#just soups and rice w veggies and onion and chips and candy and everything else
whoviandoodler · 1 year
Actually eating food to feel better or to lift your mood or 'drown your troubles' or whatever is great!!! It's amazing and good and does help!!! Like yes obviously you should think abt the cause of your bad emotions if you haven't and stuff, but there's not a single thing wrong with eating food- including carbs, sugar, and everything seen as 'bad' by diet culture- to cope with them. Eating is good and morally neutral always and forever, and fuck diet culture for making me think for years that it's a moral failing to eat when I'm down. Sometimes you just need to have some chips or some pasta or some chocolate or literally whatever, food is love, food is comfort, let it be there for you when you can't deal with something in the moment.
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choisgirls · 7 years
What do the RFA + minor trio think about pineapple on pizza? What kind of food do they like and dislike apart from what's stated in the game? I hope you guys are doing well!
A/N: I AM A FULLADVOCATE FOR PINEAPPLES ON PIZZA AND Y'ALL CAN FIGHT ME (don’t actually fightme i respect your opinions I promise, you do you) (And I’m doing well, thank you! I hope you are as well ^^) ~Admin 404
Okay y’all I hope I did my research alright?? I hope I got the right names to the right food?? *small screaming*
               -Honestly I can see him enjoyingthe fruity flavour with his pizza
               -He’s just that kind of dude youknow? Like he tries to be mellow and fails
               -And what better way to prove you’remellow and cool than put some god damn fruit on your pizza??
                               American food
               -If we’re going American food, Ithink he’d really like hot pockets
               -I mean come on?? They’re fast??And hot?? And come in so many different ways? Not to mention they can be chEAP
               -His favourites are the ham andcheese ones
               -12/10 burns himself EVERYSINGLE TIME. BUT THEY’RE STILL COLD IN THE MIDDLE. He hates them but stillloves them so much
               -But he hates most otherflavours though? He can handle the pizza one but everything else is just abunch of blasphemy
                               Korean Food
               -Out of Korean foods I thinkhe’d like some Bindaetteok, or Mung Bean Pancake
               -Sometimes he eats them withoutthe vinaigrette dipping sauce
               -Just piles them into his mouth
               -Hates any sort of sour candy
               -His precious taste buds can’thandle sour
               -Actually cries?? When there’ssour??
               -His face scrunches up and helooks so childish but still sO CUTE
               -Fruit should be fruit and pizzashould be pizza
               -Does not like the twointermingling together
               -Actually appalled when someoneputs pineapple on their pizza
               -O V E R D R A M A T I C
               -Throws himself to the floor,curses the world, sheds a few tears
                               American Food
               -Seriously. Anything fromChipotle
               -His favourite thing to getwould be a burrito bowl, so it’s got rice, chicken, beans, cheese, and sourcream
               -Which he’s like HELL YEAH IT’SHEALTHY I’M NOT CHEATING ON MY DIET
               -But, SURPRISE, BITCH. THEPORTION SIZES ARE NOT HEALTHY. Try again later
               -Does not like any form ofcheeseburger though from any place
               -Always too greasy. He canliterally feel his stomach churn just looking at one
               -God forbid any of that greaseruns down his arm. His pERFECT SKIN. NO!
                               Korean Food
               -They’re grilled chicken skewerscovered in red chili sauce
               -“It’s chicken MC, it’salways healthy” not the amount you’re inhaling them they aren’t
               -As body conscious as he is, hehates veggie crackers
               -They’re just so artificial andreally salty
               -Prefers the real vegetableinstead
               -Logically fruit has no reasonto be on a pizza
               -It’s a conflicting taste forher mouth and she doesn’t quite know where to place it
               -All she knows is wow she doesnot like it
               -Maybe it’s the crunch thatshouldn’t be there??
                               American Food
               -It’s freaking made up ofladyfingers, rum, and coffee. All in one custard dessert.
               -Why in the hell would she notenjoy that???
               -She hates nachos
               -Hear me out, she’s tried themonce at your request and immediately despised them
               -They’re so messy and the chipsget soggy
               -And the cheese just tastes soartificial, it’s gross to her
                               Korean Food
               -Her guilty pleasures are chapsalyakgwa (Korean sweet cakes)
               -They’re cakes made from honey,sesame oil, and wheat flour and they taste like glAZED DONUTS
               -She doesn’t really like MulNaengmyeon, which is noodles in ice soup
               -It’s not that the flavour isn’tnice or anything, it’s that it’s so cold
               -Dear god if she’s already alittle cold, after eating this it’s like she’s in Antarctica
               -He’s had some expensive, topnotch pizza before
               -So it has a different flavourto it, right?
               -10/10 believe Jumin Han likespineapple on his pizza solely for the reason that he’s high class
               -I bet he’s had fresh pineapplecut up in front of him and placed on his pizza
                               American Food
               -RoOt BeEr FlOaTs
               -Some of the best french vanillabean ice cream
               -And some of the best root beersoda
               -Fancy Ass Root Beer Floats™(Not to mention literally anything you can make into a float. Pineapple juiceand dole whip, amAZING)
               -HATES HOT DOGS
               -               626: It’sprobably because they make him feel submissive, isn’t it?
                               404:you fucking asSHOLE THAT’S NOT IT
               -Hates the fact that it’s abunch of things just…. mashed together
               -And the textURE IS WEIRD.Uncooked they’re just slimy and floppy and just e w
                               Korean Food
               -He likes Dolsot Bibimbap!
               -It’s a hotpot mixed rice, with sautéedvegetables and toasted seaweed flakes, and sesame seeds!
               -Sometimes his saltiness isn’tenough to cover for his food, so he adds chili paste
               -But he doesn’t like ColdBibimbap
               -Something about it being colddidn’t make him happy
               -Possibly because it didn’t feellike a warm loving meal which he subconsciously just wANTS
               - why did i do that to myself
               -Isn’t it like lowkey meme-y tohave pineapple on your pizza nowadays??
               -He’d definitely have it onthere
               -Does he like it? Yeah itdoesn’t bother him, the crunch is nice
               -Definitely not the same asputting Honey Buddah chips on there but hey it works
                               American Food
               -I can see him just coming homewith a large cardboard box completely stuffed with homemade tacos
               -Always trying to make some forhimself at home and setting the damn tortillas on fire
               -As good as the flavours are,all he can think about is how hARD THEY ARE TO CHEW
               -Has flashbacks about the timehe got his teeth practically glued shut because he put too many in his mouth atonce
                               Korean Food
               -When he actually eats“real food”, he likes to snack on Hotteok!
               -They’re deep fried treats, onesavory and one sweet!
               -He prefers the savory onebecause it’s salty, it’s filled with glass noodles and garlic pork
               -The saltiness stays in tunewith his HBC so his “tongue wouldn’t get confused”
               -“Saeyoung, they could bebetter for you than-” “MC DON’T YOU DARE EVEN SAY IT”
               -Doesn’t care what flavour thepackage says, they are NOT. THE. SAME. And he HATES THEM
               -I think the random crunch onhis pizza would throw him off
               -If you like it he’ll completelyrespect you and probably force himself to eat it for your sake
               -Otherwise I think he’drespectfully decline it
               -If they’re separate, he canhandle it, just not together
                               American Food
               -Oh my god he loves literallyany kind of pie
               -Searches the world during histravels to find the best little bakery shops for pies
               -His favourite is probably applepie because he loves the cinnamon flavour as well!
               -I take it back, there is onepie he doesn’t like
               -SWEET POTATO
               -HATES IT SO MUCH. It’s just thethought that this…vegetable is now in a pie… that should be fruity…andit’s not….
               -It’s just the THOUGHT OF IT MC.He refuses to even try it, that’s how much he hates the thought
                               Korean Food
               -Yaki Mandu! Which is deep friend mandu
               -It’s filled with pork, glassnoodles, and a variety of salty seasonings
               -A nice change against his sweettooth for pies, definitely
               -But dislikes Jjinmadu, which issteamed mandu dumplings
               -They’re filled with things suchas pork, onions, and mung bean noodles
               -But something about the textureof the noodle-like wrappers feels weird in his mouth
               -Cut it open and take the thingsout then hell yeah he’s good to go
               -Probably one of those jERKS WHOFIGHT YOU OVER LIKING PINEAPPLE ON PIZZA
               -“FRUIT. DOESN’T. BELONG.THERE. MC.”
               - IT’S AMAZING OKAY
               -Has literally walked out of thehouse when you told him you’ve ordered pineapple on the pizza
                               American Food
               -Honestly, he really likes s'mores
               -Something about the melting marshmallowmakes him and his taste buds happy
               - that and being so close tothe fire, damn pyro
               -He mixes it up and triesdifferent chocolate flavours, like caramel or cookies and cream
               -But dear god, keep him awayfrom those “weirdos” on Thanksgiving with the Turducken
               -It’s just so nasty to him. Andit’s waaaaay too much food
               -He can be mean but thinks thepeople shoving two more birds into one is just w r o n g
                               Korean Food
               -He really likes to snack onKancho Choco Biscuits
               -Which are these small littlebiscuits(cookies) with milk chocolate inside
               -Pours the whole box into hismouth some days because he cAN’T GET THEM IN THERE FAST ENOUGH
               -Dislikes Tornado Potatoes
               -Mainly because he thinks it’s awaste of time? People tend to like it because it “looks cool”according to him
               -It’s a fried and seasoned potatocut into a spiral and spread on a stick
               -“MC if I wanted friedpotatoes I’d go get some french fries, they’re easier to eat god dammit”
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