#just wanted to fuck around w my other style for funsies
jellyaibo · 2 years
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familiar faces...
(blokes in . order jic: loser, winner, cake, liy x2, fries, & tree)
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badchoicesworld · 1 year
Hola this is my first req
Might I request hcs for Hobie and Miles (separately) x male reader who is a fellow super hero with a mutation in his jaw that gave him a snake bite?(sharp teeth, unhinging jaw, venom)
Despite how scary reader can look he is very kind and courteous (and head over heels for his spider boy) and Hobie and Miles help him get over his insecurities about smiling around others
Fluffy and romantic pls (sorry if it too specific lol)
Thank you and keep being awesome
😎🫶 - Crax
hobie and miles with snake mutated boyfriends !
welcome back crax lmao, the request slapped dw, you nailed it !
AND IM SO SORRY for keeping you waiting, shit kept going on in my life
separate, established relationships
warnings: hobie brown ?
pairing: hobie brown x male!reader, miles morales x male!reader
requests: refer to the masterlist please !
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★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
you wanna know how many fucks hobie gives about the mutation ? zero
in like the most respectful but effortlessly cool way
mutations are nothing new to him, man fights mutants on the daily
just views it as an extension of yourself, it’s apart of who you are
if you can accept that, he’s happy
would absolutely be a hype man if not though, he don’t fuck w insecurity
one thing i think he’d reference a lot ? medusa, because of that one sticker on his guitar
maybe he’s a huge greek mythology guy and thinks that your mutation is a sign for this and that- like that one comment he made about metaphors for capitalism, i think he liked to analyse things like an english student
with your unhinging jaw and venomous bite he liked to say some absurd stuff like “just goes to show how independence and self sufficiency can overcome the norms regardless of [politics]” hinting at that while you may have some unconventionally appreciated features, you’re able to rise above it and be a hero like a badass
so that being said, he thinks your smile alone is dope and can represent so much more if you want it to
if you wear a mask or something to cover it up, he’ll never insist on taking it off unless you’re comfortable, it’s not his place to dictate what you wear
he may however make a comment or two about it
“hope you’re not wearin’ tha’ to cover up them teeth of yours” ur teeth are so cool
if you’re insecure about how like exposed ur teeth are when you smile, Hobie gets into the habit of pulling his cheek back w his finger when smiling (at the appropriate times) just to show there’s nothin to be afraid of
sticks his tongue out too for funsies, ESPECIALLY if you’ve got a forked tongue
it’s a true shame getting ur tongue split is illegal in the UK, he’d love to match
at the end of the day when alls said and done, if you can’t bring yourself to feel comfortable in your own skin while you’re out and about, he’ll make it clear that he doesn’t care about your unhinging jaw or teeth or venom in private, cause that’s where it counts in his head
he thinks you look badass and really doesn’t think you should pay attention to what other people think anyway, under any circumstances
but especially when you go out there together and make a genuine difference in the world as heroes, even if you don’t call yourselves that
has once cracked a joke along the lines of “my boyfriend will bite you” and it was actually a threat, in the most loving way
he might be like- a bit surprised the first time meeting you, maybe have some slightly insensitive questions but he means no offence
he just can’t keep his mouth shut sometimes
i think he’s a tiny bit afraid at first but warms up quickly, miles doesn’t seem like a snake guy and i can see him being the associating anything with everything kinda guy
definitely felt guilty for that one now ur boyfriends
massive fan of drawing you and your snake-ness, you look so funky in his style
really likes being heroes together :]
took a double take the first time he saw your jaw unhinge but now he seems jealous at times
after having a super serious conversation about it he immediately says something so off handed that it completely cuts whatever tension there might have been
makes an excellent point that you could swallow a burber whole, he thinks that’s an accomplishment fs
“you can eat a burger in one, that’s skill.” he’s so sure of himself while saying that
there’s something very terrifying but reassuring and endearing about you having such a dangerous mouth with you ur venom and such, used some strange ass logic like “he COULD kill me, but he won’t”
so when you are comfortable just being urself and not covering up your smile, he honestly feels really grateful and trusted
mans never gonna break that trust, he’s never gonna hurt you
ur polite asf too so he doesn’t even second guess introducing you to his parents, doesn’t think things along the lines of “gonna introduce my snake boyfriend” it’s more like “he’s so polite this is an easy win”
IF YOU SMILE HE SMILES, that’s all i’m sayin
therefore, you should smile more and not go out of your way to hide it
he won’t really say anything if you actively choose to in public, you might catch him lookin a bit sympathetic from the corner of your eye if he notices you purposely doing it
it’s not his place to say a thing, but he’d really appreciate it if you got out of that habit, and he’s happy to help
like he might busy your hands just so you don’t subconsciously cover your mouth, that kinda things
he could do this by holding them or whatever
please don’t be embarrassed of urself, you are so so handsome
★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
sorry it’s not insanely romantic ?? i cant really see these boys being like that so i kinda struggled a bit w that
sorry if this is just not great overall i’ve been out of it shshshs
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troglobite · 1 year
i just realized that there are two major social forces rn that are at odds and it's eating me alive
public discourse around social justice is major. 👍🏼
but so is the anti-cringe, anti-sincerity bullshit.
i'm just sort of like [confused bisexual brazilian woman trying to do math] about that.
someone called voyager cringe and i'm like ??? bc they're around 40, have embraced their own style, are very sincere, and maybe have elements of goofy personalities and senses of humor?
why the fuck do you care? why is that embarrassing? grow the fuck up.
i'm tired of this shit where you can't be sincere
i try to be sincere w my friends and they act like they're fucking allergic (again if you're reading this it most likely doesn't apply to you)
and i'm really tired of it
i feel like some "well meaning" ppl have appropriated and weaponized sincerity to be nice instead of kind maybe? and now, what, we're just supposed to never be sincere abt anything?
you're just never supposed to believe anyone unless they're being a giant fucking asshole abt it, or super negative?
like hello, isn't that the problem w the far right? they don't believe that any of us sincerely think that healthcare education housing and food should be free. they don't believe in sincerity. they mock it.
and i feel like ppl on the left act the same fucking way.
you can decide in every interpersonal reaction whether you believe or trust someone, what your reaction and response is going to be, etc.
but i just feel like ppl deride "positivity" and sincerity, still, and call shit cringe
and the things they call cringe are either
completely innocent shit that is just something sincere and maybe "weird", if even that
someone being bigoted in a really stupid way, or being ignorant and doubling down
and it's like
you could just call them that instead of calling them cringe
and lumping that in with your hatred of the sweet and sincere
like i'm sorry, we want to abolish prisons and police--but you wanna be a fucking jackass to every person you meet and think sarcasm and irony are the only way to operate?
idk i just see it as this weird dissonance and i'm realizing it's what makes me VERY uncomfortable
bc i am a deeply sincere person who had to learn to make jokes and be ironic and sarcastic
and i still do for fun, of course, bc we all need a healthy dose of nonsense and funsies
and idk what to do when my sincerity is only okay when i'm angry abt something
and never in any other context
being a sincere fan of something once it's fallen out of popularity is "cringe"
and i'm really tired
as someone who was bullied for a million reasons, including being weird and cringey, for like my whole fucking life--
i'd really like it if we as grown fucking adults who are smarter and better than that could fucking stop it and learn to accept sincerity into our fucking lives
sincerity has EVERY place in social justice discourse--including ppl being able to sincerely apologize without everyone not believing them or writing them off
again, everyone gets to decide on a case by case basis how they respond to situations
but in general it's like....we're really prioritizing ironic detachment and scholarly speak bc that's what the right demands of us, but then we use it with each other and that just fucking sucks, dude
if we can't have sincerity and be "cringey" around those we have to defeat in public discourse
then why can't we have it with each other?
anyway. was just thinking.
case in point
in reading over this myself, i started internally cringing bc i'm like "wow i sound like a white person asking everyone to play nice"
but i'm literally NOT
i'm half-white and also i'm asking for sincerity that isn't just critical. that allows ppl to feel things fully and without shame. loving things, each other, being wrong, being apologetic, being upset, being afraid, being nervous.
those can all be sincere
as can the sincere belief in what a just and righteous world looks like
and of course bc of our context that makes us mad a lot of the time
but if we're not operating out of a place of love for others, what are we even fucking doing here?
and love doesn't mean passive sweetness
it CAN be sweet
but sweet can also look different for different people and different contexts
sincerity is more than that
i'm not saying "play nice" i'm saying be real and vulnerable when and where you can
we should trust each other more and feel things for real with each other, bc otherwise, what the fuck are we doing?
am i supposed to just be like "yep, the only person i can be fully vulnerable with is my therapist" and think that that's okay? NO!!!
be sincere! be vulnerable! MEAN it! love things! don't put caveats or shame on things! it's okay to be wrong and apologetic! to sincerely not know something and ask questions. to gracefully accept and answer, etc.
idfk man i'm just. yeah.
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