justbreatheincsblog · 3 years
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Life is very precious and is a gift. We only have today, tomorrow has not yet come and yesterday is gone. Today is a gift, that is why it is called 'the present'. #justbreatheinc #inspire #hope #dream #encourage #believe #peace #water #mountain #justdoit #dominion #trust #battle ready #look up #authority#power#dreambig#life#gift https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ4j5ySrYXq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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The winter has not left yet but finally seeing a beautiful Robin and hearing his lovely song lifts my spirits considerably. Take time for yourself, look for the spring birds and listen to their beautiful songs. Winter’s hold is fast disintegrating.
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justbreatheincsblog · 3 years
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A Word From 'JUST BREATHE’ DREAM BIG: God is a giver of dreams, and any dream He gives, He will watch over to fulfill as you are obedient to Him. Let God Put Desire in Your Heart God never lives in the past, and He wants to bring you into the future He has in mind. He wants to put His desires into your heart. He wants to give you His dreams for your life. Let God Fulfill What He Has Promised Dare to trust God both to give you a dream and to fulfill it. The Bible is clear that "the One who calls you is faithful, and He will do it" (1 Thessalonians 5:24 NIV). God will not relent. A promise is a promise. When He makes up His mind, He stays the course. He engineers circumstances. He sends encouragement. He revives dreams. He infuses hearts with hope. God doesn't want you to simply dream-- He wants you to Dream Big. He wants to help you achieve your dreams. He wants you to see your dreams come true! When you dare to dream God empowers you to overcome the barriers that hold you back. Barriers might be as follows: Self-Doubt, Disappointment, or The Rut of Routine. When we stop pursuing our dreams a little piece of us dies. We become disheartened. Pursuing our dreams rekindles passion and zeal... It lets us experience fulfillment. So, DREAM BIG. We have a BIG God. PRAYER: Father, I open my heart to You so that You can rekindle old dreams and put new ones into my heart. I want to be able to follow You into the future You have planned for me, and I need Your help so that I can hear Your directives and remain persistent. I have a dream and I believe that You are developing that dream more every day. I am excited about my future as I continue to DREAM BIG. In Jesus Name, Amen.(So Be It). #justbreatheinc #inspire #hope #dream #encourage #believe #peace #water #mountain #justdoit #dominion #trust #battle ready #look up #authority#power#dreambig https://www.instagram.com/p/CZy-zuYLCeT/?utm_medium=tumblr
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justbreatheincsblog · 3 years
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A word from 'JUST BREATHE’ PLACE, PLAN, PROVISION, PURPOSE. God told Elijah , in I Kings 17: 2-5,to go to a 'Place' "turn Eastward,and the 'Plan' was to hide, or 'to wait'. Timing is crucial. Provision came as Elijah was at the 'Place' fulfilling the 'Plan' thereby living out his 'Purpose'. Repeated in vs.7-16. Elijah went to the 'Place' Zarephath, the 'Plan' ultimate 'Plan' was to save the Widow and her son. The 'Provision' was at the 'Place'. The 'Purpose' was revealed. ‘JUST BREATHE’ would submit to you this stated order for contemplation: Wherever YOUR Place is YOU will find the Plan. When you are in the Place God has for you and you need to work the Plan God will provide the Provision for you to fulfill Your Purpose. PLACE, PLAN, PROVISION, PURPOSE. #justbreatheinc #breathe #inspire #hope #dream #encourage #believe #peace #water #mountain #justdoit #dominion #trust #battle ready #look up #placeplanprovisionpurpose https://www.instagram.com/p/CZwyJHQLdAG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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justbreatheincsblog · 3 years
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STAND IN YOUR AUTHORITY We have seen the storms of the enemy but we have entered a time where God is revealing His power and glory that will outdo the storms we have seen in the past few years. Yes, the enemy will keep sending his storms in 2022 BUT, it's time for us to know who we are. We are Mighty Warriors in THE KINGDOM OF GOD! Think about that. YOU have the Holy Spirit within you. YOU have the Power of The Blood of JESUS. YOU have THE WORD of THE MOST HIGH GOD. The word of the Lord is the Power in our mouths! It's the Spirit of God moving upon us and through us which releases the resurrection power of God into the earth that counteracts the storms of the enemy! SO, ‘JUST BREATHE’ and STAND in your Authority. #justbreatheinc #breathe #inspire #hope #dream #encourage #believe #peace #water #mountain #justdoit #dominion #trust #battle ready #look up #standinyourauthority#theword#theblood#theholyspirit https://www.instagram.com/p/CZuXFr3ux0e/?utm_medium=tumblr
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justbreatheincsblog · 3 years
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ITS TIME TO ROAR THE Lion of Judah is ROARING over His people awakening courage. He is stirring up expectation. He is giving us new strength!" "It is God who arms me with strength, and makes my way perfect." (Psalm 18:32 NKJV)Your new strength is not like your old strength. Don't expect the familiarity of past strength. Don't wait for your "old strength" to return. Your new strength is different. It is victorious. "For You have armed me with strength for the battle”. WEVARE ‘BATTLE READY’. The Lord told Gideon, "Go in the strength you have. Listen! When God is calling you to your destiny, don't rehearse your history. Your history has no weight or bearing on the fulfillment of God's Word in your life. What matters is that God is sending you, He will be with you, and He will deliver you. Perhaps you can relate to Gideon today. Perhaps you don't feel adequate for the task ahead of you, but be encouraged: Your weakness does not disqualify you. God's Word qualifies you. SO, Go in the strength you have." I AM WITH YOU Declares THE LORD”. SO,,, ‘JUST BREATHE’ ! #justbreatheinc #breathe #inspire #hope #dream #encourage #believe #peace #water #mountain #justdoit #dominion #trust #battle ready #look up #celebrate #overwhelmingjoy #Jerusalem #Israel #Feast #Shemitah #Rest #Release#miracles#Roar# https://www.instagram.com/p/CVdYAx7rpzL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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justbreatheincsblog · 3 years
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BORN TO ROAR Did you know that you were ‘Born ROAR? Well, You Were !! You were born to ROAR for Jesus. ROAR with confidence and courage to press through any resistance because of His faithful, redemptive love. ROAR with purpose. Wildly surrendered to the will of God. Wildly obedient to His commands. Wildly led by the power of the Holy Spirit at work within you. Take this to heart and remember you were born to ROAR. Believe beyond your brokenness today, knowing that God won’t throw a whole life away just cause it’s banged up a little. It’s time to make YOUR VOICE HEARD. So, JUST BREATH, and get your ROAR ON!!!!’ #justbreatheinc #breathe #inspire #hope #dream #encourage #believe #peace #battleready #mountain #justdoit #dominion #trust #look up #release#trust #nevergiveup#stand #youareawarrior#roarlionroar https://www.instagram.com/p/CVa5btdrk2U/?utm_medium=tumblr
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justbreatheincsblog · 3 years
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HOLD ON TO HOPE A lot of people today are starting to lose hope. Experts say that one of the reasons suicide rates are so high is because people have lost hope. Maybe you’re going through a hard time right now, and you’re thinking, “I don't feel like giving thanks to God. I’ll give thanks when I get through this problem.” If you’re losing hope today, don’t give up. Don’t lose hope. God is in control. The next time you feel the weight of the world, talk to the One who made the world. As your perception of God grows greater, the size of your challenge grows smaller. God is sovereign and God can get you through whatever you’re facing today so ‘JUST BREATHE’. “ See, I am sending an Angel ahead of you to GUARD you along your way AND to bring you to the place I have prepared for you”. ( Exodus 23:20). #justbreatheinc #breathe #inspire #hope #dream #encourage #believe #peace #battleready #mountain #justdoit #dominion #trust #look up #release#trust #nevergiveup#stand #youareawarrior https://www.instagram.com/p/CVVxWiYrmEE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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justbreatheincsblog · 3 years
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What? WHAT????? Exodus 14:13 NKJV And Moses said to the people ( and we echo this to YOU ),“Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you TODAY. For the Egyptians (your enemy who has been tormenting you mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually) whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever.The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.” (Exodus 14:13 NKJV) In Exodus 15:1-21 we sing the song of Freedom that Moses and then Miriam sang after crossing the Red Sea. What is your hinderance today? Your ‘Red Sea’ Song is waiting to be sung. “I will sing unto the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously! The horse and it’s rider He has thrown into the sea”. HALLELUJAH to the Lamb of God !! #justbreatheinc #breathe #inspire #hope #dream #encourage #believe #peace #water #mountain #justdoit #dominion #trust #battle ready #look up #celebrate #overwhelmingjoy #Jerusalem #Israel #Feast #Shemitah #Rest #Release#miracles https://www.instagram.com/p/CVF5pCdLks8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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justbreatheincsblog · 3 years
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Our Sister C. Green from Oklahoma is Battle Ready and Fully Armored. You, too, can have your ‘BATTLE READY’ Shirt by contacting us at [email protected] for more information and cost. #justbreatheinc #breathe #inspire #hope #dream #encourage #believe #peace #battleready #mountain #justdoit #dominion #trust #look up #release #shemetahyear https://www.instagram.com/p/CU-mebiLaf8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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justbreatheincsblog · 3 years
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A Word from 'JUST BREATHE’ We have entered into what is known in Jewish History and also in The WORD of GOD as the SHEMITAH Year. During this year, which began on The 1st of Tishri Sept.7 on our Gregorian calendar, we are admonished to focus more on our spiritual mission in life and less on our material pursuits. More on why we are needed and less on what we need. More on our Faith in God and less focus on our abilities. This is indeed a rare time in history and Faith in our GOD and HIS Faithfulness is what is going to sustain us. May we never forget, it's not about us, It's about HIM and HIS great, eternal Plan. REST in HIM in this 'Shemitah Year'. #justbreatheinc #breathe #inspire #hope #dream #encourage #believe #peace #water #mountain #justdoit #dominion #trust #battle ready #look up #celebrate #overwhelmingjoy #Jerusalem #Israel #Feast #Shemitah #Rest #Release https://www.instagram.com/p/CU5RsmCrVl5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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justbreatheincsblog · 3 years
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Question. Did you know that you are armed and dangerous with the unstoppable weapons of mercy, grace, truth, love and the MIGHTY POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT? Well you are. "These weapons are unconquerable. They defeat shame and condemnation, lies and deception, apathy and animosity, every time. The precious Holy Spirit is inside us as mighty warriors in the Kingdom. WE ARE KINGDOM CITIZENS! WE will speak boldly. OUR words will be like swords in our mouths (Isaiah 49:2) to destroy every demonic presence in our homes, churches, cities, and places of influence. "Through our complete surrender God will restore the years the locusts have stolen (Joel 2:25). The enemy will pay many times over what he has taken. It is time for restoration and redemption time for things to be made new." There is a ‘Shifting’ going on both in the earth realm and the Spirit realm. “The Kingdom of Heaven ( that’s where our citizenship lies) suffers violence and the violent (that’s us, Kingdom Warriors) take it by force. Not in our own strength but in the strength that comes from the Holy Spirit. The Ruach Ha Kodesh the very spirit of our Commander and Chief. GOD HIMSELF. So, Rise Up Mighty Warriors. JUST BREATHE . It’s time to FIGHT. #justbreatheinc #breathe #inspire #hope #dream #encourage #believe #peace #water #mountain #justdoit #dominion #trust #battle ready #look up #celebrate #overwhelmingjoy https://www.instagram.com/p/CUai6tTLFcl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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justbreatheincsblog · 3 years
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The FEAST OF TABERNACLES PART 4 Conclusion. The ‘Original’ Thanksgiving. WHAT IT MEANS FOR CHRISTIANS The Feast of Final Ingathering in Exodus 23:16 and 34:22. An aspect of the prophetic fulfillment of Sukkoth involves a great and final ingathering, a spiritual harvest of souls, in connection with Yeshua’s return. Then He will tabernacle among us in unimaginable glory in the Messianic Age and forever. It’s time for Joy and Celebration. We each have a part to play that only we can do in this great final harvest. Yes, we must partner together to see the GREAT HARVEST. We must pray to the Lord of the harvest that HE will thrust forth laborers into this GREAT END TIME field. It’s time for the Final great feast to find its fulfillment. Therefore the Feast of Sukkoth Tabernacles is SO Important. It is time to rejoice in the present, knowing that we have access to the living water and the light of the world that tabernacles in our heart. Finally it is a time to look forward to his return, when God restores all things, and know that our role is to invite people into this Kingdom where the light does not end and there is living water that gives eternal life. The customary saying at the conclusion of Feast of Tabernacles is “NEXT YEAR IN JERUSALEM”. Meaning perhaps our Messiah will come at the Feast of Tabernacles Next Year and all will meet in Jerusalem. We, as Christians are awaiting Yeshua’s second return. SO, to our Friends who have celebrated this week of overwhelming Joy and Celebration JUST BREATHE says to you “NEXT YEAR IN JERUSALEM”. Shabbat Shalom. #justbreatheinc #breathe #inspire #hope #dream #encourage #believe #peace #water #mountain #justdoit #dominion #trust #battle ready #look up #celebrate #overwhelmingjoy https://www.instagram.com/p/CUVSgU7Lz03/?utm_medium=tumblr
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justbreatheincsblog · 3 years
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THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES PART 3 Israel and the Nations During Sukkot, (the Festival of Booths/Tabernacles, the Jewish people also pray for other nations, inviting them to come to Jerusalem to celebrate together, since God already commanded Moses and the Hebrews to include the foreigner in their land. It is customary to read from the Book of Zechariah, especially chapter 14 that foreshadows the return of the Messiah and His saints. It speaks of the Messiah’s reign, God’s exaltation of Jerusalem, overcoming Israel’s enemies, and all nations pilgrimaging to God’s Holy City for Sukkot. The message of the Feast of Tabernacles is also about the future – the Second Coming of Messiah, which will be a joyous day for those who know Him. When the Messiah comes, He will collect the harvest for the Father’s Kingdom. That’s US. Shabbat Sholom #justbreatheinc #breathe #inspire #hope #dream #encourage #believe #peace #water #mountain #justdoit #dominion #trust #battle ready #look up #celebrate #overwhelmingjoy #Jerusalem #Israel #Feast https://www.instagram.com/p/CUVN-Cvrzot/?utm_medium=tumblr
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justbreatheincsblog · 3 years
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THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES PART 3 Israel and the Nations During Sukkot, (the Festival of Booths/Tabernacles, the Jewish people also pray for other nations, inviting them to come to Jerusalem to celebrate together, since God already commanded Moses and the Hebrews to include the foreigner in their land. It is customary to read from the Book of Zechariah, especially chapter 14 that foreshadows the return of the Messiah and His saints. It speaks of the Messiah’s reign, God’s exaltation of Jerusalem, overcoming Israel’s enemies, and all nations pilgrimaging to God’s Holy City for Sukkot. The message of the Feast of Tabernacles is also about the future – the Second Coming of Messiah, which will be a joyous day for those who know Him. When the Messiah comes, He will collect the harvest for the Father’s Kingdom. That’s US. Shabbat Sholom #justbreatheinc #breathe #inspire #hope #dream #encourage #believe #peace #water #mountain #justdoit #dominion #trust #battle ready #look up #celebrate #overwhelmingjoy #Jerusalem #Israel https://www.instagram.com/p/CUSXpbOrviE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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justbreatheincsblog · 3 years
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FEAST OF TABERNACLES Part 2 7 Days in BOOTHS/HUTS God led His people through the desert, protected them, provided for them and healed them. Wandering in the desert, the mHebrews camped along the way, that is why God commanded Israel to build and live in temporary “dwellings” for a week at this time of year. The booths or huts are also a symbol of the fact that we are sojourners on this earth. We are in this world but not of it. We are ‘Kingdom Citizens’. Your spiritual passport is stamped KINGDOM Citizen. We are just passing through. Rejoice, it’s time to experience the overwhelming joy this feast stands for. #justbreatheinc #breathe #inspire #hope #dream #encourage #believe #peace #water #mountain #justdoit #dominion #trust #battle ready #look up #celebrate #overwhelmingjoy https://www.instagram.com/p/CUQHEbarjEk/?utm_medium=tumblr
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