styles-is-the-name · 4 years
Just Before You Go - Part Four
this is my first shot at a harry-y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. Harry is a single father of two that hasn’t even looked at another woman in years. For the first time in five years, he finally feels like he’s returning to himself all because he met someone unexpectedly at a grocery store. Even though his kids are determined to help him find love again, will it be possible? (There eventually be smut, but will mostly be fluff.)
TW: suicide, self harm, and others will occur
Word Count: 1,223
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“Alright babies. I gotta go check on daddy and dinner.” Carter clings to your shirt still watching the show. You grab the remote and pause it chuckling. “You two wanna join me?”
“Carry me.” Carter giggles wrapping his arms around your neck. You smile widely standing up and hold Darcy’s hand. The three of you walk in on Harry laughing so hard he’s in tears.
“I know! Niall wasn’t able to get the gum out of his hair!”
“He told me that Zayn cut it out while you held him because he was crying!”
“He was! It was terrible!”
“He can be a big baby sometimes.”
“Oh my god. Do you remember our homemade water slide?”
“With the tarp and the soap!”
“Yeah! Oh my god.”
“The only reason why our neighbors didn’t hate us was because we were shirtless!”
“I know! It was hilarious!”
“We have to meet up soon.”
“Of course, mate.”
“Y/N told me that you’re a tattoo artist now so you’re gonna have to hook me up man.”
“Alright, mate. Well just tell me when you’re coming. Y/N and the kids are here so I’ll call you later.”
“Treat my girl right or I will break your face!”
“Got it.” He hangs up then looks up smiling even wider loving the sight before him.
“Hi.” You smile lightly at him. He smiles wide loving the view. He pulls his phone out opening the camera.
“Everyone smile!” Darcy squeals.
“Say cheese!” You laugh, but the three of you say cheese as he takes a couple pictures.
“Make sure you send those to me, H.”
“I will.” He blushes slightly at the nickname you had given him. You let go of Darcy’s hand, but carry Carter over to the stove.
“You wanna stir the meat?”
“Yeah!” You hand him the wooden spoon and he carefully stirs the meat. He almost splashes it out a couple times, but you manage to keep it in the pan.
“Can I add the spices, Y/N?”
“Of course.” Darcy pulls over a small children’s ladder and starts grabbing different spices. “Do you know how to spice it?”
“Yep. I have my own recipe for this.” You laugh lightly watching her. She really looks like she knows what she’s doing. “Here! Taste it.” She gives you a tiny bite and you moan quietly. It was spicy, but not too spicy. It had a tang, but it didn’t burn your tongue.
“Oh my god, Darcy. That’s amazing!”
“Thanks.” She giggles moving her ladder back to where it goes.
“I wanna taste!” Carter pouts. You giggle giving him a small bite. He claps his hands, giggling in approval.
“Daddy wants a bite too!” You roll your eyes smiling and give him a bite. He winks at you as he chews. “It’s amazing like always, Darcy!”
“Thanks, daddy! Oh. Y/N got us watching a new show!”
“What show?”
“Wizards of Waverly Place! It has Selena Gomez in it.”
“She’s pretty, but not as pretty as Y/N.” Carter giggles kissing your cheek. You giggle kissing his head.
“Thanks, baby.”
“Alright, Bubba. Stop stealing my girl!” You bite your lip blushing deeply.
“Can we share her, daddy?”
“Daddy doesn’t share.” You laugh hard putting Carter down on the ground. “Now go wash your hands, kiddos. Dinner is almost ready.” They run off as Harry walks closer to you.
“They really adore you, Harry.” He hesitantly wraps his arms around your waist pulling you into him. All you can do is rest your hands on his chest.
“They love you, Y/N.” His breath fans your face and you can smell the mint from his cologne and toothpaste.
“I-I love them.” He gently brushes the hair out of your eyes. You can’t take it anymore. “Kiss me, Harry.” He looks up into your eyes nervously. “Kiss me.”
He slowly cups your cheek brushing his lips against yours. Your whole body feels like it’s on fire. This must be what love feels like.
Not that you would know. It hasn’t been more than a day. There’s no way that this is love! But it feels great and it’s not just like a hookup. It’s more than that.
“You owe me all your Halloween candy, Carter!” You pull back hearing Carter whine. Harry groans resting his forehead against yours. You giggle squeezing his bicep and turn around to them.
“C'mon guys! Let’s eat then watch more of Wizards.”
“Yay!” Carter pushes Darcy out of the way and hands you his plate. You make their tacos the way they want then make yourself a taco and sit down next to Carter. “Daddy, my teacher gave me candy today!”
“Yeah? Did you get another question right?” Carter nods, making your heart warm. “What did you learn today?”
“I learned that seventeen plus thirteen is thirty!” You giggle looking down at him.
“Do you know what fourteen plus fifteen is?” He looks up at you then back down at the table trying to do it in his head.
“Yes!” He squeals clapping excitedly. Harry just laughs, shaking his head.
“And Darcy, what did you learn today?”
“I learned how to write in cursive.”
“Do you like writing, Darcy?” She looks up to you blushing slightly and nods.
“Yeah. I have tons of journals that I write in. Maybe sometime...you can read them.” You gently place your hand over hers smiling so wide your cheeks hurt.
“I would be honored to, baby.”
You and Harry lock eyes across the table and he winks at you. You can barely pay attention to what’s going on around you just thinking about those lips on yours again.
You’re too far gone.
“Alright, kids. Dinner is over. Go on and get ready for bed.”
“Y/N, can you read us a bedtime story tonight?” Carter pouts up to you.
“How about I make up my own bedtime story for the two of you.”
“Okay!” They both run up the stairs making you laugh.
You start grabbing plates, walking them over to the sink and clean them off. You never really cared about washing dishes. It wasn’t the worst thing, but it wasn’t the best thing either.
You feel two very strong arms wrap around you making your heart flutter. Two soft lips press against the skin right under your ear making you shiver. You have never felt this way with a man before. It’s crazy how he makes you feel.
“It’ll take them half an hour to an hour to be ready for a bedtime story.” You hum slowly setting the dishes down in the sink.
“Anything you wanna do until then?” You bite your lip secretly hoping he’ll say kiss or something. He spins you around digging his hips right into yours making you gasp.
“I can think of a few things.” Your eyes widen looking into his eyes. His pupils are blown out. You can see the list building behind them.
“Like?” His hands slowly move down to your ass just resting there. You feel like your heart is hammering against your ribs. It’s getting harder to breathe not to mention you feel like something will start leaking down your legs any second!
“My bedroom has a lock.” He smirks down at you. This is going to be one hell of a night!
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styles-is-the-name · 4 years
Just Before You Go - Part Three
this is my first shot at a harry-y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. Harry is a single father of two that hasn’t even looked at another woman in years. For the first time in five years, he finally feels like he’s returning to himself all because he met someone unexpectedly at a grocery store. Even though his kids are determined to help him find love again, will it be possible? (There eventually be smut, but will mostly be fluff.)
TW: suicide, self harm, and others will occur
Word Count: 2,399
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“Harry, you do absolutely amazing work!” Your eyes widen slightly as you continue flipping through his books looking at different tattoos he’s done over the years. Each one is beautiful and unique.
“Thank you, love. I’m not like a traditional tattoo artist if you couldn’t tell. I won’t do any tattoo that another artist has done.”
“So if I were to ask for a butterfly, you wouldn’t do it the same way another person did?”
“I would ask you why you want the butterfly and depending on your response, I will find a butterfly that suits your reasoning perfectly.”
“Do you know about the butterfly project?”
“I sure do. Is...is that why you want one?” You look down breathing out shakily and nod nervously. He sits down next to you gently placing his hand over yours. “I’m here for you, Y/N. I know that we just met and you don’t trust me yet, but I am here for you.”
You smile up at him through tears and nod not able to speak fearful that you might start crying. He hands you a tissue and you dab the corners of your eyes trying not to ruin your makeup. The two of you look over at Darcy who is petting her cat lovingly.
“She’s very beautiful.”
“Thank you.” He smiles at you widely. “She looks exactly like her mother did.”
“She mentioned...you know...what her mother did.” You say softly not sure how to approach the topic. He sighs shakily leaning back on the couch.
“She really struggled with postpartum depression after she had my son. I didn’t realize it was as bad as it actually was. I spent more time with the kids than I did with her. She...she cheated. And when I found out...she killed herself in front of me.”
“Harry...oh my god. I’m so sorry.” He nods awkwardly trying to blink back all the emotion he feels right now. You decide to change the topic to help him out. “So should I bring anything to dinner tomorrow? I can bring dessert.”
“You cook?”
“I do, but I mostly bake.”
“The kids love baking.”
“So maybe...I can bring something over and we can cook and bake together.”
“Like a family.” He smiles lightly at you making your heart flutter.
The whole day was so miserable and long for you. You were impatient and you hated it, but you managed to get some of your job applications sent out. Hopefully you’ll be hearing back from schools within the next few days. One of the only good things about who your father is is that he sends you money every week. That’s how you’ve been surviving.
Around three, you decide to call your best friend, Louis. He’s always good to talk to in a crisis or a fashion emergency and in your case, it’s the latter.
“What’s up, babe?”
“Okay so. There’s a lot I have to catch you up on.”
“Is there a guy?”
“How did you know?”
“I haven’t seen you this happy since-“
“Don’t even say his name. I swear to god I will fly to New York and rip out your vocal chords.”
“Okay! Okay! Calm down. But anyway. Spill the tea!”
“Well I was at the grocery store yesterday and I met this man.”
“Name? Age? Nationality? Religion? Race? Relationship status? Criminal record?”
“Louis! Oh my god. His name is Harry Styles.”
“Oh my god that’s amazing. Imagine him so deep inside of you that you start scream-“
“OKAY! Okay! Enough!”
“He’s a tattoo artist.”
“Seriously? Dude that’s so cool! Maybe I should make a trip out there.”
“Oh my god he’s amazing, Lou. He showed me some of his past tattoos and they’re all amazing.”
“You’ll have to send me pics.”
“I will the next time I’m at his shop.”
“You went to his shop?”
“Just shut up and let me talk!”
“Okay bossy.” You roll your eyes giggling.
“Well he has a British accent.”
“That’s your weakness!”
“I know! He’s a single father.”
“How many kids and how old?”
“Two. Darcy is nine and she's the sweetest little girl I’ve ever met. I haven’t met Carter yet, but he’s six and adorable.”
“And their mom? You don’t need a crazy ex around.”
“She’s not in the picture.”
“Seriously? She had two kids then just left?”
“Lou, it’s more complicated than that.”
“Well, tell me!”
“She killed herself.”
“Oh my god.”
“I know. But Darcy is really trying to get us together and guess what.”
“Every Tuesday they have taco Tuesday. And they invited me tonight.”
“Yasss! My girl is gonna get some dick tonight!”
“Louis! Oh my god. Why did I even bother calling you.”
“Because you probably need help picking out an outfit.”
“Yeah I do. I don’t wanna be too dressy, but I don’t wanna be too casual either.”
“You know that yellow, flowy top we bought before you left?”
“The one that has ruffled sleeves and goes down to my thighs?”
“Yeah that. Wear that with leggings and sandals.”
“And my hair?”
“Braid it to the side and natural makeup.”
“Thanks, Lou. I owe you. I gotta go though so I can be there on time. We’re cooking together.”
“Awwww! You’re a little family already!”
“Oh fuck off.”
“Love youuuuu!”
“Yeah yeah.” You hang up giggling then rush to get ready.
“But daddy! It’s not fair! Why did Darcy get to meet her and not me?!”
“Bubba, I already explained this to you. Darcy was at the store with me, but you get to meet her tonight. She’s coming over for dinner.”
“But I wanted to find you a girlfriend!” Harry blushes bright red. It’s not that he’s embarrassed to have you called his girlfriend (if it weren’t too soon, he probably would ask you to be his girlfriend himself), but having your kids talk about it is just a little weird.
“She’s not my girlfriend, Carter.”
“YET!” Darcy looks at Carter smirking.
“Jinx! Knock on wood. You owe me a soda!”
“Daddy.” Carter whines looking up to Harry.
“I need you both to be on your absolute best behavior tonight okay?”
“Okay daddy.”
“Yes daddy.” Carter leans closer to Darcy. “Is she pretty?” Darcy giggles and nods. Harry rolls his eyes sighing.
“She’s beautiful. Beyond beautiful. But we just met, guys. Nothing serious is going to come from a din-“
The two are running towards the door before Harry can even finish. Darcy opens the door right as you were reaching to ring the doorbell.
“Y/N!” She hugs you tightly catching you off guard. You hug back smiling lightly and wave to Carter.”
“Hi guys!” Harry walks over wanting to just melt into the floor seeing how embarrassing his kids are being.
“Guys, let her in! Let her in.” Darcy let’s go of you and let’s you walk inside.
“Woah.” You look around at the beautiful interior. “It's beautiful in here!”
“Daddy said you’re beautiful too!”
“Carter!” Darcy nudges him with her elbow.
“What?! He did!” Harry squeezes his fists biting his lip nervously.
“Well, your daddy is very handsome.”
Harry can’t help, but smile. He feels like he’s in high school again. He just met you yesterday and his heart is already racing when you compliment him. The only difference is that he is twenty-six almost twenty-seven and he knows it’s not just some school girl crush. It’s more than that. He hasn’t felt like this in nearly five years and to say that it’s terrifying doesn’t even come close to how he feels.
“Darcy, you were right! She is really pretty.”
“I know!” The two giggle running into the living room. Harry looks up to you blushing deeply feeling bad.
“I’m so sorry. I told them to behave. Looks like they decided not to listen.” You giggle.
“It’s okay, Harry. I wasn’t sure what to bring for dessert so I just brought stuff to make homemade chocolate chip cookies.”
“From scratch?”
“The best way to make them!” He leads you into his kitchen talking over his shoulder to you.
“My mum used to bake cookies from scratch and she would have them ready for when I got home from school. I tried to figure out how to make them the way she does, but I never could figure it out.”
“The secret ingredient is sour cream. Sounds disgusting, but it just makes the cookie more moist. Also, milk instead of water.”
“I knew the milk, but not sour cream. God I worked in a bakery as a teenager. I should know these things!”
“Awww little Harry in an apron!” You hold your heart jutting out your bottom lip. You see his gaze move down to your lips and your knees just about give out on you.
“Just be thankful my mum isn’t here. She’d be showing you all sorts of baby pictures.”
“We should have invited her then! I’d love to see those chubby baby cheeks. I love babies.”
“What’s your favorite age to teach?”
“Probably both elementary and high school.”
“Not middle school?”
“Oh hell no. Those brats are so rude it’s not even funny. And they’re too hormonal.”
“I would’ve thought that high schoolers are more hormonal.” You sit down on the counter popping a cherry into your mouth while watching him roll his sleeves up. Your mouth waters but you can’t tell if it’s from the cherry or his tattoos.
“That’s what you’d think, but they have the majority of their hormones in check. I mean think about it. Most girls start their periods in six grade. That’s around the time that guys started yanking off to socks.” His laugh sounds like music to your ears. You’d do anything to hear that again.
“True. I love how you put it like that.”
“I mean it’s true! I’ve heard most guys prefer socks over the male dildo vagina things.”
“What guys have you been talking to?!”
“My brothers and my best friend.” You shrug amused by the conversation.
“Well I just prefer my hand.”
“But doesn’t that make a mess?”
“If you aim right it shouldn’t.”
“Oh my god. I’d struggle if I were a guy for a day.”
“How so?”
“My aim sucks. I wouldn’t be able to even pee.” He throws his head back laughing.
“Well if I were a woman for a day, I wouldn’t be able to leave my bedroom.”
“Why? Too busy fingering yourself?” You giggle rolling your eyes.
“Eh. I’m more of a tits guy.” Just the way he said that makes you feel light headed. You know you need to change the subject before you have to go to the bathroom.
“Oh whatever. Anyway. Tell me about yourself, Harry.”
“What do you wanna know, love?”
“Anything and everything.” Harry hands you a pan and the package of meat. You pop another cherry into your mouth before hopping off of the counter and turning the burner on.
“Well, I was raised in Holmes Chapel.”
“Isn’t that just a few hours outside of London?”
“Yeah. It’s a pretty small town, but it’s lovely.”
“Why’d you move here?”
“For uni. Three of my lads and I moved here. We got an apartment and went to uni together.”
“What do they do for a living?”
“Well Niall owns his own club. Zayn is a model. And Liam is about to graduate med school.”
“Oh wow. That’s a big variety.”
“I know, but I know who to go to for free drinks and surgery if needed.” You laugh while pouring the meat into the pan. This isn’t as awkward as you thought it would be. It’s actually pretty fun.
“Where did you go to college?”
“We went to NYU but Liam is at Chapel Hill for med school.”
“I went to NYU!”
“No way! Class of 2012.”
“Class of 2014!”
“We probably saw each other around campus then. You were a sophomore when I was a senior.”
“I actually went to your graduation. My best friend Louis was graduating.”
“Louis? As in Tomlinson?”
“Oh my god. You know him?!”
“Yeah. We were pretty good friends. We lost contact a couple years after graduation sadly.”
“Maybe you should reconnect.”
“I would love to, but I don’t even know how to get in contact with him.”
“Here. I’ll FaceTime him.” You walk over to him touching the small of his back while FaceTiming him.
“Y/N? Oh my god! Harry! I was wondering if you were him!”
“Lou! Hey man!”
“How’s life?!”
“It’s great! You?”
“Wonderful. I’m actually thinking about proposing to El.”
“Oh my god. That’s awesome!” You give him the phone giggling. It warms your heart hearing the two of them get along. They’re the two most important guys in your life right now. And you have a feeling that Carter will probably be the third.
You walk into the living room and see the kids watching tv. You lay down dramatically with your head in Darcy’s lap and your feet in Carter's.
“Hey! Your feet are smelly!”
“Hey!” You pout sitting up. He giggles and jumps into your arms making you groan.
“Just because your feet are smelly doesn’t mean I don’t want cuddles.” You laugh holding him close.
“Alright. What are you guys watching?” Darcy pauses the tv looking at you.
“There’s nothing really to watch.”
“Do you have Disney plus?”
“Yeah, but I don’t know what to watch.”
“Have you heard of Wizards of Waverly Place?” They both shake their head no making you grin. “When my brothers and I were growing up, we would watch it all the time. It’s about two mortals that have three kids that are witches.”
“What are mortals?” Carter looks up to you confused.
“Mortals are people like us. We don’t have any powers.”
“I’m not a mortal! Daddy says I’m Superman!” You laugh pinching his cheek.
“You sure are Superman!”
“Can we watch it, Y/N?”
“Of course. Selena Gomez is one of the lead characters.” Darcy gasps pressing play immediately. She moves closer to you cuddling into your side.
Your heart has never felt this full before. Sure you’ve had cuddles from some of your kids, but you’ve never done this before. Carter rests his head on your chest sucking his thumb. You close your eyes just soaking in the moment.
Nothing could make this any better.
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styles-is-the-name · 4 years
Just Before You Go - Part One
this is my first shot at a harry-y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. Harry is a single father of two that hasn’t even looked at another woman in years. For the first time in five years, he finally feels like he’s returning to himself all because he met someone unexpectedly at a grocery store. Even though his kids are determined to help him find love again, will it be possible? (There eventually will be smut, but will mostly be fluff.)
TW: suicide, self harm, and others will occur
Word Count: 1,735
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“Dad, Darcy won’t get out of the bathroom! I still need to brush my teeth.”
Harry groans. Raising a nine and six year old on his own was not easy. But he was doing it because he loves his kids. After Caroline had taken her own life four years ago, he vowed to never let his kids feel alone or unloved. Although he and Caroline were going through a divorce, he still cared for her.
She was the mother of his kids after all! And she was his first love. They were high school sweethearts. He proposed at their high school graduation party and they were married shy of a year later. He was head over heels for her and it devastated him when he found out that she was cheating.
“Darcy, let Carter brush his teeth!” He smirks slightly hearing her groan.
“Fine!” She walks into the kitchen sulking.
“What’s wrong, pumpkin?” He sits down in front of her sipping on his coffee. Black and steaming - just the way he liked it.
Caroline always loved cream and sugar in her coffee.
“I don’t want to go to school, daddy.” Harry frowns seeing the tears well in her eyes.
“Hey hey hey. Baby, talk to me. What’s going on? It’s a new school year!” She nods sniffling and looks down at her hands.
“I just...can I stay home today?”
“Is this your mental health day?” She looks up at him smiling lightly and nods. “Alright, pumpkin. But we have to talk, okay? You remember the rules.
“To get a mental health day, we have to have lunch and talk. Even if I don’t completely tell you what’s wrong, I have to tell you how I’m feeling.”
“Exactly. Now go change into something comfy. After I drop Carter off at school, we’re going grocery shopping then by the studio. I have a client coming in today.”
“Can I bring my iPod to play my music?”
“Of course. Go on!”
“Thanks daddy.” She giggles quietly kissing his cheek and runs up to her room.
Harry realizes that not every parent is so relaxed with their kids missing school, but he believes that academics come second. Mental health is the first thing that matters no matter what the situation is. He will be damned before he repeats his past mistakes. He’s not losing his kids like he lost Caroline.
A few minutes later the three of them are buckling up in the car. Harry turns on the kids’ favorite playlist that they created on his phone while looking back at them. Sometimes he wonders how he got so incredibly lucky to have two amazing kids. He truly doesn’t deserve them.
“Daddy, is Darcy taking her day?”
“She is, Bubba. But we’ll be here to pick you up after school and we’ll go get ice cream and talk about your day.”
“Can I get my purple monster?”
“Well of course! It’s not really ice cream without the purple monster now is it?!” He snickers while his two children giggle in the back.
He pulls up to the school and parks the car. He and his two kids get out and they both grab at his hands. They always hold hands while walking in a parking lot. It’s the safe thing to do. Harry walks Carter to his classroom squeezing his hand when he senses his nervousness.
“Go have fun, Bubba.”
“Yeah, Bubba?”
“I-I’m scared.” Harry smiles lightly kneeling in front of him. He’s always loved how honest his kids are with him.
“I know, Carter. I know. But today will be a great day. It’s only what you make it to be! Go in there and find someone to color with. And learn something today too! If you do, you get another sticker.” Carter gasps.
“Then I’ll only need one more sticker to get the prize on top of the fridge!” Harry smiles and nods. “Yes! In your face, Darcy!” Darcy sticks her tongue out at him making Harry shake his head sighing.
“Alright, alright. That’s enough. Now give daddy a hug and go have an amazing day.” Carter hugs Harry’s legs then runs into his classroom.
Harry stands outside the door for a few minutes watching anxiously. His nerves are calmed when he sees a young girl walk over to Carter and the two begin drawing together. His heart warms at the sight.
Darcy intertwines her fingers with his and pulls him out to the car. He gives her a look telling her that she can sit in the front seat, but only if she doesn’t tell Carter. He would throw a fit if he found out his sister got to sit next to their father. It wouldn’t be pretty.
“Daddy, when we’re at the store, can we get more cherries? Oh, and watermelon!”
“Of course, pumpkin. But remember we don’t have much time. My client is supposed to be at the shop in an hour and a half.” She nods buckling her seat belt.
Harry manages to snag a parking spot towards the front of the grocery store which never happens. He always ends up having to park far out. He lets Darcy go and look at all the flowers as well as toys telling her she can get one thing while he does all the grocery shopping.
Harry goes to the produce section crossing things off of his list. He needs lemons, limes, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, watermelon, and cherries. He grabs the lemons and limes first then makes his way over to the lettuce and cucumbers. He isn’t sure why there are so many people in the store right now, but it’s aggravating him.
There’s never this many people in here. Everywhere you turn, you almost bump into someone. It sucks, but he has to keep his cool for his daughter’s sake. He manages to make his way over to the watermelon and cherries. All he needs now are the tomatoes for taco Tuesday tomorrow.
Taco Tuesday is the kids’ favorite meal. Even if they’re on vacation, they always have taco Tuesday. It’s a family tradition. He reaches for the perfect, plump looking tomato when his hand brushes a woman’s.
“S-sorry!” You say nervously. You look up to Harry quickly and feel like you can’t breathe. You have never seen someone so beautiful before. He smiles lightly at you and hands you the tomato.
“It’s alright, love.” And he’s British too?! Sounds like the perfect man. You sneakily look down at his hand and see that there’s no ring. How is this man not taken? Or maybe he is - he's just not married. Whatever the reason, you’re kinda glad. “Are you new around here?”
“Oh! Yeah I am. I’m from New York.”
“Interesting. What’s a New Yorker like yourself doing here in North Carolina?” You feel herself beginning to smile. You couldn’t help it. You’ve never met a man so attractive yet interested in what you have to say.
“I got a job transfer actually.”
“Yeah? What do you do?”
“I’m a struggling teacher. I taught kindergarten back in New York, but I moved here for a high school English position. I found out a few days ago that my acceptance was wrong. They meant to accept someone else named Y/N.”
“I’m sure you’re an amazing teacher. I know that you will figure something out.”
“Thank you. And what do you do?”
“I have my own tattoo shop.”
“That’s so cool! My mom has her own tattoo shop up in New York.”
“Really? Wow! I’ve never heard of a female tattoo artist if I’m being honest.”
“I know. She started out as an artist, but then found her way into tattoos. She’s been doing it for twenty-seven years.”
“That’s incredible! My shop has only been open for a few years, but I love i-“
“Daddy! I wanna get this coloring book!” Darcy runs over with a JoJo Siwa coloring book.
Y/N’s heart aches hearing her call him daddy. So he is taken. That’s just lovely.
“Okay, pumpkin. Put it in the basket.” He looks up to you smiling nervously. “I’m Harry by the way.”
“I-I’m Y/N.”
“Wow. Beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” He smiles at you making you feel lightheaded again.
“I’m Darcy!” She sticks her hand up smiling widely. You lean down giggling and shake her hand.
“It’s nice to meet you, Darcy.”
“Are you going to be my new mummy?” You feel your eyes bugging out of your head while Harry chokes on his own air. I mean how do you even respond to that?! But wait! She said new mummy. So maybe that means he isn’t taken?
“Darcy! You don’t just go around asking people that!” She sighs looking up to him.
“I just want you to be happy, daddy.” You smile lightly hearing just how much she cares for her father and kneel in front of her holding both of her hands.
“Your daddy and I just met and he’s a wonderful man! But I won’t be your new mommy. No one could replace your mommy! I never met her, but I know she’s an amazing person.” Darcy’s eyes fill with tears.
“If she was an amazing person, she wouldn’t have hurt daddy and killed herself!” Darcy runs to the women’s bathroom leaving Harry there in tears.
“I’m so so sorry, Y/N.” You smile lightly feeling your heart break for this man you just met.
“It’s okay. Do you mind if I try to talk to her a bit?” He hesitates looking around you. Maybe having a woman talk to Darcy would help.
“She didn’t want to go to school today. I don’t know why, but she was crying at the kitchen table this morning.” You nod squeezing his hand.
“Go get the rest of your groceries and check out. I’ll take her to Starbucks and we’ll sit down. Take your time because I have a feeling this might take a while.”
“Thank you...I don’t know what to say or do. I mean we just met and you’re already going through so much trouble for me.”
“Everyone has their past, Harry. Not everything is all rainbows and unicorns. I understand that more than anyone.” You smile at him and he nods nervously.
Well...let’s see if your psychology major will be of any use.
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styles-is-the-name · 4 years
Just Before You Go - Part Two
this is my first shot at a harry-y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. Harry is a single father of two that hasn’t even looked at another woman in years. For the first time in five years, he finally feels like he’s returning to himself all because he met someone unexpectedly at a grocery store. Even though his kids are determined to help him find love again, will it be possible? (There eventually be smut, but will mostly be fluff.)
TW: suicide, self harm, and others will occur
Word Count: 1,175
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“Darcy? It’s me, honey.” You walk completely into the bathroom and close the door behind you. “I know you’re hurting, but can you come out and talk to me?” You hear something shuffling and then a few seconds later, the stall door opens. You sigh seeing Darcy crying.
“What do you want?”
“Your daddy is getting the rest of the groceries. I told him that I’ll take you to starbucks and we’ll talk.” She perks up slightly when you mention starbucks. “Is that okay?” She hesitantly nods and grabs your hand while wiping her tears.
Your heart starts beating faster as you walk over to the cafe still holding her hand. You’ve always loved kids and you’ve always wanted your own, but the thought of having so much control over someone’s life has always terrified you.
Up until now that is.
You order her a venti pink drink because that’s what James Charles drinks as she excitedly told you and you get your boring grande caramel Frappuccino. You don’t really venture out much. You stick with what you like and that’s it.
“Darcy, do you think we should get daddy something?”
“Can we?!”
“Of course! What does he like?”
“A white chocolate mocha. Hot not cold.”
“Do you wanna order it?” You smile as she stands up a little taller and tells the man her order. He smiles widely down at her.
“And what is your name, precious?” She giggles blushing.
“That’s a beautiful name! Is this your mom?” You blush deeper holding your breath. This cannot be happening. The two of you cannot look anymore different! She has dirty blonde curls and you have dark brown curls. She has green eyes and you have hazel eyes. You have freckles and she doesn’t! There is no similarity at all!
“Oh. No.” She leans closer to the man smiling widely. “But I hope she will be one day.” You can’t hear her because she’s whispering, but you know it’s something about you. He looks up to you for a fleeting second then looks back down to her whispering back.
“We’ll make it happen, babe. Promise.”
“Pink promise?”
“Pinky promise.” You watch them wrap their pinkies and kiss them, making you shake your head smiling. She’s adorable.
“Alright, alright. Enough gossip!” You guide Darcy over to the pick up station looking down at her smiling lightly. She really is a beautiful little girl. “So daddy told me you didn’t want to go to school today.” She sighs looking down. “I won’t tell daddy anything if you don’t want me to, I promise. But you need to talk to someone. You can’t keep all of these feelings bottled up.”
“That’s what daddy says.”
“So try talking to me. I’ll listen without talking.” She hesitantly nods while grabbing all the drinks. “You wanna pick a table?” She nods and walks over to a table with three high chairs. You help her up onto her chair then sit in front of her.
“If I tell you...you promise not to tell my daddy?” You nod sipping on your drink. “Well...people at my school don’t like me.”
“What do you mean?”
“They’re mean to me.” You immediately feel defensive over this young girl you’ve just met.
“One of the guys in my class came over to me and started rubbing my leg hair. He called me a mammoth because I’m fat and hairy.” Her eyes water. You close your eyes knowing just how damaging and hurtful people's words and actions are.
“I’m so sorry, Darcy.”
“I had one friend, but people found out that we were best friends and told everyone that we were in love. I love her, but not like that!”
“Do you like girls like that?”
“...don’t tell daddy.” She looks up to you in tears.
“Darcy, your father will love you no matter what gender you prefer! He loves you for who you are!”
“I just don’t want to hurt him!”
“I know, baby. I know. But you can’t keep hiding your pain from him.”
“I know…”
“Can I make a suggestion?” She nods sniffling. “What if you tell him while I’m there.” She blinks up to you.
“You would do that?”
“Of course, honey. I was bullied from second grade all the way through high school. It really hurt me. I almost did a lot of stupid stuff to help with the pain.”
“Is that why you have scars?” You instinctively cover your arms. “Did you hurt yourself?” You close your eyes shakily sighing.
“I did. I felt like I had no one. I wanted to have some kind of control over my life and hurting myself was how I got that control.”
“Do you still hurt yourself?”
“No. I haven’t hurt myself in two months.”
“...I haven’t hurt myself in two days.” Your heart completely breaks. Children are experiencing all this heartbreak younger and younger and it kills you.
“Darcy...I think you need to tell daddy that too.”
“No! I can’t! He’ll be so upset!”
“He’ll be upset that you’re in so much pain and you never went to him! He wants to help you. But he can’t help you if you don’t let him.”
“I know.”
“I promise it won’t be as bad as you think it will be.”
“Do you like my daddy?”
“Do you like my daddy?”
“What makes you ask that?”
“You’re just doing a lot for some stranger.” You sigh shaking your head.
“Well...I have to admit that he’s attractive, but we just met, Darcy. I highly doubt anything will come from it.”
“You don’t know that for sure.”
“I don’t, but I highly doubt something will happen.”
“Twenty bucks says he’ll ask you on a date in less than a month.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me.” Well.
“Fine. And if nothing happens, you tell your dad that you’ve been in all of this pain.”
“Deal!” You shake your head, rolling your eyes while smiling. You have a feeling that Darcy is going to make something happen...and you’re not too upset about it either.
“Okay, I’m done. I gotta go to the shop now. Y/N, you’re welcome to join us if you want-“
“She will.” You both look at Darcy. “Oh and here daddy. Y/N got you your favorite!” He smiles widely taking it.
“Thank you, Y/N. You didn’t have to.”
“It’s okay. It’s the least I could do since you gave me the tomato.”
“It’s no big deal. Taco Tuesday’s are good with grape tomatoes too.”
“Oh my god. I love tacos!”
“Daddy makes them himself, Y/N! They’re the best tacos ever!”
“Oh really?”
“Darcy, they’re not THAT good.”
“Yes they are, daddy! Y/N, come to taco Tuesday tomorrow night with us and try them for yourself!” You raise an eyebrow then look up to Harry. He smiles, shaking his head assuming the talk went well.
“We would love it if you would join us for taco Tuesday, Y/N.” You smile feeling butterflies.
“I’ll be there.”
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