#just small things like that. like if u google nsa flag all that comes up is the original flag. how did they make that mistake?
nonsamaro · 2 years
Hey! Lord this blog is a blast from the past. I used to know your system back in the alloaro server days which was such a long time ago. But anyways, I can empathize with your problem. When I first became host a year and a half ago I was lost because the old host had a lot of things and I didn't want part in any of it. And yk what there was no shame in just leaving that shit in the past. People grow, yk? No one blames you are leaving the label leaving whatever else in the past, if it's not what resonates with you leave it. Trust me trying to live up to old hosts things is... frustrating to say the least. I wish you luck and I'm sending you love
hi, sorry im answerin yer ask like this, but unfortunately smiley faces are still a trigger, but I didn't wanna just ignore the entire message bc of it and my font is blasted on my phone so editin screenshots just get wonky fast
hearin the "alloaro server" be mentioned is honestly funny though. cause I mean. it was supposed to be welcomin to not-ace aros, but it truthfully was just an alloaro server with non sam aros tacked on for "inclusion"... smth which old host has ranted upon many times. and I do have a lot of issues with the idea of empathy/empathizin, although thats probably my gut reaction as a local sociopath tryin to run away from emapths at every corner. anyways
it's not that I want to abandon the blog, or at least not the idea of a queer-focused blog, I just. hate old host with a vengeance, 100% would 1v1 to the death for sport with them if they weren't already gone. and this blog is them. and I know so ppl use the non sam aro label and it existed before they identified with it, but with the flag bein their creation and ultimately helpin the spike in non sam aro's general recognition of at least a thing that exists... it kind of feels like their thing u know? idk. the thing is I'd probably identify as a non sam aro proudly if it weren't for old host's existence, if it werent for the trauma endured by pretendin to be them for months while sufferin with the desire to be myself. but trauma is forbidden to be a reason for why u do or don't identify with a term, right ? (/s but also /insecure idk djdhdhdj)
but honestly. I don't know if this blog's possible deletion would actually effect anything, sadly. even on the queer wiki's theres not even so much as a small link to the original post or any mention of why the flag is the way it is. the flag completely has lost all of its history, and this blog feels like the only thing keepin the flag, one of old host's biggest creations, from bein shred and devoid of it's original meanin and purpose.
how many people know why the colour is blue? how many people know why the flag is "upside down"? do people even know that the flag is "upside down" at all (re: last reblog)? can they even point to the creator despite the fact they literally held (or still hold idk) the url that is just point blank the name of the identity? do they even know why the flag was created? do they know the original terms and conditions of use of the flag before the creator almost disowned the flag because of repeated violation? do they even know what is non sam arophobic if they aren't non sam aro themselves?
like yeah, it's 5 stripes any1 could have done truthfully. but it was never just a flag, it was supposed to be a tool to be able to speak on issues, and flags are one of the most easily recognizable things to become a "valid" identity. and yes, I hate old host, but these things still upset me, whether or not I am non sam aro.
sorry to go off, and I do appreciate the sentiment of your message.... am just in a confusin place atm
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