#justfangstvdto series
justfangstvdto · 7 years
Open Coffin | Chapter 04: “Recipe for Disaster”
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Pairing: Kol x Reader (eventually)
Chapter Summary: A new lead brings Y/N to Charlotte where she crosses paths with two surprising people from her past
Warnings: solely focused on the sister in this chapter, typical tvd violence, harmless swearing
Word count: 3923
Tags & Author Note at the bottom. Feedback is welcomed and appreciated.
Open Coffin Masterlist
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New Orleans | 1913
Your footsteps echo through the dimly lit tomb at the Lafayette Cemetery, the parchment in your hand comforting your skin.
“I found it!” your voice now accompanies the echoes of your steps as you hurry inside.
“You found what?” Kol raises from the chair he has been sitting on.
“The missing ingredient.”
You unfold the piece of parchment signed with an owl sigil and place it on the table. Kol’s eyes travel along the carefully drawn line of a perfectly shaped diamond. He arches his eyebrows slightly and it seems like he recognizes this magical diamond from his witchcraft studies “Of course! The paragon diamond!”He pulls you into a hug and lifts you in the air. “You’re a genius, Y/N!”
He stops twirling after a few moments setting you down in your feet again, his face close to yours and you can swear you can see a flicker of surprise in his eyes as if he is astounded to be as near to you as he is right now. He just looks at you without saying anything or moving a muscle, before he suddenly comes closer. And closer, and closer, until he abruptly pulls away and clears his throat. “Uhm..How did you figure it out?”
“I called in a few favors and asked a very talented, yet creepy witch.” you hop on the table behind you and Kol leans on it as well.
“She’s with that secret organization of yours, right?”
“Will you ever tell me who they are?” he reaches for the drawing behind him
“It´s better if you don´t know, believe me.” he nods and unfolds the paper, a smile instantly appearing on his face.
“We are actually doing this.” he looks at the drawn version of the diamond that could answer all his prayers of a dagger-free life. He looks at you and the sincere and utterly alluring smile of his makes your heart beat like a machine drum. This guy is going to be the death of you someday..
Y/N |  Present time
You wake up with a gasp, the image of Kol´s smile prominent in the back of your mind as the sound of Bon Jovi songs reach through the dark, wooden halls of your brothers - and currently your - home. Stefan probably has a party going on this early in the morning. You hesitantly roll out of bed with a loud groan, almost slipping on the sleek wooden floors. There are rugs everywhere in the house but not in your room, it is as if they want you to break your neck every morning.
None of your clothes are here obviously because being kidnapped pretty much makes it impossible to take them with you. The only thing you could wear is an old pair of jeans and an old 90´s Nirvana shirt with “Smells like Teen Spirit” written on it. You bought that particular shirt at a shop at one of the last shows you visited with Damon and you must have forgotten to take it with you after yet another fight with him. Living, or better, sleeping in the same house again will definitely result in a lot more fighting, that is for sure.
You open the door and the loud, and somewhat annoying voice of Jon Bon Jovi hits you like a brick wall. Seriously, can Stefan be any more annoying right now?
You walk down the first steps before you stare down at two dead girls at the foot of the rug-covered stairs “I love waking up to dead people in the morning.” you mutter to yourself as you casually hop over them. Once you reach the living room you are greeted with a very disturbing sight. Stefan casually hangs out on the couch with a bloody twister mat at his feet. 
“Uh-oh. Alexandra, left hand, please.” Stefan ignores you and Alexandra gives him her hand and he turns it and bites her wrist.
There are footsteps heard from behind you and you can hear Damon hopping over the girls in the same manner as you did a few seconds ago.
“Hey, the two brunettes on the staircase owe me a Persian rug.” Damon notes and stops dead in his track once he sees how Stefan is playing a very bloody and deadly version of twister.
“You mean, they owe us a Persian rug? It’s my house, too, brother.”
“A persian rug, seriously? What are we, the Kelly Family?” you shake your head at your brother’s weirdly fancy taste. What happened to them?
“So this is what Klaus had in mind when he compelled you to protect Elena?” Damon gestures towards Stefan and his questionable company.
“These ladies are helping me be all that I can be.”
You are so much more than this, little brother and you know it.
A knock on the door echoes through the halls. Damon goes and opens the front door, revealing Rebekah packed with shopping bags. “Where’s Stefan?”
“What the hell are you doing here, Rebekah?” you step in her way but she casually ignores your attempt, takes a step to her left and enters the living room.
“He left me here. My brother actually left me here.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.” Stefan raises his eyebrows “Your tone implies that I’m actually supposed to care.”
You snicker, completely agreeing with your brother’s comment. You really don´t care what happens to Rebekah. Not anymore. You used to be friends once upon a time but as always, her loyalty to Klaus doomed your friendship as time went on.
“You’re Klaus’ sister?”
“Rebekah. Pleasure, I’m sure.” she turns her head and flashes him a fake smile “Which one’s my room?”
“You’re not staying here.” Stefan shakes his head.
“Definitely not.” you add.
She then looks at Damon expecting an answer from him as well, but he remains silent.
“Rude. All of you. I’ll see to it myself.” she walks off and hurries up the stairs.
The vibrating of your phone interrupts you from going after her and kindly throw her out of the house. “Just stay the hell out of my room!”
You open the text message: We have a new location for that missing diamond of yours: 1612 Oaklawn Ave, Charlotte, NC 28216
Finally after all these years a new lead. But what about Stefan? What about your brother that has fallen into the deep end yet again? But it is the diamond you have been searching for. You cannot give away that chance. Maybe you could spare one day to retrieve the diamond and then focus on getting Stefan away from Klaus and maybe, just maybe bargain Kol´s freedom with the diamond, or simply try to finish the dagger on your own. Yes, going after the diamond sounds like the best plan for now.
“And where are you going?” Damon asks as you pass the livingroom where now only several dead girls lie on the floor with no Stefan in sight.
“Out.” you reach for the door handle but a hand pushes to door back to its usual, closed state.
“Nope. You´re not going anywhere.”
“Damon get out of my way before I have to hurt you.” you push his hand away, but he simply jams the door shut with his foot instead “ I really don’t have time for this right now.”
“How do you know Klaus?” he narrows his eyes trying to stare you down, however years of bickering and fighting made you immune to his death stare.
“Let’s just say I ran into him a long time ago, tried to put him down, failed and now he seeks revenge.” you knew that this question would come up eventually and you are surprised they did not bombard you with questions last night.
“You tried to put him down? How?”
“It doesn’t matter. It didn’t work.” you wave him off.
“Why do I feel like this is not all of the story?”
You would love to tell the entire story of how you fell in love with Klaus´s brother and how you failed to put Klaus down, but you can´t. You fear that your brothers would simply not understand. This is why you cannot reveal any details. Even if you so desperately want to.
“Because you’re paranoid, Damon. So could you kindly get the hell out of my way?” he blinks as a few moments pass and much to your surprise, he steps aside. You huff before finally opening the door. A fresh breeze comforts your face as you step outside, but the rustling of Damon putting on his jacket disrupt your short moment of bliss “What do you think you´re doing?”
“I´m coming with you.” he fumbles around in his pocket, padding the outside as well, probably looking for his car keys.
“Uhm, no? You stay here with Stefan.” Damon is about to protest but you intervene before he can do so “Damon. Stay here. Keep an eye on him and call me if things get out of hand. I´ll be back tonight, okay?”
“So that means you’re staying?” There is a certain vulnerability in his voice.
“I guess I am. For now.”
“Aw, leaving so soon?” Stefan casually leans against the doorframe, his voice dripping with sarcasm “I thought you planned on staying here to redeem my soul or something. Oh, but then again you are the cause of everything that I am. That’s why you’re here, right? To relieve your guilt?”
“No that’s not why I’m here, Stef and you know it. I am here because after all I still care.” you look over to your big brother as well “About both of you.”
“Yeah, sure. Here is the thing…if you say we mean so much to you, where were you all those years? Why didn’t you return earlier, huh?”
“You know all too well why.” you snap back before speeding away.
A few miles down the road..
Stefan is right. You are the cause of his monstrous ways. You revealed Katherine´s nature to your father and the townsfolk, resulting in your and your brothers getting shot by your father. You are the reason he has to suffer through this and that reality has not been crystal clear to you at the beginning. Or better, you tried to ignore it…
Mystic Falls 1864
It was a few weeks after your transition. Damon managed to control his hunger quite fast, whereas you struggled a lot. But Stefan could hardly control his bloodlust, and you knew that his transition not only amplified his compassion and care, it also turned him into a monster you have never seen before.
The only thing that kept you going in these hard times was knowing that you are united with your brothers. Yes, Stefan is going off the rails and Damon seems even sadder than before, but the only thing that matters is that you are together. Nothing could ever change that.
Or so you thought until Stefan greedily fed on a girl until her head fell straight off.
“No no no..-” Stefan panicked and tried to re-attach the ripped-off head while Damon only looks at his brother with disgust “I´m sorry. I´m so so sorry..”
“No, Stefan this is not your fault. If I would have kept my mouth shut, none of this would have happened.” you caress his head not realizing the heaviness of the words that just came out of your mouth.
“What?” Stefan brushes your hands off of him in a harsh manner.
Oh crap.
“Y/N what did you do..?” Damon asks.
Well, the damage is done. No reason to lie now.
“Because of your and Stefan´s obsession over Katherine I had to turn to our father. Our father, Damon. The one who locked me in the cellar for days for cleaning up both of your messes.”
They just stand there, completely still. Stefan´s eyes flicker to the dead girl at his feet and then back to you. In this mere second, he looks away, his eyes completely changed. He now looks at you as if you were a complete stranger. Damon, on the other hand, is clenching his fist and you know all too well he is furious with you “You..You turned us into this?”
“No Katherine did. She was the one w-”
“No, YOU did this, Y/N.” Damon cuts you off “Katherine might have fed us her blood, and father might have shot us, but you, you loaded the gun.”
“There was no other way! She consumed both of you. Who knows what could have happened.” you try to reason with him but he only stubbornly crosses his arms in front of his chest. You turn your head to your little brother, who has been awfully quiet through this. If someone understands it will be him. “Stefan, you must understand, don’t you?”
“Just leave.”
Your heart sinks into your chest once his words fall from his mouth. He wants you to leave. Your own brother wants you to leave.
“Leave and don’t come back. Ever. Do you understand?”
You take a few steps towards him, but he only pushes you away from him “LEAVE!”
Y/N | Present time
The haunting thoughts and Stefan´s words stayed with you throughout your 3-hour long journey until suddenly the navigation on your phone announces that you reached the final destination; a cemetery. Why on earth would the diamond be here, in Charlotte out of all places?
You pull into the parking lot and stop your car in a spot where another car could easily park next to if you if you would not have parked it as carelessly as you did. You are definitely parking like a complete douchebag.
You open the creaky metal gate, checking your phone for the exact GPS location. It leads to an opened tomb in the middle of the cemetery. A tomb with an opened door either means someone was just buried there, or someone broke in. Either way, you need to get in there.
You hop over a short hedge and enter the already open tomb. You stop dead in your tracks once you spot another person lighting candles; Katherine
“Oh good. It’s official. I´m in hell.” You lean on the cold stone wall next to you.
“Y/N! How awful it is to see you..again.” she fakes a smile in a perfect manner. No wonder, she tends to fake every single human interaction. She mastered that craft.
“I see you haven’t lost your stalker tendencies.” you say, remembering the flash of blue you caught of her when you arrived in Chicago.
“Neither did you.” she retorts, referring to you finding her in this forsaken place. What she does not know is that you did not come here for her. But her paranoia gets the best of her as it always does.
“The hell are you doing here?” you cross your arms in front of your chest.
“I’m babysitting.” Katherine tips her head to the side and tosses her brown locks over her shoulders.
“You’re babysitting dead people in a tomb? I mean I know that you’re flying the extra batshit miles since, well, forever but that´s a little too crazy. Even for you.”
“Oh, Y/N you keep overlooking the very obvious.” she says raising an eyebrow as she gestures over to the slightly opened burial vault.
“Mikael…” you look at his desiccated face you have only seen when Kol showed you flashbacks of his childhood. But something else grasps your attention even more; a shimmering, perfectly shaped diamond lying on his feet. What on earth is it doing here? How did it get here? No one but you, Kol and…Klaus knew about its existence.
This is just great. Your nemesis, Mikael Mikaelson and you in one room. Now add the newly discovered diamond to that mix and you have the perfect recipe for disaster..
“Huh, little Y/N knows the big bad vampire vampire hunter..who would´ve thought?”
“Who put him here?”
“Klaus I presume. With the help of witches of course.” she shrugs looking at her perfectly manicured nails.
Klaus. He was the one who immobilized his father in this tomb. Does that mean he is also the one who stored the diamond here and was he bluffing back in the gym where he talked about it? Is he playing games?
“What do you plan on doing with him?”
“You´ll see. Now, why don’t you tell me why you´re here?”
You cannot tell her. Katherine is the last person that should know about that diamond. She would most likely steal it and negotiate her freedom with it, and everything you and Kol have worked for would be useless.
“Oh you know, admiring the countryside, eating cherry pie and hanging out in tombs. The usual.”
“Urgh, you always were the rustic type.” she glances over your shirt and purses her lips in disgust.
“Why, because I don´t hide under a sophisticated facade with way too thickly applied makeup?” Katherine is about to throw yet another comment in your face, as a loud gasp interrupts the both of you.
“I apologize for my outburst. It would have made more sense had you known that I’ve been denying myself human blood for as long as I can remember.” Mikael looks at you and stares for a short while before he turns his attention to Katherine “Why is it that you awoke me?”
“I thought you might know how to kill Klaus. But something tells me that I’ve been sorely misinformed.” Katherine sighs throwing her hair back onto her shoulders yet again.
“Wait..you want to kill Klaus? As in dead-dead?”
“Yes. So what?” Katherine shrugs “You’re not on his side, are you Y/N?”
Of course, you are not. But Klaus is Kol´s brother. After everything, you do not think he wants to see him dead.
“Would you mind helping me with these?” Mikael wriggles his chains “I can assure you there’s no way I can kill Klaus from beneath them.”
“Does that you mean you do know how to kill him?” Katherine smiles in victory.
“I can kill Klaus. And I will.” Katherine breaks his chains “Thank you.”
“A little blood will grease those muscles up real quick. Just saying…” you remind him, trying to get him and hopefully Katherine out of the tomb to grab that diamond.
“I don’t feed on living things.”
“Then what do you eat?” you crease your eyebrows in wonder. Mikael only smiles weakly and the next thing you know he greedily feeds on your neck. You try to get free from his grasp, but Mikael being over a thousand years old makes it impossible to move. Meanwhile, Katherine just sits back and enjoys the show instead of running, like she usually does. Your vision soon gets blurry and fades into black once again. The amount of you passing out due to a fellow vampires actions is getting ridiculous…
You wake up on the hard and cold stone floors a few minutes later, your neck already healed from Mikael’s bite. You blink a few times, your sight still blurry as you get up. Your eyes then fall upon the opened burial vault and a pressing thought comes to your mind: Where the hell is the diamond?
A few hours pass…
You smash the door shut behind you once you finally reach the Boarding House early in the morning.
“Call me if anything goes out of hand, she says. I’ll be home tonight she says.” Damon swirls his bourbon around, the lit fire of the fireplace dancing in the brown liquid “ I called you a thousand times.”
“Shut up and drink with me.” you fill yourself a glass and you sit down next to him on the couch. You hear several things falling over upstairs which indicates that Stefan is either drunk or angry. Or both.
A few moments of silence pass where you gulp drink after drink, trying to drown your failure with bourbon “It’s been like what? 20 years since we’ve hung out like that?”
He nods.“Something like that.”
“Who would’ve thought we would actually sit together without you annoying me to death like you did, especially as a kid.” you remember “Jesus, you were a nightmare.”
“Hey, I wasn’t that bad.” he counters mildly offended.
“You were the one who sabotaged anything mother had told me to take care of. You got me into so much trouble.” you huff before taking a sip from your drink.
“That´s not true. I was a shy, polite and reserved kid.”
“As if. You were and shy and reserved asshole, that´s what you were.” you point your finger at him “Remember the time where you cut the wool into pieces I used for knitting clothes for the winter? I ended up with lots of knots everywhere? Mother reminded me every single day how incapable I was.”
“I told you that wasn’t me.” Damon shrugs pledging his innocence “ We had an awful mice plague, you know?”
“Mice plague my ass.” you huff before suddenly the scene from this morning and the haunting images from the look into you past on your way to Charlotte sneak into your mind “You know, I am sorry for not telling you earlier. I should have told you that I was the one who brought father into this.”
Damon takes another gulp and remains silent for a second, staring into the distance
“I know you meant well. It´s fine.”
You are surprised by his sudden understanding, yet you cannot agree with it. “It´s not. I mean look at Stefan. I am the cause of this.“
“You are not to blame, Y/N. Katherine and Klaus are. Not you.” he looks at you, his eyes unusually kind.
“I don’t think so.” you shake your head “You heard him. He said it himself.”
“Because he is all rippery and nasty. It is not your fault.“
“But I was the cause of our transformation. If I simply wouldn’t have been the snitch, none of this would have happened.
“And we would be rotting in a grave somewhere by now. This is a better alternative.” you look at him trying to find any kind of prove he is insincere, but nothing. He actually means what he said.
Damon gets up and heads over to the table to pour himself another drink. You sense that he does not wish to talk about this topic any longer, so you decide to drop it. “So tell me, what happened today?”
“Where should I start…oh, Stefan almost burned to a crisp due to some weird ghostly interference.” Damon slams the decanter on the table, spilling bourbon on the wooden surface “The whole car was on fire.”
“Ghosts, really?” he definitely lost some screws of sanity over the years “Dude this isn’t Supernatural. Ghost can’t interact with objects, let alone set a car on fire.”
“That´s what happened.” Damon raises his eyebrows, probably doubting his sanity as well at this point.
“Glad I wasn’t here then, or I might have had to kick some ghost´s ass.” you laugh as the scene of you fighting an invisible force has you giggling.
Out of the blue, a vase shatters next to Damon, ending your giggling quite quickly “What the-” without warning, Damon gets thrown to the other end of the room and groans as he hits the ground “fuck is happening?” is all you can say before your world once again abruptly fades into black yet again.
“This is going to be fun.” the recently killed Mason Lockwood smiles, thoroughly looking forward to torturing his murderer…
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Open Coffin Masterlist
Author Note:  Wow this was a long time coming, but I am pleased with how it turned out. Also, did anyone get the reference with the Nirvana shirt? You know “smells like teen spirit” is a Nirvana song AND the title of 3x06? No? Dammit. Also, anyone has ideas who this secret organization could be? Maybe I will spill a few secrets, maybe not.. ;)
Do let me know what you think. and if there’s anything you want to see, just shoot me a message or write it down yourself in my Google Doc
Open Coffin Tags:
Special thanks to: @shadyladyperfection @laitalianax3 @newurleans
@originalbish98 @christinalibertymikaelson @alfrette @bonniebird @imnoaingeal @onlygodcanjudgeme-sh @vaniileiinkeks  @piercethepottorff @maliae14 @relmi-llorrac​ @5-seconds-of-animals​ @captain-amelia-bradley​  @rock-n-magick​ @flymeawayworld​ @givemesomehybrid​  @mikealsonlover​ @nuteller28​ @fandoms-fandoms-everywhere99​ @drkplum​ @fandooomqueenforyou​
If you want to be tagged in this list, just shoot me a message. ;)
Thank you for reading. Have a lovely day/night and I hopefully see you next chapter ;)
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bonniebird · 4 years
Hi, not to be an inconvenience or anything but I was wondering if I could ask for your (and/or your followers) for help? There was this The Vampire Diaries series rewrite fic where instead of Elena the protagonist is the reader and I was wondering if you knew who wrote it?
I’m not sure. I don’t read as many TVD fics as I used to. You could ask @justfangstvdto :)
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xceafh · 5 years
For your Kol fanfic recs: you should check out @justfangstvdto "Open Coffin". It's a Kol Mikaelson series!
Hello there 😊
I already found this one on AO3. Still thank you so much because of you I now know that this amazing writer has a tumblr blog as well 😍
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derangedangel · 6 years
Apparently today is Fanfic writers appreciation day. I was sort of planning this anyway, but what better day to show my fave writers I love them than on this day? 
Here’s a few random questions about your work. You don’t have to tag anyone if you want, but I’m just trying to spread the love.
What’s you favorite story you’ve ever written and why?
Best Friends and Boyfriends, because it was my first. My baby. And I combined my favorite things. Isaac Lahey and some good old Stiles Stilinski sarcasm and Star Wars references. 
What’s you least favorite?
Satisfied. It doesn’t end happy, but I’ve got imagines that don’t end happy, but I don’t know what went on with this one. I love Hamilton and I love Stiles, but this one just isn’t my favorite. 
Which story has gotten the most hype and do you think it deserved it?
Baby Fever, and not really lol. Of course I like it because it’s Derek Hale with a baby, but it was just a random idea I had at work and it’s got the most notes but I have no idea why. 
Which story is underrated?
It’s a tie between The One Where Isaac Comes Back and Ghosted. The first one is part two of The One Where Isaac Leaves, and it could have been a series, but for some reason the notes just dropped between the two. I had a whole plan in my head, but I didn’t decide to write part 3 because of the notes, I just never got around to it. And Ghosted was beautiful. Season 5 ghost riders with Derek and he gets taken? And you guys didn’t love it? Come on. 
Who’s your favorite character to write for?
Probably Derek Hale because I love writing about his beard. Touching his beard. His beard scratching you while you kiss. IDC. I love me some Tyler Hoechlin. 
Who’s the easiest character to write for?
Stiles. Hands down. You throw in some sarcasm, a little stuttering, spastic hand movements, and a Star Wars or super hero reference and you got yourself a Stilinski fic. And he can just be in an imagine as a friend, it’s so easy to do. 
Fluff or Angst?
Fluff but I love causing others pain sometimes (mwhahaha)
What’s your favorite cliche writing trope? 
Maybe the “we have to keep us dating a secret” one.” Fake dating is pretty good too. I may have to get one of those (Go read To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before) 
Favorite Holiday to write for?
I’ve only really written for Halloween so I’d say that one. 
Tagging: @thatfanficstuff @freeyourheartandsoul @justfangstvdto @selfignitingimagines @teenwolf-theoriginals
If you decide to tag someone else, you can leave out all my blubbering before the questions :)
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I was tagged by the creative and talented @justfangstvdto to answer these questions, so here we go!
Nicknames: Anna, Netje
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Scorpio
Height: 170cm
Time: 16.19 // 4.19 pm
Birthday: November 21st, 1987
Favorite Bands: I'm not really into bands. I'm more into individual songs or sometimes sing-a-song-writers. 
Favorite Solo Artist: I wouldn't be able to name a name for this one...
Song Stuck In My Head:  I just listened to some Children songs and now they're stuck. So...You really don't want to know this title and look it up.
Last Movie I Watched: Cinderella Live Action Movie
Last Show I Watched: Riverdale
When Did I Create This Blog: September 2010
Last Thing I Googled: Something work related which I can't really write down here.
Do I Get Asks: Very rarely, but when I get them, I totally love them!
Why I Chose My URL: I wanted something understandable, but still fandom related. So, I picked the title structure of one of my favorite book series and added a slight touch of my own.
Following: 324
Followers: 517
Average Hours of Sleep: 8
Lucky Number: 8
Instruments: I play German Flute, Piano, Guitar, Lyre, different kinds of other flutes, and different kinds of percussion instruments.
What Am I Wearing: A plaid shirt and a pair of jeans
Dream Job: Writer
Dream Trip: Norway or Greece
Favorite Food: Nasi, Bami or anything chinese. 
Nationality: Dutch
Favorite Song Right Now:   All that matters from Finding Neverland
I tag @disneyflower-7, @lein80, @abookandacoffee, @b-chocolatelover, @courtsofstarlight, @dreamsheartstory.
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WIP Thing...
Do This: List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on. This can be writing, art, vids, gifsets, whatever.
Tagged by @notnaturalanahi Thank ya love! <3
I’m only gonna list the ones that are like..close to done...I have a whole list Here and I have WAY more that aren’t listed...BUT, I’ll put a few on here I suppose:
Necessary Evil
SPN Dean x Harper (OC) Co-writing with my little sister @wrenwritesometimes. Think a little along the lines of a Harley Quinn x Joker type relationship..with a SPN twist.
Pureblood Vs Mutts Pt 2
SPN Winchester Brothers & Werewolf!Reader Taking down the pack that killed her family.
Bar Angels
SPN Lots of past and present main characters appear Between Heaven and Hell, where hunters go after they die. (If I write too much more, it’ll give it all away!)
Unknown Title
SPN Dad!Sam x OC OC is a best friend, and former medic for the brothers. She left when Sam came back without a soul. When they visit her after a hunt they finished not far from her, she fixes Sam up and takes care of both boys. Showers, comfy bed to sleep in, warm meals. The shock comes when they find out why she left hunting for good. 
Predictable Love
SPN Dean x Reader After a rough hunt, Dean takes off to unwind. Sam calls the only person he can trust to help Dean through.
My Everything
Marvel Steve x Reader Song fic
Got a couple other series in the works, and a few more oneshots...Not to mention a bunch of requests! My google drive is loaded with WIPs LOL 
Since I have no idea who has done this yet...I’m just gonna tag random people :P If anyone wants to take part, by all means consider this your tag!!!
@hushothermuses @theimpossibleg1rl @wrenwritesometimes @janetgenea @justfangstvdto @smilexcaptainx @percussiongirl2017 @pearlparty @helvonasche @dreamingintheimpalawithdean
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justfangstvdto · 7 years
Open Coffin | Chapter 03 “Here to pick up the pieces” (Part 2)
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Pairing: Kol x Reader (eventually)
Chapter Summary: Klaus leaves Y/N no choice then obey his compulsion as her brothers each have to fight their own battles.
Warnings: skipping a few scenes since you all know the canon info´s anyway, blood, typical tvd violence
Word count: 4012
Tags & Author Note at the bottom. Feedback is welcomed and appreciated.
Open Coffin Masterlist
<— Chapter 02 
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Recap: “I want you to start walking and don’t stop until you reach the next town borders.” he smirks as you nod and turn around.
Normally you would have been protected by the small amount of vervain you take in every day, but being locked up in the back of a truck prevented you from doing that.
“There is nothing worse for you than abandoning your brother who is about to dig into his true nature, now is there?” Klaus adds smirking in triumph.
No there certainly is not…
Y/N | Gym
Klaus watches you leave the gym with a satisfied smirk on his face “That takes care of that problem, now where were we? What are you waiting for, Stefan? Kill them.”
“No! Stefan don´t. He’s not going to hurt me. He already said-”But before Elena could finish her sentence Klaus violently strucks her across the face and she falls on the floor. 
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Stefan quickly runs for Klaus but he stops him by grabbing his throat.
“She means nothing to you? Your lies just keep piling up.” Klaus notes, his eyes boring into Stefan’s.
“Let her go! I´ll do whatever you want, you have my word.” Stefan promises.
“Your word doesn’t mean much. I lived by your word all summer, during which time I never had to resort to this…” He begins to compel him as well “Stop fighting.”
“Don´t do this, don’t do this.” Stefan begs.
“I didn’t want to. All I wanted was you allegiance. Now I´m going to have to take it..” Klaus replies sternly.
“Don´t…Don´t…Stefan begs once more.
“You will exactly do as I say when I say it. You will not run, you will not hide, you will simply just obey.” Klaus compels him “Now kill them. Ripper.”
Stefan eyes slowly travel over to his prey and he vamps out and rushes towards them Dana´s scream filling the echoey gym halls and reach your ears as you leave through the main entrance.
Damon | Middle of nowhere
“This isn’t going to work.” Jeremy tells Damon and Katherine firmly, sitting on the picnic table, his phone beginning to vibrate next to him. Katherine grabs it and saw a message from Bonnie.
“I think your witchy girlfriend is worried that you’ve run away with your ghostly lover.” Katherine chuckles.
“Stop with the teeny bopper drama.” Damon orders narrowing his eyes once again “Focus.”
“I´m not helping them.” Anna tells Jeremy.
No, it´s okay to help.” Jeremy promises.
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To Damon and Katherine there is only empty space, but Jeremy could see her clear as day “They are looking for a way to stop Klaus.”
“I don’t care. Katherine is not a friend to you. Neither of them are.” Anna crosses her arms stubbornly over her chest.
“What´s she saying?” Damon asks impatiently.
“Well, she doesn’t want to help you.” Jeremy shrugs.
“My advice?” Katherine looks at Damon and lowers her voice so only he could hear her “ If you want to make an omelet, you have to break a few eggs.”
Damon understands what she is referring to and turns his head “Jeremy I want you to know, it’s nothing personal” he grabs Jeremy´s hair and slams his head against the table he has been sitting on.
“Ow! What the hell!?” Jeremy growls.
“Jeremy!” Anna calls out in concern.
“Anna, I know you can hear me.” Damon yells into the void “Tell us what you know. The sooner, the better for your little boyfriend here.”
“They’re looking for Mikael.” Anna told Jeremy.
“Mikael!” Jeremy calls.
“Mikael. Is that his name?” Katherine asks.
“Who´s Mikael?” Damon asks giving her a clueless look.
“The vampire who hunts vampires.” Anna explains to Jeremy “You don’t want to wake him. He will kill all of you.”
“What´s she saying?” Damon looks at Jeremy who had been watching Anna talk.
“He´s a vampire and a hunter, and you guys would be idiots to wake him.” he replies and looks back to Anna “What do you mean, wake him?”
“It´s time to go and find the keys.” Damon tells Katherine and she agrees with a nod.
Stefan | Mystic Falls Gym
Stefan is feeding on Chad, his screams have died out by now and Dana was already dead at his feet “´It’s always so nice to see a vampire in his true element. The species has become such a broody lot..” Klaus notes.
“No. You did this to him.” Elena spats.
“I invited him to the part, love. He´s the one dancing on the table.” Klaus countered as Rebekah storms in the room rushing for Elena.
“Where is it?” she yells “Where is my necklace?”
“What are you talking about?” Klaus asks rather annoyed
“She has my necklace. Look!” Rebekah hands him Elena´s phone and he saw the necklace that he needed around Elena´s neck.
“Well, well. More lies.” Klaus looks at Stefan.
“Where is it?” Rebekah asks again, her voice dangerously low.
“I don’t have it anymore.” Elena promises.
“You’re lying!” Rebekah screams, dark veins appearing under her eyes and she hurries over to Elena biting her neck but Klaus pulls her off.
“Knock it off!”
“Make her tell me where it is, Nik!” Rebekah screams like a child that has lost its favorite toy. Klaus walks over to her and looks into Elena´s dark brown eyes “Where’s the necklace, sweetheart? Be honest.”
“I´m telling the truth. Katherine stole it.”
“Katerina. Of course. Well, that’s unfortunate. If we had the necklace it would make things a whole lot easier for your witch, but since we’re doing this the hard way, let’s put a clock on it, shall we?” he grabbed a remote and the board atop the gym buzzes once the clock appears“ 20 minutes” he walks over to Stefan and compels him once again  “If Bonnie hasn’t found a solution by then, I want you to feed again. Only this time, I want you to feed on Elena. You know you want to. If she tries to leave, fracture her spine.”
He smirks at them and leaves, Rebekah following close behind.
Damon | Random highway
Jeremy is still sitting on the bench slowly falling asleep while blood trickles down his forehead where his head hit the table earlier.
“Don’t fall asleep, Jer.” Damon calls out as he approaches him “You might have a concussion.”
Thanks for the concern, dick.” Jeremy retors.
“Oh, stop pouting” Katherine orders “He took one for the team. Everyone back home will thank you once Klaus is dead.”
“Where’s my phone?” Damon asks, feeling like he must have lost it somewhere.
“Do you need to check in with Elena? Make sure it’s okay you pummeled her little baby bro?” Katherine smirks.
“You know you have it.”
“What can I say? I needed you present here and now.”
Damon holds out his hands “Katherine, phone, now.” She sighs and gives it to him and he looks at it “Bonnie’s been texting me.”
“What is it?” Jeremy asks concerned.
“It’s Klaus.”
“No turning back, Damon.” Katherine reminds him.
“Shut up, Katherine.” he hisses.
“Hey, look at the big picture. The best shot at taking out Klaus is by finding Mikael.” she tries to keep him on the task at hand once more but with no avail.
He looks at Jeremy and presses the car key to his chest “Stay with her so Anna can guide you. I’m going back.”
You’re going to get yourself killed.” Katherine calls out and Damon turns his face to her “The Damon I remember wouldn’t have been that stupid.
“I wouldn’t have done it for you.” Damon deadpanns and takes off.
Stefan | Gym
There are only a few minutes left on the clock and Stefan begins pacing up and down the wooden floor.
“Stefan, you can control this. When that buzzer goes off, just…just drink from me.”
You don’t get it. I can’t stop, Elena! I’m a ripper!A ripper doesn’t stop! I listen to the words that come out of your mouth, and all I hear is the sound of your heart pumping blood through your body.” his voice is cold as he drags his fingers through his disarranged hair “And when that clock ticks down…I’m going to have to feed on you. And you want to know what’s worse? I’m not going to be able to stop.”
“I don’t believe that. You can fight it. You just have to want it bad enough.” Elena assures him.
“Why, because I love you?” his voice breaks.
“Yeah! That’s right, Stefan. Because you love me. You’ll fight because after everything that we’ve been through, you owe me that!” Elena tells him as tears roll down her face.
“You know what, you’re right. You’re right. I owe you everything. Because through all of this, you are the one thing that has kept me from giving up; from turning it all off. But I can’t help what I am, Elena. The more blood that I get, the more I want, and if I get so much as near yours…You are dead.” Stefan confirms.
Stefan looks at the clock and realizes that only a few moments are left “Elena, you’re going to have run.”
“But Klaus said that if I run-”
“I know what he said, but if you stay, it won’t matter.” The clocks is getting closer and closer and Stefan begins to panic  “Elena, please, please, please. Elena, there’s no other way.”
“There is another way, Stefan. It’s for you to fight.” Elena tells him as the buzzer rings, signifying that the time as run out. “Stefan…I love you. Fight, Stefan. Don’t give up.
“I can’t hold it.” he vamps out and charges towards Elena. She screams but Stefan manages to rush past her to the opposite wall “Elena, run! Go!”
Elena takes off and runs through the school, passing through numerous of hallways, while Stefan tries to hold onto everything in his way so he does not have to hurt Elena. But eventually, he rushes out of the gym and crashes from side to side through the hallways. Elena goes through another door and bumps into Klaus once again.
“We’ve got to stop meeting like this.” Klaus smirks.
Stefan runs into the cafeteria and grabs a wooden mop that the janitor placed there, and he takes it and breaks it on his knee. He holds the remaining makeshift stake in front of him and stabs himself in the stomach. Klaus enters moments later with Elena firmly in his grasp.
“Now this is fascinating. I’ve never seen this before. The only thing stronger than your craving for blood is your love for this one girl. Why don’t you turn it off?
“No!” Stefan growls.
“Come on. Your humanity is killing you. All the guilt must be exhausting.Turn it off.” Klaus suggests.
“No!” Stefan growls again.
“Stefan…” Elena whispers.
“You’re strong.”Klaus reaches Stefan and removes the stake “But you’re not that strong. Turn….it…..off.”
“No!”  Stefan shoves Klaus away from him and ignites Klaus´short temper with that action. He pins Stefan against the wall and compels him yet again.
“Turn it off!” He yells and Stefan respond immediately this time, his face features hardening and his eyes turning emotionless.
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“What did you do?” Elena whimpers
“I fixed him” Klaus himself seems oddly surprised by his own rash action “But I think a test is in order, don’t you?” He charges over to her and holds her firmly against his chest “Ripper…Perhaps you’d like a drink.. from the doppelgangers neck?”
Dark veins crawl up Stefan’s eyes and he zips towards Elena and bites her neck.
Y/N | Near the Mystic Falls border
You have been walking for quite a while, trying with all your might to resist Klaus´ compulsion, sadly with no avail.
 You are near your hometowns border leading to the next town. As your eyes fall upon the city sign, a memory manifests itself in your mind
New Orleans 1912
“Kol, do you ever miss your home?” you ask tracing your fingers over the letter Stefan had sent you.It has been a few weeks since you briefly reunited with your brothers for your uncle’s funeral, but as usual, things did not work out quite the way you hoped“The one in Mystic Falls I mean?”
The sound of Kol flipping several pages fills the rounded walls of the tomb “No.” he replies “Why? Do you?”
“I miss how close we were.” you reply folding the letter and putting it aside “But the town itself? No. If I never set foot in this city again it´ll be too soon.”
Kol looks up and notices your slightly furrowed eyebrows. He closes the book and walks in your direction “You’re worried about your brother, aren’t you?” he asks. You nod.
“Listen, Y/N” he gently rests his hands on your shoulder, his brown eyes staring into yours “from what I gathered, your brother seemed to have handled this situation before. I am sure he will again.”
“If you mean ripping people apart, then yes, he´s handling that very well.”
“No, what I mean is that you are not at fault for the choices he makes. You should not feel responsible to clean up his messes. Not anymore.” his right hand drops down and brushed over yours, holding onto it carefully “And for what it’s worth, you will always have a home here. Even in a tomb like this.”
“Thank you. You´re a good.. friend, Kol”
“Friends..right.” he forces a smile and retrieves his hand,  Something has changed in Kol´s eyes, but you cannot quite make out what it is.
Is he…is he hurt?
Y/N | Present time
Bright high beams rip you out of your nostalgic memory as the care comes to a step next to you, a voice calling out you have not heard in a while.
“Y/N? What the hell are you doing?” Damon asks backing up his car slowly..
“I´m taking an involuntarily late-night walk.” you reply and turn your head to your older brother “Klaus compelled me.” you clarify.
“How do you know Klaus?”
“Long story.” you wave him off knowing that eventually you have to fess up “But we don’t have time for this right now. Just go and help Stefan.”
“Right.” he nods and stops the slow-rolling car “Get in.”
“I can´t. But I´ll come back as soon as I can.” you shake your head. You know all too well that Stefan is in danger right this moment and there is no second to spare. Sure, Damon could have sped you to the next town border and turn around to head for Mystic Falls. But maybe the minutes he would have wasted on breaking your compulsion may be the minutes to save Stefan´s life.
“Just go, Damon!” you cut him off, gesturing him to finally listen to you.
Damon nods and drives off leaving you to continue your not so lovely late-night walk
Klaus | Highschool
Moments later Klaus enters the classroom where Rebekah, Tyler and Caroline are currently in “Well, the verdict’s in. The original witch says the doppelgänger should be dead.
Rebekah grins and rises from the seat she sat in “Does that mean we can kill her?”
"No, I’m fairly certain it means the opposite."
"What?!" Rebekah hisses. not amused in the slightest.
"Call it a hunch…”Klaus begins and slides a  vial with blood over the table while Rebekah brings her arms around Caroline and restrains her .”Elena’s blood. Drink it.”
"No! No, no, no, Tyler, don’t!” Caroline screams.
“If he doesn’t feed, he’ll die anyway, love. Consider this an experiment” Klaus shrugs as Tyler grabs the vial and gulps it down “There we go. Good boy.”
Tyler immediately starts coughing and falls from the desk he has been lying on and groans and writhes in pain once he hits the floor. He holds his head in his hand and continues screaming until suddenly, he looks up and his eyes changed into a bright amber color with prominent black veins underneath.
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“Well, that´s a good sign” Klaus smiles, satisfied with the result
Elena | Mystic Falls Hospital
Later on the same night, Elena wakes up in a hospital with a nurse by her side. “Where am I?”
“In the hospital sweetie. You suffered through a terrible ordeal” the nurse replies.
“I have to get out of here.” Elena sits up but the nurse gently forces her down again.
“Ah. Not an option. You´ve lost a lot of blood.” she gestures to the filled blood bags on the table in front of her
“Wait you’re taking my blood?”
“Of course. It´s very important for your friend Klaus.” the nurse replies and Elena starts struggling, trying to get free but the nurse injects her with another set of sedatives “Don’t fight it, sweetie. He told me you need plenty of rest.”
Elena´s sight blurry and she falls back on the pillow fast asleep.
Meanwhile in front of the Hospital
“So the doppelganger isn’t the problem.” Rebekah concludes “Her blood is the solution.”
“Seems so” Klaus sighs.
“How did you know?”
“Well, you know how much the original witch hated me.” Klaus explains “Do you honestly think I would do anything other than the opposite of what she says?”
“A thousand years in the grave and she’s still screwing with you.” Rebekah huffs.
"Well, it makes sense if you think about it from her perspective. It was her fail-safe in case I ever broke the hybrid curse. The doppelgänger had to die in order for me to become a hybrid, but if she was dead…”
“Then you couldn’t use her blood to sire yourself a new species.” Rebeka concludes.
“Leaving me alone for all time.”Klaus nods, sadness overshadowing his being for a mere second.
“Is that what this is about? Your obsession with hybrids?” she looks at him, hurt that she is not good enough for his brother to be happy “You just don’t want to be alone?”
“What I want is to take my girl, take my hybrid and get the hell out of this one-pony town.” himpatiently “You know, why don’t you, uh, get the truck? I’ll get Elena.” Rebekah scoffs and leaves just before Damon arrives.
“Well, look who finally decided to show up to the party.” Klaus smirks
“Where is she?” Damon asks, instead of asking for Stefan´s location.
“Elena? Ah, she’s making a donation to a greater cause.”He answers, his eyes switching over to the hospital “
Damon goes toward the hospital, determined to save Elena himself but Klaus stops him “I’m afraid I can’t let you interfere, mate.”
“You’ll have to kill me.” Damon replies in all honesty.
“Oh, I would love to kill you, but I made a pledge to your brother, and unlike him, I keep my word. Although, you know what, thinking about it now, he probably doesn’t care that much anymore.” he throws Damon on the hood of a nearby car ready to plunge his hand into him and rip his heart out.
"Don’t you want to know about your friend Mikael?” Damon says while Klaus´hand is wrapped around his throat
Klaus smug expression instantly get overshadowed with fear “What do you know about Mikael?” he asks , his voice trembling.
"Just that he knows you’re here.”he taunts, knowing that he found the big bad hybrids weak spot.
“You’re bluffing.”
"Katherine and I found him. Consider it our leverage.”  Klaus closes his eyes for a second, probably cursing in his mind that his nemesis Katherine found Mikael with Damon´s help. He then throws Damon against another car and Damon falls  to the ground. He gets up a minute later to defend himself against Klaus, but  he has already disappeared. Damon seizes the opportunity and hurries inside the hospital. He  passes a few rooms before he finally find Elena.
“Damon…” she whispers.
“Hey.” he brushed a few strand hair out of her face with a relieved smile is on his face. He puts his arms under her and lifts her out of the bed and carries her out of the room.
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Y/N| Boarding House
After you finally reached the town border, you instantly mad your way back to town. You “borrowed” a car and sped back to Mystic Falls where you stopped by the school first. However, Stefan or Klaus where to be found anywhere, so you decided to check your old home.
With squealing tires you bring your car to a stop in the driveway, parking directly behind Damon´s Camaro. You take a deep breath before entering your old home and your mind instantly flooded with nostalgia. You have not been here since you briefly visited in the 50´s.
You use your vamp hearing to determine where Damon and hopefully Stefan are, but you only hear Damon talking to a female voice. You make your way towards the library and you have to realize that to your disappointment, Damon chose to comfort the doppelganger instead of finding his brother.
“Are you serious?”
“Do you ever knock?” Damon sighs, avoiding your glare.
“Never have, never will. Besides, this was my house too once. “ you remind him as your eyes fall upon Damon´s hand on Elena´s knee.
“Well isn’t this cozy?” Stefan interrupts and leans against a pillar at the opposite side of the room.
Damon quickly retrieves his hand and gets up“What are you doing here, brother?”
Stefan walks into the room to the drink table and pours himself a drink.
“Last I checked, I live here. “ he reports “Klaus is gone, but he’s asked me to keep watch on you until he returns. From now on, you’re under my protection.”
“Gone? What do you mean Klaus is gone? Where the hell did he go?” you ask  but Stefan only shrugs.
Stefan looks over to Elena and raises his glass to take a drink “Mmm, by all means. Carry on.” he smiles and leave the room.
Oh this is going to be interesting.And not in a good way. There is no way you can leave now. That means you are here to pick up the pieces once again..
Chapter 04 —>
                                                           Open Coffin Masterlist
Author Note:  Damn there is so much going on in that episode.. But hey finally Kol appeared! Well, in a flashback but still.  Do let me know what you think and if there’s anything you want to see, just shoot me a message or write it down yourself in my Google Doc
Open Coffin Tags:
Special thanks to: @shadyladyperfection @laitalianax3 @newurleans
@originalbish98 @christinalibertymikaelson @alfrette @bonniebird  @imnoaingeal @onlygodcanjudgeme-sh @vaniileiinkeks  @codename-petrova @piercethepottorff @maliae14 @codename-petrova @5-seconds-of-animals @captain-amelia-bradley  @flymeawayworld @givemesomehybrid @mikealsonlover @nuteller28 @fandoms-fandoms-everywhere99   @rock-n-magick (for some reason I can´t tag you?!)
If you want to be tagged in this list, just shoot me a message.
Thank you for reading. Have a lovely day/night and I hopefully see you next chapter ;)
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justfangstvdto · 8 years
Open Coffin | Chapter 02 “Here to pick up the pieces” (Part 1)
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Pairing: Kol x Reader (eventually)
Chapter Summary: Y/N gets pulled right into her brother´s drama as a certain original hybrid visits the Mystic Falls Highschool, looking for the very much alive Elena Gilbert.
Warnings: skipping a few scenes since you all know the canon info´s anyway, blood, abusive parent, typical tvd violence
Word count: 3437
Tags & Author Note at the bottom. Feedback is welcomed and appreciated.
Open Coffin Masterlist
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Mystic Falls 1852
“It wasn't on purpose, I swear,” Stefan assured the broken glass of your father's bourbon decanter in his hands. There is a fairly deep cut on his right hand with blood running down his fingers “It just slipped out of my hand.”
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“It´s alright, Stefan.” You reach for the hem of your dress and tear a piece of cloth away and gently wrap it around Stefan's hand.
There are footsteps heard from above and it seems someone is tumbling down the stairs. Stefan´s eyes widen in fear, knowing all too well that if your father comes in here and sees what Stefan had done, he would go ballistic.
“Go to mother and let her tend to that wound.” you say taking the fault for Stefan's accident.
“No! I won't let you take the blame, I-”
“Go, Stef.” you repeat “ I can handle him.Go.”
With one swift motion the door opens and in tumbles your slightly drunk father and his disoriented gaze falls upon the broken decanter “What is going on in here?” he slurs his nostrils fluttering with anger “Who is at fault for this?
Stefan opens his mouth ready to admit that it was him who dropped it, but he closes it shortly after,, scared of what your father would do to him.
“It was me, father.” you step in front Stefan and gesture him to leave the room through the door behind you “ I was cleaning and I..slipped.”
You push Stefan back once more and he finally sneaks out of the room. He hides behind a door that leads into the living room as well and opens the door a crack and peeks through it. He witnesses how your father throws his glass towards you and how you dug just in time to avoid it hitting you, followed by endless screams and threats until he grabs you by the wrist and drags you down the cellar and locks you up in one of the cells he finished building a few years ago. He said you would not get out until you have paid for what you have done, which means you´ll be held in the cellar with no food and no company for as long as your father thinks it´s necessary.
You lean back on the cold stone wall, your ears ringing from your father's loud voice. You hear rustling outside and you assume it is your father coming back to scream at you some more. However, it is Stefan that drops down next to the door “I´m sorry.” he says his voice full of regret.
“It´s alright, Stef.” you assure him moving over to the door resting your back on it “You know I am always going to protect you, right? Even if it means I´ll have to pick up the pieces from messes you made. Nothing is going to change that.”
You swear you could feel the smile forming on his face through the thick stone walls and you know that protecting him today, and the countless of times before that was worth it.
Elena | Mystic Falls High
It is prank night in Mystic Falls and the gang is occupied with turning the High School into a maze filled with traps and scares. Elena skips through another set of doors and heads through the school gymnasium when suddenly she bumps into a hard chest. “There's my girl.”
“Klaus!” Elena whimpers.
“You are supposed to be dead” Klaus exclaims cocking his head to the side “What are we going to do about that?”
Damon | Random Highway
Damon is driving down the highway at an illegal speed limit, as per usual, with Katherine sitting next to him, riding shotgun.
“Are you hungry?” Katherine looks over, .playing with the tips of her hair “Let's stop for a bite. A truck stop. Or a trucker.”
“Oh, stop being cute.” he mocks throwing her a glare.
“It's not possible,” Katherine smirks.
“We've been driving around aimlessly for hours. Where are we going?” Damon eyes her curiously.
“Far enough away so that you can't go running back.” she replied bluntly and turns her head to look out of the window.
“Not to worry. “Damon pauses “Mystic Falls and I are on a bit of a break.”
“You and Mystic Falls, or you and Elena?”
“Let's just say Elena and I are having a bit of difference of opinion on how I should behave,” Damon replies, not feeling like digging any deeper into this topic with Katherine.
“Ooh. Let me guess…”Katherine purrs “Elena wants you to be the hero, and you don't like playing pretend.” She turns so she is facing him to cup his cheek with her hand-
“Something like that.” Damon mutters, his eyes leaving the road to gaze in her brown eyes
Her loss.” she whispers and leans in to press her lips against him, which soon turned into an open mouth kiss. Though, what she did not anticipate is Damon shoving her off of him 
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“What are you doing?”
“I thought I'd give it a shot.” he shrugs wiping her lipstick from his lips ”Truth is, you just don't do it for me anymore.” Damon smirks.
Y/N | Truck
You and Stefan wake up in the back of the truck your neck aching like you have been headbanging on a concert for a week straight.
“Oh, they live.” Rebekah exclaims resting on a crate.
“What happened?” Stefan asks rubbing his neck.
“Klaus happened.” you reply.
“You two took a beating. My brother's been breaking your necks all afternoon, mostly yours, Y/N.” Rebekah informs “What on earth could you have done to anger him that way?” she adds sarcastically.
“You know all too well what I did.” you remind her “ and I also know what you did.” A flash of regret flickers over her eyes, but she shakes it off with a spiteful smile.
“We all did something, can we please get back on topic? Stefan intervenes rather rudely “Why did Klaus bring us back to Mystic Falls?”
“Because he enjoys Virginia's famous cherry pies, Stef.” you deadpan throwing him a glare “Why do you think?”
“You can stop playing dumb, Stefan. It didn't take him long to figure out what you've been hiding.” Rebekah shrugs.
I'm not hiding anything.” Stefan replies shortly, denying everything even though he fears they already know the truth “ I've done everything Klaus has asked me to.” It was true, he never disobeyed him and did whatever Klaus wanted.
“No, you just failed to mention that the doppelgänger's still alive.”
“Where is Klaus now?”
“With any luck, ripping that cow's bloody head off.”
Stefan zips towards her and they both fly out of the truck and onto the ground, him on top of her.
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“Where is she?”
“Guys, I like violence as much as the next person,” you intervene “but is this really necessary?”
She gets up and pushes Stefan against the truck and punches him “You really do love her, don't you?” she asks, completely ignoring your interference. You hop of the truck and rush towards Rebekah.You grab a fistful of her hair and yank her away from your little brother. Admittedly the hair pulling might be a little below your standard, but it is very effective. Until Rebekah throws her head back and it meets with your nose. You stumble backwards, stars dancing shortly behind your eyelids, your nose already gushing out blood.
Rebekah uses the distraction and zips towards Stefan and wraps her hands around his neck and breaks it in one swift motion. She sooner vamp-speeds away as Stefan´s unconscious body hits the ground.
“Oh, Stefan. I still have to clean up your messes, don't I?” you sigh looking at the school - or more like a lion's den- you are about to walk into, attempting to save your brother´s girl you care so little about…
Meanwhile in the Gym..
Klaus holds onto Elena's arms and marches her through the school hallways
“You put a rather large kink in my plans, sweetheart.” he looks down at Elena “The whole point of breaking the curse and becoming a hybrid was to make more hybrids. I haven't been able to do that. Now my bet is, it has something to do with the fact that you're still breathing.”
“If you're going to kill me, just do it!” Elena hisses.
“Not until I know I'm right. But I do have ways of making you suffer.” Klaus smirks and kicks the door open with his foot and enters the Gym.A few students are there setting up pranks.
Attention, seniors. You have officially been busted. Prank night is over. Head on home.” Klaus suggests, using a fake American accent. His eyes fall upon Dana, a student he compelled while he inhabited Alaric's body.
“You two.” he approaches them “ I remember you.”
“I'm sorry. Who are you?” she asks.
“Oh, don't worry, I wasn't in my right head last time we met.” Klaus smirks and begins to compel her “Lift your foot up, please, Dana.” She complies and Klaus then turns his attention to the confused guy next to her “If she drops her foot, Chad, I want you to beat her to death. Understood?”
“Don´t Klaus. You don't have to hurt anybody.” Elena says.
“Of course he does.That's all he´s good at.” you enter the gym earning surprised looks from everyone except Klaus. He must have known you would barge in once you are awake again.
Damon | In the middle of nowhere
Damon stops the car and gets out and Katherine follows suit. “Why are we stopping?” she asks
“I thought we might want to stretch our legs. Take a break from the sexual tension.” Damon offers ”I'm tired of driving. It's your turn.”
“Fine.” she nods and prepares herself to catch the car keys but Damon unexpectedly throws them into the distance “Hey! I-”
“We're not going anywhere until you spill your guts.” Damon demands, staring her down with his blue eyes.
Fine.” Katherine hisses and reaches into her pocket and shows him Elena´s necklace “Do you remember this, hmm? A little birdy told me that Klaus wants to get his hands on it.”
“Why would Klaus want Elena's necklace?”
“Does it matter? He wants it, and I have it. It's leverage, Damon. Always stay one step ahead of your enemy.” she shrugs.
“I'll keep that in mind.” he eyes her knowing all too well that he has to be on guard around her.
“But more importantly, when I stole the necklace from Bonnie, I found out something else...Something better.” she smirks.
“Oh, yeah? What's that?” Damon cocks his eyebrows and crosses his arms over his chest.
“Are you willing to do whatever it takes to stop Klaus? No turning back?” Katherine asks. She needs to know if Damon will be on her side on this.
“I'm not turning back.” he assures.
“Good. Because this isn't going to win you any points at home.” she walks to the trunk of Damon´s car and opens it to reveal an unconscious Jeremy lying in there
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“Jeremy?” Damon scoffs “Really?”
Y/N | Mystic Falls Gym
“Y/N. I thought you would be indisposed a little while longer.” Klaus sighs.
“Sorry to disappoint.” you reply and shoot him a false smile. You feel Elena´s eyes on you, who´s head is probably spinning wild trying to figure out who you are “So you're the precious Elena, huh?
“And who are you?” she asks, her voice slightly shaking.
“Y/N Salvatore. I would say I'm charmed to meet you, but I am really not.” It's not a lie. You really are not charmed in the slightest meeting another woman who yet again demands so much from Stefan. And a little birdie told you that it seems that Damon has a thing for her too. So much for their claims never to repeat that mistake again.
“Salvatore as in-”
“Yes as in Stefan and Damon.” you finish her sentence “They never mentioned me, did they? Figures.”
Suddenly the gym doors swing open and Elena's friends Bonnie and Matt enter, shocked to see Klaus.
“Bonnie, get out of here!” Elena yells and Bonnie´s eye grow wide when she sees the smile on Klaus' lips.
“Ah, I was wondering when you´d show up. Now we can get started” he looks over his shoulder and gestures Dana and Chad to sit down for a moment “I assume you're the reason Elena´s still walking around alive?”
“That´s right.” Bonnie nods, a look in her eyes that could scare the toughest of people “If you want to blame someone, blame me.”
“Oh, there's no need for blame, love. Just your witchy interference seems to have caused some undesirable side effects. And since you caused the problem, I'm going to have you find the fix.” he finishes the sentence and as if on cue, the door swing open and in walk Rebekah pushing another one of the gang, Tyler, with her.
“Get off of me!” the young werewolf orders.
“Okay that went on long enough.” you sigh and walk a few steps towards Klaus “Let them go.”
“And why would I do that?” he asks “because you have your silly diamond? Newsflash, love. The diamond is worthless without my brother's help and as you well know, he is rather indisposed at the moment.”
“Are you so sure that the diamond is worthless?” you bluff, and Klaus´ smile falters almost unnoticeable “I think you and I should consider a deal, wouldn't you say? But first, let these kids go. That´s my price for now.”
“No deal.” he says returning the false smile you gave him earlier and turns his attention back to the others. You probably could have tried to bargain again or you could have even attacked, but it most likely would have ended in your death.
“I´d like you all to meet my sister Rebekah. Word of warning ..she can be quite mean.” Klaus nods and throws her a smirk.
“Don´t be an ass.” she hissed and throws Tyler towards her brother.
“Leave him alone!” Elena yells without much effect.
“I´m going to make this very simple..Every Time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid they die during transition. It´s quite horrible, actually.” he notes and bites into his wrist forcing Tyler to drink from it “ I need you to find a way to save my hybrids, Bonnie. And for Tyler´s sake...you better hurry.” With that, he snaps Tyler´s neck and drops onto the floor.
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Matt squats down to Tyler´s now dead body “He killed him” he whispers looking at his friends.
“He's not dead” you interfere “Klaus´ blood will turn him into a vampire..” Elena´s friends look at you with the same questioning look “Oh right. I´m Y/N Salvatore. And yes, as in Stefan and Damon. And you must be Bonnie, Matt and Tyler, right?”
“How do you kn-” Matt begins, but Klaus cuts him off.
“Are we done with the introductions?” Klaus hisses impatiently “ If Bonnie is successful, Tyler will live through the transition. Go on, then. Go and fetch your grimoires and enchantments and what-not. I´ll hold on to Elena..for safe-keeping.”
Bonnie nods and grabs Matt´s arm and hurries out of the room. They have a quite literal deadline and their worry for their mutual friend makes it even harder to concentrate.
“So this is the latest doppelganger. The original one was much prettier.” Rebekah comments and you can´t hold back a small giggle. One can say about Rebekah what one wants but she does have her wits “Oh, Y/N you're still here. Don´t you have somewhere else to be?”
“No, I don't and I don't plan on going anywhere either.” you reply.
“Enough Rebekah.” Klaus interferes “ Take the wolfboy elsewhere, would you?” Klaus orders and Rebekah grabs Tyler's ankle and drags him from the room “Just ignore her. Petty little thing.”
Damon | Middle of nowhere
Katherine and Damon are sitting atop a picnic table whilst they wait for Jeremy to wake up “I´m listening.” Damon says.
“What if I told you there was a way to kill Klaus? And not Dagger dead. Dead dead.” Katherine looks at him with another smug smile
“I´d say you were desperate and lying.” Damon hisses “Or drunk. Or desperate, lying and drunk” Damon looks at her curiously, but she only snickers gently.
“Do you remember my friend Pearl?” she asks.
“Vividly.” Damon nods.
“Centuries ago, she told me about a vampire who knew how to kill Klaus. Then she wouldn't tell me any more.”
“Well, why not?”
“Because it was her leverage.” Katherine sighs “ She knew it was valuable information, and wouldn't share it with me.”
“Well this is great...but she's dead.” Damon replies shortly with his usual sarcasm.
“Which is why I never brought it up. Because she only ever told one other person.”
“Who?” Damon asks creasing his eyebrows.
“Her daughter. Anna.” she replies.
“Also dead.”
“Which brings us back around to…” Katherine stops and waits for Jeremy to wake up. He heard the entire conversation and lets out a sigh.
“To me. Back around to me” Jeremy whispers.
Y/N | Mystic Falls
The gym doors open once more and Stefan walks in with a determined, yet worried look on his face.
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“Stefan….” Elena whispers.
“Stef” You stand in his way “ turn around and go. I can handle this.”
“No.” he shakes his head and walks past you. You grab his arm but he shrugs it off “Klaus I came to ask for your forgiveness and pledge my loyalty.”
“Well, you broke that pledge once already,” Klaus notes.
You´re not a man of your word either, Klausy-Klaus.
“Elena means nothing to me anymore.” Stefan states and Elena at him, hurt by what he just said “And whatever you ask of me...I will do.”
“Fair enough. Let´s drink on it. Kill them.” he looks back to Chad and Dana and gestures over to them
“Klaus stop this nonsense. Leave these high school kids be. They did nothing to you. Unlike me.”
“You´re right. You did.” Klaus recalls and Stefan looks back at you with a questioning look on his face.”And to be perfectly clear, you will answer for that bur right now you rather annoy me, so.. “ he moves closer to you and his pupils dilate “I want you to start walking and don't stop until you reach the next town borders.” he smirks as you nod and turn around.
Normally you would have been protected by the small amount of vervain you take in every day, but being locked up in the back of a truck prevented you from doing that.
“There is nothing worse for you than abandoning your brother who is about to dig into his true nature, now is there?” Klaus adds smirking in triumph.
No there certainly is not.
Chapter 03 —>
                                                           Open Coffin Masterlist
Author Note:  I decided to split this one into two parts since it would have gotten way too long otherwise. Do let me know what you think and if there’s anything you want to see, just shoot me a message or write it down yourself in my Google Doc
Open Coffin Tags:
Special thanks to: @shadyladyperfection @laitalianax3 @newurleans
@originalbish98 @christinalibertymikaelson @alfrette @bonniebird @imnoaingeal @onlygodcanjudgeme-sh @vaniileiinkeks  @codename-petrova @piercethepottorff @maliae14 @codename-petrova @5-seconds-of-animals @captain-amelia-bradley  @flymeawayworld @givemesomehybrid  @rock-n-magick  @mikealsonlover 
If you want to be tagged in this list, just shoot me a message.
Thank you for reading. Have a lovely day/night and I hopefully see you next chapter ;)
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justfangstvdto · 7 years
Open Coffin | Chapter 13: “Dark Before Dawn”
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Pairing: Kol x SalvatoreSister!Reader
Chapter Summary: The search for Y/N is in full swing as she herself comes face to face with someone from her past, who is more or less involved in her current situation.
Warnings: blood and very brief gore at the beginning, fluff, a tiny tinge of angst, typical violence, plot divergence (as always)
Word count:3256
Tags & Author Note at the bottom. Feedback is welcomed and appreciated.
Open Coffin Masterlist
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Your name: submit What is this?
You wake up to the sound of blood rushing through your head. You look around in panic, vision still laid with a filter of darkness. You see nothing but trees beyond trees as the restrains in your arm burn your delicate skin.
Vervain no doubt.
“Ah, you´re awake. Finally.” Heavy boots land on small, brittle branches, breaking them in half with their weight, as the familiar voice echoes in the endless woods.
Not a moment later you come face to face with the last person you expected to be visiting Mystic Falls.
Monterey, California 1912
You catch a glimpse of him through a broken set of windows, the wind howling through the cracked openings. The flickering street light illuminates the blood splattered, wet with rain cobblestone.
Stefan bites into the exposed and neck of his victim while another one is already headless on the floor.  
You´ve been following him for the last weeks, witnessing his uncontrollable ripper need. He already made a name for himself as the Ripper of Monterey in the short time he's been murdering his way through town.
He lets his victim fall to the ground, head in his hand, carelessly walking away, leaving his mess behind.
You follow him, hidden in the shadows for a few miles under the night sky as a melody catches your attention. Out of whatever reason, it draws you in, the carefully arranged notes and words pleasing you so much you decide to follow it.
You can catch up with Stefan later. The trail of bodies will easily lead you to him.
You reach a busy parallel street, surrounded by numerous of houses down the road. Some resident has placed their Grammophon near an open window, the sound of the muffled singer´s voice draining out of it, onto the street. You hum along to the soft tunes of a fairly new song.
To your left clicking heels on the cobblestone are heard, and a woman rounds to the corner of a nearby house, her beaded, crimson dress flashing in the streetlights momentarily as she passes under them.
A couple, dressed in evening clothes passes her, going to great lengths to avoid her at any cost, whispering and glancing at her. They seem terrified.
Who is she?
She scoffs at them, shaking the weird looks off like she's done it a thousand times. As she comes nearer you can make out her tanned skin, shimmering with the slightest golden tone, as well as her dark hair, cut in a much shorter style than it is fashionable right now.
Your eyes cross and she stops, turning her head to where the music comes from.
“Oh, what a delightful tune. Sadly it will be forgotten in the generations to come. What a shame. Mortals are so fickle.” ”She says, her fiery eyes, illuminated by the streetlamp above.
Mortals. Huh. So she must supernatural.  With the way she´d scoffed at them, it would've been a surprise if she wasn't.
You're uncertain as to why she decided to stop, but engaging in some small talk should be harmless right? The last time you really had someone to talk to was weeks ago when your brothers decided to send you away.
“With the way they look at you, it's no wonder you don't like them.” You say.
“Well, if you don't terrify people at least a little bit then what's the point, right?” She says, her eyes scanning the surroundings nonstop.
Is she waiting for someone?
“Now tell me Humminbird, you care for letting loose at a party?” She asks and fixes a loose strand of hair “This lurking is nice and all, but nothing beats a nice bloody midnight snack. ”
Mystery solved. She's a vampire.
“No thanks. I´m not one for parties.” You decline, the song coming to an end, the Grammophon crackling.
“Oh come on now, a little party never killed nobody.”
Only the thought of people squished together in a room reminds you of the cold and closed walls in the basement. There's not a doubt in your mind that a party is the last thing you want to do.
“Might kill me.”
“If you say so.” She shrugs and looks over her shoulder again. “Then to another matter; You know you could put your stealth to better use other than stalking that fellow back there.”
“So you've been following me, great.” You sigh weirdly enough not at all bothered, even with the vibe she gives off, “Okay, I´ll play, how exactly should I put it to better use?”
“You could work for me.”
“Sorry, but I don't work for anyone, especially because I don't know who the hell you are. Besides, I don't follow orders very well as it is.”
“Name´s Maeyra Cain, short Mae. See? Now you know me.” She smiles "And you wouldn't need to follow orders, only suggestions. You can follow or deny whatever you see fit.”
“Give me one good reason why I should even consider working for You? I’m not gonna be your cannon fodder"
“For starters, you would be among your kind. The abandoned and forgotten, outlaws that slip through the cracks - a community of like-minded souls.” Mae says and looks at you fully for the first time “You wouldn't be lonely anymore.”
Ouch. A dull ache rushes through, her words echoing shortly.
She didn't say alone. She said lonely. And there's a big difference in being without company, and feeling like there's not a single person in the world that cares about you. And, as it seems, Mae spotted that you, unfortunately, are the latter.
“Great sales pitch.” You face away from her, swallowing down the sadness creeping up “You should run for office. God knows we could use someone else than Taft up there.”
“Well, aren't you a ray of sunshine?”
“A ray of pitch black would fit better, but sure. It´s a family trait. “ You shrug her off, with the curiosity of her proposal still lingering.
Perhaps a change of scenery would do you good? But should you really trust someone you just met that lets people quake with fear? And what about Stefan? You would feel guilty if you'd leave him alone now, even if he doesn´t even know you´re there.
“Let's say I agree, hypothetically, what would I have to do?” You ask her.
“For now, observe a very powerful and dangerous family,” Mae says
“Let me guess. They killed someone you love and you want revenge? How cliche”
“Now don't get ahead of yourself. They didn't have any part in that,  I did that all by myself.” She shakes head, a brief flicker of sorrow washing over her as quickly dying as it surfaced.
“What is it then?”
“I have a personal interest in knowing where they are and what they might be plotting. That's where you come in. You could be my eyes and ears, working in the shadows.”
“A spy?” You scoff, the image of you in a trenchcoat as it is fashion for spies in this day in age, too ridiculous to comprehend, let alone to become “No thanks.”
“Very well.” Mae nods, acknowledging your decline “If you happen to change your mind, come to New Orleans. I'll know when you're there.”
“You´ll know? How?”
“I am good at what I do, Y/N Salvatore.” She says and your heart drops into your stomach at her surprising use of your name
“Like I said, I'm good at what I do.”She says and turns to leave “Have a good night, hummingbird.”
“Wait.”You call after her and she stops “Why me? Why do you want me to join?”
“Because you remind me of myself. I know you search for a purpose. Something to live for. I can give that to you. You'll just have to trust me.” She says, looking over her shoulder briefly before turning away “Take a leap, Y/N! You won't regret it! “She calls out into the starry night, disappearing into the dusky shadows she emerged from.
Mystic Falls | Present time
Mae reaches in the side of her boots, grabbing one of her knives hidden there. She skillfully twists and turns it in her hand, the blade shining in the daylight.
“You've been ignoring my calls, Y/N.” She sighs “ What t am I supposed to with you”
“I was busy.”
“I know you were.”
“Of course you were spying on me you crazy bitch. By the way what the fuck is this? Vervain ropes, really?"
“Just a safety precaution. I know you punch first and ask questions later, and I don't particularly want tobe introduced to your right hook again.” Mae squats down and cuts the vervain ropes with the knife, the skin on her left hand sizzling with the vervain contact.
“Where the hell are we?” You look around the lush forest, no evidence of where she dragged you.
“About 2 hours outside of Mystic Falls. Had to get away from those prying eyes and ears. You know how it goes.”
You do know how it goes. If it's one thing you learned while working with her, is that there's always somebody watching. No matter where you are or what you do.
“Why are you here, Mae?”
“Can't I just visit my good ol´ Hummingbird?”
“First of all, stop using that weird ass codename or nickname or whatever it is at this point, and second of all; you hate leaving New Orleans. Or your house.”
“What can I say?” She innocently throws her arms in the air “I hate people. All of ´em. Except for food, of course.”
“Mae. What's going on?” You ask her impatiently, the die'sire to put as many miles between you and Mystic Falls still imminent “Tell me, I have placed to be.
“Fine. I need your help. I heard through the grapevine that a particular, very VERY old witch just woken up from the dead and I, well, I need you to steal something of hers.”
“Look, I want to help. I do. But I need-  Wait did you say woken from the dead?”
“And guess who it is. Mama Mikaelson.”
Esther Mikaelson alive? Could that mean that Kol….
No. It´s just another false flash of hope and you couldn´t survive another of those. 
“Wait a minute. I thought… didn't Klaus kill her?” You ask her, remembering how Kol told you about his family´s history.
“Apparently it didn't stick.” Mae shrugs.
“Doesn´t matter. The only question I need answered right now is are you willing to help me? You still owe me for the tip a few weeks ago, you know?”
“Great tip by the way. Led me right to a decoy.”
“But you did find your shiny diamond, now didn't you?”
“Fine.” You breathe out, pulled back into helping her once more “I'll help you. But then I´m gone.”
“Ah, you might want to reconsider. I have a surprise for you.”
Please don't tell me it includes breaking bones like your other surprises.
“Come on now, isn't that your usual Friday night anyway?" She jokes, but only earns an eye roll from you. "Trust me, you´ll like this one. Oh, that reminds me.” She says and rummages through her jacket pockets, pulling out a key “Here's the key to a safe house nearby, now that you don't want to go home anymore.”
“You already knew I'd accept, didn't you?”
“Of course I did.” She throws the key in your direction and you catch it easily “Now tell me, do I need to send someone to beat up your brothers? I heard they both were exceptionally mean at that dinner of yours.”
Boarding house | 1 hour earlier
Kol had to flee to your room, the overwhelming desire to knock some sense into your brothers itching in his fingers.
Stefan and Damon had been trying to reach Bonnie, on that device called a cellphone he learned, in order to perform a locator spell. But she hasn´t answered yet.
Tipping against the walls, uneasy and nervous, one because Kol is worried sick about you, and second because he still feels like an intruder in this century. When he was last awake, people could´have only dreamed of such technology. It's fascinating, even though he feels like a time traveller from another universe.
In many ways, he is just that.
He unzips your bag he found on the front porch, the sound of zipper echoing in your room. He picks up a shirt on top, and brings it to his nose, your familiar scent running through every amber f his body, intensifying his worry and desperation.
He needs to find you.
Scratch that.
He will find you. No matter what it takes. He'll burn the whole city and beyond to the ground if he has to.
He folds the shirt back to its original state, his hand brushing over a book bound in leather as he lays it down. He grabs it and flips it over, fingers brushing over your initials imprinted on the side.
It must be one of your diaries. It looks fairly familiar, but he can't put his finger on why that is. He hasn't seen any of your diaries before. At least he doesn't think he has.
Should he take a look inside,  just a little peek?
He shouldn't read it without your permission.
He places it back into the bag and zips it up, hauling it over his shoulders.
“What on earth is taking so long?”Kol says as he rejoined Stefan and Damon in the living room “I'm growing impatient. You don't want to see me impatient.”
“Bonnie´s not picking up.”Stefan comes in, his phone in his hand.
“Find someone else then.”
“We don't have someone else.” Damon says “How about you
“I don't care if you have to force every witch in the vicinity, you will find her, understand?”
“He´s a  real charmer, isn't he?” Damon says to Stefan, who´s dialling Bonnie's number for the 50th time today.
“Listen to me very carefully,” Kol drops your bag and takes step after step towards Damon, his voice dangerously calm “You are still breathing just out of consideration for Y/N. Don´t think for a second I wouldn't tear out your insides and decorate your walls with them. Because I want to. I will, if I hear as much as a-” The sudden high pitched tone of your phone Kol stored in his pocket startles him. 
He pulls it out, trying to understand how to, well, answer it.
“Give it,” Damon demands annoyed clicking on the message.
“Coordinates,” Damon says shortly. “Y/N´s coordinates. It's a few miles out of town.”
Kol grabs the phone looking at the map attached to the message and speeds off, grabbing Damon´s car keys on the way out. It would've been way too far to vamp speed there.
“Wh-Hey! GET BACK HERE !” Damon calls after him, worried already about his car “Get your keys, Stefan. Now! I hate this guy!”
Virginia Woods | Present Time
“Y/N?!!” Kol calls out into the echoing woods.
But there´s no answer.
He feels defeat running through his veins, its cold sensation covering his skin. What if this is the wrong area? What if it was a joke and you´re already gone?
“Y/N!!!” He calls again, with all the force his voice possesses
After another agonizing second, he finally gets an answer
His heart fills with peace solely by you uttering his name, and he races away, his vampire speed seemingly too slow for his liking. He stops on a clearing to were your voice came from, blooming flowers under his feet, as you step out of the shadow of a large oak tree.
His Heart Skips A beat by the sight of you. Your hair is illuminated by the halo of the golden sun and eyes shining so bright with wonder he swears he could see them from there.
Not a second later you both collide with each other like two planets crossing orbits
“I love you. I love you. I love you.” He plants kisses from your cheek utter these words, travelling to your forehead to your lips, all his sorrows washing away.
“Ho- How are…..I thought…I'm dreaming, right?” You stumble over your words, thoughts spinning in a circle.
Kol laughs and shakes his head “This is very real.”
“God, I missed you so much.” You press him against you once more, tears of joy and relief filling your eyes.
This. This is the moment you have been dreaming of for the last 100 years. And this time, unlike the dream you had where you ran through his ghostly shell.
This time it's real and you can't even begin to fathom the happiness that´is pouring out of you.
“Ain't that sweet,” Mae says, perfectly ruining the moment.
“You.” Kol growls, more than ready to rip your kidnapper apart.
You pull him back by placing a hand on his shoulder, and he looks back wondering why you would protect her.
“She's a friend.” You explain, and Kol relaxes slightly, still reaching for your hand, interlacing your fingers with his Mae steps closer,
“Mae, how did yo-... How is he here?” You ask her, holding Kol´s hand with no intention of letting go ever again.
“Wasn´t me. That was all him.” Mae looks at someone behind you, and you turn looking into the blue eyes of your oldest brother; Damon. And next to him, Stefan.
“Damon..” You begin, searching for the best way to thank him.
“I didn't do it for you.” He says bluntly, sharp with hatred still and you can feel Kol´s hand tightening around yours, itching with the want to collide it with Damon's face.
You look at Stefan who hasn't said a word, and he doesn't still. But he gives you a nod, almost unnoticeable and that's all the good fortune you need.
Maybe there's hope after all for him to forgive you. In time.
“Let's go.” You look at Kol and start walking, heading to Mae´s safehouse but Damon blocks the way before you get far.
"Keys." He says, directing his demand at Kol. 
Figures. Of course, Damon is only here because of his car. 
Kol rummages through his pockets, dangling the keys in front of Damon´s face. When he´s reaching for it he throws them into the depths of the woods
 "Have fun searching." Kol smiles at him, his smile not reaching his eyes. 
There is laughter heard from behind as you and Kol walk away,  as well as footsteps, as Mae joins your brothers. 
“Ah, look at them. Long lost loves reunited again. How poetic.” Mae sighs, looking at you and Kol walking away “Good plan by the way, including Elijah in your scheme” She says and claps Damon on the shoulder.
“Who the hell are you?”
“Name´s is Maeyra Cain. My friends call me Mae. And you're hummingbird's brothers. Good to finally meet you in person.”
“Hummingbird? Who the hell are you talking about?”
“You really are just the pretty one, huh? What a shame. Anyway, gotta run. See you around, boys!” She says and waves over her shoulder, walking away.
Once out of hearing distance, she dials a number too familiar to her “Y/N´s on board. Starting phase 2.”
A/N: THEY FINALLY REUNITED!!! WOHOO! That sure as hell was a long time coming. I am really curious to see what you think of the new original character. Maeyra (spoken may-ra) has been a dear character from another fanfictionI´ve been storing in the back of my mind for several years so I brought her along to this one.
Do let me know what you think though! Your replies and thoughts really fuel my like nothing else!!
Open Coffin Tags (crossed outs are not taggable anymore, let me know if you want to be re-added with your new username:  @shadyladyperfection @thegoddessofvampire @newurleans @originalbish98 @christinalibertymikaelson @acourtofhopeanddreams @bonniebird @imnoaingeal @onlygodcanjudgeme-sh @vaniileiinkeks  @relmi-llorrac @piercethepottorff @maliae14  @5-seconds-of-animals @captain-amelia-bradley  @rock-n-magick @flymeawayworld @givemesomehybrid @mikealsonlover @nuteller28 @fandoms-fandoms-everywhere99 @drkplum @fandooomqueenforyou @free-the-fangirl @clockworkballerina @twisted1ginger @superwholocksociopath474   @pacifyprincess @mustachio1616 @thealyana @sandyclaws @unicorntrooper @buckysummers @sanity-is-overratedxp @akshi8278 @lunna-star-8 @graysonmalfoy @woodworthti666 @elenavaldez02 @lilulo-12 @selmasemlan @thelostallycat @characterobsessed @cococola-cocaine @crazyinternetgirl @tvdplusriverdale 
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justfangstvdto · 7 years
Open Coffin | Chapter 08: “Look Alive, Stay Alive”
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Pairing: Kol x SalvatoreSister!Reader
Chapter Summary: Klaus makes a surprising return and of course goes out of his way to stoke the reader's fire with whatever means necessary. Meanwhile, Damon, accompanied by an unlikely ally plans his own scheme that could settle the score once and for all.
Warnings: mentioning of loneliness, grief & death, canon divergence, timeline divergence, typical tvd violence, 
Word count: 3527
Tags & Author Note at the bottom. Feedback is welcomed and appreciated, it keeps my writing fire burning.
Open Coffin Masterlist
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Mystic Falls 1856
The wildflowers bloomed heavily in the summer of 1856. Their bright colors more intense than usual as they accompanied the green blades of grass. The air was laced with their scent, haunting your young soul that year, so shortly after your mother's passing. But beneath this pain, there was a comfort in witnessing their blooming, almost as if she's still here, greeting you with her favorite flowers.
You´ve been crying all day, amidst the thousands of flowers, perfectly hidden behind an oak tree. Your brothers had been gone since first light this morning, taking a trip to visit a distant uncle.
It was Damon´s idea to get Stefan out of the house, enjoying quality time with his little brother that had just turned eleven years old a few days prior to your mother's death.
Unfortunately, even though you are one year older than Stefan, Damon had not even thought about asking if you wanted to join them. It has been like this ever since you can remember.
The setting sun neared its disappearing level as the distinctive smell of burning wood carries over the oak tree. You sniffed the air again, the smell so intense it alerted your survival instincts. You rose to your feet, your head turned to your home. The old barn in the distance was set aflame, mirroring the burning warm colors of the dawning sun, the dark smoke rising in the sky.
You started running as fast as your feet carried you, the hem of your dress dipped in filth as it rushed over the floor. You coughed once the barn was near, a man-shaped figure standing in front of it, a torch in his hand. He turned slightly, as the sound of your footsteps carried over to him.
It was Damon.
“What happened?!” You asked him in-between coughs, your lung already heavily coated with smoke.
“I thought it was father in there, and I..I wanted rid of him,” Damon replied, voice shaking while the rest of his body was frozen in place,” but Stefan..”
“What about Stefan?” Damon gulps and gestures to the burning barn. Your heart drops to your feet as the realization kicked in that your little brother ran into a burning building, hoping to be a hero and save his father.
You had to get him out of there.
You tucked at one of your sleeves and covered your mouth with the ripped material. It wasn't thick enough to absorb all of the smoke-laced air, but time had been of the essence. You could not have afforded to waste anymore.
“Go get water from the well! Now!” Your voice was filled with fear and the urge to protect Stefan, and just a hint of guilt you weren't here to prevent this.
The fire had already consumed most of the inner structure, including the big beams that carried the roof. Only the far right corner had been almost untouched by the fire. You rounded the building and peeked through an intact wooden window.
“Stef?!” You called out, your voice slightly muffled by the textile over your mouth. There was no response.  “Where are you?” You heart thundered in your chest, full of fear and worry. You couldn´t lose your brother too.  Not after your mother was already taken from you.
The window was easily climbed, including the wooden splinters that drilled into your skin just as easily. You looked around, the burning orange color as well as the smoke limiting your view.
Footsteps were heard from behind and Damon hurried over with a bucket of water in his hand. You grabbed it through the window-opening and emptied it next to you, stopping the creeping fire from continuing.
“Go get more!” You pushed the bucket against Damon's chest, the faint sound of whimpering reaching through the fire´s crackling.
Stefan was crouching in the corner, his head covered with his arms. He was crying.
“Stef!” You called out and hurried over the nearly untouched flooring.  Stefan looked up once he felt your presence, tears streamed down his face.
Once you reached him, he threw his arms around and held you close, his body shaking with fear. “Hey it's okay, Stef I'll get you out of here.” You helped him rose to his feet and handed him your cloth, his other hand held tightly onto yours.
You looked down the path you took to reach Stefan, just in time to avoid a falling beam the fire had consumed. It landed in front of you, blocking your exit.
You looked around, desperately searching for another escape.
“The d-door… “Stefan gestured to bolted door behind you in between coughs.
The door was closed off with a metal bolt that reflected the warming red of the flames, catching your eye every now and then. You carefully tipped your finger against it and the heat instantly stung your skin.
You had to get that door open, with whatever means necessary,
“Stay back!” You told Stefan and he hid behind you, holding onto your dress.
You took a deep smoke-laced breath and counted to three before you grabbed the bolt with your hand. The hot metal bolt sizzled in your hand and burned the delicate flesh. Through gritted teeth you screamed out in pain, the bolt moving, but barely.
The air was getting smokier and smokier by the second, soon, either the fire or the smoke would have consumed you.
Another heavy tug and the hot bolt released the big wooden doors. You pushed them open with relief, the cold night air brushing over your heated skin.
Stefan, still holding onto your dress collapses on the ground once you put distance between the burning shed, heaving and coughing, but then nothing. He doesn't move and lies still on his back.
“Stefan?!” You cry out, kneeling on the ground. Stefan blinks, his eyes coated with tears staring up at the night sky. “Are you alright?” He nods faintly, his breathing evening out slowly but surely.
Footsteps were heard from behind you looked over your shoulder to see Damon running down the hill. You stood up and headed in his direction.
“What were you thinking?!” You pushed Damon back with your hands, the burned part of your skin already formed blisters “He could have died in there!!
“I didn't know he would run in!” Damon argued and held your hands down to stop the continuous hammering of your fists.
“And? You cannot set the shed on fire in hope to get rid of father expecting Stefan not to run after him! He´s eleven years old and nearly burned alive in there. And so did I.”
“I... I´m-"
“Forget your apology. Look at him. He's not even speaking.” Damon´s eyes glance at his little brother lying there in shock  “Don't you ever put him in this kind of danger again or I swear you´ll live to regret it.”
Damon swallows, the guilt heavily in his throat as you walked away. the burning in your hand nothing compared to the burning anger in your heart...
Mystic Falls | Present Time
The remaining wildflowers sprawled along the pathway to the Lockwood mansion sway in the wind, sparking memories of a time and people that were lost long ago. Yourself and your brothers included.
A few days have passed since you watched over Stefan in that cellar, and as usual, nothing went as planned. Damon thought it would be a good idea to go on a bender with Stefan. He went “off book” as he called it. And as it has always been, he did not take you with them. Instead, he shot you full of vervain and took off.
Right in this moment, however, Damon seems to plan another one of his plans with Matt and Elena, that´ll either end in death, despair or destruction.
“Well well well. Look at this cozy gathering.” You step into the open space right next to Matt and Elena, keeping your eyes on your brother “Thank you for bringing me along to your sibling bonding by the way.”
“Y/N…” Damon sighs, but you raise your hand to stop him from continuing. You don't need to hear another set of his excuses. You know by now that even though you are siblings, you're never invited into their inner circle.
You most likely never will. And that hurts.
“Save it. You´re up to something. What is it?” Damon evades looking into your eyes, as well as everyone else. That pretty much tells you everything you need to know “Jesus Christ. You´re not actually trying to snuff Klaus, are you?”
“You want to help instead of criticizing?” the doppelganger intervenes “Distract him.”
“Why me? I think he would be much more interested in you, Elena. Or should I say Katherine?” Matt next to you releases a surprised huff, while the doppelganger now revealed as Katherine only exchanges a look with Damon “I can smell the sickening stench of your perfume from a mile away. If I can figure it out, you can bet your ass Klaus will too.”
“Just do it, Y/N.” Damon breathes out in annoyance, the tone of his voice already stoking your fire.
Now he´s ordering you around again. Fantastic.
The others exchange a nod and split up, Matt enters the mansion with the disguised Katherine while Damon remains behind.
“How many times do I have to save your ass to be worthy of your trust?” You ask him, your face stellar, your jaw clenched.
“It's not me,” Damon replies, the look on his face unchanged as his eyes roam the passing crowd.
“So it's them, huh? I forgot, they are your priorities now.”
“What´s going on with you today?”
“Oh I don't know, maybe I thought we're finally getting along but here you are planning a suicide mission behind my back.” You cross your arms in front of your chest “Tell me why do you always have to leave me in the dark time and time? It´s like the day at the barn, you execute a plan and put every single person but yourself in danger. Just think once before doing anything. Once, Damon.”
“You done?” he asks, visibly annoyed with your rant.
“No.” You shake your head before your fist collides with his jawö  “Now I am. Don't ever put Stefan in harm's way again, you hear me?  Pick me next time.”
“ I see you haven't lost your strong arm.”
You storm off, leaving Damon behind with a bloody nose and blood splatter on his stupidly expensive suit.
The crowd was already dancing as you reach the edge of the slightly elevated hummock, searching for the last person on earth you´d want to spend time with.
You scan the crowd several times over, even going as far to use your vampire hearing, but nothing.
Where's that little bastard?
“You look quite out of place,” Klaus speaks out from behind, uttering the same exact words he said when you first met, over a hundred years ago.
Ah, there he is.
“Leave me alone.” You respond, keeping your eyes on the dancing crowd.
“You’re spite is amusing as ever, Y/N. A decade ago you’ve seemed rather fond of me. Now you only resort to shooting daggers with those fierce eyes of yours. How very unfortunate.” Klaus replies as he circles you like a lion waiting for his prey.
He´s trying to make you nervous, and oddly enough it seems to be working.
“I think daggers are more your department, wouldn't you say?”
“Indeed, indeed.” he laughs brushing over his slightly bearded jaw. He then moves to the side offering his hand with a playful bow “Dance with me.”
“Good joke.” You snicker at his words and turn to look at his still upturned smile “Wait you're serious?” He nods and offers his hand once more “I don't know what your sudden obsession with me is, but I would rather put a campfire out with my face than dance with you.”
Klaus forcefully grabs your wrist and leads you to the dancefloor. “I fear there is no time for negotiations.”
“Wow, the ladies must really love you. You’re such a gentleman.” You roll your eyes at him as he pulls you close and starts dancing to the slow music.
“Oh, Y/N, you would be surprised how much of a gentleman I can be.” He smirks and gives a nod to the DJ.
“If this your subtle way to call for your henchmen, I suggest you´re a little less obvious next time.”
“Nonsense. I don't need no henchman.” Klaus huffs and nods again and the DJ turns up the volume on a very familiar song “I would never deny myself the pleasure of holding your very heart in my hands that beats so strong for my dear brother.”
The first tunes carry themselves through the night air falling utterly unnoticed by the couples surrounding you and your nemesis. But while they fall deaf on the guest's ears, they do stir up memories in yours; It is the same song you and Kol danced for the first time.
Memories of this night cloud your mind, the dull ache in your heart reminding you how much you still miss him after all these years. How many memories he wasn't a part of and how many times you lie awake at night with only loneliness as your companion. It is similar to the way you always felt when you were a child.
Klaus´ eyes roam your face eager to witness you fall apart, to see how he poisons your memories by recreating them with himself. But you are not going to give him that satisfaction.
“You know this is getting really old.” You look at him, a fake look of confident plastered on your face.” If you want to kill me just get it over with.” Klaus eyebrows faintly rise at your words, “I'm really tired of this.”
“But we're only getting to the interesting bit.” His smile grows, the satisfaction seemingly radiate through the pores of his skin “I recall you have fond memories of this particular song.”
“You think you're gonna break me with a little song, huh? Guess again.”
“On the contrary, love, I believe I already have.“ He puckers his lips to a crooked smile, the satisfaction of his taunt seemingly radiating through the pores of his skin. “ Now to another matter; People have been after me for 1000 years. And I am always one step ahead. So whatever it is you and your brothers are thinking of trying, go for it, give it your best shot. You won't succeed."
“I don't know what you're talking about. My brothers don't really involve me in their plans if you haven't noticed.” You reply. It´s true. They never involved you in their plans in the past, especially Damon.
“Oh, I did notice. Still, you'd be smart to tell Damon to mind his manners tonight, because if I die, I've already ensured that Stefan and your precious boyfriend will die along with me.  Even in death, my hybrids have their orders. So.. you kill me you're killing them too.”
Everybody knew that Klaus was reckless and would stop at nothing to get what he wants but you never imagined he would actually threaten to kill his own brother. And yours too. You have to stop him, by whatever means necessary.
You look over Klaus's shoulder, one of his hybrids giving you the evil eye “Looks like one of your lapdogs wants your attention.”
“Ah, Tony.” Klaus looks over his shoulder and releases you hand “If you would excuse me, Y/N.” He flashes his disgustingly charismatic smile and walks off.
You breathe out before forcefully grabbing a drink from a silver platter that a waiter carries around. You look over to the elevated parts of the property, locking eyes with Stefan.
Well shit.
He probably heard your conversation with Klaus. What if he sends you away again like he did before?
“Is it true what he says?” He asks, his face without any readable emotion whatsoever.
“I...uh,” You start, not exactly knowing how to explain to him that out of all people on this earth you fell in love with Klaus´ brother.
“He´d really kill his brother if Damon screws up?”
The hell? It seems he did not overhear your conversation. Or is he simply not saying anything?
“You know what we have to do, right?” Stefan nods, knowing that in order to save him and pretty much every single one of you, you would have to protect the very monster you seek to destroy. “ We have one problem though. I´m not invited in.”
“But I am.” Stefan sighs and you share a look before hurrying over to the front entrance.
You arrive just in time to see Damon tackling Klaus, holding a white oak stake in his hands. You scan the room quickly, your breath caught in your throat as a familiar face stares at the happenings in front of him. Mikael Mikaelson, the vampire hunter. What the hell is he doing here?
Meanwhile, Damon has Klaus pinned down on the floor, the white oak stake hovering over his heart. One push and he would be dead soon enough. But so would Stefan. And Kol. You push against the invisible wall, trying to get through but to no avail.
Damon brings the stake down further, the tip already scraping Klaus´shirt, before Stefan speeds in, pushing him off on the side, the white oak stake dropping on the floor next to Klaus. He seizes the moment and grabs it, burying it in Mikael's heart in an instant as he tackles him.
Mikael starts screaming and goes up in flames, destroying the white oak with him, before falling silent.
“What the hell did you do?!” Damon yells at his little brother, propping himself up on his elbow on the cold stone floor.
“He earned his freedom,” Klaus answers for him, and reaches for Stefan's hand, helping him up. He reaches behind his neck and looks into his eyes, his pupils dilating “Thank you, my friend. You no longer have to do as I say. You're free.”
Stefan stumbles back, seeking support from the wall behind him.
You stay behind for another set of seconds before you take off running, defeated once again. You reach the parking lot in a matter of seconds, spotting Stefan´s red Porsche in the number of parked cars.
As soon as the car door snaps shut, your mask of confidence falls off simultaneously. The stirred up memories, as well as the life-sucking presence of Katherine and Klaus and the usual draining of a social gathering too much for you.
Through tears of anger, you punch the dashboard, furious with how things went today. You let Klaus get to you and as usual, he won. And Kol keeps suffering in his coffin. As do his siblings.
Like a lightning going off without warning, a thought crosses your mind. You took a few percussions while Damon went on his bender with Stefan. They would come in more than handy at the moment.  and since Klaus is more than preoccupied now would be the perfect time to strike. Finally, you could be one step ahead of Klaus.
You turn the key to start the ignition and put the stick in the bottom gear. and slowly start to push your feet down on the gas pedal. You look over to the Lockwood entrance where a visibly exhausted Stefan hurries outside.
You bring the car to a stop right in front of his feet “Get in.”
Stefan leans on his car and drugs his head slightly into the open window “ That´s my car, Y/N.”
“I know. Get in!” You wave him over and he sighs but obliges and sits down next to you. “By the way, you should really lock your doors. It´s not the 1920´s”
Sadly so.
“Where are we going?”
“We're gonna do what we do best. Get revenge.” You turn the radio up, Stefan´s Bon Jovi mixtape now blasting through the open windows as you step on the gas pedal, speeding away, only the car tracks leaving evidence of your presence….
A/N: Whew! This one, as well as every part before, was a long time coming, but I hope it was worth the wait. I sincerely apologize for the long wait but I can´t seem to be able to finish a chapter any faster. 
Anyway, please PLEASE let me know what you think! Also, next chapter we´ll see some sibling bonding with Stefan and as well with Damon. Stay tuned.
As always thank you so much for taking the time to read this mess and I hopefully see you next chapter!
Open Coffin Tags: 
@shadyladyperfection @laitalianax3 @newurleans @originalbish98 @christinalibertymikaelson @acourtofhopeanddreams @bonniebird @imnoaingeal @onlygodcanjudgeme-sh @vaniileiinkeks  @relmi-llorrac @piercethepottorff @maliae14  @5-seconds-of-animals @captain-amelia-bradley  @rock-n-magick @flymeawayworld @givemesomehybrid @mikealsonlover @nuteller28 @fandoms-fandoms-everywhere99 @drkplum @fandooomqueenforyou @free-the-fangirl @clockworkballerina @twisted1ginger @superwholocksociopath474   @pacifyprincess @mustachio1616 @thealyana @sandyclaws @unicorntrooper @buckysummers @sanity-is-overratedxp @akshi8278
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justfangstvdto · 7 years
Open Coffin | Chapter 05: “Ghosts of the Past” (Part 1)
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Pairing: Kol x Reader (eventually)
Chapter Summary: Y/N teams up with her brother to find out what, or better who, attacked them last night.
Warnings: some canon/episode diversion, typical tvd violence, harmless swearing
Word count: 2756
Tags & Author Note at the bottom. Feedback is welcomed and appreciated.
Open Coffin Masterlist
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New Orleans | 1913
It is cold. Freezing actually. The cold December air howls through the narrow stone walkway of the Lafayette cemetery. The clicking sound of the dimming and on and off going electric light bulb is accompanied by the rustling and music-carrying grammophon. A newly released song named “Ballin the Jack″ is currently playing and it’s included dance instructions within the song convinced you to dance.
As you dance along to the ridiculous song, another pair of feet enter the tomb and immediately come to a halt. Kol stands there, a fashionable bowler hat resting on his head and a dark coat on his shoulders. 
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He smiles as he watches you, his breath shallow in fear to disturb you in your moment of believed lonesome.
Kol is certain he could remain in these shadows forever observing you, much like he does whenever you two dig deep into the lore. He would sit there and hold his book up pretending to read, when in reality he would peek over it from time to time and look at you, smiling at the concentrated look on your face.
He thoroughly enjoys seeing you without your walls up that you seem to raise whenever he comes to close. He believes that he or his reputation is the cause. He is afraid to scare you away because he likes you, god he likes you so much and the last thing he wants to do is make you run from him like a lot of people have before.
The song comes to a stop and as well does your dancing. You laugh and comb through your hair with your hand, breathless. You turn on one foot, a bright smile on your face. You look up to see none other than Kol standing there.
Your heart skips a beat, your mind instantly flooded with embarrassment and you wish that a hole would appear and suck you away into oblivion. The rising of your walls as realization kicks in, is almost visible with the naked eye and your bright smile falters into a less bright one.
Kol´s smile, on the other hand, brightens, his eyes warm and not at all as if he’s laughing at you. You look down at you feet and turn away from him, hiding your blushed cheeks as you take a seat on the dark leather seat.
Kol still stands there, motionless, with a determined thought in his mind. He needs to break down your walls. No, he will break down them down no matter how long it takes. 
Y/N | Present Time
The room is dark with only small rays of sunshine coming through the half-closed curtains. The familiar ache in your neck accompanied by the rustling of metal clanking together steers you awake. You look around the room, the familiar surroundings indicating that you are still at the boarding house, however, what or whoever attacked you is still invisible.
You move your hand, only to find out that they have been restrained with a metal handcuff around your wrist. A pained groan to your right makes you turn your head. Damon is restrained as well, but unlike you, he has a poker sticking through his chest and a metal chain wrapped around his torso.
“Seriously, this neck snapping has to stop.” You move your head, the muscles in your neck cracking with your movements.
“Low blow, Stefan. Low blow” Damon groans and tries to wiggle himself out of the chains with no avail. He seems quite relaxed giving the circumstance. 
Stefan appears in the door frame casually leaning against it with a smile on his face, as if he has been waiting for his name to be called “What the hell happened to you two?”
“Whatever twisted ripper game this is, leave us out of it” Damon groans.
“I didn’t do this.” Stefan claims, the smug smile not leaving his face. He looks like a little boy that just got away with eating the last cookie in the jar.
“Quit screwing around, Stefan.”
“It wasn’t him.” you shake your head “ I would have seen it. It was some kind of invisible force”
“So much for no ghosts, huh?”  Damon shoots you a look, his eyebrow cocked.
Stefan hops down the stairs and pulls at the chains “ It’s pretty messed up though, isn’t it?”
“Yep” you and Damon saying in unison.
 Stefan removes the flat iron stake from Damon´s chest which results in Damon cursing under his breath. He then begins to remove the chains but stops midway. He shrugs and starts to leave but not without ripping one of the restraints away from your wrist.
“Thanks a lot, bro.” Damon calls after him, displeased with his brothers lack of care.
Now that your hand is free, you use it to rip the other restraint from your wrist and throw it behind you on the wooden floor, the metal clicking as it meets the ground. You do the same to Damon´s chains. “Ok what the hell is happening here?”
“Mason is happening.” Damon looks down at his shirt, sighing in annoyance.
“Mason…Why does that name sound so familiar..?” one of your handy spies mentioned someone called Mason in his reports. “Oh right, it´s the Lockwood uncle!”
“Is there anyone you don’t know? First Klaus and Rebekah, now Mason. Don’t tell me you know any other original vampires or werewolves.”
Oh, brother if you only knew half of it.
“What can I say? I like to keep track on my hometown. Or my turf as the kids nowadays would say.”
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“Your “turf”? Really?” Damon furrows his eyebrows at the word you used “Could you at least try to be cool just once in your life?”
“Yeah yeah screw you too" you wave it off “So, that Mason guy…you killed him, right?” Damon nods. “And now you think he is the one that chained us to a chair and stabbed you with that poker, because he´s pissed?”
“Bingo. And I have just the guy to help us fix this. Come on, let´s go.” he cocks his head to the door and makes his way towards it.
“Uhm no? I have things to do.” Drowning in self-pity over the yet again stolen diamond is one of them. And maybe you should use the time to get some clothes since it seems you will stay a while. At least until Stefan is himself again.
“Oh, yeah?” he stops ”pLike what?”
“You know.. things. Out there.” you gesture out of the nearby window.” Without you.”
“Yeah, I don´t think so.“ he shakes his head “I´m not going to let you walk around on your own while freaking ghostapalooza is going on.”
“Ugh, fine.” You would never admit it aloud or even to yourself, but you missed your brother. Both of them. And if agreeing to follow Damon for the day means spending time with him, so be it. Though you wish Stefan would be there too “But I´m driving.”
“Not a chance. You will never - I repeat- never drive my car.”
“Oh, come on! I got you that car in the first place, remember? So technically it’s mine too.” It was a birthday present in a short period where two got along well - it was probably because you two were blackout drunk most of the time. Knowing that you probably should have got him something with less accident potential.
“Whatever. Let´s go”
“Wait.” you stop  “Shouldn’t you change first? I mean I’m all for the bloody look, but I doubt the townsfolk would be okay with that. And I really want to take a shower as well”
“Good thinking. Meet back here in 10?”
Y/N | Damon´s Car
 After you two washed up and changed, you hopped into Damon´s car heading to meet his buddy. He takes a left at a typical suburban-looking street with Caroline and Bonnie on the sidewalk hanging lanterns. He comes to a halt next to them. “Greetings, blondie. Witchy.”
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“Who´s that? Your new girlfriend?” Caroline asks raising one eyebrow.
“Ha! You think I would date that? Please.” you huff, earning a “what the hell” look from Damon “Believe it or not but I am related to him.”
“Oh, so you´re Y/N?”
“And you´re Caroline Forbes, wolfy Lockwood’s girl. Oh, and hello there Bonnie. Good to see you again without Klaus breathing down our necks.”
“Are we done with the chit-chat now ?” Damon interrupts quite rudely and turns his attention to Bonnie “BonBon, I think you got your voodoo wires all crossed when you got rid of Vicki Donovan.”
“What do you mean, why?”
“Because I’m pretty sure I just got spit-roasted by Mason Lockwood’s ghost.”
“Why would you think that?” Caroline asks.
“Maybe because he chained me to a chair and shoved a hot poker in my chest.” Bonnie and Caroline look at him a little baffled “Let’s just say I’m having deja vu and I don’t have time for a vengeful Lockwood. When I kill someone, they’re supposed to stay dead.”
“Amen to that.” you nod your head.
“Whatever you screwed up, fix it.” Damon glares at Bonnie and shifts into drive and starts to take off. You give the girls a wave goodbye which they do not return. How rude.
“I can’t get over the fact they have a sister.” Bonnie says watching the Camaro drive off in the distance.
“I know right? But she seems nice…ish.” Caroline shrugs “She did try to help you back at the gym.”
“I don’t know. There’s something off with her don’t you think? Like she´s hiding something.”
“She´s a 160-something year old vampire. Of course there´s something off with her.”
“I guess” Bonnie keeps staring down the now empty road not able to shake her witchy instinct.
Y/N | Mystic Grill
“So this is the infamous Mystic Grill, huh? I am not impressed.” you shrug. The grill has nothing on the bars you´ve visited all over the world. Especially the ones in New Orleans. Nothing could ever top the atmosphere and flair these bars had. “So who is your ghostbuster guy? And where is he? Or are we just here to day drink?” 
“My buddy Alaric. Right there.” he points to a sandy-blond haired guy at the bar.
“Wait, Alaric, the vampire hunter? Are you insane?” He clearly lost his mind.
“Your spies didn´t tell you? We´re friends.” Damon smiles and makes his way towards the bar.
“Of course you are. A vampire and a vampire hunter. What could go wrong?” you sigh following after him.
 As you two approach him Alaric´s shoulders tense almost unnoticeable. “You know, I´ve had enough vampires today, thanks.”
 “Oh, come on. Have a drink with me and my sis.” Damon gives him a clap on the shoulder and hops on a barstool while you do the same “We’ve got trouble.”
“No, you’ve got trouble.” Alaric snaps back clearly fed up with the supernatural drama “See, we’re not a team. You tried to kill me. All right? We’re not friends. I don’t like you anymore.”
“It’s a wonder you even liked him at all. He´s awful.” Alaric looks at you for the first time as if he did not even realize you were there before “I´m Y/N by the way.” Alaric nods, which you presume is his way of saying hello.
“Ric, remember back when you did like me and we conspired to kill Uncle werewolf Mason Lockwood?”
“Yeah, and?”
“I think he’s still a little pissed.”
“Well, that is an understatement.” you huff “Damon thinks that Mason was the one who-” the sound of your phone blurting out a BonJovie medley interrupts your sentence and you instantly know it´s Stefan calling. What could he want? “Don´t tell me you killed your precious little doppelganger and need someone to dig a grave. Because if so, I´m in.”
“Uhm.. it´s Elena.”
“Oh…” Whoops. “What do you want?”
“I need your help.”  Of course, she does. You would not have expected otherwise.
“Couldn´t you call someone else? With your own phone preferably?”
“Just..get over here. It´s about Stefan”. her voice sounds desperate and quite distressed. What on earth happened? ”Please?”
“Fine. Text me the address” you end the call and drop your phone display-first on the counter “Ugh. I gotta stop doing this.”
“Stop doing what?” Damon asks and takes a sip out of his just ordered drink.
“Being nice to people.”
Damon almost chokes on his drink, while Alaric just shakes his head, wishing to be anywhere but here. “Nice to pe- Are you kidding me? Have you met you? You´re the meanest person I know!”
“Hey!” you shove Damon almost pushing him off the seat. “I could have easily captured Elena and gave her to Klaus as a peace offering. I didn´t. Equals nice person. Anyway, I gotta go. Sister duties and all.”
Damons hand wraps around your arm “It´s not safe, Y/N.”
“No shit, but when have I ever been safe, Damon? I´ll be fine. There won´t be any ghosts of my past haunting me today, alright?” you nod before your eyes switch to Alaric “It was nice meeting you, Alaric. If this one tries to kill you again, you let me know.” you wink at him and he seems to be quite perplexed. It’s best to be on a hunter’s good side, right?
You read the address Elena texted you, which is funny enough at the city jail a few blocks away. On your way to the door, you unexpectedly bump into someone that just entered the grill “Oh, sorry.”
“No problem.” the dark haired man answers and steps aside and holds the door open for you and you smile in response. You have forgotten how nice these people in this town are nowadays. Maybe it´s not so bad here after all. 
The dark haired man makes his way to the bar, his eyes fixated on Damon and Alaric.
“God, I miss whiskey.” Mason says as he takes a sip from Damon´s glass before smashing it on Damon´s forehead.´
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“Told ya” Damon looks at Alaric who is baffled by the not-so-dead Mason standing in front of him.
Unknown | Outside Mystic Grill
 A woman packed with shopping bags rounds the corner after an excessive shopping trip and comes face to face with a peculiar dressed young lady. “Can I help you with something?” she asks. The girl looks like she just escaped a Victorian painting with the long dress and the tophat on her golden hair.
“Do you know her?” she gestures down the road, where you are currently walking.
“I don’t think so.” the woman answers, unease spreading through her body” Why? Do you?”
She nods “Is there a post office nearby? I have to send her a message.”
The woman furrows her eyebrows at her request while the girl simply eyes you crossing the street, a wicked smile on her face.
 To be continued…
Open Coffin Masterlist
Author Note:  I fiddled around with this for a very long time, but it´s still not quite how I wanted it to be, but I blame that on whatever block I have at the moment. Anyway, lots of sibling stuff in this and next chapter will continue that. Also, if you didn´t watch the video showing the dance Y/N did, I suggest you go back an watch it, it´s quite funny.
Do let me know what you think. and if there’s anything you want to see, just shoot me a message or write it down yourself in my Google Doc
Open Coffin Tags:
Special thanks to: @shadyladyperfection @laitalianax3 @newurleans
@originalbish98 @christinalibertymikaelson @acourtofhopeanddreams @bonniebird @imnoaingeal @onlygodcanjudgeme-sh @vaniileiinkeks  @piercethepottorff @maliae14 @relmi-llorrac @5-seconds-of-animals @captain-amelia-bradley  @rock-n-magick @flymeawayworld @givemesomehybrid  @mikealsonlover @nuteller28 @fandoms-fandoms-everywhere99 @drkplum @fandooomqueenforyou
If you want to be tagged in this list, just shoot me a message. ;)
Thank you for reading. Have a lovely day/night and I hopefully see you next chapter ;)
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justfangstvdto · 8 years
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I don´t know whether to a agree or disagree with these ideas.. (x)
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justfangstvdto · 8 years
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The Vampire Diaries Season 8 - Aesthetic
More Aesthetics
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bonniebird · 7 years
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Part Six of My Little Hybrid
Collection two in the Hybrid Series       Hidden Hybrid Master List
Part One  Part Two   Part Three   Part Four   Part Five
“So, family troubles?” Kaleb asked as he sat opposite you.
 “Sort of I guess.” You chuckled. “How did you know?”
“Believe me Darling, sort of an expert of that front, but I’ve found… a drink makes it better.” He winked as he sipped from his drink.
 “I’ve found other things make it better.” You muttered which made him chuckle.
 “And what would that be?” He asked curiously.
 “The knowledge that I can be a little tricky when I need to be.” You hummed which made the boy cock his head.
 “You know I think you and I are going to get along.” Kaleb smirked as he downed the rest of his drink.
  “(Y/N) I will ask you once more to answer your phone, I shell out a small fortune for you to text that little witch and your vampire friend the least you can DO is answer me!” When Klaus finished, Elijah cleared his throat, leaning in the doorway.
 “Do you really think shouting at her will bring anything close to the compliance you wish for brother?” Elijah taunted and Klaus sighed.
 “She is hiding secrets from us, there are wolves who are well aware of her existence and power as well as the witches whose entire purpose on this earth is to protect those wolves, I do not have time to play the loving father when she refuses to allow me to protect her.” Klaus snapped, marching to the courtyard with Elijah following him.
 “Ah yes, because the furious father image has had many a young daughter complying.” Elijah had to hide a laugh when Klaus stopped, turned to shout but found he couldn’t word his frustration and vanished from the courtyard.
   “Well I must say this has been a pleasant evening but I am sure someone will be missing you?” Kaleb asked but you shook your head.
 “I doubt it, I think there’s so far you can push some people.” You muttered, rolling your eyes when you picked up on Klaus somewhere nearby.
 “Well if you’re sure, there’s a party held by supposed witches, you could come with me.” Kaleb offered jumping a little when Klaus was suddenly holding him by his throat.
 “And who would this charming young man be?” Klaus spat, glowering at the smirking boy.
 “Kaleb, this is my family trouble, family trouble this is Kaleb.” You hummed with as much sarcasm you could possibly muster.
 “Well I assume as a witch you already know who I am will not have to be warned to stay away from (Y/N)?” Klaus asked and Kaleb laugh.
 “Oh, believe me, I know all about you.” There was a touch of hidden meaning in the words and for a moment you thought they looked at each other as if they had met before.
 Your phone started to ring and you flinched when you saw it was Davina. “I have to go… don’t kill him… please?” You asked and Klaus rolled his eyes.
 “Well seeing as you asked so politely and I am hoping that you will behave, I guess I shall.” He dropped Kaleb to the floor and watched you run off. “If you talk to her again Kol I will break off your arms and legs.”
“Always such violence Nik.” Kol scoffed, smiling as he got to his feet.
 “No need to be hypocritical.” Klaus muttered before stalking away.
  “You did what!” You yelped at Davina who pointed at the furious Mikael.
 “I brought him back to… help me?” She winced when you groaned at her.
 “Davina, he is… I just… why!” you spluttered and started to back away.
 “I see you are just as pitiful and timid as when I made you.” Mikael drawled, watching you carefully.
 “I’m telling Klaus, I have to… Davina he is dangerous.” You jerked a hand at Mikael and sighed when she balled her fists.
 “I just need you to distract Klaus while I get what I need, I promise I have him under control and he won’t hurt you.” She begged but you shook your head.
 “I won’t tell Klaus but… only because if I do he’ll kill you, be careful Davina Klaus will want you dead even more so now.” You muttered and she nodded hugging you.
 “I promise I’ll try my best not to get you hurt… I’m trying to save everyone.” She whispered.
 “Be where you need to be in ten minutes and I’ll lure them all away from the Quarter but your attempts to unsire us all better work.” You grinned when she looked surprised. “I’m a vampire in New Orleans you think I didn’t know besides Josh tells me everything.”
 “Good luck.” She smiled and glanced over her shoulder. “I’m sorry that I had to bring him back… well I’m sorry for you that he’s back.”
  “I’m leaving again.” You yelled, swinging an overnight bag from your hand as you hurried to get out into the quarter before they could trap you in the compound’s courtyard.
 “Where on earth do you think, you are going, I have enough troubles without you playing the attention starved child.” Klaus called, following after you with Elijah and Hayley following.
 “Somewhere secret.” You told him.
 “Well you are very good at keeping those aren’t you Love.” The instinct to stop at the sound of the lecture in his tone was almost unbearable but despite it you kept on walking.
 “Perhaps you will need assistance seeing and your last secret made you then enemy of some very powerful witches.” Elijah offered and you groaned.
 “Alright but you have to tell me who Kaleb really is, he’s to, familiar with you lot to not be someone.” You watched the brothers exchange looks while Hayley frowned.
 “I’m sorry who is Kaleb?” She asked defensively. “Did you storm off to meet a boy?” She asked and you rolled your eyes.
 “I am like over six hundred or something so like… I think I have more of a right to ask who you’re going out with than the other way around?” you asked and she gave you a look that had Klaus chuckling. “Yes, he’s a boy.”
 “Actually, he’s a very old vampire trapped in the body of a boy… our brother Kol.” Klaus smiled and strolled over to you, throwing his arm around your shoulder.
 “Now then love, tell father dearest your secret and we shall see what can be done about it.” Klaus smiled when you winced and glanced at all of them.
 “We’re going to jail break a witch.” You declared.
 “Where exactly are, we getting this witch from?” Elijah asked.
 “And do we even need more witches?” Hayley added as they all seemed rather curious.
 “I’ll have you know that Reese is a very trust worthy witch and if it wasn’t for me, Kathrine would have killed her family centuries ago, I hid them in a coven all I need is to get her out.” You smiled when they gave you confused looks. “I need your help because Reese has the strongest concealing spell ever recorded, I figured she may be helpful.”
 “As much as I hate witches that doesn’t sound like a bad idea, but I think it is time we had a chat about you and the doppelgangers, you can explain on the way there.” Klaus’ tone told you that refusing would probably end up with you waking up in the back of the car with a sore neck so you nodded, following Elijah as they all got in, none of the spotting Josh head inside the compound.
Tags: @nettuskainen, @justfangstvdto-mia, @daddyobrienx,  @proffesionalfangirl223, @laserchick101, @myangelarcade,  @kellinsbesitos, @dionnemaria, @eternalmikaelson,  @werewolvesplunderedourcameras, @brok3nsurvivor, @raggedymans-lover,  @heyitssilverwolf, @sawyerjeann, @a-perks-of-being-a-ravenclaw,  @yourphotographyteen16, @diva8302, @bookswillfindyouaway,  @holyfuckinghale1975, @updradebitch, @peice-of-whoops, @thequeen0fh3ll, @penguimo10, @megs4real, @lolsavheda, @littlemsdemon, @cheydenise5sos, @anoriginalvampirediary, @cutepuppy1303, @alexa040004, @just-your-average-fangirl07,  @laeyly,  @5seconds-of-fandoms,  @akshi8278, @langdonsgun, @geekoftv  ,  @emmabaker34,  @awkwardlyadorkablepanda, @frenchtherainbow, @fashionlive15, @drewkelliii, @galaxychipmunk,  @unic0rn-taking-0ver-th3-world,  @therealmrshale,  @sad-eyes-smiling-lips,  @icharleecongreve,  @mikealsonlover,  @wrapbuckyinablanket  , @totallovelesson,  @cantdealwithyourshitcarl,  @miikayywhocares, @evillightwood,  @shayx5,  @imnotafraid4​, @typicalweirdbookworm,  @sheridandwyer​,  @fangirling-over-all​,  @riverdale-teenwolf​,  @isabellanagasaka​,  @ogstydiashipper​
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I was tagged by the amazingly talents @justfangstvdto
1st RULE: Tag 9 people (No pressure if you don’t want to play!)
@courtsofstarlight @lein80 @disneyflower-7 @xlisa-tw, @vampirefairyestelle, @rhysand, @nekoorihime, @martinlydsia, @lifeofteenwolf101
2nd RULE: bold the statements that are true
I am 5'7" or taller
I am dark skinned
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair
I have brown eyes
I have short hair
I am overweight
My abs are at least somewhat defined
I have or have had braces
I have small feet
I love meeting new people
People tell me that I’m funny
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
There is something I would change about my personality
I’m mentally stable 
I can sing well
I can play an instrument
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well
I have a good memory
I’m good at doing math in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
I know how to throw a proper punch
I can sleep 8 hours uninterrupted
I enjoy reading
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week
I binge watch series regularly
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
Fandoms are my #1 passion 
I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have been rejected or rejected someone who was interested in me
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country
I have had my heart broken
I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have never been in a relationship
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have been in a relationship for at least a year 
I have had feelings for a friend
I have never loved someone
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
I live close to my school
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling
I live in the United States
I have lost someone special
I suffer/ suffered from mental illness
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CDs
I share my room with someone
I have breakdanced
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I wax/shave my body hair
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life
I speak at least 2 languages
I have made a new friend in the past year
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I was tagged
I was tagged by the great @multicolouredtw to answer these questions!
Rules: tag 20 blogs you’d like to get to know better
Nickname: Anna or Netje (the last one only works in Dutch)
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Height: 170cm (and I'm still too lazy to look up the inches and such)
Last thing you Googled: I think it's better not to write that down here, but it had something to do with a self para for an RP and deadly wounds.
Favorite music artist: Krezip!, Blof and that's about it, I think?
Song stuck my head: Zigge Zagge Zomer (It's one of those annoying summer songs that was released early....)
Last movie you watched: There is a huge chance it's Vampire Academy to satisfy my Dominic Sherwood crush
What are you wearing right now: A Jon Snow shirt and jeans
Why did you choose your URL: This URL is the shipname you get when you mix my name with "Alfred", a character from the musical "Tanz der Vampire". I'm thinking about changing it. I have "acourtofhopeanddreams" saved and I'm really dying to use that one.
Do you have any other blogs: Yes, I do. I have a writing blog @showandwrite and I have 5 roleplaying blogs: @mattheweddonovan, @justjennasommers, @mrgabrielsharp, @huntertaliamoore and @lana-parker
What did your last relationship teach you: I have never had a romantic relationship before, but the last kiss I shared has thought me that proving that you can get a man to kiss you doesn't make you feel better when the man doesn't stick in the end.
Religious or Spiritual: For me those two are connected and one can't live without the other
Favorite color: The blue of the sky in springtime
Average hours of sleep: I try to get 8 hours of sleep
Lucky Number: Everything involving an 8
Favorite characters: Alfred, Isaac Lahey, Deputy Jordan Parrish, Lucien Castle, Newt Scamander, Ethan Wate, Dorian Havilliard, Rhysand, Matthew Donovan/Honeycutt, TV-series-Jace Wayland, Jon Snow, Robb Stark
How many blankets do you sleep with: I own only one, sometimes I use an extra quiltblanket that my mother made me
Dream job: I would love to be a full time writer and I'd really want to be a mother one day.
I'm tagging: @lunna-star-8, @lein80, @frucienforever, @vampirefairyestelle, @merinathropp, @b-chocolatelover, @courtsofstarlight, @disneyflower-7, @enchantedrose2017, @guesswhofy, @harleys-quinzel, @justfangstvdto-mia, @kinetic-elaboration, @novemberseas-novemberskies, @oceanstiles, @purpleviolin91, @rhysand, @stefansalvatored, @theartofnotwriting
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