#juuni taisen headcanons
yourfaveisafearavatar · 11 months
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Eiji Kashii AKA Ushii from Juuni Taisen is an Avatar of the Slaughter.
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nutcromantist · 2 years
The warriors having an S/O who’s trans? Im getting a vibe that some of them would be supportive of trans rights
Fellow trans 🤝
Warriors with a trans lover
Ushii is probably the one who knows the least about it, he might be a little awkward at first purely because he’s afraid to say the wrong thing
He’s so respectful though and he’ll pay close attention to whatever you tell him about it
He makes sure you know that he loves you no matter what and he doesn’t think of you any different
Afterwards he’ll do research on his own to be more informed. I’m talkin reading glasses ON. typing “transgender” into google with one finger
My girl Tora is loudly supportive
There’s no uncomfortable moments and you’ll never wonder how she feels
She’ll never mix up your name or pronouns
Honestly I think there’s a good chance that she’s explored her identity before ultimately deciding that being a woman fits, or I can see her being a she/they
When you tell her, she’ll demand that you celebrate and the drinks are on her tonight
Dotsuku isn’t super well versed in what it means to be transgender, I’m sure he knows of It,,, but he is going to be worried that it also means your sexuality has changed and you’re not attracted to him anymore
He’ll be supportive of you either way but he’ll be much happier for you once you explain that you’re still his
He might use the wrong pronouns or name a couple times at first but he picks it up quickly and he’ll beat the shit out of anyone who does it on purpose
Ino,,, I love her so much but she’s honestly gonna be a little bit insensitive at first
Not straight up cruel but she definitely doesn’t realize how tender of a subject it is. She’s kind of dismissive at first like “okay and?”
Ino is so traumatized by her mom to always be thinking of appearances. She has to be perfect and because you belong to her, you also have to be perfect.
You are very special to her though, so I think once she realized that she hurt your feelings and how important it is to you, she would apologize in her way
Her way being that she would spoil you with expensive gifts and offer to pay for any surgeries or hormone treatments you desired
You have to be perfect but she comes to realize you already are
Sheep (he’s your grandpa)
Hitsujii has been around the block multiple times, he’s probably been in lgbt spaces before if for nothing else than for fun
He might not have current information though, he probably still would use the term transsexual and stuff like that
Ultimately though he would try his best and he’s not judgemental
“....okay?? Like I give a shit.”
He doesn’t care. It’s as if you dyed your hair or something
He’ll slip up on your pronouns (assuming you changed em) most of the time in the beginning but if you remind him a couple of times he’ll get it
Calls you slurs
I’m joking (well… sort of)
He probably will tease to get a rise out of you but he doesn’t mean it
If you’re someone he really cares about he’ll feel bad about it if you get upset and make an actual effort to be nicer about it in his own way
Gjdhshd I can so see him using your new correct pronouns and being like “well you always looked (manly/girly) anyway”
You knew before you ever came out that she not only would support you but also be happy that you’re finding your most authentic self
actually I say ally but she’s definitely lgbt I just haven’t decided which way lol.
Have you SEEN her? cishet people aren’t like that
She’s also incredibly perceptive, she probably knows long before you tell her
Possibly even before you even know
I’ve thought about Usagi being trans for years just because I am and he’s my favorite lol
Whether or not you see Usagi as trans he’s still supportive of you
If you’re anything to Usagi he’s supportive of EVERYTHING you do.
Usagi also has a great memory and is focused on you anyway, so he won’t slip up even once.
Someone calls you your deadname and he’d be like “who’s that?” It’s as if he’s forgotten anything has changed
he’s not surprised anymore he’s probably seen every way this conversation can go
You’re nervously spilling your guts and he’s just like *yawn*
He’s totally chill about it, he probably doesn’t have a ton of opinions on trans people anyway and it doesn’t change the way he sees you at all
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scrimblyscrorblo · 6 months
Hi, I’m ScrimblyScrorblo or Scrimbly for short!
- Occasionally Suggestive or Gore-y art, viewer discretion is advised TT It is something I wnat to do more of
- I post mostly art and headcanons for Demon Slayer but I draw some other stuff too sometimes, such as Obey Me or some OC drawings.
✨[REQUESTS ARE CLOSED (if youre not a mutual)]✨
- however I will take asks and questions about stuff dw, ask away
• I am happy to draw any requests you may have; of concepts or OCS etc
• Characters from shows doing stuff
• Happy to draw from an array of fandoms! ((I’m not very good w live action tho))
• Slightly suggestive is my limit, so no explicit nsfw content will be posted (yet)
Generally stuff I’m into:
- Hannibal NBC, KNY, Seraph of The End, Supernatural, Superstore, Obey Me! Shall We Date, Starry Flowers, pokemon ofc, Juuni Taisen, BNHA , Ace Attorney, Bungou Stray Doges!
(Adding to this list as I go)
- Currently real Demom Slayer fixated, it’s affecting my art style lmao
✨Some of my stuff✨:
Ghost Slayers AU:
Wisteria Wives:
KNY Pokémon AU:
Yuzuka & Michiha
Slayer OC
Edgar Allen Poe Lore
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Tagged by @sakamaki-richter
Cordelia, Karlheinz & Christa
Obviously Tsujimura was inspired by the one she loves most. I loved for Tsujimura to have a color close to Cordelia, and I loved the idea of Karlheinz & Christa being cousins of Tsujimura. Which is why I first wanted to add the pink ombré look to her hair first, but I wanted her to spark. Which is why, closer to Cordelia’s purple, I chose a really hot blue and white for her hair. The messy hair style is also inspired by Karlheinz‘ "all over the place" hair.
Violette (Reines des Fleurs)
It‘s no secret Tsujimura‘s hair was highly inspired by hers. I loved how gorgeous her hairstyle is! And since Tsujimura is a shape shifter like Karlheinz, she can have any different kind of haircut if I ever get tired of it. But I don’t think I will, since I love how her hairstyle has kind of an "unique" touch.
Cardia (Code: Realize)
My babygirl is inspired by the steam punk era in terms of clothing. I wanted her to show off royalty but still feel like an innocent woman. She was and never will be allowed to dress more "interesting" than the king, but she can certainly catch eyes with her appearance. ;)
Usagi (Juuni Taisen)
She was merely inspired by him because she is a warrior at heart, a betraying bitch and a psychotically killer. She wants to make Yui suffer the way Cordelia did during her days alive. She doesn’t care about game rules when it comes to killing, there‘s no rules in war either, y’know.
The way I write Cordelia Sakamaki
I majorly try to go by what we know from her in the games! Her attitude, the way she speaks and the way she acts around others.
I add my own flavor to it and also ask friends sometimes if they think she would act like this specifically or if it‘s a mere headcanon I have.
I’ve always loved writing sassy / bitchy / flirty characters, which is why I’m having literally the time of my life answering asks!!
I sadly don‘t have any "specific" way of writing, but I do imagine myself standing in front of her asking this type of question with every ask. And depending on whether or not it’s a good one, she is either flirty, bitchy or whatever attitude she currently has.
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thatanimewriter · 3 years
I’d really need usagi the big bunny ;w;
usagi relationship headcanons
➳ character/s: usagi
➳ warnings: none
➳ notes: i wasn’t sure if you wanted reader insert or not, so since i mostly do reader insert, i kinda did a bit of both??
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› i don’t think he’d be a yandere
› he’d just be clingy
› i said it
› if you’re friends or partners, he’d be by your side at all times
› he just wants friends
› and you’re jealous he has a better body than you do
› he’ll compliment you to make you feel better, but he probably doesn’t actually know why he’s doing it
› he’s an oblivious bean if it’s not killing
› take him shopping for heels
› he will love you
› sometimes he’ll lay down on his stomach so you can snuggle up to his big bunny tail
› good lord does he have a lot of pets
› it’s not funny how many there are
› if you also like bunnies, you’re never getting rid of him
› would absolutely be down to see you in a bunny onesie
› i wouldn’t put it past him to buy the 2 of you matching onesies to wear at home
› if you’re uncomfy by anyone, he’ll get all up in their personal space to make them back off
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jazminetoad · 3 years
Inounoshishi As A Teacher (Headcanons)
Does not care for her students whatsoever
Not their safety
Not their emotions
Or their well-being in general
Mostly a substitute teacher that gets paid to stand there and look pretty
Will do her nails in during class while the students are working
And they are working
She threatens them to not slack off
Whether that's blackmailing them or pulling other strings, she's playing dirty
A very strict yet lazy teacher
Gives the students very precise instructions
Inounoshishi is one of those teachers that talks about her personal life
And she won't notice she went off topic until the bell rings
That class will be getting extra paperwork next time
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juunitaisenwishes · 6 years
Juuni Taisen Headcanons and scenarios blog is open!
Hello, guy! I’m opening this imagines blog because this fandom is so SMOL THIS MAKES ME SAD! Juuni Taisen needs more love and I want to practice my english. If I write something wrong, please feel free to tell me.
Please, read the rules and send me your asks, please! I can’t wait to work :)
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juseki-taisen · 3 years
The 12 and their favourite music genres? 👀
I am excited for this
-Likes to say she enjoys classical, but is LYING
- Secretly likes trashy pop and rap, and will take this secret to her grave
- Likes songs that make you feel like a #badbitch 
- Classic rock music, or anything with a heavy drum beat or a good guitar solo (don’t we all tho?)
- Likes to be able to understand what the singer is singing, doesn’t care for screamo, black metal, or death metal
- Doesn’t listen to a lot of music, never gave herself the chance to enjoy things enough to have opinions on it
- Probably would like calmer pop music, Dua Lipa or something?
- Okay, this is going to be VERY unpopular but...country music. Not that pop country music either, classic. 
- She grew up in the middle of no where, and the kinda music that you can still get on the radio out there is country. Knows it’s embarrassing, doesn’t talk about it a lot
- Tolerates most other music, but rap freaks her out. Her face when she listened to Nicki Minaj for the first time-
- Old school, like super old school, music. 
- Gotten to the point her appreciates most genres but likes any song that reminds him of his youth. Even songs he doesn’t like he can still appreciate
- Doesn’t like songs with a lot of cussing
- Can you say video games music???
- Soft rock, or country (only certain WHOLESOME country, none of this revenge music)
- Nothing with a beat to fast he can’t keep up with it. He has anxiety, so he likes songs that are calming 
- Whiskey lullaby made him cry for 3 days
- SECRETLY like dubstep and electronic. 
- Rock music, maybe a SMIDGE of metal 
- Plays classical music when he works with his reptiles tho, he doesn’t want to get them upset
- Likes music he can play in the background while he types. It can’t be anything to heavy since it’d distract him
- Alternative music
- Anything fun. BABY SHARK REMIX
- Honestly, it’s like a box of chocolates when you press play on his playlist. You know it’s going to be music, but it can be anything from rap music to the polka pop and everything in-between
- Anything that simply...sparks joy 
- Rock and alternative. Angst music. Like, 2000 alternative and rock music.
- Punk music too
- Hates classic country tho.
- Classic music, a lot of instrmentals
- He wants to be able to understand what he’s listening to, so most rap and mumble rap confuses the hell outta him. Same with pop music. Slang is hard. Help him. 
- Listens to a lot of music in other languages. Spanish guitar gets him some kinda way
- Video game music
- That kid that someone turns on a song, he asks who it’s by, Nezumi tells them. That other kind immediately knows it’s from an anime
- Fan music for animes/shows he enjoys 
- remixes of his favorite video game music
- Def has Pokémon theme song somewhere on his playlist 
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How could we ever top such a thing?
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zodiacwarsimagines · 6 years
Can i get hcs about fem!s/o and usagi on the run?
Usagi and Female S/O On the Run:
In this situation s/o would be someone Usagi trusts very much to not want to kill her and turn her into one of his “friends”.
Moreover, to want his s/o to run away with him means that he truly cares for her and holds her dear in his heart.
Usagi decides that he’s tired of this warrior life and just wants to leave it behind with no regrets. He wants to start over and with the love of his life.
“(Name) let’s run away. It’ll just be the two of us and we can live the life we always wanted.”
Usagi’s s/o won’t even hesitate and is willing to leave everything behind to be with the love of her life. 
I can imagine them deciding to do a ‘Thelma and Louise’ where they travel and end up moving to the country where they live out the rest of their days leaving their past ives behind.
-Mod Cameliia
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Random HC
-Ushii use to skip breakfast because he can’t cook, but once he moved in with Dotsuku (and his daughter), breakfast is a must.
-Since Ushii started eating breakfast with his new family, he doesn’t get as hungry as he use to, or as often.
-Breakfast as become Ushii’s favorite meal because he spends personal time with Dotsuku and Mayu.
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shoukokus · 6 years
How about a headcanon of Usagi being given a friendship bracelet?
This is the cutest shit I’ve ever seen
It makes him so incredibly happy, he will actually wear it all the time, even when sleeping
He hates taking it off to shower, but he doesn’t want to damage it
Please give him a bracelet it will make him so happy and he’ll feel so loved every time he looks at it
Usagi will 100% make a friendship bracelet for the person who made it for him, it might be very low quality but it will be made with so much love
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thechaoticgoblin · 2 years
I don’t know about you but, when I read about Kaz Brekker’s “scheming face”, my mind went to Nagayuki in this specific scene.
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Tora X Ushii headcanons please
First Request, thank you! I don’t normally do CanonxCanon Character but I forgot to put that in my Rules. Don’t worry I shall do my best to get it right. :3
Tora (Tiger) x Ushii (Ox) Headcanons
At the Start of their Relationship both of them will have their Difficulties with being arround Someone else particularly another Warrior.  More than once has One startled the Other by just being in the same Room as them. Or Bed for that Matter. Occationaly Ushii wakes up only to almost jump out of the Bed when he sees Toras head peacfully resting on  a Pillow next to his. Her on the other Hand, she just grunts perplexed  when she touches Ushiis Horns while stretching out her Arms.                          
She may accidentally scratch Him in confusion, wich he does not mind that much. It is weird having Someone with you.                     
They’d bickera lot at the Start but serious Fights would only happen when Ushii starts to talk about the Topic Alcohol and how a Warrior shouldn’t indulge in it until Tora opens up to him, that it makes Everything numb, fighting and killing become easier. How she would even enjoy it when the Alcohol drowned away her thinking and Heart.
After that the  Matter would be avoided, both would need Time to think and understand.
Neither can cook very good so both just order or go out to a fancy Restaurant wich makes Ushii really happy. He had always resorted to less crowded Diners to avoid Unpleasantries.
Home made dinners made by One of them, no matte who made it will end in either in Ushii trying to not gag or Tora spitting it out and ordering Something better.
If Tora drunk too much he’ll carry her Home 100% caring BF.
He’ll even search for some Pills against the comming Headache  and cool a Bottle of Water.
Tora tries to drink less, she wants to have a clear Mind when she’s with him. Someone she can trust in a Place where they Both don’t have to kill. It’s hard the Booze had been a Part of her for so long that being Sober wasn’t a State she was used to. It might take a while and she won’t be announcing her Approach on drinking less so soon but She’ll try. For a better Future.
Days end and start with a Kiss. When they are Both away they’ll send eachother ‘Good Mornig’ and ‘Good night’ Tora might add a Kiss :* but Ushii refrains.
Are those Okay? I am bad with writing two Characters together. Not my Thing >.>
If you don’t like it I’ll write new ones. Or maybe write what Headcanons you would like me to write :3
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aakim · 6 years
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Headcanon: everyone explaining "how to sex" to nezumi
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lavenlavender · 7 years
Takeyasu: Did you know,Aniki? Male snakes have TWO DICKS!!! 🤭🤭😏😏
Nagayuki: Please. STOP.
And that's why Nagayuki prefers avoid to listen his brother about reptiles stuff (?)
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