#ghosts harass me
vacantseance · 1 year
When your brother tells you to stop antagonizing the ghost from the basement. NO. She's a bitch and she knows it.
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ghost-bxrd · 5 months
So, now that we’re done with Grave Pretender let’s take a look at the fic roster and see what kind one-shot is going to be next… ✨
Definitely up there in the top 5 of potential candidates right now are
- Jason saving Dick and disposing of Tarantula (feat. @cyrwrites awesome drabble)
- Jason kidnapping Brucie
- Jason’s body spontaneously going into cardiac arrest every other day (the “Jason’s body works wrong after resurrection” prompt)
- the Talia spite fic
- the “batfam thinks red hood is a 40+ guy and dating Tim” prompt
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sapphicnsh · 7 months
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dont fuck with her vibe
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webbelzebub · 2 months
i like holy ghost as a pairing but not necessarily as a romantic one yk? more as a dynamic maybe. as rivals. as something akin to but not quite enemies to lovers
i think the concept of destined rivals is just so interesting. they are both horrible and awful and their horribleness drives the other to go further in the opposite direction. they are polar opposites and yet they are exactly the same. they are obsessed with each other and yet they don't know each other at all. they are soulmates who are destined to destroy each other
anyway all of that is to say i think that they're in a kismessitude. thanks
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fridayiminlovemp3 · 7 days
has anyone here ever had any luck with bumble friends LOL real question tho
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corvidaedream · 3 months
in my quest to maybe move back to providence after 20 years, im looking at jobs down there and damn i think i might be better off financially pivoting to carpentry/construction work for a while
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phantomskeep · 1 year
not me coming up with an entire political atmosphere in the ghost zone for a goddamn haha funny jason/danny fic. i have legit spent 6 hours today on research alone for this bullshit. wtf.
speaking of which if anyone has ideas for some cool ghosts plz let me know :) i will absolutely give credit, cause there's only so many death gods/symbols of death a man can cram into a fic before it starts to sound like a research paper.
i'm already 3k words in and i haven't even gotten to the character that's going to be explaining the politics to danny, brain wHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS--
but yeah if you want to read a snazzy fic that's gonna be one hell of a slowburn, delves into the concepts of what dead people politics would look like, has danny become a sexy heartthrob of a thief, has jason actually get the therapy he needs + the emotional support from his family he riGHTFULLY DESERVES, and ofc (eventual) cute domestic fluff after a wild rollercoaster of enemies to friends to lovers then you should check out my fic <3
(there's only one chapter out but chapter two should be done in like a week or so)
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snixx · 5 months
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sillymeter · 1 month
i think its a little funny in a sad way how someone tried to drag me into tumblr drama and upon me getting a really really long (currently 47 day) migraine and begging it to leave me alone it did. and im like the only one it did that to i think everyone else is still getting dm'd daily. not a peep
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kaz00ple · 1 month
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fw or no?
no harass me >:((
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pekodayz · 1 year
oh damn wait my twt tomodachi life summoning posting got me 20 more followers
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oh-gh0st · 1 year
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hobbinch · 1 year
Oh my god what if I made some sort of art with all of my records from rehab
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veeeffvee · 1 year
hello vee! i have one question for you: what are your expectations on qualia automata (ghost's new series)?
honestly i dont have very high expectations for it, imho ghost went very downhill after their hiatus and i just follow them for any updates on honey im home
also fun fact: honey im home was supposed to have a sequel song, it was released on their patreon as a preview though it was later scrapped. the instrumental was eventually recycled to make end-world normopathy
i know you despise honey im home so i thought you'd be happy if i told you that 🤩🤩
Ohhh, the instrumental of that was supposed to be Noah's song? Like, I vaguely remember GHOST teasing a song for Noah on their old Twitter back when HIH was everything they did. Huh.
Well... here's my honest opinion. I hold very overwhelming apathy for everything that GHOST is doing nowadays. I simply do not care for any of it. If my ability to care were a number, it would be in the negatives. I just aggressively do not care.
I don't like their current style of music, nor do I care for any new characters they make anymore. Imo they all look terrible to me, and I find it hard to believe that they have individual personalities. It's all boring, it's all repetitive, it's all the same. So bland, yet so irritating. Just noise noise noise, and nothing else.
I haven't even listened to their new song yet. I don't get excited for their new songs anymore, and it feels like a chore whenever I have to hype myself up to try listening to whatever they've uploaded next.
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bibleofficial · 1 year
lmfao ridiculously fucked up for 7pm 😭😭
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area51-escapee · 10 months
Listening to people talk about how they get matches on dating apps and compliments from people but “they’re just so ugly :(“. Or people with an active love life talk about how they’re the person nobody notices, the person who doesn’t get dates or romantic attention ect. creates such a pit in my stomach. I feel ill.
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