#little tree appreciation 🌲🌲
acacia-may · 1 year
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Feeling nostalgic so here's a Contestshipping wedding featuring the OG Found Family and Solidad’s daughter as flower girl. May & Drew have decided to take wedding photos on the beach where they met! 🥰 I will always love these two!!💚❤️🌹
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softtdaisy · 7 months
🌲 a walk in the past l Charles Leclerc
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summary. this Christmas market has been your favorite for years. today, it's just a reminder of what you lost. of who you lost.
words count. 1,895
a/n. this is the story that inspired the whole angsty Christmas series. it's massively inspired by Cindy Lou who (please listen to Sabrina's ep). it's sad. it's Charles. I hope you will love it 🫶
a very angsty Christmas l masterlist
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“You really didn’t have to do this.”
Ever since you were a child, you used to go to the Christmas market every year. It wasn’t even to buy a present. Just the pleasure of walking around this stall, hearing Christmas songs and seeing the pleasure on everyone’s face when they won a game, sharing a sweet and seasonal meal or just this magic thing that seems to make all the people here happy. It was one of your favorite moments of the year and you couldn’t miss it. 
Even if this year, you were close to skip it.
“If you think I would have let you alone in your apartment instead of enjoying your favorite time of the year, you were barking up the wrong tree.” your best friend replied, putting her arm around your shoulder to bring you closer.
You laughed at her gesture and appreciated this feeling of being loved. And not alone.
Something you sadly lacked these past months.
The reason you almost didn’t come this year was simple. It was Charles.
When you started dating three years ago, the Formula One season was coming to an end. You had met through mutual friends in Monaco and he always managed to see you when he came back home, sometimes even skipping time with his family for you -something you were arguing with him for.
Once he was finally free, this Christmas market was one of your first official dates as a couple. You were living a literal teenage dream, walking hand in hand with him, showing him all the places you had memories with -meaning almost everything. You let him buy your favorite sweet and a scarf that you never left after that.
And you did that every year. It was always the first date you had after the season ended. The first time you could act like a normal couple again. And even if Charles met some fans there, very few thanks to the beanie and the scarf hiding him, it still felt intimate. 
One night, after you drank too much wine and were watching the fireworks, Charles told you that at least he knew where he could propose to you. 
It has become your place.
Until he left.
Now it was only yours, alone.
Everything reminded you of him now. The stall with all the puppies where you were talking about adopting one and even thought about the name. The big pine tree where you added your own decoration together, like the tradition says. The photomaton where he kissed you and the picture that was still somewhere in your apartment because you couldn’t get rid of it. Or just every couple, being happy like you used to. You hated feeling jealous about these poor people who didn’t ask for anything but to spend a moment together.
It was hard to walk on the path of your biggest heartbreak.
“How about a hot chocolate?” Your friend asked you. Well pulled you because she didn’t really wait for your answer before walking to the stall. You didn’t mind. It wasn’t like you felt like making any decision anyway. You apologized to the little girl that collided with your legs and followed your best friend until you had to wait because there were too many people.
You looked around and noticed the stall with handmade Christmas decorations. You always bought something there, like your own tradition. “Do you mind if I go there while you wait?” your best friend agreed and you walked there with stars in your eyes.
Not thinking for a single second that going there would wreck your heart into millions pieces.
“Oh, miss little red beanie.” The seller laughed when he saw you, remembering the little girl you were before with your favorite red beanie, until you grew and it became too small for you. You started to look around the decorations, already noticing some new ones that you loved.
Until you heard a laugh. A very distinct laugh that you could have recognized everywhere. You still turned around to make sure you didn’t dream.
Oh how you wished you did.
Because there he was. Still looking as beautiful as before. With his outgrown brown hair hiding in his black beanie, a scarf you used to steal when you couldn’t find yours, eyes so shiny because of the cold and a red nose that you loved to tease him about. No doubt. Charles was there.
And he wasn’t alone.
You weren’t sure you wanted to look at her. To see who she was. How she could be better than you. Why did he choose her over you? Knowing would be hard. Ignoring it wouldn’t be that much better.
But before you could ever decide what you wanted, Charles turned his head. He felt a look on him.
No he had the same feeling he used to have when you were together. There was something different with you. Something magnetic that would always let him know that you were there, looking at him, even if he couldn’t see you. And it was back.
Your eyes met. And suddenly, your heart was breaking again. 
You couldn’t handle the idea of being around him with his new girl. So you did the first thing that came to your mind: running away. 
The perks of knowing this market by heart, you knew exactly where you had to go to avoid people and be at peace.
The con was that Charles knew it too.
“Please wait!” you heard him in your back. What a wonderful idea to have an athlete as an ex, especially one you’re trying to run away from. 
You ended up stopping, not able to go anywhere else without turning around and meeting Charles. With nothing else to lose, you accepted your fate. The terrible fate that you feared these past weeks. 
You really wondered if you would see Charles now that the season was over and he was around. Were there any chances that you would run into each other in such a big city? You thought you wouldn’t. You really thought you would be lucky enough to avoid this confrontation. 
Apparently the universe wasn’t a fan of this narrative.
“I had no idea you would be here, I wouldn’t come otherwise.” 
You laughed. How dare he? You had no idea what you hated the most. The fact he really thought you wouldn’t be there this year because of him. Or that he used this sweet and comprehensive tone like he was really sorry for you. If he was, then he wouldn’t have broken your heart out of a stupid boredom.
“Oh I’m sorry Charles” you said, turning around to finally face him “Do I bother you by being here, at my favorite place, the one I come to every year, the one I showed you because I wanted to live that moment?” 
“That’s not what I meant.” he sighed, putting a hand on his neck and biting his lips. 
You used to love this tic. There were always some moments in your relationship when you had a hard time distinguishing Charles the driver from Charles your boyfriend. Sure, it was the same person in the end. But the media and his PR team were creating a whole entire character around him, one that wasn’t entirely faithful to the real Charles you knew. 
And then there were moments like this where he wasn’t that overly confident driver that couldn't do no wrong. He was the man that you love, scared of saying the wrong thing, conscious that everything could come to an end one day. 
“So what?” you added, taking a step closer to him. It was a dangerous limit, because at any moment, the feeling of being that close would make all your feelings come back. From hate to love there was indeed one step, one you better not take if you didn’t want to come home with a heart even more broken. “If you knew I was there you wouldn’t have brought your new doll?”
You saw the change in his eyes when you said that. And oh how you hated seeing this look on his face. Because you knew it too, there was not one thing you didn’t know about him. And this one hurted, again. It was the exact same look Charles used to give when someone talked badly about you.
Suddenly, you weren’t the one being protected. You were the one he had to protect his new girl from.
“You’re being mean.” he added, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes.
“I am mean?” your voice broke at that last word. “You fucking brought her here Charles! It was our place! It is my safe place and now you ruined it! Again!” this time you couldn’t resist and hit his chest with your fist. “Why do you have to ruin everything in my life?”
It wasn’t a real question. Or at least, you didn’t expect any real answer. What could he say? Because he wanted to? Because if you can’t be happy together, you shouldn’t try to be now that you are no longer a thing? Or maybe the worst one: he just didn’t think this through. It would mean you were never important enough for him to think about the consequences.
There was no world in which Charles truly thought about you when he broke up with you at the beginning of the year. When you thought everything was alright, when you were looking for an apartment together, when you had that stupid conversation about having a family one day. He dropped it. The “I’m not sure I can’t do this anymore.” Just like that.
Did he really think about you when he couldn’t give a simple explanation as to why he couldn’t do you anymore? 
A single tear fell from your eye and Charles watched it run slowly on your cheek. “I just wanted to apologize.” he whispered, taking your hand between his. But you immediately dropped it.
“That would have been a first.” 
You both stayed silent for a few seconds before you started to walk back to the market. This time, Charles didn’t try to stop you. It was worthless and he knew that. You wouldn’t stop. You had enough. And even he knew that it would be unkind to try again.
You whipped the tear right before you met your best friend, standing in the middle of the road looking for you. You grabbed a chocolate cup and kissed her cheek to thank her. “Where were you?” she asked, more concerned that you thought she would be. How long did you disappear for her to have the time to buy these drinks?
You turned around and saw Charles coming back too. You watched as he grabbed her hand and gave it a kiss with a big smile. Yes. Something he used to do with you too. “Such a gentleman” you used to say when he did that. But now you weren’t the one getting your hand kissed.
“No way…” you heard your best friend say when she saw them. “This can’t be true right?” she asked you. And you wished you could reassure her.
But the truth was there. Charles broke your heart at the beginning of the year.
And he broke what was left at the end of it.
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altheadajoysoul · 2 months
About Puffbloom Forest! + Map and Landmarks!
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Puffbloom forest was originally a dry wasteland with barely any sign of life in it. Until one day, a creature (who is also a tickle monster) who was looking for a territory of its own used its magic to turn the barren land into a magical forest, bustling with life.
The forest was named after the creature that brought it to life.
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Compared to normal forests, the plants in Puffbloom are more on the brighter, pastel side. The grass is a light mint green color, and the surrounding trees are an abundance of colors.
Since the forest is made and inhabited by the spirit of a tickle monster, the magic that these plants contain also gives them the tendency to tickle others as well.
Due to this, a majority of the inhabitants of this forest see tickling as part of their culture, using it in different ways. Whether to appreciate the forest spirit, or simply as their own personal way of bonding. The inhabitants only use it for playful, lighthearted, and interactional purposes only though, and never use tickling as a form of extreme punishments, etc.
Puffbloom is also home to a variety of species as well, ranging from fairies, elves, avians, anthro animals, etc. But only a small percentage of humans. Either way, everyone is welcomed and respected as long as they have no ill intentions.
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-Flutterfluff Village🌳
The inhabitants are a vast variety of species, with the highest number of them being avians.
Their current leader is Layla(reference wip), a golden eagle avian.
Is the biggest village located in the forest and is the most well developed.
Well known for their high quality fabrics and clothes and handcrafted supplies/materials.
Has the most well-trained knights among the three.
The residents are very outgoing and friendly. Very sociable and the atmosphere is great all around.
-Tinglewing Village✨
Mainly inhabits faries and pixies. A few elves and other humanoid-like creatures live there.
Their current leader is a water fairy named Calypso(reference wip), who mysteriously isn't around in the village most of the time.
The village that uses the most magic and spells.
Sells fresh and great quality crops. They're also known for selling a lot of magical ingredients, enchanted items, fairy dust, and potions.
Their village is surrounded by a few sleeping willows on one side, and a part of Titter river on the other side. A few giant mushrooms are also scattered around the area.
Folks that live there are very playful and energetic. Some can be little tricksters and pull playful pranks on others. But they are also very hardworking, especially with their agriculture.
-Pawpad Tribe🐾
A small tribe that lives near the Tree of Joy, and protects it from anyone who means harm to it.
All of the inhabitants are anthropomorphic animals/creatures.
They are usually territorial and defensive when they see an outsider they don't recognize. But when they do get used to you and warm up to you, they're actually just a bunch of cute n silly little critters who absolutely love physical affection. Both giving and recieving.
The chief of their tribe is a brown racoon named Zubari.
The tribe often dances around the Tree of Joy every night as their own ritual of sharing life energy and happiness to the tree.
There is also a ritual where every week, where a volunteer offers themselves to get tickled by the tree to gift them their laughter, and to satisfy its tickly tendencies to prevent it from causing distractions and pranks.
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-Tree of Joy🌳
Also known as the tree where the tickle monster's spirit rests.
It is the largest pompom tree located in the very center of the forest.
Its rumored that the spirit wakes up every now and then and lurks around the forest.
-Leisurisis Lake🌊
A lake in Puffbloom forest that's rich in plant and aquatic animal life, connected to Titter river.
It is rumored that mermaids and sirens reside here, looking out and saving land and air critters that can't swim.
-Titter River🏞
A river that circulates through the entire forest.
The stream current is usually calm and slow unless its raining/storming.
The Tinglewing village resides right by the river-side.
-Cotton Fields🌼
A large field of flowers of different variety. From normal ones to tickly ones.
Watch your step whenever you decide to visit these fields~
Flutterfluff is the closest village to the Cotton Fields.
A lot of Pocchies can be seen floating around the fields as well, since flowers are one of their main food sources.
Other insects like bees, caterpillars, butterflies, etc can be seen too. And the area is beautifully lit at night by fireflies.
-Pocchi den💮
Right beside the Cotton fields is a large pocchi den consisting of almost 50 pocchies.
A lot of nests decorated with flowers and vines can be seen hanging from the trees.
They often float around at night, so its possible to see a group of pocchi glowing in different colors as they fly through the night sky.
-Abandoned Cottage🏚
A mysterious, lone, wornout cottage that sits somewhere in the forest.
A few villagers from Flutterfluff explored it one day and came back saying that it was "haunted by a ghost".
Once you step inside, you could feel a bunch of cold ghostly fingers walking up your sides.
Whoever used to live in the cottage is unknown. But it is rumored that the old owner of this cottage is now the ghost that lurks within it.
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ratstuckinamarble · 7 months
#<- prev I’m so glad you got through that and that you’re here with us now#the world deserves you#pretty sure the birds would stop singing if you left#and I’m glad you’re able to love yourself more#there’s so many things to love about yourself#I know I’ve said it before#but I’ll say it again#I’m so proud of you#sorry feeling extra sappy tonight#a little tree dripping with tree sap hehe#🌲#<- me in the flesh
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@bluebelleisabelle is this you?
No but seriously, I really appreciate you <3
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grievedeeply · 1 year
hello everyone! i hit 2k followers recently and i decided i want to do something to celebrate. this is a huge milestone and i've only been writing on here for about a year.. so, take this as a token of my appreciation! i did look through a few tags and i found someone who posted this so.. thank you. i am not creative
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🍃 leaf : send me this emoji + a character i write for + any word of your choosing and i'll write a drabble using the word as a prompt!
🌲 tree : send me this emoji + a description of yourself + a fandom/fandoms and i'll tell you what character i would ship you with! use as much detail as you'd like, and i'll do my best with what i have!
💧 water : send me this emoii + a character i write for + a line of dialogue and i'll write you a fic using the line of dialogue as a starter!
☀️ sun : send me this emoji + a fandom + a trope and I'lI write little drabbles for some of the characters in the fandom using the trope as a prompt! you're welcome to be specific with which characters!
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rozugold · 2 years
it’s not tea time but i wanted to say hello anyway so have this little emoji painting instead (there’s no dirt emoji so pretend the fallen leaves are the loam of the forest floor):
AAWWW :DD!!!!! I appreciate that one singular rock among the trees
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E-Biking in Dunedin: Discover the Hidden Gems and Scenic Routes 🚴‍♀️🌄
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Welcome to Paradise Life E-Bikes in Dunedin, Florida, where every turn of the pedal leads to new discoveries and unforgettable adventures. E-biking is more than just a mode of transportation here; it's a gateway to uncovering hidden gems and scenic routes throughout our picturesque town. 🌴
Today, we'll take you on a journey through some of Dunedin's most captivating spots, giving you a taste of the beauty and excitement that awaits when you explore on two wheels. Let's embark on this electric adventure! ⚡
Hammock Park 🌳
Our first stop is Hammock Park, a lush oasis nestled within the heart of Dunedin. As you cruise through the winding trails, you'll be surrounded by towering oaks and native vegetation. Keep an eye out for local wildlife and enjoy the serenity of this natural gem. 🌲🐦
Dunedin's Causeway Islands 🏝️
Hop on your e-bike and head to Dunedin's Causeway Islands, a collection of small islands offering stunning waterfront views and a sense of tranquility. Take a break and enjoy a picnic, go for a swim, or simply relish the breathtaking scenery. 🌊🏖️
Wall Springs Park 🌞
Wall Springs Park is a historic natural spring park where you can explore boardwalks, hiking trails, and natural springs. E-bike along the tree-lined paths and appreciate the crystal-clear waters and native flora and fauna. Don't forget your camera for some fantastic photo opportunities! 📷🦋
Dunedin Marina 🚤
The Dunedin Marina is a hub of activity, offering an up-close look at the marina lifestyle. Watch the boats, take in the waterfront views, and maybe even catch a spectacular sunset. It's a great place to park your e-bike and enjoy a bit of nautical serenity. ⛵🌅
Pinellas Trail Extension 🚲
Expand your journey by riding the Pinellas Trail Extension, which connects to the main Pinellas Trail. This trail is perfect for e-biking, with its smooth pavement and picturesque surroundings. 🌳🚴‍♂️
Caladesi Island State Park 🌴
Caladesi Island State Park is a true hidden gem, accessible by ferry or a beautiful ride along the causeway. Enjoy unspoiled beaches, pristine nature trails, and a sense of seclusion that's simply unparalleled. It's a must-visit spot for nature lovers and beach enthusiasts. 🏖️🚤
At Paradise Life E-Bikes, we're proud to provide top-quality e-bikes for your Dunedin adventures. Our electric bikes make exploring these hidden gems and scenic routes not just possible, but incredibly enjoyable. You'll be amazed at how much you can see and do in a single day. 🚴‍♀️🚴‍♂️
So, gear up, grab your e-bike, and start discovering Dunedin's best-kept secrets. There's no better way to experience the beauty and adventure that our little slice of paradise has to offer. Contact us today to reserve your e-bike and start your electrifying journey through Dunedin, Florida! 🌴📞🚴‍♀️
#Electricbikes #ParadiseLifeEbikes #Ebikes #Electricbicycle #Electricbikestore #Ebikerentals #Electricbiketours #Pedalassistbikes #Electricbikeaccessories #Electricbikemodels #Batterypoweredbicycles #Bikeshop #Ebikedealer #Electricbikebrands #Bikerentals
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reddragon-cowboy · 1 year
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 ---------------𝔞  𝑾𝑨𝑳𝑲 ᶤᶰ ᵗʰᵉ 𝐖𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐒 .------------   🌲 " can you hear that ? sounds like a waterfall . " ( + niah ) - @straye
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A delight it was to surround oneself in the bosom of nature, to indulge in the quiet ambience wherein these long walks into the inner depth of a forest who offers souls the opportunity to explore and wander. In fact, two lonely people roamed about within this labyrinth enriched with plant life, steadily take their time to admire the scenery, peeling away at the leafy layers as Niah and Kogami trek deeper into the thicket. Dead brown leaves that have once fallen from high branches scrunch beneath their hiking boots, and woody bark felt just as dry and quenched for moisture, its texture rough against the soft belly of her palm where a hand perches upon a tree for a moment to rest.
Her lips split as lungs became filled with fresh air, a bead of sweat trickling down her temple while she pauses to catch her breath after nearly walking for thirty minutes, backpack weighing heavy against her. The last time she checked, it's been around three hours since their hike began. Thankfully, Kogami appears to take notice of her need to take a breather and stops in his tracks alongside with her.
At the beginning of these hikes that started months ago, she recalls he would often rush on ahead as if she wasn't there, leaving Niah in the dust ( so to speak) as her body strained to keep up with his much quicker pace. But now as time passed, appreciation swirls within her stare that analyzes him silently ( hopefully he doesn't notice), simply due to his attentiveness to throw consideration her way, aware how her stamina was lacking in comparison to his. Still. . . Niah couldn't help the persistent thought that maybe she slowed him down during these journeys.
" Can you hear that ? Sounds like a waterfall . " - Kogami.
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❝ Hm ? ❞ Curiously, Niah piques with a light hum, brown eyes drawn to his gorgeous blues as she also focuses her ear on what he supposedly hears. Her gaze then proceeds to veer off to scan their surroundings, looking pass between the foliage where small melodies and natural winds of the forest gently sway green leaves, and something does penetrate her ear at a distance from where they stood, something akin to the sound of rushing water.
❝ I. . . hmm. . . I do hear somethin'. . . but-- ❞ Words slightly offer little weight of conviction, any sense of validation in his claim wavers in her voice while she attempts to target the sound. Maybe Kogami had better hearing ? Well, he does frequently visit within these places, most likely well-adjusted to specific sounds and noises from across the way. . . unless he's actually bore witness to the sight of a waterfall in person who recognizes their sound from afar. Either way, long lashes flutter with a blink, and her gaze returns to his with an inquisitive expression, her head tilting right for effect. A hand moves to brush her hair away from her face, dreads caresses across her fingers which slowly weaves through the thick strands.
❝ I am kinda curious. We can go check it out if you want ? ❞ Just then, a speck of a smile surfaces, one which quivers at the corner of her mouth at the mere thought of searching for the source of the sound. It actually excites her to consider there might be a waterfall nearby.
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fizzingwizard · 1 year
Doing this ask game by myself! To keep procrastinating! 😇
🌿 Herb: What is a scent you find relaxing?
Cinnamon, damp earth, ocean
🌱 Seedling: What is something you want to begin learning?
Almost everything...! But more realistically, if I could pick just one thing to begin learning, I think it'd be making miniatures.
🥛 Milk: What is a food you find comforting when you are sad? 
Either mac and cheese or grilled cheese. Definitely my comfort foods since childhood. Here it's hard because I can't easily find the cheeses I prefer and they're often expensive if I do.
🍯 Honey: What is one thing you like about yourself?
Ridiculously optimistic. I don't look like I am but it's true, and it's something which has buoyed me through a lot. Despite that, it's never been under too strenuous a test, so I sometimes get stressed out imagining what could finally break it.
🍄 Mushroom: What is a quote you find comfort in?
I've been collecting quotes since I was preteen. I have extensive collection which would be way longer if I hadn't lost a bunch of documents on an old computer. It's impossible to pick just one favorite quote, but one I really liked recently is:
“Nothing in nature is as simple as it sometimes seems when reduced to words.” - Hal Borland, The Enduring Pattern
☕ Tea: How do you take your tea?
Green tea, barley tea, oolong: as is Earl grey: a little sugar, rarely milk
🐄 Cow: What is one other tumblr blog you really appreciate?
I guess I've spent so much time enjoying wanderthewood that I must mention it.
🌳 Tree: What is one thing in your future you are looking foward towards? 
Honestly, I'm more just crossing my fingers that the things I'm looking forward to I will actually make happen.
🍑 Peach: What is a color that makes you smile? 
Blue-green, specifically the sea at the beaches in Okinawa
🌻 Sunflower: What is one thing that brightened your day today?
A surprise run-in with Etta Jones "Till There Was You"
🐓 Chicken: What is a comfort movie/show for you?
Gilmore Girls and BBC Pride and Prejudice. Movies - almost anything Ghibli.
🧵 Thread: What is a recent creative project that you are proud of?
Finishing several fanfics, a thing I never accomplished when I was younger. Half because of laziness, half because I simply didn't want the fun to end. But finishing it is great. Now I just need to wrap up Fox so I can move on <3
🐈 Cat: Do you have any pets? Are there some pets you really want?
No, had several growing up though. I want a cat or a small dog.
🍅 Tomato: Have you ever gardened, and if so, what is your favorite thing to grow?
Not really. I helped my mom with her garden... when she pleaded with me ^^' Now I wish I'd had more of an interest as a kid. I don't even know how feasible it is, but I'd like to grow my own green peas and blueberries, because they're so difficult to find/expensive where I am now.
🍃 Leaf: What is a plant you find beautiful?
Recently obsessed with lantana flowers. Old time favs: cosmos and forget-me-nots. Special mention: Japanese lantern flower
🐝 Bee: What is a video game that you find comforting?
Sims, I guess, because I don't play any other game. It is comforting when it isn't super buggy.
🍞 Bread: Do you know how to bake bread? If so, what is something you’ve baked recently?
🐇 Bunny: What’s a song that you really like?
"Flame" - Luli Lee
🌲  Pine: Do you prefer the cold, or the heat?
Heat. I get cold really easily, that's the problem. I used to not notice heat at all. But here it's so humid in the summer that I've begun to dread the summers, which are so long here... Right now it's the perfect temperature, but it will probably only stay that way for another week or two...
🧶 Yarn: Knitting or Crocheting?
🐑 Sheep: What is a comfort item you own?
This little bear I bought five years ago and just keep next to my futon all the time. Actually, he's in need of a dusting... And he has no tag so I don't even know what brand he is
🍓 Strawberry: Do you own any pink clothing?
A pink sweater. And socks.
🥞 Pancake: What is your favorite breakfast food?
Impossible to pick!! Sunny-side-up eggs, waffles, french toast, buttermilk pancakes, oatmeal, cream of wheat, bagels... breakfast food is my favorite kind
⛰️ Mountains: Would you rather live in the mountains, city, beach, or the forest?
Aesthetically, a cabin in the woods. Realistically I'm too average to for that secluded lifestyle. I gotta be in or near the city. If I didn't have to work, it'd be another story though.
🧸 Teddy Bear: Do you ever want to raise kids someday?
Yes, always wanted, sometimes figure I became a preschool teacher to fill the void... lol
🕯️ Candle: What is something you can’t go to bed without?
Nothing? I'd say a bed, but actually when I moved I didn't have a futon so I just slept on the floor for a week haha
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theperfectbath · 1 year
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🐺 🕯 Wolf Pack • with notes of fir trees, orange peel, and a pinecone campfire • has a new label ✨ Also ❤️ Insomnia has been hitting me hard this week, and I had a glorious nap about it yesterday while the power was out. People need sleep. I get really wonky when I don’t have enough sleep. So I napped, and woke up feeling refreshed. While I slept, my Love wrote a list of things that he noticed that I love, things that make me happy. He read it to me when I woke up, and it squeezed sweet tears of joy from me. It was refreshing on a whole different level. He doesn't know how much I love lists of things that I love. I felt seen, and appreciated. Let's do an experiment. Go write a list of things that you notice someone you care about loves. Little things, big things, funny memory things. And read it to them. Possibly when they could use a boost. See what happens. Let us know. It's for science. ❤️❤️ and, write a list for yourself here! What do you love? ❤️❤️ Here are a few things on my list: • old rustic end tables • clearings in the forest • light coming in a window • moss • weird clouds • fuzzy things • tiny books • Joni Mitchell • old books with old book art • lunch on a blanket • Ghibli • wolves • edible forests 🕯🦔🌲📚🌱🪷🎨🌿 #wolf #wolves #howl #moon #howlatthemoon #wolflover #moonlovers #forest #fantasyforest #mosswood #wolfpack #family #familylove #sweetthings #lovemypartner (at St. Clair Shores, MI) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpDF7o8rPkn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sitp-recs · 2 years
Livvvv okay top 5 favorite "little things" (like little parts of life that you appreciate, like soft sheets.)
Ahh these are so lovely, Phoebes! Thank you!
1. The smell of freshly baked bread and pine trees 🥖🌲
2. Snuggling with my dog while reading fic 🐶 🛌
3. Watching the sky change colors on my way home from work 🚎 🌌
4. Singing Christmas Carols in the car as soon as December starts. Christmas is my favourite season! 🎶🎅🏼
5. Having my coffee with Baileys in the morning and my tea with honey late at night ☕️ 🍯
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acacia-may · 1 year
Hello hello, it is I again, here to poke at your blog again. Hope you've been having a good week! Thought I might as well see some of your takes on a few things, though I'm not sure if you only wanted one of these categories or all four of them. Either way, feel free to answer the ones you find most interesting!
Show: Not exactly shows, but I guess Danganronpa or Your Turn To Die would be a fun start, ahaha.
Character: Kai Satou or Sei Satou? (Though this one is a little unfair, since Kai has so much more screentime and impact in the main story, unless you wanna count Ranger with Sei 😅)
Pairing: I don't often get to ask about Demon Slayer, so here's one. Shinobu and Giyu, or Mitsuri and Iguro?
Anything: As for which one you prefer more; whether it be writing it or reading it - Hurt/Comfort, or Fluff AUs?
REPO-NET THE GREAT!!! 💙 Oh my gosh, hi friend! I'm so excited to see that you're back. I hope you're doing wonderfully! Thank you so much for your ask. I really can't tell you how excited I am every time I see an ask from you. You're one of my favorite people, and your asks always make me smile! Please poke at my blog anytime. I am always, always happy to talk to you! 🥰
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I'd love to answer all of your questions. Thank you for sending them in! 😊 I apologize that it has taken me a bit to circle back with you. You came up with such wonderfully difficult questions (and impossible choices), so I really had to give them some thought before I responded. I really appreciate them though and enjoyed these a lot. My answers are below the cut. Thank you so much for the ask and for the playing the make me choose ask game!
(Warnings: Some spoilers for Your Turn To Die. Vague spoilers for Danganronpa & Demon Slayer)
Danganronpa or Your Turn To Die?
Out of all of your questions, I think this was the hardest for me to answer. I love them both so much so this is kind of the impossible question for me. 😅 There are things that I enjoyed more about Danganronpa than YTTD and things that I enjoyed more about YTTD than Danganronpa so it's hard to compare the two even though they are similar genres. I have waffled on it a lot and even asked my sister for a second opinion, but I think I will have to say Danganronpa just because the series is finished.
To be fair, I adore Your Turn To Die. It's riveting and compelling with top-tier storytelling and characters, and as a whole, I think I enjoyed it even more than Danganronpa so far (which is saying a lot because the Danganronpa series is really amazing). However, while I expect YTTD to continue to be just as incredible as it has been, the last chapter isn't out yet, so I suppose there is the off chance that the story could stumble in its final act and have a disappointing ending. Whereas with Danganronpa, I just finished V3 (and the series) and thought it was really interesting. I liked the final game a lot more than I expected, and now that I have the whole story, I feel confident saying that though the Danganronpa canon of games does have some flaws (as everything does), it ultimately tells a very compelling and interesting story and contains some incredibly dynamic characters. What it did with its "antagonists" in UDG especially is one of the most interesting storytelling/narrative choices that I've ever seen. While there were some things that could have been executed better in the series and there is a certain macabre whimsy to the tone of the games that can be a bit hard to get used to at first, the series is so inventive, and I love it for being so different than everything else. Its ideas are solid, its themes are compelling and often make you think, and its characters are very distinctive, memorable, and (in many cases) endearing. Also, how could I ever vote against my children? ❤️💛💗💙
Kai Satou or Sei Satou?
(Warnings: YTTD Spoilers Ahead)
Ouch! This one hurts. I don't want to choose. 🙈 My heart says Sei, and here's why: my sister would say Kai in a heartbeat. He was her favorite character in the whole game, and Kai gets plenty of love and admiration from her so I feel like my love and admiration is less important. Poor Sei, on the other hand, has never been picked first for anything in his life. Even his own "father" preferred Kai to him which is genuinely very sad and tragic. His family issues aside, I think his brash and callous personality is also a little off-putting and isn't doing him any favors in the overall likability department. It is understandable to me that most people would likely choose Kai over Sei in this scenario since he is arguably more personable--just awkward upfront but the biggest softie when you get to know him.
The way I see it, what Kai has going for him is that you might think he is a misanthrope who can't stand company and just wants to be left alone only to find out that deep down he's actually just shy and awkward and wants friends. But with Sei, you might think he's a misanthrope who can't stand company and just wants to be left alone only to find out that deep down he actually is. And I will be perfectly honest with you, I love him for it. You go, Sei! 🧡 I'm only joking of course. After all, much, much deeper down Sei also wants friends and is deeply devoted to the select few people he has chosen to care about, but I have a hard time believing he cares about the opinions of the majority of the people of the world. He has "his people" and he loves them but to everyone else he is a misanthrope who can't stand company and just wants to be left alone. I can respect that, especially since he's pretty upfront and honest about it.
I know I'm roasting Sei a little bit (out of love, of course), but in all honesty, he really is one of my favorite characters in the series and my heart says choose him here even if it doesn't make logical sense, as you pointed out in your ask. I will own this. I will admit it. I am usually a logical, analytical spreadsheet person who can be kind of cynical, but there is a reason I got an emotion route on my first YTTD playthrough. I get really, really attached to my favorite characters, and I am really, really attached to Sei. He managed to have such a compelling story arc for such a tiny "little tree" (side character), and he fits perfectly in my "favorite character" alignment chart, so I'm a little biased. I have such a bleeding heart for the overachieving perfectionists with rough edges, brother issues, childhood trauma, inferiority complexes, and (secret) deep devotion and loyalty. It's an ongoing problem, and, naturally, I adopted Sei as one of my favorites right away (even though I knew his story would ultimately break my heart and it did). While I'll roast him to the end of time, I'll also be the first to defend him because he really did love his brother and deserved so much better than what he got.
I would be amiss if I didn't mention that I absolutely love Kai as a character as well, and yes, you are absolutely right that Kai had a much bigger role in and impact on the story than Sei. He really is one of the most influential characters in the game with his connection to the Chidouins, his laptop filled with game-changing (no pun intended) information, and his defiance against Asunaro serving as a catalyst for others to rise up against the death game. But, on the other hand, given Kai's backstory and how influential Sei was in Kai becoming who he is by the time we meet him in the canon, I think the argument could be made that Sei is also one of the most important characters since (arguably) Kai was only able to have that role and that impact in the story because of Sei and because of his sacrifice. Without Sei as the catalyst for Kai and his arc, Kai couldn't have been a catalyst for the other participants and their arcs. Sei's the real hero here, so I choose Sei (and am getting down off my soap box now 😂).
Shinobu x Giyu or Mitsuri x Iguro?
Oh my gosh, Repo! I had no idea you were also a Demon Slayer fan! That's awesome! I don't get a lot of Demon Slayer asks, so this was a very pleasant surprise. (Please feel free to ask about it any time if you're so inclined). 💕 I'm not sure if you've read the manga, seen the anime, or both so I'll try to be as vague as possible as not to spoil anything for you, just in case.
I'll admit I like both of these. They're great dynamics! Shinobu is my favorite character in Demon Slayer, and her dynamic with Giyu is one of my favorites in the entire series (My sister used to joke that Shinobu and Giyu's friendship was actually my favorite character in Demon Slayer 😂). I don't mind Giyushino as a romantic pairing and have played around with it in an AU sense, but I think I prefer to think of them as platonic friends under most circumstances (and think they probably were just platonic friends in the canon) so I'm going with Iguro and Mitsuri on this one.
Obamitsu is probably my favorite romantic pairing in all of Demon Slayer. I was on 100% board with it from those socks 🧦 and only got more and more invested as time went on. It brought actual tears to my eyes by a certain point, and for someone who usually doesn't get into shipping in media, this was a huge thing for me. I had a friend of mine laughing once because she texted me and asked what I was doing and I had to tell her "listening to music and crying over a fictional relationship." 🙈 (I have an entire playlist devoted to them that I listen to on repeat when I'm feeling particularly feels-y about their relationship. It's one of my favorites I've ever made). I don't want to say too much about them in case of spoilers, but there's just something about the selflessness of their devotion and loyalty to each other, the sacrifices they were willing to make to protect each other and ensure the best for each other, and their bond of love built on a strong foundation of friendship that I found incredibly compelling. I was just so moved by how Iguro and Mitsuri both struggled with these deep insecurities as individuals and, in a certain way, thought of themselves as unlovable, but then they find each other, find someone who truly sees them-- flaws and insecurities and all--but still thinks they are wonderful and chooses to love them anyway. It was really beautiful--one of my favorite things about the series, if I'm being honest (even if it turned me into a weepy, emotional mess). 💕
As for which one you prefer more; whether it be writing it or reading it - Hurt/Comfort, or Fluff AUs?
(Warnings: YTTD Spoilers)
This is a tricky one because these are probably my favorite genres when it comes to fanfictions (both for reading and writing). I think it depends on the fandom and also on the characters involved as well as my mood. Sometimes I just want good times, happiness and shenanigans for my favorite characters and want to imagine the bad times never happened to them, but on the other hand, I think the hurt/comfort genre in general is much more cathartic to me personally than an AU where everyone lives and/or everything is fine and the bad stuff never happened.
While I want good things for all the characters I love, sometimes I feel like I'm forcing them into a fluff AU or that such an AU would change who they are too much, if that makes sense? A lot of times the tragedies that a character has suffered in their life had an integral role in shaping who they are. Like I was saying about Kai for instance. I firmly believe that losing Sei, especially losing Sei the way he did, was one of the things that gave him the courage to stand up against Asunaro in the end. In very simple terms, I think, he grew to see Sara as a little sister and couldn't bear the thought of Asunaro taking another sibling away from him. While I can definitely have a little fun imagining a fluffy shenanigans world where Asunaro didn't even exist and the Satou brothers work together in a bakery owned by Mai for instance, I think there's something about a Fluff AU that feels a little cheap to me, like that's not really Kai and Sei so it doesn't really fix anything, whereas with a quality hurt/comfort story, the actual lived experiences (the trauma, the grief, the suffering ect.) of the characters involved is acknowledged and validated, but the characters find the hope and healing necessary to move forward to a brighter future.
I personally take much more comfort in that than in imagining a world where the tragedy never happened in the first place, and I think I write more stories in that vein of hurt/comfort than I do fluffy pieces or I sometimes figure out a way to combine them, like with the Dad Nagisa story where there's that bittersweet twinge in there that all this fluff and this happy ending is deserved after everything he has been through. I think overall I like hopeful endings, and for the characters I love most, I want them to reach a place where they are on the other side of the most tragic aspects of their lives and yes, there might always be a wound there and there is nothing that the future could bring that would make all that pain they went through okay, but I want them to reach that place where they know and they get to experience that there is something better, something brighter waiting for them on the other side of something so terrible. I want to use my fanfictions to give the characters hope that tragedy isn't the end of their story.
I love the same things in the fanfictions I read though I am way less particular about the fanfictions that I read than I am with the ones I write. I'm a pretty tough critic of my own writing and much more particular when I choose what to write about versus choosing what to read 😅, and most of the time I filter stories by character or relationship (whether platonic or romantic) rather than by genre. Looking back on some of my all-time favorite fanfictions I've ever read though, most of them had some of those more hopeful, hurt/comfort elements to them, so perhaps Hurt/Comfort really does win the day!
That said, stumbling upon a well-written, cotton candy fluff piece can absolutely make my day and have me grinning ear to ear and squealing at my computer screen, so I'll never deny the absolute joy that fluff can bring either. I guess this really is just another tough choice to end a series of tough choices. 😅
Thank you so much for such wonderful questions that really made me think and for listening to all of my ramblings. Cheers & much love to you, friend! 💕
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true--north · 2 years
2021 Fanfic Year in Review
Thanks @loonysama for the tag ❄
Total Completed Works: 30(most of them are drabbles)
Word count: 30 thousands, I guess
Fandoms I've Written In: Frozen, Notre-Dame de Paris, Elisabeth das Musical, Merlin, The Juniper Tree
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you expected?
I've written more than I expected. I haven't been writing in years, especially in English.
What's Your Own Favorite Story Of the Year?
I'm very glad with my drabbles for Elisabeth das Musical here on Tumblr and fond of North is calling where I tried to highlight Achtohallan's role in F2. Oh, and I like this Yelana × Mattias draft (someone write this instead of me, please :}
Fanfic goals for the new year:
I have 2 ideas for post F2 stories, centered on Frozen families: one about Rita and one about Kristoff's parents. Also I would want to write F1 retelling with good!Hans based on this draft: tumblr . And to translate ASAP my work for Kristanna Mixtape Challenge, there will be a lot of angst!👹 And perhaps, something for Merlin BBC.
Most popular story of the year:
This little drabbles for Notre-Dame de Paris, Esmeralda and desperate Frollo :}
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe:
The Juniper Tree or Einiberjatréð. Actually, there is no universe at all, I'm the only one who wrote something for this film.
Most fun story to write:
Kristanna line for North is calling. I tried to add a little bit more details for them than it was done in the canon, like Anna too has been trying to confess to Kristoff.
Most unintentionally telling story:
Don't know. All of them or no one.
Biggest disappointment:
I didn't write my pre-WW2 F1 AU where Elsa is an artist with supernatural visions, Hans is a son of an aristocrat in exile and Kristoff is a foster son of the cagots. Maybe, someday.
Biggest surprise: the pleasure I have making ideas for Frozen stories even they remain unwritten. And to find others' stories in my favourite fandoms with the headcanons I totally agree or to find stories awakening thoughts in me.
Tagging anyone who wants to participate! ❄🍁🌲
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goldie90 · 3 years
The day we lost grandpa (and how he came back).
One of the very few things we can actually do with grandpa (besides from watching tv📺, or just sitting next to him and staring at the wall😩) is to go on a walk with him, which is something I really like to do from time to time. I´m never sure if grandpa enjoys the nature around him,🌳🌻🌞🐦 if he appreciates the opportunity to spend a bit time outside and get some fresh air, because there´s simply no way to tell with him, but it´s still a nice way to spend some time with him. I really enjoy these moments and even more so when my dear husband is accompanying us. Then we taking turns with pushing the wheelchair, talking to each other and to grandpa (even though, it´s hard to tell if he´s even listening😅) and Nubbins always takes some pictures📸 of random things like plants🌼 and trees🌲 and sometimes even wild animals🐇🦎🦔 and of course, of me and grandpa. It´s always fun and this time wasn´t any different.
“Smi - smile, grandpa.” Nubbins said, just a second before he took another picture of his grandfather and me together. Unsurprisingly, grandpa didn´t smiled. In fact, he didn´t even looked into the camera. His eyes were closed and it was hard to tell if he was even awake. The only one who was smiling (well, beside our photographer himself) was me, while I was standing behind grandpa´s wheelchair, my hand on his shoulder, facing the camera directly. I always love to pose for my darling, so of course I immediately agreed when he told me that he wanted to take some pictures of me alone, too. We walked a few steps away from grandpa, to an huge old tree and Nubbins took a few pictures of me leaning against it, before he told me to walk over to another tree, so he could also take some pictures of me there. Then it went on like this for a while. He ordered me from one spot to another, told me to pick some flowers💐and act like I wasn´t even aware of the camera, before he made me pose on a smaller rock for him and so on. While we were busy with our little photo shoot, we walked further and further away from grandpa and at some point we didn´t even thought about him anymore. 
Once my darling decided that he had enough pictures, we stopped and sat down on the rock where I had posed for him before, to look at the pictures together, before we slowly walked back home, hands locked in each others and all the way chatting happily, neither of us realized that we forgot something...
It was only when it was time for dinner and Drayton told Bubba and Chop to go upstairs and get grandpa, that we realized our mistake. Shortly after Drayton send them upstairs, my two brothers in law came back into the dining room, where the rest of us was already settled at the table, both looked pretty confused and when Drayton asked them why they didn´t brought grandpa, Chop just said: “He - he isn´t there.” Next to him, Bubba nodded his head, making some confused noises, while Drayton stared at them in disbelief. “What do you mean, he isn´t there?” he asked, already sounding a bit anrgy. “He is - isn´t in his ro - room.” Chop explained and Bubba nodded again, as if to confirm his words. Now Drayton seemed also confused, while I started to get a little bit nervous. Could it be...? No, that wasn´t possible, or was it? I looked at Nubbins, who returned my gaze, he seemed nervous, too. Chop then turned to us and asked: “Di - didn´t you two to - took him on a wa - walk today? Where is he?” Suddenly all eyes were on us and I exchanged another glance with my husband, while I was feverishly searching my mind for a good explanation. “Well...this is a kinda funny story...” I began, even though I was pretty sure that the family wouldn´t find it all too funny.😰 Next to me, Nubbins laughed nervously. “Ye - yeah, it is. See, grandpa is...umm... well, he...” Drayton interrupted him. “Where is he?” he asked angrily and I could see how his hand reached for the broom.🧹😨 There was no way to get out of this, we had to tell him the truth, even if that meant that we would receive the beating of our lifetime. I looked directly at Drayton and told him a bit sheepishly: “It seems like we forgot him outside.” I didn´t dared to tell him where exactly we left the old man, that it was quite a bit away from our property and that was probably a wise decision, because Drayton´s reaction was already bad enough. He started to yell at us how we could be so irresponsible and demanded an explanation for how it was even possible that we forgot grandpa in the first place. When Nubbins told him that it was because we were busy with taking some pictures, Drayton finally lost it. He grabbed his broom and jumped out of his chair. Nubbins reacted very fast by jumping on his feet as well, grabbing my arm and yanking me out of my chair. “Run!” he yelled and the next second we were both running out of the dining room and into the hallway, with Drayton close behind us. 
We managed to get to the front door and out of the house, without being hit by the broom and when we were out in the yard, Drayton gave it up to chase us and instead stayed on the porch, waving angrily with his broom and yelled at us that we should go and get grandpa and that we shouldn´t even dare to come back without him. I don´t think that I have ever seen him this angry before (which definitely means something), but I have to admit that it was very understandable. We had really fucked up this time and I can´t even describe how guilty I felt about the whole thing.😟 How could we forgot grandpa? The poor old man was completely helpless without us and we had just left him all alone outside for hours. When I thought about it, I had to admit that we would definitely deserve a beating with the broom for this, but of course, I prefered to avoid this. The only good thing about the whole situation was that grandpa wouldn´t be able to move away from the spot we left him at by himself, which meant that we would definitely find him if we just went back there, or at least that was what we thought. 
When me and Nubbins got back to the spot where we left grandpa, we should experience a surprise, because the old man and his wheelchair weren´t there anymore.😲 Needless to say that we were both pretty shocked and also confused about this, because there was simply no way that he moved away from here by himself. For a moment we started to wonder if this was really the right spot, even though we were both pretty sure that it was. But then again, grandpa wasn´t here, so maybe we were wrong after all? We started to search around the area, walked past the trees and the rock where I had posed for my husband only a few hours ago, but grandpa was nowhere to be found. At this point we became both really nervous and therefore we started to search more frantically, hurried through the area and looked behind every bush and tree, while it got darker and darker around us. Nubbins started to call for grandpa and even though I knew that it was pointless, that the old man would neither be able to answer, nor to follow the sound of our voices, I followed his example. At this moment I was simply desperate, so of course I was willed to try almost anything to find grandpa, even if it was completely pointless and maybe even stupid. I could tell that my dear husband was just as desperate as I was, maybe even more so, considering the fact that it was his grandfather who was missing. He even crawled under a small bush while searching for him, but of course, grandpa wasn´t there. At some point, it became too dark to see much and we didn´t had a flashlight with us and so we had no other choice than giving up and walking back home, confessing to the rest of the family that we weren´t able to find grandpa. 
Needless to say that the others weren´t happy about the news. In fact, Drayton immediately started to yell at us again and again we had to run away from him and his broom.🧹😠 Meanwhile Bubba started to cry, he probably thought that he would never see his grandfather again. Chop asked us multiple times and in a quite reproachful way, how we even could have forgot grandpa in the first place and while my husband got pretty defensive and even claimed that it could have happen to anyone, that people forget other people all the time, I didn´t said anything. I knew that there was simply no excuse for what we did. Of course, it was an accident, but an accident that shouldn´t have happened. Once everyone calmed down a bit (which took quite some time), we tried to decide what we should do now. Should we go to the police? The thing was that, because there was simply no way that grandpa rolled away with his wheelchair by himself, we had to consider the possibility that someone had kidnapped him, even though it seemed very unlikely that someone would kidnap an old man. But still, the possibility was there and due to the circumstances, it was maybe one of the most plausible explanations. When we talked about this, Chop got suddenly very excited and said: “It - it must ha - have been the aliens! The al - aliens have abducted him!” He smiles like this was the most amazing thing ever, while the rest of us just rolled their eyes. We were so used to Chop´s endless speeches about stranger life forms in the universe, that none of us even listened anymore when he was talking about this topic again, but right now it was pretty annoying and Drayton had to smack him with the broom to make him stop, even though it didn´t lasted for long, because after a short moment he started to talk about it again.😩 
After discussing for a while, we all agreed that we should firstly go and search for grandpa on our own again, before we would contact the police. We still had the hope, that maybe me and Nubbins had just searched at the wrong spot and that grandpa was still outside there, sitting in his wheelchair and most likely not even aware that he was left behind and so we grabbed some flashlights and went outside. We decided to split and search in two groups. Drayton and Bubba went in one direction, while me, Nubbins and Chop (who was the only one who was willing to go with us) took the opposite way. We searched for almost two hours, but without any success. It was as if grandpa had simply disappeared and at some point, we had no other choice than to accept the fact that we wouldn´t find him, no matter how long we searched and so we went back home, exhausted, disappointed and pretty worried, but still with the slight hope that maybe the other two had more luck than we had. 
They hadn´t, as we realized as soon as we met up with them again. Drayton, and Bubba had also couldn´t find grandpa and Chop was now talking about how this was only logical, because the aliens had abducted him,🛸 and therefore we would of course not be able to find him.🙄 He also said that we shouldn´t be too worried, because the aliens would most likely bring grandpa back to the earth at some point. “They - they always bring the peo - people they abducted ba - back.” he told us proudly, even though no one wanted to listen to him. In fact, he went on with this topic for quite some time, until Drayton smacked him again with the broom to finally shut him up. Then our broom man told us that he would go to the police in the morning, to report grandpa´s disappearing. He wasn´t very fond of the idea, but there was no other option. At this point, it seemed actually very possible that someone had kidnapped our oldest family member and no matter what Chop said, me and the rest of the family were pretty sure that it wasn´t the aliens. So it was simply unavoidable to contact the police, or so we thought.
It shouldn´t come to this, because the next morning something very unexpected happened. We had just finished our breakfast and Drayton was about to drive to the police department to report grandpa as missing. He had one of the pictures of grandpa that Nubbins took the day before with him, so the police officers would know what he looks like. But just when he wanted to leave the house, he suddenly stopped, standing right in the doorframe and called for the rest of us to come over to him. When we did, we couldn´t believe our eyes.👀 There was our beloved grandpa, sitting in his wheelchair👨‍🦽 just in front of the porch steps, like he was never gone in the first place. After staring at him in shock for a moment, we all hurried over to greet him and to make sure that he was alright, Bubba ahead. The youngest Sawyer was so happy to have his grandpa back, that he almost started to cry again, while he kissed the old man´s forehead and simultaneously stroked his shoulder. Meanwhile, Chop got very excited, because he was now absolutely convinced that he was right about his alien abduction theory. “See, I was rig - right, they brought him ba - back!” he said happily, before he started to ask grandpa a bunch of question. He wanted to know what it is like to be on board of a spaceship. If the aliens talked to grandpa and if so, what did they say? Also, did they say something about him? Maybe that they planned to abduct him next? Of course, grandpa didn´t answered any of these questions, but that didn´t kept Chop from asking him again and again, until Drayton gave him a hard smack with the broom and told him to stop bothering grandpa with this nonsense. Then he told me and Nubbins that we should apologize to grandpa, which of course resulted in only me apologizing (also on my husband´s behalf), because Nubbins never apologizes for anything, not even for forgetting his grandfather all alone outside.😅 I´m not sure if grandpa accepted my apology, because he showed absolutely no reaction (most likely he didn´t even noticed that I was talking to him in the first place.😞) But it doesn´t mattered. The only thing that´s really important is that we´ve got our grandpa back, cause even though there´s not much we can actually do with him, even though it is not possible to have a actual conversation with him, our life wouldn´t be the same without him. 
We don´t know how he came back to us and most likely, we will never know. Chop is still convinced that the aliens brought him back. I think it must have been some nice person who, for some reason, prefered to stay anonym, but whoever it was, I think I can speak on behalf of the whole family, when I say that we are more than grateful to them, because of what they did. 
Also, after this whole incident, Drayton established a new rule, which only applies to me and Nubbins. It´s the no - walks - with - grandpa - rule. It says that we are not allowed to take grandpa on a walk, unless another family member accompanies us. It´s a bit sad, because I really liked the walks with the old man, but considering what happened the last time, I have to admit that maybe it´s best that way.😔
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captbenscn · 3 years
🌲 because I want to hear how crazy Liv goes even though I already know lol
"Does your muse celebrate Christmas? If they don't, what and how else do they celebrate during their holidays?"
Oh, boy. Holidays are a complicated thing for Olivia, as you well know. And that's mostly because she never really had anyone to spend them with. During her childhood, she had her mother, yes, but not every Christmas was full of holiday cheer and happy memories. Some were filled with arguments and alcohol and so it kind of took away the holiday spirit for Olivia. Especially when she would be out and about with her mother seeing all of the happy families celebrating together. Fathers with their daughters, brothers and sisters, siblings, cousins, etc. It would leave Olivia longing for all of that and some days her mother would be understanding about it and other days, not so much.
And that continued as Olivia grew, even after becoming Detective. /Especially/ after becoming a Detective and working with the SVU.
Now, Olivia does love the holidays. She loves the cheer it brings, especially for children, she enjoys the music, the flavors, the weather, the meaning. How it brings families together, but for that reason? It also made Olivia feel so empty at times because, for the most part, she was alone. Her mother passed away and so she really had no one to spend the holidays with. Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years... so she didn't do much celebrating. She would decorate here and there - put up a Christmas tree and admire the colorful lights and the way they made her living room glow - but other than that, she didn't do much else.
But she'd work. You can often find Olivia working double time around the holidays because it keeps her mind busy, keeps her distracted and focused, almost to the point where she forgets it's the holiday season and she's alone for them yet again, until she goes home or until she sees the happy families out and out... including Elliot's. Which was a big source of her longing and sadness because, well, she was in love with him.
And despite fighting against it, her mind would wander and wonder. Her mind would think about Christmas with Elliot, her mind would think about helping cook the big Thanksgiving meal since he loved to cook, and it would leave her feeling both guilty and broken, because it was wrong to think about, what with him having a family, and at the same time a reminder of what she doesn't have. What she has wanted her whole life but still, to that day, did not have.
And Elliot? God, he would try so hard to make the holidays pleasant for her. He'd invite her to his place for Thanksgiving so she could feel part of his family, so she could enjoy the holidays to some degree, but he never expected her to say yes, even understand why she would sometimes say no. Which speaks to that bond of theirs, because of how close they are, because of the unspoken feelings between them, and we all know Elliot would think about Olivia during the holidays, too. All of the 'what ifs...' and that would further complicate the holidays for them both, another reason Olivia would sometimes politely decline his offer.
But it didn't stop him from caring. Nothing would. He would bring her leftovers the next day - for the next few days, honestly - they'd exchange gifts, decorate the precinct a little bit - her Squad trying to go above and beyond for her because they know her loneliness when it comes to this time of the year. And that includes Cragen.
He'd also extend an invite to dinner and sometimes they'd even go out to eat, just so Olivia isn't alone.
But other than work? She'd participate in fundraisers and charities - trying to bring Christmas to the children of New York. Donating her time, money and whatever else she could to help them. To make them feel the holiday spirit, to make them smile, to make them feel loved, appreciated and seen. Something everyone should feel.
Now, as time goes on, things start to change. Especially when she adopts Noah. Suddenly, she has a reason to celebrate. She has a reason to decorate, she has a reason to take off work around the holidays, so she can spend it with her son. So, she can see it through the eyes of a child and Noah loves Christmas. He loves the snow, the festivities, the music, everything Olivia loves, so does he and now she gets to experience it with someone. With her son. As a mother. And they go all out. With decorations, with the holiday flavors, with cooking, with shopping, with the holiday activities around the city. They have a BLAST.
But there’s still that slight emptiness within her heart that something is missing and she knows exactly what it is. And Noah? He feels it, too. He feels it and Olivia can see it. 
An emptiness that is soon filled by Elliot Stabler.
A feeling of longing that is fulfilled because of him. The two coming together, finding their stable ground, allowing themselves to love and be loved by one another like they’ve always wanted to be and Noah was a little hesitant at first mostly because of the things he’d been through and like Olivia, people leaving him. Uncle Rafael, Uncle Nick, and Peter... but soon he starts to really like Elliot, especially learning of his knowledge of dance and music, and his love for it which Noah obviously shares. He takes Noah for ice cream, they play games as a family, he teaches him some of what he knows about dancing - and teaches Olivia, as well - and they grow close. They develop the bond that Noah longed to have... father and son. 
And a feeling Olivia had longed for for so long. A family. Belonging.
So holidays become even more special. Thanksgiving dinners with everyone. Olivia, Elliot, Noah, Eli, Bernie, Kathleen, Maureen, all of the kids should they visit for the holidays. As well as them decorating Elliot’s apartment (having moved in with him) and then, whenever it happens, their own home. Participating in holiday activities by visiting Santa, playing in the snow, exchanging gifts, kissing under the mistletoe, kissing at New Years... 
Holidays were once the saddest for Olivia Benson and now? Now they’ve become the happiest for her. Because of Noah. Because of Elliot. Because she’s home. 
Now, for married AU? Oh god, you know this! How all out Olivia goes EVERY year with Elliot backing her every time. For every holiday, they go all out decorating, especially so she can win that content every Christmas with Elliot LOVING seeing the neighbors get all annoyed about it - always supporting his wife. But god, holidays are so important for them and I’m imagining their first Christmas together in Season 8 and how sweet and domestic it was. Christmas hats, mistletoe, slow dancing to holiday music, playing board games, watching Christmas movies, Olivia wearing shorts, Elliot shirtless - you know, the rules to be followed. 
Also, I can see them having cute holiday traditions! Like one being they don’t just kiss AT midnight, they kiss going into midnight. So they start kissing at 11:59, or maybe with thirty seconds left, and they kiss until 12:01am hits because, well, it’s just something they would do. 
And I could see Elliot having to initiate it. They’re waiting for the clock to strike midnight, watching the countdown on TV, champagne in their hands, his arm around Olivia’s waist, standing side by side when he calls her with a soft ‘Hey’, grabbing his girlfriend’s attention.
She turns her head and smiles at him, eyes curious, head tilted, and he leans in to kiss her with thirty minutes left and she doesn’t pull back. God, no. She melts right into the kiss, the background noise fading out and she falls into him. The clock strikes midnight, but the kiss continues and it’s sweet, and soft, and passionate and full of eight years of longing and love and desire and every damn emotion they’ve felt for one another building and building throughout the years. 
He pulls back, the clock reads 12:01 and Olivia has this blissfully dazed look on her face and a smile that glows brighter than times square. 
“How’s that for a New Year’s Tradition?” Elliot would ask with a knowing smile, based on that euphoric look on her face. 
Her smile grows and she leans in to kiss him again, lips smiling against his, and they’re both setting their champagne glasses down, and he, instead, lifts her into his arms with her legs wrapping around him, carrying her into the bedroom where they celebrate this new year together. Their new year, their new life. 
And every year that followed, they kiss before midnight. Never late and never stopping too soon. 
14 years of holiday traditions. Of love. Of devotion. Of Partnership in every sense of the word. 
Of Olivia Benson and Elliot Stabler - because it will always be her and him. 
@irasciblesoul <3 
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Hello there little blood goblin! Secret Santa here! I am honoured to be the one to try and make your days till Christmas a little bit happier.
First of all, how has your day been? Second of all, what would be something Vladimir and the mun would like to find under the Christmas tree this year?
The merriest and jolliest wishes from your Secret Santa! 🎅🌲
//Hello Secret Santa!
My day has been busy. I work in logistics for an internet warehouse, and with my country having called a 5 week lockdown, our order skyrocketed to rival our Black Friday sales almost. But the team managed to pull through, despite it being extremely busy unexpectedly.
As for Christmas presents, I have no wish for anything specifically. I have all I could want already, so pretty much anything would be an appreciated gift.
As for Vlad, I suppose he could always desire to have a new set of reavers, or perhaps some fine Noxian wine, aged just like himself. Or perhaps even something old, that holds some history attached to it that he has knowledge of. He is quite the relic-holder when it comes to those; having mementos of ages long gone that only spark a fleeting memory of former times.
I hope that your day has been one of happiness and well being~
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