#just scared to people beating thr shit outta me
fiberc · 2 years
ohhghh i hate the scout achievements so much i cant get them. but i want the fucking milk bottle. so i can do the funny pose .g And i mean im not new to this game this is my second steam account
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layce2015 · 4 years
The Last of Us Part 2 (Joel x Reader)
Chapter 6: Seattle, Day 1
Chapter 5
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"This hunter was on top of him...drowning him. And...Joel couldn't reach for his gun." Ellie said to Dina as we rode on our horses through the luscious forest. Her and Dina were riding Shimmer and I was riding my own horse, Dixie. "Jeez...were you scared?" Dina asked her. "Well, I didn't even think, I just...ran in there, grabbed his gun and...shot the guy in the face before (y/n) could do anything." Ellie said.
"How old were you?" Dina asked her, curiously. "Fourteen. How old were you when you first killed someone?" Ellie asked her. "We talking infected?" Dina asked. "No. Fully conscious non-fungal person." Ellie said. "Ten." Dina replied and I look at her in shock.
"Ten years old? What happened?" I asked her. "Guy was coming at my mom and I stabbed him." She replied. "Shit." Ellie mutters, shocked. "Damn." I said. "What about you, (y/n)?" Dina asked. "My first human kill?" I asked and she nods.
"It was a few months after the outbreak. Joel and I were out scavenging when a group of these assholes jumped us at this old store. Two of the men pinned Joel down while one of the men grabbed me and started dragging me towards this back room." I said and both girls give me scared look. "The man shut the door and...I was beyond terrified and I didn't know what to do. The next thing I knew, the guy was trying to get on top of me and tries to hold me down. I grabbed his knife and stabbed him, repeatedly. Eventually, Joel came in the room, along with Tommy who showed up and helped Joel out, and both of them saw what I did to the guy. Myself, the walls and the floor were covered in that man's blood."
"How old were you?" Ellie asked me. "I was twenty-four or twenty-five." I said and we continued trotting on through the forest. "So Dina still got us beat." I said, smirking, and Dina scoffs, playfully, at this. "Yeah, I'm a real badass." She said, sarcastically.
"What about those crazy cannibals you guys ran into? They came after you guys once, maybe the WLF are connected to them?" Dina suggested but Ellie shakes her head. "No. It didn't seem like the same group." She said.
"Maybe this is black market smugglers back in Boston?" Dina asked. "Something you should know about me and Joel, Dina, is that we crossed alot of people during the twenty years before we arrived in Jackson. It could just be about anybody, so we should stop guessing...until we get more information and get Joel out of there." I said and Dina nods.
"Guys, look! Cars!" Dina said, pointing at some abandoned cars. "Yeah, we're getting close." I said and a few moments later, we come up to this old highway. "This way." I said and we continue onwards. "Sure seems quiet." Dina points out. "Yeah. Think about how well we hide our lookouts." Ellie replied and I nod. "I know. That's what scares me." said Dina then we come up to a an old large quarantine zone gate.
"Whoa! Is that the QZ?" Dina asked. "Yup." Ellie and I replied. "Watch the high spots." I warned and we got close to the gate to see something spray painted on the door. "WLF. Trespassers killed on site." Dina reads. "That's friendly." She remarks, sarcastically.
"At least we know we're in the right place." I said as we dismount our horses. "Where is everyone?" Ellie asked. "They put up this sign...means there's gotta be a way in." I said and we started to look around. Then we climbed on top of an old trailer then over some holding calls.
"Are those cages?" Dina asked as we walked on top of them. "Holding cells. Soliders used them back in Boston as well." I replied. "Guys! Help me up here." Ellie said as she stands next to a broken ladder. Dina and I go over to her and help her up to the ladder. "Ellie, be careful." I said to her and she nods as she climbs up and Dina and I make our way back down to the front gate.
We get back on solid ground and I could see Ellie running across some old walkway then she jumps over to an old scaffolding. As she jumps towards it, she barely makes it as she grabs onto the side. "Ellie!" I called out, fearfully, as she climbs up on the platform. "I'm okay!" She calls out and I sigh with relief and she makes her way over the large gate.
After while, I heard the hum of a generator and the sound of a gate opening so I walk over to the little eye-level door and called out to Ellie. The little door opens and I could see her on the other side. "Everything okay?" I asked her. "Yeah, I got that gate opened." She said as she points off to the side. "Now I gotta figure out this one now." She said and I nod. "Okay." I said and she walks off and I step back then turn to Dina.
"C'mon, let's grab the horses." I said and we go over to Shimmer and Dixie and bring them closer to the gate, just as it starts to open. We walk through it as I see Ellie in one of the control panel trailers. "Well done!" I shouted when I heard something then a loud slam right behind us. I turn and see that the gate had slammed shut and the horses started to buck a bit.
"Come on. Let's get outta here." I said. "Yeah, that crash was pretty loud." Dina said and we mount our horses and make our way through. "Now what?" Dina asked. "I found a note back there...it had some codes on it. Says there's a WLF safe house in someplace called Serevena Base." Ellie replied. "So we find this place and hopefully find our first WLF, get them to talk and go from there." I said and they nod at me. "I also found a map to this place." She said. "Good. We can found our way around here." I said.
"Oh shit, look!" Dina said, after a few minutes of going through some parts of Seattle. I look over and see her pointing ahead of us, so I follow where she's pointing and see an old building with the sign Serevena Hotel. "That's got to be it." I said as we come up to another gate. We dismount our horses and Ellie goes up to the key code.
She goes to push some buttons but nothing happens and I turn around to see a generator. "Hey! Looks like it might need power." I said as I go over to the generator and pull the string, which turned some power on. "Still got some juice." I said, smiling, then Ellie punches in the code.
We make it back to the horses and go through the gate. "Well, no welcoming committee." Ellie said as she gets back in Shimmer. "Or they're just waiting for us." Dina said. "Possibly." I muttered and we make our way to the hotel.
"Look! Wolf! WLF, I get it now." Dina said as she points at this large banner on the side of the building. "Oh yeah." Ellie said, chuckling a bit, as we make it up to the fence up area of the hotel. Then we saw an infected get on top of a dumpster and hop the fence as we dismount the horses again. "Did you see that?" Dina asked and I nod and I wait for any gunshots but nothing.
"That's odd. Should've heard gunshots by now." I said, confused. "Well, at least we know how to get in." Ellie said and we get up and over the fence then, quietly, make our way towards the hotel. 
Inside were some infected, including at least two or three gathered around close together. The three of us make our way into the building and take out these infected.
"I think that's all of them." Ellie said once we took them out. Dina and I nod then I go over to see a fresh body of someone from the WLF. "This one's fresh." I pointed out and I stand up. "Here's another one. This one's been shot." Ellie said a few feet away and I go over to her. 
"Recognize any of them?" I asked her. "No." She replied and we start to make our way upstairs. We looked around the rooms for any supplies when I heard Dina exclaimed. "Oh shit!"
Ellie and I make our way over to her and enter thr room she opened. Inside was a dead man tied to chair and it seemed he didn't go out peaceful as he looked he got the shit beaten out of him and then killed. "The fuck happened here?" Dina asked, shocked, as I raise the man's head and examine his wounds.
Immediately, I knew what this was, I've seen this kind've stuff before.
"Tommy did this." I said. "This? No way." Dina said, disbelief, while Ellie looks at the man. "(Y/n), I recognize him! He was one of the ones who kidnapped Joel." Ellie said as I look over at her then I see there was another body tied to a chair, but he was knocked down on his side and a code was written on the floor with the man's blood.
"Yeah, Tommy definitely did this." I muttered then I turn to Ellie. "Was he one of them?" I asked her and she shakes her head.
"How do you know for certain Tommy did this?" Dina asked me. "Because he used them against each other. It's a form of interrogation Joel, Tommy and I used alot. See, you ask this guy a question...you don't make him say it, you make him write it down. Then you ask the other guy, and if the facts match, they're telling the truth." I explained and Dina gives me a horrified look. "If not..."
"You fuck 'em up." Dina finished for me and I nod. Ellie kneels down then pulls out the map and looks at what the man wrote on the floor. "East one...you think it's a code?" Dina asked us. "Looks like it." Ellie said and she gets up and puts the map away.
"This looks like it just happened. He can't be far off." Dina said and I nod again then the three of us make our way out of the hotel.
"Hey (y/n), I know you said that you, Joel and Tommy had a rough past but...fuck." Dina said, shocked and disbelief, and I frown at her once we make our way out of the hotel. "I know. You okay, though right?" I asked her and she sighs. "It wasn't pretty." She said. 
"I don't want you to think bad of us..." I started to explain but Dina talks over me. "(Y/n)...if I had my sister's killers tied to a chair...I'd do worse." She said and I give her a sympathetic look to her. "I hear you." I said and we get onto the horses and make our way to the East one gate.
"You girls, remember the code?" I asked them as I make my way to the generator. "You mean the one written in blood?" Dina asked and Ellie and I nod at her. I start up the generator and Dina puts in the code and the gate opens.
"Big question. Where does this take us?" Dina asked us as we get back on the horses. "Guess we'll find out." Ellie said and we galloped through the gate. "I say we find shelter, and we set up camp. Maybe somewhere high up so we can scope out the area." Dina said. "I like that idea." Ellie said and I nod in agreement as we continued on.
But, suddenly, as we jumped over this little barbed wire fence, it exploded and the three of us were launched off of our horses. I landed on my side as Ellie landed on her front and Dina fell on her back then rolled off somewhere. I groan in pain, my ears ringing, just as I hear muffled voices behind us. 
"Get the other! Don't lose her! Go!" A man's voice said then I see about two or three guys go after Dina. "Dina!" Ellie calls out just as we heard Shimmer and Dixie screech in pain. I try my best to get up just in time to see a guy come up and shoot the horses, point blank.
Ellie starts to crawl towards her gun as I start to sit up but then another man comes up towards me. I try to fight the man back but he takes the butt of his gun and hits me across the face.
I start to come to when I heard a sound of someone slapping someone. I open my eyes and look to my right to see Ellie was tied up and a guy, with a scar across his cheek, was sitting in a chair in front of her. I start to move but then I realized that my hands were tied up behind me. "Didn't think I'd ever see you again." He said and Ellie struggles against her restraints.
"Ellie..." I muttered as I jerk against my restraints again. Then the guy looks over at me then he comes over to me. "And who are you?" He asked me. "Someone you really shouldn't have pissed off." I spat at him. "Oh yeah? How's that?" He asked me. "You and your other asshole friends stole something from me." I said in a low voice and his eyes widen in realization. "And I would like to have him back." I said, threatening.
Scar boy then pulls out Ellie's switchblade and points it at my neck. "Get away from her!" Ellie yells while I stare at the man, definently. "You're that smuggler's wife." He said. I don't reply back to him, just continued to stare at him. "She's going to have a field day with this." The man said, smiling, before he moves the blade away from my neck then stands up to look at us.
"How many of you are there? Hmm? Just you three?" He asked as he looks between us. "You can't stop this." Ellie growls at him.
"Jordan!" A different male voice calls out and another man walks in. "You're supposed to be out looking for the other one. What the fuck is this?" The man asked Jordan, annoyed. "You know that smuggler we kidnapped from Jackson?" Jordan asked his friend. "Yeah." The man said and Jordan moves the blade from me then stabs it in the arm of the chair and turns to his friend.
"This girl was there." Jordan said as he points at Ellie then he turns to me. "And her....she's the smugglers's wife." He said and his friend looks at us in shock. "What?" He said. "They're coming to the rescue, that's why Nick was so fucked up back there. We got to get this girl to Isaac and this woman to Abby. And we gotta tell Isaac exactly what's going on." Jordan said.
"Yeah. Well, I just got off the radio with Isaac. And we got a new mandate." The second man said and he starts to pull out his gun. "Kill all trespassers." He said and he starts to aim his gun at Ellie but Jordan stops him. "Hold up, hold up, that doesn't make any sense." Jordan said. "It's a direct order, man--" the second guy said.
"No. Abby is wanting this woman and we can talk to this girl and figure out what she knows." Jordan said. "I don't give a fuck about what she knows. You saw what they did to the others!" The man argued. "We don't know how many people are our there, man. This could be an ambush, Mike--" Jordan argues back. 
I struggled against my restraints again as the two men argued when the second guy, Mike, moved Jordan out of the way and aimed his gun at Ellie. "No!" I exclaimed when there was a gunshot and glass breaking and Mike falls over dead. Jordan turned to the skylight to see someone walking on top of it and he raised his gun and fires at the glass.
The glass breaks and Dina falls through and lands on her back. "Dina!" Ellie and I shout and Jordan looks at his dead friend then goes after Dina. Ellie then reaches for a shard of glass with her foot then reached out for it and used it to free herself as Jordan and Dina start to fight.
Ellie gets free and she grabs her switchblade, runs at Jordan and stabs him in the neck. "Motherfucker!" She growls and let's him go as he falls forward and dies. Dina gets up, grabs a shard of glass and cuts my restraints off. "You okay?" I asked her. "Mostly." She said as Ellie starts to search Jordan's body.
Once I was free, I get up then go over and grab mine and Ellie's bag, which was on the side, while Ellie digs around Jordan's pocket. "Ellie, we've got to move. Someone would've heard the gunshots." Dina said, panicked while Ellie pulls out a letter and picture. "Look!" Ellie said and she holds up the picture. "She's one of them!" She said and I come up to her and see that it was a picture of a young woman with her shirt pulled up, revealing her boob.
"Guys, we've got to go!" Dina said. "Was there a TV station on that map?" Ellie asked as she reads the letter and I could hear voices. "Probably but we need to get moving Ellie." I said and we start to make our way out, shooting any WLF that gets in our way.
Eventually, we made our way out of that old school, which was where we were held up at, and made our way through the suburbs section of the town. Every now and then, we saw some trucks pass by along with some WLF but we were able to sneak by, unscathed.
We make our way to an old apartment building and enter a room with a balcony, where I walk over and look out into the empty streets. "Okay, coast looks clear." I said to the girls. "Yeah." Ellie mutters, nodding. "I think we're clear too." Dina said. "Alright. Ellie? That letter?" I asked her and she pulls it out of her pocket and hands it to me.
Dina walks up next to me as I flip the picture of the girl around and she whistles at this. "She's one of them." Ellie said to us. "Well, fuck her then." Dina said as I shake my head and set the photo down then I begin to read the letter.
"Jordan, Isaac's got us posted up on a two week at the TV station. Scars spotted in the area. Here's something to hold you over. Leah." I read and Ellie pulls out the map and lays it down then points at a spot on the map. "TV station." She said. "You think she's still there?" Dina asked her. "Well we gotta found out, right?" Ellie said as I go over to the map and look it over.
"So it's by all these tall buildings..." I said then I turn around and see the same exact buildings up ahead. "That way!" I said, pointing them out to the girls. "Okay. Let's go get Leah." Ellie said and I nod and the three of us make our way out of the building and head towards the TV station. Hang on, Joel. I'm coming, honey. I thought, desperately.
*3rd Person POV*
Meanwhile, off on the coastline and inside of an old abandoned aquarium, Joel was tied up to a chair in a large room that looked like an old office. He tries to struggle against the ropes but, of course, the restraints were too tight.
Joel growls under his breath and looks down, defeated, then his mind begins to wander. He has only been here for awhile, a week or two he wasn't for sure he lost count, and he still didn't know what these people wanted from him or (y/n). Or even what they done to deserve this.
Yes, him and (y/n) have done things in the past that might cause people to come after them but he'd figured they would just kill him. Why was it important to have both of them alive? Just so that they could kill them?
(y/n)... Joel thought then he starts to worry for his wife and his boys. "Shit." He growls as he struggles once more but fails. He really needed to get out of this and get to his family, he didn't know if Abby or her people were going back to Jackson to get them. And it was agitating him of even thinking about Abby and her people laying a hand on his wife and sons.
Then he remembered Tommy and Ellie were there before he was knocked out and taken away. In that moment, he hoped that they didn't come for him. He didn't know what Abby and her people were capable of. But he hoped that (y/n) didn't come out to save him, there was no sense in for Ethan and Aiden to lose both of their parents. They are way too young to deal with that.
Suddenly, the door opens and Owen walks in, carrying a plate of food. Joel glares at him as he comes over to him. "What the hell is going on? What do you want from me?" Joel asked him as Owen sets the plate down. Owen doesn't answer as he goes to un-tie a rope around Joel's bound up wrist so that he could use his hand but wasn't able to move enough to get out.
Joel glares at him and was about to go after Owen, but the younger man seemed to be a few steps ahead as he raises a gun and aims it at him. "Don't think about it." He growls at Joel. "Eat." Owen ordered him. Joel looks at him in defiance and doesn't move.
Owen scoffs then starts to leave the room. "You know, you're eventually gonna tell me what this is all about " Joel said and Owen stops in his tracks then turns to Joel. "You still don't get it? How about what happen four years ago? Does that ring a bell?!" Owen asked Joel, angrily. 
Joel furrows his brow at him but then realized what he was talking about. "You're a Firefly?" Joel asked, shocked. "Not anymore, thanks to you and your wife." Owen growls then he gets up and starts to leave.
"I'll be back to collect your plate." Owen said and he goes to the door and shuts it behind him, while Joel glares after him then looks out the window. Somehow, some way, he was gonna get out of here.
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