#innatentive adhd
madebypointlesswords · 10 months
If there's any meme that perfectly describes me (and my adhd) its this one
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nightmareishomophobic · 7 months
He's so me fr
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I want to sleep, but
My brain's hosting a party
It's crazy up there.
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glitch-pep · 30 days
nature is beautiful
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You wanna know what (my) ADHD is like?
ADHD is deciding you want to work on one of your WIPs so you grab a coffee and head to the library because it’s a change of scenery and it’s quiet, but you already had your AirPods in when you got there, so you spend the first fifteen minutes making trying to find the song that sounds suspiciously similar to the one you’re already listening to before you actually start writing.
Everything is going smoothly and flowing well until you have to fact-check something and while you’re looking for the answer you stumble across a TikTok video you made (because you use TikTok for fact/accuracy checking) and then you start scrolling through other videos you have made and find one that did really well, basically a collection of pictures of your favorite actresses, so you decide to make an updated version and you start alternating between Pinterest, Instagram, and Google to find photos.
Trying to find the perfect photos takes way longer than you expect because you find photos you think would be useful for other projects and you are also having to make sure the photos you chose for this project are the best quality, and during that process, you realize the lighting that is coming through the window where you’re sitting is really good so you snap some selfies and then you go back to looking for photos but then you notice a wholesome interaction between who you assume is a father and a daughter and you just have to write about it and then you can go back to looking for pictures.
At some point, you start thinking about buying a camera because you’ve been wanting one for years so you do about five minutes of “research” (looking up “best cameras for beginners” on TikTok and then doing a quick google search) before adding a camera and a lens to your amazon cart, but then you look at the total and think “that’s a lot of money” so you look up when cameras go on sale because the only sale you can think of is Black Friday/Cyber Monday and it’s currently February and you find there is usually a sale in July/August so you set a reminder in your calendar and move the two items in your amazon cart to your wish list.
After all of that, you switch back to the story you were supposed to be working on and you realize it’s been over two and a half hours, you’ve written 100 words for your work in progress, written a 186-word account of the wholesome interaction you witnessed, got nowhere near finishing the TikTok video you were working on, your music has changed from sad piano playlist to the playlist you listen to when you want to feel like the badass main character, you talked yourself out of buying $600 worth of camera equipment, and you are about to poop your pants from finishing your Dunkin cold brew over an hour ago.
ADHD is also being unaware that you were so deep into the hyperfocus zone until you’re sitting in your car and you return to reality and you remember that other people are not just NPCs.
ADHD is also coming back to edit this because you realized no ADHD person is going to want to read that long of a paragraph (including me) 🤦‍♀️ It still big paragraphs but it’s a bit better now imo
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baskeigh-ball · 1 year
Ahhh, sorry minor thing (has to do with your body swap comic) just thinking about the Mikey sensory overload bit. I saw this thread on it talking about his sensory issues and it hasn't left my mind since. It basically was a bunch of clips showcasing those issues in the show so seeing it in a comic is such a woah moment. Basically I was just curious on your thoughts on it.
yooo there's a whole thread about it? i haven't seen that but now i really want to omg if anybody has the link or something lmk
ok anyways rant under the cut lets go
I have a Few Thoughts about the bros and their neurodivergencies, both the ones headcanoned by fans and the ones actually confirmed
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And these are the two main confirmed ones from the writer/producer of the show! Donnie's was a given just by observing how he's characterized in the show, and Mikey's became obvious once you recognize how hyper and impulsive he can be sometimes.
That one scene in Donnie's Gifts perfectly encapsulates how his brain works for me, where he forgot to mention a famous chef turned into a pig mutant live on television because he wanted to make sure the food he was making at the time turned out right and literally just forgot about the whole ordeal right after lmao
I'll be honest, a lot of the characteristics of ADHD he exhibits for me are mostly personal headcanons since I never took much notice of how his actions in the show can be recontextualized with the knowledge he's neurodivergent, but the one thing I DID notice is how often he goes into his shell.
Obviously it's a box turtle thing, his species is more inclined to hide in their shell since the carapace can actually close fully, making it a viable survival tactic. And with ADHD, I imagine any kind of unpleasant sensation or a sensory overload would trigger this escape mechanism, since being in his shell is equated with safety and control for him. It keeps the Bad Vibes out and lets him recenter himself
As for what would cause a sensory overload for him I have no clue, maybe it wouldn't be anything specific and I don't want to just project my own sensory issues onto him so I shall leave that open ended for now.
Though I do imagine food would be a big thing for him. It seems like one of his bigger special interests, so I'd find it to be an interesting dilemma for him to have a limited palate despite his interest in cooking. He would definitely make it a personal mission to experiment and try as many things as possible just for the chance to find new stuff he finds enjoyable, but in the process end up finding out a bunch of other foods are practically inedible for him.
If anyone has other thoughts on this feel free to add them, I love these kinds of discussions on character analyses and trying to see how their neurodivergencies are portrayed within the context of the show :]
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thechainsawtango · 3 months
ADHD is not the “haha quirky” disability that TikTok trends made us out to be, and it’s so so disheartening to realize that some still think about our disability in this light.
Also, ADHD IS a disability. And we are just as disabled as those who have different disabilities. I’ve seen so many people make it like ADHD is like, a “diet” disability or something. To that, there is no such thing.
We struggle SO much. We mask, we develop RSD, our symptoms stress us out SO MUCH, and we’re still seen as “haha look! A squirrel!” Something that’s silly and quirky and glosses over our disability, and make us feel like we’re faking being disabled, that we’re not as disabled as others, or that we’re overreacting,
And idk it’s just kinda sad.
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catboyelimgarak · 3 months
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I’m so tired
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wetusb · 2 months
i think the dlc final boss has put me in a foul mood. my partner walked in mid fight and asked me to find something for him. i died bc i lost concentration and he just stood there staring at me to find this stupid thing for him and im still really annoyed abt it an hour later
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amihungryorbored · 3 months
might have accidentally stolen an olive oil bottle from the grocery store
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madebypointlesswords · 9 months
just for funsies: books im currently reading
I cannot, for the life of me, read just one book at the time. I've tried multiple times and I just can't. It's most likely my untreated ADHD but oh welllll, have fun with my silly little books and go right ahead and judge my taste in the tags <3
The Iliad, Homer
Honestly such a fun book. I'm reading it very slowly though, because I want to savour each sentence. It's a thrifted version that someone else annotated and I got it for like, 7 euros? The annotations are very cute and fun to read while reading the actual book and it made me consider doing the same (annotating a book and then donating it to thrift so some random stranger can delight in my silly thoughts). Achilles is a bit of a dick but I like him that way. Diomedes is my absolute favourite (together with Patroclus).
This is the edition I have
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1984, George Orwell
This book was an impulse buy from my favourite bookstore. I'm enjoying it thorougly, and I mainly bought it because I was going to see a play inspired by it that week and planned to read it first. I got through 50 pages. Orwell's style is a delight though, I have no notes. I'm currently like, one quarter into the book.
My edition (I'm looking for Animal Farm in the same style. I know it exists I just keep finding other ones and it irks me.)
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Good Omens, Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman
Tumblr (and my best friend @mairrion) convinced me this year to watch Good Omens right when season 2 came out. I curse you all for the brainrot you have given me. Literally why did you have to do this to me. I bought the book very recently (this monday) and I'm 1/5 into the book. The writing is honestly so fun and I've laughed several times out loud on the bus while reading. Definitely recommend this to new (or old) fans of the series.
I got the edition with Crowley on the cover (they didn't have Aziraphales version but I still would have gotten Crowley's anyway). Mine's a tad different: the letters are golden, Terry is mentioned before Neil is, and Crowley's wine isn't red. Oh and there's a sticker advertising the series.
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Little Thieves, Margaret Owen
Oh my god this book is fun. Delicious characterisation. Wonderful dialogue. Stunning worldbuilding. Honestly I am so angry at myself for not being able to read this cover to cover. Why am I LIKE this. The cover is also so extremely pretty what the fuck.
Just look at this
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Crime and Punishment, Fyodor Dostoevsky
This book is a banger. It annoys me that I can't read it in one sitting. Because I genuinely LOVE it but I just fucking can't. I love it when Dostoevsky takes a break from the plot to remind us as readers that Raskolnikov is, in fact, very much a pretty boy. Peak comedy right there.
I got the Wordsworth classics edition because it was only 4 euros at my favourite bookstore again (i apologise this is the best picture I have)
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The Ruthless Lady's Guide to Wizardry, C.M. Waggoner
I got this book today from one of my best friends and I've read only one chapter but holy hell I am hooked. This is amazing. This is fun. This is exactly what I want. Chaotic, sapphic and unhinged slightly evil women are my drug of choice and this is a heroin shot. Live laugh love Dellaria Wells.
also look at the pretty cover mmmm
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The Darkening Age (The Christian Destruction of the Classical World), Catherine Nixey
My first non fiction book I think. Nixey's writing is exquisite and I am loving this book with all my heart. It's educative, interesting and just overall, a wonderful experience to read. I do encourage everyone to take it with a grain of salt, but the author has many, many cited works, so I'm not saying that you have to be overly critical of every sentence, just that the author is (just like any other human being) a bit biased.
btw the cover is pretty too :) but I just can't find a picture of it.
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bunnyflab · 11 months
Idk if I told you guys but I'm officially diagnosed with Life Ruining Disorder. I laughed, then cried, but now I mostly feel relieved. Hopefully I can get on some medication to help get my life in order lol
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fght-ff-yr-dmns · 2 years
On the waiting list for an adult ADHD test and diagnosis...
It all makes so much sense now.
Now I've just got to decide whether to wait anywhere between 6 months/5 years for a free test or pay a small fortune to go private.
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astridtheloser · 2 years
is it possible that people with adhd can be semiverbal/nonverbal/altverbal?
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hasellia · 2 years
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At my sister's request, inattentive adhd creature.
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Wow dancing to my dopamine music really helps me emotionally regulate. Why did it take me this long to realize this 😂😂
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