#kabul blast
omarfaruk · 2 years
The wonders of Supernova
A supernova is a name given to the cataclysmic explosion of a massive star at the end of its life. Supernova is the biggest explosion that humans have ever seen. Each blast is an extremely bright, super-powerful explosion of a star. When a star with a mass of five times our sun dies it dies with a bang! It is a powerful and luminous explosion of a star. It has the plural form supernovae or supernovas. The last supernova to be directly observed in the Milky Way was Kepler's Supernova in 1604.
Why Supernova Happens:
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Massive stars burn huge amounts of nuclear fuel at their cores. This creates a lot of energy. Energy creates heat and heat creates upward pressure. Because of the size of a star, very strong gravity tries to squeeze the star to its smallest. But the upward heat pressure canceled out this inward gravity pressure and maintain a stable form for millions of years. But once the fuel of the star is finished the gravity pressure wins the game and collapses inward. Now imagine an object with a mass five times our sun collapsing in 15 seconds! The collapse happens so quickly that it creates enormous shock waves that cause the outer part of the star to explode! With it, a burst of gamma rays started to travel for hundreds of lightyears. Usually, a dense core is left behind and is called a neutron star with an expanding cloud of hot gas called a nebula. A supernova of a star more than about 10 times the size of our sun may leave behind the densest objects in the universe black holes. After millions of years, these clouds of gases started to create new stars. Maybe our star was also created with the remains of a dead star. Allah knows better.
Magnificent & Deadly:
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A supernova explosion and its nebula is the most beautiful scenario in the universe as well as the most deadly thing in the universe. After a supernova explosion, the remaining dust and gas cloud forms a nebula as large as 1800 light-years. From afar it looks majestic. But when a supernova happened the gamma rays with other cosmic rays started to destroy planets for lightyears.
Is our Earth safe?
Our sun is not massive enough to go supernova. After 5 billion years it will become a red giant consuming mercury, venus, and maybe earth. But if a supernova occurred as close as 30 light-years away the intense blast of radiation would carry a massive influx of high-energy neutrinos that would boil any living creature from the inside out. This will end life as we know it. The entire Earth could be vaporized in just a fraction of a second if the supernova was close enough. The shockwave would arrive with enough force to wipe out our entire atmosphere and even our oceans. But there is nothing to worry about because there are no supernova candidates closer than about 500 light-years.
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jamilanaz · 2 years
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She is a young girl. She is of Hazara ethnicity. And all she wanted was to go to school to learn but faced ethnic & gender-based terrorism.
This is the real face of Afghanistan. The worst country in the world to be a woman.
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newscast1 · 2 years
At least 10 killed, 8 injured in blast outside military airport in Kabul
At least 10 killed, 8 injured in blast outside military airport in Kabul
A blast outside a military airport in Afghanistan’s Kabul has reportedly killed at least 10 people. Many others have sustained injuries in the explosion. New Delhi,UPDATED: Jan 1, 2023 19:55 IST An investigation into the blast is underway. By India Today Web Desk: An explosion was reported outside a military airport in Afghanistan’s Kabul on Sunday. At least 10 people were killed in the deadly…
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voiceuppakistan · 1 year
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worldspotlightnews · 2 years
Blast near Afghanistan’s foreign ministry kills at least six - SUCH TV
At least six people were killed and more than a dozen injured after a powerful blast ripped through a highly fortified area near the Afghan foreign ministry in downtown Kabul on Monday. According to international media reports, the explosion occurred at around 1:00 p.m. local time (0830 GMT) in close proximity to the Afghan foreign ministry complex when a number of ministry employees were…
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dertaglichedan · 30 days
Trump Honors Afghanistan Troops as ABC, CBS, NBC Morning Shows Ignore Anniversary
President Donald Trump paid his respects to the 13 U.S. troops who were killed three years ago during President Joe Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan — while the morning shows on the major networks ignored the anniversary.
Monday, August 26, 2024, marked three years since the day a suicide bomber affiliated with the local branch of the so-called “Islamic State” (ISIS) killed 13 American service members and wounded dozens more at Kabul’s airport — while also murdering roughly 170 local civilians who were trying to flee the country.
Trump visited Arlington National Cemetery, laying a wreath alongside Marine Corporal Kelsee Lainhart, who was partially paralyzed by the blast.
NewsBusters.com noted that ABC, CBS, and NBC ignored the three-year anniversary on their Monday morning shows:
Monday marked three years since the deadly Islamic terror attack in Kabul, Afghanistan at Hamid Karzai International Airport that murdered 13 American soldiers, 170 Afghans, and left over 150 people wounded. Instead of even briefly acknowledging this painful day for American families in what became the symbol of the Biden-Harris’s administration’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, ABC, CBS, and NBC completely ignored it on their flagship morning news shows. To repeat: not a word from ABC’s Good Morning America, CBS Mornings, and NBC’s Today about the sacrifice of the brave Americans standing guard at Abbey Gate. The networks shamefully adopted the mold of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in being radio silent (aside from paper statements released from their handlers). In contrast, cable news shows that aired during that same block — Fox Business Network’s Mornings with Maria, Fox News Channel’s Fox & Friends, Newsmax’s Wake Up America, NewsNation’s Morning in America, and even CNN News Central — all mentioned it multiple times.
Neither President Biden nor Vice President Kamala Harris visited Arlington, though both issued statements.
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misfitwashere · 27 days
What might otherwise be considered a minor error of judgment can blow up into a big issue in a political campaign when the error evokes a candidate’s deeper flaws. 
Yesterday, the U.S. Army issued a stern rebuke to the Trump campaign over his visit on Monday to the Arlington National Cemetery, where Trump sought to score political points by marking the third anniversary of a deadly attack on U.S. troops in Afghanistan as American forces withdrew from the country. Thirteen American service members were killed in the attack at Kabul airport’s Abbey Gate.
A video of the visit posted by the Trump campaign on TikTok shows Trump visiting grave sites, with audio of him blasting Biden’s “disaster” of the Afghanistan withdrawal.
The Army said in its statement that participants in the ceremony “were made aware of federal laws” which “clearly prohibit political activities on cemetery grounds.” The statement also noted that an Arlington National Cemetery official “who attempted to ensure adherence” to these rules “was abruptly pushed aside.” 
Reportedly, when the cemetery official — a woman — tried to prevent Trump and his staff from entering the prohibited area, Trump’s staff verbally abused her and pushed her out of the way so Trump could enter. 
The Army statement went on to say: “It is unfortunate that the ANC employee and her professionalism has been unfairly attacked. ANC is a national shrine to the honored dead of the Armed Forces, and its dedicated staff will continue to ensure public ceremonies are conducted with the dignity and respect the nation’s fallen deserve.”
The incident has blown up into a big issue, but not because the Trump campaign erroneously held a political event at the Arlington National Cemetery. 
It’s blown up because it’s a microcosm of Donald Trump’s moral squalor. 
Trump has repeatedly shown contempt for military heroism. He claimed that the late John McCain, who had been a prisoner of war, was “not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.” 
When General Mark Milley invited a wounded, wheelchair-bound soldier to sing “God Bless America” at Milley’s welcoming ceremony as Trump��s chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Trump admonished him, “Why do you bring people like that here? No one wants to see that, the wounded.”
On a trip to France in 2018, Trump refused to visit the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery, where more than 2,200 U.S. service members are buried. “Why should I go to that cemetery?” he asked staff members. “It’s filled with losers.” 
According to Trump’s then-chief of staff John Kelly, Trump called the Marines who died at Belleau Wood “suckers” for getting killed.
Trump recently said that the Congressional Medal of Freedom he’d awarded to Republican donor Miriam Adelson was “much better” than the Medal of Honor because Medal of Honor recipients are “either in very bad shape because they’ve been hit so many times by bullets or they are dead.”
It’s not only Trump’s disdain for military heroism that’s brought to mind by what happened at Arlington National Cemetery. It’s also Trump’s disdain for the law, suggesting other occasions when Trump and his henchmen have disregarded legal rules, including their attempt to reverse the outcome of the 2020 election. 
Verbally abusing and pushing the cemetery employee who was trying to enforce the law, after she notified Trump and his staff that it was illegal to stage political events at the ceremony, recalls other instances when Trump and gang have pushed people aside, using violence to try to get their way. Think January 6, 2021. 
That the employee in question is a woman brings to mind the multitude of ways Trump has employed violence against women, from grabbing their genitals to raping them to stirring up his followers to threaten them. She declined to press charges because, according to military officials, she feared retaliation by Trump supporters. 
The entire incident is also a microcosm of Trump’s utter disdain for morality, honor, and patriotism — the public virtues, the common good. The cemetery is a sacred, hallowed ground. It is considered to be a national shrine. Trump sullied it to achieve his personal goal of the moment: to get a news clip in which he could bash Biden and, indirectly, Kamala Harris. 
The incident rings the warning bells, rekindles the dark memories, revives the fears. 
What happened at Arlington National Cemetery earlier this week was much more than an erroneous photo op. It was Trump on full display.
It was a crime.
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dragoneyes618 · 4 months
When Russia invaded Ukraine, Americans overwhelmingly supported Ukraine—as they did with Israel after October 7.
No wonder: Ukraine was surprise attacked by Russia, and Israel was by Hamas.
It seemed an easy binary of good versus evil: both the attacked Ukraine and Israel are pro-Western. Both their attackers, anti-Western Russia and Hamas, are not.
Now everything is bifurcating. And the politics of the wars in America reflect incoherence.
Both Ukraine and Israel are portrayed in the media as supposedly bogging down in their counteroffensives.
More pro-Israel Republicans are troubled by Ukraine’s strategy, or lack thereof, in an increasing Somme-like stalemate.
Yet more pro-Ukrainian Democrats are turning away from Israel as it dismantles Gaza in the messy, bloody slog against Hamas. The left claims either Israel cannot or should not defeat Hamas, or at least at the present cost.
So the left pushes Israel to a ceasefire with Hamas.
It blasts Israeli “disproportionate” responses.
It demands that Israel avoid collateral damage.
It pressures it to form a wartime bipartisan government.
It lobbies to cut it off from American resupply.
It is terrified that Israel will expand the war by responding to aggression from Hezbollah and Iran.
Yet on Ukraine, the left oddly pivots to the very opposite agenda.
It believes Ukraine should not be forced to make peace with Russian “fascists.” It must become disproportionate to “win” the war.
President Zelensky deserves a pass, despite cancelling elections while suspending political parties.
America must step up its resupply to Kyiv with more and far deadlier weapons.
Ukraine has a perfect right to hit targets inside Russia.
Russian threats to widen the war should be considered empty and thus ignored. America should hate Russia far more than Hamas.
By contrast, conservatives are less supportive of Ukraine’s offensives, if more than ever allied with Israel.
In their realist views, Ukraine is a smaller power, vastly outnumbered by a richer, better-armed Russia. Thus, it should negotiate while it can, rather than eventually losing everything.
Israel, however, is, in their view, defeating Hamas. If allowed to finish the job, it can soon win the war in Gaza and still handle Hezbollah and deter Iran.
Furthermore, the right is wary that Russia is a nuclear power. The Ukraine war is unfortunately creating a new, potent anti-American axis of Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea and drawing in former U.S. allies like Turkey and Qatar.
Yet, in Israel’s case, the U.S. is far more powerful than Hamas’s patron, Iran, and can easily deter it should Tehran intervene.
As of now, none of Hamas’s allies have nuclear weapons. Israel, however, does, unlike Ukraine.
Many conservatives further point out that Israel is a long-time U.S. democratic ally.
Ukraine’s elections are currently suspended while the country remains under martial law.
In realist terms, the old idea of Russian triangulation still makes some sense. Russia should be no friendlier to China than to the U.S., and China is no more aligned with Russia than with America.
Hamas, by contrast, is a terrorist clique, as are Hezbollah and all of Iran’s terrorist appendages. Their hatred of the U.S. is long-standing, immutable, and transcends the Gaza war.
How about the public’s views in general?
With over $35 trillion in debt, still smarting over the humiliating withdrawal from Kabul, and the military short 40,000 recruits, the public does not wish to get heavily involved in either war, even as polls still show radically differing left/right attitudes toward both.
Americans once overwhelmingly supported vast aid for Ukraine. Now they decidedly believe the U.S. is providing too much to Kyiv.
They still poll strong support for Israel over Hamas, but less so for Israel’s ongoing destruction of Hamas given the collateral damage that follows.
Given there are few Russian-Americans, there are almost no demonstrations on behalf of Moscow’s war. But there are plenty of protests for Hamas since there are lots of Middle-Eastern Americans and visitors within the U.S.
What are we to conclude about these contradictory wars and American attitudes toward them?
The more democratic and defensive the power, the more Americans support it—but only up to a point.
Even more, they demand quick victory—and lose interest when the wars stagnate, costs increase, and protests grow.
When Ukraine and Israel began costly counteroffensives, the former losing thousands and the latter killing thousands, the American public began to be less invested in either war.
Final lessons?
Israel should do all it can to destroy Hamas as quickly as possible and end the war.
Ukraine does not have the wherewithal to defeat Russia. It should cease costly offensives against Russia’s fortified lines and seek to negotiate.
Or, put another way, fickle Americans sympathize with those who are attacked. But their continuing support seems contingent on whether the victim can remain sympathetic—and win decisively to end the war rapidly.
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morgan5451 · 1 month
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roboe1 · 2 years
In The News Feed:Daily Update.3/8/2023.
US News, World News, Politics, Commentary. US News: Marine in Kabul airport blast says he was told not to shoot ISIS bomber Vargas-Andrews lost an arm and a leg in the explosion.AP Photo/Andrew Harnik WASHINGTON — A Marine who survived the deadly bombing at Kabul’s airport during the 2021 US withdrawal from Afghanistan told lawmakers Wednesday he was told not to kill a suspected ISIS…
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newsbites · 2 years
32 killed, 147 injured in blast at mosque in Peshawar Police Lines Area
A blast inside a mosque shook Peshawar’s Police Lines area on Monday, with officials saying that at least 32 people were killed and 147 were injured.
The outlawed Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) claimed responsibility for the blast.
[Peshawar Capital City Police Officer (CCPO) Muhammad Ijaz] Khan said between 300 to 400 police personnel were present in the area at the time of the blast.
Peshawar lies on the historic Grand Trunk Road that connects the city to Islamabad, 184 km to the East, and Lahore and also provides access to the Afghan border via the Khyber Pass, with onward connections to Kabul, which lies 284 km to the West. Yesterday, it was reported that 10 children had died in a mass drowning when their boat capsized on a lake near Kohat, approximately 70 km due south of Peshawar.
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mybharatguru · 23 days
6 people have been killed in a suicide attack in Kabul.
6 people have been killed in a suicide attack in Kabul. Six people, including a woman, were killed in a blast in Qala-u-Bakhtiar area of ​​Kabul, police sources said. 13 people were injured in this brutal attack. All of them have been admitted to the hospital and are being treated. No terrorist organization has yet claimed responsibility for the attack and police are investigating the incident.
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tfgadgets · 24 days
A suicide bomber detonates in Afghan capital, killing at least 6 people and injuring 13
Police in the Afghan capital say a suicide bomber carried out an attack Monday (September 2, 2024), killing at least six people and injuring 13 others. The blast took place in the southwestern Qala Bakhtiar neighbourhood in Kabul, said Khalid Zadran, spokesman for the Kabul police chief. The dead included one woman, he said, while 13 people were wounded, all of them civilians who were taken to a…
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xnewsinfo · 24 days
The blast occurred within the Qala-e-Bakhtiar space south of Kabul and no group has but claimed duty.An explosion in Afghanistan's capital Kabul has killed no less than six folks, police and the Inside Ministry mentioned. “This afternoon, an individual carrying explosives detonated himself,” Kabul police spokesman Khalid Zadran posted on X on Monday. “Sadly, six civilians, together with a girl, have been killed and 13 others have been injured,” he added. Zadran mentioned the assault occurred within the Qala-e-Bakhtiar space in southern Kabul, including that an investigation is underway. No group has but claimed duty for the assault. Violence has declined in Afghanistan for the reason that Taliban took energy in 2021, ending a two-decade battle that included international forces. However the IS affiliate in Khorasan province stays energetic and has commonly focused civilians, foreigners and Taliban officers with weapons and bombs. The group is the largest safety risk in Afghanistan and has additionally continuously focused Shia communities. Probably the most high-profile IS-linked assault for the reason that Taliban took energy was in 2022, when no less than 53 folks, together with 46 women and younger ladies, have been killed in a suicide bombing at a faculty in a Shiite neighborhood of Kabul. The newest suicide assault in Afghanistan claimed by the regional chapter of ISIL occurred within the southern metropolis of Kandahar (a historic Taliban stronghold) in March. Taliban authorities spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid informed AFP information company final month that ISIL “existed” within the nation earlier than, however the Taliban “suppressed them very harshly.” "There aren't any teams right here that would pose a risk to anybody," he mentioned.
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chika-ogbuneke · 24 days
Deadly suicide blast kills at least six in Kabul
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dertaglichedan · 1 year
Nicole Gee, 23, was one of 13 service members who died in a suicide blast at Kabul Airport in 2021 with 170 desperate Afghans seeking to leave the country
Republican lawmaker and Army veteran Cory Mills claimed her family were forced to find $60,000 to move her body to its final resting place
Honoring Our Fallen, a nonprofit which helps the families of fallen American service members, paid to move Gee's remains to Virginia using a private jet
The family of a Marine who was killed during the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 had to pay $60,000 to fly her body from California to Arlington to bury her.
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