#kadi is a bitch
vacantseance · 1 year
When your brother tells you to stop antagonizing the ghost from the basement. NO. She's a bitch and she knows it.
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aphrodite1288 · 8 months
Admins keep changing here 😶. The previous admin wrote that they have no connections and sources when it comes to KaDi and updated stuff with old news. What is the current situation? Do you have reliable sources and contacts again?
That means you're from the old group, because this is something that was said only in the old group. And this is actually sad that no matter what you've been given there form info and stories Admins genuinely shared you're still never grateful. And that is the reason why they left but mainly because they're busy because they have a life unlike you.
They said it's hard to get info about Kadi because of Ji's enlistment but mainly because Exol whom are closer to Exo are kinda tired it's been 12 years they've been working hard to follow and get infot about Exo and kadi, honey longtime ago they hit the truth they've been looking for and they're no longer that excited because they see Kadi all the time and it became something normal, let alone many don't even like them being together and don't want to share anything about them when they go out on dates or meals or get seen traveling together, to protect their individual image and the Group's image and not ruin the Exo career. They're not as excited to see Kadi as you because they've been seeing them for 12 years it became Normal.
And let me tell you what they call you and us guys here, they call you "Commoners aka the international annoying fans who think they know their idols on a close personal level, they be laughing at you for babying your idols and making them this pitcher perfect image that they're saints who never sinned or smoked or fucked or hooked up, I used to hate it when they called us " annoying newbies who think they know their idols" but now I know why. They laugh at you and say " These mfs are so annoying they believe they can argue with us and that they know shit about their faves but most of them if they ever get to know what their faves are doing and that they're not virgins on that perfect pedestal they've put them on, I bet they'll turn their backs on them asap." They always said " Never give them anything! They don't deserve to know anything about Exo, they're always gonna find something to criticize and bark about"
I use to feel sad when I see or hear them saying this, but now I know why. You an never be grateful.
Our sources did warn us to not share anything because no matter what the Kadiists will never feel grateful and they told us something really deep " Humans are greedy creatures, they'll always ask for more, never satisfied with what you give them, and at a certain point they'll bite the giving hand that feed them and say that the food's gone bad and boring".
And because of what old admins shared here to you and the backlash they got in return from haters and from Confused Kaisooists who really want to believe but don't want to, they got warned by their sources because their insiders saw what you all were saying, and they told then " we told you leave them hungry they'll never be grateful" and this is why they moved to a private group, which was also closed because of the same reason: ungrateful Patricias.
I don't know how it is hard for you guys to just take what you've been given or Leave it and leave!? Really is it that hard?
If you don't believe, leave 🫴🏻
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nosidekickspod · 5 months
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They're in their big scarf era ✨
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daggersandarrows · 1 year
everyone slept so hard on best bitches. like how many acquaintance to friend to enemy to unlikely alliance to best friends ships are there
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the-weyr · 1 year
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two bits of wickoff fanart i did for femslash february! you can also find them on ao3
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kadtherine · 2 years
it’s percy day, whores
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keepscrollinghun · 2 years
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to me the magicians is largely a show about how terrible it is to be 23 both in the sense that it sucks so bad and in the sense that 23-year-olds suck so bad (confidential to 23-year-olds reading this: not you, dear, but also, check back once you've gone through your saturn return), so it's very rare that any of the characters do anything that actually bothers much less upsets me because i'm like, the terribleness is the point and much of the joy for me. but we all have our individual pressure points so for the sake of the historical record here is a complete list of times the characters in the magicians do something i dislike:
julia: in the pilot when she tells quentin "you're good at so many things, just pick one!" to me that is not only the meanest thing julia ever says or does to quentin it is maybe the meanest thing anyone ever does to anyone at any point on the entire show. like julia i love you more than life itself but can we maybe let a bitch live
quentin: there's a specific quality to the all-in earnest dorkiness with which he approaches the quest that i just cannot handle. it makes me want to walk into the screen and place my hands on his shoulders and look him in the eye and say "this is why you had no friends in high school." like at a certain point your inability to read the room becomes my problem and that's the point at which even though i would very literally lay down my life for yours i cannot even look you in the eye
alice: when she's super obnoxious and condescending to harriet about signing/communication/etc. this one gets an asterisk because i actually think that scene is good writing in that it's in character with what we know of alice and her flaws to be super weird about a deaf person and i think she is meant to come across as unpleasantly in the wrong and i like it when a show gives its protagonists such genuine types of behavioral errors. but it does make me viscerally uncomfortable to watch
josh: one of the less sung about hate crimes near the end of season 4 is josh chuckling to himself about how margo thinks she's mad at him but really she's mad at herself because he like superhumanly divines her emotional architecture because they've banged twice or whatever. this one gets an asterisk in the opposite direction because i feel like everything i (a known proponent of Josh Rights) enjoy about josh is down to the joshness of josh and everything i don't enjoy about josh is bad writing fueled by heterosexuality brain poison so it feels like i'm holding it against him unfairly when actually the real josh would not do that and it's just that the writers are bad. but that moment makes me feel like we need to send him to the guillotine immediately so on the list it goes
kady: kady doesn't matter enough to rise to the level of bothering me. sorry kady i love the version of you that exists in the universe written by writers who gave a shit
margo: i feel like i had one for margo at some point but i can't remember what it was. i guess i wish she were a little less anti-democracy once established upon the throne but i also read a lot of that as an outgrowth of her habit of being the tough bitch partly because she's worried about eliot getting his ass killed so.... eh
penny: literally nothing ever not even once not even for a second. i tried to think of one and i couldn't. and like i know that he does things on screen that are morally bad or simply not nice or whatever. but i'm like physically incapable of being upset by penny he brings me too much joy it cannot be cancelled out by ethical qualms or empathy for anyone else i'm a simple woman i see his beautiful face and i am at peace. he deserves to be a huge asshole to everyone all the time for no real reason, as a treat and also because it's soooooo funny. i would not want him to change a thing
eliot: ok like literally mind your business about margo's bush this is not being an ally!!!!!!
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redratt · 5 days
women be scheming
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some sketches -- Sylvie the Lamia taking her oath of service in 1993 before being embraced into the fold (in my setting / headcanon, the Cappadocians have been alive the whole time, a few of them managing to feign death and slowly build up a secret clan presence. In v5 stuff, she's a Lamia, and as such is in the Hecata, but ... uh lol. Lmao, even. Old grudges die hard, especially when you're raised to believe that your purpose is putting other vampires to the sword to even out blood spilled over the centuries). she's warm, bubbly, and works as a librarian.
the second one is of Kadi (left) and Tex (right), a pair of Thinbloods (Caitiff and Lasombra respectively). Tex's embrace was a deliberate insult to the Tremere who she worked under, an elder by name of Ruxandra; turning her favorite ghoul into a Thinblooded Lasombra spin-off was a petty slap after centuries of feuding between Ruxandra and Bianca (a Lasombra, old as hell, just a cunning little jackass on Death and the Soul).
Kadi, meanwhile, was embraced because the guy who killed her felt really bad about killing a human when he ate. So he turned her as an act of mercy! Or at least he thought it was an act of mercy but you know how it goes sometimes on this bitch of an earth.
They're friends!
The guy they killed in that picture is a ghoul who kept sexually harassing Tex, so they chopped him up and all that good stuff. Again, you know how it is.
These are both based, pose wise, off of Artemisia Gentileschi paintings.
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aphrodite1288 · 8 months
I noticed you said there are many things you know but can't say be sure you're not sure of it as it is not confirmed. More like a rumor. So kind telling us some rumors you know about Kadi or Exo? It's okay we won't condemn you if they don't end up coming true we promise to take them with a grain of salt. Because I believe you many more are scared to be held accountable for their words and never share rumors and gossip, but they forget the Gossip and Tea is always delicious 😋 even when it's most of the time not even true.
Ok I'm going to blurt out some rumors I just happen to know, again! Take them with a grain of salt. They're just rumors might be baseless might be true.
But to make it more spicy, some here are confirmed Facts. 🤫
1. Exo are not renewing with SM (all of them) Don't confuse it with the group contract, this one still valid (they renewed it) to protect and keep their name " Exo".
2. Baekhyun's having a concert in Hongkong in 2024, his comeback would be lit.
3. Luhan is still in contact with all of Exo especially Xiumin and talks to them quite often, but with Xiumin it's everyday.
4. Tao still in contact with Sehun and Chanyeol.
5. Minseok/Xiumin knows he is not popular in Exo and the members tell him to do more efforts but he's quite depressed from Fans not giving him enough attention and he believes '"he's old and boring unfunny and not handsome enough" and he feels inferior to members in his own group because he is not as handsome or tall or with a bright character or sharp sexy features to attract fans, he thinks he's short and cute and unlike the other members he's not attracting new fans anymore. Which is why you would see he's not active and doesn't do any activities because he knows he won't be supported and you can see his album no one gave a fuck.
6. No one's ready to hear this but Baekyeon was real, but mostly one sided, Yes Tae queen loved Baekhyun truly with all her heart, but she knew the age difference would be a problem among his fans and her fans and in the industry she quit mostly because they called her grandma who runs behind younger kids. Taeyeon is still so angry when they ask her about Baekhyun, and she blamed him for not taking responsibility of taming his fans who bashed them so hard that time 2014 ( Ps: he was a just rookie who debuted 2 years only he was still shy with fans and has no power and still building his career).
7. Many idols in Kpop hooked up with their members at least once, if they're not a couple they were once! or they at least once fucked up and hooked. Living with the same sex for so many years not seeing the opposite sex at all, many idol rookies and trainees admitted to have fallen in love with some of their bandmates because they were too nice or good at cooking 😅.
8. Chanbaek are a thing.
9. Luhan and Xiaotong are just media play couple that's been going on for so many years, they never even lived together and there's a vocal where Luhan says he's never even kissed her and he wants this to end as he's tired of this media play and that this stopped him from having the love of his life and always stopped potential partners from reaching him, but the media play was good benefiting both of them so they can't quit.
10. Kaisoo never dated any other person, but themselves. The media play with Jennie was Jennie's choice she liked Ji so much she is so much into The "IT Boys" the "TRENDY BOYS OF THE ERA" once you're no longer famous bye bye bitch 👋🏻.
11. Jisoo and Ah Bohyun weren't even dating. They've never even kissed Jisoo said. It's not the schedule! They didn't click.
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nosidekickspod · 5 months
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magpiemagica · 5 months
-My Personal Mean Girls Movie Musical Song Ranking-
*The ranking will be based on the song in comparison to the Broadway show (how well it changes and/or honors the source material), how good it stands on its own, and my own thoughts. I have not/am not planning on watching the movie so this ranking is purely based off of the soundtrack available. I feel overall neutral when it comes to the OG musical and movie. I will not be counting Not My Fault; it's a bop but not part of the musical.
12. Stupid With Love: Same energy (or lack thereof) as What Ifs. It is very clearly modified to sound like a modern pop song. Just like What Ifs, Kady’s singer is not in a character voice. There are repetitive back vocals added, it reminds me a lot of Toe Jammer from My Singing Monsters. Stupid With Love (movie ver.) is so low energy that it doesn’t really match the situation our main character is in (falling head over heels for a boy in her math class). Much more boring/annoying than What Ifs and overall not a good song, in a pop OR musical setting.
11. Meet the Plastics: A lot less dramatic and a lot more serious/”adult”. The whole song sounds like the start of World Burn (Broadway). Grechen and Karen don't even sing or introduce themselves; it's only Regina. This song takes itself SO DAMN seriously. They do know that the reason Mean Girl’s is a cult classic is its humor and over the top nature, right? 
10. Someone Gets Hurt: The song has a Billie Ellish quality to it; it is very soft-spoken for the most part and includes a lot of whisper singing. Someone Gets Hurt sounds very underwhelming, especially when you compare it to the original Broadway song. The song is supposed to be seductive but also powerful and dramatic. I think they only focused on the seductive part. The instrumentals are all toned down so much that it doesn’t fit the scene it is sung in (Regina kissing Katy’s crush, a big betrayal of their “friendship”). Ignoring the context, I don't think it works as a non musical song either.
9. Apex Predator: This cover is a total enigma to me. It is so weird sounding; the singing, instrumentals, tone, background vocals, pacing. Apex Predator is SO all over the place. Maybe it makes sense in the context of the movie? I honestly have no idea what was going on with this song but it didn’t sound…good. No disrespect to Auli’i or Jaquel; they did the best with the direction they were given. Really disappointing considering Apex Predator was a pretty strong song in the Broadway musical. 
8. Revenge Party: This song feels a bit disconnected from itself. The instrumentals don't match the singer’s energy, especially Janis’ strong singing voice. This is a song about getting revenge so why does it sound so mellow? Auli'i vocals are really nice in this song but everything else falls pretty flat. Janis saying “Yes, bitch!” did make me chuckle though; caught me a bit off guard.
7. What’s Wrong With Me?: It is fine for what it is; it gets the job done. Not really a lot to say. 
6. What Ifs: A new song written for the movie. The song sounds kinda somber and low energy; very different from the upbeat and hopeful song it is replacing, Roar. Angourie Rice has a nice voice; it’s just very soft and fits much better to a genre like pop. Speaking of pop, that is the weirdest part about What Ifs, it doesn’t sound like a musical theater song at all. What Ifs is a totally fine pop song but in my opinion, it fails in the context of a musical. The song tells us pretty much nothing about Katy or her circumstances. It's just a fine pop song.
5. A Cautionary Tale: The first song (and impression) of the Mean Girls musical movie. A lot more edgy sounding; it sounds like the musical was trying to really stray away from the classic Broadway style as much as they could. It has a lot less singing variety (less note variety, belts, etc.) Some of the stuff that they change, I really don't like (like the background oohs and cut of Janis and Damian’s witty banter). It feels more foreboding and boring than fun and exciting. 
Less energy, less of a campy atmosphere :(
4. I’d Rather Be Me: Auli'i vocals are great in this but the instrumentals are underwhelming. I don't know why this movie is straying away from loud and powerful musical choices. Mean Girls is all about drama; why isnt that energy showing up in the music? I’m confused and tired.
3. World Burn: Another song that is super dramatic in context but not in execution. Renee’s riffs and belts are awesome (as always). It's not bad but not very good either. 
2. Sexy: Thank you Avantika for giving us some much needed joy to the soundtrack💗! She totally embodies Karen in this song. Sexy has a funky instrumental. Sexy in the movie is very fun!
I See Stars: It’s pretty good. The instrumentals match the energy of the song, the singing is great, the background vocals add a lot, it's just an overall good cover. 
Songs cut from songs from Broadway: It Roars, Where Do You Belong?, Fearless, Stop, Whose House Is This?, More Is Better, Do This Thing
Overall: I saw this movie making a bit of negative buzz and as a musical theatre nerd, I wanted to know what everyone was talking about. Based off what I've seen/listened to, Mean Girls is a musical that doesn't want to be a musical. This negatively affects the music. Hopefully studios see the reception and improve this movie's flaws in future projects.
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clarajohnson · 5 months
the magicians s2e7
you will know exactly what i'm going to say i'm going to say it until she goes away. i love you niffin alice.
one of these dummies is gonna call the brain police and you've got priors!
Evil Things Inside of Me That Used to Be Alice
SOOO fucking interesting, their conversation on "boxing her up" because alice is right! he IS trapping her! the first time i watched this show i was truly TRULY so angry at him for this. when he says "or you could be quiet and you could let me try and solve this" like my god the man never lets anything go! it's so unhealthy and like NOW i don't blame him because he's my best friend but the first time around i could only think of it as selfish and sinister and controlling.
the world's foremost expert on all things me... an all timer quote. god what a quotable scene!
i'm not bloodthirsty i just wanna be free :-( sorry but she's so hot if she was bloodthirsty i'd still do what she wanted
julia's hair is so nice in this scene
i love you korean knife magicians i really love you so much sometimes this show really just charms me
BANK HEIST !!!!!!!!! one of my favorite moments in this show
GOOD BECAUSE I DON'T margo marry me
sometimes i think about how many plots are running in any given scene/episode/season of this show and i swear i could pass out like who remembered ember shitting in the wellspring except tick pickwick did !!!!!
also love the magic-seeing lenses in this show that's always been charming to me. same with the mann reveal but i like the little lenses more.
when they kill off the haxenpaxen it feels to me like they were like okay we can't keep track of all this. which must have been a difficult decision for the magicians showrunners.
that poor girl is ~fucked!~
yeah to circle back to the one million concurrent plots i like that q's plot for the time being is "liberate the being of pure chaotic energy that looks like my girlfriend which is trapped in the tattoo on my back" in the grand scheme of things here it's kind of a minor issue lol
raise your hand if she's the reason that you fucking exploded in this life!
my best friend in the world does crazy shit and doesn't listen to me and like he probably means jules but unfortunately it's true of literally every character on this show
q is a remarkably good friend very attentive very concerned
help us rob a bank oh my god yes
love the anthropomorphic books also. fun throughline.
kady and penny have crazy fucking chemistry CRAZY chemistry
THERE'S OUR LITTLE KING. oh my god ohhhhh my god
margo's hair is sooo so so good.
aw i love that eliot didn't know margo had robbed a bank. it's so obviously a device so she can walk them through the security procedures because he would absolutely know that within like a month of them knowing each other but it's so cute.
ohhhh margo's little two-piece outfit. i'm not gonna look it up but i'm pretty sure this was from 2016 and i know this simply because i wore a two-piece dress to my high school winter formal. it was a dark fucking time.
yeah pass i like air >:-(
kady could've had her own show there's so much going on with her. and you know what? i'm not ashamed to say it. underutilized in fic.
alice had the bedroom of a precocious seven-year-old daughter of a single mother in a 2009 dramedy. where the wild things are ass bedroom.
return of the best bitches !!!!!!
brakebills must have some CRAZY fucking wards you ever think about it?
"oh nut up it's just a finger"
penny and kady grow up as though q did not get that finger in an orifice he was perfectly fine with
margo is so excited to coordinate a bank heist she is the number one girl in the world
remarkably extraordinarily fake bees i have to admire it
q and his FUCKING inability to take a sweater off
penny not touching the floor stresses me out SO badly. toe on the floor. (penny voice) god damn it.
love the security guards in love
the wrecking ball is a weapon of peace :'-)
(cuntiest voice in the world) oh well, rest in peace penny
i understand his reasoning for not telling anyone about niffin alice in his head but if i was q i would've been immediately telling everyone like that's not the shit you keep inside
"i've always been good at math" i would never believe that
q's saddest little "oh no :-o" this heist has everything !!!!
once again i feel like horomancy only becomes a big tricky thing later in the series because jules invents a time machine within like an afternoon. maybe two days.
ohhhh the fucking dokkaebi stress me out
first of all el taking a fatal injury for q :-( second of all KADY FUCKING DECKING THE BATTLE MAGICIAN !!!!! third of all q struggling to leave even the golem oh this gentle little guy who is in love with eliot waugh
somebody find out how they did julia's lashes i'm jealous
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When You Love Someone | Billy Hargrove character study
Prove Them Wrong | Eric Coulter x Fem! Reader (in progress)
Kiss Me Under the Mistletoe | Eddie Brock x Venom [🎄]
Crushes & Apartment Crashing | Valkyrie x Fem! Reader
Peter Parker flirts with you during science class (HCs)
Master of Shadows | Bane x Fem! Reader (in progress)
We’re Still Best Bitches, Right? | Kady Orloff-Diaz x Julia Wicker
The Wrong Agent | David Rossi x Aaron Hotchner (complete)
1 2 3 4 5
if(youLoveMe) == true | Penelope Garcia x Fem! Reader (coming soon)
The Mockingbird and the Spider | Varys x Petyr Baelish
It’s Not Living (If It’s Not With You) | Keelin Malraux x Freya Mikaelson
It’s Not That Simple And It’s Not That Strange | Elinor Fairmont x Fem! Reader (in progress)
1 2
Love Me Gently | Ivan x Fedyor Kaminsky 
More Than Just a Rumor | Diego Hargreeves x Reader
The Hidden Side of Us | Fangs Fogarty x Fem! Reader
Fandoms I am no longer writing for: Riverdale, The Umbrella Academy
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whiskeysmulti · 1 year
💕Miyuki when she's kicking ass \ o 3 o /
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.Whiskey. send 💕 and I will make a Playlist for your muse- accepting!
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This Little Girl- Kady Groves
My hands are clean, not yet a killer Ain't I your queen? And did you tell her? 'Cause you broke down all my shoulda known betters And I followed you home, throwin' sticks and stones
I'm two steps from the edge, whoa, whoa Don't push me over it Don't you know, don't you know?
Every girl is capable of murder, if you hurt her Watch out, you don't push me any further, any further You're not the only one walking 'round with a loaded gun This little girl is capable of murder, 'cause you hurt her
Don't you know you should never treat a girl like that? Got a good alibi, and my bag's all packed Don't you know you should never treat a girl like that? 'Cause the next one is gonna have a hammer pulled back 2. Little Girl Gone- Chinchilla
So I heard you're back in town And haven't changed a bit, man You get off talking down to the little man Time you get what you deserve
Wow You're so fucking stupid Been a while since my head was this polluted Lucky I know my own worth
So you, so you wanna fight me, are you big enough? Kick the back of my knee, are you serious? (Are you serious?) You keep on trying but I like your blood on my teeth just a little too much
So bite me, slap me round the face Now I'm twisting your arm 'till I hear it break I get stronger everyday, yeah
Little girl gone, got a gun from a gangster Run little girl, run little girl, bang ha
Say that again, I didn't quite hear you Messed with the wrong bitch in the wrong era I been at work and I got my badge of honour Honey, I've changed so much since I last saw you
Hands off my hair, how very dare you Ding ding, hold my earrings for my debut 'Cause I pack a punch backed into a corner Come at me, don't tell me I didn't warn ya 3. I Wish A Bitch Would- Delilah Bon (warning this song has references to CSA and the slut shaming/blame the victim aspects of rape culture, under the cut for length and those aspects, continue at your own risk, I just felt it really suited the atmosphere and themes in BF and Miyuki's background and personality for that verse)
Cold case after cold case Those bodies in the ground How do you feel knowing you covered it up Knowing she'll never be found How do you sleep How do you eat How do you live with such inner peace How do you sit with your wife and your kids And just carry on acting so normal like this Not enough evidence found at the scene But how do we trust, trust the police How do we ever go out on our own and truly feels safe 'cos I really don't So they're gonna blame girls for their clothes But what does that even mean She was eleven years old, only a child Wearing a hoodie and jeans The cycle repeats I feel the rage inside I feel the rage inside A demon in me I wanna make em' pay I wanna make em' bleed Cos they don't feel this Trauma, trauma, trauma, trauma, trauma Evil little predator your name ain't on no register The system failed that little boy But I am here to rid him of his monster Under the bed, under the bed, under the bed It's all in his head, he was afraid, he was so scared Never again, never-a-never again Never again, never again, never again Never-a-never again Never again, never again, never again Never-a-never again Never again, never again, never again Never-a-never again Never again, never again, never-a I wish a bitch would when I'm walking down the street I wish a bitch would just to find some release Don't trust no man Don't trust the police I wish a bitch would Never again, never again
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