sneezest · 5 months
pictures of Professor Samer Alatout, a Palestinian, being taken away by police
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Call the office of the chancellor & demand all charges against individuals be dropped immediately and no cops on our students. Jennifer Mnookin, Chancellor: 608-262-9946 Christina Olstad, Dean of Students: 608-263-5700 Brent Plisch, Interim Chief UWPD: 608-890-2730
Email templates can be found here
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mental-mona · 9 months
The problems with JVP, Part 1
By Elizabeth Wolf on Facebook
Since I’m already pissing people off, I guess it’s a good time to post about Jewish Voice for Peace. I’ll put links in the comments.
Part 1
Like a very different organization, Moms for Liberty, the name is deceptive. You do not have to be a mom to start a chapter of Moms for Liberty, and you don’t have to be Jewish to start a chapter of Jewish Voice for Peace. Moms for Liberty is about a very specific interpretation of liberty that many would disagree with, and Jewish Voice for Peace promotes a very specific type of peace that you could easily mistake for its opposite.
This is why you see JVFP having Hanukkah events that are not actually during Hanukkah, lighting the candles incorrectly, fundraising on Shabbat (when many Jews do not handle money), and saying things that are theologically inaccurate about Judaism. People who know very little about Judaism can start a chapter, join a chapter, or run social media for a chapter, and then say they speak for Jews. This is how you end up with a Lebanese gentile being admin for their Facebook page. This is how you end up with an openly antisemitic Muslim making social media posts under their account, starting with the phrase, “As a Jew.” This is how you end up with temple denial and misrepresentations of the Torah floating around, apparently given the stamp of approval by a group of Jews.
“But JVFP has a rabbinic oversight board,” you might say. “Surely they are making sure the individual chapters are not out of line.” Well, I have no idea what that board is doing, but it’s not providing oversight to individual chapters. For example, it is easy to find people from JVFP saying that Israel is a white European colonial project, and for this reason, the Mizrahi community and Ethiopian Jews have explicitly spoken against them. The JVFP web site, however, clearly acknowledges that over half of the Israeli population is not white. JVFP social media accounts tolerate the verbal abuse of Jews and even targets members of mainstream Judaism with harassment, so that you’ll have a Black Jew being called a bloodthirsty white colonizer by non-Jews, ostensibly in the name of both Judaism and peace. I’ve seen Black Jews call this out and tag rabbis from the oversight board on this kind of activity and get no reply.
I’ll add to this that almost all the rabbis on this board are Reconstructionist rabbis, with a couple of Reform rabbis. If that doesn’t mean anything to you, I guess a good comparison would be a group claiming to speak for Christians but only having Seventh Day Adventists on its board, plus a couple of Congregationalists. I am absolutely not criticizing these denominations (I belong to one!) but rather saying that it’s disingenuous to claim you represent Jews in general when you’ve excluded most major branches of Judaism and only barely included another, preferring to have numerous student rabbis from one denomination instead of somebody with ordination from any of the others. This is especially so since a prized value in Judaism is the ability to hold space for multiple opinions or perspectives on a topic (“two Jews, three opinions”) and using these disagreements as learning opportunities.
There is definitely not oversight happening around things pretty much all Jews do agree on, though. For example, JVFP chapters stating that there never was a temple in Jerusalem, or that Passover is only about metaphorical liberation, or that tisha b’av should stop being observed. You can look up where the student rabbis are currently enrolled and see the official positions of these institutions and observe for yourself that what JVFP is saying does not line up. What is the oversight board actually doing? I’m not sure.
The official Recon position is that there was a temple and its destruction is still noted.
JVFP officially acknowledging the demographic makeup of Israel.
A statement from JIMENA:
A whoops:
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dropoutposts · 6 months
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Ally gets arrested at a JVFP rally in LA, February 2024. Via Ally's Instagram [1] [2]
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martian-night · 4 months
Oh so all that talk of jewish voice for peace being a goyim org with one or two token jews was just lies i guess. Cause i looked em they have a whole rabbitical network and their council has people like noam chomsky. Look, i hate chomsky, but we're not going to pretend he's no jewish.
I admire this lie, cause it does give pause. You do start thinking oh shit maybe they are fake.
After all i keep meeting russians spewing the most horrible antisemitism and then adding 'i can say that cause my great great grandma was jewish'. And you wanna call these people out but get into the dilemma of 'technically they are way more jewish than me (me being zero) so not my place'.
But with jvfp they have jews fronting the org. They have networks. The have the council. Of course they would have ancient people on every photo op (but i guess that's tokenism, if they didn't there'd be logically more questions of how is the org in anybway jewish)
Just say you don't like their politics. Don't lie about them being a goyim org.
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coolestfinch · 9 months
JVFP are not run by Jews btw.....
prove it lol. not that it really matters bc the specific organizations in my state are 100% run by jewish people (unless they were just pretending to celebrate hanukkah & singing in hebrew for giggles???)
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yonadave · 8 months
T'ruah's Antisemitism pamphlet
I wrote this a year ago, and I think that since the war, we all see the increase rise in Antisemitism in progressive places, which is really hard for Progressive Jews who do not want to betray their people. I was glad to see T'ruah did not go in the path of evil organization like JVFP. So I translated it into English:
One of the advantages of living in Boston is that you don’t get “Olam Katan” in the synagogues here and if I'm interested in some Doom Scrolling I have to wait until Saturday night to go on Facebook or Twitter and see other people who read the bulletin and complain about it (rightfully so). But because on Shabbat I took the kids to a non-Orthodox synagogue and saw that “God hath made even the one as well as the other” - a short leaflet of an organization of rabbis called 'T'ruah' which explains about anti-Semitism. Now, you can see that these are good people who want to increase the good in the world, but their little pamphlet clearly shows that “love covereth all transgressions” and it is very unpleasant for them to say some of the things they write about anti-Semitism from the left.
The leaflet starts with some very positive points but as soon as I got to the 'anti-Semitism outside of Christendom' section I realized What I’m actually reading. Although this is about the anti-Semitic history of the Arab world, you can really hear the pain of the writers that they have to write about. I can only assume that with every sentence they wrote down, their right hand started to hurt until they slowly discovered the inscription 'I mustn't tell lies'. Here you can find the usual oriental view of the situation of the Jews in Arab countries during the last thousand years. So it is true that they had to pay a special tax, and it is true that in some places they were obliged to live in ghettos (sorry, designated areas for Jews), and it is true that occasionally they had to wear clothes that mark them as Jews, and it is true that occasionally there were violent attacks against them just because they were Jewish. But is that a valid reason to say it was terrible? We do not need to exaggerate. It should be understood that the description 'not as bad as in Europe' is accurate but it is not something to be proud of. And then we come to the Arab reactions to the establishment of the State of Israel and specifically what happened to the Jewish communities in these countries.
And this is what they:
The situation changed in the 19th century, in large part due to European imperial expansion, which brought with it European antisemitism that combined with existing Islamic traditions. In the 20th century, Zionism—perceived in the Arab world as inextricably linked with Western colonialism—exacerbated tensions. Many Muslim-majority countries began adopting anti-Jewish measures.
Most Jews left these homelands—some willingly, some by expulsion, some under duress after their property was confiscated—with many emigrating from the Arab world to Israel, and others to Europe or the Americas.
So what do we have here?
First of all, the blame is of course in the connection between Zionism and Western colonialism. What is the relationship between Jews in another part of the world and the Jews in Arab countries and how can this relationship be defined in a way that is not anti-Semitic? After all, blaming people who didn't do something because of something someone else from the same ethnic group did is bigotry. And then the description that clarifies that some Jews left of their own free will, of course others were forcibly expelled, fled from fear or after taking all their possessions and then they 'immigrated' to Israel, Europe and America. Every other case of a minority whose absolute majority disappears from a geographic area under threats of violence, forced deportation and systematic persecution will be called by T'ruah rabbis as ethnic cleansing and the victims will never be called immigrants because they are refugees. And so the word “many” carries a lot of weight here. Because it may be that hundreds of thousands were deported and became refugees, but there are also many immigrants, even a hundred people can be considered a 'many' after all they did not write “a majority”.
The next part is a description of anti-Semitism in the USA. Although the focus is on anti-Semitism from the right side of the map, we must give credit to the fact that they do go into detail and describe anti-Semitism from the left. Including criticism of Israel that ,ove into anti-Semitic areas and mention the multiple attacks on Jews Ultra-Orthodox. Their explanation is that the Jews are the only ones who stayed in neighborhoods like Harlem and became the face of the 'white man' for the minorities who live there, but they claim that it is not connected to the political right and left (and that is a valid argument that is based on solid foundation).
The next part is the heart of the booklet, antisemitism and criticism of Israel. After a brief description of how terrible the State of Israel is, much like adding the sentence “Not that there's anything wrong with that”,  they arrive at the definition of anti-Semitism. I'll wait with that, because I think that's the main purpose of the booklet. The next part is examples of when criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic and they bring quite a few examples and then cases of legitimate criticism of Israel and a discussion of BDS which remains very theoretical and can be summarized in two points: if the boycott is against Israel and not against Jews, and if the movement adheres to non-anti-Semitic criticism of Israel according to what we discussed, it's fine. This is a total Cop out, after all the BDS movement is not a vague Platonic ideal, it is an organized movement with a website and spokespeople and a presence on social media. It seems to me that the pamphlet does not make a principled statement about the BDS movement because it is afraid of what it will find if the writers actually check what the activists, founders and founders of the movement say and how they actually operate. After all, in one of the examples of legitimate criticism, they mention BDS in a call for anti-Israel demonstrations and actions that do not harm innocents, from this it can be understood that the BDS movement does not encourage harm to Israeli citizens, but can this assumption stand the test of reality?
  The booklet ends with a general direction reading on how to fight anti-Semitism with five points: contain emotional intelligence (this is a group of meaningless words), education, build relationships of trust (in practice, if we want Minority A to help us, we must also help them), take legal action into account And finally - don't ignore the problem. On the one hand, this is an 'action plan' at the level of a first-year student, on the other hand, it is not as if there is a real solution to anti-Semitism that we can compare to.
And now we need to return to the definition of anti-Semitism, because in my opinion the entire pamphlet might as well have been written only for this short section, and its effect on the BDS movement and other allies of the T'ruah organization. They begin by describing the IHRA definition of antisemitism and say that the use of this definition is used to harm freedom of expression in cases of criticism of Israel. They come out against the codification of this definition as law using the words of Kenneth Stern, one of the people responsible for this definition. He says that the definition should not be codified into law. But right after this sentence they bring competing definitions. These manipulations and mental gymnastics prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that this is indeed a group of rabbis who are, like almost all rabbis, pushing the text for their own agenda. After all, Stern did not want his definition to be part of a written law because the definition is flawed, but because it is impossible to legislate definitions for anti-Semitism in the same way that things that are said orally are forbidden to be written down. The problem is of course the codification of a description of a social phenomenon. But T'ruah's rabbis take advantage of this statement to replace the IHRC's definition of antisemitism by The Jerusalem Declaration and The Nexus Document definition of Antisemitism. Now, it's hard for me to say why exactly these documents are the proper definition, they say that the JDA is more detailed and accurate than the IHRC but we don't get anything more. According to what they did say about the IHRC, their problem is the definition of a double standard against the State of Israel as anti-Semitism. Because that's the only real negative thing they say about the IHRC. And I think if we really remove the double standard from the definition of anti-Semitism, we can define a lot of voices on the left as not antisemitic, and I think it's safe to say that the T'ruah organization considers a lot of those voices as allies. To be clear, I feel that the booklet is really intended to do something positive, to whitewash the fight against anti-Semitism in those circles and to show that here, it is possible to fight against anti-Semitism as if there is no State of Israel and to fight against the State of Israel as if there is no anti-Semitism. It may not be something I like, but it is undoubtedly better for us to deal with anti-Zionists who are careful not to be anti-Semitic and 'only' advocate a double standard towards Israel.
The deep problem here is that they do not have the ability or the courage to look at their allies and wave to them the simple and important leftist call to “Do Better”. Do you want to criticize Israel? First of all, make sure you don't have an anti-Semitic bias. Adorn [keshot] yourself and afterward adorn the State of Israel, not the other way around. Of course, as one who believes that double standards against Israel are inherently Antisemitic, I must also say that it is not as if the right-wing counterparts of the map have enough courage to criticize their allies in the US for their anti-Semitism. And just as the bad in this pamphlet demands criticism, so does the good in it demand praise. The last few years have been very difficult for many in the Jewish community in the US, regardless of political affiliation and I am happy that at least on the side of T'ruah there is the beginning of an awakening regarding the left and anti-Semitism. I really hope that this is their first and not their last step in their attempts to arouse the progressive side in the US to fight anti-Semitism. And who knows, maybe one day the American Jewish right will also wake up and fight anti-Semitism on the part of their allies.
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lipps08matsuyama · 4 years
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とにかく#カッコよく をモットーにカッコいい髪型を作っていきます! (渋谷駅) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_4LHb-jVfP/?igshid=1c675uf478r51
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cherrypoppamc · 7 years
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-LOVE·MONEY·MUSIC- · Jacob Lewis Gallery (@jacoblewisgallery) · “João Vasco Paiva: Benches, Stairs, Ramps, Ledges, Grounds” (2016) Artist: João Vasco Paiva (@jvfp) No. VIII Fck. Wit. Me.
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talbesbarbie · 7 years
كيف تربح المال من موقع دوبلى ؟
كيف تربح المال من موقع دوبلى ؟
Dubli.com هو منصة التسوق ذات برنامج الاسترداد النقدي الأكثر شمولاً عبر الإنترنت في العالم - فهو يُقدم لك حالةً فنيةً وتجربة عالميةً متعددة اللغات للتسوق عبر الإنترنت، Dubli.com يُتيح للمتسوق سهولة الدخول الحصري لجميع عروض السفر وتجارة التجزئة والتخفيضات عبر الإنترنت، والأهم من ذلك يُتيح الفرصة لربح استردادات نقدية على جميع المشتريات، وفِر الوقت والمال عند التسوق عبر الإنترنت لدى ما يزيد عن 12,000 علامة من أكثر العلامات التجارية العالمية شهرةً وانتشارًا. سوف تحصل على دورة مجانية مع المحاضر ‏‎Raid Alotaibi‎‏ من أفضل المحاضرين خبرة فى الـ أون لاين بزنس ما يقارب سنوات للتواصل مع المحاضر ‏‎Raid Alotaibi من خلال هذا الايميل [email protected] أو من خلال رقم الواتس 00966599917117 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvDwF_31wxY&t=25s
المصدر: منتديات وطني فلسطين - من قسم: الإعلآنآت التُجآريّة ♣
;dt jvfp hglhg lk l,ru ],fgn ?
from منتديات وطني فلسطين http://ift.tt/2B1KNcY via IFTTT
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mental-mona · 9 months
The Problems with JVP, part 2
by Elizabeth Wolf on Facebook
Part 2
As for the peace part, JVFP has aligned itself with the most extreme end of the pro-Palestinian movement. They platform, feature, and assist not only groups considered to be terrorist organizations in the US and Canada but individuals who are unrepentant convicted terrorists. It is difficult for me and many others to understand how supporting people who use bombs to express disagreement or a group that has vowed to continue armed conflict is going to create peace. If a group says unequivocally that they won’t participate in peace talks, can you be for that group and also be for peace? What you can definitely do, if you’re JVFP, is do these things and say anyone who questions you wants war.
I’m not going to even get into what is antisemitic or whether this group as a whole is antisemitic. That’s, I don’t know, six separate posts right there? It’s definitely possible to support Palestinian civilians without being antisemitic, but I would argue that backing a person who was convicted of trying to murder a Jewish politician is not doing any favors for Jews or for Palestinians, who too many people already assume to be terrorists.
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talbesbarbie · 7 years
كيف تربح المال من موقع دوبلى ؟
كيف تربح المال من موقع دوبلى ؟
Dubli.com هو منصة التسوق ذات برنامج الاسترداد النقدي الأكثر شمولاً عبر الإنترنت في العالم - فهو يُقدم لك حالةً فنيةً وتجربة عالميةً متعددة اللغات للتسوق عبر الإنترنت، Dubli.com يُتيح للمتسوق سهولة الدخول الحصري لجميع عروض السفر وتجارة التجزئة والتخفيضات عبر الإنترنت، والأهم من ذلك يُتيح الفرصة لربح استردادات نقدية على جميع المشتريات، وفِر الوقت والمال عند التسوق عبر الإنترنت لدى ما يزيد عن 12,000 علامة من أكثر العلامات التجارية العالمية شهرةً وانتشارًا. سوف تحصل على دورة مجانية مع المحاضر ‏‎Raid Alotaibi‎‏ من أفضل المحاضرين خبرة فى الـ أون لاين بزنس ما يقارب سنوات للتواصل مع المحاضر ‏‎Raid Alotaibi من خلال هذا الايميل [email protected] أو من خلال رقم الواتس 00966599917117 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvDwF_31wxY&t=25s
المصدر: منتديات وطني فلسطين - من قسم: الإعلآنآت التُجآريّة ♣
;dt jvfp hglhg lk l,ru ],fgn ?
from منتديات وطني فلسطين http://ift.tt/2AYFhbf via IFTTT
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cherrypoppamc · 7 years
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-LOVE·MONEY·MUSIC- · Jacob Lewis Gallery (@jacoblewisgallery) · “João Vasco Paiva: Benches, Stairs, Ramps, Ledges, Grounds” (2016) Artist: João Vasco Paiva (@jvfp) No. IX Fck. Wit. Me.
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cherrypoppamc · 7 years
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-LOVE·MONEY·MUSIC- · Jacob Lewis Gallery (@jacoblewisgallery) · “João Vasco Paiva: Benches, Stairs, Ramps, Ledges, Grounds” (2016) Artist: João Vasco Paiva (@jvfp) No. VI Fck. Wit. Me.
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cherrypoppamc · 7 years
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-LOVE·MONEY·MUSIC- · Jacob Lewis Gallery (@jacoblewisgallery) · “João Vasco Paiva: Benches, Stairs, Ramps, Ledges, Grounds” (2016) Artist: João Vasco Paiva (@jvfp) No. IV Fck. Wit. Me.
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cherrypoppamc · 7 years
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-LOVE·MONEY·MUSIC- · Jacob Lewis Gallery (@jacoblewisgallery) · “João Vasco Paiva: Benches, Stairs, Ramps, Ledges, Grounds” (2016) Artist: João Vasco Paiva (@jvfp) No. III Fck. Wit. Me.
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cherrypoppamc · 7 years
Tumblr media
-LOVE·MONEY·MUSIC- · Jacob Lewis Gallery (@jacoblewisgallery) · “João Vasco Paiva: Benches, Stairs, Ramps, Ledges, Grounds” (2016) Artist: João Vasco Paiva (@jvfp) No. I Fck. Wit. Me.
0 notes