#just never go to saudi arabia ever again omg
fulltimehabibti · 2 years
apo nattawin let me cook you arab food and make you arab coffee i'll even make kenafeh
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bopinion · 3 years
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2021 / 33
Aperçu of the Week:
"You must not believe everything you think!"
(Heinz Erhardt, German humorist of the 1950s)
Bad News of the Week:
Joe Biden currently faces as much criticism for developments in Afghanistan as any other leader in the Western "alliance against terror." One could have assessed the strength of the Taliban just as well as the weakness of the Afghan government and its army trained and equipped by the West. The estimates of the intelligence services should have been questioned, diplomats should have been listened to better. The predicament of the so-called "local forces" could have been avoided. This is obviously confusing cause and effect.
It was the Republican George W. Bush (or rather the hawks around Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz) who started the so-called "war on terror", first in Afghanistan, and invented the carte blanche of pre-emptive strikes with the Bush Doctrine ("National Security Strategy"). For those interested in the background, Bob Woodward's book "Bush at War" is highly recommended. And it was Republican Donald J. Trump who signed the virtually unconditional troop withdrawal agreement with the Taliban last year, which is now being executed according to plan. To now blame the current administration for the development is ridiculous.
Equally ridiculous is the current pretense that the Afghanistan campaign was a success. After all, its objective was to dry up the retreats of Al-Qaeda and, above all, to kill Osama bin Laden. Fun facts on the side: none (!) of the 19 attackers of 9/11 came from Afghanistan, Iraq or the African Horn, but 15 (!) from Saudi Arabia, like bin Laden himself. But especially for the Bush family the Sunni fundamentalists from Saudi Arabia have always been untouchable. And where was bin Laden finally caught and killed? In Abbottabad. And that is not in Afghanistan, but in Pakistan.
According to Time the rise on Taliban would have been impossible "without Pakistan's shelter and support". Associated Press writes about the role of Islamabad that it "does permit the Taliban leadership on its territory and its wounded warriors receive treatment in Pakistani hospitals. Their children are in school in Pakistan and some among them own property. Some among Pakistan's politicians have rebranded the insurgents as 'the new, civilized Taliban.'" To understand the complex relationship between the two states, it helps to look at the history books. Spoiler alert: it's not the U.S. that's to blame, but the British.
The hereditary enmity - yes, you can call it that by now - is based on the so-called "Durand line." The British colonel who gave it its name drew a border line between the two states, which had strategic reasons but completely ignored ethnic regionality. Thus, the West's ignorance of the cultural distinctiveness of this region already has a long history. The Durand Line cut right through the tribal areas of the Pashtuns. After the Pashtuns proclaimed "their" state Afghanistan, this border was of course never officially recognized. And independence or affiliation efforts of the cut Pashtuns, often on the brink of civil war, were actively supported. In turn, Pakistan has been trying to destabilize the Afghan state with political and economic measures for almost 70 years.
What do we learn from this? It has never worked when a Western power has tried to impose its values on a colonial people, ignoring their culture and history. Not with the British in Central Asia, not with the French in Indochina, not with the Americans in Korea or Vietnam. Or before that the Spanish in South America or practically all Europeans in Africa. So have we learned that by now? I'm afraid not...
Good News of the Week:
During the lockdowns, there was a real boom in Germany to get pets. The cat was supposed to replace the missing social contacts, the dog to guarantee the possibility to leave the domestic quarantine. So not the best conditions to ensure the welfare of the creatures - pets are not toys!
The thematically responsible cabinet member, Agriculture Minister Julia Klöckner, now wants to counteract with new animal welfare regulations. Thus for example the chain keeping of dogs is to be forbidden, they must get daily at least one hour free run and also the puppy raising is to become more kind-fair. And also in the zoo specialized trade more expert knowledge becomes obligatory, in order to prevent among other things that domestic animals are given into a care, which could not be animal appropriate.
In the wake of recent developments such as the ban on chick shredding, the requirement for more species-appropriate housing with more space for cows and "employment material" for pigs, and the ban on imports of wild birds, this gives me hope. Of course, these are all just (too) small steps, but at least they are going in the right direction.
Sidenote: Tonight my son gets a "vacation dog" for two weeks once again. So the requirement "at least one hour of exercise in the fresh air per day" will not only apply to the dog Tzela, but also to the prospective professional gamer... ;-)
Personal happy moment of the week:
I could listen to music all the time. And of course, in a family household, I can't ruthlessly "acoustically dominate" everyone all the time. And I like good sound quality - so 5.1 surround sound for Netflix, DAB in the car and HomePods in the living room are a must. In addition, the increasingly digitalized communication in the home office with web conferences and Teams meetings demands a good headset. The solution for everything is - of course - good headphones. So last year I did a test run for several weeks with a pair of cheap Bluetooth headphones to see if I could live well with a permanent Mickey Mouse on my head. It made sense before investing, because after all, there were more and more rumors last year that Apple would eventually merge its experiences with AirPods and Beats by Dr. Dre into its own high-end headphones.
And then they really came on the market: the AirPods Max. When I finally went to order them as a birthday present to myself, my ears were shaking: more than three months of delivery time? OMG... No wonder that in that time span (and at my age) I had at some point forgotten that yes, there was still something in the pipeline. Until I finally got them last Thursday. And they also fully met my expectations. Now I'm happy, my roommates have their peace and everyone else has something to laugh about when I'm out and about with "Apple's purse" (because that's exactly what they look like in their Smart case).
I couldn't care less...
...that possible coalition partners of the German government after the elections at the end of September are already bickering about the typical German topic "speed limit on highways". As a driver of an electric car, I hardly ever drive faster than 100 km/h anyway. I prefer to stay in the right lane "attached to" a bus with cruise control and distance radar and ride towards my exit in a relaxed manner. And the famous, equally typical German driving pleasure? I get it from the barely comparable acceleration power - with which I can overtake practically everywhere and also make most of the big gasoline-powered cars look stupid at the traffic lights. Nice!
As I write this...
...I run every ten minutes first to the basement and then upstairs to the office. In the former, the freezer is defrosting and I have to constantly wipe up the new puddle of ice water from the floor. And in the second, the system update is running on the Mac and I have to keep clicking "Okay" - or read for what feels like the seventeenth time that the next step will take "about five more minutes". Every third time I go over to the neighbors, whose cat I'm taking care of for the weekend, to see if the madam has deigned to show her face, so that I can let her into the garden. Presumably the activity rings on the Apple Watch tonight will let me know I've had an athletic day.... ;-)
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artbysarah98 · 4 years
Part 11 Why is it so f*cking hectic?
When we're young...series
Part 10 BTS tour, here I come!
The entire situation got beyond Ella's imagination seconds after the plane had taxied to the terminal and there was announced that they could get off the plane. Ella swore that she heard that Namjoon had lost his passport - luckily it was found very fast after he announced it - just moments before they had to leave the plane towards the exit of the airport, although it felt more as if they were rushed there.
'I guess that what Tae said is right. It really feels as though the tour has begun,' thought Ella as she looked at the back of her boyfriend who was talking to Jungkook with very big hand-gestures.
Taehyung had been walking ahead of her since they made their exit from the plane resulting in him being guided away first separating them in the process. The security team had guided them from the plane through the 'VIP' path of Saudi Arabia national airport, although that word was just for the fanciness of it. They had been guided through hallways and older parts of the building that were further away from the public eye. That way the only moment they would be in view for the fans and media was when they exited the terminal doors leading to the main exit of the airport.
Even now security was still around the group as she and the boys were escorted to the end of the VIP path to the exit. To her left, Ella heard a frustrated sigh and looked at Jimin who was walking beside her.
"I swear to god, Namjoon-hyung keeps losing his stuff," grumbled Jimin to her as they were walking to the exit of the terminal, "No matter how many times we go on tour or a plane for vacation someone always has to make sure that Joonie has everything."
"I take it that this is not the first time something like this has happened," said Ella letting a giggle slip from her lips at his cute grumble.
Even when Jimin tried to be angry Ella, who has seen true anger on the faces of vampires right before an attack on somebody who could have seen it coming, only found his anger funny knowing that he didn't mean it that way. From uncle Vince she had heard many stories of the boys, especially Namjoon, losing something important, like a passport, moments before needing it. So Ella made the conclusion that Jimin was only irritated and not truly angry at his leader.
"Yah!," heard Ella coming from an offended Namjoon behind them, "I'm glad you found my moment of stress so funny. For your information, when you lose something important I'm also going to laugh instead of helping you look for it."
Not able to contain her laughter anymore Ella responded through tears, "I'm sorry Joonie but thank my uncle for it later. He has fed me enough funny stories of you all losing something and yours are just predictable by now as most of the stories were about you."
"Maybe I will," responded Namjoon with a grim look on his face.
Ella wiped away a tear that rolled down her cheek wanting to say something to Namjoon in hopes of cheering him up, but her attention was drawn away by hearing faint screams of excitement coming from the direction they were headed.
"Please don't tell me that, that is what I think it is," groaned Ella as they got closer to the terminal doors seeing the storm coming that they would have to go through.
"Unfortunately, it is, but just as with the cameras, you will get used to it the more you are in public with Taehyung-ah," responded Jimin in hopes of giving her a peace of mind, "The security team will do everything in their power to keep all of us out of harm's way."
Ella looked gratefully at him before pausing in her walk to take in a deep breath to calm her nerves. Some of the security members stayed behind to ensure that she was okay and following protocol as she would need their protection when she does exit the door leading to the fans. Jimin must have notified Taehyung before exiting the terminal doors himself as Tae looked over his shoulder and turned around to check on her. Ella saw the terminal doors closing but the screams were just as loud as they were before closing due to the boys being a feast for the eyes of the ARMYs waiting for them. She had imaged that hearing them scream would be impressive to hear, but her supernatural hearing made it even more impressive yet at the same time terrifying to hear.
Ella covered her ears trying to block out the screams, but that didn't help. 'Of course, that won't help,' said that annoying voice in the back of her head, 'You have on of the best hearing skills in the supernatural community, let alone in the world.' When Tae finally reached her, he removed her hands from her ears asking with a genuinely concerned expression, "Are you okay? Do you want to rest for a moment? Is there anything you need? Can I help you?"
At the sea of questions that were leaving her boyfriend's lips, Ella cracked up and showed her beautiful smile. A smile that even warmed the hearts of the security members that stayed behind with them as the rest of BTS had already exited the terminal.
"I feel much better already thanks to you. Ahh, what did I do to deserve you?" questioned Ella while hugging him for some desperately needed comfort.
Surprised by the hug but immediately welcoming it Taehyung placed his arms around her shoulders and secured her tightly in his embrace resting his head on top of hers, "I keep wondering myself the same thing. Maybe luck has been on our side and made us two soulmates."
"You believe in something like that," muttered Ella in his chest genuinely interested.
Before Taehyung could answer her a member of the security team whispered in his ear ushering him that they really had to move on now as the other members had reached the car on the parking lot waiting for them to leave.
"Come on, the others are waiting for us," said Taehyung ending their hug and extended his hand for her, "Just be your cute, stunning, beautiful self and everything will be fine."
After one more deep breath, Ella took his hand and Tae laced their fingers giving her an encouraging smile before they picked up their walk to the exit of the airport. The second the terminal doors opened cameras started flashing and the excited screams Ella had heard earlier intensified by tenfold just as that they had done when the other members exited the terminal. They stopped in their tracks for a few seconds giving the paparazzi time to capture them perfectly on camera. It was Tae who started walking again tugging Ella along as she had kinda frozen on the spot taking everything in.
Ella started breathing faster and faster as the security members started guiding them through the sea of people wanting their attention. As if he could sense her nervousness Tae gave her hand a comforting squeeze to let her know that he would be there the entire way for her. However Ella barely registered it as all she could see were flashes of cameras that were following them to the car and the screams of the fans for Taehyung, but also for her. Her vampire senses were tingling as she tried her best to focus only on Taehyung's warm hand in hers which was her anchor in this, for her, serene experience.
"V, look over here, please!" "Taehyung! OMG, I think he looked at me!!" "No, he didn't! He looked at Ella." "Ella, you're so pretty." "Taella! Please respond, how is the status of your relationship!"
As Jimin had insured her the security team did keep her safe all the way onto the parking lot where the other members were waiting for them. Just before a guard wanted to help Ella into the van her legs gave out and she collapsed to the floor.
Several members who had seen it happen let out a concerned scream, "Ella!", while the others asked what was going on and tried to see the situation from inside the fan.
"Are you alright, miss?" "Are you alright, Ella?" said the guard and Taehyung at the same time.
Tae crouched down next to Ella with buzzing ears due to the screams said through tears shakily, '"I-I've never been s-so sc-scared before in my l-life."
Taehyung has seen Ella cry before but those times had been of laughter or because something left an impression on his girlfriend. This was a sight on his girl he was not used to. Ella has tried, since the scandal way back in July - well actually since the death of her parents but even more since then - always come across as a strong, independent young woman and she could clearly see that Tae didn't exactly know what she needed from him right now.
Now that her mind was on coming across as strong and independent a long-forgotten memory flashed back to the surface.
"I hope you know, little miss Young, that your parents won't be able to save you. Even if they defeat me, which I doubt they will, Ethan has more than enough followers who want to end the Young family line," said the old vampire with a sinister look on his face turning away from her before bursting out laughing at Ella's terrified expression, "If I don't finish the job now then he will just send somebody else until every single family member of the Young family has been killed."
The vampire turned back to her with an even darker, yet amused look as if he found it funny saying the coming words separately to let them sink in even more, "Including. You."
By now Ella was in tears, already covered in blood from the classmates that her attacker had killed before her eyes, and started to make a run for it with the only thought on her mind, 'I need to get as far away from this lunatic as possible and fast!'
This was however not the plan her attacker had for her and started going after in a slow place. Ella got even more scared now at this was the first time that she ever felt hunted down by somebody. She fled down the staircase into the main hall as fast as her feet could carry her. Just as she came down the stairs her parents came rushing in through the front door but Ella was so terrified that she didn't even notice it until her mother yelled out to her.
"Ella, oh my god, Ella, I'm so glad you're safe," said her mother in an emotional voice and pulled her into a tight embrace even though Ella was completely covered in blood that was drenching her mother's clothes.
Then something happened that was a rare occasion her father joined them in the embrace caressing his hand through Ella's hair trying to calm her down. The embrace ended shortly but was filled an entire conversation of emotions. Sadness, anger, fear, and safety had all been sensed by some of the other survivors of the ongoing attack at the Boarding School who were now carefully hiding in hopes of seeing another day.
Her mother dried Ella's tears as her father started talking, "What is going on, Ella? Who did this to you? Is the perpetrator still on the grounds?"
"Nik!," scolded her mother, "Can't you see your daughter is shaken down to the bone in fear? Give her some space."
Ella, however, didn't even need to answer her dad's questions as her attacker made his appearance at the top of the staircase.
"What a touching reunion," said the old vampire sarcastically, "I hope you don't mind if I interrupt this precious moment."
Immediately going into protection mode Nik broke two stakes out of a pillar belonging to the balustrade of the handrail guiding alongside the stairs showing his anger on his face growing out his canines while Rose ushered her daughter to the exit instructing her to run.
"No, I'm not going anywhere. I want to stay with you," pleaded Ella as her mom pushed her closer to the door.
"Ella! Now is not the time for arguing. You have to run. Go!," yelled her mother in fear for her daughter's life knowing very well that the attacker wanted Ella dead more that he does her.
Ella hesitated before turning around to make a run for it yet before she could even make it out of the front doors the most terrifying sound of the entire evening was heard on the entire grounds. It was a high-pitched scream of pain coming from Ella's mother. Alerted by this scream Ella turned around and saw an image that would be imprinted into her memory for the rest of her life. On the floor lay her mother in a large pool of blood who's breathing was labored and shallow with a birch stake in her chest.
"Oops, the wrong person," said the vampire sarcastically who had actually meant to hit Ella with that stake, "Well, it is one more Young family member who's never going to come back."
"Rose!," screamed her father trying to get to his wife but was caught off by the maniac on top of the stairway, "Ah, ah, I wouldn't do that if I were you."
Her dad stopped in his tracks to see another birch stake in the man's hands aiming it directly towards his daughter who was frozen in her spot. "You really think you're faster than me," said Ella's father while his eyes burned with rage to the maniac who was pointing a stake directly at Ella's face.
"I guess there is only one way to find out!"
Ella saw the stake nearing her face so fast that she closed her eyes and waited for the force of the stake piercing her flesh to come, but it never did as her father had vamped to her and protecting her from the stake by shielding her in his embrace. Curiosity getting the better of her, Ella opened her eyes looking over her dad's shoulder - completely oblivious to the stake in her dad's back - and inspected the scene in front of her. At the top of the stairway lay the dead body of her attacker which was starting the burn by the wooden stake in his heart. Sliding her eyes down the stairs to her mom, Ella saw that the labored and shallow breathing had stopped and concentrated on her mother's heart with her vampire hearing concluding the inevitable. Her mother had passed away in those shorts moments after she got hid to Ella opening her eyes. A strained cough tore her attention away from her mother's corpse.
"Ella," said her dad in a strained voice while turning gray due to the birch stake that has pierced through into his heart, "Why didn't run as your mother told you to?"
"I-I-I couldn't after hearing her pain."
"You're so sweet and caring just like your mom," said her dad taking her face in his hands, "Please never change your personality. It's one of the most beautiful things about you."
Her dad started coughing more and louder than before until the blood dripped out of his mouth, "I think I'm going to join your mother now. Ella, listen to me very well, I want you to go to your uncle. Go to uncle Vince. Tell him what happened and he will try his best to help you."
Ella's dad knew that this was the last time he would see his daughter and hugged her tightly. Hot tears were still streaming down Ella's face as she returned the hug just as tightly. She didn't stop hugging him until she felt him turning into dust. Despite every cell in her body telling her not to let go she knew she had to. So Ella took the remains of her dad's arms of her shoulder, in so ending the most emotional hug in her life, and stoop up taking one last look at the scene in front of her. "I promise you, dad, that I will never change my personality after today. I'll stay sweet and caring just like mom," said Ella while drying her tears and turning around to the front door to take off towards her uncle, "But I'll become strong and independent like you, dad, so that I can protect my loved ones, something that I couldn't unfortunately do today."
"Ella, are you okay?," registered Ella very faintly and she could feel her being shaken, "A concerned boyfriend to his stunning girl!"
Ella shook her head trying to shake the memory away before looking into the direction of the voice and faced a concerned-looking Taehyung trying to get her attention still crouched down next to her.
"Sorry, I was really far away just now, but I'm okay."
"You sure? We've been trying to get your attention for five minutes. Do you think you can stand?," asked Tae before standing up himself.
"I'll try," said Ella who was already in the process of standing up yet her legs gave out again as she was still shaking from nervousness and fear due to the memory that she just so vividly relived in her mind. Luckily this time her legs didn't meet the ground as Tae caught her in his strong arms hoisting her up into his chest.
"I thought you said that you were okay."
"I am, at least physically as my legs don't hurt from collapsing on them the first time," said Ella looking at in Tae giving him an earnest response, "However, mentally I'm still quite in shock of what I just went through. You are, probably, used to it by now but I'm not. I think that when I get to the hotel room tonight that I'm just going to sleep this day off and hope that I feel better tomorrow. Maybe we can cuddle after we reach the hotel if you have time, I mean."
"I can understand that. I'm positive that you will get used to it eventually, but like all of us have told you many times before we started out just like you in the beginning. We just have become used to these situations or manage to hide our emotions very well. Believe me when I say that even I still have those moments you feel right now," said Taehyung looking at her just as earnestly before giving into to the pleading eyes Ella was giving him and continued, "That sounds like an amazing plan, however, I first have to do some interviews with the boys, but I understand if you just want to relax after what you went through today."
After Tae had finished he gave her his biggest and brightest boxy smile and helped her into the van with the other members already waiting in it. Ella saw Taehyung shake his head and mouthed to towards the others, "I'll tell you later," silencing the conversation before it even started. When she caught his gaze Ella gave him a reassuring smile and leaning against the glass from the window watching the buildings flash by as they rode towards the destination of BTS's first stop after landing in Saudi Arabia.
Still overcoming the shock of seeing his girl collapsing to the ground and spacing out on him for five entire minutes he was now gazing into nothingness as his eyes focused on the road ahead. A shake on his right shoulder causing him to tear his head away from the road to the source of the touch on his shoulder which was Jin-hyung from the seat behind him.
"What happened?," questioned his elder him turning his head to Ella he checked to see if she could hear them letting out a sigh of relief when he saw that she was listing to music through her earbuds.
He turned his head back to Jin, who was anxiously waiting for an answer clearly concerned for Ella's wellbeing, in the meantime also gliding his eyes to his other friends from Namjoon in the passenger seat next to the driver to Jungkook on his right ending on Yoongi who was seated behind his girlfriend. They all shared the same anxious expression on their faces as Jin did. Taehyung opened his mouth to answer his hyung's question but closed it again as he could not find the right words to say about the situation yet also being overwhelmed with a somewhat happy feeling. Happy that all of his closest mates were genuinely concerned about their friend and therefor his girl.
"Don't stall too much, Taehyung-ah," said Jimin who was seated behind Jungkook, "I know that this might not be easy to talk about, but we can not help her nor give her what she needs right now if you don't tell us."
"On top of that, we're almost at our first stop of the day. The longer you wait the harder it is going to be for you, let alone her, to tell us," ushered J-Hope him into talking, "Seeing as she has completely shut herself away from us. Not that I find that strange or anything."
Kookie nodded in understanding of his hyungs words and drew Tae's attention to him as he spoke his mind, "It just leaves us with many unanswered questions and now that she has tuned out you can fulfill your promise to us and explain the situation."
Taehyung let out a frustrated sigh and gaining the van's undived attention when he said, "To be honest, even I don't truly what has happened."
"What do you mean, Taehyungie?"
"I mean, Namjoon-hyung, that I have a feeling that something else is bothering her aside from being scared of going through a sea of screaming fans and flashing cameras. I mean, we all know how terrifying that can be the first time, but none of us got so weak in the legs that because of it we collapsed on the ground in the way she did. However, that was not the strangest thing. After I crouched down next to her I only got one sentence before she started staring into nothingness non-responsive to anyone at all. Jimin-ah, did she say anything to you that sounded off somehow? Anything that might explain this behavior?"
Jimin took a few seconds to think back to before they exited the terminal at the airport before answering, "We talked about Namjoon-hyung who lost his passport when we're walking towards the terminal exit. Then Ella noticed the faint screams of the fans and started to look nervous so I tried to calm her mind. Yet when I noticed she halted her walk I went to get you cause I knew that she needed you more than she did me at that moment. So no, I haven't heard anything that might be related to her reaction."
Taehyung nodded in understanding. Jimin's explanation about the situation before he got to his girl did indeed not sound strange. In fact, that was the kind of reaction he had anticipated as he knew her background of being in public and camera.
"This is just my mind working overtime right now," said Namjoon from the front seat causing all the heads in the conversation to turn in his direction, "What if the nervousness and stress, perhaps even the fear, of the situation triggered a memory in her mind. One that made her feel similar to what she felt today and relived that moment in the time that she didn't react to you. It might even be an explanation as to why she is so shy on cameras as well."
"Perhaps," said Taehyung who was thinking very deep and far back into his mind but before he could continue what was on his mind Jin opened his mouth voicing his doubts, "Though what I find the strangest about all of this is that when she and you were caught in a scandal together she didn't even a glimpse of being camera-shy nor being uncomfortable in large groups during that press conference."
"That either makes her a very good actress and has all of us fooled at that time or she completed turned off her emotions back them," voiced Jimin showing genuine impression and respect towards her for hiding how she felt for so long.
Upon hearing the respect for his girl in his best mate's voice Taehyung gave Jimin a thankful smile and shifted his gaze from them towards Ella who was still gazing out of the window.
"Well, whatever it is what is bothering her right now I just hope she opens up about it soon."
"I hope so too, Kookie, for all of us. So that when it happens again, we know what we can do to help her," said Taehyung thoughtfully.
After the last sentence was said the members slowly turned their attention to what they were doing before the conversation had started. The silence now returned to the van Taehyung's attention shifted to Ella. He could see that she was still looking out of the window and was thinking of a way to get her out of her somber state of mind. Taehyung sneaked his left arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his chest. A small smile creeping onto his face as he heard a gasp leave her mouth clearly not expecting it. Soon enough he felt her relaxing into his chest and saw her close her eyes enjoying the moment. So did he. Enjoying the small but peaceful moment they had together before arriving at the first stop of the day.
Ella sat in a chair watching the staff at the last interview location run around and about getting everything ready before the interview actually started. She had hoped that the driver would have time to drive her to the hotel in between BTS's interviews today. However, she was disappointed as Sejin told her that this was unfortunately not possible with the tight schedule when she asked him.
The entire afternoon after they got to Saudi Arabia they had been driving from location to location. Going through the same routine every time. Drive to the location, greet the staff, watching the boys get ready for the interview, being pointed to a place to sit or stand during the duration of the interview, saying their goodbyes to the staff, and then back into the van to the next location. Uncle Vince had insured her that this was the last interview of the day and after that, they would go to the hotel. Ella left out a relieved sigh when she heard that completely done with the craziness and hectic of the day wanting nothing more than to cuddle with Taehyung on bed and peacefully drift off to sleep.
Ella watched the boys answering questions about the tour and their upcoming album that they were releasing more details on now. Even Ella didn't know all the secrets aside from the fact that it was an extension of the Map of the Soul series which was released in April of this year. She had heard some of the recording sessions that Taehyung had, but her boyfriend had said to her in Agust they wanted to keep it a secret from her just as they did for most of the people who weren't part of the creative process. Ella had been kinda upset about this, but did understand the thinking way as most of her life was a secret and although she feels bad about keeping it a secret from them, well, most importantly Taehung, she knows that revealing such a big secret had equally as huge consequences on them and their relationship.
Shaking her head in somewhat embarrassment as she heard a question that all the interviewers had been asking today resulting in her not being surprised anymore. She caught Taehyung's eyes and he clearly thought the same as her. They have been together now for three months so why are the media still asking questions about it. As much as the tour and the album are, so are they a hot topic on the list of standard questions.
Glad that they were finally entering the hotel lobby at, Ella's gaze shifted to the clock to check the time, 1 AM!, she couldn't wait until she could drag Taehyung with her into the hotel room and flop them onto the bed to cuddle until they fell asleep in each other's embrace. Lazily standing next to her suitcase, Ella looked around the lobby. The boys were quietly talking to each other near the elevator when Jimin and Jung Kook saw her watching they each gave her a bright smile and a quick wave. She returned the gesture but their attention was torn away as manager Sejin came up to them with their keycards.
She saw him give two keycards to Taehyung and say something while nodding his head towards her. Whatever Sejin said Taehyung acknowledged it and took the cards from him. Uncle Vince had come up to Ella in a cheerful mood. A mood that she was about to crush with her question.
"Yes?," questioned her uncle with an equally questioning look on his face.
"Do you have time tomorrow to talk about something important?"
Getting the reaction Ella expected he turned serious before answering, "Do you want to talk about it now? Is it related to what happened earlier?"
"Maybe, but it can wait until tomorrow. I'm way too tired after this hectic day and just want to relax with Tae," answered Ella who shifted her gaze to a waiting Taehyung nearby the pair and flashed her one of his boxy smiles when he caught her looking his way.
"If you're absolutely certain, then okay. I'll make some time in my schedule to talk to you tomorrow. Have a good sleep. I speak from experience when I say that you'll need your energy tomorrow."
Ella let out a snort and wished her uncle a good rest before walking off to Taehyung. Together in comfortable yet tired silence, they went to their room. During the ride up with the elevator, Taehyung laced their hands together and guided her to the hotel room.
Before he could even open the door Ella asked in a quiet voice, "We're still going to cuddle, right?"
Tae let out a tired laugh as he pushed open the door letting her go in first after turning the lights on, "As long as you want or until one of us falls asleep."
As both of them were too tired from today's events they quickly changed into their sleeping attire and freshened up for the night. Ella was to first one who was done and flopped onto the bed letting out a satisfied sigh when her head fit the pillow making herself comfortable under the covers.
"Somebody looks comfortable," smirked shirtless Taehyung as he walked up to the bed in a pair of sleeping shorts on some house slippers, "Do you have room for one more?"
Ella cozied herself up even more under the covers to hide the redness that had probably crept on to her cheeks muttering, "Guess so."
"You guess so?," questioned Taehyung pulling one of his eyebrows up before giving her a mischievous smirk and turning away walking towards the front door, "Then I guess you don't want my cuddles. Maybe Jimin wants them? Perhaps Jung Kook?"
Completely caught unaware by his statement Ella rushed out of bed and crashing herself into her man's back, stopping him in his tracks as she engulfed him into a back hug mumbling into his back, "No, I do want your cuddles. Of course, there is room in the bed for you."
Ella couldn't see the smile that appeared on Taehyungs face at her honest response, nor did she know that Taehyung never intended to spend the night away from her, not when he knew how she desperately wanted his comfort after what she went through today. However, she did feel him turn around in her arms and pulling her into a tight embrace. Although they didn't speak any words, they could feel their love for one another standing there in the middle of the room pressed against each other.
After a little while, Taehyung let go and took Ella's right hand walking backward himself slowly guiding her to the bed. When Taehyung's legs hit the bed he let himself fall down upon it pulling down with him.
"Whoa," let Ella out in a surprised yelp rubbing her forehead as it had collided with Taehyung's chest in a painful manner and rolled off him to lie down next to him on the right side of the bed.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you," said Tae as he kissed her forehead in hopes of soothing the soreness.
Ella flashed him a beautiful smile at his caring gesture and comfortably laid her head down on his chest listening to his heartbeat. One of the things Ella always found lovely to hear were steady heartbeats, yet at the same time, she found it so agonizingly hard and tempting not to plunge her teeth into his neck now that she heard his heartbeat skyrocketing through his chest circulating all of his heavingly smelling blood through his body. Just as Taehyung wanted to wrap his arm around her she rolled off him onto her left side finding the temptation getting too big and wanted to calm herself down.
Again Ella couldn't see his expression showing a mix of confusion and amusement when she had turned away from him. Clearly not satisfied with the current state of their position Taehyung also rolled onto his left side and snaked his arms around her waist pulling her into his body resting his head on her shoulder.
Ella shivered as she heard his low husky voice say, "I thought you wanted to cuddle?"
"Aren't we cuddling now?," reasoned Ella getting a snicker in response afterward hearing a deep swallow, "Is something wrong?"
"No, well," said Taehyung in a hesitant voice, "I don't really want to ruin the mood, but I do have something to ask."
Ella hummed in acknowledgment turned her head slightly to the right trying to catch Taehyung's eye. Hesitantly Taehyung spoke his mind, "What happened earlier today? Why did you collapse and stare off into nothingness?"
She knew that Taehyung had questions, heck, she was certain all of her friends did, but without getting answers herself she couldn't tell him what he wanted to know. Ella let out a deep sigh and closed her eyes.
Upon reopening them, Ella spoke the truth, "As much as that, I want to tell you now, I can't. At least, not until I have spoken to my uncle. He first needs to clear up some questions on my mind. Questions that only he can answer for me. When I have done that I tell you, all of you."
Smiling Taehyung decided to let the topic go, feeling somewhat relieved that the question was finally of his chest and that she did want to tell them, "Do you promise?"
"I promise," mumbled Ella holding up her right pinky so they could make a pinky-promise.
She felt Taehyung nuzzle himself into her shoulder getting comfortable whispering "Good night, jagi," into her ear pulling the covers over them. Wishing him the same they both closed their eyes drifting off to dreamland.
Part 12 - Uncle, who is Ethan?
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athedemonsqueen · 6 years
I Found You, Again #10 (Finn/ Seth Story)
OMG I reached 10 chapters! I hope everyone is enjoying the adventure so far!
Seth swore it was nothing and it was there all this time. The pain from the bruise is still there; it is fresh. I begged him to tell me where he got it from. I worried. It reminded me so much of the bruises Finn would get from Balor. I didn’t want to think Balor had returned. I could not imagine what he would want with Seth.
I ran to the kitchen to grab some ice and placed it on Seth’s shoulder it stinged him a little, but he fell onto the bed with ease. I climbed onto the bed, feeling twigs of butterflies coming from my stomach. I adjusted myself slightly. I knew if I were to ask him again he would not tell me, but I did anyway.
“Seth…” “Who did this?” I asked quietly.
“I told you, I don’t want to talk about it.” Seth groaned. I sighed. I was annoyed. I turned my head to him pushing some of hair back. I know I shouldn’t do this, or what I did last night, but I feel as though I have no control over myself.
My fingers grazed his beard, he closed his eyes enjoying my touch. My fingers then suddenly went to his lips; grazing them too. I pulled away and pulled myself back. Seth opened his eyes slightly to me.
“You’re not going to kiss me?” Seth questioned.
“I’m a happily married person…” I whispered.
“You weren’t last night.”
“Last night was a mistake…” I said, looking away. Seth’s hand grazed my arm, sending goosebumps up and down my arm.
“I know you want to kiss me…” He said weakly. I turn to him as his soft, baby brown looked at me.
“I don’t want too.” I said. Seth pulled me to him, pressing his lips to his. I lost the fight instantly. Our lips dance with longing passion. I climb into the bed as my lips dug deeper into his. He took deep breathes through his nose as his hand glided in my hair. His hand then went up my back, lifting up my shirt. He was about to unhook my bra when I pulled away and ran upstairs.
I closed the door and leaned against it. My heart was pounding, but in a good way. My lips trembled, craving more, but I knew in my heart deep down, I could not go back for more. I put my legs to my chest. I felt trapped between my own husband and Seth. I started to think Finn would never come home. And if he isn’t coming home, I need a father figure for my Liam. Seth seems to be taking on the challenge.
I sighed, going back down stairs, this time topless going into Seth’s room. I crawled in between the sheets as he curled me into his arms. He placed a kiss on top of my forehead as he brought the covers over the shoulders.
We laid there together for awhile, in the small bliss of one another. His heart beated out of his chest so loudly when mine hardly beat. I loved the feelings I was feeling though. I was numb and oddly at peace.
We fell asleep together in each others arms. Normally, I don’t have dreams because I’m too concentrated on listening for Liam. It’s been like this since his birth. I had a dream I was walking to Liam’s room and the smell of blood filled my nose. I grew panicky as I felt my heart beat grow fast. I went into his room as his bright blue walls were dyed a glowing red. My Liam laid peacefully asleep as I went to give my son a kiss, Balor appeared covering me with a black mass.
I began to hear his voice. It still makes me shiver with fear. He called my name menacingly. He laughed as the black mass uncovered to my Finn sleeping, but not sleeping. My son is to the left of the room and he is cuddled up to Seth. It is my worse fear coming true. I gasped, waking up.
It’s still late at night, maybe four in the morning. I turn to see Seth is sleeping still, peacefully. I sighed, taking my arms and crossing them across my chest and went upstairs. I put on an old shirt and turned on the TV. Of course, ESPN is on, and of course it’s about the WWE’s rapidly declining ratings. I sighed, switching the channel to the Hallmark channel. I pulled the covers up to my nose, hoping to smell my Finn still; it’s faint.
My lip trembled then hid behind my teeth. My nose turned red and filled with burning tears. I buried my face into the covers and sobbed silently. I felt terrible about everything I’ve done with Seth, but at the same time I liked it, it felt right. I slouched in bed, thinking of my nightmare of Balor, but soon my thoughts were pulled away by home videos.
Finn had made home videos of us and the family. One of my favorite is our last vacation to California. Finn loved it there and he never stopped smiling. It was Liam’s first vacation and our first family vacation to Disney World. Hearing Finn’s voice and seeing happy times gave me hope and comfort. I closed my eyes asking God to take me back there or better bring my husband home. I prayed myself to sleep.
Things only got worse the next day. Vince declared that everyone is less likely to return and people should give up hope. It angered me, he expects me to go home and tell my boy that his daddy isn’t coming home at all. Vince is already hiring new people to replace the old wrestlers. How could you just retire, Dean, Roman, Bryan, Charlotte, Becky...they are telling us to forget them-forget my Finn.
“You bastard!” I cried out. I rushed towards him, pulling my fist out and to his face. People were estatic at my behavior.
“You tell my son!” I said sternly, my lips trembling as tears bolted from my face.
People began to pull me away as I screamed, “You tell my son that his father is not coming home!” I completely lost it. I had lost my entire world and my sense of being. The only place that had the real power to bring back my family has abandoned me.
They sat me back at my desk as I tapped my fingers, slowly. I went numb.
“(Y/N) are you alright?” Nattie asked. I looked up at her to see she had been crying. She has been told as well to forget T.J. to forget fifteen years of marriage.
“I guess I’ll be fine…” I merely mumbled.
“No one will forget about Finn we refuse…” She said, purcing her lips, “He brought something new and exciting to us…” her voice cracked. “T.J. loved him…”
“Finn broke every barrier here…” I whispered nodding. I refuse to cry at least in front of Nattie or anyone else.
“Some of us are thinking of quieting here, there are other desk jobs out there for you- or even you can get back into the ring…” Nattie suggested.
I smiled softly, “Thanks, but  need to keep this job for Liam...it is the cloest thing to hs father.”
The drive home for the first time was short. Of all times it had to be a short ride home. Everything was falling apart, my marriage, my son, and work. Meanwhile, upon that fallen world, a new world was developing in its place. It feels so small and dark. I drove up to find Seth standing outside the door, leaning against the poles.
I got out of the car, starring at him from the distance. He knows. I could tell from the small concern expression on his face. I sighed, slowing walking to the doorstep. I held my head down, holding myself together until tonight when I curl into my empty bed and cry myself to sleep.
Seth stood in the way, causing me to lift my head slightly to him. “You heard?”  I asked.
“Yeah…” He said softly. He darted his eyes down quickly then back to me. He seemed sympathetic. His eyes welded slightly with tears. Less I forget he has lost two of his brothers, but his grief seemed more towards Liam and I.
I looked over to the garden as I whispered in between my burning tears, “How am I going to tell, Liam?” I looked back at Seth who had one tear travel down his cheek.
“How can you tell him when you can hardly accept it yourself?” Seth whispered. I looked back at him. My secret is out. I did not want to accept that Finn is never coming home. Then it hit me, like a ton of bricks, the house did not smell of comforting Irish food. It smelt bland and lifeless. I had to accept it now, my Fergal, my best friend, my everything in the stars and moon-the world’s most beloved wrestler is never coming home.
My knees buckled and everything on me tightened as a small whimper turned into an outburst of tears. Seth caught me as I buried my face in his chest. His strong arms curled around me, grasping me tightly. I wailed at this point asking God to bring back my husband because no amount of tears could ever stop this pain.
I balled my fist, gripping Seth’s shirt. Seth rested his head on top of my head, rocking us back and forth; he tried everything to make me feel better.
“Shh, shh…” he would coo, then a grip tighter. “I’m here now…” He whispered.
“Everything is going to be ok, I’m going to take care of you now…” He said in a matter a fact way. For the first time ever, Seth brought me comfort.
That night I was able to fully able to give myself to him without any guilt for restraint. Finn lingered in the back of my head like a small, faint memory. Nothing could stop me for showing Seth all the love and want I could give. As we fell asleep, I started to feel for him. I allowed myself to fall in love with him. The nightmares still distracted me from reality to the fullest.
I dreamt of being in Saudi Arabia, only in a hospital, kind of looked like the one Liam was born in. I walked silently in the halls to a room where FInn laid. He looked lifeless even though i knew he was alive. I felt myself crying once I saw Balor appearing over his bed, his hand grazing Finn.
I popped out of sleep, hyperventilation of the horrific sight I just saw. Seth jumped out of bed with me, holding my back and chest.
“Honey, honey are you ok?” Seth asked, I looked over to him, his eyes filled with concern and confusion.
If I were to tell him about Balor, he would just think I’m crazy, and that Finn has filled with head with utter nonsense of Irish folklore.
“Yea…” I said, Seth removed a strain of hair from my face searching for the lie. “I’m fine…” I whispered.
Seth nodded before I laid back down. He laid down beside me curling his arm around me indicating I’m his now.
@igobypoet @mylittlepartofthegalaxy @finnbealor @finnabonthesinnabon @tina679 @devitts-brat @calwitch @meremaidqueen @soulofaravenheartofawolf @squirrel666
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led123123 · 4 years
guys.. guess what I found out.
poppy has same voice as jinnyttv
these jonagold apples are getting red quite fast.. I think they should be like.. very red by the next time I check. which is like.. 1 or 2 days
damn that’s really cheap
japan isn’t as expensive as I though
damn.. that’s really cheap.. 
shi.. baryge..
apron - forward
apron tiro - backwards
left right.
outwards inwards
winter collection
“I’m laughing I’m crying it looks like I’m dyeing.. xD my hair..” 
she kinda looks like this girl from she wolf
but she’s thinner.. 
I mean this girl
I wish I could use this music in my video
not muting text chat was a mistake.. I guess
I don’t wanna play already.. meeting these fucks..
I’m gonna get banned.. because they made me and I wrote flame on them in chat..
so I’m gonna get banned again.. trash game..
this game is trash..
and I also have really stupid news.. that I need to go do some stuff in 10 minutes.. f*ck.. 
jesus christ.. I wanted to play.. and I really didn’t wanna go anywhere..
f*ck.. I wonder if he pays me anything..
I don’t wanna go anywhere..
I don’t wanna help these 
I’m double as toxic.. because of that
so like.. muting voice chat is not enough.. I need to mute text chat too
mate daiski
kawai nande
that’s like.. dragon ball character
honey and cheese??
listen to music
that’s a lot of cheese.. maybe tomorrow I’m gonna eat casserole with cheese
wait = mate = wait
how many words do I know.. mate, taberu.. kawaii is kinda.. not as useful. 
kawai itai lol I can already rhyme
I’m gonna get banned now.. shit..
lol.. 0 heals.. for the entire game.. win
one of the rules of exercising. is.. not exercising after eating..
and I was just eating..
my stomach is so big now.. I wouldn’t be able to do anything
lol this dude.. xD
I gotta buy some looser pants.. but.. I need to measure.. my waist.. etc
barugie?? faster??
sakul saidu
saide?? sashia, tasamanda
si, sebyn, ai
saidy, twisty
“ Firefox is the best-looking browser around. It's clean, functional, and more customizable than the rest. Mozilla's browser also offers the best combination of performance, features, support for new Web standards, low memory usage “
“ Google ChromeGoogle Chrome is also a very fast browser on all devices, but especially so on desktop. However, RAM consumption is incredibly high, which is an issue that Chrome is notorious for. There’s also nothing in the way of data-saving features, which is a problem for mobile users with limited bandwidth.“
chrome.. ffs.. 
“ Firefox is among the fastest web browsers, both on desktop and mobile. Although RAM consumption is high “
high but not as high.. as chrome
should I turn off page file I guess..
I should turn off page file I guess
what’s gonna happen if I turn out of ram.. without page file
“The problem with this logic is that it only really affects a single scenario: switching to an open application that you haven't used in a while won't ever grind the hard drive when the pagefile is disabled. It's not going to actually make your PC faster, since Windows will never page the application you are currently working with anyway.”
“The big problem with disabling your pagefile is that once you've exhausted the available RAM, your apps are going to start crashing, since there's no virtual memory for Windows to allocate—and worst case, your actual system will crash or become very unstable. When that application crashes, it's going down hard—there's no time to save your work or do anything else.”
but that’s chrome.. so.. only pages will crash.. 
when I get a hard drive next time.. I’m gonna.. find some quiet.. one.. and.. the one that can be turned off.. or maybe the one that has.. this feature.. to reduce rpm
I set “manage automatically by system”
it moved page file to hard drive.. actually.. like.. I don’t know.. but maybe it’s good.. I don’t know.. hard drive is slower.. but ssd is not gonna get a failure as fast 
ok we’ll see how it will work
seems like not a bad idea.. because my ssd was already.. like.. showing 70% in diskmark or some software 
what are these belts for.. just to look cool??
lara croft cosplay
this is this thing for posture maybe
“you the food”
tomorrow is the squash day. because I’m gonna have a pumpkin soup tomorrow
so I’m calling it a squash day
mmmmm... creamy and delicious
it’s like a national holiday in my callendar
wow. I like.. the.. beetroot soup damn
I haven’t eaten pumpkin soup in million five years
so this cabbage was created in pekin?? in china
squash soup looks really simple
azerbeijan? where are you from italy??
that’s so far
gerogia right..
I actually recognize similar clothing style
it’s near azerbeijan. so far damn
I saw outfits on beauty competition
one girl is from jordan
israel is where all the hebrew teachers from youtube live
what is the.. really hardcore islamic country.. where the hardcore islam starts.. in which country saudi arabia??
united arab emirates.. I guess these girls from youtube were also from there..
they are from emirates
turkey is.. like.. dry
she’s older than the other girl though
she looks older.. or she’s.. like.. lower weight
she is calmer
maybe that’s because she’s older and lower weight
maybe she’s eating less that’s why she doesn’t have as much energy
maybe she’s eating less to get into kpop
I know.. I think.. she looks like in this movie
one girl is sweating the most. she has really dense hair maybe.. I don’t know.
her hair is too short to tie it.. and.. ye.. it’s denser.. her fringe is longer also
and she’s shorter
she made a mistake
ye she has longer hair.. 
and she can’t tie her hair 
with balls 
but there’s no girl with long hair
this girl likes this exercise
omg this girl may be on a keto diet
damn the.. syringe marks
I also have syringe mark.. 
she likes this exercise
potatoes that I made yesterday are already not edible.. 
I’m gonna another red prince
it’s normal apple. but it’s not as sweet as I would want. maybe I should wait a bit more.. or maybe it’s just because.. it’s like.. not natural apple..
it’s not natural..
the taste is not as sweet as natural apples
damn apples from supermarket suck.. but.. some of apples from supermaket I ate.. tasted as natural apples
the natural one.. is a lot sweeter. and it’s.. also.. feels like it’s.. like the structure is more dense
natural ones are so much sweeter
structure is a lot different
tomorrow is the squash soup day.. is there like.. squash day??
“pumpkin day timeline”
it’s like kpop
“National Pumpkin Pie Day can be celebrated on several days, but is most often on October 12. “
squash means also a sport
btw. if anyone didn’t know
for some reason tennis is called squash
I still apples.. but.. it’s not as sweet
0 notes
kateanddevinreview · 7 years
A Christmas Prince
In Which Kate and Devin review Netflix’s new Christmas movie and utterly fail at avoiding spoilers.
Kate: So where do we start?! Devin: Pick a movie to talk about? Kate: Top of the list is Christmas Prince. It was terrible; from start to finish it was filled with cliches and things that didn't make sense Devin:  I liked the movie! Kate: You can like the movie that is fine. I enjoyed watching the movie? But only because it was so bad. Devin: I really like the izombie girl and she was super weird in this, almost soft spoken or something? Kate: She was weird, but she made it more enjoyable to me just because I like her. Devin: I would probably have been much less forgiving of this movie without her Kate: Prince was handsome, but I've already forgotten his name. Devin: Really? I thought he was eh. Kate: Not as handsome as in the next movie (spoliers!), but he was very princely I thought. Devin: I mean prince looked very british? But I don't find that attractive Kate: I guess I don't mean particularly attractive to me, but generically attractive. As in, I think more people would say he was very attractive than would say he was average. His acting was pretty blah though. His sister's hair was on point? Devin: Fair. She reminded me of the bitchy girl in willy wonka though. Kate: OMG, yes. She was very reminiscent of the bitchy girl. Devin: Was she the bitchy girl? Kate: I don't think she was? But definitely reminded me of her Devin: Hold on I am imdb-ing her Kate: Holding Devin:  Okay well searching “willy wonka and the chocolate factory” failed, because that is not the title. And you're right it's a totally different girl. Devin: Moving on, loved the queen lady, possibly because she's in it for all of 5 minutes. Kate: She was pretty good, very severe looking. But you could tell it was grief? (Spoiler: the king is dead) Devin: It's in the plot description, I don't think it's a spoiler. Kate: Oh is it? I didn't read the plot description. Devin: Also he's been dead for like a year Kate: Well fine Devin: No okay I lied. But it is revealed in like the first 10 minutes. Kate: It is a very major point in the plot. Kate: So actor choice I give it 8 christmas trees. Generally they all fit in and izombie girl made me willing to watch it. Devin: Yeah, out of 10 I'd say 8 is probably where I land too. Kate: Cool, consensus! Devin: I still really love that she has both family and friends and contacts them throughout the movie, like a normal person. Oh! And I liked that she called her boss to be like "hey, so, uh, what should I do?" Kate: That's true, the movie gets bonus points for concocting a real life around their protagonist. Devin: This is not a spoiler I don't think? But what the hell was with the scene where he saves her from wolves? Kate: Yes! That fit in nowhere? Wait, I mean, actually, when you think about how fast the plot moved, it progressed over only 2 weeks and ends with (Definitely spoiler) him proposing. Kate: Maybe attack by wolves was the instigating ‘falling in love quickly’ event? All the adrenaline? Devin: Oh yeah the timeline of this movie makes no sense. Also: how did she saddle and steal that horse if she was going to fall off so easy? Kate: How did she know how to ride a horse at all? Devin: Right? Kate: Clearly we are missing some important backstory here Devin: Was she from New York? Or do I just assume that's where all movie characters from a city live? Kate: I think the second, but I don't actually know where she was from. Her friend being super gay does suggest New York to me though.   Kate: Back to ratings, I'm going to give this one a low grade on Christmas-iness. I think the plot could have progressed absolutely the exact same way without being set over Christmas, using a birthday or something. I give it only 1 reindeer. Do they ever say how the King dies? Devin: I assume either illness or age… actually I feel like the king got cancer, but that could be 100% a lie. Kate: Doesn't matter because it’s not christmas related. Devin: Cold. Did you think the mom was old to have a daughter as young as Emily? I can't actually remember how old she looked. Kate: I really wondered about that. She looked a little old but my dad has a friend who got pregnant at 50, so physically it’s possible. And the sister was what, between 9-12? Devin: Probably Kate: So if mom was 55 in the movie that seems doable Devin: Ok. Also the king was a dick "hehe I will continue to lie to my only son about his parentage, EVEN THOUGH I KNOW I AM DYING AND ALSO HE IS A GROWN ASS MAN AND IT AFFECTS THE POLITICS OF MY KINGDOM and then I will HIDE THIS VERY IMPORTANT LEGALLY BINDING DECREE to be found after my death and definitely for sure followed even though honestly no one has to listen to a dead guy. And the only hint they have is my shitty riddle poetry" Kate: I still very much doubt the legality of the paper "it has the king's seal on it" no thank you. That's not how I like my laws made Devin: Like doesn't he need that notarized or looked at by a council or some shit? Also, it's not even a decree, it just says "I love my son lots, just not enough to tell him the truth". Kate: And if he did, wouldn't that person have come forward when he died? So fucking weird, he was a dick, you're right. Devin: What modern day country is this anyway? Kate: A shitty European one. Devin: Like, fake country, yes. But I assumed they were using maybe England as a template or something. Kate: It seemed a little like they were. But a much smaller country than England? Devin: Are there still ruling monarchies? In real life? Kate: Yes? Saudi Arabia? Devin: Hmm, I don't know enough about Saudi Arabian law to determine if death bed messages hidden in acorns are legally binding. Kate: Well, one of their princes just murdered a bunch of their other princes, so probably not. Kate: Oh hey, apparently Monaco is a country that still has a ruling monarch. Devin: Huh Kate: There are others but I don't think we need to get into all that. Just go read the wiki people. Devin: I mentioned while I was watching, but I still resent her dramatic race to stop the coronation when she easily could have called the palace. Kate: You have cellphones! Use them! Devin: It would have saved at *least* half an hour. Kate: Trope! That goes in the trope category. I'm giving the plot like 2 eggnogs, maybe tropes like 4 jingle bells. Devin: Yeah the trope meter was off the scale in this movie. Kate: Like, I liked some of the tropes? Which is why it’s a little higher for me. But damn. All of them. Devin: Tropes can be good, they just threw a lot of them in there. Kate: They made a list of tropes and then made a movie around them. Devin: Clumsy female lead. Kate: Ugh. Hate that. Devin: "hehe oops, was this OBVIOUSLY EXPENSIVE VASE important?" Kate: Everything in a castle is expensive! Sick sister Devin: Mean kid just wants friendship. Kate: Ugh, the mean kid/friendship one is another pet peeve. Devin:  She goes from "I will kill you in your sleep" to "I trust you implicitly" in, like, a single scene. Kate: The sister warmed up to her in like 4 hours! That's not how it works! Have them bond over something silly right to begin with! Many movies do that well. Devin: If you need them to be friends for the plot, just don't make her mean to start! skip straight to friendship! Kate: Yes! Dead father. Dead mother Devin: Secret adoption Kate: Father who owns a restaurant that you have to go work at. Devin: Shaved his beard and suddenly she thinks he's hot Kate: Oh yes! Secretly not a playboy? Devin: Also he stole her taxi for seemingly no reason. Kate: I didn't really get that bit to be honest. Devin: Just to be a dick? Kate: Yeah, that was such a dick move. That was never addressed and she just forgave completely just because he's a prince. Devin: It's like they couldn't decide until halfway through if they wanted him to be nice or not. Also wanting to bone is not the same as love. Kate: Very true. It seemed like it just went on and on to me. I'd be like, surely this movie is wrapping up soon. And then it kept going. Devin: I definitely shouted at you "dear god look in the acorn!" for a solid hour of that movie Kate: You did. Over and over. You picked up on it the very first scene and you were cooking at the same time! Devin: It was so obviously a box! I have honestly no idea where she got the birth certificate from though. Or how bitchy love rival girl found it. I never learned her name Kate: Oh, so she literally just found the birth certificate in a desk at the lodge they went to after the wolves. It might have been a sort of secret compartment? But not very secret. Devin: lol what? Kate: And then bitchy rival girl searched her rooms. Devin: Rude Kate: Which was a huge invasion of privacy. Devin: If I was a secret reporter I would definitely lock that away. Kate: Right! They were like, spread out on her bed. Devin: Then again a 10 year old cracked her laptop password Kate: hahaha, I forgot that part, so dumb, just so dumb. Devin: She's honestly a terrible reporter Kate: Yeah, plot definitely only gets 2 eggnogs. I mean, she wasn't really a reporter. Devin: She sort of was? Kate: She was an editor who wanted to be a reporter. Devin: Yeah, fair. Kate: But clearly she was better at writing than reporting I would say. Devin: She did get the assignment. Kate: Cause no one else was available! Devin: What percentage of her getting that assignment was her boss hoping the prince would sleep with her? Kate: At least 75% Devin: "You lied your way into the palace? Goooooood. I stuffed some condoms in your luggage. No, no reason. Wink." Kate: OMG! Her boss was such a sleeze. Or at least it felt that way to me. Devin: I mean wasn't it a tabloid magazine? Kate: It must have been. Devin: iZombie was very naive. Kate: Soooooooo naive. How? She's an adult. Devin: A very sheltered adult. Kate: She works for a tabloid! Devin: Ok I think maybe it's final scoring time Kate: Ok, you wrap. Tell me how you feel? Devin: Probably a 3/10 for plot, 8/10 for actor choices, 4/10 for acting, uh, like 2/10 for Christmas-ness, 6/10 for ending? 2/10 for tropes? Kate: I think I’d go a little lower on the ending - 4 gift bags. It was pretty fucking weird, but it did end happy? And that's important in a christmas movie. Devin: It was weird, but I feel like I am very forgiving as long as it's happy. Split the difference and say 5? Kate: Sure, 5 gift bags. Devin: What would you give it overall? Kate: Overall it’s not a movie I would recommend unless you specifically like one of the following: the girl from izombie, movies about fake royal families or .... I can't think of a third thing Devin: Acorns Kate: Or acorns - if you really have a thing for super obvious plot devices, this movie is for you! Overall possibly 4 christmas's I suppose Devin: Aww, so low? Kate: Yeah, sorry. Devin: No you're fine. Kate: How many christmas's would you give the Christmas Prince? Devin: I was thinking a 6. Kate: I think 6 is perfectly acceptable. If you'd given it an 8 I would question. Devin: Never. Kate: Oh no! We forgot to judge the title! Devin: It's a terrible title. 0 sleigh bells. Kate: Yeah, 0 sleigh bells for the title. I think it was so we would realize it was supposed to be a christmas movie. Devin: Probably. The Christmas [Noun] is just so boring. Kate: The Christmas King would have made more sense? Devin: Hmm, I do like the Christmas King better. Kate: Because of the coronation plot line. That we didn't get into at all in this review. But whatever, go watch the movie. Devin: Yeah. Kate: You know it has something to do with acorns. Devin: Or don't watch it. Kate: Or don't.
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catblog-weatherwax · 8 years
1-50 of the cute questions just Bc
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
Actually, I think it was my cat....
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
Depends on the situation. If I know enough people around to be comfortable, I tend to be very outgoing. If I’m alone or only know 1 or 2 people, I can be pretty shy.
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
My bf. He’s 7 months into an 11 month stay overseas. 
4. Are you easy to get along with?
Once again, it depends. I tend to avoid conflict unless you really manage to piss me off. Then it’s a bit of a disaster.
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
There’s actually several people who fit the description “person I like” but yes, all would take care of me. A few of them would poke fun at me or maybe even lecture, but they would take care of me.
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
Uh.....I don’t really have a type. If we vibe good, we vibe good. If we don’t, we don’t. 
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
99.99% certain that yes I will.
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
My bf. Somehow both more and less constantly than when he left.
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
Depends on who I’m talking to. Most people: VERY uncomfortable. Close friends: I have no filter. (Jeez, I tend to be very black and white.)
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
My roommate/best friend, Jae.
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
Thanks. It’s a little rough right now, but I expect it to get better.
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
How Far I’ll Go, Dancing in the Dark, Impossible (I’m watching Roger and Hammerstein’s Cinderella right now, and I love it....the 90′s version with Whitney Houston of course), Immortals, Friend Like Me
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
Very much. I owe much to both.
15. What good thing happened this summer?
I learned all sorts of new things about myself.
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Fuck yea! 
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
There’s gotta be. No way we’re the only planet with life.
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
Uh, I lost track of him between middle and high school.
19. Do you like bubble baths?
Yes. Makes me very upset that my house has no bathtub. Very inconvenient.
20. Do you like your neighbors?
Yea. On one side, is a very nice couple who was friends with my grandparents and have known me since I was born. I played with their youngest daughter when I was growing up. On the other side are people that I don’t see much but they always smile and wave and have nice things to say whenever we do talk.
21. What are you bad habits?
Diet. Bad bad bad diet. Biting nails/lips. My temper (working hard on that one). I’m too impulsive by far.
22. Where would you like to travel?
Everywhere. lol. No but really, the British Isles, Spain, Germany, Norway, Iceland, Italy, Greece, Russia, China, India, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt, Morocco, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, Japan, everywhere.
23. Do you have trust issues?
Unfortunately, yes. Very much.
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
The moment of quiet I get in the early morning.
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
Uh.....all? I mean I’m working on it....probably a tie between my chin and my tummy.
26. What do you do when you wake up?
Go to the bathroom, and feed the cats before they kill me.
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
I mean, I wish I could tan. Between complexion and family history the question is not if but when I’ll get skin cancer. I’m too pale.
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
Tie between my best friend and my boyfriend
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
Well yes but that’s because he had abused me for so long. He was upset at losing his target.
30. Do you ever want to get married?
Yes, I think so. 
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
Yes, though not for a proper braid.
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
None. I’m not particularly interested in sex at the best of times, and I’m extremely uncomfortable around people I don’t know well enough. Romantic or platonic love is one thing, but sex? No thanks.
33. Spell your name with your chin.
What? On my keyboard? Here goes....em ikly
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
*snorts* no way. 
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
TV. You’ll never take my music. Not for anything.
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
All the damn time. Even now.
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
Whatever is the first thing to come to mind. 
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
Once again, difficult because I have no type. Although I could shorten it by just saying my boyfriend. (Pretty sure he’s the one.) Sweet, cuddly, nerdy, funny, punny, respectful, supportive, etc.
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
Bookstores (particularly Half Price Books)
40. What do you want to do after high school?
Uh, it is well after high school and I still have no idea.
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
Second, yes. Third, absolutely not.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
Anything from I’m very upset to I’m just spacing out.
43. Do you smile at strangers?
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
Outer space. It’s far less scary.
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
Fuck if I know.
46. What are you paranoid about?
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
Not really. Did something embarrassing about an hour ago so I had to text it to my friends.
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
Thanks for the ask!
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maryofmigdal-blog · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4t_IujhTd5g)
Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000181 EndHTML:0000049489 StartFragment:0000039354 EndFragment:0000049449 SourceURL:file:///D:/Users/Student/Documents/gods%20goddesses%20notes.docx
Katy Perry shows off her tig ol’ bitties but covers her cock box in the teasing nude photo above.
 Clearly Katy has bulbous udders that would make a Holstein cow green with envy. Unfortunately for Katy she does not have the skilled coarse hands of a Muslim man squeezing and tweaking her teats to release the milk building up in her chest sacks. For it is clear from this nude photo that Katy Perry desperately needs to be milked soon, or she runs the risk of her boobs exploding and releasing a tsunami of baby juice that would no doubt kill thousands in Southeast Asia.
 Yes, once again it falls upon us courageous and noble Muslims to do the dirty work to save humanity from imminent disaster. If any Muslim man happens to see Katy Perry out in public it is our duty to roll up our tunic sleeves, grab some buckets and a stool, and then (ignoring her protests and the pepper spray) knead Katy’s boobies dry.
#BLOG #MRHUDSON #22:16 #10.09.2017 3X2=6 3X1=3 3X0=0 happening now ere if this tripe above goes out in public on websites that you feed and comment on just ain’t the woman for my standards try loving yourself some more try a program or a life coach below I copy in 10+ pro Katheryn Hudson fan club’s supporters or charitable trusts who issue like cures to cancer and you don’t even like them so call me a mug but ‘what ave you done 4 me lately’? #blankspace + #badblood #videos of the century award winners and £500 and a tart tartin to inspire me I make a better gentleman than hollywoods Oscar winners from drama school and with 7 years l.a.m.d.a. training I deliver the best (Official>3:D Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson BB Katy Perry Supporters Group and John Rumary + THE KATY PERRY CHARITABLE TRUST + Katheryn Hudsons Charitable Trust UK Charitable Trust of Mary Magdalene GB + THE KATY PERRY CHARITABLE TRUST Katyperrylivee Katyperryliveee Fakes - Beauty ( G & N Spray Tanning) Fake SportsCenter Fakespot Clones of Clones and a #BIGshout to Proud to be Swifties KATY PERRY FASHN KATY PERRY FASHN ISTA Katy Perry Fashn 911 Supermodels KatyCats deflowering duties Wu Tang Clan Fans Clube Ol Dirty Bast'd God Taylor Swift Fashn 13 Supermodels President Donald J. Trump News Judge Jeanine Fox News The Sun MailOnline Conservative Daily have an alternative style Party going on one that has guests that lol at jokes like the #katyperryisoverparty666 which is gonna be on the same weekend Savoy Hotel where Katy's E's Strange E's Strange He's Eberneezer #goodE Husband Wu Tang Clan Fans Clube Ol Dirty Bastard =GOD Official Thoth Amun-Rara GOD King of Egypt @GODSWIFE: KATY PERRY FAN CLUB will be ORG.com the largest ever Royal Revolution where overnight on 05/11/2017 Amun Rara the MIGHTY Johnathon Zeus Sawdy Taylor Sawag Singh Sawdy Taylor the BRILLIANT Ray of Sunshine Tom Rumary John Rumary #RoyalMerchantBankers Beaufort Treasury His Royal Highness Apollo Phoebus GOD of MUSIC Lyrics Prophecy says "Soothsayer Says She Sure Shows Shes So Solid Crew When in London South-East Conservative Future is gonna be succession to the Queen Elizabeth Class Aircraft Carrier with the Overheard at Cambridges #Willcum Wu Tang Clan Fans Clube Ol Dirty Bast'd God expects to be accompanied by some #BIMBO in Vogue Kitchens making me Supperclub Amsterdam bookings and what with Killa Queen Swift only getting 5 likes and her record breaking Country (Anne Murray album) I give the only other weirdo who loves me to Megadeth a fair chance". It appears that my Rebellion Punk Music Festival Katy Perry - Killer Queen: Royal Revolution will E's GOODe 2GO in my mind what about yorn Katy Perry <3 <3 <3(Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson) join Official>3:D Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson BB Katy Perry Supporters Group Royal Empressa Katy Hudson Katy Perry Singing Supermodel 1516 likes as the Life in Saudi Arabia 4 RoyalPrince Prophet Muhammad-The greatest personality of all time sends you a Reality-tv invite going out at The Artist Taxi Driver BBC SUCKS A COCK NEWS because it worked last time and you Fly-By-Night Productions to Dash Berlin for a 2 minute Glasto Chat T.W.F.T.P.U on Children's Miracle Network Hospitals you can either take an External me John Rumary Yeshua (יֵשׁוּעַ) the Messiah Jesus Christ Superstar seriously or DanDiv collections back to Humanity Against Prohibition your Worldsend Television mount your own Revolting Cocks without me married to you Katy Perry's Tits up because I want it hard and I want it now cause IAM Mr Blunt Humor and I gotta People's Choice Awards Invite All - Chrome and Firefox Extension pressed launch last night to Triple Bipass all your Pedohunta 'always hits his target' Apollo Sun of God sus pect Accounts payable that get all my ideas and Katyperryevo events and you pretend you don't Melanie Hudson Knowles It’s Now Or Never for me 2 read a) poem or lyrics in the world Shakespeare anything iam brilliant not a star just the fucking sun of god and you appear yopless in websites with these comments you tink 4 1 minute you gotta chance with me taker more Valium omg no way jose. #slut4ever Â
Official>3:D Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson BB Katy Perry Supporters Group and John Rumary + THE KATY PERRY CHARITABLE TRUST + Katheryn Hudsons Charitable Trust UK Charitable Trust of Mary Magdalene GB + THE KATY PERRY CHARITABLE TRUST Katyperrylivee Katyperryliveee Fakes - Beauty ( G & N Spray Tanning) Fake SportsCenter Fakespot Clones of Clones and a #BIGshout to Proud to be Swifties KATY PERRY FASHN KATY PERRY FASHN ISTA Katy Perry Fashn 911 Supermodels KatyCats seflowering duties Wu Tang Clan Fans Clube Ol Dirty Bast'd God Taylor Swift Fashn 13 Supermodels President Donald J. Trump News Judge Jeanine Fox News The Sun MailOnline Conservative Daily have an alternative style Party going on one that has guests that lol at jokes like the #katyperryisoverparty666 which is gonna be on the same weekend Savoy Hotel where Katy's E's Strange E's Strange He's Eberneezer #goodE Husband Wu Tang Clan Fans Clube Ol Dirty Bastard =GOD Official Thoth Amun-Rara GOD King of Egypt @GODSWIFE: KATY PERRY FAN CLUB will be ORG.com the largest ever Royal Revolution where overnight on 05/11/2017 Amun Rara the MIGHTY Johnathon Zeus Sawdy Taylor Sawag Singh Sawdy Taylor the BRILLIANT Ray of Sunshine Tom Rumary John Rumary #RoyalMerchantBankers Beaufort Treasury His Royal Highness Apollo Phoebus GOD of MUSIC Lyrics Prophecy says "Soothsayer Says She Sure Shows Shes So Solid Crew When in London South-East Conservative Future is gonna be succession to the Queen Elizabeth Class Aircraft Carrier with the Overheard at Cambridges #Willcum Wu Tang Clan Fans Clube Ol Dirty Bast'd God expects to be accompanied by some #BIMBO in Vogue Kitchens making me Supperclub Amsterdam bookings and what with Killa Queen Swift only getting 5 likes and her record breaking Country (Anne Murray album) I give the only other weirdo who loves me to Megadeth a fair chance". It appears that my Rebellion Punk Music Festival Katy Perry - Killer Queen: Royal Revolution will E's GOODe 2GO in my mind what about yorn Katy Perry <3 <3 <3(Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson) join Official>3:D Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson BB Katy Perry Supporters Group Royal Empressa Katy Hudson Katy Perry Singing Supermodel 1516 likes as the Life in Saudi Arabia 4 RoyalPrince Prophet Muhammad-The greatest personality of all time sends you a Reality-tv invite going out at The Artist Taxi Driver BBC SUCKS A COCK NEWS because it worked last time and you Fly-By-Night Productions to Dash Berlin for a 2 minute Glasto Chat T.W.F.T.P.U on Children's Miracle Network Hospitals you can either take an External me John Rumary Yeshua (יֵשׁוּעַ) the Messiah Jesus Christ Superstar seriously or DanDiv collections back to Humanity Against Prohibition your Worldsend Television mount your own Revolting Cocks without me married to you Katy Perry's Tits up because I want it hard and I want it now cause IAM Mr Blunt Humor and I gotta People's Choice Awards Invite All - Chrome and Firefox Extension pressed launch last night to Triple Bipass all your Pedohunta 'always hits his target' Apollo Sun of God sus pect Accounts payable that get all my ideas and Katyperryevo events and you pretend you don't Melanie Hudson Knowles ItsNow OrNever
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