#kaPOW buddhist monkey
unreone · 1 year
Did anyone else read this HTF fanfic?
Somewhen ranging from 2011 to 2016, I lurk at fanfiction.net to read fake htf episodes.
One fic I'm longing to read again is "HTF Death Battles".The concept of the entire fic is that it's a death battle between unlikely pairs. You think you would know who would win but it's not gonna turn out the way it is.
Chapters i remember are the following:
● The Mole vs Splendid
Superpowers against technique. (The Batman vs Superman of the htfverse-) Splendid have gone rouge and become power hungry. The government didn't anticipate this. Coming out of the retirement is The Mole tasked with apprehending the once beloved superhero. I remember reading the author's notes how this was blossomed from the fact that both Splendid and The Mole have their own KaPOW episodes. I don't really remember much from this chapter since the focus is on the brutal action between the clashing figures. My bias at the time made me root for Splendid despite The Mole being put in the good side <<< this behavior may have some links to me liking The BOYS series (ㅎㄷㅎ)
● Russell vs Buddhist Monkey
I remember crying to this one, my fave chapter out of all.
Russell is depicted as a ruthless captain who once travel the sea with a crew. When he arrive at the town/village where Buddhist Monkey lives, he was all by his lonesome. 'He did what he have to do to survive'. His goal is to pillage the place with all of its treasure and satiate his craving for blood. Buddhist Monkey tried to settle everything with peace at first but after harming someone in front of his eyes, he just have to do something.
I remember myself just imagining the Russell by the end of 'Get Whale Soon' with his manic eyes and laughter. Also like playing "Enter the Garden" on low volume while reading the battle sequence to really set the mood.
Russell was distracted by a specific type of flower that his lover once wore and that moment of hesitation is what caused his demise as Buddhist Monkey end his life for good. "How could he have turned out like this?" Exploring the ship, Buddhist Monkey found the travel logs and read the tragedy that is the life of Russell. Russell's corpse was buried with the flower next to it. His name and his lover's name was engraved with the words below saying "May these souls truly found peace."
● Sniffles vs Cro-Marmot
Sniffles is funded by the goverment to accomplish a scientific breakthrough in relation to cryogenics. Sniffles and Flaky is a couple here but theyre on the brink of a breakup since Sniffles is so obsessed with his project, which is thawing out Cro Marmot. There's a line something like "Since you pay attention to him that much, why dont you marry it already".
Anyway- he was alone in his lab and did sum thingy majigs and successfully thawed out the upper half of Cro Marmot. He actually speak English and that startles Sniffles. Cro Marmot explained that he's been on display for museums all throughout the world.
Cro Marmot talks about learning all there is to know about history and science. He is willing to share the most important truth to Sniffles once he is completely free. The fucking dumbass did so and the foken monster laugh.
The truth is that all knowledge is useless and satisfying primal urges is the only important thing. And his primary instinct right then and there is to satiate his hunger.
With his club, he smashed the machinery and that causes the lights to turn out. I cant remember the next stuffs but it's just a matter of Sniffles using his tools and wit to escape and Cro Marmot using violence and strength.
Their conversation includes something like You're no different than me. You feed your hunger for knowledge too and the strongest ones conquer everything alone.
Eventually, even if he is covered by bruises, Sniffles manage to trap Cro Marmot. Sum chemical combo activated and it's some type of coolant so he started to freeze. Cro Marmot was freezed while he is yelling, baring a very spooky expression.
After panting a bit, Sniffles called Flaky. He was compelled to share what he just experience but he suppressed his ramblings and choose to apologize. The two reconnect and the fic was over
Unless I was just hallucinating everything and I'm actually staring at an unplugged computer the whole time-
I'm really REALLY sure this fic existed because I was always hyped talking about the chapters with my classmates. I may have got some specific details wrong but I am nodding my dino head off from the general concept being right.
Here's to me hoping somebody else here have read it, better yet, archived/know the link of the fic in some way, shape or form.
Thanks for your timeeeee!!!!!
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icky8 · 5 months
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cartooemcanhis · 1 month
Got any headcanons for any of the ka-pow characters
Oh I definetly do!! Love those guys!!
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I dont got alot for him unfortunatly.. The only one is that all the buddhist monkey episodes are popular movies/a tv show in the htf world
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He was super short and has an even shorter temper, he would go off on people like thrice his height and often had to be dragged away from people by Flippy or Sneaky
believe it or not...not from france...france is not real in Treesy.. Hes actually from littletownelsewhere!
Was almost comically strong for his size, that damn bag full of bombs weighed ALOT.
Became mildly imfamous for snacking when he wasnt supposed to, he got in ALOT of trouble. He is the nibbler <3
Was secretly in a polycule with Sneaky and Flippy. Everyone else in the W.A.R just thought they were oddly close friends
Wasnt fully deaf(if he was he would of been discharged), he just had really damaged hearing.
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Creepily quiet, often stared into space not saying things for hours. He was always listening though and knew alot of secrets.
Grew up in Rainytown and was actually childhood friends with Sniffles. They stopped talking after Sniffles moved away to treetown, and they can never talk again now.
Was one of the W.A.Rs best soldiers for getting into enemy bases and gaining intell, it got to the point that the Blue Tigers had to install tech into their bases that would un-hide Sneaky.
Ate basically only insects. At first soldiers would look at him funny whenever he did that but eventually they got used to it.
Smelled pretty horrible usually (Chameleon facts go brr)
At some point before operation tiger bomb he got his tail badly hurt and it hard to be removed.
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Hes actually Splendids brother!! They were seperated as babies because Splendid was sent down to treetown and Splendont was trapped in a mirror, all because of some prophecy.
Splendid has no idea who he is really, all he knows is that some jerk is copying his look and causing chaos. Splendont despises Splendid and blames him for his imprisonment.
Naturally destructive, but unlike his brother he usually does it on purpose.
Doesnt care about treefriends, animals, or plants lives, hes here to cause chaos and doesnt care what dies while he has his fun.
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They all live in different parts around Treesy and only really ever meet up if some kind of world ending disaster is happening
All of them are from Treesy other than TickTalk, who came from the planet Xarathos, which is the same planet Splendid is from aswell.
Wonder Wanda and Webster are definetly dating but noone else in the team seem to notice it lol
Wandas the mom friend of the group (aka the only one whos got brainsels), Websters a little menace, Man 'o war is almost always angry, and TickTalk is chill usually
Man 'o war used to be a normal jellyfish but he got mutated and gained conciousness (he does not like having sentience he longs to go back to having no brain
Webster is just like that, she was born with practically unlimited web that she uses to swing like spiderman
Wonder Wanda actually has no powers, she just uses magical bubble tech
TickTalk used to be a normal tick (well as normal as you can be when you're a gross paracite from space lol) but he ended up in treesy and got mutated in the same mysterious goop that mutated Man 'o war and grew really big. Due to their shared pasts, Man 'o war and TickTalk are rlly close.
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"The best" agent in the Creeping Critters Organisation, little do they know he would drop them in a heartbeat if it meant accomplishing something that would benefit him
Known for being cruel and manipulative, hes not afraid to kill people if it means getting information.
Believe it or not, hes cousins with Mouse Kaboom.
He and The Mole SHOULD of been rivals due to being in conflicting corporations, but due to some twist of events they were in a secret forbidden relationship. Unfortunately, Rat was pretty toxic in said relationship and used Mole to gain information. Everything broke up once Mole faked his death and ran away to Treetown.
DEFINETLY has atleast 5 fatal diseases. Genuinely someone get this guy put down I dont think having him around is safe. His blood is all thick and gross and at some point he started an entire pandemic that killed hundreds of people.
Super cocky and overly confident, he thinks every little plan he has will work perfectly because he himself is perfect.
oh wow that was alot!! Thanks for the hc request! :D
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oskarpaffzz · 2 months
Out of the four Kapow Pilots, which one is your fav?
hmm... I'm not a big fan of ka-pow, but i really adore buddhist monkey and splendid's ssssuper squad!!
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treetownconfessions · 3 months
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hostilemuppet · 2 years
damn I might just kin someone from a show I've never watched.
please direct me to where I can watch HTF so I can fix that
!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS GREAT NEWS. im assuming i dont need to preface this with the gore warning
every episode is up on the mondo media website and ALMOST every ep is on the mondo media youtube channel (unfortunately the second half of wishy washy was. not allowed to be on youtube. but its okay theres unofficial reuploads just noone snitch). BUT because this series is 23 years old a lot of them are in. very bad quality. SO a very nice person has compiled and remastered the entire series into one torrent file here if you wanna give it a try! they have the still alive bonuses you get for buying the package though which im honestly not a fan of bc it means less people will buy it and well never get another ep :( but yknow whatever mondos more focused with daddy and the big boy anyway so.
if you want recommendations on what episodes to start with, id say just start at the beginning so you can see the love that went into the silly little shock horror show. BUT my personal FAVOURITE episodes (extra ultra faves bolded. you will notice a theme with them) are:
season 1: house warming, nuttin wrong with candy, wheelin and dealin, pitchin impossible, meat me for lunch, spare me
season 2: out of sight out of mime, class act, shard at work, icy you, hello dolly, remains to be seen, blind date
tv series: don't yank my chain, concrete solution, wishy washy, a hole lotta love, mime to five, chew said a mouthful, see what develops, home is where the hurt is, a sight for sore eyes, in a jam, junk in the trunk
season 3: can't stop coffin, a sucker for love, something fishy, swelter skelter, i nub you, a bit of a pickle, see you later elevator, the chokes on you, royal flush, brake the cycle, bottled up inside, no time like the present
season 4: buns of steal, spare tire, camp pokeneyeout
season 5: a handy nanny, just be claus
theres also the spinoff series kapow where it ditches the childrens show pretence and instead parodies action movies, splendids sssssuper squad (one episode), w.a.r. journal (one episode) and buddhist monkey (three episodes). and although it was made before kapow, the mole in the city short is generally considered part of kapow. it is, you guessed it, my favourite of the bunch. it has the coolest artstyle, the best sound design, the funnest premise, and my special little guy
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zombiiefactory · 2 months
do u liek the kapow series🥹
i do !!!
it sucks they couldnt make more but understandable that it had a higher production cost over regular htf content lol
my favorite is mole in the city !! i adore the artstyle ( its my favorite of the bunch its so shapey lol ) and i love mole a whole bunch, its fun to see them finally use the silly spy stuff they wanted for his character !! the rats goofy ball "car" is my favorite gag. also the fact it insinuates he still walks around in the vanilla htf series with a literal bomb on his face everyday is so funny
( i like it so much i took the rat and used him for other backstory stuff with other characters but i cant remember if ive talked about that before rn XD )
operation tiger bomb is really neat too !! i also rllyy like the artstyle of this one as well, flippy is such a cutie hehee. out of the bunch, i rlly wish we got more of these. i would love to see more of flippys background/how hes changed/other misfortunes he gets himself tangled up in. oh andd my favorite new character out if this episode is mouse loll i think hes super cute too :]
i dont have much to say ab buddhist monkey other than i think hes rlly cute !! love the animation though the fight scenes are so neat to watch in the typical htf style. i think maybe i like books of fury the most though
i dont have much to say ab splendids sssssssuper squad either i dont rlly like him so i dont rlly care, the artstyle is very nice though !
shoutout to splendont though hes the realest
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htfwh0re · 1 year
rank the htf characters from your favorite to least favorite (or don't i'm not your boss)
Oooh that's kinda hard, I love all of them so much...
But I'll give it my best shot
Nutty (beloved, dumb dork)
Flippy (beloved, my traumatized bby boi)
Splendont (underrated, always disappointed when he's not included in stuff involving the whole cast)
Toothy (editing this in an hour after posting because I forgot about my boi qwq)
Buddhist Monkey
Mouse Kaboom
As for least favorites, I'm not sure if I have an actual least favorite but there are characters that I don't think about very much, like.....
Pop and Cub
The Rat from the Kapow episode with Mole in it
The bad guys in Buddhist Monkey's episodes..... Uuuuhhhhhh
Disco Bear
That's it I think???
I definitely don't hate anyone though
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artkotaro · 3 years
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Humanized || 🌸Happy Tree Friends 🔪 (3)
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bowbow-the-clown · 3 years
Hi! I saw ur htf photo edit requests were open sooo, could I make a request? It's ok if not, but can u do an aesthetic edit of buddhist monkey? 👉👈
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🌸♡🌸A Very Aestheticy Buddhist Monkey🌸♡🌸
... ^^ Hope You Enjoy ^^ ...
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nutamused · 3 years
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HTF oc cause im cringe
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alexisdrawstrash · 4 years
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au where all the kapow heroes meet in one place to fight off the great dark shadow lord because the action potential is TREMENDOUS
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icky8 · 5 months
Felt like trying animating again
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batslime · 8 years
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hostilemuppet · 2 years
I don't watch HTF but please ramble about the tree ninja he (she? got no idea) sounds funny
The tree ninjas are from the kapow series, specifically Buddhist monkey
Their only goal seems to be to annoy him bc they never specifically attack him. They just fuck up his garden and damage books. And then he absolutely demolishes them :)
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alexisdrawstrash · 4 years
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tragically underrated character!
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