#justice for perry the living island of insight
slymewizard · 1 year
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divinum-pacis · 2 years
Divinum Pacis’s Reference Guide- 2022 Edition
Let’s face it, schooling is expensive, and you can’t cram everything you want to know into 4+ years. It takes a lifetime (and then some). So if you’re like me and want to learn more, here’s an organized list of some books I find particularly insightful and enjoyable. 
The copyright year is now provided, and NEW ADDITIONS are listed first under their respective sections, with an asterisk (*). Some books appear in more than one section. If you have any recommendations, send them in!
African (various)  🌍
(*) A Womanist Theology of Worship: Liturgy, Justice, and Communal Righteousness by Lisa Allen (2021)
(*) True to Our Native Land: An African American New Testament Commentary by Brian K. Blount, Cain Hope Felder, Clarice J. Martin, & Emerson B. Powery. (2007)
(*) Africa Study Bible, NLT (New Language Translation) by Oasis International. (2017)
(*) De New Testament: The New Testament in Gullah Sea Island Creole by the American Bible Society (2005)
African Myths & Tales: Epic Tales by Dr. Kwadwo Osei-Nyame Jnr (2019)
The Egyptian Book of the Dead by E.A. Wallis Budge (2021)
Prayer in the Religious Traditions of Africa by Aylward Shorter (1975)
The Holy Piby: The Black Man’s Bible by Shepherd Robert Athlyi Rogers (2011)
The Altar of My Soul: The Living Traditions of Santeria by Marta Moreno Vega (2001)
African Religions: A Very Short Introduction by Jacob K. Olupona (2014)
Buddhism ☸
The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching: Transforming Suffering into Peace, Joy, and Liberation by Thich Nhat Hanh (1999)
The Dhammapada by Eknath Easwaran (2019)
Liquid Life: Abortion and Buddhism in Japan by William R. LaFleur (1994)
The Tibetan Book of the Dead by John Baldock (2017)
Teachings of the Buddha by Jack Kornfield (1996)
Understanding Buddhism by Perry Schmidt-Leukel (2006)
Essential Tibetan Buddhism by Robert Thurman (1996)
Christianity ✝️
(*) Welcoming and Affirming: A Guide to Supporting and Working with LGBTQ+ Christian Youth by Leigh Finke (2020)
(*) The Fundamentalist Takeover in the Southern Baptist Convention by Rob James & Gary Leazer (1999)
(*) The Human Icon: A Comparative Study of Hindu and Orthodox Christian Beliefs by Christine Mangala Frost (2017)
(*) The Complete Guide to Christian Denominations: Understanding the History, Beliefs, and Differences by Ron Rhodes (2015)
(*) Introduction to the Hebrew Bible: Third Edition by John J. Collins (2018)
(*) The Jewish Annotated New Testament,  2nd ed. by Amy Jill Levine (2017)
(*) Welcome to the Orthodox Church: An Introduction to Eastern Christianity by Frederica Mathewes-Green (2015)
(*) A Womanist Theology of Worship: Liturgy, Justice, and Communal Righteousness by Lisa Allen (2021)
(*) True to Our Native Land: An African American New Testament Commentary by Brian K. Blount, Cain Hope Felder, Clarice J. Martin, & Emerson B. Powery. (2007)
(*) Africa Study Bible, NLT (New Language Translation) by Oasis International. (2017)
(*) De New Testament: The New Testament in Gullah Sea Island Creole by the American Bible Society (2005)
The Story of Christianity Volume 1: The Early Church to the Dawn of the Reformation by Justo L. Gonzales (2010)
The Story of Christianity Volume 2: The Reformation to Present Day by Justo L. Gonzales (2010)
By Heart: Conversations with Martin Luther's Small Catechism by R. Guy Erwin, etc. (2017)
Roman Catholics and Shi’i Muslims: Prayer, Passion, and Politics by James A. Bill (2002)
Introducing the New Testament by Mark Allen Powell (2018)
Who’s Who in the Bible by Jean-Pierre Isbouts (2013)
Behold Your Mother by Tim Staples (2014)
Mother of God: A History of the Virgin Mary by Miri Rubin (2009)
Orthodox Dogmatic Theology by Fr. Michael Romazansky (2009)
Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska (2016)
The Names of God by George W. Knight (2009)
The Orthodox Veneration of the Mother of God by St. John Maximovitch (2012)
East Asian Religions  ☯️
Shinto: A History by Helen Hardacre (2016)
Tao Te Ching, the New Illustrated Edition by Chad Hansen (2017)
The Analects by Confucius, Chartwell Books publishing (2016)
Tao Te Ching by Stephen Mitchell (2006)
Understanding Chinese Religions by Joachim Gentz (2013)
Taoism: An Essential Guide by Eva Wong (1997)
European (various)
(*) A Treasury of Irish Fairy and Folk Tales by Barnes & Noble (2015)
Iliad & Odyssey by Homer, Samuel Butler, et al. (2020)
Tales of King Arthur & The Knights of the Round Table by Thomas Malory, Aubrey Beardsley, et al. (2017)
Early Irish Myths and Sagas by Jeffrey Gantz (1981)
The Prose Edda: Norse Mythology by Snorri Sturluson and Jesse L. Byock (2005)
Mythology by Edith Hamilton (1969)
The Nature of the Gods by Cicero (1972)
Dictionary of Mythology by Bergen Evans (1970)
Gnosticism, Mysticism, & Esotericism
The Gnostic Gospels: Including the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Mary Magdalene (Sacred Texts) by Alan Jacobs and Vrej Nersessian (2016)
The Kybalion by the Three Initiates (Hermeticism) (2008)
The Freemasons: The Ancient Brotherhood Revealed by Michael Johnstone (2018)
Alchemy & Mysticism by Alexander Roob (2018)
The Gnostics: Myth, Ritual, and Diversity in Early Christianity by David Brakke (2012)
What Is Gnosticism? Revised Edition by Karen L. King (2005)
The Essence of the Gnostics by Bernard Simon (2016)
The Essential Mystics: Selections from the World’s Great Wisdom Traditions by Andrew Harvey (1996)
The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall (2003)
Hinduism 🕉
(*) The Human Icon: A Comparative Study of Hindu and Orthodox Christian Beliefs by Christine Mangala Frost (2017)
The Ramayana by R.K. Narayan (2006)
7 Secrets of Vishnu by Devdutt Pattanaik (2011)
7 Secrets of the Goddess by Devdutt Pattanaik (2014)
Hinduism by Klaus K. Klostermaier (1998)
Bhagavad Gita As It Is by Srila Prabhupada (1997)
The Mahabharata, parts 1 & 2 by Ramesh Menon (2006)
The Upanishads by Juan Mascaro (1965)
In Praise of the Goddess by Devadatta Kali (2003)
Beyond Birth and Death by Srila Prabhupada (1979)
The Science of Self-Realization by Srila Prabhupada (1994)
Krishna: The Beautiful Legend of God (Srimad Bhagavatam) by Edwin F. Bryant (2003)
The Perfection of Yoga by Srila Prabhupada (2012)
Islam  ☪️
(*) Muhammad, the World-Changer: An Intimate Portrait by Mohamad Jebara (2021)
(*) Sharing Mary: Bible & Quran Side by Side by Marlies ter Borg (2010)
Roman Catholics and Shi’i Muslims: Prayer, Passion, and Politics by James A. Bill (2002)
The Handy Islam Answer Book by John Renard (2015)
The Illustrated Rumi by Philip Dunn, Manuela Dunn Mascetti, & R.A. Nicholson (2000)
Islam and the Muslim World by Mir Zohair Husain (2006)
The Quran: A Contemporary Understanding by Safi Kaskas (2015)
Essential Sufism by Fadiman & Frager (1997)
Psychological Foundation of the Quran, parts 1, 2, & 3 by Muhammad Shoaib Shahid (2016)
Hadith by Jonathan A.C. Brown (2009)
The Story of the Quran, 2nd ed. by Ingrid Mattson (2013)
The Book of Hadith by Charles Le Gai Eaton (2008)
The Holy Quran by Maulana Muhammad Ali (2002)
Blessed Names and Attributes of Allah by A.R. Kidwai (2016)
Jainism & Sikhi
(*) The First Sikh: The Life & Legacy of Guru Nanak by Nikky-Guninder Kaur Singh (2019)
Understanding Jainism by Lawrence A. Babb (2015)
The Jains (The Library of Religious Beliefs and Practices) by Paul Dundas (2017)
The Forest of Thieves and the Magic Garden: An Anthology of Medieval Jain Stories by Phyllis Granoff (1998)
A History of the Sikhs, Volume 1: 1469-1839 (Oxford India Collection) by Khushwant Singh (2005)
Sikhism: A Very Short Introduction by Eleanor Nesbitt (2016)
Judaism  ✡
(*) Did God Have a Wife?: Archaeology and Folk Religion in Ancient Israel by William G. Dever (2008)
Hebrew-English Tanakh by the Jewish Publication Society (2001)
Essential Judaism by George Robinson (2016)
The Talmud: A Selection by Norman Solomon (2009)
Judaism: A Beginner’s Guide by Dan & Lavinia Cohn-Sherbok (introductory text) (2010)
The Jewish Study Bible, 2nd edition by the Jewish Publication Society (2014)
The Hebrew Goddess by Raphael Patai (1990)
Native American
God is Red: A Native View of Religion, 30th Anniversary Edition by Vine Deloria Jr. , Leslie Silko, et al. (2003)
The Wind is My Mother by Bear Heart (1998)
American Indian Myths and Legends by Erdoes & Ortiz (1990)
The Sacred Wisdom of the Native Americans by Larry J. Zimmerman (2016)
Paganism, Witchcraft & Wicca
Magic in the Roman World: Pagans, Jews and Christians (Religion in the First Christian Centuries) 1st Edition by Naomi Janowitz (2001)
The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation: Including the Demotic Spells: 2nd Edition by Hans Dieter Betz (1997)
Wicca for Beginners: Fundamentals of Philosophy & Practice by Thea Sabin (2006)
The Path of a Christian Witch by Adelina St. Clair (2010)
Aradia: Gospel of the Witches by C.G. Leland (2012)
The Anthropology of Religion, Magic, & Witchcraft, 4th ed. by Rebecca L. Stein (2017)
Paganism: An Introduction to Earth-Centered Religions by Joyce & River Higginbotham (2002)
Christopaganism by Joyce & River Higginbotham (2009)
Whispers of Stone: Modern Canaanite Religion by Tess Dawson (2009)
Social ☮
Tears We Cannot Stop (A Sermon to White America) by Eric Michael Dyson (2017)
Comparative Religious Ethics by Christine E. Gudorf (2013)
Divided by Faith: Evangelical Religion and the Problem of Race in America by Michael O. Emerson (2001)
Problems of Religious Diversity by Paul J. Griffiths (2001)
Not in God’s Name: Confronting Religious Violence by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks (2017)
The Sacred and the Profane by Mircea Eliade (1968)
Miscellaneous  🗺
(*) When Men Become Gods: Mormon Polygamist Warren Jeffs, His Cult of Fear, and the Women Who Fought Back by Stephen Singular (2009)
Living Religions, 10th ed. by Mary Pat Fisher (2016)
The Norton Anthology of World Religions: Hinduism, Buddhism & Daoism by Jack Miles, etc. (2014)
The Norton Anthology of World Religions: Judaism, Christianity, & Islam by Jack Miles, etc. (2014)
Zoroastrians: Their Religious Beliefs and Practices by Mary Boyce (2001)
The Baha’i Faith by Moojan Momen (2007)
The Great Transformation by Karen Armstrong (2007)
God: A Human History by Reza Aslan (2017)
A History of God by Karen Armstrong (1994)
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technoskittles · 4 years
Pure Feeling Playlist
Okay, so I had someone on twitter express interest in the songs I have for my playlist for Pure Feeling and figured, yeah, I could share it. I don’t have a spotify (I don’t like the interface plus the music selection is way too limited for my taste) and the playlist itself is on Youtube Music. It’s also private because I don’t really want random people seeing it or other people messing with it if I unlocked it, so I’ll just type up all the songs here with links that way y’all can scroll through and listen to what you want.
I understand there’s probably an easier and faster way to do this probably, but hey, with the quarantine I clearly have some extra time on my hands so why not?
Though, couple of warnings:
1. It’s LOOOOOOONG (it’s 300+ songs in total) (don’t worry I’m gonna put this under a cut)
2. Some of the songs aren’t going to make much sense in terms of the AU. This is for two reasons: a) Some of the songs allude to events/characters that haven’t shown up in the story yet (there’s a LOT of songs regarding Mara’s father) and b) some of them are just general songs that I use to get a basis of emotion/vibe when writing particular types of scenes.
3. My music tastes are all over the place (and this doesn’t even include some of the other genres I listen to just because it doesn’t fit this AU lol)
But this playlist is my main muse and is probably one of the best insights to my process/inner thoughts so, without further ado.....my full playlist.
(I grouped the songs from the same artist together for the easiest convenience)
(And some songs might kind of be repeats if I listen to multiple versions for the purpose of this fic)
Got any favorites? Any songs that worry you about the future of this fic? Or just something you might want more clarification on? Feel free to shoot me ask about it!
South London Forever by Florence + The Machine
Patricia by Florence + The Machine
I Will Be by Florence + The Machine
Too Much Is Never Enough by Florence + The Machine
You’ve Got The Love by Florence + The Machine
Never Let Me Go by Florence + The Machine
Dog Days Are Over by Florence + The Machine
Cosmic Love by Florence + The Machine
Ship To Wreck by Florence + The Machine
St. Jude by Florence + The Machine
Over The Love by Florence + The Machine
Pure Feeling by Florence + The Machine (hey look it’s the fic title)
Heavy In Your Arms by Florence + The Machine
What Kind Of Man by Florence + The Machine
Stuck On You by Meiko
Stuck On You (Acoustic Version) by Meiko
Adventure of A Lifetime by Coldplay
Sky Full of Stars by Coldplay
Hymn For The Weekend by Coldplay
Simple and Clean by Hikaru Utada
Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence - FYI - Hikaru Utada
Be My Last by Hikaru Utada
Colors by Hikaru Utada
Distance (M-Flo Remix) by Hikaru Utada
Without You (Justice Skolnik Remix) by Oh Wonder
Rockabye by Clean Bandit ft. Sean Paul & Anne-Marie
In The Rain (an unofficial rendition from Miraculous Ladybug by David Russell)
Stone Heart (an unofficial rendition from Miraculous Ladybug by sxrlove06)
Lost In The Moment by Daniel Lee Kendall
Fragile by ARCADES
Daddy Issues by The Neighbourhood
Scary Love by The Neighbourhood
Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood
Sweater Weather (Vaski Remix) by The Neighbourhood
Honest by The Neighbourhood
Alleyways by The Neighbourhood
Stuck With Me by The Neighbourhood
Lights by Ellie Goulding
Goodness Gracious (The Chainsmokers Remix) by Ellie Goulding
Still Falling For You by Ellie Goulding
Starry Eyed by Ellie Goulding
Don’t Need Nobody by Ellie Goulding
Candy-Coloured Sky by Catmosphere
‘Till We’re In The Sea by RKCB
affection by Jinsang
summers day v2 by Jinsang
Let Go by Frou Frou
Must Be Dreaming by Frou Frou
I Just Want You by Robert Duncan
Forget by Alicks
Dinner & Diatribes by Hozier
Nevermind by Dennis Lloyd
Let It Happen by Tame Impala
Think About You by Kygo ft. Valerie Broussard
First Time by Kygo ft. Ellie Goulding
Fragile by Kygo ft. Labrinth
Feel Your Love by Nyquill
I See You by MISSIO
Learn To Let Go by Kesha
Praying by Kesha
I Love My Life by Justice Crew
Sex by Cheat Codes x Kris Kross Amsterdam
Everlong by Foo Fighters
Party Like It’s Your Birthday by Studio Killers
The Disappearance of The Girl by Phildel
Soul On Fire by Mystery Skulls
we’ve never met but, can we have coffee or something? by in love with a ghost
What is Love? by Y//2//K & Yung Death Ray ft. Jaymes Young
A Manner to Act by Ra Ra Riot
Suckers by Ra Ra Riot
Do You Remember by Ra Ra Riot
You And I Know by Ra Ra Riot
Oh, La by Ra Ra Riot
Can You Tell by Ra Ra Riot
Consequence by The Notwist
Anyone Else by PVRIS
Dead Weight by PVRIS
Can You Hold Me by NF ft. Britt Nicole
Young Folks by Peter Bjorn and John
No Fear by Dej Loaf
I’ve Been Waiting by Lil Peep & ILoveMakonnen ft. Fall Out Boy
Give U Up by CALVIN (I’m sorry in advance for this one)
Heartbeat by Scouting For Girls
Keep It Simple by Tove Lo
Sweettalk My Heart by Tove Lo
Glad He’s Gone by Tove Lo
Not On Drugs by Tove Lo
Got Love by Tove Lo
Crave by Tove Lo
Paradise by Tove Lo
Moments by Tove Lo
Talking Body by Tove Lo
Habits (Stay High) by Tove Lo
Scars by Tove Lo
Out Of Your Mind by Tove Lo
Vibes by Tove Lo
Lies In The Dark by Tove Lo
Come Undone by Tove Lo
dont ask dont tell by Tove Lo
Cherry Blossom by ALA.NI
Feels Like Home by The Him ft. Son Mieux
Quiet by Lights
Skydiving by Lights
365 by Zedd & Katy Perry
Left to Right by Marteen
Could You Love Me? by Black Saint
Midnight City by M83
Marble Soda by Shawn Wasabi
Crystal Dolphin by Engelwood
Pusher (Shawn Wasabi Remix) by Clear ft. Mothica
She’s A Riot by The Jungle Giants
Stranger by Jay Hayden & King Vodka
Now That I’ve Found You by Carly Rae Jepsen
Marty McFly by Luke Christopher
Rocks by Imagine Dragons
All Day And Night by Jax Jones ft. Madison Beer & Martin Solveig
Run Free by Deep Chills ft. IVIE
Maps by Maroon 5
Feelings by Maroon 5
blue by Pools
High Hopes (The Lucifer Edit) by Quails
breathin’ by Ariana Grande
Into You by Ariana Grande
Shy Girl by Kedam
Something Good Can Work by Two Door Cinema Club
What You Know by Two Door Cinema Club
Sleep Alone by Two Door Cinema Club
This Is The Life by Two Door Cinema Club
Do You Want It All? by Two Door Cinema Club
Sun by Two Door Cinema Club
Eat That Up, It’s Good For You by Two Door Cinema Club
Undercover Martyn by Two Door Cinema Club
Sunflower by Post Malone & Swan Lee
Señorita by Shawn Medes & Camila Cabello
Her Morning Elegance by Oren Lavie
Everybody’s Angel by Down With Webster
All Fall Down by OneRepublic
Counting Stars by OneRepublic
Jenny by Walk The Moon
Youth by Daughter
Get Lucky (Cover) by Daughter
Love by Daughter
River Flows In You by Yiruma
Girls And Boys In School by Neon Trees
Girls And Boys In School (EP Version) by Neon Trees
Helpless by Neon Trees
In The Next Room by Neon Trees
Beings by Madeon
Dried-Out Cities by Fallulah
Bloodline by Fallulah
Almost Home by Mariah Carey
Headlock by Imogen Heap
Closing In by Imogen Heap
Lifeline by Imogen Heap
Goodnight And Go by Imogen Heap
First Train Home by Imogen Heap
I Am In Love With You by Imogen Heap
The Walk by Imogen Heap
More by Kaskade & Felix Cartal ft. Jenn Blosil
Lay Down by Kaskade & Late Night Alumni
My Distance by Kaskade
Lessons In Love by Kaskade ft. Neon Trees
Kill The Lights (Audien Remix) by Alex Newell ft. DJ Cassidy, Nile Rogers, & Jess Glynne
Fall In Love/Lie by INNA
Cola Song by INNA
Caliente by INNA
Iguana by INNA
Ruleta by INNA ft. Erik
I Like You by INNA
Love by INNA
Shining Star by INNA
Bebe by INNA
Bebe (Yaniss Extended Remix) by INNA
Better Not by Louis The Child ft. Wafia
Living Island by Pogo
Still Into You by Paramore
Hard Times by Paramore
Emergency by Paramore
Ignorance by Paramore
I Caught Myself by Paramore
Letting Go by HERB x Kendall Miles
To Be Human by Sia ft. Labrinth
Big Girls Cry (ODESZA Remix) by Sia
Elastic Heart by Sia
Angel By The Wings by Sia
If You Didn’t See Me (Then You Weren’t On The Dancefloor) by Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr.
Butterfly In The Still by Iwasaki Taku
Dare (La La La) by Shakira
Me Enamore by Shakira
Loca by Shakira ft. Dizzee Rascal
Te Aviso, Te Anuncio (Tango) by Shakira
Addicted To You by Shakira
Whenever, Wherever by Shakira
When A Woman by Shakira
Can’t Remember To Forget You by Shakira ft. Rihanna
Better Than Yesterday by HollySiz
This is What You Came For by Calvin Harris ft. Rihanna
Sweet Nothing by Calvin Harris ft. Florence Welch
Rain by Pueblo Vista ft. .Eehlou & Shiloh Dynasty
G.B.D. Pressure (Extended) by Chillster
Valentine by Aether ft. Veela
Lemme See by Usher ft. Rick Ross
Promises by Aly & AJ
Like Whoa by Aly & AJ
Silence by Aly & AJ
Find A Way by Safety Suit
Ordinary Day by Emilie Mover
Green Light by Lorde
Don’t Feel Like Crying (MK Remix) by Sigrid
Crazy in Love by EDEN ft. Leah Kelly
Broken Girl by Matthew West
Crazy in Love by Sofia Karlberg
This Is What Makes Us Girls (The Confect Remix) by Lana del Rey
1901 by Phoenix
Lisztomania by Phoenix
Please Don’t Touch by RAYE
Island In The Sun by Weezer
God Is A Dancer by Tiesto & Mabel
Tighten Up by The Black Keys
Do I Wanna Know? by Arctic Monkeys
Lazy Eye by Silversun Pickups
Don’t Play by Halsey
Bad At Love by Halsey
Young God by Halsey
Now Or Never by Halsey
Hurricane by Halsey
Drive by Halsey
Eyes Closed by Halsey
Eyes Closed (Stripped) by Halsey
Haunting by Halsey
Strangers by Halsey ft. Lauren Jauregui
100 Letters by Halsey
Ghost by Halsey
Break A Sweat by Becky G
Little Talks by Of Monsters And Men
I wanna be your girlfriend by girl in red
Run by Alison Wonderland
I Want U by Alison Wonderland
Peace by Alison Wonderland
Peace (Acoustic) by Alison Wonderland
Dead To Me by Kali Uchis
Good Enough by Evanescence
Go Slow by Gorgon City & Kaskade ft. Romeo
Feel Good Inc by filous & LissA
All I Need by Within Temptation
A Lot Like Love (Oliver Heldens Edit) by The Voyagers ft. Haris
Hideaway by Kiesza
Memories by KSHMR ft. Sirah
American Sadness by XYLO
One Step At A Time by Jordin Sparks
Your Shirt by Chelsea Cutler
Hope Of Morning by Icon For Hire
Collect Call by Metric
Flowers On The Grave (Acoustic) by The Maine
Fabulous by Ally Brooke
Falling (blackbear Remix) by Trevor Daniel
You by Petit Biscuit
Unlove You (Drop G Remix) by Armin van Burren ft. Ne-Yo
Formation (R-TRAX Trap Remix) by Beyonce
Schoolin’ Life by Beyonce
Simmer by Hayley Williams
Ruby by Foster The People
Moral Of The Story by Ashe
Colorblind (Left/Right Remix) by Karma Fields ft. Tove Lo
Don’t Stop The Music by Jamie Cullum
Goody Two Shoes by Adam Ant
Don’t Stop the Fancy Footwork (Chromeo vs. Rihanna)
She Wolf (Falling To Pieces) by David Guetta ft. Sia
Slow Burn by Audiograf
Write My Story by Olly Anna
1 Thing by Amerie
I Like That by Janelle Monae
Your Favorite Place by Joey Pecoraro
Beauty Mark by Parov Stelar ft. Anduze
Dead Hearts by Stars
Change of Seasons (EP Version) by Sweet Thing
Larger Than Life by Pink Zebra ft. Benji Jackson
Are You With Me (Pretty Pink Remix) by Lost Frequencies
Nothing But by Skin
In Common (Kenny Dope Remix) by Alicia Keys
Resonance by HOME
All Stars by Martin Solveig ft. ALMA
Lavender’s Blue Dilly Dilly [From the Cinderella (2015) OST]
Besame Mucho by Jorge Blanco
Touch You Right Now by Basic Element
Dinero by Trinidad
Icon (Reggaeton Remix) by Jaden Smith ft. Nicky Jam & Will Smith
Make Me Sweat by Kat DeLuna
Sombredosis by Kat DeLuna ft. El Cata
Real Love by Memory Tapes
Feelings by Hayley Kiyoko
This Side Of Paradise by Hayley Kiyoko
Wanna Be Missed by Hayley Kiyoko
Gravel To Tempo by Hayley Kiyoko
Pretty Girl by Hayley Kiyoko
Fiesta (Remix) by Bombe Estereo ft. Will Smith
Love by TeZATalks
Had by TeZATalks
Heal by Loreen
Analyser by AlunaGeorge
Attracting Flies by AlunaGeorge
Damaged by Plummet
My Kind by Hilary Duff
Sparks by Hilary Duff
Talk by DJ Snake ft. George Maple
First summer without you by Outgoing Hikikomori
First birthday without you by Outgoing Hikikomori
2 Heads by Coleman Hell
Mathematics by Little Boots
Hearts Collide by Little Boots
Meddle by Little Boots
Parachute by Cheryl Cole
When she went away by Max Richter
When she came back by Max Richter
Who Knew by Pink
Lash Out by Alice Merton
Back To The Start by Mr. Little Jeans
Perfecto. by Ayo. & .Disfnk ft. Daniela Andrade
service by j^p^n
I’m In Love Again by tomppabeats
Close by Nick Jonas ft. Tove Lo
Falling Apart by Michael Schulte
Dusk ‘Til Dawn by ZAYN ft. Sia
Pillowtalk by ZAYN
Minimal Beat by Lindsey Stirling
Perfect Illusion by Lady Gaga
Do I Wanna Know? (Cover) by CHVRCHES
La Familia (Guy Sigsworth Remix) by Mirah
Broken Parts by The Ready Set & Mokita
Invisible Chains by Lauren Jauregui
Lonely Gun by CYN
Cartier by Dopebwoy ft. 3robi & Chivv
Boss Bitch by Doja Cat
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freehawaii · 5 years
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WE who live in the Hawaiian Islands and call them home are challenged today and in the future to care for them so that those of Hawaiian ancestry as well as those of us who have affection for this special place continue to serve and care for the land and her people with authenticity and integrity.
The current test that we face for both the preservation and future use of Mauna Kea is but the latest of many that force us to take sides. To many, the choices seem insurmountable which is why we who lead and stand with our communities of faith must stand tall (Ku Kanaka) and provide the light of insight that will bring about peace and resolution to the stalemate of interests that present themselves on today on the Sacred Mountain.
Mauna Kea is a sacred space. It is wao akua—place of the gods, it is the mountain of God. It is understood asthe genesis point of the Hawaiian people, where sky father Wakea met with earth mother Papahanaumoku.
The controversy surrounding the TMT telescope continues to highlight the struggle of native peoples to protect and preserve their sacred sites from desecration.
We the undersigned have a responsibility not to stay silent in the face of injustice. We are not against science or scientific research. But it should be done in an appropriate location.
Building one more gigantic telescope on our sacred mountain might harm the natural environment, and the spiritual integrity. In light of recent arrest of kupuna, in the act of peaceful civil disobedience, the questionable telescope project is certainly harming the deep peace of our Hawaiian community!
Some may disagree, but we believe the mountain belongs to the Kanaka maoli. It is part of their homeland.
And they must have a say about what to do and what not to do on their sacred land! We offer our prayers in solidarity with all our kanaka maoli sisters and brothers who feel oppressed, bullied, and not listened to.
We pray for a deeper understanding of this very important issue. We pray for the people who insist to build in the midst of the loud outcry & the deep pain of our Kanaka maoli community. We pray for ourselves and all religious people and organizations to take action and join with others to right the wrongs.
We the undersigned religious leaders express ourselves in these words, speaking truth to power during these difficult days!
Religious Leaders in Solidarity -
(Religious organizations listed after names only for affiliation)
UMC – United Methodist Church
UCC – United Churches of Christ
TECH – The Episcopal Church Hawaii
AHEC – Association of Hawaiian Evangelical Churches
PAAM – Pacific Islands and Asian American Ministries
1. Dr. Kahu Kaleo Patterson, Pacific Justice and Reconciliation Center
2. Dr. Kahu Haaheo Guanson, Pacific Justice and Reconciliation Center
3. Richard Salvador, Pacific Justice and Reconciliation Center
4. Annette Mehana Keaoloha Unten, Pacific Justice and Reconciliation Center
5. Kent Kaahanui, Pacific Justice and Reconciliation Center
6. David Hagino, Native Hawaiian Church
7. Rev Dr. John Floberg, Standing Rock North Dakota TEC
8. Bishop Grant J. Hagiya, Resident Bishop of the Los Angeles area, United Methodist Church
9. Rev. Dr. Se Hee Han, Hawaii District, United Methodist Church
10.JoAnn Yoon Fukumoto, Justice and Compassion Chair, Hawaii District, and Trinity UMC
11.Francis Fukumoto, Trinity UMC
12.Kahu David K. Kaupu, Kahu Emeritus Bishop Memorial Chapel & Kaumakapili Church UCC
13.Rev. Arch Deacon Steve Costa, TECH
14.Rev. Dr. Bradley Hauff, Missioner, Indigenous Ministries, TEC
15.Ronald R. Braman, Chair, Province VIII Indigenous Ministries TEC
16.Reverend Canon Randolf V.N. Albano, TECH
17.Roth Puahala and Ohana and Kamaliʻi, Spiritual and Cultural Leader
18.Dr. Manuwai Peters, UCC
19.Leon Siu, Director, Christian Voice of Hawaii
20.Dr. Dawn Morais, Catholic and St. Elizabeth TECH
21.Kahu Debbie Wong Yuen, AHEC/UCC
22.Walter Wong Yuen, AHEC/UCC
23.Rev. David K. Popham
24.Kahu David Turner, Church of the Crossroads UCC
25.Dr. Kahu Doug Wooten, Kaumakapili Church AHEC/UCC
26.Kumu Coline Aiu, Halau Hula O Maiki and Ahahui Kaiulani
27.Reverend Canon Brian J. Grieves, TEC
28.Kahu Rennie Mau, Hawaii Pacific Islands and Asian American Ministries UCC
29.Maile Baird, Koolau Hui Ia Church, AHEC/UCC
30.Barbara Vlachos, President, Iolani Guild, TECH
31.Edward Akana, Alii Noeauloa, Lady of Peace Cathedral
32.Kahu Violet Makuakane, AHEC/UCC
33.Norman Kaleomokuokanalu Chock UCC
34.Manu Naeole AHEC/UCC
35.Kahu Alpha Goto UMC
Sacred Mauna Kea 2
36.Kumu Hula Leihiʻilani Kirkpatrick
37.Wyren Keoki Kiwaha, Chair, Justice and Witness, Hawaii Conference UCC
38.Julia Estrella, Hawaii Pacific Islands Asian American Ministries
39. Rev. Piula Alailima, Wesley United Methodist Church
40.Fr. David Gierlach, Rector, St. Elizabeth TECH, Wallyhouse Francisan Catholic Worker
41.Wally Inglis, Wallyhouse Francisan Catholic Worker Community
42.Mary Inglis, Wallyhouse Francisan Catholic Worker Community
43.Barbara D. Bennett, TSSF, Wallyhouse Francisan Catholic Worker Community
44.David Catron, Wallyhouse Francisan Catholic Worker Community
45.Niambi Mercado, Wallyhouse Francisan Catholic Worker Community
46.Dawn Webster, Wallyhouse Francisan Catholic Worker Community
47.Kahu John A. Hauʻoli Tomoso, Episcopal Priest and Social Worker MSW, TECH
48.Fr. Raymond Woo, Vicar, St. Lukeʻs TECH
49.Meleana Meyers, St. Clementʻs TECH
50.Rev. Dr. Bradley Hauff, Missoner, Indigenous Ministries, TECH
51.Rev Prof. Greg Johnson, TECH
52.Kerisa Carmelo, AHEC & UCC
53.Lorna Bufil, AHEC & UCC
54.Kahu Charles Kaupiko, Hauʻoli Kamanao Church AHEC & UCC
55.Kahu Melveen Kaupiko, Hauʻoli Kamanao Church AHEC & UCC
56.Kekai Perry, St. Stephenʻs TECH
57.Kauanoe Hoomanawanui, Koolau Huiia Protestant Church, AHEC & UCC
58.Anela Rosa, Waiola AHEC/UCC
59.Pete Doktor
60.Sensei Molly, True Mountain Sanga
61.Ron Fujiyoshi, Hawaii Pacific Islands Asian American Ministries UCC
62.Connie Gordan, Indigenous Ministries, TEC
63.David Thomson, Indigenous Ministries, TEC
64.Patty Takahashi, Nativer Hawaiian Church
65.Cheryl Hiipoi Ho, Church of the Crossroads
66.Matt Tautafete, The First Lapp UMC
67.Bude Van Dyke, Church of the Good Shepherd and Indigenous Ministries, TEC
68.Angie Warren, Kalapana Maunakea Church AHEC/UCC
69.Kahu Michael Maluhia Warren, Senior Pastor, Kalapana Mauna Kea Church AHEC/UCC
70.Kahu Wayne Higa, Kaahumanu Church AHEC/UCC
71.Gloria Pualani Muraki, Lanakila Church AHEC/UCC
72.Laurel Mieko Song Mayeda
73.Rev. Amy Wake, Trinity United Methodist Church
74.Rev. Won-Seok Yuh, Kahaluʻu United Methodist Church
75.Rev. Dr. Gwendolyn Kehaunani Hill, UCC
76.Kristen Young
77.Rev. Eric Anderson
Sacred Mauna Kea 3
78.Rev. John Finau, Keolumanu UMC
79.Trenton Baum
80.Gene Ahlo
81.Nicole Yamashita, Native Hawaiian Church
82.Myron Yamashita, Native Hawaiian Church
83.Christopher Mansho, Native Hawaiian Church
84.Cileen Yamashita, Native Hawaiian Church
85.Rev. Sam Domingo UMC
86.Rev. Ongo Viliami Koli, Trinity UMC
87.Rev. Richard Matsushita, UMC
88.Pomai Akiona, St. John the Baptist TECH
89.Loea Akiona, St. John the Baptist TECH
90.Jasmine Akiona, St. John the Baptist TECH
91.Galen Ho, St. John the Baptist TECH
92.Pumehana Ho, St. John the Baptist TECH
93.Jerome L. Uyematsu, Pacific Justice and Reconciliation Center
94.J Kawena Cotterell Uyematsu, Pacific Justice and Reconciliation Center
95.Jordan Makaalanalani Patterson, Pacific Justice and Reconciliation Center
96.Josiah Kekoanui Patterson, Pacific Justice and Reconciliation Center
97.Sha Merirei Onelungel, Progressive Pasifika
98.Kensen Alik, Oahu Berea Evangelical Church
99.Pastor Charles Petras, Oahu Berea Evangelical Church
100. Senni Petras, Oahu Berea Evangelical Church
101. Nathan Kalama, Koolau Hui Ia Church UCC
102. Brother Tom Spring, Marinist
103. Rodney Apana
104. Matthew DeKneff, Trinity UMC
105. Wendy DeKneef, Trinity UMC
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brigdh · 7 years
A Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzie Lee. A YA novel starring Monty, eldest son of an Earl in mid-1700s England, his childhood neighbor/best friend Percy, and his sister Felicity. The three of them are just about to begin a Grand Tour of Europe, their last summer of freedom and fun before Monty has to buckle down and behave like a noble heir, Percy starts law school, and Felicity is shipped off to a finishing school. Unfortunately none of them are particularly looking forward to their futures. Monty is very cheerfully bisexual, and has engaged in romps, gambling, drinking, and drugs to the point of being kicked out of Eton. Percy is mixed-race (the son of a plantation owner, though raised by his aunt and uncle, minor gentry) and though he's tolerated, his existence isn't always well-regarded in their circles. Felicity is pissed off about being doomed to learn embroidery and manners instead of going to medical school to become a doctor. Oh, and Monty is desperately in love with Percy, but is afraid to tell him and lose his friendship. This is just the beginning – as the book gets going, there are also revelations about epilepsy, child abuse, insane asylums, and more. It's not all serious, though. In fact, most of the book is light-hearted fun: there are encounters with highwaymen, battles with pirates, parties at Versailles, Carnevale in Venice, villas on Greek islands, operas, fortune tellers, hostage exchanges, escaping thieves, and basically every adventure one could imagine in 18th century Europe. There's even a plot about alchemists and an elixir of immortality which, to tell the truth, felt a bit out of place in the otherwise historically-based book. And, of course, there is lots and lots of pining as Monty and Percy engage in the most excellent sort of romantic-comedy suspense, yearning and avoiding telling the truth about their feelings. A++, that bit. My main complaint with the book is that Lee tries very earnestly to handle appropriately the issues of social justice she includes (racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia), but every one of the ensuing conversations feels very 2017-approved, with every term the correct vocabulary, every checkbox checked, every privilege painstakingly unpacked. Not that such views couldn't – didn't! – exist in the past, but the way Lee portrays them doesn't seem to relate to the characters or setting at all. They don't arise out of the environment of the book, but are dropped in wholesale from an outside perspective that wants to be sure we know the right way to think. And then there's the moment where one character tells another about how the Japanese mend broken pottery with gold seams, see, so that the broken places end up more beautiful than the whole, and it's meant to be a profound moment but it's just so embarrassingly like this person in the 1700s is reading off a tumblr post. But nonetheless it's a funny, sweet book, if not quite as good as I expected when I heard "Gay Roadtrip through 18th Century Europe". What it reminds me most of all is reading an AU from a fandom you don't know. Maybe the characterization and setting isn't always that great but you don't care because it's not your fandom. It has the tropes you love and you can't wait to see the couple get together at the end, so you stay up late reading it on your phone. A Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue is that experience in original fiction. Seven Surrenders by Ada Palmer. The sequel to Too Like the Lightning which I absolutely LOVED. However I really should not have waited seven months to read this one, because I'd forgotten some of the characters and plots and this is a series jam-packed with multitudes of characters and plots, and you better have every miniscule bit of such details ready at your fingertips to have a chance of following the action. To briefly summarize the plot (a task that's probably impossible, but I'll try to hit the main points) in the 25th century the world has more or less become a Utopia. Nations have been abolished, religion banished to the private sphere, and gendered distinctions made it illegal; to all outward appearances, it is a world with no reason to go to war. Unfortunately it turns out that all of this has been made possible through carefully targeted assassinations, picking off key individuals to guide the world away from war, riots, major economic downturns, etc. Not many – about nine a year, on average, for the last two hundred years. This information sets off a flurry of activity as the characters take sides, variously trying to figure out the conspiracy behind it, hide the perpetrators, uncover proof, keep the public from finding out, and broadcast the secret to as many people as possible. When several world leaders turn out to be involved, chaos breaks out worldwide. It's not just drama, though; behind the action scenes is the frequently repeated question of if it was such a bad plan after all. Is it worth losing a few lives to prevent the millions of deaths that would happen in war? Seven Surrenders is all about the philosophical dilemma. In addition to the one above, we get multiple debates over the riddle, 'would you destroy this world to save a better one?', and 'If God has revealed proof of His existence, why did He chose you above every human who's ever prayed to believe? And, more importantly, why now?' There is speculation about the power of gender, of sexual attraction, of the effect of raising children as experiments, of the role of Providence in life, of what it would mean for two Gods to meet, of how one conducts a war when there are no living veterans to teach the next generation. But there's plenty of action too – the book includes revelations of secret parentage, long-lost loves, a revenge story worthy of the Count of Monte Cristo, bombs, murders, resurrections, suicide attempts, cute kids, so many disguises, sword fights, gun battles, horse chases, and more. Ultimately I didn't like it as much as Too Like the Lightning. It just didn't feel as deep or as grand, possibly because so much stuff was happening that none of it got enough exploration. One of the most best character arcs (Bridger's) happened mostly offstage, and many of the other characters were too busy reacting to the constantly changing political winds to have a real arc. I still recommend it, because it's just so different from everything else and I have to support an author who mashes up transportation science with Diderot's philosophy. But if you read it, definitely don't wait months between books. The Cater Street Hangman by Anne Perry. A murder mystery, the first in a series set in Victorian London. Charlotte is the middle daughter of a middle-class family, believed by all to be firmly unmarriageable but happy enough with her staid life. The book opens with the murder of a young well-off woman, then Charlotte's maid is also murdered, as are several others. There is no apparent connection between the victims except that they're all young woman, all live nearby, and all were strangled. Inspector Thomas Pitt is assigned the case, and he begins to spend a great deal of time talking to Charlotte – first just to interview her regarding the murders, but then for her own sake. But will Charlotte's family allow her to marry a... policeman??? There are several interesting things about the book. Set very specifically in 1881 (which is to say, before Jack the Ripper) the very idea of a serial killer – as opposed to a thief who murders for money – is new and shocking to most of the characters. So is the concept that such a criminal could appear "normal", that rather than being a dirty, lower-class raving lunatic, it could be a respected neighbor or even a member of their own family. These are such self-evident ideas to modern people (and most characters in mystery books) that seeing Charlotte and the others wrestle with them, discuss their ramifications, and feel guilty for suspecting their husbands and fathers was pretty fascinating. I also liked that the family was so solidly middle-class. Historical fiction has a habit of gravitating toward extremes: everyone is either upper aristocracy or enduring the most grueling poverty. A family of boring bank clerks actually made for a refreshing change. Unfortunately those are the only good things I have to say about the book. The middle 2/3rds of the story drags along interminably, as nothing happens except for characters having the same few discussions over and over again. Charlotte suspects her father! First she must have a conversation about it with her mother. Then her younger sister. Then her older sister. Then her mother and the older sister talk. Then the older sister talks about it to her husband. Then... Well, you get the idea. And it's not as though each new character was bringing a fresh perspective and insight to the issue! No, we just get the same few protests and agreements recycled over and over in slightly different wordings. It's such an awful slog that I nearly abandoned the book. However, I stuck it out to the end, only to be rewarded with the reveal of the killer (warning for spoilers, I guess): a lesbian who has been driven mad by repressing her sexuality! You know, I don't think I've ever actually encountered this awful cliche in the wild before. It would almost be exciting, if it wasn't so offensive. Though there's not a lot of time to be offended, because the reveal, motivation, attack on Charlotte, rescue, and arrest all happen in the last two pages (literally) so none of it is exactly dwelt on. It's probably all for the best that I disliked this book. It's the first in a 32-book series, and now I don't feel any desire to read the rest.
(DW link for easier commenting)(Also goddamn, I am so far behind on putting up my book reviews, you guys. So prepare for a lot of that.)
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