#just me ruminating in my thoughts bc I’m too nervous for tomorrow to sleep
jemmo · 1 year
hello again 🙌🏻 this week's his man eps were.. a lot.
firstly, i'm so happy for junsungho. 🥹 their date was everything. the way they're absolutely inseparable now is the cutest thing ever, and their voice messages and phone calls brought me to tears. god. they're so adorable, so precious, so comfortable and heart-fluttering to watch, i can't tell you how many times i've rewatched their scenes. they absolutely made my week. 🥺
now onto the love triangle 2.0 fiasco. sigh. that was just extremely frustrating to watch. i can't imagine how it must've felt for them to be in that situation themselves. i must say though, this really did stem from minsung continuing to be so indecisive and the way hyungjin suddenly decided to come on so strong ON DAY 6, MIND YOU. i understand that this is a dating show and you're feeling like you're running out of time, but if you're gonna flirt with someone - please read the room and don't make them uncomfortable with your advances. minsung really needs to take control over this situation quickly instead of constantly trying to run away from it because it's gonna keep stressing everyone out, himself especially.
i also can't help but feel like seonwoo's meddling caused this to become a much bigger deal than it would've been? of course they've both voiced to seonwoo that they're grateful, especially hyungjun through a call that costed him a date (sigh), but if he just let hyungjun and minsung figure their thing out themselves instead of the constant pushing maybe things could've been different, who knows. it's just mostly everyone in the house sees them as a thing now because of the constant gossiping, thanks to seonwoo, when in reality minsung has always been so back and forth the whole time.
according to the preview though, it looks like minsung may have finally made his choice so i'm hoping this awkward tension doesn't drag on any longer.
you’re on the money with all of this anon and in light of the next eps coming tomorrow and trying to answer all my anons, I feel like I’ve talked so much about the current state that I don’t wanna go over anything i or you have said about these eps. but reading this ask, esp the part talking about seonwoo’s interference, it did make me think that the whole situation might be blown out of proportion and made a bigger deal and focused on so much bc really there isn’t much else happening. yes, we’re at the end, and to be frank if hyungjin didn’t come in with this last ditch effort, I think minsung would’ve been ready to settle on hyungjun like he said he had the day previous after their date, and then what would the episodes have been?? flipping between two established couples and the rest of them just hanging out?? and I’m not saying any of it was staged or anything, it doesn’t feel that way at all, it’s more that hyungjin going for this final push bc he wants to make his feelings clear before it ends just happens to be the perfect drama for these final eps. but what i think is adding to the air of pressure is that, between the remaining 4, there isn’t really a whole lot going on. I mean, you have seonwoo and yonghee but that’s just hitting the same points over and over, yonghee going for it and seonwoo not giving anything back, like he’s literally more focused on minsung and his drama than yonghee. and there isn’t really any other possible couple bubbling under the surface, and it’s got to a point where they’re content with that. I think jungwook realised pretty early that he wasn’t going to couple up with anyone, yonghee is set on seonwoo to no avail, seonwoo just lost sungho and doesn’t seem interested in anyone else, and hyungjin is making his last attempt with minsung bc he doesn’t seem interested in the remaining three. and bc there’s nothing happening between them, plus 2sung being established, it must feel like everyone’s eyes are on minsung, which only adds to the pressure hyungjin is already creating. like the show is ending and everything is revolving around him, which I don’t think helps him decide bc he does seem to want to just run away and avoid it, or at least take time away to think, before he decides, but bc there’s nothing else happening it means he can’t, and even when he tries to, that’s still the thing everyone is talking and thinking about. so there’s no wonder he’s so back and forth when everyone is focused on his decision, and it makes me think, if there still was other drama, would it have settled a lot quicker and easier?? I mean the sungho junsung seonwoo love triangle lasted a lot longer but was also more subtle in how forward and obvious it was to everyone, but hyungjin does not know subtlety, or his urgency means he can’t afford to be subtle, so it really is love triangle 2.0 on crack election boogaloo, and I just hope that, much like with sungho and junsung, minsung and hyungjun manage to escape the chaos and stress on it all and focus on what actually matters here which is their relationship. but yeah, the remaining 4 have me puzzled as to if there’s any lingering drama there bc it doesn’t feel like it and yet idk if there all just gonna be left hanging…
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vivvyinvienna · 4 years
Dad!Draco admiring you with the baby and toddler
baby, baby (draco malfoy)
A/N: heyo! Back again w Dad!Draco, who i am an absolute sucker for. I had to google “how to play with a baby” before writing bc i don’t rly understand children. To the nonny who requested, i hope you enjoy xoxo
Word Count: 1.3k
Summary: Dad!Draco has to take a couple of sick days from work but that also means he gets to spend more time with his beloved family. Fluff :))
Warnings: unedited, baby scorp cuteness, mentions of pregnancy, stomach flu?
When Draco started rousing from his nap, it was already late in the afternoon. His body’s natural inclination to turn towards his wife took over despite his still dozing mind. After being married to Y/N for seven years and sleeping in the same bed for even longer, every time he woke up Draco felt this physical yearning for the warmth and intimacy that only being intertwined with her could provide. But today, he was disappointed. The cold sheets to his left brought him fully out of his sleep-induced haze.
Once Draco was fully awake, he used the bearing magic that was embedded into the intricate blood wards of their family home to locate his wife and child. It only took a second before he knew that Y/N and Scorpius were in the living room. Normally he wasn’t one to nap for hours while making his wife be solely responsible for their son, but Draco was still recovering from an exceptionally brutal stomach flu. He had stayed home from work for the last three days, trading his job at Malfoy Inc for saltine crackers, stomach cramps, heating pads, and an overzealous number of bathroom trips.
He stood up from the bed and padded out of the room in search of his family. When he neared the entrance of the rosy-tinted living room, he was graced by the sound of his child giggling and his wife idly talking. Standing in the doorway, he breathed in the sight of the two people who he loved with every inch of his battered heart. The floor-length French windows were slightly ajar, letting in the breeze of summer and the scent of peaches. The sunset coming in painted the room with the blush of a rose petal and the bloom of sedation. 
You were sitting on the creme-colored couch, bouncing Scorpius on your knees. He had just turned one-year-old a couple of weeks ago, and already he was starting to lose some of his chunky baby fat which you and Draco both adored. But he was still the cutest baby in your eyes, with or without his chubby baby legs. With his cherub cheeks, bright eyes, and wispy tufts of the distinct Malfoy hair, no other baby could compare. You sat with your back facing the doorway, so you didn’t notice Draco until Scorpius started squirming away from you and let out a very enthusiastic “Da! Dada!” 
Draco let out a jovial laugh when he saw the big toothy grin on his son’s face. He immediately held out his arms to steal Scorp from his mother. 
“Hey buddy!” Draco responded to him with the same amount of energy. “What have you been up to today?” He talked to Scorp like an adult, treating his noises as real answers. 
Scorpius babbled. 
“Oh really? You know, I took a pretty good nap too today.”
More babbling. 
“Well, why don’t we go to the pond tomorrow?”
Scorpius continued.
“Of course buddy, it’ll be warm out tomorrow.”
He moved to sit down next to you, giving you a pillowy kiss and wrapping the arm that wasn’t holding a toddler around you. Draco couldn’t help but stare. The fading sunshine glowed upon you with romantic affection. You were ethereal to him. He looked at you the way every girl dreamed of being looked at. And the depth of his eyes held promises. Promises that there was no one in the world he would rather see and be with than you. 
“Hey mama,” his soft words reverberated with the utmost tenderness.
This time you leaned over to kiss him. As your lips touched his, he felt a murmur of enchantment somewhere in his body. It felt a bit like healing and a bit like elation, but he was too peaceful to bother pinpointing. 
“How are you feeling, sweetheart? Is your stomach still hurting?” you were still concerned over his health despite him looking much better than before he went to nap. 
“I feel better, I think it’s run its course,” he answered matter-a-factly. 
Your conversation remained brief because Scorpius let out a whine. Probably because neither of his parents was giving him attention.
You turned your attention to your son. You danced your fingers on his cheeks, making him let out a precious giggle. As Draco watched, he felt the bells of sunshine ring in his heart, a feeling only explicable by the child in his arms and wife at his side. 
The two of you moved to the floor of the couch and continued to play with Scorp. It wasn’t before long though when he decided that his favorite ferret stuffed animal was more entertaining than his parents and crawled away to play with it. With Scorp occupied, Draco decided this was the perfect time to talk to you about something he’d been ruminating over.
“I have something to talk to you about,” he started. 
You took in an over-exaggerated gasp, “Are you breaking up with me?” you said with no real distress. 
He went along with you, “That’s actually the second thing I want to talk to you about.”
“Ok well, what’s the first?”
He took in a deep breath, as if slightly nervous. “I think I want to step down from Malfoy Inc for a little while and spend more time at home with you two.” 
You turned to fully face him. You were elated at the possibility but a bit hesitant in case he hadn’t fully thought it through yet.
“I’d love to have you home more, I’m sure Scorp does too,” you paused, “but you love your job.”
“But I love you guys more. A lot more actually,” there was no wavering in his affirmation. 
“You won’t get bored being at home all day?” you pushed a bit more. 
“I was planning on picking up some of my old alchemy projects. And you remember all the notebooks Severus left me?” 
You did.
“I think it’d be good to finish some of his potions research.”
You agreed. 
“I’ve honestly been thinking about stepping down for a while and being at home these last three days just really reminded me of how much I miss every day. He’s growing up so fast. And I miss being home with you and Scorp.”
“I miss having you home too, I miss you all the time.” You almost laughed at how clingy you sounded. “So if you want to step down, I won’t be the one to stop you.”
He gave you that smile, the one that was reserved only for you. “I guess I’m quitting my job,” he sounded nonchalant but the excitement was obvious in the smile lines of his eyes. 
“One stomach flu and you’re ready to quit your job. I’d hate to see what a migraine does to you,” you teased.
“Shut up,” he feigned offense. “Merlin, Y/N I threw up so much I finally understand how you felt when you were pregnant.”
You gave him a questionable look. “For some reason, I doubt it.” The room filled with Draco’s laughter again. 
“Speaking of pregnancy…” he shifted closer to you, slowly gliding his large hand onto your belly. “I want to put another baby in here.”
“You are just full of ideas today.” He was about to open his mouth to persuade you further, when you continued, “But I can’t say that’s a bad one.”
A boyish grin took his face. 
Then, taking you both by surprise, a loud grumble came from Draco’s midsection. You both stilled and looked at each other for a couple of seconds before he groaned and started whining. Pulling his hand away from your belly, he moved to cradle his own. And you laughed, you laughed an absurd, charming little laugh because you couldn’t get over how Draco’s whining sounded exactly like Scorpius’.
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claymoreme · 5 years
For the Good of the Kingdom
Words: 4,469
Rating: M
You are a princess, betrothed to the neighboring kingdom’s prince. Your royal guard, Sir McIntyre, helps soothe your nerves before your wedding night. 
Author’s note: This is, uh, a really sexually explicit work of fiction. Reader has breasts and a vagina and is referred to as a princess/woman. Some characters are inspired by real-life wrestlers/personas, but are not meant to represent real people. Contains some initial non-con ish contact and a slight age gap (3-4 years in my mind. Princess is late teens/early 20s, McIntyre early-mid 20s.) Sexually inexperienced reader. Not super historically accurate probably. Drew wears a quilted gambeson/tunic, trousers, and boots. Similar to what Kit is wearing here minus the cloak.
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I’m tagging @haigrr @writtingrose and also @writinglionqueen @superrezzy00 bc I have a feeling your whole crew might enjoy this and I love your work so lets be friends pls
ps. I have literally never written something quite like this before so uhh b nice thanks and enjOY
It was near impossible to sleep that night. Your round tower room was lit by the bright starlight pooling on your pillow. The moon added to the glow, shining through a pair of ornate arched windows on either side of your four-poster bed. Not only that, but the summer air was heavy with heat, making it impossible to get comfortable even under your silken sheets. Tossing and turning, you tried to allow yourself to relax, but your mind simply would not rest. Perhaps, if it was just the air and the light, you could have managed. But there was something else.
Tomorrow was to be your wedding day. 
Your home kingdom, Valaris, had been clashing with knight factions from the  neighboring kingdom of Saoma for almost a month now. Armies on either side had been caught in skirmishes and raids across the countryside. Your father had been in peace talks for days with the neighboring kingdom, and the two kings had at last decided to end the conflict and secure an alliance together. An alliance, of course, through marriage. The marriage of the Princess of Valaris and the Prince of Saoma. You had no fear of the marriage itself. As Princess, you would do whatever needed to be done to bring peace to your kingdom. Besides, Prince Rollins was, well, incredibly good looking. You had seen him from afar in parades, always looking dashing with his long chestnut hair, well kept beard, and impish grin. It was said he was an excellent warrior, and your ladies in waiting had assured you he would make a fine husband. But there was one thing you were still worried about. One thing that kept your mind awake and whirring. 
The wedding night. 
You had heard, of course, of the tradition of consummation. Every wife’s duty is to bear children. Every wife’s duty began on that night. Those ladies in waiting who had experienced it told you that, while the first time may be uncomfortable, even painful, it wasn’t too unpleasant. Especially if your husband was good looking. Still, it sounded... strange. You had had your first blood and knew your own body, knew well the sensitive spot between your legs, knew how good it felt to rub it until your whole body tensed and then went limp with pleasure. But you could not imagine anything… entering you. Not without pain. Even the few times you had tried with your own fingers had not felt particularly good. And a man was, according to your ladies, much bigger. It would hurt, you were sure. And to have a man so close to your body… a man you’d never even spoken to…
You sighed in frustration against your pillow. No use ruminating on it now. Duty be done, pain or no pain. Perhaps some reading would calm your nerves. At least give your mind something to focus on besides tomorrow night. 
Sitting up, you swung your legs out of bed and reached for your bureau candle. Nobody else could possibly be awake at this hour. In fumbling to light the candle stub however, you knocked a heavy book to the floor. The book thudded to the floor and the sound echoed like a thunderclap in the still night. Jumping to your feet, you bent down to retrieve it but it was too late. The door to your room swung open.
Sir Drew McIntyre, the head of the palace guard, stood towering in your doorway. That’s right. Father wanted security for my room tonight, just in case. Drew was the most capable fighter in the whole of the palace knights. And not only was he the best at combat, he was physically outstanding as well. At least a full head taller than you and probably thrice your mass. He wasn’t in full plate armor but still cut an intimidating figure, standing there in a dark quilted gambeson over trousers and shining leather boots, sparring gloves and a massive sheathed sword tucked into the belt around his waist. He went without a chest guard or helmet while on guard duty, preferring to keep his long black hair tied back with a simple cord. His solid jaw and chin were covered with a close cut black beard and accompanying mustache. Piercing, intense blue-gray eyes looked out from under a furrowed brow.
“Are you alright, Princess? I thought I heard a disturbance.” His voice was a warm Scottish burr, powerful and low.
“Yes, I- I mean no, no disturbance, Sir McIntyre. I’m alright. This just, uh, fell,” you stammered, picking up the book and place it back on the bureau. 
“Are you certain?” The large man moved forward into the room, allowing the door to close behind him, and began pacing the perimeter, double checking for any signs of an intruder. You sighed at your clumsiness. 
“Yes, Sir. Just some trouble sleeping is all.” You expected him to turn to leave, but he didn’t. Instead he strode over to the window and gazed out into the night. You decided against ushering him out. It’s not like you were going to go back to sleep. 
“What worries you, Princess?” He didn’t look at you. Just clasped his large hands behind his back and fixed his eyes out the window, watching. 
“It’s… it’s nothing,” you insisted, a slight tremor in your voice. It’s not that you were scared of him, exactly, after all, he was there to protect you. But men rarely, if ever, visited your chambers, and it was usually your father or some other guards. But Drew being here was… different. You had seen him about the palace grounds, even seen him training a few times. He swung a greatsword like it was a feather. Once, when out with your ladies in waiting on a particularly hot summer day, you had caught a glimpse of him in the training yard clad only in rough trousers and boots. Shirtless, tan, sunlight glistening off impossibly broad shoulders, dark hair lining his chest and trailing down towards the muscled V of his hips. His hair had been loose, hanging in a curtain around his face as his powerful arms swung his weapon with ease, leaving the training dummy in a broken pile on the ground. You had flushed, and not just from the heat. Your ladies in waiting had tittered and hurried you away. Not proper for ladies to stare at such things. Heat rushed to your cheeks now as you recalled the memory and you couldn’t help but cast a lingering glance at his clothed form now. You had only stared at him from afar, but now… now he was here, in your chambers. Turning away from the window to face you. He took a step closer, cautiously. Like he was trying not to startle you.
“Is it the wedding?” 
“Yes. I suppose… in a way.” You gulped down the embarrassed lump rising in your throat and lifted your chin upwards jutting your chin upwards in an attempt to show confidence. “But Rollins is a good man. I am more than ready to do my part in making peace.”
“He is a good man. And a good warrior. The alliance, of course, will be good for our kingdoms,” Drew agreed. He paused. “But you are the Princess. I was assigned to protect you tonight. I’m not leaving until it’s clear to me you are safe and comfortable. So what worries you?” You were unable to meet his eyes anymore. Those stormy gray eyes, so intense, and yet so… gentle. Concerned. You turned to face the window. I shouldn't tell him. Why would I tell him?  So incredibly improper to tell him, a man, a man assigned to guard you and nothing more, but the worry weighed so heavy on your mind that you couldn't stop the words from falling out. Something about the private stillness of the night and the man in your room, assigned to protect you. Nobody else would hear.
“Sir McIntyre… I have never been… with a man.. in the way that- that a man is with his wife. In fact I-” your entire face and neck were surely bright red now, “I… have never even… kissed a man.” The last few words were barely audible. Why am I even saying this? To the captain of the guard, of all people? Silence fell in the room for a brief moment until it was broken. Drew was chuckling to himself. Those handsome features, so often serious and focused, were cracked with a gentle smile. He has dimples. Not so scary after all.
“‘’M sorry, Princess, I don’t mean to laugh. I understand your apprehension. ” You do?
“I’m sure.. I’m sure you’ve.. well, I hear that knights… often h-have many women,” you finished in an embarrassed whisper.  Drew chuckled again. 
“Aye, I am… experienced, yes. And so I know that everyone has nerves their first time. ’S only natural to be nervous.” The two of you were silhouetted in the window now, facing each other. A foot away. Almost nose to nose… well, nose to chest, really. He’s so close. 
“I will do my duty of course. As a Princess and as a wife.” You swallowed again, your eyes dancing from his broad neck to his dark beard to his heavy brows, avoiding his eyes. “I am just afraid that, in terms of actually… being with my husband… I feel unprepared,” you trailed off, blushing. This room is stifling. “I don’t even… I don’t even know what a simple kiss feels like.” Your heart was pounding. Drew smiled softly, showing just a trace of his dimples. Those dimples… His eyes locked onto yours. Gray swirling fog. The room was silent for a moment once more.
“It feels like this.” 
And then warm lips ever so softly pressed against yours. His beard lightly tickled against your cheeks and you felt one large hand cup the side of your face, brushing back your hair. He’s kissing me. Sir Drew McIntyre is kissing me. It was so unexpected, such a new feeling, that you froze, unsure if you were supposed to kiss him back or even how to kiss him back. Sensing your stiffness, Drew broke the kiss. “Princess.. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.” He straightened up and backed away. You stood there, lips buzzing, head pounding, unsure of how to proceed. You knew it wasn’t proper. You knew a princess had to value her honor. And yet… It had felt so good. Good and gentle and right. 
“Sir McIntyre. Wait. Please.”
“No, Princess. I’m sorry. I should never have entered your quarters. I will find another guard to relieve me tonight.” He reached for the door.
“Please don’t go. Sir McIntyre… I… want you to stay.” He stopped at that, one hand on the door. Turned. You had no idea where this sudden confidence came from. There was something driving you towards that man. “I order you to stay.” The words crept from your lips as a whisper. His stormy eyes met yours. Clouded. Unreadable. 
“As my Princess commands,” he murmured, holding his ground. Your steps swiftly closed the distance between you two. Mere inches away from him now. Rising to your tiptoes, trying to get closer, to show him you wanted this. Your hands gingerly reached to his chest, splaying your fingers over the quilted cloth, feeling his heartbeat thudding under them. Drew obligingly dipped his face closer to yours, and this time it was you who leaned into him and joined your lips together again in a tender kiss. Large fingertips softly took hold of your hips as your mouth moved against his. He felt warm and gentle and good. You pulled away for a moment, breathless, lips burning. Without even realizing it, your hands had begun to pull at the laces of his quilted shirt. But a pair of powerful hands took your shoulders and pushed you away.
“Princess.” There was need in his stormy eyes even as he held you at a distance. “I cannot do this. You know as well as I that it is far from proper. You are to be married to Prince Rollins tomorrow. I cannot dishonor that.” He’s right. He is. And yet… Your stomach dropped at the thought of him leaving. You felt as if your blood was magnetic, pulling you towards him, yearning, needing to get closer to him. You wanted this. Damn being proper.
“I know. I just think… I think maybe my fears would be less if- if I knew… what to expect. For the good of my nerves. For… for the good of the kingdom.” Drew took your chin in one powerful hand and tilted it up, meeting your eyes with a serious gaze. His voice was a low rough rumble. Like it was hard for him to allow himself to speak.
“I… have always been in awe of your beauty, even from afar. I am sworn to protect you. I would never want to dishonor my Princess. But, if you truly desire… I could ease your fears tonight. Only if you want this.” Your heartbeat quickened and your breath caught in your throat. Holding his gaze, you nodded. 
“I want this.”
With that, he bent forward and enveloped your lips in another searing kiss. Your hands went for his chest once again and he chuckled, smoothly unbuckling his belt and laying his weapon aside before helping you undo the laces to his shirt. Clad only his trousers and boots, Drew was… magnificent. There really was no other word. Tanned skin and trails of dark hair rippling over chiseled muscles. You ran your hands across his heated skin, marveling at his physique, wordlessly tracing the dip of his hips. Drew sank down onto the bed and pulled you towards him. Another quiet chuckle graced his face as his big hands encircled your waist, guiding you in between his legs. He leaned his forehead against yours and looked into your eyes. One of his hands rested on the small of your back, while the other began to drift lower, gently caressed your backside through your shift. 
“Is this alright?” You closed your eyes and nodded, breathing heavily. They moved lower, and lower. Began to toy with the hem of your shift that rested midway down your thighs. Your breath caught in your throat as you felt his warm fingers begin to slip underneath the fabric. “Is this alright?”, he asked again.  This time, you responded by kissing him. Kept kissing him. You wanted, you needed, to be closer to him. Tangling your hands in his long, dark, hair, you let Drew slide his hands up the sides of your body, taking your shift with them and pulling it over your head. You leaned into him, straddling his lap, your bare chests pressed together, heated skin on skin. Settling down, you could feel a straining bulge in his trousers. A wave of heat stirred in your belly. One large hand gently brushed up your side to softly cup your breast. “You are so beautiful,” your knight murmured into the crook of your neck, before trailing kisses all the way down your chest. Rolling one of your nipples in his flushed lips, grazing it ever so slightly with his teeth. His beard tickled against your bare skin. Then in one swift move, he scooped his hands underneath you and spun you around, dropping you delicately on the bed.  
Your breath grew shallow and quick as Drew lay you out on your back and knelt over you. Will it happen now? Drew must have noticed your increased anxiety. He kissed you gently, and murmured into your ear. “Don’t worry, Princess. I’m going to help you get ready. If you want me to stop… just tell me. But,” he smirked, “I think you’ll enjoy this part.” He pressed his lips to yours once again, slightly open, hot breath ghosting into your mouth. He peppered more kisses down your jawline, moving smoothly down, sucking and nibbling small love bites into the delicate skin on your collarbones. Drew slid off the edge of the bed and kneeled, curling his broad arms around your hips and sliding you towards him with gentle force. His face was now situated directly between your legs. You looked down at the man nestled between your thighs and felt a wave of embarrassment. You must look so unappealing from this angle. But the Scotsman between your legs didn’t flinch. He pressed a kiss to the inside of your thigh. Just seeing him there, eyes heavy with desire, his massive arms curling around the outside of your legs, fingertips digging into your skin to gently pry hold your knees open… your core quivered. Drew slowly laid a kiss on the inside of your thigh. Such sensitive skin. Another kiss. Another. Oh god, he’s moving closer. The ladies didn’t mention anything like this. 
And then you felt his hot breath directly on your sex. Even just him breathing there somehow felt better than you had ever felt touching yourself. When his mouth finally touched you, you let out a moan. Any self conscious thoughts fled your mind, replaced with sheer pleasure as his lips caressed your most sensitive spot. Gentle suction between his lips made shivers of electricity run all through your body. Sucking and licking and stroking. His tongue running softly between your slick folds. Your own fingers couldn't even come close to this. It felt so good. And god, you were starting to ache. Ache in ways you’d never felt before, your body yearning to feel him on the inside. You groaned out loud as his tongue dipped towards your entrance, and his lips curved in a smile. Obligingly, he pressing his tongue just slightly into your hole. Oh, god. That was what you needed. More of that. Tentatively, you rolled your hips towards him and let your legs relax open. He was right. You were enjoying this. Finally rising up and resting his head against your thigh, Drew looked at you with heated eyes. His lips were flushed and his bearded chin was shiny and damp. He spoke in a rough whisper. 
“Princess. I’m going to use my fingers now. You tell me if anything hurts.” You nodded, still reeling from how good his mouth had felt. Drew once again dipped between your legs. His rough beard gently scratched your inner thighs as he placed more moist kisses on your sex, his tongue dancing around your entrance before being replaced with one of his fingers. Gingerly slipping it inside of you. It felt.. strange but good. Like your insides were craving to be touched. Slowly, his finger moved in and out, curling, stretching you slightly. Another pressed against your entrance and slid in easily. Like you were made for this. You whimpered as the stretch of a third caused a twinge of pain. Drew gently kissed the crease of your thigh and slowly curled his fingers, massaging you just right and your back arched of its own accord. How could this feel so good? You clenched around them out of sheer need.  All thoughts of being proper were gone from your mind. 
“Do you want to keep going?” You sat up slightly and nodded with no hesitation. You had never been more sure of anything in your whole life. Drew rose from his kneeling position at the foot of the bed, bulge in his trousers even more prominent than before. He unlaced them and slowly pulled them down until he was standing there, fully naked in front of you. You blushed as you stared. Good lord. How will that ever fit? His cock stood out proudly from his body, long and hard and glistening. Dark hair clustered around the base. He gazed at you laid out on the bed, legs open for him, and one hand began to stroke his thick shaft. “You look amazing, Princess.” His deep voice was heavy with desire. So do you, you wanted to say, but you couldn't form words. Drew climbed onto the bed between your legs. Nestling back on his heels, his muscular thighs were on full display, as was his erect cock. It throbbed against his toned hips. You juices still lingered on his lips, adding a slight tang when he leaned forward and kissed you. Leaning his body ever closer to yours. Apprehension must have shown in your face for he gave a gentle smile. “I’ll go slow. If you want to stop, tell me.”
His strong hands eased your knees up onto either side of him. He took care to give his fingers some extra slick from his mouth before reaching down and slipping them through your warm folds once again. Making sure you were nice and wet. Making sure you were ready. Then he bent down, leaning his forearm next to your face and pressing another warm kiss to your lips as he positioned his cock between your legs. You felt the head nudge ever so slightly against your entrance, sending a shiver through your body, and looked up into the Scotsman’s eyes. He didn’t ask aloud this time. But his eyes told you that he would stop if you asked, that he was here for you, that he wanted to make sure this was your choice. You nodded. Your whole body thrummed with need. Holding your gaze with his, Drew shifted his hips and slowly began to press forward. Oh god. What if it doesn’t fit? He still felt wider than your entrance would allow. But Drew had made you so wet that his cock slid easily into your waiting heat. Gently, slowly, he eased his way inside you. And it felt so good. As much as he had prepared you with his fingers, Drew’s cock stretched you further still, with a twinge of pain but so much pleasure. Your head hung back as a guttural sound escaped your throat. Drew must have felt the same way, as he let out a long exhale, muttering a curse under his breath. He pressed a bit deeper before stopping and allowing you to adjust. You felt so full. His eyes had grown dark with lust and he placed another searing kiss against your lips as he slowly withdrew his cock before thrusting into you once again. Oh god, Drew… He was stretching you so deliciously around his thick cock. Rolling his hips forward and back, in and out, nudging slightly deeper each time, making you his. Your hips tilted on their own, opening up for him. Taking him in to your wet needy heat. Breathing heavily. Drew pumping in and out so slowly, so gently, strong arms on either side of you caging you in, his body pressed against yours. It felt so good. Like nothing you could ever have imagined. You wanted more.
“I… I want you to go deeper,” you half moaned, half panted to the man above you. Drew gave a devilish grin and bucked his hips up into you with more force than before and you could feel his cock driving deeper. Touching you in places you’d never been touched. Your moans and nods telling him it was okay, it felt good, you wanted this. You clenched around him instinctively and he breathed in sharply. On the next thrust, his shaft pressed against something on your walls that felt amazing and you couldn't help but cry out.
“There?” he asked, not slowing his strokes.
“Y-yes, right there, Sir McIntyre, I-”
“Drew.” He growled into your ear. The sheer intensity in his voice made your whole body quiver. He angled his hips slightly and began to pick up speed, pounding into just right. Your legs wrapped around his broad back, bringing him in as close to you as possible. 
Drew buried his face in your neck and covered it in kisses, his beard running leaving tiny lovely stings on the sensitive skin. His hands fisted in your hair, grasping it until it hurt but you didn’t care. One of your hands tangled in his own long dark hair as the other scrambled along his back mindlessly, leaning tiny scratches of their own. He was relentless as he continued to pull out and drive back inside you. The sound of skin on skin filling the air, Drew’s hips colliding with yours, balls heavy and slapping against your ass. Hitting you just right over and over again each time until you felt your pleasure coming to a peak deep in your belly, your walls starting to clench on his cock of their own accord.
“Drew I- I- oh, God…!”, words failed as you spasmed around his cock. Electricity flooded your veins and your body clenched, every nerve buzzing with pleasure. Drew let out a drawn out groan as his thrusting slowed, wet heat seeping from the tip of his cock so deep inside your belly. You were seeing stars. A long moaning whine escaped from your throat as you came down from your high, panting, blood pounding in your ears. He gave a few more lazy thrusts before withdrawing himself, leaving you feeling so empty after being stuffed full. You were both panting. He rolled off of you onto his side and left one broad arm draped across your heaving chest. 
“Well, Princess,” he asked after you had both caught your breath, “Did you enjoy that?”
“I didn’t know I could feel that good.” Another of his low chuckles. Good lord, his dimples. Now there’s a sight I wouldn’t mind waking up to. 
“Aye, as it should be. Get some rest,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to your temple before rising to pull his trousers back on. “I ought to head back to my post. And, Princess,” He added before he turned to leave, “if you can handle me… you'll be ready for Rollins.” The mention of your husband-to-be barely registered. You only cared about the fact that Drew was about to leave. You wanted to protest, make him stay here with you, fall asleep nestled against his broad chest with a pair of strong arms wrapped tight around you… But you knew how it would look. You’d been improper enough tonight. Right now, sleep was calling.You sighed and fell back against the silk pillows, body still thrumming with the aftershock of your orgasm, tiny shivers running through your veins. Drew cast one last look at you as he turned to exit the room, watching you lazily drift into velvet sleep. He didn’t say anything. But his eyes, usually so stormy, were calm water on a cloudy day. He smiled, showing a hint of his dimples. Then he closed the door. 
You slept like a babe that night after all.
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