#kai couldnt handle it
senseioftheseidiots · 2 months
this is canon post crystalized, i dont make the rules
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The culprit:
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WHOLESOME HEADCANON TIME Antonia and all the other paper kids teach wu slang and paperboy terms, he visits often to check up on them usually while the ninja are away, bringing snacks, in return, hes made into an honorary paperboy and has been told stories of their adventures, it worries wu but, he knows they can manage the kids dont think wu can ride a bike, theyve also been trying to see whether or not this is true, but wu always somehow avoids the topic, even if he says he can
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inadequate-nefelibata · 10 months
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After one blind season alone in here After one long, sweltering summer I'm going to find the exit And I will go to the house of a friend I know And I will let myself forget
Ralph Macchio as Daniel Larusso THE KARATE KID (1984)
+ Absolute Lithops Effect by Carrie Elkin (original by The Mountain Goats)
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kagayakukagavaku · 15 hours
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I hear there's some cool rocks up on Mars.
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average-drawer · 5 months
for @averagedialtowner and @vincentbeloved1217
they cried from a weak ass story it's my turn 😈 hehehehehehhehehehhehehehehehehehehhejehehehhehehe also I have never written before so um uh um yeah um I umujmhmy hmm ymumumumumumuhhmhmhymmmummmmuhhhh also ong bro jfk commits kay why ess!!1!11! T/Cw!!1!11!1
Jack Kennedy laid there, staring at the ceiling. He was tired. So very tired. Maybe it was the pills. Maybe it was his lack of sleep. Maybe it was the fact that he was laying in bed. He didn't know. All he knew was that his decision had been made and he couldnt change it now. Not unless he wants to spend 10,000 dollars at the hospital, and Dave wouldn't be happy with that.
Jack was so, so very tired. He sighed and got off his bed, going over to take paper from the stack of paper that used to be neat, until Dave screwed it up on accident.
Jack was so, so, so very tired. But he still wrote. (with his Jack Kennedy branded pencil (double parentheses time demonic laughter I colored a pencil orange, gave it a purple top, and need a white paint pen to give it Jack's eyes. Then my Jack Kennedy pencil will be complete.))
AN: I have no fucking idea how to write this
Jack was so, so, so, so very tired. He got up and went back to his bed. He knew he wouldn't wake up. He knew Dave would be heartbroken. But he was too tired and numb to care.
It was 4 in the morning. Dave grinned as he climbed through the window, happy to see his Old Sport. Oh, the poor aubergine.
He looked through the house yet again. Not much changed. The stove was still untouched, yet slightly burnt. The microwave was still gone from the mac and cheese incident. The couch was still messy. The sex couch was still the only not messy couch there. (I HAD TO INCLUDE THE SEX COUCH) The floors still had scrapes from the different things they've done. Dave's mind wandered briefly as he thought about tomorrow, and yesterday, and Vegas, and all the different thing they've done together. Then, he snapped back to reality. He was actually kind of tired. Maybe Jack would let him sleep with him? (Sexually and not sexually) He climbed up the stairs dog style like the rabid animal he is, checked the other rooms, and stepped into Jack's room.
Jack wasn't snoring. There was a note on his bed. There were empty medication bottles on the floor. Dave being Dave, he got a bit worried, but then again, this was normal Jack stuff. Sometimes he doesn't snore, sometimes he leaves notes for Dave, and sometimes (all the time) he does drugs. That's normal. Combined, it made Dave a little scared. But he just shrugged it off. He sat down next to Jack on his bed, smiling. He picked up the note, reading it. With every word his face sank more and more.
Although Dave had killed, helped kill, and handled bodies, this body was too much for him.
Jfk commits kay why ess and Date molar cry
I wrote this in 40 minutes what can you do in 40 minutes VINCENT?!?!?! I NEED FOOD!
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away-ward · 22 days
Hey KO, I'm new to dn, and just finished it today! I know that this is not a devils night confirmation info page or anything, but i just would like to know your interpretation of will's line of "she was hot in the shower, on the beach, on the wall, on the hood of his car under the rain, in his bed". By the end of nightfall, i dont even know which one is the truth or which one is the lie because will grayson lies so much. Like did he actually did all that? So how tf am i supposed to see him as a great romantic book hero? Like, idk im so confused rn. By the end of nightfall, i ended up only loving emory scott from this series, and hating will grayson. I was so disappointed when we didnt get enough banks by fire night. But shes my second favourite.
and what do you think were the things will lied about or the things he said the truth was? And wtf was he saying about alex being his safe place and port on the strom? Why did that sound like rika when she talks about kai, because michael was it for her, and only with michael, rika felt everything she needed and wanted to? Was that what will meant? That he still wnated emory because unlike alex who only made him laugh to forget his pain and enable him, emory was the one he wanted to feel everything with? Was that also the reason he said that emmy was the only perosn who knew what he felt always? Like the true him? The one not even damon, his bff knew?Because then pd sure as hell didnt do a good job executing this. They were too convoluted in their execution, these messages didnt stand out immediately.
ahhhh im so confused? Like whats going in nightfall? And emmy fucking alex? Huh? But tbh unlike other readers, i can see why emmy needed that moment though even though i was like? I cant see her bonding with damon like that hence why i thought its understandable she didnt go over the edge with will and damon in the locker room scene. Aside from pride and fear, i dont think she would want them to think that she would settle down for scraps and ONS in high school while she was still not free. But alex (and will and aydin) just pisses me off here in nightfall like how the horsemen pissed me off from the way they treated rika in corrupt.
and funnily enough i think even this point is recycled from hideaway. Like think about it yeah, in hideaway, when banks attacked rika, kai explained why he was close to her and he said something like "even after everything, she still befriended us, talked to us, forgive us" yada yada yada, so does that mean, IMPLICITLY, even after everything, emmy would still accept alex, aydin and will, even when they're being ugly like that? Because it felt eerily similar, yk. And that train scene with kai and michael, as much as they pissed me off, i can see why michael and kai said that because they were probably testing her loyalty and see if she's here in even for the ugly. When i put on that lense it made sense.
tbh i dont agree with a lot of weird shit in dn, but i can see why. But for some reason will's personality and characterisation + lies always made me second guess everything in nightfall. Because wtf? Sure, damon used to be his heroine (not a good thing) and alex was his port in the storm (not a good thing too) so wtf is he doing with his life then?? Only with emmy, his life starts? Is he dumb or something? 😭☠️ im so sorry im just confused wtfff? And not damon and alex being bffs and still cant read him outside of only knowing emmy was his everything, and the reason why he might even get out of blackchurch (oh and i theorise earlier that when rika asked michael what was his plan for will in conclave, i suspected he wanted tosend emmy there. I think he knew she could handle it. I mean she did lmao) and didnt even knew about his plans with grandpa? But emmy be figuring out everything (like a bloodhound will said), and the only reason she couldnt find out earlier was because 1. she wasnt beside him, 2. things were happening outside of her knwoledge, 3. She was lied to by will or manipulated by aydin? Uuh? How tf are these people even bffs and considered smart honestly? Wtf? Do they not have a brain? They have 8 people fgs 😭 emmy literally the only one with brain, wanting to ACTUALLY escape and not act like want to escape but actually want to stay and have hidden motives (cough alexaydinwill cough) dang, these horsemen be thick in the head eh?
KO, i would really like to know what you think of these. Like wtf is going on? How are they gonna build an empire with these brains? And rika being mayor at 22? WHAT IS GOING ON AHAHAHAHAH stop. Like i dont even hate dn, atp i only dislike some characters and some things, but its bad soap opera, im enjoying my confusion and having a good time weirdly?
its bad soap opera, im enjoying my confusion and having a good time weirdly?
If there was ever a tag line for Devil’s Night, it would be this.
Welcome? Congrats on making it through. It’s an accomplishment, for sure.
I’m definitely not a confirmation page or anything. If anything, I see the series totally different than a lot of people – especially Will. I’m not sure if I’ll say anything that makes the pain better, but I’m always happy to talk about it.
i just would like to know your interpretation of will's line of "she was hot in the shower, on the beach, on the wall, on the hood of his car under the rain, in his bed". By the end of nightfall, i dont even know which one is the truth or which one is the lie because will grayson lies so much. Like did he actually did all that? So how tf am i supposed to see him as a great romantic book hero?
Yeah, I absolutely think Will did all those things with Alex. All that and more.
But it wasn’t special. They were both sleeping with multiple people. Alex was sleeping with Michael’s father, for example. Sure, they probably enjoyed each other’s company more than they did with others, but I never saw any evidence of anything romantic between them. And in a series about characters that started having sex without commitment as early as 14 or 15, I don’t see this as odd behavior on their part.
For instance, it was odd behavior for Kai to NOT be having sex in Corrupt. That was his whole part of his storyline. So, Will carrying on from where he left off before prison was normal and expected.
I do agree that Will saying this is cruel. He’s intending to hurt Emory. But this isn’t the first time he’s done this. It actually echoes what he used to say in high school.
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He said something similar in her room the night he tried to end things with her. When Will wants to hurt Emory, he reminds her he has options. And Emory has no problem using his casual slutiness to try and hurt him in return, but that's besides the point. The point is the question this brings up:
Does he actually want those options?
I think we can all read that scene and know both of them are lying. Will says himself he doesn’t want anyone but her. However, when Emory comes back that she was just using him, seeing what all the fuss was about, and now she’s done with him, he’s hurt. He wants her in all ways, but she's saying she doesn't want him. So he tries to cover it up. He's lying. He doesn't care about any of the other "options", he just wants her to be jealous and hurt like he's jealous and hurt.
In Blackchurch the situation is slightly different. He wants to hurt her for other reasons, not just because she didn’t want him like he wanted her. However, I think apart of just how vicious his anger got was him frantically trying to build a wall to protect himself. If he didn’t manage to find a way to defend himself against whatever it is about Emory that draws him to her like a moth to a flame, he risked bearing himself to her cruelty again. I’m not sure if he was ready to do that. So he relied on his anger and the same old tactics that worked before. In the scene you mentioned, he's just giving his "options" a face.
I mean, if you don’t see him as a romantic hero, there’s nothing wrong with that. There’s not a lot about the Present timeline/Blackchurch arc that is romantic. But I do find both of these characters sympathetic in some ways, and I’m happy they found a way to happiness with each other after all this time.
i ended up only loving emory scott from this series, and hating will grayson. I was so disappointed when we didnt get enough banks by fire night. But shes my second favourite.
A completely normal reaction, honestly. I think it’s safe to say most have been there. I know that’s where I started at when I finished the series.
And wtf was he saying about alex being his safe place and port on the strom? Why did that sound like rika when she talks about kai, because michael was it for her, and only with michael, rika felt everything she needed and wanted to?
…no matter what anyone tells you, you don’t need to read the Rika and Banks bonus scene. Save yourself.
because unlike alex who only made him laugh to forget his pain and enable him, emory was the one he wanted to feel everything with? Was that also the reason he said that emmy was the only perosn who knew what he felt always? Like the true him? The one not even damon, his bff knew?
Yes, exactly.
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Damon and Alex indulged Will. They were so enamored with this boy with childish tendencies – this Peter Pan-like man – that they were willing to let him destroy himself rather than expect more.
Alex did it because she was also hiding from reality. Damon did it because he wanted Will to never lose what made him so enthusiastic about life. Will should never be in pain. Because Damon was completely consumed by the hatred and anger in him, and he’d placed all his happiness and what was left of his goodness in other people. It was important to him to protect that in Will. Of course, this means that both Alex and Damon see what they want to see in Will, and not necessarily what’s there.
Because Will wanted to grow up. When Emory was leaving him in high school, she said she didn't want to be someone he needed to take care of, someone pathetic with a lot of baggage he'd get sick of. What she didn't understand is that Will desperately wanted to take care of her. He wanted to hold that baggage, and he was patient enough to never get tired of holding it. He wanted to be a man, and to be important to people, and be dependable and relied on. He came from a world where no one needed him. He was just there. I recall how when Will was tucking Emory in after homecoming. The conversation they had about what Will's future looked like. It was joke, but apart of Will wanted to be the important man in the great suit for Emory. That's how he imagined their future - sans Heidi.
If he could get Emory to love him… if he could be special enough for her, and be the only one she went to when she needed something – love, affection, happiness, help… other people didn't need him like that, but he really wanted to be that for Emory. He wanted to be that important to her. Problem was he had no idea how much help she really needed. It was all a fantasy that was never going to happen, because Emory was not the girl he thought she was. Once he realized that, he was hurt that she wouldn’t even try to depend on him. He was that unreliable.
And then, when he gets out of prison, he finds out that Damon lied to him about who leaked the videos and then disappears, Kai and Michael are having their usual bromance, leaving him out of the plans, and who does leave him with?
Alex. So he hides in her. And Alex hides in him, but Alex also doesn’t need him to be anything other than there. She can take care of herself, she has a roster of callers. She's taken care of. He doesn’t have to be a man for her. They let each other be weak without judgement, but eventually even Will gets tired of that, and starts down that "inevitable road" to growing up without her.
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He can’t make a commitment to Alex, anyway. Because in his heart, he knows it’s still only Emory that he wants to be that man for.
and funnily enough i think even this point is recycled from hideaway. Like think about it yeah, in hideaway, when banks attacked rika, kai explained why he was close to her and he said something like "even after everything, she still befriended us, talked to us, forgive us" yada yada yada, so does that mean, IMPLICITLY, even after everything, emmy would still accept alex, aydin and will, even when they're being ugly like that?
There are so many recycled plot points and beats throughout this series, it’s a little exhausting to count. Still, I hadn’t considered it from this angle.
Emory as Rika, forgiving Alex, Aydin, and Will the way that Rika forgave the horsemen.
Wow. Galaxy brain.
Regardless. I still hate Aydin and refuse to accept him as part of their little family. He’s gross, and I hope he and Alex go off on one of their adventures and never come back, and the group just forgets they were ever there.
Unlike most around here, I don't mind Alex’s presence totally (I’m more irritated with her overall character execution than her role within the story, but that’s for a different time), except for the fact that she married that man. I do absolutely hate her for that.
that train scene with kai and michael, as much as they pissed me off, i can see why michael and kai said that because they were probably testing her loyalty.
I don’t think they were testing her loyalty. Well, maybe Michael was. Another anon several months ago suggested Michael was also trying to keep Emory close for Will. Which, that’s an interesting thought.
Kai, I think, was just salty and still consumed with guilt over getting arrested and needed to project a little.
“We didn’t deserve that?”
Oh, so Emory deserved to have her grandma ripped away from her and put in a home where she would most certainly be neglected and die?
You guys actually committed those crimes, regardless of whether they were for a good reason. Emory did nothing to deserve the way her brother was treating her. Please get over yourself.
tbh i dont agree with a lot of weird shit in dn, but i can see why
Honestly… same.
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i suspected he wanted tosend emmy there. I think he knew she could handle it. I mean she did lmao
I think this would have been a much better plot, though. Yes, because I hate Aydin and his storyline, but also because this makes more sense!
It makes more sense that Will would find the letter and disappear. Once they figured out he’s in Blackchurch, Kai would have more understanding of what that kind of environment would do to Will. I think he said that Will stopped eat? I could be misremembering though.
So to motivate Will, they could give him something he wanted, like coaxing a dog from a shed with a treat.
Or I could go on replotting the entire thing. I think what the point is, is that almost anything would have been better than what actually happened.  
emmy literally the only one with brain, wanting to ACTUALLY escape and not act like want to escape but actually want to stay and have hidden motives (cough alexaydinwill cough) dang,
While I appreciate Emory being unwilling to give up and continuing to fight, the truth is that she was being a little stupid. Just a little.
They were on an island, off the coast of Canada, in the middle of October. She had no clothes except what she was wearing (which was usually boxer shorts and a button up shirt?), and usually only managed to grab at most two days’ worth of food.
She was going to let her pride and inability to face Will get her killed.
Now, I don’t doubt for a second Emory’s drive for survival. It’s possible she would have figured out how to live in the wilderness. The best option, however, would have been to play nice with Alex and Will. Not be friends. Just Be. Nice.
If Alex was right and the team was coming to save them, great. She’ll be taken off the island. She can hit the ground running in the opposite direction as soon as her feet hit pavement.
If Alex was wrong and the team wasn’t on their way, when it got close to the thirty days, she could sneak away then, so she only had to plan on surviving outside the house for a short while until the supplies team came. At which point she’d have the freedom to move about. Either talk to a member of the team or sneak aboard whatever transport they came in.
But either way, she’d need to survive in the house, and getting as many people on her side as possible (which would mean stop antagonizing everyone who pissed her off) would have been a smarter move. Emory needed to be prepared to play the long or short game. Blackchurch was not Thunder Bay. Being a lone wolf was going to get her nothing useful.
However, if she did that, we wouldn’t have our beloved Emory, would we. Much like Will, I love that she never let the opportunity to snap at them pass.
This isn't to say that Emory isn't one of the smartest people in the group. I have no doubt that her and Banks run circles around them any day of the week. Just that in this particular situation, she was not doing her best. Understandable, though. She was only a little stressed out.
How are they gonna build an empire with these brains? And rika being mayor at 22? WHAT IS GOING ON AHAHAHAHAH stop.
Yeah, I don’t know. That whole “rule the world” thing really bugs me. One, why did Damon only include his sisters and not the whole family?
Two, why does Banks have to do everything Damon wants? When does she get to choose?
Three, I don’t mind the idea of Rika being mayor…eventually. But Rika has barely graduated college. What experience does she have to run the town. I’d have much rather they used someone like Katsu or Vittoria or Matthew Grayson as a placeholder until Rika was old enough.
If there’s anything that we learned from the Rika and Banks bonus scene, is that Rika still really suffers from insecurities and embarrassment too much. Why is she letting a 20-year-old bully her over something that happened 15 years prior, and for something that is completely normal in their social circles? I don’t trust Rika to run a PTA without falling victim to peer pressure. Who gave her a town?
Four, …they own an Inn, an amusement park that’s only open like one-three months a year, a dojo, and a humanitarian project. They’re rich kids playing with the money they inherited, doing a lot of nothing, and making more money for themselves. Exactly what empire are we building here?
Yeah… anyway. I don’t know why I’m still here. Other than, I love these stupid characters and want better for them. I wanna play with them like dolls. It's s all pretty dumb though.
Thanks for stopping by! Hope you have fun while you here. Come back and talk to me again sometime.
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dysaniadisorder · 1 year
btw in playing yttd its so much fun. I get to voice;
Joe (I stole him instantly. i couldnt handle not being him) Sou (he's in the opening and I like him a lot. they also keep calling him stalker) Keiji (My boyfriend gave him an awful voice also they both hate him too much) Reko (I like cool women .)
my best friend voices; Sara (they wanted to & also its on their computer) Kai (they got his vibes INSTANTLY) Q-Taro (they loooove doing southern accents. I kind of hate it) Kanna (they have the same mbti personality type. i told them this beforehand and they instantly went "oh i recognize her")
my boyfriend voices; Gin (I cannot express. how fast he began kinning them) Nao (she's so british. she's so incredibly british. it started normal and he destroyed it on purpose) Mishima (he keeps aiming for evil scientist and landing on 80's sk8er commercial/frat boy and i don't know how. plus nao and mishima talk next to each other a lot so the british bleeds through. they also have the same mbti)
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sehunicorne · 4 years
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ssojibae · 3 years
trying to sign up for classes for next semester is really hard considering i can’t even LOOK at my student portal without panicking so 
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stxrseungs · 2 years
how txt would react if u cried after they jump-scared u ੈ♡˳
warnings :: fluff, angst, crying, use of word 'hell' once.
txt ot5.
🐚 ; YEONJUN ... !!
both of you were cuddling on the couch in silence bcos why not when yeonjun came up with the idea of shocking u. he has never done this before in your relationship, so he was really curious about what kind of reaction u wld hv. it was already 11pm at night, your eyes were closing, u were nodding off. if yeonjun didnt do it now, he wldnt have the chance to ever do it. when is the next time he'll be able to get the opportunity like this? "BOO!!" by instinct, you scrambled away from him, your hands covering your ears; you fell off the couch. yeonjun was laughing on the couch, his hands around his sides. he was laughing so hard tears came out of his eyes. once he was done laughing, he saw you curled up in a ball on the floor. "y/n?" you didnt respond. at this moment, he heard a sniffle. oh no. were you crying? "y/n, are you crying? im so sorry :(" makes it up to u with more cuddles and words of comfort
🐚 ; SOOBIN ... !!
soobin just wanted to have fun. he couldnt jump-scare yeonjun cos he wld get mad, and he cldnt scare the maknaes because they were at vocal practice. it was already late and night, and you were already in the dorm, your back facing the door as you tried your best to sleep in soobin's bed. you were already drifting off to sleep when suddenly soobin screamed, "AHH!" you immediately sat up, hand clutching your chest. your couldnt see anyone, so you thought it was a ghost. starting to cry, you curled up at the corner of your bed. soobin heard sniffles. were you crying?!?!!? he didnt expect u to be so shocked u ended up crying, so he crawled on the bed with you and slowly turned u around, whispering that he was soobin and u didnt need to worry. makes u hot choco and lots of kisses and cuddles <3
🐚 ; BEOMGYU ... !!
this cheeky boy wanted to jump scare u after watching a scary movie which plot is basically about jump-scares (idk i dont want horror movies im a scaredy cat) so anyway, mr choi beomgyu decided to jump-scare u. u were sleeping on the couch, and beomgyu decided to hop on it and wake u up like the brat he is. "hey y/n, y/n y/n y/n" "whaaaaat" "...BOO!" he shouted, with his arms stretched out to hold u. u jumped so hard and beomgyu was trying to suppress his laughter. then he saw your glistening eyes. it was kinda obvious that u were trying to hold back ur tears. "y/n... im sorry" he pulled u into a hug as your tears flowed freely. gives u loads of hugs and u two end up sleeping on the couch. also u get ur revenge on him with the help of the boys ^^
🐚 ; TAEHYUN ... !!
i honestly dont think tae wld do such a thing cos hes an angel <3 BUT. IF HE HAS TO DO IT. HE WILL. cos hes COMPETITIVE AS HELL. you be cooking soup, then u were about to taste it, THEN this mf goes up behind u to scare u. like sir?? hello?? ur handling hot stuff here and u js go jump-scare her?? u ended up burning urself and crying :( mr. competitive literally jumped when u started crying (karma yuhh) hurries to run your hand under cold water and u end up forgiving him cos hes too cute to be mad at
🐚 ; HUENING KAI ... !!
okay so he lost a bet. and his members decided to make the loser jump-scare their s/o. huening didnt want to seem like a coward so he went for it. surprise surprise!! u were the coward :/ so when u were minding ur own business, sitting on the dorm couch scrolling thru tiktok, then suddenly the lights went off. u thought it was a power shortage since u didnt hear the boys come in, so u turned on ur flashlight to navigate ur way thru the dorm. BUT when u turned on ur flashlight u were met with a huening kai right in your face. u literally screamed and started crying ;-; (pull urself tgt y/n its ur bf) i tell u huening started screaming too before pulling u into a hug. blames it on the members and u give all of them silent treatment for the rest of the night :/
a/n: SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT JSHFJKSH i wrote this cos i cry when ppl (my dad) jump-scares me lol
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Anonymous asked:
michi’s lil sis mispronouncing everyone’s name and she’s the only one allowed to continue to call them like that omg
Draken and Mitsuya
They don’t mind at all and find it adorable, the way you look up while calling their names.
Mitsuya is patient enough and encourages you to continue, he’s gentle when he’s helping you pronounce it right. Rewarding you with head pats when you start improving
Please Draken cant handle how you insist on trying to call his make “Dragon!” He doesn’t have the heart to correct you, he always kneels down to your height when you call his name.
He will pouty because you’re being unfair, not being able to pronouns his name. Mikey finds it adorable, but that doesn’t stop him from sitting in front of you. Whining whenever you mispronounce his name, he kept on correcting you. He stopped being serious after you kept giggling each time he corrected you.
Please your too adorable when you try saying his name,your stubborn frown and glare as you try to pronounce it. He get down to your level and pokes your forehead “Try Fuyu”
You looked so happy when you managed to pronounce “Fuyu”. The way you looked up at him with a smile “you did good (Name)
Hakkai and Yuzuha
Yuzuha has to calm him down, she couldn’t believe her gentle giant of a brother. Couldnt handle a little girl struggling to say his name, she thought he could handle kids. Both the siblings think your adorable, Yuzuha loves you because you take after your brother.
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iwritesometime · 3 years
michi’s lil sis mispronouncing everyone’s name and she’s the only one allowed to continue to call them like that omg
Please they see she takes after Takemichi so much, your just a smaller version of him.
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Draken and Mitsuya
They don't mind at all and find it adorable, the way you look up while calling their names.
Mitsuya is patient enough and encourages you to continue, he's gentle when he's helping you pronounce it right. Rewarding you with head pats when you start improving
Please Draken cant handle how you insist on trying to call his make "Dragon!" He doesn't have the heart to correct you, he always kneels down to your height when you call his name.
He will pouty because you're being unfair, not being able to pronouns his name. Mikey finds it adorable, but that doesn't stop him from sitting in front of you. Whining whenever you mispronounce his name, he kept on correcting you. He stopped being serious after you kept giggling each time he corrected you.
Please your too adorable when you try saying his name,your stubborn frown and glare as you try to pronounce it. He get down to your level and pokes your forehead "Try Fuyu"
You looked so happy when you managed to pronounce "Fuyu". The way you looked up at him with a smile "you did good (Name)
Hakkai and Yuzuha
Yuzuha has to calm him down, she couldn't believe her gentle giant of a brother. Couldnt handle a little girl struggling to say his name, she thought he could handle kids. Both the siblings think your adorable, Yuzuha loves you because you take after your brother.
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bloodycassian · 2 years
Will Reader really marry Kai? Does Azriel know just how sexy he is? Will the war continue, or be put on hold for this possible new marriage? Find out below. 
Kai had been insufferable the entire stay in Summer court. That had been expected. But what wasn’t expected, was for Tarquin to make an appearance. Your shock matched the rest of the guests’ faces in the large ballroom. 
The waning high lord was escorted in by his care team. Two of the courts top healers and three guards. You were sure there were several others watching over him that masked their presence. Tarquin’s hand shook when he held his glass up for a toast. The result of a nearly deadly injury years ago. Along with several other issues that many claimed made him unfit to be high lord.
But you’d rather see him rule to the end of days than see what Kai had planned for the summer court. Even if he was just a glimmer of what he used to be.
The prince squeezed your hand too hard as he stood staring at his father. His eyes narrowed, darting over the room at everyone who held their glass up along with his father. Tarquin took two wheezing breaths before in a great, raspy voice announcing “Thank you for coming.” The crowd clapped. All but you and Kai, who still firmly held your hand. 
“We celebrate a great success tonight. Feast, and drink for the ones we lost.” He said, turning to his healers before anyone could notice the coughing fit he had after. You cringed in sympathy, the empathetic pain of whatever he went through cut straight to your bones. You couldnt bear seeing how it wracked his body. people were cheering. The dancing started.
The music was louder after the short speech. And the drinks flowed much heavier. You eventually had broken away from Kai long enough to head to the patio. The muggy night air wasn’t much reprieve from the hot inside  with bodies dancing. 
Staring at the night sky, trying to ignore that stinging in your chest, you sent a silent request to the mother. “Please - make this worth it.” You thought, and fought the tense, hot tears that welled behind your eyelids. 
When you opened, the dulled stars seemed even less appealing than before you’d sent the request. The stars did not shine, and the moon seemed like less of a planet and more of a dull light in the sky. The ocean whispered as it rolled against the shoreline. It was always within hearing distance, no matter how far away you were. 
The bouncing music did not drown it out. And when Kai found you again, he did not let you out of his sight. 
The burning in Azriels chest hadn’t left for a full week. Fearing the worst of it, he decided to see Madja, and explicitly told her to not mention it to Rhys. She waved him off, and told him to sit. Then he had to lay down. Then she had him talk and walk. All the while her glowing, healing light on him. 
The ache didn't not get better. 
After an hour of exams, Majda shook her head. “There is nothing wrong with you. If something in here-” She placed a small warm hand to his chest. “Hurts, then you need to see a Reader.”
Mother above, he couldn’t handle this female’s logic. Madja had been known to recommend a few strange things now and again, but Az had never heard of her actually believing in Readers. She scribbled something down on a piece of paper and handed it to him. “Take this to the one closest to the Rainbow, he’ll know what to look for.” 
Az gave her a look, one she was used to seeing from patients that were speculative over the ancient ways of Readers. “Madja, Readers are for tourists-” 
“Bah bah bah, I dont want to hear it.” She shooed him towards the door before he could taint the room with his negativity. “If you want to feel better, that is the way. Go, shadowsinger. You dont have much to lose.” She gave him a long look that said she knew exactly what he ached over. He didn’t bother arguing against the healer, he knew better. Over six hundred years working with her, he knew just how to piss her off. So he turned and began his trek back to the townhome. He would not be seeing a Reader. 
The letter came with a winter court seal stamped to the crease of it. Unopened, the wax showed you the familiar palace rooftops you’d grown up with. Each with delicate icicles hanging from the eaves. 
Despite the pleasant imagery, the purple stamp made your heart race. Nothing casual would come from a letter so formal. You didn’t care that Kai watched you as you popped the letter open, the two guards behind him held their chins high, as if they waited for something. 
The page was simple, and was only marked for the first few lines. In Kallis’ familiar scrawl, it seemed as if he were drunk or… shaken writing it. 
“Kai is a fierce male. He is noble, and heir to the Summer throne. The world has gotten more dangerous since this war began. Because of that,  I wish for you to be married within the month. Please return to the palace as soon as you are able, so we may forge this alliance in blood, and with celebration.”
Your fingers trembled as they held the page. Kai took it from you, and you did not protest. You could only stare into the empty space where it had been. Your hands became soaked in sweat, and you were sure the ripe scent of fear now tainted the room. You didn’t care though, not even when the guards smirked and Kai’s face lit up with an enormous smile. You knew this day would come. You knew you’d have to marry him eventually, but… it seemed impossible now. 
Now that you knew you had a mate out there, in the world. Not just a random fae male either, he was a part of the enemy court. He was the angel of death. And you'd tried to keep him off your mind as much as possible the entire time you’d been back, fearing that Kai would sense him on you somehow. 
“I suppose I’ll be calling you my wife soon.” Kai chittered, and wrapped you into a too tight hug. His warm body pressed against yours like a weight. You let him kiss you after, let his sloppy lips ghost over yours. 
Then, he was backing away. He walked out to the hall with a newfound confidence that he hadn’t had before. A male with everything he needed to have guaranteed power. 
Az didnt fully mean to wake up in the middle of the night and be stiffly walking towards the Rainbow. He may have been thinking about you a bit extra before bed, but those thoughts had been of panting, moaning, doing everything he’d ever imagined with you-to you. His hands worked expertly to undo the button of his pants. He kicked them off before laying back in his enormous bed.. He spread his wings wide, reveling in the sensation of the very soft sheets against them. He teased himself first- rolling a nipple, scratching at his chest. then began tracing his fingers lower and lower, until he cradled himself in a hand. The nails of his other hand dug in deep, and sharp into his thigh while he stroked himself, long and slow over his length. 
Elain hadn't crossed his mind the entire time. And it killed him to admit that. 
What was the point of two brothers being mated to two sisters if the third of each would be left out in the cold? Were Cas and Rhys just so similar that they.. just happened to click the same? Az's chest tightened thinking of the female he once thought was his love at first sight. The girl in the garden that brought life and joy to the world. The one that cooked for all of them, not because she had to - because she wanted to. He pined for Elain for years, two hundred years. Mor hadn't been more than a passing thought in his mind since he'd met Elain. And now... what? He was doing just what he had done to Mor to Elain.
He pushed the thoughts down, shoved them deep beneath his mask of calm and looked to the sky.
The dull glow of the streetlights reflecting against the snow was something that always warmed his insides. The childish excitement of seeing the outside in all it’s simple beauty would always get to him. He thought it would, anyway. Now, it seemed like more of an inconvenience than anything. On top of it all, the harsh wind nipping at his lightly covered body reminded him of winter. Of you. 
And that ache deepened. He walked faster. 
Kai mounted up fifteen guardsmen within three days. Highly trained, very professional guards that would die for their prince in a heartbeat. On top of those fifteen, he ordered a hundred or more to follow the caravan to the edge of Winter, so they could splitoff and join the front lines in the middle and Dawn. 
The embarrassment of so many guardsmen trotting into the city gates behind you was unforgettable. The crowd of traders and merchants parted, and stared. Your cheeks burned.
Kallis greeted you with a warm, firm hug that nearly brought tears to your eyes. His embrace was the reminder you had a home outside the Summer court. It reminded you of the bear hugs your father always gave whenever he came home from a command shift. You'd stay up at night waiting for him, and if you did happen to be asleep when he came home, he would always leave a small circlet of flowers from wherever he'd been on your bedside table.
"I'm sorry." The high lord muttered into your ear during the embrace. It was so quiet you were sure Kai couldn't hear.
When you pulled away, your uncle's eyes were red rimmed, yet he smiled. "Let's get started." He said. Your stomach dropped, nausea burning up your insides at the thought of why you were here again.
Kai pulled you back to his side, his too warm hand forcing its way into yours. "It would be my honor." He said with a sickening smile.
The Reader was well known through Velaris, as there were few of them in the world, let alone in the Night court. He'd resided in the small townhouse long before Velaris had become what it was today. Az personally had never seen him. He'd heard plenty about him from Mor and Elain after they had their appointments. 
But upon entering the dark cluttered room, he understood why they would chatter about the.. darkness of it all. 
The walls were bedecked in shelves, and the shelves were covered with different oddities from small animal skulls to jars of... he didn't want to know. Where there weren't shelves, there were larger animal skulls and mobiles made of crystals. Some shone bright and proud even in the dimness, others sparkled happily. There wasn't a bare space in the entire shop it seemed. Az wondered how the male even moved around with the stacks of books and aincent looking relics lying around. 
"The shadowsinger finally visits.." A thick accented voice called from behind a dark framed partition. Az hesitantly stepped towards the voice, the floorboards beneath dark rugs squeaking. The hooded figure sat in a withered old chair behind a table covered with candles, chalk and jars of different liquids. 
And in the very center of the table was a large, metal bowl. The inside of it marred with ash and blackened from many fires
The Reader's thin lips curled into a smile, Az could only tell because his teeth glinted in the candlelight. "Come, let me sing to them - as they call to me." 
There was minimal preparation for the wedding. No fancy decorations, no guests, and no music. Kallis insisted that there be as few people as possible to wetness the binding of the courts. You tried to ignore most of it. If you paid attention to the gown, or the flowers, or the fancy dressed witnesses and how their attention pointed straight at you -  you'd run away screaming. 
And if you thought of the male that you were to be bound to…You shuddered, even in front of your hearth. Without meaning to, your mind wandered to the dark skinned male that was your mate. You thought of that way he had looked at you for that moment. The way he seemed to look completely through you, to the core of your being. His eyes seemed to pierce everything you’d ever been, and anything you ever would be. He’d touched on every aspect of you, and did not turn. He drank it in, it felt like. 
And when that click happened, like a bone being set into place… you didn’t know how you’d existed before. Without the extra… room for thinking. It seemed like the bond had unlocked a new - reserved part of your mind that was only to think of him. The shadowsinger. The one that lurked in your dreams, his lips, his scent. The angel of death.
The one that had helped reign terror over Prythian, next to his leader. 
The male before you was not fit to be a husband, or a high lord. His smirk as Kallis prepared the ribbons told you that he knew exactly what he was doing. The prince had been imagining this for a long, long while. 
And now he was getting exactly what he wanted. A place of power over two courts, if he was high lord of one and family of the other... he would have great sway once this war was over. He'd be a main component in any court dealings. He would be the head of Summer once Tarquin's time was over, and he would be able to influence Kallis through your father's tie to him. 
You wondered if this was what Tarquin wanted for his only son. If your father would be proud of your sacrifice, or if he would share the despair and disappointment with you. 
You wished he could be here for your matrimony. Even if it did feel false and unreal. If he were there... maybe he would be able to comfort you after. The unease of not know what exactly would happen immediately after the ceremony left your hands sweaty, even as Kai gripped them. You didn't try to flinch away, or pull your hands back to your sides. 
This was inevitable. 
The Reader didn't scan Az's body like Madja had done. Instead, he had the shadowsinger blindly pick four items from a bowl and set them in the order he felt was correct. It was a stupid task, one that made no sense if he placed them correctly or not. 
"Wishbone, feather, Needle, and.. coin?" The Reader's fingers ran over the edge of the worn silver mark. 
"A silver." Az confirmed, pushing the smugness in his voice down. He'd suspected the Reader was blind from the moment he stepped inside the room. No lights on, and hardly any light coming through the dark tinted display window.
"Dont be so surprised, Azriel Shadowsinger." He chuckled in a way that made Az’s shadows curl around him protectively. Waiting to block any incoming threat. “You’re not the only one with unusual gifts.” 
Before Az had a chance to react, the coin was flying at him. He saw it in slow motion for one second, and the next… It was gone. His shadows had morphed into a glove like shape and caught the coin a foot before it would have hit his forehead. His heart thundered in his ears. He’d only manifested those physical shadows once. One time on a fluke incident. While he was drunk.
The Reader laughed, and clapped his pale hands together. “We are going to learn a lot about each other, young one.”
Vivienne had given you the traditional necklace that Winter tradition insisted upon at all marriages. Despite the unwillingness of the situation, the sentiment still warmed your heart. And you hugged her, trying not to cry and ruin your makeup. 
Her curling dark hair framed her thin face gorgeously as she smiled at you. It was an understanding smile, one that said she knew just why you weren’t excited about this day - the day that many females dreamed of. After the sadness in her life it was a wonder she was able to smile at all.
When your father had told you she had lost her child, it was never mentioned again. You didnt see her for weeks after that, but when you did… she seemed different. She was no longer that aunt you would go drinking with on the coldest nights of the year. She held her suffering closer to her chest, and was more careful about who she let in. 
“Future lady of summer court…” She sighed, and squeezed your shoulders encouragingly. Your eyes stung more viciously, as if they accepted your fate while your heart did not. The new part of your mind that swam in darkness and soothing shadows did not accept it either. It anchored you to the denial, to the rage that threatened when you spared more than a second on the thought of Kai’s gaining power from using you.
“High lady of winter..” You gave her a look and she rolled her eyes. The title of high lady came after she’d come to power with Kallis. She felt it was for the next generation of females on the thrones of Prythian. 
“You know your uncle only wants the best for you. He wants you safe from… everything.” She looked pointedly towards the door, implying Kai. You nodded in acceptance. “Your father…” She cleared her throat and looked to her feet. Her long lashes fluttered as she spoke. “He wishes he could be here. To see you… not just for this.” 
The tears broke over finally, and spilled in fat droplets to the floor. You missed him so dearly. You knew there were lives on the line at the border, but you were his daughter. His flesh and blood. 
The shadows inside you hummed, like faelights working hard to keep an abyss bright. It crackled with unease and groaned like a sinking ship. “I know-” You said, keeping your voice from shaking. She dabbed at your cheeks, and re applied your kohl liner before you stepped out to the open congregation room. 
Where Kallis stood, the prayerbook in hand, and Kai at his side.
Azriel shot out of the chair so fast it cracked against the floorboards. He pulled his shadows in as tight as he could, and that coin dropped to the table. Straight back into that stained bowl. The Reader still smiled, and the items Az had picked all began floating in front of him. 
He didn’t have words, couldn’t describe what the hell he was seeing. He blinked. The Reader crossed his long fingers together, and waited. 
Azriel stormed out without a second look back. The ancient male laughed as he heard Az’s hurried steps leaving. The door rattled shut behind him, and he hoped to the mother he’d never see the male again. As for his shadows… He had to figure out why this was happening. He strode far from the shop, still uneasy when he couldnt even see the building. 
His wings were tense, sucked in tight against his back. He could feel his body locking up, readying for a fight. Ready to run, or slice or punch anything that threatened him. It seemed utterly insane feeling like this in his own town. But he couldnt shake it. The snow fell cold and wet against his wings, sticking to his hair as if he were a statue. 
His stomach roiled. He’d never met another shadosinger, let alone whatever the Reader was. Not a shadowsinger, that was certain. Az had never heard of talents like that before. Not from any other than a high lord, that was. 
He looked up to the clouded sky. The stars were so similar to what they’d been when he was a child. How had so much in this world changed while they remained the same? It seemed unfair. Times like these it felt like a cruel joke to be alive. The daily battles, the weekly death report lists going out to families. All for a few scraps of land. For a title to shift from one to another. 
The thoughts muddled his mind, making it hard to see his own feet as the snow covered them. He needed to get out, to get away. The sounds of a bar down the street rang clear in his mind. A drink would be nice. Fantastic even, it would be an opportunity to not even have to think anymore. To be rid of that fiery rage in his chest that burned for you. 
Then he remembered what he’d conjured on that island. 
So he shook himself free of the snow, and took off. He shot into the air so fast it made the shrubbery below quake. He only heard it for a half a second before he was long gone, soaring into the night sky, letting the cold wind take him far, far away from the wrongness of the city. 
Kai stood in traditional Winter court clothes. Surprisingly, he only had a touch of summer representation on him. A small pin of a traditional summer court sailboat posted to the collar of the heavy coat. 
Kallis didin’t look unusual in his formal getup. It was only slightly different from his high lord garb. Instead of a bandolier and sword at his side, he wore only the thick collared coat that matched Kai’s. Viviane and two other guardsmen were the only others in the room.
The bright, gray filtered afternoon sun streamed into the room from the enormous windows to the east. Their rippled pattern made the shadows look like a collage of ice caps on the sea. Or the refractions of water against sand, depending where you were from. Either way it was beautiful, and would have been an ideal location for the perfect wedding. Even if you were to marry again, you didnt think you could bear to see this room again. No matter what occasion. 
This would not be a day of light, and celebration. It would be a day of mourning and sorrow for yourself. For the future you didn’t get to have. For the male you were going to lose because of this arrangement. 
Not that it would have ever been possible in the first place. Azriel was of the night court. He was in the command of traitors that had used their power to threaten the rest of the courts. He was no better than Dawn or Day males. Even if there was no war, and he somehow found you in a normal life...He was a walking outcast if he’d ever come to Winter court. With his thinner build and dark skin, you weren’t sure if he would even want to visit.  
Kallis finished saying something in a long string of words, and both the males looked to you. You blinked back to life, to the moment right now. The moment you’d dreaded since you met Kai. You offered your hand. And with that, Kallis tied the thick blue ribbon atop both of your hands. Your knuckles were reddened with nerves, as were your cheeks. 
Kallis then dropped the water of both court’s oceans on the ribbon. Just as the royals before you had done thousands of times, reluctantly or not, just like you. It curled and squeezed together, the sign of the marriage being accepted. None were ever denied. Kai’s hand squeezed yours, and the ribbon dissipated to the floor. 
“You both are now a part of a house bound in love and honor. These are sacred words, say them with pride.” Kallis started with Kai, “I take my wife as a privilege of my life. I will honor and love her until the end of my days.” 
Kai repeated the words back, never looking at you. You could feel your breathing getting heavier, and it felt like the air was being sucked from your lungs. Kallis turned to you, and gave you time to adjust. He nodded, waiting your go ahead. 
You bowed your head, and he began. “I take my husband with honor, and love like no other.” The words were altered from the normal ceremonies. Normally they were both repeated back, partner to partner. The same words each time. “I will be his guide, in dark and light - Snow and Summer.” 
You repeated the words back, slowly. Numbly. As if someone else were speaking for you. You stared at Kallis’ buttons on his coat, hoping to the Mother that the deal would stick, because it did not feel like a bargain with your dishonest heart. 
The words worked, though. And a stinging sensation began on your elbow, and wove its way around to the front of your arm, into it’s ditch. You hissed at the pain, the dark band ended with two snakes facing each other, in the very center of your arm. Kai looked at his own, a simple band as well, but his ended with two delicate swords crossing each other. 
“May you live happily, and love freely. The Winter court honors you both as a married pair.” Kallis finished the ceremony with the best smile he could manage. He stared at you though, as if he could help you somehow. He saw the suffering there, yet saw the determination as well. The love of your homeland would never outweigh a sacrifice. 
And he admired that about you. It was something he always considered a great feat among Fae. And without knowing if you even were fully Fae, it was even more remarkable. His eyes welled with tears knowing that he had let Viviane lie to you about your father. 
Among all of his regrets, that was the biggest. But he hadn’t known how to tell you, couldnt see you bear that weight of disappointment and sadness. He didn’t know what it would do to you. And he’d rather it stay a fool’s hope than to have to see you torn up by something you couldn’t change. 
His brother was dead, and he was never coming back. 
A single tear dripped to his coat, and he sniffed lightly.
You found the strength to look to Kallis. To imagine your father there, next to him. You knew he would have been sobbing - for a mix of happiness of watching his daughter marry, but also with despair. He knew your hopes had always been to find someone to travel with, to do everything you ever dreamed of with. 
 The day would be for mourning the loss of that, but celebrating your safety. As long as you were alive to despair, it would be something you were grateful for. 
Kai’s hand left yours and he stepped toward Kallis, as if he were going to hug the high lord. 
Then blood began dripping from Kallis’s mouth. 
He moaned in pain, then fell to the floor, on his knees before Kai. Viviane's footsteps were fast behind you, but the guardsmen cut her off. You were moving before you were fully aware of what you were seeing. 
Kai’s bloodied hand reached for you, but you pushed past him. Warmth spread across your arm. Kallis leaned forward on to you for support once you were in front of him. Kai backed away. The world seemed more quiet than it had ever been. Panicked flutters made every nerve in your body tingle. You patted your uncle, looking for the wound. You found the warm blood leaking from his stomach, at his rib. 
“No- no no-” You laid him down gently, and pressed the wound. You spared one glance up to Kai, seeing why he wasn’t helping you. Why Viviane wasn’t moving. He held a bloodied dagger, covered in green gems. Much like Autumn court fashion. You stared at the silver pommel of the small knife, taking in the smallest details there. How the gems overlaid each other like scales, how the forging shone as if it were brand new beneath the blood.
The world spun, and refused to make sense anymore. It was as if you were a sailor in a churning sea of madness. And your boat was breaking. 
Kai cleared his throat, and flung the knife into the floor. It stuck with a hollow thud that made you blink, coming back to reality. It was the same kind of sound that Kalis’s knees made when they hit the floor too. 
Viviane's tears left dark rivers of makeup down her cheeks, she wailed, and screamed. But no one was around to hear it. Kallis had made sure of it.
Kai’s words felt like a light coming on in a dark room. It made you see the male in your lap again, made you understand that the male you had just married had killed your uncle. And he wasn’t done. You did not fear for you own life, only of Vivannes. She was the only one left with a life to spare. You understood you would be dead the second you slipped up. 
“You just saw A niece kill an uncle. Over a lust for power. And you now see me taking over the role here as High Lord.” He announced to the three before him. You cradled Kallis’ head in your lap, your mouth moving, whispering or screaming, you didn’t know. 
Viviane's heart gave way, and she roared. She screamed loud enough for it to break through your daze. You looked up, and she was running, springing in that deep blue dress she’d picked out for this day. For her Mate’s death song. She brandished a dagger from nowhere, it shone in the overcast light. It seemed to move three times slower than it happened. Your eyes saw it slow, but your brain couldn’t process what it was seeing. 
The spear that flew through the air as she jumped at Kai, that knife aimed directly for his chest. The sickening crunch of it hitting it’s target - in the center of Viviane's back. Her mouth sputtering blood, even as she stared at Kai with that deadly look. She wheezed, and the floor began darkening with her blood. 
Kai lowered himself to her, and tilted his head to hear her weak whispers. She turned paler by the second. Her dress was no longer blue. It was the dark red of lifeblood. 
The copper smell made your stomach turn. You ached to vomit, and to slap yourself awake from this horrid nightmare.  But you couldn’t look away from her, not in her last moments. Kallis’ blood was hot against your hands. His light beard was stained just as his wife’s dress was. 
Kai muttered something, then said it again. You held your breath, trying to still the thrumming in your ears long enough to hear him. To hear your aunt as she spoke her last words. “You will- never… be a high lord, little princeling.” She said the words with a vicious, predatory smile. 
Your tears fell to your uncles chest as you watched Kai step around her, making footprints in her blood. He took the spear that had impaled her, and yanked it out. 
You closed your eyes before her body hit. And a last, rattling breath blew out of Kallis’ mouth. 
Then, your world turned to ice. Cold became you, seemed to inject itself into your bloodstream like a healer would. It burned with an icy rage that only came with the deadliest storms in the winter of winters. It tore through you like a beast’s howl, from the deep forests and beyond. 
Kai was rushing for you when you opened your eyes to a new, brighter world. Colors seemed to sing in perfect harmony, yet around you was.. Almost like a glacier. Ice and wind held you in place. Kallis and Vivienne’s bodies lay far in front of you, broken and bloody. The iciness in your being seemed to soar, and lift to a new level.
Then, you were gone.
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alltoolewis · 3 years
A with mason mount song lyric prompts
'I'm so caught up in the news, of who likes me and who hates you'- mason mount
I kind of switched it around a bit.. so its the opposite way 🧡
'Mason mount celebrates chelsea champions league triumph with brilliant social media throwback'
'Tears of joy: chelsea hero mason mount breaks down in tears after winning champions league with boyhood club in emotional scenes'
'Mason mount reals chelseas champions legue win sealed special dream'
You couldnt escape it.... everywhere you went,you seen his name. And you couldn't do anything about it. You and mason split up about a month ago, you were childhood sweethearts. You've been through everything together, through every up and down of his career. However like everything you let your insecurities ruin it. His career reached an all new level, and don't get me wrong you were so happy for him but that also ment that your once 'private' relationship was know in the spotlight. Everyone wanted to know the girl who swept mason off his feet,you couldn't even go to the shops or university without people recognising you. You couldn't handle it, so you did the one thing you promised eachother you wouldn't.... you left.
Much to your surprise the media attention didn't stop there... instead of people wanting a glimpse of the girl who stole his heart, they wanted a glimpse of the girl who broke it.
Every night you would scroll through twitter seeing everyone praising him, what an incredible player he is, how he's had the best season of his career... but then you would go on Instagram to see comments after comments of hate on your most recent post.
'What a snake'  'apparently she cheated on him'  'he had a lucky escape"
But the one that made your eyes fill with tears.
"She must be mad leaving mason... but its the best thing that has happened to him. Atleast know he doesn't have the bitch holding him back"
Although it hurt you when you left him you knew deep down they were right... atleast you and your insecurities wasn't holding him back.
Requests are open 🧡
Players i write for: Trent alexander-arnold, dominic calvert-lewin, mason mount, dele, jadon sancho, ben chilwell, james maddison, curtis jones, neco williams, marcus rashford, jesse lingard, declan rice, julian brandt, harry winks, ben godfrey, kai havertz, mason greenwood, neymar, kylian mbappe
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Keeping Up With Seijoh Ep. 4
a/n: uwuwuwuwu @animesportboys​ and i were just talking about this and my heart was just bursting at this thought 😭
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
also requests are currently closed right now since i have like nearly 30 to finish so please be patient with me and wait for me to finish it all and until then i can open them up again. however, dont stop sending me cute stuff okay?  🥺
summary: its the time of the month for seijoh’s manager 🥺
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@ yn when shes extra moody and mean during that time and does this every time she hears anything even come out of the boys’ mouth
oh dear
so basically
it’s,,,,,, a natural thing that most girls go through every month for more than half of their lives and its absolutely D R E A D F U L
the boys ofc knew what the hell a period was bc hello health class so they knew you would become this,,, other version of yourself
youd be moodier, childish, and easy to annoy and snap to everyone
but you would quickly realize how you’re acting then be all regretful and teary and cry easily and then youd forget about it then start the cycle again
you’d stick your tongue out at them and tease them mercilessly, making them run even more laps and pushing them harder
dear god they hated it
when it was time, they would protect themselves and work even harder and be more perfect to make sure you couldnt see their faults and point them out and try and kill them
it was like war for everyone
but they didnt know the exact date it started so they didnt really know when to start preparing for war until it came
this time, you didnt either
you didnt even know you were starting as you were extra busy booking the buses for away comps and collecting and emailing teachers for any missed homeworks for the team
so when it did start,,,
oh dear part 2
it wasnt really something you found out when you woke up that morning but you noticed you must be getting close since you were feeling extra cranky and you havent even been awake for more than an hour
nothing really happened throughout the day so you were just thinking that you didnt get enough sleep last night so you were just tired and wanted to sleep
but then it happened
you were standing next to iwa, reviewing his spike percentages when you shifted your weight to the other leg and then your eyes widened
your water broke
i saw this tiktok of this one girl and she was about to start filming with her friend when her eyes widened and her friend knew immediately and her caption was ‘my water broke’
iwa was worried as heck on to what was going on with you and even followed your gaze to see it on the wall and nothing out of the ordinary
‘oh god’
you mumbled and you wanted to run but you were too scared that you leaked and probably have an obvious redness on your white track pants
yep it def was your time bc you felt tears welling up in your eyes and you sniffled, embarrassed and upset for this to happen now, of all times
then oikawa tooru bursted through the doors
iwa, taking his eyes off of you and to the captain, started to yell at him until he noticed the brunette’s flushed face and panting form, hunched over as he gripped on the door handle with the plastic bag
you, too busy trying to think of a way to get out of there like deciding to waddle or to just crawl, didnt see oikawa as he approached you
the team paused and watched as he took a black hoodie from the plastic bag and wrapped it around your waist
‘hmm, y/n-chan, better get dressed so we can go now’
he hummed and you snapped out of your panic and looked up at him with watery eyes
you whispered and he nodded, eyes knowing what was going on
‘coach, theres a planetarium special tonight’
oikawa shouted without tearing his gaze away from you and coach irihata instantly knew, knowing the code that oikawa came up with when you became a part of the family team
the elder coach made a noise of agreement and oikawa didnt wait to up and carry you in his arms and waved to the team while pushing your head in his chest so you can hide
‘work hard everyone!’
‘oi, shittykawa! what the hell-!’
but an intense side-eye from his best friend shut him up and he knew something happened so he didnt say anything since he trusts oikawa to fix it
‘i trust you will take care of them, iwa-chan’
iwaizumi nodded firmly before shouting to resume back to practice and he himself went back to the line for spikes
you were carried to the bathroom so you could change into your emergency undies and pad and after you did your business, oikawa noticed you uncomfortably waddling towards him so he took you back into his arms
oikawa continued to carry you like his bride down the street towards an unknown destination, humming a children’s show tune that takeru loved to watch, while you maintained curled around yourself, partly due to the shame but also from the pain in your abdomen
you wiped the few stray tears that spilled past your eyes and oikawa chuckled when he noticed you aggressively wipe them off
‘hmm, y/n-chan, you shouldnt do that to yourself. it irritates your eyes and the skin around it so gently dab it next time, kay?’
you nodded, burrowing back to his chest and breathing in his scent
french toast
he smelled like french toast as the smell of caramel and vanilla wafted into your nose
‘howd you know’
you mumbled against the fabric of his jacket
oikawa stopped his humming and replaced it with a chuckle
‘oh, y/n-chan. oikawa-san is a reliable senpai, dont you know? i got a tracker! just for you!’
he answered and your eyes moved from his arm to his smile and you gripped his jacket tighter, fingers curled around it as if it was your lifeline
‘thank you, oikawa-san’
your words of appreciation made oikawa’s heart thump and he faltered a little, blush creeping up his neck, but he fought it down, covering it up with a smirk
‘you should be, y/n-chan! girls would kill to be you right now!’
you rolled your eyes at the return of his cocky attitude but you knew better
the real oikawa tooru was under that mask
turns out, he carried you to his home as his house was the closest while yours had to be taken by a bus
thankfully his parents were out and his sister and nephew were in a trip in tokyo that you had the house to yourselves without anyone asking questions that might make you uncomfortable and them misunderstand
he shut the door with his foot and made his way up the stairs with ease, his strength truly impressing you at that moment, before settling you down on his bed
it wasnt even on purpose but you curled yourself on his blanket, head buried in his pillow
his heart combusted and tooru had to look away or else he wouldve jumped on you and coddled you forever
instead, he quickly ran over and knelt down under his desk to reach for the box that he has prepared for you
‘y/n-chan, i never knew your pattern until last month so i was able to prepare for you now’
you looked up from your position on the bed and sat up enough to see him standing there, grinning with a mint green box
‘wh-what is that?’
you asked and he shuffled over, sitting next to you
‘this, is the y/n care love box! this special box was created by yours truly with everything you want and need during this dreadful week. theres your favorite food, warm socks, coupons you can spend like watching movies and eating ten tubs of ice cream while we talk shit about the boys’
he listed, gripping the box nervously 
‘so? do you like it?’
he looked away from the box and to you but his smile slipped into a panicked one when he saw you silently crying and biting your lip to keep the sobs in
‘y-y/n-chan! i-its okay if y-you dont like it! o-oikawa-san can-’
you cut him off and lunged to hug him with all your might
hehe all might
E A T   T H I S
‘i love you so much, oikawa-san! so much! thank you!’
you sobbed into his neck and he tightly hugged you back, lifting you so you could comfortably sit on his lap straddle him if you want me to be straight forward
oikawa gently moved so he was leaning against the wall that his bed was pressed against while you were pressed against his warmth
his fingers were drawing small circles on your back and whispering corny jokes or puns that made you giggle and laugh and occassionally, he would kiss your nose and you would whine at the ticklish feeling
eyes fleeting around the room, your eyes settled back on the box and you reached out, wanting to grab it until oikawa beat you to it and snatched it for you then placed it on your hold
‘whats inside, oikawa-san?’
you cutely mumbled, sitting comfortably back on his thighs so you could open the box in front of you
oikawa laughed
‘just open it and figure it out yourself, y/n-chan’
you pouted at his tease but smiled widely when you revealed the contents inside
his eyes followed your surprised expression and his hands gripped your waist
‘you like it?’
he whispered and you nodded, looking back up at him and kissing his cheek, his 
‘youre so sweet, oikawa-san! like-like this candy bar! howd you know i like this?’
you held up the treat and he shrugged
‘i keep seeing you get it whenever we go to the store’
you continued to sift through the things, seeing a dvd of your favorite movie, a f/c heating pad, a note that said your favorite ice cream was in the fridge, a bag of your favorite chips, fluffy socks, the goodies
you didnt even notice yourself crying again, only realizing it when there were wet spots beneath you
oikawa saw this and he quickly but gently put the box to the side and cradled your face with both of his hands, softly wiping the tears away with his thumbs
‘aw, dont cry, my little baby. princesses should never cry’
you sniffled and choked a laugh
‘hah, n-not a baby. j-just hor-monal’
you complained and oikawa snickered but shook his head then kissed your nose again
‘youre my baby’
you didnt have it in you to complain so you went back to snuggling into him
oikawa squeezed you and went back to drawing the circles on your back and he felt you relax into his touch and slump against his form, slowly starting to snore
your head rested on his shoulder and he turned slightly to watch your eyes flutter and nose scrunch when a strand of your hair fell on it
his heart continued to beat faster and faster and it showed by the way his fingers shook as he carefully lifted the hair away from you
he slowly bent down to give you a kiss on the forehead before laying you down to sleep more comfortably
‘good night, princess’
he sweetly placed a last kiss on your cheek before getting up to go prepare your heating pad for when you wake up
the next few days were possibly the best period days youve ever had
maybe because it was oikawa telling the team that you were in,,,,, satan’s domain currently and they should be careful with you so they tried their best to lift the weight and burden off of your shoulders
the next day after the incident,,,
they still didnt know what was wrong with you and oikawa forgot to text the gc about your condition so they were still unknowing
like today
during your classes, you were feeling off, almost nauseous but eating little bits of your chocolate treats were helping you get through until lunch
ofc kunimi noticed bc hellow he sits next to you and he doesnt pay attention during class so hes been watching you sneak little bites so the teacher doesnt see and ducking under your book
he was just amused with the way your eyes would widen if you thought the teacher caught you
kindaichi and kunimi and you usually ate lunch together at your classroom since you three only got to hang out as first years during lunch
so they know you usually have a bento with you and have a general idea of how much you eat
and kunimi thought since you ate all those chocolates earlier, you wouldnt eat as much food but then he saw you scarf down your bento, eat 2 more bags of chips and was finishing last chocolate bar
kindaichi,,,, wasnt even finished with his own bento and was watching you, amazed, at how easily you ate all of it
they didnt say anything since they thought you just didnt eat dinner last night but even during the walk towards the gym for after school practice, you were complaining that you were hungry and was eating another chocolate bar
they thought something was truly wrong bc you were eating so much more than usual
kunimi watched you chew on it as you opened the gym door and still ate even when you were talking to mattsun about his jump height
‘man, you sure are hungry, aren’t you, y/n? thats like your fifth chocolate bar today’
kunimi teased, grabbing a ball to spike but he froze, seeing you with the coldest and angriest look hes ever seen
you blinked at him, grip tightening on the treat, and mattsun slowly backing away from you
you advanced towards the blep boy, treat already forgotten and shoved to be held by mattsun 
despite your shorter height than kunimi, he trembled slightly as you looked up at him
‘are you calling me fat, kunimi? are you? am i fat? do you think im ugly? im a piggie?’
you ranted and slowly started crying, making kunimi frantically scramble to stop you before the other upperclassmen see or worse, oikawa-san
kunimi shut his eyes tightly in fear at the deadly sweet voice of his captain and kindaichi and mattsun sent a quick prayer to their fellow teammate before he was going to get killed
‘uh oh, i think we’d have to start looking for a replacement for kunimi’
makki, who just arrived, teased making kindaichi fearfully look at him
‘oh, you first years have never seen oikawa mad, have ya? well, you’ll get front seat of it!’
mattsun clapped him in the back making him gulp
you werent sobbing but you were definitely crying, tear tracks quickly being wetted by the numerous amount of tears that fell
kunimi scrambled to his knees and folded himself, forehead resting on the floor by his hands
it was certainly a sight to see
normally calm and collected and chill and relaxed hippie kunimi begging to be forgiven
oikawa stepped forward but you quickly felt the change of your mood, feeling bad for your boy and scrambling to pull him back up
‘oh kunimi-kun! dont kneel like that! the floor is too hard and might give you knee pain!’
it was like whiplash
iwa stepped in the gym and saw the team’s confused and bewildered expressions and saw you, kunimi, and oikawa and he shook his head
this aint even half of bad as he has seen
oikawa gently took you away from kunimi and held you to him instead, giving you a smile, to which you returned, and looked at kunimi, a deadly glint in his eye
‘what happened, y/n-chan?’
the tone of his voice sent a chill to run down everyone’s spines and even iwa, the boy who’s seen this a handful of times, shivered and nervously watched oikawa, ready to jump in
but you just blinked, completely unaware of the change of atmosphere
‘oh, um, i overreacted. i was eating too much food today and mustve annoyed him or something’
you sheepishly mumbled but oikawa was having none of it
‘no, its fine. youre literally bleeding out as we speak! dont feel the need to validate yourself!’
he lightly scolded while you hung your head low and continued to apologize but he gently bonked your head before scolding you again
the team definitely knew now that you were in that,,,, time and they definitely knew now, especially kunimi, that even if youve seen oikawa mad, youd think that the devil was more merciful than him when it relates to the topic of you
a/n: i swear to GGGOOOOODDDDDD im an oikawa whore who cant seem to stop writing for him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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cottage-babe · 4 years
Bolin x pro-bender!Reader
here... take this bolin headcannon... just take it
i feel like there’s not nearly enough bolin stuff and since i’m almost finished w LOK, i guess ill aid this deficiency :)
also, i just started Book 3, so if theres some things that aren’t right or something, ignore it 
Bolin HC (during Book 1/Book 2)
so you guys met at (you guessed it) a pro-bending match
you were an Earthbender for the Ba Sing Se Badgermoles, a widely known team because you guys represented such a big city and you guys were actually kinda good
the Badgermoles were constantly interviewed, put on the covers of magazines, and bombarded by fans. The people loved you and your team
and so the day came where the Badgermoles were put up against the Fire Ferrets
you had heard about this team a lot; how they lost a member of the team, then the Avatar, actual master of the elements, filled in that empty space
it honestly took you so long to process
anyways, your team didn’t get the chance to meet the Fire Ferrets before the match; you just threw on all of your gear and made your way to the play area
you saw the Ferrets and instantly saw Avatar Korra, the only girl on the team
honestly, you couldnt see her well, but she was so pretty
the battle started and the Badgermoles got the advantage pretty quick
you took out their firebender and was working on the earthbender while the rest of team handled the Avatar
the earthbender put up a huge fight, it was so impressive
he even knocked you back a zone, but you recovered and, with a streak of luck, knocked him straight out of the field
you guys won that round
the next round didn’t go so well
the fire ferrets managed to knock all three of you guys off the platform, resulting in a win and a knock out
this meant that the entire match went to the Fire Ferrets
the other members on your team were annoyed and angry, but you weren’t phased too much
after all, Ba Sing Se treated you all extremely nicely, whether you win or not
so after the game, your team found themselves walking through the Fire Ferret’s locker room so you could leave
after your team mates walked past, you stayed behind and talked to one of the Ferrets, the Earthbender
“Hey, you were really good out there.”
you took off your helmet, just like in the movies, and he swore time slowed
he just stood there, completely frozen with his mouth agape
you raised an eyebrow at his antics and it wasn’t until Avatar Korra slapped him on the back that he came back to
“You- good- were good, uh im- im Bolin.”
you just laughed at Bolin and smiled 
“My names Y/n”
you walked up close to him, noses inches apart
“And next time, we won’t lose.”
he just gulped and nodded him head
you turned and walked out, laughing quietly to yourself
the interaction boosted your mood up exponentially
anyways timeskip to when their looking for the airbenders
you were just chilling in Ba Sing Se in the upper ring
you and your team were given super nice houses since you were the city’s pride and joys
then suddenly, you see Bolin and his brother walking around calling for someone
“Bolin? is that you?”
that boy turned around so fast
he blushed so brightly when he saw you and kinda looked at his brother for help
“well, well, what are the Fire Ferrets doing in my city? you know.. i’ve been dying for a rematch!”
you were only joking of course
you knew that their team had broken up after the year you met Bolin
not that you were keeping tabs on their team
of course
“yeah not right now, we’re looking for someone” his brother said
“oh? need some help?”
it took some time to convince Mako, the brother, but eventually you annoyed him enough to let you join
you were all walking through the upper ring looking for some kid named Kai, but you weren’t really paying attention
you maybe, kinda, might only be there so you could hang out with Bolin
from what you had heard (once again, you definitely weren’t searching for info), Bolin was an outgoing, loud guy
now he was quieter than a mouse
“So, i heard you were making movers now. What, getting tired of being a Pro-Bender?”
“Huh? No. I still play! I’m just doing this until the season starts...”
you were visibly happier after hearing that
you had thought that acting was going to be his permanent thing from now on
but still one thing plagued your mind
“And whats that princess girlfriend of yours gonna think about it? Ginger, I think her name was.”
Spirits you had done wayyyy too much research on this man
to be fair, you didn’t think you’d see him ever again
he blushed and stuttered out something about how they weren’t really dating, how it was a publicity stunt, blah blah
you weren’t really paying attention because after hearing his availability, you decided that today was the day you were gonna make a move on him
if it fails, then you don’t really have much to worry about; he lives in an entirely different city and you would only have to see him once a year
but if it succeeds; ohohohoh you’d finally get to live out your crush
the pros really outweighed the cons right now
so you guys searched for Kai for a while more
you decided that you were going to make some subtle hints toward Bolin
you let your hand brush against his a couple times, but never really looked up to see his reaction
then, you guys found Kai
he was stealing some old guy’s money by... airbending? why does this day just keep getting weirder?
so you guys chase him down an the streets and eventually follow him onto a train
unfortunately, he tricks you and sends you guys all the way to the lower ring 
you used to live here when you were younger, before you became a Pro-Bender, and it wasn’t a nice place
only now, it seemed to have gotten worse
all of you tried to find a way to get on a train back to the upper ring, but none of you had your passports or any money
if only you hadn’t left your house in such a hurry
you even tried to pull the “im a Pro-Bender!” card, but it didnt work
so you guys stayed on the streets for the day
Bolin was really trying to lighten the situation up, but it wasn’t really working 
“C’mon guys! Korra will realize that we’re gone and then come rescue us! I know it!”
she did not come
eventually, they had to find a place to sleep and no where was letting the stay for free
so they found a place in an alley and slept on the floor
yup, the dirty floor
you were not used to this
you almost wanted to stay up for the whole night to avoid sleeping on the ground, but Bolin assured her that it wasn’t as bad as it seemed
it was
“mmm here! you can use my jacket.”
he took off his jacket and laied it out on the floor neatly before gesturing for you to lay there
you hesitated for a second before sitting, not really putting up much of a fight because of how tired you were
Mako was already asleep somewhere across the alley and Bolin began gathering up some papers to use as blanket
then he found a spot somewhere away from you and started to settle down
“hey Bolin? do you maybe wanna share the jacket?”
he looked up so quickly and even the soft light from the lamp post caught his blush
“uhh sure”
and so he came over and laid halfway on the jacket so that you could take up most of it
he even offered you some of his picked up trash to use as a blanket, but you grimaced at the grossness and shook your head
you turned away from him, not wanting to be too overwhelmed by his proximity, so you didn’t notice that Bolin was staring at you
before you could completely fall asleep, a cool breeze burst threw the alley way and you began to shiver
maybe you should’ve accepted his paper
“hey Y/n you awake?”
since you were currently bouncing between consciousness, you decided not to answer
you feel him scoot closer
“okay please dont be mad at me when you wake up”
then you felt his arm cover your cold skin and warm you instantly
Spirits, he should be a firebender with how warm he was
you scooted back to meet his chest and let him envelope you
you fell asleep so quick
both of you woke up to Mako above you speaking loudly
“hey lovebirds, wake up”
since you already know of the position you were in, you didn’t really jump back with the surprise that Bolin had
“S-Sorry Y/n! You just looked so cold last night that I-” 
“its fine Bolin” you smiled at him “and thank you”
spirits he was so cute
and so you guys went on with the day, thinking about stealing food, then meeting their long lost family
it was such a nice reunion
they talked a bit about their family history, but since you felt out of place, you settled for playing with the babies on the floor
you bended little toys out of rocks and watched as some tried the same
it was so cute
meanwhile, Bolin was having a little dilemma
he and Mako had just finished having a heartfelt conversation with his Grandma and now he walks out here to see you playing with little babies and laughing with them
you were just so cute
“you know she likes you too right?”
“huh?! what- staring? im not staring.”
Mako just sighed because wow his baby brother is so dumb
“just talk to her before we leave Ba Sing Se”
and so they got their passports and left to the Upper Ring
you were so excited to go back home and sleep in a real bed
but you had one more thing to do before all of that
“So uh Bolin”
“So uh Y/n”
you guys spoke at the same time
“Oh! you can go first”
once again at the same time
“listen Y/n, I think you’re really pretty and super strong, like you could beat me up if you wanted to and i think thats really cool.” *cue your confused stare* “um anyways what I meant to say was, I think I’m about to fight the queen of Ba Sing Se and if I make it out alive, do you think we could hang out? like just us two?”
you decided to ignore some parts of what he said because umm you can only handle so many things at once
you settled for kissing his cheek and confessing too
you went back home so excited
even tho your crush was about to commit treason <3
aww the two of you are so cute I can’t
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bloodanddiscoballs · 2 years
ngl i couldnt think of anyone to give you off the top of my head but now? REVERSE CARD.
also, which oc Would you date!
THE MOST INTENSE UNO!!! Also love the addition of who I would date cause that's fun too
Ok ok so to start with:
Rosaline🎵- We would absolutely never be able to help one another with our combined health problems. Like it would just be easier if we just went to live in the hospital ngl skfndk. Also, I am definitely one of those people who needs to be straightforward and I think her attitude of "ohh noooo it's fine!" would drive me up a wall I just couldn't do it like babe just say what you mean it's FINE. I think it's healthy to ask for help (even tho I myself haven't always been the best at that) and Rose suuuuper doesn't. I think too we'd just kinda end up fizzling out and it would be both of our faults. Lastly, she has a WAY higher libido than I do and I think it would become an issue.
Danny🌀- The short and sweet of it; Danny is a workaholic. Straight up ABSORBED into his work at the detriment of everything else. I'm someone that likes their alone time but even I'd be possed at the lack of attention. Also he is a bit too reckless for my personal taste. Always running off to go after haunted things and actively ignoring the fact that one day it's gonna get him killed. I just don't think he has room in his life for anyone and that's ok
Dakota🪓- If we're taking the whole murder thing out of the equation, then their temper would be what I couldn't do. They have a rage that is kept in check most of the time but that is white hot when it's not. I do NOT handle people being angry well and I think we'd have some explosive arguments. Also, they kinda fuck off and don't tell anyone where they're going too much and that wouldn't work with me. I don't mind someone having their space but I do like being kept in the loop
Lastly, the one I WOULD date would be Kai🏹- She is very loyal and soft-spoken but is firm in any opinions she has. She's a acts of service kinda person and that mixes well with me since it's hard for me to do some things due to my health. I think our personalities would mesh well cause it would bring the louder side of me out since she's quieter. I would enjoy how she likes to protect and feel like her little they/them housewife in a fun way flgnfk plus she's ripped af and could pick me up so yknow
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