#k bed time and then i seriously gotta start practicing new things tomorrow k bye!!
bugdogg · 7 months
im teetering on the edge of something or another, feels like a breakdown but its more so falling back on old unhealthy habits that feel comforting to do but ultimately don't help me in the long run
anyway im coping somehow by comparing myself to dogs and going "haha im young, i got a ways to go before my evil villain arc"
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kallura-icedcoffee · 6 years
poppy: parenthood
A flower that blooms in the desert
Plance x Kallura Week 2018
Guess Who’s Having a Baby: No seriously…guess
Allura’s phone buzzed and when she looked at the caller her face lit up.
“Hey Katie! What’s u-”
“KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN AND GO SOMEWHERE PRIVATE!” the voice hissed in hushed tones on the other end.
“Why are we whispering?”
Allura looked around. Keith was outside mowing the lawn. She excused herself to the bedroom and shut the door.
“What’s going on?”
“I think I’m pregnant.”
“Ok ok sorry. Are you sure? How do you know?”
“My period has been harder to find than Where’s Waldo.”
“Did you take a test?”
“I have one but I haven’t taken it. I’m scared. I wanna know, but then I don’t” Katie’s voice softened.
“Look come over and you can do it here, I’ll be with you.”
“With Keith there?”
“All the guys are going to the baseball game tomorrow remember? Come then.”
“Ok…ok…thanks Lura.”
“No problem. Everything is going to be ok no matter what.”
“I know, I know. Ok bye.”
The next night Allura and Katie sat in Allura and Keith’s master bathroom waiting for what felt like an eternity. Katie sat on the edge of the bathtub while Allura perched herself on the counter. Katie held the little white stick in her trembling hands.
“Oh my god I see something. A blue line! No, two blue lines! What does two blue lines mean?!”
Allura picked up the box and turned it over, studying the back.
“Well,” Allura said slowly, “we’re having a baby!”
“Oh god…oh god oh god oh god.” Katie leapt up and snatched the box out of her hand, giving it a second look.
“I know it seems scary now, but you guys are gonna be great parents! Motherhood is beautiful and magical!” Allura tried to comfort her.
“If it’s so beautiful and magical why aren’t you and Keith trying?” Katie arched a brow.
“Uh…well…you see, uh…look this isn’t about us right now. How are you going to tell Lance?”
Katie tapped her finger to her chin.
“I was thinking we could just not tell him, like until the baby pops out. By then I’ll have thought of something.” She smiled.
“Katherine Elizabeth McClain.”
“I just need a little time! I’ll figure it out. And don’t use my full name in that tone you sound like my mother.” She slapped Allura’s arm.
Suddenly the ladies could hear the front door open and close.
“Allura? Baby I’m home!” Keith’s distant muffled voice could be heard through the locked bathroom door.
“Shit shit shit he’s home early! What do we do?”
Then came a knock.
“Babe you in here? You ok?” Keith asked from the other side.
Katie and Allura panicked. Allura grabbed the pregnancy test and shoved it in a stack of hand towels that were purely meant for decoration while Katie took the box and threw it out the window. Allura shoved Katie while mouthing “what the hell are you doing?!” to which Katie shook her head frantically and shrugged.
They straightened themselves up, put on their best innocent smiles and opened the door.
“Hi darling!”
Keith looked at his wife, then at Katie, together, in a locked bathroom.
“Everything ok?” he asked.
“Yes, just…uh…” She looked at Katie.
“Doin girl stuff…y’know facials and uh beauty things” Katie finished.
She cringed at her own bullshit.
“Ok…” His eyes narrowed.
“Well gotta go! See ya later Allura!”
Katie moseyed by Keith before practically sprinting down the stairs out the door, making sure to snatch up the box in their front yard before getting into her car.
“Well if you’re done doing uh girl stuff, can I use the bathroom? Traffic back from the game was terrible and I’ve been holding it for like an hour.”
“Sure honey. I’ll go get dinner started!” She kissed his cheek and skipped out of the room.
Keith shook his head, accepting that he would never understand women and shut the door. After relieving himself and washing up he did the one thing Allura constantly scolded him for: wiping his hands on the goddamn decorative towels.
Lance’s cellphone went off while he was still in the car. He answered it and put it on speakerphone.
“Hey Keith! What’s u-”
“Why are you yelling?”
“I’m in the car by myself, chill out. What’s going on?”
“Allura is pregnant.”
“I’m alone idiot! Now are you sure? How do you know?”
“I found a pregnancy test hidden in the bathroom!”
“Whoa, way to go sharp shooter!”
“This is not the time for jokes.”
“Well were you trying?”
Keith paused.
“Well we weren’t trying, but we weren’t exactly not trying y’know?”
“Oh I know.”
“What do I do?”
“Wear condoms next time?”
“Look you don’t want it to look like you were snooping so just give her time and wait for her to tell you.”
Keith sighed.
“You’re right…”
“Duh. Now put it back and pretend you never saw it.”
Keith hung up and placed the little white stick of destiny back where he found it and went downstairs to have dinner with his wife.
A couple weeks later the Koganes had the McClains over for dinner and a game night.
“I mean it’s a decent show, but it’s not realistic. Like giant robot cats that morph and turn into a giant robot man?” Lance scoffed before sipping his beer.
“Right? Like shouldn’t they at least turn into an even bigger cat?” Keith chimed in.
“But Cattron sounds stupid.” Katie chuckled.
“And that princess character? Her ears are so weird!” Allura said as she grabbed the wine bottle in front of Keith and poured herself a glass.
Both men stopped abruptly and watched her intently as she filled it up.
“Uh, are you sure you should be drinking that hun?” Keith asked casually.
Allura blinked and titled her head.
“Why not?”
“Uh…well,” he met eyes with Lance and did he best to no give himself away, “you shouldn’t drink too much it’s not good for your health.”
“But you’re drinking.”
Keith looked at his own glass of wine. How was he going to broach this without letting Allura know that he knew about the you-know-what?
Allura shrugged and brought the wine glass to her lips.
“You can’t drink that, think about the baby!” Lance blurted out, slamming his hands on the table.
A pin drop could’ve been heard in the resulting silence.
“I’m sorry, think about the what?” Allura nearly choked on her chardonnay.
“The…baby?” Lance was suddenly not so sure about his words.
“What baby?”
“The baby we’re having” Keith finally cut in. “It’s ok Lu, I know.”
“Know what?!” Allura yelled, feeling like she was losing her mind.
“I found the pregnancy test.”
Allura did a double take. Katie sunk down in her chair.
“Oh…” She put her glass down.
“And I just want you to know it’s ok. It was a surprise for sure but I’m up for anything as long as we’re together. You’re gonna make a great mom.”
Allura’s lip quivered as she brought a hand to her heart while taking Keith’s hand in hers.
“Darling that is incredibly sweet and it means the world that you’re supportive but the test isn’t mine.”
“It’s…it’s not?” Keith pouted, confused, relieved, disappointed all at once.
“Then who the hell was it?” Lance questioned.
Allura’s gaze fluttered over to Katie. Keith followed. Then Lance.
Katie had slid so deep in her seat she was practically under the table.
“K-Kit Kat?” Lance’s face softened.
“It’s mine” she grumbled, keeping her eyes down.
Lance felt his heart skip.
“I was gonna tell you, I just didn’t know how and I wanted to see the doctor first to confirm and…well we’re gonna have a baby.” She smiled anxiously.
Lance just stared at her then the tears welled in his eyes, but he quickly wiped them away before they fell.
“I’m gonna be a dad?....I’M GONNA BE A DAD! HOLY SHIT I’M GONNA BE A DAD!”
Lance leapt out of his chair and yanked Katie to her feet, cupping her face in his hands and peppering it with kisses.
Keith and Allura held each other’s hands tightly as they looked on at their friends, hearts full.
“I gotta call mom and dad and grandma and Veronica is gonna piss herself and then we gotta call Sam and Colleen and Matt and Hunk will wanna know and-”
“Ok ok easy there champ.” Katie wrapped her arms around his waist. “How about we just enjoy tonight and we can do the press conference tomorrow?” she joked.
Lance nodded and kissed the top of her head.
“I love you” he whispered in her hair.
“I love you too” she murmured back.
They finished out the dinner, Allura was allowed to finish her wine and they played a few rounds of Pictionary before calling it a night.
“I can’t believe Katie and Lance are gonna be parents” Keith said as he slipped into bed.
“Pretty crazy huh?” Allura replied as she tied up her hair.
“Yeah but they’ll be great don’t you think?”
She nodded in agreement.
“Man I really goofed earlier didn’t I?” He grabbed Allura and snuggled up close.
“You did, but it was sweet that you handled the news so well, even if it turned out to be a false alarm.”
“Well if it happens for us one day it’ll be fine.” He kissed her nose.
“It will.” She looked up at him and lifted her head until her lips met his.
He returned her affection, kissing her a bit more deeply. She sighed happily into his mouth, wrapping her arms around his neck. He pulled back and began to nibble a trail down her throat while working his hand up her nightgown.
Katie sat at her office desk, typing a lengthy email when her ringtone sounded off. She picked it up and tucked it between her ear and shoulder as her fingers continued to tick away at the keys.
“Hey Allura, what’s u-”
“KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN AND GO SOMEWHERE PRIVATE!” she whispered in a distressed tone.
“Why are you whispering yet yelling at me at the same time?”          
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