#just one set of wings btw. the left ones are just gone
ophiocordyceps · 2 years
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here’s how v2 can still win
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atinylittlepain · 1 year
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Only Lovers Left Alive
cowboy!vamp!joel miller x f!reader
joel miller masterlist
He offers her another option between life and death. How could she refuse?
warnings | 18+ smut, slight dubcon initially, gore, blood, dark themes in general, you've been warned muah hahahaha
wordcount: 4.5K
a/n | vamp!joel has me by the throat (pun intended) and though this is my last fic before my two month break, i have decided to turn this into a series that will span the decades! i already have 1920s, 1950s, and 1970s vamp bb waiting in the wings for when i get back in august :) BTW this first one is set in the 1870s ish - ALSO, @toxicanonymity posted a mind-melting vamp!joel fic last night that y'all should check out if you have a taste for the ~darker~ things in life. k, love you, bye
A condemnation. An exile. Execution and exultation all wrapped up in one. She knew that if she rode out of town she need never look back. A white dress hanging on the bureau in her room the last thing she saw before she slipped out into the night. Her daddy’s gun and her brother’s horse and a scrawled note for her mama left behind. Do not look for me, I am already gone. 
She has every intention to be dead by the time the sun unfurls over the plains. The only true escape for a woman in this world, a loveless marriage nipping at her heels on her way out. She rides hard in the inky darkness until the flickering lanterns of the town are only a blink in the distance. 
Her hands are shaking as she dismounts, eyes skittering over the lip of the canyon she stands above. A bullet and a fall. If it’s so easy, why can she feel the cool slip of tears as she presses that steel mouth to her temple? Just like she learned from her daddy, thumb back the hammer to load that single, sweet bullet. And a pull, as easy as a loose tooth snapping free.
But before she can, her horse lets out a nervous chitter, head swinging side to side. A man, silent, palms open and up, comes inching toward her out from behind a copse of sagebrush.
“Don’t come any closer!” He stops dead in his tracks, lips parted, eyes wide and glinting in the moonlight.
“Easy, miss. Don’t want any trouble. Just wanted to offer my help.” It’s such a strange thing to say to a woman with a gun nosing at her temple that she finds herself letting out a humorless laugh.
“Do I look like I need any help right now?” It surprises her, the smile that softens his features, eyes crinkling up, soaked in kindness, and understanding.
“With all due respect, miss, you seem perfectly capable. But you should know that pistol of yours ain’t loaded.” She almost doesn’t want to check, a hot rush of embarrassment skittering up her spine when she does and sees that the man is right. She can already feel the tight sting of tears, something uglier and more desperate than frustration settling in her stomach.
“You probably think I’m a fool, don’t you?” The man takes another step forward, still with his hands up, still with that kind look in his eyes.
“I don’t think you’re a fool. Think you’re hurting like a lot of other folks out on these plains.” Another two steps closer and he extends his hand out to her, and for some reason, she takes it.
“Name’s Joel Miller, miss. Pleasure to make your acquaintance, even under such circumstances.” Deep, dark brown eyes that swallow her up. She finds herself telling him her name before she can even think not to. 
“I ain’t gonna try to talk you out of anything. What I can offer you are some bullets, and maybe a meal if you’d like to stick around a little longer.” All charm, the quicksilver of his smile crooking in the pale light and she has to force herself to let go of his hand. She tries to take a few stumbling steps back, oblivious to the cliff-side her heel skids right over, a clipped yelp jolting through her chest before strong arms are wrapping around her waist and tugging her back from the edge.
“Woah there, miss. I think you’d prefer a bullet to a fall like that.” The way he so easily talks about it makes her stomach flip, something slippery settling that isn’t altogether unpleasant. 
“I don’t have money and I ain’t that type of girl if you’re thinking you’ll get something out of helping me.” He laughs, a low thrumming thing, his palms still gripping her waist, his legs brushing against her skirts.
“Ain’t that type of man, miss, I promise. Just another lonely soul like yourself.” His hands slip away from her, stepping back, a chill running up her spine that makes her flush.
“Tell you what, I’ve got a camp a few yards ahead. A quick ride on that horse of yours. You can think on it and when we get there, I’ll get you your bullets and if you’re inclined to it, a warm meal.” She knows she can’t go home, not now, something worse than death waiting for her there. And something about this man, Joel, is making her want to say yes.
“Alright, you have a deal. But just because my gun isn’t loaded doesn’t mean I don’t know how to use it in other ways so you better not try anything.” A grin, all teeth.
“Wouldn’t dream of it, miss.” 
He’s strong, she can feel it in the bulk of his thighs settling behind her on her horse, the steady, solid front of him pressed against her back. By the time they canter into a small rock outcropping, her mind is hazy with the feel of muscle pushing and pulling against her.
True to his word, the first thing he does after helping her down from her horse is to rustle around in his pack, taking out a silvery pistol and giving her two bullets from his own barrel, palms brushing in the trade.
“Those oughta work just fine in that gun of yours, though I am waiting on your answer.” That same slanted smile of his, eyes flicked up with the tilt of his chin.
“Please, miss. Pity a poor, lonely man. Just a bite.” How could she say no to that?
In the warm glow of the fire, shadows and light reveal just how handsome he is. The strong hook of his nose, the cut of his jaw beneath that patchy scruff of his. And those eyes, flickering in the flames, watching her every move. 
She hadn’t realized how hungry she was, and though it’s sparse, rough fixings, she finds herself scraping up every last bite. No one to tell her to chew with her mouth closed, no table to get her elbows smacked off of, just this strange, silent man staring at her.
“Aren’t you hungry too?”
“Oh no, miss, I’m quite alright.” It makes her pause, her breath hitching, as she stares down at her already empty plate, her stomach rolling in a quick lurch.
“You– I–”
“You worried I poisoned you?” He says it with that same grin, and she’d like to scramble onto her feet and onto her horse and get as far away from him as she can. But the cool prickle running up her spine keeps her seated right where she is, trying to stammer out some sort of response. Joel is quick to silence her stumblings with another laugh though, teeth glinting in the swerving light of the fire.
“That’s alright, miss. But you should know I don’t want to harm you. I want to help you.” 
“Help me?”
“Uh-huh. What if I told you that I could offer you another way out that doesn’t involve putting a bullet in that pretty head of yours?” Those eyes of his are catching her again, soothing the stilted beat in her ribs.
“W-what would it involve?” 
“Well that’s a bit hard to explain, miss. But I assure you, it’s nothing you wouldn’t enjoy, thoroughly.” His hand reaches out, fingers tracing along the hinge of her jaw, brushing down the side of her neck before dipping under the neckline of her dress, flickering back and forth, back and forth along her skin.
“If you ask me, a sweet thing like you deserves more out of this cruel, cruel world.”
“M-more?” Shifting closer to her, his arm draping over her shoulders, pulling her into the haze of him, that silvery grin up close.
“Don’t you want to feel good, miss?” His lips so close she can feel the brush of them along her cheek, his fingers curling tighter around her shoulder. And then, with a stuttered nod of her head, she sinks into him completely. 
She’s only had frivolous, playground kisses before. Quick, daring pecks followed by a fast dash away before anyone could catch them. This is not that. He devours her, licking into her mouth in a way that both shocks and soothes, his palm coming to hold her jaw firm in place as his lips move against hers. And she takes it, all of it, letting him move her to his will, his lips a wandering drag beneath the hinge of her jaw, lingering along the arc of her neck before dipping down to the tops of her heaving breasts pressing against the neckline of her dress.
“How sweet you are, my darlin. Sweet everywhere, ain’t you?” There’s nothing she could possibly say to that, her mind spinning in jagged gasps of sensation when he brings his hands to the front of her dress and rips clean down the front of it, corset and all, leaving her in just the thin gauze of her slip. She finds something like courage, a small ember of it smoldering enough for her to start tugging at the shoulders of his leather coat, earning a chuckle from him when he finally gets the hint and shrugs out of it.
“I need your words, darlin, else I can’t do this. Do you want this?” She’s not even entirely sure what this is, only that her mind is swimming in it, in him, and she wants more of it.
“Yes, Joel, I want this, I do.” He pulls her in for another bruising kiss, lips curled in that grin as he coaxes her to lay out on the cold desert ground, though she doesn’t mind with the way her body is burning up beneath his touch. 
She’s never done this before, guided only by the sharp tug in her belly, that aching want intensifying as he rucks her slip up beneath her collar bones and begins a salacious trail down her skin. His lips close around the peak of one of her nipples, a gasp dragging through her throat as his tongue laves over the bud. But it’s a rattling shock when he dips just a bit lower, teeth sinking into the full curve of her breast before his tongue sweeps over the sting, soothing, soothing, soothing. 
Lower and lower, a path of his open mouth mapped across her skin until he’s settled between her thighs, the broadness of his shoulders spreading open the hinge of her hips.
“No one’s had you like this, have they, darlin?” His eyes are blown black, unwavering, turning her shy and small beneath his question, her chin tucking into her shoulder as she shakes her head. He lets out a low groan at her response that makes her thighs clench, jolting in the wide grip of his palms.
“I’ll do all the work. All you have to do is let it feel good.” That’s about all the warning he gives her before his tongue drags a flat stripe through her cunt, her spine arching with the dizzying sensation as he settles his lips over a spot that makes her gasp. Over and over again, his tongue swirls against that aching point of pleasure, his palms turning harsh in their grip on her thighs as her muscles start to shake from it. Her eyes roll back, up to the stars in the pitch-black sky, ears thrumming with the obscene sounds of his lips smacking with her arousal. And it hits her all at once, everything going tight and hot with sensation before she unfurls for him with a sigh of his name, body languid and liquid as he continues to lap at her dripping cunt.
“Feels good, huh, darlin? Can make you feel so much better though.” She groans when his mouth meets hers again, open, wanting, receiving, the taste of herself on his lips making her mind swim. It’s primal, pre-human, the want she feels for the thick heat of him that’s settled between her legs, her hips canting up to chase that pressure. 
“Please, Joel, I want to feel good.” She’s almost crying with it. Nothing has felt like this, ever. And he’s more than willing to give her what she wants.
“Gonna take my time with you, darlin. Make it feel real good.” He plants one palm next to her temple in the red earth, his other hand fumbling to unfasten his pants and shuck them down enough so his cock can rest, heavy and flushed against the soft inside of her thigh. She has to bite back a whimper just looking at the sheer size of him.
“Don’t you worry, darlin. Remember what I said, huh? Not gonna harm you, just help you. Relax for me, that’s it.” A stretch, a searing, sick pleasure as he begins to drive his cock into her fluttering cunt. But he’s gentle, so gentle, a slow spread that has her mewling beneath him.
“There you go, taking all of it. Made for me, ain’t you? My angel, all mine.” She can’t help the moan that tears through her chest when he grinds his hips deep and driving, a pulsing, aching fullness that has her digging her nails into his shoulder blades. But that ache bursts into a snarling fire of want when he drags his hips back, only to roll them forward on a much faster, much deepers thrust, already settling them into a dizzying rhythm of push and pull.
“Joel, please I– feels so good, oh my go–”
“Just my name, darlin. Say my name and nothing else.” She does, long drawn out preens of it as he fucks her, that same pleasure pulling taut up and down her spine. 
“Again, darlin, just like this.” His words are murmured into her throat, that beating, pumping crook in her neck, and her body responds in kind, unraveling for him all over again as he continues the hot drag of his cock through her cunt. As she starts to come, those open-mouthed kisses snap into something else. Teeth, a graze, and then a sinking, startling pain. All she can do is hold on, her whole body going limp in his arms as that pain radiates into a burning singe. A rushing settles into her ears, dark pinpricks around her vision, barely registering the warbled moan he lets out as she feels something warm smear against her stomach.
“I think I’ll keep you, darlin.”
And then perfect darkness.
Like fingers skittering up her throat, she wakes up to a thirst so singular, so consuming, she actually brings her hand to her neck, wincing when her fingers brush what feels like a bruise across her skin. 
“You’re awake.” It startles her so badly she jumps, curling up and scrambling back until she’s pressed against a large boulder. Joel sits, crouched, studying her, face schooled and steeled. 
“I– how long was I asleep?” Her voice cracks, that thirst making her words weak and warbled. 
“About two days. Slept like the dead when I was done with you.” His words crackle with his grin and she has to shake her head to refocus on figuring out where the hell she is. Looking down at her body, she finds herself in men’s clothes, slacks and boots, a button up, all too big for her, most likely Joel’s. And then she remembers what he had done to her dress and her thoughts go hazy again.
“W-where are we, Joel?” 
“Just a few miles west. You hungry?” 
“No, I’m– I’m thirsty.” His grin goes big and bright at that, silvery slick in the moonlight.
“I bet you are, darlin. Why don’t you come over here and I’ll give you something to drink?” The promise of this need, this burning urge being slaked is enough for her to close the distance between them, letting him maneuver her shivering body into his lap.
“Just give your body what it wants. Easy as reaching out and taking it.” Her palms press against his chest, a futile struggle as he guides her face into the crook of his neck with his hand cupping the back of her head. But something else takes over in her, a fire flickering up her throat when her lips press against the thin skin of his neck. And it is what her body wants, lips parting, teeth snarling and sinking in.
“That’s it, darlin. My angel’s a natural, huh?” When she finally pulls away, eyes hooded and heavy with satisfaction, she finds herself smiling up at him, something slick and sweet simmering in her veins. 
“Thank you, Joel.” Teeth, all teeth.
“Of course, darlin. Gonna be you and me from now on.”
He offered her another option. Something between life and death. That is where she lives now. This is how she lives now. With him. 
When they must, they travel in the day, wide-brimmed hats tilted down, bandanas tied over their faces, long leather coats and gloves. Otherwise, they move in the night, over the vast, whimpering plains, whetting their particular appetites whenever they can, jumping towns before their faces can be known.
A year, maybe two, maybe even three. What use do they have for time? Caught in an endless tangle, just the two of them, and that blazing thirst. 
But there is one thing they have their sights set on. Making their way back, retracing their path, her path to him, until they find themselves on the outskirts of a town she swore she’d never see again. 
No guns, they don’t need them. Horses set loose, they won’t be needing them either. As the sun dips down over the plains, they walk through the main drag of town. He let her call the shots, agreeing when she insisted they come for the men only. Let the women and children run so long as they stay out of their way. 
It’s a long night. One that ends in her childhood home. And by the time the sun is coming up, one would find the ranch house with the front door ajar in a silent yawn, her mama and her sisters having fled. And on the porch, still holding his shotgun, her daddy’s splayed out body. Perhaps luckily, she didn’t have any brothers. Just the man she was supposed to marry.
“I’m so full, Joel. I don’t know if I can have another bite.” 
“Hmm, you wanna save him for later?” 
“I think I can make room.” Fear, like the cream top on a fresh gallon of milk. So, so sweet and rolling in waves off the man’s trembling body, Joel pinning him against the wall of her childhood bedroom as she paces back and forth. They haven’t had this much to drink in ages, and she feels dizzy, drunk off it, smacking her lips with the lingering taste.
“What are you people? W-what happened to yo–” Joel cuts off the man’s blubbering by jostling him back against the wall, teeth bare, something like a growl pulling from his chest.
“Now, Joel. Didn’t your mama teach you not to play with your food?” She grins, and he mirrors her in turn, looking over his shoulder at her. A hum in her throat, she glances around her old room, eyes settling on the wardrobe, her hands itching with a small want. She’s already moving over to it, opening it, and sure enough, that white dress is tucked inside. 
“That’s pretty, darlin. Why don’t you put it on for me?” It’s nothing for Joel to hold the man against the wall, one forearm pinning him by his neck as he turns to watch her, her fingers already flickering through the buttons of her shirt. She strips completely bare, savoring the two sets of eyes trailing her every move as she slips the simple white frock over her body.
“Look like an angel, darlin. Doesn’t she, boy?” Joel punctuates his question with a harsh press of his arm into the man’s windpipe, making him wheeze out a stuttered yes. 
“All this talk has worked up my appetite again.”
“This one’s all yours, darlin.” 
Blooming red flowers all down her dress, a trail of it down her chin that Joel laps up with a satisfied groan. They turn greedy with it, desperate to get the other bare, and when every thread of clothing is in a pool around their feet, he circles around her, his lips pressing into the striped scars on her back, a mapping of her history that she finally got to repay.
“How’s it taste?���
“You were right, Joel. There’s nothing sweeter.” 
“Except for you, darlin.” 
She’s not that shy little girl anymore. She knows how to take her pleasure, how to pull it from her man. And tonight, both of their bodies painted and slick with their feast, she does just that. All teeth, sharp, scraping nips when her mouth meets his, her hands tangled up in his hair to tug him closer with a low groan. Push and pull, a stubborn tangle onto the bed, her hands splaying out on his chest, nails digging in enough to make him hiss beneath her. Their skin sticks and slides with all the dribbling blood. They’ve always been messy eaters.
“Look at you, darlin. Like a fucking painting in my lap. So beautiful.” He swipes his thumb over her nipple, collecting a stray trickle of red and sucking it into his mouth with a thrum in his throat. And she in turn dips down to lick up the line of his neck, salt and metal on her tongue. So perfectly sated, she feels dazed with it, a slow-flickering want rolling in her belly as she drags her dripping cunt along his cock, just a taste of the pleasure they’re both chasing. But they’re both too far gone, too full of that ache for her to tease much more, sinking down onto him slow and smooth with a preen curling her spine.
“I’m so, so full, Joel. Fuck, so good.” Her whole body hums with it, the harsh press of his fingers into the curve of her ass, his eyes watching the tight bounce of her breasts each time her hips drop against his, and his cock grazing so deep inside her, that pleasure that snarls with just a tinge of pain.
“Take it, darlin. Fucking take all of it. My angel’s so good, always so good for me.” Planting his feet into the mattress, his thighs settle against her back as he starts to meet her thrusts, a broken cry dragging from her chest as she lurches forward in his hold.
“Yes, yes, yes. I’m so close, Joel. Please don’t stop.” Words she presses against his throat, collapsed on top of him as he fucks up into her, chasing that pleasure with snarling teeth so he can lay it at her feet. It snaps all at once, her whole body going tight and taut around him, a close cry of his name as he fucks her through it. She doesn’t drink, just a simple creature comfort to sink her teeth into the curve of his neck, a lick of pain that sends him right over the edge with her. 
They lay like that for a while, chest to chest, mouths sliding lazily together until sunlight starts to flicker through the window. She gets up with a sigh, his softening cock finally slipping out of her as she steps off the bed to close the shutters tight.
“I need a little taste.”
“Reckon there’s some left over, darlin.” The body is still warm, slumped on the floor. She crouches over it, still bare, flecks of red drying and flaking off her skin. His wrist, pale and perfect, untouched, just the place to sink her teeth and pull. Sweet satisfaction singing in her bones, she hums as she slips back into bed, curling up against her man and letting him lick the remnants from her mouth.
The story goes that a town lays somewhere tucked in the rolling dips of the plains that one day went dead. Women and children fleeing, and a fate far worse for the men. You can go searching for it in the daylight, when all lays still and silent, maybe catch a glimpse of a skeleton long picked over by some larger predator. Just don’t stay long enough to see the sun slip over the hills unless you’d like to meet a pair of lovers with a taste for a violence so pure, and an appetite that surely can’t be human. 
“You and me, darlin. Forever.” 
“Forever, Joel.” 
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roads-to-madness · 1 year
concert ramblings under the cut!
The first band, Pistols At Dawn, were freakin awesome! Very fun to watch! Unfortunately we were a little late for their set and had to find our seats, but we got to hear a good two and a half songs. I'm absolutely obsessed with this one:
Mammoth WVH left a very positive impression too! And let me tell you, I learned a very valuable lesson in checking out the supporting acts before the show
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(anyway hi Frank it was nice to see you again 👋 last time was probably in 2016 or so with SMKC 😂)
I just about lost my mind when I saw Myles. It'd been way too long since the last time. I stood up since our section was pretty empty and there was no one behind me to block. The people next to me did not stand up 😂 whatever I was there for a good time
First few songs in the set:
Silver Tongue
Addicted to Pain
Ghost of Days Gone By
Broken Wings
NOW GET THIS Broken Wings is one of my absolute favorite songs of theirs. In the middle of it, the lady next to me offered tickets she had to CLOSER SEATS. And when I say closer I mean WOW. The difference was insane. I always say I have the best luck when it comes to concerts and this really proves it. Either that or I was just really annoying them who knows lol
the view in our original seats:
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the view in our new seats:
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(look y'all I found a blurry Flip 😂) sorry about the blur on all the pics btw, my phone is actually trash with a battery!
the next song was Burn It Down (with Mark's lovely vocals taking lead!! 🥰 He's amazing)
They ended the first part of the set with Cry of Achilles!! Always great!
Then Myles did one acoustic song on his own: Watch Over You, dedicated to someone in the audience wearing an NSYNC shirt. Y'know to make sure they were ok in that crowd lmao. Very brave choice of clothing
Mark joined to play an acoustic version of In Loving Memory. These two dudes actually made me cry
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thanks guys 😤
They transitioned the band back in with Blackbird. Genius. Didn't think they could recover from making me cry that fast but they did. Amazing!
the rest of the set:
Come to Life (so much fun! aaaaa fave!!)
Pawns & Kings
Stay (more of Mark's amazing vocals!!)
hold your hands up high and throw 'em in the air / show 'em that you care too much to feel this way again
Flip and Brian were introduced during Metalingus! I yelled for them so much my throat hurts!
Encore: Rise Today
Even with the awesome seats I wasn't close enough to catch anything flying into the audience but it's always entertaining to watch! I'm worried Flip is gonna hurt someone with a drumstick eventually 😂
Myles threw one of the setlists out as a paper airplane 🥰 adorableee
It was seriously one of the best nights I've had in a long time. It's up there with my favorite concert I've ever attended (Mike Campbell and the Dirty Knobs). Maybe we'll call it a tie now..?
Anyway AB, when can we do this again??
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hyperdemona · 1 year
Hi, could you talk more about how you got out of christianity? I’m struggling with it as a radfem and lesbian which has caused me to internalize so so much homophobia and misogyny. I guess my main concern is about that god being the “one true god” and about revelations. There are some guys (wendigoon for example) who say that god has been helping women at that time (one that comes to mind is Leviticus 27:6, where god supposedly set a women’s value lower so it would be easier to reach because they were given little to no money back then). Honestly I’m still struggling with this whole religion and faith thing, I’ve gone back and forth dozens of times and I just want it to end.
For me, it went like this - I didn't just "leave" Christianity, I matured away from it once I left for grad school. It couldn't have happened anyway.
I was raised in a very traditional South Indian Christian home. I grew up reading the Bible, especially the Old Testament, which I found myself reading a lot as a young girl because my parents couldn't always buy me books, and I was a kid who loved to read. By age 9-10, I'd read most of the Old Testament, and I remember the extremely misogynistic laws of Deutoronomy and Leviticus often incensed me. It's odd that as a young girl, I recognised the sexism in religion and religious texts much more than I would in my teenage and young adult days. I don't think I am the only one either, this is very likely a female experience, as young, unhindered, children we have a much clearer view of the misogyny of religion, but we grow up to accept it as the truth by adolescence and adulthood, unless circumstances arise that make us start to question it. This was how it was for me. All the guilt and insecurity of adolescence and the repression of Malayali culture made me "turn to Jesus" and start taking my faith very seriously, to the point of OCD. I also loved conspiracy theories and stuff like Rapture theology and Young Earth theory, which I read about in the American Evangelical and right-wing websites I trawled from my home in Kerala. I was hooked on that shit. Things got better in my late teens as I stopped spending as much time on religious shit and went to college, but it wasn't until I was 22-23 that I really looked back faced all of that head-on and started realising that I didn't need any of it, and moreover, it's doing me a lot of harm, as well as making me a hypocrite.
Once you realise that there is no way Christianity (or any religion) is true, you just get used to the idea of there not being a God. You also realise that you were right as a child - God and religion are extremely sexist, and are intentionally so. Patriarchal religion is designed to function as a system of mental slavery for women. Getting us to accept it will make us more compliant in a male-supremacist society. Everything that you do - be it reading a book that opens your eyes and mind to women's rights and realities, spending a nice afternoon with your girlfriend and having sex with her because you love her, getting an education, bettering yourself, making a nice life worth living for yourself, perhaps with a wife or gf, all of that you do DESPITE what the Bible tells you to. This shitty religion will never accept you or let you be happy, and that's because it's not for you, it was made for the benefit of your future husband (which it says you are supposed to have btw and shame if you don't). At some point you gotta rid yourself of this toxicity and walk away.
Also the "One true God" is a flaccid clown who's always cartoonishly angry and vengeful because of various unreasonable things. Women don't need religion, religion needs women, to silently comply with it. The God of the Bible for me is really starting to look, speak, and act like an abusive, entitled husband trying to claim ownership of things he never created. I don't think he created shit, he's merely a liar, and an imaginary construct of male religion to usurp women's role in creating and bringing forth life. Religions are always anti-reality and doesn't accept natural phenomena like homosexuality, or especially death. It reflects male nature, men can't accept death because they can't create life like we can. So they try making up stories where a male God created everything, while all God does is claim that he created things that already existed in the Universe. Just like men claim the ownership of children that women birthed.
There is no God, prophet, or Messiah that will survive if women refuse to believe. If we walk out they gonna freak out lmaooo. Try it, and get your girlfriends, daughters, and female friends and relatives to try it too. ;)
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adorerdraco · 4 years
I’m Here ✧ Draco x Reader
Request: Hi, so I’m not sure if you’re taking these kinds of fics for Draco, but I’ve been feeling really down lately, and I was wondering if you could write a one shot or a scenario where the reader has been having a really bad day/week and Draco comforts them? And maybe Draco lays the reader on his chest and he hums a small tune to make the reader feel better? You can ignore this if it’s an issue, but I’d really appreciate it. I love all of your fics btw! They make me really happy <3
Warnings: none bc mostly fluff, some tears, super soft!draco
Words: 1.9K
A/N: i saw this and had to do it effective immediately bc i am feeling the exact same wayyy so this was really nice to think about ;( thank you so much for requesting this and for reading my stuff and i’m so glad i can help in a way <3 i’m sending you nothing but peace, love, and light !!! but i really hope this is gooood <3 do not own gif
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Life was punishing you, you thought. It had to be. Because there was no way how in the span of a week everything in your day-to-day life had gone from okay to borderline catastrophic. It was as if every situation you were in was taking its form in the worst case possible scenario and all you could do was watch hopelessly as things continuously got worse sprinkled with small misfortunes in between.
It started on a regular Monday morning, sitting down for breakfast in the Great Hall with blissful ignorance. Halfway through eating your toast, your owl had come in through the open large glass windows and dropped a letter onto your plate from home that left you some very unfortunate news and had set forth a ripple effect that began making everything else go downhill as your days progressed. By the end of the school week, you had managed to blow up a potion, lose house points because of said potion when it splashed onto some people and had some physically altering effects, tripped over your footing and fell in the middle of a crowded corridor, failed a surprise quiz, forgot to turn in an essay, got into an argument with a friend, accidentally slept in and missed a morning class, and took a trip to the hospital wing for a migraine that didn’t want to leave you alone. You could’ve sworn you had somehow been thrown into purgatory, or limbo, or something outer-worldly. 
“Are you alright?” Draco had asked you right after breakfast that Monday morning as he was walking you to your first class. “What was in the letter your owl gave you? You look worried.”
“It was nothing,” you dismissed quickly, trying to put on a half-hearted smile while you spoke to make it more convincing. “I’m fine, just tired.”
It was the beginning of the week, and he did keep you up late the night before when you were sneaking around together, so he just shook his head up and down and took your excuse even though he felt like there was more to it than you were letting on. But as the days went on, he was becoming more observant of the way you were acting and even looking. He didn’t like that every morning he saw the shadows under your eyes get deeper and darker, and he didn’t like how you would close your eyes in pain when you would groan about your headache. He also didn’t like the way he hadn’t seen you truly smile or laugh all week even when he tried countless times to amuse you or cheer you up. But what he didn’t like most of all was that he felt like there was nothing he could do. 
On Wednesday afternoon, he tried asking you again. You were sitting in the Quad with him on a bench and he was telling you a story from earlier in the day about how he had ‘accidentally’ tripped this Gryffindor boy and got Snape to take away house points from him that he thought for sure would you make laugh or perhaps give him a disapproving redirection, but when he glanced up to see your reaction, he noticed you weren’t even listening, to begin with. You had been staring down at your shoes and the way they lined up against the cracks in the pavement, kicking around some gravel as your mind was running a million thoughts per second.
“Love?” He said to you softly. You looked up at him swiftly with a quiet questioning hum, e/c eyes widened slightly from being ripped away from your thoughts suddenly. “You know if something’s bothering you, you can talk to me.”
“I know,” you nodded warmly. “I’m okay, Dray. I’m honestly just tired.”
And you were telling the truth, in a sense. You really were tired; physically, mentally, emotionally.
He frowned, dissatisfied with your answer. “Right, well if anything at all comes up, I’m here.”
From then on, Draco took it upon himself to try and increase his affections and compliments. He would hug you a little tighter, kiss you a little longer, whisper sweet little nothings into your ear before he left you for class. You felt a little bad lying to him, withholding the truth from him, and you saw the concern in his light gray’s when you’d meet him in the mornings and for the rest of the day, but it only made you feel a tad bit worse. You were starting to feel guilty for the way he was worrying, feeling like you were dragging him down into the dumps with you and raining on his usual carefree parades.
On Friday morning, you didn’t meet him for breakfast and you were out of the Great Hall faster than he could catch you. He felt like a stalker when he walked by your class, peeking his head in to see if you were there and well. He spotted you sitting at your desk, hunched over your unopened books with a grimace on your face and your head in your hands. He wanted to go in and whisk you away to somewhere far and quiet, but the Professor had caught him by the door and sent him on his way before he could even think of doing anything of the sort.
You felt the day had gone by extremely slow, relative to how the week was moving and also impossibly dismal. You were counting down the minutes until the end of the school day, ready to run to your dorm right after your last class and bury yourself deep into your duvet and pillows for the rest of the weekend.
Head still pounding, you trudged over to your final class, stopping outside the doors when you saw a small group of your housemates standing around with unnerved expressions as they passed each other papers and spoke in hushed tensed tones.
“I studied all night but my friend took the test earlier and she told me during lunch that it had stuff on it that wasn’t even in the reading!” You heard one exclaim in distress.
“We have a test?” You accidentally said aloud and a pair of eyes turned to look at you confusingly.
“Yeah? Professor’s been telling us all week.”
A scoff of disbelief escaped your lips, an overwhelming sense of defeat washing over you as you turned briskly on your heel and in the opposite direction of your classroom. Tears started pricking at your eyes, you felt the stinging of them wanting to be released but you refused to let them all out in the open and especially in front of people who were still taking their time to head to their classes. 
You were making a beeline towards your common room, blinking rapidly to try and clear your vision that was quickly pooling with unshed tears while trying to steady your breathing in another failed attempt to calm yourself. You were nearly there, you could tell by the paintings and doors that you passed by and the black stain splattered on the floor you saw every day on your way to the dorms from someone’s dropped ink bottle that Filch hasn’t been able to get rid of. 
Almost there, you kept repeatedly reminding yourself.
All hope of solace was gone when you didn’t notice the body you had unknowingly crashed into. All you felt were strong hands around your biceps, holding you in place from toppling backward and the very familiar scent of expensive cologne and mint.
“Y/N? Why aren’t you in class?” You looked up at the platinum blond sadly, his worried eyes searching yours with such care that it pushed you over the edge.
You didn’t answer him and instead wrapped your arms tightly around Draco’s middle, burying your face deep into his robes and letting out quiet and frail weeps that broke his heart. He held you tightly, pressing kisses to the top of your head and muttering soft “I’m here’s” into your hair. You stayed in his embrace for a few minutes, letting your tears freely fall into his vest with a sense of relief that only he was able to give you at this point in time.
“I’m sorry I cried on you,” you choked out when you pulled away from him, desperately wiping away at your eyes with the back of your sleeve.
“You don’t ever have to apologize for that,” he said quickly. He brought his hand up to your face, his thumb swiping delicately over a stray tear that was sitting on your jaw while you closed your eyes in comfort. “Do you want to go back to my room? I can set you up really nicely and we can talk if you’d like?”
“Yes please, I’d like that a lot.”
Draco interlocked your fingers with his, bringing the pair up to his lips with a warm kiss on the back of your hand before walking the two of you over to the entrance of the Slytherin common room. It was empty when you walked in, not a soul in sight since everyone was still in class and it made it much easier for him to sneak you into his singular Prefect room you were now extremely grateful he had. He watched contently when you shed off your robes and kicked off your shoes and immediately slipped into one of his dark green jumpers that fit you big. 
You were perched on the edge of his bed, his scent from his sweater engulfing you and doing a much better job of calming you down than you wanted to admit. He followed in your footsteps and changed into something comfier and when he finally sat beside you with his hand falling over yours as an encouragement to talk - you did. You vented to him all about the letter from home, the migraine, your classes, the argument between you and your friend, and everything else that came to mind.
“And I feel bad for ignoring you and not telling you all this before but I didn’t want to burden you,” you finished with sniffles, gazing up at him with a gloomy expression. 
“Y/N, I love you, and nothing you say to me is a burden,” he frowned slightly, “when I tell you I’m here, I mean it, for anything. You’re so important to me and it kills me to see you upset.”
In a careful movement, he had scooted towards you and affectionately cupped your face before placing a loving kiss on your forehead and murmured to you, “don’t ever hesitate to come to me.”
You let him pull you under his covers, draping his large duvet over your entangled bodies with your head resting right above his chest, the steady beatings of his heart instantly sending you into a much-needed peace. His chin was rested right atop your head and you felt his fingers run up and down your arm soothingly while he thought.
“Is there anything else I can do to make you feel better?” He asked quietly.
“Can you help me fall asleep?” you muttered, closing your eyes gently when his hand smoothed over the back of your hair. You felt him nod against your head and after a small moment silence, you heard him begin to hum the faint tune of your favorite song.
You lied there in bliss, enjoying the way his chest was vibrating against your ear and the way his fingers were playing with the ends of your hair, curling the strands around his fingers and then moving upwards to massage your scalp. And for a minute, everything was finally okay again as you drifted off into a peaceful sleep, a full heart and with your love calmly lulling you away with a soft and now distant humming.
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tenkoscumslut · 3 years
LoV headcanons
This is is there toxic traits when in fights:
Dabi is already described as a sociopath and manipulative.  If you guys weren’t in a relationship he becomes much more aggressive, or if you try to break up he will physically harm you because he doesn’t know how to keep you.
If you guys are in a relationship he would completely degrade you, and make fun of your ‘flaws’ and not give a fuck if your crying.  He will continue to insult you in the meanest way possible.  He honestly doesn't realize boundaries with anything.
What he does to make you feel better:
After your fight, you obviously say you guys are done and leave.  He’d probably have a fake sense of relief and will either go out to just walk and go over the entire fight, or he will take a nap.  After a few weeks he will slowly come to realize how he hurt you, and realized you guys aren’t in a relationship anymore.
Him being the possessive bitch he is, will not want you with another man, female or just romantic partner in general.  He would track you down, stalk you, even go as far to kill anyone who even shows interest in you.  He will start an obsession with leaving dead bodies at your window still, or them but cut up into tiny pieces in a bowl soaking in their own blood.
You guys don’t get back together because Dabi is crazy, and to obsessed with you.  Dabi never got over you, he wont not until you come back to him.
(help i'm reading a Hawks cheating story and I have tons of Hawks posters surrounding me.  I want to commit hate crimes on our Birb)
His quirk.  You would be arguing about something simple, like a video game.  Shigaraki is impatient and doesn’t know how to control himself, he attacked you while you were in mid sentence.  He’d be overly furious, and be shouting at you to shut up.
This happened on the regular, this time Shigaraki had taken it to far.  Everyone was use to the fights, they would leave for a few hours and return like nothing had happened.  Both of you were screaming at each other at the bar about a mission where you had to leave the new guy behind to the heros.  Both of you were furious, there was no fighting, not yet anyways.
“You can treat people like that!”, you shouted at your boyfriend who was fuming, “Who gives a fuck?!”, he hissed.  “me! I give a fuck!”, you exclaimed.  You guys were in a storm, it was so much bigger while you two were in it, but once you both looked away you realized how small it was.  Shigaraki grabbed your wrist, he was sure it was 4 fingers.
He didn’t notice the small tick of his pinkie hitting your skin, he didn’t notice the pained expression you wore, or you slowly turning into an ash.  “Tomura!”, you exclaimed, he let go.  You scrambled away from him, tears were falling down your eyes.  Then he noticed your arm slowly decaying, and the scared sobs leaving your lips.  He called Kurogiri, but nobody picked up.
He was frantically trying to stop it, anything.  He grabbed a knife to cut your arm off, but it had already spread to your chest.  The fear in your eyes had him crumbled to the floor.  HIs quirk was destroying everything around him, everything he loved, cared for, everything that meant something.
He knew you’d be gone forever, the only person who loved him was dying before his eyes.  He couldn’t do anything, he’s never felt so hopeless, or so defeated.  He looked at your eyes one last time, you didn’t have to say word, and to be honest it’s better left unsaid.  The feelings still remain the same, sometimes you feel more than you see.  
All the faces Shigaraki saw, every single day, yours was the one that brought him happiness, you were the one who brought him joy and love, you were the face he needs.  And when his mind is absorbed in on screen, and he’s walking blindly through crowds of people, he hears your voice reminding him all is going to be ok.
Now you were just a pile of ash. As simple as that, forgotten, dead.
Now he truly was alone.
(btw guys I am so sorry for this one I love Hawks, he would never cheat on you since he is a Red Tailed Feathered Hawk but I can see him doing this, once again I am sorry)
You guys had a fight, a pretty nasty one.  He had been leaving early in the morning and coming back late at night from work.  You were mostly concerned about his mental health, I mean, yes you did stay up at night and sometimes not sleep for a week, but this was on another level.
Hawks was mad you were trying to tell him what to do, when honestly you were just concerned, and almost begging him to come back and get some rest.  He left for a good few weeks, the entire time you were worried sick the point you had to quit your job, well more of fired for not working and lack of mental stability.
When Hawks returned he seemed quiet, less joyful. You wanted to slap him, but hug him and kiss him, just do everything to him at this point.  You couldn’t bring your feet to move though, the air was thick with a pregnant silence.  He was hiding something, you could tell by the way his eyes were full of fiery spirit or joy.  Even when fighting, or upset, he would look so alive.  Now he looked dead.
He sat down at the counter, drumming his fingers against the marbled surface, “There’s something I have to tell you”, he said.  “I stayed at my assistants house”.  An odd announcement you thought, but he wasn’t done.  “She kissed me”, he stated.
You were in shock, not able to utter a word for a few seconds, “W-what....what did you do?”, you had choked out.  “There’s a reason why I was gone for a week”, he mumbled.  A pain you hadn’t known struck your chest, he had cheated on you.
He fucking cheated on you.
You wanted to cry, to scream, to punch him, to leave, but none of that came up.  The man you had once loved, the man you had thought you knew was someone else.  “I understand if you want to break up”, he mumbled.  Your chest fought for air, all this love, all this compassion, this sympathy, you had gave up almost everything for him.  
“Fuck you”, was all you managed to say before leaving his apartment.
~A few months later~
You had gotten over him, even getting into a new relationship with his Assistant no less.  To be honest she was drop dead gorgeous with one of the most beautiful personality.  You loved her with all your heart, and so did she.  Now she had forgotten her lunch at home, you frowned knowing you would have to go to Hawks agency to deliver it to her.  But you were prepared for that.
You had a knew life, you had an amazing girlfriend, you loved her, and she loved you.  Once you were preapared to go deliever the food, you left the apartment and set foreward to Hawks Agency.  Little did you know Hawks was beyond eager to see you walking towards his Agency, he maybe or maybe not had been watching the security camera footage to see if you were ever going to come back to him.  His wings flapped excitedly when he saw you opening the door with a small container in hand.
“Shoyo, Y/N is coming, let’s go meet her downstairs!”, he exclaimed happily.  Shoyo did not like Hawks anymore, seeing him for the cheating bastard he was made her want to puke.  She rolled her eyes, not thinking it was her Y/N.
She followed him down the stairs, when she saw you a smile appeared, “Hey Y/N”, she chirped happily.  “Hey bub”, you greeted back.  Wait, no, that’s Hawks nickname, and why were you talking to her?! Wouldn’t you hate her for sleeping with your soulmate?!.
Hawks was in awe when you pecked her lips softly and whispered a few obsenities into her ear, Shoyo licked her lips.  “Sounds good babe!”, she said with a blush.  “W-what?!”, hawks shouted.  You looked over at him with a confused expression.  “Why are you with her?!”, he shouted.
“she’s a great person”, you said slowly, “And I love her”.  Shoyo grinned happily, wrapping her arm around your shoulder, he was furious, how dare you date someone else, his assistant no less,
From that day on he stalked you, leaving dead birds at your door, promising to kill Shoyo if you dare even show any affection towards her.  You and Shoyo will never solve the mystery of the man who still loves you.
No no no nono nonono she is baby she would not hurt you in anyway during a fight, same with Twice, Mr. Compress, Spinner and Kurogiri!.
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nmikaelsonimagines · 3 years
No Body, No Crime: A Klaus Mikaelson Imagine
Request from Anon: Hiii, can you do an Evermore for no body no crime please. Love your account btw xx
So I guess it only makes sense that my current favourite song is being used for my 100TH IMAGINE! That’s incredible! Thank you so much for everyone who has ever requested anything and stuck with me over the years, it means the world! This also happens to be one of my favourite things I’ve written in ages! Here’s to the next 100! Hope this is okay for you lovely, and enjoy x 
Want to hear the song? Find a link to it just below:
No Body, No Crime
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Este's a friend of mine We meet up every Tuesday night for dinner and a glass of wine
It was supposed to be a normal evening, and as of yet there was nothing to suggest that it wouldn’t be. One evening, that’s all you were asking for, one evening away from the concerns that came with having knowledge of the supernatural world that lived within New Orleans.
One evening away from him. One evening away from Klaus Mikaelson and his constant nagging.
You didn’t know why he had taken such an interest in you, but it was getting annoying. He seemed to appear where you didn’t want him to, claiming that you were of interest to his enemies. You had argued that following you around everywhere probably didn’t help with that, but the hybrid had simply smirked.
“Trust me, Y/N. You’re safer with me at your side than you are alone.”
Tonight, you had managed to escape, going out to dinner with one of your friends. Este had been one of the first people to take you under her wing when you arrived in New Orleans only a year ago, and you had made a tradition of meeting the witch weekly for a good old catch-up.
“So, is Klaus still bothering you?” She knew all about the Original’s interest in you, finding it rather amusing at points.
“I came here to forget about him, Este,” you took a sip of your wine, alcohol beginning to blur your thoughts just as you had intended. Little did you know that there would be no forgetting Klaus Mikaelson this evening.
Este's been losin' sleep Her husband's actin' different, and it smells like infidelity
“So what’s new with you?” You had noticed that when Este had arrived, she had looked more solemn than usual. Her smile dropped at your question, and it was here that you saw the bags under her eyes. “Hey, Este, is everything okay?”
Your friend burst into tears. “I think he’s cheating on me.”
You sighed. Este’s husband was a waste of space at the best of times, always degrading her and acting like he was God’s gift to the world. It didn’t surprise you that he would do such a cruel thing as cheat, disappearing at odd times in the night and not coming back for a good couple of days.
“I’m sorry, hun,” you reached over and grabbed your friend’s hand. You weren’t great in these sorts of situations but your heart ached for your friend all the same. You let Este cry for a while, before she wiped her eyes.
“Ugh, I just needed to get that out,” Este’s eyes drifted over to the empty bottle of wine. “We need another one of these I think.”
“I’ll get it.” You stood up, leaving your friend to compose herself. You were at the bar, waiting for assistance when you heard a voice belonging to someone you were hoping to avoid.
“She’s one hell of an actress, I’ll give her that.”
You rolled your eyes before turning to face Klaus Mikaelson.
She says, "That ain't my Merlot on his mouth That ain't my jewelry on our joint account"
“What the hell are you talking about? Actually, how the hell did you know I was here?” Angry was an understatement. You were trying to have a nice night out with your friend, and your stalker had shown up. Okay, maybe stalker was a strong word, but it was the only word you could think of to describe Klaus’s behaviour.
“You come here every week, Y/N. You’re hardly unpredictable.” You wanted to wipe that smirk off his face, ignoring the small voice in the back of your mind that told you maybe kissing it off would be the better option.
You couldn’t lie about the fact that you found yourself attracted to Klaus Mikaelson from time to time. But, now it wasn’t relevant. Now, you were just annoyed. “What did you mean about Este being an actress?”
“Ah yes, that.” There was that damn smirk again. “Your friend isn’t genuine. Freya did some research, and let’s just say that the reason Este’s husband disappears every couple of days isn’t to jump into bed with someone else. And she knows it. In fact, last time he came back, he bought here that charm she’s wearing around her neck.” You cast your mind back to the necklace that you had spotted resting against Este’s chest. “How much of that wine have you been drinking?”
“What’s that got to do with anything? And what exactly are you talking about? You haven’t explained very well.”
“Well, Y/N,” Klaus took a step closer to you, “I’m pretty sure you’ve just drunk a potion.”
No, there ain't no doubt I think I'm gonna call him out
“A potion? Klaus, you’re being ridiculous.” And scaring you, but you weren’t going to admit that. Klaus took a few steps towards you, his lips brushing your ear as he spoke, quietly.
“Y/N. I know you’re used to me joking, but I’m serious now. This whole thing is a set up. There’s a reason Este chose this place for your weekly dinners. The place is full of witches who have a personal vendetta against me and my family. Can’t imagine why.” You shivered as he scoffed against your skin, warm breath making the hair on the back of your neck stand on end. “Este’s husband has been away on research, trying to find ways of killing us. That necklace she’s wearing is a protection charm which he bought her in case we figured it out. She’s just keeping you close because she knows how I feel about you. She knows I care about you and she thinks she can use you to get to me. The potion is to drop your defences, to get you to talk, to reveal any secrets she thinks you might know.”
Sure enough, as Klaus spoke, eyes began to fall on you two, but it was Este you were watching. She stared at you, any trace of the sadness she had shown before having disappeared.
Maybe you should have yelled at Klaus then, but there was something inside you that told you he was right. Shocked was an understatement. Only one question fell from your lips.
“You care about me?”
She says, "I think he did it, but I just can't prove it" I think he did it, but I just can't prove it I think he did it, but I just can't prove it
That damn smirk returned to Klaus’s face. “I like how that’s what you took from that, but maybe we should discuss that later. Freya’s waiting outside. There’s a spell on the place so that once we leave, no-one will be able to remember that we were here. Best avoid bloodshed tonight.”
You stared at him. “Did Klaus Mikaelson really just tell me that? Are you feeling okay?”
“Funny, Y/N.” You were conscious of his hand on the small of your back. “Just walk. Quickly now.” You did as you were told, not quite believing that for the first time in your life, you were doing something Klaus Mikaelson had suggested. Not quite believing that, in spite of all the danger you were currently in, there was still one thing swimming around in your mind.
I care about you.
Of course, you had always known it. There was no other rational explanation for Klaus to follow you around like he did. But hearing him say it was different. It was a new sensation, a tingle in your skin that you found you rather liked. You would ask him about it when you got home, hoping that he wouldn’t go back on his word.
Because you wouldn’t be able to prove he had said it if he denied all knowledge.
Because you wouldn’t be able to forget those four words for as long as you lived.
No, no body, no crime But I ain't lettin' up until the day I die
You lived up to your promise to yourself, questioning Klaus the moment you were back inside the Mikaelson compound. “Now, what did you mean when you said you care about me?” It was a bold move, one that you made you feel physically sick after the words had left your mouth. What if he denied all knowledge? What if he didn’t say what you wanted to hear?
What if he did?
“I think you know.” A different atmosphere had settled over the room, one so unlike the one full of negative tension that you often experienced when you were with Klaus. He had saved you tonight, made you realise that the only person you could ever really trust was him. He had made you realise that the voice in the back of your head, the one that told you that you were attracted to him, had been right all along.
“I need you to tell me. I need to know for sure.”
Klaus took a step towards you, that damn smirk gone and replaced with a genuine smile. “I don’t need to tell you, Y/N.”
“What do you mean, Klaus? I-” Your words were swallowed by Klaus’s lips on yours, a kiss you wouldn’t be likely to forget for as long as you lived. When you parted, Klaus took a step back.
“Good night, Y/N.”
“Is that it?” You stared at him in shock, that damn smirk having returned. The hybrid shrugged, backing away from you.
“Well, that’s up to you, Y/N.”
You marched over and grabbed the front of his shirt, pulling him into another kiss. You knew in that moment that what you had with Klaus was real.
You knew you wouldn’t let him go.
You wouldn’t stop loving him until the day you died.  
Evermore Masterlist
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stardust-kenobi · 4 years
Poe Dameron x Fem!Reader
Summary: Poe returns to base after a very risky and long battle against the First Order. In the time he’d been gone, and his life flashing before his eyes, he wants to show you how badly he missed you, and how much you mean to him.
Warnings: Filthy, descriptive, SMUT (fingering, m/f oral giving and receiving, daddy kink, choking, vaginal sex) starts with some adorable fluffiness from my fav little resistance pilot 🥺 mentions of death and blood...but yeah mostly smut.
A/n: I’m unapologetically horny for Poe. I’ve been dying to write content for this man, I love him so much. If anyone has any Poe/sequel specific blog recommendations, lmk!
Word count: 4k
Request from @princessxkenobi. You’re the best✨💕 hope you enjoy! Btw, I took your request and RAN with it lmao
gif is not mine
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Your stomach tumbled aggressively in your abdomen. Every pilot that joined Poe on their dangerous mission, almost three weeks ago, was currently exiting their x-wings...except Poe. The Falcon lowered from the sky, landing roughly on the grass. Exiting the ship was Finn and Rey, but still no Poe. The love of your life, your soul mate, your other half...was he gone?
You swallowed hard, forcing back the sorrow lump in your throat that crept up with the realization of what could have happened. A sickness formed in your stomach when your eyes scan the field of landing ships, still not identifying his distinguishable transport.
“No..” you whispered your cry. A cold, stray tear fell over your cheek bone. Your vision went blurry and your mind became a looped, dizzy mess in the wake of your distress.-
Before you fell apart completely, something interrupted you.
“There’s my baby girl” A voice broke the empty air behind you. Your gasp was caught in your throat and you found it hard to breathe for the milliseconds between your pain and your relief. Your body swung around swiftly for your eyes to meet Poe’s loving gaze. His bag slid from his shoulder to meet the ground. He hustled toward you, arms spread open to welcome you into his embrace.
“Poe...” You mumbled softly. That was the only word that your trembling lips could develop in your moment of shock. You reminded yourself to breath. 30 seconds prior to this engagement, you assumed that you’d lost the love of your life to the relentless violence of the First Order. But he was here, he was holding you, he was alive.
“God, I'm so happy to see you, y/n” His head rested atop yours and his arms provided shelter around your body.
“I thought you were gone, Poe” you looked up at him, tears still pooled in your eyelids. Your voice broke as his name rolled off your tongue. That same lump in your throat returned, or maybe it never left.
“Shhh” He calmed you, his hand caressed your head to comfort your distress. “It’s okay”.
The active twinkling stars in the night sky illuminated his features for you to admire. You scan every inch of his face, taking it in as if you’d never see him again. As you scanned upward, you suddenly noticed the dark red liquid dried to his forehead. Your stomach sank.
“What happened?” You direct your attention to his injury. “Are you okay?”. You pulled a rag from his abandoned bag, and quickly tried to clean it from his skin.
“Oh...yeah, I’m okay, y/n. It doesn’t hurt. Just got blasted and hit my head on the side metal of my x-wing. It was a...a close call...but I got out of there in time.” His voice was like honey to your ears in the midst of your worries. Poe picked up your hands that had fallen from gripping his body. Gentle kisses graced your knuckles. “To come back to you, baby”
“I missed you so much, Poe. I didn’t see you land and immediately assumed the worst” you admitted to him, still holding back your tears that were slowly subsiding.
“I didn’t mean to worry you, I’m sorry” he assured.
“I’d be a mess if you hadn’t come back” You admitted.
“That’ll never happen, y/n” He assured you, with no real ability to promise this, but it was comforting to you in the moment.
He kissed your forehead and offered a warm smile, resulting in a grin forming at your lips as well. It quickly turned upside down at the sight of a tear trailing down Poe’s face came into view.
“Poe what’s wrong?” You asked so worrisome.
He instantly looked distressed from your inquiry like he was barely holding it together prior to your concern.
“It was really hard out there. Seeing you just-” his broken voice interrupted his thoughts “it made me remember how lucky I am to have you in my life. It could be over in an instant. But I have you” he pushed through his shakiness. Your thumb meets his cheek to wipe away his sorrow.
You pushed your body up against him, and planted a kiss onto his unexpecting lips. It was deep and passionate and definitely what he needed to feel. Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him down into your face.
There were others wandering around you, unloading gear, welcoming the pilots back home, rejoicing in the success, but you knew that the intimacy of your kiss would go unnoticed by anyone else. You felt alone with Poe, like no one else existed in the whole galaxy.
He encouraged the kiss further, rotating his lips around yours slowly. The moan that crept from his mouth indicated a desire for more. The relief of being reunited sparked a hunger in you as well. You wanted him.
You both gathered your composure after a few minutes of consoling each other, just thankful to be safe, and together.
“I need to be alone with you” he said, sounding as if he would go insane if he wasn’t able to have you soon.
“Let me show you how much I really missed you” he whispered into your ear. You shoot him an are you sure? look considering the abundance of company around you. Surely there’d be no privacy for a while, and you’d have to be very quiet in his small quarters. “I need you” he practically begged. You happily nodded in agreement.
“C’mon” he smirked and took your hand, leading you away from the commotion of the base and to the partial privacy of his room. There were people that he stopped and spoke with on the way there. You were so eager for alone time, it was torture every time your journey was interrupted.
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You both finally arrived. He closed the door behind you. The familiarity of the harsh fluorescent lighting and the tight enclosure of the room was oddly comforting, but surely not romantic.
“Well that won’t set the mood, will it?” He chuckled, referring to the uneasy lighting above. He pulled a lighter from his pocket, and lit a small candle on the table next to the cot. The lights shut off, revealing a sudden romantic environment, softly lit by a single flame.
A small, black curl laid lonely on his forehead, which you slowly moved away from his face. You stood there together, in the middle of the room, absorbing each other’s presence. Your anticipation rose for what was about to happen. You missed his bare body against yours. You needed him now.
He subtly licked his lips while studying the curve of your bottom lip. Once you both understood that you were alone, he practically pounced onto you with a burning hunger in his gaze. Poe’s kisses were heavy and intimate. Every movement of his mouth was rhythmic. His hands gripped your face, as if to pull you even closer to him, which was completely impossible.
“Fuck I missed you baby” he breathed in between the bursts of fusion of your mouths.
“Me too” you managed to say before his lips were on yours again.
He walked backwards slowly and pulled you with him. He sat down onto the cot and guided your legs to straddle him at his waist. Poe maneuvered the cloth of your coat down your shoulders and slid it down to the floor, leaving you in a thin cropped tank top and your shorts. His calloused hands drew goosebumps where they touched when they travelled over your arms. His kisses transported to the skin on your neck, cascading down to the collarbone. You leaned into him, absorbing the delicacy of his admiration. 
You moaned quietly which grabbed his attention almost immediately. He looked up at you, the same starving look of desire in his eyes with a cocky smirk plastered onto his face. 
“What was that about you showing me how much you missed me?” you purred into his ear, teasing him, and placing your lips at his neck now. Your fingers worked to unbutton his shirt. The motions you made at his skin earned a small groan from his lips. This subtle sound alone formed a heat between your legs.
His grip, already around your waist, tightened as your question rang his ears. Poe knew that sex with you was always paradise, but taking it slow always resulted in a level of intimacy he’s only ever felt with you. He needed to take his time with you, but at this moment it was so hard for him to do so with how badly he missed you.
You removed his shirt, revealing the broadness of his chest, presented to you so closely. You cannot help but stare intently at his features. Your fingertips traced the outline of his chiseled abdomen. The necklace he always wore, that you’d never seen him without, remained around his neck. You loved the way it looked on him, and wouldn’t dare take it off.
Poe swiftly removed your top that clung so tightly to your body. He is met with the sight of your breasts that were unrestrained under your clothes.
“Oh baby girl I missed these” he cooed and cupped your exposed tits in his hands. His brows furrowed in a look is desperation before his lips wrapped around your stiffened nipples. You moan at the contact, you can feel yourself become even wetter by the second.
You rolled your hips forward, and when you did, you felt the bulge that was begging to be let free from his pants. He moaned instantly when you brushed your core against him.
Poe made a quick decision to stand up, lifting you by your ass, and turned to place you firmly on the cot. Your head was rested on his pillow while he positioned his body above yours. The curl that previously sat on his forehead now dangled above your face, which made you chuckle, but also, he looked so hot like that. The chain of his necklace hung down from his skin, too, something he knew was a huge turn on for you. You liked for him to fuck you while it swung in your face. When he noticed you stare at it, he giggled.
“I know you like that, don’t you?” He smirked. You nodded your head, offering no words, eager for him to proceed.
“Poe” you breath, simultaneously grasping at his belt.
“Be patient, baby” he commanded before attacking your lips again. His tongue forced its way between your lips and explored your mouth freely. Moaning into his mouth only made him kiss you harder. The feeling of his hips rested between your thighs through the layers of both your pants was agonizing. Your knees and thighs tried to push themselves together. He felt this around his hips and pulled his lips from you instantly.
Leaning back onto his knees, he unbuttoned your shorts and slowly slid them and your panties down your thighs. After throwing them onto the floor, he sat there and took a long, sensual look at your naked body, licking his lips at what he saw. At this angle you could clearly see how restricted his cock was for you to observe the long outline.
“Fuck. I missed this view so much princess” he groaned while lowering his body back onto the cot, his face moving in between your thighs. His face was inches from where you were aching for him. “Do your best to be quiet, baby” he lightly laughed through his nose and smiled at you sweetly.
“I don't know if I can but I’ll try” you joked.
And with that, his tongue curled onto your clit, taking you into his mouth. Your body twitched at the sudden sensation you’d been robbed of for weeks. The second he tasted you, a low, gruff moan leapt from his throat. His tongue swirled over your sensitive clit, rhythmically and consistently drawing figures with the tip.
“Fuck, you are so wet already” he took a break to look up at you. Not breaking eye contact, he leaned up to push two fingers into your mouth.
“Suck on them” he demanded. You obeyed and sucked on his coarse fingers. He watched with pleasure as you moistened them in your mouth. He then removed them and replaced his glistened fingers at your entrance. Without hesitation, he pushed them inside of your wet warmth.
“Oh fuck” you sharply moaned. His tongue returned to your clit while he pumped his fingers inside of you. He moaned too, turned on by your pleasurable sounds, sending vibrations across your sensitivity.
Your hands found their way to his head, your fingers locked in his waves of black strands. He curled his two fingers, adding to your pleasure. Already, you feel your climax approaching.
“Poe, I’m close” you announced. He instantly pulled his mouth and fingers from your pussy, causing agony for you. He suddenly crawled up to you, hovering over you. His fingers replaced themselves at your core, but it was his flattened fingers pressed against your clit this time. He began to rub firmly back and forth, responding to how you bucked your hips at his touch, picking back up where you left off.
“I want you to look at me when you cum, baby girl” he growled, face so close to yours, intently staring at your expression while you displayed how good he made you feel.
You felt the tightness bundle between your thighs while his hand set a constant pace that perfectly stimulated your clit. You could feel how intense it was going to be before you even reached your orgasm.
“S-shit” you stuttered, focused on your climax.
“That’s it, yeah” he encouraged you.
It washed over you like an ocean wave. Radiating from the center of your euphoria and spreading across your body. Your attempt to be quiet was weak, your moans and whimpering filled the air of his small room. Neither of you cared anymore who was on the other side. Poe’s eyes never left you while you threw your head back in pleasure. Your legs quivered in his touch as he did not let up once during your orgasm. You think he may have rubbed you faster once you hit your peak, causing a more intense high for you.
A very long ride came down slowly. You tried to catch your breath during the time that Poe slowed his motions and removed it from you.
“God, you look so fucking hot cumming for me, y/n” he cooed in your ear, still hovering above you. His tone grew kinkier by the second.
You giggled, unable to form coherent thoughts, let alone any words. Poe pushed himself back into his knees.
While staring deep into your eyes, looking at you with an primal expression that indicated how badly he was about to destroy you, he slowly unbuckled his belt, never breaking eye contact with you. You melted at how fucking hot he looks before his clothes are even completely removed.
His pants meet the ground, his underwear going with it. Seeing his fully erect cock pulled a whimper from your throat. He blushed and pushed a smile from his face.
“On your knees” he commanded, standing next to his cot. He usually wasn’t this demanding during sex, but something seemed a lot more dominant in him tonight. You loved it, so of course you obeyed.
“Yes, sir” you purred at him and got on your knees in front of him.
“Listen to me, baby girl” he started, grabbing the back of your head and tilting it up at him. “Suck daddy’s cock like a good little girl”.
The words leaving his mouth caught you off guard, sent shivers down your spine, and made your clit throb more than it was following your orgasm all at the same time. You’d never heard him talk like that before, nor had he ever mentioned a kink for this. You surely had no objection to going along with it.
You smirked at him, wrapping your fist around his shaft and placing the tip at your extended tongue. You teased him lightly.
“C’mon baby. No teasing” He smirked. You look up at him with baby doll eyes before proceeding.
Giving you no time to cease your teasing, he very suddenly forces his cock to the back of your throat. You gag initially, but adjust quickly to your mouth being completely filled by his length. 
“Mmmm” He groaned as he held your mouth steady wrapped around him.
Deep, hungry moans crawled out of his mouth when you began to bob your head back and forth onto his dick. You used your technique that you know drove him crazy, and tried a new motion with your tongue. 
“Oh, fuck. Yeah, good girl” He reacted instantly, meeting your innocent eyes again. You loved hearing him praise you and encourage you with his moaning.
You add your hands to the bottom section of his length while you continued to swirl your mouth around the top of him. 
“So fucking pretty with my cock in your mouth, baby”
You move faster now, paying close attention to the tip, knowing that was his most sensitive spot. His breath hitched, and you could tell he was eager to have himself buried somewhere else inside you. 
“But y’know...I think you’d look prettier with my cock in that tight little pussy...you think you can handle that?” He growled at a level of a whisper, his words made you melt. He abruptly removed himself from your mouth and lifted you from the ground and onto the cot. 
“Yes, daddy” you purred back at him. Poe’s eyes subtly lit up, he was so glad you were into this, too. He returned you to your position from earlier, comfortably flat on your back, knees up. He loved to start in missionary because he wanted to gaze into your eyes when he first fills you.
He hovered back on top of you, positioning his his hips between thighs, one arm was placed firm in the mattress beside your head, the other trailed up your thigh, soaking in the feeling of your soft skin. Wasting no additional time, the tip of his cock parts your slit and he pushes himself into you.
A sharp, prolonged gasp escaped you as he buried himself completely inside of you, his hips as close to your body as possible.
“God damn, baby girl” his voice turned soft when he truly felt how wet you were for him. He brought motion to his hips and looked down into your eyes. His necklace hung directly above you, swinging with every thrust he took. You watched it, loving the way it looked around his skin. His expression held a look of lust and angst simultaneously, which made your heart beat faster. He dared not to break eye contact with you. Watching your eyes roll back from the pleasure of being fucked by him drove him crazy. And despite the roughness of the passion you were sharing as a result of your time apart, you were still his baby girl and wanted to be as intimate as possible.
“Yes, Poe” you whimpered. A scowl appeared on his face.
“Who? You know my name” he growled at you, pounding your pussy harder with aggression.
“Daddy” you moan, louder.
“Good girl” his voice was so gruff. Suddenly, his hand was wrapped around your throat, applying pressure. You struggle to breath in the most erotic way. Your gasping transformed to whines. Poe loved to watch you wear his fist as a necklace while he fucked you. 
“How am I supposed to last, when you look so fucking gorgeous being filled with my cock?” He whispered, lips brushed against your ear, chills erupted down your body. His grip on your neck was released.
“I love you” you mumbled, allowing a grin to develop on your face. You said it out of no where, but you needed him to hear it. Poe’s seductive stare instantly transformed to a smile, as if he was breaking character from the rough exterior he presented.
“I love you, too, y/n” he breathed before kissing you so delicately and slowing his hips. “Now, turn around” he returned to commanding your actions. You get on your hands and knees, backing yourself up to him, craving to be fucked from behind. 
No warning was given before he slammed his dick into you again. You cried out, not expecting how good it would feel. At this angle, he reached your sweetest spot with every thrust. You found it impossible to muffle your sounds. He watched as your ass jiggled against him every time your skin touched. His calloused hand motioned circles against your ass cheek, prepping it for what he would do next. He pulled back and brought the flattened palm to meet your skin, slapping it firmly. When you moaned out in response, he did it several more times, and enjoyed every strike against your ass. 
“Forget being quiet, I want everyone to hear you getting fucked, got it?” Poe growled. You didn’t hesitate, and released all your expression of ecstasy into the small room, knowing your voice was escaping the walls. His voice joined yours as well, which was music your ears.
He curled his hips into you harder and faster now, his fingertips scratched down the length of your back. When you leaned your head back into it, Poe grabbed the bulk of your hair, using it as a handle while pulling your head back with it. 
“Oh, god” you cried as the pleasure became unbearable.
“You like being daddy’s good little slut? Huh?” he grew louder. You melted yet again at him speaking to you like this.
“I do, I love it” 
“You wanna cum again, baby girl?”
“p-please” you begged.
“Uh-uh, please, what?” 
“Please, daddy, make me cum” 
“Well, since you asked so politely” he cooed, bringing his hand around you to rub your clit while he continued to fuck you. Being filled and having your most sensitive area stimulated simultaneously was overwhelming. You could already feel your second orgasm forming in the pit of your belly.
“Fuck, Poe, I’m so close” you desperately whined.
“I’ll let that one slide for now” he scolded for addressing him incorrectly.
You felt your orgasm unravel, spilling over your body and spreading inside you. Your body trembled, unable to handle the overstimulation you experienced. It was longer than before, keeping you in a state of euphoria for what felt like hours.
“Yessss, princess, cum on my cock” he praised. 
Riding out the end of your glorious high, you became suddenly aware of how loud you were, but you still didn’t care.
“I’m gonna cum too” his breath grew shaky. “When I pull out, I want you to turn around” Poe instructed. You turned to shake your head in agreement.
And with that, he removed himself, his moans growing choppy. You turned over onto your back as requested and positioned your mouth under his length and extended your tongue. 
“Oh fuck” Poe stroked himself over you, crying out deeply in euphoria as he hit his climax. He released his hot cum all over your face, some making it onto your mouth. What was left on your cheeks, you gathered with your thumb, bringing it to your mouth and swallowing it while Poe watched.
He collapsed next to you on the small cot that was barely big enough to fit both of you. 
“That was...” you began, struggling to properly describe your satisfaction.
“Incredible” he completed your sentence. 
“Yeah” you agreed, a giggle trailing your words. “So that’s how much you missed me, huh?” you teased. Poe pulled you into his arms, your head rested on his chest as it rose and fall with his breathing.
As you tried to catch your breath, you were both jolted by an alarming banging at the door.
“Can you guys, uh, maybe keep it down in there?” Finn’s voice travelled through the wall. You looked at Poe, absolutely mortified. 
“Yeah, bud, we’ll do our best. Hope you enjoyed the show” Poe yelled, dying of laughter at the situation. But you? Not so much. You’d never look Finn in the eyes again.
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zevlors-tail · 3 years
Febuwhump Day 8 - “Hey, hey, this is no time to sleep!”
A/N: I can’t believe I just wrote this in one sitting. I know I’m super behind on Febuwhump, yikes...but I think this turned out pretty well! This got longer than I meant it to be, but then, so did most of the prompts in my drafts that I have for this month. This is actually my first time purposefully writing whump so I hope this was okay! Unedited btw, i’ll read it over in the morning.
TW: Burning building, explosions, second degree burns, mentions/descriptions of burn wounds, life or death situation, building collapse, concussed reader.
The first thing Hawks notices when he comes to is the foul taste in his mouth. It causes him to gag and cough with his eyes still closed, though that doesn’t help his situation much if at all. The smell of something burning sears the inside of his nostrils and clogs his lungs, and he finds it incredibly hard to breathe as he rolls over onto his side, eyes finally fluttering open.
The second thing he becomes acutely aware of is how hot he is. No...how hot the floor is. Speaking of which, he couldn’t seem to recall what he was doing down there anyways. If only that incessantly annoying ringing in his ears would stop-
Wait. Wait a minute...
An image of you flashes behind his eyelids as he blinks them shut harshly to block out the billowing cloud of smoke filling the room, and it all comes back to him in a whirlwind.
There were villains. High class villains. Not your every day run of the mill villains, but villains who could really pack a punch when fighting back. They had been occupying a small skyscraper at the time as their headquarters, and you and Hawks had partnered up to take them down after months of steak outs and observation. But something had gone wrong...very wrong. Those details were still a bit blurry, but Hawks remembers something akin to an explosion- a loud noise, the building shaking, and a blast that knocked him unconscious.
All of the sudden he’s hyper aware of what’s going on- and he realizes he needs to move fast if he’s going to get out of here alive. He’s at least twenty stories up in the air on unstable structures, his feathers and hair are singed, and his head is foggy after inhaling too much smoke. Luckily he can still move, and it doesn’t look like he’s been burned too severely, at least not yet. But the flames licking at the bottom of the closed door in front of him cause alarm bells to scream out in his head, and he knows he doesn’t have much time to think. He needs to find you so he can grab you and-
Ohhh, shit.
As he rolls over onto his other side, he can make out the outline of a figure lying on the floor, and he’s almost certain it’s you. None of the villains stuck around after blowing the place up anyways, and he can just barely see the dulled colors of your hero suit behind the thick screen of smoke.
“Fuck! Oh god, Y/N.”
You’re lying too still for your own good, and Hawks thinks he can see the beginning of what he can only assume to be fire slowly eating at the wall next to you. He wastes no time and flattens himself on his stomach, army crawling in your general direction to avoid the worst of the putrid air. It doesn’t help much, but it’s better than nothing. He ignores the uncomfortable heat of his body and pushes onward, his movements still a little sluggish from getting knocked out cold. He’s not entirely sure if he can even use his feathers right now while they’re this singed, and furthermore, he hopes his wings aren’t completely out of commission; he’s going to need those if the both of you are going to make it out of this alive.
“Y/N!” he tries to shout, though it ends in a horrible sounding cough that comes from deep in his chest. As he draws nearer, he hears what sounds like creaking coming from above the two of you, and to his utter horror, the support beams under floor above you have burnt to a crisp and look like they’re ready to collapse any second. It had to have been a sheer miracle that the two of you weren’t already engulfed in flames yourselves. “Y/N! Come on, kid, you gotta get up! Move!”
Even as he tries to urgently get your attention his body seems to move on it’s own accord, and before he can stop himself, he sends a few feathers your way out of habit and concern that you might be crushed any second if he doesn’t move you somehow. It hurts like hell, and he’s pretty sure he’s bleeding. This is by far the worst he’s felt when using his feathers, but it does pay off, and you’re lucky that he made the split decision to move you- no sooner had he scrambled back with you had the ceiling collapsed into the floor.
He turns to you while staying low to the ground, shaking you desperately and firmly smacking the side of your face with his hand in hopes of interrupting your forced slumber. It works but just barely, and Hawks watches as you try to take a deep breath but end up choking just as he had. He gives you a once-over while you struggle to breathe, eyes flitting over your form to assess any damage you may have taken- and to his dismay, there seems to be a good amount of it. The entire left side of your hero outfit is singed, bits of the fabric even burnt into your skin in certain places where the heat must have been too strong. You hadn’t been able to move away or protect yourself in your sleep, and the burns on your arm and leg can definitely attest to that. They’re second degree, at least; some of the fire must have actually made contact with your skin.
“Oh, fuck- Hey, look at me. Y/N, focus here!”
He leans over you to look at your eyes, and he doesn’t have to shine a light in them or have you follow his finger to know that you hit your head a little too hard. They’re glossy and unfocused, and you can’t find a single place on his face to fixate on. You just keep looking all over, and Hawks can clearly tell your concussed. 
Fucking great. He’s got to get you both out, and now.
“Hey, kid. Can you hear me?” He nervously awaits an answer with eyes trained on you, and the second you start to talk he lets out a small breath of short-lived relief.
“Hawks...? Wha...” You look so out of it and dazed.
“So that’s a yes, thank god...” Before you try to ask anything else, he stops you in your tracks and shakes his head at you. “Whoa, whoa, whoa- take it easy, alright? No questions, I just need you to listen and keep talking to me. Doesn’t matter what it’s about, I just need to know you’re awake and alive-” He pauses briefly to look around for something, anything he can do to escape.
There’s the door you both came from, the one that’s barely holding back the raging heat behind it- that’s a no-go. No way in hell is he trying to brave that. His wings won’t last five seconds in that, and you don’t have the means to protect yourself while you’re concussed. Another option is to try and escape through the hole in the floor that the ceiling caused...but that’s way too risky for the both of you as is, and it looks like flames are starting to creep in from that way, too. If he is going to take that route, he needs to do it soon. Maybe he can get to a staircase, or find a-
The sound of you moaning in pain cuts through his thoughts and his head whips back in your direction to find you grimacing and trying to move. “Ah ah- Don’t do that. Just keep talking, come on. I know it hurts, but you gotta keep talkin’ to me. I’m gonna get us out of this mess, somehow...”
Panic starts to set in as he realizes his options are limited. Terror grips him in it’s icy stone-cold jaws as he comes to the conclusion that his odds of survival are even worse.
“Hawks...it hur’s...” All you can do is roll your head back and forth and try to move, but your body just won’t cooperate with your mind.
“Fuck. Fuck! I know, I know...” His teeth grit together as he thinks, his thoughts racing a mile a minute. Adrenaline is starting to kick in, and he’s desperate for anything at this point.
He still has no plan in mind when he makes another split second decision to move you from where you’re currently laying. The fire is only spreading up onto the carpeted floor the two of you are on, and the smoke is getting worse by the second; this room is a hot box with no ventilation at this point. He carefully picks you up and cradles you to his chest, his wings wrapping around the both of you to both support your frame and shield you from the onslaught of unbearable heat. It forces him to take a few steps back, and he does his best to navigate through a screen of black without bumping into any furniture. He almost trips several times, but eventually he hits the opposite wall. Or, rather...
A window. Bingo.
“S’ tired...” you mumble. Your eyes are already fluttering, rolling to the back of your head as your limbs grow heavy in his arms.
“Hey, hey, this is no time to sleep! Y/N!? Come on, stay awake!”
“C’n we go...home now?”
He doesn’t like how ragged your breathing sounds.
He almost chuckles at the absurdity of the situation, but his lungs are already full of tainted air to laugh, let alone breathe properly, so he scoffs instead- and instantly regrets it. Between fits of coughs, he presses his shoulder to the glass behind you both to test the temperature, and it’s much hotter than it should be. Part of the glass is already blown out to his right, but there’s not enough space to crawl out without the jagged edges of it tearing up his flesh and wings. But if he could somehow break it...
His feathers. He’ll have to use up more of them, but if he uses the bare minimum necessary to break the glass and saves the majority, he may be able to make it out the window and fly you both to safety. 
“We can’t go home yet,” he chokes out in response to you, finally. “I’m gonna get you out of here, and then you’re on your way to the hospital, yeah? You’re gonna be fine.” 
He knows that to be true, so long as he can actually manage this. He backs up as far as he can go without subjecting either of you to the hot flames now openly invading the room, the entryway having burnt to a crisp already. From where he stands now, he hopes there’s enough distance to create the amount of force needed to shatter that damn glass. After a quick estimate of how many feathers he can get away with using, he readies them, and it all boils down this moment. If he can’t do this, you’ll both die. Both of your lives are at stake, resting on his weary shoulders. He can do this.
He has to.
“Wanna go home...wanna go...” You’re just murmuring to yourself, and it really puts Hawks on edge.
He hears the glass shatter before he sees it. He stumbles forward, wings still securely wrapped around you, and all but falls out of the edge of the window right before the rest of the floor collapses in on itself. He hears the devastation behind him, feels sparks on his back where the holes of his shirt meet the beginnings of his wings. He knows if he had hesitated or stayed any longer, neither of you would be alive right now.
Replacing his hold on you with his arms, he lets his wings drift open and prays he didn’t overdo it with the feathers, begs whatever gods may be listening that the two of you can at least slow the fall somehow. And to his pure joy and bliss, his wings, though bleeding and burnt and painful, are still very much holding up and allowing him to fly.
Now if he can manage to get you to a hospital...you’ll be just fine.
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littl3one · 3 years
Can you do a Brandon x reader with angel wings
i sure can!! i will write it as an imagine if that’s alright <3 the reader is gonna be gender-neutral btw, that way i won’t offend anyone lol
angelic one
brandon x gen!angel wings!reader, fluff
brandon felt like, he couldn’t get to hold himself anymore, as he watched - this gorgeous person, this stunning stranger, this unknown human - fly into the sky, some gigantic wings were gracing their back, every beat of those soft-looking wings felt like an angelic hit, right into his heart, setting it on fire. he wasn’t even able to catch a thought, as he was running after them, knowing very well, that only pure stupidity was leading him. the trix and some other witches, that had decided it would be best to eliminate the specialist, just to get rid off the winx, were waiting for the group of boys to come out of their hiding spot and now, brandon was risking everything, for that stranger.
“brandon, what the actual damn is your problem?!” riven spit those words out, only disgust left in his voice. brandon didn’t think about it, running right behind that stranger, who was flying right in front of him. their wings were flapping in the rythm of his heartbeat, like an anthem that had cured every bad thought, even if it was just for a moment. his eyes were only focused on the figure in front of him, they didn’t even notice him because their eyes were fixated on the trix. the trio had laughed, as they noticed the descendant. they didn’t even think about bowing down to them, they didn’t respect them like brandon did. he wanted this angelic being to just look at him and to appreciate him for a second.
he never had a problem, when he had to get girls, so why was this so hard for him? as they moved their hands to gesture a circle, their voice was shouting something like: ‘ether grip’ and right after, some weird looking fessels were hugging the witches tightly. the other witches were only staring and brandon was about to snort or shout something like: quit staring, but he decided to keep looking at them. their wings were made out of feathers and they formed a heart, everytime they were flapping. the other specialists joined brandon, standing in a line now, behind this stranger. the witches started to struggle, as the angel performed some new attacks and soon, they were long gone.
“hey, you really helped us out there!” sky said, loud and clearly, leaving the human to turn around. brandon was astonished, his heart beating faster and his smile growing wider by the minute. “uh, oh it was.. nothing.” they said, quite shocked by the suprise. “you’re gorgeous.” was the only thing brandon could say and it was the only thing, that took place in his mind. the stranger blushed, as the other boys were mocking him, joking and laughing. brandon couldn’t help but blush as well, he was quite ashamed that he said that out loud.
“thank you.” the stranger said, as they introduced themselves as yn, a name brandon wouldn’t be forgetting any time soon. and he wished, he could’ve asked more question, but their time, sadly, was limited. even though, they only exchanged a few words, brandon knew, he had to find them again, at any cost.
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xsugarysweetsx · 4 years
hi! i absolutely love your writing btw :) can you write a hinawa x reader where it’s their wedding day and invited company 8 (who have never really met or even heard of the lieutenants gf/fiancée) and like how they react. basically just wedding fluff for my under appreciated husband 😩. have a super good day/night
A/n: thank you for reading and enjoying my work ❤️
Please enjoy~🍰
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“Uh whose wedding is this again?“ Shinra asked as they walked into a lovely garden. Guests were buzzing in chatter and people were getting everything else into place. Just two days ago they had gotten an invitation to a wedding taking place.
They didn’t exactly know who was getting married but everything seemed legit. What they weren’t expecting was to see their lieutenant in a tux with a pink flower in the pocket. 
“You guys made it“ he said walking over to them 
“Lieutenant you were invited too? We haven’t seen you these past few days“ Maki asked her superior. Hinawa had given them a confused look and explained 
“No, this is my wedding,“ he explains to them “I didn’t tell you since you’d just ask questions and distract me from getting ready“
Company 8 was speechless. First off he was getting married??  Second off, to who??
“I don’t remember you being with anyone“ Obi pointed out 
“Yeah who’s the lucky girl Lieutenant?“ Vulcan asked nudging him with a smirk 
“Did you save her from an evil creature and now you’ll crown her your queen?“ Arthur a smack upside the head by Shinra
“No you idiot, they’ve probably been dating for years and are getting married“ great now the duo was fighting
“Knock it off you two, this is his special day not to mention his fiance too“ Iris tried to split them up. Hinawa pinched the bridge of his nose sighing 
“Can you all give this day for me please, and if not for her at least. You’ll meet her after the ceremony. I’ll see you all then“ he waved and turned to walk to the end of the isle where he would wait for you. Meanwhile you were getting final touches done before your grand walk. 
You were marrying the man of your dreams and you couldn’t be happier. You had been dating for 2 years and now you were tying the knot. Aside from nerves you more excited than anything. You were also meeting his coworkers from company 8. They were like his family and now you were going to become a part of them. 
Your maid of honor came into the room and handed you your bouquet, it was time. You take a deep breath and follow her down the hall to the garden. As you waited at the double doors you hear the piano begin to play the wedding march and so open the doors. You concentrate on nothing but the end of the isle where the love of your life waited for you. 
As for Hinawa, it’s like the air was knocked out of his lungs watching you walk down the isle. His heart had grown wings and fluttered with each step you took closer to him. Finally you reach him and take his hand to join him at the alter. 
“Wow“ everyone had said at one time after seeing you. You were absolutely gorgeous. You smile was stunning but soft, your eyes glistened with kindness, and your skin smooth and soft. The boys were practically drooling over you but captain Obi had to keep them in line. Of course poor Shinra had his grin plastered on his face. They were shushed as the vows had begun
“I, Hinawa Takehisa take you as my lawfully wedded wife. To have a to hold until death do us part. I will wake every morning to be the best man I can possibly be for you. I will be your light in darkness, your strength when needed, and wisdom when lost. I will use my hands to build you up and keep you stable. I vow to love you for the rest of my days until I take my last breath“ he said as he slipped the wedding band on to your finger. You wipe a tear as you pick up his ring and recite your vows 
“I, Y/F/N, take you as my lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold until death do us part. I will be the best I can to support and care for you. To be your light in darkness, and your strength in weakness. I vow to love you with my heart and soul and to stand with you when you need me most. My hands will support and nurture you for as long as we live“ you slip on his wedding band and intertwine your fingers for the final part of the ceremony.
“With the power vested in me I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride“ His hands slide his hands on to your waist and one to your jaw as he brings into a tender kiss. It set off sparks in your chest, and butterflies in your stomach. It was finally official, you were Mrs.Hinawa. 
The crowd cheered and clapped in your union. As you walk down the isle you wave to family and friends who attended. It was almost like a dream, one you never wanted to wake from. Now you were on the way to your reception to really celebrate and meet up with everyone. Rose petals fell from the sky as everyone threw handfuls over your head. Getting into the waiting limo you were off to your destination. 
Your now husband was a bit more excited than you thought. He insisted on littering your face with kisses on the way over. 
“Hinaaa~“ you giggle as he kissed along your jaw 
“We can always skip this and head to our honeymoon“ he said muffled between your shoulder and neck 
“No Hina, I want to meet your friends and I want to see everyone have a good time“ you pull him away and cup his face and peck his lips “besides, I want my first dance with you“ 
“*sigh* I do want them to meet you“ damn right he did. Not only did he have the best woman to now call his wife but he wanted everyone be cared for to know. Your limo had come to a stop at a grand hall he rented out. Taking his hand in yours you step out of the limo and walk to the door. You can hear the buzzing of conversations and laughter. Music was muffled in the background until it was time to really party.
The doors open and everyone’s attention is on the new couple. Cheers and applaud fill your ears to the brim as a huge grin had plastered itself on your face. You walk to the grand table where the bride and groom would receive gifts and messages from the guests. Taking your seats everyone did as well.
Hinawa was handed a Microphone and began his peace
“Thank you all for coming out today, it means a lot to us. I know I don’t show emotion too often but I truest am beyond happy. Happy to have you all here and happy to now be married to the love of my life. So” he raises his glass “cheers to new beginnings and a lovely marriage”
“Cheers!” The hall erupted with a synchronized cheer. Now ehre came the guests. Your father gone first and got emotional about his little girl growing up. But he knew you were in good hands, next was your mother who went on about grandchildren. Your best friends and coworkers as well.
When you looked around you notice you had more guests than your husband and it made you...a bit sad. You know what he’s been through and how much he has lost, you just want him to feel happy.
Luckily he had just the people. Instead of a single person the entire company 8 came up to speak. Obi began first
“First off congratulations Hinawa. You’re a good man and you deserve good things in life and by what I see and hear, you’ve got a good one” now Maki
“Congrats Lieutenant Hinawa. You’ve done so much for me and I always thank you for the opportunities you’ve given me. You and your wife are a lovely couple and I wish you both the best”
Iris had gone up to the table and given you a blessing for a happy and long marriage.
“Sir, you’ve found your maiden and a fine prize you have won. I hope to see you both prosper in your kingdom together” you look at Hinawa confused and he shook his head but smiled.
“Sir, you’re one of the hardest working people I know. I know you’ve been through hell and back, you’re probably still there too but I hope you’re happy. You’ve lost a lot but today I can tell you’ve gained the world and I’m happy for you. Cheers to the new couple”
“Cheers!” You thought you were going to cry. You had only just met them but they were so kind and thoughtful. Now you realized he had gained the world but not just with you but with them as well. The lights dim and your song had come one. He takes your hand and leads you down to the floor. The crowd quiets down as they watch you away with each other.
Your left hands intertwined, your rings clinking together. His other hand on your lower back and yours on his shoulder. He held you close as he gazes into your e/c orbs. He was completely infatuated with you and your existence, and you were actaully his. His wife, his partner in crime, his everything.
He leans his forehead against yours and whispers against your lips
“I love you...“
“And I love you...”
I hope this was okay!
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artxyra · 4 years
I'm not entirely sure that your taking requests (I'm only 68% sure) but if you are can you try doing a daminette fiction based on the song Karma (cover by CMKC) with some class salt? (Maybe even some sibling jasonette or some daminette (or maybe even both...?😏) if you can) Btw I love your writing! 💜 (And before I forget thx for doing my requests, the previous ones and hopefully future ones 💜)
Note: This fics original idea had Marinette being akumatized into KARMA, yeah that didn’t happen when I was writing this one. 
I've lost my mind The skies are crashing around me I'm left behind Smoke obscures all that I can see
“Oh, look, honey, our daughter made her first dress. Get the camera.”
A doll sits on the windowsill overlooking the growing garden on the deck. The doll has blue straw-like hair, bright blue color buttons for eyes, and a black stitched smile.
“Get out! You’re nothing but a pest. How could I care for such a child when you couldn’t do the one thing you brought into this world for.”  
The doll no longer sits on the windowsill, but now lays on in wastebasket. No longer did the doll possess the bright stitch smile. Instead, the face lays bare without a stitch in sight.
“Hey, what are you doing out here all alone? What’s your name?”
A small blue jay flutters its wings.  
“I’m Jason. I’ll protect you for now on.”
The blue jay chirps.
A bullet sounds off. A small pull of blood surrounds the bird.
“No!” A thunderous boom goes off in the distance. Multiple sirens join the assembly of loud music. A young pre-teen holds the girl close to his chest, blood oozing out of her chest. A hand touches his shoulder. He shakes it off. Never letting go of her.
Beep…Beep…the heart monitor comes to life slowly. Waiting for the young child to test its system. There is no movement. Then there is silence.   
A dark-haired, blue eye teen, stares into the mirror. Her eyes showing no emotions as her body is littered with markings ranging from cuts to words meant to demean a person.
“Marinette! How could you take credit for Lila’s design?”
The mirror cracks slightly.
 “You have to be an example, Marinette. Your peers look up to you.”
Another crack.
“Marinette how you be mean to that poor girl at your school?”
Another crack.
“I thought you were our everyday Ladybug.”
The mirror shatters. All that is left is darkness.
Marinette stares frozen in place. The gloss in her eyes fading away as the glass falls to the ground, blood in her hand as fragments of glass pierce her skin.
She gasps unsure what to do. Her hands never close as she stares at them with fear. The blood continues to ooze out. The room does dark. A thump.
Her frail arms wrap around her legs tightly. She doesn’t move.
When she comes to, it's by the rushing sound of running water. A waterfall, maybe. She looks up and all she can see is white.
“Why did you do it?” A voice pulls her away from the water. Quickly, she turns around but is halted by a pain aching feeling shooting through her body. She lets out a cry.
“I’m I dead?” Her voice was hoarse, she couldn’t even whisper.
“No,” The voice chuckles. The knobs squeal to life. The water stops following, no longer hitting her in the face. “Are you going to tell me what happened?”
Her mouth opens but no words come out. She begins to breathe heavily like there was no air entering her lungs.
“How could you push Lila down the stairs? Here’s a taste to what Lila felt.”  One moment she was standing top of the stairs getting ready to leave, the next she at the bottom of the platform. Everything was hurting. Then darkness.
Marinette eyes flutter open, there the no hard tile beneath her like earlier but now cotton sheets and a blanket. She could feel her body move, one toe wiggle, two taps against her fingers.
“Jason,” She sits up pulling the blanket closer to her chest. There is no one there.
A wave of sadness washes over her. A glossy shine covers her bluebell eyes.
“Hey, hey, I’m here, Pixie.” The voice was comforting. She curls into herself. His arms wrap around her and pull her close. Whatever happened to her should have never happened.
He looks down, a soft snore escapes her lips. A smile appears on his lips. At least she safe and with him. No longer in that toxic environment.
A phone vibrates. It’s Marinette’s.
Jason unlocks the phone to see a series of messages. None of which are good. The hand holding the phone shakes. He tightens his grip. Slowly the screen begins to crack.
“You’re safe now.” He whispers into her ear. “Your big brother is here to protect you.” The remaining source of light turns off. He stays next to her.
“We are meant for each other M’lady. To halves on the same coin. You belong to me and no one else can have you.” Green eyes haunt her dreams. The cold feeling returns with growing darkness that was all too familiar.
She wakes up screaming. Tears rolling down her cheeks. There was no stopping the waterfall.
Jason runs into the room cursing himself. He knew he should have left but his family needed him for a mission life or death.
“You’re okay, Pixie, no one but you and I are here.” She continues to cry into his chest. He doesn’t mind the dampness he welcomes it. “It was a bad dream, Mari. A really bad dream.” His free hand caresses her hair, calming her down slowly.
“Todd what is the meaning of this.” His little brother asks over the phone. Jason watches as Marinette takes small bits of her food before swirling the remains in her bowl before repeating the process.
“It sounds like you miss me, Demon Spawn.” Jason jokes back, half into the conversation. He keeps his attention on Marinette. “Hold on.” He hangs up before Damian could retort. Marinette had pushed her bowl away from her and picks up the spoon. She looks at her reflection.
“Why would Adrien even spare you a glance. You are ugly, dull, nothing you would do would ever get his attention.”
“Argh.” Something snaps. It was the spoon. Breathing heavily, Marinette staggeringly gets out of her chair.
Jason helps her to the floor. He could see that she wasn’t going to make it far in her current condition.
“Am I not pretty enough.” Jason barely caught her words. He must burry any of the anger he has for those idiots for the sake of his sister.
“You’re magnificent, Pixie. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.” He replies. His phone continues to ring with the familiar ringtone, He ignores it.
“Thank you, Jay-Jay.” Marinette closes her eyes. The ringtone lures her to sleep.
“You’ll never be a real designer, Marinette. One word from him and Gabriel will have you blacklisted from the industry before you even put your name out there.”
“I like to see you try.”
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng, an aspiring fashion designer, has been blacklisted on the bases of copying designers for her work.”
“I told you, Dupain-Cheng, you should have back off when you had the chance.”
Marinette curls into herself as the memories flood back into her mind. She’s alone. The old TV flickers in the darkness. The channel continues to change as the voices, tone, and display changes with each click of a button.
“Why can’t you leave me alone?” She murmurs to no one. Her grip tightens around the blanket.
“What the fuck, Todd? You’ve been gone for days on end and being all secretive.”
“I didn’t think you care about my well-being, Demon. I have a life outside of this shithole.” Jason says as he cleans the barrels of his guns. His younger brother growls. He could only raise an eyebrow.
“I will find out what you’re hiding Todd.”
“Good luck with that.”
Jason picks up his guns and disappears within the shadows of the Batcave.
“Pixie,” The door creaks open. A little bit of light enters the room. Marinette is sleeping on the couch, the blankets cocooning her. Everything seems fine.
“So, she’s what you’ve been hiding.”
“What the fuck?” A gun cocks.  
“Is she your girlfriend?”
“No, my sister in everything but blood.”
“Hmph…why is she here?”
Jason sets his gun down and shuts the door. He turns to Damian; the teen genuinely was curious.
“She needs helps and I’m the only one who can help her. Gina tried but the mental and physical abuse became too much to manage. So, for her protection, Gina sent her to me.” Popping the cork off the bottle, Jason pours himself a drink.
“Does father know?”
“If he did, she would have been adopted in the family by now.” Jason pours himself another glass. Damian scoffs at the out his brother is drinking.
“Ladybug is hereby declared an enemy of Paris.”
“Tikki, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”  
“What do you mean you’re no longer going to be Ladybug? You’re a true creation soul. A true holder of the ladybug miraculous.”
“Find someone else to do it, Master. You heard the Mayor, I’m an enemy of Paris, no better than Hawkmoth and Mayura.” She hands him the ladybug miraculous. Her red eyes close at the thought of losing her best friend.
Marinette wakes up sweating, her hand immediately reaching for her ears. Nothing. She sighs and curls back up.
“She’s been through a lot Damian, whatever scheme you have in mind leave it be and forget about it.”
Swinging her legs over the bed, Marinette sneaks over to the door. The door opens just enough for her to rest her hand against the doorframe.
“Jay-Jay…” Her voice was a whisper again.
Jason pushes the bottle and glass to the side. He’s by her side examining her. She wasn’t hurt.
“Pixie, you should be sleeping.”
“I had another nightmare.” She tells him. “Who’s your friend?”
Damian shuffles in place. She’s so tiny compare to any of his sisters like the wind could just blow her over without even trying.
“I’m Damian.” He tells her.
Marinette gives him a curt nod. Her eyes lock onto his. They’re green. She could feel her chest tightening. No air could get in or out. The glossy look returns in her eye turn.
Sobbing Marinette screams out, “Je vais le faire, Chat Noir. Je vais le faire, arrête!” She slides the down the doorway.
“Shit,” Jason runs over to Marinette. She blocks her view of Damian. Her lock on the green eyes soon fades to blue. Jason’s eyes. She tightly wraps her arms around his neck. Jason rubs her back. Turning to Damian all while keeping him out of Marinette’s sight, he tells his brother, “We’ll finish this later. Your eye color triggered a memory. And Damian, do not tell anyone about her.”
Damian is frozen in place. So much had happened in the last ten or so minutes. He had met the most beautiful girl he has ever seen and then she has a panic attack, something clearly triggered by previous trauma.
“Okay, I won’t tell.” The youngest Wayne agrees but not without weighing the pros and cons. He left the small rundown apartment with more questions than answers.
Jason turns his attention back to Marinette, who’s sobs turn into sniffles. “He can’t hurt you anymore. He can’t hurt you anymore, Pixie.” Marinette buries her head into Jason’s chest. She takes a deep breath. She can only hope.
Now you've used up all your luck It's time to get what you deserve I'm holding out for KARMA I'm holding out to watch you burn
Years past before Marinette was completely healed. Gina would visit from time to time making sure that her granddaughter was okay. She was ecstatic to find that Marinette was healing even if it was a slow process.
“Are you ready?” Marinette turns to Damian; his green eyes hold so much love and care for her than the green eyes she had grown to hate. Nodding, she takes his hand.
Beyond the doors, a series of lights flashes along with shouts. Reporters are in a frenzy trying to get the latest scoop on the Wayne heir’s beloved. Never once had she made a public appearance.
“Yes, thank you all for coming and showing my family your support. Today marks a very special achievement, my young son proposed to his girlfriend just a couple of days ago much to my second oldest dismay.”
Jason disrupts Bruce’s speech by shouting, “Hey” from his location next to Roy.
“Please welcome my son and his fiancée, Marinette Karma Todd.” Bruce steps away from the podium. The doors behind him open to show Marinette holding hands with Damian. She grips his hand tightly as Damian gives her a reassuring smile.
In Paris, several people are thrown in for a loop. Several lawsuits were issued. Collège Françoise Dupont, the school board was not happy at the treatment of one their student, a student that would grow to become one of the most powerful women out there.
Adrien Agreste, who was outed as Chat Noir, received a sexual harassment charge and a restraining order. The Wayne’s were out for blood and wanted to add attempted rape charge and compensation for all the trauma he had caused Marinette.
Lila Rossi, who managed to keep a tight grip on her classmates was finally exposed. Apparently, her latest lie was about being the mysterious Damian Wayne’s girlfriend. That backfired. She was then hit a cease and desist order along with a restraining order. Marinette had won the war.
Alya, who never learned to check her sources, lost any and every opportunity in her field. She even lost her job because she published a story about her best friend being the Wayne heir’s girlfriend. Thankfully, for the business, that article was only hosted in Paris, but the damage was already done.
Marinette never sent anything to her adopted parents. They didn’t deserve her. She was their servant, someone to help with the bakery. Though they were better than her birth parents, she couldn’t find it in her to ruin their lives. Gina became her legal guardian and that was that.
“I’m so glad that I meet you,” Damian says to her, placing a kiss on her hand. Marinette giggles and pulls Damian in for an embrace.
“I’m the lucky one. You would have thought this would be my future.” Marinette gestures to their growing empire. It was small but with Wayne Enterprise and Damian’s Veterinarian business, they were doing quite fine.
“Can I offer you a dance, Angel?”
“I would love that.”
No music plays just the beat of their hearts as one.
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glossytommo · 3 years
just to be clear it is very much fuck biden for the bullshit way he completed the pull out of afghanistan.
it’s also fuck trump, fuck obama (yup him too), fuck bush, and fuck every us president that fucked around in the middle east like it was a political playground instead of a region with real people in it just trying to live.
not only did we completely fail in our purported mission to stabilize afghanistan and defeat terrorism (which btw is next to impossible because the basis of terrorism is an ideology and ideologies can’t be thwarted by physical means (ik ik they tried hearts and minds but hearts and minds means nothing when we spew that bullshit and then bomb the fuck out of cities indiscriminately and kill civilians left and right)), but we also completely failed every afghan who ever helped us. we left them there with no protection and no plan.
and now, even though we claim to be finished, we’re sending in airstrikes which kill indiscriminately. there is no way to guarantee civilians won’t be hurt by airstrikes. even if we claim targets as legit, we have no way of proving that they are until it’s too late. we can suspect, and we can have really good intel, and we can triple check every time, but we can never guarantee, and yet we do it anyways.
and yeah, we shouldn’t’ve been there in the first place. that basis of consideration was fine five years in, but not anymore. it still holds up, it’s still true, but it is a nonstarter for the current situation. we have fucked this country for 20 years, even longer if we consider all the ways we meddled in the middle east over the 20th century. we owe them more. it doesn’t have to be that we redeploy, i don’t think we should, but we should’ve been smarter about this. we should’ve done better by them.
we, for fucking one, should not have given the taliban a fucking timeline for our withdrawal. all they had to do was wait for us to leave, like motherfuckers were mobilized, waiting in the wings, because we told them!!! we told them when we would be gone!!!
for two, we should’ve organized a refugee evacuation program before we pulled out. we should’ve got them out before we left. we should’ve planned for that, and if not everyone, then at least the people who helped us, who are in more danger now than ever because the taliban knows they helped us and they’re not just gonna forgive and forget. we wouldn’t, would we? we didn’t. even though we were aware of the consequences for refusing the taliban. even when we knew it wasn’t about sides most of the time, it was about survival.
it’s so fucking heartbreaking to see how fucked we fucked them, and i know it’s not appropriate to attribute the entire thing to the us because it suggests like idrk how to say it but it feels suuuuuuper imperialist and western to be like “we did it all!” like i feel like it takes away afghanistan’s autonomy as it’s own country, but we did contribute to a significant portion of the fucking done to that country.
it’s also so disgusting to see the media focusing mainly on us troops that died. don’t get me wrong, it’s devastating. they were just kids. i hate the institution, not the individuals. but what about the afghan kids? what about them? what about the afghan people who died in those bombs? ik it’s media bias and that the publications do that because they’re us based, but i mean come the fuck on!
i’m just so upset about everything to do with it, it’s so frustrating how badly we did, and we were never gonna do good because invading a country is not exactly a set up for a lot of good getting done, but i mean this is beyond belief. and the way biden just keeps pushing it, like there’s no remorse ever. ik it’s all just pr and re-election strategy and approval rating bullshit, but it’s so frustrating. biden’s actions, and the actions of his predecessors, resulted in insurmountable devastation that has no end in sight.
tl:dr fuck the us we suck ass.
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the archangel on her shoulder
summary: Gabriel finally found his meaning of life - to care and protect the youngest Winchester no matter what it may cost.
request: I was thinking about something where Gabriel has always taken care of the reader since he was little, and now that she can hunt with her brothers, and one day she almost dies, and he cries sadly, but everything is fine. ~ @tinnyes
pairings: Gabriel x Winchester!Reader, Sam, Dean, Cas, John
warnings: fluff and angst, PLATONIC BTW
words: 1193
a/n: sorrry that you had to wait so long for the fic but I still hope you like it :)
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The day she was born, Gabriel felt something pull at his wings. It felt as if his heart longed to be somewhere else - to be with someone. At first, he managed to ignore this strange longing but soon his emotions overwhelmed the archangel and every movement hurt him.
So he spread out his golden wings and flew where his heart wanted to be. He found himself in a nursery, in front of a crib. The baby inside was crying and staring at him with her innocent eyes. At that moment he knew what pulled at him. He needed to be with this child. He needed to protect her at all costs.
Since that day he never left (Y/n)s side, always there and always watchful. Gabriel managed to hide himself from every human eye besides her. He calmed her down when she was crying at night, cradling her to his chest even before her mother could have woken up from her sleep. The archangel helped (Y/n) grow up without getting hurt once.
What made the archangel proud and happy at the same time was that (Y/n)s first word was his name. It was not ma or dada. It was Gabe. Her mother was confused because she did not recognise his name as a word at first. But then (Y/n) said it over and over again and made the archangel very happy.
For the little girl it was always her mother and the friendly man with the golden wings. There was no father for a long time. Until John Winchester turned up at the little familys door step. He was around for a hunt and remembered (Y/n)s mother with which he slept the last time he was there.
John Winchester did not look really impressed or surprised when he set his eyes on the little girl. Actually, he did not show any emotions. (Y/n) was currently laughing at the stupid face Gabriel made when John entered the kitchen. And Gabriel as recognised him, he immediately understood why he felt that pull towards (Y/n) years ago.
(Y/n) was the youngest Winchester, just like he was the youngest archangel. And the girl will have to watch her brothers fight and kill each other - just like Gabriel.
Whenever John Winchester returned over the next years, Gabriel felt something ache inside him. He did not like the man and the worst was seeing him interact with his little girl. He may be her biological father but Gabriel knew that he would never love her more than the archangel.
The older (Y/n) got, the stranger she found the fact that she could see a man with golden wings. At first, she loved spending time with the archangel and saw him as a brother. She played with him and sometimes even cuddled him at night. Gabriel was the one who taught her how to ride a bike, how to braid her hair and so many other things. Because her mother was slightly overstrained with working, cleaning the house and having to care for a little girl, Gabriel sometimes was the only reason (Y/n) would laugh.
But like every human, (Y/n) grew up and couldn‘t quiet understand why the archangel was always at her side. That is why Gabriel hid himself from her too. (Y/n) fell asleep one afternoon and the next her friend was gone. The girl was sad but quickly accepted it.
From now on Gabriel watched her from afar, only interacting when he felt like it was necessary. Which was more often the case than he wanted to admit.
Gabriel punished the boys who bullied her in the kindergarten. He almost poisoned the teacher who did not take (Y/n) seriously. And the archangel tortured the boys who teased her in college.
During her last year of college, (Y/n)s mother died. She got killed by a shapeshifter which had almost killed the girl too if she had not had an archangel on her shoulder. That day Gabriel showed himself to her for the first time in years. To his surprise, (Y/n) hugged him and sighed happily his name. She remembered him as clear as the day.
They stuck together since then, meeting the Winchester brothers and moving inside the bunker even though Sam and Dean wanted no trickster inside their home. But (Y/n) convinced them that Gabriel can be a big help and is her friend.
Gabriel did everything to protect (Y/n) from the dangerous job the Winchesters do but eventually the girl wanted to be a hunter too. She wanted to avenge her mothers death and help people.
Saving people. Hunting things. The family business.
And that‘s how they ended up here: in a vampire nest. At first the little family (Sam, Dean, Cas, (Y/n) and Gabriel) thought it was a small nest but now that they are standing in front of what looks like more than a dozen vampires, they see their mistakes.
The hunters jump at the vampires and behead them quickly. Gabriel is always at (Y/n)s side, protecting her like he is supposed to but then one particular nasty vamp comes at the archangel from behind. The vampire pulls Gabriel to the ground and away from his little girl.
It happens too fast for Gabriel and the other hunters to notice. They are all in their separate fights. No one notices (Y/n) getting hurt.
When Gabriel manages to kill his vampire, all the fights have already stopped. The hunters won. They have smiles on their lips until they look at the only female in the hut. (Y/n) presses her hands against her stomach and blood runs from her nose and mouth. Her eyes meet Gabriels for one second, then she falls to the floor.
Every one runs to the hurt girl and tries to help her. Gabriel is the first at her side and stares at her with tears in his eyes. He can‘t lose her. She is what makes him whole and happy.
The archangel places his hands on her stomach to heal her, already fearing that it‘s too late. Now the tears run over his face, and he can‘t control his feelings.
“Come on, cupcake. We can do this!“, he says and doesn`t know if he says it to calm down (Y/n) or himself.
A glow envelops the girls stomach and the next moment the only thing reminding her of her pain, is the blood on her shirt. Gabriel sighs relieved and helps (Y/n) sitting up. She is still weak but not weak enough to deny him a hug. Gabriel feels her warmth which calms him down.
Sam, Dean and Cas are still kneeling next to the two, not knowing what to do or say. At least, they were about to lose a family member. They are as relieved as Gabriel.
“Thanks for being the archangel on my shoulder“, (Y/n) whispers after parting from Gabriel. She smiles at him while she wipes off every single tear from his face.
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hentaimommi · 3 years
ᴏᴄᴇᴀɴ ᴇʏᴇꜱ | ᴀʀᴍɪɴ ᴀʀʟᴇʀᴛ (x fem reader)
Warnings: cute cute cute. This is s4 Armin btw! (for timeline)
Summary: Being the new commander of the survey corps was fresh, new. Your first act was an innocent trip to the beach..but was it all so innocent?
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[O C E A N E Y E S]
"Commander (F/N), this is your new office. I expect great things from this space. Armin Arlert will be here shortly." Captain Levi left coldly, as he always did. A mystery even to his superiors, who had stripped him raw over the years. Your eyes met each corner of what used to be Erwin's office. Dust had taken over old areas, books piled high and unfinished paper work rested on his desk. Your eyes softened, paneling over to the chair Levi had sat your things in.
Erwin was a leader you'd looked up to the entire time you participated in the corps. Even as a newbie, he held his head high as the commander, and others followed. Being apart of the 104th was difficult; but you had ripped your way up the charts. Caring for no one was the name of the game, it was easy. Until you met Armin. He was the sweet to your salty, always right beside of you. He'd push you through every problem, loss, and back track you faced.
When Eren was gone, taken by the traitors, you knew nothing would be the same. Armin cried on your shoulder that night, and slowly, you learned to comfort him. Mikasa didn't mind your connection to him, neither did Eren. They only asked that you never hurt him, but, how could you? He was the sun in your darkness. So smart, kind, and full of dreams. The way he talked of the ocean, you knew you had to go. The day you all rode out for hours, nearly lost. Levi kept pointing out how stupid and useless that was, but you didn't care. Armin was happy, so were you.
When asked who you wanted your 2nd in command to be, the answer came without question. Armin accepted with joy on the promise that you would, once again, see the ocean. With him. That was your first thing to do, first plan as the 14th commander. No one agreed with you, but why would you care?
Unpacking the rest of your items and sweeping the last parcel of dust, you sighed looking upon the clean room. It was a nice fresh sight to see, perfectly suited to your style in all. You sat down in the old chair, only to hear a quick knock at the door. "You may enter." Your voice was raspy from not using it for so long. The door creaked open slowly, revealing the short-haired blonde man. "Hello commander! I'm here to help with plans for tomorrow! Sorry for the intrusion I just-" "Say no more, Armin, its okay. You can sit down- and, call me (F/N), as always, please." He nodded, sitting down along with the three books on the ocean he had brought.
You smiled at the sight, eyes lingering in his blue ones for a second longer. The one to break contact was him, looking down at the now open book you hadn't realized changed. "So, um, when would you w-want to leave?" His voice was meek, you could tell he was scared. "Are you afraid of something?" You asked, slightly smiling and removing your hair from the tight pony tail it had been in all day.
His swallow was hard, eyes jerking out of the window that subsided in the left wing of your office. "I just don't to overwhelm you to the point you don't want to go." His shame filled voice was sweet, making you smile once more. "I will go, no matter what. It's the least I could do." He nodded, beginning to read aloud a passage of the sea.
The night was sweet. He read, telling you interesting facts about the ocean. His eyes wouldn't leave the book, if only once to look at you. He observed your under eye bags, pretty hair, even wondering how soft your skin was. He then felt as if he had violated a boundary, instantly looking back down. By the end of the book, you'd fallen asleep in your chair. Armin smiled down at you, standing up. His heels clicked across the wood over to you, his nimble fingers scaling through your locks. He enjoyed seeing you at peace, for no one else had.
The next morning you awoke in your bed. The morning light split between the slips of your curtains, blinding your freshly awaken state. Groggily, you stumbled into the bathroom, only to find yourself losing motivation. Then, a knock came on your bedroom door. "Comman- (F/N)! Sorry. Are you ready?" The meek voice plated into your ears. Armin.
Swiftly you ran back into the room, opening your drawers to find a quick outfit. "Yes! Give me a moment please sweet heart!" Blushing at the accidental name calling, you threw on a uniform, matching yourself with the cloak in hand. Putting your hair into a ponytail, you then slipped out of the door and into the office portion of your quarters. "Sorry, I woke up late. Ready?" You asked, smiling. He took one look at you, then stared for a moment. You looked so breath taking, like this. His heart began to thump until he was smacked back into reality with a firm grip on his shoulder. "Armin?"
When you all set off there was a breeze in the air, something special. You had wished other cadets a sweet goodbye, leaving your duties to Levi for the evening. He agreed in order to keep his fresh shipments of tea coming in. Armin looked back at you a few times on the ride. You rode the carriage, which had many supplies for an overnight camp-out on the shore. Everything was tied down well. You all spoke little, determined to arrive there before dark.
Upon arrival, the ocean stared at you smack in the face. A sea breeze like no other, salty and sweet, perfect for the both of you. He looked back once more, only to feel the same feeling from before boil in his ribcage. You looked stunning. You had been looking back, too. The eye contact was unbreakable, like the ocean wasn't even there. Although it broke when your horse shook, scaring the both of you. Playing it off with a chuckle, you coughed. "Should we set up camp?"
Armin nodded, "U-Um, yeah that'd be good." He jumped down from his stallion, climbing onto the cart that held your supplies. Pulling a small paper and pencil from his pocket, he began checking off things. You, however, were captivated by the sea. So large and beautiful, like nothing you had ever seen. You almost felt bad. In your own world with Armin, citizens would never see this in their lives. Why did you deserve this?
"(F/N), we have a problem." His voice was almost squeaky as you turned around, wind blowing through your locks harshly. "Yes?" You walked over, smiling at his frown. "There is only one tent, someone must have forgotten the other." Hands placed firmly onto your hips, you laughed a bit. Problem? That wasn't so bad. "We can sleep together, can we not?" As soon as the question left your lips, his ears and cheeks free ablaze. "Y-Yeah, we can. For sure." You smiled, clapping your hands together. "Okay, let's get this done!"
When finished setting up camp, Armin had been basking in the dull light of the shore. His feet were dug into the sand, pants rolled up along with his sleeves. Your heart panged, why were you feeling this way? He was so beautiful, so untouched and virgin to anything. If you had romantic feelings, would he even notice? You shook off the feeling, sitting down beside of him. There were no words as you both looked out, the ocean reflecting beautifully from his eyes like the depths of something you had never seen. In a fit of exhaustion, your head fell loosely onto his shoulder, making his chest rise. You looked so calm, so gorgeous. He wanted to hold you instead, but knew it might overstep a boundary.
"Sleepy head, it's dark, we need to get into the tent and snuff the light." You heard Armin's voice push you away from your sleep, your eyes meeting with his. His hands were tucked softly under your legs, which had been wrapped around his waist. Never had you felt so flustered, although it was obvious he had lifted you from the sand. "Oh! I'm sorry." You got down, wiping yourself of the sand. He smiled, opening the tent flap for you to crawl in.
You did, and he followed, only making you realize how cramped the space was until this point. The tent was meant for one person and a few items, but you had two people, along with their items. Armin felt conscious of his breathing, as he nearly held you agaisnt his chest whilst being curled into the cramped tent space. "I-Is this, is this okay?" He asked, pushing the light away with one hand. It was dim, barely providing adequate light. "You can come closer, if you need. I know the sand is uncomfortable." You offered, pulling yourself as close to the tent wall as possible. He did so, scooting further, spooning you.
Both of your faces were bright red, ears as well. The tension was so thick even Levi couldn't cut it, and that was saying something. You felt him hesitate, but slowly relax. "(F/N)?" He asked, arm resting onto your shoulder. You turned, finding him closer than you had thought. Your faces were met close and together, finding out just how small the tent really was. "Yeah?" The air was hot, matching your cheeks and forehead. "I have something to tell you."
You nodded, stomach churning. Did he not like this? Was this making him uncomfortable? How stupid were you. "I have feelings for you. The reason I insisted we go alone, was because I'm in love with you," He admitted, clearly zoned out enough to let himself admit just embarrassing things. "When I see you walk with Eren and Levi, laughing, it hurts. When I watch you cry, I only want to hold you. I've never felt this way for anyone, so I have concluded this is love." He finishes, finding himself looking into your eyes for reassurance.
You are stunned for a moment, taken aback that he felt the same for you. Quicky he over-thought the silence, thinking this was rejection. Though, you noticed the drop in his expression, and cupped his pale cheeks into your hands. "Armin, I love you."
His cheeks grew even more red, eyes searching for your own. His large hands came up to yours, cupping them softly. Your bodies came closer, forever shutting the physical and metaphorical gap between the both of you. Your lips met, noting how soft his were. Just as he was. Then, his nose nuzzled against your own, foreheads meeting to match. "I truly do love you."
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monst · 4 years
In love and loathing
Yandere? Hawks (Takami Keigo) x Yanderish! Reader
Warnings: Death, there is also mention of some rando dying too, Mention of suicide, blood, distrubing obbession. Stalking, gaslighting and other yandere themes =D
I just read your brujería tamaki fic and was A-MA-ZING! if you could, please do another one but this time it’s reader putting a love spell on Hawks! please and thank you. BTW I think that most latinxs know of at least 1 person who’s into macumba and willing to do crazy stuff - @the-temple-pythoness​  (Sorry for the long wait…)
WC: 3,500
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You watched the man in astonishment, observing every explosion of color that lit the air when a shivering bubble popped. The air in the small room had become thick with smoke, your nostrils assaulted with the scent of fire and burning roots. Long dexterous fingers plucked leaves from odd shrubbery tossing them into the simmering brew. Once the thick bubbling liquid cooled the man let it flow into a jar like molasses and handed it to you.
“Find a way to make him drink it, it should start kicking in, in a couple hours.”
“T-thank you-
“Don’t thank me. And don’t come back to this place. I won’t answer.”
Had you been desperate? Yes. Had it been worth it? You didn’t know… Your fingers dug into the wood, nails creasing at how tightly you gripped the podium. You were counting in your head reaching as far as eight hundred fifty-five before the Judge cut off your clutch. It was but a miniscule change but you could see how the balding man rolled his eyes. The subtle movement had your heart plummeting to the pit of your belly. In that moment you could tell that he had already made his verdict and calling up the pro hero was just procedure. 
“Mr. Takami.” The judge began. “I have heard the allegations you have made towards Ms. (Lastname), I would like you to recount the events. Please start with how you met.”
“Certainly your honor.” Keigo nodded. He cleared his throat, molten gold eyes meeting yours in a slitted glare. 
“I was on patrol at the time, something my protegee and those of my agency can confirm. It was nearing the end of my shift and I was headed back when I saw…Ms.(Lastname).” He grimaced at the sound of your last name leaving his lips. 
“The moment I saw her I took off in her direction.” The judge asked why, even though he had read up on the matter. “She was standing atop a building, Block twenty five, building six. I noticed by the way her body was being pushed by the wind that she had climbed over onto the ledge. A jumper is what I thought and I was there right as she stepped off.” 
The room was quickly filled with incredulou susurrations. Keigo allowed the bystanders to control themselves before continuing. “I managed to catch her before she plummeted and hit the ground. At the time she was rabid, her nails dug into my skin, she tugged at my hair and bit me, as you can see from the images in the report. After a while she was left sobbing and after a small conversation I took her to the hospital and we found the right people to help her.”
“Is all of this true?” He looked to you for an answer. 
“Yes your honor.” You whispered. You wanted to yell at Takami, shout at him for lying. It wasn’t just him catching you!? It was much more than that! He saved your life!? He gave you hope that life wasn’t meaningless and he cared enough to get you help, it wasn’t as emotionless as he described it was much more..intimate. 
Regardless of your thoughts in the matter, Takami continued with his tale. 
“A couple of weeks went by and I had forgotten about the incident.” He shrugged, the nonchalant tone was like being a bug and having someone squash and rotate their shoe on you. He spat on your feelings in his next confessions. “But then all of a sudden she showed up at my agency, I didn’t think much of it. She thanked me like someone normally would, offered to buy me dinner which I declined and left me a thank you card.”
‘That wasn’t how it happened..’ You fought the tears threatening to spill from your eyes. He had been incredibly sweet with you, asked you how you were doing, he smiled like the sun when he gave you a hug congratulating you on your new will to live, he declined your proposal for dinner and promised. He promised, he said ‘Maybe some other time.’ You grit your teeth not wanting to lose your cool in front of everyone. ‘But at this rate…He’ll really get a restraining order.’ 
Sweat began to dot your back, your dress shirt clinging to your skin as you waited for the spell to kick in. However, Takami was showing no signs of being under the effects of the potion as he listed off every ‘offense’ 
“From there it only got worse, I began to see her everywhere. No matter where I went she was always shadowing me, She kept leaving me unwanted gifts, she got a hold of my email address and number, She found my personal address and broke into my house… “ He visibly shuddered before adding. “I had someone over one night and we had heard something, she was in my fucking closet-
“Language Mr. Takami.” The judge sighed. In the judge’s eyes you were just another overzealous fan, this case was nothing that he hadn’t heard. 
“Objection.” Your lawyer called. The judge grunted allowing your lawyer to speak, he knew how this would play out- “Mr. Takami has lied, there is no evidence placing my client in his apartment at the times he has reported. Mr. Takami has also failed to produce said witness to testify that they did indeed see Ms. (Name) (Lastname).” 
That was new… The judge furrowed his brows and looked at the reports on his desk once more. There was indeed no evidence….Odd. You looked at your ‘lawyer’ a discreet smile upon your lips, then you turned to look towards Hawks who glared at you. Unease set in your belly…’It wasn’t working..’ You dared another look at the blonde and saw that his steely gaze was set on your lawyer. Blood drained from your veins, only to be replaced by liquid nitrogen ‘Did he know!?’
“Y-Your honor.” Takami stuttered, a pained grimace on his face. “There also was an incident last night.”
The elderly man sat up straighter, intrigue bubbling in his irises. 
“Ms. (Lastname)… Ms.. She.” An odd flush colored his cheeks, his wings puffed out like a blowfish as his breath quickened. A collective gasp was wrought out of everyone once his eyes rolled and he slumped over. There was a rush of people, colors swirled around you as the cacophony of chaos penetrated your ears. Your wrists were caught and you were quickly restrained, the officers on standby clearly finding his last statement to be indicative of foul play. 
“Tell me what you did?!” The officer shouted in your face. 
“I-I swear I didn’t do anything.” You stuttered. You quickly recalled what your ‘lawyer’ told you to say. “I swear my life on it that I only spoke with him, I apologized to him, I didn’t mean for my behavior to come across as ‘odd’.”
“Lies!” He shouted. 
“I dunno man.” Another cop shrugged, crossing his arms as his brows furrowed in thought. “From all of our evidence it shows that she’s been on a good track, takes her meds, follows up with her therapist, hell there’s no proof of her even being near Hawks all the times he said she was…Then there’s also the matter of his reputation…” 
The other man backed off his co-workers words seeming to resonate with him. “So you’re saying that….What if it’s the other way around?”
“Exactly!? What if she rejected him and this was his way of revenge?” The other added. 
“Hmm it’s not that much of a stretch, he is a pro-hero after all.” He scoffed. “Is that what happened?” He asked you. You weren’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. 
“Y-Yes… I-I went that day to thank him and he flirted non-stop with me, then he started appearing everywhere, I told him I wasn’t interested in him like that, that I only wanted to thank him for saving me. The next thing I knew I was being brought down to the station and was shown a bunch of messages I didn’t type.” You whimpered. “I-I don’t get w-why he’s doing this.” You sniffed. 
“That fucking bastard.” The man who had been shouting at you hissed. 
“Fucking pro-heros!? They think they can do what ever the fuck they want!?” The other seethed. Once you were let go a grin crawled onto your face, they probably thought you hadn’t noticed but there was a red light coming off the camera. 
The next hearing came a week later after Hawks had recovered from whatever happened. You had to thank the ‘witch doctor’ he did such a thorough job that even the top medical professionals were left baffled. Said man walked up next to you, he sat next to you and slid you over a note. ‘It’s done.’ 
“Done?” You whispered. You didn’t have to ponder it any longer as the blonde hero strolled by, his sunlight orbs glued to your frame as he sat down. He had his head bent at an owlish degree as he continued to bore his eyes into you….. It was slightly unnerving. You leaned over to adjust your shoes-
The noise startled a yelp out of you and your wide eyes looked up to see Keigo, the palms of his hands had slammed down on the wood allowing paper to fall like scattered leaves. Angel curls of blonde shadowed vibrant gold as he looked down at you. It was then that you heard the voices commanding him to sit back down. He left albeit reluctantly to his seat…
That display along with the recording the police had presented crumbled his defense and when he was called to stand the foundations perished. 
“It’s true.” He lied. “I made it all up. The truth is I fell in love with (Name) but she didn’t return my feelings and my pride got hurt. I apologize for inconveniencing you all.” The last words were but lip service and the judge set a price. It was obvious that he was getting off with a slap on the wrist but that was fine with you. In fact you refused the offer they made of you getting a restraining order against him clearly that was the last thing you wanted. 
The spellman was gone as soon as you had collected your things from the court lockers, he left with a cryptic smile his last lines you had brushed off. “As if I’d regret this.” You scoffed, a smile on your lips as you caught Hawk’s gaze on you. 
Your knuckles rasped against the wooden door aggressively. Your knuckles were raw, blood vessels popped, red streaks of your vital fluids seeping through. Tears dotted your waterline, the horrid liquid distorted your vision as you practically slammed your body against the door. Your voice was hoarse wrought with strenuous use. 
“Please!?” You screeched feverishly. “Please let me in!?” You cried. 
The rusting door gave way with a particularly harsh kick. Said kick set off pins and needles but the pain was drowned out by the relief of having the door open. You peered inside.
“No” You whispered. You recalled the man who sold you the potions words. ‘Don’t come back.’ “Fuck” You cried quickly turning to find somewhere else to hunker down. ‘If only I could get to a precinct!?’ You thought. 
Your lungs burned, the sacs expanded in quick succession, they had been overworked and their production volume wasn’t nearly enough to fuel you. With every pant you lost momentum, with every pouding step your bones shook, but you couldn’t stop. No you wouldn’t even stop to ask for help even that could prove to be detrimental. ‘His eyes are sharp, too sharp he’ll spot me.’ You skid to the right tumbling into a narrow alley, it would be difficult for him to get through due to his wingspan. 
As you caught your breath against the grimey wall you took a moment to think. ‘How the hell did it turn out like this?’ Everything was amazing, the effects of the potion were immediate, he asked you out at the speed of light, and soon you were going on blissfully sweet dates. He doted on you and fawned over you at every moment, you even took pride in the fact that he was neglecting his work for you. It made you feel special, loved. 
You shared intimacy allowed him to get even more familiar with your body than even you were, it wasn’t even a month and you had moved in together, it was perfect. Until it wasn’t. Everyday.. Everyday or every minute or second he spent with you he’d fall more in love with you. It was becoming suffocating, he wouldn’t leave your side, his feathers glued to you at all hours of the day whether you were relieving yourself or watching clothes tumble and swirl in a washer. 
He had to always be touching your skin, an arm, a hand, hell a pinkie, if your skin wasn’t in contact with his he’d go into panic, pupils shrunken to needle points as he panted and called for you. The jealousy was endearing in the beginning, but soon you weren’t allowed to let your gaze shift from him. You weren’t allowed to watch the actors on the T.V. You weren’t allowed to hear music because you only needed to hear his voice. 
You could feel the hot tears streaming down your face as you stood in the dank cold alley. You only wanted him to at least spare you a glance, to give you a chance… You didn’t want whoever this person was. He looked like the angelic man you fell for but that was not him. Today you had taken the opportunity to run. His speech had become frightening, he spoke of gouging your eyes so that the ugly world didn’t taint your eyes, he spoke of having your beauty preserved for eternity. ‘The world doesn’t deserve you’ You could almost gag at the remembrance of those words. 
“Baby bird!” You pressed yourself against the wall behind a dumpster hoping and praying that he wouldn’t spot you. “Birdey!?” He cried. 
To any bystander he looked like a worried man calling out for his lover, hell he probably already spread that lie. You cringed when you heard a snipping sound, it was a habit he had picked up when he stressed over you, he bit his nails to the bed, even behind your clenched eyes you could see his wide yellow eyes watching you, thumb in his mouth as he watched you and thought. You covered your mouth, you were ready to erupt, hysteria was tugging at your heart and you wanted to give in and just scream. 
You couldn’t hear him anymore. You breathed out a sigh of relief, he had gone to search elsewhere. You took a moment to think, ‘where do I go from here?’ You summarized that he was probably a block or two away. ‘If I go down block twenty-seven I can go into the club and borrow a phone.’ With a plan set you nodded and opened your eyes. 
A painful scream tore through your throat, his cattish eyes were glazed over a smile stretching his lips. His hands quickly shot out towards you, he wrapped his body around you, his heat more uncomfortable than the cold autumn air. 
“I was so worried.” He breathed, you felt his tremors. “Why did you run away?”
“I-I wanted to-
“Don’t lie to me babybird.” His clipped tone froze you. “Are you trying to leave me?”
You shook your head. “O-of c-course not I-I love you K-Keigo why w-would I leave y-you?” Your voice wavered horrendously. 
“I know.” He smiled, he rubbed his cheek to yours affectionately. He pulled back and his smile dipped. “But you don’t love me enough.”
The dark timbre had you squeaking out a choppy what. “I love you so so much more than you love me. And that hurts, it hurts so much… Why can’t you understand that I just want you to know that.”
“I- T-the way you love me is scary Keigo.” You dared to whisper. 
“No it’s not!” He shouted, his grip becoming tight enough to make you wince. “I love you, I love you, I love you so so damn much that I don’t want you to think or anyone else, I don’t want you to see anyone else, I don’t want you to hear anyone else, I want to be your whole world like you are my world.”
“I-I know-
“No you don’t!” He screamed. “You don’t know because you keep trying to leave and put distance between us! You don’t listen to me and you keep on looking at things! You keep hearing other people’s voices when it should only be me! Why won’t you let it be me?” His voice cracked near the edges and your eyes looked around frantically, you were desperate to find a way to defuse him. 
“K-Keigo look I-
“I hate you.” Your jaw dropped. “I love you so much I fucking hate you (Name).” You couldn’t understand, but you were powerless to stop his next course of action. He tackled your body into him and shot up to the sky, bloody plumage fell down around you as he flew above ropes and powerlines till he was above the cracks of the building. Fearing for your life you clung to him, surprise filling your being when he landed on a building. A very eerily familiar building. 
“It was here that we met.” He mumbled hugging you to his chest tightly. “It’s only fitting that we depart here too.”
“K-keigo m-my love what-” He pressed his cool finger to your lips, your words wouldn’t change his mind. 
“You don’t love me enough to call me that, and remember I established that I hate you.” He chuckled. 
You looked around your eyes catching sight of his watch, you needed to stall. ‘If he’s thinking what I think he’s thinking then he’s going to do whatever it is at the exact time I jumped a year ago.’ When you were going to end your life last year you calculated it so that the janitor of this building would find your note in no less than five minutes. You had wanted him to lean over and see your distorted body. And now the janitor, that Ex you were going to kill yourself for was your only hope….
“W-why do you hate me?” You asked softly, your eyes hard on the hands of the clock. You prayed to every deity above hoping that he didn’t hear the rapid pitter patter of your heart. 
“Because… You’re too cruel, I just want your love to the same degree that you have mine, but I can see that I’ll never have it. And I hate that. I hate that you’re causing me so much pain.”
“I c-can love you like that if you want.” You gulped. 
“ You’re lying.” He sighed, the puff of air sounded like that of a parent in disappointment of their child. “You’re waiting for someone who isn’t even alive to come in and drag you out of my arms.”
“You know…” He stood up with you, and you struggled in his hold as he walked you towards the ledge. “I’ve stayed awake for night on end wondering, I wonder when was it that I started feeling this way? Why? It’s all a mystery to me and it irks me heh… I guess that’s another thing I hate about you… I hate that I don’t know why I love you so much.” 
The wind cut into your face as you looked down. Keigo grabbed your face squishing your cheeks together. “After I do this I’m going to turn myself in and make sure they end me, even though I hate you I can’t imagine living without you.”
“Wait please!” You shouted, you weren’t ready to give up just yet. 
“No more word-
“Shut up and listen!” you hissed. You felt him tense behind you. You hadn’t even spoken to him in such a nasty tone. “Yes you’re right! You don’t love me.”
“But I do so mu-”
“No you don’t!” You were openly crying now, snot running down the tip of your nose. “It’s all a lie! You really hate me and you should! I.. I gave you a love potion a couple months ago.”
“Wha…” Keigo froze, a million thoughts rushing in his head. 
“It’s true…” You whispered “And I’m sorry.”  A rush of emotion filled him, love, hate, loathing, disgust, remorse, doubt and in the heat of it:
He pushed you. 
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