#just my silly good omens thoughts
neurolady · 5 months
I have this little fantasy that in s3 Aziraphale and Crowley have to go into hiding (just for while) to escape The Metatron's wrath and decide to disguise themselves by fem presenting.
But instead of just femming up Michael and David, we actually get two female actors portraying Aziraphale and Crowley for like one episode. Now - they would have to be British, and they would have to be older or middle-aged. This love story needs the wisdom and experience of millenia - hot young things just won't cut it. We need the assured sexiness of a woman who's lived and knows her worth. But who could bring Aziraphale and Crowley to life with Shennant levels of chemistry! It would be a big ask!!
For me, the one and only choice for Aziraphale would have to be Olivia Coleman - can't you just see it! The effervescence of Michael's Aziraphale, she could definitely match that! We know she'd bring the heavy emotions if needed. And fem!Aziraphale (Olivia) and male!Crowley (David) we already know that chemistry is tried, tested and perfect. But fem!Crowley...
I'm struggling with my Crowley...
My first thought was Kate Beckinsale, you know, keep it in the family and all! And that woman can be sexy as hell! Then I thought Emma Thompson, she can sex it up, and she's absolutely bonkers hilarious! But in the end, I settled on Helena Bonham Carter, if she can't bring Crowley to life then no one can! Plus, we know that her and Olivia have great chemistry, but would it work as lovers rather than sisters mmmm....
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hollow-head · 6 months
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POV you are a disappointment and will never amount to anything
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grntaire · 1 year
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raised the exposure/brightness to see crowley’s eyes better and–oh. OH.
this bitch is in LOVE
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hey doctor who fandom (starts fucking screaming)
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impishtubist · 8 months
Anon, if I cared what my HP followers thought of me, I would write Sirius and Remus as OCs with those names slapped on like everyone else in this fandom does.
And if I cared what my non-HP followers thought of me, I wouldn't be posting HP 🤣
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v1nsincl4ir · 9 months
"I should know, I delivered the baby. Well not delivered delivered. Handed it over." Is much funnier with the knowledge of our favourite midwife slash cobbler. Don't be so modest Crowley we know You pulled Adam right out of the ribs of Satan half-grown You wily old serpent /j
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Aziraphale is sad/in trouble/something and makes his way to Crowley's flat, only to find the bed empty and unmade
He lays down, telling himself it's just for a momentary comfort (the bed, the smell, forget that there's no sheets) and accidentally falls asleep
Cute version: Crowley finds him there and cute things happen
Hilarious version: Crowley gets home, remembers he put the sheets in the dryer and snaps them onto the bed before getting to the bedroom....only to hear a muffled, very distressed and confused, wail
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It's honestly so wild being on tumblr and following Neil Gaiman when he's one of your favourite authors. People just say shit to him and its so funny. He basically has his own little fandom at this point.
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ok so Vinylatte is a very cute ship name, 10/10 mugs with angel wings from me for that BUT my brain just came up with GIVE ME RECORDS OF GIVE ME DEATH and I just need you to know
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madebypointlesswords · 9 months
just for funsies: books im currently reading
I cannot, for the life of me, read just one book at the time. I've tried multiple times and I just can't. It's most likely my untreated ADHD but oh welllll, have fun with my silly little books and go right ahead and judge my taste in the tags <3
The Iliad, Homer
Honestly such a fun book. I'm reading it very slowly though, because I want to savour each sentence. It's a thrifted version that someone else annotated and I got it for like, 7 euros? The annotations are very cute and fun to read while reading the actual book and it made me consider doing the same (annotating a book and then donating it to thrift so some random stranger can delight in my silly thoughts). Achilles is a bit of a dick but I like him that way. Diomedes is my absolute favourite (together with Patroclus).
This is the edition I have
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1984, George Orwell
This book was an impulse buy from my favourite bookstore. I'm enjoying it thorougly, and I mainly bought it because I was going to see a play inspired by it that week and planned to read it first. I got through 50 pages. Orwell's style is a delight though, I have no notes. I'm currently like, one quarter into the book.
My edition (I'm looking for Animal Farm in the same style. I know it exists I just keep finding other ones and it irks me.)
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Good Omens, Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman
Tumblr (and my best friend @mairrion) convinced me this year to watch Good Omens right when season 2 came out. I curse you all for the brainrot you have given me. Literally why did you have to do this to me. I bought the book very recently (this monday) and I'm 1/5 into the book. The writing is honestly so fun and I've laughed several times out loud on the bus while reading. Definitely recommend this to new (or old) fans of the series.
I got the edition with Crowley on the cover (they didn't have Aziraphales version but I still would have gotten Crowley's anyway). Mine's a tad different: the letters are golden, Terry is mentioned before Neil is, and Crowley's wine isn't red. Oh and there's a sticker advertising the series.
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Little Thieves, Margaret Owen
Oh my god this book is fun. Delicious characterisation. Wonderful dialogue. Stunning worldbuilding. Honestly I am so angry at myself for not being able to read this cover to cover. Why am I LIKE this. The cover is also so extremely pretty what the fuck.
Just look at this
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Crime and Punishment, Fyodor Dostoevsky
This book is a banger. It annoys me that I can't read it in one sitting. Because I genuinely LOVE it but I just fucking can't. I love it when Dostoevsky takes a break from the plot to remind us as readers that Raskolnikov is, in fact, very much a pretty boy. Peak comedy right there.
I got the Wordsworth classics edition because it was only 4 euros at my favourite bookstore again (i apologise this is the best picture I have)
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The Ruthless Lady's Guide to Wizardry, C.M. Waggoner
I got this book today from one of my best friends and I've read only one chapter but holy hell I am hooked. This is amazing. This is fun. This is exactly what I want. Chaotic, sapphic and unhinged slightly evil women are my drug of choice and this is a heroin shot. Live laugh love Dellaria Wells.
also look at the pretty cover mmmm
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The Darkening Age (The Christian Destruction of the Classical World), Catherine Nixey
My first non fiction book I think. Nixey's writing is exquisite and I am loving this book with all my heart. It's educative, interesting and just overall, a wonderful experience to read. I do encourage everyone to take it with a grain of salt, but the author has many, many cited works, so I'm not saying that you have to be overly critical of every sentence, just that the author is (just like any other human being) a bit biased.
btw the cover is pretty too :) but I just can't find a picture of it.
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looking for someone who will share a book shop with me (but not my car) and have gay subtext but also very obvious love for me and it’ll take me a couple of billion years to confess my love to them.
- Crowley probably
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speckofhope · 9 months
me realizing that, for the first time in months, i can in fact do literally anything other than work and can draw whatever idea i have and do in fact have time and free will
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mstupid · 1 year
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Reshaping heaven to be deserving of you
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queer-little-fern · 2 years
Thinking about Crowley and his plants and how they literally shake in fear...can they die of fright? I think that if a plant died in Crowley's care (for whatever the reason) he'd be pissed off at it but then also hold like a mini dramatic funeral like the dramatic man he is, all the while ignoring that maybe his abuse of his plants just might be a contributing factor
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mxrainbowsheep · 1 year
I don't make posts very often but I am FERAL tonight
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Crowley Sketches
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