#just love the idea of ecto green eyes glowing from beneath her hood as she slaughters the GIW and burns down the corrupt agency
ssv-raven · 11 months
Rambles inbound
Recently learned about the Ghost-Maker character and his sidekick experiment, Phantom-One. And damn do I ever want to contrive a situation where a vengeful Jazz that has lost everything and everyone she loves seeks out Ghost-Maker so he can teach her how to fight and take down corrupt organizations like the GIW, which leads to her becoming Phantom-Two.
Like she would definitely recognize that Minhkoa is a clinical psychopath and would just roll with it. She would never expect him to actually care for her and would tell him that once he inevitably grows tired of her that she will leave with no questions asked.
Kinda see her in this situation as being a loose Tim Drake parallel with her butting into Minhkoa's life and having no illusions that she matters to him. She is just a placeholder, an experiment for the artistic, psychopathic crime fighter and she is ok with that. She will use her intellect to aid her mentor but neither actually have any emotional connection with each other.
IDK my brain just loves the thought of her becoming Phantom-Two and the personal meaning that name would have for her. Sure, Minhkoa named his first sidekick Phantom-One and she is just the next numbered experiment for him but Phantom was Danny's name, his identity. She is not Phantom but she will carry the name when she finally returns to the United States and burns the GIW to the ground.
There is also something to be said for Ghost-Maker and Phantom-One wearing white as their dominant color. It would be lovely to have this new Phantom-Two wearing the same white that the GIW love so much as she cuts a bloody trail through their agents.
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ask-the-riders · 4 years
Just an ordinary night
So uh... yeah. There's numerous things going on here. To kick everything off, Ret was more than likely under the light of a full moon and now Famine has to deal with the shift in his personality. Meanwhile, Pest and War are getting increasingly awkward because it's movie night, and right in front of them, it's like Ret's a completely different person with one goal: seduce Famine
This bit is mildly suggestive ^^" and I apologize in advance. Ret says some things in Spanish to mess with Fam, he's formed his ecto body, and there's a little grinding at one point, but it doesn't go further than that. Sex is also a subject that's brought up, but it's mostly Pest that's talking/joking about it, because he's being immature and picking on the other riders
On the plus side, Pestilence has a great time being a little shit and teasing not just Ret, but also War (and Death, just a tiny bit)
The rest of the stuff that happens has to do with Death, Connie, and Abrael. Namely,, Connie's way of trying to teach Abrael how to get stronger and be able to use her magic, followed by Connie receiving a bit of a lecture from War on how she needs to take a break from all of it. We also catch just a glimpse of the feelings that Connie still has for Death, too
**I used google translate for a few of Ret's lines, since I myself don't speak the language. Hopefully google translate didn't somehow mess any of it up ^^"
Famine's cheekbones were dusted the faintest shade of faded denim blue and he continued staring straight ahead, intent on watching the movie that everyone had agreed on. Pestilence and War were cuddled up to each other in the spare recliner, with War lying on top of her soulmate, neither one of them the slightest bit uncomfortable.
Retribution had agreed to join in on movie night as well, which was a bit odd to Famine. Usually, he either declined or brought a book and read while everyone else watched the movie. He hadn't brought a book this time though, which was also a bit odd. The shorter of the pair was seated on Famine's lap, snuggled as close to him as possible. Famine had his arms gently wrapped around the former prince, who currently had his face buried in the crook of his neck.
Everything was fine, right up until Famine felt the other begin to kiss along his neck vertebrae, occasionally nipping. At the unexpected sensations, Famine froze in place, his sockets widening the smallest bit. Keeping his voice low as to not disturb Pest and War, Famine mumbled, "Ret?... What're you doin'?..." Retribution's own voice almost sounded like a purr as he murmured back, "Tempting you. Is it working yet?"
The taller rider's blush darkened a small bit and he arched a brow bone, "Ret... seriously. What's up with ya? You've been actin' weird ever since sundown." Retribution hummed softly, remaining completely casual as he began to form his ecto body, "The full moon's out, that's why. I'll explain it better though if you kiss me first~" Famine unconsciously began to fidget, seeming hesitant, "Uhhh... I would, but Pest and War are here. Last time I checked, bein' lovey in front a' people wasn't somethin' you're a fan of."
Retribution made a face, almost pouting as he turned to fully face his partner, now straddling his lap. Feeling the other's formed body beneath his clothes as Ret leaned forward and pressed his chest against him, Famine's blush darkened even further. Immediately noticing this, the former prince laughed softly, his hands gently gripping Famine's shoulders as he began to kiss along his jaw. The taller of the two squirmed again, instinctively moving his hands to hold onto Ret's hips, and Ret let out the smallest gasp in surprise.
Famine briefly met his gaze and the shorter smirked, mischief flickering in his now hooded sockets as he purred, "¿Preferirías que lleváramos esto al dormitorio?~" Famine had no idea what Retribution had just asked, but upon seeing the rather sultry look he was wearing and recognising the language he just spoke as Spanish, Famine's single eye light momentarily vanished, leaving both of his sockets dark. His blush became much more obvious and Ret laughed softly again, clearly amused as he murmured, "It seems you like it when I talk to you like that... That's interesting."
Famine's eye light began to return and Ret smirked again, grinding himself down into his lap, "¿Te prende?" At the sudden pressure in his lap and against part of his pelvis, Famine clenched his jaw shut, trying to bite back a startled groan.
Glancing in their direction curiously, War's eyes immediately widened and her cheekbones burned blue; Unless her eyes were betraying her right now, it looked like Retribution was in the midst of trying to seduce Famine. What in the ever loving fu-
She lightly tapped on her soulmate's sternum with a finger, making sure to get his attention before whispering, "Please tell me you're seeing this too." Pest made a face, visibly confused, and War nodded toward the sofa. Shifting his gaze to the other couple and seeing the position they were in, Pest's cheekbones dusted a soft shade of green and he was silent for a moment before mumbling back, "Well damn... I wonder what's going on with Ret. There's no way in hell he'd actually be ok with doing this in front of anyone."
War sighed, making a face back at him, "Exactly. It looks like it's all him doing it, too. Fam looks like he's kinda just... sitting there and taking it." Pestilence glanced at the pair again and hummed, "Not anymore, it doesn't. Not when Fam's totally caved and is currently swapping saliva with him." The glitch glanced at the pair again and her blush began to spread down to her shoulders, in turn earning a soft chuckle from Pestilence.
Pest sighed after a moment, feigning disappointment, "Too bad that's not us... I'd love to be making out with you right about now." War scoffed, trying to hide a small, embarrassed smile, "Oh please, in this chair? We'd probably end up breaking it." Her soulmate snorted in amusement, rolling his eye lights and grinning. War had really begun to come out of her shell, and he was loving every moment of it.
Catching the sound of a soft moan coming from one of the two skeletons on the couch, War's blush began to glow faintly and she snapped, now feeling completely mortified, "Could you guys maybe NOT do this right now?! Some of us are trying to watch a movie!" The pair on the sofa separated, both of their faces stained with their own respective colors. Famine shifted Ret in his lap, now having the shorter sitting sideways again, and he cleared his throat, shooting a tiny, apologetic smile in Pest and War's direction, "Y-Yeah, sorry 'bout that, guys. Got a little carried away, I guess."
War deadpanned and rolled her eyes, "We noticed that." Sensing the steadily increasing awkwardness in the room, Pestilence arched a brow bone and spoke, "What's going on, anyway? Ret would've never done anything like this before. Not in front of us, at least. Is he doing alright?" Famine shook his head, clearly at a loss, "I have no idea, Pest. He just started comin' onto me outta nowhere, I swear. I didn't do anythin' to encourage him, either."
Pest's gaze shifted to Ret, whose face was now a bright shade of cyan as he looked up at Famine with heart shaped eye lights. Humming, Pestilence tilted his head, "You still with us, Apple Boy?" Retribution made a sound of confirmation and Famine let out a flustered sigh as the former prince moved, once again straddling his lap. Not even bothering to look at Pest and War, he spoke just loud enough to be heard, "Yeah, I'm still here. Obviously." Pestilence cracked a tiny smile, the other's sarcasm giving him a small amount of hope that he was fine, "You're not acting like yourself, dude. Are you feeling ok?..."
Ret made a face, wrapping his arms around Famine and hugging his head, pressing the taller rider's face into his chest, "For crying out loud, Pest, I'm FINE." At his face being pressed into his smaller partner's chest and feeling the soft ecto beneath his clothes, Famine's blush darkened several shades. Pestilence decided to push the issue, "Ret, come on. This isn't like you. Since when have you ever been the type to make out with someone with other people in the room?"
The former prince scoffed, appearing very minutely embarrassed as he pouted, "I'm fine, I swear. Is there really something so wrong about me being affectionate with the one I love?" War's brow bones lifted at the wording he used and she jumped into the conversation, "'The one you love'? What is this, a sudden declaration of love to him? This REALLY isn't like you." Ret shot a look at the glitch and she unconsciously shrunk back under his stare.
Absentmindedly petting Famine's skull, mindful of his head injury, Retribution let out a deep sigh, beginning to grow agitated, "He's my Honey Badger. If I feel like declaring my love for him, I will!" Pestilence immediately caught the nickname Ret had used to refer to Famine, and he grinned mischievously, a teasing tone to his voice, "Wait, wait, wait. Hold on. You're his cute little firefly, and suddenly, he's also your big handsome honey badger? That's great, oh my god."
Retribution scowled at the teasing, beginning to tremble the smallest bit. Feeling the former prince's trembling, Famine frowned, immediately becoming concerned as he spoke, his voice muffled, "Ya ok, Moonbeam?... You're shakin' like a leaf." Instantly refocusing his attention on his partner, Retribution released his head, sliding down his body to affectionately nuzzle the side of his face before making a sound of uncertainty, "They're giving me a hard time, Famine. All because I'm trying to show you how much I love you." Famine sighed, his expression softening, "...Should we turn in for the night, then? We can go back ta my room and crash. Or yours, if you'd like that better."
Retribution immediately gave an answer, nodding his head eagerly, "I'd love that a lot... It'd be really nice to have you in bed with me again." Famine smiled softly, his grin turning sheepish as Ret leaned closer and pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek. The former prince was quiet for a moment before he delicately placed a hand on Famine's chest and lowered his voice to a purr, just as he'd done a little bit ago, "Por favor hazme el amor esta noche también, Famine."
Famine still had no idea what Ret was saying, but damn, he'd be lying if he said it wasn't doing something to him. He cleared his throat, smiling sheepishly, "Ret... c'mon. Ya know I don't speak Spanish. If ya want somethin', you're gonna have ta tell me again in English so I can understand." Retribution made a face, looking shy as he slowly nodded again and glanced away from his taller partner. Now much more interested in what was going on with the pair, War and Pest exchanged glances, both silent as they tried to listen in and hear what was being said.
Retribution squirmed, his brilliant cyan blush spreading down to his shoulders. He seemed to hesitate for a moment before speaking, his voice only slightly louder than before, "I...I was asking you to make love to me tonight, too. If you'd be ok with that, I mean." Famine's eye light momentarily extinguished and his face somehow erupted into an even brighter blush than before.
Pestilence and War's faces were now also stained with their respective colors as War suddenly choked on air, her body jolting. Pest snorted in amusement, gently caressing War's side in an attempt to soothe her as she worked on recovering from what she'd just heard. Retribution's form twitched in surprise as War choked on air, his sockets widening the smallest bit. Famine took a deep breath, trying to collect himself as Ret cuddled close to him again.
Just as War began to catch her breath and breathe normally again, Pest lightly nudged her, a stupid grin plastered on his face as he teased her, speaking louder than necessary, "So what do think, War? Should we have sex tonight?" War screeched, her body beginning to glitch harder than usual as she pulled away from her soulmate and lightly swatted at him, visibly mortified, "OH MY GOD, PEST, COULD YOU NOT CONSTANTLY TRY TO EMBARRASS ME?!"
Pestilence erupted into a fit of giggles, completely unapologetic, "Aw come on, you're so cute when you're embarrassed though, babe!" War growled, her threads snatching a pillow off the couch beside Famine. Once the pillow was within reach, the glitch roughly smacked Pestilence with it, "I'm warning you, Pest. I'm about two seconds away from smothering you to death with this pillow!" Pest wiggled his brow bones in a suggestive manner and playfully cooed, "That's unfair, babe. If you're gonna kill me, can I at least be suffocated by your ecto instead?" War shifted, landing another smack with the pillow to Pest's face, "Are you seriously asking that right now?! There's no way in hell I'd reward this kinda behavior, mister!" Pest laughed, reaching around his soulmate to lightly swat her rear, in turn earning another screech from her.
While the pair of soulmates went back and forth, Famine sighed deeply and shook his head, wearing a tiny smile with one of his arms loosely wrapped around Retribution. Ret remained pressed as close to him as possible, attempting to hide his face out of immense embarrassment. Wanting to spare his partner of any further teasing, Famine gathered him up into his arms and stood, beginning to carry him back to his room. Just as the pair slipped out of the living room, Death appeared, looking utterly exhausted as he began to glide across the room, seeming to float.
Settling on the now vacant sofa and stretching out, he let out a soft sigh of relief, practically sinking into the softness of the cushions. Seeing the reaper, Pestilence called out to him, still wearing a wide grin, "What about you, D? You gonna get laid tonight, too?" War spat out a small string of expletives at Pest, and Death only looked at him with a raised brow bone, his expression otherwise blank, "Excuse me?" Before Pest had the chance to reply, War pushed the pillow over his face to muffle his voice before speaking over him, "Feel free to ignore him. He's just being an idiot right now."
Death hummed in acknowledgement, letting his sockets drift shut, "I gotcha. May I ask why he chose this particular subject?" Pestilence jabbed his soulmate in the side, not quite hard enough to hurt, but only to make her loosen her grip on the pillow. As she let out a surprised yelp, he stole the pillow from her, placing it behind his head as his grin became mischievous again, "Maybe you should go ask Fam and Ret. I'm sure they'd have an answer for ya."
Death let out a low, long hum, the sound completely monotone. As he pieced together what Pestilence meant, he cracked one of his eyes open the smallest bit and sighed again, "I'm just gonna assume I know what they're probably doing right now." War made a soft sound, trying to push away her annoyance as she questioned the reaper, "Do you know what's going on with Ret? He's been acting really weird. Like... way more openly affectionate, and he was being super casual about attempting to seduce Famine when they were here with us."
Lying down and making himself comfortable, Death shrugged his shoulders, "The full moon's out. From what I know, that does something to him. Being more lovey is to be expected, but trying to seduce Famine?... He must've been outside under the direct moonlight or something. I don't really get how it works, but eh. As long as he's not being an ass and causing problems, I don't care what he does."
The front door opened and Conquest made her way inside, muttering to herself as she tugged Abrael inside after her, her orange magic closing the door. The former pirate appeared unconscious, not moving or speaking, and Conquest was very obviously less than impressed, one of Abrael's arms over her shoulders while one of her own was firmly wrapped around the other woman's waist as she used her body to support the other's weight.
Naturally, Pestilence was the first to speak, "Well damn. What'd you do to her, Connie? She looks pretty roughed up." Conquest let out a deep sigh, shifting Abrael and settling on hoisting her up into her arms, her magic appearing again to make it easier to carry her, "We've been training for a while, and I've been trying to teach her how to use magic and conjure things." She was silent for a moment, glancing at the former pirate and furrowing her brow bones, "Perhaps I should've started off slower and allowed her more time to work on the warm-ups."
War tilted her head, arching a brow bone, "Was she slacking off again or something?..." Annoyance seemed to very briefly take over Connie's expression, before it quickly faded to exhausted acceptance, "Yeah... As usual. It still hasn't dawned on her that she needs to be taking this whole thing seriously. I've tried approaching it from every possible angle, but so far, nothing's worked." The glitch made a face, able to sense Conquest's frustration, "...Y'know what, Connie? You're taking a break from training her. I'll take over for a while."
Conquest was surprised at War's words, both of her brow bones lifting, "War, that's very kind of you, and I really appreciate it, but I-" War growled lowly in agitation, and Conquest stopped speaking. Whenever War made that sound and had that look on her face, the conversation was officially over. There'd be no more debating the issue unless she wanted to risk upsetting the glitch, and Conquest wasn't about to take that chance. She trusted War enough to leave Mortem with her every so often, but at the same time, she knew what those blue threads of hers could do. Maybe she hadn't seen the full extent of what they were capable of, but she'd heard stories from the others.
She knew that, much like with Error's threads, their purpose was to capture and ensnare targets, right before shattering their souls. Connie knew War would never do that, but with her temper, sometimes it worried her a bit.
War had made the offer to take over training Abrael for a while so that Connie could take a break from it and rest, if need be. She was concerned for her, in her own roundabout way, but Connie understood, and she was thankful. Offering the glitch a soft smile, she sighed, "Alright then... If you're sure it won't be a problem, then go for it. I appreciate it very much." War hummed, "Yeah, sure... I know that you're trying to help Abrael get stronger so she's more capable of handling herself, but you're not taking into consideration what all the extensive training is doing to you, too. Nobody here wants to see you push yourself too hard and get hurt."
Conquest's disposition seemed to soften and her cheekbones flushed a faint shade of orange; She was so used to looking after others that it was always a surprise when anyone expressed any sort of desire to look after her. It was unexpected and a bit odd feeling, but it made Connie smile again, "I know... Thank you for being concerned about me, War. It really means a lot to me."
War's own face became a soft shade of blue and she waved off Connie's words, "Yeah, yeah, sure. 'M glad you're happy." Conquest rolled her eye lights and resisted the urge to giggle at the sudden shift in the other rider's attitude; From openly concerned and worried, to awkward and embarrassed... Yeah, that sounded about right for War.
She stole a quick glance at Death, who was still sprawled out on the couch with his eyes closed. He looked so peaceful and relaxed... It was nice to see him looking that way, instead of stressed and exhausted. She attempted to be subtle, appreciating his outward serenity. Although he looked completely at ease, there was always something going on in his mind, and she never knew what any of it was. Before her own mind had the chance to begin wandering, she hummed, offering Pestilence and War a tired smile, "I'm gonna take this one to her room and get her situated, then I think I might call it a day... Goodnight, you two."
She paused, hesitating a moment, "And goodnight to you too, Death... I hope you sleep well tonight." Death opened his eyes, his sockets still hooded as he looked up at her and smiled faintly, "Thanks for that... Goodnight, Connie."
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