#lawd have mercy 😂😂😂
📍Meanwhile on Maria Ward, Private ICU.
Shrekky has been able to breathe independently for sometime now. She no longer required machine support. However, although she was independently breath, she was not orientated to time. She knew she was in hospital but she didn’t know what day it was or how long she had been like this. And she couldnt speak or open her eyes. All she could do was recognise a few voices from memory and create new memories of people around her too.
Nurse Miche made her cheek warm - he was always nice to her. She wondered what he looked like. Did he have the body to match the voice? Deep and warm and smooth like butter. Shrekky hoped he did. He sounded big and strong and blond, a dirty blond and mama always said that she had good intuition.
It would be a treat if that was the case. Another daddy to lust after, of course. For some people this would embarrass her but Shrekky was only ashamed when was caught in the act but the shame never lasted. She would be back at it in no time. She relished in being doted on and hearing Nurse Miche talk to her about what he was doing for her that day. It was nice. Shrekky screamed in her subconscious whenever he would pamper her and wash her face. Whenever he was on duty he always made sure she had her stuffed donkey on her for comfort. He must’ve been a kind lover. Surely.
Aunt Fia and Uncle Kento made her happy. Aunt Fia was always kind to her and laughed about how dramatic mama was being whilst Uncle Kento always bought her treats and flowers even though he know that she wouldn’t be able to eat the baked goods it was nice to smell them. Nurse Miche and the other nurses was steal some of course! They always smelt so good.
Mama’s voice made her feel all kinds of things - sometimes, Shrekky would roll her eyes in her head when judge mama went off on a rant about finding another piece of horny evidence in her old bedroom. Shrekky would giggle internally when mama read her her favourite stories. Even the naughty ones. They always made her dreams fill up with sunshines and rainbows and lewd noises from memory. It was even funnier when mama would imitate the characters voices and add her own directors cut commentary cussing the author or characters out.
But then sometimes, Shrekky will feel very sad especially when mama was sad. Some days mama would come into the room and only say hello and not say another word for the few hours she spent there. It was often like that. Mama saying nothing.
Mama would say a short greeting, kiss Shrekky’s head before climbing into the bed and laying her head on Shrekky’s chest. When mama was miserable, Shrekky could feel especially on her hospital gown, because out of nowhere Shrekky’s chest would grow cold and damp. She would here sniffles and feel her hands being squeezed. Mama would cry. Shrekky hated that because it made her want to cry too. Despite the fights her and mama used to get into. The bickering. The arguing. The threats of jail. It still hurt. A lot. Almost as much as not hearing from the one person she missed the most.
Step-daddy Erwin.
It has been what felt like forever now since Shrekky heard her step father’s voice. He was always kinder and more patient than mama with Shrekky even if she was a little “weird”. He would often laugh off her comments or innuendos and offer her a headpat or a pinch of her cheeks. But he would never scald her for it like mama did. Step father attended very recital, every theatre performance and sat through every creative writing piece that Shrekky would read to him regardless of how suggestive it was. Step father would just smile and affirm whole heartedly as she sat on his lap. Even when Shrekky was her most apathetic, emotional or low, Erwin always brought her joy whenever he was around.
And for those reasons, not hearing from him left her, Shrekky feeling hollow and cold. What if mama really did kill him? Just like she would joke whenever he annoyed her. What if he finally got fed up with mama and left like her said he would on the TV? What if they finally divorced and moved to the other side of the country. The thoughts plagued her and filled her with dread, but it disappeared the moment she heard his voice as he entered the room.
Shrekky could hear the rustling of bouquet paper and the smell of pollen and perfume, that came with the sound of his footsteps and his rain jacket.
Shrekky chest felt tight and her nose tingled as her tears where stuck in her throat, clawing at her osophegus, desperate to come out. If she could wake up right now l, leap from this bed and bear hug him she would but she couldn’t even force her eyes open and look at him. It broke her heart.
Shrekky could feel a gentle kiss on her forehead and the back of his hand brush at the fine hairs of her head and ears.
“Oh Princess Pea,”
Erwin’s voice was soft, solemn, heavy. He sounded just like mama when she was sad. He sealed it with another peck on Shrekky’s cheek before tracing the grooves of her face.
“Forgive me. I know it’s been too long.” Erwin paused after his voice cracked a little. He couldn’t cry now. He had to be strong for his Shrekky. It was bad enough he punished himself for not visiting his daughter sooner.
He sat there in silence before finding the courage speaking up again.
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Erwin cautiously and gently put his hand in his daughters and sat there still, silent. For the first time in weeks, his thoughts quietened. Was this why his wife would would visit? Not just because her daughter was here? But because Shrekky brought peace to both of them? Of course. Even in the face of uncertainty, Shrekky is and always was the constant, even in her chaos.
Erwin couldn’t help but relax and be present for once. He enjoyed the ambience here. The near silence. He enjoyed his daughters hand. Just like he used to when she was no taller than his knee and take her out on their “adventures” to the park or school or the store. Memory Lane was sweet here.
Without knowing, Erwin was saying the words he couldn’t say out loud to Shrekky and with all her strength, she squeezed her stepfathers hand for a few seconds before letting go again. It took all the strength she had then but he needed more that she did. He needed the courage to continue.
Erwin gasped and his eyes widened in shock. Was that a reflex? Could she hear him? He took her hand in both of his and placed them on his lips and kissed and murmured wishes against the back of her hand.
“Thank you.” was all Erwin could chant from his lips, tears coating his lashes. 💔
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Bsjqksjwowowk this is so touching huhu my emotions are stirred 😭 i kept reading it again and again and i am so moved that i want Shrekky to wake up now fr hahahaha im sorry mother kabal if i am messing your timeline hahaha this really ain't much, just something to get shrekky to wake up asap hahahahahah also i cant wait to do things to miche nyehheeheh
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*somewhere in Bermuda
It's been months since the tragedy has befallen to Don Shrekscobar's daughter but to this very day there still has been no satisfying news with little Shrekky's recovery. His ex-wife, Clare informed him that his daughter was no longer on life support. This is good news, but it's not enough. The more days she remains unconscious, the more he worries. Day by day he grew more restless, agitated, troubled. He's often seen sitting on the swing in the prison's yard. His face filled with distress as he holds close a picture frame that bears the face of someone he holds dear.
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Oh how he misses his daughter terribly, he can break out easily if he wanted to but he doesn't want to give more trouble to his ex-wife who's already been stressed enough and he doesn't want to disgrace the name of his daughter if news came out that a high profiled inmate who happens to be her father, broke out of prison. So he stayed there, he stayed inside the prison walls of Bermuda and wallowed in misery and anguish.
'Mi vida', he sobbed 'If only I was there. I could've protected you. I'm sorry my baby. You're the most precious thing to me. You're... my precious...
And Don Shrekscobar remembered. He remembered someone from a long time ago. Someone who was dear to him. Someone who he used to love. Someone who gave him his precious little Shrekky. He mustered all his strength to get up and decided to make a call.
All the worry in Don Shrekscobar's eyes has now been lifted. His face of grief is now replaced with that of a smug smirk.
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Don Shrekscobar is a man of tenacity. He has never allowed himself to become a victim of all the shits life has thrown at him. He's in prison because he's a criminal, yes, but its also because its what he wanted. He does what he wants and life bends at his will. He felt pathetic for feeling down for months. He has not been his usual self he admits. But now he's back. And he's certain that his precious little Shrekky will soon be up and about.
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*after a few days
The doorbell of Judge Clare's mansion rang and upon opening the door he was met with a delivery man. Due to the incident that happened in the past, Mrs.Smith has now become very cautious. He asked the deliveryman for his ID and all the necessary informations a person with such a profession should know. And thankfully he all gave a satisfactory answer. She was ready to pull a chokeslam on him in case the worse comes to worst. Judge Clare accepted the delivery and she got inside her house. For extra pre-caution, she installed a scanner for deliveries. Upon scanning the box, she recognized an oddly, suspiciously shaped product but the scanner didn't deem it harmful. So she put it on the table to open it.
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While reading where the box came from, her eyes widened. She's heard of this name before. A name that was a taboo back when she was still with Shrekscobar. She's been gone for years, unheard of, why now did she have to appear in their lives again? Clare became more curious and hastily opened the box. What it contained, shocked her to the core.
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Judge Clare was appalled. What is this unholy thing that claims to be holy? And beside it was an envelope that may contain the answer to her questions. So she opened it. Inside was a letter and a polaroid picture. She grabbed the letter first and unfolded it. The letter explained what the oddly and suspiciously shaped thing inside the box was. It was as it says, a HOEly Water, a kind of water that can only be seen deep in the tunnels of the Misty Mountains, a place where the HOEliest of Hornies have gathered and created a civilization of their own. And that explained why she left, she was too horny to stay.
The HOEly Water is known for its healing properties, some would say that this water is the most miraculous thing to ever happen next to Jesus turning water into wine. But this is very rare because most people wouldn't dare venture the land of the hornies because most of those who tried, never returned.
But such tale is not of any importance now, if this indeed has inexplicable healing properties then she has to get this to the hospital fast. She hurriedly put the letter back inside the envelope which caused the polaroid to accidentally fall. Clare picked it up and saw a portrait that warmed her heart.
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Smeagal maybe Shrekky's estranged birth mother. But the fact that she sent her something that may lead to Shrekky's quick recovery means that she still cared. And with the power of two mothers' love, Clare is certain, in no time Shrekky will regain her strength and finally wake up.
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sweetest-honeybee · 1 year
Oh how lovely the feeling of falling and scraping your knee and later full force scratching the scraped part with your nails bc it was itchy and you forgot you scraped ya damn kNEE
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simswithflavor · 1 year
When people try to justify paywall content… but but it makes no sense whatsoever.
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ohsnapitzlovehacker · 2 years
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Me having picked Black Tyler while reading this shit:
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….😒 shut it, white boy
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neuvistar · 2 months
just finished the newest 2.1 hsr quest lawd (spoilers here)
avenpaz.. ok guys 😂❌ it’s the fact that aventurine gave him her stone which technically symbolizes her life knowing damn well what kinda person he rlly is n he might mess w it but NOOO lawd have mercy they r my life
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elvisabutler · 1 year
I just wanted to start by saying I love your writing! I've read your BDE series, Dove series, and Queen of Graceland series, and I have had feelings I'm not sure I should enjoy while reading all three, even though I am almost 30. 😂🫣 Since your requests are currently open, I was wondering if you would ever be interested in writing something specifically for '60s-era movie Elvis? This is his husband era, and I love it so much. He is a clean, well-dressed, progressive man who is also a girl dad, and you know that he leaves the laundry in the hamper, makes the bed, and wears a tiara at his daughter's tea parties. 😂 If you have the time and inspiration, I would absolutely love your take on some domestic fluff with him, maybe taking care of a pregnant partner or helping set up a new baby's room? Thank you for being so awesome and sweet, and I hope you have a great weekend/week!
we plan a big family
summary: elvis doesn't always get time off to spend with you and his gaggle of children, but when he does he likes to make the most of it. fandom: elvis presley | elvis ( 2022 ) rating: t. pairing: elvis presley x female reader ( nicknamed belle ) word count: 1888 warnings: pregnancy. babies. a bit of innuendo involving oral at the end. kids being kids. minorly gross eating. honestly y'all this is fluffy as all hell. 60s elvis. author’s note: anon!!! my darling, this was originally going to be an entirely different fic but i figured you liked queen of graceland and this slotted weirdly well into it that i went okay we're gonna write it as a queen of graceland verse thing. but you're speaking my language on 60s movie elvis. that is my man just as much as big daddy if not more. my ken doll looking butthead. i'm delighted you enjoy my fics and that they've made you feel things you don't know if you should enjoy lol. also- listen you should know the feelings my 31 year old has felt reading some stuff on here. lawd have mercy. for those of you who don't know this takes place in my queen of graceland verse and can be read as either austin elvis or elvis and happy father's day to those who celebrate and happy sunday to those who don't! also. i live to see the excitement/comments that come from this fic and any fic i write endlessly and will always soak them up like a sponge. i'm also open to requests from this verse.
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Elvis figures there's something about the fact that he grew up without a single living sibling that fueled this strange desire he had to have at least three children. Back with June and back with Anita he had known— he had pictured that little Elvis—the first little Elvis Presley running around with his siblings, laughing and having every bit of fun he's had to enjoy with cousins and neighborhood kids. He's always pictured his girl being a carbon copy of their mother except with his eyes that he can't resist when she pouts. Figures his wife would call him a pushover and that'd be that.
Then he met you and lord almighty and above, he can't help but figure the Lord gifted him the perfect woman to give him all of this. Sure, first set of kids had been conceived and born under less than ideal circumstances with everyone following practically one right after the other but he had made a joke one time when you were pregnant yet again after Jesse that you and him had always planned a big family and he'd be damned if the two of you didn't have it.
Hollywood finds it a little weird, and he knows this, knows that his costars find you to be an absolute delight when you bring the kids on set, a set of ducklings walking behind their waddling mother. Knows that his work schedule isn't always the best but he does try and make time for you and the kids. Truth be told any second he has a break it's spent with you and the kids. It aggravates the Colonel to no end but he remembers what it's like to not have his daddy around and he'd be damned if he did that to his kids.
"Mama!" His ears and mind register the shrill cries of his eldest daughters in the morning as he hears to groan beside him, attempting to move your head to burrow it into the pillow. The latest set of twins inside you had kept you up for far longer than was advised in your state and it showed in the bags under your eyes and the way you blink blearily at Elvis. After a moment you start to try and get out of bed, struggling to shift your weight before Elvis puts his arm across you and pulls you back closer to him.
"Oh no ya don't. I got'em lil mama," he murmurs against your neck earning a shiver from you before he pulls away. "You just rest here with those little hellions."
Your mouth opens in protest before you hear the squeak of the bed springs signaling that Elvis has already stood up. If he's up and it's a rare day off he has from filming or recording you can stay put. A relieved sigh leaves your lips as you sink back into the bed, your hand rubbing your stomach, willing the twins to stay asleep. Elvis leans over to give you a short peck of a kiss before brushing a bit of your hair out of your face.
"I'll tell the cook what to make for breakfast. Should manage a couple hours for ya. Rest up, Mama."
"'member, we gotta put the other crib up. Jus' in case they come early." A yawn overpowers the last few words you try to speak even as Elvis nods.
"That's an after lunch thing, darlin'. Relax and rest or I'll let 'em inside," Elvis threatens playfully as he walks to the door. The second he's outside, he's greeted by his eldest daughters tackling him in a hug.
"Swear y'all are gettin' stronger by the day. Damn near broke my back."
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Elvis isn't necessarily big on routines when it comes to his kids, something about him preferring to be the one who spoils the kids with everything he couldn't have as a child. It's why despite Elizabeth and Loretta being awake, three out of the other four are still asleep, with Rebecca occupying a comfy spot in her father's arms.
What he is big on his making sure they keep their rooms organized and clean for your sake. Loretta and Elizabeth look so much like you that he has to take a moment to not fall for the matching puppy dog looks they give him in an attempt to weasel out of making their bed. After all, hadn't those eyes of yours gotten the pair of you in trouble in the first place?
"Ya know the rules I got for ya. Ain't askin' much, just a made bed and your pjs in the basket. Wanna tell me ya ain't doin' this for ya mama when 'm on set?" Elvis asks, shifting Rebecca on his shoulder. "'Cause ya know the punishment for that."
"No!!! No Daddy. No, we do it. We promise! We just don't wanna— not right now," Elizabeth whines ever the more talkative one out of the two of them. "Can't we make tea first?"
Elvis eyes the table in their room that has not one, but two pillows on it before turning back to look Elizabeth dead in the eye. "And jus' where did ya plan on givin' it to me. Got pillows on the table. Can't make tea without a table, yittle."
Loretta looks up at her daddy and realizes far before Elizabeth that they have lost this battle and moves to grab her pillow from the table, "he's right, Lizzy. Come on— if we hurry we can have the party 'fore pancakes."
Those prove to be the magic words as in a flash Elvis finds himself dragged to a little tiny chair he barely fits in while his oldest daughters rush through getting new clothes on and their beds made— in some kind of way. Once they were done they sat right down in front of him and placed a tiara on his head. "Princess Daddy, would you like some tea?"
He grins and shifts their younger sister yet again as he grabs a cup. "Why yes Princesses Loretta and Elizabeth. I'd love some."
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The smell of bacon is what finally wakes you up, your body stretching as best as it can as you try and figure out just how far away the scent is before realizing it's in the same room as you. Your eyes blink slowly as they focus on your husband and your kids dressed and holding plates filled with food.
"What— What's this?" You ask with a yawn. "Shouldn't you be downstairs?"
Elvis laughs before setting Rebecca down next to you and motioning for the others to join her all while trying to not drop their plates. Without missing a beat you grab Anthony and Aaron's plates as the clamber up and only give them the plates back when they plop themselves down on the bed. "Maybe. But they wanted to eat wit' ya. So did I. Figured ya were still tired so we brought breakfast to ya."
"Ya gonna get crumbs ev'rywhere," you try and argue before Aaron takes that moment to shove a piece of his bacon in your mouth to silence you. "Guess I ain't gotta choice. Pass my plate, daddy."
At your playful tone he lets out another laugh and hands you plate as he climbs onto the bed, scooting in next to you. "Hope it's to ya likin', mama."
"Bacon could be a lil' softer, but it'll do fine." Your answer is clearly a joke as you shove the bacon in your mouth with a speed that startles Elvis. A question comes tumbling out of your mouth with a few bacon crumbs as you chew. "What time isit?"
"Ten AM. Didn't let ya sleep the whole day away," he murmurs with bacon in his own mouth. Watching as the gears turn inside your head as you look at your six children and raise an eyebrow. "Don't ya be sayin' it. They got clothes on. All the pjs are in the hampers. Beds look kinda made, but we ain't running an army base in this house."
A snort leaves your mouth before you have a chance to stop it. "Kinda made, huh? Guess that's the best I can ask for wit' daddy not helpin' the yittle hands."
Your youngest daughter pats Elvis's arm almost in a bit of a slapping motion and you have to bite your lip to try and not giggle even as he picks her up and scrunches up his face. "Now what's yittle Becky Wecky doin' hittin' daddy? Hm? Punishin' me for mama? Gonna make me hope one of yer new siblin' is a girl I can have on m''side. Yittle traitor."
Her answer to him is a simple raspberry filled with spit in his face and you finally start to lose it, accidentally spraying bacon crumbs on the bed and in one of your children's hair.
"Ew!!! Mama!"
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It's another two hours before you manage to get out of bed and the children are off running amuck in the house as you sneak into the nursery. It's Rebecca's room for right now, but when the twins arrive she's going to be in her own room with her older sisters. You're pretty sure these are going to be your last children, if only because if you have many more you're not sure even Elvis's income can take care of them. The thoughts swirl around in your head and distract you to the point where you don't realize Elvis is behind you until you feel his arms wrap around you and feel his chin on your shoulder.
"What's goin' on in that pretty head of yourn?" The question's simple enough but you hum and wave your hand in a sign for him to ignore it.
"Nothin', Elvis. Jus' thinkin' you said this was an after lunch plan— you putting the other crib in here. Figure I can make it an after breakfast one.
Against your shoulder you feel the muscle in his jaw tense before feeling his exhale against your neck. "Drive a hard bargain, Mrs. Presley. What's in it for me? Do I get a reward for doin' it early?"
You turn to face him and shrug, "your wife's love and appreciation. What more could you want?"
You're quite certain Elvis can see the mirth in your eyes and the way you lift up your eyebrows in what you imagine is a questioning and yet innocent look. Thankfully that same mirth is reflected back at you with a trace hint of arousal as he looks you up and down.
"A bit of dessert 'fore my lunch. I'm a grown man, darlin'. I oughta eat so I keep these handles ya like so much," he whispers, leaning in a little closer and lifting your chin up to look directly in your eyes. "I drag it in here, we head to the bedroom when everyone's nappin'?"
"And you get t'eat the sweetest thing this side of the Mississippi, Mr. Presley?" The joke falls from your lips without a second thought as Elvis starts to laugh a full bellied laugh, tears erupting from his eyes the more he laughs.
"Like ya read my damn mind, Mrs. Presley. We gotta a deal? Can we shake on it?"
"Only if ya get that ice cream I like afterward."
taglist: @ab4eva, @blurredcolour, @butlersxbirdy, @precious-little-scoundrel, @eliseinmemphis, @prompted-wordsmith, @missmaywemeetagain, @lookingforrainbows, @araxw, @thatbanditqueen, @ellie-24, @austinbutlersgirl67, @heartbrake-hotel, @ccab, @18lkpeters, @slutforsomegoodlettuce, @dkayfixates, @kendralavon7, @chasingwildflowers, @notstefaniepresley, @wanderingelvis, @kxnnxy, @powerofelvis, @stylespresleyhearted y'all know the drill with the taglist by now.
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cinamun · 1 year
Okay okay okay…I read Mr. Isaac’s backstory and WHEW…Mercy might have just put the last nail in the coffin for her AND poor Jayce herself with that one. Cuz he is RUTHLESS and handles his business by any means. LAWD. Not looking good. I just pray our girl Hope doesn’t get involved cuz he definitely seems like to type to try and go after her first just to show Jayce he means business and I feel like that would be Jayce’s final straw and I’d really hate to see him go toe to toe with Bishop…even if he did manage to take Bishop out I’d hate to see Jayce cross into the villain era. He’s so smart and has so much potential. OR a twist a Mercy finishes the job to protect her son??? As far as I know he doesn’t know about Hope though…? 👀 Sorry, I’m a huge theorist 😂
(P.s. unrelated but I remember you casually mentioning “hurricane Elliot” back around the New Year…can’t wait to see how that comes into play ☕️)
See... its not hurricane season yet so Elliot may just be chillin with Hani right now *walks casually to the stove*
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So now we ALLLLL know what Bishop is capable of. Not just unaliving family, but he's a callous, emotionless and remorseless unaliver. These are the kinds of sims that get solitary confinement for the ENTIRETY of their sentence. I AM DEADASS.
And here go Mercy, in her inheritance-funded living room standing up to this demon with the strength of all the ancestor mothers, defending her son's assets like GOLIATH HERSELF!! Or was it David? Chile I don’t know but we stan.
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She said MY HOUSE MY RULE GAHTDAMMIT (just one rule, but still)
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But even SHE doesn't know what the consequences for the average sim would be if the average sim were to even fix their mouth to lay down some law around a kingpin. In the same room. In the same building. With very high windows.
Where does that leave us sis!!??!?!?! It leaves us here:
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What is he thinking? What is he calculating? THOSE EYES ARE SPEAKING HONEY! But I guess we have to wait and see.
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narcopharmacist · 5 months
Short Dramione fic review: Spoilers may be mentioned (but not really)
Currently trying to rapidly finish this dramione fic called Water by Kissherdraco. Alexa play Water by Tyla.
Draco is absolutely insufferable it's so out of touch lol
He is a fcking h0e/fckboy whatever that you want to call it. Now the tags say Draco is toxic, is a piece of sh1t, so it wasn't that surprising, but damn. After reading fics where Draco's sex life isn't really explicitly told, it's just mentioned that he's had experience, this story is a breath of some acid anhydride. I thought, would the Draco really be sleeping around with all the girls? I thought he'd have some standard😂 Well, Pansy is good enough, and I have read that they had some rship in the books. But this Draco is really.... 💀
Hermione in the story is well... ok, I guess. The only problem is that I also hoped she wouldn't be the virgin. Draco has had his time. Why not Hermione, also, even if it's with one guy like Viktor, just so that she has experience?
Now the most unbelievable thing in this story, for me, is that Lucius is a wife beater. Lawd have mercy. 😭😂💀
The writing reminds me of how I also wrote my fics when I was 12 - the lack of, or at times even random spacing of the conversations, the immediate shifting of POVs with no italics, with the use of first person POV in the middle of the paragraph, like it's the main narrative....
The premise is good. It's the way it's written that boggles my mind 😂
Update: I stopped at chapter 12, where the first s3x happens. I think I have had enough. It's just... not worth it anymore. It's a headache to read.
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naffeclipse · 2 years
I’m BEGGING for vigilante y/n to have an “oh no he’s hot” squidward meme moment with Eclipse because lawd have mercy 😂😭
au contraire mon frere
It's Mafia Boss!Eclipse who has the "Oh no, they're hot" moment!
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famousdelusionbouquet · 7 months
OH lawd have mercy 😂 | Now that's a CAT
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harlowcomehome · 1 year
LMFAOOO you fr clowned me back so we’re even 😂 I said don’t read into it too much 😂😂😂 I’m crying HCH I just be saying shit sometimes, I wanna see the bottom of his foot and know if it’s clean, if it’s not I might give up on him (it should be tho considering how much he wears socks omg I need to shut up about this now) THE FIRST PIC is EVERYTHING TO ME I LOVED IT AS SOON AS I SAW IT 🥵🥵 the backwards hat is what got me too 😭😭😭 and tbh I like that elephant shirt with the camo shorts, the purple and green look good imo! - 💀
“I just be saying shit sometimes” made me die laughing. 🤭 THE BOTTOM OF HIS FO- SKULLY!! You really wild for that. 👀
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These last two and then I’ll shut up.
1) I LOVED EVERY SINGLE THING ABOUT THIS. The converse, the pants, the white open button up… LAWD HAVE MERCY.
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Things that make you go hmmm….🤔
How that post about “fucking the dog shit out of him” get posted before the response? Sounds like a case of multiple personalities syndrome! Same person posting to herself! Lawd have mercy! Now who could be doing that? 🤫😏😂🤣 smh
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chloeworships · 1 month
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The most precious possession is the apple of his eye… not just Jerusalem but his people, his children. This is what I believe the yellow golden colour sweaters mean. These are God’s golden children 😂
Whoever harms you is in big trouble. They don’t know how BIG your God is.
The LORD said to me
“The land belongs to Israel 🇮🇱”
He has said this before. Please remember this. You’ve seen the scripture 👀
Who is so bold to have attacked the Holyland. Imagine Israel attacked Mecca 🕋 Lawd have mercy we would never hear the end of it.
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elvisabutler · 1 year
I came to tell you i am excited for spark like everyone else seems to be! i seen a moodboard on my blog and came to investigate and was sucked in! more excited that i found it today and don’t have to wait like how other people have been waiting 😂😂 your moodboards are beautiful btw! do you have a face claim for lil darling?
not me waking up about four hours before i'm posting and answering this because i was too tired last night. oh lawd have mercy. i am so glad you are! and deeply flattered about you just seeing a moodboard and INVESTIGATING. straight up pictured you like big daddy going on an investigation and it made me laugh so hard last night. i do feel a little bad i've made people wait because it's been edited fully since god the middle of the week? so tuesday/wednesday but in my defense i wanted to give myself room to add more if need be ( i didn't- surprisingly, there is a whole scene on the cutting room floor that is maybe making it to the next chapter ) and to make sure my editors had time to- ya know, edit the monster that is an almost 14k fic and considering one of those editors put out HER OWN 20k fic and the other editor EDITED SAID 20K FIC you know, felt okay with what i did.
but you are supremely lucky for having the shortest wait 😂 if we're talking the main moodboard on the masterlist for spark, that one is all @precious-little-scoundrel she made it for me, god maybe jan/feb? yeah we've been talking about this that long from her initial so i have this idea and no time to do it and me going oh no, this has struck creative juices in me that are overwhelming. but she made that board with input from me on the bottom left pic and elvis's to do list. but i agree that it's gorgeous. and if you're talking about the little moodboards for my other fics or the vibes posts i've done, thank you i always am a little self conscious about them.
and to answer your question, no-ish? bri- @stylespresleyhearted has quite turned me to the idea of gene tierney but do i have a specific specific one beyond kind of that, nope.
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cinamun · 1 year
Woooooooow! 😮 As my brain unpacks & processes these series of events, my spirit is coming in like a wrecking ball like
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*and yes I sung it by the way* But literally Elliot got four minutes before Jayce is on his ass & Mercy got four minutes to pack up that damn Penthouse and head her ass to that safe house in Tartosa! 😩
Now hear me out, nothing (and I mean nothing) about Bishop during this conversation is funny but my brain clearly “ain’t neva scared” because the moment he told her to say it with her chest, I woulda flicked that cigar out his mouth. 😂 May have resulted in being the last thing I do BUT that MF was holding on for dear life. Like…EVEN your damn cigar is scared to act up. It’s defying gravity at this point. Not an ash outta place! Lawd! 😩
*clutches chest* Elliot said he was supposed to be living his best life with Hope…not Jayce! Poor Hani was just a placeholder. Oof! Like I know he ain’t say none of that but he really said all that. All he wanted was a blunt free future with Hope…instead he ended up with this dumpster fire of young adulthood. Wow! You know what, where is his daddy at? I know he ain’t really about shit BUT…this is a mess! 😩 Hope call your mama and get the number for the good doc because that’s who Elliot needs. ASAP! Our boy is “fighting those demons” (as the kids be sayin) and he needs happiness & inner peace, all of which is an inside job. Like he didn’t fuck up his life because he still loves Hope, He fucked up his life because he’s been trekking through a deep dark place for a while…Just like our girl Mercy. Sheesh! So much more I could say but…I’d be here all day.
He is not ok. And for some folks not ok means NOT OK. He has a lot going for him. Except guidance and mentorship. Darren came up in the slums but he still had his barber, you feel me? Yeah.....
But you know what? That cigar? I am currently in the upper room. I have been for the last 4 minutes. Thanks 😭😭🤣🤣
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sleepylion · 3 months
OH lawd have mercy 😂 | Now that's a CAT
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