#justice for tina pt. 2
purposechef · 8 months
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Don't ask, Tina.
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imissthefire · 6 years
Kierarktina Kids Headcanons pt 4
Before we get into this, as usual, here are the links to part: 1, 2, and 3
In this set of HCs, we finally get to meet the second kierarktina kiddo! Before that, we get to see some more wholesomeness that is the family just being iconic, and also another guest appearance by the Wild Hunt! I hope I do this wonderful family justice! Now, without further ado, here is the long awaited part 4 of my kierarktina kids HCs!
·         When we last saw the family, Mark, Tina, and Lia were visiting the gang of the LA Institute, Cristina had revealed to Emma that she was expecting
·         By the time that Mark and Cristina and Lia decide that they ought to head to Faerie, Emma is the last to say her goodbye for now and congratulates Mark, and asks him to pass on her congrats to Kieran too
·         Kieran doesn’t know yet, and they’re excited to tell him when they get back
·         So, the three hold tight to each other as Cristina pulls out the Eternidad, taking them to the forest outside of the cottage
·         Because of wards, they can’t transport directly inside the cottage, even with the power of the Eternidad
·         So once they arrive, they notice the sun is setting
·         They unlock the door and are met with what looks to be an empty cottage
·         They take Thalia to her room, helping her get changed into a comfy pair of pajamas
·         When Mark heads to their bedroom he’s met with the sight of Kieran curled up asleep, cuddling a pillow to his chest
·         His hair is a very pale blue, usually a sign that he’s happy
·         Mark gently climbs into the bed next to him, which startles Kieran, his hair darkening immediately as he shoots up
·         When he realises that it’s Mark, his hair pales again, furthering this family’s Wholesome™ agenda
·         When Cristina gets into the room, she’s already mentally preparing herself to tell Kieran about her pregnancy
·         She gets in bed, but slides over Mark so that she’s in-between them
·         Kieran is not opposed to this new sleeping arrangement, but usually when they switch up how they sleep, there’s a reason
·         Cristina has a huge smile plastered over her face, so Kieran sees she isn’t upset about anything
·         She leans in and whispers to him that she’s pregnant, her eyes welling up with happy tears
·         His hair flared a very pale blue, nearly white, when he heard the words
·         He’s so happy and excited about it that he nearly jumps out of bed
·         He chooses to express his happiness and excitement with a big ol’ kiss and a tight embrace
·         He vows to protect and love their next child as much as he loves Thalia, stating that they will of course be regarded as a Prince or Princess of the court too, despite not being his blood
·         If that’s okay with Tina and Mark of course
·         Which it totally is, they’re a family of royalty and this baby is going to be as much of a Prince/Princess as their Lia
·         The next nights that they are together, the boys are sure to keep Cristina between them protectively
·         They start wondering how and when to tell Lia
·         They know that she has expressed interest in having a little sibling, but there’s still that lingering fear that she could have changed her mind
·         So, about a week and a bit after they told Kieran, Cristina takes Lia out for the day
·         They have a girls’ night (which they often try to do, they also have daddies-daughter days where she is just with her dads and it’s wonderful)
·         (they also have times where it’s just one of them and Lia because they feel that although it’s fun to all be together, individual bonding with their daughter is super important too)
·         But anyway, today, Tina really wants to try and get that emphasis of how much she loves her Lia and wants to assure her that their girls’ nights will always be theirs, even if a baby comes along
·         So, nearing the end of their night out, the girls go and get some ice cream, and at the ice cream parlour, there’s a mother and a fairly young baby
·         Tina feels her heart flutter a little, just looking at the sweet mother and child
·         Lia looks from the baby and mother to her own mother and asks when she’ll get another baby
·         Wow, perfect timing, Cristina thought, but in the moment sort of dismisses it being like “that would be nice, huh?”
·         After the girls get their desserts, Cristina takes Lia to a table outside the parlour
·         She asks her what she thinks about having a little brother or sister
·         Lia goes on about how she really wants one someday because then she can have someone to play with
·         She also says that she would protect them no matter what, saying that she would make sure they are safe
·         Cristina feels like she might cry just a bit, like wowie Lia is so sweet and she is so excited to tell her
·         So, not long after Lia’s explained all the things she would do with her baby brother/sister, the girls have finished their desserts and Cristina tells Lia that she has something very important to tell her
·         Lia, knowing the gravity of the word “important” immediately puts on the most serious look, her little eyebrows furrowing together, her eyes regarding her mother’s with 100% focus
·         Cristina moves to be squatting down in front of Lia’s chair, matching her serious look, but smiling big as she says to Lia
·         “I’m glad that you are so excited for a little sibling,” she takes Lia’s hand, “because inside my tummy, there’s a little baby growing.”
·         Lia’s hair flairs up a light blue-green, a huge smile on her face.
·         She throws herself from the chair she’s in into a hug with her mom, squealing as she talks about how the baby should be born soon so that they can become best friends
·         Lia then backs down for a moment and pats her mom’s tummy
·         She goes up closer to it, and whispers “hi, baby, I’m gonna be your big sister!”
·         Cristina feels a little tear escape, the night only continues to get more sweet
·         Jump ahead a few weeks, Cristina’s now, like, 3 and a half months pregnant and is really showing a lot more than she had at this point with Lia
·         She isn’t too put off by it, but it does slightly concern her as at this point, she’s feeling more pregnancy symptoms sooner than last time, and a lot more aggressively
·         Like, she’s getting a lot more back pains and more pressure on her abdomen, and more morning sickness than she had when she was pregnant with Lia
·         Upon sharing these concerns with Kieran and Mark, they urge her to get it checked out
·         Since Silent City has had very limited access, she had to opt for calling up a warlock, and who better than one who doubles as a nurse?
·         Catarina Loss is summoned to a small apartment just outside the city of New York (where Cristina and Mark often stay when they aren’t in Faerie)
·         She does some tests with Tina and the baby is completely healthy, she explains to Cristina that it is very common to experience increased sensitivity during one’s second pregnancy, and that she and the baby will be fine
·         While she’s there, she can’t help but ask Catarina about the sex of the child
·         She’s adamant that it doesn’t matter to her, but she’s just curious and also Lia has been asking if she’s gonna have a baby brother or a baby sister and not being able to know really thins out the child’s patience
·         Catarina smiles and tells her that she’s having another girl
·         With bubbling excitement, Cristina can’t help but share a hug with Catarina before she’s off
·         That night, Cristina stays in the apartment, speaking quietly to her growing belly, telling her little girl how excited she is to know more and more about her
·         Despite only having travelled back to the mundane world that morning, she was advised to stay the evening as to be able to rest before making another trip to Faerie
·         She sends a fire message back to Kieran and Mark (who are both staying at the cottage with for daddies-daughter time) about how she’s found out the sex of the baby, but wishes to tell them in person
·         Doing this only makes them all more excited about their growing family
·         The next morning Cristina sets out to make her travel back to Faerie
·         When she arrives back, she walks the short distance from the edge of the forest to the cottage
·         It always startles her when she seed a flash of dark reddish-brown clad Fae whilst she walks through, even though she is well aware that the cottage is always surrounded by redcap guards
·         She is met with Lia running to the door once she opens it, her daughter smiling a big smile at her
·         Once they’re all inside, Tina goes on to explain that there’s nothing to raise any concern with the baby
·         Lia is quick to ask if she knows if she’s gonna have a baby brother or sister yet
·         Finally, Cristina looks up to Mark and Kieran with a smile and says: “we are going to have another girl”
·         Both Mark and Thalia actually jump up and down briefly with excitement (well, Thalia continues to jump around the room, her hair shifting to a bright green and to a pale blue as she bounces around with a huge grin on her face)
·         Kieran’s reaction was definitely more subtle, as he tends to be a bit less openly expressive
·         However, much like their daughter, his hair takes over him and it melts into a pale blue streaked through with light green
·         The quad celebrate with many hugs, and Thalia is determined that now she knows that she’s gonna have a sister, that she will be sure to let her play with all her favourite toys, and she will teach her how to be a Princess
·         Thalia lowkey loves getting dressed in her fancier clothing and making pretend court hearings with her stuffed animals, pretending to be a ruler of both Faerie and the Shadow World
·         It highkey makes all three of her parents cry just a little because it’s so Wholesome™
·         Hopping back a little to a thing I mentioned in my previous HC, we got some more stuff about the Wild Hunt
·         So ever since the Wild Hunt had been acquainted with the Princess of Unseelie and they all adore her, they’ve begun leaving her little tokens from their hunts on occasion
·         When they go on raids, and ravage the dead, they collect the finest of items, often bringing her gifts
·         Like, sometimes outside the cottage, there’s a random necklace, or a pretty ring and they all have a leaf tied to them with Thalia scratched into them
·         One time, there was a diadem that was left on the steps of the Mexico City Institute when Cristina and Lia were staying there
·         Again, it had a leaf strung to it, addressing it to the Princess of Unseelie
·         There was a day when the Lia and her parents were out for a walk in the fields of Faerie
·         They like taking walks as a family, but are always sure to stay in the safest parts of Faerie that they can be in, even though not everywhere is the safest when with a three year old Princess of a powerful court
·         The peaceful walk was interrupted by the horn of the Hunt, low and booming
·         Mark and Kieran panicked a little knowing that the horn was an announcement of their arrival, and usually a warning of imminent death or danger
·         Out of instinct, Mark puts an arm out to shield Cristina’s belly, and Kieran dashes ahead for Lia (who always is in their sight, but often likes to wander a few steps ahead of them)
·         Suddenly, hundreds of white blossoms fall from the sky all around them, Lia starts dancing around in the raining flowers, happily waving to the Hunt as they pass overhead
·         Kieran, Mark, and Cristina all smile at the flowers and their daughter dancing happily around
·         The event of it raining flowers spreads around Faerie quickly as it was quite the magnificent feat
·         Not everyone heard the Hunt’s horn, so stories are quick to form on the reason for the spurt of floral rain
·         Some say that the Princess of Unseelie has powers to summon the most beautiful rains
·         Some say it was a blessing to the Princess by the highest powers
·         And some know that it was the Wild Hunt, but not all know why they brought down flowers around the royal family
·         When word gets out to the Wild Hunt that Cristina is expecting another baby girl, there was a baby rattle delivered to the doorstep of the cottage
·         Instead of being addressed to Lia, it had an ivy vine tied around it, the leaves on the vine forming a message: for the next Princess of Unseelie
·         It felt too odd to take the possession of what was assumedly a deceased infant, but it was the thought that counts
·         Instead of giving the rattle to the baby, Kieran and Cristina decided that it would just be a decorative piece in the room that she would share with Lia
·         The Wild Hunt, despite being a group of fearsome warriors who ravage the dead, really do have some gentleness hidden within their brutal ways, and it always makes the family smile when there’s a new token left for them
·         Going ahead a few months, Tina’s about 8 months in, and she and Lia are out and about with Emma having a girls’ day (Lia loves her aunty Emma, and finds herself often following her more closely than her own mother when the three of them are out)
·         Mark is off with Julian, having a bros day, hanging out with Ty who is back on a break from Scholomance
·         Anyway, the girls are out walking along the beach, Lia stopping every now and again to collect shells and sea glass
·         Cristina and Emma reminisce on their early days of friendship, when they first met four years ago, how things have changed
·         Emma watches Lia with a wistfulness, wishing she could go back to when she was a young child, playing on the beaches with her parents, and Julian and his family
·         Of course, she says nothing, but Cristina sees the expression on her face, one that shows a longing and also a hopefulness
·         Being brought up during a war, having lost loved ones during it, both Emma and Cristina can only hope that Lia won’t have to suffer through a similar fate
·         Meanwhile, Mark and his brothers are catching up while simply enjoying each other’s company
·         Both Julian and Ty express their excitement about the new addition into their extended family, talking of how exciting it is to have a new baby
·         Of course they still consider Lia their family, but she is determined that she is “not a baby anymore” and is fully prepared to become a caregiver to her baby sister
·         Julian envies Lia in a way that he cannot fully explain to the others
·         He hopes and prays that she won’t have to ever be forced into having to become an actual caregiver to her baby sister
·         He knows that the new baby will be born into love and happiness, but he can’t help the looming memory of what it really means to be the primary caregiver to siblings when you yourself are but only a child
·         There are a lot of feelings shared during this visit, and when it’s finally time to go, Mark, Cristina and Lia bid their farewells and they all hang on to each other as they take the Eternidad out and head back home to the cottage 
·         When they arrive, they are inexplicably separated
·         Mark and Lia head in to the cottage after alerting a group of redcaps of what was happening
·         She was found not too long after a bit deeper in the forest, unwell
·         The travel and the shock of their immediate arrival must’ve set something off, and she had realised that she was going into labour
·         A healer was sent for, and a messenger was sent to Kieran to alert him of what was going on
·         Cristina is brought into the bedroom, the healer arrives shortly after and boots Mark from the room
·         When Kieran arrives nearly an hour later, he is lacking his usual composure
·         His hair was a mess, his eyes were frantic, he looked as though he had rolled through dirt on his way
·         Kieran asked Mark for updates, but Mark hadn’t much to tell him other than that things were going well, at least he believes they are
·         Lia was in her room, when she heard that her little sister was coming, she was set on making her and her sister’s room look pretty, so she went off to clean her room
·         It was usually a nightmare trying to have Lia clean her room, as she had always had it all to herself for the most part, and was very adamant that her toys didn’t like being put away
·         Anyway, back to the Panicked Dads™
·         He and Mark asked to be able to be able to see Cristina
·         The healer would not allow him or Mark in to see Cristina, believing that their panicky, anxious state could harm the delicate energy that was filling the bedroom
·         Kieran tried to be all “I’m the King here, let me in” but the healer just straight up shuts the door in his face
·         After several hours of long, excruciating labour, Cristina was relieved to hear her baby crying, knowing it was a sign of her good health
·         Finally, her boys are allowed to come in, and Mark’s eyes immediately well with tears
·         He looks down at their new daughter, marvelling at her pale skin, dark brown tufts of hair, and plump cheeks
·         She’s so adorable and everyone is all around quaking
·         Mark and Kieran are asking Cristina how it was, if she’s doing all right, if she needs anything
·         Cristina is beyond exhausted, she has the baby resting in her arms, but asks if either of them would like to hold her
·         Both of them put their arms out, but it’s Kieran who ends up holding her first
·         Mark stands beside him, running the back of his hand ever so lightly along her cheek when she reaches a hand up to grab his finger
·         He cries again
·         The fathers move to sit on the edge of the bed, Cristina is resting but still facing them
·         She watches the beauty in their expressions as they marvel at the newest addition to the family, smiling as Mark’s arm goes to cradle under Kieran’s
·         The pair of them hold her, and as if she knew what was happening, Lia peeks her head into the room
·         She hops up on the bed and looks at her baby sister and smiles big, leaning over to kiss her on her cheek
·         Lia crawls over to her mother and cuddles up to her, thanking her for giving her a sister
·         Cristina pulls her eldest daughter in for a hug, telling her that she knows that she will be an excellent big sister
·         The question that hangs in the air is finally asked by Lia, who gets up from her mother, and moves over to sit beside her dads and new sister
·         “What’s her name?” she asks, peering over at her
·         Kieran, Mark, and Cristina had talked endlessly about names before coming to their conclusion
·         Her name is Kalliope (keeping with the theme of Greek Mythology based names that I just, ugh, I love them)
·         (also, idk if I mentioned it before, but Thalia was one of the Greek Muses, and so was Kalliope, and that was unintentional on my part, I just love those names)
·         Then, again as with Thalia, even though a “faerie name” wouldn’t hold any power over her, they gave her one, it’s Nereida which is the Spanish version of Nerissa, so we paying homage to Mark’s birth mother and also I just really like the name, oops
·         Anyway, Lia looks over at her baby sister, and she smiles at her
·         “Hi, Kalli, I’m your big sister,” she beams
·         The parents all share an adoring look, loving the nickname that’s already spouted, and just adoring their baby girls being so Wholesome™
·         Before long, Kalli starts opening her eyes
·         The parents are still too busy marvelling at Lia interacting with Kalli, so they didn’t notice until Lia pipes up with:
·         “Look, papa,” Lia point to Kalli, “she has eyes like one of yours!”
·         Sure enough, little Kalli is looking around at her family with Blackthorn blue-green eyes
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midnightactual · 2 years
Music: Set 3
Music is one of many ways in which Yoruichi might be understood. Entries from her music tag (here) will periodically be moved into this catalog. More generally-focused themes can be found at Music: Set 1! More emotionally-focused themes can be found at Music: Set 2!
Songs which capture Yoruichi’s relationship with Kūkaku (@crashingheavens​):
Historical: Phoenix - If I Ever Feel Better
Historical: SZA, Kendrick Lamar - Pray For Me
Historical: Ai Orikasa - Tsuki No Tragedy
Historical: Muse - Starlight
Historical: Daft Punk - Instant Crush
Historical: Blue Oyster Cult - Burning For You
Historical: Spice Girls - Viva Forever
Historical: Faunts - M4, Pt. 2
Historical: Cartoon - I Remember U
Historical: Daft Punk, The Weeknd - Veridis Quo x In Your Eyes
Contemporary: Rainych - Blinding Lights (Japanese Version)
Contemporary: Laura Branigan - Self Control
Contemporary: f(x) - Electric Shock
Contemporary: Berlin - Take My Breath Away
Contemporary: Symbol - Forever Young
Contemporary: Garbage - The World Is Not Enough
Contemporary: NEFFEX - Save Me
Contemporary: Ozzy Osbourne - I Just Want You
Contemporary: Two-Mix - Rhythm Emotion
Contemporary: Reinaeiry, Annapantsu - Intertwined
Contemporary: Rihanna - Umbrella (Skeler Remix)
Contemporary: Namie Amuro - Come
Contemporary: Jonas Brothers - Sucker
Contemporary: Interstate - I Found You
Contemporary: Empire of the Sun - Celebrate
Contemporary: VNV Nation - Illusion
Contemporary: Roy Knox - Breathe Me In
Contemporary: Dead Or Alive - You Spin Me Round (Like A Record)
Contemporary: Tom Jones - She's A Lady
Contemporary: Daryl Hall & John Oates - Out Of Touch / Remix
Contemporary: Tommy Trash, Daisy Guttridge - Sinners
Contemporary: Lady Gaga - Bad Romance
Contemporary: SUPER-Hi, NEEKA - Following The Sun
Contemporary: Demi Lovato - Cool For The Summer
Contemporary: Harry Styles - Watermelon Sugar High
Contemporary: David Guetta - Lovers On The Sun
Contemporary: Kid Francescoli - Moon
Contemporary: Doja Cat, SZA - Kiss Me More
Contemporary: Diplo & Miguel - Don't Forget My Love
Contemporary: Mr.Kitty - After Dark (Razer Remix)
Yoruichi enjoys karaoke and also sometimes does her own improvisations on songs:
Jaegerjaquez (Running Overland): Pain - Jabberjaw (Running Underwater)
Unohana: Camilla Cabello - Havana
Danger Zone: Kenny Loggins - Danger Zone
Bankai Bash: Bobby “Boris” Pickett - Monster Mash
My Kūkaku: The Knack - My Sharona
Anarchy In The Seireitei: The Sex Pistols - Anarchy In The U.K.
In The Gotei: Village People - In The Navy
S.R.D.I.: Village People - Y.M.C.A.
Ms. Bakeneko: Styx - Mr. Roboto
Eternal Night: The Immortals - Rayden (Eternal Life)
Welcome To The Shōten: Guns N’ Roses - Welcome To The Jungle
Hologram Man: They Might Be Giants - Particle Man
Horny Death God: traditional - Drunken Sailor
Wellerman: traditional - Wellerman
Golden Eye: Tina Turner - Golden Eye
Songs which Yoruichi has picked out to convey messages to others:
For Kurayami: Nine Inch Nails - We're In This Together
For Kūkaku: Iron Maiden - Wasted Years
For Kūkaku: Rina Sawayama - Bad Friend
For Kaien: Iced Earth - Watching Over Me
For Kisuke: Bear McCreary - All Along The Watchtower
For Kisuke: Lorde - Team
For Kisuke: PLS&TY - Run Wild
For Father: Audioslave - Show Me How To Live
For Villains: Trapt - Headstrong
For “The Garganta”: Disturbed - Want
Songs which don’t capture anything specific but nonetheless just feel like they should be here:
Christmas (Historical): Elvis Presley - Blue Christmas
New Year’s (Historical): Justice - One Minute To Midnight
Lunar New Year: Michael McCann - Return to Hengsha
Alannah Myles & Mark Campbell - Ride Pontiac Ride
Mega Drive - Vietrom
Mega Drive - Completely Circuitry
Moon Hooch - Old Frenchman
Alcatrazz - Hiroshima Mon Amour
Grimes - We Appreciate Power
Rage Against The Machine - Wake Up
Metallica, San Francisco Symphony - The Ecstasy Of Gold (Live)
Bonnie Tyler - Holding Out For A Hero x Atomic Blonde
HEALTH - Blue Monday
Orgy - Blue Monday
Test Dept. - Fuckhead
Mega Drive - Total Control
Metallica, San Francisco Symphony - No Leaf Clover
Monik, Carroch - Palkia
Justice - Waters of Nazareth
Juno Reactor - Navras
The Heavy - Short Change Hero
Alan Tam - Zhe Shi Jie Yi Feng Dian
Rob Zombie - Dragula
Japanese Trap & Bass: SHINIGAMI
Darksynth & Cyberpunk: EMPIRE
Darksynth & Cyberpunk: WANTED
Future Funk & Vaporwave: Downtown Sparkles
Future Funk & City Pop: Best of VA-11 HALL-A OST
Phonk & Memphis: PHONK DRIFT MIX
Cyber Work & Night Chillstep: Productivity Music
Rain & Bittersweet Jazz: Being Alone In A 50s Private Club
Noir Jazz: Relaxing Private Eye Film Noir Jazz Mix
0 notes
themarsupials · 7 years
100 Best Albums of 2017, pt. 4
25. Fever Ray – Plunge
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Karin Dreijer is half of The Knife, but the tone for her second album as Fever Ray is vastly more immediate and inviting than her band with her brother; all restless rhythms, dense electronic beats and nervous energy, it’s not exactly dance music, but it certainly can’t sit still. Most surprising, though, is the unbridled lust in her lyrics, making this perhaps the horniest album of the year.
 24. Protomartyr – Relatives in Descent
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This Detroit band’s fourth album is a masterclass in restraint and release, in using moments of peace and patience to skillfully maximize the impact when the noise kicks in. Anchored by the mighty voice of Joe Casey – who spits his lyrics with all the vitriol of Nick Cave in the 80s – it’s a thrillingly dark listen.
 23. Vagabon – Infinite Worlds
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A recurring theme in music this year was the passing of the guard between indie rock generations; where big-name comebacks were often underwhelming (many notable by their absence from this list) in favour of thrilling debuts from voices often overlooked in the genre. Case in point, Laetitia Tamko, the woman behind Vagabon, an American born in Cameroon; with Infinite Worlds, she achieved the kind of debut other artists only dream of; tight, direct, unnervingly raw and honest, and downright unforgettable.
 22. Oumou Sangare – Mogoya
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Oumou Sangare turns fifty next year, and has been performing since she was five; for Mogoya, though, the Malian music icon hardly rests on her laurels. She’s managed to dance a fine line in successfully creating a contemporary update on her traditional Wassoulou sound, for a thoroughly empowering and danceable record that’s at once instantly recognizable as Malian, without being bound the “world music” tag.
 21. Cable Ties – Cable Ties
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There were a lot of great punk and post-punk records in 2017; few, however, hit with the power of this Melbourne band’s debut LP. Every track grabs you within seconds, and the tightness of the band’s performance keeps you hooked throughout. They’re playing Laneway next month, and if they’re not huge afterwards, there is no justice in the world.
 20. Oddisee – The Iceberg
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My second-favourite hip-hop album (after the obvious), this is the best release yet from the impressively prolific rapper; his words, delivered with clarity and eloquence, don’t beat around the bush; and paired with the organic, live-band sound, this record is an absolute breath of fresh air.
 19. Jens Lekman – Life Will See You Now
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Whilst Jens Lekman has never played the singer-songwriter aesthetic straight, his fourth album totally dismisses the tag, finding musical inspiration in disco and calypso. It makes for a real treat of a literary pop record, especially with his none-more-idiosyncratic lyrics, touching on everything from dinner dates to models of tumours to the Cambrian explosion.
 18. Downtown Boys – Cost of Living
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A bigger budget and a bigger audience helped the Rhode Island punks broaden their sound on their second album, allowing for longer and bigger songs. Their firepower, however, hasn’t dimmed a bit; like their debut, the impact of these bilingual, saxophone-fuelled songs of rage make Downtown Boys one of the most exhilarating bands working today.
 17. Flamingosis – A Groovy Thing
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A year after his last great album, Bright Moments, Flamingosis presented his greatest, most fully-realised work yet in A Groovy Thing. Like a slightly-less-whimsical Avalanches, this all-samples album unfolds as impossibly inviting, pastel-toned jazz-funk; every track establishing a warm, fuzzy groove you’ll want to inhabit for as long as possible.
 16. Naomi Keyte – Melaleuca
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The best South Australian LP of 2017, Naomi Keyte’s debut LP consists of gorgeously expansive pop-folk, with songs that evoke the rolling, golden hills and windswept beaches of the Adelaide region. An album of songs to lose yourself in, and to make you ache for home.
 15. Broken Social Scene – Hug of Thunder
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Wikipedia describes Broken Social Scene’s lineup as varying between six and nineteen members; for Hug of Thunder, their comeback record after seven years away, they managed to distill the potential of such an enormous sound into laser-like focus, resulting in a thrillingly joyous indie-rock success.
 14. King Krule – The Ooz
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I always hate it when young people are intimidatingly talented, a point proven by the astonishing creativity of Archy Marshall, aka King Krule. At just 23, he’s created, for the second King Krule album, a sound so unique, so immersive, that it essentially inhabits its own musical universe. Seamlessly crossing ideas across blues, trip-hop, rap, dub, dirty jazz and garage punk, this is a rich, complex and challenging listen, bountiful with tricks and treasures to discover for years to come.
 13. Kendrick Lamar – DAMN.
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Kendrick Lamar’s conquering of popular music culture is now so complete that he barely warrants any further justification. Let’s just say his flow and wordplay are unparalleled, and the raw sound of DAMN., after the elaborate To Pimp a Butterfly, continues to surprise.
 12. Sheer Mag – Need To Feel Your Love
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Sheer Mag’s debut LP is probably the most purely lovable rock album of the year; there’s no messing about with high concept ideas, just song after song of kickarse riffs and vocals. Drawing inspiration from wildly unfashionable sources – 1970s hard rock and 1980s power pop among them – Tina Halladay proves an absolute powerhouse of a singer, providing enough grit to temper the sugar rush of the music itself.
 11. Kelela – Take Me Apart
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After a number of EPs and countless guest appearances, Kelela’s debut LP finally appeared, and it was a revelation. In somewhat similar territory to fka Twigs, she twists contemporary R&B sounds into strange new shapes, with a near-impossible attention to detail in the production of every song, making this record a treasure for the body and the brain in equal measure.
 10. Sampha – Process
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Sampha Sisay has spent a few year playing guest vocalist, for Solange, SBTRKT and Drake to name a few. When his own LP finally arrived, it proved remarkably complex, deep and rewarding for a debut; fully fleshed-out and well-considered progressive soul music, it’s clear that Sampha’s been meditating on and distilling the sound of these songs for a while, resulting in a beautiful, thoughtful and moving album.
 9. Fleet Foxes – Crack-Up
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Even among a near-flawless discography, Fleet Foxes’ first record in six years managed to be their grandest achievement. A tour de force of complex majesty, these massive, multi-sectioned songs hit every note of aural pleasure, even with the immediacy of a single like “White Winter Hymnal.”
 8. Lorde – Melodrama
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Classic pop albums – not indie-pop, not art-pop, just straight pop – are a rare beast, especially those that a greater than the sum of their singles, and particularly those that follow world-conquering teenage debuts. Melodrama completely blows Pure Heroine away, cementing Lorde’s position as one the world’s great pop songwriters.
 7. Feist – Pleasure
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At the time, and following her surprise hit “1234,” Feist’s Metals album seemed shockingly raw; now, it sounds downright opulent, such is the stark, unpolished nature of Pleasure. Here, Feist drifts ever further from the mainstream, pushing her vocals low in the mix, and letting the songs breathe with an uncluttered, unrefined, downright dirty sound.
 6. The Smith Street Band – More Scared Of You Than You Are Of Me
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Hitting full throttle within seconds, then barely letting up for another moment, this album catapulted the Smith Street Band into Australian music’s big leagues. Its core is Wil Wagner’s voice and lyrics, which split some critics between disarmingly honest and direct on the one hand, and mere bogan rantings on the other. For my part, I found his soppy romanticism and vulnerable realisations utterly gripping throughout.
 5. Jay Som – Everybody Works
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This album, from a woman otherwise named Melina Duterte, is the very epitome of not just indie rock in 2017, but independent music of any genre. Written, performed and produced entirely on her own, this is an album of intimacy, honesty, directness and identity-formation. Most importantly, despite the easy tags, there are no ballads or anthems here; rather, despite drifting from subtle bedroom pop to fuzzed-out noise, Duterte’s compositions are all about shades of grey, a true sign of a gifted songwriter with a bright future.
 4. LCD Soundsystem – American Dream
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The fourth official LCD Soundsystem LP builds on the dance-punk template of three perfect previous records, taking it into stranger, hitherto-unexplored places; the wigged-out guitar frenzy of “Emotional Haircut,” and the apocalyptic rhythms of “How Do You Sleep?” among them. It’s all representative of James Murphys’ increasingly no-fucks-given approach, allowing himself to take ever-greater risks than before.
Or, for a shorter review: James Murphy makes another amazing record – no one is surprised.
 3. Thundercat – Drunk
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Drunk feels like the album Thundercat has been teasing his whole career; after some false starts, EPs, great singles, great collaborations, Drunk is, finally, the bass virtuoso’s masterpiece. Over twenty-three tracks – none of which surpass four minutes – it’s a funk album made of small moments, intricate ideas and quirky humour. Whimsical, self-deprecating, and a whole lot of fun, it’s an endlessly loveable funk odyssey.
 2. Priests – Nothing Feels Natural
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Coming from Washington, D.C., this is undoubtedly the most exhilarating rock record I’ve heard in years. From a post-punk template, Priests keep you guessing with elements of surf, garage, goth and even jazz (check out the jazzy breakdown in the opener, “Appropriate”). With Katie Alice Greer’s howls and sneers accompanying ideas of identity, intersectionalism, democracy and general disappointment with the state of the world, Priests have provided the perfect soundtrack for 2017.
 1.    Perfume Genius – No Shape
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2017 was, of course, a landmark year for Australia’s LGBTIQ community, with the long-overdue legislation of marriage equality. The path to get there was tortuous, damaging and painful; yet, in the aftermath of the campaign’s success, the time is right to celebrate what should be the mundaneness same-sex monogamy. It’s in this context, then, that we receive Mike Hadreas’ fourth Perfume Genius record; a thoughtful pop album that’s at once vibrant, decadent, tender, sentimental and celebratory. A lot has changed for Hadreas between records; on his previous, Too Bright, he looked upon himself with disgust, and approached his queerness confrontationally; for No Shape, however, he has nothing left to fear, no reason to retreat. As a result, this album – 2017’s greatest – is all celebration and acceptance of self, all odes to devotion and redemption, and, at the end of the day, sheer reverence for his lucky boyfriend, Alan Wyffels.
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larryland · 7 years
Performances Run August 10 – September 3
“Be not afeard, the isle is full of noises…” – Act 3, Scene 2
(Lenox, MA) – Shakespeare & Company presents William Shakespeare’s The Tempest in the Company’s new outdoor theatre. Likely the final piece that the Bard penned alone, The Tempest tells the story of Prospero, a betrayed duke and magician bent on justice and revenge until he sees, through his daughter, the power of love and forgiveness. The events of the story unfold amidst the elements of the island, a perfect fit for a Berkshire evening in the open air of the Roman Garden Theatre. The Tempest, Directed by Allyn Burrows, the Company’s newly appointed Artistic Director, will run in this newly constructed outdoor venue at dusk from August 10 through September 3.
“Envy, betrayal, and exile are transformed into self-exploration, forgiveness and wonder in this towering classic,” said Burrows. “When told simply and eloquently by nine actors in an intimate outdoor setting at sunset, this story can be strikingly powerful. ”
Burrows’ Tempest marks the inaugural production in the new Roman Garden Theatre and features long-time Shakespeare & Company actors Nigel Gore and Jason Asprey, alongside Thomas Brazzle, Deaon Griffin-Presley, Tamara Hickey, Ella Loudon, Josh Aaron McCabe, Bella Merlin, and Mark Zeisler. The creative team includes Jim Youngerman (set designer), Govane Lohbauer (costume designer), and Arshan Gailus (sound designer).
Burrows invites audiences “to enjoy a genuine Berkshire theatrical experience under the evening sky in our new Roman Garden Theatre, an intimate outdoor performance space with comfortable seating, located in the Shakespeare Garden, adjacent to the Tina Packer Playhouse.”
The Tempest will be performed in-the-round at dusk, tickets are available online at shakespeare.org, or by calling Shakespeare & Company’s box office at (413) 637-3353. The Roman Garden Theatre is a new outdoor venue and is wheelchair accessible. Shakespeare & Company is located at 70 Kemble Street in Lenox, Massachusetts. This production is generously sponsored by The Dr. Gerald and Roberta Friedman Foundation.
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AT A GLANCE PRODUCTION: The Tempest PLAYWRIGHT: William Shakespeare DIRECTOR: Allyn Burrows SET DESIGNER: Jim Youngerman COSTUME DESIGNER: Govane Lohbauer SOUND DESIGNER: Arshan Gailus STAGE MANAGER: Diane Healy VOCAL COACH: Ariel Bock ASSISTANT DIRECTORS: Annie Considine and Lydia Barnett-Mulligan
CAST MEMBERS CALIBAN: Jason Asprey SEBASTIAN: Thomas Brazzle PROSPERO: Nigel Gore FERDINAND: Deaon Griffin-Pressley ARIEL: Tamara Hickey MIRANDA: Ella Loudon STEPHANO/ALONSO: Josh Aaron McCabe TRINCULO: Bella Merlin ANTONIO: Mark Zeisler
About Allyn Burrows (Director) Nineteenth season (Artistic Director; Alan, God of Carnage; Actor, T.S. Eliot and his Love of Shakespeare). S&Co: Or, King John, Much Ado About Nothing, Henry V, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Henry IV Pt 1, Measure for Measure, Betrayal, The House of Mirth, Love’s Labours Lost, Macbeth, and The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged). As Artistic Director of Actors’ Shakespeare Project, Allyn directed productions of Romeo & Juliet, Pericles, Jon Lipsky’s Living in Exile, Richard II, and The Tempest, and performances there included The Winter’s Tale, Henry VI Part 2, Henry VIII, Twelfth Night, King Lear, and Richard III. He recently performed in Can You Forgive Her (Huntington Theatre), Breaking the Code (Underground Railway Theatre), Shipwrecked (The Lyric Stage), Oceanside, The Seafarer, Pursuit of Happiness, and The Homecoming (Merrimack Repertory Theater), and Five by Tenn (Speakeasy Stage). The 2006 Elliot Norton Award recipient for The Homecoming, King Lear, and Five by Tenn, Allyn also received the 2011 IRNE Award for Breaking the Code. Off-Broadway credits include Bug, Killer Joe, Louis Slotin Sonata, Closetland, and The Widowing of Mrs. Holroyd. He has worked regionally at The Actors’ Theatre of Louisville, The American Conservatory Theatre, The Long Wharf Theatre, The Denver Center, and The Walnut St. Theatre. Television credits include The Broad Squad, Law and Order, Law and Order: Criminal Intent, Against the Law, and on film in The Company Men, Julie & Julia, and Manchester by the Sea.
About William Shakespeare (Playwright, Cymbeline, The Tempest, A Midsummer Night’s Dream). He was an English poet, playwright, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world’s pre-eminent dramatist. His works, including some collaborations, consist of about 37 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and several other poems. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright.
The Tempest Plot Summary: The play opens in the midst of a storm, as a ship containing the king and his attendants struggles to stay afloat. On land Prospero, exiled Duke, who conjures the storm with his magic, while his daughter, Miranda, watches the storm overtake the ship. On the island we are introduced to a sprite, Ariel, who had been imprisoned by an evil witch, and the uncivilized Caliban who is enslaved by Prospero. Soon the royal party is washed ashore on the magical island, forced to conquer the darkness of the unknown and transcend their traditional roles as Prospero seeks his revenge. Meanwhile, Miranda meets Ferdinand, Prince of Naples, and the pair swiftly fall in love and plan to marry. Prospero plots to reinstate his Dukedom, Ariel and Caliban pursue freedom, and the shipwrecked crew fight for their survival on this island engulfed in magic and chaos.
About Shakespeare & Company Located in the Berkshires of Western Massachusetts, Shakespeare & Company is one of the largest Shakespeare Festivals in the country. Founded in 1978, the organization attracts over 30,000 patrons annually. The Company is also home to Shakespeare & Company’s internationally renowned Center for Actor Training and nationally renowned and award-winning Education Program. More information is available at www.shakespeare.org.
Shakespeare & Company Presents “The Tempest” Outdoors Performances Run August 10 – September 3 "Be not afeard, the isle is full of noises…" 
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