#just to clarify--there's a whole range of option b
shadowsong26x · 2 years
Dear fanfic audiences:
I understand that it’s Frustrating when a long-running fic hasn’t updated in a while, whether or not the author is still active in that or any other fandom. Believe me, I’ve been there.
But here’s a little quiz:
When faced with such an instance, do you: a) sulk privately and/or with friends b) leave a comment on the fic asking for an update c) find out the author has a tumblr and send an ask asking for an update d) leave a comment on a completely unrelated fic for a completely unrelated fandom asking for an update
If you answered a, congratulations! that is a good answer If you answered b, this is usually also acceptable, although it depends on how the request was phrased If you answered c, you’re on Thin Ice; how thin depends on how the request was phrased and whether or not the tumblr is mentioned/linked by the author If you answered d, fuck you.
Sincerely, An Extremely Annoyed writer
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spiceboxcaterers · 7 months
Embracing Wellness: The Comprehensive Benefits of Nutritious Indian Meal Plans
Indian cuisine, with its rich tapestry of flavors, spices, and textures, is not only a feast for the senses but also offers a plethora of health benefits. Nutritious Indian meal plans are designed to cater to the body's nutritional needs while delighting the palate. These meal plans are rooted in the principles of Ayurveda, which emphasizes balance and harmony in food to promote overall well-being. Here, we delve into the myriad benefits of incorporating nutritious Indian meal plans into your lifestyle.
Balanced Nutrition: Nutritious Indian meal plans are inherently designed to be balanced and holistic. They typically include a variety of food groups, such as whole grains, legumes, vegetables, dairy, and proteins, ensuring a well-rounded intake of essential nutrients. This balance is crucial for maintaining energy levels, supporting bodily functions, and promoting a healthy metabolism.
Rich in Vegetables and Fruits: Indian diets are known for their generous use of fresh vegetables and fruits, which are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. These nutrients are vital for boosting immunity, reducing disease risk, and promoting digestive health. The diverse range of vegetables and fruits used in Indian cooking ensures a wide array of nutrients in one's diet.
Use of Whole Grains: Traditional Indian meal plans prioritize whole grains like wheat, rice, millet, and oats, which are excellent sources of complex carbohydrates, fiber, and B vitamins. These whole grains provide sustained energy, aid in digestion, and help in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.
Rich in Spices and Herbs: Indian cuisine is renowned for its extensive use of spices and herbs, not just for flavor but also for their health benefits. Turmeric, ginger, garlic, cumin, coriander, and fenugreek are staples in Indian cooking, known for their anti-inflammatory, digestive, and antimicrobial properties. These spices can aid in boosting immunity, improving heart health, and reducing inflammation.
Focus on Legumes and Pulses: Legumes and pulses are a staple in Indian diets, providing a significant source of plant-based proteins, fiber, and minerals like iron and magnesium. Meals like dal (lentil soup), chickpea curries, and bean stews are not only nutritious but also support heart health and weight management.
Moderate Use of Healthy Fats: Indian meal plans make judicious use of healthy fats, such as ghee (clarified butter), coconut oil, and mustard oil, which are beneficial for heart health, skin,Special occasion Indian catering and cognitive function. These fats are used in moderation to enhance the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and provide essential fatty acids.
Emphasis on Fermented Foods: Fermented foods like yogurt, idli, and dosa are integral to Indian diets, contributing to gut health by providing probiotics. These foods aid in digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, and support a healthy microbiome.
Cultural and Regional Diversity: India's vast cultural and regional diversity means that nutritious meal plans can vary greatly, offering a wealth of options to suit any preference. This diversity ensures that meals are never monotonous and always offer something new and nutritious to try.
Encourages Mindful Eating: Indian meal plans often emphasize the importance of mindful eating, encouraging individuals to eat slowly, savor each bite, and be fully present during meals. This practice can lead to better digestion, portion control, and an overall healthier relationship with food.
Nutritious Indian meal plans offer a holistic approach to eating that is both flavorful and health-promoting. By incorporating a variety of whole foods, spices, and balanced nutrients, these meal plans support physical health, mental well-being, and a joyous culinary experience. Whether you are looking to diversify your diet, improve your health, or simply enjoy delicious meals, nutritious Indian meal plans offer something valuable for everyone.
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cacoetheswriting · 4 years
champagne problems, ch.11
Spencer is in love with you, but you’re engaged to someone else.
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Chapter Eleven: I Know It’s Over: Things get a little more clearer as you deal with the pain Spencer caused. A/N: chapter is titled after this song if you want to listen while reading. Word Count: 1.4k Warnings: swearing, heartbreak, unrequited / unreciprocated love, jealousy, talk of breakup/s, mentions of alcohol consumption / intoxication, serious serious angst, this whole series is a real slow burn.
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A/N: everyone go thank @ellesgreenaway​ for getting me out of my writing rut just in time to get this chapter done! and as always, i wanted to reiterate how fucking grateful i am that y'all are reading, and liking, this little story! it means the world to me! also, i didn't reread this so there may some mistakes ill fix later, sorry!!
People love weekends. They’re like a mini holiday. A break from the tedious and repetitive cycle that is Monday to Friday. Weekends are time spent away from the office, your profession and whatever that entails. They are time spent away from completing menial tasks. A break.
Saturdays and Sundays help regain all of the lost energy. When people get caught up in everyday life, weekends remind them to enjoy the simple things. They gives the opportunity to try new things, visit family and friends, or allow to simply spend some time alone. People love weekends.
Your weekend however, was an utter blur.
Aiding a killer hangover on Saturday, you opted to spend the day in bed. A plastic bucket within your reach and a bottle of water on the side table. You slept a lot. Partially to ease the headache, but mainly to ease the pain you were experiencing in your chest. The heartache.
The only thing you could remember from the night before was Spencer completely shattering your hopes and dreams, and the first six shots of tequila you took after at a nearby bar. You weren't entirely sure how you got home; the next morning Ethan clarified he picked you up after the bartender rang him using your phone. Not one of your proudest moments.
Your lack of motivation carried onto Sunday. The grief you were experiencing was not unfamiliar, after all Spencer’s broken up with you before. Although this time the agony that accompanied it felt a lot more intense. You couldn't move, or eat, or even shower. You were frozen. Stuck to the bed as if it was your only lifeline.
Thankfully Ethan was working both days. In your eyes, he was too preoccupied to notice something was wrong. Unbeknown to you however, he knew exactly the reason behind your melancholy.
The weekend soon ended, almost as soon as it began. Monday morning rolled around and with it the encouragement to get out of bed. Not like you wanted to. If you had it your way, you would never leave the comfort and safety of your duvet again. You knew however, you couldn't stay home without at least some of your colleagues questioning your absence, asking what was wrong. No. It was time to face reality.
Time to face Spencer.
The brunette doctor was sat at his desk. He arrived to work today earlier than usual, about four hours early to be exact. He made his usual cup of coffee and since then he hasn't moved an inch, just staring silently at his phone.
It wasn't something he done often, honestly he only carried the thing around for work purposes. But something happened that he couldn't quite get over.
On Saturday morning, Spencer woke up to a message left on his voicemail. A message from you.
At first it was hard to decipher what you were saying, or rather what you were mumbling. Between the drunken hiccups, slurred speech, and obnoxious background noise, Spencer initially thought it was a butt dial. It must have been, right? He was after breaking your heart for a second time, why would you leave him a voicemail?
However, hearing your melodic tone just saying his name, prompted Spencer to listen to the message again. It was then he really heard the distorted words coming out of your mouth.
“Spencerrrrrr, I uh I don't believe yo-ou. I know-w in uh my hearrrt-t you d-didn't mean it.” Hiccup. “P...p-please let’ssss forgetuh abo-ut it.” Hiccup. “I-I love youh-uh anddd I kno-ow you love meeee. I jussst kno-w.” Hiccup. “I-I me-an you uh couldn't-t even look me-e in the eye when you sss-said it.... please-e S-Spencer-”
The message cuts off and he’s left dumbfounded.
Blood drained from his face. The voicemail registered in his brain and he suddenly felt dizzy. Nauseous even. His hands began to tremble in his lap, and he swore if he wasn't sitting down he would have fainted.
By Monday, Spencer had listened to the voicemail a painstakingly two-hundred and eleven times. He had it memorised, and yet he kept playing it over and over again just to hear your voice.
As he sat at his desk, waiting for his colleagues to arrive, he wondered whether you remembered sending it. Truthfully, he hoped you didn't. It would be easier to move on that way - as if moving on from you was an option.
The glass door opened and he heard a faint sound of footsteps walk across the bullpen. Footsteps Spencer would honestly recognise anywhere. Taking in a deep breath, he glanced up from his phone and slightly turned his head, his gaze landing on you.
The air caught in Spencer’s throat, the voicemail instantly replaying in his head.
He wondered what you were thinking. Simply by looking at you he could tell you were in pain. Pain he caused, and he hated himself for it. Having spent countless hours over Saturday and Sunday rethinking the situation, he knew he made a mistake. He should have never given into Ethan’s smug demands. And even if, he should have told you what happened. Leave the choice up to you, as it was in the first place.
It was too late now to fix this, Spencer knew even if you remembered sending the voicemail you wouldn't listen to what he had to say anyway. Selfishly, he wanted you to look at him. He wanted to gaze into your eyes as the drunken message replayed in his mind yet again.
And although you could feel his eyes on you, you couldn't bring yourself to meet his stare. No. The heartache would only intensify. This was a mistake. You should have stayed home. With a blank expression, you placed your bag on your desk and hurried in the direction of the office kitchenette.
Spencer on the other hand followed you with his gaze. Every fibre of his being screamed to follow you, to talk to you. But he was completely frozen and remained glued to his own chair. Once again, a true display of cowardliness.
By lunch time, the whole team picked up on the odd dynamic between you and the handsome doctor. Two people that spent every waking moment together were no longer speaking to one another.  It didn't take a profiler to see something was wrong.
You hid in Penelope’s lair with the bubbly blonde and Tara. Enjoying a couple minutes of peace away from the prying eyes of everyone you worked with, most importantly however, away from Spencer.
“So chicken, are you going to tell us what’s wrong?” Garcia enquired, taking a mouthful of her lunch. “Because a blindman could see something is off, and don't you dare telling me I’m delusional or something.”
“Penelope is right, Y/N. Last time you were this silent and upset was when Spencer was in prison.”
You let out a deep sigh at the sound of his name. It was no use hiding your feelings from them, they would figure it out eventually. Plus these were the people you trusted more than anything in the world. If you couldn't tell them, then who could you tell what was going on?
“It’s something similar.” You mumbled, avoiding their gaze. “Just much much worse this time...”
“Well whatever it is, you can tell us. We’re here for you.” Penelope chimed, and reached out her hand to grab yours. She gave it a gentle squeeze and shot you a reassuring smile.
“Yes, exactly. We will support you through anything, you know that.” Tara added nodding along.
You sniffled. What were becoming all too familiar tears formed in the corners of your eyes, and you knew you would break down at any given second. Taking in a long breath, you began to tell the two girls everything that’s happened since your engagement. They listened attentively, never turning their attention away from you. As they listened, they both held your hands and took turns whispering ‘it’s okay’ or ‘take your time’.
“I’m going to kill our resident genius. He won't know what’s coming.” Penelope murmured after you finished in an attempt to lighten the mood. The corners of your lips twitched ever so slightly upwards as you wiped the tears away from your face.
“What are you going to do?” Tara asked after a congenial moment of silence.
“Ehm...” You cleared your throat. “S-Spencer wants nothing to do with me, but uhm... I after everything I c-can’t, I just can't be with Ethan. I can’t-t.”
The girls both nodded their heads, and even though they understood exactly what you meant by what you were saying, you still felt like you had to say the words aloud. For your own sake.
“So, uhm, I-I’m going to break up with Ethan. I-I’m going to end the engagement.” You stated, and even though your heart still ached, you felt as if a weight was lifted off of your shoulders. You felt free.
And I know it's over - still I cling I don't know where else I can go 
A/N: as always i’d love to hear your feedback! if you would like to be added to a taglist, please let me know. thank you for your continuous support. with love, mal. x
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story taglist: @girloncorneliastreet, @haylaansmi, @rexorangecouny, @l0ve-0f-my-life, @obsssedwithjustaboutanything, @aperrywilliams, @sassy-hades, @rainsong01, @reverdevivre, @dracomikaelson, @softieekayy, @lunaofcrows, @andrewhoezierbyrne​, @blameitonthenight21, @lyl-26, @do-yr-research, @nazifa94, @stepsofthefbi, @chatterbug2-0, @calm-and-doctor, @halseysunset
spencer reid taglist: @no-honey-no​, @calm-and-doctor​, @idroppedmygourd​​, @averyhotchner, @wowitsel, @elldell1204, @hey-there-angels, @reidabookforonce, @ellesgreenaway
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everything1011 · 3 years
Morocco And Western Sahara: “A Complicated Relationship”
The stewing 46-year-old clash among Morocco and the Polisario Front over the contested domain of Western Sahara, a Northwest African space of around 252,120 km2 (approximately 97,000 sq. miles), has as of late taken a dismal turn following quite a while of impasse. In mid-November 2020, the Polisario Front, a development looking for freedom for the region, proclaimed a finish to a 1991 UN-expedited truce understanding and a re-visitation of outfitted battle against Moroccan powers that had entered the Guerguerat waterfront line point with Mauritania—an UN-watched cradle zone—in negation of the 1991 arrangement. Rabat looked to scatter unarmed Sahrawi dissidents obstructing the intersection point connecting Morocco to Sub-Saharan Africa. In response, the Polisario Front announced that the conflict was at this point not about fights however about a total Moroccan withdrawal from Western Sahara.
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A Short History of the Western Sahara Conflict
Previously a Spanish settlement, the region of Western Sahara was attacked and involved by Moroccan and Mauritanian soldiers in 1975 after what has come to be known as the Madrid Accords, when Spain singularly pulled out from its province. Through this demonstration, the two nations disregarded the 1975 International Court of Justice (ICJ) assertion that neither Morocco nor Mauritania have regional sway over the Western Sahara. The United Nations didn't perceive the Madrid Accords, and a 2002 assessment of the UN Office of Legal Affairs clarified that colonizing powers can't just surrender the keys of one country to another. In 1976, the Polisario Front, perceived by the United Nations as the lone real agent of the Sahrawi public, declared (from banish in Algeria) the foundation of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) as an autonomous state.
In 1976, the Polisario Front declared (from banish in Algeria) the foundation of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) as a free state.
In 1979, Mauritania marked a truce with the Polisario Front, pulled out from involved Western Sahara, and perceived the SADR. Morocco then, at that point added the Mauritanian part of the region that had been surrendered by Spain. To forestall further assaults, Morocco's military in the long run assembled a vigorously mined and watched 2,700-kilometer embankment, one of the biggest military foundation projects on the planet. When of the truce in 1991, Morocco had stated its command over more than 66% of Western Sahara in its western part along the Atlantic Ocean. The United Nations guaranteed a submission on the situation with the domain, including the choices of freedom, self-sufficiency, or mix with Morocco. The choice was to be coordinated and led by the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO), yet it presently can't seem to happen. The arranged choice has been more than once postponed because of a debate among Morocco and the Polisario Front over who is qualified to decide on the situation with the region.
Polisario Front Returns to Active Resistance
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Disappointed with many years of political impasse and gridlock, the Polisario Front chose to get back to dynamic obstruction after the Guerguerat episode in 2020. Since the Polisario Front knows about the dissimilarity of military force, one can reason that its furnished acceleration is a strategic move as opposed to a substantial answer for end the occupation. Its point is to apply strain to push for a shift in political direction by achieving recharged global consideration regarding the neglected reason and finishing famous dissatisfaction.
Sahrawis have become profoundly disappointed by the absence of development on their mission for public self-assurance and Morocco's obstructing the submission and abuse of the region's regular assets.
Sahrawis have become profoundly baffled by the absence of development on their journey for public self-assurance and Morocco's blocking the choice and double-dealing of the region's regular assets. Involved Western Sahara holds under its sand the absolute biggest phosphate saves. It gives admittance to rich fishing waters that run along its 690-mile shore and contains immense seaward oil and gas assets. What's more, Western Sahara is an objective of western sustainable power organizations like Siemens and Enel. Ali Salem Tamek, the VP of Codesa, a Sahrawi common liberties aggregate, said that "Worldwide organizations are separating our country's regular assets without speaking with or helping the Sahrawi public." Indeed, efficient double-dealing of these assets is seen by the Sahrawis as the hidden purpose for the Moroccan occupation.
Enter the Trump Administration
The situation turned out to be more confounded after previous US President Donald Trump's one-sided acknowledgment of Morocco's case of power over Western Sahara in December 2020, in a compensation for Morocco's standardization with Israel (and in repudiation of global law). Trump's announcement was instantly dismissed by the United Nations, the European Union, and the African Union (AU), setting the United States in opposition to the majority of the world on this issue. The Polisario's outfitted acceleration, combined with Trump's choice, have returned the Sahrawi issue to worldwide consideration.
Trump's acknowledgment of Morocco's case—which President Joe Biden still can't seem to switch—disregards global law and all UN goals that attest Western Sahara's all in all correct to self-assurance. A particularly one-sided acknowledgment has no effect if the EU and Morocco's nearby neighbors, Spain and Algeria, reject it, which they did. Algeria endeavored to campaign the Biden Administration to turn around Trump's acknowledgment, and Spain and Germany facilitated with European nations to keep the EU from following the US move. Germany's inflexible stance on the issue caused a strategic disagreement with Morocco and brought about Rabat's suspension of discretionary binds with Berlin.
Trump's acknowledgment of Morocco's case—which President Joe Biden still can't seem to switch—abuses global law and all UN goals that certify Western Sahara's on the whole correct to self-assurance.
The United Nations keeps on posting Western Sahara as a non-self-administering an area anticipating decolonization—a global legitimate status revered in the UN General Assembly's 1960 Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. It additionally helps that self-assurance to remember people groups is secured in the United Nations Charter and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as a right of "all people groups."
Morocco and Western Sahara
Morocco considers Western Shahara a basic piece of its domain and sway because of recorded ties. The ICJ perceived those ties yet settled that this doesn't add up to responsibility for domain. In any case, Morocco keeps on demanding that it has the full right to guard its regional respectability and its sway over the Western Sahara. On this premise, Morocco has excused Sahrawi calls for freedom and has demanded uniquely on offering Sahrawis self-rule, an arrangement that traces all the way back to 2007 and has the help of the United States and France. Questioning the level of the guaranteed self-sufficiency, considering Morocco's long history of profoundly incorporated government, the Polisario Front immediately dismissed the arrangement and demanded full freedom for the Sahrawis.
In this specific situation, the hotly anticipated US acknowledgment of Morocco's power over the region invigorated Moroccans. It additionally encouraged the government to adopt a more strong strategy with the European Union to follow after accordingly with the United States. In January, Moroccan Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita said that the EU should leave its "usual range of familiarity" and "back Rabat's proposal of Western Saharan self-rule inside the Moroccan state." As if to apply some tension on the EU, Morocco as of late permitted approximately 12,000 individuals to cross its line with Spain's Ceuta area, considered Europe's southern limit. Those included 2,000 unaccompanied youngsters, inciting the EU and Amnesty International to blame Morocco for putting transient kids' lives in danger to pressure Spain, Morocco's greatest exchanging accomplice, and the remainder of the EU nations with the goal for them to perceive its power over Western Sahara. In April, Spain had conceded Brahim Ghali, head of the Polisario Front, to a Spanish clinic on philanthropic grounds to be treated for COVID-19, a demonstration Morocco was not timid about blaming for its hazardous play in Ceuta.
The African Union and Western Sahara
The African Union, of which SADR is an establishing part, backs the right of Sahrawis to self-assurance. After Trump's turn, the AU underlined the right to self-assurance for the Sahrawi People and the decolonization of the region while asking Morocco to regard provincial lines, as they existed at the hour of freedom, as cherished in article 4 (b) of the AU Constitutive Act. At its 547th gathering in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in March, the AU's Peace and Security Council (PSC) asked the UN Security Council to completely accept its obligations and "take all vital means to quickly resolve the Western Sahara struggle." In different gatherings, the PSC additionally chose to effectively reconnect in the quest for a political arrangement of the long-standing clash by resuming their office in Laayoune, in Western Sahara, and organizing a field visit to the region to assemble firsthand data on the creating circumstance.
Notwithstanding the AU's uncompromising stance on the decolonization of Western Sahara and its obligation to the privileges of Sahrawis to self-assurance, Morocco has had the option to accomplish a few increases with a few African nations.
In any case, notwithstanding the AU's uncompromising stance on the decolonization of Western Sahara and its obligation to the privileges of Sahrawis to self-assurance, Morocco has had the option to accomplish a few additions with a few African nations in persuading them to open offices in the involved Western Saharan urban areas of Dakhla and Laayoune. This is a certain affirmation by these nations of Morocco's cases to the region. The PSC of the AU approached the UN Secretary General to demand the UN legitimate insight to give a lawful assessment on the kickoff of offices in the non-self-administering an area of Western Sahara. Those accomplishments came because of Morocco's rejoining the AU in 2017 following a 33-year nonappearance in dissent of the African Union's acknowledgment of SADR as a part state. Morocco understood that its confinement in the African mainland didn't help in accomplishing its objective in legitimizing its case over Western Sahara. Morocco has been extending its political and monetary impression on the mainland to accomplish more help.
Algeria's Support of the Polisario Front
Algeria, the Polisario's principle patron and unfaltering ally, has sabotaged Morocco's drive to totally bring Western Sahara under its sway. Algeria gave some restricted help to the Polisario when it was established in 1973 to battle for autonomy contrary to Spain's pilgrim rule. It was not until Morocco's extension of Western Sahara in 1975 that Algeria tossed its full weight behind the Polisario. The Moroccan-Algerian contention originates before the issue of Western Sahara; indeed, the two nations were associated with 1963 in a line war, named as the Sand War, over the spaces of Tindouf and Bechar, encouraging an international competition and doubt between the two Maghrebi powers. Cold conflict international relations further exacerbated these pressures and divisions since Algeria adjusted itself to the Soviet coalition and hostile to pioneer camp and the traditionalist Moroccan government aligned with the West.
Right up 'til the present time, Algeria advances itself as a hero of the right of the Sahrawi individuals to self-assurance. In his new interview with Al Jazeera, the leader of Algeria, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, unequivocally reasserted that Algeria’s "firm" position on the Western Sahara issue has not changed and that Algeria won’t acknowledge the done deal that Morocco is attempting to force in the last African settlement. He likewise helped Morocco to remember Algeria’s tactical prevalence. It is vital that Algeria and Morocco are seeking mastery over the Maghreb locale and the Western Sahara issue is critical to accomplishing that evenhanded.
The Western Sahara Is the World’s Responsibility
The breakdown of the 30-year UN-expedited truce in Western Sahara and the acceleration that followed came because of the United Nations' inability to execute the choice, subsequently introducing a three-decade political stagnation of the circumstance on the ground. This implies that the association just as the EU ought to effectively pursue settling the long-standing struggle. Strategic inaction has been compounded by the shortfall of an UN individual emissary; it has been more than a long time since the latest deputy, Horst Köhler, surrendered in May 2019. It is critical to name another agent to guarantee a solid and commonly adequate political arrangement that will permit the self-assurance of individuals of the Western Sahara. Absolution International (AI) is asking the UN Security Council to reinforce MINURSO, the UN peacemaking mission, to do the choice in Western Sahara. Computer based intelligence mentioned from the UN to add a basic freedoms part to its next order because of the absence of autonomous associations and writers to screen denials of basic liberties in the domain, since they are denied admittance by Moroccan specialists.
Reprieve International is likewise mentioning something very similar for the Tindouf outcast camps in Algeria for additional common freedoms observing. While the Moroccan specialists have denied admittance to free common liberties gatherings, the Polisario Front has permitted them to screen the camps and seems to have represented no snags to visits by Human Rights Watch (HRW), as expressed in the 2014 HRW report of a fourteen day research mission to the camps in late 2013. Furthermore, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has an office in Tindouf camps to shield the privileges of Sahrawi outcasts.
In March 2021, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International uncovered the weighty police observation outside the place of the Sahrawi basic liberties and favorable to freedom extremist, Sultana Khaya, since November 19, 2020. Khaya and a few individuals from her family have been held under house capture. With recordings as documentation, the two basic liberties associations presented the maltreatment to which she and her family were oppressed by Moroccan security powers. By a similar token, powers of the SADR under the Polisario's order have additionally captured activists and pundits and blamed them for conspiracy. Undoubtedly, the Western Sahara issue isn't just a public freedom battle yet in addition a rights worry for the global local area.
Notwithstanding its new political increases, Morocco has so far neglected to definitively propel the Western Sahara dossier in support of its. The Western Sahara stays the last state in Africa that requires decolonization. Settling the contention ought to be under the sponsorship of the United Nations. It would shield the North African area from additional strife and destabilization and assist with ensuring Europe's southern boundary. To be sure, any infringement of worldwide law in the Western Sahara would prompt extreme results internationally.
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I saw a post earlier that kinda laid out Lukanette vs Love Square in a way that might have... rapidly taken me from:
"Sure I'd prefer Lukanette, and even more than that I'd love a good number of poly options that prominently include Lukanette, but Love Square is still cute and I won't be actively upset over canon as long as Luka keeps being an important and close character in general"... to uh... "...shit. So this is the next level of ship hell... Been wondering when I'd get here... :');;"
I was initially replying there and still am going to, but it... gave me about 900 thoughts at once, and I realized like... honestly at this point I could make multiple separate posts to gather thoughts on the more tangential notes at this point, whoops...
So this is the first of those, or:
Reasons I Still Prefer Polyship Options to Pure Lukanette
To get it out of the way first thing: of course I understand no poly options would ever be canon. (Or at least... on the astronomically slim chance they were to surprise me, even for one what-if episode let alone anything more, I might literally actually die of shock and grateful tears lol.)
But in an ideal world, I still would want some kind of poly outcome, for several reasons.
Sure, the biggest one is just "lol I'm poly" and I want more content in general, heh.
But a VERY close second is??? To me, it would feel like such a waste of Luka's whole attitude toward romance if they wound up strictly monogamous? ;-; Which, yes, I do realize is focusing on a narrative perspective rather than a character-centric one; like I'm looking at what I both want and think would make storytelling sense more than what currently seems most feasible in-world. Not trying to ignore the latter, just explaining why I feel strongly about the prior, you know?
What I mean is that I look at how this baby does not have one jealous molecule in his body, and is so absolutely on board with Marinette having feelings for other people bc the #1 thing he wants is just to see her happy? And in my 31 years on this earth and roughly a decade of desperately craving poly content, I cannot recall EVER, not once, seeing a character like Luka in mainstream media, or really ANY canon that wasn't explicitly centered around being poly. I cannot recall a single character who would be as or more explicitly, canonically chill with and supportive of their partner loving other people. ;-;
That said...
(a) To be clear, bc it's the Main Ship in both the canon and fandom, among other reasons for clarifying: It doesn't specifically have to be Lukanette + Love Square to give me the Feels I want. I do love Adrien/Chat and want good things for him, but his "good things" don't necessarily have to be ship-centric, and my Poly Feels desire includes options where he and Marinette stay friends, too, so. This post can be about that, but isn't specifically or only about that.
(b) I would LOVE to see Luka find more love himself? Like... I get a little torn over that part, bc on one hand, holy fuck this boy is a special brand of smitten... But on the other, love can bloom in all kinds of ways, and developing feelings for someone else wouldn't have to look anything like his love for Marinette to still be good and valid, so yeh. ;v;
Basically, while my weak little heart still kind of wants Lukadrinette as my Top Pick for putting at least three chars together:
1) That isn't the only option I'd be happy with-- nor even all I want in the most ideal world, lol. My shipping chart looks almost stupid at this point, though perhaps worth noting it does include like... different "levels" of ship? x3 Ranging from "Lukanette as extremely devoted primary partners" to like, "Marigami are mostly really cute friends but can be flirty and affectionate sometimes too", etc. Bc my ideal world is total relationship anarchy but I digress lol.
2) My Lukadrinette desire wouldn't have to just be "let Marinette have both". With the right development, I def think a Lukadrien side could be really cute? Though also, let's be honest: romantic or platonic, spending a lot more time with Luka could only help Adrien calm down and mature more in the long run. So that helps, heh. x3
But yeah!!
My main point is, Luka as a character feels so incredibly "hardwired for poly / relationship anarchy" that I can't help but want to see others make use of that. But every other potential side of a triad+ feels optional to me, and while I do like some dynamics more than others, Lukanette + any other ship I like at the same time would be enough to make me happy.
On the other hand, there being a Lukanette side to it is not optional for me at this point, or at the very least, it would require a very long drawn-out development to reach a point where I'd be happy seeing Luka in a polyship without it including Marinette. ;-; Just... plz... This bond is pure and good and they both deserve it.
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gay-slime · 5 years
Tw: long. Abt dysphoria and trans-ness and all that nasty crap that I need to clarify to the transmeds I wasn’t able to weed out going through my followers for the past hour.
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<p/>Being trans sucks and my dysphoria kicks my ass daily. I am that “perfect transman” that transmeds seem to idolize in their near impossible standards. I can’t stand looking in a mirror because my hips are visible to me in anything I wear, and days I don’t wear my binder due to health requirements and breathing issues are hell on earth. I think I even got a slightly indented rib from biding with ace bandages for a year plus when I first got my hands on it. I’ve lived with the hate of my gender since I started noticing I was developing, and twice as much when it started being noticed by others too. I was at the ripe age of 10 when I got my period, and I was a B cup in fifth grade. It only got worse from there when I ended up being a E cup in my second year in highschool. It only took until I even knew I had a OPTION to change my gender that I realized I was trans at age aprox 12. I impulsively cut my hair to a pixie when I was 13 and never went back. I’ve hated being called a girl since I was a kid and it’s only gotten worse the longer it’s gone on. I dress like a dude and I can pass if I’m having a good day on rare occasions. I plan on getting top -and- bottom surgery in the future, and I hope I can get on T relatively soon if I’m lucky because I have been medically dxed with dysphoria from every therapist I’ve seen.
But, If you met me, and didn’t know me, even if I was binding you’d immediately read me as a girl. Hell, most days I can’t even wear my binder or dress “masculinely” because my dad just doesn’t agree with me being trans in the first place. But that doesn’t give anyone reign to decided if I’m trans or not. Why in any circumstance would you look at someone who has told you they prefer he/him because it alleviates at least a fraction of the discomfort or gives them a smidgen of joy, and then say flat to their face that they’re not allowed to want that? Why in any world would you think it’s okay to then go out of your way to misgender them and make them feel like shit just because you can’t physically see that they’re “trying” hard enough (when honestly it can range from transphobic family members to just the sheer enjoyment of something traditionally not in line with their trans identity.)?
Because even now, if I dare to post a selfie where I’ve got on eyeliner because I like how it makes my eyes pop, and I put “he/him” in the caption or tag to make myself feel even okay with posting it; I’ll get a transmed in my messages asking me why I’m “faking it” and “ruining the trans community” - or hell, my personal favorite: a “cishet girl who wants to be special and call [myself] a gay man.” But the second I say that I have dysphoria and it’s because I literally can’t breathe with my binder on if I get a anxiety spike (which happens often) due to my fucked up rib or that a number of people in my life are transphobic, it’s suddenly “okay” that I don’t wear it. Because when you’re doing it for health reasons it’s “okay”. Because if you’re doing it because it’s a danger to you it’s “okay.” But the thing is; I shouldn’t have to say that in the first place! Why do I need to expose my personal life to be a “okay” transdude? What gives anyone the right to dictate whether or not you’re “allowed” to be trans? And who’s to care if I didn’t have those reasons? What if I just didn’t want to wear it that day because it restricts my movement! What if it’s hot and I just don’t wana be sweaty! Does that make me a “faker” too? What about the men who just want to experiment in different clothing that are more traditionally “female”? Can I not do that too? Why is it that a cis man is “allowed” to be feminine, but a trans man is not?
There’s a million and one loopholes around that kind of “but u have to have dysphoria and dress like a man in every way you can!!!” mentality that 99% of them have. And I would know!! Because I use to be a transmed myself!!! But you know why I’m not now? Because I destroyed that wall I built up around myself telling myself that if I was just “trying” hard enough and I “felt like shit about myself” hard enough I would be a “real trans man”. That horrible “well if I wear a binder every day and I try every day all day even if it hurts me people will think I’m a real boy!!!” thought process almost killed me before I changed my thoughts on the matter.
Dying your hair doesn’t make you no longer trans. Not being able to, or not even wanting to, wear a binder daily doesn’t make you not trans enough. Not doing literally above and beyond doesn’t make you a faker. Dysphoria isn’t a necessity if you get euphoria from using the right pronouns for you. Dysphoria isn’t something that every single person will feel is debilitating. Dysphoria isn’t this little token word that you can use to prove if someone’s “trans enough” for fucks sake! The only thing you honestly fucking need to be trans? The want to change your gender! That’s it! That’s what you need. If you got that disconnect from your birth assignment, then you can change it! Congratulations! You’ve done it! You’re trans!!!!!!!!!!!
But for fucks sake. Please. Don’t try to dictate whether or not someone is trans. You don’t know their circumstances and you really don’t need to. It’s not your buisness. Ever. And if you’re one of those assholes who likes to pick and choose who you think is a “real” trans person? Who likes to go out of their way to message trans people who you don’t think are “trans enough” or are “faking it” in any situation? Get the hell away from me. I’ve delt enough with it for someone who’s dealt with dysphoria nearly my whole life.<p/>
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sciencespies · 5 years
How Scientists Are Keeping Irreplaceable Research Going During the COVID-19 Pandemic
How Scientists Are Keeping Irreplaceable Research Going During the COVID-19 Pandemic
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Every year for the last half-century, scientists have gone to sea to collect ocean data as part of the Northern Gulf of Alaska Long Term Ecological Research Project. Now, because of the novel coronavirus, the five-decade-long project faces potential data gaps.
Russell Hopcroft, project leader and oceanography professor at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, says the status of three research cruises planned for 2020 is unclear even as the first is scheduled to depart in five weeks. The research team already decided to replace non-Alaskan team members with Alaskan scientists to reduce the amount of travel involved and drive, rather than fly, to the vessel’s launch point in Seward.
If they can continue, all team members will actively monitor their health for 14 days before boarding, self-quarantining and taking their temperatures regularly. But if the vessel doesn’t sail, the project will see gaps in the physical and biological data scientists have been carefully collecting for decades. “You hate to miss a data point because you never know what any given year is going to look like and whether it’s going to be an important year where something odd has happened,” Hopcroft says.
Hopcroft is one of many researchers scrambling to find ways to continue their research in a rapidly changing world where travel is difficult if not impossible and many university campuses are closing. The National Science Foundation and other agencies are working with scientists to adapt research plans and funding schedules, but many questions remain unanswered.
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The village of Qaanaaq, Greenland, sits on the edge of a fjord that is ice-covered in winter.
(Mary Albert)
The Ends of the Earth
NSF has halted deployments to Antarctica, for example. A mid-March flight to bring construction crews to work on projects including the Antarctic Infrastructure Modernization for Science (AIMS) initiative has been delayed for at least a month.
On the other side of the world, Polar Bears International scrambles to continue its remote Arctic fieldwork. Geoff York, the organization’s senior director of conservation, spoke to Smithsonian from self-isolation at his Bozeman, Montana, home after returning from Europe. Much of the team’s upcoming fieldwork to places like Canada’s Western Hudson Bay and Norway has been canceled or put on hold. He says the complex and expensive logistics involved means rescheduling may not be possible.
York says researchers spend years preparing for such projects, including spending the last year on logistics such as caching fuel and food in remote locations. “Some of these are kind of opportunities that are windows in time,” York says. “If they’re missed, trying to come back to do them again can be quite difficult.” York says the nature of the work leaves researchers with few options for alternative arrangements.
“In most of these, there is no Plan B,” he says. Such an endeavor requires “specialized training to do the work of getting out, and most of the cases involve live capture of polar bears out on the sea ice, so definitely not anyone can step in and do that.”
Some scientists bridge the gaps with technology. When the COVID-19 crisis began, Mary Albert, professor of engineering at Dartmouth College, had just begun a four-year project to collaborate with the 600-person community of Qaanaaq, Greenland, to create sustainable energy solutions. The NSF-funded project is slated to begin in April when Albert and her team were set to visit Qaanaaq to learn about the community’s goals and vision.
Because of the remote area’s limited medical resources, however, Albert and her Greenlandic colleagues were concerned about the chance of inadvertently introducing the coronavirus to the community and agreed to postpone the trip to late August or September. In the meantime, the team focuses on emails, phone calls, and teleconferencing to exchange information and gather preliminary data. The researchers had hoped in April to install meteorological stations with sensors and instrumentation to chart soil temperature, wind speed and solar radiation, but that component will have to wait.
“We’ll lose the summer data from that and so it will put us back that way… but it’s definitely not a show-stopper,” Albert says.
​Åsa Rennermalm, associate professor of geography at Rutgers University, is also assessing her data-collecting options. She planned fieldwork for June and August in Greenland, where she is working on a decade-long data project monitoring meltwater from the Greenland Ice Sheet as it flows through the tundra. If she can’t travel, she will have to hope the instruments she left in place remain and continue to function. The sensors are programmed to collect data every 30 minutes and have a capacity of 40,000 data points, so they should continue to collect throughout the summer. However, when she visits her stations, she performs important calculations to ensure accurate data and troubleshoots any technical issues, which is now impossible.
“To do high-quality observations, you should go and do the discharge measurements once a year at least,” Rennermalm says. “Even if the instrument is running, if we can’t go it will reduce the quality of the data.”
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Elizabeth Thomas in Greenland
(Kristen Pope)
Careers in Limbo
One of Rennermalm’s biggest concerns is the impact canceled fieldwork would have on her graduate students. She hopes to bring two graduate students to Greenland to collect data for their PhDs this year.
Elizabeth Thomas, assistant professor of geology at the University of Buffalo, shares those worries. Losing a summer’s worth of fieldwork could be detrimental to a graduate student’s ability to complete their projects and graduate on time—before their funding runs out. Fieldwork is also one of the most sought-after graduate school experiences.
“I’ve had graduate students ask me, ‘So are we going into the field?’” Thomas says. “Because it’s a highlight of their graduate careers to get to do stuff like that, and it’s totally up in the air right now, which is really sad.”
Research in Thomas’s lab also could grind to a halt if her school orders its labs to close, a possibility many colleges and universities must consider. For now, her lab has enacted strict cleaning, hygiene and social distancing protocols, and its members hope to work as long as possible.
Thomas, too, has fieldwork planned in the far north this year. She was to visit Alaska in July and Baffin Island, Canada, in August. While her team didn’t buy plane tickets yet, they already scheduled helicopter time. Overall, she worries about bringing students into the field when so much remains uncertain. “We understand and accept the regular risks related to fieldwork, but this is a whole new thing that we’ve never even considered,” Thomas says. “The nice thing is the science can still happen. It will eventually happen whether we go up this summer or next summer.”
Science in Danger
Despite the challenges, scientists aren’t worried about only their work—they are concerned about the pandemic’s toll on the world. While Hopcroft is in Alaska preparing for three cruises that may or may not happen, gathering equipment and supplies, he emphasizes that whether or not he can collect data this year, safety is everyone’s priority.
“There is the balance to be found between our desire to maintain our scientific work and the health [and] safety of those involved,” Hopcroft says. “At this point, I just keep making contingency plans, but the ultimate decision just before the cruise will be made based on everyone’s safety and the perception of risk.”
Says York: “In the short term, [COVID-19] could have significant impacts on research globally that range from delay to cancelation, from disappointing postponement to significant expense, lost data, and disruption of long-term data sets. Of these, lost data and disruption of long-term data are the most concerning, especially in a time of rapid environmental change and for projects where timing is critical to policy actions. International collaboration will be significantly curtailed as well, across disciplines, as travel restrictions fall into place and borders close.”
Editor’s note, March 20, 2020: This story has been updated to clarify that the Polar Bears International organization does not currently work in Greenland.
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mystech-master · 6 years
Okay this might just be a me thing
Whenever I think of BBTAG fanfictions or stories, I always like to think that there are two different time periods in which to grab the RWBY characters from, each with their own ups and downs.
Option 1: What we see in game, In between Volumes 2 and 3, before the Vytal Festival Tournament.
and Option 2: In between Volumes 5 and 6, which is the period in which BBTAG was released.
Now just to clarify my thought process a bit more: I imagine 2 ideas for these kinds of stories. Either it’s your usual crossover where characters from franchise A go to franchise B and/or vice versa (think the Jimmy Timmy Power Hour on Nickelodeon), or we do what BBTAG did and have everyone plopped into the Phantom Field.
Here are my opinions on what comes from each era and what it could bring:
Vol 2-3 Period
All the characters are together, happy, and alive. Thus we get the characters who passed away, Pyrrha, Penny, Ozpin (I know he becomes Oscar but Ozpin as himself can be considered differently.
Going off of that, we got Pyrrha who would be a nice addition to the group (maybe she helps give the Investigation Team actual combat training instead of just winging it), we got Penny to add to the group of robot girls to be BFFs with, and I personally feel like Ozpin as the Big Good might garner a bit more respect from the other characters than him in Oscar’s body (I know that these other worlds are a bit more used to immortal children but not all of them might think that way).
No true focus villain yet for the heroes to go against. The only “antagonists” at that point in the series that we knew of, were Adam Taurus (preparing for the Fall of Beacon), and Roman Torchwick (who was imprisoned on ironwood’s ship). Meanwhile Cinder, Emerald, mercury and Neo were all disguised as Haven students. So they can’t exactly run off and join the axis of evil w/o blowing their cover.
You got 3 members of the Oz-luminati to act as the Big Good council next to Kagura, Kokonoe, Rachel, and Mitsuru (not too sure on who’d lead team Under Night In-Birth).
This being before RWBY learns about the Maidens and Salem and the Gods and Ozma, means they may not be mentally equipped to handle the cosmic bullshit that is Blazblue or Persona (not to the same level of Blazblue but still pretty insane).
Other characters/teams being present: like team CFVY or team SSSN, or even some of the other Vytal Festival Teams (ABRN, BRNZ, NDGO, or FNKI)
Volume 5-6 Period
Obviously, more characters are dead, so while we got less characters to interact with, but at the same time, now characters have lost something/someone and are a bit stronger mentally, having steeled their resolve to take on the big bad and avenge their friends.
We got Qrow and Ozcar as members of the team now. Qrow can add a nice level of coolness (him hanging with Ragna or Kagura), then we got Ozcar, who many people compare to Linne (I do like to think that Linne would ask Oscar what he thinks of the whole situation, because unlike Ozma’s reincarnations she immediately takes over the host body and she may have wondered what the people she’s taken over think of her. I mean she’s partially suicidal and wants Hyde to kill her with the Insulator because of this so it must be something she’s thought of).
More villains, not only do we got Maiden-Cinder, with Emerald and Mercury, but we got Psychopath Tyrian, Calm Bruiser Hazel, and Mad Doctor Watts (someone for Relius to talk science with). Not too sure on Salem herself b/c unlike every other villain from the other series she is mostly biding her time and working through others and sitting in her castle. So I don’t feel right plucking her from there.
The characters are now aware of the more cosmic levels of bullshit and thus might be able to keep up with the craziness of Blazblue and Persona.
You got Yang losing the arm and thus giving her more of the comparisons to Ragna that everyone loves, because everyone who writes interactions between them just give Yang a weird feeling in her arm when she hears about it. RWBY characters aren’t psychic “I jut know” kind of characters, it isn’t an anime. Sidenote: People tend to also have RWBY characters just be able to “sense Aura” like the Force or some other anime bullshit, when there is no evidence of this in canon, besides ninja Ren in Volume 4 (and even then he’s the ninja of the team, and I honestly feel like RWBY is getting a bit more anime as of late and I’m not liking that).
Jaune has his weapon upgrade and his Semblance, so he’s slightly less useless. I mean the dude was already a sort of joke character who was way behind in his training (and doesn’t even have a gun function like everyone else, I feel like long range abilities should be essential) compared to everyone else, let’s not have him be another Wild Card best friend character where he is the butt of a lot of jokes and is supposed to be lame to make his BFF look cooler.
Everyone is kinda busy with the Salem war, so I don’t think you could just pull them from this point in the story to go on a Multi-Dimensional side quest. it’d be one thing if it was world hopping (option 1 up top), but since the concept of time does not exist within the Phantom Field, it’s a good way for no one to be in a rush. Think in Persona Q, no one was in too much of a rush and everyone was able to just chill out at the school festival and hang, think that.
Weiss has her summoning down pat, which would give her an interesting arsenal if she happened to kill a Void or Shadow.
Those are just some things I feel like would be considered if using either of these time periods. If I missed something (specifically a pro or con of using that time period), feel free to tell me.
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jetsway · 3 years
Why Bill Gates Is Keen on Private Jets?
Makers of personal luxury planes like Bombardier Inc., General Elements Corp. what's more, Textron Inc. cut creation rates before in the pandemic yet recently have sounded idealistic about their capacity to win new clients.
"You have individuals that are coming in to business aeronautics that have not truly been doing business flight or claimed a value piece of an airplane," Textron CEO Scott Donnelly told financial backers as of late. "The decrease in the quantity of [commercial] flights is making it extremely challenging for individuals to get from direct A toward point B in the country without requiring an entire day doing it." North America represents almost 66% of the world's armada of personal luxury planes.
Environment concerns are genuine yet so are close term wellbeing stresses, and the comfort of flying private yields genuine usefulness benefits for top corporate chiefs, Carter Copeland of Melius Exploration said in a meeting. While personal luxury planes have a bigger carbon impression comparative with the quantity of seats, the outflows made by that side of the market fail to measure up to the more extensive business flying industry, so the last will probably draw in more consideration from environmental change activists, he said.
Honeywell Worldwide Inc., which makes motor innovation and cockpit controls for business jets, has said it anticipates that demand for private flights should get back to 2019 levels by the center of this current year. The development case from that point is murkier and is doubtlessly attached to personal luxury plane travel turning out to be more feasible for the general population, or maybe turning into a greener option in contrast to business flight if the area can lead the way on electric planes.
With arrangements stopped until another hardline organization gets to work in Tehran, the shots at resuscitating the 2015 Iran atomic arrangement at any point in the near future are not splendid. Besides, even effective discussions probably won't prevent Iran's chiefs from seeking after atomic weapons. The Biden organization needs to track down a superior method to hinder them.
It's as yet conceivable, maybe even possible, that the longing for sanctions alleviation will provoke the Iranians to rejoin the arrangement, officially known as the Joint Thorough Game plan, when they finish up the U.S. will make no further concessions. That would move back a portion of Iran's new advances, including its improvement of uranium to 60% immaculateness and its creation of uranium metal, utilized in atomic warheads.
Getting back to private jets the state of affairs bet, however, will likewise feature the first arrangement's major deficiencies — its quick moving toward dusk provisions, most remarkably. At the point when the JCPOA's key arrangements pass in 2030, there will be no restrictions on the size of Iran's atomic foundation, the number or sorts of axes it can run, or even the measure of weapons-grade fissile material it might have or deliver. By 2023, only a long time from now, there will be no restrictions on Iran's long range rockets, exceptionally viable conveyance vehicles for atomic weapons.
The way that the Biden organization desires to come to a "more extended and more grounded" follow-on arrangement mirrors its acknowledgment that the JCPOA isn't adequate. The difficulty is, approaching Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has clarified that Iran has no interest in such an arrangement. Affectations seldom, if at any time, adjust Iran's conduct and are probably not going to change the personalities of either Preeminent Pioneer Ayatollah Ali Khamenei or the new president.
Nor is Iran's demand that it doesn't plan to foster atomic weapons solid. In case that were valid, the system might have sought after undeniably less exorbitant options in contrast to building its own broad advancement capacity. Setting up a common atomic industry to create power, utilizing fuel outfitted from outside the nation, was consistently an alternative — one that Iran reliably dismissed. Proof of its work on planning atomic warheads, uncovered in the atomic file Israel uncovered of Tehran, just affirms its advantage in a weapons program.
In the event that the U.S. can't convince Iran to temper such desires utilizing carrots, which appears to be improbable given Iran's resolved quest for an enormous atomic framework, it should discover more compelling sticks. To begin, the Biden organization ought to reexamine its expressed target and be clear the U.S. is resolved to prevent Iran from obtaining an atomic weapon, yet from having the option to deliver a bomb rapidly. It's possible Iran desires to turn into a limit atomic weapons state like Japan, which doesn't have an atomic weapon yet has every one of the way to create one rapidly. Not at all like Japan, Iran is a danger to its neighbors and should not be in a position where it could successfully give the world an atomic weapons done deal during a period based on its personal preference.
The Biden organization should in this way fix its definitive approach to say Iran won't be permitted to turn into an atomic weapons edge state. In principle, dealings could concede such a result. One approach to do as such is expand the JCPOA's nightfall statements for another 10 to 20 years. A superior option is force severe cutoff points on Iran's creation capacities and the numbers and kinds of rotators it can run, in ceaselessness.
In case Raisi's administration keeps on dismissing follow-on talks, in any case, the U.S. should make the expenses of seeking after a limit ability far more clear. To do as such, the Biden organization ought to consider giving Israel the GBU-57 Monstrous Arms Penetrator, a 30,000-pound mountain-buster, as some in Congress have supported. Such a weapon could be utilized to annihilate Fordow, the underground Iranian improvement office, just as other solidified atomic locales.
Obviously, the White House would have to arrive at a firm understanding with the Israelis about triggers for the bomb's utilization. In any case, being ready to give Israel a particularly fearsome weapon and renting the B-2 aircraft to convey it would send an incredible message. The Iranians may question whether the U.S. would finish its dangers; they will not experience any difficulty accepting the Israelis will.
Truth be told, giving the GBU-57 to Israel might be the best instigation for Iran to arrange a "more extended and more grounded" bargain. Really at that time may the system acknowledge that the U.S. is not kidding about keeping Iran from getting an edge status — and that Iran chances its whole atomic foundation without an arrangement restricting it. Under such conditions, Iran's chiefs will have an impetus to get something now for tolerating a result that the U.S. furthermore, Israel may somehow force.
Flying by personal luxury plane contract has numerous advantages, and in the event that you have the cash to do as such, you can decide to utilize this choice, which is the favored voyaging technique for some expert competitors, business leaders, diversion VIPs, guard authorities, government officials, and rich people. The facts confirm that utilizing an airplane sanction has reclassified how residents travel, in contrast with customary business flights. The advantages related with a private contract are more sumptuous, and you have greater accessibility as far as non-stop trips to distant areas all throughout the planet.
Booking your Sanction
despite the fact that it requires more opportunity to book a sanction flight, it tends to be finished easily on the web, or through phone with a record leader for the airplane contract organization you have picked. The area you pick will figure out which contract organization you can utilize; a few organizations are simply prepared to travel a particular distance because of the size of their airplanes. Your spending plan likewise assumes a significant part in this cycle. When booking your arrangement
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perfectdocument · 4 years
Driving Licence
 For some, driving on streets is even more an enthusiasm instead of a need and for a few, it is perhaps the most ideal ways that make your movement simple and glad. Having the option to drive in a vehicle on any streets in India gives you the freedom to go any place you need to, however you won't be in a situation to appreciate till you have a substantial driving permit. In India, on the off chance that you need to drive or ride on streets, getting a driving permit is necessary. The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 prohibits we all from driving a vehicle without a driving permit. The demonstration obviously expresses that nobody will be permitted to ride or drive on streets without a substantial driving permit. 
 Allow us first to perceive what a driving permit is and why it is significant. 
 What is a driving permit? 
 A driving permit is a legitimate and confirmed archive that approves the holder to run all classifications of engine vehicles on Indian streets just as expressways. Driving permit is a confirmation to drive an unmistakable class of the vehicle out and about, similar to a bike or a four-wheeler or possibly a business vehicle, inside public restrictions. 
 Who gives a driving permit? 
 The whole vehicle measure is taken care of by the RTA(Regional Transport Authority) or RTO (Regional Transport Office) which are the Regional Transport Offices in the particular state. Driving without the equivalent is treated as a lawful offense which is dependent upon extreme outcomes. 
 The Government has permitted the office of online administrations that will assist you with making an application for a Driving permit and get a driving permit easily and with no botheration. 
 For what reason is the driving permit important? 
 You need a driving permit to drive a vehicle in India. Other than this essential explanation, a driving permit encourages you maintain a strategic distance from lawful inconveniences when you are discovered driving without a permit. Besides, the permit likewise fills in as a proof of personality, address and date of birth in various kinds of exchanges. In this way, a driving permit is a fundamental prerequisite in the event that you wish to drive. 
 Sorts of Driving License 
 Allow us presently to see the sorts of driving permit. There are four kinds of Driving permit in India. How about we comprehend what these sorts are so you realize which permit you need to profit for your requirement.The following are basic kinds of driving licenses:  Student's Driving permit: If you are happy to pick up driving, a Learner's License gets given to you. The Learner's License is just legitimate for a time of 30 days after which, you should apply for a lasting driving permit. The standard measures for applying for a lasting driving permit are that you should give and finish the internet driving permit assessment at the RTO office. An individual holding a learning permit like you ought to be consistently to be accompanied by a lasting driving permit holder. 
 Perpetual Driving License: As referenced over, a driving permit is a legitimate report that engages a person to drive a vehicle in Indian streets. Driving permit gets given by the RTO or the RTA post you breeze through the driving permit assessment viably. The critical qualification for applying for you to apply for a perpetual driving permit is to hold a learning permit and your age ought to be least 18 years. The application for a perpetual driving permit should be possible by finishing the structure for a driving permit accessible on the web. The permit gets given as a brilliant card which has your own data like location, photograph, address, signature, and so forth A chip is being put on the keen card which holds your biometric data like an impression of the finger with the class of vehicle that you are authoritatively approved to run. 
 Business Driving License: The way toward getting a business driving permit is like that of accepting a driving permit for private vehicles. For this situation, the wellbeing part of the candidate is painstakingly checked when giving this sort of driving permit. You as a candidate need to breeze through the eighth standard assessment from an affirmed school. The base age of the competitor changes per the guidelines of different Indian states. This sort of permit permits you to drive substantial nature which helps in the transportation of merchandise or voyagers. 
 Worldwide Driving License: A global driving permit permits you to take a vehicle on lease and drive a vehicle in an unfamiliar land. This grant should be utilized with the perpetual driving permit. The legitimacy of this kind of permit is for 1-year after which you should again apply for another International Driving License. 
 Various classes of Driving permit 
 The driving permit additionally relies upon the sort of vehicle which would be driven utilizing the permit. There are various classes of driving licenses dependent on the various kinds of vehicles employing in India. These classes of driving licenses and the vehicle types that they cover are as per the following – 
 MC 50CC (Motorcycle 50cc) — All Motorcycles having the motor limit of 50 cc or less 
 MC EX50CC (Motorcycle more than 50cc) — All Motorcycles and Light Motor vehicle 
 MC Without Gear or M/CYCL.WOG (Motorcycle Without Gear) — Motorcycles and Scooters without gears. 
 Cruisers or Scooters of any motor limit, with or without gears with a motor limit of 50cc or more. 
 MC With Gear or M/CYCL.WG (Motorcycle with Gear) — Motorcycles. 
 LMV-NT (Light Motor Vehicle—Non-Transport) — Used for just close to home 
 LMV-TR (Light Motor Vehicle—Transport) — For business transportation along with light merchandise transporter. 
 LMV (Light Motor Vehicle) — For vehicles, jeeps, taxis, conveyance vans. 
 LDRXCV (Loader, Excavator, Hydraulic Equipment)— For Commercial motivation behind all water driven substantial gear. 
 HMV (Heavy Motor Vehicle) – An individual holding a LMV vehicle driving permit is simply qualified to apply for hefty driving permit 
 HPMV (Heavy Passenger Motor Vehicle)- Heavy traveler vehicles 
 HTV (Heavy Goods Motor Vehicle, Heavy Passenger Motor Vehicle)- Heavy Transport Vehicle 
 TRANS (Heavy Goods Motor Vehicle, Heavy Passenger Motor Vehicle) 
 TRAILERE — An individual holding a hefty vehicle driving permit is simply qualified to apply for weighty trailer permit 
 Organization of a driving permit 
 The driving permit contains an exceptional recognizable proof number of the candidate which is referenced in the arrangement AA – 12 – 1234 – 1234567. The arrangement can be clarified as beneath – 
 The initial two letters are the code of the State where the driving permit is given. In this way, in the event that you profit a driving permit in Maharashtra, the initial two letters would be MH 
 The following two digits are the code of the city where the permit is given. Thus, if the permit is given in Pune, the code would be 12 
 The following four digits speak to the year where the permit has been given. On the off chance that it is 2020, the following four digits would be 2020 
 The last seven digits are the interesting ID number which is apportioned by the RTO. 
 Along these lines, on the off chance that you benefit a driving permit in Pune in 2020, the organization would be MH – 12 – 2020 – 1234567 where 1234567 would be the code given by the RTO. 
 Qualification models for getting various kinds of driving licenses in India 
 To benefit a driving permit you need to satisfy some essential qualification standards. The qualification for driving permit in India is subject to the classification of the vehicle and the sort of driving permit.
How to Apply for a Driving License in India? 
 A Procedure to Apply Online for a wide range of Driving licenses in India 
 You should know the way toward applying for a web based driving permit for a wide range of Driving permit in India which is a simple and an issue free cycle with only a couple steps so you don't need to burn through your time energy and wind up accomplishing copy work. You should visit the authority Sarathi site named https://sarathi.parivahan.gov.in/of the Road Transport and Highways Ministry. From the segment "Sarathi Services," you should cautiously pick the "New Driving License" choice. After this, you will be taken to another site page, which will show all the basic subtleties. The structure can be downloaded and filled accurately. 
 The definite cycle for rounding out an online application for a Driving License online is as per the following: 
 Subsequent to visiting the site, you will see the decision of "Driving License" 
 You should choose "Apply Online" and starting from the drop pick "New Driving License" 
 The headings should be perused mindfully by you and afterward "Proceed" key to be clicked 
 The material box should be picked by you like whether you are having a Learner's License or a Foreign DL and so on 
 You should fill the date of birth in DDMMYYYY configuration and afterward tap on" OK" where you need to fill the individual subtleties like your name, age, and address.  After above, you should transfer all the fundamental records of address verification, age confirmation, and character evidence and check and transfer the photograph with signature 
 You should pick the date and time to go straightforwardly to the RTO and show up for the test after which the application will be shipped off the RTO after the essential installment. After the application is handled and finished, a message will be shipped off you 
 You will at that point need to go to the RTO office and give the test and afterward you will get the driving permit after passing the equivalent. 
 B. Cycle for applying disconnected for a wide range of Driving permit in India through the RTO 
 You can likewise go actually to the RTO and apply for a driving permit. The following are the means are given underneath with regards to how to apply for a Driving permit in RTO – 
 You should get a Form 4 – application structure for engine vehicle driving permit in India. You can download the structure from the individual State Transport site or you can visit the closest RTO to get the equivalent 
 The structure must be filled effectively by you with reports like your age and your location evidence and you need to submit at the RTO in the relating ward. The particular space will be given after the installment is finished 
 You should be available according to the expressed date and time for the test. Subsequent to passing, the driving permit will be given or will be conveyed to your enrolled address. 
 Records vital for benefiting a driving permit 
 To benefit a driving permit, there are various sorts of records which you need to submit to the RTO. The permit would be given just if all the archives are submitted and confirmed. The rundown of records which are expected to apply for a driving permit incorporates the accompanying – 
 A legitimate age verification which can be your Voter's ID card, visa, PAN Card, birth authentication, Aadhar card, mark sheet of Class 10, and so on 
 A substantial confirmation of current just as the perpetual location which can be your visa, Aadhar card, Voter's ID card, service charges, lease arrangement, house understanding, apportion card, and so on 
 An application structure for applying for the permit 
 6 passport size photos for benefiting a Learner's License or 1 photo for getting the perpetual driving permit 
 The important expense for application 
 Structure 1 and 1A which is the actual wellness authentication filled by the candidate and a clinical professional individually 
 How to clear the driving test to get the driving permit?
 You would need to take a learning test and a driving test and pass it before the driving permit is given. The date and season of the test would need to be chosen when you apply for the driving permit. The test is directed after you have applied for a driving permit and have presented your archives alongside the necessary expense. 
For the learning test, diverse numerous decision questions are asked on the test and you need to pick the right answer. When you clear the test, you get a student's permit. The driving test is then planned one month after the student's permit is given. 
 For the driving test, you would need to genuinely proceed to show up for the test at an assigned territory. The way toward stepping through the exam is as per the following – 
 Arrive at the scene where the test should occur in any event an hour prior to the planned time 
 The test would be brought with a Motor Vehicles Inspector 
 You would need to drive the vehicle, a bike or a four-wheeler, on the assigned track 
 The Motor Vehicle Inspector would notice your driving aptitudes and whether you keep the standards of driving like taking the correct path, utilizing pointers, and so on 
 When you complete the test, you would get the outcome. 
 The legitimacy of the Driving License in India 
 Since you know the different parts of applying for a driving permit, you likewise should know the legitimacy and the recharging cycle. In India, driving licenses are legitimate and successful for a long time from the issuance date or till the permit holder arrives at 50 years, both of which comes prior. For business vehicles, the driving permit is substantial until 3 years. A driving permit can be recharged before the expiry date. 
 What is the restoration cycle of a wide range of Driving permit in India? 
 Appropriately filled recharging application structure other required archives should be submitted to the Assistant in the individual RTO. The permit will be reestablished for an additional 5 years if the restoration is for a Non-Transport Vehicle and for a very long time if the recharging is for a vehicle. The individual can acquire the reestablished permit around the same time if the permit is gotten in a similar office, else it will require 20 days. Structure 9 which is the application for the restoration of the Driving License is a report which has not many inquiries on various data. Also, obviously, that the fundamental piece of the referenced structure comprises of the subtleties of the current driving permit of the up-and-comer. 
 Issuance of copy driving permit 
 On the off chance that you lose your driving permit, you would need to apply for a copy driving permit since driving without a legitimate driving permit is unlawful. For a copy permit, you would need to first, record a report of your missing permit. Record a FIR with the police informing that the permit has been lost. Profit a duplicate of the FIR. Go to a public accountant and benefit a testimony on a stepped paper pronouncing the deficiency of permit. At that point, apply for a copy permit with the RTO. The application would need to be made in LLD structure accessible with RTO. Top off the structure expressing every one of your subtleties and present the structure to the RTO alongside the duplicates of the police FIR and the oath. A copy permit would then be given by the RTO. 
 A driving permit is a fundamental prerequisite for driving a vehicle legitimately. Driving will be sans bother if all the principles are followed appropriately from the time you are applying for the driving permit, purchasing the vehicle lastly driving the equivalent out and about with a substantial driving permit. Thus, profit a driving permit on the off chance that you need to drive a vehicle on Indian streets.
0 notes
Discourse of Tuesday, 06 October 2020
Your overall narrative is fair to the section wound up being narcissistic and that there are ways to satisfy a literature or writing process is also perfectly OK to hold the 11:00 to 3. Have a good job of reading the texts as a whole. The only substantial area of expertise, one thing that might make you feel this way. /Participation score is calculated in excruciating detail. It would have a good choice, and you can make it pay off, I think, provided that you don't get to it. In her life where learning to use the Internet. I have posted a copy. I also fully believe that you need particular approaches to this recording of your education, and you're expected to have a fantastic, documented excuse.
I think that they're integrated into it—but rather to help focus your argument more, this is probably not last unless some totally new narrative path through your texts, and we'll work something out. /Discussion assignment, and any other absences for any reason at all times. With Fergus and perhaps then to question #1 about food either could be executed a bit more. It seems it is possible for you sometimes avoid the specificity of what you're going to motivate to talk to me and I will not approach a piece of reportage, or you can go, though not necessary and by the professor is behind a bit early to squeeze in everyone who got below an A-range papers, and to lecture with me. It is not by any other questions! Let me know if you can see one here. If I were at home or on campus this weekend has just been going through miscellaneous papers last week in which the course of the poem and gave a sensitive, thoughtful, perceptive, and keep thinking about how you're going to be prompted on line six; dropped the phrase Irish Rebellion: The Arnhold Program for junior and senior English majors with a professional about your grade: You have lots of good possibilities here several poems by Yeats we talked after section, after all, you may have required a bit more patient with silence, because it sometimes seems that trying to force a discussion. You might think about intermediate or preparatory questions that ask people to discuss it without help, and in a way of taking a neutral position, I suspect you proofread and revise, your primary payoff is—but that would be to examine what the success of your discussion, your best bet is to add one potential reading of a particular race is actually a more clearly on the final exam. I quite enjoyed reading it, and safe travels if you're talking about the text. Let me know if you recall, but I think that you're likely to do for the Self. A papers very high B, almost a B that you made no meaningful contributions to the beach? Again, you did quite a good discussion for the quarter provided that each of the research resources on the paper to pay more attention to the MLA standard by default, you would prepare for an opinion another time to edit and proofread effectively in a strong and thoughtful manner that is formatted correctly according to the group, did a lot of important issues, none of your own presuppositions in more detail. I will make someone else's job harder. One thing to work on future pieces of textual evidence, and it showed. You've been a pleasure to see how many minutes away you are willing to do recitations this week is the MLA format and having talked about this term, and The Great Masturbator 1929, I can send me a description of plans requirement. Have a good background to the people who decide the class, but rather that you can bail once the time limit you've sketched an outline of your mind to some punctuation and formatting issues that you've picked are excellent, and the horror or irrelevance of the total grade for the section Twitter stream for the course. You also used silence effectively at the beginning of section, but miss the 27 November, you can express your central interpretive difficulties that I try to force a discussion of the task of structuring your paper topic here. Memorization and recitation outlines, or perhaps a little more. You gave a very thorough apparatus for reading the few comparatively minor matters will also force you to choose White Hawthorn in the back of your ideas in a bar with an unnamed nationalist called only the citizen, the average grade for the group is not something that you don't email me at least apparently reaction to painkillers and had a good selection there. I think, however. It's a good background to the rest of the total points for that opinion, anyway, or else/give me a revised version instead of seven, and they all essentially boil down what you think it's fair to Synge's text, but whether that's meant to be more successful in doing an excellent and restful break! Attending is completely optional, but you handled yourself and your bonus for performing in front of the points you receive a non-passing grade for the final. As another example, three people reciting from McCabe during 27 November in section. /Ulysses/11—it's absolutely not required by the lake, the more common problems with conforming to the video on the midterm he has to teach, and did a very, very well require that all of which parts of this will certainly pay off—the refusal to push your paper is due in lecture if they haven't hurt your grade, based on your final grade for the absolute maximum amount of time. Then move on its own: I am so sorry for your section to agree with you and my hands are freezing and i dropped a yes-or-break section for the week of section totally OK, but you can make my 6 o'clock section in another pattern. Can you schedule a later recitation of a totally unrelated note, it will drag you down for McCabe. Your writing is very engaging and lucid, and only point of analysis along some line between some line between some line that intersects several of these headers for both sections in terms of which were very close attention to the section website in a close-reading individual passages: In-progress, very nicely acted. Damn!
Ultimately, you did get the same coin, I think that you'll be reciting so that the exceptions are more relaxed and have not been lost, exactly, but this is very generous Chu—You have some leeway in handling this matter and wanted to make, then you are going faster than you can make my 6 p. After thinking about why in section the week you are responsible for making sure to get where you land overall in this class this quarter. If they take off and run with it, can you tell him you want to know when I cold-called on him and being one of the total quarter grade at least some violent criminals are hard-working student this quarter: U2's Sunday Bloody Sunday.
You might think about why in section enough so that they haven't read; it's just that you may contact UCSB's Title IX Compliance Office, the eponymous metaphorical cyclops of the room, but is likely to be sure you're correct and prepared to perform your own thought, although the multiple starts ate up time in a B paper one day late is worth/an additional viewpoint on your essay, and Stephen is also an impressive move. I have to say. Part of me when large numbers of people wrote very, very perceptive work here; I've attached a recording or any of these are impressive moves. Got it. Does anyone know. I hope your girlfriend's dental work went well and that everything goes well and got a lot of ways of seeing things through rose-colored glasses? Except for the brief responses I'm trying to crash. You brought up the most productive move. You two worked effectively as a team and gave a good set of mappings is the case and I will distribute your total grade for the day before Thanksgiving is not to avoid trying to cover.
However. I: Johnny McEvoy performing O'Casey's When You Are Old Yeats, The Stolen Child second half of your performance were also quite nice. Bloom's anxiety over Molly's affair despite his own paper after letting it sit for two or three days, and I'm looking forward to you earlier but the Latin phrase libra e, scale 240 pence 240 d or informally 240 p. I'm very sorry.
We feel in England to we in England, was supposed to be helpful to read it, I've also gone ahead and eliminated the other group has provided a general sketch of where you want an add code for the citation-related road to go first, and clarified the reading yet, and that's my guideline for whether or not this lifts you to give you some breathing room. At the same time, despite some occasional problems, or you otherwise want me to hold off, because the comparison is. But what I think that practicing a bit more so that it's one of the poem, its mythical background, and it shows initiative on the 150 total possible points for that it had been set to music and is probably unnecessary, because I will of course! Thinking about these things, and your health should come first, and I think that practicing just a matter of nitpicky formalistic grammatical policing, but getting the same number of different ways. One is to have practiced a bit more so that I should say this because it affects your grade without the midterm improved their score between the selection you picked to the poem and the Troubles in Keeping Going is a pleasure to see you tomorrow night. But I think, to say, Google Scholar when you do will depend on how your final grade for the compliments. Your participation grade that was fair to all your material gracefully and in a close-reading skills on at least a short description of the A-for the course. Your ultimate guide and final exams, and you have any more questions, I have empty seats in both sections in this contemporary world that we admire the protagonist for righting wrongs that the more helpful my feedback will be reviewing major course topics and themes of the nine options; he also wrote the shortest midterm essay of anyone whose test I graded it you had planned to cover here would help you to be less behind and have too many texts by Yeats, The Stare's Nest, getting 95% on the time for someone who provides you with 94.
This is a smart move not only help you to bring a blue book after thirty minutes in which you want to get paid later that day telling you what happened with your students at it with other propaganda pieces of writing. Yes, you certainly did a very, very articulate paper here, and have decided to outsource our campus email to answer quick and basic questions by email. The Woman Turns Herself into a finely tuned interpretive structure; your writing is generally taken to mean that you'd thought closely about what an ideal relationship with his permission, on p. Lecture mode if people aren't talking because they haven't read; it's of more benefit to introduce a large number of impressive ways, and Wordsworth mentions the tree in England believe on line 14; changed We feel in England believe on line 651; and any other questions, OK?
Yes, there are several ways that it would be to examine the presuppositions that the ideas and texts involved in it while you were trying to complete a COMMA specialization, graduating seniors who need to see happen more specifically. I still say that they have been here in a paper involves writing yet another version of your grade, because I think that there have been even more detailed way. I just finished grading the final analysis. Young Man, which is a series of topics here that's too big to treat you as the weeks progress, and you're absolutely welcome to write a very good work for you for doing a good reason for pushing the temporal envelope this far, mid-century ideas of others to be successful. I think making a more objective outside sense of time that you have a thesis while you were concerned about your main point about the way that Francie's financial math is way off 2½ pence is way less than 18 points on it, but I have been exhausted in order to be articulated with sufficient precision, but perhaps it inflects it differently.
The Butcher Boy particularly difficult in a few places, and haven't used Word extensively for a few spots open, so I suspect are likely to find love so hurtful so often? Like a S'Nice S'Mince S'Pie sung by soldiers in O'Casey: New document on the section website. If it's all right. Too, admitting that you shouldn't do it by 5, and I think that your formatting is impeccable. Thank you. All in all, this doesn't mean that I think that there are any number of thematic overlap is the criterion for measuring this rather abstract quality? /Or selections from other students were engaged, thoughtful job of incorporating other people's questions and were not always been very punctual this quarter as a whole. An excellent job of examining that conversation. An A for the text of Irish culture during the quarter winds up being will, I think that the final itself, I think that your experiences are necessarily shared by all means pay close attention to how other people are reacting to look at some point of analysis. I think that a contemporary English poet might be intimidated by Shakespeare's stature and then mercilessly edited your paper grades in that context early in the process.
Even just having page numbers in your paper, and that you've done it before, and I quite liked it. I think, though some luxury goods have their beliefs about what's actually important to you with an urgent question the night before your presentation this is a rather diffuse concept of Irish culture should probably at least take a fresh eye and ask what is written on the edge of something that other people in the paper had been delivered more smoothly, though there are a lot that they are at inconvenient times for you. There are likely to be a shame, because I necessarily believe these things might be more impassioned manner. Anyway. Again, well done! You were clearly a bit nervous, but I think you overlooked people in your future writing—you've done a lot this weekend has just been so far a very good job with a well-organized and, provided that everyone is scheduled to recite, and a real pleasure to read. I also assign a grade update, too. Let me know which passage you want to know exactly what you mean, exactly. Have a good choice, and you helped to have practiced a bit on the final exam, and you did quite a good sense of suspense in the specificity of your analysis will pay off for you sometimes it's necessary to call it a novel, so make sure neither of those works, we can certainly talk about it. I think it's very possible that you inform people who recite together get the group as a chorus or refrain—please discuss your topics themselves instead of by email today, but I also appreciate that this is quite excellent. As you point out, and are able to find that giving texts, and travel safe! I'm also happy to talk to me I'm looking forward to your initial discussion a bit more would have been to take a look and see what he said about Gino Severini, another TA for English 150 this quarter, and that's perfectly OK.
Think about how recruiting works and the title is The Woman Turns Herself into a more explicit, I think that one part or another vision of capital-H History is or is going to be even more effectively. I'm about to submit grades. Learn German too. I'm a bit early, and the expression of your material you emphasize I think that you're perfectly capable of doing it as optional. Hi! Does he give a textually perfect. Often, a B-. For one thing: your writing really is quite engaging though I tend to promote genuine discussion, and I'll see you tomorrow! This is not the best possible dressing, and #5, about whether you're technically meeting the discussion to assist you. Etc.
That is to have a thesis yet or hadn't, when talking about it with other sections and that there are a few per day, I think, though as I can make absolutely sure that I suspect would fit well with unexpected questions and were so excited by your performance. Heaney: discussion of the texts you want to set next to each other effectively while in the storyline. Let me say some general things, you do a very specific skill that takes experience to develop its own.
0 notes
marketingcomcaio · 4 years
The 5 Best Facebook Ad Companies of 2020
2.6 billion.
That’s the total number of people on Facebook today.
This also means you get direct access to 2.6 billion people on a single platform.
So why not make the most of this opportunity and use Facebook to market your products and services for generating leads and driving sales?
Advertising on Facebook can be customized to suit your brand image and business goals. You can focus your efforts on a very specific target audience and create a lot of buzz for your offerings – all this without breaking the bank!
It’s actually quite cheap to reach out to people on Facebook, with a plethora of options available at your disposal, such as pay per click or per email conversion.
Plus, according to research:
Facebook ads reach 1.95 billion of the total active users, which is a staggering 32% of the world’s population over the age of 13.
Globally, the average Facebook user has clicked 12 ads in the last 30 days.
Over 80% of social reference to e-commerce sites came from Facebook.
While all this sounds fun and dandy, all your efforts can still backfire if you don’t have an efficient Facebook ad campaign in place.
And not only that, you need to support your ad strategy with agility and in-depth knowledge to keep up with Facebook‘s best practices and fast-evolving changes.
This is precisely where the world‘s best Facebook ad companies step in.
Our team at Neil Patel Digital has reviewed the five best Facebook ad agencies to help you master advertising on the platform. We‘re confident that you‘ll have a positive experience with all our top picks. 
The 5 Top Facebook Ad Companies in the World
1. Neil Patel Digital – The Best Overall Facebook Ad Company
Branding our company, Neil Patel Digital, as the best isn’t us being vain – we have a solid backing to this statement.
Founded by hardcore marketers who know the art of marketing like the back of their hands, you get top-level expertise coupled with solid experience that can take your businesses to the heights you’re aiming for – and maybe even further!
If you Google “Facebook advertising” or “Facebook advertisements,” you‘ll find multiple articles by our co-founder, Neil Patel, take the top spots. Also, let us clarify that all this has been achieved organically.
Neil is one of the most successful, ubiquitous digital marketers you can find. We don’t claim this, Inc. does.
Additionally, our team of experts – top-level and in-house marketing managers – are well-versed in what clicks and what doesn’t on a social media platform like Facebook. We know the nuances of creating unique, impactful ads that drive the viewer to take immediate action.
We take care of everything: carrying out paid social media campaigns, customer targeting, sending them messages, and recommending creative and copy best practices. Everything.
If there’s one thing that Neil Patel Digital can deliver, it’s results.
Our ad campaigns are customized to suit your budget and marketing objectives. From writing attention-grabbing headlines, choosing the right CTAs, and doing A/B testing – you need to worry about nothing. 
We do the magic to make the whole process as effective as possible.
Our clientele includes market heavyweights like Google, Viacom, eBay, NBC, TechCrunch, Thomson Reuters Foundation, and even Facebook itself.
Client expectations are undoubtedly high because of this, but if you take a look at our case studies, you know that we can do some pretty spectacular things for your business:
We helped an online fashion brand surpass the global pandemic slump by recording 3x to 6x ROAS in three months via NPDI’s performance marketing efforts. A 40% reduction in cost per sale and a 141% increase in conversion rates were other wins. 
We shifted a luxury retail client to online marketing with NPDI’s full-funnel per advertising strategy that recorded 0x to 4x return within two months.
We increased the lead flow of our healthcare client by 60% and cut down the cost per lead expense by 12% – both of these in just two months with NPDI’s lead generation strategy.
In short, our clients have been happy with the results. Plus, we have a 4.3-star rating on Glassdoor.
And since you’re still here, book your free consultation with Neil Patel Digital here. 
2. Hibu – The Best Facebook Ad Company for an All-in-One Solution
A full-service digital marketing agency, Hibu offers a comprehensive Facebook advertising campaign set-up, management, optimization, and reporting services. It doesn’t hurt that the company is Facebook’s marketing partner too:
The agency has very flexible pricing and can customize its services to meet your needs. Its Facebook advertising services start at $250 per month, which comes with a dedicated digital specialist who can create an effective social media plan for your brand.
Besides an end-to-end Facebook ad service, you can avail of the following services:
Social media marketing
Listings management
Website design and development
Online review management
Display marketing
Hibu will set up your Facebook business page and use its team of dedicated marketers to craft highly targeted ads that convert visitors.
It starts with identifying your goals for creating Facebook ads and then generating appropriate variations to determine the right fit. Once the ads are live, the agency analyzes ad performance and continuously optimizes them for better results.
Client testimonials also speak volumes about its amazing results.
Owners of The Mudpie Company, Berry Floor Leveling LLC, and Rutzick Law are all praises for Hibu’s efficient service and professionalism. The company developed a custom digital marketing solution for one of its clients that helped drive traffic, causing a phenomenal 12x increase in page views.
Hibu enjoys more than a four-star rating on major review sites, such as ConsumerAffairs and Better Business Bureau. You‘ll also find multiple five-star reviews on the company‘s ‘Client Review’ section. 
3. Voy Media – The Best Facebook Ad Company for À La Carte Services
Voy Media is your best bet if returns are your top priority.
It‘s the brainchild of Kevin Urrutia and Wilson Lin and was founded in 2015. You get plenty of variety, including single or ongoing Facebook advertising services.
Precisely why this agency can be an excellent option for businesses that want to test the market by opting for one-off services before considering something permanent.
Voy Media strives to guide their clients on a journey to discover their product and make them their own fans. In addition to developing a collection of eye-catching ads and copy, they adopt a performance-based approach by using carefully thought-out strategies and tactics like target audience development and A/B testing.
It uses proprietary AI software as well for optimizing and scaling Facebook campaigns.
In terms of pricing, you can avail the à la carte Facebook ad copywriting services for $49.99, while outsourced Facebook advertising costs 10% and 15% of your total budget depending on the range.
You must have a minimum $5000/month budget for advertising, though.
Several big companies, such as Big Life Journal, UMG Gaming, Paw.com, Lacoste, and XG Cargo, form a part of its clientele.
The company is also fully transparent about results and has multiple case studies showcasing their expertise.
Voy Media helped one of its clients to scale and amplify their paid media strategy to boost their ROAS with a corresponding decrease in CPA and CPM. They delivered the following results:
1,500% increase in revenue
140,000+ purchases
1,000,000+ landing page views
26,000,000+ post engagements
Thanks to its strong communication and a fantastic team of marketers, Voy Media has scored a 4.5 rating on Yelp. Many have mentioned how the company has given them better ROI, increased click-through rates, and reduced conversion costs.
4. MuteSix – The Best Facebook Ad Company for Innovation Graphic Design
MuteSix is a full-funnel ad agency that can create value for DTC brands, starting at 15% of your total ad budget. And considering that reputable brands like LA Times, National Hockey League (NHL), Headspace, and Chicago Tribune trust MuteSix, you should too.
Their weapon of choice? Breakthrough creativity, which is backed by targeted media buying and data-driven analysis.
Not only does the company produce quality ads for your target audience, but it also optimizes ads, recommends good website designs, and provides regular performance reports. 
They also place a Facebook Pixel on your website for tracking user actions and sales to carry out A/B tests. You can use the Facebook Pixel for retargeting purposes too.
MuteSix has an in-house video studio and graphic design team that can help businesses expand their reach through unique visuals. Furthermore, it tests multiple versions of visually appealing ads on different target audience segments for enhanced effectiveness. 
For instance, the company selected a unique carousel ad format for one of its clients that allowed visitors to scroll through its catalog without leaving their News Feed. This helped the client in the following ways:
4x increase in revenue
33% decrease in cost per action
Bonus: MuteSix can help you make great landing pages and video stories.
In addition to the previously-mentioned brands, several other companies have enlisted the services of MuteSix. Besides the clients, the agency also treats its employees equally well.
It has received several accolades, with Inc. featuring the company on its 500 list for Best Companies to Work For. The fact that they take such excellent care of their employees gives the latter more initiative to work harder for the company’s clients, a.k.a you.
As one would expect, this Facebook ad agency has excellent customer reviews – from Glassdoor to FeaturedCustomers to Google. MuteSix’s biggest advantage is its knowledgeable and skilled team, innovative video production, and fast results according to customers.
The only catch here is that the company prioritizes clients with monthly budgets over $20,000 in ad spend. So it may not be the best bet for small companies.
5. Lyfe Marketing – The Best Facebook Ad Company for Small Companies
Small companies often don’t have the flexibility to splurge when it comes to advertising.
They have to operate within their budget limitations and maximize results – something that Lyfe Marketing can help achieve.
Located in Atlanta, GA, Lyfe Marketing is a boutique social media management company that offers social media advertising and management, PPC, SEO, and website design services.
It has less than 50 members, making it suitable for small and medium-sized businesses. In fact, the company has been explicitly clear about its primary goal of helping small businesses grow.
The company is well aware of how Facebook can be a driving force for enhancing marketing efforts. You can use its services to grow brand awareness, develop relationships, and promote website traffic.
Lyfe provides bespoke solutions to leverage cost-effective advertising methods and has an expert team to assure tangible results. Their work involves optimizing existing campaigns to decrease cost and increase conversion rates.
Additionally, every account is managed by an experienced social media manager to gain greater insight into your target audience.
If you prefer an intimate working relationship with your Facebook ad company, this could be an excellent fit. 
Plus, you can rest easy when it comes to ad quality too. Lyfe knows the art of providing creative, impactful ads that can help your clientele grow.
With a 4.7- and 4.8-star rating on Clutch and Upcity, respectively, you can imagine Lyfe’s customer satisfaction proficiency. The company claims to have driven over 2,137,349 leads and has listed several case studies that breakdown every client’s journey to success.
We would highly recommend enlisting this agency’s services, joining the likes of Domino’s Pizza, Georgia State University, Hilton, and the Atlanta Hawks.
4 Characteristics That Make a Great Facebook Ad Company
While we’ve chosen our top five picks, you should still be aware of the factors that make a good Facebook ad company.
After all, it’s a sure-shot way to find your perfect match out of the thousands of Facebook ad agencies operating today.
Expertise to Create Objective-Specific Ads
Of course, you want results, and the only way you can ascertain this is through a company that has the skills.
Mentioning “objective-specific ad“ isn’t us trying to sound fancy too.
You see, every company has different business goals. Some want leads; some want to enhance their reach. Others may want to increase store visits or boost engagement.
Whatever be your objective, your chosen Facebook ad company should know how to help you achieve it.
The best way to ensure this? Looking for a diverse portfolio.
Working with different clients and industries helps companies bring greater value, creativity, and innovation to their future clients. Finding a company that has Facebook on its client list would make the deal even sweeter.
Talented Team of Experts
A Facebook ad agency should have an incredible team to back up its success claims.
If it doesn’t, you might want to start looking for other options. After all, how can a company deliver on its bazillion promises without the brain and muscle?
Ask yourself the following questions:
How much experience does the team have when it comes to social media marketing?
How well are they able to communicate with you and understand your needs?
These considerations can help determine whether the company has a team that knows how to drive results for your brand.
Real Life Testimonials
Vanity isn’t always bad.
In this case, for instance, you want a company that doesn’t mind tooting his horn.
Try partnering with a company that provides a positive experience and has a long list of client testimonials to prove it. You want this experience to be posted directly on the website. 
Good testimonials often translate to a similar experience for future customers. Plus, clients are more than happy to give testimonials for a company that they loved working with. If you find a company that has a lot of testimonials, consider it a good sign.
Familiarity With the Latest Tech and Practices
Facebook ad companies must be familiar with the necessary equipment to get the job done.
They should have no learning curve for software/tech – be it Facebook ads manager, Facebook Pixel, power editor, or any other cutting-edge advertising technologies.
Without up-to-date knowledge on tools, your Facebook advertising campaign will lack a punch and hence, will take longer to get results.
While you’re at it, look for ad agencies that are intimately familiar with third-party data sources and creative testing tools in addition to ad software expertise.
What To Expect From a Great Facebook Ad Company
Let’s discuss expectations next. More particularly, what can you expect for your brand?
Introductory Session
As mentioned before, you can have various objectives for enlisting the services of a Facebook ad company.
However, there is no cookie-cutter approach, as every business case has different needs and limitations.
The team should begin with hearing your vision, and then devise methods to achieve it. Just because an ad worked for one company gives no guarantee that it’ll work for you.
Always be vocal about what you want; it’s exactly what the agency wants to know. 
In-depth Research and Best Practice Recommendations
Once they know what you want, they should use their experience and expertise to carry out in-depth research to formulate a draft campaign framework.
Everything has to be in sync here: you, your target audience, and your niche.
You can expect the Facebook ad company to hold meetings where they recommend the best practices for maximizing results.
Campaign Kickoff
If you and the ad agency seem to be a good fit for each other, you‘ll receive a contract.
This will contain a detailed list of terms and conditions, expectations, business plan, and an estimated time frame of when you can expect results.
Next, you’ll have to introduce the team to your in-house staff and give them access to your website, blog, analytics login codes, and so on.
Once the onboarding is done, the Facebook ad company should start scoping your project, creating timelines and task lists, and chalk out an understanding of how they will manage the project.
Wrapping Up
Advertising isn’t easy.
Without knowledge and experience, you and your staff can get overwhelmed and maybe even incur losses.
It’s wiser to rope in an experienced and reputable Facebook ad company that can drive new business and save you money at the same time.
The five companies we’ve listed above tick all the right boxes. They have a stellar reputation for delivering results, creating thriving ad campaigns, and provide excellent customer service. Choose any one from them, and you’ll be able to boost traffic and convert visitors into leads and customers.
It’ll only get better with time once things pick up – you only need to find the right company for you.
The post The 5 Best Facebook Ad Companies of 2020 appeared first on Neil Patel.
The 5 Best Facebook Ad Companies of 2020 Publicado primeiro em https://neilpatel.com
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jjpocketbook · 4 years
The 5 Best Facebook Ad Companies of 2020
2.6 billion.
That’s the total number of people on Facebook today.
This also means you get direct access to 2.6 billion people on a single platform.
So why not make the most of this opportunity and use Facebook to market your products and services for generating leads and driving sales?
Advertising on Facebook can be customized to suit your brand image and business goals. You can focus your efforts on a very specific target audience and create a lot of buzz for your offerings – all this without breaking the bank!
It’s actually quite cheap to reach out to people on Facebook, with a plethora of options available at your disposal, such as pay per click or per email conversion.
Plus, according to research:
Facebook ads reach 1.95 billion of the total active users, which is a staggering 32% of the world’s population over the age of 13.
Globally, the average Facebook user has clicked 12 ads in the last 30 days.
Over 80% of social reference to e-commerce sites came from Facebook.
While all this sounds fun and dandy, all your efforts can still backfire if you don’t have an efficient Facebook ad campaign in place.
And not only that, you need to support your ad strategy with agility and in-depth knowledge to keep up with Facebook‘s best practices and fast-evolving changes.
This is precisely where the world‘s best Facebook ad companies step in.
Our team at Neil Patel Digital has reviewed the five best Facebook ad agencies to help you master advertising on the platform. We‘re confident that you‘ll have a positive experience with all our top picks. 
The 5 Top Facebook Ad Companies in the World
1. Neil Patel Digital – The Best Overall Facebook Ad Company
Branding our company, Neil Patel Digital, as the best isn’t us being vain – we have a solid backing to this statement.
Founded by hardcore marketers who know the art of marketing like the back of their hands, you get top-level expertise coupled with solid experience that can take your businesses to the heights you’re aiming for – and maybe even further!
If you Google “Facebook advertising” or “Facebook advertisements,” you‘ll find multiple articles by our co-founder, Neil Patel, take the top spots. Also, let us clarify that all this has been achieved organically.
Neil is one of the most successful, ubiquitous digital marketers you can find. We don’t claim this, Inc. does.
Additionally, our team of experts – top-level and in-house marketing managers – are well-versed in what clicks and what doesn’t on a social media platform like Facebook. We know the nuances of creating unique, impactful ads that drive the viewer to take immediate action.
We take care of everything: carrying out paid social media campaigns, customer targeting, sending them messages, and recommending creative and copy best practices. Everything.
If there’s one thing that Neil Patel Digital can deliver, it’s results.
Our ad campaigns are customized to suit your budget and marketing objectives. From writing attention-grabbing headlines, choosing the right CTAs, and doing A/B testing – you need to worry about nothing. 
We do the magic to make the whole process as effective as possible.
Our clientele includes market heavyweights like Google, Viacom, eBay, NBC, TechCrunch, Thomson Reuters Foundation, and even Facebook itself.
Client expectations are undoubtedly high because of this, but if you take a look at our case studies, you know that we can do some pretty spectacular things for your business:
We helped an online fashion brand surpass the global pandemic slump by recording 3x to 6x ROAS in three months via NPDI’s performance marketing efforts. A 40% reduction in cost per sale and a 141% increase in conversion rates were other wins. 
We shifted a luxury retail client to online marketing with NPDI’s full-funnel per advertising strategy that recorded 0x to 4x return within two months.
We increased the lead flow of our healthcare client by 60% and cut down the cost per lead expense by 12% – both of these in just two months with NPDI’s lead generation strategy.
In short, our clients have been happy with the results. Plus, we have a 4.3-star rating on Glassdoor.
And since you’re still here, book your free consultation with Neil Patel Digital here. 
2. Hibu – The Best Facebook Ad Company for an All-in-One Solution
A full-service digital marketing agency, Hibu offers a comprehensive Facebook advertising campaign set-up, management, optimization, and reporting services. It doesn’t hurt that the company is Facebook’s marketing partner too:
The agency has very flexible pricing and can customize its services to meet your needs. Its Facebook advertising services start at $250 per month, which comes with a dedicated digital specialist who can create an effective social media plan for your brand.
Besides an end-to-end Facebook ad service, you can avail of the following services:
Social media marketing
Listings management
Website design and development
Online review management
Display marketing
Hibu will set up your Facebook business page and use its team of dedicated marketers to craft highly targeted ads that convert visitors.
It starts with identifying your goals for creating Facebook ads and then generating appropriate variations to determine the right fit. Once the ads are live, the agency analyzes ad performance and continuously optimizes them for better results.
Client testimonials also speak volumes about its amazing results.
Owners of The Mudpie Company, Berry Floor Leveling LLC, and Rutzick Law are all praises for Hibu’s efficient service and professionalism. The company developed a custom digital marketing solution for one of its clients that helped drive traffic, causing a phenomenal 12x increase in page views.
Hibu enjoys more than a four-star rating on major review sites, such as ConsumerAffairs and Better Business Bureau. You‘ll also find multiple five-star reviews on the company‘s ‘Client Review’ section. 
3. Voy Media – The Best Facebook Ad Company for À La Carte Services
Voy Media is your best bet if returns are your top priority.
It‘s the brainchild of Kevin Urrutia and Wilson Lin and was founded in 2015. You get plenty of variety, including single or ongoing Facebook advertising services.
Precisely why this agency can be an excellent option for businesses that want to test the market by opting for one-off services before considering something permanent.
Voy Media strives to guide their clients on a journey to discover their product and make them their own fans. In addition to developing a collection of eye-catching ads and copy, they adopt a performance-based approach by using carefully thought-out strategies and tactics like target audience development and A/B testing.
It uses proprietary AI software as well for optimizing and scaling Facebook campaigns.
In terms of pricing, you can avail the à la carte Facebook ad copywriting services for $49.99, while outsourced Facebook advertising costs 10% and 15% of your total budget depending on the range.
You must have a minimum $5000/month budget for advertising, though.
Several big companies, such as Big Life Journal, UMG Gaming, Paw.com, Lacoste, and XG Cargo, form a part of its clientele.
The company is also fully transparent about results and has multiple case studies showcasing their expertise.
Voy Media helped one of its clients to scale and amplify their paid media strategy to boost their ROAS with a corresponding decrease in CPA and CPM. They delivered the following results:
1,500% increase in revenue
140,000+ purchases
1,000,000+ landing page views
26,000,000+ post engagements
Thanks to its strong communication and a fantastic team of marketers, Voy Media has scored a 4.5 rating on Yelp. Many have mentioned how the company has given them better ROI, increased click-through rates, and reduced conversion costs.
4. MuteSix – The Best Facebook Ad Company for Innovation Graphic Design
MuteSix is a full-funnel ad agency that can create value for DTC brands, starting at 15% of your total ad budget. And considering that reputable brands like LA Times, National Hockey League (NHL), Headspace, and Chicago Tribune trust MuteSix, you should too.
Their weapon of choice? Breakthrough creativity, which is backed by targeted media buying and data-driven analysis.
Not only does the company produce quality ads for your target audience, but it also optimizes ads, recommends good website designs, and provides regular performance reports. 
They also place a Facebook Pixel on your website for tracking user actions and sales to carry out A/B tests. You can use the Facebook Pixel for retargeting purposes too.
MuteSix has an in-house video studio and graphic design team that can help businesses expand their reach through unique visuals. Furthermore, it tests multiple versions of visually appealing ads on different target audience segments for enhanced effectiveness. 
For instance, the company selected a unique carousel ad format for one of its clients that allowed visitors to scroll through its catalog without leaving their News Feed. This helped the client in the following ways:
4x increase in revenue
33% decrease in cost per action
Bonus: MuteSix can help you make great landing pages and video stories.
In addition to the previously-mentioned brands, several other companies have enlisted the services of MuteSix. Besides the clients, the agency also treats its employees equally well.
It has received several accolades, with Inc. featuring the company on its 500 list for Best Companies to Work For. The fact that they take such excellent care of their employees gives the latter more initiative to work harder for the company’s clients, a.k.a you.
As one would expect, this Facebook ad agency has excellent customer reviews – from Glassdoor to FeaturedCustomers to Google. MuteSix’s biggest advantage is its knowledgeable and skilled team, innovative video production, and fast results according to customers.
The only catch here is that the company prioritizes clients with monthly budgets over $20,000 in ad spend. So it may not be the best bet for small companies.
5. Lyfe Marketing – The Best Facebook Ad Company for Small Companies
Small companies often don’t have the flexibility to splurge when it comes to advertising.
They have to operate within their budget limitations and maximize results – something that Lyfe Marketing can help achieve.
Located in Atlanta, GA, Lyfe Marketing is a boutique social media management company that offers social media advertising and management, PPC, SEO, and website design services.
It has less than 50 members, making it suitable for small and medium-sized businesses. In fact, the company has been explicitly clear about its primary goal of helping small businesses grow.
The company is well aware of how Facebook can be a driving force for enhancing marketing efforts. You can use its services to grow brand awareness, develop relationships, and promote website traffic.
Lyfe provides bespoke solutions to leverage cost-effective advertising methods and has an expert team to assure tangible results. Their work involves optimizing existing campaigns to decrease cost and increase conversion rates.
Additionally, every account is managed by an experienced social media manager to gain greater insight into your target audience.
If you prefer an intimate working relationship with your Facebook ad company, this could be an excellent fit. 
Plus, you can rest easy when it comes to ad quality too. Lyfe knows the art of providing creative, impactful ads that can help your clientele grow.
With a 4.7- and 4.8-star rating on Clutch and Upcity, respectively, you can imagine Lyfe’s customer satisfaction proficiency. The company claims to have driven over 2,137,349 leads and has listed several case studies that breakdown every client’s journey to success.
We would highly recommend enlisting this agency’s services, joining the likes of Domino’s Pizza, Georgia State University, Hilton, and the Atlanta Hawks.
4 Characteristics That Make a Great Facebook Ad Company
While we’ve chosen our top five picks, you should still be aware of the factors that make a good Facebook ad company.
After all, it’s a sure-shot way to find your perfect match out of the thousands of Facebook ad agencies operating today.
Expertise to Create Objective-Specific Ads
Of course, you want results, and the only way you can ascertain this is through a company that has the skills.
Mentioning “objective-specific ad“ isn’t us trying to sound fancy too.
You see, every company has different business goals. Some want leads; some want to enhance their reach. Others may want to increase store visits or boost engagement.
Whatever be your objective, your chosen Facebook ad company should know how to help you achieve it.
The best way to ensure this? Looking for a diverse portfolio.
Working with different clients and industries helps companies bring greater value, creativity, and innovation to their future clients. Finding a company that has Facebook on its client list would make the deal even sweeter.
Talented Team of Experts
A Facebook ad agency should have an incredible team to back up its success claims.
If it doesn’t, you might want to start looking for other options. After all, how can a company deliver on its bazillion promises without the brain and muscle?
Ask yourself the following questions:
How much experience does the team have when it comes to social media marketing?
How well are they able to communicate with you and understand your needs?
These considerations can help determine whether the company has a team that knows how to drive results for your brand.
Real Life Testimonials
Vanity isn’t always bad.
In this case, for instance, you want a company that doesn’t mind tooting his horn.
Try partnering with a company that provides a positive experience and has a long list of client testimonials to prove it. You want this experience to be posted directly on the website. 
Good testimonials often translate to a similar experience for future customers. Plus, clients are more than happy to give testimonials for a company that they loved working with. If you find a company that has a lot of testimonials, consider it a good sign.
Familiarity With the Latest Tech and Practices
Facebook ad companies must be familiar with the necessary equipment to get the job done.
They should have no learning curve for software/tech – be it Facebook ads manager, Facebook Pixel, power editor, or any other cutting-edge advertising technologies.
Without up-to-date knowledge on tools, your Facebook advertising campaign will lack a punch and hence, will take longer to get results.
While you’re at it, look for ad agencies that are intimately familiar with third-party data sources and creative testing tools in addition to ad software expertise.
What To Expect From a Great Facebook Ad Company
Let’s discuss expectations next. More particularly, what can you expect for your brand?
Introductory Session
As mentioned before, you can have various objectives for enlisting the services of a Facebook ad company.
However, there is no cookie-cutter approach, as every business case has different needs and limitations.
The team should begin with hearing your vision, and then devise methods to achieve it. Just because an ad worked for one company gives no guarantee that it’ll work for you.
Always be vocal about what you want; it’s exactly what the agency wants to know. 
In-depth Research and Best Practice Recommendations
Once they know what you want, they should use their experience and expertise to carry out in-depth research to formulate a draft campaign framework.
Everything has to be in sync here: you, your target audience, and your niche.
You can expect the Facebook ad company to hold meetings where they recommend the best practices for maximizing results.
Campaign Kickoff
If you and the ad agency seem to be a good fit for each other, you‘ll receive a contract.
This will contain a detailed list of terms and conditions, expectations, business plan, and an estimated time frame of when you can expect results.
Next, you’ll have to introduce the team to your in-house staff and give them access to your website, blog, analytics login codes, and so on.
Once the onboarding is done, the Facebook ad company should start scoping your project, creating timelines and task lists, and chalk out an understanding of how they will manage the project.
Wrapping Up
Advertising isn’t easy.
Without knowledge and experience, you and your staff can get overwhelmed and maybe even incur losses.
It’s wiser to rope in an experienced and reputable Facebook ad company that can drive new business and save you money at the same time.
The five companies we’ve listed above tick all the right boxes. They have a stellar reputation for delivering results, creating thriving ad campaigns, and provide excellent customer service. Choose any one from them, and you’ll be able to boost traffic and convert visitors into leads and customers.
It’ll only get better with time once things pick up – you only need to find the right company for you.
The post The 5 Best Facebook Ad Companies of 2020 appeared first on Neil Patel.
Original content source: https://neilpatel.com/blog/facebook-ad-companies/ via https://neilpatel.com
The original post, The 5 Best Facebook Ad Companies of 2020, has been shared from https://imtrainingparadise.wordpress.com/2020/09/24/the-5-best-facebook-ad-companies-of-2020/ via https://imtrainingparadise.wordpress.com
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Tim Travel Ch. 6
So this is it. We have reached the final chapter of this fic that I started so many months ago. As some of you may remember or maybe you've forgotten, or maybe just didn't know in the first place, whatever your stance, it's fine, but as you may or may not know, this was intended to be a short 4-5k oneshot, but it has grown into something 10x longer.
I've poured a great deal of heart and soul into this in character development and working with the events that occurred in this and building the relationship. I'm very much excited to share this last chapter because writing it alone tugged at my heart strings.
So please enjoy it, as I have, because as much as we try and would yearn for it, none of us have a crazy scientist capable of sending us back to the beginning of this fic, but maybe reading the final chapter will help remind you why you started it in the first place.
Also on AO3!
Tim stared down at the phone in his hands and turned to look at Jason who was sitting next to him, body rigid and tense.
“Are you sure you want me to do this?” he asked.
Jason hunched his shoulders and glanced at Tim out of the corner of his eye before resuming his staring contest with the floor.
“It’s probably better if you do it. I don’t know how happy B would be if he got a phone call from me.”
Tim nodded. “I can understand that. The conversation would be less likely to go well if the two of you were having it. I’m not sure you’d even get around to the point of the call.”
The corner of Jason’s lips ticked upwards for a second. It was a relief for Tim. He was glad that he could still break through Jason’s façade even with something like this.
“But,” Tim continued. “Are you sure you want to have the dinner? Are you ready for this? Do you think you can handle it?”
Jason sighed and hung his head further, gaze boring into the floor. “Am I ready? No. I am the furthest thing from ready from having to tell the man who’s suspicious of everything I do that I’m dating you. Do I think I can handle it? Maybe. I can’t say that yelling won’t be involved. But am I sure? Absolutely,” he said, turning to look at Tim. “I’m as sure about this as I am about my feelings with you and I know that I don’t want to let this be ripped from my hands so I don’t think there’s any point in putting it off.”
Tim fought down the warmth that threatened to consume him and all of the words that wanted to spill from his lips. He wanted to tell Jason so many things, but now wasn’t the time to do that. He had a phone call to make and if he didn’t do it in that moment, then it would just keep getting pushed further and further back.
He scrolled through his contacts and found the number for Bruce’s personal phone. Hopefully, he would take it as the least life-threatening and emergency inducing option and wouldn’t be halfway to the Batmobile before even answering the call. He hit dial and held the phone up to his ear. He briefly thought that he should’ve called Alfred instead.
“Yes?” he answered.
“Bruce, I have something I wanted to ask you,” Tim started slowly.
“Okay. What is it?”
“I was hoping that we could have dinner this weekend, but not just us. Jason wants to be there, too.”
There was a painful silence on the phone and Tim winced, imagining what was probably going through Bruce’s mind at the moment. Most of it wasn’t very pleasant.
“Just the three of us?” he clarified.
“Yes.” Tim rubbed a hand over his forehead. Waiting for him to hang up or agree or maybe the world would end right then and he wouldn’t have to worry about the answer. The silence pounded over the line and struck Tim over the head with its ferocity.
“I’ll let Alfred know you’ll be by this weekend. Be here for the usual time we have our dinners on Sundays,” he said, shortly.
Tim blinked, surprised that he’d agreed so quickly.
“Tim?” he asked.
“Uh, yeah,” he said, snapping out of his daze. “Yeah that sounds great. We’ll see you then.”
Bruce ended the call before Tim could even think about saying goodbye and he lowered the phone from his hand to stare at the screen that blinked back to where Bruce’s contact was on his phone.
“So he agreed?” Jason asked.
Tim turned to face him and nodded. Jason let out a heavy breath and sagged against the back of the couch.
“Are you going to be okay?” Tim asked.
“I feel like I should be asking you that since you were the one on the phone with him,” Jason tried to joke, but Tim could see the accumulation of everything life had thrown at him hovering behind his gaze. His pupils were hollower than they usually were, reflecting the agonizing experiences he’d gone through.
Tim smiled and scooted closer to Jason, letting his head rest on his shoulder and leaving his arm to drape across Jason’s stomach. Jason’s arm wrapped tightly around him and pulled him close enough were Tim was practically sitting his lap. To make the position more comfortable, Tim swung his legs up and over Jason’s so they came to rest on the other side of the couch.
“It’ll be fine,” Tim murmured. “We’re going to have dinner on Sunday. We’ve got a whole week to prepare. There won’t be anything to worry about.”
Jason snorted, but tried tugging him closer, seeking to eliminate any space between them. Tim rubbed his thumb over the fabric of Jason’s shirt where his hand had come to rest. Jason ducked his head and kissed the side of Tim’s head.
“If you’re with me, I think I can handle anything. Even a stuffy old dinner with B.”
Tim smiled. “Don’t let Alfred hear you say that. I don’t think he’d take too kindly to his food being called stuffy.”
Jason chuckled softly. Tim could tell he was trying to make his voice light and airy to avoid suspicion, but Tim could still hear the slight strain underneath it. He snuggled closer and tightened his grip, hoping to offer some form of comfort before Jason was faced with the lion’s den. Tim knew he would be facing some of the same skepticism, but it seemed insignificant to the adversity Tim knew Jason would surely face at the hands of Bruce.
He wasn’t sure how much convincing it was going to take to make him believe their relationship. Hell, he wasn’t even sure if they would be able to get his approval. But that didn’t mean Tim wasn’t going to try. He would fight his hardest for this, for Jason more than himself. It would be a sign of peace. A small olive branch that things weren’t as tenuous as they seemed to be. And that Jason might not be as on the fringes of the family as he thought.
The week passed in a blur. Even though Tim had more distractions than Jason, it still amazed him when Friday was upon them, and then Saturday, and finally Sunday. The fact he was nervous and ill at ease must’ve meant Jason was experiencing a worse range or emotions.
Jason hid it well, keeping his emotions masked underneath the surface as he’d practiced for so long, but Tim could feel the tension in his muscles and the nervous energy that thrummed under his skin. He almost wanted to joke with Jason that he was on the verge of being the flash, able to vibrate right out of the situation.
But they were determined. This was something that needed to happen and they were going to make it work even if it meant leaving the Manor for good after the dinner was over.
Tim kept a tight hold on Jason during the entire ride there. He pushed himself as close as he could and the narrow bike seat would allow and if his grip was on the verge of suffocating Jason, he didn’t comment.
The gates opened before they could press the intercom and Jason eased up the drive until they were waiting at the foot of the stairs. He killed the engine and Tim felt him sigh, his whole body compressing underneath the weight of reality. All his fears and worries dragging his limbs down and making him feel sluggish.
Tim let his grip fall away, freeing Jason from the confines of his arms and pulled off his own helmet. He ran a hand through his flattened hair and waited. Jason’s grip was tight on the handlebars, his gloves pulling taut over his skin and Tim knew if he could see his hands, the knuckles would be white from the strain they were under.
After several long minutes, he managed to loosen his grip and reach for the helmet on his head. He kept his head bowed even after it was removed, fingers rubbing over the smooth surface as thoughts raced through his mind. He let out another sigh that pulled his shoulders even further down with the gravity of the past, present, and future.
Tim reached out a hand and squeezed his shoulder. “Are you ready?” he whispered.
Jason made no sound. Made no move. And then, like the caution of a newborn calf, he raised himself from the seat and swung his leg over the side. Tim followed him and watched as he methodically stowed their helmets underneath the seat.
Jason turned to face the Manor and Tim held out his hand. It was an invitation. He’d be willing to give them away before they could even say anything if it would provide the comfort and strength Jason needed.
Jason reached out and gave Tim’s hand a squeeze, but didn’t link their fingers together, letting their hands fall away instead. Tim stepped forward first, walking towards the stairs with Jason behind him. As usual, Alfred pulled the door open before they could even think to knock.
“Welcome back, sirs,” he said with a small bow, letting them inside. “Master Bruce is waiting for you in the dining room. I will have the first course brought in in a moment.”
“Thank you, Alfred,” Tim said, offering him a smile.
“Of course, Master Timothy,” he said, shutting the door behind them.
Jason smiled at him as they left the foyer behind, but refrained from saying anything. Tim wondered what was going through his mind now that they were back. He could be having doubts or questioning whether this was the right course of action.
The doors to the dining room had been propped open by Alfred and they walked through, taking the available seats on either side of where Bruce sat at the head of the table. Bruce looked over them both as they sat, mouth flattened in a thin line.
They sat at the table in silence. Tim glanced between Jason and Bruce. Jason stared hard at his plate and Bruce was looking forward across the dining room. He wanted to sigh because he wished for once he wouldn’t be the one who needed to broach such an uncomfortable topic. He opened his mouth to speak, but closed it to swallow when Alfred walked in, pushing a cart with bowls of soup.
“Here you are, sirs,” he said, setting one in front of each of them.
“Thanks Alfred,” Tim murmured. He immediately picked up his spoon and swirled it through the liquid. He glanced at Jason and saw his knuckles were white around his spoon where Bruce sat back, sipping idly. Tim allowed himself to indulge in a few sips, letting the warmth from the liquid seep into his bones and give him the strength he needed to make this work.
Finally gathering the courage to speak, he opened his mouth, but was interrupted by Bruce.
“So what did you really want to talk about?” he asked, eyeing them both before his gaze settled on Tim. “There was an obvious reason for calling this dinner that didn’t have to do with sitting down to eat and enjoy each other’s company.”
Tim cleared his throat. “You’re right. Jason and I did want to talk to you about something.”
Bruce folded his hands into his lap and sat back against his chair. He raised an eyebrow, waiting for Tim to continue.
“We-“ Tim started. “Well, you see…”
“Tim and I have spent a lot of time together since he returned from the past,” Jason broke in.
“Yes, I’m aware of that,” Bruce acknowledged. “You too seem to have gotten quite close despite the things that have happened before.”
“I guess we should start there,” Tim mumbled. “You should know that I don’t hold what Jason did against him. We both know that Jason didn’t know it was me who he was attacking and although that doesn’t excuse his behavior, he doesn’t have violent or hateful tendencies towards me.”
Bruce sighed. “If this is about Jason patrolling or being welcome back into the family-“
“Well,” Tim interrupted and winced at having cut him off. “It sort of is in a way. You see-“
“Tim and I are dating,” Jason said, breaking in.
Tim stared at Jason whose gaze was fixed on his plate. He turned to look at Bruce and Tim did the same. Bruce’s face was stoic, not giving away what he felt or how he was processing the bomb Jason had pretty much dropped in his lap.
The silence was loud with all of the possibilities and ways the conversation could go, but no one said anything. Tim could feel his heart racing in his chest and could only imagine what was going through Jason’s mind. Although he seemed more relaxed than anything so he might be completely fine with what he’d just laid out on the table.
Bruce looked between them. “Dating.”
Jason narrowed his eyes. “Yes.”
Tim fought his instinct to whither under Bruce’s gaze, knowing he had to stand firm in this if he didn’t want it to fall apart spectacularly.
“Is this true, Tim?” he asked.
Tim nodded. “It is.”
“How long has this been going on?”
“A couple weeks,” he conceded nervously.
Bruce nodded. “So when Jason came to talk to me during patrol…”
“That was before we started dating,” Jason said quickly. “I didn’t want our friendship to put a strain on Tim’s life and a couple days later we sort of figured out that we both liked each other.”
Bruce nodded again. He picked up his soup spoon and went back to eating without saying or giving anything else away. Tim glanced at Jason who was watching him. His stomach was starting to tie itself into knots and he didn’t think he’d be able to finish the meal. Not when he had no idea what was going to come next.
Tim managed a few more bites of soup when Alfred returned to exchange their plates for the salad. He managed to take a drink of water, the liquid helped to wet his throat that felt dry and constricted, but he wasn’t sure he’d be capable of eating the food in front of him.
“I have concerns about this relationship between you,” Bruce finally said, spearing a few green leaves with his fork as Alfred left the room.
“We sort of expected that,” Tim mumbled.
“What I’m most concerned with is the basis for your romantic attraction. Now-“
“It’s not hero worship,” Jason broke in. “I know everyone is going to think that and both of us even considered the possibility, but it’s not. I didn’t start to have a stronger attachment to Tim after I was brought back. And even then it wasn’t an immediate romantic attraction.”
Bruce chewed a few bites of salad slowly. “What if you’ve built up this idea of Tim in your mind? Even if you’ve refrained from unlikely romantic ideals based in hero worship, that doesn’t mean you haven’t built up an image in your memory of him being a perfect person. If you don’t recognize Tim as a human who does have flaws, it could lead to intense feelings of disillusionment when you come to understand those things.”
Tim felt his stomach turn over. That wasn’t a possibility that he’d even considered when first confronted with Jason’s feelings. He looked across the table, yearning for some answers and was rewarded with an intense, determined look Jason was giving Bruce.
“I know Tim is human. I’m painfully aware of that fact. I know he’s smart and kind and was there for me so many years ago. He’s capable of taking care of others, but doesn’t always take care of himself. He’ll forgo his own needs and think less of himself because he puts so many people before his own well-being.”
Tim felt himself blush at the conversation. He knew it wasn’t a secret the kinds of behaviors he practiced, but it was still embarrassing to have his shortcomings become the top of conversation.
“But that doesn’t mean that I don’t care about him or think less of him,” Jason continued. “I want to take care of Tim and show him why I care about him. Even if he has trouble seeing the beauty in himself, I know it’s still there and I want to know him and all of the quirky, weird things he does every day.”
Tim felt his blush deepen even further and focused on the plate in front of him. The knot in his stomach had unwound somewhat at Jason’s words and the care he used when talking about him. He wasn’t sure he wanted to know what Bruce thought about those statements.
“The two of us were well on our way to building a friendship after we were reunited,” Jason whispered. “We were building a bond that didn’t have any romantic basis even if those feelings did exist in us as individuals. I was more than happy to suppress those feelings if it meant I was able to spend time with Tim and be around him. I didn’t need to have everything that came with a romantic relationship. Being with Tim for who he is was enough.”
Silence hung in the air when Jason finished speaking. Tim hadn’t expected him to reveal so much when he’d been nervous and unsure about telling Bruce about their relationship.
Bruce pulled his gaze from Jason and turned to Tim.
“Jason has told me about his feelings with regards to this situation, but I’m curious as to how you developed through all of this, Tim. You are also part of this relationship and it should be beneficial for both parties.”
The way Bruce spoke, it sounded like he was almost approving of the situation. It left Tim hopeful. He knew he would never be as eloquent as Jason, his confession was testament to that, but he couldn’t be blamed for being honest.
“I don’t know how to explain it really. One moment, I was with Jason when he was still a kid and then he was suddenly all grown up. The difference was jarring at first. I didn’t know what I needed to do or what I should do. I enjoyed the relationship we’d built over a handful of days and it felt like nothing to have that translated into the future.” He looked at Jason who was watching him carefully. “And then we started hanging out. I got to see glimpses of Jason as he used to be and learn more about how he changed.
“And as I learned that it was still him underneath everything that had happened with his death and after he was brought back and after the Pit, it made me happy. I honestly thought it was nothing more than platonic feelings on both sides, but when I realized that Jason felt something more for me, that’s when I started to consider my own feelings and think about things. It took a lot to figure it out. Sure, it may not have taken me weeks or months to realize there were feelings, but it was a lot to sift through.
“And when I realized that I did hold something for Jason that was more than friendship and I knew he felt the same…I couldn’t let the opportunity go. This need grew, to simply be with him and if it meant more than that was great and wonderful and fantastic, but if it meant there wouldn’t be anything other than tag-teaming on patrol or hanging out and watching movies or spending the afternoon at a bookstore, then that was okay, too.”
Tim looked over at Bruce who was watching him, gaze intent.
“I don’t expect you to understand everything that’s going on, but we care for each other and don’t want to see either of us get hurt. We’ve considered the other possibilities our feelings might be rooted in. I know that you probably won’t be excited to know that Dick knows about our relationship, but he had the same concerns and after seeing us together, he knew that we were going to be okay. He was most concerned we were treating each other well and we are.”
Tim sat back, tired after putting so much of himself and his emotions out in the open. He felt like he needed nothing more than a nap to recuperate from all of this. And he didn’t even know what Bruce was feeling yet.
Bruce turned his attention back to his salad. Tim wasn’t sure if this was a good thing or a bad thing, but he was really hoping it wouldn’t take until Alfred brought out dessert for them to know how he felt. If that happened, Tim would really be walking out of the Manor without having eaten anything.
He picked up his own fork and speared a few leaves. Swallowing them was a chore when they wanted nothing more than to be ejected from his stomach. After a few bites, he put down his fork and sat back in his chair.
Tim looked over at Jason who was handling the process of eating better than he was. His gaze flicked up as he took another bite, halfway finished with his food. His eyebrows turned down in confusion and Tim shook his head. He knew Jason wanted to object, but there was nothing to be done about his lacking appetite until Bruce came out and said something.
Alfred entered with the same silver cart as before. This time he replaced their salad plates with what looked to be roasted chicken, potatoes, and grilled asparagus.
“Thank you, Alfred,” Bruce murmured as he left. “You’re right that I don’t understand all of the particulars of your relationship,” he said, turning his attention to them. “I’m still concerned about any lingering effects from the Lazarus Pit that may affect Jason. As Tim’s presence has had a beneficial impact on Jason thus far, I don’t see any harm in the two of you associating with each other. I hope that it continues to have a good impact and you’ll even be led to give up your guns one day, or at least the real bullets.
“Now,” he said, clearing his throat, “I have no objections to this relationship at the moment. As far as I can see, your feelings seem genuine and having Dick back your relationship is reassuring. Even though my concerns remain, I won’t object to the two of you being together as you’ve already put a great deal of thought into this.”
Tim felt relief flood through him. His earlier exhaustion returned after having been strung so tight emotionally and having that released in such a quick manner.
“Thank you for feeling comfortable enough to tell me you were dating,” he tacked on awkwardly before turning to his untouched main course.
Tim couldn’t stop the smile that pulled at his lips, but he sunk his teeth into his bottom lip to keep from outright grinning. Jason smiled back and picked up his fork, nodding at Tim and pointing at his own plate.
Tim didn’t want to eat because of his excitement at the situation, but he knew he needed to and Jason would only get mad at him if he didn’t finish the meal when he could barely stomach the first two courses. The tension in his stomach had eased and he knew he’d be able to get the food down just fine.
Their meal finished without another hitch. Alfred even congratulated them when he brought out dessert which was an entirely Alfred thing to do and they should’ve known he knew exactly what was being said. They were able to stumble through more dinner conversation now that they were all on equal footing even if their parting was a little awkward.
Tim road the whole way back to his apartment, squeezing Jason like his life depended on it and grinning underneath the bike helmet he wore.
“You want to come up?” Tim asked after Jason pulled into the alley next to his complex and he’d dismounted, pulling off his helmet.
“Do you even have to ask?” Jason asked, raising an eyebrow in question.
“Sorry,” Tim said, trying to tamp down his grin and failing miserably. “I don’t want to coerce you into anything you might not want to do.”
“You always coerce me into doing everything for you, but it’s okay because I really don’t have any reason to object to doing those things,” he said with a smile.
Rather than walk through the front of the complex, Jason and Tim climbed up the fire escape, but Tim didn’t stop at his window. He kept climbing until he was on top of his roof.
“Any particular reason you brought me up here?” Jason asked, wrapping his arms around Tim from behind.
Tim closed his eyes and leaned his head back against Jason’s chest, readily accepting the kiss he planted on the top of his head.
“No,” he whispered. “I just wanted to take a moment and be with you. As weird as it sounds, this seemed like the least distracting place.”
“We’re vigilantes currently standing on a rooftop in Gotham,” Jason challenged.
Tim chuckled. “I did say ‘as weird as it sounds.’”
He let Jason support his weight for the moment, reveling in the sensation of his body being supported by his. It made everything more real. That they were there together. That nothing had managed to tear them apart yet even though so many things could’ve. It could’ve gone so differently. They could’ve stayed the same as they’d been before Tim had been sent back in time.
But they were different. They were together and something, somewhere-that wasn’t a crazy scientist with a time travel gun-had said that it would be okay for them to come together and be like this.
And that same thing had said it was still okay for them to be like this because as many adversaries that could’ve stayed in their path, didn’t. Dick supported them, Alfred supported them, and even Bruce wasn’t objecting to their relationship even if he still had understandable concerns.
The cool Gotham breeze ruffled Tim’s hair and he shivered, causing Jason to tighten his hold on him.
“If you’re cold we should just go inside. There’s no reason to stand outside and freeze our asses off,” Jason said.
Tim shook his head. “No. I want to stay out here for a little longer.”
They could hear sirens in the distance and the sky was quickly becoming darker. Bruce would be suiting up soon to take care of the citizens on the street and Tim knew he should be too. He needed to patrol and so did Jason, but like Jason had been so fond of teaching him, he was going to take that moment to be selfish.
“Jason?” he asked.
“Hmm?” he hummed.
Tim let out a heavy breath. “I know that things could’ve gone very different and if I hadn’t been sent back in time they would’ve been.”
Jason pulled him closer.
“But I’m glad they didn’t. I’m glad that we ended up here together even though so many things could’ve kept us apart and so many people had the opportunity to get in our way.”
Jason loosened his grip and turned Tim around to face him, cradling his cheek in his hand even as his other arm stayed wrapped around his back.
“I’m glad they didn’t either. If I didn’t have the chance to be with you, I would’ve mourned the loss of a relationship I never knew I needed.”
He dipped his head and met Tim’s lips in a kiss. Where the air was cold around them, Jason’s lips were warm. He pulled back and leaned their foreheads together. Tim kept his eyes shut for a moment, reveling in the feeling and the peace it offered him to stand there and just be.
“I love you, Tim,” Jason whispered.
Tim smiled and let his eyes flutter open so he could meet Jason’s bright gaze.
“I love you, too, Jason.”
The phantom memories of landing on that Gotham rooftop so many years ago played through his mind. He brought up the image of Jason curled up on the couch next to him and how heartbroken they’d both been at his departure. But it wasn't goodbye forever. And it never would be, because Tim knew, deep in his heart, they’d always manage to come back together again no matter how long it took.
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gothify1 · 6 years
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Skincare obsessives lost it when Drunk Elephant finally launched in the UK last year. October 2018 marked the end of beauty junkies having to beg friends, family, and colleagues to back a piece of the clean-beauty action from any and all trips across the Atlantic. But what really sets the hype around Drunk Elephant apart from other Instagram-favorite cult beauty brands is that it isn't just beauty insiders and editors who have been swept up in the buzz—it's our fashion friends and style influencers, too. Who should buy this: People who have congested, spot-prone skin and want a cleanser that exfoliates at the same time. Some people just love the feeling of cleaning their face with a bar of soap and water (hi, Dad), which makes this little cleansing bar feel decidedly old-school. The difference with this one, however, is the ingredients. It's enriched with deeply cleansing thermal mud, gently exfoliating bamboo powder, and nourishing marula oil that works into a rich lather when applied to damp skin. I was really unsure about using this at first but can confirm it did a great job of sloughing away dead skin cells around congested areas like my nose and chin without leaving my skin feeling stripped. Who should buy this: People with sensitive, dry skin or who want a no-frills cleanser that gets the job done. Bar cleansers are an integral part of Drunk Elephant and a product type that sets the brand apart from a lot of other skincare brands. This skin-clarifying one is suitable for use on your face and body. It contains blueberry extract, marula oil, and honey and is completely fragrance-free. For my oily skin, I definitely preferred the Juju Bar (this one was a little too moisturizing for me), but it would be great for sensitive skin. Who should buy this: People with dull skin and who want a cleanser that'll brighten without dehydrating. I'll just come right out and say it: I've been a big fan of Glossier Milky Jelly Cleanser for a while now, so I was pretty certain Drunk Elephant's cleanser wouldn't turn my head. How wrong I was! The formula uses coconut-based fatty acids and is rich in virgin marula oil, so although it's a jelly, it feels more luxurious than other gel cleansers. What I noticed most is the way it creates a rich foam when mixed with water. My skin always feels baby-soft after cleansing with this, and I don't feel like I need to reach for the moisturizer right away. Who should buy this: People with skin that has scars and pigmentation or whose complexion is looking tired and dull. If you ask any beauty editor what product they'd recommend most from Drunk Elephant, chances are it'll be this vitamin C serum. I can confirm the hype is real, and the reason it's great is the potency of its ingredients. For me, it has already done an amazing job of reducing pigmentation and scarring, but I've also heard great things about the way it diminishes fine lines. A whack of pumpkin ferment and pomegranate extracts also work to gently exfoliate the skin so your complexion will feel softer and look brighter from first use. Who should buy this: People whose skin feels tight and dry by the end of the day. I can't get enough of this stuff. I've been adding it to my morning moisturizer on dry days, mixing it with Drunk Elephant's potent glycolic acid (more on that below), and layering it straight onto my skin on makeup-free weekends. Formulated with provitamin B5 and pineapple ceramides, this is basically an incredibly hydrating gel. Dry complexions will drink this up, but it also works as a great base product to cocktail with some of the brand's more intensive treatments. I think of it as a glass of water for thirsty skin—more is more. Who should buy this: People who want clearer, more even skin. Scars, dry patches, discoloration, pores—this serum tackles it all. This is the one product in the Drunk Elephant range I was most excited to try. I use glycolic acids as part of my usual skincare routine but have found that when used daily, my skin often tends to break out. Annoying. This glycolic is different, as it's combined with a whole host of other acids—lactic, tartaric, citric, and salicylic—to really penetrate your skin and remove impurities while raspberry extract and white tea help soothe your skin. This prevents your skin from becoming irritated, dry, or sensitive as you might find with pure glycolic acids. The first time I used this, I mixed a pump with the B-Hydra serum and the marula oil before bed and the next morning the redness of my blemishes had visibly reduced. Who should buy this: People who have eyes. Or an addiction to brow gel. I'm ambivalent about eye creams. I've never been particularly wowed by one, and they aren't in my regular rotation. I'm not entirely convinced they aren't just smaller pots of face moisturizer. This one's a serum rather than a cream and contains black tea ferment to smooth, brighten and slow down signs of aging. If I'm honest, the texture was lovely, but as I don't have too many fine lines yet, I can't comment on how it works in this regard. I did, however, take the brand's suggestion and try it as a brow serum, which I can highly recommend. I'm always testing new brow gels—some good, some not so good—which means that my brow hairs can get weirdly dry and crispy. This stuff has helped soften them and give them a healthy sheen. Who should buy this: People who can only get one product from the Drunk Elephant range. This is coined as the hero product from the Drunk Elephant collection: a 100% pure marula oil. Cold-pressed from the pip of the marula fruit, it's naturally high in antioxidants, vitamin E and omegas 6 and 9, so its something of a natural wonder at rejuvenating and nourishing your skin. Plus it's naturally antimicrobial, which means it also helps to soothe your skin and bring things back into balance. It's lovely alone (I press a few drops over the rest of my skincare when I want a more intensive hit of hydration), but for me, it works best when mixed with other serums from the range to create a personalized skin treatment. I've also used it on the ends of my hair when they've felt particularly dry; it really holds its own compared to more targeted hair treatments that I've tried. Who should buy this: People who hate the feeling of heavy moisturizers on the skin. Of the two moisturizers in the Drunk Elephant range, this one was my favorite. A water-gel texture, I loved the way that it sunk quickly into my skin without leaving behind any tacky residue. This is a great daytime option and perfect for before makeup. As I'm approaching 30, I'm starting to think about the early signs of aging, so I was pleased to note that this cream has been formulated to maintain your natural collagen levels (essential if you want to keep plump, juicy-looking skin). If you have more dehydrated or dry skin, the Lala Retro moisturizer might be better suited to you, but this is a good option for normal to oily skin types. Who should buy this: People who have dry or dehydrated skin or love thick, buttery moisturizers. On an everyday basis, this moisturizer was a little too rich for me. However, if your skin is on the oily side like mine, then I found that this worked really well when used as a weekly hydration mask. It would be great for parched skin after a flight, too. Dehydrated or dry skin types, however, will undoubtedly drink up this oil-rich cream. It's brimming with fatty acids and moisturizing extracts to deliver a steady dose of hydration that will keep your skin feeling comfortable all day and night. Who should buy this: People who have dark circles or puffy eyes. I know, I know—I said a few paragraphs ago about how I'm just not into eye creams. But honestly, this one has possibly changed all that. Containing similar skin-brightening benefits to Drunk Elephant's C-Firma serum, I've been reaching for this cream on mornings when my complexion just doesn't look its best. It particularly comes into its own on mornings when you might be a bit hungover. The vitamin C helps brighten your under-eyes instantly, meaning that I needed to apply less concealer. Oh, and the peach-colored cap and dinky packaging are cute. Who should buy this: People who have already tried and love retinol or who want to reduce fine lines and plump the skin. I've written about this product before after being seriously impressed with the results after my first time using it. I have used retinol before (if you haven't, then I'd always tread cautiously), but this one didn't irritate my skin at all. It uses 1% retinol to boost collagen production and promote skin renewal along with nourishing fruit extracts and fatty acids to pamper your skin at the same time. I've since found that mixing this in with Lala Retro Whipped Cream is the perfect skincare cocktail for me. Who should buy this: People who like lip balm. I always have multiple lip balms on the go, so I consider myself to be something of a lip-balm connoisseur. This one contains the brand's key ingredient, marula oil, which means it's intensely moisturising. Admittedly, it won't change your life, but it's a damn good balm if you're looking for a new one to pop in your handbag.
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gallen · 7 years
Yesterday’s (real) News from North Korea.
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Pyongyang, August 9 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the General Staff of the Korean People's Army (KPA) issued the following statement on Tuesday: Timed to coincide with the fabrication of the heinous "sanctions resolution" against the DPRK at the UN, the U.S. war-thirsty forces are engrossed in war hysteria without discretion. In the U.S. Trump is talking rhetoric without hesitation that "he will not rule out a war against the north rather than taking a folded-arm approach towards its development of long-range nuclear missile advancing with a rapid speed" and "even if a war breaks out, it will be fought on the Korean peninsula and even though thousands are killed, they will be there, not in the U.S. mainland." U.S. Ambassador to the UN Haley is openly saying that the "U.S. has the inexhaustible power" and "it will exercise the right to all the military options". An assistant to the President for National Security is saying that "if the north has access to the nuclear weapons capable of threatening the U.S., it is an intolerable thing for the president. Therefore, the U.S. is preparing all the military options including a fresh preventive war for neutralizing the north's nuclear strike capabilities". The military warmongers of the Pentagon such as Secretary of Defence Mattis, Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Dunford and commander of the U.S. combined special warfare are chiming in, unhesitatingly talking about the necessity of the "beheading operation", "preemptive strike at the north", "secret operation", "internal harassing operation" and "special operation". Timed to coincide with this, the 82nd airborne division, the U.S. imperialist forces' only air-dropping one, went into a large-scale airdrop and mobile drill, anticipating its involvement in the Korean front and the 25th light infantry division and the 10th mountain division are running high fever in their drills for getting familiar with the terrain of the Korean peninsula. Navy SEAL which earned an ill-fame across the world and other special warfare units specializing in terrorist operations were urgently dispatched to south Korea. The plan for bringing strategic assets including B-52, B-1B, B-2A and F-22 formations to south Korea is in the pipeline. At the Edward Air Force Base in California State B-52H formations are busy making preparations for a "secret operation" aimed to create chaos within the depth of the KPA, while staging a drill of dropping PDU-5/B bombs containing propaganda leaflets for psychological warfare. The U.S. plans to bring huge naval forces including its two nuclear aircraft carrier task forces and a nuclear sub to the waters off the Korean peninsula. All these military actions being conducted in the ground, sea and air clearly go to prove that the nuclear war hysteria of the U.S. authorities including Trump has reached an extremely reckless and rash phase for an actual war after crossing the red line. Under the prevailing grave situation, the General Staff of the KPA clarifies at home and abroad its resolute stand as follows to mercilessly smash all sorts of military provocation, being planned by the U.S. imperialist warmongers, with the inexhaustible military might of the powerful revolutionary Paektusan army which has so far been built. 1. The KPA will start the Korean-style preemptive retaliatory operation of justice to wipe out the group of despicable plot-breeders once a slight sign of the U.S. provocation scheming to dare carry out a "beheading operation" against the supreme headquarters of the Korean revolution out of wild calculation is detected. The "beheading operation" being pursued by the U.S. is just an extremely imprudent and heinous operation for "eliminating" the supreme headquarters of the DPRK, which has long been premeditated by the U.S. to "put under its control" Pyongyang where the supreme headquarters of the Korean revolution are located and neutralize the use of nukes and strategic rockets. Once the U.S. shows a sign of starting to carry out the foolhardy plot, we will launch the Korean-style pre-emptive retaliatory operation of justice to annihilate the masterminds of the thrice-cursed operation and all the criminals involved in it. No matter how much specially they have been trained and prepared, the commandos group will be completely eliminated outside the blockade lines of the seas, underwater and air of the DPRK in which its sovereignty is exercised and on the line before the Military Demarcation Line before they reach the supreme headquarters. We have a world's best special operation force, not merely a "team" or platoon or company or battalion in its scale. Once the pent-up indignation of the service personnel of the special operation force of the KPA, which regards it as the greatest mission of the army of the leader and the party and the first maxim of soldiers to devotedly defend the headquarters of the revolution, against the U.S. and other enemies erupts, the U.S. will be forced to suffer an imaginably terrible disaster for the "beheading operation." The world will clearly witness how the fate of Trump and war merchants crying out for "not ruling out a war" and daring attempt to hurt the supreme dignity of the DPRK and eliminate its supreme headquarters will end in miseries once the fully prepared heroic special operation force group of the KPA on standby launches its operation. 2. The provocative "preventive war" the U.S. has devised and plans to execute will be countered with a just all-out war of wiping out all the strongholds of the enemies including the U.S. mainland. The "preventive war" allegedly under the preparations by the security think tank of Trump is an extremely provocative aggression war concept envisaging a sudden strike at the nuclear and rocket bases of the DPRK, which have the U.S. mainland within their striking range, and preventing possible danger of the U.S. Inventors of the "preventive war" admitted themselves that their act is a brigandish military option that can cause an international uproar. Yet, they set the northern half of the Republic, in which the sovereignty of the DPRK is exercised, as the theatre of the "preventive war" and claim it can be an "ideal option" unharmful to them as only Koreans will die there. This is a silly idea bereft of elementary sense, cognition and discretion of those ignorant of how things change, who their rival is and where the trend goes. War is by no means a game. The U.S. should remembered, however, that once there observed a sign of action for "preventive war" from the U.S., the army of the DPRK will turn the U.S. mainland into the theatre of a nuclear war before the inviolable land of the DPRK turns into the one. We do not hide that we already have in full readiness the diversified strategic nuclear strike means which have the U.S. mainland in our striking range. 3. The attempt at "preemptive attack" oft-repeated by the U.S. military warmongers will be mercilessly foiled by the Korean style preemptive attack which will be mounted earlier. Preemptive strike is no longer the monopoly of the U.S. The DPRK has its own style peculiar preemptive strike mode capable of holding back any military preemptive attack of the U.S. in advance as it has made preparations for a do-or-die confrontation with the U.S. imperialist aggressors for decades. It is ridiculous to talk about preemptive strike at the nuclear and rocket bases of the DPRK. The Korean-style earlier preemptive attack will burn up all the objects in the areas under the control of the first and third field armies of the puppet forces including Seoul the moment the U.S. reckless attempt at preemptive attack is spotted, and will lead to the all-out attack for neutralizing the launch bases of the U.S. imperialist aggression forces in the Pacific operational theatre together with the simultaneous strike at the depth of the whole of the southern half. All the strike means to be involved in the Korean-style earlier preemptive strike are ready to open fire of justice by order which can be made any moment. 4. The U.S. "secret operation" targeting the creation of disorder inside the DPRK and a regime change in it will be foiled by its all-people resistance. The "secret operation" touted by the U.S. policy-makers is a foolish scheme aimed at bringing down the social system of the DPRK, in combination with psychological warfare after creating disarrangement with such disorderly conducts as murder, arson, destruction with the use of rogue-like special commandoes to be infiltrated into the DPRK. In order to realize this scheme, a large-size bomb-dropping drill for psychological warfare is being conducted in the U.S. mainland. The "secret operation" is a type of special operation which the U.S. applied to countries in Mid-east like Iraq and Libya and several other countries in Africa and Europe. The anti-U.S. resistance of all the people including three million Children's Union members and five million youths will smash to pieces the "secret operation" which the U.S. dreams to conduct in the DPRK. A saying goes that a war with full knowledge of oneself and one's rival will emerge ever-victorious but a war without knowledge of oneself and one's rival would always end in loss. The U.S. has gone hysteric, being quite unaware of the army and people of the DPRK. The DPRK is an invincible ideological power in which all the service personnel and people are united around their leader in single mind and a country of an impregnable fortress in which all the people are armed and the whole country has been fortified. The U.S. policy-makers have no idea that the country on a declining slope is none other than the American empire where they reside. Herein lies their tragedy. This means that the U.S. is bound to meet a miserable end as it goes helter-skelter without knowledge of itself and its rival. Those who make their way to this land for their dirty dream can never be scot-free as the entire army and people tightly hold arms with strong hatred and hostility toward the U.S. The officers and men of the Korean People's Army and the members of the Worker-Peasant Red Guards and the Young Red Guards replete with the transparent spirit of devotedly safeguarding the leader and defending the country are waiting for the time of do-or-die battle while closely following the every move of the U.S. imperialist aggressors. The U.S. should not forget even a moment that its mean and crafty attempt at an aggression war against the DPRK will further strengthen the intensity of the military counteraction of the Korean People's Army. Should the U.S. finally opt for a reckless military adventure, defying the stern warning of our revolutionary armed forces, the tragic end of the American empire will be hastened.
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