woop-dee-doop · 4 years
What id also like to say is...(I apologize for any grammatical errors, I’ll fix any errors later)
What I absolutely HATE, with a BURNING PASSION is when someone tells me to “sToP wORrYiNg”, “sTop bEInG sO paRANOID” about certain things.
I get they might not know what else to say but BUT BRO TELLING ME TO STOP BEING PARANOID IS NOT GONNA HELP. How can I stop being paranoid or worry about how I may die one day and no one will care-life will go on? (If I’m being watched 24/7 and I don’t know WHO IS WATCHING? If something bad may happen to me or my public image by someone who spreads false info or rumours? My health??? If ppl are constantly judging me or maybe someone secretly hates me???)
If you want to at least say something but you don’t know anything appropriate to say, you can at least say “I don’t exactly know how to respond to this, but just know that everything will be okay, I might not understand how you feel but I’ll be here for you...” yk, say reassuring words. Dont tell me to stop worrying or stop being paranoid or DISMISSING MY FEELINGS like I’m acting crazy or being delusional (or maybe i am delusional?????idek)
Especially when I’m sometimes emotional support for someone and I try to at least reassure them and listen to them (yk you gotta be there for them because we gotta support each other in each other’s time of need) and definitely NOT tell them to “Stop BeInG dEpResSed”, because I know the wouldnt want to hear that, and I KNOW, they can’t just “stop being depressed”. But I hate that when it’s my time to disclose certain feelings I have inside to someone when they ask about me-or it’s because of a certain topic and I just so happen to say how much a worry over this one thing-they say “stOP WorRYING” when I know for a fact that if I were the one telling them the same thing, THEY would have a problem.
I get that everyone struggles with certain mental issues, and the person who I talk to (I’m pretty sure they’re depressed? They at least say that and They go to a councilor for sessions, that’s all I know) struggles with their issues, but all I want is that....even if you don’t mean it, even if you DONT CARE....just reassure or at least say something that isn’t as dismissive as “STOP BEING THIS” STOP BEING THAT”, “STOP WORRYING OVER THIS”, “YOURE BEING DRAMATIC”. Anxiety (or just worrying overall) isn’t something that can be turned off with the flip of a switch. Just like how depression can’t be turned off with a flip of the switch either...or ANY mental illness at all
(Idk if I phrased this all well because im just going off on how I feel atm, but hopefully you can at least get the gist. I don’t mean to sound selfish, but I just hate when ppl say these certain things.)
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