#just wanted to flex my cassy sketch
scarlettjulz · 6 months
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The only drawing sessions I enjoy is when father is streaming
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fairetaire · 4 years
chain of iron theory
so elias is going to make a shocking demand out of james and say some weird stuff to him. what type of shocking demand???? im so curious now. I feel like elias is lowkey working with tatiana and belial. Tatiana is going to convince him that the herondales are evil and to disrupt james and cordelia's marriage to “protect her”. or Belial will whisper false lies to him that will provoke him to seek out revenge. OR ask Elias to carry out his plan and in return he will receive a hefty reward but also cassie mentioned ‘a certain prince of hell’. I found this funny at first bc cassie tryna be secretive but we all know the prince in question is belial BUT wouldn’t cassie just outright say it??? so maybe its not belial. Im thinking its one of the other 3 princes from the prince of hell sketch cassie released
- Azazel
- Sammael
- Mammon 
Now look at Azazel. ‘Associated with those who blame falls unfairly’. Elias was accused of leading the shadowhunters into the vampire territory where many were hurt “They are blaming him for the expedition having gone wrong. But it was not his fault. He couldn’t have known-” (pg 31). Even if Elias was drunk while on the expedition, i don’t imagine his intent was a premeditated murder on his fellow warriors. Also ‘He taught mankind and use of weapons, to raise blades against each other’. Isn’t this Tatiana and Belial’s scheme? To steal or forge weapons using adamas that tatiana will have direct access to and strike at nephilim?? Elias is the perfect pawn in their ploy. But since this has to do with Azazel, it could be him not belial. However, It’s worth noting that Belial is the thief of realms and he can take over any realm with ease err maybe not anymore since he’s injured and weak lmao but he will do whatever it takes to accomplish his plan. 
Now onto Sammael. Off subject but sammy seems like a soft boy to me LOL the drawing of him makes him look kind and sweet BUT HE ISN’T SO DON’T BE FOOLED. Sammael is associated with poison. I doubt cassie would create similar plots but Sona is pregnant just like Charlotte was and she’s in a precarious situation with her husband arriving to London, shame and discomfort lingering with him. Some members of the London Enclave seem like bigots and just straight up rude and judgemental folks. Elias would want to reconcile and make reparations with his family and the London Enclave but the whispers and rumours get to him. Before getting the carstairs reputation tarnished, he seeks out a way to atone for his wrongdoings and comes across a poison in guise of a potion and serves it to his family (or maybe only sona) which then renders her ill and causes her to lose the baby OR the baby survives and sona dies. Ik the miscarriage is too similar to what happened to charlotte so my 2 cents is on the latter theory and it also coincides with how cassie said a surprising baby would need to be adopted. Sonas pregnancy was a surprise and although elias would still be alive and Alastair is an adult maybe they aren’t able to take care of her baby sibling?? and im also thinking this will remind matthew and cause him to distant himself from his friends and drink more heavily. EDIT: I also just realized that the antidote rune was shown in the book trailer for choi. An antidote rune to cure poison eh.
Last but not least Mammon (why he looking like james and Alastair’s love child tho). Mammon adores gold and wealth. The carstairs are at stake of losing everything and this is why sona wanted cordelia married of to someone like james bc he’s kinda wealthy and he has a good repute within the enclave. Mammon (or maybe even belial) will bargain/offer Elias gold or money if he does what mammon says. And ofc Elias will be prompted to. Im a little unsure about this one tho bc the Carstairs own Cirenworth Hall which Jem and Tessa are now living in. So clearly they didn’t lose it. Elias brought the house so if he had to forfeit everything he would have lost the house too. Or maybe the theory comes true and the carstairs become hella rich i mean look at kit flexing in those gucci slides lmaooo
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dc-ships-nstuff · 4 years
Hi! Omygod you're so good at shipping! May I request mine as well? I'm a smol asian girl around 4'11. I have a medium length black wavy hair. I looove reading and writing poems or quick notes about love. I also do sketches and small doodles around my notebooks. I am very soft and bubbly. My friends consider me as their "mother" since I always look after them and I have a strict side to them as well. I hope you'll notice my ask, this is my first time asking 😂 Thank you very much 🥺✨❣️
hiya babe! 
Okay let’s cut to the chase: Tim Drake. 
He’d just be the cutest little thing with you. Here’s why: 
- he actually can’t braid for crap, but he’ll tangle his fingers in your hair (and sing that one song from rapunzel)- he’s also asking Cassie to help him braid hair because he really likes how you look in two dutch braids but he also wants to be the one that does your hair, so you know. It’s a mess. 
- He’ll grab you by the shoulders a lot, either to kiss you, or shake you. (mostly the second one)
- You once doodled on his work notebook, and he ripped the page out.  - he hung that doodle in his nightstand. 
- He’s not poetic in the slightest, but he started reading poetry, and he’ll occasionally send you screenshots of cheesy love poems. 
- you both have matching hairbrushes. Yes, Tim Drake has a hairbrush. Anyways, this hairbrush is specially weird because the handle thingy lights up so idk.
- his biggest flex to this day is that he can make rainbow loom bracelets and he makes them for you and yup.’
-he’s such a pouty boyfriend like hellllllll
- you and bart always steal his sweatshirts. Like always. 
- “Don’t do that!” “OKay MOM”
haah okay this is verrrrry shitty im sorry - ris
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ladylilithprime · 7 years
Kiss prompt 73 Sastiel?
73. Height Difference Kisses Where One Person Has To Bend Down And The Other Is On Their Tippy Toes 
Read Parts 1-6 Here
NO ONE OBJECTED when Sam and Castiel politely but firmly bowed out of any further rounds of Spin the Bottle. Dean pouted briefly that it was Sam’s turn to spin, but quickly changed the subject when Sam shot him a speaking look that Castiel wasn’t quite sure how to interpret. Meg, at least, waved them off with a rueful little smile that belied her put-upon sigh, so Castiel figured she wasn’t too irritated with them for not sticking with the “plan”.
As tempting as it was to stick close to Sam’s side and anchor himself in the younger Winchester’s familiar presence, Castiel was starting to get more than a little overwhelmed. Everything he had felt for Sam over the last two years felt magnified, unbound, churning beneath the surface of his skin like water boiling over. It was as if the simple knowledge that his feelings were returned, that Sam loved him back, had opened the floodgates to all those messy, physical sensations he’d heard described but never actually felt for himself until Meg’s stupid dare had set things into unrelenting motion. It felt like drowning. It felt like flying.
It was that feeling that had Castiel tilt his head up towards Sam and say, as casually as he could manage, “I’m going to go get another drink. Would you like anything?”
And Sam, bless his pure soul and kind heart, looked into his eyes and practically seemed to read his mind. “I might get some water a little later,” he said, giving Castiel’s hand a gentle squeeze before releasing him. “Last thing I should probably be doing right now is putting any more inhibition-lowering chemicals in my system.”
It was a fair point, and one Castiel himself might have considered under different circumstances. Right now, though, he felt off-kilter enough that the prospect of the depressant chemicals of alcohol dampening his anxiety enough to get him through the rest of this Hell of a party at the side of his own personal Heaven was too tempting to pass up. With a murmured “be right back”, he reluctantly broke away from Sam and headed into the kitchen.
There were only a few people loitering in the spacious kitchen, thankfully, most of his classmates having been pulled towards the living room to either join or spectate the newest round of Spin the Bottle. Castiel moved surely with purpose towards the icebox where he knew Meg’s brother Tom kept a few cans of imported Czech dark ale. The stuff was sweeter than Castiel usually liked, but it was also thirteen percent alcohol by volume. He dug one out from the back, popped the tab, and downed half the can in four long gulps before he had to come up for air with a huff that was more irritation than satisfaction.
“That shit any better than this shit?” a voice asked from over by the counter where Castiel knew whatever was left of the PBR cases was standing.
“Not really,” Castiel said rather flatly and lifted the can again, hoping to discourage conversation. The alcohol burned a little, but not much, and the can was empty in three more swallows. It was tempting to grab one of Ezra Masters’s bottles of Arrogant Bastard next, but he still had enough sense to know the difference between an easily disguised can and a large, obvious brown bottle twice the size of the bottles of Corona a couple of the art department darlings had brought.
“Surprised to see you drinking so much, Einsam,” the voice continued, either missing or just blithely ignoring Castiel’s hint to leave him alone, even though the sound of footsteps told him that others in the room had gotten the hint. “But then, you’re sure surprising a lot of people tonight, you and the Winchester kid.”
That made Castiel shoot a narrow look in the direction of the voice. The speaker turned out to be Luke Gottesschwert, Michael’s rebellious younger brother, a Sophomore and technically not supposed to be at this party despite hitching a ride with his older brother. He was decked out in ripped jeans and a Led Zeppelin shirt that looked too sharp to be more than a few weeks off the racks and a beaten up leather jacket that looked a lot like Dean’s but Castiel would bet his GPA had less personal history. When he saw he had Castiel’s attention, Luke grinned. “How drunk was he before you got to take him upstairs?”
“Excuse me?” Castiel said, slowly and deliberately. He couldn’t have heard that right, there was no way this kid was implying what it sounded like.
“Gotta say,” Luke went on, casting a leer in the direction of the living room, “if I’d known all it took to get that tight ass to drop trou was a beer or three and just grabbing him and planting one on him, he wouldn’t have had to settle for just fifteen minutes!”
Luke stilled, turning to stare at Castiel, who continued to systematically crush the beer can he was holding with one hand as he slowly drew himself up to his full six feet of height and turned to face the other boy. With the unerring accuracy born of practice and familiarity, Castiel snapped his hand across his body, sending the can - now crushed down to the size and shape of a hockey puck - directly at the right spot on the kitchen wall to ricochet off into the recycling bin, all without moving his piercing gaze from the wanna be punk in front of him.
“You are not touching Sam Winchester,” Castiel growled, staring the taller boy down.
“Oh yeah?” Luke sneered, looking Castiel up and down with disdain. “What’s gonna stop me? A little nerd like you?”
“Maybe,” Castiel said, more calmly than the thundering in his ears would suggest, not giving an inch. “Or maybe it’ll be his brother. Or even your brother. Or maybe,” he added, ice sliding into his voice, “you should remember that Sam Winchester took down Gordon Walker, and no one touches him without his consent. Not you. Not me. No one.”
Whatever was in his eyes was enough to make Luke step back, his own eyes widening a little. He recovered quickly, drawing himself up and leaning forward, attempting to loom over Castiel as he snarled, “Big talk from someone everyone here saw manhandling the kid earlier before you disappeared upstairs–”
“Oh, please!” a familiar and sarcastic voice broke in from beside them. Luke and Castiel turned their heads to look at Gabriel Gullvaengur, editor of Shurley High’s school newspaper, holding an unopened can of Mountain Dew. Seeing that he had their attention, Gabriel went on, “Have you seen Sam?” He gave an impressed whistle, using the hand not holding the can to sketch out Sam’s height (well above Gabriel’s own) and then his broad shoulders that weren’t quite on the same level as Michael’s but weren’t too far off considering Sam was three years younger than all his classmates. “No one can manhandle him unless the man wants to be handled, you get me? And from the angle I had, it looked like he was manhandling Cassie here right back!” he finished with a waggle of his eyebrows.
“Yes, thank you, Gabriel,” Castiel groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. Because that was exactly the sort of thing he wanted Luke Gottesschwert to know while he was telling him off for wanting to molest his… Sam.
Gabriel looked from one to the other, then shook his head and rolled his eyes. “Here, let’s settle this,” he said, turning towards the living room and cupped a hand around his mouth. “Hey, Winchester the Younger!”
There was a moment of silence, then Sam poked his head into the kitchen. His eyes swept over Luke’s aggressive posture and Castiel’s ramrod straight back and flushed cheeks, then looked at Gabriel and raised an eyebrow. “You bellowed, shortstack?”
“Settle something for us,” Gabriel requested, waving him into the kitchen. Bemused, Sam came further in, detouring to the counter to grab a bottle of water and circling around the kitchen island to stand at Castiel’s side, drawing a scowl from Luke and a slight smirk from Gabriel. “Okay! So, answer this for us. If Cassie here wanted to take you upstairs for some hot and heavy action, would he get anywhere without your consent?”
Sam blinked, both eyebrows climbing into his hairline. “Not sure what you want me to say here since Cas already has my consent to do whatever he wants with me.”
“He does?” Gabriel asked interestedly even as Castiel blurted out a startled, “I do?”
“Of course, Cas,” Sam said matter of factly, turning to smile softly at Castiel in that way he had which caused his dimples to show most strongly. Castiel flushed and glanced down at the floor with a shy, pleased smile as Sam explained, most likely for Luke and Gabriel’s benefit, “I trust you not to do anything I wouldn’t be enthusiastic about and to stop if I ask you to, just like I would for you.”
“Okaaay… Then say Luke here,” Gabriel gestured to Luke, who was still scowling, “made the same proposition, you would say…?”
“Absolutely not,” Sam said firmly, eyes narrowing in suspicion at Luke, who now looked like he might have been thinking of edging towards the door. Gabriel hummed consideringly.
“And if he didn’t respect that?” Gabriel asked, sounding like he could guess what the answer was going to be.
“I’d break his face,” Sam obliged him in a calmly conversational tone. Castiel snuck a glance back up as Sam twisted the cap off his bottle of water, arm muscles flexing rather pointedly. “And once Dean heard about it he’d break everything else.”
“There you go!” Gabriel said cheerfully, popping open his soda can and taking a big gulp of the sugary caffeine-laden liquid. Luke scowled, flushed and shifty and clearly realizing he was probably more out of his depth than he’d thought, but too prideful to back down just yet.
“And your nerd boyfriend?” he sneered, more bluster and bark than substance, but still reaching. Castiel felt his spine stiffening as Luke went on, goading, “He seemed to think he can do something.”
“I have access to liquid nitrogen,” Castiel said in a deceptively mild tone, turning to stare flatly at Luke as his voice dropped several degrees in timbre and temperature. “And a healthy respect for its destructive properties when applied to… soft tissue.” The pointed glance downwards was probably not necessary, but the way Luke went pale and sickly was incredibly satisfying, as was the way he all but scurried out of the kitchen.
“And on that horrifying thought,” Gabriel drawled, giving Castiel a look of impressed respect, “I’m gonna go see if Kali wants to go participate in one of those ill-advised make-outs I heard Dean-o talking about.” He saluted them both with his Mountain Dew and sauntered away.
“Just so you know,” Sam said in a low voice as Castiel turned to look up at him, catching the full force of Sam’s radiant smile. “You are one scary badass when you want to be, and I’m both terrified and turned on right now. I’m also kind of interested in seeing how many people Dean ends up kissing before someone finally calls game over. You in?”
“I have imbibed sufficient quantities of inhibition-lowering chemicals,” Castiel said, stretching up on his tiptoes to press a quick kiss to the corner of that smile, imagining that this must be what kissing actual sunshine felt like. “Do with me what you will.”
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