#just uhhh *looks at whiteboard* 8 girls to go!
tokimaeki-gaming · 2 years
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And that’s Yukari’s route done!!! So sweet, I really enjoyed every moment of this run (even though Shiori BOMBED ME NEAR THE END AND I HAD TO RELOAD). 
Not sure who I’ll do next! I’m open to suggestions. The other girls I’ve completed so far are Ayano, Saki and Rei, so lmk if you have a preference- the only one I won’t do is Shiori, I’m saving her for last
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The MCU’s Daughters: Shoebox
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A/N: This is a Prequel, to my new story The MCU’s Daughter, inspired by Brie Larson’s album Finally Out of PE. Invisible Girl was merely the inspiration for this piece and if lyrics are seen it’s probably just me listening to the song about 100 times writing this and editing it.
Summary: Long before she was the MCU’s Daughter. Before they were the Internet’s Daughters. They were just teenage girls trying to fit into a new system, a new country and a new school. Before all the fame and success two teens first became friends and teammates.
Warnings: Mentions of Depression, Anxiety, Epilepsy, Violence, Extreme Angst, Fluff
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November 25th, 2016
“Happy Regionals Day!” Tegan said as she walked into the classroom.
“What do you mean Regionals Day?” I asked as Tegan sat down next to me.
“I mean every one of our classmates except for a few are at athletics regionals today. So it is just four of us in yr 8 and we get to be alone. No teachers!” Tegan said to me going up to the whiteboard and writing ‘class plans: nothing,’ on it.
“So do you want to watch movies or play games?” Alexandra asked sitting down in Miss G’s chair.
“I vote conspiracy videos,” I said.
“I vote you actually do some school work,” Miss G’s assistant said coming through the class door to grab her folders for the day.
“So if we do an hour of school work we can do whatever we like for the rest of the day?” I asked her.
“Sweet,” Hamish said taking his seat.
“So it’s just you four in here everyone else is going to the other classes. Don’t rub it in. And maybe edit some videos,” she told us all.
“That last one counts as schoolwork. So we can watch raw footage and put it together and film a video of today and then we can watch videos and play weird games for the rest of the day,” Tegan suggested.
“And we can have meetings at the desk,” Alexandra added on.
“Sounds like a plan.”
Once we’d watched raw footage of us all in Wellington enjoying ourselves. With comments such as ‘we have to include that!’ and ‘no! No, we can’t include Miss G swearing at a wall! Can we?’ it passed the time till morning tea. And after that, we dissolved into playing games.
“OK! Hamish, bed, wed, behead, Saskia, Indy and Scarlett,” Alexandra asked.
“Uhhh… Kill Scarlett, Marry Saskia? And Bed Indy,” He said very scared.
“Why?” I asked him.
“Well, Scarlett’s horrible, Indy seems the most down for weird stuff and Saskia is the nicest,” Hamish said, “Now Tegan. Celebrities or people we know?”
“Celebrities, definitely,” Tegan responded.
“OK, Brie Larson, Scarlett Johanssen or Tom Holland?” Hamish asked.
“Kill Tom, Marry Brie and Fuck Scarlett. Because Tom is a twat, Brie is Brie and while Scarlett is a questionable person she is Natasha Romanoff and I mean,” Tegan responded almost too quickly, “Now, Alexandra, Celebrities or people we know?”
“People we know, I want a challenge,” She told Tegan.
“Hamish, Lachie and… Xavier.”
“Kill Xavier, Fuck Lachie and Marry Hamish, easy,” Alexandra told Tegan, “Simone, celebrity or people we know?”
“The Marvel Chrises.”
“Fuck Hemsworth, kill Pratt and marry Evans,” I told her instantly.
“Well this is fun and all but I have to pop to the loo,” Tegan said closing her computer leaving the classroom
“Should we snoop?” I asked them.
“Yes,” Alexandra said, “And before you say anything else 2 against 1 Hamish.”
“Cool, what does she have in her emails?” I asked, “Who’s Donte?”
“I don’t know but let’s call him and find out.”
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November 25th, 2016
“Who are you guys?” I heard the familiar voice as I walked into the classroom.
“Hello Donte, my friends stole my computer and are skyping you,” I said walking toward the computer.
“That’s odd, you have friends?” He asked me back.
“Yes, I do. I’ll let them talk though I have some songs to work on,” I said waving to him.
“So…” Simone started as they asked him a thousand questions.
I sat down at the big computer with its piano keyboard and started trying to recall the keys for Shout Out To My Ex, that we were recording after lunch and tried to start singing.
“This is a shout out to my ex Heard he in love with some other chick Yeah yeah, that hurt me, I’ll admit Forget that boy, I’m over it I hope she gettin’ better sex Hope she ain’t fakin’ it like I did, babe Took four long years to call it quits Forget that boy, I’m over it,” I sang to myself in the corner.
“Guess I should say thank you For the “hate yous” and the tattoos Oh, baby, I’m cool by the way Ain’t sure I loved you anyway Go ‘head, babe, I'ma live my life, my life, yeah,” Alexandra joined in from across the room.
“Shout out to my ex, you’re really quite the man You made my heartbreak and that made me who I am Here’s to my ex, hey, look at me now Well, I, I’m all the way up I swear you’ll never bring me down Shout out to my ex, you’re really quite the man You made my heartbreak and that made me who I am Here’s to my ex, hey, look at me now Well, I’m, I’m all the way up I swear you’ll never, you’ll never bring me down,” Both of us sung in unison.
“Oh, I deleted all your pics Then blocked your number from my phone Yeah, yeah, you took all you could get But you ain’t getting this love no more ‘Cause now I’m living so legit (So legit!) Even though you broke my heart in two, baby (Scoop, scoop) But I snapped right back, I’m so brand new, baby (I’m so brand new!) Boy, read my lips, I’m over you, over you, uh,” Simone sang while Donte looked confused with Hamish.
“Guess I should say thank you For the “hate yous” and the tattoos Oh, baby, I’m cool by the way Ain’t sure I loved you anyway Go 'head, babe, I'ma live my life, my life, yeah,” Donte sang from the other end of the phone call.
“Shout out to my ex, you’re really quite the man You made my heartbreak and that made me who I am Here’s to my ex, hey, look at me now Well, I, I’m all the way up I swear you’ll never bring me down Shout out to my ex, you’re really quite the man You made my heartbreak and that made me who I am Here’s to my ex, hey, look at me now Well, I’m, I’m all the way up I swear you’ll never, you’ll never bring me down,” We all sang together, even Hamish this time.
“You’ll never bring me down, yeah,” Hamish sang.
“Shout out to my ex, you’re really quite the man You made my heartbreak and that made me who I am Here’s to my ex, hey, look at me now Well, I’m all the way up I swear you’ll never, you’ll never bring me down, ooh,” I sang
“Shout out to my ex, you’re really quite the man (You’re quite the man) You made my heartbreak and that made me who I am Here’s to my ex, hey, look at me now Well, I’m, I’m all the way up, I swear you’ll never bring me down (You’ll never bring me down) Shout out to my ex, you’re really quite the man (Eh-hey-eh) You made my heartbreak and that made me who I am Here’s to my ex, hey, look at me now (Won’t you just look at me now?) Well, I’m, I’m all the way up I swear you’ll never, you’ll never bring me down,” We all sang together as some of the yr 7s came in.
“(Oh, oh, oh-oh-oh) (Oh, oh, oh-oh-oh, oh) (Oh, oh, oh-oh-oh) (Oh, oh, oh-oh-oh, oh) Yeah, hey, oh (Oh, oh, oh-oh-oh) (Oh, oh, oh-oh-oh, oh) Oh, Nah, Nah (Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh, oh, oh) You’ll never bring me down,” We finished.
“That was so much fun, but I gotta go. Dinner time. But you should definitely post that song on youtube, maybe remake the video,” Donte said to all of us as the year 7s stared at us as if we were insane.
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rosewinterborn · 5 years
I waited too long to do this, so now I have 44 questions to do. RIP. Tagged by @writersblockandapotoftea, @arwallace (I know you tagged @expositionpreposition but it’s easier to do it here!), @shit-she-wrote, and @atinydino
Who was your childhood hero?
Honestly, probably JKR. Again, RIP.
If we didn’t start the fire, who did?
People like my dad who say “millennials” like it’s a derogatory word probably
What made you start your wip?
Reading too much Dresden Files and also looking at magic academia posts on Tumblr (Gutter Witch); Reading Eragon (Companion to Dragons); Wanting to make an open magic world (Witches Anthology); Reading too much Stucky fanfiction (Fractal); Listening to the Magnus Archives three times through in a month (CHAF3k); wanted to go on a magic adventure with my high school friends (Children of the Light)
Hogwarts house?
Star Trek or Star Wars
Star Wars, though I like both
What was your pre-teen bop?
Uhhh Taylor Swift’s whole second album
If you could have a fantasy creature as a pet, what would you pick?
A dragon about the size of a cat that could sit on my shoulder and talk to me
What’s your pet peeve?
Feeling like people are upset with me but won’t talk to me about it
Dracula or Frankenstien’s Monster?
Haven’t read Dracula so Frankenstein’s monster, I guess.
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve said to a friend?
I mean I had a conversation with two lesbians about dildos yesterday, soooo
If you had to murder someone, who would it be?
No one. I honestly don’t think I’d be able to live with myself after.
A R Wallace
Which book(s)/series would you compare your current WIP(s) to?
The Dresden Files. Though I did have someone say it was like reading a better-written Mortal Instruments. I was tickled.
Would you be willing to adapt your WIP into a movie one     day? Why or Why not?
Yes. Please. Let me see my work come to life.
What is your ‘writing ritual’? (do you make sure     you’ve made a cup of tea, sit in a particular spot, etc.)
I don’t have any particular ritual, I usually just try and seize the energy when I have it. Right now I am trying to sit at my actual desk to work, though, and during school if I had anything that I desperately needed to get done I took my ass to a coffee shop and told myself I wasn’t allowed to leave until it was done.
How much has writeblr helped you with your writing?
It helped me find a writing community that inspired me to get back to work after the depression had taken it away from me. I’m not as active on writeblr as maybe I could be, but the writing discord I found through it has been a lifeline.
If you could be one creature (real or mythical), what would you be?
A dragon. But like, one of the ones that can shapeshift. I also like being human.
Sum up your favorite WIP in one sentence
Oh god I’m supposed to have a favorite? That’s not gonna happen…
Gutter Witch: Local teens sick and tired of prophetic bullshit
Children of the Light: Estranged assholes learn to love each other again and also stop the apocalypse
Fractal: Hell on Earth in so many ways
Companion to Dragons: Girl’s asshole father sends her and her sister on a suicide mission and thinks that’s the end of it (surprise!)
Witches Anthology: literally a whole bunch of short stories so I’m not gonna try
Which of your characters is your favorite?
Whyyyyyy idk in GW probably Hunter, he’s fun to write. Overall maybe Sterling, my enby necromancer in the anthology
Which of your characters is your least favorite?
Hunter’s mother. Like honestly, every time I write about her she gets worse.
What do you believe is the most overused trope in your WIP’s genre(s)?
Favorite season?
If you could travel anywhere in the universe, where would you go?
Several places in Europe, in no particular order.
1.     What’s the first story you remember writing?
A story about a cat and a mouse becoming friends.
2.     How has your taste in books changed since childhood?
I’ve tended a lot less towards high fantasy. I think it’s too much of an energy investment to try and understand the worldbuilding right now, whereas you can usually just jump into urban fantasy. I’ve also gotten a lot more interested in horror.
3.     Do you see any similarities to your favorite books in your work? If yes, what are they?
If I’m being real honest, most of my wips are direct rip-offs of stuff I’ve read/watched/listened to, at least in the first draft. I usually try and direct my obsessions into creative energy at some point, with differing amounts of success.
4.     What sort of music inspires you?
Stuff with strong beats/baseline and vaguely rebellious lyrics. So like, lots of Imagine Dragons and Fall Out Boy. But also trailer music like Epic Score and Two Steps from Hell
5.     Favorite book?
These are the most evil kinds of questions you guys.
I can’t think of any published books I’d call my absolute favorite, but I do have a handful of fanfics I read on at least an annual basis: War, Children, by Nonymos; To Be Vulnerable Is Needed Most of All, by perfect_plan; and Schroedinger’s Romance by lesbuchanan
6.     Favorite mythology (Greek, Norse, etc.)?
Probably Celtic? I’m really rusty on it though
7.     Dream vacation?
A long, long trip through Europe without having to worry about money
8.     Favorite writing snack?
I don’t really eat when I write because its too much of a distraction :P
9.     What tea do you drink the most while writing?
Irish Breakfast
10.  Do you have a special writing cup, that you drink tea out of specifically when writing to fill you up with inspiration?
I have a couple I’m more likely to grab, like my Night Vale Community Radio mug or my white Starbucks mug with the gold lettering
11. Write your favorite quote from your recent wip!!
Just outside the beam of light was a circle of what looked like black paint, tiny sigils scratched into it, shimmering uncannily in the dark. Wisps of that grim light drifted from the sigils to the figures at their center, dancing around Mara’s hands, clutching at Hunter’s shirt. Anywhere they touched his skin, blood seeped from a new laceration, sluggish and dark and horrible. 
“Hunter,” she breathed. 
Then she heard him. 
“Run, Cady,” he croaked. “Tell my mom...she’s a bitch.”
1.     What’s your favorite season and why
Autumn! I love rain and also that it’s not super hot or super cold
2.     What’s your favorite food?
3.     Who’s your favorite character in your most recent WIP?
Hunter Bishop, asshole extraordinaire
4.     Do you hide easter eggs in your writing? If so tell me a few.
Hm. If I do, I don’t consider them easter eggs, just references. Though I did have someone in my creative writing class ask if the sandwich my protagonist was eating was based on one served in one of the restaurants on campus (and he was right)
5.     Would you prefer your WIPs to be turned into a movie or tv series? (feel free to tell me about more than just 1)
Gutter Witch should just be a movie, and I’m leaning towards that for Witches as well. Fractal could go either way, though I’m leaning towards TV show. Children of the Light could go either way. CHAF3k will hopefully be a podcast at some point.
6.     If you could have a writing studio anywhere with anything in it, what would it be like and where would it be?
I like the nook I have, though I think I’d adjust the height of my desk chair and add a coffee maker and a closer bathroom so I don’t have to walk all the way across the apartment. Oh, and I’d get a massive whiteboard so I can go all conspiracy theory on my wips.
7.     What music do you listen to to get you in the zone? (the writing zone)
Trailer music! Epic Score and Two Steps from Hell. I can’t listen to music with lyrics while I try to make the words go.
8.     What’s your worldbuilding process?
But actually, I think of the aesthetic I’m after and then try to make everything build off of that. Along the way I usually try to figure out what thing I’m consciously or unconsciously basing it off of so that I can make necessary changes.
9.     Who are your most influential authors?
JKR (sorry), Laini Taylor, Juliet Marillier, Tamora Pierce
10.  What’s your favorite kind of cookie?
French macarons
11. Give me your favorite excerpt for your recent WIP!
“I wanted to talk to Madge.”
“Madge is dead,” Hunter said, confused. 
“I’m aware,” she said. “I asked Death to take me to her, but she said she couldn’t and suggested projection instead.”
Hunter turned from the stove with the most dumbfounded expression Cady had ever seen outside of cinema. “You asked Death,” he repeated.
Cady snorted. “Yeah. I asked Death.”
“The cosmic power, Death.”
“The cosmic power, Death. We’re good friends. She comes over for tea on occasion.”
Hunter stared at her, expression halfway between disbelief and suspicion. “You’re fucking with me.”
“I’m not fucking with you,” Cady said. “Death is the whole reason I came to this Coven. She sent me here when I was thirteen.”
Hunter sank back against the counter, looking almost faint. Whatever he’d been cooking began to sizzle alarmingly. “Death has been...in this apartment.”
Cady nodded.
Not tagging anyone else on this one. I’ve learned my lesson lmao.
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minchase-ingclouds · 5 years
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𝕒𝕗𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕪𝕠𝕦 left, 𝕚 𝕔𝕒𝕞𝕖 𝕒𝕔𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝒻𝒶𝓃𝓉𝒶𝓈𝓎
╰ ♡ ✧ ˖ chae hyungwon. 25 he/him. have you seen charles “chase” min? they used to be so +confident before their heart got broken. now they just seem to be very -timid. i think it had something to do with (tw: abuse) his sugar mama emotionally/physically abusing him, but who knows how accurate that is. i know, we should get them hair dye to help cheer them up! maybe then they’ll start acting like fairy floss and cherry blossoms blooming.
name: charles min
nicknames: chase, whatever nicknames his sister gives him, rosir (his sTriPPEr NamE)
age: 25
pronouns: he/him
sexuality: heterosexual (he thinks) ((but is actually bisexual)) (((he’s confused ok)))
traumatic childhood backstory etc in the bio below so if ur here from dee’s intro on ciel then jump down there hey
anyway bc of the traumatic childhood backstory, chase and his little sister ciel moved out when he turned 18 and she was 14/15ish
long story short he became a stripper to support them
when he was about 20, he met tiffany, a rich business woman who frequented his strip club because she thought he was stunning and had seen him on a night out with the girls
she wasn’t that old, maybe 7 or 8 years older than him, and approached him one night asking for a private session where she then asked if she could take him out on a proper date
they dated for a while and she became his sugar mama, asking him for sexual favours but paying for pretty much everything, EVERYTHING he wanted and even offering to pay for things for his little sister too (she was stubborn and refused tho)
only a few months ago, tiffany had an STI scare and insisted it must be chase’s fault bc - you’re a stripper, you’re a whore, i bet you cheated on me - and when he told her that no, he’d been loyal, and if she had cheated on him and had this scare then he thought they could work through it and stay together, she continued to grow more agitated and (tw:abuse) started to throw things and hit him
when his little sister found him in their lavish penthouse (courtesy of tiffany, ofc) he was covered in bruises and cuts
together, they decided to move to palm springs to a shitty little apartment since chase was done with tiffany, wasn’t going to use her credit card ever again or even speak to her again and now we’re here, his arm’s just healed after being broken but his heart still hurts and he kinda misses tiffany - after all, they were together for four years
born in new york, new york, chase was a curse to his father from pretty much the moment he was born; with his mother dying in childbirth, his father had a love/hate relationship with him, since he reminded him so much of the wife he so loved but was also the very reason she was gone
when he was 4 his father remarried a woman named stacy who was pregnant with a little girl ( @cielmins )
speaking of ciel! if you are here because you were redirected by dee (thanks for palming this bit off to me btw sweetheart) then buckle up kiddos, cus we’re about to go for a RIDE
stacy was never all that nice to him, mostly put up with him because she loved his father, gerald or some other basic dude name
of course, stacy absolutely ADORED ciel, since she was her actual daughter, but chase never resented ciel - in fact, quite the opposite, since he adored her even more than their parents did
yes, chase is literally the most doting big brother that could ever exist, would move mountains for his baby sister if she asked (she would never ask because she’d figure out how to move the mountain herself), but that doesn’t stop the pair from being literally The Worst™ to each other and general public nuisances of the meme variety
side note - although nobody ever told ciel that she and chase aren’t related and are just step-siblings, she has a big brain and figured it out eventually (chase couldn’t be prouder of his genius little sister, although the difference in their ethnicities was probably the biggest tip off)
home life was not so great - stacy was constantly feeling undermined by gerald’s first wife, knowing he would always love her just that little bit more, and the more insecure she felt, the more she’d take it out on chase, and the meaner she was to chase, the more distant gerald was towards her and to ciel. it was kind of a cycle.
just before chase’s 18th birthday, ciel pointed out that they could run away, just the two of them, and take care of each other like they always do. her big brain pointed out that as an 18 year old, he could be her legal guardian
so, at 14ish (maybe 15? idk how old ciel is tbh) and 18, the pair moved out
when it became apparent that they weren’t coming back, stacy and gerald said fuck it, got a divorce since they were really only together for the kids at that point anyway, and ciel and chase were pretty much independent from then on
he and ciel even adopted a kitty named mayonnaise britney spears min - but you can call her may for short
as two teenagers they uhhh weren’t so great in the funds department and chase took it upon himself to provide for them so that ciel could focus on her studies - sacrificing his own education, he put himself through odd jobs here and there until one day shortly after his 19th he was approached by someone who told him he’d be great at ‘twilight modelling’
turns out by ‘twilight modelling’ they meant hhhh stripping
well, one look at ciel’s immaculate report card and the pleased twinkle in her eyes when she started talking about scholarships and college and stuff, chase was absolutely fuckin gone and knew he’d do anything to keep that look on his baby sister’s face so - hoo boy, here we go, ya boi turned to stripping
it actually took him a while to let ciel know, he told her he was, well, twilight modelling because he didn’t want her to know, but when she did eventually find out about one and a half years later, she help him come up with his rad stripper name - Rosir, because it’s french for ‘pink sky’ which matches ciel’s name, but also ‘the colour you turn when you’re embarrassed’, which suits him
a year into stripping, he meets tiffanny, and yk, all that stuff in the tldr, she pays for all his loans, buys him all his fancy designer brands, gives him plenty of allowance (which ya boi saves cus he’s not an idiot), even buys him a car and opens up her penthouse for the two of them
of course, when shit hits the fan, he has to give up his fancy car and leave the penthouse with ciel, now the two of them live in a shitty little apartment in palm springs because he doesn’t want to blow al their savings and since his arm was kinda uhhhh broken after the ordeal, he’s only just been able to get back into stripping (since he stil isn’t qualified for anything)
(tw:emotional abuse) before he started dating tiffany, he was pretty sure he was bisexual. tiffany had him confused for years because she told him that liking it up the ass didn’t mean he was gay and he could enjoy bottoming for a woman without being bisexual; he was totally straight, she would insist, and he started to believe that and to this day he struggles with whether or not he’s straight or bisexual because he knows he finds men attractive, but he isn’t sure if he would date one --> this was a form of emotional abuse that went on for literal YEARS
(tw:emotional abuse) should i mention that tiffany was kinda lowkey the worst and also tried to convince him to stop being a stripper several times? things like “you don’t have to strip, you’re basically my personal prostitute baby” and “you don’t need an education, i’ll always be here to provide for you, you’re all mine baby boy” and when she’s mad uhhh “you’re my little whore, got it? no one else’s” so............. yh let’s just say ciel wasn’t a fan but chase, well, he was blinded by those hearts in his eyes
but don’t feel too bad for him! chase actually kinda likes stripping now, thinks it’s made him feel much more confident with himself and his body, having always felt maybe he was too gangly and thin and awkward, and he likes the feeling he gets when people can’t take their eyes off of him
despite the fact that he’s a stripper, he’s actually real sweet and innocent. has only had sex with tiffany, has never even kissed a guy and hasn’t even really kissed many other girls except for a few awkward dates he’s had here and there - most he’s done is private dances for paying customers
anddddddddd now that he’s been saving, and is finally free of tiffany and of his shit ass parents, with encouragement from ciel, ya boi has finally, finally started college
it’s a little scary since he’s older than most of the people in his classes, but he’s studying to become a kindegarten teacher and cannot wait for the day that he can hang up his lacy black garters and pick up a whiteboard marker
so, still stripping and working part-time as a waiter to pay the bills, chase is starting a new chapter of his life (signified by his brand new pink hair, courtesy of ciel), and whilst he doesn’t know what the future has in store for him, he’s ready to face it with a big smile and with his baby sister (aka his favourite person in the whole wide world) by his side
wanted connections
well hello beautiful people! if you’re still here, i must say, i’m rather impressed, so without further ado let’s get into this
ride or die best friend - chase only met this binch after moving to palm springs, but they happened to see him entering the strip club and figured out he worked there and, uhh, with persistence and a promise not to tell anyone, they became great friends and probably visit his shitty apartment to play with may and piss off ciel all the time
classmates - everyone needs a study buddy! if u got an ugli in college, throw em his way
gay awakening - now, chase isn’t necessarily going to date this person or even develop feelings, but as a beautiful man he’s going to turn chase’s sexuality upside down and cement his suspicions that yes, he is bisexual no matter what tiffany said (taken: moon jisoo)
honestly open to anything! hmu if you have any plots you’d like to chuck at him or any you’d like to fulfil <3
signing off for now,
yours faithfully
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goldencoin · 7 years
OKAY I’M GONNA COME OFF OF ANON BUT ANYWAYS— gel pen / ballpoint pen / fineliner / highlighter / greylead / felt-tip / sketching pad / notebook / paper / stapler / glue stick / tape / ruler / eraser / scissors / calculator / protractor / sticky note / stamp / bookmark / folder / whiteboard / blackboard / pinboard / tablet / stencil / envelope
haha gay
im gonna answer the other two in this ask too for convenience
gel pen: when are you most comfortable?
im most comfortable. in my mcfuckin bed. jk maybe that and also w friends in a chill setting
ballpoint pen: tell me about the day you’ve just had
uh i felt like shit as soon as i woke up. i chilled for a bit and felt kind of better but still lowkey like shit so i. took 5 hour nap, and you know my ass is gonna complain abt it later :)
fineliner: what’s your greatest achievement?
bumping into a girl i hate and hearing something fall :))))
highlighter: what are your best qualities?
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh im gay and love my friends and sometimes laugh really hard at thing that arent tht funny
greylead: what is something you want to try for the first time?
i wanna be in one of the school plays but also im terrified of everything so lol
felt-tip: describe your aesthetic
maybe nostalgic? 
crayon: your earliest childhood memory
uhhh i remember crawlin out my crib as a kid haha #savage
scrapbook: something from your childhood that makes you smile
laughing abt dumb shit w my step brother (but i honestly cant remember what the dumb shit was) and even having to contain my laughter when i was thinking abt that shit
sketching pad: describe yourself from a stranger’s point of view
wow this guy has nice hair and looks p cool. hes seems to have an ok style but he also looks like he doesnt know what hes doin. i wonder whats hes- oh thats a girl sorry
notebook: what’s your favourite quote?
this sounds emo but“i love the things you hate about yourself” from hallelujah by panic at the disco
paper: what kind of book would you write?
a book that fucks ya mind. hella symbolism. where if ur discussin it w someone, theyre like “i thought this line meant this” and youre like “oh fuck i thought it meant this”
stapler: out of all the people you know, who do you think you are closest to?
uhhhhhhh @glutamines ?? @avariciosa 
glue stick: what do you look for in a lasting relationship/friendship?
understanding, trust, communication. ik thats like... cliche but im deadass.
tape: tell me about your longest friendship
@gentlelance we’ve been friends since the dreaded...longlasting... Homestuck Phase. and we both suffered through a joey graceffa phase hhhhhh hfuck i still get fuckin. war flashbacks. lowkey tho i miss those days... they were much simpler times. wihfoqihefiuwhughksjdg
ruler: what line will you never cross?
uhhhhhh being an ass to someone if they were never an ass to me?
eraser: what do you consider to be your biggest mistake?
hhhhhhhhhhh coming out to my mom
scissors: ever had a bad break-up?
nah boy
calculator: list fifteen things that make you happy
1. my dogs2. my friends lmao3. nice stationery4. skincare5. lighting candles that shit is. somehow therapeutic to me6. nice lookin shoes7. my hair LMAO8. the guarantee i made to myself that i will leave this god forsaken town 9. nice socks (like the designs)10. my ocs11. my plants12. alternative r&b13. shane dawson videos and spooky videos in general14. crested geckos15. buying stuff... thats so fuckin materialistic but look......i like owning pretty things
protractor: an unpopular opinion/angle you have on an issue
mmm???? i dont. think i have an unpopular opinion??? or at least i cant think of one rn
sticky note: something about yourself you’d like to change
uhhhhhhhhh everythin cept my hair :))))))
stamp: a date that’s special for you and why
seein a movie or somethin of that sort together kinda just bc ur bein quiet together. i just find comfortable silence really nice.also just. goin to the store like any store. bc its a normal thing but for some reason the thought of it is !!!
bookmark: a book that means a lot to you and why
uh there no book that means a lot to me but i really like my copy of the book thief bc theres somethin written in french on one of the front pages and i just find it cool
folder: describe your family
assholes. theyre nice but the majority of the time i hate them and i just. wanna be left alone.
whiteboard: tell me your plans for tomorrow
- school....ofc- gay club- get home somehow and continue sulking abt my mom bein an ass as i do hw- my life is boring im sorry
blackboard: tell me about a memory that has affected who you are today
uh i uh. ive got nothin man
pinboard: what are you focusing on in your life right now?
tryin to not die also not bein an asshole w my hw this year
tablet: tell me your plans for the future
- move to california and try to not die- either go to college there or just go fuck myself and find a way to work AND live
stencil: who are your role models?
hhhhhh miles and wen
envelope: tell me a secret
im gay
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