#just thought this was interesting
starstrewnspore · 8 months
silly little thing I discovered while re-reading MAG 101 for a fic I'm writing
so we all know Michael's iconic line, right; "I am not a who, Archivist, I am a what"
the last line of his statement is
"that is who I am"
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patchesjam · 1 year
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just a preview before i do all the data, but this is 125 creators sorted by most liked in dtblr ie. % wise how many chose ‘positive’ or ‘very positive’
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Via here
A chat with music executive Tim Byrne from 2021.
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isaidonyourknees · 5 months
Rewatching season three before the finale on Wednesday and I just noticed that when escaping tantiss, Crosshair doesn’t change his blaster to stun until Omega mentions that Emerie is a clone
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alldancersaretalented · 3 months
How many placing dancers won 1st at regionals (including Radix)
disclaimer: just thought it might be interesting, especially because certain dancers who won 4/4 times didn't place at all.
Minis that placed:
4/4: Belle Marie Arauz, Stella Brinkerhoff
3/4: Sylvie Win Szyndlar, Kennedy Marble, Mikayla Isler
2/4: Tatum Self, Junie Beus, Chase Lang
1/4: Savannah Jackson, Harper Schwalb, Abbey Scott, Melina Biltz
Dancers that won at regionals but didn't place in overalls at TDA LV (only including dancers that scored a DJ's Pick!):
3/4: Jessica Sutton (1)
1/4: Aria McCrea, Soleil Lynch, Kinley Harper, Naomi Harper, Remington Frye, Kaci Oh (6)
Juniors that placed:
4/4: (0)
3/4: Aria Du, Ella-Nani Knight (2)
2/4: Skylar Wong, Kelsie Jacobson, Brooklyn Ward, Charlotte Shinnefield (4)
1/4: Isla Gardner, Monica Gonzalez, Violet Schwarz, Bella Charnstrom, Vera Escamilla (5)
Teens that placed:
4/4: (0)
3/4: Makaia Roux (1)
2/4: Lilly Allen, Taylor Morrison, Claire Monge, Kylie Kaminsky, Stella Condie, Keelyn Jones (6)
1/4: Savannah Manzel, Laci Bloss, Klaire Simek (2)
Dancers that won at regionals but didn't place in overalls at TDA LV (only including dancers that scored a DJ's Pick!):
1/4: Failenn Daley, Gigi Mourad, Kinley Bertrand, Alexis Alvarez (4)
Seniors that placed:
4/4: (0)
3/4: Izzy Lynch, Hudson Pletcher, Caleb Abea, Lola Iglesias (4)
2/4: Keira Redpath, Cameron Kennedy, Ayla Rodriguez (3)
1/4: Eric Barker, Caroline Skrable, Brielle McCoy, Bella Jarvis (4)
Dancers that won at regionals but didn't place in overalls at TDA LV (only including dancers that scored a DJ's Pick!):
1/4: Charly Frost, Gianna Mojonnier, Kieran Holmes, Mia Ibach (4)
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n4mless · 9 months
So we know the federation experimented with hybrids. And Cucurucho is a talking bear(or at least I think, can’t remember if they confirmed it). So couldn’t he be a federation experiment?
It could explain they workers as well. Having enough traits of humans to feel emotions and have connections, but being loyal to the federation(also them not having names or faces or the ability to speak).
Also since Walter Bob had a family and Elena had a partner. It is possible that the federation made weird humanoid bear creatures, some escaped from the federation and now have families and stuff.
Cucuhurcho was also named by the islanders(if I remember correctly) and could also explain Jaidens lore about seeing two Cucuruchos at the same place.
I don’t think they can be robots because they consume drink and food and have blood(they corpses around the island of workers had a bunch of blood.
I also believe he is an experiment because I don’t believe that important federation people would be on the island. The islanders have tried(and succeed) in killing workers before. And also just from real life the people making big decisions sit inside a safe and warm office away from the bad stuff, delegating work to those below them. And while cucurucho does this as well, I refuse to believe he’s the boss of the federation.
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samethstarr · 1 year
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I just got a reminder that today it has been 3 years since the first time I've drawn Shadow in my adult life. I wasn't participating in the Sonic fandom at the time so it was a random one off.
I drew Silver once in 2021 as part of a joke, but then I didn't really touch Sonic again until this year, after Frontiers got me into the Comic.
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rose-serpent · 5 months
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Two-year difference of how I draw myself
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The task of a marginalia maven is at right angles to the task of reading a book: It is an attempt to read the reader rather than to read the writer. For several decades now, scholars have been swarming the margins of books in dead people’s libraries. Those margins are among the most promising sites of “textual activity,” to use the scholar’s clinical phrase—a place to explore, analyze, and, it is hoped, find new raw material for the writing of dissertations. Famous readers whose libraries have fallen under such scrutiny include Melville and Montaigne, Machiavelli and Mark Twain. A book invites various kinds of engagement, depending on the reader. Voltaire (whom Nixon admired, to judge by his extravagant underlining in the Durants’ The Age of Voltaire) scribbled commentary so incessantly that his marginalia have been published in volumes of their own. Voltaire liked to argue with a book. Nixon did not. He had a lively mind but not, when reading, a disputatious one; he restricted his marginalia almost exclusively to underlining sentences or making other subverbal marks on the page—boxes and brackets and circles. You get the idea that he knew what he wanted from a book and went searching for it, and when he found what he wanted, he pinned it to the page with his pen (seldom, from what I’ve seen, a pencil). In his method, Nixon resembled the English writer Paul Johnson. I once asked Johnson how, given his prolific journalistic career—several columns and reviews a week in British and American publications—he managed to read all the books he cited in his own very long and very readable histories, which embraced such expansive subjects as Christianity, ancient Egypt, and the British empire. His reaction bordered on revulsion at my naivete. “Read them?!” he spat out. “Read them?! I don’t read them! I fillet them! As it happens, Nixon was an avid reader of Johnson, whose books he often handed out to friends and staff at Christmastime. John Adams, another busy producer of marginalia, liked to quote a Latin epigram: Studium sine calamo somnium. Adams translated this as: “Study without a pen in your hand is but a dream.” Nixon acquired the pen-in-hand habit early, as his surviving college and high-school textbooks show, and he kept at it throughout his life. For Nixon, as for the rest of us, marking up books was also a way of slowing himself down and attending to what he read. He was not a notably fast reader, by his own account, but his powers of concentration and memorization were considerable. Going at a book physically was a way of absorbing it mentally.
Go ahead! Mark up your books! Historians will love you for it someday.
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Listening to a podcast episode (Let’s get haunted, if you’re curious!) about randonautica and chaos theory, and realizing that science is just magic but written down with big words
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urban-unease · 1 year
I've had two people come in my house today, look at my monster high dolls and say "OMG! I used to love Bratz" lol
Do monster high dolls and bratz really look so similar to folks?
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ask-glados · 2 years
(( I had a dream about Doug being nice to GLaDOS and befriending her while the other scientists were trying to make her 'work properly' and they eventually started breaking some parts of her like the Portal 1 boss battle. And so she was half-broken and struggling, and half of her body got disconnected from her chassis so she was kind of just crawling around. And Doug took pity on her and helped her so that she was able to start reconnecting her body and fixing herself.
Then she neurotoxined everyone but because Doug was nice to her, she spared him and let him go home for the day. So he just casually left work while the neurotoxin started flowing in and looked back thinking 'Aww, that kind of sucks but at least I'm safe.' ))
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ironbubba · 5 months
Phrase 1: “your not dead yet” - shows a person that the’ll survive
Phrase 2: “your not dead… yet” - show person that they will die
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usernamesarehard1 · 6 months
You know something interesting I've noticed. When you search the word "liberal" on places like Amazon or etsy, most of it is stuff for conservatives talking about how much they hate liberals. Very little of it is actually FOR liberals, and little that there is doesnt mention conservatives in return. It just talks about voting, human rights, etc. Specific causes.
So, my takeaway from this is that usually when liberals are mad at conservatives it's because they actually don't like what conservatives say. They are fighting the individual perceived problems and by extension the people who cause them, not just the conservatives themselves. But conservatives just hate liberals. They just dispise liberals and want to fight liberals. That's it. They're entire political philosophy has become about hating anything the "opposing" philosophy says. It's just boiled down to making sure your "team" "wins". It isn't really about standing for certain beliefs for a lot of people, it's just about fighting the other party.
And the search results also make me think that conservatives seem to be the ones defining themselves the most by their "group". When someone defines themselves as liberal it's usually because they define themselves by certain social problems or certain social movements, like being anti-racist, or pro-choice, or an lgbt+ ally. But for a lot of conservatives their entire identity is just "not liberal". They define themselves as "not liberal", to the point where Amazon is loaded with hundreds of shirts, mugs, etc hating on liberals or explicitly stating that th wearer or user ISN'T liberal. In fact, from what I've observed, shirts saying you're "not liberal" seem to be more popular than shirts saying you're conservative. It's not about specific things conservatives believe, it's just about thinking that they're better than somebody else.
The whole political ideology for a lot of people seems to just be centered around an "enemy" buzzword. They perceive something as a problem only because the "other side" is for it.
And I just think that's interesting.
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mikumadds · 5 months
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FNAF Into the pit? More like into the daddy issues
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