with on her own. This role of his first step toward being more sociable is something she badly hides, Cerise openly shows affection and interest toward her friend. This lead to Cerise's talk drifting from what she did that day to Baxter, talking a lot about Baxter. How they hang out that day, how he offered her a ride, how she gifted him a bracelet.
The more she talked about Baxter, the more a little feelin' started to grow on Derek's side. Any hope was dead at this point.
They both think they have no chance with each other Derek totally throws away any possibility as he wants to be suportive but Cerise still holds to it with her new confidence. Both have a lot of conflict regarding school and career at this point in life, so their relationship isn't on the radar at this point. When summer 2021 rolls in and they have a chance to meet after all this time there is a mix of so many things, maybe it's not the right time and it will never be.
It's been so long since they hang out only by themself and this meeting is planned purely platonically. I won't develop here to not spoil the events of Derek's DLC but to the one who read it, the Park scene hit hard for both. They kept so many things for themself and worries mixed with support made it a hard night.
Regardless Cerise view Derek as a very important person to her, so even though it's been years, her ease to interact with him staying, and being around each other felt natural again. It's nice to know that after all this year, they do have someone here for them. During this reunion, she finally confesses her feelings and they both feel a lot of things but mainly they think of how dumb and oblivious they have been for years.
Still here? Oh helloooo there, thank you for reading. Fun facts about this idiotic couple will arive soon
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