#justice for hamon
acacia-may · 1 year
He is very muchba side character in Black Clover, but a penny for your thoughts on Hamon Caseus 🥰
Hello friend and fellow Little Tree appreciator!🌲 I'm always happy to hear I'm not the only one who gets attached to the tiny side characters! Hamon is great, and I had a lot of rambles about him. However, I've put them under the cut because spoilers.
Thanks again for the ask and for playing my Penny for Your Thoughts ask game! 💖
(Warnings: Black Clover Spoilers)
Hamon is just delightful! His magic is really cool and very creative, and he's just a nice guy--what's not to like? 😊 He has such a positive attitude towards everything. There's this scene (in Episode 80 during the Royal Knights' Exam) that always makes me laugh where Charmy is literally climbing him like a tree in the background looking for food, and he just shrugs the whole thing off with a laugh. 😂
I'm fairly certain that Hamon is just the type of person who is pretty much up for anything, and it was really such a great moment when he offered his support for Finral and his plans for their team in the Royal Knights' Exam. He basically had the: "Well that sounds good to me!" attitude without a lot of question or hesitation, and the reader/watcher (having been following the Black Bulls around) knew what that meant to Finral and it really endeared Hamon to me.
Also, it's nice to know the Golden Dawn isn't entirely full of stuck-up, snobby sticks in the mud, right? I'm kidding. I love the Golden Dawn, but they certain have a lot of really intense, overachieving, type-A personalities there, yes? Whereas Hamon certainly has that desire to succeed, but he still seems to know how to have fun. I love that scene where he puts together that impromptu "concert" for Puli to sing to the rest of the Royal Knights. (Speaking of, I have no idea what was going on between them but I'm here for it! Hamon and Puli friendship? Camaraderie? True Love? (I don't know) for the win, y'all!)
It was very tragic how his story ended so prematurely, but he proved what a brave and outstanding person he was in the end when he was literally willing to die to protect his friends and his squad.
And for that reason, I've picked the song "For You" by Keith Urban for Hamon who made the ultimate sacrifice for his friends.
I’m not trying to be a hero I don’t wanna die But right now in this moment, you don’t think twice And I wonder, would I give my life Could I make that sacrifice If it came down to it Could I take the bullet, I would Yes I would, for you
For You - YouTube
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doodleplus · 10 months
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Landing among the stars
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autumnslance · 1 month
(@driftward) Glimpes of the past meme. What has AERYN ACHIEVED? A CRITICAL C'ORETTA moment? When was IYNA INJURED? And when Dark, uhhh, Dark.. uhhhh.. AUTUMN AFRAID? And maybe a bonus MORTAL moment with... (wait for it) MEVAN?
Gremlin. All of these prompts on the same doc came to a bit over 4000 words. Half of these words are these scenes.
There's a lot here, so under a cut they go!
send ACHIEVED for a scene from my muse's past in which they completed / achieved something they were proud of
“Top marks again,” Emelia said, smiling brightly. “Even beating out the older students.”
Aeryn shrugged, trying to remain modest but seeing how pleased her parents were made her smile in return.
“Your academic skill has been noticed,” Tanzel said, reaching over to squeeze her skinny shoulder. “My old friend at the High Crucible has been following with interest. He is willing to sponsor your continued studies, on the condition you apprentice with him afterwards.”
“Truly?” Emelia asked, while the grandmothers murmured in the background.
Aeryn frowned. “I like alchemy, but I want to study magic.” She ignored Nani Shaila’s derisive snort.
Tanzel nodded. “I told him so, even with how…difficult, casting has been for you,” he said diplomatically. “But he thinks a well-rounded education in the current theories will be an excellent foundation, given the work they must do for the satrap.”
Her heart beat a bit faster. She could still study what she wanted—she was so close to figuring out how to tap into her aether, she just knew it—and would have secured herself a position in the High Crucible as well. She nodded eagerly, trying to contain her excitement.
Even better, Zaine was coming home on leave in a few days, and she couldn’t wait to tell him.
send CRITICAL for a scene from my muse's past in which they thought about / were reminded of something they're insecure about
C’oretta paused just inside the door of their house, hearing the nurse Master Hamon had insisted upon talking with her mother. “Now then, Miss C’leiha, let’s get this done before your daughter gets home.”
“I told you before, Mida,” C’leiha said. The nurse’s name was not Mida. “Khell wants a big family, but I am not interested in having children.”
C’oretta bit her lip as the nurse took in a deep breath. “Is that so, Miss?” The nurse said mildly.
“Pregnancy is awful, and the changes to one’s health and body, even lasting after, ugh,” C’leiha shuddered. “And I’ve missed opportunities with my career I wouldn’t otherwise. No, we shall not be having a big family. I’d be happy with just the two of us.”
C’oretta forced her smile back on and called “Mama, I’m home!” before she stepped into the room.
C’leiha sat up, beaming. “Oretta! Welcome home, darling, did you have a good day at school?”
Reminding C’leiha that she was training at the Pugilist Guild now wouldn’t be useful, so C’oretta only nodded, still smiling, shrugging slightly at the nurse’s apologetic look.
send INJURED for a scene from my muse's past in which they sustained a significant injury
To all of my children in whom Life flows abundant…
The sky burned. Iyna’s head ached as if struck, though it was her side that felt every flame.
…To all of my children, to whom Death hath passed his judgment…
She had been returning to the Citadel when something had obviously, terribly gone Wrong with the transmitter, Dalamud distantly pulsing red in the sky above.
…The soul yearns for honor, and the flesh the hereafter…
Her flesh was certainly yearning for relief of some kind, though not that of the Lifestream just yet. She pulled herself to her feet, wincing and holding the gushing wound at her side. That wasn’t good.
…Look to those who walked before to lead those who walk after…
Her ears rang, the words hard to make out, but she turned back to where her contacts had risked dropping her off and hobbled that way.
…Shining is the Land's light of justice…
The land was twisted and torn, what parts of the city that hadn’t collapsed burning. She blocked out the sounds and scents of people dying, as she had hundreds of times over the decades.
…Ever flows the Land’s well of purpose…
What the fuck had Garlond done?
…Walk free, walk free, walk free, believe…
She stumbled on, holding her side, calling on years of training and discipline and hate and stubborness to keep going, the ringing sound almost like a song in her ears urging her forward…
…The Land is alive, so believe…
“Iyna!” The familiar voices of her rebel contacts drew near, and she almost wanted to weep in relief. They were still there. They had come to find her, knowing she wouldn’t have gotten to the city proper yet, in her circuitous route to throw off suspicion.
Caution was no longer needed. There would never be a better time.
“Let’s get out of here,” she said, swaying into her allies’ arms. “They’ll think I died with the rest.”
“You still might. Gods, this is a lot of blood!”
“Carry her, we have to go.”
A hrothgar scooped her up, and they ran through the burning woods to their transport.
The song continued, a terrible lullaby sending Iyna into dreams of more fiery skies and burning cities.
When she woke days later, side stitched and burns covered, she did not remember the dreams nor the song.
(Later she recognized the voice)
send AFRAID for a scene from my muse's past in which they were scared / under threat
Dark shouldn’t have wandered away from her siblings.
They were noisy even when not chattering and laughing and so she had slipped away to hunt for herself, and had found a nice young antelope she could easily take with her bow.
Then the boar had arrived, scaring off her quarry and staring at Dark with its angry eyes.
She stood frozen, hoping if she just didn’t move one way or another it would go. At thirteen summers, she was taller than many adult Hyurs, but still unmistakably adolescent in her gangly limbs that did not match the size of her hands and feet, nor her still plank-straight torso. Her shortbow’s pull was strong, enough for wildlife up to small deer, but a boar?
It was larger than her, its hide thick and tough, its yellowed tusks long and pointed. It huffed out a heavy breath.
Dark swallowed a whimper and tried to stop her trembling.
It rushed forward. Dark screamed, loosing her arrow instinctively. It pinged off a tusk.
There was a shout, and the boar was body checked by a large roegadyn man, his spear driving into the creature’s side. Dark let loose another arrow. This one, luckily, pierced through the boar’s eye, finishing its ferocious death throes.
She fell to the ground, shaking and choking out a little sob.
Cold Autumn pushed himself off the boar’s twitching, whimpering, dying body. He stood there for a moment, shaking himself, muttering prayers and curses to both Nophica and the Elementals, apologizing for what had transpired, thanking them for the bounty of the boar’s body while keeping his sister safe, promising to see none of the boar wasted. The ritual helped him calm down, giving Dark the time to settle as well, and whisper her own prayers in response, following her eldest brother’s example.
His broad shadow fell over her, and she looked up. His expression of relieved anger was almost more frightening than the boar had been. “I told you to stick with us,” Cold said.
She nodded. She had disobeyed. The others were calling from the woods, hurrying through the underbrush, asking if everything was all right.
“We’re fine!” Cold called, deep voice easily carrying through the woods, slowing their siblings’ rush. He reached down and grabbed Dark’s upper arms, his hands huge and strong as he hauled her to her feet and looked her over. “Hurt?” he asked, tone gentler.
She shook her head.
“Good shot,” he said. “Finished it quicker than I could alone. Don’t do this again, Mouse.”
She nodded, flinging forward to hug him tightly. He returned the embrace, and then led her to rejoin the others.
send MORTAL for a scene from my muse's past in which they had a brush with death, either themselves or someone close to them
The tunnel’s collapse was sudden, no Earth inspired nearby to sense, let alone stop, it. Mevan’s training with the town physicker wasn’t so much interrupted as changed in its course, following him to the site as people were pulled out of the rubble. She and the physicker were kept busy, hours passing in a blur.
She used the basic cleanse inspiration, many of the miners too injured to hiss at the sharpness of the aether scouring their forms. She used alchemical solutions to dull their pains and medicate scraped and torn flesh. She traced her hands over their wounds as if she were stitching them, her inspiration knitting them together. She set broken bones, weaving torn tendons, ligaments, muscles, flesh into whole pieces before splinting the limbs or wrapping the ribs, the spines.
Through it all, Mevan grit her teeth, mouth full of the taste of copper and grit, bones aching, skin tender, innards twisted. She felt each cut and bruise, each break and tear, that her patients experienced, her inspiration’s sympathetic reactions guiding her to what needed healing.
Her back ached, legs tingling as if asleep as she worked on a broken spine. She wasn’t good enough to deal with nerve damage yet; hopefully Master Ildris would come soon, a message had been sent to the enclave…
A shout, as one more body was pulled from deep in the rubble. They called for Mevan, and she ran to see. The man barely breathed, every attempt a shallow, raspy hiss. He was a mass of blood and bruising, limbs crushed and mangled. She set to work.
Sparks danced in her hair as she cleansed him, more blood welling and pooling in places it should not be. His skull had been mostly protected by his helm and luck besides, so there was no brain damage—not from being struck, anyway. She ignored his extremities for now, seeking the damages in his pulverized and punctured torso.
It was so much. Too much, making her sway as blackness crowded her vision. But she sucked in a breath and set to work. Mevan was only Celestial inspired, but she had aetheric reserves that made even Divines jealous. She could keep going. She had to.
So she began knitting his wrecked organs back together. Clearing and repairing his lungs so he could breathe…but his airways were blocked, so take care of that. That caused a skip in his also damaged heart, so hurry there, finish the lungs in a moment…but now other things were failing, more blood and bile where it shouldn’t be, a cascade that she chased, trying to catch up to the failing pieces. She even tried turning the sympathetic bond around, willing her own organs to remind his how they ought to work—
“Mevan,” Ildris’s voice, soft and sad. Her thin, calloused hand rested on Mevan’s. “Ease his pain. And let him go.”
“But I can—”
“No,” her mentor said. “There are some things beyond even Inspiration. You’ve done more than could be expected, but it’s just as important that we know when to give in to fate.”
Mevan’s vision blurred, from both weariness and tears. The man was too weak to groan, but as deep as she was in his innards, she felt every agony. She withdrew; slowly, carefully, and with Ildris’s guidance, dulled his nerves and released the humors that would make him feel better than he was. Mevan fumbled for one of her vials, pouring it down his throat, sensing further relief as he relaxed, little other sensation left to him as she watched his battered organs fail.
Her own breath paused, briefly, as his finally rattled to a stop.
Mevan slumped against Ildris, who held and rocked her, brushing a kiss across Mevan’s temple, as she had when Mevan was a child and sobbing about how she missed her home, how she couldn’t reach the promise of her inspiration—not until she found her calling to heal.
“I know,” Ildris said. “The first is the hardest.”
“It gets easier?” Mevan rasped, her vision swimming, darkening as she shivered; she had been healing for hours, and this had been the worst. She had hit aethershock.
“No,” Ildris admitted, as Mevan’s consciousness faded away.
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cassyapper · 2 years
actually i’ll get into it why not. so holly italian american in 1950s (not a good thing to be in 1950s) in new york city (which was a mix mash of rich but also very poor. just walking past your neighborhood would mean going into a new world essentially). joseph and suzi do their absolute best to keep her safe and away from the worst of it but holly is a curious kid: she is joseph “heh. what will happen if i do xyz” joestar and suzi “i love teasing i love being sillay i love poking and prodding and see ppl get flustered” q’s daughter ok she does not keep her nose clean
anyway jotaro gets his sense of justice from SOMEWHERE ie HOLLY so when she sees really intense like, gang turf wars and classism and stuff, she goes nuts. esp re the police-community tension that was particularly notorious at the time (holly didn’t trust them). so obviously she takes it into her own hands and runs headfirst into the shit
i dont think she realizes it’s a systemic problem so she’s just going at it trying to fix it all on an individual basis and she enjoys that work but it is EXHAUSTING. she thinks of herself as a one man army cause she has this special super power (hamon but she doesnt know what it’s called) but that doesnt mean she’s invincible (she will have a hard time learning this)
she makes friends and all that and they rib into her HARD for being a little rich girl who clealry has a savior complex. but also they do love holly and holly loves them. also their perspective of her actions does help her consider what would be the most effective way of dealing with things. her friends love her but they tell her that it’s obvious she’s only doing this cause she gets gratification out of it when the more successful way of helping them would to be throwing money into lobbying for better community care and safety nets. holly admittedly is not very good at smooth talking tho so her friends def help her on that
however she also makes enemies along the way with her meddling and in true jojo protag fashoin she and her friends get attacked and people Die. esp cause the police do not like her so no one is coming to help. holly is so depserate and begging anyone to jsut come help and it’s only then she realizes she can’t save everyone -- too many people are bleeding out around her and she only has two hands and a rudimentary understanding of hamon -- and she realizes how it’s indicative of how she was acting this whole time, how she as one person cannot save everyone from systemic abuse, and she, like her son will one day, shuts down. the only way she can conceptualize it is by blaming herself, if just so she has something to obsess over, if just so she has a way to guarantee herself that this will never, ever happen again
so she closes off, but not in the same way jotaro does -- she’s friendly in her new aloofness. she has a hard time connecting ever again (sadao is patient and kind when they meet later during college and she loves him, she loves him so much, but she’ll never fully open up to him precisely because of that reason and it breaks his heart). she goes joseph to lobby for better societal safety nets like her friends told her to do and she tries to smother an individual fighting spirit because she’s convinced being on the offense herself will lead to only death. she’s lost confidence in herself. she doesnt believe in her ability anymore <- this btw is why her stand is killing her. it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. she believes she’s not strong enough, she DOESN’T WANT TO BE strong enough because she’s convinced she can only lead people to ruin. she HAS the will power to have a stand which is why she was even DEVELOPING IT in the FIRST PLACE but she just was too scared of what that meant. she wanted to believe she was passive so she smothered it and it started choking her in return
^ i think holly and her stand have a rough relationship at first because of this. esp cause like, once dio was defeated and holly saw how her stubbornly keeping to passivity just meant others would have to be assertive for her (and therefore dying where she thinks she shouldve), she accepts to an extent that she has will. she still doesnt trust it but she accepts she has it. so her stand grows in and it’s rocky. think a less explosive purple haze and fugo relationship. holly post part 3 works on accepting it and in turn herself, but it’s never gonna be perfect because her only son, her baby, cannot trust her (cause jotaro is jsut like holly in that he’s scared of himself and what he could do to his loved ones, so he cuts them off; however holly blames herself for this. literally snake eating its own tail ohh kujos). sadao helps where he can though
anyway umm yeah. i think that’s the gist.
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starry-blue-echoes · 1 year
Alright, you seem to like people sharing their own OCs/AUs, so I figured I’d share mine. 
For the purposes of context/connection, this is the AU/OC universe is where my “JoJos intros/outros as stands” characters are going to be from.
The tentative title for this story is “JeJe’s Odd Experiences”.
Despite the name, the intention is for the story to be rather serious (or as serious as any JoJo’s bizarre adventure spinoff can get, at least).
The story follow’s the Jemoon family, starting with Jean Jemoon, a very, very distant cousin of Jonathan Joestar, who ends up going on a bizarre adventure of his own, and setting a trend for all of his (? I haven’t given any of my protagonists definitive genders yet) descendants to follow. 
The plan would be to have one part to mirror each JoJo part, sharing roughly the same time period and location, as well as a few events that would tie it into actual “canon” without directly interfering with it.
Part 1 would be about a small village in the English countryside, that comes under attack by a slightly more intelligent than normal zombie that escaped WindKnight’s Lot before the Hamon users arrived. It is up to the brave Jean Jemoon and a band of brave villagers to put a stop to this undead menace once and for all!
Part 2 would be about an archeology team in Central America that is sponsored by the Speedwagon foundation. Their official mission is to “learn about the ancient cultures”, with a secret unstated mission of finding and destroying as many Stone Masks as possible. 
This leads them into conflict of a rival archeology team of German occultists and cyborgs, who want to use the masks for their own purposes.
Part 3 has a less well-defined start, but for one reason or another the users of [Sono Chi No Sadame], [Bloody Stream], and [Stand Proud] end up on a globe-trotting adventure. 
They will face stands based on the “Deck of Many Things” (a magic deck of cards from D&D, with each card having a different magic effect. Its the closest thing I could think of for a tarot deck stand-in).
The users of [Roundabout], [Walk like and Egyptian] and [Last Train Home] will also be present but more as rivals or temporary allies than outright enemies. 
The yet to be clearly defined reason for their journey eventually takes them to Greece, where they face off against 12 more stand users, each one with a stand based on one of the Greek Gods. 
Part 4 takes place in a small, peaceful town in Japan, somewhat close to Morioh. However, after discovering the existence of [Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town], the users of [Great Days], [Chase], and [I want you] realize their supposedly peaceful town has a lot of secrets, some of them being particularly gruesome…
Part 5 would be about a group of Stand-using vigilantes, the users of [Fighting Gold]  [Traitor’s Requiem] [Freek’n You] and [Modern Crusaders]. They come to the conclusion that the lthe law and government is corrupt, they must take justice into their own hands, and decide to take it upon themselves to take down the local Passione group.
Part 6 has an unclear plot. It will either take place in Green Dolphin prison, or some other prison in Florida. And the initial plot would involve prison gang activates, involving the users of [Stone Ocean], [Heaven’s Falling Down], and [Distant Dreamer]. But past that, the course the story will take is unclear. I don’t know how directly I want to involve, or not involve, the plan to achieve Heaven and the universe reset. Another difficulty is that as the last part within this story, I need to wrap up the overarching story and theme of the parts, but I can’t really do that when I don’t have the overarching story or theme written yet.
Since I have mostly just making up stands, parts 3, 4, and 5 are the most developed of the parts.
This is what I meant by me having a lot of stand/OC ideas. 
What started as me trying to think of stand abilities for a few songs spiralled all the way out of control into whatever this is. Having actually taken the time to type this all out, I have just now come to the realization of how big this AU/OC project is.
However, what this massive project currently consists of is a lot of stand ideas, some character ideas, a few cool story beats, some vague ideas for character design and names, and the barest amount of an actual story worked out.
Sorry(?) for yet another long ask, I apparently can’t right anything shorter than a page-long essay when I’m writing about JoJo.
If you want to know more about the other stand ideas, the characters or even more story specifics, I would be happy to do so (I had a lot of fun just writing this).
also, no need to apologise at all, really long asks Spark So Much Joy because it gives me so much to think about and work with, so I really love it and would love to hear more if you'd like to share :>
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sepyana · 11 months
Jjba Stardust Crusaders Ep. 34-39 Thoughts
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Under the cut
Ep. 34-35 (D'Arby)
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These episodes were pretty solid! Good setup and pay-offs.
The opening scene is so funny to me, they are all synced... wow
D'Arby is entertaining, his Japanese VA really does a lot ot he work, despite the dodgy English. I'd say his stand ability is a bit too obvious, taking people's soulds by gambling. I feel like something more interesting could have been done but it's fine as is, the stand's design makes up for it.
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Also, this episode implies people in JJBA have souls? I'm saying implied because it's a real possibility that those are not actual souls, just a part of stands ability.
I love how fucking pissed Advol is this episode. I can't blame him.
I initially thought this was gonna be a Joseph episode since he is a natural gambler. I did like the direction they took. It's showing us that even someone like Joseph can't out cheat D'arby, getting rid of that as an option.
It's a bit weird that Joseph doesn't use hamon to keep the drink from spilling. Hamon would make too much noise, I guess?
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The confortation between D'Arby and Jotaro was the best part, I think. It's entirely non-combat but the show utilizes a lot of the tactics it uses for fight scenes. With the lines and the colors and the music.
Jotaro is secretly the funniest character in part 3 and nothing will change my mind. He has Star Platinum bring him a drink and light his cig while betting his and his friends' souls. He could have done all these thing without being so extra about it.
D'Arby fucked up by letting Jotaro bet people's souls with a contract. I sure he thought there is no way he would go for it. He doesn't even flinch when betting Kakyoin's soul which is so funny to me. If the group is going down I'm taking him with us too. He doesn't get a pass just because he is away in the hospital.
Then he bets his own mother's soul. I was sort of expecting that to happen since if he dies, Holly will die too anyway.
I think he should have bet Iggy's soul too while D'Arby was panicking just to get the point across lol
Yeah these episodes were fun. The mechanics around the contracts gets a bit confusing if you think about it but who cares.
Ep. 36-37
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I did say before that I would kill to see Hol Horse and DIO interact and guess what?? It was so worth it. I liked this way more than the DIO scenes before.
Otherwise? I struggle to find anything to talk about. I feel like this was just here just because of the set up from earlier, in the Justice episode. It would be worse if they never acknowledged Hol Horse at all.
My question is that, Is the scene with DIO earlier the reason Hol Horse's watch is wrong? I already know DIO's power is stopping time cuz everyone who has heard of JoJo knows. Let's be real. It doesn't make that much sense when I think about it but I assumed that was what they intended while watching.
Ep. 38-39 (Pet Shop)
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I was really mixed on it initially but I think I like it a lot now. A fight scene between a superpowered bird and a dog have no right to be this well done.
The most notable thing I don't like about it is a personal preference. I don't like when animals in a show are anthropomorphized. Because part of the fun of an animal companion is that they don't think like us. The most amount of it I don't mind is Missile from Ghost Trick, as an example. Even the way he is drawn now anthropomorphizes him.
I did love the fight scenes. I love that whenever Iggy thinks he has escaped he gets found again.
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The shows stops in it's tracks sometimes to tell us how COOL and FEROCIOUS hawks are, just really hyping up Pet Shop.
Speaking of Pet Shop, I really like him. I've found the Engrish names in JJBA charming, It gives a completely different vibe to those who know English compared to Japanese people who do not. It's not intended but it is either really funny or really bold. Pet Shop's name shows that well.
His design is strangely cute. Intimidating but also cute :) It's funny to think how DIO recruited him. Did DIO gave that outfit to him??
When Iggy started having flashbacks I thought "Holy shit is he gonna actually die??" You know how jjba is, if we learn a character's backstory it means death for them. The show knows this. It waits for the last possible second to save him, to make you think he was gonna die for real.
It was really sad seeing Iggy struggle to walk. I said I don't like tiny dogs but what I dislike even more is how much jjba loves torturing dogs.
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So, Kakyoin is back. With sick shades too. I don't know why he has them, maybe his eyes are sensitive to light after treatment? They are a bit extra, sure, but they also fit his character really well for some reason. I appreciate this costume change and that he has scars left from the incident.
I love that everyone rushes towards him, sort of hugging and and then Jotaro is just like 😐. I know he is emo but he could at least pretend to be a bit more excited.
The translator of the manga I was reading even left a little note on top going "MY BRO MY BRO IS BACK".
They have found DIO's hideout so... we are reaching the end. I am excited but also a little bit scared.
People wouldn't be praising this part ao much if it had a horrible ending, so I'm not really worried about it being bad, at least.
Praying for my lads to make it out alive lol
I will try to watch the last 9 episodes as soon as possible.
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maddmuses · 1 year
Secondary Muse Directory
These muses are on-request for existing partners and under other circumstances where *I* want to play them only. If you’re new here, you’re not likely to get it unless I bring it up.
Multimedia // DC Universe
-Bruce Wayne: You know what it’s about. He’s The Caped Crusader, The Dark Knight, other third example; I Am The Night (Bruce Wayne) (He/Him; Bisexual)[I only RP this for specific friends quit fucking asking] 
Multimedia // Other Comics
-Al Simmons: The Hellspawn and rebel from hell, Al is the greatest enemy of both Heaven and Hell; Rexspawned (Al Simmons/Spawn) (He/Him; Het)
Multimedia // Avatar Universe
-Zuko of The Fire Nation: The Prince, and then later ruler, of The Fire Nation. He was once scarred as a sign of his dishonor, but has found his honor again as an ally to the Avatar; Honor! (Zuko) (He/Him; Bi)
-Avatar Kuruk of The Water Tribe: An Avatar in an era of perceived peace. Traveling with his own team Avatar he would often fight dark spirits, which slowly ate at his own spirit; Go With The Flow (Avatar Kuruk) (He/They; Lawful Sad)
Anime // Boku no Hero Academia
-Toshinori Yagi: The number one hero All Might! Currently retired, he suffers from debilitating physical injuries and the loss of his quirk!;  A Real Hero Will Always Find A Way For Justice To Be Served!! (Toshinori Yagi/All Might) (He/Him; Demi)
-Rumi Usagiyama: No. 5 Hero Mirko and local Megan Thee Stallion impersonator, Rumi is objectively and empirically best girl. Literally ranked the highest, go look or she’ll kick your butt; I Live Every Day Like There’s No Tomorrow!! (Rumi Usagiyama) (She/Her; Pansexual)
-Toya Todoroki: The mysterious flame villain Dabi, and eldest son of Endeavor;  The Mysterious First Son (Dabi/Toya Todoroki) (He/They; Demi)
-Shoryuu Takeshi: A martial artist hero-in-training, he’s the national champion for high school karate in the open quirks division; It’s Time To Have Some Fun!! (Shoryuu Takeshi) (He/Him; Hetero)
Anime // Bleach
-Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez: Numero 6 Espada and verified catboy; Grim Jawed Panther (Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez) (He/Him; Fightsexual)
Anime // Naruto
-Kakashi Hatake: Sixth Hokage and leader of Squad 7, he is often known as The Copy Ninja; I Will Never Let My Comrades Die (Kakashi Hatake)  (Ask me about my canon divergence) (He/Him; Tired Bi)
-Tenten: A weapon’s specialist of the highest regard, and known in Konoha for being peerless. Give her a weapon, and she seems to know how to use it; The True Blade Maiden (Tenten) (She/Her; Bisexual)
Anime // Shonen
-Saitama: A hero for fun, that name exists for him and him alone; Hurry! We have to get there before the supermarket closes!! (Saitama) (He/Him; Homoromantic Asexual)
-Joseph Joestar: Grandson of Johnathan Joestar and the torch carrier of the Joestar legacy through Battle Tendancy. A master of Hamon/Ripple and user of the stand Hermit Purple, he becomes Jotaro’s mentor in Stardust Crusaders; Oh My God!! (Joseph Joestar) (He/Him; Powerfully Jojo)
-Jotaro Kujo: Grandson of Joseph Joestar and user of the stand Star Platinum, then later Star Platinum: The World. A stoic and aloof young man, he deeply cares for his loved ones, and will stop at nothing to protect them; Yare Yare Daze... (Jotaro Kujo) (He/Him; Devastatingly Jojo)
Literature // Fantasy
-Harry Potter: Prophecy’s hero, and future Auror; The Boy Who Lived (Harry Potter) (He/Him [trans]; Pan)
Literature // Horror
-Kay McCall: Feminist author and all around bad bitch who two abusive assholes can’t stop; The Survivor’s Survivor (Kay McCall) (She/Her; Heteroflexible)
Video Games // Fighting
-Jin Kazama: The son of Kazuya Mishima and two-time winner of The King of Iron Fist Tournament; The Crimson Lightning (Jin Kazama) (He/Him; Bisexual)
Video Games // RPG
-Yojimbo: The ultimate sellsword, an astral being and summon that specializes in taking payment for his ability to slay any enemy; The God of The Blade (Yojimbo) (Whatever you’ll pay He/Him to be)
-Adrian “Alucard” Ţepeş: Son of the most powerful vampire and hero of Romania;  Regal Dhampir (Adrian Alucard Ţepeş) (Eldritch Entity)
Film and Television // Karate Kid and Cobra Kai
-Johnny Lawrence: Ace degenerate and master of Cobra Kai, former champ of the All-Valley Karate tournament and sensei of the 2018 champ Miguel; The Best Defense is More Offense (Johnny Lawrence) (He/Him; Het)
Film and Television // Animation
-Clay Bailey: The Xiaolin Dragon of Earth, Shoku Warrior, and Rootinest of Tootinest Cowpokes; Quaking Beast (Clay Bailey) (He/Him; DemiPanRo)
-Reagan Ridley: Local science girlboss and COO of Cognito Inc. Generally too stressed by all this shit, and is making sure the world order doesn’t fall apart at the seams. (She/Her; Bi Bi Bi)
-JFK (John “Jack” F. Kennedy): The clone of the original JFK created by a board of shadowy figures. Captain of the football team and Capitán of the futbol team; I’m a Kennedy! I’m not accustomed to tragedy!! (JFK) (He/Him; Questioning) 
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ancestorsofjudah · 7 months
2 Kings 10: 9-11. "Hamas."
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I have been convicted of saying all Republican Lawmakers, Supreme Court Justices, the Apostles and Seventies of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, members of the Trump Campaign and Cabinet and Putin Administration, every member of Hamas as well as any allies must be legally arrested and put to death at once for their Crimes Against Us.
You want to cheat in an national election for the sake of Pro-Life and then get away with fucking little kids on film, murdering immigrants and trans people? For this you must die.
Root, branch, and bloom, all evil on this world has to be burnt. It must not produce any more fruits. While it seems like this is harsh, the innocent people who are left will celebrate and be glad and it is for their sakes we strive to put an end to all the nonsense and nonesuch, the prejudice, the strife and superstition. This idea, getting rid of the ancestors of evil is named in every religion. It is the very Seat of Justice, this zero tolerance policy:
9 The next morning Jehu went out. He stood before all the people and said, “You are innocent. It was I who conspired against my master and killed him, but who killed all these? 
10 Know, then, that not a word the Lord has spoken against the house of Ahab will fail. The Lord has done what he announced through his servant Elijah.” 
11 So Jehu killed everyone in Jezreel- what God sows- who remained of the house of Ahab, as well as all his chief men, his close friends and his priests, leaving him no survivors.
The Values in Gematria are:
v. 9: the Value in Gematria is 10132, יאגב, yagev, "God in the midst.''
v. 10: the Value in Gematria is 9064, טאֶפֶסו‎ה, tapasya, a Sanskrit term, meaning "penance." 'v. 10: the Value in Gematria is 9064, טאֶפֶסו‎ה, tapasya, a Sanskrit term, meaning "penance." ''v. 10: the Value in Gematria is 9064, טאֶפֶסו‎ה, tapasya, a Sanskrit term, meaning "penance." 'v. 10: the Value in Gematria is 9064, טאֶפֶסו‎ה, tapasya, a Sanskrit term, meaning "penance."
v. 11: the Value in Gematria is 10686, י‎וחו‎, yohu, "the Day of Hamas" - "the day of the noisy multitude."
"The masculine pronouns הם (hem) and המה (hemma) mean "they." The feminine versions are הנה (henna) and הן (hen). The singular versions (meaning he and she) are הוא (hu) and היא (hi).
The similar verb המה (hama) means to be noisy, and that particularly of a "them". The derived masculine noun המון (hamon) denotes a noisy multitude."
=It's time for Vengeance.
Ridding the world of human garbage, corrupt, murderous, disobedient to the law, is what the Scripture says to do, so that is what we must do.
Come, come now, you Republicans and Hamas marauders, Mormons and Russian Oligarchs, surely you knew this day was coming. Be strong.
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acacia-may · 28 days
For What It's Worth (Black Clover Fanfic)
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A shadow looms over the dining room when the Golden Dawn gathers for the first time after tragedy threatened to destroy them. Even Yuno who has strived to remain emotionally detached feels its bitter sting, but his attempts to push it aside are thwarted as soon as it becomes abundantly clear that a certain flower mage is in desperate need a friend.
Yuno has always considered himself ill-equipped to deal with emotionally charged situations, and, despite Langris' apparent insistence to the contrary, he doubts that he is in any way qualified to act as consoler. He finds, however, that, for Mimosa at least, he is willing to try.
Yuno & Mimosa’s Friendship and Hurt/Comfort. Also, Yuno & Langris’ Friendship and the Golden Dawn as family.
Characters: Yuno (POV Character), Mimosa Vermillion, Langris Vaude, Klaus Lunettes, William Vangeance, and the Golden Dawn (David is mentioned which is important to me)
Relationships: Yuno & Mimosa Friendship, Yuno & Langris Friendship, Yuno & The Golden Dawn Friendship
Genre: Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Golden Dawn as Family, Post-Spade Arc, William Vangeance is a Softie (Change My Mind), and Yuno Can't Feelings But Is Trying His Best.
Warnings: Implied/Referenced Canonical Character Death, Grief, Black Clover Spoilers for the Spade Arc.
Rated: G
Word Count: 2,612
A/N: This fic is the first and only time I ever wrote in Yuno's POV (apologies in advance to all my Yuno enthusiast friends. I hope I've done him justice 😅). I mentioned this fic in an answer to a recent ask and realized I never cross-posted it to Tumblr. After rereading it on AO3, I thought it was deserving of a home here too. I hope you all enjoy it.
Link to Work on AO3. Full Text Below the Cut. Thank you for reading!
With a sigh, Yuno pushed the food around his plate. It looked delicious—far more decadent than anything he had experienced growing up in Hage Village where most meals consisted of only potatoes. Yuno sighed again. That seemed so long ago now, and so much had happened since then leaving Yuno feeling hardened and weary—old, his mind finished for him.
He placed his fork at the side of his plate. He didn’t feel like eating.
Neither did many of his squad mates, it seemed, as the dining table was filled with picked over plates of food. Klaus, who was seated to his right, had barely touched his besides to take a few bites of steamed green beans and Yuno couldn’t help but wonder if that was only to be polite.
The seat to Yuno’s left was vacant as was the seat to Klaus’ right, but place settings had been laid out in front of them anyway. The sight made Yuno’s stomach churn, and the quiet conversations of his squad mates faded as Yuno’s gaze drifted to the many untouched place settings and empty chairs around their table. His chest grew tight, and he swallowed hard.
Klaus gently nudged his elbow as he reached for a knife and gave him a sympathetic smile before returning to his green beans. David’s voice carried from the other end of the table telling a story not nearly as exuberantly as Yuno had heard it before. Directly across from him, Langris pursed his lips together and grabbed for his glass of wine. He met Yuno’s eyes with a slight tilt of his head. Yuno knew he was thinking the same thing. They all were. 
It was the first time the Golden Dawn had shared a meal together since rescuing Captain Vangeance from Spade, and it was palpably quieter than it had been before. Something twisted in Yuno’s chest as he remembered some of the meals they had shared together in a past that was growing more and more distant—the clanging of glasses as Hamon made a toast; the applause as Shiren stepped in to cut generous portions of turkey for everyone; the raucous laughter and friendly conversation. Now there were only hushed tones, the sounds of silverware scraping against fine china, and a somber pall hovering over the dining room.  
Langris coughed drawing Yuno’s attention. His look conveyed more sympathy than any words and asked ‘Are you alright?’ Choosing not to think too deeply about the question, Yuno nodded with a slight shrug of his shoulders. Langris’ face softened, but he gave him a brisk nod before pointedly tilting his head towards Mimosa who was seated on his right. Though she stared intently at her plate, her gaze was glossy as if she wasn’t staring at anything at all. She hadn’t appeared to have eaten anything.
Langris looked back at Yuno then to Mimosa then to Yuno again. Yuno did much the same and they continued their nonverbal back-and-forth until Langris, seemingly exasperated with Yuno’s blank blinking, sighed and met his eyes with a pointed look that screamed ‘she’s your friend.’ Yuno sighed. He supposed he had always been closer to Mimosa than Langris was but that did not mean that Mimosa wasn’t Langris’ friend too. Yuno decided now was not the time to argue about this, however, and conceded that, yes, even though he still wasn’t entirely sure why Mimosa had adopted him as a friend in the first place, she certainly was now and he should probably do something—anything, his mind corrected—to help her. The only problem was, of course, that he had no idea what that ‘something’ or ‘anything’ was.
With a wish and prayer that the words would eventually come to him if he just started talking, Yuno cleared his throat. “Um…Mimosa?” 
It took her more than a few seconds to look up. Something panged in Yuno’s chest at the sight of her usually laughing eyes so dulled by grief.  “Yes?” she asked.
“Um…” Yuno’s mind suddenly went blank as she gave him the slightest most heartbreaking bittersweet smile. It was then that he noticed something glistening in the corners of her eyes. His heart sank. She was blinking back tears. 
Panicking more than he cared to admit, he glanced over at Langris who merely offered him a look that said, ‘Why in the world are you looking at me of all people?’ before he reached for his wine again with a bitter shake of his head. Yuno supposed Langris had a point. As much as Yuno had never considered himself adept with feelings due to his generally blunt and standoffish demeanour, Langris was much the same way and had insisted time and time again that he was cold, callous, and utterly ill-equipped to deal with these kinds of emotionally-charged situations. In other words, Yuno presumed, he was likely feeling just as helpless.
“Um…” Yuno repeated. “Are you…?��—his heartbeat pounded in his ears and something twisted in his stomach—“feeling okay?” The words felt stiff and unnatural as they fell out of his mouth.
Mimosa turned away from him abruptly but nodded. “Just not very hungry…”
Yuno swallowed hard at the pitiful hitch in her voice, and Langris having reached the bottom of his wine glass tilted his head towards Klaus, presumably suggesting that he would be better at handling this than either of them. In his best attempt to do so without appearing like a backwoods bumpkin from Hage or alerting Mimosa who was once again staring at her plate, Yuno gently nudged him with his elbow.
Klaus turned to him in confusion before Yuno tilted his head just slightly in Mimosa’s direction. “Are you alright, Mimosa?” he asked immediately with an ease that both baffled and impressed Yuno and, judging by his expression, Langris as well.  
Mimosa’s cheeks flushed almost as if she was embarrassed. “I’m fine,” she stumbled in an obvious lie. 
“Can I get you anything?” asked Langris who, Yuno presumed must have finally felt compelled to at least try something. 
“Um…maybe some butter, please?”
Dishes and silverware clanged as Langris, Klaus, and Yuno all bumped into each other reaching for the nearby butter dish at the same time. The room grew thick with silence, and Yuno became painfully aware of where all of his companions had suddenly turned their attention. A faint blush filled Langris’ cheeks despite his stern frown, and Klaus flushed as he cleared his throat and adjusted his glasses, which had been left askew in the kerfuffle. Yuno who had managed to reach the butter dish first, simply blinked at his squad mates before turning back to Mimosa and handing her the butter she had requested.
Her mouth had twitched in the corners though her blush had deepened. “I’m sorry, she whispered. “I didn’t want to cause…”
“Well, now that I have everyone’s attention,” said Captain Vangeance clearing his throat and, Yuno presumed, kindly trying to save them any further embarrassment while having no idea he had cut off Mimosa. Everyone turned to their Captain and raised their glasses as he tapped his for a toast. 
“I know this has been an incredibly difficult time for everyone. I don’t have to tell you all how hard it is to look around this table at all of the empty places and to think of all of the people who couldn’t be here with us tonight." As the Captain paused, Yuno’s eyes burned. Across the table from him, Langris stared at his glass and Mimosa’s fingers gripped the butter dish until her knuckles turned white. “Even though they may not eat at this table, they will always be a part of this squad.” Captain Vangeance’s voice hitched, and Yuno could have almost sworn he heard him sniffle, but he couldn’t bring himself to look up from his plate. “And as I look around at all of you here—my comrades and my friends—I am reminded of what an honor and a privilege it is to serve as your captain and I know that the Golden Dawn will endure”—he raised his glass—“To the Golden Dawn.”
“To the Golden Dawn,” repeated Yuno in unison with the rest of the table. As he held his glass to his lips, he noticed Mimosa hurriedly folding her napkin and rising from her seat, quietly excusing herself. Yuno’s stomach dropped as he caught sight of the tears which broke free of her desperate attempts to dry her eyes. He swallowed hard and watched her leave the dining room before he exchanged equally concerned glances with Klaus and Langris. Before either of them could say anything, however, Yuno’s body seemed to move on its own and he stood up from his chair.
Klaus tilted his head and Langris quirked an eyebrow at him, but Yuno somehow managed a reassuring nod that he could only hope conveyed, ‘I’ll go talk to her.’
Yuno found Mimosa sitting alone in the courtyard illuminated only by the light of the moon. Her shoulders were shaking as she buried her head in her hands. Yuno felt that familiar pang in his chest as he realized she was crying.
He stopped in his tracks unsure of what he should do. If he was being honest with himself, he hadn’t thought this far ahead. Leaving the dining room after her had been an impulsive thing—something Asta would do, he thought with a tilt of his head and the slightest twitch in the corners of his mouth—and he hadn’t given the slightest thought as to what he would do or what he would say when he finally caught up to her. What would Asta do if he was here instead, Yuno wondered.
For the next several moments, Yuno contemplated walking up to Mimosa and offering her some motivational pep talk about ‘never giving up’, giving the idea much more consideration than he knew that he should have. Mimosa probably didn’t need reassurance—she probably just needed a friend.
“Oh, Yuno?” she asked as she finally noticed him standing there. She wiped at her eyes, not that it made much of difference. He already knew she had been crying.
“Hey,” he said taking a seat next to her. “You okay?”
Mimosa nodded though her tearstained face and bloodshot eyes said otherwise. “Yeah…um…I just needed some air…”
Yuno blinked at her obvious lie. “Everybody’s worried about you,” he said in his blunt, matter-of-fact way, and Mimosa’s face blushed a beet red.
“I’m sorry,” she said twisting her hands. “I didn’t mean to worry anybody.”
Yuno shrugged. “It’s no problem. We’re your squad.”
Mimosa whimpered, and her shoulders began to shake again.
“Hey, please don’t cry,” he said—the even tone of his voice not at all reflective of his level of concern at seeing her cry again. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m sorry,” she apologized frantically swiping at the tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry. I just can’t stop thinking about—” Her voice hitched as if the words were getting tangled in the back of her throat. Yuno swallowed and nodded. She didn’t need to finish.
“I know,” he said softly. “Me too.”
“It’s all my fault,” cried Mimosa, no longer even trying to stop her tears.
“No, it’s not. It’s Zenon and his generals’ fault for attacking our base.” The words felt as forced and mechanical as they did when he told them to himself over and over, and he knew better than anyone that they were going to do very little to make her feel better.  
“But I wasn’t even here,” Mimosa argued. “If I was, maybe I could’ve saved them.”
“You saw what happened at the end of our battle in Spade,” she cut him off with a forcefulness that almost startled him—it was so unlike her. “All those people—they almost died…”
“And they would have if it wasn’t for you,” Yuno interjected.
Mimosa caught her breath—swiping at the tears cascading down her cheeks, and the words tumbled out of her mouth so quickly Yuno struggled to keep up with them. “But that’s the point isn’t it? If I could save Captain Yami and Gadjah and Nacht and all of those other people, why couldn’t I save Shiren or Hamon or the rest of our squad? They needed me, and I wasn’t there. If I was, I could’ve saved their lives too.”
“You don’t know that…”
“Yes, I do,” she argued curling her hands into fists.
“No, you don’t.” Heat rose in Yuno’s chest. He could hear it infecting his words as he spoke. “If you had been here, they would’ve just killed you too. We all would’ve died if it wasn’t for Captain Vangeance’s magic—back then…back then, there was nothing any of us could do.” As Yuno’s words echoed through the courtyard he wondered if he was speaking more to Mimosa or to himself. She must have been wondering the same thing because she turned to stare at him with kind and sympathetic eyes.
He turned away from her with a sigh. “Listen,” he said. “I know it’s hard not to second guess yourself. You’re an amazing mage, and you have incredible power—but this was not your battle to fight.”
Mimosa huffed and stood up from her seat—a fire and determination in her eyes that Yuno wasn’t used to. “I’m as much a part of the Golden Dawn as you. If my squad was fighting for their lives, I should have been there.”
“If you had died there, nobody you saved in Spade would’ve survived. Nobody, Mimosa,” said Yuno bluntly. His face softened. “And I know that’s not what our fallen comrades would’ve wanted.”
Mimosa sighed and took her seat again. She wiped at her eyes, but her shoulders had stopped shaking. After what felt like an eternity, she finally conceded in a small, quiet voice, “You’re right.”
Yuno felt no satisfaction in having won the argument. He certainly didn’t feel like a winner as he gave her a curt nod, and they sat side-by-side in the courtyard as she quietly cried—Yuno’s own eyes burning all the while with tears held back only by sheer force of will. He wasn’t sure how long they had sat there when he felt her hand brush up against his. He took it—giving it a gentle squeeze as if to remind her that he was still here, for whatever that was worth. When she squeezed his hand back, he wondered if she wanted him to know the same.
The words began to tumble out before he could stop them though they were so quiet he wasn’t sure she could even hear him. “For what it’s worth, I’m glad you weren’t there…” His voice trailed. “I don’t think I could’ve lost you.”
Mimosa sniffled, and Yuno turned to her with wide, concerned eyes. How had he made her cry again?
He was wondering how he could take back what he had said when she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a hug. “I don’t think I could’ve lost you, either,” she said as she pressed her chin to his shoulder. 
Yuno’s eyes widened, but before he could even begin to process what was happening, she pulled away from him again. Though her eyes were teary, she smiled at him.
“Thanks, Yuno,” she said before she sniffled and wiped her eyes. 
“Are you ready to go back in?” he asked.
“I’m ready if you are,” she said as she slipped her hand into his.
Yuno sighed with relief and nodded at her before they walked back into the dining room hand-in-hand.
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doodleplus · 2 years
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Some idea about more side characters having hamon that ended up in an aptly named ‘hamon blondes’ au. 
Ramblings about it under the cut ^^ (It’s a lot.)
- This au basically starts after Jonathan dies (sad) which somehow results in Erina and Speedwagon getting the consolation prize of hamon and only straizo to train them. Chaos ensues.
-More or less a lot of training & responsibility falls on them and they both have such a sense of justice that they end up on Ogre Street clearing out leftover vampires and other similar threats.
-Speedwagon can’t really bear to share in Erina’s inherited wealth so he tries to return to his home only to have an equally stubborn Erina follow him by buying a town house close by. 
-After George is born, they have to balance taking care of him while also making full use of their abilities to protect their town (?) so it’s common for one of the three (straizo, eri, wagon) to stay with Lisa Lisa and George and two to go out on rounds.
-Caesar and Suzi are good friends in this au. Caesar is used to her never-ending questions about hamon, and after the Esidisi fight, she’s decided to start training herself (which is why she doesn’t go to Switzerland; she’s recovering from the ripple diaphragm thing)
-She loves it. 100% a wild-card hamon user, with stunts that she doesn’t even think will work (but they do). Her favorite technique is imbuing small objects with hamon and throwing them like bullets (think that one episode in P4).
-Suzi ends up going to Cairo in P3, badgering her way in and being the team healer + hamon user. She gets onto Joseph constantly for not using hamon. She gets up at the crack of dawn and definitely has coffee with Avdol. 
-Despite his attitude, Jotaro is one of Suzi’s favorite family members. 
-Holly also gets some hamon as well, but unlike her mother and grandmother, she isn’t an offensive user, since she tends to bottle up a lot of emotion and has a harder time focusing on fighting back over helping someone else. Thus, when she gets a stand, it works against her because she spent so long working against herself.
-Erina and Speedwagon’s respective hamon uses (umbrella channel and fire) are nods to the fic Blood Obligation and some scenes from P1.
-Suzi’s outfit is based on the one she wears in her last appearance with some inspiration from Lisa Lisa’s.
-Holly’s bracelet is a gift from Sadao
-Jotaro has latent hamon, but all it can do is heal at the speed of a turtle while wasting immense amounts of energy. 
Here’s a doodle if you made it to the end! ^^
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purposehouse · 1 year
Happy Juneteenth?
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In Daniel 9, Daniel read Jeremiah's prophetic words and discovered that there was a set time for the captivity of his people to come to an end. But he needed the angel of the Lord to help him understand what he was reading and what actually needed to happen for the Jews to experience true liberation—in practice. Jeremiah had pronounced it, but it had not come to pass. Similarly, the United States had lawfully pronounced the freedom of slaves in the 1862 Emancipation Proclamation. Still, it did not happen in practice—it was not fully enforced until two and a half years later, on June 19, 1865, in Galveston, Texas. On that day, Union Army general Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston to inform enslaved African Americans of their freedom and that the Civil War had ended. His announcement put the two and half-year-old proclamation, signed by President Abraham Lincoln, into effect. That day, now celebrated as a federal holiday on June 19th, is called "Juneteenth” and is also called “Juneteenth Independence Day,” “Freedom Day,” “Emancipation Day,” or “Jubilee.” The enslavement of Blacks in America was inhumane, brutal, and treacherous, to say the least, and has had lasting detrimental effects on the families, finances, and daily functioning of African Americans for centuries. An estimated 2 million Africans died in the Middle Passage (Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade), and only 388,000 made it to North America. Thousands more who made it would die under dire conditions on slave plantations in the South or be brutally beaten to death by their slave masters. According to the Smithsonian, nearly 6,500 Blacks were lynched between 1865 and 1950. And these are only a few of the inhumane effects on African Americans. We have not even discussed the rape and abuse of Black women by their White owners. Those in Galveston had unlawfully endured two extra years of this treatment. So why wouldn’t Christians, people who believe in justice, liberty, and God’s love for people, celebrate Juneteenth? Our God loves justice; His throne is established on justice. King David said, “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; steadfast love and faithfulness go before you” (Psalm 89:14). And He calls His followers to also stand for justice: “This is what the Lord says: Be fair-minded and just. Do what is right! Help those who have been robbed; rescue them from their oppressors. Quit your evil deeds! Do not mistreat foreigners, orphans, and widows. Stop murdering the innocent!” (Jeremiah 22:3 NLT).  Indeed, wherever the Gospel is preached, there must be liberation, and His people should stand for justice. So we should celebrate Juneteenth, the end of a brutal phase of American history and the beginning of the liberation of a people who, like the Jews under Egypt, were destined for greatness but had been ill-treated, abused, and enslaved. It may not have been happy, but let’s remember Juneteenth and its significance not only for African Americans but also for the nation and all who love justice. #Juneteenth #MondayMotivation #pastorlenita Follow Lenita's Blog on WordPress.com Lenita is the senior pastor of Action Chapel Baltimore and Action Chapel North Carolina churches. She is an author of nine books, international speaker, founder of PrayerWatch with Pastor Lenita, and creator of the Purpose/full Institute, which helps people discover and hone their divine purpose. She is a former Accenture consultant with college teaching experience, professional instructional design experience, a member of the RAINN speaker’s bureau, a trained pastoral counselor, and a Christian International/Bishop Hamon authorized prophetic instructor. Sign up to connect, receive more blog posts, and updates on courses, books, and events. Henry Louis Gates, “How Many Slaves Landed in the U.S.?” PBS, accessed June 19, 2023, https://www.pbs.org/wnet/african-americans-many-rivers-to-cross/history/how-many-slaves-landed-in-the-us/. Alex Fox, “Nearly 2,000 Black Americans Were Lynched During Reconstruction,” Smithsonian Magazine, June 18, 2020, accessed June 19, 2023, https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/nearly-2000-black-americans-were-lynched-during-reconstruction-180975120/. Read the full article
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starry-blue-echoes · 1 year
You saw the JJBA MLP stuff yeeesss-
Thought I should give a TLDR on my au.
Everything is roughly the same except:
I have a total of ten ocs and one fan part messing with things. The Ocs are side characters in the original story, ranging from cameos to actually being important to the plot.
Meta differences:
This does not account for the Split after part six. Things intervened so it didn't fully go through, but there are definitely consequences. (The split happened somewhere and some-when else.)
(I apologize for SBR and JJL fans. I am refraining from going there. I do not know enough to give it justice.)
Stand Users, Hamon Users, and Worthy people have more Gravity. Even more than in canon.
If you have a Destiny Mark (Joestar birthmark, Dio's triple mole mark on his ear, and my original Planetary spiritual succession), it is amplified to almost comical degrees.
You are Going to follow Destiny whether you like it or not.
Things are butterfly effected into existence. There is also a lot more preemptive research done on Pillar Men, Hamon, and Stands.
Death and spirits are a lot more fluid. This is not a case of reincarnation via stands but under very specific circumstances ghosts with fully intact memories and/or stands can be... made.
Quick rundown on Planetary ocs and the parts they affect. In chronological order. Not planet order.
Jinko (Neruu/ Jinko Sorasaki) N/A apart from a Part 6 cameo.
Yaretzi (Metztli Cuacuas) Part 1 (minor) Part 2 (minor) alt- PHF (cameo)
Ida (Ida Edevane) Part 1 (major) Part 2 (minor)
Arute (Arute Takagetsu) Part 2 (major) Part 3 (minor) alt-CDDH (cameo)
Mado (Madoka Yoshishiki) Part 3 (minor) Part 4 (minor) Part 5 (minor)
Kyuuma (Aozora Kao) Part 3 (minor) alt-CDDH (cameo) Part 5 (major) part 6 (minor)
Sorasaki (Umi Sorasaki) Part 6 (minor) Fan-part (minor)
Hajime (Yuuki Hajimu) Fan-part (protagonist)
Welcome to my AU hell. We have crack, angst, and occasional pockets of fluff. Enjoy your stay at the planetarium.
That sounds absolutely insane and I love it
Meta AUs are always so much fun to play with and this is exactly that
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reddteaa · 1 year
I wonder sometimes if the way that I look at science has been influenced by the way I approach art and my enjoyment of very specific pieces of media. I'm usually really particular about the kind of shows and movies I like. There's a lot that I think are just neat and good quality but I don't get obsessed with it or I don't come up with a bunch of alternative events or plots or bother trying to flesh out characters or change them like I do with my current two obsessions Persona 5 and Batman. In my Persona 5 fanfic I have all these ideas about what is considered fair or reasonable to want. Longing for things you felt like you lost or building resentment to those who try to take advantage of you because you act demure. People who take advantage because they think you won't fight back, but those same people who would be terrified of you at the slightest indication that you could get angry at them. How it's so much easier to pin the blame for awful acts on people who have a history even if it might not reflect their true nature. A lot of thoughts go through my head for this ridiculously long fic. I don't know if I'm the best writer but I want it to exist somehow. I also have my batman thing which I might try to work out a proper visual comic for it when I can manage my time and attention better. It's been more or less put on pause when I've been on Persona. But my version of events have been kind of messed with and expanded upon. I think it's part of the reason that stuff that my friend keeps getting frustrated with me about not finishing books or being disinterested in the games he presents to me even though they are 'good' like I aknowledge that they're 'good' but I'm still more interested in the process of making particular styles of art, or ideas of justice, the development of character relationships and the themes they represent, rejecting nihilism, how different systems even ones that might seem really distantly related interconnect and effect each other, the possibilities from this one thing could mean for the greater whole, the downstream effects of removing this one peice, and the list goes on. I'm just not satisfied with 'it's good' I don't care if I am supposed to like it because it's just good. By all means I should really love Jojo's bizarre Adventure the crazy fashion the ridiculously and fabulously exaggerated character designs the hamon magic breathing and the inexplicable introduction of stands. I should absolutely adore it but I am not nuts about it. I think it's just neat but I'm not crazy about it like Persona and Batman.
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cassyapper · 2 years
oh my little holly backstory idea thing so okay
holly’s bizarre gang violence. no this isnt a part 5 rip off fuck off
holly is a kid of two immigrants and is half-italian during the 1940s and 50s in fucking new york city. she deeefinitely knew about the gang scene and i am certain she felt strongly about it
she is also joseph “hehe” joestar and suzi “im gonna mock my crush over his face” q’s daughter she DEFINITELY had a smart mouth and was pretty impulsive and messy ESPEICALLY as a teenager (adult hormones but child critical thinking. tragic.). also she is lisalisa’s grandaughter so there is noo way she didnt know hamon. she absolutely knew hamon. i’ll get into why we dont see her use it later but she used it a lot as a kid okay
anyway so in combination with this. joseph and suzi r rich so they send holly to private schools to try and shelter her from the tense social atmopshere but it doesnt really work cause she likes sniffing out trouble just like joseph. and as we’ll see jotaro inherit, holly has a strong sense of justice...
so. im sure she witnesses many turf scuffles or at least feels the effect of the results of them. and she does not like how smug and cruel the winner of them are (like this dude and his gang will beat rival gangs into unconsciousness/death). she doesnt like that he’s taking over new york either. this is her city dammit! so she goes to join a gang and beat him back
the leader of the gang she tries to join originally is very against it. let’s call her rosa. rosa’s also a crazy teenager btw. rosa is like “you think this is a game, huh little girl? just some sort of extracurricular you can leave at the door of your penthouse? this is my real life and safety you bitch” and holly is like “IT’S NOT A GAME TO ME” they probably beat each other up. but then holly shows off hamon and rosa is like ohhhh okay. i still don’t trust you but i can use you. esp when it’s apparent hamon can heal ppl
so holly joins this gang after some hazing (im sure she commits some petty crime and definitely almost gets caught every time but she pulls the typical joestar bullshit to get out of it). eventually the gang does come to trust her though and they’re an army made of kids. holly loves the fights they get into cause 1) she loves dishing out what she firmly believes is justice 2) she gets really exhilerated during the fighting she loves the rush of energy that comes w adrenaline and using hamon and 3) she loves hanging out with these guys. theyre her friends
holly definitely gets into trouble all the time and the gang always tells her that she has to calm down a little (usually jokingly) but it kinda just spurs holly on. she loves feleing so powerful and competent
eventually the gang that was taking over new york takes notice of them scraping away at their turf. holly boldly challenges them for the rest of it and snarks about how she could take them down herself. they are annoyed but agree to the fight and a rumble goes down. the night before it happens im sure rosa and holly do some gay things but holly doesnt kiss and tell and rosa DEFINITELY doesnt so who knows for sure.
anyway holly is strong but she’s not a one man army like she had kinda ended up thinking of herself as, and the rival gang brought guns. also the rival gang probably bought out the police so no help is coming
holly probably does manage to kill the leader so at least he’s out of the way. but her cockiness leads to her gang dying out. particularly im thinking, since holly was being such a shit to them, the gang was targetting her specifically, so rosa takes a hit for her.
rosa tells her to live her little rich girl life as a throwback to what she said when they first met, and holly cries. she tries healing her with hamon but holly has never been actually trained in the art of hamon and also there’s only so much hamon can do with so many wounds, one of which being a bullet wound in the ribs. so rosa dies. sorry gays
anyway after this holly decides she can’t use hamon anymore because it only lead to death she couldn’t prevent in the end. and she also decides to scale back her willingness to fight because in her mind, if she hadnt been so eager to pummel and hadn’t snarked so much, her gang might still be alive. basically. holly had a fighting spirit but she smothers it because she’s convinced it can only lead to her loved ones being hurt. violence makes her sick now
which is why her stand was killing her. it’s not that holly had no fighting spirit, as evident by the fact she started developing a stand in the first place, it’s just that she pushes it down, down, down, because she’s sure it will only hurt those she loves. and her taking jotaro’s shit is an echo of her not wanting to be snarky/rude anymore because shes certain it will only make things worse
but after egypt she sees how this philosophy only ended up hurting her family, which was the exact opposite of why she cultivated it in the first place, so she allows herself to relearn how to be assertive and such again (which in turn means she gets her stand now fuck off). but man.
anyway that’s my little thing. ughgougho holy kujo etc
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thirillia · 3 years
Things in the OVAs that make me go brrrr:
• The entire Justice fight (it was amazing)
• Enya using Justice for eternal hotness
• the very heartfelt Avpol hug
• the way Kakyoin’s earrings defy the laws of physics
• Jotaro’s and Kakyoin’s introduction fight
• Kakyoin in general
• the way Iggy is drawn
• Iggy’s shit-eating grin
• Polnareff’s earrings not being hearts but ‘half hearted attempts’ which just makes them look like broken apples
• Avdol and Polnareff communicating through gestures and it being transcribed into subtitles
• Avdol generally being such a badass with his flames. They really made his fire look extra great
• Polnareff just not having a fleshbud and just turning from evil to baby in a second
• Kakyoin going sth like “not this guy” when they meet Pol, implying that they met
• and entire episode being named after and dedicated to Kakyoin
• Them all crying in the last scene. Yes, even Jotaro
• Joseph wearing a bandage over his shirt?
• Star Platinums long, luscious hair
• Star Platinums voice breaking while Ora-ing
• Jotaro throwing a tower at Dio
• Dio’s voice that tries but doesn’t sound threatening OR charismatic and persuasive
• the Ora’s and Muda’s that are just... off and stop halfway through because “they can’t expect us to do this for 10 seconds straight right?”
• Star Platinum flashing ass while throwing Iggy
• Jotaro’s chain jingling when he moves
• More Spider-Man Kakyoin & Joseph
• Hamon being called “Wave-energy” or sth in the subtitles and it just... not being explained. Like, fuck those who haven’t read p1 & 2 right?
• Jotaro dreaming about Phantom Blood like a true shounen jump protagonist
• the colour palette desperately trying to turn it down with earthy tones
• Polnareff & Joseph being blonde for some reason. It’s amusing
• Silver Chariot with golden accents
• Hierophant Green rocking this colour palette
• the way the English pronunciation is slightly better but it’s just not as fulfilling as hearing a good ol’ “EMURALDO SPULASHO” and similar
• Attempts to make Dio less of a slut in design but still showing him in THAT pose every episode plus his tight leather tank top
• N’Doul mentioning the other gods of prosperity but they just skip over that, except for D’Arby, elder. Not D’Arby, younger though. We ain’t got no time for video games.
• Jotaro’s magenta tank top and matching hat
• Jotaro’s wavy hair
• Avdol dying in one episode and immediately returning in the next, because we are on a budget
• the Egypt arc being the first to air and them changing the art style when animating the other half
• managing to make Jotaro look even less like a 17 year old and more like approaching 40
• Suzi Q’s hair being even fluffier
• there is a shot where, two times in two different fonts, “Gay Lord” is written as a restaurant sign. And I know it’s a surname but I wheezed
• Jotaro’s MASSIVE neck. If Dio had actually gotten to attempt to sever this GINORMOUS TREE STUMP OF A NECK he wouldn’t have succeeded
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soupbabe · 3 years
hi! hope you're doing well :))
can i request caesar with a gender neutral reader who gets anxious easily? like how he'd reassure you and stuff. sorry if that's too vague i've never requested anything before 😅
Caesar Zeppeli Comforting an Anxious! Reader
You did everything right anon don't worry <3 also I've never written for Caesar, so I'm excited and I hope I do him justice :))
I see him as being the best at comfort omg
He's had his experiences with comforting his siblings and he holds you to that same amount of love and care
He'll hold your hands and talk to you, taking your mind off of whatever was making you anxious in the first place
He'd tell you tales of his first hamon training or his tales of dates that went wrong
Caesar's voice is soft and charming, so his methods of taking your mind off of things is successful
And if you're comfortable with it, he's also very open to embracing you in his arms, allowing you to use him as your personal teddy bear for comfort
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