#my problems are never that serious but i get stuck in nothing mode a lot
bugdogg · 10 months
im teetering on the edge of something or another, feels like a breakdown but its more so falling back on old unhealthy habits that feel comforting to do but ultimately don't help me in the long run
anyway im coping somehow by comparing myself to dogs and going "haha im young, i got a ways to go before my evil villain arc"
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halfmoth-halfman · 1 year
So—I’m the one that said Canary won’t forget the fact that Price took another woman with *blue dress* with him
at the end of your reply you said you personally wouldn’t let that slide…..DOES THAT MEAN WE CAN HAVE MORE ANGST BETWEEN PRICE AND CANARY🤩🤩🤩
Like after Canary escape from all this shit, she’s in the ward cause she got some serious injuries, and Soap and Gaz is the only two she’s letting in the ward and one day Price just get in trying to explain why and Canary just says “please….just leave…” not even looking at Price—
And Price either did leave or he just continue approaching until Canary ask him about the blue dress and the two have a deep heart conversation
I do think after the conversation Canary understands the reason he brings another woman and is befriending with Graves to pretend she’s not someone important and to protect her , but still the blue is the real problem, BLUE is the thing between she and Price, if that woman was wearing yellow or red I don’t think it’ll hurt her that much, but wearing blue is like Price didn’t care if she’s the one (and this did makes people think Canary means nothing to him but it also makes Canary thinks she’s nothing too)
And maybe Price acted like that with the family too cause he’s still trying to find the mole (though I must say I hope it’s the unnamed character or I’m bailing my eyes out and be like :WHYyyyyy WhY would you do that😭🥲🥲🥲) and Gaz and Soap will be mad cause Price just act like Canary never exist
God I am so excited for the next part! Your writing is so good like I just laying on my bed thinking what would Canary do now, really love your works😭👍👍
there's gonna be a lot of angst, not just between price and canary, but canary and the whole 141!! i mean, it wasn't just price who let her go, right?? 👀
canary's really gonna have a time, but i feel like a lot of those conversations are gonna have to happen when she's in a better state and not solely stuck in survival mode, because right now??? i don't think she's in any kind of state to try and understand where price was coming from meeting with graves and kissing that other woman in a blue dress.
of course, she'd understand eventually but canary has a lot of work she has to do to even begin getting to a point where she can trust anyone at their word. but i also think price would be willing to put in the work for her, and do whatever he needs to do to earn that trust back.
soap and gaz of course will be there for her in a heartbeat and have an easier time getting back in her good graces, which i'm sure will cause some tension because how have they been dealing with what went down?? esp between canary, ghost, and price?? like her two besties having to deal with the two men that betrayed her??? 👀
aaaaa thank you so much, there's some big things happening in the next part so i hope you're still happy with me afterwards LMAO 💜
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forsworned · 3 years
[♥] academyau!substitute teacher {renguko kyojuro x reader}
Genre: Slight Fluff, Comedy
Categories: F/M
Relationships: Kyoujuro Renguko/Reader, Giyuu Tomioka/Reader
word count: 2,538
a/n: this is a pretty long read, so read at your own risk of boredom. i guess it could also b classified as a "x giyuu" but the title is just way too long and kind of throws the main focus off. might turn this into multiple parts so let me know what y'all think! also this is just a filler for the requests i have rn i don't want to leave you guys hanging
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"I literally don't know shit about history."
Giyu sighed in exasperation. "You don't need to know anything about history [first name]. The teacher already has a lesson plan and you literally just need to pass out the papers. I just need you to cover for a couple of a days because one of the teachers are out sick."
You groaned as you threw your head back in annoyance, pushing your feet up against the edge of your desk. Even though it didn't look it Giyu was practically begging you to substitute for one of his coworkers. And he almost never asks for favors.
Giyu ran a hand through his hair. "He's super picky with his subs and everyone he's had come in hasn't come back."
"So you're saying that I'm a good pick." You mused, with your head in your hands with an annoying smug look.
"Don't push it."
You scrunched your face in disgust. "I just really, really don't want to Giyu. Middle school kids are the absolute worst. All they do is make moaning noises and forget or neglect to wear deodarant."
Giyu lightly chuckled. Your eyes darted to watch his usually solemn demeanor melted away into a small smile which immediately disappeared when you caught wind of it.
He cleared his throat and continued to speak like nothing happened.
"Anyway, so you'll do it?"
You rolled your eyes.
"Yeah, whatever. I'll do it."
Giyu looked pleased with himself when he heard your answer.
"I mean after all, I do owe you like a million and one favors." You sarcastically mused.
Which you kind of did. Giyu was your childhood best friend and always kept your out trouble in the nick of time. Whether it was you getting chased down by the neighborhood cat, or when you got gum stuck in your hair and you didn't want your parents to find out so he quickly snipped it out of your hair with everything seemingly in place like nothing happened. Yeah you could say you were a bit of troublemaker growing up, but Giyu was like the older brother that always looked after you.
"I'm so glad you realized." He replied cooly. "Be here by 7:30AM. Don't be late, I already have enough on my plate and I don't need you embarassing me."
You used your hand to shoo him out of your office space. "Mhm, you can leave now."
"I'm serious."
He squinted his eyes at you."[first name]"
"Ok! I got it. I'll be there 7:30 sharp." You exclaimed throwing your arms up in surrender.
He smirked in satisfaction. "Good."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The morning air was crisp as the sun shone down on your blurred eyes. You absolutely dreaded waking up in the morning and despite that you still agreed to be here. Oh, how you hated that man.
"Good morning." A familiar voice muffled beside you.
Speak of the devil.
He was munching away at his raisin bread walking next to you in the most nonchalant manner. Typical Giyu.
"Shut up." You mumbled miserably.
"You know, you could be a little nicer."
Your eyes narrowed at him. Expression in full death stare mode, but Giyu was as cool as ever, and as always completely unfazed by your behavior. But before you could retaliate, middle and highschool girls were practically lining up to say good morning to Giyu, blushing like mad when he acknowledged them. You on the other hand, were getting the death stares and whispers instead.
"Must be nice to be the heart throb PE teacher." You teased, poking him with your binder.
Giyu ignored you as you walked into the building, showing you to your classroom. You ignored the stares of kids burning holes through your back as you analyzed everything. Tons of inspirational historical quotes lined the walls, pictures and signatures of past and possibly current students covered one single wall. You inspected closely trying to catch a glimpse of who the teacher you were substituting for. One person in particular caught your eye, and he was hot. With a capital H. But before you could look at the other pictures to confirm Giyu called you over.
"Miss [last name], can you come up to the front and introduce yourself."
You sighed as you approached the front of the classroom and watched as the students all stood up. As their whispers got louder, you had to resist the urge to roll your eyes.
"Good morning class. I'm going to be your substitute teacher for the day as Mr.--"You glanced over at the desk and moved the plaque in your direction. "--Renguko is out sick today."
As the class bowed in respect getting their good morning greetings, some of the children could't help but show their disappointment. You noticed most of them girls.
"I'll leave them to you." Giyu stated, and then looked at the class. "And be good to your substitute. I don't want to hear anyone misbehaving."
They bowed as he exited the room and now all eyes were on you. You sighed to yourself.
I really gotta learn to say no sometimes.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
To say you were exhausted was an understatement. It’s not that you hated kids or anything, but they always just see to have so much energy and well, you didn’t. Not even a cup of coffee could save you right now. You watched as the clock above your desk ticked and felt yourself getting more and more sleepier by the moment. Your consciousness fleeting as you lie under your warm blankets.
The image of that fiery haired man popped into your head and your eyes shot open.
You totally forgot to ask Giyu about that hot guy!
You let out a loud groan, knowing that your timing was off because now he would most definitely be suspicious if you asked him tomorrow. The curiosity of knowing that man itched at your skin. You absolutely had to know who he was.
What if he was a high school student, or worse a middle school student who looked very grown.
You outwardly icked at the thought, closing your eyes and scrunching your face in disgusted.
No way. He definitely had to be an adult. Maybe even a teacher.
“The history teacher!” You exclaimed out loud, shooting your whole body up.
It had to be him. You smiled victoriously to yourself, mentally patting yourself in the back.
And you had the perfect plan set up to find out.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You had to have looked in the mirror for about three hours to make sure you looked absolutely stunning. Hair curled to frame your face perfectly, and make up subtle but very much enhancing your natural features. You rubbed your lips one more time in the mirror before smacking your hands to your face to wake yourself up. Giyu was not going to be happy.
The morning bells chimed and you were seated at the desk welcoming students as they walked in. You discreetly checked your make up in your compact mirror under the desk to make sure nothing was running and not a hair was out of place.
“Perfect.” You whispered to yourself, running a hand through your blow out. All this work for a man that probably wasn’t even a teacher here.
“Miss [last name], what are you doing here.”
You froze at the voice. Nothing could prepare you for the icy glare that Giyu shot down at you. It sent a shiver down your spine. But his glare melted right off of you as you glanced over to the man next to him. Your mystery man finally come true!
“Oh hello, Mr. Tomioka. It’s pleasure seeing you.” You smiled, standing up. You looked right over to the handsome man right next to him. His hair like rays of sunlight with eyes to match. You could barely contain your excitement. “And you must be Mr. Renguko.”
His smile as big as the sun. Scratch that. He was the sun.
Bright, beautiful and fiery. He physically made you warmer just being in his very presence. You could’ve sworn you heard simultaneous female sighs in admiration, but you were way too distracted by how utterly gorgeous he was.
“Yes, I am.” He cheerfully stated. “And you must be the substitute that was in for me yesterday.”
He took your hand in his and you could’ve sworn you melted at his touch. Finely calloused hands, indicating that he worked with his hands a lot. Not that his physique couldn’t already tell you how absolutely fit he was.
“Yes, I am. Your class was wonderful. I didn’t have any problems with them whatsoever.” You couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear. This really was the man and it took every ounce of you not to pinch yourself to see if you were awake or not.
“So are you going to tell me why exactly you’re here today.” Giyu chimed in. This time his icy glare had no effect.
“Oh yes, I thought I was still scheduled for today. I never heard anything back from Mr.Tomioka so I assumed that I would head back in.” You lied right through your teeth and Giyu could see right through it.
He narrowed his eyes at you. “And I remember emailing you last night confirming that Mr. Renguko was fully recovered and ready to work again.”
You couldn’t see it but Giyu was totally spitting out venom with every single word he spoke. It was almost terrifying, but you were way too distracted by the glow of the man that was the literal sun right beside you.
As if the smile on your face couldn’t get any bigger.
“That’s odd. I don’t remember getting an email.” You innocently put a finger to your lip, and looked upward as if you were searching your head for the memory of the email confirmation that you definitely recall getting.
Giyu’s went from you to Mr.Renguko. And then it finally clicked for him. His shoulder dropped in defeat. He did not have the strength required to dealing with your shenanigans today. He turned around heading out the classroom, raising a hand to dismissively.
“Just don’t burn the place down.”
You gave him two big thumbs up. “You got it!”
"So would you like to observe the class since you're already here?" Mr.Renguko interjected. He motioned to the empty seat right beside his desk and chair.
You beamed at him. "Only if that's okay with your class, of course."
"Oh trust me, they are more than okay with that." He grinned at the students. Most of them smiled and blushed looking away from your direction. You sat there in confusion, but before you could inquire about what he said, he shot out of his seat and grabbed the stack of papers on his desk.
"Alright, class we are going to go over your classwork from yesterday and finish the rest of chapter six."
It seemed like forever until Mr.Renguko had settled into his seat while he let his students work together on their classwork.
"I can see why my students are such big fans of you." He mused. You looked up from your phone and saw him warmly grinning at your face. This time you didn't fight the blood rushing to the surface of your cheeks.
"What do you mean by that?"
"Well," He pulled out a stack of notecards and began shuffling through them. "I always have my students write their own evaluations of my substitutes and yours were outstanding. Lots of compliments about your appearance and how you carried the class."
Evaluation? Appearance?
Your jaw went slightly aslack at his words. The only thing that left your lips: "Evaluations...?"
His grin grew. Mr.Rengoku knew that this had caught you off guard but he continued. "Yes, I like to know what substitutes are doing their job and keeping my students in line and comfortable."
You were almost speechless. "Wow, you must really care about your students."
He smiled softly this time, and fondly looked over at his students working diligently and quietly together. "Yes, I do. They're kind of like my own kids. I want the very best for them."
Just when you thought you couldn't admire him anymore that you already did. Hot and caring? It had to be too good to be true. You pointed to the best teacher of the year awards on his desk. "I guess you didn't get those just based off your looks alone then."
He visibly blushed and chuckled at you statement as he rubbed the back of his head. "Nah, I don't think so."
You raised an eyebrow at him and pointed at the wall of photos and signatures that lined his wall. "That wall definitely says otherwise."
He laughed a hearty laugh this time. "I don't really think that's the case. Like I said I just look after my students like their my own. They really are my pride and joy."
It really was incredibly hard to not let yourself melt into a puddle in his presence alone. But before you could collect your thoughts, the lunch bell rang and students filed out to their homeroom's and handing in their assignments on their way out. Most of the girls shot you dirty looks before heading out as a way of showing their contempt towards you before the smiled at Mr.Rengoku who was collecting papers at the doorway. At this point, you literally couldn't blame them. Their teacher was a total hottie and you were practically stealing him right under their noses.
As the last student handed in their assignment, Mr. Rengoku closed the door behind them and approached his desk to set aside the stack of papers. He pulled put a box of tissues, picking one out and sneezed rather loudly into it. Cheeks were now a hue of vermillion and he slighted groaned while holding his head.
"You don't look so good, Mr. Renguko." You stated worriedly.
He waved you off. "Nonsense, I'm fine. And you can drop the formalities when were not in front of students. Call me Kyojuro."
You sighed as you fumbled through your bag handing him some cold and flu pills and a packet of vitamin c. "Ok, Kyojuro. You can call me [first name], but I'm going to need you to take these for me and get on home."
He blew loudly into his tissue before tossing into the trash revealing his very red nose. "I-I'm fine, Miss [last name]-- I mean [first name]. Really, I'm ok." He stuttered as he tried to collect himself and get up. Unfortunately, he couldn't hold himself up for more than ten seconds before collapsing and luckily you were there to catch him. He seemed to have been mumbled incoherent words as he laid heavily in your arms. You sighed as you slowly laid him down on the ground and reached for your cellphone to dial the one person you knew could handle this situation the best.
"You didn't actually burn the place down did you?"
You rolled your eyes. "No, idiot. Teacher down."
"Ah, fuck."
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starryyyjoon · 3 years
I, you | Kim Namjoon One Shot
word count: 8.2k
pairing: idol!namjoon x fem reader
summary: namjoon meets you again and he can't help but want you to look at him the same way he has all these years.
disclaimer: it's sort of written from y/n pov. kind of smut included, not too much but still. other then that, i don't think there's anything. it was written a long time ago so i don't clearly remember, sorry!
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Namjoon walked in, followed by a few staff members and they occupied the empty chairs on the conference table and I smiled at him and the others. He looked great like always, he was in a navy blue hoodie and a khaki colored trouser, with his hair pushed backwards exposing his forehead.
There was something and nothing between me and him and it was too tiring to play pretend. "You look good", he remarked and I smiled at him. He's always being too kind, I looked like absolute shit, I hadn't slept in three days and my clothes were whatever was in my reach that I'd put on after showering and I rushed here.
I had met him before this level of success but I was merely an assistant director myself and we'd talked about Monet and his work together, he'd similar interests to mine but both of us didn't really get anywhere because of our timing and I believed it was for the good. He'd always expressed how he liked my vision and wants to work with me on something and I didn't believe my vision because what even was my vision that he could see and not me and after being this big I didn't really thought he'll even remember me until he hit my phone one day and here I was, at the label's office to discuss the details of his mixtape's music video.
"So, do you've something in mind?", I asked him and he pressed his back on the chair letting out a yawn, he seemed tired.
"Not really! I want it simplistic and not too hard to understand. I haven't thought about it or anything so I don't know, I would await what you propose", he softly said.
"I haven't heard the track because of--", he intervened, "--ah you haven't? You should hear it first", he said and I nodded.
"I would need to hear it", I told him, thinking about the lengthy talks with the illustrator already.
The staff then pin pointed about the budget, the do nots and other details and two of my team members who were seated beside me talked thoroughly in detail about the technicalities. Namjoon looked bored with all the talk that didn't interest him. He wasn't much different from before slightly bigger.
All of us stood up coming to an agreement when Namjoon asked me to walk up to his studio to hear the track and I asked my team members to go ahead first. I walked through the dark corridor behind him while he talked to someone on the phone, all the way to his studio. I didn't really hear what he was talking because I was invested in staring around the place like I hadn't seen a building before.
The walls were all dark and a comforting shade since I didn't like the sun anyway. It seemed like a night mode in real life.
His studio was the corner most, he typed the passcode in and stood aside gesturing for me to walk in, followed by him. He hung up the phone call and put his phone aside, switching the AC on. He sat behind the monitor while he switched it on and I went through my inbox.
"So, how have you been?", his deep tone, made me look up and I fidgeted to put my eyes on something other then him while he turned his chair around to face me.
"I have been okay-ish, like the projects I'm doing I'm satisfied with them so I guess it's kinda okay", I said and regretted it immediately, I don't even talk like this and he knows it.
"Not the work c'mon, you, your boyfriend, family, other things?", a lose smile hung on his lips and I looked at him. How can someone look like that?
"No boyfriend because you know no one can put up with this profession. I haven't slept in three days so I'm fucking annoyed and the work is too much that I don't have time for other things", I shrugged and he chuckled. I didn't want to think about guys, I barely had time for myself. Filmmaking was a time bound profession.
"I relate, trust me I do", he turned his chair back around, his eyes on the computer screen and I looked at him. I could see why he could relate, I mean of course he didn't had time either. I knew idol schedules enough to know how these things go. "Why didn't you come that day?", he asked me and my insides twisted.
"I was hoping you don't bring it up", I said in a small voice.
"Why not? I waited for you", he said without looking at me and I threw my head back on the couch thinking of the time when he'd asked me out officially and I didn't make it. "At least I deserve to know what was more important that you didn't make it", he looked at me and I closed my eyes shut.
"I had a flight, I got an exclusive food show travel experience with discovery and it was too good for an opportunity to miss", I let it out and took a breath in. I knew I could never leave work for a guy, any guy, or anyone as a matter of fact and as much as I'd thought about it on the plane...it all seemed for the better. He wasn't the kind of guy I could've had my regular thing with and I was too young to be serious.
"It was a good show", he told me. I could feel his eyes on me and I didn't flinch. I didn't regret it but his words made me feel guilty. My head was on the headrest of the sofa I sat on and my eyes were closed. My subconscious could feel his curious gaze on me.
"Look away Namjoon", I said and I could feel his gaze was still on me.
"Why didn't you call me when you got back?", he asked me and I looked at him.
"I didn't because our cultures differ, everything is poles apart--what's the point of discussing it now?", I asked him, slightly annoyed. He and I separately needed to focus on our careers and he knew it too damn well.
"Okay", he turned around again as his monitor showed a circle indicating that the programme he'd launched was loading. "It does makes me feel better that my better position in life doesn't changes your opinion on me. Quiet comforting", he said, with a hint of sarcasm in his voice but I chose to ignore it. The last thing I'd be doing is fueling this feeling in him by discussing this useless thing which wouldn't make any difference whatsoever.
"Is this the reason you wanted me to do this project with you?", I asked him and he swiftly turned his chair around.
"No, I don't take all this for granted. I love the stuff you do. I'm pretty updated thanks to how active you're on your social media", he smiled and I couldn't shook the thought of seeing my psychotic episodes on my Instagram, Twitter...everywhere. I'm pretty weird out there.
"I love it, the stories", he flased his dimple smile before turning his chair around again and I felt his warmth, like he meant what he said.
For a second I was taken aback with how tall he was from me and how good he looked, he'd always looked good but he was more mature now and much more reserved. "I'll be calling you often because I won't send it for pre-production without your say on the concept", I told him.
"I'll look forward to a lot of calls", he said. "I'm sorry this is taking a while", he added quickly and for some reason I couldn't look away from him, whose back was visible to me.
"No, take your time", I said, crossing my arms against my chest. I really wished he was a regular guy just making music but then I didn't. I wouldn't want someone to wish that for me. He'd earned all of it and I knew it.
"Look away ___", he said slowly. I could feel his grin through his words and I looked away shaking my head right and left softly. "It's, yeah it's playing", he turned around as the music filled in the empty atmosphere.
It was a slow song with a really fast rap. It was how Namjoon was, he contradicted himself too much. I instantly knew it was his writing from the way the words went and the wordplay came into role. I couldn't help but analyze the song because I was supposed to shoot and sketch a music video for it and at times like this I didn't really get to enjoy the art for the art and I hated it.
"How was it?", he asked me, his eyes fixated on me as the music faded. I wanted it to last.
"The only problem with it is that it ends", I flashed a smlie at him and he shook his head throwing it back.
"That's too corny even for you", Namjoon rolled his eyes but I was being serious. "You know I appreciate heavy critics", he said.
"I didn't find anything to criticize, the writing is great, the composition fits and it has a catchy vibe to it. I think I would listen a song like that on a drive or something? In your case a bicycle but yeah! It's a good song", I summarized my opinion. "Do you like want a trendy video?", I asked him.
"Anything that you want to do with it", he said and I gently nodded. Since it was given to me, I couldn't stop thinking about what to do with it.
"Can you stop thinking about it while you're with me ___?", he chuckled and I looked at him taken aback for a second and then nodded with a soft smile pasted on my lips.
"Your fashion sense has improved", I remarked.
"You look casual", he teased me.
"I, I've no fashion sense. I just wear whatever is there", I told him.
"I don't think so, your Instagram says different", he said.
"It's for the show Namjoon", I said.
"You're really not the type to do that, please don't deceive me", he beamed before he turned his chair around again to minimize the current tabs on the computer.
"You're the last person I'd be deceiving--", my words were cut from an incoming call from one of the producers of one of the shows I was working on. "I need to take this", I told him and answered the call while he just gave me a gentle nod in response.
The producer had informed me about the issues related to casting and the final draft of the script and I knew I had to go.
"Guess I'll see you later, bye", Namjoon said warmly as he smiled at me. The thing was he just knew and that always stuck somewhere.
"Bye", I left.
"I, for one, disagree. C'mon how do you even call it an end?", I threw my hands in the air as we discussed it for the millionth time. I liked Su-ho but his thoughts on GOT made me want to kill him. He is the only person I knew who was satisfied with how it ended.
"I think it was okay, c'mon, you have to consider that the novels didn't end and as compared to that I think it was pretty good", Su-ho claimed while he sat on the bean bag in front of me, pushing it comfortably.
"Don't even start with the novels--", my words were interrupted with the sound of the doorbell, "--they didn't even do a good job interpreting it and I am offended by that. Look there novels", I pointed at my bookshelf, showing him my GOT collection which he knew as I opened the door and my head bumped against Namjoon's chest as he took a step in.
He chuckled as he held the back of my head with one hand and pressed my forehead with the other and rubbed it gently to ease the pain.
"What's uh, what's that? Is it iron", I mocked, pointing at his chest while he let me go from his grip and took his shoes off.
"It can be", he said. "But why were you jumping around so enthusiastically?", he asked me as he seated on the couch in front of Su-ho, as he greeted him and Su-ho greeted him back.
"Game of Thrones heavy discussions", I sighed. "This is Su-ho who's illustrating the storyboard", I told Namjoon.
Su-ho was starstruck and it seemed like it'd take him a good minute to recover and Namjoon was obviously used to it. I didn't call him at the office because a lot of people would want to see him then and it could be exhausting plus he'd a time limit on his hands.
"You know him, ___?", Su-ho widened his eyes at me and I nodded, suppressing my laughter seeing his chaotic ass behave like this.
"A little", I said and I could feel Namjoon's gaze on me. "Maybe a lot", I rephrased. I could see by the way Su-ho looked at me that he needed answers. "Coffee?", I asked Namjoon.
"Oh yeah", he replied and I stood up. "I've thought of two concepts, Su-ho please brief him on it and if you want anything differently Namjoon, you can tell him", I told him as I marched towards the kitchen.
Should I use the regular coffee mugs or should I use the better ones? I mean it doesn't matter anyway but still, it kind of does? I don't know. It just comes to me, the over thinking.
I could hear him and Su-ho talking about the concepts faintly and I was low-key proud because I did work hard on them. I opened the cabinet to take out the better coffee mugs.
This is what happens when you stop drinking milk and stop growing up. I rested my hands on the kitchen pavement thinking about how many shoes with heels I'd because of my height.
I wasn't very short but I wasn't my desired height too. It was sad. I was the right person to sell the tonics concerning height because my insecurity would make me buy it. I exhaled heavily and turned around to find Namjoon behind me.
"Let me", my hips pressed against the marble pavement while his body gently pressed against my front, I could spot the mole on his neck while he calmly took the box of mugs out. "Okay?", he whispered softly and I looked on without responding.
"Thanks", I told him, hoping he'd get away from me because this had me feeling some type of way. I won't admit what type of way. That makes it worse.
"Anytime", he clicked his lips, taking a few steps back as I stirred the coffee and poured it in three cups. Should've used regular ones.
"I like the quotes on that wall", he said as I handed him his cup, taking the other two. A wall of my house was covered in post-it notes and other stuff. Some print outs of Van Gogh and Frida's works alongside other things.
"Yeah that? Thanks", I said, as I gave the cup to Su-ho. "Did you decide on something?", I asked, as I sat down and Namjoon just beside me.
"Yeah, the first one. It was kind of okay, he made some alterations so I would send it to you by...maximum tomorrow", Su-ho told me. "But why did you call him here for just this?", he asked me.
"You seem so concerned about his whereabouts", I glared Su-ho . "I told him I could just email him but he insisted on doing it in person", I looked at Namjoon who took a long sip from his coffee.
"Yeah I did, don't worry I was absolutely free", Namjoon smiled at Su-ho and I could see Su-ho fanboy-ing.
"You're so in line today", I pressed my words.
"Shut up", Su-ho eyed me. I wrapped my hands around the coffee mug feeling its warmth.
After I talked to Namjoon for a while about the shoot and he explained to me about their company procedure and how they usually did things. I didn't like doing music videos or commercials, there's a lot of time you're bound by what the music video demands and you've to stick with that so that was that. I usually preferred either cinema like movies or dramas, I hadn't done much but I had done a few and travel shows were my preference.
"I'll see you next time then", Su-ho politely remarked looking at Namjoon and he smiled and gently bowed his head. I walked with him up-to the door. "I didn't, what the hell, you could've given me a heads up?", Su-ho whispered slowly to me as I leaned against the door.
"I didn't knew you were a fan", I said and he playfully hit me on my arm.
"I still can't believe it, you've to answer my hot questions next time", he said and I nodded.
"Okay okay", I closed the door shut behind me, taking a seat on the far side of the sofa me and Namjoon were seated on. He was scanning my bookshelf and I was looking at him.
"Literally 70% of it is fiction", he said. I read a lot of fiction and he read a lot of nonfiction.
"You should read fiction", I said and he looked at me slightly pissed.
"I do read fiction just not thar much", he pointed at my bookshelf. "If you've to recommend one, shoot", he said.
"Recommend, uh, the secrets of happiness", I said randomly and his face sunk in annoyance. "It's not a book talking about literal secrets of happiness, it has a story", I told him.
"Ah okay...I will try reading that. Let me take your copy", he said.
"No", I said back in a split second.
"I won't lose it, c'mon, ___", he said. I couldn't believe his testimony on not losing it.
"Fine, but it's annotated. You'll owe me big time if you lose it", I said and he nodded vigorously.
"Your place is great", he said looking around the house and I couldn't see why, I mean yeah maybe but not that I find it great if I think from his point of view.
"I'm barely here anyway. I pay rent for no reason", I kept the empty mug in my hand on the glass table in front of us.
"That was your friend though, Su-ho?", Namjoon asked as he kept his cup, followed by me.
"Oh yeah! I met him for work but then it's been a while since I know him, it's been years actually and he's a friend now", I said thinking about Su-ho. I don't know why I bothered explaining. It's been a good five years since Namjoon and I hadn't been in touch and there was a little catching up to do.
"You've always had a lot of friends, don't you", he sighed as he sat cross legged on the sofa facing me. I do have plenty friends honestly.
"Kind of", I shrugged. His gaze on me made me sit back in a more cautious way as I fixed my posture. "Namjoon...", I called out his name when the doorbell rung and I was irritated. "Give me a second", I stood up and walked up-to the main door.
It was my neighbor who's mother had left their house keys with me and he was here to take it back. He thanked me for keeping it and walked up to his own flat which was in front of mine.
I closed the door shut and Namjoon was standing by the balcony seeing a cactus I had grown since I couldn't grow any other plant because I was never home to take care of them in case.
"It's cute", he said as he picked the potted plant and stared at it for a little while and I stood behind him and watched him see it.
"You know your pupils dilate when you see plants", I said and he smiled to himself. He kept the cactus back in its resting place and stared at me. "What?", I asked him.
"You were going to say something", he said, his voice sounded deeper then usual for a second and I licked my bottom lip in haste.
"Oh that, you know the alterations you made? I will directly mail it to the staff and maybe cc you because it won't need a second check anyway. I've to get this done a little early since I've--", he turned towards me and I took a step back but there was barely any space and my back was pressed against the wall, "--what is it?", I asked but it came out as a whisper.
"Here", he dragged his index finger across my bottom lip and there was something on my lip. I didn't really see what was on there because of his presence so close to me. My heartbeat had fastened and I could feel it. Something I didn't want to feel.
"Thanks, I guess", I said slowly and he flashed his dimple smile at me and in that moment he seemed the opposite of the dominant he was a few seconds ago.
"Do you know you look really good?", he said, as his fingers ran across my ear touching the piercings one by one. I regretted having three all of a sudden. "And I didn't intended to do this but ___ I uh", he bent over a little, his lips a few inches away from my ear and his breath was falling on my neck.
"Namjoon", I said, trying to not look at him. I knew damn well I couldn't be able to control myself.
"Hmm", his voice was so small and I could feel goosebumps all over my neck. His gaze on me was strong and I had jitters in my stomach.
"I, uh--let's not okay", I put my hands on his shoulder as he pulled me more closer with a jolt and I gasped.
"Do you really not want to?", he asked me. It was a while since I was in this close proximity of someone like this but my subconscious kept telling me not to. "I don't understand what you find so undesirable about me", he took a few steps back and looked away.
"Do you think I find you undesirable?", I asked him, pressing my lips suppressing my smile. I couldn't get how could he change roles in a span of few seconds.
"Yeah, it's pretty evident really", he sighed, looking at the the far side of the sky at the horizon and I saw him sulking.
"It's not that, are you fucking dumb? It's just you know you shouldn't start things you can't take care of", I said. For some reason I've always felt a little hesitant with him. "But you're desirable enough", I added.
"Sudden validation from you, ah", he clicked his lips in mockery and I felt bad. The last thing I wanted was to look like I was playing hard to get. I didn't feel competent enough in my heart. "Let me kiss you", he said, taking a few steps closer breaking the chain of my thoughts and I hated being so much in control and feeling a little out of place.
I was back to where I was a few seconds ago, me cornered and he put his lips on mine and my body automatically responded. He took over me in a second. My hands rested on his back and clutched the fabric. His hands travelled below my hips as he pulled me upwards and my legs wrapped around his waist. He didn't stop kissing me for one second and I didn't want him to, as he pressed his mouth harder on mine and I bit back a moan. I could feel the heat in my body and every vein seemed to electrify. He walked me up-to my bedroom like he knew which suddenly felt foreign to me as he laid me on the bed, breaking the kiss and I was breathless, panting for air.
I didn't had any resort in me to stop. I didn't want him to stop. I couldn't care more about whatever that had me concerned for a while. He watched me look at him and his lips curved in a smirk. "Should I stop?", he teased me taking a seat on the edge of the bed and I looked away from him to the right side, scoffing.
I pushed myself up, my hands at the hem of the lose white t-shirt I'd on and for a second I hesitated at the fact that he must've seen better flesh than mine but I pulled it upwards exposing myself in front of him as his eyes went everywhere. "Do you want to stop?", I asked him, as I crawled over to him. He didn't object as I sat on his lap and took his face in my hands. I looked in his eyes. He looked beautiful. I traced the outline of his skull, his jaw as I pushed his hair locks that were on his forehead behind. "Do you want to stop Namjoon?", I asked him again as he held me tight, giving me my answer.
He tugged at my neck with his mouth leaving a trail of gentle kisses down and I could feel my nipples startlingly prominent beneath the black lightweight bra I had on. I clutched his hair as he bit my neck suddenly and I gasped.
He pushed me on to him, nearer but there was barely any space for me to come close and I could feel him all over. He messily kissed me before groping my bottom and I-I cut a breath in. He would take turns and be gentler a second and rough the another. "Namjoon", I called out gasping which fueled him even more. He looked at me and smiled proudly at how he had me without doing much.
He flicked the straps of my bra shoving it down exposing my breasts and I could feel my nipples harden to the point it was painful. I wanted him. I wanted him to touch me, more. The way my body responded to his touch was almost funny, how quick, how wet.
I patiently unbuttoned his shirt and stripped it off of him while he looked at me with a gaze I couldn't quite make anything of, he just looked at me while he let me work on him. My hands touched his chest and my eyes examined his torso, his skin was warm and his gaze on me gave me confidence like he wanted me back as much I wanted him.
I was forgetting my own desperation for his touch as my hand traveled behind his back, trailing down to his spine and he looked at me as he cut a sharp breath in and I felt good seeing him giving in to me. His arms surrounded mine unclasping my bra in a second and he threw it off on the floor.
I half expected him to grab me and grope my breast but he swept me in his arms as his vaguely pink mouth pressed against mine and instead of hastily grabbing me, his mouth simply rested against mine and it was worse, much more intoxicating. I, on instinct coiled my arms against his neck.
As my tongue demanded entrance and he smiled before letting me, and in a second, roles were reversed, the romantic was gone. He took control and pressed his mouth harder on me with his thumb and finger pressing my nipple and my nails dug deeper in his neck. "Joon...", I on instinct called out, as I gasped for breath but he didn't let me.
He was hard against me and I grinded next to him which seemed to please him while he left my mouth, burning with a wanting for more while my sex clenched as he took control of my body putting his arms around my back and they were free to go anywhere. I wouldn't dare stop him.
A second later, he laid me on the bed and hovered over me before taking my shorts off in a whirl and pushed my underwear off me that it didn't seem reusable. I anticipated his actions but he pushed a thumb into my bottom without no warning and I clutched the sheets, a yell escaping my mouth. My fingers curled meanwhile his other arm grabbed my breast cupping it and a second later his forefinger and middle finger slipped inside of me and my grip on the sheets tightened.
"Shh", he hissed in my ear and I hadn't realized a moan had escaped my mouth. My whole body rocked in less then a minute and I couldn't control my voice, I gasped for breath and I moaned even louder then before. "I didn't take you for a screamer ___", Namjoon seemed amused while embarrassment washed over me as I laid exposed in front of him.
"Let me go down on you", I told him and he looked taken aback as I pushed myself up.
"Do you really want to?", he asked and I shifted closer to him, placing a gentle kiss on his lips.
"I would love to", I told him. "Do you want me to?", I asked him.
"Yeah, I mean yeah", he said when his phone rang echoing in the room and his face flushed into irritation as he looked at me and I nodded gesturing him to take it. He took it out of his pocket and answered it. With every word he spoke, his irritation grew. He hung up the phone call. "Where's the wardrobe?", he asked me and my eyes pointed behind him.
Namjoon opened my wardrobe and took out a very lose t-shirt of his choice from my stack of comfortable clothes. He held my arms and slipped the t-shirt on me, pulling me close. He stroked my face and he smiled in my face which forced me to smile as well.
"Am I suppose to expect something from you or should I forget this?", I asked him as his fingers tucked the few strands of my hair behind my ear.
"You're supposed to expect everything, don't dare forget it", he whispered in my ear, nibbling on it and I couldn't help but giggle. "I want to talk to you but I've to go now and I hate it", he smiled at me.
"Okay, go", I told him and he chuckled before letting me off him and he wore his shirt back on.
After seeing him off and taking a shower, I laid back on the couch in the living room thinking about everything that had happened. I didn't regret it, I wasn't thinking much about it anyway.
The guys I'd sex with or made out with, I disliked them because of their narcissism. I appreciated my ability to find guys that were a-grade assholes. I've always had this feeling that I am lacking in some sense with other people. I look normal, like I should but I get this insecurity when taking my clothes off.
I didn't knew what Namjoon thought about it and asking him would be weird. No one who knows me like him would think I am this insecure or anxious about this stuff but then a major part of it has to do with my aura, I guess?
I took a bite of the sandwich that I held in my hand as I walked around the second set just nearby to the first one. I stood afar, taking a good look, even though the storyboard fits the sights I still need to frame out a rough sketch work in my head.
I took another bite staring at the beach and the path to it and then back to the set that we'd build up by man power. It was pretty accurate in my eyes but I wanted to hear from my assistant director.
I took the walkie talkie out from the pocket of my denim and pressed the centre button, "Jae-chan, where are you?"
In a second he reverted, "Ah sunbae I am near the gripper".
"Come to the road that leads to the beach", I said, before shoving the walkie talkie down in my pocket.
The sea met the sky at the far point of the horizon and how the world is full of these illusions which are not real we know but we still believe. After all there's beauty in things that you don't get. Vastness maybe?
Sea and sky — the two melancholic blues.
"Sunbae?", Jae Chan broke the chain of my thoughts and I glanced at him before looking at the sea. His breath was heavy, I could tell he ran here.
"You could have walked, Chan-ah", I said, smiling. He was really young and passionate about filmmaking but also a little silly. He's cute.
"Ah it's okay. Did you need something?", he asked politely and I shook my head. I liked the input of many people on the same thing, it showed the number of opinions that could centre around one thing that you make in a different context which is then perceived in another.
"Do you think this is accurate in terms of the story board?", I asked him and he seemed lost in thought.
"I would say slightly better because the storyboard is still animation and this is real so I would say better. I'm pretty sure it'll be good sunbae", he told me and I could feel a smile flush on my lips. "You are nervous, aren't you?", he asked me.
"Yeah", I wrinkled my nose, turning around to walk off. I patted Jae Chan's back and he started walking with me.
"You don't have to be, and oh, he's here", he said assuring me and I knew who he meant by he.
My mind automatically went to the day in my apartment. Namjoon had messaged me after but he got busier with his work and I am not a text-er plus I'd a lot of things to do before I left Korea. It was, I didn't knew anything and I didn't want to think about it. I hoped he'd pretend nothing happened, please. But I knew he won't.
I sighed and as I entered the main set, around the vanity and food truck, the manager and Namjoon's staff members greeted me. After that, I mean impractically I wanted earth to open and swallow me. Living is hard anyway.
I'd a flight on the weekend, I'd to pack and I'd to get new boots but I'm just dumb because I'm trying to think of other things. I need a new nail paint, do I? I looked at my nails which were painted black. Maybe grey?
"Sunbae?", Jae Chan shook me and I looked at him. He gestured me to look up front and Namjoon was right there looking like Namjoon.
"Hi", I awkwardly waved at him.
"Hi", he flashed his dimple smile at me. His dimple smile hits me.
"You can get the makeup and hair done, I've a few things to recheck", I excused myself. This is awkward. This is so awkward. I hate it.
Even though I had that awkwardness lingering around but we were nearing to the end of the shoot which went really good because everyone worked so hard. It was mostly one-takes and the lighting supported the whole setting making it so easier for us to finish.
Moreover, it was a while since I had done a music video so it felt good being back on a set like this. Namjoon looked really good with the styling and although I knew the outfits pre-shoot, he still looked better then I'd imagined him to look which enhanced the whole vibe of the music video. He owned earthly tones.
That's why casting and styling is so important. Very much. Makes a gigantic difference.
"What's wrong with you?", I didn't notice he was standing next to me with a small fan in his hands while we prepped for the last shot.
"What's wrong with me?", I asked him, as I adjusted the frame in the main camera. I didn't want this conversation especially right now, especially here.
"I mean...you knowww?", I could feel his stare while I shifted the camera, something is wrong with this.
"I don't know", I said, without looking at him. I was unintentionally making him mad and nothing else.
"I was really scared that you'd say this and see, I mean, why can't you behave normal when I mention anything about us?", he hissed near me and I looked around. Luckily there was no one in our proximity to hear this conversation.
"I-I, Namjoon", I exclaimed, vaguely pointing at the setting hoping we could do this later and I could explain that I would love us but he needs to understand that I won't even be in Korea as much as he thinks I would be and that's why it won't work out.
"I don't care", he eyed me.
"I do. I care, okay? There's no us to begin with and I know I was stupid enough to ask you what I should expect out of, what would you call it, we made out. That's that", I tried being really slow and I could feel annoyance in his sight.
"Made out! Okay, okay fine. I can't believe I deal with you. You're the one who doesn't text or call or even respond to it and that's bare minimum ___", he pondered and I internally rolled my eyes.
I was leaving on the weekend. I was always leaving. That's it. "I don't have to and I have a life Namjoon. I've been working non stop all this time. I don't expect you to understand", I said, standing up from my seat while I called for the head DOP from the walkie talkie.
"You don't want to be understood ___", Namjoon said, grabbing me from my arm and stopping me. He wasn't wrong. A few eyes snapped and I forced a smile immediately. "I like you, I like you a lot. Deal with it", he walked past me.
Deal with it.
As if.
Very abruptly, the last shot rolled in and it was over. The music video was done in a day. It was originally a two day sketch but we had to narrow it down to one day because of Namjoon's schedule and it was worrisome because it did seem impossible but things went smoothly and it was successfully over.
I told Jae Chan to wrap the filming site, though most of it was done while I was present. I picked my bag from a table to leave, kept right ahead from the vanity. Namjoon had left, I guess. I wasn't sure because after the last shot he was angry. He had his jaw clenched all that time, he barely managed to keep it out on the music video.
He was like this, his anger was pretty evident and that hadn't changed.
I like you. I like you a lot.
I couldn't wrap my head around that thought. Did he like me all this time? It sounded pretty crazy to me. I had never thought about anything with Namjoon. He was a friend I could like but I didn't, I had never expected anything out of my acquaintance with him anyway.
"You ate?", his deep voice made me look at him who stood at the steps of the vanity. He hadn't left yet.
"No", I said. He had changed into his normal clothes, the makeup was gone but he still looked great. His natural complexion was shining as the set lights fell onto his face. It made me surer how Namjoon needed someone who could be there rather then somebody who's never there.
"Come eat something", he said calmly. He looked much composed then before.
"I am not hungry", I stated just when he darted towards me. He held me by my forearm, dragging me into the vanity which was empty except for us. A few dishes were laid out on the table in front of the small couch.
"Eat and leave", he said, taking a seat on one of the chairs in front of the mirrors fidgeting with his phone while I quietly sat on the couch. I just wanted it to be over but I'd no appetite so I kept staring at the couple of Italian dishes which were pasta, carbonara I guess, rissoto and also jjangmyeong. "Just eat anything ___", he said, without bothering to look at me.
"I don't really have an appetite", I said, throwing my head back and looking at the ceiling of the vanity.
"What you've is a habit of skipping meals", he eyed me.
I looked at him. "Do you remember everything? Like literally everything?", I asked him as curiosity brimmed in my eyes.
"You don't?", he asked me back. "Well, for me, yeah I do. I did remember every thing but I should probably forget now. I didn't really asked to work with you because I wanted something but I can't say I didn't hope", he locked his phone and kept it on the space in front him. "I mean, we did had something. We did have something a few days ago. You can't exactly call me a friend and I've never seen you as one. The moment you walked in trying to fix the mess on the set since then till now I can't say I didn't hope you'd look at me the same way", he said, bringing all the memories back alive, but it was true, I never looked at him the way he'd wanted me to, hell, I couldn't believe it one bit. "It's true", he said, as if he just read my mind.
It was, it didn't made sense to me. How could he? Why would he? I uh, I think shit's wrong with me because even now I can't seem to focus on someone who confessed their feelings and that someone being Namjoon from all people.
I remember when I was one of the assistant directors under the director for one of the most low-key and low budget project. They didn't had many resources and our firm wasn't doing well either. We always had to come up with hacks, unknown locations for shooting...it was always so hard. We didn't had any respect in the industry.
It was two companies in one boat at the end of bankruptcy and we were so young and such good friends. I knew the rest of the members too but I kind of had a certain vibe with Namjoon. He could get me without having to speak.
I locked at him, his face was fixated on me and I could like him, in fact I did love him not romantically, I just did. I had a lot of love for him. He was caring for the people around him and I loved talking to him. He never once made anyone feel like he was a celebrity back then and a global celebrity now well yeah. He did deserve someone who could be here for him.
He stood up and walked towards me and my eyes followed him. He took a seat next to me and I could see he picked a bowl up but I didn't see which one because I couldn't stop looking at him. Namjoon took a significant amount and extended it to me and I looked at the noodles for a second and then at him. He just nodded and I ate it.
It was good.
"Thanks", I said, wiping the corners of my mouth with my fingers.
"Do you want me to feed you all the way or can you eat your own?", he asked me.
"I will eat", I told him and he gave me the bowl so I could eat on my own. "You ate?", I asked him and he instantly nodded.
"You're going somewhere, aren't you?", he asked me and I felt as if I've just been struck with something.
"Hmm", I said, my mouth almost filled. "And, I...I want to tell you something like adults and clear it. Namjoon you know my work and I am always not here, never. It's useless. Trust me on this, it's not like that but you know you'll need someone beside you and I can't be the one", I told him, calmly, before gulping water down.
"I know that but I'm okay with it. In fact, we would go hand in hand better because I can't take you out on exotic dates as well. This is what you get", he vaguely gestured at the vanity and I chuckled and he warmly smiled at me.
After a second, I spoke much seriously then before, "It will be hard and you know that. It'll be frustrating. You could hate me".
"If you've tired it with someone before, I am not exactly happy knowing this, but you shouldn't compare me with some random dude with a peculiar taste in leather clothing", he rolled his eyes, shifting his back comfortably.
"Hey! Don't be mean just because you see stuff on my Instagram", I scoffed and he maintained his long face.
"No really, what do you take me for? You think you won't have time for me? I won't have time for you", he went on.
"Namjoon", I dragged his name. His tendency to be sarcastic at odd moments is unmatched.
"Don't call my name like that", he stared at my eyes.
"Like what?", I asked him.
"Like you can love me", he said.
"I...you don't have to be like this", I said, keeping the empty bowl on the table.
"Give me a chance then, try it out. I would wait for you I promise", Namjoon took my hand in his and covered it with his warmth.
"Will I be able to...wait?", I looked away from him, thinking about it so hard.
"___ don't think too much. I promise, we'll be fine", he said, his hands travelling to my waist and before he could grab it. I screeched closer to him. I cupped his face and attached my lips to his, while his hands held on my body.
My relationship with Namjoon was better then I imagined it. I tried my best to be there for him and he was surprisingly almost there for me but it wasn't exactly easy.
It was months and months of hardships and Namjoon was more needy then I thought him to be, he needed a lot of assurance. I don't understand the notion that he holds of everyone wanting me so he needs to be extra careful. I still don't get that his insecure ass doesn't trusts his own members, he won't let me meet them at all.
He was really different. He shifted from dominant to romantic in one second. I loved that. I kind of missed it so much.
He held my hand I could feel it by the way his skin felt against mine, he whirled me around and in a second his hand rested on my waist as he urged me to walk next to him. He was in a perfect disguise and I looked at him. I could tell he was smiling beneath his black mask.
"See, this is why I don't trust other guys! How could you let someone do this to you in the midst of the road in a foreign country?", he asked me.
"No stranger would confidently do this to anyone in a foreign country", I playfully hit him on his leg and he stopped, pretending to be gravely hurt. "I can't believe you", I looked at him as I went with his act. I supported him in standing completely. In a second, he intertwined his fingers with mine.
"I missed you", he softly whispered in my ear.
"I missed you too", I whispered back, softly. I pulled him in an empty alley and pulled his mask down. "I need you to do something", I told him, nibbling on his ear and I could feel my skin feel the heat that it yearned for since a couple of months before him going on tour.
"Right now?", he asked surprised.
"Yeah, right now", I said and I could feel him harden against my pelvis.
"You are...so, not right now. Let's go to your hotel room. I'm still famous", he pulled me closer and I chuckled. He turned me around, pulling his mask down, he kissed me hard. His mouth pressed against mine. I held him tightly and he gasped. "I love you", he softly said before pulling his mask up.
"I, you", I held his hand again.
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Prompts: Uhh hi. Wanted to know if you could write something with Logan brin hurt (emotionally, mentally, physically, doesn't matter as long as he's hurt) and Patton, Virgil, and Roman aren't there for him for whatever reason so Remus and Janus take care of Logan and there's a lot of Logan being pulled into and set on laps and just Janus and Roman being Protective? I'm a sucker for hurt logan and Protective Janus and Remus. Okay thanks, have a good time. - anon
 hey there! i absolutely love your fanfics! if possible (and feel free to ignore this), could you write some roloceit angst and hurt/comfort? perhaps with roman being the comforter and logan or janus being the hurt one? again, feel free to ignore this if you don’t want to write this, no pressure - anon
 Can I request some Janus and Virgil or Logan cuddles? - anon
 The answer to all of the above is yes and we switch RIGHT back into projecting-onto-Logan mode!
Read on Ao3
Pairings: roloceit, background platonic lamp, dlamp, dlampr
Warnings: stimming, getting caught in a stim loop
Word Count:  4558
Occasionally, Logan will get stuck.
 Not in a logic loop, no, he’s quite adept at getting out of those, but in certain patterns of behavior. He’ll find himself absentmindedly swinging his arm back and forth and the moment he notices it, he will be unable to stop. It will simply swing there, back and forth, completely unconsciously, and only by someone else walking past and asking him what he’s doing, or tapping him, will he be able to stop.
For the most part, it’s just an annoying inconvenience. It takes him longer to do tasks than it should. It prevents him from engaging in serious conversations when necessary. Occasionally, Roman will also get stuck in a similar fashion and the two of them will shake their heads until they can unstick themselves.
 Other times…
 “Damnit, no, that’s not what I meant.”
 “Well, what did you mean? Because it kind of sounds like you don’t want me to be in your space at all, except your space is the entire Mindscape!”
 “Kiddos, just—calm down—“
 “We can’t, Padre, you know we can’t.”
 “Listen, this whole thing started because—“
 How did this whole thing start?
 Logan curls his fingers around his water bottle and leans back against the couch, closing his eyes as the others continue bickering.
 Thomas had gotten into a small argument earlier today. Nothing too significant, nothing that would drastically impede their friendship, nor chance a cut-off of communication. But enough to make Virgil shoot up protectively the second Thomas got back.
 Roman hadn’t wanted to do anything except immediately apologize. Patton had wanted to talk through everything with Thomas to make sure they understood it. Virgil hadn’t wanted to do anything because Thomas was already stressed.
 Well, Logan’s not sure what to do.
 He doesn’t want to—
 Well. He doesn’t want to do anything.
 Thomas should give his friend time to relax and get a clear head, giving himself time to do the same. They had both reacted emotionally due to the differences in the way they associate emotions with the things that they care about. Thus, in order to reach a conclusion that would satisfy both parties, they needed to determine the best way to explain their differences and work together. The problem arose when figuring out how to communicate something that innate.
 “If we try and say that this is just how we think,” Virgil says firmly, “we’re gonna come off as patronizing or condescending.”
 “But if we don’t say it at all,” Patton points out, “then we’re just going to hurt them again!”
 “So it would be best if we just went away?” Roman throws his hands up. “The first thing we have to do is apologize. We hurt them.”
 “But we’re not responsible for their emotions. We have to talk to them before we can do anything like apologize.”
 “But then it just sounds like we’re preaching at them!”
 “Think of it this way: if you knew that someone was specifically holding their emotions back so that you could feel better, how would you feel?”
 “That was not the right thing to say, Patton,” Virgil mutters under his breath.
 Logan taps his fingers against his water bottle. Tap, tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap.
 “What do you think I’ve been doing?”
 “Putting that aside,” Virgil says quickly, “we have to talk about how—“
 They’ve been at this for—how long? Logan can’t remember. They’re feeding off of each other at this point, caught in a feedback loop. Roman will say something, Virgil will point out how that doesn’t make sense to him so how could it make sense to someone else, Patton will try and bring the conversation back to feelings, and on and on they spin. Logan has no emotional stake in this—not that he has much of an emotional stake in anything—and thus he tried to stay quiet, to let them speak.
 He’s already been asked to let them do so many times.
 So he sits quietly, tapping his fingers against his water bottle. Tap, tap, tap.
 “Do you just want me to leave? Should I get some paper plates for myself?”
 “No, kiddo, that’s not what we want—“
 “That would make me feel worse because then it feels like you aren’t comfortable down here.”
 “Well, I’m not! I’m already at max capacity, trying to figure out what you all need from this and all we’re doing is adding more rules for how I’m supposed to behave!”
 “Virgil,” Roman says, “what do you think the rules are? What are we missing about how Thomas is acting?”
 “I just told you all of them!”
 Tap, tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap.
 “But we don’t know what those rules are, if you were to just tell us—“
 “But you’ve told me them so many times, hell, I helped create some of them!”
 Tap, tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap.
 “But there may be rules that you see as rules that we don’t care about, so—“
 “Because it’s not your job to care about them, Princey.”
 “So help me understand! I don’t want to make this harder on you!”
 “You’re not responsible for my emotions.”
 “But I can’t think like that, Virgil. If I tell you to do something or—even if I just say something or bring it up then you’ll get mad at me and I hate it when you’re mad at me.”
 “But you’re not responsible for that.”
 “You’re still going to be mad at me!”
 “Damnit, no, that’s—no, Princey, that’s not true.”
 Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap.
 Their voices keep getting louder. His tapping grows frantic. They ring in his ears, even with his eyes closed he can see their faces. He can see Virgil’s eyeshadow getting deeper, he can see Roman’s expressions getting more defined, he can see Patton getting slowly more frustrated. He can hear the tension in the room about to snap.
 They’re all about to start yelling at each other and he can’t do anything to stop it.
 All he can do is tap, tap, tap, on his water bottle.
 “What’re you all shouting about?”
 “Go away, Remus.”
 “Oh, but I just love showing up where I’m not invited.”
 Something heavy lands on the couch next to Logan. He does not look up from his water bottle, he does not open his eyes, his fingers do not stop tap, tap, tapping.
 “Remus, don’t do that, you almost landed right on…”
 Virgil’s voice trails off.
 Tap, tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap.
 “Logan, are you okay?”
 Tap, tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap.
 “Fuck, guys, shut up.”
 “Language, kiddo.”
 “No, really, guys, Logan’s not okay, be quiet.”
 Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap.
 “But I think it’s interesting how—“
 “No, guys, really,” Virgil says again, his tempest tongue coming out a little, “shut up.”
 Ah, that must be Remus. A soft voice beside him, blocking out the others into a distant murmur, a warm hand on his shoulder.
 “Lolo, can you hear me?”
 Tap, tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap.
 Remus curses. “I’m taking this.”
 Logan doesn’t hear the rest of Patton’s cry as Remus grabs him by the shoulder and sinks out, into another living room, perhaps, judging by the fact that they land on a very similar couch.
 “It’s okay, Lolo,” Remus murmurs, rubbing gentle circles into his shoulder, “you’re okay, this won’t last forever. I already called for Jan-Jan.”
 Tap, tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap.
 “You’re doing great, just keep breathing, okay?”
 The water bottle cap smushes uncomfortably against Logan’s mouth, how long has he had it here?
 “You’re okay, Lolo, this won’t last forever, just stay with me.”
 The others aren’t here. No one is yelling. There will be no emotional spillover, everything will be okay. Everything is okay.
 Logan’s tapping grows less frantic, settling back into a smooth rhythm on the bottle.
 Tap, tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap.
 Remus’s hand never leaves his shoulder, still rubbing warm, patient circles.
 “They should’ve known better,” he mutters, mostly to himself, “fucking morons.”
 Something about Remus’s tone worms its way into Logan’s hands, gentling his fingers to a stop. He cups the smooth, cool metal of the water bottle and takes a deep breath. Remus stills.
 He blinks his eyes open.
 Well, he was correct. They are in the Dark Sides’s living room. He turns to look at Remus.
 “Be honest,” he says in a surprisingly even voice, “how red is my face right now?”
 Remus blinks. “Not one bit, actually.”
 “Well, that’s good.”
 “Yeah.” Remus looks down and gently tugs on the water bottle. “Can I have this?”
 “No, thank you.”
 “Okay. Can I hug you?”
 “Yes, why—oof!”
 To be honest, he probably should have expected to be all but tackled into the couch, considering that is the primary way Remus shows affection to Roman. Still, his back hits the sofa with a surprised gasp as Remus’s weight comes to rest on top of him.
 “A little warning next time would’ve been appreciated.”
 “Sorry.” Remus props himself up on his elbows. “Am I hurting you?”
 “I can’t imagine lying on top of a water bottle is very comfortable.”
 Remus lets him move it off his chest before flopping back down and snuggling closer.
 “You okay?”
 “I’m perfectly adequate.”
 “Not what I asked, Brainiac. You were stuck. And upset.”
 Logan quiets. Remus must be able to tell that he’s thinking; after a second, he turns and goes to pull away. The sudden absence of warm pressure above him hurts.
 “No—“ he catches onto Remus’s back— “stay?”
 “…Lolo,” Remus says quietly after a moment, “Lolo, move your arm a little.”
 “What? Why?”
 “Don’t want to hurt you when I lie back down, shift a bit.”
 Logan shifts, letting Remus settle back down on top of him and lift his arm over his shoulder. He rumbles, low in his chest, pressing Logan firmly against the couch.
 “Can we just…stay like this? For a bit?”
 “Sure, Lolo.”
 Remus is warm and solid, somehow radiating the energy that if anyone so much as tries to get near them right now he’ll gnaw their arm off. That’s not an empty threat. One of his hands flops off the couch, keeping his fingers just brushing the carpet. Logan takes a deep breath, feeling Remus move.
 Oh, dear.
 Did he say that out loud?
 “Yeah, you did.”
 “Hmm,” Logan mumbles, “well, that’s not ideal.”
 “Yeah, I gathered. But that’s kinda my thing so, spit it out, Lolo.”
 “I have come to the realization that I entered the stimming cycle while in my operative mode, which means that I cannot fully disengage from it until I know the problem is resolved.” Logan sighs. “Which I can’t do until I reestablish an emotional balance.”
 “Can you put that in layman’s terms?”
 He winces. “I don’t know if I can. My vocabulary tends to increase exponentially as my level of exhaustion climbs.”
 “Yeesh.” Remus sits up, sliding onto the floor and prompting an involuntary noise from Logan wondering where he’s going. “C’mere.”
 Remus hauls him into his lap. Logan’s a little too tall to fit his head under Remus’s chin, but Remus plants his face square in Logan’s collarbones and hangs on tight.
 “You’re gonna be fine, Lolo,” Remus says softly, “just…try and take a minute, yeah? Maybe you’ll be a little less exhausted.”
 “But I can’t, Remus,” he whispers, “I can’t—I can’t start calming down until the problem’s solved and I can’t solve the problem unless I—I—“
 “Ah, shh, shh,” Remus hushes, leaning back to place a finger against Logan’s mouth, “first off, you already explained it better than you did a moment ago, and second, the three of them actually are capable of solving their own problems.”
 He chuckles, clearly seeing the doubt expressed on Logan’s face.
 “I know it sounds impossible, but they have done it.”
 “Who has done what?”
 Logan whirls around to see Janus striding out of the shadows, nonchalantly tugging his gloves into place. Remus, of course, does not bother to keep them balanced and simply topples over, right on top of Logan.
 Janus raises an eyebrow at the display. “My, Remus, how graceful you’re getting to be.”
 “Thank you!”
 “That’s not—mm.” Janus rolls his eyes and looks at Logan. “Well, I must say, I certainly expected to see you here.”
 Logan’s fingers close absentmindedly around the water bottle. Janus’s gaze holds him tight.
 Tap, tap, tap.
 What—what’s happening? Janus won’t hurt him, Janus isn’t going to be angry at him—is he? Janus won’t have to go clean up his mess…right?
 “Remus, off.”
 “Hey, Lolo, it’s okay, you’re good, remember?”
 Logan blinks. Janus is crouched now, concern written plainly on his features. Remus’s hand is on his shoulder again, gently rubbing circles. His own hands tap gently on the surface of the water bottle.
 “My apologies.”
 “You’re good,” Remus says as Janus murmurs: “there’s no need for that, sweetie.”
 Logan sighs, stilling his hands and sitting up, letting Remus hook one leg around his back to pull him into his embrace. He leans his head into the middle of Logan’s back and hums.
 “Remus…rescued me,” he says eventually, “from the conversation going on with the others.”
 Janus makes a small ‘ah’ sound.
 “There were..heavy emotional investments coming from all sides,” Logan continues, “including making Virgil feel a little cornered.”
 “I’m sure that went well.”
 “It didn’t.” Logan shuts his eyes. “And now I am…I got stuck.”
 “With the water bottle?”
 He nods. “And I am currently unable to get…unstuck.”
 “Because your system still registers it as an incomplete task,” Janus murmurs, “and thus it won’t let you begin to decompress.”
 Logan nods.
 “Look at me, sweetie.”
 Janus smiles when he catches Logan’s gaze again. He holds out a hand. “Come here, let me help.”
 Logan goes to stand, only to be thwarted by Remus’s arms, still tightly around his waist.
 “No,” Remus mutters, muffled a little with his head in Logan’s back still, “my brain cell.”
 Janus frowns. “Remus…”
 “You wait your turn!”
 A giggle bubbles out of Logan’s throat. Janus narrows his eyes and his arms stretch, each curving around Logan’s sides to poke Remus.
 “Give. Me. My. Logan,” Janus says, punctuating each word with a poke. “My. Logan.”
 Remus squeaks, clutching Logan tightly, only making the giggles worse.
 “Give me my Logan,” Janus calls, still prodding Remus, “give him to me.”
 “There,” Janus coos, immediately taking advantage of the fact that all his arms are here and Logan is no longer being held to reel the logical Side in close, “that wasn’t so hard now was it?”
 The residual giggles don’t quite trail off as Janus pushes Logan’s glasses back up his nose and smiles.
 “Hi, sweetie.” His eyes widen when Logan can’t stop giggling. “I didn’t poke you now, little one, why’re you so giggly?”
 He shoots a mock scolding look over Logan’s shoulder.
 “You didn’t accidentally kidnap Patton, and not my Logan, did you?”
 “Nope, that’s the brainiac.”
 Why can’t he stop laughing? What’s happening? Why is—why is he stuck again?
 “Oh, oh, sweetie,” Janus’s voice comes from somewhere far away, “oh, little Logan, it’s alright, shh, shh, sweetie…”
 Why is Janus shushing him? He’s fine. Something swipes against his cheek.
 “Shh, shh, you come here, just come here for me, Logan, I’ve got you, you’re safe now…”
 Is he still laughing? His chest is still hitching and he can feel his diaphragm, so why does Janus sound so concerned?
 “It’s okay to cry, sweetie, it’s normal, from what it sounds like, you’ve been having a bit of a rough time.” Something against his cheek again. “Shh, shh, just come here…”
 Oh, he’s crying.
 Of course, as soon as he realizes that, he all but collapses into Janus’s chest and starts sobbing in earnest.
 “There, there, sweetie,” Janus coos instantly, cradling his limp form, “I’ve got you, you’re safe, little one, shh, shh, it’s alright.”
 Logan clutches as hard as he can to Janus’s cloak, fingers sliding off clumsily. Janus makes a noise and two hands come up to grip his, squeezing.
 “There you go, just focus on this for me, okay? Stay with me, Logan.”
 “What’s—what—wha’s happening?”
 “You’re crying, sweetie,” Janus says gently, “you’re overwhelmed and exhausted. Your system is trying to reset itself.”
 “But—but—it—but it hurts.”
 “Try not to fight it,” comes Remus’s voice from behind him, “let Janny hang onto you.”
 “That’s right.” Janus clutches him tighter. “You just stay right here, little Logan, in my arms, in my lap, let me look after you.”
 “‘M not little.”
 “You’re all little to me, sweetie.”
 Remus snorts. “Just because you’re a giant to everyone else aside from when Virgil gets tall doesn’t mean you have to be so snobby about it.”
 “On the contrary, it means I have the right to look down on you all.”
 Despite himself, Logan snorts. An interesting experience when combined with a sob, to be sure, but it happens. Janus chuckles, still hugging him tightly.
 “That’s it, sweetie, it’s alright. It seems like you’re coming to the end of it now, just a little longer, you’re doing wonderfully…”
 Logan takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly…slowly…there.
 “Sweetie?” A hand ruffles through his hair. “Sweetie, are you with me?”
 “Yes,” Logan mumbles, “yes, I’m—I’m here.”
 “Good.” Janus presses a kiss to his cheek. “That seemed like a lot, sweetie, are you alright?”
 “What hurts, Logan, what can I do?”
 “Just…” he leans a little further into Janus’s embrace. “Stay?”
 Janus chuckles. “Of course, sweetie. Do you want to talk about it?”
 Logan shakes his head. “Ask—ask Remus.”
 As Remus explains what happened, Logan closes his eyes and does his very best to relax, more than sagging unconsciously into Janus’s arms. Everything is so…fuzzy, almost pixelated, as though he’s struggling to keep his focus here and now. He feels as though he’s fading in between…layers? Is that the right word? Layers of being stuck and unstuck, drifting without ever really making his home in one or the other. If he lets himself slip too much, he’ll get stuck in a loop of nothingness, unable to move or do anything. If he winds himself up too much or tries to focus too hard, he’ll get stuck in another stim cycle.
 Janus makes a soft noise and a hand scratches lightly through his hair.
 “I’m sorry, sweetie,” comes the voice in his ear, “that sounds awful.”
 “It’s not their fault.”
 “No, I know that, but still.” Janus kisses his forehead. “That doesn’t make it easier for you.”
 “And they should know better,” Remus growls, sending another jolt of warmth through Logan’s chest.
 “We can’t just forbid them from hurting Logan ever again.”
 “Why not?”
 “Because it’s terribly impractical, Remus, you know this.”
 Remus’s theatrical sigh almost makes him seem like Roman. The arms that attach themselves like limpets around his waist a moment later, though, are definitely Remus.
 “This okay?”
 “Good.” Remus’s head finds a home in between Logan’s shoulder blades. “We’re all just gonna sit here for a moment, okay?”
 Janus ruffles Remus’s hair and bends down to murmur in Logan’s ear.
 “Do you want to fall asleep here, sweetie?”
 That’s enough to rouse him. “No. If I do that, it will be…not good.”
 Janus nods. “Then let’s have you stay here for a little longer, then get you to your room for a shower and something to eat, hmm?”
 “Yes, please, thank you.”
 “Of course, sweetie.”
 Sure enough, a few minutes later, when Janus gently prompts him up, Logan wraps his arms around Remus in a tight hug with a whispered thank-you before Janus sinks him out to his room. He passes Logan a granola bar and watches as he eats, chases it down with a glass of water.
 “Would you like to be left alone for this?”
 Logan nods.
 “Alright.” Janus cups the back of his neck to bring their foreheads together, kissing his cheek one last time. “Take care of yourself, alright, sweetie?”
 “I will.”
 Janus sinks out and Logan goes to take a shower. It’s only muscle memory that gets him out of his clothes, into the shower, out of the shower, and into something softer. His mind is still fuzzy, unsure of whether it’s going to stick or not, accompanied by a slowly growing grayness in his chest. It spikes the instant he shuts off the water, making him much, much colder than he expects, threatening a whine in the back of his throat. It disappears a moment later but it leaves him shaken.
 It’s only when he opens his bathroom door and Roman turns around that he realizes what must’ve happened.
 Roman smiles softly, his hand coming up to reach for him. Logan comes, letting him take his hand and pull him close.
 “Hey, there, Specs,” Roman murmurs, “you’re all clean now, hmm?”
 “Yes, I—you—why—how—“
 “Janus came to have a talk with me,” Roman says, cutting off the rest of his babbling, “even though most of it I already knew. I’m sorry I didn’t realize you getting stuck earlier, I know that can’t’ve been easy.”
 “…it wasn’t.”
 “I’m glad our snake took care of you.”
 “Remus helped too.”
 “And Remus,” Roman amends, still smiling as he tugs Logan closer, “but you’re still…?”
 Logan’s face falls; he can tell by the way Roman makes a soft noise and raises a hand to tuck his hair back.
 “Oh, sweetheart,” he murmurs, “may I take care of you?”
 “You don’t have to.”
 “I know, I know I don’t have to, but I want to.” Roman draws back a little to fix him with a look. “Because aside from your brain not knowing whether it’s going to get stuck again, I know two things are going on in there.”
 He softens a little.
 “Let me guess: part of you is trying to convince itself that either you are useless when it comes to emotions and thus we don’t need you, or that you don’t have emotions and therefore you shouldn’t be feeling like this.”
 Logan’s mouth drops open.
 “Am I right?”
 “Because I know you, my dearest darling nerd,” Roman murmurs, smiling, “and I know that you know both of those aren’t true, but perhaps you need a little reminder sometimes, hmm?”
 He steps a little closer.
 “Janus is very good at pulling you out of your head,” he continues, still trailing his fingers through Logan’s hair in a way that makes it very hard for Logan to disagree with him, “but he’s not very good at keeping you there, is he?”
 “He’s good to us,” Logan mumbles, because Janus is, and he’s not sure what he would’ve done if he hadn’t shown up.
 But at the same time…
 “Janus is always a good person to go to first,” Roman says, as if he can hear what’s going on in Logan’s head—which, can he? Because he was spot on a moment ago— “isn’t he?”
 Logan nods.
 “He’s better at the first part than me, you know I can’t stop myself from spoiling you.”
 Roman chuckles as Logan’s cheeks flush bright red.
 “But maybe you need to get spoiled right now,” he continues, getting close enough to brush his nose against Logan’s cheek, “hmm? Let me take care of you?”
 “I’m right here, sweetheart,” Roman soothes as Logan reaches for him, “I’m right here…”
 Roman lies them down, pulling the covers down to let Logan crawl into the bed first and tucking them both back in. He reaches up to carefully take hold of Logan’s glasses.
 “May I?”
 Logan nods. Roman slides them off carefully and folds them up, placing them on the table. Now everything really is fuzzy, Roman’s face staying out of focus until he leans back in, close enough to be clear.
 “Give me a second.” Logan blinks and Roman’s also wearing a soft T-shirt and pants, smiling down at him. “There. Now I can cuddle you and I won’t hurt you.”
 “You wouldn’t hurt me,” Logan mutters as Roman props himself up on his elbow, running his hand through Logan’s hair.
 “It’s never my intention, no.” He leans down to press a kiss to Logan’s forehead.
 “Yes, sweetheart, what is it?”
 Logan shakes his head. “Nothing, just…just…”
 “Just what?”
 “…saying your name.”
 Roman’s breath leaves him in a rush. “Oh, sweetheart, let me be soft with you, please, let me look after you…”
 Roman lies down, swinging his leg up and over one of Logan’s. He’s warm, so warm, as his weight settles firmly in place. Unlike Remus, who stayed still, just holding Logan there, Roman moves almost constantly. Trailing kisses across his forehead, his cheeks, down to the curve of his chin, hands reaching down to clasps his and draw them up, next to his head, murmuring gently about how much he loves getting to protect Logan like this, how lucky he is to have Logan here, how sweet and soft Logan is for him right now.
 “Oh, sweetheart,” he whispers as he comes back to Logan’s cheek, brushing away a stray tear, “it’s okay, Specs, you’ve been so strong today.”
 “But I didn’t do anything,” he argues, “I—I wasn’t helpful at all.”
 Roman leans up a little to look at him. “You made us stop and realize how stupid we were being. We got it sorted out in about five minutes after Remus took you.”
 “But that wasn’t me.”
 Roman smiles, leaning to rub their noses together. “You said it yourself, even when you’re not physically present, you’re still a part of the conversation.”
 “You did so good today, Logan,” Roman promises, kissing his cheek again, “now relax and let me spoil you.”
 “Mm,” comes the mumble from somewhere near his ear.
 He can almost feel the quirk of Roman’s mouth. “Just saying my name, sweetheart?”
 “Well then,” Roman murmurs, “just lie there and fall asleep to me, okay? I’ve got you.”
 Logan shuts his eyes and lets Roman cuddle him, feeling the warmth reach into his chest and gentle the stickiness away. Although…
 If this is what getting stuck will get him sometimes, maybe it’s not always an annoying inconvenience.
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atlafan · 4 years
Wrecked - One Shot
a/n: this is slightly inspired by the wilds because I watched that recently, but it’s in no way as messed up or sad. psychologist/therapist!Harry is detective Nikki Reese’s ex’s best friend. They end up on the same cruise, and the two end up going overboard due to a freak hurricane. What happens while they’re stranded? Well, you’ll have to read to find out! Feedback and reblogs are super helpful! I really want to know what you all think of this one!!! (not proofread) You can support me here if you’re able!
Warnings: a lot of angst, a little fluff, and some smut. TW: trauma/dealing with trauma (Nikki is an SVU detective, so some things of that nature are brought up, but not in graphic detail)
Words: 14K
Pairing: Harry x OC
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It was supposed to be a cruise, a ten-day cruise around the Caribbean to help clear her head. Well, it was originally an engagement present to herself and her ex, but since they were now broken up, it was to help clear her head. Nikki never would have thought she would end up in this situation, and especially not with someone she hated just as much as her ex…his best friend. As she lays under the stars for yet another night, she can’t help but think back to how she got herself into this mess in the first place.
She was packed and ready to go, excited even. Nikki had never gone on a cruise before, and she was looking forward to meeting some new people. She was never one to be nervous to go to things alone, she knew how to take care of herself and keep herself safe. She had grown up as the mom friend, so her purse was always stalked with essentials. She had one of those ones that was like a little backpack.
Nikki got to the docks a little later than she was hoping, but there was nothing she could do about getting stuck in traffic. She gets out of her cab in her white sundress, large sunhat, and sunglasses, and rolls her suitcase up the pathway to the boat. There was a bit of a line, but she didn’t mind. For the next ten days, she had all the time in the world.
There was a large area for her to check in at, and get her room key. She was surprised she wouldn’t be able to do it over her phone, but she knew that once they set sail the WIFI may not be as strong in certain places. She brought a spare lanyard to stick it on and everything.
“Hello, Miss.” The woman at the table smiles.
“Hello, I’m Nicole Reese.” Nikki smile.
The woman nods and looks her up in the system. She takes out two room keys and hands them to Nikki, along with a couple of pamphlets that were full of activity options, and where the boat would be stopping.
“Here you are, Miss Reese. We hope you enjoy your stay with us. It’s going to be an excellent cruise. Your other party has already checked in.”
“My who?” Nikki’s heart stops.
“There’s two of you signed up for this suite. A nice gentleman checked in about twenty minutes ago.” She taps a few times on the keyboard. “A Mr. Harry Styles.” The woman smiles. “Has there been a mix up?”
“Nope.” Nikki swallows. “Everything’s fine.”
Nikki quickly makes her way to her room. The ship was pretty easy to navigate. She was enraged. Had Kyle sent Harry in his place? Why the fuck was Harry even there? Did he suddenly acquire time off from work? She scans her key card, and enters the suite.
“Jesus, fuck!” Harry shouts. “What are you doing here?”
“What am I doing here?! What are you doing here?!”
“Kyle sold me his ticket…he…he didn’t think you’d still go.” His face falls. “Why did you?”
“Because I paid for my own fucking ticket, and I wasn’t going to let him ruin my trip! I planned the god damn thing, I should get to enjoy it. You need to leave before the ship does.”
“Sorry, I paid to be here too, I’m staying.”
“Don’t be a prick, Harry.”
“M’not trying to be. I got the time off last minute, I need a vacation just like anyone else.”
“And you came here alone?”
“Yeah.” He shrugs. “Thought it would be nice to meet some new people…apparently you thought the same. Unless…oh no, did Alex come with you?” He groans.
“No, she’s not with me.” Nikki rolls her eyes. She knew it was useless to argue with Harry. “That couch should be a pullout, you can sleep on it.”
“But I’ve already started to unpack in the bedroom…you know I have a bad back, Nikki, come on.” He follows her into the bedroom. “It’s a king sixed bed, we can just share. I’ll even make a pillow divider if that makes you more comfortable.”
“I am not sharing a bed with my ex fiance’s best friend!” She looks around. “It’s bad enough we have to share a fucking bathroom.”
“Look, if I thought this boat would have any extra room, I’d go ask for one, but the woman at the desk said it was a fully booked cruise.” He runs a hand through his hair. “I know this isn’t an ideal situation…but think of this way, it’s nice to know at least one person here, right?”
“Wrong.” She shakes her head. “I came here so I could have some time to just not be reminded of Kyle for one fucking second! Now with you here…I’m gonna be reminded of him every single fucking day.” She blinks away a few tears. “You probably think I’m being stupid since it’s been three whole months since we ended things, but-“
“I don’t think it’s stupid…you two were together for three years, that’s a long time to be with someone.”
Nikki nods, and then sighs heavily.
“I think they’re going to make the safety announcements soon. Uh, let’s back out to the main deck, yeah? We can figure all of the sleeping arrangements out later.”
The two silently head up to the main deck and listen to all of the announcements on how to stay safe, and other things they might need to know. There were a lot of passengers all around them. Nikki was hoping to have some type o rebound while on this trip. How the fuck was she supposed to bring someone back to her room with Harry there? Maybe he was thinking the same thing. His cruise could have easily just been ruined like hers.
“Have you told him I’m here?” She asks him as they move towards the railing to watch the boat take off.
“No.” Harry says. “My phone’s on airplane mode, I’m trying to unplug while I’m here. It’s really none of his business, Nikki.”
“That, or you just don’t want him asking questions.” She scoffs.
“Either way, I haven’t told him, and I’m not going to, okay? You can relax.”
“No, I can’t.”
“Because the suite I thought I was going to have to myself has been infiltrated by a six foot, curly headed, no good moron!”
“Hey! I’m not the one who cheated on you, okay?! Don’t take it out on me. Maybe you should have been a better partner to him and he wouldn’t have felt the need to stray.”
“Fuck you, Harry.” Nikki huffs, and walks away from him.
He knew he shouldn’t have said that, but she shouldn’t have called him a moron. That was the problem with Nikki, she thought she was smarter than everyone else, but you don’t get to become an SVU detective by being stupid. It wasn’t her fault that her work was a 24-hour job. She was lucky she even had the time off for this. All activities on the boat were all inclusive, and she wasn’t going to waste it. When she gets back to the room, she starts to unpack so she can freshen up. Harry comes in shortly after. She was just getting out of the bathroom.
“Nikki, look, I-“
“The pillow divider should be fine…I’d feel bad if you hurt your back.”
“Are you serious?”
“We’re both adults, think we can share a bed without it getting weird. You were right before…it’s good to know at least one other person.”
“Nikki, I’m sorry about what I said before.”
“Don’t be. You were absolutely right. I drove him to it.”
She knew how to play the game and keep the peace with someone. It would be easier to play nice with Harry so she could enjoy her trip than it would be to fight with him the entire time. And he was right about one thing, he wasn’t the one she was truly mad at. A little resentful maybe, but she wasn’t mad at Harry.
“Do you…wanna head down to the bar?” He asks her.
“Yeah.” She smiles. “That sounds good.”
Nikki doesn’t stay with Harry for long. She finds herself talking to a cute guy that was seated next to her. Harry didn’t mind because he was talking to some other folks as well. Nikki has dinner with the cute guy, and eventually goes back to his room with him. She has her fun and goes back to her own room. Harry was there, just getting out of the shower, his towel hanging low on her hips.
“Hi.” Nikki says, blushing. “Are you done in there?”
“Yeah, it’s all yours.”
“I…I talk in my sleep sometimes…and sometimes I…punch.”
“Yeah, I have, like, bad dreams because of work.”
“Oh…well, thanks for the warning. I’m sorry that happens to you.”
“I’ve learned to live with it.” She grabs something to wear to bed before going into the bathroom. She takes a shower, and then comes out. She smirks when she sees the pillows in the middle of the bed. “Thanks.”
“It’s the least I could do since I ruined your vacation.”
“You didn’t know I was coming.” She gets into the bed and turns the light off. “Just like how I didn’t know you were coming. I had a bad reaction before.” She sighs as she gets comfortable. “Nice bed.”
“Yeah, better than a hotel. Well…goodnight, Nik.”
“Night, Har.”
Harry was rustled awake around four in the morning. He looks over his shoulder and sees Nikki thrashing around. He sits up immediately and moves the pillows out of the way. She was drenched in sweat, so he rips the blankets back. She was gritting her teeth and kicking her legs.
“Nikki!” Harry grabs her shoulders to try to wake her up. “Nicole!” He straddles her hips to try to still her body. She was really strong. Her eyes burst open and she gasps for breath.
“What are you doing?!”
“You were having a bad dream!” He strokes her cheek, and moves her matted hair away from her face. Her breathing calms eventually and he gets off of her. “Do you want me to get you some water?”
“Please.” She sits up. Harry jumps out of bed and goes to fill up a glass. He comes back quickly and hands it to her, sitting on her side of the bed. She takes slow sips. “Thanks.”
“That looked pretty scary…do you remember what your dream was about?”
“Um, yeah, but I don’t want to scare you. I can’t really talk about cases.”
“If you need someone to talk to, I don’t-“
“It’s fine, Harry.” She snaps.
“Is…is this why you and Kyle never moved in together? Because you get these night terrors?”
“That…among other things. I don’t want to talk about him right now. I’m sorry I woke you.”
“Don’t be.” He puts his hand on her leg, giving her a squeeze. “Why don’t I put the TV on, hm? We can just relax for a bit, and-“
“Harry, fuck, I don’t need you to be my shrink!”
“I’m not trying to be! Jesus, you cops all think seeing a therapist makes you weak, but it’s actually the strongest fucking thing you can do.” He huffs. “I’m turning the TV on so I can get back to sleep. I need the white noise.”
He grabs the remote off the dresser and turns the TV on. He flips around the stations until he finds MTV.
“MTV?” Nikki asks.
“They show music videos early in the morning. It’s what the whole fucking station was created for in the first place.” He puts the volume on low, and gets back into bed. Neither of them bother putting the pillow barriers back.
“You don’t understand the stigma. If we see psychologists…they think we can’t do our jobs properly.”
“So you just suffer in silence? Must be fucking terrifying to have nightmares so often.”
“It’s my problem, not yours.”
“But it doesn’t have to be a problem, there are a lot of things you can do to-“
“Harry, please just drop it.” She turns away from him, sinking back into the mattress, and pulling the blankets back onto herself. “I’m sorry I woke you.”
They barely speak for the next couple of days, which sucks because the first couple of days are just spent on the boat until they reach the Caribbean islands. Their first stop would be in Florida, and Nikki couldn’t wait to get off the boat and explore where they were getting off at.
“Hey, uh…do you think we could grab breakfast together this morning?” Harry asks her just as she was packing her bag for the day.
“Sure.” She sighs.
He nods, gets his own backpack together, and they head to the breakfast buffet. They both had started to make other friends, but Harry thought it might be nice to explore the Florida coast with her. Luckily, Nikki hadn’t had any more night terrors since that first night. Her head was really starting to feel clearer. They’re quiet at the table they choose to sit at. Harry sighs heavily as he sips his orange juice. He notices Nikki stuffing a few apples into her bag.
“What are you doing?” He asks her.
“We’re going to be out all day today, I wanted to make sure I had snacks.”
“You need three apples?”
“For someone else…if they need one.” She mutters. “I just like being prepared, I can’t help it.”
“Well, I suppose if I get hungry later, I’ll be thankful.”
“Oh, are we wandering around together today?” She raises her eyebrows, and takes a bite of her bagel.
“I was hoping so. I don’t like that we’ve barely spoken these last couple of days. We’re friends, Nikki, why can’t we act like it?”
“I stopped being friends with you the day I found out Kyle was fucking cheating on me.” She stands up and storms off. Harry groans, but follows her. It had gotten increasingly windy out, normal stormy morning in Florida. Although, it had started to drizzle. “Stop following me, Harry!”
“No!” He grabs her wrist. They were outside on one of the lower decks. Not many people were outside due to the weather. “I didn’t know, okay?”
“What are you talking about?”
“I didn’t know Kyle was cheating on you!”
“How could you not have known, you’re his fucking roommate! And apparently, it was going on for over six months!”
“He never brought her home! Any girl that he brought over was you, and any time he was gone for the night I just assumed he was with you…if I had known…” He steps closer to her. “I would have confronted him, and told him to cut it out. I would never condone something like that.”
“But you’re still friends with him! You just sat in your room while we were fighting!”
“I’ve been friends with him since uni! I was confused, I thought it’d be better to be on his side and keep the peace. I yelled at him afterwards. I told him he was an asshole for proposing to you while having someone else on the side. And I don’t live with him anymore, alright? I moved out a month ago, got my own place. We’re still friends, yeah, but I…I couldn’t look at him every day knowing what he did to you.” He puts his hand on her shoulder. “I always liked you, Nikki. From the second he started bringing you around, I thought he hit the jack pot, and he fucked it up.”
“He told me I drove him to it. That I wasn’t around enough, that I wasn’t giving him what he needed, but he didn’t feel like he could break it off because we already invested so much time. The fact that it was with his co-worker, someone I never even really trusted.” Nikki scoffs. “I’m glad we weren’t living together, sort of made things easier.” She looks down. “I can’t help that my job keeps me busy, and that I’m not always up to fucking my boyfriend after dealing with a sexual assault case.” She looks back up at him.
“I get it.” He sighs, and grips the railing. “Somedays I come home after a rough session with a patient…like, you know when it’s so bad that when you drive home in silence and go the speed limit?” She nods at him. “It sucks sometimes…being someone that makes other people’s lives easier.”
“Right, because telling a worried mother that her child was found dead and buried in the woods totally makes things easier.” She rolls her eyes.
“That mother gets closure at least. She knows where her kid was and what happened. It helps with the grieving process.” He looks at her again. “You know I work with a lot of victims and survivors, right? I’m not out prescribing anti-depressants to a bunch of rich fucks.”
“I guess I forgot about that.” She furrows her brows at him. “You really didn’t know he was cheating on me?”
“Nikki, I swear, I had no idea.”
Just as she was about to say something else, the wind had picked up. Everything happened really fast from there. Sirens had started to go off, a hurricane was whipping up the coast. It wasn’t supposed to, it was supposed to travel out east, but it didn’t. Harry and Nikki had grabbed onto one another, but it wasn’t enough to stay grounded. They both got flipped over the side of the boat. Nikki had just grabbed at one of the life boats that was attached to the side in time. She pulled the tag, it inflated, and they landed in the water. They were dragged under at first, trying desperately to hang onto the raft. Nikki wasn’t sure how much longer she could hang on for, though. Everything around her started to fade. All she could see was her hand grasping around the rope of the raft before everything black.
Nikki’s eyes fluttered open when she felt water splashing on her face. She sits up slowly when she realizes she was drifting along the shoreline. She stands up and tries to figure out her surroundings. She remembered the storm, but she could have been blown all the way to Cuba. She looks to her left and sees the orange raft. Her backpack was next to it, thank god. She stands up slowly and goes over to the raft to flip it over. She steps back when she sees Harry laying there.
“Fuck.” She breathes and kneels down next to him. She almost forgot he was swept away with her. She checks his pulse first, he’s alive. She starts performing CPR, just the chest compressions. Before long he’s coughing up water. “Oh, thank god.”
“What…what happened?” He sits up slowly.
“We got…blown off the boat, I think. There was a big storm that wasn’t properly forecasted. I wonder if anyone else got thrown off like we did.” She looks around, but doesn’t see anyone else. “I have no idea where we are.” She opens her backpack. Everything was wet, but still useful. “My phone’s fully charges and working.”
“I have one of those waterproof cases.” She squints at it, raising it up. “No signal.” She digs through her bag and finds a small baggie.
“What’s that?”
“Personal hot spot.” She turns it on and connects her phone. “The signal’s weak, but it’s there.” She stands up and starts walking around. “Map app won’t work.” She groans. “Fuck, I just wanna know where we are!”
“Try calling the ship director, I bet they’re taking attendance for safety measures.”
“Do you happen to know what that number is?”
“Well, neither do I. Let me call my partner. The WIFI calling should work.” She taps the number and puts the phone on speaker.
“Aren’t you supposed to be on vacation?”
“Dan! Thank god you answered.”
“Woah, Reese, what’s wrong?”
“There was a freak storm down in Florida…I got thrown off the boat. I just woke up ashore somewhere, but I have no idea where…could be an island off the coast, or we could be in another part of Florida.”
“Can you try sending me your location?”
“The map app won’t work…”
“But you might be able to send your location over iMessage. Are you alone?”
“No…a man named Harry Styles got thrown over with me. He’s a friend of Kyle’s.”
“There are worse people to be stranded with.” She smirks at Harry.
“Are either of you hurt?”
“I’m a little achy, but nothing’s sprained or broken. Harry, are you alright?”
“Yeah, m’fine.” He says as he stands up.
“Alright, I’ve got your location…shit.”
“Dan.” She sighs. “Where the fuck are we?”
“How the fuck did we end up in Cuba?!” She shouts. “The ferry here would be an overnight trip for fuck sake.”
“Don’t know. I’m looking into it now and it looks like a pretty powerful hurricane swept you guys away. It’s like it chewed you up and spit you out. You’re lucky to be alive. I have the name of the cruise ship, since you left me the contact info, I’ll alert them right away. I’m sure they’re taking stock of who might be missing. I’ll have to get special clearance to get you out of there. It could take a few days. Do you have any supplies?”
“Yeah, I’ve got my mini water purifier, and a couple of bottles, some fruit and granola bars…basic essentials.”
“Okay, stay where you are, try to make a shelter in case more rain comes. Don’t use your phone at all unless I call you. I don’t want your battery running out. I’ll get you out of there, Nik.”
“Thank you, Dan. You’re amazing.”
“I’m sorry your vacation got ruined. I’m sure Captain will give you an extended leave.”
“I’m not worried about that right now. It’ll be dark in a few hours and we need to get to building a shelter like you said. Keep me updated.”
“Will do, stay safe.”
Nikki hangs up the phone and looks around.
“What are you looking for?”
“Drift wood. We can use some and the raft to make a little shelter to huddle under. We also need to make a fire to stay warm. If we’re going to be out here for a few days, we need to think smart.”
“What if there are wild animals running around, or-“
“Harry.” She puts her hands on his shoulders. “I know this is really scary, but you can’t freak out, okay? Did you ever read Hatchet growing up?”
“Okay, so, that little boy got stranded in a fucking forest in Canada…in winter! We’re at least on a warm beach. We can still wash up, and I have a mini water purifier. We’ll be okay. I just need you to not freak out. I’ll need your help.”
“Okay, but after we’re rescued you better let me freak out as much as I want.”
“Deal.” She sighs and goes to her backpack. “Here, put on some sunscreen.” She hands him the sprayable can.
“What are you, the fucking grandmother from Halloween Town? Is that a bottomless bag?” He chuckles as he sprays himself with the lotion.
“No, but I’m a detective that helps people that go missing, so I’ve learned some things along the way. I never leave my house without a stocked bag.”
The two work together to move the raft back so it wasn’t near the water. They’re able to find some wood sturdy enough to prop it up for a small shelter. Next, they work on making a fire. Luckily, Nikki’s lighter was still working. Harry was able to keep things going as she checked their supplies.
“We’ll have to ration a bit. Apples are high in carbs, so they should keep us full enough. I’ve got two bottles of water in here. Once we finish them we can use the purifier. I even have two travel toothbrushes and toothpaste in here.” She smiles. “I have deodorant too, but no soap, sorry. We’ll just have to use the salt water to keep us clean.” She furrows her brows as she keeps looking at everything. “I have granola bars as well. Ugh, thank god I had my period last week. I’d be pissed if I had to deal with that too.” She takes out a couple of tampons. “Besides, these’ll be great fire starters.”
“I guess things could be a lot worse.” He sighs and sits next to her once the fire is good to go. “We’ll probably have to take turns watching it, huh?”
“Most likely.” She starts laughing.
“What could possibly be funny?” He asks.
“Nothing, just…wouldn’t it be hilarious if we were just in some rich family’s backyard?” She looks behind them. “I know we’re not, but it would be funny.”
“Yeah.” He smirks. “Well, now that most of the excitement is over, I’m gonna go take a leak.”
“Hey, if you shit, make sure you dig a hole first and cover it. We don’t need to attract animals.”
“Not that I have to do that right now, but you don’t have toilet paper in there do you?”
“I have a packet of tissues, but they need to dry out a bit. Got pads too, those could work…but I may hog them since I have more areas to wipe than you do.”
“Fair enough. Suppose I could use some leaves if need be. I’ll be right back.” He disappears into a discrete area so he can wee, and then comes back to find her rubbing lotion onto her bare arms and legs.
“I’m really glad I wore shorts today and not a dress.” He sits down next to her. “Don’t worry about your luggage back on the ship, either, Dan will make sure everything will get back to us.” She takes out a gun from her bag.
“Holy shit.” He flinches.
“Relax, it’s a flare gun. I’m saving it to use for when they come for us. No use in using it now. I don’t really feel like getting thrown into a Cuban prison.”
“Yeah, that’s not exactly on my bucket list.” Harry chuckles. “What did you do to the water bottles?”
“Oh, I used a marker to mark off how much we should drink at a time to conserve it.”
“God, if there was ever someone to get stranded with, I’m glad it’s you. You’ve thought of everything.”
“I’ve just been trained well.” She shrugs. “Wish I had some blankets or something. It’s gonna be shit sleeping on the sand.”
“We could lay our clothes out and sleep on those.”
“You know, that’s not a bad idea. We’d create more body heat if we’re almost naked.”
“Oh, so we’re cuddling?” He smirks.
“Not cuddling, surviving.” She corrects him.  “We could drag out some of the larger leaves too. Make a pellet of sorts.” She stands up. “Come on, let’s go search for some.”
“Okay.” He watches as she grabs a lipstick out of her bag. “Freshening up?”
“It’s to mark the trees so we don’t get lost.” She deadpans, and he follows her into the unknown territory.
“Four days?!” Nikki shouts into her phone.
“I’m sorry, that was the quickest I could get clearance for a plane to Cuba.”
“But it’s a rescue mission, Dan!”
“Yeah, into a non U.S. territory, Nikki. I spoke with the cruise ship director, you were the only two unaccounted for. Your things are safe. I flew down to Florida today and gathered both of your things. I made sure to get you both a full refund on your tickets. I also contacted the people on your emergency contact lists so they’re informed. It’s going to be okay, you just need to survive on that beach. Can you do that?”
“Good. Try to get some sleep. I’ll call you in the morning if I get any new information.”
Nikki sighs heavily and lays back under the raft. Her and Harry had made a decent enough pellet with leaves so they could keep their clothes on.
“Four days we’re going to be stuck out here.” She shakes her head. “This is all my fault.”
“What are you talking about?” Harry lays back next to her.
“If I hadn’t stormed off from breakfast, we never would’ve been swept off the ship!”
“Hey,” he turns on his side to look at her better, “don’t do that. Neither of us had any idea a hurricane was coming. At least we know someone’s coming for us. So we’ll feel a little hungry and maybe we’ll get bored. Let’s just pretend we’re on a really remote vacation.” He smiles at her.
“I have to pee.” She stands up and finds a spot to do her business before joining him back on the ground. “Let’s try to get some sleep.” She rolls away from him.
“Didn’t you say we needed to keep each other warm?”
“Yeah…I…prefer to be the little spoon.” She smutters. Harry wraps his arm around her, and gets his leg between hers. “Hold on.” She sits up and takes her bra off under shirt, then she takes her shorts off. “Need something to put under my head…and I can’t sleep with this thing on.”
“Good idea.” Harry peels his shirt off and puts it under his own head. They get back into position. She feels warmer with his bare chest against her back. “Goodnight, Nik.”
“Goodnight, Harry.”
The next morning, Harry wakes up alone. He sits up and gets his shirt back on. He squints towards the water and sees Nikki in her bra and underwear. She was about calf deep rinsing herself. She brushes her teeth and walks back towards their little campsite.
“Morning.” She says as she throws some wood on the fire. “Water’s warm. I was just cleaning off yesterday’s sunscreen.” She grabs the can and sprays her body, rubbing it in on certain spots. “What?” She noticed he was staring at her.
“N-nothing, uh, where’s that other toothbrush?”
“Here.” She tosses it to him, along with the toothpaste.
“Thanks.” He clears his throat and gets up. When he comes back, he sees that she’s put her other clothes back on. “So…how should we handle not dying today?”
“Think we need to treat it as a beach day, but in the shade. I don’t want us getting dehydrated.”
“I can’t sit around for four days, I’ll go bananas.” He sighs. “Can’t we go for a walk?”
“Sure, but we shouldn’t go too far.” She looks at her watch. “This’ll tell me when we hit a mile, how does that sound?”
“Works for me.” He shrugs. The two go for a walk. Nikki puts her phone and hotspot in her back pocket. “What’s your percentage at?”
“Eighty. I put it on airplane mode last night to conserve it. I know it won’t last a full four days, but I’m hoping Dan can get here sooner than that. Special clearance for a fucking rescue mission.” She scoffs. “This is ridiculous! Who’d you put as your emergency contact?”
“I’d rather not say.”
“It’s Kyle, alright?”
“Wow, so you can barely look at the guy, but you put him down for an emergency contact.”
“I’m British, my family lives in the U.K., he’s the only person close enough to me here that I could put down. Who was yours?”
“She’s so annoying, I don’t know how you stand to be friends with her.”
“I happen to love her, so it seems like a you problem.”
“She’s never been nice to me.”
“It’s because she likes you and you don’t like her back, and she’s not great with dealing with it.”
“She likes me?!”
“Yeah, she thinks you’re cute.” Nikki shrugs. “Think you were still seeing Tina when I first introduced her to you, and then you broke up and didn’t make a move, she was sort of hurt, but to be fair she didn’t make a move either.”
“She’s pretty, but she’s not my type…sorry.”
“You don’t have to be sorry. Can’t help you like, you know? I still can’t believe I was stupid enough to fall for a lawyer, especially with the business that I’m in.”
“You know, he used to talk about you all the time. He loved how were this strong, independent woman who was just…badass. He saw you as fearless, and he really liked that. We’re both needy guys…I think the busier you got, he just didn’t know what to do with himself. I personally would have tried to talk to you about it and not my colleague, but that’s just me.”
“He’s a brilliant lawyer, but he sure is a fucking moron. Has he…mentioned me at all since we broke up?”
“I know he felt like shit at first, but…th-the woman, Katie, moved in with him when I moved out…I’m sorry.”
“Well, they’ve been together nine months, perfectly acceptable amount of time to be together before moving in. I bet she never has nightmares.” She looks down at her watch. “We should turn around.” They do, and get back to walking towards their things.
“I know you were blindsided, but…I think things happen for a reason. You two weren’t supposed to get married. I…and this is just my inner psychologist speaking, but when I’d observe you two, you just never really seemed all that compatible. Especially as time went on. Your witty banter turned into hushed arguments. I think when two people get too comfortable, they’re too scared to break it off and start all over.”
“I wanted to marry him. He was the love of my life, Harry. And he…he ripped me to shreds. In my profession, it’s pretty male dominated, or there’s a ton of lesbians, which is fine, but…sometimes I don’t always feel like a woman first. Kyle…Kyle always made me feel like a woman first, and a detective second. It made me feel special.”
“Nik…he…he learned how to treat you like that because of me. He was constantly asking me for advice on how to deal with you.”
“How to deal with me?” They get back to their camp. “Didn’t realize I needed to be dealt with.” She huffs.
“See, that’s your problem right there. You’re extremely hot headed! Are you, like, the bad cop at work? Do you get into the suspect’s face, and scream at them?”
“No, I keep my cool at work. No one gives you information when you yell at them.”
“You’re constantly jumping to conclusions, Nikki. You look down on people when they can’t figure things out right away. He wanted to be with you, but he didn’t know how. So I helped him.”
“Right, are you done pointing out my flaws now?” She rolls her eyes.
“I’m not trying to do that. I just think-“
“That’s your problem. You never stop thinking. You never do. You’re a fucking wallflower, Harry. You come off cool with your tattoos and your nail polish and your rings, but underneath it all you’re a shy little boy who never speaks up when he should.”
“And you like to push people away so much that every word you spit stings.”
“I think we should not talk until it’s time to eat later.” She says, looking away from him.
“That’s your best idea yet.” He says, and storms off. She watches him peel his cloths off, stripping to his boxers, and dive into the water.
They share an apple in the midafternoon. She was able to cut it up with her swiss-army knife. They didn’t say anything to each other. Nikki and Harry used to have a decent enough friendship. He would often watch a movie with her and Kyle, or he’d come out to the bar to hang out with their other friends. They got know each other well for the most part. She hated feeling such disdain towards him, but right now he was the only punching bag in sight, and she was abusing him for it. Around three in the afternoon, she comes over to sit with him.
“You should put more sunscreen on your face.” She hands him the can. “I just reapplied.”
“Thanks.” He spritzes it into his hands and works it into his skin. “Look, about before…I’m sorry we keep getting into these heated debates. I truly think you deserve better than Kyle, and it kills me to see you still so hurt and hung up.”
“I’m just…grieving the loss of the last three years still. I’m sorry for flipping out so much.”
“You get a pass while we’re stuck here. It’s not easy to keep your cool while you’re stranded.” He nudges her and she chuckles. “Can we just call a truce for the time being?”
“Yeah, definitely.” She smiles at him. “What do you say we go with that beach vacation idea of yours, and build some sand castles?”
“Oh, that sounds like fun.”
The two get to work on building sand castles, and laughing when they knocked them over afterwards. It was good to exert a little energy so that they could sleep that night. Just like the night before, Harry cuddled Nikki with his bare chest pressed to her covered back. They didn’t get any updates from Dan that day other than an iMessage that things were still a go for a rescue plane to come in a couple of days.
Harry woke up in the middle of the night feeling cold. When he reached for Nikki, she’s not there. He sits up in a panic. He hasn’t really panicked yet since he woke up the other day because she told him to stay calm. Without her, he wasn’t sure how to stay calm in such a stressful situation. Yes, they knew people were coming for them, but it was still their job to survive on this unknown beach. His breathing slows when he sees her laying closer to the fire, staring up at the stars. He gets up, without grabbing his shirt to put back on, and goes to lay next to her.
“Nearly gave me a heart attack.” He says, turning his head in her direction.
“Sorry, I woke up and couldn’t fall back asleep. I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“It’s alright…just got a little cold is all.” She hums her response without looking at him. “Are you looking at the constellations?”
“Not necessarily.” She sighs. “The only time I’ve ever seen the sky this dark, like, without light pollution, was when I was twenty-one. I got to go to Israel for a birthright trip with my older sister. We camped out in the desert. We all stood in this big circle and preyed and reflected on where we were. I had never seen so many stars.” She turns to look at him now. “I was so overwhelmed that I cried. It was so beautiful.” She looks back up at the night sky. “What you said earlier, about things happening for a reason…I think you’re right. Maybe it wasn’t a cruise that I needed to clear my head…maybe it was getting stranded out here with zero distractions. That’s all the cruise was, a big distraction, but now…being out here…my head’s never been more clear.” She takes a deep breath. “I think I’m done mourning that relationship. The good was good, but the bad was bad…we weren’t right for each other, and I think I’m starting to really see that now. I…I’ll never forgive him for hurting me the way he did, but I want him to be happy, and if that other woman makes him happy and can give him the things that I couldn’t, then, well, good for him.”
“That’s a very adult way of looking at things.” Harry smirks. “It’s amazing what a little unplugging can do for people? A lot of the time I tell my patients to think of a calm, happy place when I have them close their eyes. Nine times out of ten guess what they say their happy place is?”
“The beach. And not at a resort or anything fancy, they just see soft sand, warm water, and a place for them to just sit and breathe for a while. It’s good you were able to come to those conclusions on your own, Nikki.”
“You helped me get there.” She looks at him with a smile. “Guess I respond better to tough love than anything else.”
“You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen this many stars either, it’s beautiful.”
“Yeah, it is.” She sighs. Her lips start to quiver, and she sits up.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Harry sits up as well and gently rubs her back as she starts to cry. “You know, other than the fact that we’re stuck on an underdeveloped area of Cuba.”
Nikki chokes out a laugh, and turns to look at him.
“It’s just…I’m so lonely, Harry.” She sniffles as more tears pour from her eyes. “I love my job, and I know I have this tough exterior, but…it’s so fucking hard to meet people in my line of work. I feel like I just latched on to Kyle…and when we ended things I was like what the fuck am I gonna do now, you know?”
“You’ve got Alex…and your partner, Dan…”
“As close as I am with him, I’d never date my partner. Things get too complicated that way. Alex is my best friend, she’s not someone I can be in a relationship with. And I can’t…talk to her about everything. With Kyle, like, he understood where I was coming from sometimes with my cases.”
“You know you can always talk to me. I was sort of…sad that we lost touch when you and Kyle broke up.”
“I hated you by association.”
“Clearly.” He keeps his arm securely around her shoulders. “You and I aren’t so different, Nik. And…sometimes I need someone to talk to too. I listen and help with such heavy shit all day, it’s hard to shake it off and pretend like everything’s normal. I’d like for us to be friends again.”
“I’d like that too.” She wipes her tears and gives him a soft smile. “I’ve missed hanging out with you, you were always so much fun when we’d go grab drinks.”
“Wish we had some booze here. It would certainly take the edge off.”
“Wait!” She stands up. “I think I have a few nips in my bag! I didn’t say anything before because I didn’t want us to get dehydrated while we were out in the sun. Hold on.” Nikki quickly goes over to her bag and pulls out two nips, and then goes back over to Harry. “Grapefruit vodka, it’s really good.”
“Anything sounds good right now, honestly.”
They clink the little plastic bottles, open them, and down them. Normally something of this size wouldn’t have an effect on either of them, it was just a double shot. However, with little food over the last couple of days, the alcohol went straight to their heads.
“I don’t know why people hate on grapefruit so much. It’s sweet and it’s got a kick.” Harry says.
“It’s the vodka.” Nikki says. “Vodka makes everything better.”
“Scientifically speaking, it doesn’t. It’s a depressant, and a poison, so technically-“ In an instant Nikki was straddling Harry and putting a hand over his mouth.
“Hey, shrinky-dink, shut up, yeah?” He nods his head yes. “Good.” She gets off of him and sighs as she lays back into the sand.
“Did you ever own shrinky dinks?” He asks, hugging his knees to his chest.
“You know, those little plastic things you’d bake in the toaster, and then they’d harden into these little keychain things.”
“Oh my god! I remember the commercials for those! I always it, but my parents never bought stuff off infomercials.”
“We saw it in the store one day. I whined until my mum threw the box in the cart. Even though she was mad at me for behaving poorly, we had a blast making them together.” A few tears come to his eyes. “The first thing I’m gonna do when we get back is call her. She’s probably worried sick.” He wipes under his eyes.
“You know what I’m gonna do?”
“Get a Big Mac from McDonald’s.” She looks up at him and they both start laughing. “Yup, gonna stuff my fucking face. Might sue the cruise company too, just to see if I can make a cool million and never have to work another day in my life.”
“Now that’s a brilliant idea. Might have to join in on that. Might just offer us a settlement so we don’t have to go through the whole court process.”
“That would be too easy. They’d say something like, ‘the hurricane was just as much of a surprise to us. We put on sirens’.” She scoffs.
“I think the sirens are the last thing I remember hearing before you woke me up. Can’t believe I only have a few scrapes and bruises.”
“I know, we’re lucky the ropes from the raft didn’t get stuck around our necks.” She sits up.
“Extremely lucky…in all sorts of ways.” He puts his hand overs and gives it a squeeze. “Come on, we should try to get back to sleep. We need to look for more wood tomorrow for the fire.”
“Yeah, alright.” She sighs and they both stand up. They head back over to the shelter and lay down. “Do you think…would it be alright if I just rest my head on your chest?”
“Sure, makes no difference to me.”
She gets comfortable, resting her head on his bare pec, her arm string across his stomach, and a leg over one of his. He puts his arm around her, keeping her close. They don’t say anything else to each other, they both just drift off, succumbing to sleep.
“God, I feel disgusting.” Nikki groans the next morning. “I wish I had a razor in here.” She mutters as she rummages through her bag.
“You’re telling me, I usually like a clean shave because my facial hair grows in all patchy.”
“Actually, a little scruff suits you.” She says without looking at him. “I wouldn’t want you with a full beard, but just a little something looks nice.”
“Nikki.” Harry chuckles. “You don’t want me at all.” Her head whips in his direction and he blushes.
“What is that supposed to mean?” She raises an eyebrow at him.
“N-nothing.” He clears his throat. “Uh, why do you think you need a razor anyways?”
“Because my pit hair is starting to grow out, and when it grows out I sweat more, and if I sweat more I’ll stink more.” She says in a quick breath. “Also, my leg hair is starting to get prickly, and I have sensitive skin so it itches like crazy.”
“You could try rubbing your legs with some of the mud and salt water…that might help.”
“Nah, it’s okay.” She sighs. “Think I’m just gonna go for a swim and clean up that way. You know how I said I was going to get a Big Mac?” Harry nods yes. “That’s now the second thing I’m going to do.”
“What’s the first?”
“Shower, in fact, washing my hair is the first on the list.” She takes out of the elastic and shakes it out. “it’s all greasy, but the salt water’s been good for it, I think.” She peels off her shirt and wiggles out of her shorts before walking down to the water.
Harry hadn’t been able to relieve himself in almost a week, and it was really starting to get to him. It especially wasn’t easy because he was around someone like Nikki. Harry always thought she was beautiful, and he thought Kyle was the luckiest bastard for scooping her up. When he saw her come into the suite that morning, he hid how overjoyed he felt. He hated fighting with her, but he was grateful for any interaction he was having with her. He missed her. In all honesty, his plan was to reach out to her another month or so from now, reconnect, tell her how he felt about her…how he really felt about her. It took him nearly a year to figure out why he liked being her friend so much, and why he was so happy for Kyle. It was because he liked Nikki…as more than a friend. But he wasn’t the type of guy to make a move on his best friend’s girl. He wanted to throttle Kyle. Harry truly had no idea he was treating on Nikki. He would have knocked him off his ass and gotten him to either stop, or just break up with Nikki before anyone had to get hurt.
He decides to get up and join her for a swim. He takes his shorts off and goes down to the water in his boxers. He dives in to submerge his body, it was incredibly refreshing. He stands up so he’s only about calf deep. They both agreed not to go too far in because there could be sharks or other predators.
“Think I’m about done with this underwear.” She says to him. “Might go commando for the rest of the time we’re here.”
“You could walk around naked for all I care.” He smirks, and she splashes him. “Oi, I was kidding!”
“Mhm, sure.” She rolls here eyes. “I’m gonna go dry off, and then we can look for more wood.”
“Okay.” He nods and watches her walk out of the water.
They’re able to find more wood later on to keep the fire going. They split a granola bar, and they both sigh once it’s gone. The sun was setting, and Nikki couldn’t help but take a picture of how beautiful it was. Just when she was going to put it down, Dan calls her.
“Hey, Dan.”
“Hey! Great news, I’ll be on the rescue plane first thing in the morning. How are you two holding up?”
“We’re…okay. Mostly just hungry. Bring lots of food.”
“I’ll try. The medic may not want to overwhelm your stomachs. We’re gonna bring you both right to the hospital to get checked out. Your bills are going to be paid by the cruise ship company. If I were you I’d threaten to sue to get some money out of them. They’ve been able to keep this story under wraps and I’m sure they’d like to keep it that way.”
“Okay. I have a flare gun, what time should I set it off so you can find us?”
“Try for around 7AM, we should be close by then.”
“Sounds good, thank you.” She hangs up and looks at Harry. “They’re coming for us bright and early.” She nearly squeals.
“That’s incredible news.” He sighs with relief. “Think we could eat some more food?”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. It’s like, you know how the night before it snows you don’t do your homework, but you don’t end up getting a snow day so you’re fucked?”
“Well, I’d rather not eat the food just in case something happens.”
“Fair enough.” He shrugs. “Think I’m just bored anyways.” She sits down next to him.
“Me too. We’ve already played twenty questions, never have I ever…I think if we play another game I’ll go bananas.”
“We could have ourselves a wank.”
“Very funny.”
“M’serious, Nik.” He looks at her. “I think I’ll go bananas if I don’t come soon.”
“Harry, it’s only been a few days…”
“Yeah, but I haven’t done anything in over a week because I thought it would be disrespectful while we were sharing a room on the boat.”
“Alright, so go behind a tree and jerk it.” She shrugs.
“Yeah, I could do that…or…”
“Harry Styles.” She gasps, a smile growing on her face. “Are you seriously suggesting that I stick my hand down your sandy pants, and give you a hand job?”
“I’d be getting you off at the same time so-“
“Are you kidding?! I’m all stubbly down there, and I probably smell disgusting, and-“
Just as she had done to him the night before, he was pinning her down and putt his hand over her mouth.
“Nikki, if you really don’t want to, I’ll drop it and go behind a bush and handle things myself, but I have no problem with a little bit of hair, and I’m just offering to finger you, my face doesn’t need to go anywhere near you if you don’t want it to.” He lifts his hand away from her mouth, but continues to hover over her.
“It’s just…we’re friends.”
“Friends help each other out, don’t they?” She nods her head yes. “Do you want to? Don’t let me pressure you.”
“I…I want to, I mean…getting off doesn’t sound terrible. And it could be a good time killer.”
“Right.” He smirks and moves to lay on the ground next to her. She rolls onto her side and so does he. “Can I…touch your chest?”
“Yeah, I’ll take my bra off, but I’m leaving my shirt on. I just…I feel gross, you know?”
“Whatever makes you more comfortable.” Once she’s situated, she unbuttons her shorts. “I went commando today…put my underwear in the fire.”
Harry nods and undoes his shorts. He was a little nervous.
“Can I kiss you?”
“We’ve been brushing our teeth, what’s the big deal?”
“Kissing would make it more intimate, Harry. I don’t want this to be some big, emotional thing.”
He furrows his brows, but chooses not to speak. Instead, he reaches his hand inside her shorts and starts to rub at her folds. Her breath hitches, but she reaches him. Her hand slides inside his boxers and she starts to pump his hardening cock.
“You’re already hard.” She breathes. Their faces were only an inch or so apart.
“M’turned on.” He grunts as her thumb swipes over his tip. He feels her getting wet, and he drags it up to her clit. She bites her bottom lip and twists her hand around his cock. He slides his middle finger inside of her and her mouth falls open. “Fuck, you’re tight.”
“Haven’t done this in a while.” Her hips buck in his direction. “Feels nice. Use two.”
“Are you, ngh, sure?”
He slides a second finger inside of her and uses his thumb on her clit, applying just enough pressure as he presses circles into it. A moan leaves her lips, and for the first time he was hearing because of something he was doing, and not through the walls of his old apartment. It just makes him work harder, curling his fingers up inside her.
“Fuck, that’s so good.” She mewls. “Don’t stop.”
He presses his forehead to hers and pinches his eyes closed. He was getting closer. His cock was slick with precoma, and she was pumping him perfectly.
“Shit, Nikki.” He moans, and it makes her own closed eyes pop open. She had never really heard a guy genuinely moan before, and she thought it was hot, really, really hot. His fingers were petting against her g-spot in just the right way. He opens his eyes and sees her already looking at him. “Is everything alright?”
“Y-yeah, just…say my name like that again.” Her hips were grinding against his hand. “I’m so fucking close.”
“Me too.” He pants. “Fuck, Nikki.” He moans again. He bites his bottom lip to ground himself.
“Oh my god, Harry!” She cries out as she comes around his fingers, and she feels warmth against her hand. He had also come to his release. He slowly takes his hand away, and she does the same. “Shit.” She breathes and sits up. “I, uh, I need to go pee, excuse me.”
He watches her grab some tissues, and she goes to her designated bathroom area. Harry lays back under the raft and tries to catch his breath. He could clean himself up later.
The next morning went by painfully slow. They were up at sunrise in anticipation of the plane coming for them. Nikki’s phone and hotspot had finally died. They made sure to put the fire out safely, and once 7AM hit Nikki shot the flare gun. About ten minutes after that a small plane flew over them, and a rope ladder was thrown out.
“It’s here, we’re saved!” Nikki exclaims, throwing her arms around Harry. He holds her tight for a moment. “I’ll climb up first, okay?”
Harry nods and watches as she starts moving up the ladder, her backpack slung on her back. He climbs up after her, and they’re both pulled inside. Nikki falls into Dan’s arms.
“Thought I was gonna have to go through getting a new partner.” He mutters into her hair. “I’m so happy you’re okay.”
“Me too.”
“How you holding up, Harry?” Dan asks him as the medic checks Harry over.
“I’m alright, I’m feeling really tired, though.”
“So am I.” Nikki says.
“Rest up, we’re headed to a good hospital in Florida.” Dan says, keeping Nikki close to him.
The next time Harry wakes up, he’s in a hospital bed, hooked up to an IV. Kyle was sitting by his side. Harry groans as he looks over at him.
“Hey, you’re awake!” Kyle says. “I flew down here as soon as they called me, man. They said you were severely dehydrated, and you had way too much sun, even with all the sunscreen you guys were using. They want to keep you overnight for a psychological evaluation.”
“Makes sense.” Harry sighs. “We’re bound to have some shared trauma, nightmares, remembering certain parts of being thrown off a fucking cruise ship, you know, normal stuff.”
“I haven’t been able to see her yet. I guess Dan’s been in with her, trying to get more info on what happened.”
“Is she awake?”
“I think so…I’ve walked by her room a few times. Did, uh, did anything happen between you two out there?”
“Right, because being stranded is super romantic.” Harry rolls his eyes.
“M’serious, man, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know how you feel about her. The way you’d look at her sometimes…I could see it.”
“Nothing happened.” Harry swallows. “We were out there as friends, and we came back as friends.” Harry sits up a bit. “Is your girlfriend here?”
“No, she’s back at home. She was, uh, very understanding of me wanting to come down here and make sure you both we alright.” Harry nods at that. “If…if something did happen, like, if the next person she ends up being with is you…well, I’d be alright with that.”
“Oh, well, thank god for that. I was really worried about how you’d feel about her moving on.” The sarcasm wasn’t lost on Kyle. “You really fucked her up, you know that? She’s not going to be happy to see you.”
“I know what I did was wrong, but I still care about her wellbeing. I’m gonna go check if I can see her now.” He squeezes Harry’s shoulder. “I’m glad you’re okay.”
Kyle stands up and goes down the hall to Nikki’s room. Dan was no longer sitting in there, so he figured it was now or never. He knocks on the door, and she sits up when she sees him.
“Hey.” He comes in cautiously. “When Dan called me…I got down to Florida as soon as I could.”
“Yeah? Where’s Claudia?”
“Back home…how are you feeling?”
“I’m okay.” Nikki sighs. “I’m not roughed up or anything, I guess we were really dehydrated, though. Must have been from all the sun because I had my water purifier…must not work as well with really salty water.”
“I was really worried about you, Nik.” Kyle starts sniffling as tears come to his eyes. “I would have never forgiven myself if you died and the last words you said to me were that you hated me.” He takes her hand in his. “I miss you so much. I hope…I hope we can find a way to be friends.”
“You can’t be serious.” She scoffs and takes her hand away. “You come here, make things about you, and then ask me to be your friend? You cheated on me for six months, Kyle, six months! And you still had the nerve to propose to me! You broke me in so many ways, and I’ve finally been able to put myself back together. Getting stuck out there was almost a blessing. It gave me a lot of the clarity that I needed.”
“I didn’t think you’d still go on the cruise…if I had, I never would have sold Harry the ticket. You must’ve been so mad when you saw him.”
“I was…but he was the perfect person to get stuck out there with.” She shrugs.
“Did anything happen between you two?” He chews on his bottom lip. “I saw him before you, and he said nothing happened, but…he’s a terrible liar. He said you went in as friends, and come out the same way, or something.”
“Well, he’s not wrong about that.” Nikki smirks. “You really wanna know what happened between us?” Kyle nods yes. “Too bad.”
“You don’t have the right to know. I meant it when I said I hated you, Kyle. I do, I hate you. It was very nice of you to come down here and make sure we were both okay. I actually appreciate it, but I’ll never forgive you for what you did. Cheating…it’s just not something I can forgive.”
“Okay.” He nods. “Well…I…I really am glad you’re alright. Did they tell you when you’d be able to go home?”
“In a couple of days. They’re keeping us overnight, and then they’re sending in a shrink to evaluate us. Standard procedure.”
“If you need anything at all when you get home…any help suing the cruise ship company, please don’t hesitate to ask. I could help you pro bono.”
“My god, how selfless.” She rolls her eyes. “Go home to Claudia, Kyle.”
“Bye, Nikki.” He lingers for a moment, and then leaves. A few tears roll down her cheeks, but not because of him. She just…missed Harry and wanted to see how he was.
Nikki and Harry weren’t given much time together during their evaluations. They were each spoken to separately, and when they were brought into the same room, they had to speak to the psychologist directly. Nikki desperately wanted to reach out and hold his hand, but she wasn’t really given the chance. Harry was able to catch her in her room before they left the hospital. They were to go directly to the airport to head home.
“Hey.” He says to her.
“Hi.” She says as she zips up her bag. “I think I’m sitting with Dan on the plane.” She swallows.
“Right.” He runs a hand through his hair. “Um, listen, when we get home…don’t be afraid to talk to me. Like, if you have a nightmare or something, don’t be afraid to call. I won’t care what time it is.”
“That’s nice of you, thanks, but I’ll be alright. It’s no different than seeing some bad shit at a crime scene.”
“No, it’s not.” He sighs. “You might-“
“Harry, please.” She shakes her head as she grabs her bags. “I’m a big girl, I think I can handle what happened. It’s not like it was traumatic.” She scoffs.
“Yes it was, are you kidding me? A hurricane-“
“I was there, I know what happened.” She shakes her. “I appreciate you being so nice, but it happened, and it’s over now. Back to reality.”
What she said carried a lot of weight. She was coming down from her cloud, and she realized her and Harry needed to part ways here. Every time she looked at him, she saw Kyle, and she just couldn’t deal with that right now. Harry knew what she meant too. He was extremely disappointed. Even though he was the one that suggested they do what they did that night, he was feeling a lot of emotions about it, almost regret because he knew he’d never get another chance to feel her like that again.
“Captain, I swear I’m fine. I just want to get back to work.”
“I know you do, Reese, but you’ve been through a lot, and-“
“Sir, not to be disrespectful, but I disagree.”
“Nikki.” He sighs. “Take another week off, alright? Work will be waiting here until you get back. I’m happy to see you, but I’ll be happier once I know you’re home. It’s an order, Reese.”
She sighs, but does as he says. She couldn’t really argue with the captain of her precinct. She tells Dan she’ll be out for another week, and then heads home. She hadn’t spoken to Harry, but to be fair he hadn’t made an attempt to reach out to her. He wanted to give her some space, and let her come to him if she wanted to. By the third night she woke herself up screaming and in a cold sweat, she knew she had a problem. She kept having flashes of being dragged under water and not being able to breathe. She finally worked up the nerve to call him…at 3AM.
She could tell she had woken him up, but it felt so good to hear his voice.
“Are you alright, love?”
“No.” She swallows. “No, I keep having nightmares.”
“So do I.” He sighs. “Do you want me to swing by?”
“No, that’s okay…I kinda just wanted to hear your voice. I’m sorry if that’s weird.”
“It’s not…it’s nice to hear yours too.”
“I’m sorry I haven’t reached out until now. I feel like I’ve been trying to pretend nothing happened.”
“A lot of people try to cope that way, but repressing shit isn’t healthy, Nik.”
“So I’ve come to realize. It’s crazy, like, I work with all of these victims, and I’ve never really understood how they couldn’t remember certain things, but I get it now.”
“Trauma’s funny like that.” He says softly. “Have you been back to work?”
“I tried, but my captain told me to take another week off. What about you?”
“I’m doing the same. I’m too distracted to properly help my patients. They’ve been very understanding.”
“That’s good.” She chews her bottom lip. “So, you’ll be home tomorrow?”
“Maybe I could come by in the afternoon? It would be nice to talk…maybe we’ve been having the same nightmares. I keep waking up screaming and sweaty.”
“Are you dreaming about being dragged under the water?”
“So have I.” He sighs. “Come over around two tomorrow, yeah? I’ll text you my new address.”
“Okay, that sounds good, thanks, Harry.”
“Don’t mention it.”
“Well…I’ll let you get back to sleep now. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow, Nik.”
Nikki knocked on Harry’s door promptly at 2PM. She was just in a simple quarter zip and jeans, along with her hair up in a messy bun. Harry opens the door wearing a tee shirt and joggers.
“Hi.” He says.
“Hi.” She says.
He steps aside to let her in. They look at each other for a moment, it looks like they’re both about to speak, but they both close their mouths. There was so much to be said, but neither were sure how to articulate it. Her eyes well up with tears, and she rushes towards him, throwing her arms around his neck, crashing her lips to his. He wastes no time wrapping his arms around her, and returning the kiss. Even though her mouth was preoccupied, kissing him made her feel like she could breathe for the first time in days.
“I missed you.” She says, pressing her head into his chest.
“I missed you too.” He rests his chin on the top of her head.
“I’m sorry if that was weird, I just-“
He cups her cheeks so she’ll look up at him. He gives her a soft smile.
“Nikki, I’ve wanted to kiss you for a long time.”
“Yeah…I was pretty jealous of Kyle for a while. I’ve always thought you were wonderful. Feel like we have a lot in common.”
“We do.” She agrees.
“We don’t have to rush into anything…I’d rather us work on ways to not have nightmares and such, but…if you’d be willing to give it a try, I’d love to take you out sometime.”
“You wouldn’t feel weird…about Kyle?”
“No.” He shakes his head. “I…I don’t think he’s really someone I want around anymore. I’d rather have you around.” He kisses her tenderly, sucking on her bottom lip for just a moment. “I really fucking like you.”
“I can see that.” She swallows. “I think…I think we could have a lot of fun together.” A smirk grows on her lips. “Just don’t become my therapist, or I’ll beat the shit out of you.”
“Is that a threat or a promise.” He smirks, nuzzling his nose to hers. “Wouldn’t mind seeing how you use your handcuffs.”
“Remember when I called you a moron?” She chuckles. “I meant it.” She shoves him.
“I was kidding, relax.”
“Mhm, sure.” She rolls her eyes.
“Do you want some tea? We could sit and chat. I’ve been trying to record the dreams I’ve been having in a journal. I have my patients do it, so I figured I’d take my own advice.” He leads her into his kitchen and has her sit. “I keep having the same one: drowning.”
“I have that one, and then I have one where…where I wasn’t able to hold onto you.” She frowns as he gets his kettle going. “You know…I had less night terrors sleeping on that beach with you than I have in a long time.”
“Can I ask…would Kyle hold you at night?” Harry sets a mug in front of her before he sits down.
“Um, usually when I’d first fall asleep he’d spoon me for a bit, but he’s not a cuddly sleeper, and he’d eventually roll over. We didn’t spend a lot of nights together because I’d usually wake him up by accident. What does any of that matter?”
“I held you all night while we were on the beach.” He puckers his lips in thought. “Do you have a weighted blanket?”
“Do me a favor, get one. You may need the extra weight at night to keep you calm. They work wonders, I have one myself, and a body pillow. I’m a cuddly sleeper.”
“I’ll, um, I’ll look into that.” She takes a careful sip of her tea. “How can I get them stop? The nightmares.”
“Well, talking about it usually helps, and doing things like getting a weighted blanket can help. I think you’ve repressed a lot, Nikki…you need to talk about the things you see and feel.”
“It’s not that simple, Harry.” She sighs. “If anyone at work found out I was seeing a therapist-“
“If it’s that big of a deal…then don’t tell them.”
“Things have a way of getting out.”
“Then…just say you’re seeing me.”
“That’s not fair, though.”
“Nikki.” Harry sighs and places his hand on top of hers. “I’m not offering to be your therapist, I’m just offering to be someone that you can come to if you need to talk about something. M’a really good listener.” He smiles.
“I know you are…thank you. I just don’t want to come to you, and dump on you when people pay you to do that all day. Why should I burden you with my problems?”
“Oh, darling.” He raises her hand to his lips and kisses it. “Nothing about you is a burden. Tons of people feel that way, and that’s why they don’t want to talk to anyone, but once you get talking it just gets easier and easier. I always liked when you’d tell work stories…you could just tell me about the not so great stuff when it’s feeling really heavy.”
“So, if I come to you and say I just spent the day searching for a kid, and we found their dead body in the trunk of a car, you’d be okay with that?”
“Probably wouldn’t wanna chat about it over dinner, but sure.” He shrugs. “Nikki, I told you, I see people who have been through shit, victims and survivors, that stuff doesn’t scare me.”
“I may not open up right away.”
“That’s alright, we don’t always have to talk about the heavy stuff.” He smiles.
“What if I don’t wanna talk at all?” She mutters.
“Well, I don’t know if you remember what happened between us that one night on the beach, but I’m pretty good at not talking too.” He smirks.
“You know, if I had known you had liked me for a while, I wouldn’t have been such a jerk about kissing and stuff that night.”
“I was too blissed out with your hand wrapped around my prick to really care.”
Nikki licks her lips and swallows, looking at his lips briefly.
“You know what would be great?”
“A tour of your apartment.”
“How rude of me to not offer when you first came in.” He stands up and extends his hand. She takes it, and lets him lead her around. He shows her the art on the walls, and the various books in his home office.
“Do you ever see patients here?” She asks as she sits down in one of his comfy chairs.
“God, no.” He shakes his head, leaning his bum on his desk. “Sometimes patients can grow certain attachments to their therapists, it’s better for them to not know where I live.”
“Right, because you’re the hot Dr. Styles.” She smirks. “Same thing happens to me sometimes. I’m usually the one they send in undercover to seduce some sick fuck.”
“That’s because you’re incredibly skilled and talented at what you do, Detective Reese.” Nikki stands up and wraps her arms around his neck. “You’re also insanely gorgeous, but that’s besides the point.” He kisses her nose. “Would you like to stay for dinner and watch a movie?”
“Yeah, I would.”
Five months later…
“Dan…what is this?” Nikki points to the plant Dan plopped down on her desk.
“It’s a bonsai tree, they’re super easy to take care of. Consider it your first house warming gift.” He beams at her.
“Aw, you old softie, thank you.” She gives him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“Allie can’t wait for our next game night, by the way. She was thinking we could have you two over to play Clue once you’re all moved in.”
“Yeah! That sounds great. Oh! I wrote down that recipe for that dessert I made for her.” She grabs an envelope from her desk. “That cookies and cream pudding pie.”
“God, thanks.” Dan takes the envelope. “She’s been dying to make it, but she wants to make it the way you did so she can start selling it at the bakery and call it ‘The Nikki’.” He chuckles.
“She’s too sweet, honestly. If you don’t put a ring on it, I will.”
Things had been going really well for Nikki. Thanks to Harry, she had gotten better about opening up about things. It was so slow going at first, but eventually she got to talking, and it helped her be a better detective. Being Harry’s girlfriend was amazing. It didn’t take much for her to fall head over heels in love with him. And there was no denying that he was gaga over her. That’s why after just five months of dating, they were moving into their very own town home together. It didn’t feel fast to either of them because they had known each other for years, and they slept at each other’s places all the time as it was. It just made sense to move in together. They were in love, and were a great pair. Alex had even gotten used to it, and Harry set her up with one of his friends, Ben. Their friends helped them move, and Nikki put her new bonsai tree in her kitchen bay window. Everyone left after having some pizza and beer.
“Can you believe this is all ours?” He says into her ear as he wraps his arms around her from behind.
“No.” She giggles as he nibbles on her earlobe. “But I’m really happy.”
“Me too.” He hums. He sponges kisses to her neck and sinks his teeth into her skin.
“Harry.” She whines. “We need to unpack.”
“Don’t wanna.” He mumbles into her skin.
“Can we at least do the kitchen and the upstairs bathroom? You know, the, um, essentials.” She swallows. Harry was often very affectionate with her, and she liked it. She really, really liked it.  
“Fine.” He turns her around. “But when we’re done with the kitchen and the upstairs bathroom, we’re doing the bedroom.”
“Seems fair to me.” She pecks his lips.
The two work in tandem to put their essentials away. It was actually fun to organize the cabinets together. Next, they go upstairs to work on their bathroom. Actually, Harry handles the bathroom while Nikki gets some fresh sheets on their new king sized bed.
“Bathroom’s all set.” Harry says.
“I just got the foam topper and the fitted sheet on the bed, I just have to – ah!”
Harry had grabbed her and thrown her onto the bed. She squeals as he launches himself onto it, almost crushing her in the process.
“Making the bed fully would be a waste of energy.” He says into her ear as he pins her wrists down. He sucks on her supple bottom lip, and lets it go, causing her to whimper. “Don’t you think?” She nods her head yes. “Just wanna fuck my new live-in girlfriend, can I?”
“Please.” She breathes. “Need you to take care of me.” She pouts at him.
“Aw, my angel-baby-detective needs some lovin’?” He pouts back at her.
He grins at her and has them both sit up. He peels off her tee shirt, and lifts off her sports bra. He gropes her breasts before kissing on them. He sucks bruise after bruise into her plushy skin. He pulls her into his lap so she can grind on him while he paid attention to her breasts. She liked it when Harry left marks on her like this. She liked being his. He lays her down onto her back. He kisses down her torso, nipping where he pleases. He loved kissing on her pudgier areas because he wanted to show how much he loved every inch of her. She did the same with his love handles. He drags her yoga pants and underwear off, and tosses them to the floor.
“Look at you, so wet already.” He says as he pulls her thighs apart.
“You were already making me feel so good, Har.”
He hums his response as he laps his tongue around her center. He moans once he gets a proper taste of her. He licks his way up to her clit and sucks on it while he works two fingers inside of her. She grabs at his hair and tugs on it while her body starts to tingle.
“Fuck, just like that.” She mewls while raising her hips to meet his mouth more. She comes to her release, and she tugs him up to her. She licks into his mouth and sucks on his tongue. “Get naked, now.” She nearly growls.
Harry grins and gets his clothes off. He sits up against the headboard and waits for Nikki to swing her leg over his lap. She lines him up with her center, rubbing his tip along her clit before sinking down onto him. They both moan out, and he grabs at her hips to help her find a rhythm. She puts her hands on his shoulders and starts bouncing up and down on his cock.
“God, I love you so much.” He grunts.
“I love you too.” She kisses him and runs her hands through his hair. “Don’t know I ever survived without having your big dick inside me, fuck.”
“Yeah? M’making you feel good, baby?”
“So fucking good.” She pants. “Best I’ve ever fucking had.”
She comes again, and with the way she clenches around him he nearly loses it inside of her. He lifts her off just in time and comes on her stomach. He kisses her over and over, and they both giggle. Once they’re both cleaned up, Harry helps Nikki get the bed made, and they both climb in. She rests her head on his stomach while he reads his book.
“Harry?” She looks up at him. “Could you out your book down for a second? I have something to tell you.”
“Sure, sweetie.” He dog-ears the page he’s on and sets his book down. “What’s up? Oh, is this about me buying the Hamilton Beach food processor instead of the Cuisine Art one like you wanted?”
“No.” She chuckles.
“Are you sure? Because you cried when I brought it home. I swear, the Hamilton Beach one had better reviews, that’s the only reason why I got it.”
“I cried because I was hormonal.” She chews her bottom lip. “Harry, I’m pregnant.”
“But I came on your stomach.” He blinks, and then looks down at her.
“Yeah, tonight you did.” She sits up so she can look at him better. She kisses his shoulder and then smiles at him. “My period was late, so I took a test just for the hell of it…I’m six weeks.” She grabs her phone off the side table. “I even took a selfie with it to show you.”
“Oh my god, you’re not kidding.” He looks at the picture and then at her. “How long have you known for?”
“Only a week. I wanted to wait until the move was over to tell you. How, um, how do you feel about this? We haven’t really talked about kids or anything.”
“I know.” He hands her back her phone and throws his arm around her. “I mean, I fully intended on proposing and all that, just not for another few months. I wanted to see how living together went.” He smiles down at her. “And I was hoping you’d want kids at some point…think you’d make a great mum. I’ve seen you with kids, you’re amazing.” He kisses her temple and starts laughing. “I can’t believe I’m gonna be a father.” He shakes his head. “Thanks, Nikki!”
“You’re such a dork.” She chuckles. “You’re really not mad, or upset?”
“How could I be? I’m living with the girl I never thought I’d even get the chance to kiss, and now she’s pregnant with my baby. I’m ecstatic.” He pecks her lips. “How are you feeling about all of it?”
“I’m…actually pretty excited. I mean…I went off birth control months ago for this very reason. I didn’t think it would happen quite this fast, but this is a pretty happy accident.”
“I wonder what we were doing six weeks ago.”
“What does it matter?”
“I’d just like to know how our little fetus got conceived.”
“I, um, think it was the night, you, uh, let me lick the whip cream off you on your desk.” She swallows.
“Oh, yeah! Blew my load right up into you, didn’t I?” He smirks. “We should do that again, it was a great sensory exercise.”
“Harry!” She smacks his chest.
“You’re really okay with all this, Nik? It’s your body.” He caresses her cheek and she leans into his warm palm.
“I’m more than okay with it. Just don’t rush an engagement or anything like that, okay? I wanna marry you at some point too…but…not just because I’m pregnant.”
“So…if like four months from now I had a long weekend for us planned to go apple picking up north, and while we were settling down in the evening getting cozy in front of a fire place…you wouldn’t want me to propose?”
“You know, I hear being pregnant can make you forget all kinds of things, so I can’t wait to be surprised four months from now when you suggest going away for a long weekend to go apple picking.” She beams at him. “I think I’d really like that.”
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broadstbroskis · 5 years
four times you wore matthew tkachuk’s name on accident + one time on purpose | matthew tkachuk
the first
It’s a Friday night and you’re at Matty Tkachuk’s apartment solely at the request of your best friend, Sasha, who’s a little more than friends with Noah Hanifin (and refusing to believe that she’s actually more than a little more than friends but that’s neither here nor there). The party’s raging and you’re killing some bro’s on the pong table with some pretty Swedish boy who you’re almost certain plays on the Flames with Noah. And then, suddenly, there’s a ruckus behind you, like more than the general party-ruckus, and you’re covered in beer.
And when you say soaked, you mean like, absolutely drenched.
The dudes who are the entire reason you’re now the winner of the impromptu wet t-shirt contest can’t even make it through the apology they start before their eyes go to your chest and they actually stop speaking, so you very quickly ditch the pretty Swede in favor of looking for Sasha.
Unsurprisingly, she’s making out with Noah in the corner and neither of them look amused when you interrupt. “Well sorry.” You snap, glaring at yet another guy who stops to stare at you.
“Get moving, buddy!” Noah waves him away.
“Now do you see why I want to leave?” You look at them flatly. 
Sasha giggles. “Just go topless for the rest of the night!”
You give her a look “You’ve seen me topless before. That’s certainly not going to help the staring.”
Sasha is still giggling as a group of guys in the corner start to point and Noah gives his best glare (which is frankly, like 0% terrifying, but the gesture is much appreciated). “Come on,” He pulls the two of you away.
“Oh yeah,” You snark at him, as he leads you down the hall. “This is helping my case. Heading down the hall with the two of you in my wet t-shirt. This is just the thing I need!”
“Well?” Noah grins not even five minutes later, from where he’s lounging on Matty’s bed, watching as you attempt to tuck the Tkachuk Flames shirt into your short, bodycon skirt. The endeavor is useless, which from her laughter, Sasha figured out ages ago, and has been waiting for you to do the same.
“There’s nothing smaller?” You ask desperately. The shirt is genuinely huge. It fits you like a dress.
“I mean, Chucky’s just a tad bigger than you so…” Noah trails off, fighting his own laughter.
“That is a lewk!” Sasha is still giggling from the ground as she adds, “I’m sure we could look around and find something smaller that’s been left behind.”
That thought brings an immediate look of disgust to your face. At least Matty’s shirt is clean. “Fuck no, I don’t want anything that belongs to any girl that he might have brought back here!”
They’re both laughing, as you awkwardly tuck one edge of the t-shirt into your skirt and let the rest of it fall. “Alright.” You say. “Noah, let me pound your beer and I might not hate myself enough to be able to go back out there.”
Noah’s beer is not quite enough, but it’s enough to get you back out to the party, where you can all three get fresh drinks to go along with the shots you insist on (needed if you’ll be wearing this shirt for the rest of the evening).
And then, they quickly ditch you for their corner again, so you make your way back to the pong game, only to find out the you and the pretty Swede have been chased off the table.
The Swede is in the kitchen, holding court with a few other teammates, and you start to make your way over to them, hoping to convince him to take back your rightful spot at the table (or if not, just to join their circle), when the host of the party steps up to you.
“Babe!” Matt grins, and you stop to wait for what’s to come, because you’ve seen a lot of him recently since Noah and Sasha have been spending more and more time together, so you’re sure he’s not finished. “Never would have thought I’d be happy to see you change out of that wet t-shirt, but I guess that’s when happens when you look so hot in my clothes!”
“Babe!” You mimic, grinning, ready to dish it back. “Never would have thought I’d actually consider changing into the clothes that last week’s rando left behind, but I guess that’s what happens when you’re a dick!”
Matty just laughs, accepting the chirp as you move past him to the kitchen, and that’s that. The shirt comes home with you that night, gets shoved into the back of your closet, and forgotten about entirely.
the second
“Thank god you’re here!” The woman grabbing your arm on the way out of the bathroom at Saddledome looks extremely familiar, but you couldn’t put a name to her face if your life depended on it. 
“Sorry, I think you’ve got the wrong person.” You try to keep your voice as polite as possible as you attempt to shake her off.
She shakes her head. “Sasha said she tracked you here on your phone.”
That traitor. And also, still, who the fuck is this lady? “Umm.”
“Britt and Morgan are both stuck at home with sick kids, and Jess was supposed to be able to fly in in time for the game tonight but her flight got delayed so she’s stuck in Ottawa or something, so we are super shorthanded and Sasha said you were here with some friends tonight and wouldn’t mind filling in.”
Say what now? “Sorry, filling in for what?”
“Toy collection!” She’s actively leading you away from your other friends and from your seat towards an employee only area. “Come on; let’s get you a jersey and get you set up!”
And well, you’re not so heartless that you’re not going to help them collect toys for kids for the holidays! Even when she shoves a Tkachuk jersey at you, practically yanks it over your head, and then fluffs your hair before leading you out to the first floor concourse and over to a toy collection station with Johnny Gaudreau’s girlfriend, you paste a smile on your face, vowing to get back at Sasha for this later.
It isn’t long before the smile is real, laughing along with Ali as the two of you collect toys and donations. You’re actually having such a good time you don’t even notice that lady taking your picture until the next morning, when you’re scrolling through Instagram and it pops up on your feed via the Flames official account, on a post thanking their fans for making the toy drive such a success.
And right below it, a comment from Matt: 👀👀
the third
It’s too fucking light out, there’s a very loud banging, and your head will not stop pounding.
And somehow, none of these things are going away? Like they’re actually all getting worse and that’s when you realize your hangover isn’t going to go away on its own. So with one last groan into the pillow, you open your eyes, hoping to take care of all of these things.
And that’s when you realize this isn’t your bed. Or your room. And you aren’t wearing any clothes?
What the fuck happened last night?
Once that moment of immediate panic fades, you realize that even though this isn’t your room, it is a familiar one. It’s not the first time you’ve spent the night in Matty’s guest room after a party, but it is the first time you’ve woken up in it without clothes.
Further inspection of the room leads to open blinds and no clothing, which is not entirely helpful in solving the problems of your nakedness or the knocking at the door...which you can only assume means Matt has left for practice or something because god, if he was somehow managing to sleep through this, you were going to kill him.
The knocking at the door will not fucking stop and so you angrily stand, searching for some clothing item in the room to cover yourself up with to go take care of it. You’re just contemplating wrapping yourself in the blanket before you stumble upon an old Knights t-shirt. It’s still huge on you, but it’s clean and probably better than going out to answer the door wrapped in just a blanket.
No, definitely better than going out in just a blanket.
The shirt is soft and worn as you pull it over your head, like a favorite old t-shirt should be, and you really contemplate stealing it as you bitterly make your way to the door, throwing it open with a scowl on your face. “What?”
“Uh.” There’s a delivery man outside the door, holding a package. “Sign for delivery?”
Is he fucking serious? This is the ruckus? If looks could kill, he’d be a puddle on the floor, but you sign for the package and turn back into the apartment.
And apparently, Matt is home, and furthermore, alive, since when you do turn, he’s standing in the living room. For once, he’s not even running his fucking mouth, standing there with his jaw slightly dropped as he stares at you.
“Here!” You throw the package to him as you start to walk closer.
Matt doesn’t even react and the box falls to the ground in front of him. “Where’d you find that shirt?”
Your fingers drop to the hem of the tee, starting to recognize the look in his eyes for what it is. “Your guest room.”
He swallows. Visibly. Audibly. “Why’d you put that on?”
You grin, beginning to lift the hem up. “Why don’t you come find out?”
the fourth
Stuck in an endless loop of last times, it’s becoming less and less shocking to find yourself in Matt’s bed at various hours of the day. Sneaking out of his place in the morning. Popping over in the afternoon between classes. Sending your uber at the end of the night to his place instead of your own.
So it’s not really alarming anymore to find yourself waking up on a Sunday morning in Matt’s bed, to roll over and see only the ends of his curly hair poking out from under the covers or maybe a bare chest from where he’s pushed off all the blankets, consistently a later riser than you unless he absolutely has to be up.
Someone might think it’s alarming from the way you jump out of bed this particular Sunday, but that actually has more to with the time on the clock than the man’s bed you're in.
There’s no way you’ll make it back to your apartment to change and to brunch with your parents in time. Panic mode induced.
But the ruckus of trying to gather your shit and get dressed at the same time does wake Matt up (you suppose, in hindsight, that attempting to yank jeans up with one hand and buckle your bra with the other was not your best idea, but only because you hit your hip into the side of the dresser) and you fondly watch him rub his eyes sleepily before remembering that you need to go and resume working on fixing your jeans and bra.
“Where are you going?” Matt still sounds tired, but he’s sitting up, watching you rush around the room.
“Brunch with my parents have you seen my shirt?” The whole thing’s said as one sentence, one word maybe. Who’s got time to breathe right now?
“I just woke up.” He frowns. “Come back to bed.”
“I can’t!” It was white, you were pretty sure. Or maybe black? 
“This is not how I planned to send my Sunday.” Matt frowns.
Success, there’s something black in the corner. You go to grab it as you address that comment. “You should know by now that you win some, you lose some.”
“Hey, if I’m not allowed to use sports cliches in bed, then you’re not allowed to use them out of it!”
“Matthew!” You cry, turning toward him, shirt in hand.
“That seems like a very reasonable compromise to me!”
You are ten thoughts ahead of sports cliches by now and hold last night’s sweater up for him to see. Or, what used to be your sweater. There’s a rip down the center; it was a v-neck to begin with and was now only being held together by threads. “This isn’t!”
He hesitates, but doesn’t look sorry at all. “It was a thin sweater?”
You level him with a look. “Let me tell that to my dad today at brunch.”
“You know what, I’ll just give you something.” Matt stands, and walks toward his closet. A second later, there’s a shirt flying at you and once again, you find yourself pulling a huge Flames t-shirt over your head, this time with Matt’s number on the top left and both sleeves, and trying to make it work as an outfit. 
Matt’s got a huge grin on his face as you continue to just tug at the shirt, but finally you just give him a look. “Nothing else?”
“A dress shirt?” He offers, still grinning, unable to take his eyes off of you.
You actually contemplate it for a second-if you would be able to make it work as a dress, certain that he’s got a belt you could also snag to cinch the waist- before deciding against it. “I really have to go.”
Matt loops his arms around your waist, pressing soft kisses to the side of your neck. “Do you?”
It is...so easy to tilt your head to the side and just let Matt work, his hand travelling up his shirt. You can feel him smirk against your neck and you can’t even be mad about how smug he is about winning because it feels so good.
And then your phone buzzes and the moment is broken. 
The clock says it’s already past time for you to meet your parents and when you look at the text, it’s from your mom, letting you know they have a table. You let her know you’re on your way, but running late, and then slip the phone in your pocket.
“Fine.” Matt says, kissing you softly; a real, proper one, on the lips that sort of takes your breath away. “I’ll let you go.”
“Thanks.” You laugh, a little surprised about the kiss, which just...wasn’t something you guys did outside of bed.
And with one last brush down your arms, a tiny little pause over his number on your shoulders, he steps away, letting you go. But it’s just enough that you think you know what’s going on.
plus one
The long road trip out east gives you enough time to put your plan in action.
Unfortunately, you’re such a terrible liar, that you’re sure Matt knows something is up when he returns.
He sounds definitely hurt when you tell him that you can’t come over the night he comes home, but you’re sure that he’ll get over it pretty quickly when he sees what you’ve got planned for tomorrow’s game.
Your plan formed quickly, coming together in your mind easily. Meeting up with Sasha for lunch one day, you’d told her exactly what you wanted to do, requesting her help in getting you what you need.
She’d laughed hysterically, paused for a moment, and then laughed again. “I feel like I should be saying I told you so here. Somehow, someway, this feels like the moment for that.”
“People who lived in glass houses for over a year shouldn’t throw stones like that.”
That sobers her up, but only enough to stop laughing uncontrollably. She’s still giggling when she speaks. “Fair enough.”
“So can you get it for me?”
“What, he won’t give it to you?” She asks.
“I’m trying to do a thing here.” You tell her.
“Ah.” She says. “Alright, let me see what I can do.”
And so the day after their two week road trip, you found yourself standing in the hallway outside the locker room with Sasha and Ali, waiting for Matt to come out, the Tkachuk jersey feeling heavier than any other time you’ve worn his name before, and knowing that it has everything to do with the gesture you’re hoping it to be.
It seems like the entire organization comes out of the locker room before Matt does, so you endure knowing grins from both Johnny and Noah, as well as multiple other teammates you’re starting to recognize more and more, before Matt finally steps out.
He’s texting as he walks toward you, looking fine as hell in his suit and a little soft from his shower. You can feel the smile grow on your face as your phone buzzes in your back pocket, but you don’t have to pull it out to know who the text is from.
Matt stops walking and looks up, shock clear in his face. His eyes flutter to his phone quickly and then back to you, like he’s wondering how you got there so quickly, but it only takes a minute before his eyes find the “A” on the corner of your jersey and the “19” on the sleeves. “Hi.”
You’re a little surprised he doesn’t have more to say than that, considering he never stops talking, but he seems content to let his eyes wander over his jersey on you. “Sorry I couldn’t come over last night.” You say, filling the quiet between you and tugging on the hem of the jersey to illustrate your point. “But I really did have some errands to run.”
Matt starts to grin. “You could have come over and saved yourself a few bucks.”
“You think I paid for this garbage?” You scoff and he’s crossing the hall to you in three steps to pull you into his arms.
“I hope you didn’t.” He says, holding you close to him and it takes everything in you not to just press up onto your tippy toes and kiss him, but you shake your head to clear it so you can finish your bit, making a mental note to thank Sasha for coming in clutch and managing to get the jersey for you without Matt knowing. “Would sure be a waste for my girlfriend to spend money on something I’d just give her anyway.”
“Awfully presumptuous.” 
“So tell me I’m wrong.” He grins cockily.
“You know what a shitty liar I am.” You start to return the smile but Matt’s kissing the grin off your face the second you finish speaking.
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h0neyjaehyun · 4 years
☁︎ 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 ☁︎
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Summary // Tali has a heart to heart with Chan, and the Dreamies experience Tali's child like personality when she is really happy.
Characters // Talia Flores + Bang Chan (ft. Dreamies expect Mark, Doyoung)
Era / Year // October 2017
Word Count //
Bold // English
⚠️Warning⚠️ // Breakdown
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"Chan its gonna be okay, its not your fault it was never your fault and never will be."
It was the middle of a survival show of the creation of Straykids, Minho not to long ago got eliminated. She went over to his house and brung him food to cheer him up and she promised him that when she had free time she would help him with singing plus rapping. Then just last night Felix got eliminated just because he couldn't speak Korean properly, deep down she felt guilty not teaching him Korean, but she was busy with schedules she couldn't. After Chan walked him to his home, she just finished practice and went to Felix's house to comfort him. He felt so guilty and her heart broke at her friend feeling guilty he couldn't speak a language.
Korean was hard to learn from an english speaker perspective. It was like the opposite of English. She striked a deal with him at least once a week she would help him with Korean, inperson or through a screen since she did have to go on tour.
After she left Felix's place after putting him to sleep. She went to the person who felt most guilty.
She went into JYP building heading towards the studio where Chan usually is. He always in there, either producing, or avoiding his problems and feelings. She heard music, it was Hellevator, she heard it replay over and over again. She knocked on the door, the music stopped and it revealed a tried Chan.
"Hey sweetie" Tali smiled at him sadly she came in and sat on one of the chairs. Chan sat down on his chair and just looked at her. Then he just started to breakdown.
"I- I- I failed the- them Tali." Chan choked up crouched down in Tali's stomach.
"No, no you didn't Chan you tried your be-"
"NO I DIDN'T, I LET THEM GET ELIMINATED TALI....its my fault, I failed them, I promised we would debut together Tali....I promised them." Chan sobbed. Promises to them meant a lot to them. So when Chan couldn't keep that promise it broke him.
"Chan its gonna be okay, its not your fault it was never your fault and never will be." Tali comforted Chan petting his hair trying to calm him down.
"They don't blame you, they don't hate you, as long as you keep trying and helping each other you guys will make it. Jyp was just nit picky. This is not your fault." Tali said cupping his face whipping the tears off his face.
"But-" "No buts Channie, come on, lets go out for a bit, and get your mind off things" Tali suggested
Chan agreed.
They packed up at went to a open store and got some food and snacks. They went to a near by play ground and stayed there for a bit talking.
"How do you handle it?"
"Handle what?"
"The hate?"
Tali stopped at the question. She looked up at him in confusion. "What do you mean how do I handle the hate Channie?"
"Well, Ive been seeing some comments that, Im not a good leader or person and that im a f-"
"Shh hey hey, one that not true and two... I don't. Im not able to, but I don't show it. I usually distracted myself and not think about it. But they do get to me I am human."
"What about the staff?"
"Oh the staff are still asswholes to me and the Chinese line. I record whats she said about boys and me. Also that she left a member behind and got in the car instead. Honestly one more thing from her, she out." Chan laughed at her statement, but knowing she was serious. She hated when people get discriminated, she doesn't care if she does, only the people around her. So a staff member came she started acting like the boss and mistreating the chinese members which got Tali pissed.
Whether the boys or the staff know it she has a lot of power. Sm made her co-leader for a reason and that is to point out any staff mistreating members and setting them straight or firing them. They know she honest and knows how the entertainment system works. So they trust her who ever can't handle the idols or treat the idols properly and are reported by her. They will get fired so quick. So most staff that worked with her before know this and they know not to tell new staff because the staff themselves don't want a problems in the future because of another staff member.
"So one more strike huh?"Tali looked up at him.
"Yeah" she said quietly.
"How are you and Han?" Tali frozed at the boy's name.
"Fine" Chan raised an eyebrow at her.
"Fine? Really that all you gonna give me?"Tali sighed at the statement.
"Well, I don't know, its just. Its hard. He didn't believe me Chan. When he promised he would be there. He left me." Tali said quietly.
Chan was saddened that she still was unsure of her friendship with the boy. He made a promise he shouldn't have and didn't believe her words and left her, then expected when she forgive him everything would go back to normal. Which did, from the outside. People who did know Tali, would know it wasnt gonna go back to normal anytime soon.
When Tali talkes to people she cares about, her eyes have this light about them. But when she is unsure of the person a doubts them she has this sheild which would take a pretty long time to get down. It took Han since 2015 to atleast get Tali to talk to him again, 2 years. She was scared.
"You know he cares about you right? That he loves you like the rest of us?"Tali looked at Chan with doubt in her eyes.
"Does he really tho?"
"Tali.." Chan went infont of her and grabbed her hands.
"He really cares about you, do you think the guy will try to make you talk with him for around 2 years for him not to care about you?"
"I- Im just scared that he won't believe me.........that he'll leave."
"Tali if he does ever hurt you, you can always drop him, you are scarily good at that" Channie joked
Tali giggled
"I'm afraid."
"You're afraid of what?"
"I'm afraid my group is gonna do that to me....not believe me, break promises, and leave me."
"Hey they won't, as long as you trust them I believe that it won't happen." Tali was stuck in thought.
"....what if they ask about my family....what do I say?"
"...do you want them to know?" "....no"
"Then tell them your not comfortable talking about your family"
"But what if they feel hurt when they find out you guys know and not them?" Tali said filled with gulit.
Chan sighed for once not knowing how to reassure the girl. Because if he was in the group and found out that a completely different group is closer to their only female member. He would feel sad and bitter. So Chan just hugged the girl to reassure her to gonna be okay.
Tali basked in this moment knowing nothing last forever, then realized something.
"...wait a minute shouldn't this be the other way around?"
"Shh no its fine" "No its not fine switch me"
"Tali its fine"
"I swear Talia we are not fighting about this again"
They started bickering about who comforts who then she got a phone call.
She flinched at the sound and cursed in her mind realizing what time it is and how she didnt tell ANYONE she left the house. She turned the phone and sees the ID number as Doyoung. She cursed out loud, she was really hoping it was Taeyong.
"Hey language" Chan joked, Tali just glared at him. She picked up the phone scared if there was gonna be either yelling or a scary calm Doyoung
"Im at the park, I was spending time with an old friend I lost track of time sorry." Tali said sheepishly.
"Its fine just come back home the dreamies were in panick when you didn't come back to the dorms so just go there and make sure your friend takes you there....wait is it a g-"
"Omg look at the time, its getting late thanks for calling me oppa im gonna go now bye!"
"Wai-" Tali cut him off and ended the call. She knew if she said it was a guy they will go all investigative mode and try to find out who the guy is.
Chan smacked the back of her head.
"Ow what was that for?!" Talia whinced while rubbing her head.
"For worrying your members and ending the call early, Talia you should know better." Chan said jokingly, shaking his head and pointing at her.
Tali smacked his finger and made are you serious face at him.
"You can't say anything, rememb-"
"Nope, this is not the time." Chan cut her off putting his hand over her mouth and dragging her off the park to the dreamies dorm.
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"We are here thanks for walking me." Tali turned and hugged Chan knowing she won't see him for awhile. Chan just gave her a warm smile.
"No problem anything for our Butterfly." Tali smiled at the nickname. Remembering all times they have been together.
"Thank you for everything Channie, I really appreciate you." Tali said still hugging him looking up at him with this light in her eyes like Chan first saw when he was able to get closer to her. He always cherished that moment because it showed that she trusted him. Her eyes just poured out her emotions, it took time to able to read them but it was all worth it, and he would do it all over again.
"Always, I will keep my promise to you, and to him." He said rubbing her head. Tali's eyes changed when she thought about him, not sad ones more like grateful. Tali let him go and she went inside and waved him goodbye.
She went up the elevator, reminiscing the old times, even though it came to an end she still had part of them left with her as she held her locket in her palm looking at a picture that she cherished so much closing it back again once she was on the floor of the dreamies apartment.
She was at the door preparing herself for either a scolding or affection, probably both.
She unlocked the door and Jaemin tackled her to the ground.
"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN I WAS WORRIED SICK SOMEONE HAD TAKEN YOU FROM US." Jaemin scolded her while he was squishing her. Then he picked her up and she went back on the ground by the 2 mankaes.
"Why didn't you at least text us" "Yeah I came in your room for cuddles and you weren't there." Chenle pouted while Jisung scolded. Tali giggled but she felt guilty for making them worried.
"Im sorry I didn't mean too. I was just visiting some friends I haven't seen in awhile." Tali said sheepishly.
"Wow so you left us for them wow." Haechan said with a betrayed face. Tali rolled her eyes at the boy running up to him and hugging him. He was surprised at the contact, Tali at the time wasn't big on skinship so she never really did it herself.
"Don't be a baby, I saw you all this morning and afternoon. I haven't seen them in a long time, how about this we can see a movie in my room for the night hm?" Tali pouted, she didn't want to get scolded.
The boys have never seen Tali act this cute and touchy before. They were loving it.
"Hm? How about we cook and then watch a movie?" Haechan inquired trying to see how long her cuteness will last. Her eyes brightened at the idea she let him go and clapped her hands.
"Yes pleaasee." Tali giggled. Tali was acting her age, which was the first time in forever, they didn't know how. But they were taking advantage of it.
"Lets start cooking, hm?" Jeno said while rubbing Tali's head. Tali looked him and gave him her famous smile that would literally make his hearts burst.
"Come on Tali, help me prepare~" Renjun said while grabbing Tali and gently leading her to the kitchen.
Everyone just stood in place for a couple seconds. Processing what they just witnessed.
"Hyung, what did we just witnessed?" Jisung asked
"I don't know, but I loved every single moment of that." Haechan said, Then Tali popped out with a cute apron on with Renjun behind her smiling at her fondly.
"You guys wanna help?" Tali said cutely, everyone gushed on how adorable was being. They didn't know but when ever she hangs out with Straykids she has this kid like persona come out of her and even afterwards, and thats what they are seeing, she just grew up with Nct and Straykids differently she acts an adult with Nct while Straykids she acts her age maybe a little younger. So when she left Chan she was in a happy mood and that continued to now.
They all looked at each other and then back at Tali.
"Of course Princess."
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babbushka · 4 years
Two’s Company (5/5)
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1989 and New York City is a mess. Life was shit for all but you and Pale, who found that among the rubble and rubbish, there existed peace and calm and hard hot fucking. That is, until, an unwanted visitor makes themselves known, throwing this happy dream into a tumultuous nightmare.
Pale (Burn This) x Reader
The Final Chapter of my sequel to Blue Moon
 9.2k; Warnings: NSFW, angst, drug mentions, mentions of violence
He smiled a lot, on the walk to the diner. It wasn’t much further, but he smiled the whole way. That was somethin’ real rare for Pale, to be smiling for that long. Even in bed he didn’t grin the way he was grinning now.
He didn’t let go of your hand the whole way, kept an even tighter grip on you after your accidental slip. These were new heels, and you shoulda broke them in longer than you did, they weren’t all scuffed up on the bottom like your old pairs were.
But you didn’t mind too much, not if it meant Pale got to hold you tight the way he was. Whenever the two of yous walked, he always made sure you were on the inside, never on the street-side. He always made sure, didn’t want you gettin’ hurt or hit or nothing, even though you ain’t never seen a car come up onto the sidewalk before.
It was sweet of him to worry though, and you didn’t complain, just held his hand and laughed and smiled with him all the way to the diner.
When you finally got there, and he smacked at your hand for trying to open the door yourself, you gasped in so much surprise that Pale immediately stiffened into a fight-or-flight mode that had you chuckling, especially because you had been gasping at,
“Chaya!” You rush to the small woman’s side, opening your arms for a hug that she eagerly accepted, “My god it’s been so long!”
Chaya, Fish’s wife, almost never came to the diner. She always said she never liked the smell of it, of all that cooking oil and grease. You saw her occasionally of course, whenever you’d spend the holidays with them and random dinners, but seeing her in the diner was a novelty.
“(Y/N) it’s so good to see you, you look gorgeous – are those new shoes?” Chaya had a habit of complimenting you whenever she saw you, fawned over you like a granddaughter she didn’t have.
You always let her, because well, before Pale, you didn’t get complimented all that much, and it felt good to be recognized, even if it was from a tiny Jewish woman that looked at you through glasses that were an inch thick.
“Yeah, my old heels were fallin’ apart, walked in the snow one too many times with them.” You explained as you showed off the pretty heels you had bought yourself – you hadn’t accepted any of Pale’s money for them, you saved up and up and up for them and finally, after a good couple of months you were able to spend that hard earned cash on something nice and new for yourself.
“Ohhh,” Chaya said appreciatively at the way you turned your ankles so she could see the black patent leather and red bottoms. Chaya had always had a very New York style, very chic. Her hair was a bleach blonde cloud teased to perfection on top of her head, and her clothing was always heavily beaded to the point where you were sure you could see her from a mile away – just the same as you could see Pale, who she was eyeing up and down just as appreciatively, “And who is this?”
“This is my man Pale.” You said happily, pride making you bashful as Pale stuck his cigarette in between in teeth to extend his free hand for a shake.
“Big strong and handsome! I’ve heard so much about you but oy nothin’ about how tall you are!” Chaya laughed at his grip, gave him a wink.
“Heard only bad things I hope.” Pale winked right back, and you couldn’t help but let a little laugh out through your nose at how charming he really was, even with little old bubbies.
“The worst.” Chaya teased, before sighing and putting her hands on her hips, getting right to the point: “Fishel ain’t here today honey, he’s feelin’ a little under the weather.”
“Sick how? Is he okay?” Your smile dropped, fearing the worst.
“Don’t worry about him honey he’s going to be fine.” Chaya scoffed and waved her hands around, “His allergies are just acting up is all. You know I always tell him to take a Benadryl in the winter-time but he never listens to me. Men!”
“Don’t tell me you’re going to be running the diner today.” You raised your eyebrows, but she only scoffed again, making you sigh in relief.
“Me? God no.” She said as if she were offended, before jabbing her thumb in your man’s direction and saying, “I was actually wonderin’ if your man Mr. Pale wouldn’t mind taking over here.”
“I would love to but I gotta be at the one in the city.” Pale shook his head, took a deep drag of his cigarette.
“No you don’t, my nephew is going to cover for you today.” Chaya countered, making the both of your eyebrows shoot up then.
“Nephew?” Pale asked, cocking his head towards her as if his ear wasn’t close enough.
“Little Joshua’s hopin’ to go into the restaurant business like his uncle isn’t that so precious?” She put her hand over her chest, “Well I say little, he’s thirty and back from a stint overseas. He wants to open up his own place for the vets, bless him.”
“So let me get this straight,” Pale asked a little too aggressively, “You want me to stay here and manage the diner today, while your nephew manages the diner in Manhattan?”
“Is that gonna be a problem?” Chaya asked back, just as aggressively, and you had to admit it was funny seeing him back down. Not even the big bad Pale was a match for a stubborn Jewish woman with a plan.
“Problem?” Pale put his hands up in surrender, making you laugh as he quickly said, “No, no problem at all. None whatsoever.”
“Good, then I’m off.” She brightened up considerably, dropping the serious act right away. She leaned over for you to give her a big kiss on the cheek as you always did, and patted yours when you pulled away enough. “It was so good seein’ ya honey, come by for dinner one of these nights, okay?”
“Okay Chaya, send my love.” You said, opening and holding the door for her.
You waited until she got into her tiny sedan and drove away, before turning to Pale and putting your hands on your hips in much the same manner.
“What was that all about?” You asked, wondering why he had given attitude.
“You ain’t never seen me work before, you know that?” He scratched the back of his neck, chewed on the inside of his cheek as he smoked smoked smoked his cigarette.
“You see me work all the time.” You pointed out, walking towards the back to go get your apron and your little hat, putting both on so your uniform was complete.
Pale followed you, snatched the sash of your apron out of your hands and gently tied it into a pretty bow for you so you didn’t have to.
“I know but that’s different, you ain’t gotta yell at anybody.” He said, and your heart warmed at his soft tone.
“Is that it? You don’t want me seein’ you get all angry?” You turn to face him, loop your arms up and over his neck, pluckin’ the cigarette out from between his teeth enough to kiss him a little, “I ain’t afraid of you or your angry voice, if that’s somethin’ you’re worried about. I’m excited actually, believe it or not.”
“Excited.” Pale quirked a smile, making you hum out a little affirmative.
“I like when you’re…” You mull over, trying to find a good word before settling on, “Authoritative.”
“You’re gonna be the fuckin’ end of me, you know that?” He groaned, thunked his head back against the wall where he was leaning on in the little employees only room in the back, “The absolute fuckin’ end. God I want to fuck you, already I’m hard for you.”
And you could feel it, could feel just how hard he was for you. He pinned your hips against his, and right at the moment when you were fully ready to make out with him and ride his thigh right there in the back room, did the first ding of the door sound, alerting you to the first customer of the day.
“I bet you are honey, but I’ve gotta go serve coffee.” You unlatch yourself from him, and he groaned loudly, playfully.
“Let me watch you walk away?” He asked with big doe eye, and you only grinned as you turned to leave the room, swaying your hips in a teasing exaggerated way.
It was mesmerizing, seeing him like this. You’d seen him in all kinds of ways – seen him at home, seen him in the concert halls, seen him preforming. But you ain’t never seen him like this.  
It was really somethin’, watching Pale work. You knew he worked hard of course, everyone knew that, everyone who took one look at him knew that. But you’d never actually seen him work, never seen him in the full swing of things like this, not like this. He was stormin’ all over the fucking place, not even realizing that he’s storming, you didn’t think. He just had that presence to him, that aura about him – that don’t fuck with me or I’ll break your legs kind of vibe.
You almost spilled your coffee a coupla’ times because of it.
Well maybe you almost spilled your coffee a coupla’ time’s because of the way he had taken off his fancy silk shirt and suit jacket, revealing a black tank top underneath that showed off his arms so nice and good that you wanted to reach through the order window and give his biceps a squeeze.
You’d seen him in the kitchen before of course, he cooked all the fuckin’ time for you at home, but this was different. Here it was like his need to show off was multiplied ten times, and damn, did he. Smoking cigarette after cigarette through the breakfast rush, workin’ hard as he could to get all the orders just right, just perfect.
You knew he knew he wasn’t no Fish, not really, and when Fish came back to work tomorrow you were sure there’d be folks who’d be thrilled – because let’s face it, even Pale’s best just wasn’t what some of these regulars were used to but damn, his best was pretty good.
It was almost surreal, walkin’ up to the order window and seein’ your man on the other side. He’d only be in the kitchen for breakfast and you knew that, knew he’d be going back to the office once the rush was over and the cook could take full control of the kitchen again. But for now, you and a couple of the other waitresses walked up to the counter when he dinged the little bell, and it put a real big smile on your face to see Pale there.
“Alright I gotta Adam and Eve on a log for table ten and an Adam and Eve on a wrecked raft for table seven and don’t you dare fuckin’ mix ‘em up.” He snapped at the kid, Jess, who worked the morning shifts with you sometimes if she didn’t have any college classes in the morning.
Jess only rolled her eyes and grabbed the plates, careful not to mix them up, and you occupied the little space that she had freed up to pass a new order ticket to Pale. It was for one of the truck drivers who came in all the time, he only ever ate a huge breakfast in the morning, and then a big dinner real late at night, so it had to be done the right way, and you tell Pale as much.
“Hi honey, got a bean buster over at booth eleven and he’s real particular about how he likes his steak so please just, for the love of god make sure it’s rare?” You said soft enough that the trucker couldn’t hear you, not that he really would even if you shouted it out, just because of how packed the place was and all the clinking clanking clanging of everyone eating and enjoying their food.
“Black and blue comin’ up – hey,” Pale said, reaching through the window and grabbing your wrist when you slide him the ticket, pulling you a little closer and suckin’ down some nicotine as he asked, “Gimmie a kiss?”
You laugh and pluck the cigarette out from between his teeth before giving him a quick smack of your lips on his. He watched you walk away until you were officially out of his line of sight, back behind the milkshake bar makin’ egg creams.
Pale’s massive, you think. Absolutely fuckin’ huge, but there’s a sort of bull-in-the-china-shop kind of grace about it. He spent most of his time in the mornin’ doing the breakfast rush alongside the cook, the guy that worked the night shifts and who also got brought in when Fish wasn’t feelin’ too hot. You almost wanted to feel sorry for Pale, because breakfast rush was some fuckin’ nightmare sometimes, but he handled it with as much ease as Fish did, and you were impressed.
Like when some random guy – not a regular or at least not one you recognized – was yelling at that poor college kid Jess, for something that ain’t even her fault. You heard the commotion seemingly right as it happened, but so did Pale. He must have, because he was approachin’ the table cool as a cucumber, his silk shirt back on and tucked into his pleated trousers, big suit jacket makin’ his broad shoulders look even more broad.
You were almost worried that he’d start yellin’ right away, that he’d get into a fight or some shit like that. Not anything mean by it, but you knew your man, you knew your Pale. He was a hot headed kinda guy when it came to some shit, and you were fully prepared to step in if necessary.
So he surprised and impressed you when he was nothin’ but calm.
“There a problem over here?” He asked, hands on his hips just in that way that men in charge liked to stand.
And boy, was your man a man in charge.
The guy takes one look at Pale, and it’s like he can see his whole fucking life flash before his eyes. He immediately regrets raising his voice at Jess, immediately regrets causing a scene at all, and Pale gives him good reason to. He could so easily pick the guy up and physically throw him out of the diner, could snap him in two if he wanted.
You have to bite your lip at the thought, and Pale caught that look of yours from the corner of his eye, smirked a little to himself, too smug about how wet he makes you. But fuck, you’re wet, and it’s all you can do to just stand there and pour some coffee and force yourself not to whine to be fucked.
“I’m sorry I hate to complain, I really do, but there ain’t no salt on these hashbrowns, and there ain’t no salt in my shaker, I think somebody forgot to fill ‘em up or somethin’?” The guy says eventually, when he realizes that there ain’t no winning a fight against Pale, and Pale picks up the little salt shaker that’s definitely not empty, inspects it for a minute.
“Here’s what I’m gonna do, I’m gonna have ‘em remake the whole fuckin’ thing for ya, okay? No charge no nothin’, and I’m gonna see what’s goin’ on about this here salt shit. But don’t you ever fuckin’ yell at one of the these girls again, you got that? I catch you yellin’ at any of them and I’ll serve you shit from the dumpster outside – you got that?” He stared the guy down, who gulped and nodded. “My girl (Y/N) will take real good care of ya, won’t you honey?”
Pale looked at you, beckoned you over. You went easily, and he handed you the little salt shaker that’s just about half full, the top only a little clogged.
But while he had you within reach, he pulled you a little closer, and a little closer still – and even a little closer still, until he had a handful of your ass and was kneading it in his big hand right there in front of everyone. Not that anyone was really paying attention.
“You bet, I’m real sorry we ain’t ever outta salt, here’s a new one I’ll go refill this myself.” You said breathlessly, chewing the inside of your cheek and pressing your thighs together from the feeling of Pale’s hand on your body, you’re barely able to ask, “Can I get you anything while you wait?”
“Nah that’s okay, thank you really – wait can I have some coffee?” The guy, who clearly sees what’s going on, ducked his head in embarrassment for making a scene about some shit that ain’t even that big of a deal.
You poured him some coffee, and then went in the back storage room, to “fill up the salt.”
It took maybe two seconds, before Pale was comin’ in up behind you.
The storage room was small, not much to really store, when so much of the produce and meats and shit came from local suppliers around the town. Fish was real big on that, and it was something Pale appreciated the fuck outta him for – quality ingredients from local places.
But Fish wasn’t there today, and you took the opportunity of Pale’s managerial position to bend yourself over one of the big storage boxes and hike up your uniform skirt without even so much as a second glance.
“God damn you’re sexy when you work, you know that? I tell you that enough? I should, fuck remember back in the day when I would come and sit here and jerk off to you pourin’ that coffee? Fuck.” Pale’s already undoing the belt buckle of his trousers, already yanking his shirt out from where it was tucked in real nice.
“I didn’t know you jerked off!” You gasped when you felt the cool air of the storage room hit your bare ass, as Pale slid your panties down your legs to hang around your knees.
He kicked your feet apart with those fancy fuckin’ boots of his, freed his cock and rubbed the head of it through your folds which were dripping from a mix of his old come from earlier in the morning, and your fresh slick from watching him be so fucking hot.
“Of course I did, and now look, now look at the two of us, jerkin’ off together.” He slid his cock through your pussy some more before finally nudging his cock properly inside you, filling that aching emptiness that had been making you weak all morning.
“Pale it ain’t jerkin’ off if we’re together.” You couldn’t help but laugh a little, until your laughs dissolved into moans from the way he rolled his hips flush against your ass, pressed you down a little further onto the storage boxes.
“Bullshit, your pussy’s jerkin’ me off – it counts.” He grunted groaned growled in your ear as he draped himself over your back, hands bruising on your hips.
“C’mon fuck me, we gotta be fast there’s people out there waitin’ for us and shit.” You swallowed down all the drool that kept threatening to slide out of your mouth, and Pale only grunted some more as he sped his hips up, built a pace that was brutal, skin slapping hard against skin.
“They can keep waiting, god you’re so fuckin’ good, this pussy’s so good.” He breathed, “All for me, my fuckin’ cunt to have whenever I want it, you like that? You like gettin’ fucked at work like this? Maybe I should come run the place more often, let Fish’s nephew take over the one in the city more often, come and fuck you here in this little room more often.”
Your eyes rolled back into your head and your toes curled in your pretty new heels as your pussy got pounded, the thick squelch of it music to your ears. His cock was so firm inside you, so fuckin’ hard, rock hard, and it speared into you searching for your gspot. You knew he liked to milk your pleasure for as long as he could, but the two of yous really didn’t have the time to spare – so when he found it he dropped a hand to your clit and rolled that at the same time as he thrusted against your walls.
“Pale – yes honey – oh fuck yes, yes please – faster,” You gasped, your eyes flying open and your thighs shaking shaking shaking as he fit inside you so perfectly.
“Shh, shh sweetheart be good for me, be a good girl and suck.” He shoved his free hand into your mouth, gags you on his fingers while he rams into you hard and dirty, shaking the walls of the storage room and threatening to knock down the boxes and bins from the force of his thrusts.
You came together, the both of you cursing low and long as your bodies shook together, his cock still thrusting in and out of you just because he could, because he had to. But this was only a quickie, only a little stolen moment in the storage room, and when he pulls out of your cunt he stuffs those slicked up fingers back inside you, pushes all his come that starts to leak out right back into your pretty pussy, slides your panties back into place and watched hungrily as the fabric began to darken.
“Back to work.” You sighed dreamily, making him just chuckle and smack your ass a little.
And it was, back to work. Back to him showin’ off and impressing you.
It wasn’t just you who he impressed, neither. All the regulars at one point or another pulled you aside gently, like one of them, a nice elderly lady with blue hair and huge rimmed glasses, was doin’ now.
“(Y/N) sweetheart who is that man?” Her deep voice is like velvet as she holds out her mug of coffee kindly.
Stevie had been coming to the diner way before you were born, you’re sure of it. But ever since your first day, she had always been there to support you and be patient with you while you were learning the ropes. Not many people gave you that kinda kindness out there in a dog eat dog world, but Stevie came from the life of showgirls and pageants and drag queens, and she knew how far a little kindness could go when you were new at somethin’.
She didn’t do much preforming anymore, content instead to be surrounded by handsome men and live a life of quiet luxury, but still she came into the diner for a cup of coffee and to do the daily New York Times crossword on the newspaper Fish never finished.
“Which, the guy doin’ the shoutin’, or the guy gettin’ shouted at?” You teased, filling the mug up with enough room for her to daintily pour in however much cream and sugar she’s feeling in the mood for that morning.
“Shoutin’, the big guy, the one in the tank top.” She appraised the big guy from over the rim of her mug, and you grinned, your heart filling with pride.
“That’s my Pale.” You said happily, watching him bitch and shout at someone for fucking something up. You didn’t know what it was, you hadn’t really been paying attention, still too high on your own bliss from his cock.
“He new around here?” Stevie asked and you waved the idea away.
“Nah, he manages the diner in the city, the one we just opened up ‘bout a year ago or so.” You explained, making her eyebrows raise over her glasses.
“No kidding! Well next time I make a run into town I’ll be sure to stop by.” She winked, and you grinned, shook your head at her unashamed attitude. You loved and respected that about her, how someone of her age was still going strong, still getting laid.
“He’s so handsome, ain’t he?” You found yourself sighing, watching him get red-faced from shoutin’ and strikin’ up a cigarette, angrily suckin’ it down.
What a guy, you couldn’t help but think.
“Yeah, he really is. You’re a very lucky lady, (Y/N), he reminds me of the nice young men I used to meet down at Fire Island.” Stevie poured the sugar and cream into her coffee with a wistful sort of smile, making you frown the smallest bit.
“What do you mean ‘used to’, Stevie I know you’re still down there gettin’ your kicks, ain’t ya?” You asked, hoping that everything was alright.
“Oh believe me, I try.” She scoffed, “But you know how it is these days, what with…the whole thing that’s goin’ on.”
You think of Robbie, think of so many others, who would end up the same way. Your heart breaks to think of Stevie ending that way too.
“Yeah.” You say softly, with understanding, with empathy. You know, and it weighs heavy on your heart, but you put on a smile anyway, not wanting to get yourself upset, not now.
“Scary times we live in. I’m just grateful to wake up and see the sun shine another day, frankly.” Stevie brightened the mood back up, and you’re grateful for it.
“I’m grateful you do wake up, and I’m grateful you come here, and every day when you do, I’ll be here to serve you coffee, okay?” You winked, topped off the mug when she took a sip.
Just then, the little bell on the front door chimed, and you don’t bother to look over your shoulder just yet to see who it is. The breakfast rush had begun to die down, so you knew there would be a table or two open for whoever it was, depending on how many people they brought with them – and anyway you were with someone.
“Just a second!” You called out, just to make sure they didn’t feel ignored or neglected.
“Do I seat myself or what?” The woman at the door asked, and your blood ran cold, because you recognized that voice.
After just one meeting with the bitch, you recognized her voice.
Slowly, you schooled your face into a neutral expression, and turned to face her – Barbie.
She was standing there in that same fur coat, but this time there were diamonds dripping from her earlobes and hanging around her neck. She smoked a Virginia Slims just as she had the other day, and you tried your very best not to reach out and snap it in half.
Instead, you walked over to her, grabbed a menu and looked at the seating chart, and led her to a little booth by the window. Not Pale’s booth, but somewhere with a lovely view of the street.
“Are you stalking me or something?” You asked, when she sat down prim and proper, huffed and puffed and tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear even though it didn’t do much on account of how fuckin’ hair-sprayed it was.
“I’m not here for you.” She said bitterly, and you sucked on your teeth.
“Well he ain’t here.” You lied, not wanting her to cause any more trouble than she already had, not wanting to stress Pale out anymore than he already was.
“Bullshit, I saw you walking together.” She blew smoke in your face, and you made a mental note that if she ordered any food, you’d spit in it before serving it to her.
“He ain’t here for you.” You clarified, not even bothering to wave away the cloud of haze that hung around your face. You had real good practice with dealing with smoke, you wouldn’t let her get the benefit of having it effect you. “You want something, I’ll get it for you, but you’re not bothering Pale.”
“Why the fuck do you keep calling him that? Everybody calls him that here.” She gritted her teeth and flicked her ash on the floor, as opposed to the ashtray that was literally right in front of her on the table.
“That’s what he introduced himself as, that’s what we call him. We respect chosen names around here.” You made a point of saying, before lifting the pot you were holding and asking, “Coffee?”
“I’ll take a mimosa.” Barbie shook her head, and you wanted to strangle her.
“We don’t have mimosas.” You said instead, and for whatever fucking reason, she’s shocked by this.
“You don’t have mimosas?” Barbie acts scandalized, and your patience for her was wearing thinner and thinner by the minute.
“Of course we fucking don’t have mimosas – look we’re not some fancy brunch bar on a tropical island like you’re used to, okay? We got coffee, tea, milkshakes, egg creams, soda, juice and water but we ain’t got mimosas.” You snapped, ready to walk away and call someone to come get rid of her.
She must have noticed, because she sighed dramatically and nodded.
“Coffee’s fine.” She said, holding out her cup.
“I know you’re not here to order anything, so please, do me a favor and just leave, okay?” You poured her coffee, and hoped that maybe she’d have some sense to cut her losses with whatever she was trying to pull.
“No I want to talk to you.” She sighed again, “I lied earlier, I came here for you, to talk to you.”
There’s honesty in her eyes, and you hate that, because you ain’t ever seen that before. You’ve only met the woman twice, but this was the first sincere expression that had crossed her face, so you find yourself pursing your lips into a straight line.
“Wait here.” You said finally, before walking to the back.
 He was working on something in the office, sifting through paperwork. You didn’t know what it all was, but he was dressed up nice and normal, his stint in the kitchen finished for the day. You almost didn’t want to bother him, not with this, not with something like this, but it didn’t feel right to not tell him.  
“Pale?” You asked gently, not wanting to startle him the way you sometimes did when he was engrossed in his work.
“Yeah sweetheart?” He asked, looked up at you and patted his thigh.
You went easily, sat yourself down on his lap and tucked your head on his broad broad broad shoulder, padded jacket making him so wide, even though he don’t need the help.
“If I tell you something you gotta promise to not get mad, okay?” You didn’t know how else to say it.
“That fuckin’ guy botherin’ you again? I swear to god I’ll beat the shit outta him honey you say the fuckin’ word and I’ll – ” Pale got all riled up, and you smiled sadly because you wished it were that easy.
“It’s her, she’s here. She wants to talk to me, but hey listen – ” You cut yourself off because he was already getting ready to jostle you off his lap and go storm the fuckin’ diner to get rid of her, so you clamp your hands on his cheeks and force his head to turn towards you. “Hey, look at me. I’m going to try and talk some sense into her, woman to woman. I’m going to figure out what she wants and then I’m going to get her to leave, okay? I don’t want you comin’ out and getting all angry, please, please stay in here for me for a while.”
“I don’t – ” He shook his head, but you kissed him, real deep.
“Do you trust me?” You whispered, when you pulled away, searched his eyes. You saw panic there, and your heart broke for him.
“O’course I do.” He whispered back, chewing his lips and the inside of his cheek with those perfect crooked teeth of his.
“Then stay in here. I don’t need your blood pressure going through the roof over this bitch alright? I’ll come back here and tell you all about it when she’s gone.” You said, getting up off his lap.
“I trust you, it’s her I don’t trust.” He caught your hand in between his own bear paws, and you only smiled at him.
“She ain’t gonna tell me anything that’ll make me change my mind about you.” You promised, and with that, he let you go.
 She’s still sitting there when you return, thankfully. You were mildly worried that she wouldn’t listen, and would come storming into the fuckin’ office and cause a scene like she had at the apartment. But there she was, smokin’ her Virginia Slims and drinking her coffee, grimacing at the traffic that passed by the window.
You put the coffee pot on a warmer near the kitchen, and slid into the bench seat opposite of her, crossing your hands on the table.
“Before I even let you say anything, I have to ask, why now?” You started, because you were genuinely curious.
“Why now what?” She looked at you like you had two heads, and you could see how this would resort to a screaming match, could see exactly why Pale and her spent so much time yelling.
“The fuck am I talkin’ to, a brick wall?” You grumbled, “Why now as in why are you all of a sudden interested in him again? Why, after all these years, do you suddenly give a shit? After everything you’ve done to him – ”
“Everything I did? You don’t know, you don’t even know the half of the shit he put me through.” Barbie bared her teeth at you like some feral thing, and you figured you know what, let her get it all out.
“What’d he put you through Barbara, tell me.” You gestured for her to spill.
Once you did, the floodgates were open.
“He was never home! Do you know how hard it is to raise two kids on your own? You can’t even imagine, can’t even fathom the thought of having to care for two small children all by yourself – he left me alone in the house all day every day, would come home sometimes at five or six o’clock in the mornin’ when the kids were just waking up, and he’d come home a greasy fuckin’ mess, a disgusting slob, workin’ in the kitchens all day. I wanted kids desperately and he didn’t want any, but he had them anyway and if you have kids you have to take care of them.”
She said it all so quickly and so easily, it was as if she’d complained about him a hundred thousand million times, it felt like she was reading from some sort of script, a monologue memorized inside her brain.
“Where did you work?” You asked, when she took a shaky drag of her cigarette.
“What do you mean?” She asked back, and you really were getting tired of having to repeat yourself.
“Ya know, how did you financially support the family?” You explained, like it was the easiest thing in the world.
“What the fuck are you talking about I didn’t do any fucking work, I stayed home with the kids, that’s work enough.” She scoffed, and you bit back any comments, just shrugged.
“What else did he do to you?” You asked, and she went off.
“The drugs, god the fucking drugs. He was hopped up all the time, all the fucking time. I don’t think the kids ever saw him sober, between the coke or the booze. I would scream at him all fucking night for shit like that, when he came home like that. My god I would scream, how could you do this to yourself? Night after night. It was murder on my throat.”
“He always wanted to have the dirtiest sex – the kind of sex that lands you in hell, you know. I never agreed to it, never agreed to anything other than pure and simple missionary but god, even the thought of it felt so fuckin’ dirty I couldn’t stand it. He would get so mad, ask me why I even bothered if I was gonna just go clean him out. As if I needed a third fuckin’ kid to take care of!”
“You know he’s got connections to the mob? That’s why I had to go down to fuckin’ Miami and live with my parents – he’d get into some fights with some guys at a bar for makin’ fun of little Robbie, and the next goddamn thing I know, there’s some guys at my door knockin’ sayin’ if Jimmy don’t leave them alone, they’ll kill me and the kids! We almost had to go into witness fuckin’ protection!”
“He was a lousy gift giver, always fucked something up. If I wanted a white coat he’d get me black, if the kids wanted a train he’d get them a car, it was a mess. It was like he didn’t fucking know us at all – probably because he was never home. It got to the point where we just asked for money to buy ourselves shit because we couldn’t count on him to deliver anything right.”
“All we ever did was yell. He’d come home and he wouldn’t listen to me so I’d yell to make him hear me, and he still wouldn’t listen. It was fucking ridiculous. So yes, I left him, because I couldn’t take it anymore, and I thought he was going down a path that was going to put our kids in danger. But now, now he’s turning his life around. He’s got a real good job with the Philharmonic, making good money to support the family, and maybe we can have another try.”
After her speech, you’re dumbfounded. You’re stunned, how a woman could be so callous, so cruel to someone who obviously cared about her so much. Or at least, cared once upon a time.
You almost don’t know what to say, so you don’t say anything for a real long time.
Maybe it was only a couple seconds, or maybe it was an hour, or maybe it was a minute, you didn’t know.
But eventually, eventually you furrow your brow and take a deep sigh, and you don’t even bother to look at her because you don’t want to see her face, it’ll make you sick.
“So, let me get this straight. You left him because he worked long and hard hours to provide for you and his children, who are all so ungrateful that you scream at him when he gets a minute to himself, and he sometimes got in trouble for defending his gay brother. You left him because you couldn’t take not being waited on hand and foot, even though he did do that for you, gave you whatever you wanted, but it wasn’t good enough. And now you’re back because you hear he’s got more money you want to leech out of him, in addition to the money he already sends you to keep you afloat – which is much kinder than I would have done for you if it were me. Did I miss anything?”
And now it was her turn to be stunned shocked scandalized. She was expecting you to side with her, but if anything, it only turned you against her more. You wanted nothing to do with this woman, nothing at all.
“You’re a real cunt, you know that?” Barbie asked, more of a rhetorical question.
“Did I miss anything?” You repeated, and she slumped back in her chair, all the answer you needed. “Let me tell you something about Pale.”
“I don’t want to hear – ” She shook her head but you cut her off with a steely glare.
“No, it’s my turn to talk, your turn to listen.” You snapped, loud enough for the people around you to turn their head, but not loud enough to hold anyone else’s attention.
Barbie looked like she’d never been interrupted like that before, and you wondered if maybe she hadn’t.
“The first time we ever met, he was coked up out of his mind, and fucked me so hard I couldn’t walk the next day, and you know what? I cooked him breakfast the next morning, and he almost cried about it, because he couldn’t remember the last time anybody, ever cooked for him.” You said, and you thought to yourself that if you smoked, you’d be in desperate need for a cigarette right now.
“And I thought to myself, somebody this big and important – you could tell he’s important, you know? Could tell with the way he dresses and walks and talks, he acts like he owns the whole wide world. That ain’t true of course, but he’s sure got the confidence for it, he owns something. Somebody this big and important’s gotta have someone taking care of him, someone to go home to at night, someone to love him. He’s got so much love to give, somebody’s gotta be there to take it.”
You couldn’t look at her, so you look out the window instead. You look at his shiny black car in the lot, and you remind yourself of how the first time you ever saw it, how you thought it looked like the nicest thing that’d ever been parked there.
You still think that.
“But night after night he’d go home alone, he’d leave the apartment alone, he’d eat and sleep alone. I could tell, I saw since my apartment’s right across that little street there. He’s big and brash and loud, but he’s gotta be lonely. A person can’t be all by themselves for that long and not get lonely. He’s a solver, Pale is. He solves everyone’s problems. You got a problem, you call Pale. Whether it’s the restaurant he managed before meetin’ me, or problems of friends, problems of family, he solved them. Nobody ever did anything for Pale, nobody was ever a solver for Pale.”
“What’d he solve for you?” Barbie asked, and for once, there was no malice in her voice.
“I was lonely too.” You said simply, toying with the little thing of wrapped silverware there at the placemat in front of you. “I didn’t think there was anybody out there for me, and that was okay, for a time. I never got my chance at settling down with a white picket fence, two kids and a dog in the yard, and that was okay too. But I would come home late at night all by myself, and so would he, and I would think you know, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to be alone together.”
You thought back to those first nights, those first times when he would talk to you out of his fucking mind, would hold you too close and cry in your hair.
“But god, once I started knowing him, I mean really knowing him, it was like I ain’t ever met anyone like that before. Someone that vulnerable and that insightful and that wise, all wrapped up in a man who could come crashing through the door and nearly take it off its hinges because he missed me.”
“He had so much love to give, so much love that he didn’t know where to put it. He didn’t have a place for it all to go, and it was spilling outta his heart like a leaky faucet. He kept stashing it in the wrong places, kept trusting the wrong people with it, and he kept getting hurt. He’s still hurt.”
“And me? Well I thought I was all dried up from love. I absorbed all his emotions like a sponge, and that shocked him, I don’t think he’d ever had someone who would take him so steadily like that. I wanted so badly to give him everything, even though I didn’t have much to give at all. But I gave him what I had, and I took all that he couldn’t handle, and in the end, we fell in love.”
You don’t know how or why, you decided to say all that. But it needed to be said, needed to be put out there into the world. Those words needed to leave your lips. You didn’t like talking about yourself too often, but it needed to be said.
Barbie stubbed out her cigarette then, scoffed to herself.
“Jimmy doesn’t do love.” She shook her head, and for the first time you see the age in her face, the toll that this relationship had taken on her.
You don’t pity her for it, but you do recognize it.
“Pale loves more strongly than anybody I’ve ever known.” You said softly truthfully genuinely, “He just has his own way of showing it. It’s not his fault you never bothered to find out.”
Barbie stood up then, dropped some money on the table for the coffee, and slung her purse over her shoulder.
“How does it feel, being the other woman?” She asked, looking down on you physically and metaphorically, from her spot standing by the table.
“I wouldn’t know.” You said simply.
She didn’t say anything else, just turned around and walked away, out the diner and into her car and off to who knew where.
You’re shaking, and you didn’t know why. Maybe it was the confrontation, maybe it was the weight of the world pressing down on your shoulders just then. You didn’t know. You wanted Pale, wanted to be near him, wanted to pour love down his throat like an unending fountain, wanted to make up for all the lost time he spent with that woman.  
You went to him, back to the little office where he resumed his paperwork.
His head snapped up when you opened the door, and he stood up quickly, rushed to you.
“Is she gone?” He asked, and suddenly he reminded you of the terrified man crashing into your apartment, eyes too wide and blown black from coke in the grief of his brother.
He wasn’t high, hadn’t yet snorted up a bump, but you opened your arms for him anyway, cradled his head close to your chest anyway.
“She’s gone.” You confirmed, kissed his temple.
“What did she say?” He asked like he was afraid to ask, asked like he was preparing himself for the worst, for your rejection of him.
“I told you, nothin’ that changed my mind about you.” You assured and reassured and reassured him again, “If anything, I think I love you more. I’m sorry you had to deal with her for so long – are still having to deal with her.”
“I’m not, not really. I only deal with you, but I like dealing with you.” He shook his head, looked up at you with those eyes of his, sad nervous brown eyes, that were slowly slowly slowly becoming the cheeky teasing Pale you knew.
“Yeah?” You egged him on, tugged on one of his big ears.
“Yeah, you’re a fuckin’ brat and a half, but you’re mine.” He pinched your nose, gave your face a shake and smacked your ass, willing his hands not to shake.
“Love you.” You said softly then, cupping his cheek tenderly, carefully.
“I know.” He whispered into your palm, “What say you and me take the rest of the day off, Jess said she’d cover for you.”
You laughed and shimmied away from him and his wandering grabbing hands, smacked at his fingers when they went to reach for your ass.
“Pale you can’t just ditch work.” You rolled your eyes – when the door opened.
“He’s not.” Your boss popped his head in, sitcom timing in full effect.
Pale had wrangled you into his arms, and wasn’t planning on letting you go anytime soon, not even in the face of your boss, of his business partner. You tried not to be embarrassed with the way Pale was hugging you, but you loved being hugged by him so much that it didn’t matter.
“Hey Fish, you feelin’ any better?” You smiled at your old friend.
“Yeah, needed to get out of the house. Had to make sure the diner didn’t burn down to the ground.” Fish chuckled in that dry laugh of his.
“Ha ha.” Pale rolled his eyes then, rested his head against your stomach as your hand came up to his hair and he asked, “Is it okay if we go?”
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Fish winked at him, making you groan – he was like your grandpa, you didn’t need that sort of comment.
“Bye.” You said with a laugh, you and Pale detangling enough to only wrap yourselves up in one another as you walked back home.
The walk back was nice enough, for being in the afternoon. Everyone was on their lunch breaks, so the streets were busy. You couldn’t help but think Pale’d be pissed if he had to drive, he’d be stuck in the lunch rush.
You don’t say much, on the way back. Mostly content to listening to Pale ramble on and on about the differences between this diner and the one in the city. It was impressive how he noticed everything, every little detail. You still hadn’t been to the diner in the city, maybe one of these days when you both weren’t so busy you’d make him take you.
You walk arm in arm, on the way back. Normally you’d hold hands but you wanted to be closer to him, and he let you, only complained a little about it. He still offered you his jacket, and this time you took it.
You wore it all the way up to the front door of the apartment complex, where Barbie was waiting inside the lobby.
Pale came to a halt, just outside the big glass door.
“Fuck.” He hissed, and your heart sunk.
“I’m sorry I thought she’d leave us alone now.” You sighed, bracing yourself for the worse, wondering briefly if she’d go so far as to shoot you.
Pale opens the door for you, and the two of you step into the lobby, and Barbie doesn’t say a word.
She hasn’t changed or anything, looked exactly the same as you had last seen her only an hour ago at the diner, but now she’s holding something. A thick manilla folder, unmarked on the outside. There are some dents and bends in the cream colored cardstock, and her hands clench around it a few times before finally shoving it in Pale’s direction.
“Is this…” He swallowed hard, taking the folder from her. You held your breath, because you thought you knew what it was, but you weren’t sure, couldn’t be sure until he opened it. But Pale knew, Pale knew and he frowned. “Barbie what kind of fucking game are you playing.”
“Three’s a crowd.” Is all Barbie said, before passively brushing past him, shoulder checking you as she went.
The two of yous watched her go without a word, and he looked to you, before looking down at the folder.
“Holy shit.” You said softly, when the divorce papers came into view, when the dotted lines have been signed by fresh ink, a signature recently given. “…Is that?”
“Let’s go up.” Pale’s hands were shaking now, and you know he wanted to get high.
Or maybe, maybe with this feeling, he already was.
 He was all over you, the moment the door to his apartment closed. He dropped the folder on the kitchen counter, scooped you up and held you tight as he walked you through the lavish space, back into the bedroom. He couldn’t stop smiling, wouldn’t stop grinning, and you found yourself smiling real big with him.
“Let me get a look at you?” He asked as he dropped you onto the bed, makin’ you bounce bounce bounce on the mattress.
You laughed and smiled and nodded as he worked the buttons of your uniform dress open, as he shuffled it over your body, freeing your skin to him. He was drawn to it like a moth to a flame, and pressed open mouthed kisses all across your collarbones and the flesh of your stomach.
“You can look at me for as long as you’d like, you know.” Your hand buried itself in his hair, as he kissed lower and lower and lower, until he was shimmying down your panties and diving into your pussy.
He ate you out like he was starving for it, kissing and sucking marks onto the skin of your inner thigh. Hs lips and tongue paid all their attention to your clit, hard sucks that were designed to get you to come down his throat as quickly as possible.
You didn’t hold yourself back, not one bit, let yourself get lost in the eager pleasure Pale gave you. You were coming into his mouth, gushing all over his chin and fingers in mere minutes. He was going to fuck you later, you both knew that, but this, you didn’t know what this was. Maybe it was a thank you, maybe it was just a quickie, maybe maybe maybe. You didn’t know, but you were glad for it, for the orgasm that washed over your spine.
“What’d she mean – three’s a crowd?” Pale asked, climbing up your body and wiping his chin on the back of his hand, kissing your cheek your neck your tits.
“I don’t know.” You said honestly, because you didn’t. “What’s that old saying?”
“I like that.” Pale said softly, taking your hand in his, “The two of us.”
He looked at you then, really looked at you. And you looked right back. You turned to your side, faced him and traced the shell of his big ear with the tip of your pleasure weak finger, smiled at how he was still dressed in his fancy suit, his silk shirt and tie, even those boots of his. He had been in such a rush to make you feel good, to taste you, that he hadn’t even shucked his own uniform for the day.
He looked at you, and you looked right back. And hadn’t that always been it? Hadn’t it always been the two of yous, always just you two, together out there in the world, braving it and facing it every day.
“As long as you’d like.” You said with a smile.
“Careful sweetheart, I might just ask you for forever.” Pale said, voice just above a whisper, meaning it, meaning every word.
“I’d say yes if you did.” You replied.
And when he looked at you, and you looked at him, you knew he knew that you meant it too.
And the two of you let yourself get lost in each other’s eyes, glad to know that there was one less obstacle in the way of forever. Just you two, the two of yous, two’s company. 
                                                        The End
Thank you all so much for going on this journey with me, I really really hope you liked it. Tagging some Pale pals! 
@fullofbees @dreamboatdriver @thecurlycaptain @bourbonboredom @driverficarchive @rosalynbair @redhairedfeistynerd  @glitzescape @adamsnacc-kler @kyloxfem @fallin-for-youreyes  @attorneyl @jedihbic @bens-rose @formerly-anonhamster @thepilotanon @hippieface @tinyplanet-explorers @satansstrawberry @oberynmartell @whiskey-bumblebee @kyloxgirl​@helloimindelaware  @ah-callie @proxyfoxy @theold-ultraviolence @ktellmeastory @emily-strange @anongirl007 @zimmerxman @okk–maaan @autumnlovesadam @solotriplets @flapjacques @hidingp @goodboybensolo @dearestalladay @the-marvelatic @miasera @kylo-ben-ren-solo @hazydespair​
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petri808 · 4 years
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Hauntober prompt Ghost (sort of lol)
Bakudeku requested by @nona-inc Angst w/happy ending, AU modern times. Longer than I’d planned to write but stories go where they wanna lol.
Got the idea here
A Second Chance
In his adulthood, Izuku Midoriya did quite well for himself career-wise. He had a nice home and lived comfortably even though it was alone. Relationships had never really crossed his mind, which he chalked up to the turmoil of his childhood. It wasn’t a terribly horrible one but coming from divorced parents is never easy on young child minds. Why get close to anyone if they’ll probably leave eventually? That was a lesson bolstered by the end of primary school when his best friend ditched him for the popular kids.
It was Halloween night, and Izuku’s simply followed his normal routine after work consisting of dinner while watching a bit of television. Trick or treaters were a rarity in his neighborhood, so there was no sense in celebrating the holiday. As he waits for the news, he lets the current show drone on in the background while he scrolled mindlessly through his social media. He didn’t pay a lot of attention to what acquaintances posted and mostly looked for interesting or funny posts instead.
Izuku’s brow furrows slightly at that ancient nickname. He looks at the television characters on the screen, had one of them said it? But instead of the tv show, he finds a fuzzy, staticky screen. He grabs his remote assuming something had gone wrong with the channel or service when...
“Deku, I’m sorry...”
“What the?” Izuku starts clicking the buttons and getting no response. The screen stays stuck, yet that voice... it was a familiar voice from long ago...
“...I’ve watched you from afar for all these years, because I could never admit how much I loved you and now it’s too late. I’m so sorry Deku. You’ll always be my only true love.”
Silence. Dead silence for a flash of a second when the television loudly blares back to life and startles Izuku out of his seat into a standing position. “What the fuck is going on?!”
The show had ended, and the news is now on in its regular-timed slot.
‘Breaking news, a major four car accident on the I10 highway has left 3 people dead and one in a critical condition. The victim identified as 37-year old K. Bakugou had been transported to the hospital for treatment. Police have closed off the highway in both directions, so anyone traveling in that area should use alternative routes...’
As he watches the footage of the accident story, Izuku’s hand unconscious covers his mouth and tears gather in his eyes. “Oh my gosh....” That was the voice he’d just heard! Of course, Katsuki was the only one who ever called him Deku.
He quickly calls one of the nurses at his hospital and they confirm that the man had in fact been transported there 15 minutes ago.
“Oh! Dr. Midoriya! We were just about to call you! Yes, patient Bakugou was brought in unconscious, lacerations to his arms and chest, broken leg, possible punctured lung, internal bleeding, concussion, and brain swelling which is why I was just about to call you in.”
“I’ll be right there.”
The entire way there, Izuku struggles to rationalize the message. If Katsuki was unconscious, how could that have been his voice? Then again that’s if you believed his television had somehow sent the message in the first place! Oh, this was entirely crazy! Izuku didn’t even know why his logical mind was allowing him to believe it had happened if not for the coincidence of the news coverage.
But as a neurosurgeon, he had to put all those questions aside and focus on the task at hand. The description the nurse had given him already indicated major problems, but it wasn’t until his own physical examination that determined the true extent of the damage. Primary surgical nurse Uraraka already had set up the operating room by the time Izuku arrived.
“The patient was revived once by EMTs in the ambulance and a second time in the ER after his heart stopped. Right now, the patient is intubated and prepped for emergency surgery.”
“Thank you, nurse Uraraka.”
Along with a fellow doctor, Izuku switched into a hyper focused mode. He works to repair the damage to the patient’s brain while the other doctor simultaneously focuses on internal chest injuries. Time was of the essence to stem the blood loss and mitigate further damage if they had any hope of saving the man, because even if he made it through the surgery, only a miracle would bring him back at this point.
It was now a waiting game. They keep Katsuki in a medically induced coma for the first three weeks as his body worked hard to repair itself. Once he was brought out of the induced coma, he still didn’t wake up, was breathing with the assistance of a machine, but at least the man’s heart was functioning normally. Surprisingly, Katsuki’s parents remembered Izuku and were grateful their son was in familiar hands. They’d initially flew in after the accident, but the cost to stay for such a long length of time would be too steep. So, after they returned home, he kept them up to date.
Each day that passed by, Izuku would check in on Katsuki’s progress like a normal doctor would, but at night he’d go home and ponder the ghostly message that had come through the television. He’d told no one about it because who would believe something so crazy? It just didn’t sound like the man, or rather child he remembered. Never once was there any indication Katsuki had romantic feelings for him, especially considering it was him not Izuku that ended their friendship. They saw each other in passing though middle, then high school and still nothing. So why is he now being told this?
Some say that when you die, any regrets you have must be released or your soul cannot ascend to the next plane. Izuku wasn’t religious or spiritual and before that Halloween trick he would have said he didn’t believe in anything beyond what he couldn’t see, touch, feel, and analyze. Ugh! Maybe that’s why this was all driving him so crazy. He wanted answers but the one person who could give it to him was stuck in a coma.
“Everything okay doctor?” One of the LPN’s asks Izuku. “I just need to check on the patients vitals.”
“Do what you need to nurse, I’m just visiting before I go home for the night.”
“Yes, doctor.” The woman makes her chart notations and leaves them alone again.
Because of Izuku’s standing at the hospital, he’d gotten Katsuki a private room. The man was taken off the breathing machine a week earlier and this way he could monitor the man without being pestered. There were times he would spend a few hours just watching the man sleep, trying to study what had become of his childhood friend. Through research, Izuku learned Katsuki had moved here around the same time that he’d started his internship at the hospital. Before that the man lived in the same town as the medical school he attended. It appeared Katsuki really was keeping track of Izuku, never married, and just worked in the marketing field.
Izuku squeezes the man’s hand with his eyes closed in a silent conversation. The only sounds being the beeps and noises of the machines to break the stillness. Lost in his own thoughts, he didn’t know what to think, what to feel, just that this man was dredging up long buried emotions that part of him was afraid to open up. Hadn’t he built up a good life, albeit a lonely one, it was still by his own wit and merits whereas Katsuki always had it so easy. The man was a smart, handsome jock, popular, and had been on track to do great things. While he was the geeky kid with freckles and wild green hair who the popular kids teased.
They were so close as little kids, all through preschool and the first years of primary. Katsuki was the extroverted one pulling him along on make believe adventures to emulate a shared love of a comic book character. In fact, it was with Katsuki’s help that he’d weathered his parent’s divorce. He idolized the stronger boy and wished he was Katsuki, not a weak like little nerd... perhaps having his child’s heart broken, really was the reason he swore off ever caring about anyone else again.
Did he just?! Izuku’s eyes pop open when his hand squeeze is returned by a weak one. Katsuki’s eyes are still closed and nothing else seemed unchanged. Perhaps it was just a nervous tremor, they happen sometimes. But no there it is again! Izuku stares down as the weak squeeze slowly turns into a grasp of his hand.
A third squeeze. That meant the man was alert enough to hear and understand! Friend or not, it was the kind of thing to get a neurologist excited! Izuku quickly moved into doctor mode again and starts checking all the stats as well as alerting the nurse on shift.
“Welcome back Mister Bakugou.”
The man squeezes his hand.
“I’m your doctor, Midoriya. You might remember me...”
The man squeezes again and tries to talk, but after being intubated for a long time the throat tends to be dry, sore, and the muscles weakened. All that comes through is so faint it’s barely audible.
“Mister Bakugou, you’ve been unconscious for almost two months now, please try not to talk just yet, everything will be fine.”
But that only makes the man angrier. Furious red eyes flashing, Katsuki grips harder to Izuku’s hand using what little strength he has to try and pull him closer. So, Izuku leans in. “Calm down, it’s gonna...”
“Ma—y...” angry growling noises. “Mar...”
Obviously, the man wasn’t going to stop until he gave in, so Izuku leans in even more until his ear is practically next to Katsuki’s mouth. “I’m sorry?”
“Marry me damnit!!”
Izuku shoots straight up. “What?!” Is the guy serious?! The first words out of his mouth is that?! Wow... Katsuki really hasn’t changed, feisty as ever even after almost dying.
“Pa-pa—per pen!”
“H-hold on, just try to calm down please! I don’t want you to strain your heart!”
Midoriya grabs the chart, flips the paper over to the blank backside, and puts a pen in Katsuki’s hand. He holds it steady as the man scribbled shakily. ‘No waste 2nd chance marry me Deku.’
“Mister Bakugou, this is...”
The man pounds his fist on the bed then scribbles more. ‘Stop call me that! nickname!’
Izuku sighs and squeezes his eyes closed for a second. He hadn’t used that name since primary just like he’d hadn’t heard Deku all these years. “Kacchan. Happy now? I-I can’t just say okay. You—y-you ditched me remember and now you suddenly pop up and expect me to marry you?! Kacchan you almost died, I get it, that’s a scary thing to deal with, but you just need time to process...”
Katsuki writes, ‘Nothin 2 think bout. No more regrets,’ Then he mouths out the rest in a whisper, “I love you Deku.”
Izuku sighs, “I’m not saying yes or no Kacchan. Just get well first okay, then we’ll talk about everything.”
“Fine.” The man closes his eyes again seemingly satisfied with the answer.
He squeezes Katsuki’s hand. “I’ll see you in the morning Kacchan.”
When Izuku leaves that evening, he couldn’t help but walk out with a flutter in his chest and a pang in his heart. There really was a lot he still needed to get off his chest, but... he felt the honesty from Katsuki. If his dying regrets had been strong enough to reach him via spiritual mail, and the first thing he wanted to talk about was love, then... ‘take the second chance Izuku.’ Not everyone gets one.
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I'm very excited to read your thoughts on Louis' music video performances!
Thanks anon - it’s been a bit of a roller coaster ride of emotions watching all of Louis’ videos.  He was so full of joy, energy and connection in early 1D videos.  Then in 2012, when avoiding being read as gay became the imperative, you see him withdrawing and also trying with new performance techniques that just don’t work (the pointing!). He has this way of Performing with a capital ‘P’ that is unreal and distracting.  He can’t be hammy without completely disconecting. What’s interesting to me is that he begins to find his way back and gets stronger as a solo music video performer.  But there are still aspects of his earliest music video performances that he’s never recaptured.  At this point he’s very good at bittersweet or understated joy in his solo music video performances, but the pure joy of the early 1D music videos - he hasn’t really found a way to do. 
Two of Us: This is a spectacular performance - there’s no hiding - the entire video rests on it.  Louis is incredibly open and vulnerable.  But he also brings real light and shade to the video.  There’s moments of joy, when he remembers his Mum (1.08) as well as pain.  
One Thing: There’s nothing complicated about this performance - it’s just joy, energy, interaction with others, and easy naturalistic movement.  But I love it.  I particularly love the way Louis adjusts the mic for Niall and then kind of looks over him (and the way Zayn rests his chin on his shoulder) - you get so much a sense of who they are as people and their relationships with this performance.  I’m on record for how much I love this music video.  And I think part of my reaction is that Louis is so free and easy in it.
Don’t Let it Break Your Heart: What’s really great about this performance is that Louis brings both joy and vulnerability (and my tastes in music video performances are predictable - if I’ve got both of them I’m happy).  He’s best when he’s doing something, playing football or in the pub (and he’s good at the most acting-y bits of a heist as well).  But right the way through he brings out the emotion of the song.  It is this song of having surviving a lot and still being there and really caring about someone - and he captures all of that. 
What Makes You Beautiful: They were all such tiny babies on a beach.  Louis doesn’t have the shine through the camera thing that Zayn and Harry had from the beginning.  You can tell he’s a little bit less used to the camera and it makes a difference.  But this has the same free ease, joy, and interaction with each other of One Thing.  And Louis in particular, is very focused on the other members of the band, which makes his perofrmance more grounded. 
You and I: Two years after One Thing, we have another great music video performance from Louis. He has no problem being vulnerable to camera, and connects in totally naturalistic way.  In 2012 and 2013, the differece between Louis in music videos ballads, and other music videos is really noticeable. And I think that shows how difficult it was for him to find a new register to operate in.   (Also this is the last time that 1D interacted as a group in a music video.  After this they would always be shot singing in a line or a circle, but barely acknowledging that others existed.  That didn’t improve Louis’ music video performances.  Or anyone else’s).
Miss You: I think Louis’ performance is the strongest part of this video.  At the very beginning there’s so much emotion in the regret in the half light.   He manages to capture both real joy, and slightly hollow enjoyment in the party scenes (here some of the capital P ‘performance’ aspects that I will criticise further down are used well - as he’s not supposed to be fully enjoying it).
Story of My Life: Louis isn’t in this video much (at times it almost seems that they’re editing around him - particularly at 1.25), but his performance is still really strong.  Most of the performances in the concrete bunker have a ‘I’m feeling something important’.  But when Louis’ solo he gives it an undercurrent of joy, which works really well with the song.  He really gives an emotional range in his performance, both with his grandparents and in the bunker.  Watching was a real reminder that Louis’ always had strengths as a music video performer. 
Walls: Right at the end Louis sings the line ‘Nothing wakes you up like waking up alone’ in three different scenes - in the fire scene he’s completely vulnerable, but when performing he captures the bittersweetness.  There’s a lot in this performance (and of course I’ve bumped it up a few spaces just for the joy in the mask scene), and I think it shows so much of Louis’ strengths as a music video performer - particularly vulnerability and bringing joy to a song. I’m not that into the blankness in the formal wear scenes (although it’s probably intentional I don’t think it adds), but bringing a performance at the end also ups the energy in a way that really works.
Little Things: My bias towards joy in music videos is well documented.  Almost every shot that you see Louis in htis video - there’s some element of joy. A lot of that comes from the interaction - he’s laughing with someone else in the video.  When he’s singing - he’s OK - again the moments of joy really bring it up (love is joyful) - but it’s not as good as he would be in the future.  He was still learning to connect to camera on the slower songs.  
Perfect: Louis is pretty joyful for most of Perfect, joyful and naturalistic, which sends it soaring up my rankings.  I think it helps that he’s interacting with Liam, but even when he’s alone there’s an easy playfulness.  And then they come to perform of the roof and he just loses all of that and he’s back with a ‘Performance’. Twenty seconds from the end and you get a particularly bad example of it and it’s particularly interesting compared to the rest of the video, because it gives you a sense of what specific situations he can’t or doesn’t let himself relax/connect/be vulnerable.  Because he’s good in this video, both interacting with people and not interacting with people, in these reasonably naturalistic settings.  And it’s only in the admittedly quite bizzarre scenario of five people singing at a roof (without even the structure of an imaginary performance) that he enters into this false hammy register.
Back to You: This isn’t a great performance, but I think it shows how far charm and comfort can get you. It’s so interesting to me that after all these 1D music videos which didn’t bring out his strengths he was like ‘I’ll go to Doncaster and eat in a cafe with my family’.  And the video still has a lot of the performance techniques that really brought down Louis’ performances in later 1D videos (the pointing! Acting out lyrics! jumping into a capital P performance mode).  But he’s relaxed enough in the video that his charm comes through. 
Kill My Mind: It’s hard to assess this performance, because Charlie Lightening is determined to do everything he can to ensure the audience doesn’t sit with Louis’ performance for two seconds together.  I think Louis generally does well in music videos when he’s supposed to be making music, with a band and a microphone.  And in general this works.  There’s also some sweet moments where he connects with the audience.  But the shooting style is so uninterested in connection - it does get in hte way.
Steal My Girl: Is Louis trying to look dangerous when Danny De Vito gives him a label? Or is he trying to look confused that anyone called him Dangerous. Because it definitely looks like the second.  Given that most of what Louis does in this video is bond with a chimpanzee it’s hard not to be charmed, but I’m not sure that’s a result of the perofrmance.
We Made It: He’s OK in this, not a lot is asked of him.  He connects reasonably well in a performance that is meant to be in the background and there are moments of vulnerability.  But he could have elevated this performance so much with more range.  In general, Louis has often been pretty good at bringing joy to a video - and this is a performance and a song that is crying out for more joy.  
Gotta Be You: Why were they so sad in this video? That’s one of the things that makes it fudamentally unappealing (besides the song - and the way Liam scrunches up his trousers).  They’re just so sad and serious all the time and why would anyone want to be with them? Louis isn’t bad at it exactly, but he’s not shining through the screen the way Harry and Zayn do occasionally.  He’s obviously still learning how to connect with the camera, but he’s mercifully unawkward.
Night Changes: Louis isn’t bad in Night Changes.  He’s not super awkward and you’re not worried that he’s a homocidal maniac (the standards are low when it comes to this video).  He even connects once or twice (2.10 - you’ve seen it gifed and maybe looking in the mirror).  There’s only one moment where he goes full 'I am Performing’ (3.20 - although I get a bit distracted assessing his peroformance once the police arrives.  Both because I hate the police, and because it seems pretty telling that the only black person in a sigificant role in a 1D music video is a cop). But ultimately there’s nothing that appealing about his segments - not being awkward isn’t enough. And as usual, Louis’ version of heterosexuality is pretty unappealing. He seems far more iterested in being seen to be a good boyfriend, and his car, than acutally connecting with y/n (although to be fair, he’s more interested than usual in being seen to be a good boyfriend).
Drag Me Down: Oh dear god the pointing! The noticeable difference between this and Perfect, is how much less Louis has anything to do, or anyone to interact with.  There’s this very brief moment with Niall, where you see some interaction and it’s so much better.  He could always do relaxed interaction - and there are some good bits while he’s driving.  But mostly in Drag Me Down Louis is stuck in the limbo of nothing in particular to do, with no solution but to point. 
Best Song Ever: Is the beginning of this video the most convincingly heterosexual Louis has ever been? (Both him playing a sleazy executive and then him as him checking Zayn out). It may be, but less unconvincingly heterosexual is not part of my criteria for a good music video performance.  His performance in this video is full of all the strategies he developed in 2012 to hold tension (more of that below).  I think in the ‘you know/I know’ bit we start to see him learning what else he’s good at.  But he’s not quite there yet - he’s not quite connecting - for all his arms are outspread.
Live While You’re Young: It was watching this music video, that I realised that reviewing Louis’ music video performances was much more emotionally charged, even than reviewing Zayn’s.  Because you can see when Louis stops moving in a free and easy way, you can see the techniques starts to use to ensure he’s holding tension throughout his body, you can see when ‘don’t be read as gay’ became the first imperative for Louis’ in music videos - over engagement or connection.  And it starts here.  
Mostly it’s just less - less engaged, less joyful (still quite interactive, but less effective).  But then there’s the moments where instead he goes for ‘Performing’ - but with tension all through his body. Right from the video diaries, Louis would go for a hammy, silly performance register (I think often to cover his nerves), and it was fine in a short clip.  But Louis’ can’t be hammy and connect - so this doesn’t work in a music video.  Rather than being charming, he just looks like he’s trying too hard.  You see it particularly towards the end when they’re in the pool. He’s silly in a way that takes you out of the moment and reminds you he’s performing.
Kiss You: And in this video, we get introduced to Louis’ second strategy to hold tension, and that’s a very fake kind of toughness (depending on how you look at it, you could either say it’s short lived, or that he learns to be tough with a little bit of openness).  There are still some really lovely moments of joy and interaction in Louis’ performance here.  But throughout this video you can see Louis practicing toughness in different and wildly ineffective ways.  And none of it works. All of it takes away from the joy and interaction that makes the video work more broadly.
History: So I know this was filmed in 35 minutes, by a group of very burnt out people and having any expectations is absurd.  But it’s so bad. And it’s such a good example of the fundamental weakness of later 1D music videos.  Who thought having them standing around in a circle singing, not interacting with each other, and also not pretending to perform in a more structured way - was a good idea? (We know who - and the only reason that I’m not saying it was his worst idea is, because his worst idea has a death toll that is still climbing).   None of them are good in that environment - it’s the opposite of what makes their early music videos work (and why the very low camera? What is that supposed to add?).  Anyway Louis is predictably terrible, and at 0.56 seconds his capital P performing leads to him actig out out the song in a way that makes me wonder if he thinks he’s in the wiggles. 
Midnight Memories: His outfit is good.  And there’s one moment in 3.05, where you get a glimpse of him reacting to being on Tower Bridge (oh and he’s OK at someone not having fun at the party in the beginning).  Apart from that, this video is a combination of the worst of Louis’ music video performace techniques.  He swings from fake toughness, to hammy children’s performer and back regularly and neither of them have anything to be said for them.
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goth-girlfriend · 4 years
Heyy could I get a matchup please? I’m a pansexual non binary person excepting and loving to all, I have short black hair and I am 5’1. Tbh I’m more interested in the 1A boys but I do love all the pro hero’s and the villains too. I can be shy at first but once you get to know me I can be very chaotic and alt. I’m very open minded and understanding no matter what your situation is and I am very patient, I rarely get angry. I also do a lot of art from pairing to potter and photography, I love to try new things. I also love your work so much and I hope your doing well 💕
Thank you! 🥰 It means a lot! I hope your doing week in this time ☺️💙 sorry it took over a month 😅 but! I’ll make it up to you! And! The other four waiting....and the few in my inbox! Well! I hope you like it!
Kaminari, you wouldn’t think five inches is enough for him to look down and bully you about your height. But...honestly? You couldn’t be mad at it considering it’s what made your friendship with the blonde bloom.
Then again, when you first met him you were kind of a wreck and didn’t have the guts to tell him, “I’m not an arm rest stop leaning on my shoulder.” Instead you let it be, fidgeting fingers and looking ahead until her smiled brightly at you, “SHORT FRIENDS ARE GREAT!” he looked down at you eyes closed, “I should keep you around more.”
Well, after that you were adopted by, THE BAKUSQUAD! Bakugo not really caring, but when Kirishima and Denki followed him around he always made sure to grab you and drag you with them, because “I WAS SCARED AND PANICKED! I DIDN’T WANNA BE ALONE!”
So, for the first and second week he treated you like a quiet kid, mostly starting conversation until you got into a comfortable groove, and he almost died seeing how you really turned out. YOU started to bully him, when he entered his short circuit, the jokes you made, but still, you took care of him making sure he didn’t get into trouble or hurt. At times you’d become a bit impulsive and your chaotic side came out.
“MOVE! IM GONNA DO IT!” You screamed “Y/n! NO! I LIKE YOU BETTER ALIVE!” He screamed. Silence, you moved your head, trying to pull back, but no luck, your eyes moved in panic looking at Denki, his own eyes wide before he started laughing. You tried to move your head regretting it instantly. Your right hand came up, forefinger and thumb pulling at your tongue that was now stuck to the pole you had made victim to your weird antics. “mm thuck.”
you have great goofy moments together, but the moment he hears Bakugo screaming and silence, and then he hears you screaming? Hah, no. All relations are canceled/expired/rejected/blocked/denied/gone. He likes being alive, and right now, you were a threat to his life, so “Oh, uh yeah I got a thing to do in the other ro-“ RUN
he’s more than great full to have you around, your patient with him when he just can’t do something but he’s determined to. Like the month he dragged you of the dorms every night, because “IM GOING TO GET THROUGH THIS HAUNTED HOUSE WITHOUT SCREAMING.” The haunted house opened the first of October, and ended on Halloween, it was terrible, at one point he passed out, another frothed at the mouth, his screams were priceless, he clung to you more than a few times crying about being scared. Decked a few jump scare people, and at least twice went into Pikachu self defense mode and electrocuted the groups of workers around the two of you at least twice. Honestly, you were surprised they let you both keep coming back. But the last day, he managed to only let out squeaks and squeeze your arm and hands but he did it. Thirty one long nights of walking the same halls, jump scares, and voids, mesmerizing the right way of the maze, you mad wit out fine, he was only slightly shook.
Art? Denki doesn’t get it, claimed he can’t draw to save his life and when you watched him try you believed him, BUT THE COMPLETE AND UTTER SHOCK WHEN YOU FOUND OUT HE WAS BASICALLY AN ART MAJOR WHEN HE SHORT CIRCUITED..... you started saving his drawings and sketches, and then you’d show him and he’d be impressed, but completely denies that he ever did it. “Nope, you got the wrong guy, you’ve seen me, I can’t draw a circle.” But he loves to watch you paint, and take photos, but don’t take him to wildlife sets with you. He will get hired of waiting for birds and throw himself on the grass and start sighing loudly and rolling around, “Nothings coming y/n!” “MAYBE IF YOU SHUT UP THE BIRDS WOULDNT FLY AWAY LIKE ITS THE END OF THE WORLD!” Silence, you can definitely feel him staring you, “Well that’s just rude.... you scared off the only bird that was actually here.” Pottery? He watched you, and he wanted to try, the first time he ended up slinging clay everywhere, second he can’t keep his hands still enough, the third time you took pity and ended up like the cheesiest movie scene, but, you were behind him guiding his hands, he became a flustered mess and crushed the almost pot when you spoke to him and he felt your breath on his shoulder. He was blushing and flustered and then started apologizing for ruining the pot... in the end you both together did make a lopsided pot, it now sits in your room, home to your shared black prince succulent. When you brought it home he made anyone who would listen come see his first pot and new child.
“Y/n?” You heard knocking and groaned getting up off your bed to open your door.
“I brought someone else to meet prince...” the look you gave him was one of ‘Are you sERIOUS?’
You closed your door a bit to look at the digital clock that was hanging just above your desk, 1:37 in the morning...
“It couldn’t wait till sun up?” You asked eyes kinda squinty as the hall light started to flood into your room now that you opened the door wider to let whoever in.
“It’s important everyone knows my new son!” He stepped in and you moved and plopped onto your desk chair.
“Alright, but be careful, you bruised one of his petals last time.” You stretched and looked at your abandoned school work, you looked at it reading the question you had struggled on, and by some miracle, being half groggy and half awake, you read it and the answer came to you. You started to write it down before you forgot. And you were so proud of yourself, until you heard the feminine voice.
“Kaminari, you’re an idiot.” And then a slightly muffled laugh.
You didn’t have a problem with Jiro, in fact you liked her as a friend, she was nice, had good taste in music, bullied Denki with you sometimes, friendly and you’ve never seen her angry or get snobbish with anyone. She was laid back and cool.
But, one thing you didn’t like, was the fact she was slowly becoming the center of Denki’s flirting. Jealous? Nahh....well....no.... maybe a little? Nope, nah that’s not it.......okay yeah.
“Y/n Chan! Jiro is bullying me.” He came and shook you by your shoulders pulling you from staring at your school work.
You turned your head to look up at him. “What?” You asked.
“She called me an idiot.” He pouted and closed his eyes.
You laughed and dropped a hand onto his head, after he kneeled to plead you defend him, “Oh Denki, if you want me to disagree it’s gonna be a long night.”
He pouted at your words but sighed in defeat, until the next words came, “So (y/n), if Denki’s son is in your room does that make you the mother of his son?”
You looked at Jiro a faint blush tinting your cheeks as you registered what she said. You gave a few quiet laughs but before you could say anything Denki became a stuttering flustered mess. Catching both of you and pulling you both out of the conversation that almost started.
“Well! (Y/n)! Well go! A Princess does need her beauty sleep!” He winked at you as he left in a hurry, Jiro just quirked a brow before she told you good night and you returned it as she left. You yawned and got back into bed, before your phone buzzed and you cursed, but the blush on your cheeks wirsned at the flirty text you’d gotten from Denki, you’d think you’d gotten used to it already, but maybe the feelings you thought you’d pushed away never really left the surface.
‘Good night princess 😉 Don’t forget to dream about me 💛’
Cringe yes, but that’s literally the best flirting line he has. Apparently getting comfortable with Denki meant he was comfortable flirting with you 24/7, no hesitation. And you enjoyed the attention and flirted back with him, but things kinda changed when Jiro started to give him attention too.
“Mornin’ babe,” you yawned at Denki’s greeting and gave a wave and small smile as you walked to a table and plopped down. You didn’t get much sleep, you finished your homework so now you had the weekend free, but what were you going to do? You stared at the empty table in front of you thinking about nothing, head empty, until Mina came and sat across from you, “So babe huh? Is it official!” She whisper screamed.
“Pfft, just about as official as me being All Might.” You had a small smile, small but genuine. “Boooooooo.” She pouted, “I have my own theories but I really want to tell you this one, soooo! Bakusquad girls day! But... just you and I. Get ready let’s go!”
So, after deciding you’d buy something to eat instead of cooking you got ready and then both you and Mina set off to talk theories and what’s really going on in her head. “So, I think he wants something serious but since you guys joke so much I think he thinks he’s in the friend zone and don’t even deny it I know you like him, I’ve seen the way you smile at all his stupid jokes even I don’t laugh at all of them and I try to be nice. Plus the way you loook a Jiro is enough to show your jealous but he doesn’t see that, I’m pretty sure he thinks you just don’t like her humor or something, but from what I’ve seen your good friends with her when Denki isn’t around so that lets me believe your jealous of his attention going to someone else. Soooo, what do you say? What do you think? And I think he’s trying with Jiro because you guys kinda have similar personalities and hair cuts? Well not really but you know? When your in love you call broccoli Midoriya and a grenade Bakugo but that’s a different story, so? What do you think?” You just stared at her, the takoyaki had with your toothpick just to far from your lips as you wondered if she was right. A shot smile pulled at your lips as you looked down and closed your eyes to let out a sigh, “Well, I won’t say your wrong, I’ve done lot of things but being in denial has never been one of them. I’m not going to confess or anything but I do have one question.” You looked at Mina through the corner of your eyes while your face was still pointed to the ground. “Yes!” She cheered and nodded looking at you with a big smile, “If this is about a plan I’ve got it all figured out so don’t worry!”
You shook your head and faced her completely, “Nope! Keep the plan well use it later but, if I do something about this Denki thing you have to so something about tape boy.” Mina became flustered at your words but nodded, “well, your first lady she smacked you back causing you to slightly choke on the Takoyaki you’d finally started to eat, after catching your breath and wondering around for a bit you both talked it out and it’s go time.
The next morning you started the plan (titled by Mina) “Seducing Pikachu” Taking a deep breath you readied yourself to take your flirting next level, he called you babe you had to call him daddy, he gave you a hug you pulled his face down to peck his cheek, he draped an arm over your shoulders you had snuggle closer and hug his waist, he tried to tease you by taking your hand you can’t pull away, in stead you interlock fingers and squeeze, if he leaned into your ear to whisper something you can’t push him away. And we’re you ready? No, in fact you felt queasy, and like you had to bathroom, but with a shove from Mina you entered the kitchen and like usual “Good morning babe!” And the usual flirty wink, but this time instead of getting flustered or yawing you locked eye contact and with everything you had, “Mornin Daddy.” You smiled at him and walked to the fridge to try and occupy yourself. In the background you heard Mineta screaming about the name daddy. You looked at Denki with the same smile after grabbing a juice and he was flustered, red cheeks and it looked like his hair had fluffed up a bit. It’s working! You waved at him and walked to the common room and sat down on one edge and looked at the tv, it was playing some show about volleyball. Jiro came and sat across from you on the other sofa joining you and a few others in watching this show, right now, the only empty seats are the spot next to you on the love seat, or the two seats beside Jiro. He sat by you and was strangely quiet, oh gave him a smile when he turned to look a you, he smiled and looked at the tv, after an hour or two your hands began fiddling with the juice in your lap and you felt a tug at your hand, you felt Denki place his hand on yours usually you’d pull away and punch his shoulder, but this time. You didn’t take your eyes of the tv when your intertwined your fingers and squeezed his hand. You brought your other hand and squeezed his hand between both of yours and snuggled closer to his side and laid your head against his shoulder, he tensed a bit then relaxed quickly. He laid his head on yours and you eyed Mina real quick, you gave you a thumbs up and you motioned to Sero with your eyes and she stopped and pouted. After another hour you started to get up and pull away from Denki. You felt a hand pull at yours and you looked at Denki, “Where are you going?” You titled your head, “Gonna go buy lunch maybe.” He looked up at you still holding your hand, “Don’t leave me.” He said, “Come with me then.” You gave his arm a tug and without second thought he jumped up outside you were cool, but inside, you were going ballistic, inside you were nothing like usual, you were honestly so surprised that this plan was working, with your attention he didn’t even pay attention to Jiro,,,, were you really jealous?
Getting to a ramen place you both sat down and filled our sheets with your orders, casually sitting in silence your phone dinged, “So.... did he confess? Or do women really have to do all the work, 🙄, Sero didn’t understand what I meant until I- never mind, how’s it going?”
You smiled at the message and shook your head.
Denki being curious why you were smiling tried to peek, “Mina is trying to confess to Sero and she says he’s an idiot.” You smiled and turned to Denki explaining before he could see.
“Yeah, I didn’t wanna say anything sometimes Sero isn’t the smartest.”
You felt a smile pulling at your lips, “Yeah, I know someone else who is just the same.” You propped your elbows on the table and placed your chin on your palms. He did the same and pushed his cheeks so they looked chubby against his palms.
“Kaminari,” you called his name in a chirpy tune with a smile, he closed his eyes and smiled before he said your name in the same way.
“How good are you at noticing small things?” I asked and tilted my head. “Hmmm, did you grow out your hair?” His head tilted, and he smiled.
“No? It’s been this short for a while.” I dropped my arms flat against the table palms up, “try again.”
“Yooouuuu,,,, are wearing contacts?” He asked. “I’m not blind.”
“Yoouuuuu.....are trying a different Boba?” “No... well yes, but not what I’m talking about......try one more time and I’ll give you a hint if you can’t guess.”
He nodded and squinted at me looking like he was concentrating hard.
“I know!” He took my hands in his and squeezed them, I felt my heart start to race, “You’re fingers are cold, the tips are turning reddish.”
I smiled and looked away and licked my top lip trying to not laugh, “That wasn’t it but a good guess.”
“Then what is it?” He asked pouting.
“Close your eyes.” I said and waved a hand, he nodded and then closed them, I placed my finger tips on the left side of his jaw and tried to pull him closer, after getting him halfway across the table I leaned forward and lightly pressed my lips against his cheek.
I pulled away, and moved my hand away from his jaw.
“I...so think you should try again, I didn’t get the hint.” He looked away with a bush slowly becoming prominent on his cheek.
I smiled and shook my head, silence fell over us as I shifted around, “Another hint huh?”
“Maybe just one... or two... or a few....” he still didn’t look at me hands now fiddling together.
“You know, for a flirt you sure do get nervous when someone actually makes a move on you.”
“Heh, yeah.” He was smiling but not looking at me, “Sooo, when?”
“Do you remember the day, you got sick and made me baby you for a whole week? It was that Thursday, you feel asleep on my chest, and I held you and had to pull the blanket off, I realized then, how much I cared about you, and how much I’m willing to do to make sure you’re okay. I realized how much I love your terrible jokes and cheesy pick up lines, your warm hugs and the face times late into the night, and the movie nights passing out at three in the morning and rushing to class when we woke up late. Holing your hand when you were scared, and bullying Bakugo, honestly, I wouldn’t wanna die at the hands of Bakugo with anyone else. I’m not saying I love you or anything, but if this is what falling for someone feels like...I don’t not like it, especially when it’s you.” I looked out the window we sat by and could feel his stare, I looked at him through the corner of my eye.
“I wouldn’t want to be murdered with anyone else.” He held his hand out and I tilted my head to look at him, I took placed my hand on his and he smiled, before he shifted his fingers and closed them around mine. I smiled and closed my fingers squeezing his hand.
“So? Are you going to ask?” He said.
I felt my brows furrow, “Ask?”
“Ask me to be your boyfriend.” His smile widened.
“You’re supposed to ask me!” I scolded and shook our hands.
He tucked his head between his shoulders, “okay okay, fine.... now you’re going to wait because you yelled at me.”
“Y/n!” I turned to look for the person who called my name, “yeah?” I asked and pulled my blanket tighter, the Christmas season was here and I was freezing on the sofa.
“Come look! The snows falling again! And the it’s pretty on the blossoms that are still around.”
“Fine.” I grumbled and stood up, I walked to the second floor windows and looked out. Sero, Denki, Kirishima and Bakugo were all outside, I could hear Katsuki screaming at them while the ran around dropping things on the floor.
They all stopped and moved away as Bakugo screamed at them and took off his gloves, it looked like he was grumbling something until Denki slung an arm I’ve this shoulders, Bakugo brought up his hand causing sparks and Denki to smile nervously before patting his shoulder and moving his arm off.
Mina tapped on the window and they looked at us, we waved when three of the four waved. Denki turned to Bakugo and with a simple blast a chain reaction started and lit up a circle, inside the circle were the words made in very sparse but still pretty blossoms, “will u be mine?” Your phone began to ring and you answered it.
“So, after two months of non official dating, will you be mine?”
You smiled, “Yes, Kaminari, yes.” You swallowed and over the phone you heard cheering and watched to em high five minus Bakugo who was pulling his gloves back on. That night, you spent under the blue keys you two piled high, his head on your chest, and you kissed his head running your fingers through his hair, “I love listening to your heart, it’s pretty, like you.” Your take his face in your hands and kiss his lips or forehead, and eventually would change spots, still cuddling to keep the warmth and love between you while the rest of the world was slipping into sleep or madness.
I hope you have a good day, and remember to stay hydrated 💙
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nctxnation · 5 years
A Haunting in Neo City
➳ Pairing: Renjun x Reader 
➳ Genre: Romance | Buzzfeed Unsolved AU
➳ Word Count: 4.8k
➳ Warnings: Mild Language
➳ “Of all the problems and complications in my life, I had not expected love to be one of them.” ― Stacie Evans
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You spun around in your chair, eyes tired of seeing the screen after finally finishing another article. The coffee mug next to you, empty, and your brain still sleep deprived and sluggish.
“You look like shit.”
You groaned, pressing send on the computer and turning to see your partner in crime, or more like partner in the occult and crime. 
“Hello, to you too, Renjun,” You flicked a paper clip at him and he rolled his eyes as it bounced off his chest. “I’m just tired. Yeri and the girls’ invited me out for dinner last night.”
“Fun,” He grinned, jumping onto your desk, knocking papers to the side. “All I did last night was see how many pens Jisung could stuff in his mouth, nine, by the way.”
“I’m guessing you have some news for me,” Your eyes zeroed in on the stack of papers in his hands. “Let me guess a cursed doll that terrorizes its owners?”
“Been there, done that, remember?” He smiled down at you, eyes brightening at the prospect of a new adventure. Your heart fluttered at the eagerness in his tone and the sparkle of his eyes, “We’re going out to Neo City to scope out the Evermore Woods, aka the Haunted Woods of Neo City. There’s supposedly haunted cabins and we might just end up possessed, you in?” 
Of course, you were in. You’d follow Renjun anywhere, he didn’t know that. You sure as hell didn’t want to submit to the sheer embarrassment and awkwardness that would ensue after disclosing your romantic feelings to your coworker and closest friend. 
“Do I have a choice?” You grinned snatching the prints of research out of his grip. “We’re not gonna end up possessed, it has never happened.”
“You never know,” He was positively buzzing with excitement and it made you beam at how adorable he looked. “I have a feeling this one is gonna be a good episode though.”
“You always have the craziest shit up your sleeve,” You noted, glancing through rumored sightings of ghosts and wild stories that spurred from college students partying in the woods. “This is no exception. Sounds like a fun roadtrip to me.”
“Wait ‘til you read about the Ghost of Jieun they saw there, it’s some crazy shit I kid you not!” 
Renjun went on the full blown spiel, trying to persuade you that the woods were indeed haunted and it wasn’t just a hoax. He did this all the time, seeing as he was the one who fully believed in the paranormal between the two of you. You were the one who decidedly followed him throughout his supernatural investigations sprinkling witty commentary as you weren’t as sold in any stuff like that. 
You were often the cause of Renjun’s constant hysteria as you seldom kept quiet and continuously egged and taunted any ‘spirit’ that might be lurking. It got to the point Renjun would keep a small bottle of holy water in his car and occasionally spray you with it just to make sure you weren’t actually possessed. 
A long ass story about some ghost later, Renjun was summoned by Jeno who needed help as Haechan had gotten his hand stuck up some tubing they were filming a video with. You took that as your cue to refill your empty coffee cup, to regain some life and have at least a semblance of a normal, functioning human being. 
You however didn’t expect yourself to be cornered by Yeri and Yuta, who were looking far too devilish. Their evil smirking were making you want to add them to the list of possible people to perform an exorcism on, part of Renjun’s never ending list.
“So, you and Renjun looked pretty cosy there,” Yeri commented, subtly glancing at Yuta whose face only darkend with mischief. 
“We’re partners on this ongoing project,” You deadpanned, pouring in some burning hot liquid into your mug. The steaming zest of life. “He literally has no choice now, the loser is stuck with me. We ordained it with a blood oath which is pretty on brand for us, I guess.”
Yuta cackled heartily, “No wonder you guys’ are in love. You have the same sense of humor.”
“Thanks,” The words processed in your brain slower than Internet Explorer. “Wait--what? In love? Renjun and me?”
“Am I speaking in Japanese?” Yuta winked at you, sipping his coffee so smugly you wanted to slap him. “So, when’s the wedding?”
“It’s not like that,” You began to feel uneasy, their staring was predator-like. “How many times do I have to spell it out to you guys? Renjun and me, we’re friends and co-workers, nothing more. So, we share a room every once in a while and have inside jokes, you and Winwin do too.”
“Mhmm sure,” Yeri shrugged it off, “One day we’ll get you to admit your love for each other.”
“Not gonna happen,” You gritted out, taking your mug and walking away as fast as you could so they couldn’t see the intense blush coloring your features. 
“You better send a wedding invitation!” Yuta hollered as you rounded the corner and saw Renjun and Haechan laughing about his incident.
Your heart warmed as Renjun’s eyes met yours and you could have sworn you saw a fondness in his eyes that was only reserved for you. A small sliver of hope slithered its way into your heart, but you crushed it easily on account of it being your sleep deprived brain creating scenarios in your head that weren’t real.
Unbeknownst to you, Renjun sighed in aggravation. His little frown catching Haechan’s attention.
“You might as well tell Y/N you like them,” Haechan said as he watched your retreating figure. 
“It’s not that easy,” Renjun admitted, “Y/N and me are a team, we have our own series and its doing really good. I don’t want to ruin any of that knowing they don’t feel the same.”
“You sure about that?” Haechan snorted.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Renjun snapped, ready to put Haechan in headlock at any given offense. 
“I mean the supernatural isn’t the only thing your blind to,” Haechan patted his friend’s shoulder and left, leaving Renjun more confused than before.
Renjun thought it was easier to be cornered by ghosts, demons, serial killers, and bizarre monsters than having to ever come close to admitting his feelings for you. Your friendship ran deep and he didn’t want to derail the dynamic he worked so hard to upkeep. Plus, he didn’t think you’d like him, you got along swimmingly due to the fact that you two instantly clicked. You were his best friend, in his eyes, telling you he wanted something more was severely scarier than facing ghouls. 
The matters of the heart were always something terrifying.
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Renjun placed his folder of information neatly on the table, eyes bright as he faced the camera. You sat next to him trying your best not to stare too much at him. You failed of course and you hoped your audience thought none of it. The comment section had a few comments littered about they way you looked at each other. The last thing you needed was your full blown heart eyes for Renjung to be the one thing your viewers discussed. 
“This week we will be exploring the haunted cabins in the Neo City Evermore Woods.”
Gosh, even the way his voice went into professional mode was starting to sound immensely attractive to you. 
“Do you think we'll see bears?” You asked, smirking at the frustrated sigh he let out. The edges of his lips turned upwards and that in itself was enough to have you glowing.
“The woods are crawling with ghosts and demons and you're worried about bears?” He chuckled, it was so like you. It was one of the many things he liked about you, even when it clashed with who he was. 
“I just don't want to take my chances.”
“But you'll be okay with being possessed?” His eyes bulged out of his face and you giggled at how comical he looked. 
“I'm being realistic. I guess we can trace a circle around us.”
“Of salt?”
“No, dirt like with a stick. For the bear, Renjun. Not the ghosts.”
“Isn't that from Spongebob?” He regarded you with sparkly eyes full of amusement. 
He loved the way you made the tension in his body release, the way your eyes crinkled when you laughed at your own stupid jokes. He was seriously gone and he hoped it didn’t get captured on camera. 
“Yeah that's where I get all my educational information from.”
He started wheezing and you joined in laughing at how silly you sounded. That was your role in this dynamic duo, he took everything regarding the supernatural seriously and you joked about it. You two were like yin and yang in a sense, you balanced each other out. 
“Well, I get all my educational information from reliable sources,” Renjun began addressing the timeline of the Disappearance of Jieun, to telling about her murder and the hauntings of the lake and cabins.
You added your own commentary, smiling when the camera turned off and Renjun excitedly high fived you. Yup, you were way too deep. 
“You were really funny out there,” He said, shuffling all his papers back into his folder, “Great stuff. I think I’m going to need an inhaler or something.”
“Nah, I think I sounded cringey,” You waved off his immediate protests, “I just wanted to take the time to say that you really put a lot of work into this series and it shows. You’re doing amazing, Renjun, and you deserve to know it.”
“Couldn’t do it without you?” He was too sweet, he was going to give you tooth decay.
“I don’t think--”
“No, of course you don’t see how great you are,” He interrupted you, placing a small warm hand on your shoulder. “But I see how great you are and I think you should know you make this series worth doing.”
“Renjun…”You swiped an imaginary tear off your cheek, ignoring the actual tears building up. “You really are the sweetest person in the office, don’t tell Jungwoo I said that.” 
The weight of his compliment and your lack of though, had you wrapping his frame around your arms. He froze, but then melted into your hands. 
“I’m serious you make the other half of Spooky Duo,” Renjun’s warmth blossomed a new kind of warmth in your heart, “I love you, Y/N...I mean, you’re the best partner in crime money can buy.”
“You threatened me to join you,” You sniffled, ignoring the fluttering feelings the eight letters he murmured brought you. “I had no choice in the matter, but you’re a great partner in crime...I love you too, Renjun.”
The love you felt was different than the love he felt that much you knew. No lack of sleep or caffeine rush was going to lull you into a false reality that you made up in your head. He didn’t feel the same. 
There was beat, in which you both stood, arms tangled and breathing rough, staring into each other’s eyes. The moment was broken when Yuta and Yeri stumbled into your work room claiming a group meeting. You scrambled away from each other, your eyes having totally not been hyperfixed on his lips. Renjun cleared his throat and fist bumped you claiming you as the best friend he could ask for, before he went on his merry way.
You sighed, not trying hard enough to hide you own dejection, but you followed behind him. This, unfortunately, only roused Yuta and Yeri even more as they began gossiping about the office, murmuring about how any day now the Spooky Duo were finally going to get together.
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It was dusk, night barely stretching across the horizon when you reached the edge of the Evermore Woods. The forest was cold, dark, and dense. It was the picturesque vision of any horror movie setting, horrific and nightmarish. It would certainly allow for your mind to conjure up the scariest of things to crawl from out of the forest, had you been creative enough for it. From the look in Renjun’s wide eyes, you can tell he felt the eeriness set in too. 
The uneasiness reflected in Jeno and Jaemin’s eyes, your camera crew for tonight. Haechan and Yuta were already setting up things in the cabins. Renjun gulped and led the way down the path,  Jeno and Jaemin stayed a couple of steps behind you two, jostling through the greenery with their equipment. 
“Are you afraid of anything?” Renjun trekked through the foliage skillfully, the bright flashlight guiding him, although there was a subtle shake to his grip.
“Yeah, dying alone. Thank God I have you.” It was meant as a joke, but the weight of your words rang heavy and poignant in contrast to the eerie silence of the night.
Renjun deliberated for a moment, before following it up with a quip of his own, “I'll feed you to the demons before you even get to me.”
“That’s to say there’s even demons.” 
“Our viewers think you’re a demon.” His eyes were playful, reeling you in and effectively turning you into mush.
“I can’t confirm nor deny that.” You squashed the butterflies easily, falling into step behind him. 
“Do you think we’ll catch some real footage of something?”
“What if we see Bigfoot?”
“Wrong episode,” Renjun smiled, “Do these woods spook you out? What's that noise?”
“Do you know what a cricket is? Speaking of Bigfoot,” You poked his side and he flew up, sending you a glare, “Remember last time? Dude, you were practically crying.”
“I thought we were gonna die,” He defended, “How was I supposed to know Johnny was in a Bigfoot costume ready to scare the shit out of us.”
“That was the whole point,” You said as you finally reached the small lake where the Ghost of Jieun was rumored to be seen. “Are you down for a late night swim?” 
Renjun focused his thermal camera on his surroundings, frowning as he caught sight of nothing out of the ordinary. “Should we try the spirit box? Maybe we can speak to her.”
“Chick was murdered by a man, she probably has some deep issues,” You said, plopping down on the wet grass that covered the lip of the lake. “She probably won’t want to speak to you. Or maybe she’s hiding in the cabins back there.”
Jeno and Jaemin propped up all the filming equipment and readied the camera to start filming. They signaled Renjun to get started and he immediately launched into ‘YouTuber Renjun’. 
“We’re here at the Evermore Woods of Neo City. As you can see, we have Green Water Lake right behind me and some of the cabins that remained from the old campground. People say the Ghost of Jieun likes to linger around this general area, near the dock.”
“Wasn’t she killed by her lover?” You bounced a small pebble into the water and watched it ripple.
“Yeah, he dated her. He actually said she was too beautiful to be murdered and she agreed and used that as her tactic to live for one more minute.”
“Yeah she was basically like ‘Please don't kill me, I’m too sexy for this disrespect.”
“Do you think he was like hahaha don't die your so sexy...oops sorry my knife fell into you.”
“We really shouldn't be joking about this here,” Renjun bit his lip, glancing around nervously.
“That sounds like a freaking skit from American Horror Story 1984! How am I supposed to take it seriously?”
“Because we're probably standing within the general vicinity of the crime.”
“Oh, shit.” You turned towards the cabins. “Should we go inside?”
“You want to go first or should I?” He asked, brushing off bits of grass of his pants and helping you up off the ground. 
“The non-believer always goes first,” You smiled, pinching his cheek, “You, my dear, are last because you’ll most likely freak out and that will be great footage.”
“Please don’t summon anymore demons from the pits of hell.” Renjun begged, although you caught subtle lilt of amusement in his voice. 
“Can’t make any promises,” You took the spirit box and thermal camera from him. “It’s not like anything exciting ever happens anyway.”
“Be careful.” 
The words were simple but the way he said them, dripping with concern. You almost turned around to see his face, but you knew that if you didn’t stop walking towards the cabin, you’d kiss him then and there. Your feelings were growing and him being the sweet, caring person he was, wasn’t helping your case. 
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“Honestly, Renjun, is probably pissing his pants right now.” You told the camera Jeno was pointed at you, he agreed silently with a grin. “He’s always terrified, but is like an eager puppy wanting to catch anything.”
“Y/N probably raised hell in there, but what's new.” Renjun called out, opening the door to one of the cabins. 
“I did no such thing...just told the ghost to screw itself for not singing Fergalicious to see if it's real or not.”
“Fergalicious wasn't even a thing back then.”
“Fergie withstands the fabric of time, it's all an illusion, Renjun.” You walked up to him and he made room for Jeno and you to enter. “Maybe something will come out if there’s more of us. It could want variety in its selection.”
The door closed behind you and all you could hear was the heavy breathing of everyone in the room. There was a freakish vibe to them, more so than when you were alone. Jeno swept the camera around the room, catching every cobweb and dust particle within view. Jaemin focused his camera on the Renjun and you waiting for some action.
“Okay, if there’s anyone--Jeiun or any other ghost can you say something to let us know you’re hear.” Renjun flipped the spirit box on and the room was flooded with static noise and the occasional gurgle of something possibly otherworldly.
“My name is Y/N and this my buddy Renjun,” You licked your lips, feeling the chill of the night creep up on you like a frosty hand. “For his sake, can you say something? Is it like in Ghost Whisper, that you have unfinished business and that’s why don’t cross over?”
“Oh, fuck,” Renjun began to blubber.
“Y/N….” The voice was barely audible above the static, but still managed to erupt a trail of goosebumps down your arm. It clearly sounded like the voice of a girl. “Ren...jun…”
“Oh, hell no,” Renjun looked on the brink of a breakdown, he clambered towards the exit but Jeno blocked it. “Jeno, what the hell!”
A shrill noise pierced the ear and the static of the spirit box became muffled right after. Suddenly, Jeno began to move frenetically, casting the camera aside on a wooden table. His eyes were twitching and his arms waved in the air as if he were possessed.
“Jeno?” Jaemin’s voice was hoarse, he gently shook Jeno.
His eyes widened as Jeno glared down at him and then smacked him on the side, knocking him straight down. Jaemin whimpered from the brute force of his hit and recoiled as Jeno wailed violently and incoherently.
“J-Jeno?” Renjun grabbed your arm and shoved you behind his body, shielding you from any harm Jeno may cause. “Hey, man, if this is about you not getting to pick the location, we can work this out?”
Jaemin got up and quickly grabbed a hold of Jeno whose eyes were rolling back, his whole body contorting under the hold of Jaemin. Renjun pushed you back, slowly stumbling into the small closet in the corner of the room.
“I think he’s possessed!” Jaemin shouted, pinning Jeno down and waving you two off. “Take cover somewhere, I don’t think I can hold him down for much longer.”
Renjun hesitated, not believing his eyes. You pulled him back and ducked into the small closet, the only thing you could hear was the violent rustle of the wind outside and Jeno’s screeching. 
“I shit you not if this is one of your pranks Y/N--”
“It’s n-not,” You stuttered, your whole body quivering like a feather in the breeze. “I swear to God Renjun, I don’t know what’s going on.”
Jaemin’s screaming ceased, there was silence, then a loud, thumping. Jeno’s fists hit the door in frantic, solid beats shaking the door with each hit. 
“He loved me,” Jeno’s voice sounded distanted, higher pitched, “He said he loved me. He said I was beautiful, yet he killed me.”
“Jieun?” Renjun almost sounded sympathetic and you wanted to cry at how sweet he can be, but this wasn’t the time. “Is that you in Jeno? Look, I’m sorry for--”
“You’re not sorry!” Jeno’s thundering voice was full of anguish, “You mock me with your love!”
“What?” You cleared your throat, finding it hard to sound anything remotely human when all you wanted was to sob. 
“Your love for each other,” Jeno as Jieun said, “I thought I had that with him. I was wrong. All I want to see is the love I never got.”
“Is she on crack?” You blurted unthinkingly causing Renjun to silence you with a frantic glare. “I mean, oh yeah, we have a very deep friendly affection.”
“Love,” possessed Jeno corrected, “Tell each other you love each other. You never know what life might throw at you. Enjoy love while you can.”
“Is that a threat Ghost Lady?” You didn’t know what to think of possessed Jeno’s words.
“I’ll let you out only if you speak your heart’s desire.”
“Heart’s desire?” Renjun laughed perturbed by the ghost’s insinuation. “This is crazy.”
“Confess your heart’s desire or face the consequences!” Jeno began banging on the door again and it looked like if he slammed his fist one more time, it would crumble under his sheer strength.
“Renjun do something!”
“Okay, okay, stop Jieun,” Shaking like a leaf, he turned to you ignoring the persistent badgering and grumbling from possessed Jeno. “Y/N, if we don’t make it out of this alive I’m sorry I dragged you into this place.”
The lack of heartfelt confessions only angered Jeno even more. 
“Hey, Samara chill for a second, okay?” You looked at Renjun, taking his hand and squeezing it. “You don’t force me to go anywhere with you, truth is, I’d follow you to any stupid place you want to go. It doesn’t matter if I think it’s haunted or not, for work or not, I’d still follow you anywhere.”
“What?” His breath knotted in his threat and as your breath fanned across his cheeks, he could have sworn he’d be the next ghost to inhabit that cabin. You were too close and his poor heart can only take so much in one night.
“I don’t know if its the fact we’re about to die,” You wanted to be swallowed by some random hole in the ground or have creepy ghost Jeno drag you away. “Or the fact I can’t see you since it’s dark as shit in here. Or even the fact that I’m starting to think this is a nightmare and I’ll wake up in my desk with you hovering over me with fresh coffee and that cheesy smile of yours that I lo--”
“Y/N.” The way he spoke your name so softly and lovingly, made your temperature rise the cold of the dinky closet no longer affected you. 
“Oh, right, sorry,” You rushed through your words, wanting this all to be over, “Truth is I like you, Renjun. I’ve liked you for a long time and that’s why I didn’t need a lot of convincing to join your team.”
“Is that true?” Samara-Jeno asked. 
“Truer words have never been spoken.”
“I like you too, Y/N,” Renjun’s voice cracked and your heart swelled. “I’m not...I have no words to describe it. But I like you so much and I never had the courage to say it.”
You smiled, shrouded in the darkness he couldn’t see the pure happiness on your face. 
“I’ll leave this body now,” Samara-Jeno said, breaking the heart-eyes-through-the-dark spell you two were in. “You can rest easy, I’m gone…Hey, you guys what the hell happened?”
“Holy shit it worked!” The sheer exuberance of him confessing and you not being in danger had you squealing. “I didn’t think that would work!”
Renjun, however took this differently, “Yeah, you’re such a good actor. That confession...wow.”
“What?” You didn’t even have time to process the crushing sensation his words brought. “Oh, yeah, good one right?” You knew it was too good to be true.
“For God’s sake--”Jeno threw the door open and you clambered over to grip Renjun close to you.
Jaemin sighed exasperated as he readjusted the camera in his hands. You crawled out of the closet, disoriented and bewildered by everything going on. Haechan was handing Chenle money (“Told you they were dumb to see their love”) and bitterly glaring at you two. Yuta and Yeri looked like they wanted to bang their heads. 
“What the hell is this?” You shrieked as Renjun gaped at his coworkers. 
“This was a set up!” Jeno explained, outraged by the sheer dumbassery you two possessed. “You guys literally confessed to each other like we wanted! Then straight up made it sound like it was all acting...what the heck!”
“You guys are really something else,” Yuta shook his head. “Love is blind and makes you oblivious, but you two are just dumbassess.”
“Wait, so you like me?” Renjun’s eyes widened at your accusation.
“You like me too?” 
“Yeah, I actually wasn’t lying,” You felt sheepish at all the pairs of eyes glued on you. “I do like you, Renjun...enough to go ghost hunting even though I don’t believe in that.”
“I like you too,” He cupped your cheek in his hands, ignoring the camera Jaemin pointed right at you. “You’re my partner in crime and I kinda wanna have you around to hunt more ghosts.”
“That’s an offer I can’t resist,” You grinned, kissing him gently on the cheek. “However, you’re gonna have to buy me dinner after, all this ghost hunting makes me hungry.”
“Deal.” The same fondness in his eyes you thought you imagined before, returned and your eyes reflected that fondness. “Now, what the hell were you guys thinking this was a great location and we could have had awesome footage!”
You spent the rest of the night scouring the woods for ghosts, although you didn’t find any. Renjun and you, trailed behind everyone, hand and hand and beaming brighter than the moon above. 
“What do you think our viewers are gonna make our ship name be?”
“I hope it’s not something silly,” You gripped his fingers tightly, yanking him closer to you. “There’s something I’ve really been wanting to do, but doing it in front of everyone and in haunted cabin, just didn’t seem right.”
“Yeah, what’s that?” His fingers caressed your cheek, letting them trail down as he placed his hand on your arm. He marveled at the way you shivered under his touch. He was getting too cocky and needed to be stepped down a notch.
You pecked his lips quickly, the only witness to your kiss was the moon and stars. He soften under your touch, holding you tighter. You pulled away all too quick for his taste and laughed as you made your way towards the cars and the group.
“That’s what you get for being a tease!”
He smiled and followed you spraying holy water from his spray can at your retreating figure.
“You really are a demon!” He joked as he caught up to you and took your hand in his again.
“Another one to add to the list of completed missions,” You grinned shuffling into the van. “Up for another adventure?”
“With you, yes,” He would never stop making your heart flutter.
“I swear to God if you two are going to be this cheesy, I am going to regret setting this up in the first place.”
Yuta was only kidding, considering he was the biggest shipper. The next day at the office the video of you two confessing to each other was seen by everyone. For once, you were glad to have been terrorized by an alleged ghost. You watched as Renjun walked over to you, glowing, and a folder in his hand. Yeah, you’d definitely followed this dork through any “haunted” place or anywhere for that matter. 
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Paranormal Neotivity masterlist 
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f4liveblogarchives · 4 years
Fantastic Four Vol 1 #227
Thurs Apr 30 2020 [06:34 PM] Wack'd: Another story catalyzed by space objects falling to Earth [06:35 PM] Wack'd: This time a meteor lands in a lake in Pennsylvania [06:36 PM] Wack'd: One of Reed's science friends calls Reed and is like "hey, I know you're big into meteors, wanna come do science and hang out" [06:37 PM] Bocaj: Space needs to stop dumping its junk in our yard [06:37 PM] Wack'd: I mean hey, we do it too. It's reciprocal pollution [06:37 PM] Umbramatic: The Great Space Junk Exchange [06:38 PM] Bocaj: When has a thing earth sent v'gering into space ever caused a problem [06:38 PM] Umbramatic: ...what the fuck were the dinosaurs polluting space with to get what they did [06:38 PM] Bocaj: Its not like we send a hulk of stuff and crash it into gladiator planets [06:38 PM] maxwellelvis: @Umbramatic Tobacco [06:38 PM] Wack'd: @Umbramatic : *Land Before Time* videocassettes [06:38 PM] Umbramatic: dbtgfrh ojgifmhk  hjnl;.'; [06:38 PM] Bocaj: Ha [06:39 PM] maxwellelvis: The real reason the dinosaurs went extinct. [06:39 PM] Wack'd: So anyway the team is going on vacation! Johnny wants to get a tan and Sue is like "let's bring the grill" and I'm like "you're. You're going to Pennsylvania" [06:39 PM] Wack'd: Like yes the caption specifies it landed at a resort but like, c'mon [06:39 PM] Bocaj: CAN Johnny tan? [06:39 PM] Bocaj: He's exposed to heat and light every day of his life [06:40 PM] Bocaj: Can Johnny Storm get a sunburn? [06:40 PM] Bocaj: Also: why isn't his name Blaze? [06:40 PM] Wack'd: Maybe he can choose to but it's unpleasant to use his powers for it and he prefers the old-fashion way [06:40 PM] Bocaj: Hm, acceptable handwave [06:40 PM] Wack'd: Like there's a difference between being exposed to solar radiation from billions of miles off and setting yourself on fire [06:41 PM] Wack'd: Ben is grumpy because Alicia is bogged down with work and can't make it, and his only other friend will be busy with science [06:41 PM] Wack'd: (You'd think he could hang out with Sue and Johnny and Franklin but whatever) [06:42 PM] maxwellelvis: Sandman stopped taking his calls? [06:42 PM] Wack'd: Sandman tries to beat him up on the regular, what're you talking about [06:42 PM] maxwellelvis: Ahh, right, you're not reading Two-In-One. [06:42 PM] maxwellelvis: Okay, there's ONE thing in Marvel Two-In-One that causes an actual change to the status-quo in Marvel; there's an issue where Ben goes to a bar and finds Sandman is also there. So he sits down with him and they talk. [06:43 PM] Wack'd: "Yer off yer meds again, aren'tcha, Flint" [06:43 PM] Bocaj: One of my favorite scenes in the DCAU [06:44 PM] Bocaj: Get rekt that scene of Batman talking to Ace, psychic meltdown [06:44 PM] maxwellelvis: By the end of the issue, Sandman has gone legit, and for like a decade, he stayed so, until eventually some Spider-Man story needed him back on the Sinister Six. [06:44 PM] Bocaj: (Because it implies that Only Batman can human at people is why) [06:44 PM] Wack'd: Decade does seem to be where Marvel status quo changes top out sadly [06:44 PM] Bocaj: I think it was after the clone saga [06:45 PM] Bocaj: During the panic mode 'shit roll it back roll everything back fuck fuck fuck' kneejerk [06:45 PM] Wack'd: Gotta remind people of the good ol days after that stinker, yeah [06:45 PM] maxwellelvis: Then it was close to like, two decades or something. [06:45 PM] maxwellelvis: That's an astonishingly long time in comics. [06:45 PM] Wack'd: Oh wow [06:45 PM] Bocaj: Funfact: Sandman was an Avenger [06:45 PM] Wack'd: Huh! [06:45 PM] Bocaj: Reserve, but still. [06:45 PM] Bocaj: Nice [06:46 PM] Wack'd: If nothing else the idea of him as a sympathetic crook seems to have stuck [06:46 PM] Wack'd: Which is not nothing [06:46 PM] Bocaj: Sam Raimi intensifies [06:46 PM] maxwellelvis: Marvel Two-In-One Vol 1 #86 is the relevant issue. [06:46 PM] maxwellelvis: So it hasn't happened yet at the time you're reading, is the other reason you hadn't heard about it. That issue was in 1982, so about a decade and a half, give or take. [06:47 PM] maxwellelvis: And you weren't far-off with that JLU joke, @Wack'd, says here that a big thing in the issue is Sandman dealing with the trauma of having been merged with Hydro-Man. Which is probably why he's receptive to the idea of going legit. [06:48 PM] Wack'd: Alright then [06:48 PM] Wack'd: ...anyway Sandman isn't. In this one. So [06:49 PM] maxwellelvis: Yeah, this was a lot more explaining for a dumb joke than I anticipated. [06:49 PM] Wack'd: Back to the story at hand [06:50 PM] Wack'd: Ben decides he's gonna go fishing. He's got a floppy hat and a vest and everything. Also: more womanly stereotypes!
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[06:51 PM] Umbramatic: i love ben's fishing outfit [06:52 PM] Bocaj: He looks so happy [06:52 PM] maxwellelvis: Fishing hats like that always make me flash back to that M*A*S*H episode where Col. Blake salutes while wearing his hat and hooks his finger on it. [06:52 PM] maxwellelvis: "What are you trying to DO to me?!" [06:52 PM] Bocaj: Oooow [06:52 PM] Wack'd: They fly into Pennsylvania and things have. Escalated.
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[06:52 PM] Bocaj: "I don't want to hoard gold, I want to turn people into dinosaurs" "HE KEEPS SAYING THAT" [06:53 PM] Wack'd: For the record earlier cutaway panels show this is a bird that got mutated by the meteor but I got distracted and forgot to post it [06:53 PM] Umbramatic: that pterosaur's wings make me viscerally angr--AND THAT MAKES IT EVEN WORSE [06:53 PM] maxwellelvis: Somewhere a paleontologist is weeping [06:53 PM] maxwellelvis: OR [06:53 PM] maxwellelvis: Oh cool, I didn't know the writers of *Dino Squad* ghostwrote this issue [06:53 PM] Umbramatic: that's me, i'm the weeping palentologist [06:54 PM] Mousa The 14: The bird didn’t mutate, it simply regressed to an earlier form [06:54 PM] Bocaj: HROINK! [06:54 PM] Umbramatic: if it did that it'd be more like a velociraptor [06:54 PM] Mousa The 14: Hroink indeed. Hroink indeed. [06:55 PM] maxwellelvis: Pterosaurs and birds are completely different groups of archosaurs, that's a mutation, Mousa. [06:55 PM] Umbramatic: YES [06:55 PM] Wack'd: Not really sure why this merited a silent panel
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[06:55 PM] Bocaj: Just put up an invisible force slide [06:55 PM] Mousa The 14: Artist showing off [06:56 PM] Wack'd: How bad he can draw children? [06:56 PM] Umbramatic: i dunno which makes a better reaction image, franklin's face or the pterosaur's [06:56 PM] Mousa The 14: Or to show Franklin is about to use. THE POWER [06:56 PM] Bocaj: Its not the worst tiny adult i've seen in comics [06:56 PM] maxwellelvis: Unless it leads to another god-child moment, it's a rather pointless reaction image. [06:56 PM] Bocaj: I'm not saying that its all Franklin's fault but I blame Cable on him [06:56 PM] Bocaj: God-child arms race [06:57 PM] Wack'd: So the monster explodes, and Reed collects its gem--EUGH
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[06:57 PM] Bocaj: I don't like this. [06:58 PM] Wack'd: Ftr Gideon Carruthers is Reed's science friend. We already have a Gideon so I'll call him Carruthers [06:58 PM] Umbramatic: -screaming- [06:58 PM] Wack'd: To disambiguate him from the rich doofus [06:58 PM] Bocaj: I'd laugh my ass off if he looked just like gideon from gravity falls [06:58 PM] Bocaj: or even gideon from Scotts Pilgrim [06:59 PM] maxwellelvis: I know there's some sci-fi parasite this reminds me of, but I can't think what. [06:59 PM] Bocaj: Captain N mother brain? [06:59 PM] maxwellelvis: Parasite [06:59 PM] Bocaj: She was a parasite on my peace of mind [07:02 PM] Wack'd: Sue takes a moment to check that Franklin isn't traumatized but he's like "we fought and won, just like in the comics!" And then uh
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[07:02 PM] Wack'd: Were comics caught up in the Satanic Panic or whatever? Like [07:02 PM] Umbramatic: -screams- [07:02 PM] Wack'd: Seems more like a 50s thing [07:02 PM] Wack'd: Also yeah that sure is a Franklin [07:02 PM] Bocaj: I think Wertham argued that kids couldn't distinguish comics from reality and yeah that was way before this I think [07:03 PM] Bocaj: I think in his book he cited an incident that I don't know if legit or not where a kid tied a blanket around their neck like a cape and jumped off a roof [07:03 PM] Wack'd: Eesh [07:04 PM] Bocaj: Not sure that could be laid at Superman's feet. He very clearly says 'I have alien powers from being an alien' [07:04 PM] Wack'd: Can't wait to see this kid's mutt mutate into MCGRUFF, THE CRIME DOG
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[07:04 PM] Bocaj: Duff Dog Oh Yeah [07:04 PM] Bocaj: Suds McDuffie [07:04 PM] Wack'd: This is cool too I guess
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[07:05 PM] maxwellelvis: I was going to say, I think a dire wolf is more likely. [07:07 PM] Umbramatic: awoooo [07:07 PM] Bocaj: Werewolves of Slyvania [07:07 PM] maxwellelvis: I really wish the LOTR movies had modeled the Wargs more on dire wolves than hyenas. [07:08 PM] Wack'd: Okay I think we can safely dismiss the idea of these mutations having some kind of basis in scientific reality
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[07:08 PM] Wack'd: Paleontologists rest easy [07:08 PM] Umbramatic: FOREHEAD BEAM [07:08 PM] Bocaj: You've never seen a dog shoot a laser? [07:09 PM] Umbramatic: pidge shoots lasers all the time [07:09 PM] Wack'd: Anyway this time instead of the monster exploding Reed spots the parasite on the back of its neck and grabs it before self-destruct is triggered [07:09 PM] Wack'd: Kid gets his dog back and dog stops being a fiend [07:09 PM] Umbramatic: we have to prevent her from doing it to the neighbors [07:09 PM] Bocaj: Duffer... will live [07:10 PM] Wack'd: Reed I, uh, think the forehead laser puts a serious hole in your theory!
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[07:11 PM] Wack'd: Also the fuck is the "evolutionary agent"? Is he claiming we have, like, an evolution gland that pumps evolution juice into our bodies that makes us not be weird history monsters? [07:12 PM] Wack'd: Okay so Reed elaborates that the forehead laser is because the parasite gives its hosts psychic powers to make them more powerful so they can steal gasoline to eat [07:12 PM] maxwellelvis: Well, sure, I can see how that- huh? [07:13 PM] Wack'd: "It makes a bizarre kind of sense," says Carruthers, who is also identified as a geologist and so I guess is just rolling with this [07:13 PM] Bocaj: Carruthers: "Its not a rock so i don't fuckin know" [07:14 PM] Wack'd: Sue is upset that Franklin is in danger and weird shit keeps finding them and Reed is like "we do have some quiet times, they just happen off-panel" and Sue is like "you're right, I'm sorry I snapped" [07:14 PM] Wack'd: And she wants a normal life and yadda yadda [07:14 PM] Bocaj: Like that time she played horsey [07:15 PM] Bocaj: REMEMBER THE HORSEY TIMES SUE [07:15 PM] Wack'd: Sue, hold on to your memories of like the first two pages of each recent arc [07:15 PM] Bocaj: Yeah! [07:16 PM] Umbramatic: thbijgthp oknjlph;[m'n [07:16 PM] Wack'd: So they send Ben down in scuba gear to get the meteor which does actually kinda look like it could be a Steven Universe corrupted gem. Unfortunately he brings something back with him
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[07:17 PM] Wack'd: Remember: if a character says they want to go fishing in act one they need to catch a giant sea monster by act three [07:17 PM] maxwellelvis: Shai-hulud [07:17 PM] Umbramatic: poor ben [07:17 PM] Umbramatic: he just wanted to turn fish in to blathers [07:18 PM] Wack'd: Reed, being the smart intelligent thing he is, puts this round item down on the floor of a rocking boat [07:19 PM] Wack'd: It cracks open and [07:19 PM] Wack'd: And then Sue was the reverted evolution thingy
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[07:19 PM] Bocaj: So whats the 'reverted evolution' of Sue [07:20 PM] Bocaj: Issue 1 Sue where she didn't ever contribute anything? [07:20 PM] Wack'd: Uh. Angry, I guess?
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[07:20 PM] Bocaj: My idea was funnier and plausibly unfair [07:20 PM] Wack'd: True [07:21 PM] Bocaj: Hope this isn't another situation where Reed is justified in belting her [07:21 PM] Wack'd: Also Reed opens the cracked egg and finds five grooves for parasites to be in like seeds [07:21 PM] Wack'd: So after Sue there's one unaccounted for [07:21 PM] Bocaj: Dun dun dun [07:22 PM] Wack'd: Immediately resolved by it dropping out of a tree and on to Carruthers' neck [07:22 PM] Umbramatic: oh [07:22 PM] Bocaj: Whats tension anyway [07:23 PM] Wack'd: Hm. Reverting made his skin darker. Don't like that
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[07:24 PM] Bocaj: I do like the resigned "Yep -- I wuz right" from Ben [07:24 PM] Bocaj: Don't like "uglier than the hulk" paired with the thing you said [07:25 PM] Wack'd: Anyway Carruthers goes after some oil because these things eat oil remember, so Johnny blows up the oil and Carruthers goes flying like in an action movie or a Looney Tune [07:25 PM] Wack'd: Thus knocking him out so Ben can get the parasite off him before he explodes [07:26 PM] Bocaj: Yaa~aaay [07:26 PM] Wack'd: Oh. Oh fuck [07:27 PM] Wack'd: I've been sitting here thinking "but why are the monsters blowing up anyway? How does that benefit the parasites? Surely they'd want to keep the host alive to keep collecting oil" [07:27 PM] Wack'd: Adding to that, Reed postulates time is a factor as to why some explode and some don't [07:28 PM] Wack'd: But, uh. I thiiiiiiink it might be a lot simpler than that
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[07:29 PM] Wack'd: If I'm right, Franklin blew up the dragon and the sea monster. He wasn't around for the dog and Carruthers [07:29 PM] Bocaj: Dun dun DUUUUN [07:29 PM] Wack'd: (And probably wouldn't have blown them up if he had!) [07:29 PM] Bocaj: Geez Franklin, geez [07:30 PM] Wack'd: And now he's like "do I...blow up mommy? No, right? I feel like that's probably a no" [07:32 PM] Wack'd: Anyway Sue is not entirely mutated, just got some weird facial deformities and is a little out of it. Reed says its maybe her cosmic ray blood [07:32 PM] Umbramatic: *screams* [07:32 PM] Umbramatic: @ the franklin face [07:32 PM] Wack'd: Haha! VINDICATED
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[07:33 PM] Wack'd: Honestly kudos to Moench here for successfully constructing a mystery I didn't know was a mystery until the reveal happened [07:33 PM] Wack'd: That's some good writing right there [07:34 PM] Wack'd: Less good writing: this
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[07:34 PM] Umbramatic: so nice work [07:35 PM] Wack'd: Anyway Franklin blows up the parasite without hurting Reed or Sue and is very proud of himself [07:36 PM] Wack'd: And Reed concludes "uh maybe we should figure out exactly hat Franklin's deal is" before the whole team hightails it back to New York [07:36 PM] Wack'd: A happy ending maybe
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[07:37 PM] Bocaj: OR IS IT? [07:37 PM] Wack'd: Nope, turns out they have another son [07:38 PM] Bocaj: Benjamin Jonathan Richards you were named after the two bravest men I know [07:39 PM] Wack'd: LETTERS! Everybody loves some letters [07:39 PM] Wack'd: Eric L Watts wants Johnny to fall in love with another superhero and Ben and Alicia to get married. I like one of those ideas [07:39 PM] Bocaj: Is that the one what did happen eventualy? [07:40 PM] Wack'd: I mean both of those happen eventually [07:40 PM] Bocaj: Or is it the one, due to the vagaries of gendered language, that has Johnny come out as queer? [07:40 PM] Wack'd: Ha [07:41 PM] maxwellelvis: Lyja isn't a superhero when she and Johnny meet, though. [07:41 PM] Wack'd: Someone wants to know how Sienkiewicz is pronounced! It's sinKEVitch [07:41 PM] Wack'd: @maxwellelvis He does also date Medusa, so [07:41 PM] Bocaj: He's dated Crystal and Medusa [07:41 PM] maxwellelvis: Good golly [07:41 PM] Bocaj: He dates Nova, not that one, who probably counts if Silver Surfer do [07:42 PM] Bocaj: Huh. This list of romantic partners I've found for him is shorter than you'd expect [07:42 PM] Wack'd: People are kind of tetchy at how much Reed stretches now. Two different letter writers are like "He's not Plastic Man!" [07:42 PM] Bocaj: Hah. [07:43 PM] Wack'd: And people really like the more domestic stuff, specifically how Sue is written [07:43 PM] Wack'd: I'm sure the fact that all the letter writers are dudes is a coincidence [07:44 PM] Bocaj: I'm kind of but not really but a little surprised that Carol and Johnny haven't gone on at least one date. They have a venn diagram social circle and Carol dated Spider-Man briefly which is a similar kind of energy [07:44 PM] Wack'd: Oh hey, look who's making her *Fantastic Four* debut
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leggomylino · 5 years
light switch 2 | yandere!seungmin
Genre: Yandere, romance/fluff (sorta?), thriller, a little angst, some comedy
Pairing(s): yandere!Seungmin x reader
Word count: ~8k
Warnings: Author rambling, run-on sentences, mild language (censored), a few memes, moments of high tension and possible anxiety, ooc, and mild abuse/violence
A/N: Requests are open! | Masterlist in bio! | I told you guys I was working on this!! Lol I’m so sorry it took so long! :(( But, nevertheless, here it is! ...And yes, there’s a surprise waiting for you at the end... >u>” Enjoy!! And please be sure to tell me what you think! c: I love hearing from you all~ <3 (For those of you that missed it, part one can be found here)
Oh my gosh it’s finally back
Can you believe it’s finally back
Seriously what took this chick {author} so long to write this sh*t wtfudge man
Okay okay I know I’m sorry
It’s been really chaotic and I’ve had a lot on my plate (and mind) but we’re finally back now and that’s all that matters
My question to you all is
(enter your response here)
  Okay so
To recap:
Your mother had just made a phone call to Seungmin asking to talk to you
She wanted to remind you to bring the mail inside before y’all got too comfortable and side-tracked since you told her you were at Minnie’s (a fatal error on your part) and she and your father are out of town on a cliche business trip
Things always go wrong during cliche business trips
Anyway Minnie was pretty confused at first but he caught on pretty quickly that something was up
Something rotten in the state of Your Town Name Here
And knowing that you must have lied he decided to play along, beginning to gather the materials he needed
*cue ominous soap opera music*
“...Seungmin? Is everything alright?” Her voice is growing more and more worried with each consonant. “Where’s (y/n)?”
He laughs.
Just laughs for a moment, shaking his head.
“...Yeah, yes, she’s here. Sorry, my connection has been on the fritz lately.”
“O-Oh, I see...can I talk to her?”
“She’s in the bathroom getting cleaned up right now. I’ll have her call you as soon as she’s out...”
He paces over to the blinds, peeking out into the neighborhood from his second story window. Like a lot of cliche villains or suspicious people do. “...but it may be a while. You know how long she takes just to brush her teeth.”
Mrs. (L/n) gives a relieved, but still somewhat nervous chuckle, sighing at the end to ease her tension. “Yes, I certainly do. Thanks so much, Minnie. I know I can count on you to take good care of my little girl.”
“Yes...” He smiles, nuzzling the phone between his ear and shoulder as he’s scouring his room for things: a bottle labeled “Witch Hazel”, some cloth, a copy of his dad’s car key...as well as an additional key he never thought he’d get to use until now. “You can always count on me. I promise she’ll be out like a light before the clock strikes twelve.”
“That’s a relief. In that case just tell her to bring the mail in, would you? Thanks again!”
“It’s not a problem. Good night, Mrs. (L/N).” 
“You too dear.”
Beep. He hangs up.
Looks back out the window. Sighs.
It wouldn’t be a problem at all.
“...at least, not for long.”
 Back at Lucas’ house...well really, your imagination...you’re having a nightmare you used to have as a child
You’re walking down the street, minding your own business...
When all of a sudden the sky turns red, then black
The faces of the people around you turn sinister; they look like they want to hurt you
You begin to run as fast as you can, but your whole body is weighed down, like gravity is twice as strong on you
But not on anyone else 
So while the people who are slowly turning into monsters are gaining on you
All you can do is cower in fear and pray that it will be over quickly
But then there’s a burst of white light
Like a light switch has been flipped on
And the ground crumbles beneath you, bursts of white shining through the cracks
And you go tumbling down into the earth
Until you land into a pair of soft, strong arms
Your face instantly buries into the figure’s chest, because you know you can trust him
He smells sweet, like lavender and fresh Spring daisies
It’s a calming, pleasing scent
And all the monsters who were chasing you before vanish as they fall into the crumbling Earth, disintegrating into nothing but ash that’s carried someplace far, far away
You look up to see who your savior is
It’s never the same person
At first it was your dad; then it was your sixth grade crush; a couple times it was the cute actor from your favorite movie
But this time, and sadly like the last five times you’ve had this dream since you started high school...that person is none other than Kim Seungmin
He’s looking so ...
There isn’t a word for it
His edges are soft
So are his eyes
And he’s looking at you like you’re responsible for hanging the moon in the sky and making all the stars glow
He has such high expectations for you
From you
That you’re afraid to let him down
To tell him the truth
You aren’t God, after all
You just—
What the heck was that?!?
Your eyes shoot open to the sound of someone crying out
It sounds like a man’s voice...
And it’s nearby
You’re stunned into shock for a few seconds before you can get your body to move, and when you do you grip the plushie in your arms against your chest—
Wait, plushie...?
You look down.
Your eyes are adjusting while a struggle is clearing going on outside 
It’s the plushie that Seungmin gave you
The one from your house; you know it is bc it smells like your bedroom
But you didn’t bring this with you...
You’re scared, but you quickly throw yourself out from the safety of the tent—
And immediately wish you hadn’t
The window beside the bed is open
A cold draft blowing in
Lucas is pinned down, struggling 
The shadowy figure above him
Is none other
Than Kim Seungmin
He’s ripping something off of his belt-
It’s a syringe
He stabs it into Lucas’ arm with a curse, and not but two seconds later the boy is little more than a vegetable; no longer moving, barely breathing
Holy sh*t
I mean
Holy sh*t--
You gotta bounce sis
You gotta MOVE
Seungmin tosses a bottle of some clear liquid aside in anger, and it spills open in the middle of the floor
The smell hits you pretty quickly; it smells of lavender and fresh daisies
Just like in your dream/nightmare
It makes you feel a bit woozy upon inhaling it
But you don’t completely pass out 
Which apparently is what Minnie was going for
There’s a thump as Seungmin jumps to the floor
And you’re scared
Actually, saying you’re scared is an understatement
This is pretty freaking serious man
You don’t think you can meme your way through this one
You can’t move
You just kneel there outside your tent in shock, trying to convince yourself this is one of those nightmares that stems from another; you simply woke up into a new dream is all
But it’s not so
Something in your heart is telling you
This is real life
Seungmin is doing something...
He’s...filling another syringe 
Now that your eyes have adjusted, you can see he’s completely surpassed resting b*tch mode
He’s gone off the deep end. Like, he’s really gone this time
Looking so serious and genuine, so certain about what he’s doing...
Yet having lost all the light in his eyes
“Now, (y/n)...I need you to be good and take this for me.”
No thanks bro that’s okay
P h A t pass on that one man
Phattest pass, phattest pass
You get your legs to finally work as he’s approaching you, scurrying towards the door and only stopping when your back hits against it, because dammit all, he’s still too fast for you
Seungmin is just right there man
He’s got you trapped
His fingers brush over the soft palate of your arm, gently feeling about for a vein
Apparently he wants to be more careful and professional when he drugs you
For whatever reason
You’re back to being immobilized
It’s like your feet are stuck in blocks of cement
Oh dear Lord you’re gonna die ಥ_ಥ
This is it
He wants you dead
He’s gonna throw you and Lucas into some twisted vegetable soup and that’s going to be the end of it
And you may have thought that had it not been for the blue and red sirens flashing outside
Minnie turns around mid-prodding, an obvious cringe on his face, and then suddenly he’s tackled to the ground by none other than Big Brother of the Year Lucas oh praise Jesus you may live after all
Wow this guy is your hero
He’s weak and there’s blood all over his face, his breath heavy as he heaves out desperate words to you
“.....(y/n)........g-get out...s-side.........cops....will take...care of y-you...”
Welp, he don’t have to tell you twice
Through all this, he’s still trying to protect you. He’d been drugged, his face cut into, beaten senseless without warning, yet he was still trying to save you...like a guardian angel or something
...Wow, maybe the author should have made this a Seungmin x reader x Lucas instead hubba hubba
But unfortunately she’s spaghetti and swamped with updates so we’ll never know 🤪🍝
You fling yourself out the door and down the stairs as some officers have just broken down the front door, and you don’t grab no shoes or nothing Lord, you r u n outta that place, choosing to consult with a kind-looking female cop that’s waiting outside on standby
Frantically you gush out what’s going on as best you can, even though you’re not so sure what’s going yourself
Most importantly, you’re sure to tell her that Lucas is hurt first. He needs immediate medical attention from what you gathered in the faint street light pouring in the open window
She comforts you and assures you that they’re handling it, all the while wishing and hoping and praying with every fiber in your being you’ll wake up soon, any minute now...
...but unfortunately, you never do. The reality hits you when Lucas is carried out on a stretcher and Seungmin is forced out in handcuffs.
 You’re at the hospital with Lucas
Seungmin really did a number on him; after beating him black and blue, he pulled out a knife and nearly blinded him
Luckily it was dark and Lucas put up one heck of a fight. He wasn’t on three sports teams for nothing. 
He’d put up such a defensive display that Seungmin had just missed his left eye...sadly, though, he got the right one
Lucas lost half his eyesight because of you
You don’t know what to say...what to think, even
If only you hadn’t gone over there. If only you’d just stayed home...or...or maybe...
You swallow as tears begin to fall. What the heck were you supposed to do? You’d had no idea this would happen. You didn’t know things had gotten this bad...
...but you also kind of did
The poem? It was a warning
A threat
You’d been given a heads up long before, and you’d chosen to play dumb and ignore it
And now Lucas would have to be called Patchy for the rest of his life
The only Halloween options he’d ever have are Pirate or...parrot with an eyepatch
And it was all your fault
Thank God Seungmin had been arrested…
He’d been arrested. Kim Seungmin had been arrested.
Why was this just now hitting you so ha--
“Oh my gosh, my baby! (Y/n)!!”
Oop. Mama (Y/n) in the house.
Your mother comes charging in like a swarm of bees, enveloping you in her arms but also giving you a bit of a sting for lying to her like you did. Lucas’ parents had caught them up to speed already, your father glaring angrily but thankfully from the doorway. 
After hugging them both and explaining everything from your point of view, they agree to give you a few more minutes alone with Lucas before you’re grounded young lady no TV no video games no books well okay reading is important for your future but nothing enjoyable and no dessert. They also plan to have a serious discussion with you about Kim Seungmin as well. Great.
Not wanting to let you go your father drags your mom out, her protestant whimpering echoing down the hall and they retreat to discuss things further with Lucas’ parents.
Oi vey
What has all of this come to? What are you even doing? How did things get this bad…?
You turn your head slowly from across the room, examining the boy’s eye (or in some ways lack thereof) as you make your way back, settling carefully into the chair beside him.
𝑊𝑖𝑡𝘩 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑢𝑙 𝑡𝘩𝑜𝑢𝑔𝘩𝑡
𝐴𝑛𝑑 𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝘩𝑎𝑡 𝑏𝑖𝑛𝑑
𝑆𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑏𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑠
𝐵𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑡𝘩𝑒𝑦 𝑔𝑜 𝑏𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑑...
...You now hate poetry
You’ll never read another sonnet ever again
Lucas is waking up
It’s now five o’clock in the morning
You’re both dead tired, but you can only imagine how he must be feeling, being the one in the hospital bed…
...This is seriously all your fault
You hate yourself for it
You just
You just…
There’s a text on your phone. You choose to ignore it, of course. Lucas is way more important right now than some Instagram or trivial weather update
Tenderly you reach, taking Lucas’ hand...or start to. You hover over it, wondering if you even deserve to be...if you even…
A warmth envelopes your fingers as Lucas takes them weakly into his own, the faintest smile present on his face. He carefully reaches up to pat the white surgical tape and bandages over the upper right half of his face. 
“...It’s never going to get any better, is it?” he asks.
You practically jump at the question: “No, it will. It definitely will.”
...Lying to him in order to not cause him any more panic is the best you can do for him now. Pathetic, but it’s better to remain hopeful, at least until he can handle it later.
His smile turns sad as he gazes at you with his one good eye. 
“I meant for you.”
You slowly shake your head no
He sighs, turning towards the fluorescent lights on the ceiling that have been dimmed to allow the patient on the other side to sleep. “I’m so sorry, (y/n). This is my fault. I should have just brought you to the police station, and they would have handled it professionally right then and there. I didn’t think...things had gotten this bad.” He squeezed with what little strength he had. “But I’m really glad you’re okay. Did he hurt you at all?”
This man
Was lying in a hospital bed
Bruised to a bloody pulp
He’d permanently lost sight in one eye
And he was worried
About you
So author, what was that about no love triangle going on here??
The only thing you can do is look downward, at the nightstand, the bedding, the far wall...anywhere that isn’t Lucas’ face right now
You don’t have it in you to accept his incredible kindness and heroic humility. You don’t even bother answering his question, except to mutter out, “thank you.”
 So what’s going on with Seungmin now?
Well, glad you asked
Cause you were just about to find out from a friendly sit down with three guest stars on the (Y/n)’s Chaotic Life show: Mom, Dad, and Officer Jenny
...No, not from the Pokemon TV series. Though you had to admit, the resemble was almost uncanny...not that this was anytime for jokes
“So,” Officer Jenny asks, pen and notepad in hand, “I’m sure you must be feeling many things right now, but let’s start from the beginning, if that’s alright. When did this all start?”
Your mom and dad just shared a look before turning to you, your mother gingerly patting and rubbing your knee. “Go ahead, sweetheart. Take your time.”
You take a deep breath and tell her everything you know. From the moment you first met Kim Seungmin, to the moment you first noticed him changing, to the events of some twenty-four hours ago. Your mother and father gave their piece as well, though really they claimed to be completely in the dark to any of Minnie’s chaotic and violent behavior, insisting he was always a sweet and well-behaved boy for as long as they’d know him. It was quite a shock finding out what he’d done.
Did you even still call him that? Would you? Could you?
He was practically a murderer. A complete psychopath. And you still had no idea why…
“So what do you think brought out this behavioral change?”
Your head snapped up from where it’d dropped downward, spacing out after having contributed your part of the story
Mom and Dad were glaring at you. Officer Jenny was waiting patiently.
But you had no idea what to say
Because you didn’t know
You didn’t
You didn’t…
...Did you?
Does this sound familiar?
 “...I can’t do this anymore, (y/n)...not if you’re not going to listen to me or do as I say. It’s driving me crazy. Don’t you get it? Don’t you f***ing see how I feel about you? Have you really been so dense this whole f***ing time?!?”
“(Y/n). I need to know...tell me, do you…”
“...Do you feel the same way?”
 ...The part that scared you
The part that really scared you
Was that
You didn’t know…
 That night
After the talk show was wrapped up and everything was out in the open
Officer Jenny reassured your family that you were safe staying at home
Seungmin had been captured and a few officers had done a thorough investigation on your house to make sure there were no cameras or bombs or anything fishy like that
So it was essentially safe and there was no need to go the extra mile of changing identities and moving across the country
Except well
If you’re new to this story
You’re in for a bit of a shock because
Of course the author likes to shake things up :D <3
It wouldn’t be a story without something going wrong
And (Y/n) was just about to find out what that something was
It didn’t happen suddenly that night
Some time had gone by, about a week, maybe a week and a half
You were still pretty shaken up over the whole thing, and stuck in a mental state of Twilight Zone
You knew it was real but your brain almost refused to accept and process it
It was like a never-ending nightmare, too farfetched to be true
Because Lucas had to remain in the hospital for further examination and therapy, you brought all his school work to him
You’d taken a few days off yourself and then insisted you were fine to go back
You needed something to distract you from the reality
But, in reality, it only made it worse in some ways, students swarming you with questions and facility repeatedly asking if you were alright or needed a break
The only place you were allowed to go was the Student Council room, and Lord knows you did NOT want to be alone in that place again
Even though the school had already granted Lucas an extended leave of absence, he insisted you bring him a copy of your homework so he could “keep up with his studies”
In reality, he just wanted an excuse to see you. And you liked seeing him as well. It was nice to be in his company and check up on him, and he felt the same
When you weren’t at the hospital visiting and quote-quote “studying” with Lucas, you were either going through the motions on autopilot at school or sitting in your room, doing anything and everything to erase what had happened
That was, of course, easier said than done though
Often you found it hard being at home. It didn’t feel safe anymore knowing Seungmin had been here, so many times before, in the very room you sat in. Laughing with you, smiling, comforting or taking care of you…
He was everywhere. His laughter practically filled the walls and echoed down the corridors, his smile reflected in every glass sheen of sunlight
And when the lights flipped off, so did his expression. It was like you were reliving that horrific night all over again
You had to break out of there, your house and your mind
So you went to the park with a couple of new friends you’d made, Felix and Changbin. They were just as surprised as anyone else to learn what had become of Seungmin, and they’d actually been the first ones to shelter you and protect your privacy on your first day back, when your classmates started popping out of the woodwork to drown you in questions and condolences
As you may or may not have guessed, you’d gotten a new phone, during the Officer Jenny visit, along with a new number
After sh*t had really hit the fan, though, you’d become much less social, only registering your parents, Officer Jenny’s number by request, Lucas, and the day after, Felix and Binnie. Despite your previous crush on Jaemin, that had all but flown out the window and exploded upon colliding with a powerline, and you’re pretty sure after he heard what happened, he probably felt the same
And anyway, again, you’d become much less social since the whole incident. You really didn’t feel like talking to anyone unless it was your parents or these three boys. Maybe Jenny if there was some kind of emergency, which you sincerely hoped there wouldn’t be
...I’m pretty sure that covers everything
You were now at the park with Felix and Changbin
Just strolling aimlessly, you in the middle with Felix to your left and Binnie on the right
Your two bodyguards
Felix, you’d come to find out, was a professional at taekwondo, which was nice
And though Changbin was rather on the short side, just his looks and voice alone was intimidating enough
So you felt relatively safe in their company, taking a quiet stroll at sundown
The park was mostly vacant save for a few late-evening joggers or cyclist passing by
Birds and squirrels and other wildlife were just getting settled in their nests for the night, the owls and probably a raccoon or two taking their place
The three of you walked at a steady pace, hands behind your back or shoved in your pockets as you stared straight ahead, at the sidewalk, or the surrounding forest life
...It was peaceful but a little awkward
Probably because you all had the same thing on your minds
Something you all knew you needed to talk about, but had been avoiding to spare an awkward conversation
Instead now there was nothing but Awkward Silence™
“So,” Felix spoke up after your second and a half time around, smiling awkwardly. “How are you feeling today?”
Both boys looked at you. You gave them each a short stare in return before shrugging just as uncomfortably. You knew you needed to talk about Seungmin, but you’d left your house to escape him, not engage him elsewhere.
After a few more paces you noticed the two had fallen a bit behind, muttering to each other in hushed tones:
“She probably doesn’t wanna talk about this right now. Why did you bring it up?”
“Yeah...I dunno, I didn’t know how else to break it in. Sorry...”
“Apologize to her, not me! We’re trying to ease it in, not break her.”
“That’s what I said, bro.”
“...No, you said-- never mind, just go do something.”
“Like what?”
“Like apologize! Am I the only one that knows how girls operate?”
“...Says the man that’s been single the entire senior ye--”
“Shut up and go talk to her!!”
At that point you heard a shove behind you, and Felix came stumbling back up to your left, Binnie steadily catching back up on the right. He gave you a calm and peaceful smile while occasionally casting eyes at Felix expectantly.
Felix took a deep breath while he scratched the side of his head, looking up at the sky for a second before tossing his whole gaze down on you. It almost caught you off guard how intense and smoldering it all was
“(Y/n)...listen, Changbin and I were thinking-- …”
He opened his mouth, but no words came. Instead he pointed toward the restaurant district of town. 
“...You wanna grab dinner after this?”
You blinked. Changbin facepalmed, a small groan escaping him.
But then all your stomachs growled, answering the question for you. You couldn’t help but smile, even just a little, as the other two laughed and the three of you headed off toward the nearby city lights.
Your phone gave a small ping! as a notification came up, but you failed to notice it thanks to the nearby rustling of what you assumed was active forest life, a stray cat or maybe a mouse
You had no idea how wrong you were.
 I know, things are starting to get a little slow
Just bear with me, okay?
Cause we’re about to pick up big time
Spoiler alert?
You were now sitting at a small, quiet, but decently populated restaurant
There were a fair number of customers but it wasn’t overcrowded at all, more of a cozy cafe styled place
It was the compromise Changbin insisted you all agree on, he being the most vocally worried about your mental state. He didn’t want you to be overwhelmed by all the noise and chaos of some famous barbecue joint or a popular family restaurant, so after you insisted you could handle it and would be fine (he had been pitching the idea of just grabbing some food to-go and heading back to his place), the boys let you pick a cafe you often passed by on the way to school but never got a chance to try
...until now
Ironically and thankfully they were a particularly special cafe that served dinner because the author said so yeehaw B))
So yes, you’re all sitting at a small booth off to the side, Changbin on one end, you and Felix curled up on the other. You order your food and as you’re waiting, Changbin and Felix are locked in some dumb debate about a few of their other friends while flicking straw wrappers back and forth. They tried to get you in on it at first but, seeing that you’re still in a weird place, decided to leave the invitation open if you wanted to join.
Everything is just so weird right now. You’re still in the Twilight Zone. It just doesn’t seem real at all…
The whole spectacle refuses to leave your mind. You’re coming to accept you can’t get away from it no matter what you try.
Kim Seungmin, from the moment you met him, has always been a part of you. And he always would be. It was just going to be weird from now on because...because…
Your phone again?
Honestly it had kind of been doing that a lot before but you’ve been ignoring it because, again, you’re not much for talking to people right now. Or getting involved with any social media events or news flashes or...or uh…
There’s...a message. From Lucas?
Bro when did he get his phone back tho
You’d been communicating through his mum and the hospital when you weren’t there cause patients can’t have phones so like
Nani the heck??
Maybe this was good
Maybe he was being discharged early
The treatment had gone well and--
𝖫𝗎𝖼𝖺𝗌: 𝖧𝖾𝗒! 𝖨 𝗇𝖾𝖾𝖽 𝖺 𝖿𝖺𝗏𝗈𝗋.
Oh? A favor you say?
You were so there. You kinda owed Lucas your life after what happened.
𝖸𝗈𝗎: 𝖮𝖿 𝖼𝗈𝗎𝗋𝗌𝖾! 𝖶𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝖼𝖺𝗇 𝖨 𝖽𝗈 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗒𝗈𝗎? 
𝖫𝗎𝖼𝖺𝗌: 𝖳𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗄𝗌 :) 𝖶𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 𝗇𝗈𝗐? 
𝖸𝗈𝗎: 𝖨’𝗆 𝖾𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝖺 𝖼𝗈𝗎𝗉𝗅𝖾 𝗈𝖿 𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽𝗌. 
𝖫𝗎𝖼𝖺𝗌: 𝖿𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗇𝖽𝗌? 
𝖸𝗈𝗎: 𝖸𝖾𝖺𝗁 𝖼: 
𝖫𝗎𝖼𝖺𝗌: 𝗐𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗂𝗋 𝗇𝖺𝗆𝖾𝗌
> - > Bro why he wanna know tho--
Okay whatever
𝖸𝗈𝗎: 𝖥𝖾𝗅𝗂𝗑 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗀𝖻𝗂𝗇? 
𝖸𝗈𝗎: 𝖨𝗌 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝗈𝗄𝖺𝗒 𝗅𝗈𝗅 
𝖫𝗎𝖼𝖺𝗌: 𝗇𝗈 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗒
It’s not?
Why isn’t this okay
𝖸𝗈𝗎: 𝖶𝗁𝗒 𝗇𝗈𝗍? :𝟢 
𝖫𝗎𝖼𝖺𝗌: 𝖨 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗒 𝗇𝖾𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗈 𝗌𝖾𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 
𝖫𝗎𝖼𝖺𝗌: 𝖢𝖺𝗇 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝖾 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 𝗇𝗈𝗐? 
𝖸𝗈𝗎: 𝖴𝗁, 𝗒𝖾𝖺𝗁 𝖨 𝗀𝗎𝖾𝗌𝗌? 𝖢𝖺𝗇 𝗂𝗍 𝗐𝖺𝗂𝗍 𝗍𝗂𝗅 𝖺𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖿𝗈𝗈𝖽 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗌? 𝖨 𝖼𝖺𝗇 𝖻𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗌𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗂𝖿 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾
Lucas is typing a reply as your food is being set down, the boys cheering and mouths watering while all you can do is nervously glare at your new phone.
Seriously, what was wrong with Lucas? He wasn’t in danger, was he?
𝖫𝗎𝖼𝖺𝗌: 𝖨’𝖽 𝗋𝖺𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝖾𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗇𝗈𝗐. 𝖯𝗅𝖾𝖺𝗌𝖾. :(
Y’know, this don’t really sound like Lucas
All of this is hella sus sis
But you’re so worried about him anyway, and so distracted by the excuses running through your mind that he could be on medication or what if it really is an emergency that you instead grab your coat and are just about to tell Felix to yeet when something else catches your eye
Ooooooooh boy
Ooooooooh bro
Ooooooooh buddy
It’s uh
All those previous notifications
They’re all news articles and the like, as you already had guessed they’d be
Most of them aren’t very important: Attorney so-and-so does this, City of Hoopla does that, Guy Catches Phone on Roller Coaster, band drops new album and it’s a huge hit, yada-yada-yada
But there’s this one
This one in particular
That nearly makes you break down and cry
I mean
You’re close to screaming sis
It’s pretty bad
You probably know what it is already
Yep: you guessed it
 KXX News: Local Malefactor Escapes [Your Town] Jail; Police Baffled
Don’t freak out y/n
Deep breath sis
Deeeeeeeep breath
Breath nice and deep now…
Oop too late you’re already panicking
Hell I would too sis :( This is some bad juju
It’s going to be okay
I mean
You are kinda having a panic attack right now?
But don’t panic bc it’s going to be…
...you just passed out so I’ll be switching povs now
I’ll sort of summarize too since this is about you and - h i m - anyway
Basically you totally black out, the restaurant/cafe panics a bit (the few people who happen to notice) but Felix manages to catch you (thank goodness you were still seated at the booth so you just toppled over on his shoulder more or less)
In five seconds Binnie and Felix come up with a game plan where Felix carries you outside, trying to look as natural as possible, Binnie taking care of the check.
They argue and walk laps around the cafe about whether or not to take you home or the hospital
But when you start to come to, they agree it’s best to get you home to your mother
You fall in and out of consciousness all the way there, the only thing flooding your mind being the faintest scent of lavender and Spring: and Kim Seungmin.
 You were honestly a little surprised when you finally woke up
You were sure seeing those words in that news headline, all in one coherent sentence, was going to be the death of you
I mean, he did want you dead, didn’t he?
You don’t know
You have no idea what’s really happening
A reoccuring theme in this story
You dunno
You just
But it’s going to be okay because--
Bro man
Your phone almost gave you a heart attack
A real one this time
Oi vey to hell and back
All of this is really getting to be too much man
You dunno if-- ...well
We done went over this already
You don’t know anything anymore 🙄😔
I mean
What even is life anyway??
You roll over on your bed to snatch the phone on your nightstand, an eerie feeling in your gut
Whether that’s from the fact you’re still recovering or you’re terrified it has something to do with everyone’s favorite Dandy Boy is a toss up
It could also have been the few nibbles of food you’d managed to have before zonking out…
...actually no scratch that, you were still pretty hungry. Which was a good sign, honestly
It meant you were already recovering well and most likely not gonna die
That was always nice, y’know, not dying <3
So anyway
You glare at the lock screen in the dark, the brightness blinding you for a moment as you’re squinting and fumbling to turn it down
And when you do
You see there’s another message
A message from Lucas 
Oop. You forgot about him in your whole fainting episode
Hope he’s okay--
𝖫𝗎𝖼𝖺𝗌: 𝖸/𝗇. 𝖸𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗆𝗈𝗆 𝖼𝖺𝗅𝗅𝖾𝖽 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝗈𝗅𝖽 𝗆𝖾 𝗐𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗉𝖾𝗇𝖾𝖽. 𝖨 𝗁𝗈𝗉𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎’𝗋𝖾 𝗐𝖾𝗅𝗅. 𝖸𝗈𝗎 𝗀𝗈𝗍𝗍𝖺 𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇 𝗌𝗈𝗆𝖾𝖻𝗈𝖽𝗒 𝖻𝖾𝖿𝗈𝗋𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎’𝗋𝖾 𝗀𝗈𝗇𝗇𝖺 𝗀𝗈 𝗌𝗄𝗂𝗍𝗓𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍, 𝗁𝖺𝗁𝖺
𝖸𝗈𝗎: 𝖨’𝗆 𝗌𝗈 𝗌𝗈𝗋𝗋𝗒, 𝖨 𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗆𝗂𝗌𝖾 𝖨’𝗆 𝗈𝗄𝖺𝗒 
𝖸𝗈𝗎: 𝖣𝗈 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗅𝗅 𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗍 𝗆𝖾 𝗍𝗈 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝖾 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗌𝖾𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎?
It takes a minute for him to respond.
𝖫𝗎𝖼𝖺𝗌: 𝖭𝗈, 𝖽𝗈𝗇’𝗍 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝗋𝗒 𝖺𝖻𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝗂𝗍. 𝖸𝗈𝗎 𝗇𝖾𝖾𝖽 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝗍.
And then…
𝖫𝗎𝖼𝖺𝗌: 𝖨’𝗅𝗅 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝖾 𝗍𝗈 𝗒𝗈𝗎.
He’ll what now?
𝖫𝗎𝖼𝖺𝗌: 𝖣𝗈𝗇’𝗍 𝗀𝗈 𝖺𝗇𝗒𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾. 𝖨 𝗐𝗈𝗇’𝗍 𝖻𝖾 𝗅𝗈𝗇𝗀.
Sis honestly
Lucas you ho what are you doin you’re sick
You on them drugs boy
You needa be staying yer ass in bed so you can--
Oh now what does this crazy bish want??
𝖫𝗎𝖼𝖺𝗌: 𝖲𝗈𝗋𝗋𝗒! 𝖩𝗎𝗌𝗍 𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝖿𝖺𝗏𝗈𝗋 𝖨 𝗇𝖾𝖾𝖽 𝖿𝗋𝗈𝗆 𝗒𝗈𝗎
Sure? What is it??
𝖸𝗈𝗎: 𝖮𝗄𝖺𝗒?? 
𝖫𝗎𝖼𝖺𝗌: :)) 𝖳𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗄𝗌 𝗒/𝗇 
𝖫𝗎𝖼𝖺𝗌: 𝖦𝗈 𝗍𝗈 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖼𝗅𝗈𝗌𝖾𝗍 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗈𝗉𝖾𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖽𝗈𝗈𝗋.
Bro man
Okay you know what
This is a little too weird
𝖸𝗈𝗎: 𝖨𝗌 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝗌𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗍 𝗆𝖾 𝗍𝗈 𝖻𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗒𝗈𝗎? 𝗈𝗇𝗈” 
𝖫𝗎���𝖺𝗌: 𝖸𝖾𝖺𝗁, 𝖼𝗁𝗈𝖼𝗈𝗅𝖺𝗍𝖾? 𝖨𝖿 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗅𝗅 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝖺𝗇𝗒 𝗅𝖾𝖿𝗍 𝗅𝗈𝗅
Oooooh man what a relief
If you’ll recall
Cause ik it’s been a hot minute
In the last episode (Light Switch 1) it was Valentine’s Day
He just wants something sweet =7=” Bro you know that jello sh*t they serve in them hospitals must be nasty af
He just wants some good stuff is all
Who doesn’t want chocolate when they’re sick? Or sad?
But author eating chocolate when you’re sick isn’t good for you do you want to die
Hey bro bold of you to assume--
𝖸𝗈𝗎: 𝖮𝗁, 𝗈𝖿 𝖼𝗈𝗎𝗋𝗌𝖾! 𝖨 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝗅𝗈--
Hold on
Wait just another hot minute
Sis how he know you keep chocolate in your closet??
He wasn’t here when you shoved everything in there
Heck he ain’t ever been in your house once
Enough ellipses you’re just gonna go for it
Screw it
It’s just Lucas
He probs just assumed it was a cliche or normal thing to do
You really needed to stop overthinking things and just
Do It ✔™
So you do it
You walk to your closet and open the door
Well you start to anyway
On the way over something catches your eye now that your sight’s adjusted
You make your way to your desk, where a stack of letters and junk flyers are just sitting there taking up space and making the room look trashy
You’re easily distracted at times, and a bit nosy, so you pick up the first flyer on the stack to figure out what it is
Such-and-So’s Pool Service!1!1 We clean--
Yeah okay you don’t care
About that anyway
What you do care about, or what piques your interest rather, is the date
It’s labeled as being delivered almost two weeks ago
All of the letters and junk mail are labeled as being delivered two weeks ago
You’re about to set them all back down when you see something flapping beneath the gentle circulation of the ceiling fan
A Post-It note?
A Post-It note
It says…
   It doesn’t matter what it says
Because you’d recognize that handwriting anywhere, after all the notes he’d written you
It’s from Minnie 
𝐼 𝑡𝘩𝑜𝑢𝑔𝘩𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢’𝑑 𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑡𝘩𝑎𝑡 𝐼 𝑏𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑔𝘩𝑡 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑚𝑎𝑖𝑙 𝑖𝑛 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑦𝑜𝑢. 𝑀𝑎𝑦𝑏𝑒 𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡 𝑏𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑢𝑐𝘩 𝑎𝑛 𝑎𝑖𝑟𝘩𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑛𝑒𝑥𝑡 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒? ;) 𝐵𝑢𝑡 𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑙𝑦, 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑝 𝑏𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑜 𝑙𝑎𝑧𝑦! -- 𝐾𝑆 <𝟥  
𝑃.𝑠. - 𝑀𝑎𝑦𝑏𝑒 𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑎 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑒𝑥𝑐𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑛𝑒𝑥𝑡 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑎 𝑐𝘩𝑒𝑎𝑡 𝑜𝑛 𝑚𝑒. 𝑁𝑜𝑡 𝑡𝘩𝑎𝑡 𝑖𝑡’𝑠 𝑔𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑜 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟. 
Deep breaths deep breaths deep breaths
He was here
He’d been here
He’d come here the night before--
He’d known
You were such a dumdum
Of course you should have known one of your parents would call. Probably your mom-
He was arrested so it’s fine
No wait
He got out
...He got out ._.”
And you
Okay time to get those chocolates and move move move
Just make a small right turn and
The closet door just...opens
A familiar figure stepping out from the shadows
He’s wearing his favorite striped blue t-shirt and faded blue jeans
And he’s holding a rose between his teeth
He removes it with a muffled sigh, tossing it back into the closet
“I wanted to surprise you but, I should have known it’s just like you to get easily sidetracked.”
He shoves a phone into his pocket
Lucas’ phone.
He smiles.
“Did you miss me?”
 He paces over to you, touching your face
Stroking it softly with ghost-like fingers
It’s...cold and somehow oddly comforting at the same time
Sending you down a trail of mixed signals and warning signs all over again
But you can’t move
He’s backing you up against the desk--
Wait yes you can move
You gotta get out of here. Don’t think. Just get out.
Scream! Yell! Do something!
You scream. He places a hand over your mouth, shoving you back down against the desk. His breath is hot against your skin from where he hovers over you just inches, centimeters away…
...Maybe you should have gone for using a brain cell or two instead
“Why are you doing this again? Why do you have to be so difficult all the time?”
You’re struggling but he must have been hitting up the gym again cause this beach is strong
He’s rambling things to you under his breath, but with the pounding in your ears it’s hard to make out everything he’s saying
Oh dear Lord in heaven you have to get out of here
Use your brain cells y/n use your brain cells
He’s forcing you both to stand upright. He pulls you so hard that the momentum causes the desk to sway, a drawer popping open
A drawer containing your knife. The same knife Seungmin had given you.
He wanted you to sever some bonds?
Okay, you could do that alright
Braincells: Activate!
You go for it
Raising a knee to his xxxx, you shove him back with all your feeble might and snatch that bad boy, whirling around to slash your way out of here if you have to
But somehow Seungmin has become a Superhuman™ and he parries your attack, twisting your arms behind your back and slamming you back down onto the desk
You almost hear him grimace as you cry out in pain, like he’s in just as much turmoil as you
And before you know it a rag is held up over your face, Seungmin gently laying his cheek against yours. Somehow in the span of time all this was going on, he’d managed to throw a mask over his face...
“I’m so sorry, y/n...I never wanted it to come to this...I was hoping to take you quietly…
...But it’s also not my fault you’re so damn difficult all the time.”
Moonlight streaming in through the curtain was blurring together, your thoughts slowly growing more and more incoherent
A scream still caught in your throat, the last thing you recall is again the scent of lavender and Spring daisies. Except it was much stronger now, because that scent was now carrying you somewhere up, up, and away…
 The faint sound of laughter is what awakens you for the 47294907204 time
Seriously how many more times were you gonna clock out like jeez
Not to over exaggerate but man alive
You’re blinking up at the ceiling when it all comes back to you
Your room
Kim Seungmin
Your closet
You being carried away somewhere…
It doesn’t take you long to throw yourself up right, but when you do you instantly regret the action, as a splitting headache takes hold of your cranial
It causes you to wince, reaching both hands up to grab your skull...which are, surprisingly...rather heavy…
Holy frick and frack you’ve been chained
Your wrists
There are cuffs around them
And you’re literally connected to a bedpost
You swallow
This isn’t good
It’s not good at all
What the heck is going on now…?
You gotta examine your surroundings. You need to stop being in the dark all the time
Time to flip on a light switch brother
Let’s see
You’re sitting in a bed
Your bed
Your bed?
That can’t be right
You distinctly remember, despite the running gag of you not knowing anything, that Minnie had hoisted you off somewhere
He’d deadass climbed out the window or something
You look up and around next
It was unmistakable
This was your room: here was your bed, your bookshelf, your desk, TV, closet…
Even your stuffed animals and stationery was here. Exactly as you’ve always had it.
Except, normally your bed was on the right side of the room. Currently, it was on the left
So it was like
A parallel of your bedroom
A weird mirrored version, like you’d stepped through the looking glass…
...You supposed essentially, in some ways, you already had. Starting around high school.
This was really bad
You had to get out of here
Thankfully the chains were pretty long, so your movement wasn’t too restricted and you could move around for the most part as normal
If you had to guess, you could probably make it about halfway across the room before you ran out of chain
A thought you’d never thought you’d be having
Swiftly, you raise the sheets to check your legs
They’re free, save for a few bruises. Yours arms are in worse shape with twice as many and these damned heavy cuff links
This was honestly an outrage
And hella dehumanizing
You weren’t sure what was scarier: the fact that you were sitting in a mirror copy of your bedroom chained like an animal, or the fact that Minnie had done this
No more Minnie
He was Seungmin now
Maybe even just Kim
Because you would no longer have any ties to him after this
He was long gone now
It was over
Oh gosh
Wait was that laughter just now?
It sounded...familiar…
As in
You strained your ears, holding your breath a moment
If you focused really hard
You could just barely hear it
Voices. Sound effects. More audio laughter.
Someone was watching TV
That or Seungmin had sold you to a circus act
Which might have been preferable actually because you really didn’t know if he wanted you dead or not
I mean
On one hand
Why would someone go to so much trouble to make an exact replica of your bedroom?
But on another
There were some major sickos out there…
And you really could never tell what he was thinking
No, no, no y/n
No tears
We’re not going to cry
Big girl pants big girl pants
We’re going to get ourselves out of here and hop on the first plane to a new country
Move to Switzerland and start a cute little sheep farm
Change your name to Olga
Marry a huge scary-looking huntsman that was actually very sweet
And spend the rest of your days baking apple pies and schnitzel and shaving wool from sheep to knit fluffy sweaters and sell them on the Swiss version of Amazon
Yeah something like that
Everything was going to be a-o—
“You’re awake.”
It’s Kim Seungmin
He’s standing in the doorway
You didn’t even hear the door open
He takes two steps in before pausing to admire what a mess you probably look like
Only to him, you’ve never looked more beautiful
You don’t know this of course, but in his mind: you’re stunning
I mean, absolutely breathtaking
Sitting here in the room he worked so hard putting together for you
Your hair a wind-blown bed-mangled mess the way you toss and turn in your sleep sometimes
The natural glow that radiates off your face when you’re not wearing any makeup
The shine from the rays of faint sunrise as they hit your tear-stained face
It’s a work of art
What he’s worked for since he first laid eyes on you all those years ago
He’s wanted this so badly for such a long time
And it’s finally happening
He’s finally gotten what he’s pined for all this time: you
All that time he took getting to know you, forming a bond, taking measurements and pictures and writing down numbers, formulating the perfect plan
It may not have gone exactly how he imagined it would, but it’d still produced the same results. You were now, finally, his. All that was left to do was to clean you of any ties you had to your past life, and then the war would be over. The climax had come and gone. It was all downhill from here.
He told himself over and over again, that this is what he’d wanted...but yet
A part of him felt almost guilty for some reason
Of course he was happy, but also
It this really what he’d wanted?
He wanted to celebrate
Though you looked so beautiful
He also didn’t like seeing you so sad
It was fine
You just had to get adjusted, that was all
It’s hard being whisked off from one place to another
In a few days you’d be all settled in and then you could both celebrate being happy and alone together
You’d realize what a wonderful thing he had done for the both of you and thank him
And he’d never have to worry about anyone touching you or so much as looking at you ever again
You’d be his special treasure
Something he’d be able to look forward to coming home to each and every day after he landed his dream job as a photographer
Of course, you’d never get to accomplish the goals you’d told him about for your life, but…
That wouldn’t matter after a little time had passed, once you realized you only needed rely on him from now on
And there would be lots of fun things to do at home, he’d make sure of it
He’d take good care of you, here at his father’s old cabin house
And no one would be any the wiser because his parents were scarcely ever home
They were never around, always traveling from one place to another. He’d learned to take care of himself when he was 13, and from then on had been fiercely and undeniably independent
He really hadn’t seen or heard from his parents since, they’d just left him with the house and sent monthly checks to take care of the bills. If he thought hard enough, the last memory he had of his mother was probably at an unexpected Christmas visit when he was 15
And after that, nada
So as one could guess, his life had been very lonely…
Of course, he’d normally preferred being alone and if he was bored, he had Felix and Changbin to check up on him
But that all changed the moment he laid eyes on you
Oh sure, he’d seen you before that fateful rainy afternoon. When he actually bothered showing up to class. But…
Catching you alone that day was like a sign to him
He’d been wandering the back alleys as he normally did
On his way home, he realized he’d forgotten one of his cameras at school
So he had to make a detour to get it
He really wanted to take some shots of the coming storm for a new collection he’d been working on
On the way over, it wouldn’t leave his mind that something was missing…
He needed a host, a muse, a character
Some sort of other life force to give breath to the photographs
They were fine as they were
But just fine wasn’t fine for him
He could do better
Surely there was something—
...Drat. They’d already locked the doors.
He’d have to hoist himself in through a window now—
 ...And there you were.
He couldn’t explain it
He’d seen you before, sure, rarely, on occasion. But you’d just been a passing figure in the sea of endless faces
Now you were more than that. You were the figure, the face, the missing piece he’d been searching for
But he knew how fickle the human race was. So he’d have to play coy and civil before going in for the kill
If he turned out not to like you, he could always toss you back out into the sea
But the moment he swooped down to catch you from that (minorly hysterical) fall, he’d felt it. The missing spark he’d been waiting for all along.
He couldn’t take his eyes away. You were simply too real, too alive, too beautiful and unwavering
Yet shy and clean and simple all the same
It was a perfect paradox
An acute conundrum 
And he was loving every second of it
He knew, in that moment, that he had to 
As cringey as it sounds
That he had to make you his
And now you were...almost
It was just a bit further before he reached the light at the end of the tunnel
He’d never be lonely or lost for inspiration again
Because he’d have you
And that was all he needed...
 𝑇𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑒𝑑...𝑎𝑔𝑎𝑖𝑛 ♥
102 notes · View notes
kryptsune · 5 years
*Hell Lore
🌼I made a mention in the prior post that I have an entire Hell canon. It is something I maintain through many of my stories involving demons or angels so the newest addition of Contract (aka my Mafiafell verse) is not excluded. I made them separate so it wasn’t too overwhelming as most of the time these posts are. I hope you all enjoy and my ask box is always open for questions and curiosities. 
*Due to this being hellish lore there may be triggering or disturbing material ahead. Please be mindful of the warning! Thanks!
Universe type: Multiverse Demon/variants 
Alternate “Nicknames” Info:
 *Demons {Nicknames and True Names}:*
Gered: Xaketh
Red: Valruth (Beast)
Crim: Derzath
Grimm: Cerberus (Rus)
Boss: Sokan
Gin (fallen): Kelran
Dusk: Dantillion 
Blade: Zorrol
Ouro: Ouroboros 
*Angels {Nicknames and True Names}: *
Comic: Halo
Cayn: Sariel
Nova: Sorath
Pap: Akriel
Dawn: Zaphkiel
Glitch: Adellum
Script: Malakh
There is a lot of info below the cut so if you are interested give it a look! 
The 7 Princes and Their Kingdoms (In order by power):
1. Lust (Crown Prince)- Gered: Being the second eldest to his brother Nas Gered is the next in line to inherit the throne. He conducts himself very similar to his Kingly brother as he is more the gentleman type. Don’t let that fool you however as Gered is known for his silver tongue. He appears gentle with those he comes in contact with but that only hides the true demon within him. Just as the elder of the siblings Gered embodies more than his crowned sin. He is known to be overly prideful and with quite the possessive greedy streak. The only time he will allow sharing anything that he considers to be his is when it is with his siblings and it depends on which ones. Unlike his younger brother, Red, Gered tends to not revel in his sin but rather enjoys it in moderation. It may be that due to Gered’s amount of angelic blood he is a more positive side of his sin with a desire for passion and possessiveness then just carnal pleasure. He appears in fine tailored suits and waistcoats looking like the prince he is. Since Gered is the second eldest he does not look as demon-like as he should though every Prince has a menacing true form to them.  
 Un-Crowned Prince- Red: Red or as he is known, Beast, is one of the youngest of their family. This, however, does not prevent Gered from taking the younger under his wing and as such Red becomes the next in line to become crown Prince of his kingdom. Red has very little if not any angelic blood in his bones. That would explain his more demon appearance with claw-like fingers, horns, and tail. Red is known for his love of carnal pleasure and sadism. He is one who does not take no for an answer which can be deadly to those he sets his eyes on. He is far more aggressive than his brother though that could be to some happenings in his past. He tends to show off his ribcage and he is not one to hide things. Red is a notorious flirt as is Gered but Red’s tactics result from more the physical than flowery language or silver tongue. He is actually quite blunt.  
2. Pride- Boss: One of the eldest of the princes, Boss is known for his ego. He is the Prince and warden of Pride. His kingdom revolves around imprisonment. A giant jail cell for the worst of the worst. Boss is the kind of demon that has no problem getting his hands dirty. In fact, he rather enjoys it. He is known to give hope to some of his inmates and strip that away from them as cruelly as possible. He is rather stern and far too serious for his own good but he takes a lot of pride in his station as well as amusement. Some of the souls he wardens are forced into mind games subjecting them to a series of near-impossible trials even going so far as to convince those imprisoned that they are still alive. Which is an outright lie. Boss’ appearance is more demonic than his older brothers but not to the level of Red. His fingers are more claw-like and have those iconic demon horns though his stature remains unaffected. Out of all the Princes Boss is most likely the most intimidating even with lacking the overly demonic look to him.
3. Wrath (Crown Prince)- Crimson: Crimson is a demon that is notorious for his blood lust. He also goes by The Crimson Lord or Bloody Lord. Crimson is the harsh ruler of the Kingdom of Wrath. A dog without a leash rather. He is frigid towards real affection/emotion unless he has the goal to manipulate you. The only exception would be that of his brother. His pride and ego are legendary and rarely ever take no for an answer. He is nicknamed the bloody lord for a reason as he has a vampiric nature. His love of the finer things in life leaves him very possessive and greedy as well. 
His favorite pastime is to break the will of the soul because he is known as the first vampire he can easily trance others into their own death. He brings souls up from his kingdom as well as others to feed on frequently in “bathing in the blood of his enemies” In the most literal way. Just like Gered and Nas, Crimson enjoys finery. His Kingdom rests as the third most powerful and wealthy but that does not exclude his own castle. It is presumably the most lavish of the kingdoms while the rest is fiery pits and bloody streams. He has a temper and usually finds even the slightest inconvenience irritating. He has a fascination for metalwork as his castle harkens back to the medieval time period. In order to fuel his amusement, he finds himself disguised while walking among souls so he can convince them that he is damned just like them only for it to be too late. Crimson is both a sadist and a masochist at heart and those things amuse him greatly. If you can get on his good side and amuse him he may let you live but it is very rare as his thirst for blood is nearly unquenchable.
Un-Crowned Prince- Grimm: Grimm keeps his brother's love of sadistic games but he is less bloodthirsty than the former. He is more animalistic then his brother giving into more carnal desires just as Red does. Grimm is Crimson’s older brother though even with his stature most think the opposite. He could be classified as the wild one. His eyes are usually a golden/yellow color looking more like pupils then the typical skeleton blank sockets. When he is more in his feral mode those sockets will turn black with that blazing yellow pupil. His eyes in this state resemble that of a wolf. He is known as the guard dog of the Realm due to his true demon form of a giant three-headed skeletal canine beast. Cerberus.  
He will be more docile unless it comes to his games is when he is in predator mode. Grimm is also incredibly needy and does not care about the state of his victims which he usually brings to his brother. He is submissive to Crimson but that does not mean he will tolerate being treated like a dog. He is still the older brother after all. He is a flirt just to get what he wants and he loves it when others fight back. Unlike his brother, Grimm could care less about all the finery all he cares about is the pleasure, fun, and thrill. Grimm is curious by nature so if you draw his attention you may survive long enough to get on his good side. He also has a well known sweet tooth though his brother tries to discourage him from the habit. 
4. Greed- Blade: Being the prince of greed nothing could more suited to Blade. He is the embodiment of greedily hoarding what he desires from others in an almost possessive and obsessive way. This includes material wealth or in Blade’s case human souls. He is the most… disturbing of the Princes as he has an obsession with mortals. Just like its namesake the kingdom of greed does not like to share its knowledge with others and keeps its secrets close. Blade loves to play with his toys and out of all the princes, he is probably the worst one to be stuck with as you may be turned into a puppet before long. He lures people in with a more approachable and likable personality before showing his more crazy side. Just like his universal counterpart Blade is still very much the yandere serial killer type. It’s rumored he keeps a room filled with various “human” parts hanging from the ceiling. His title is the doll maker. Which is disturbing in of itself. He is also 100% both a sadist and a masochist.
5. Envy- Dusk: Dusk is the prince of Envy. Unlike Blade dusk appears to have more of a gentlemanly attitude like his older brothers. Mostly because he looked up so highly to them. He may be envy but he does not exactly embody the sin with which he is assigned. That does make him a little jealous of some of his other siblings but he does not feel the need to openly refute their claims. If anything Dusk is quite the opposite of his kingdom. He was mostly appointed there since he is good at keeping others persuaded and calm. The souls in this kingdom can be unruly and unlike his other brothers, Dusk sees his station almost as some kind of necessary evil. He would rather walk on earth doing a job more suited to his own abilities and unfortunately, he is all too aware that his one brother, the angel by the name of Dawn, banished him here for his jealousy. He spends a lot of his time alone reading about the world above and what it has to offer. That kind of curiosity has never left him. He does have a rivalry and distaste for this brother of greed, however. He is a master of illusion, making you crave something you know you can never have. It is how the souls are tortured in this kingdom. 
 6. Gluttony- Ouro: Named after the symbol of Ouroboros, Ouro, is the prince of the kingdom of Gluttony. Ouro is known for being a hoarder of anything he desires. He is extraordinarily greedy and does not interact much with others. His appearance is more demon in nature with a mix of dragon and snake as his name dictates. He is hard to get to know if you are even given that opportunity but once you do he will spoil you. Out of all the princes, he is probably the least likable next to Blade though he does not have the same sick masochistic personality. Some say that he has to fill a hole inside of him and that is why he acts the way he does. He is very standoffish and nearly always has a scowl on his face. He also has a rather fiery temper. He does his duties to the kingdom ignoring his two neighboring brothers who always seem to be at odds. 
 7. Sloth- Gin: Gin is the final prince but not by choice. Once a seraphim angel he was cast down protecting his younger brother, Cayn. Once the lively angel of guardians now has become an uncaring demon. The only care he has in this world is to see if the sacrifice that he made for his brother protected him or not. Gin lazes around mostly locking himself up in his study. He has no servants or dukes to command but rather is content with what he has. He tends to always be on the grouchy side perhaps due to an overabundance of sleep. A biological thing that demons do not need by the way. He keeps his brother's memory alive by doing things that he used to love including baking. Gin is pretty laid back of them all but his nihilistic demeanor can be grating to his other siblings. In essence, this poor boy has lost a lot of his hope for anything better and thus does not care. 
*The Kingdoms*
Lust- The kingdom that used to be ruled by the current King of Hell. The hierarchy works that each kingdom rules over a certain sin committed by those punished. The closer that they are to The Capital the richer and more prosperous. There is also little technology save for the capital and the two kingdoms following it. The lust kingdom is ruled by Gered who is the crown prince and following that is Red. He is a prince as well but uncrowned to one of the major kingdoms (he could honestly care less). The kingdom of lust revels in opulence and is known for its material wealth. The demons here tend to be debaucherous and are known for their slave/pet dealings. The demons in this kingdom tend to be overly needy causing them to sate their desires with damned souls or each other. 
Underneath the crown prince and his brother, this kingdom also has established a series of appointments with Dukes and lords. It is well known that nothing can really sate these demons appetites for pleasure. They do as they will still following under the rules set forth by the King however they tend to get away with more considering their kingdoms standing. It is known as the kingdom of servitude in multiple ways. Lust also does not just account for physical pleasure but lust for anything such as wealth or power as an example. It is rumored that the two brothers appear to be opposites in their handling of the sin. Gered being more about possession and passion while Red is more the stereotypical lust. Out of all the kingdoms, this one seems to be the “best” one to be sentenced to especially if you find yourself at the feet of its ruler. The humans here are usually taken care of quite nicely, though it is also rumored that these souls do not belong in Hell at all.  
Appearance-wise the lust kingdoms Castle is paved with marble and gold. It is near spotless excluding wealth and grandeur. The massive walls that hide the Castle from view are covered in thick lush green vines and flowers. The wall also has lace-like porticos that spill a strange liquid from snake-like mouths. It is said that a human that even consumes a drop of it will be subject to their demon masters will for eternity. A strong manipulative love potion in essence. The Palace gardens are almost as if they were taken from the Garden of Eden itself which is entirely possible. The further away from the center, the city becomes less ostentatious though not dilapidated by any means. Many of Hell's elite live in this kingdom. 
Pride- The kingdom of Pride ruled by Boss is the second one from the Capital. As such it too exudes opulence at its center. This is the kingdom known as The Cell unlike the kingdom of Lust, Pride only shows off its splendor near its castle and some of the surrounding areas. It is mostly utilized as a giant torture pit. This is where souls are sent as punishment for the most severe crimes and tortured mercilessly sometimes torn to shreds only to be revived. Their leader is a ruthless warden of sorts making sure that everyone obeys the laws both set forth for demon or soul. Demons sentenced to exile are also detained here in this confusing catacomb prison. It is filled with deadly traps and pitfalls to prevent escape as well. Humans of high status on earth and are now subjected to the same kind of torment they put on others in the worst way possible. Dictators, murderers and the like. 
The Cell is also where souls are twisted beyond recognition and where new demons are made. In this world, demons are made not born and those corrupted souls become the new generation. It could take years. It could take centuries but being thrown into The Cell is a sure-fire sentence.
Wrath- The Kingdom of Wrath is the kingdom of War and bloodlust. It is quite well known that the brothers all have had their eyes set on multiple kingdoms at one time that exemplifies their vices. The ruler of Wrath, Crimson, is a ruthless warlord with an unusual thirst for blood and not in a war-hungry way. The Kingdom supplies and trains those for the Capital's personal guard as well as the demons that are considered soldiers. This is also the Kingdom of the tainted. Those that are not quite a demon but also not quite human. A long time ago when demons walked among the humans, one demon wreaked havoc. A demon so infatuated with humanity that he began to turn them away from their old religions so that they would worship him. In turn, he gave them his power creating half breeds. What humanity calls vampires, werewolves, and fae. The humans began to decline at rapid numbers and since those of half-demon blood were considered corrupted they had little use. Now they span the kingdom of Wrath as soldiers, mindless, and obeying only their “king.” 
Its alternate title is that of the Kingdom of Blood. Those unfortunate souls forced to end up in such a horrible kingdom will find themselves burning alive in the flames of their own anger. Some are even dragged into labs to be experimented on. The human souls usually sentenced here were the warriors that committed atrocities without a second glance at the innocent. Those that killed children in the name of the king is an example of this. Crimson was the demon that started all of this half breed creation which would explain why he was passed up for the crown of Lust as his blood lust is legendary. It is most likely his mild punishment for his past actions. The two brothers are most likely where the vampire and werewolf mythology stems from on earth.    
 Greed- The kingdom of greed is unlike any other kingdom as it rarely has souls within it (they don’t last long). They are usually the type of killers that were mentally undone. Ones that took a sick twisted pleasure in their artistry. Those are usually brought from the outside. Their ruler, Blade, is what one might call… unhinged at best. They are known for their experimentation attempting to twist mortal souls into whatever is desired. The castle though appearing rather plain on the outside is a treacherous confusion of mind-bending illusions and hallways.  
Envy- This is the kingdom that trains and outsources spies as well as assassins. Demonic hitmen used to gain political power among their respective kingdoms. They are known for their thieves mostly stealing from their neighboring kingdom of greed, specifically souls. They are based around the shadows which are quite fitting as the ruler of their kingdom, Dusk, has the ability to manipulate shadows. Envy is known as the shadow kingdom usually housing those souls of the occult and black magic. Those that tried to obtain the unobtainable through magical or demonic means. Dusk does not take kindly to this as these souls are tortured for all eternity forced to relive and conjure their own worst fears in a land of darkness. A never-ending nightmare would be an apt description. 
Gluttony- Those that are placed into this kingdom as punishment are subjected to the torture of starvation and thirst. The prince’s castle is surrounded by a never-ending desert with no hope for food or drink. Souls are forced to starve wandering this desert for the rest of eternity. The demons banished into this place feast on mortal corpses that fall tearing them to pieces like scavengers. When the sun sets these mortals to end up back where they started in one piece having to endure the same torture over and over. Ouro the ruler of his kingdom does not do much in the way of duty. He tends to delegate his jobs to other lower-level demons. If a mortal manages to cross the desert the torture is withstanding. Any food will turn to ash in their mouths and any water will burn the throat. It is an endless never quenchable thirst and hunger. 
Sloth- Sloth is the final kingdom before the banished and forgotten kingdoms beyond. It is “ruled” by Prince Gin though no one could actually tell you what it took to maintain the kingdom. It is the poorest of the rest as the palace shines in all its glory through all the destitution surrounding it. The souls here are never allowed to rest forced to work the land for food production. Which is hilarious because that food does literally nothing for demons. Ok, hilarious in a cruel sick way. The demon lords and princes do like to have their feasts and lavish parties but that food is very different. In essence, mortals are forced into a constant state of fatigue. Never able to drink, eat, or most of all sleep. After this kingdom lies the outer reaches of Hell. Those souls are the lost ones forced into limbo. Those that have nowhere to go. This is also where the banished are sent. There is no hope as it appears to be an endless forest with no hope of escape. The fog takes their memory from them forcing them to wander for the rest of eternity and most likely consumed by rouge demons prowling the outskirts. A soul banished to limbo can find themselves at Hell’s gates but it is very rare and not at all a better outcome. 
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The King of Hell:
Nasaros is the current King of Hell being the eldest son of his father. Just like his father his angelic blood makes him stand out above his younger siblings. He seems gentlemanly and rather laid back for someone of his status but do not let that fool you. Due to Nas, blood, he is just as harsh if not more so than his demonic brothers. He is not actually a demon either but rather a fallen angel (there is a difference). He has a silver tongue keeping to flowery language. Some feel as though he is weak due to his blood but his brothers know better than that and dare not question their older brother. Nas has an egotistical air about him but it is more subtle. He has an extreme distaste for demonkind as he does not consider himself one of their ilk. Therefore he is not tolerant of any kind of infraction. Demons that do not follow the rules are quickly dispatched of without mercy. His abilities are not as well known as the brothers but it can be assumed he can utilize all his sibling's abilities as well as some more angelic ones. 
Curiously he has more of a demon-like appearance than his younger brother Gered. He tends to wear white in the majority of his clothing leaning more toward tailored tailcoats and suits. An almost denial of what he has become. He has three sets of wings though they are rarely seen indicating he used to be a seraph. In his younger years before he was crowned King, he was the Prince of the Kingdom of Lust. In his state of mind, he did not want his demon half to “corrupt” him any longer. Out of fear and denial, he split himself into two separate beings. One as the embodiment of the negative side of sin and the other the more positive. These two Princes, though two halves of one whole, eventually were able to come to the conclusion that who they were before was their true self. 
Unlike his father, Nas seems to attempt to reform Hell in a way adding rules and regulations to the more unruly of his subjects. These rules mostly extend to those souls that are wrongly labeled as damned. He knows that an impurity leads Heaven to shut its gates on some of these souls with no hope for survival. It is not a common occurrence however under Nas decree these souls are to not be harmed.
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Saros: If there was a complete opposite to Naos then Saros would be it. He is haughty, prideful, lavish, and over the top. His outgoing demeanor causes him to throw lavish banquets and parties surrounding himself with the elite of Hell. Saros is a negative aspect of lust. He is needy and uses pleasure as a manipulation tool. He drinks and sleeps around not giving it any thought. He is also possessive though it is more treating something like a trophy then someone to be treasured. He is the true embodiment of carnal pleasure and debauchery. 
Naos: Out of the two Naos is the more gentle. He tends to be very shy when interacting with others only making his presence known when necessary. He is not the flirty type but rather the romantic if you manage to catch his affection and favor. His appearance causes him to wear darker colors like black. Unlike his unruly brother Naos enjoys peace and quiet. He is easily flustered. Sometimes he will sit in the garden and sing a soft little tune. His personality is very soft but he is also very possessive and overprotective.    
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The New Order:
The new shift in power causes some unrest among the denizens of Hell. Their old order was to corrupt and damn souls for all eternity no matter the cost. The spilling of blood was of no consequence. That, however, changes when Nas comes into power that all changes. His decree is that demons should be conducting themselves more decorum then they used to. No more earthly rampages. No more innocent deaths. The souls not meant for Hell are put under his protection. He cleans up Hell by holding demons accountable for their more sadistic tendencies. Humans have long since forgotten their presence. To them, they are nothing more than superstition and Hollywood fabrication. The new global ability to communicate in mere seconds leave them with a poor reputation. 
Nowadays they are known for making more deals. In fact, under royalty, the most prestigious job in Hell are the deal makers. The demons associated with soul collection as that is one way to gain more power as a demon. The more souls the stronger and potentially more abilities gained as well. These demons appear on earth offering their services disguised as humans tempting wayward souls. The dukes, lords, and even prince also do deals of a higher caliber though they rarely leave Hell. It would take a very powerful soul for them to gain any interest even if they are summoned. 
Each demon of high status also has a specific sigil used to summon them. It is, as stated previously, very dangerous and usually only 30% effective. Some demons, Crimson as an example, will gladly show up for a little bit of carnage or to mess with souls. Contrary to mortal belief demons do not take to sacrificing lightly in fact it is highly frowned upon. Any mortals of an occult stupid enough to try and summon any of them usually end up choking on their own blood.  
The Red String of Fate: 
The Red string of fate is constant in the world that has consequences when altered. It is very similar to the idea that our destinies are intertwined with others and if that string is cut it creates a butterfly effect. Demons tend to do as they please but when it comes to altering the course of humanity it is a very harsh offense. Under the Prince's father, this offense was minor but when Bas took control of the throne that sentence increase. A demon tampering with or severing the string of fate is exiled, banished, or executed. If one string is severed it is possible to reform however multiple could cause an apocalyptic event of biblical proportions. Contrary to human belief demons have no desire to obliterate the earth. They rather like their little playground. Anything that would jeopardize the fate of either Hell or Earth is grave.   
The Blood of the Innocent: 
Innocent souls subjected to the selectiveness of Heaven's elite are thrown into Hell just by association with any type of demonic ritual. Innocents sacrificed for summoning are branded as corrupted and therefore unworthy to enter Heaven's gates. These souls are considered pure and are housed in The Capital away from any demons that may cause them harm, especially that of children. If a mortal is sacrificed to a specific demon then that Prince is made responsible. This occurrence, however, is rare as the horrors that befall those that try this kind of act… are too horrible to describe. It takes someone really greedy or stupid to even attempt such a thing. 
Pure souls are constantly in danger as demons feel their power and have an almost instinctual desire to devour it. This is an outcome for those types of souls but the process is painless (if the demon in question desires it). It is better than living an eternity in Hell anyway. Some are kept at the palaces if a Prince sees fit though that is an even rarer occurrence than the former.
Demons are Made not Born:     
A souls prolonged time in Hell withstanding numerous tortures begins to twist their very being. Their souls become more and more corrupt as time goes on forcing a metamorphosis. It is said that one of the reasons demons devour souls is because they are trying to fill the emptiness of their own soul. The one that they lost long ago. Once this process takes place their memories begin to fade of their past mortal lives. They are then reborn as a demon befitting their newly corrupted soul. It is rare that a soul is corrupted to become powerful but it is possible. These demons are usually low level and serve as they were originally intended.
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