#kaijuu no.8
So far we know that:
The kaiju inside Kafka was specifically looking for him. We don't know since when, but given that it found Kafka right after he saved Reno, we can assume it somehow located Kafka after that one incident.
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The kaiju inside Kafka was on a mission to kill kaijus, because of the way it reacted to Isao when Kafka lost control. (It clearly says I'll kill monster which means it was a desire of its own, not just a Kafka projection).
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Kafka saw a ghost from the past during his visit to the shrine for kaiju slayers.
Which is odd in itself, but later we are told that numbered weapons users can see the ghosts of other users. It's caused because they are using the memory of the identified kaijus as the core of the weapon.
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There are living numbered kaiju weapons, like number 10 with Hoshino. Yet, technically, the Kafka situation is a sort of living numbered kaiju weapon too, except we're talking about a deeper symbiosis.
Kafka is slowly turning into a kaiju and he spends too much time on his kaiju form, he risks not being able to turn back to human.
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Whatever is no.9, it has hundreds of kaijus on the inside and apparently it has devoured other kaiju slayers along the eras, not only Isao Shinomiya. Which leads off to think 'bout what is going on and how old is that kaiju .
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(Obvious) theory time:
If the kaiju within Kafka is acting similarly to the way the cores of dead kaijus turned numbered weapons acted, then Kafka saw the ghost of the shrine through the memory of the kaiju within him. It means that the kaiju is pretty old, having been around for a battle on the Meireki Era.
Whatever No.9 is made of is also old, if not older. It's been fighting kaiju slayers for a while, eating them even.
Unlike other kaijus and excluding no.10 (it'd fight anything that moves), no.8 is fighting against its race on its own accord. It looked for Kafka, not the other way around. When did no.8 evolve to understand humanity? When it decided to turn against kaijus and so it'd help exterminate them?
There's a possibility no.8 had done it before— fight alongside a human to destroy kaijus. There is a possibility Kafka is not the first one, but it was chosen by no.8 because it reminded it of another previous human.
There are many ways it could go, but what we are sure of is that Kafka becoming no.8 user is not a coincidence AND the Defense Corps don't know half the story yet.
( I personally think no.8 is a part of the actual monster within no.9 that escaped and now its trying to kill it, maybe motivated by the memory of the kaiju slayers no.9 real monster has ate )
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sunder-the-gold · 2 years
[Kaiju No.8] Bakko, Ashiro Mina’s pet white tiger
It's been more than 80 issues, and we still don't really know the deal with the tiger, Bakko. Particularly when and how Mina got it.
I think we're going to learn via flashbacks during her upcoming fight with Kaiju Number 14.
But what do we know?
Aside from allowing her to ride it, we've also seen it assist Mina in combat by throwing itself against her with precise timing to help her fight the recoil of her canon and remain on her feet, so that the two of them can immediately break and run to avoid counter-fire.
We haven't seen the tiger try to fight any sort of kaiju by itself, and logically it shouldn't. It's superhumanly strong, but not as strong as a melee-specialist captain like Hoshina.
We've long known that the beast seems tame; Mina shows absolutely no concern with keeping it uncaged in her apartment. She can be completely naked (no powered armor, no weapon) and turn her back to the tiger without fear of being attacked. No one on her team seems to pay the beast any mind either, so they're not worried about this ambush predator attacking them when they turn their backs.
Having a tame, trained white tiger already says lots of things about a character. It's a blatant sign of decadent wealth or powerful connections and authority within society. Keeping an adult tiger healthy, content, and fit in a city is an expensive and complicated task, requiring a strong support system. Normally, law makers and enforcers would put an immediate stop to it, but in this case they turn a blind eye.
She's not the only captain who gets away with bullshit, but none of the others display their decadence quite as brazenly as Mina. Gen Narumi's slovenly attitude and otaku addictions don't really compare to the risk that Bakko is going to flip out and eat someone's face.
We know that Mina doesn't come from a wealthy family, and while she's the head of an entire division, there are many superior ranks above her own whom she is not allowed to question. The one thing at which she is unparalleled in the Defense Force is 'long-ranged elimination of large-scale kaiju', even if she lacks flexibility (she's terrible at melee combat) and depends heavily on massive infrastructure to provide her with gigantic cannons.
It probably also helps that, unlike Gen Narumi, Mina is a model soldier who does her best to maintain internal morale and discipline as well as public dignity. Aside from appointing a hopelessly-specialized melee expert as her vice-captain, the tiger is really the only allowance that Mina demands from society.
And then we learn later that Mina lost her pet calico cat in the kaiju attacked that destroyed her childhood home. Bakko is something of a replacement; she's defying the kaiju to take her cat away from her again.
(Kafka reveals to Mina’s fans that she took charge of caring for the class animals in elementary school. She loves having and caring for pets.)
On that note, having a white tiger for an exotic pet gets recontextualized in a manga like Kaiju No.8.
It is perhaps the only furry creature seen in this manga. Most of the humans wear spandex and armor, and the kaiju are hard flesh, chitin, shells. The tiger is positively warm and fluffy by comparison, and its threat as an apex predator pales in comparison to the menace of the kaiju. For all that a white tiger still seems like a spirit rather than a simple animal, at the same time it is one of the purest expressions of nature in a story filled with unnatural beasts and artificial tools.
And then the manga introduces spirits, or at least memory-ghosts, into the mix. Which raises suspicions about why the author made Bakko a white tiger, with all the ghostly connotations.
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manga-miscellany · 5 months
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bayleavesfromthevine · 3 months
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some things cannot be unseen
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qweaenr · 3 months
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KAIJU #8 - ex
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kaiju-storage-no-8 · 3 months
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アニメ期間中のまとめ | えーこ #pixiv
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pin-k-ink · 2 months
INDULGENCE ⋆✦⋆ hoshina soshiro
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synopsis ➸ soshiro already acted like an animal in heat 24/7. there’s no way some measly little chocolates could possibly make him worse… right?
tags ➸ aphrodisiacs, pussy drunk!hoshina, dry humping, riding, car sex, clothed sex, begging, marathon sex, overstimulation, switch!hoshina, cumflation, nipple play, manhandling, teeny tiny breeding kink
wc ➸ 4.2k
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"Ugh, Soshiro, stop..." You giggled breathlessly, squirming as your husband's lips blazed scorching trails across your bare shoulders from behind. "I'll never finish getting ready for dinner at this rate."
His low rumble of amusement vibrated deliciously against your flushed skin in response. Powerful hands roamed over the satin curves of your slip, calloused palms kneading and stoking the growing fire smoldering low in your belly.
"Can't help myself when you're prancing around looking like this," Soshiro rumbled, nosing aside the thin strap to trail open-mouthed worship along your upper back. "All that gorgeous skin just begging to be marked properly..."
You shivered despite your attempt at playful admonishment, instinctively arching back into the solid wall of his broad chest. Those wicked hands slid higher, molding over the plush swell of your tits through the flimsy silk until you gasped softly.
"See? You want it just as bad, babygirl," Soshiro purred against the fevered throb of your pulse point, voice dripping sin. "Want me lavishing all sorts of ungentlemanly attention until even the fanciest dress can't hide how worked up I always leave you..."
To emphasize his point, thick fingertips circled your peaked nipples through the delicate fabric in tight swirls until you choked back a moan. Soshiro chuckled richly at your traitorous reaction, teeth grazing over that sensitive juncture of throat and shoulder warningly.
"Babe...please," you managed in a breathless rasp. "Don't start what we can't finish right now. You know I've got a surprise planned for us later this evening..."
That gave him momentary pause, allowing you to gather the tattered remnants of your resolve. But then his grip was flexing, short nails raking over your silk-covered curves in delicious reprimand that had you arching helplessly.
"Is that so?" Soshiro rumbled in between scorching drags of his tongue over your feverish skin. "Well now I'm just gonna be even more impatient to enjoy the evening properly with you, hm? Though maybe if you gave me a little sneak preview..."
One broad palm flattened over the apex of your parted thighs, grinding the heel against your rapidly dampening heat in a deliciously filthy promise. You bit back a strangled keen, legs instinctively falling open wider as the other hand bunched your skirt higher.
"J-Jerk," you whimpered breathlessly despite no real heat behind the petulant accusation. "Keep it up and your surprise will end up ruined before we can even sample it properly."
Soshiro made a considering noise against the racing thunder of your pulse, finally withdrawing enough for you to shakily gather your composure. His piercing stare tracked every tremor racking your frame with hunger, though, and you knew this momentary reprieve was only a stay of execution on his wicked teasing for now.
So with a concentrated effort, you smoothed your slip and fumbled for the nearby ornate robe to conceal your lingerie ensemble from roving ruby scrutiny. Soshiro prowled a lazy circle around you with a distinctly predatory edge to his gait that had tingles sparking fresh arousal in your gut.
"I'll try to rein myself in long enough for us to at least make it out the door tonight," he drawled at last, shooting you one of those heated looks from beneath smoldering lashes that never failed to rob what little air remained in your lungs. "Can't guarantee how well I'll behave once we're behind closed doors later, though..."
You swallowed hard, but met his blazing stare steadily despite your flush. "Good thing I'm an excellent influence when it comes to encouraging proper manners between us, then. Right?"
Soshiro barked out a low laugh at your playfully innocent tone, clearly dubious but willing to maintain the lighthearted bantering dynamic for now. Though his wandering stare continued undressing you with his eyes as you moved to slip into strappy heels and finish up the final touches with makeup.
"Alright, alright," he rumbled at last, snagging your wrist to tug you against his chest for one last lingering kiss that left you dizzy. "I'll leave you to your primping for now...but don't take too long down here, gorgeous. You know how impatient I can get."
You shivered at the heated promise laced through his deep rasp, drinking in every chiseled plane and cut of powerful muscle visible through his crisp shirt and slacks. Soshiro winked roguishly before allowing you to detach and retreat back towards the vanity, muttering something about needing a cold shower as he went.
Chuckling to yourself, you focused on meticulous touches while anticipation hummed through your veins. Tonight was your anniversary celebration - one you'd been eagerly planning every detail for over the past several weeks now. Including a very special surprise Soshiro had zero clue about waiting downstairs...
His footsteps trailed away as he descended to the lower level, finally granting you some breathing room to double check your appearance in the mirror. Everything had to be absolutely perfect before unveiling your cheeky gift later. You knew exactly how Soshiro tended to...appreciate any unexpected indulgences you bestowed upon him.
Speaking of which...you threw one last saucy grin at your reflection before grabbing your clutch and heading for the bedroom door yourself. No point in dawdling any longer now that your husband's notorious lack of patience was steadily building the longer you spent apart.
The lower hall was quiet and dim as you made your way to the central staircase winding down, ears perked for any sign of Soshiro lurking about. However, the only noises you detected were strange rustlings emanating from somewhere in the living area nearby.
Cautiously, you crept towards the archway and peered through - only to freeze in place at the truly bizarre scene unfolding in your absence.
There was Soshiro, casually settled amidst the plush sofa cushions while one hand idly polished off what appeared to be...the gourmet aphrodisiac chocolates you'd purchased especially for your intimate after-dinner indulgences tonight! Your jaw dropped in stunned disbelief as he greedily stuffed the last remaining morsels between his lips, not a care in the world.
"Soshiro!" you scolded before you could stop yourself, already surging forward to pluck the decimated box from his calloused grip. "What the hell do you think you're doing just gobbling up those expensive treats?"
He blinked up at you with patently faux innocence gleaming in those ruby irises, wiping a smear of velvety chocolate from the corner of his mouth with one knuckle.
"Not sure what you're so worked up about, baby. They're just fancy chocolates, right?" Soshiro shrugged unrepentantly. "Saw a mysterious box laying around while I was waiting for you and figured it was meant for me to sample."
You opened and closed your mouth several times, utterly flabbergasted that he could miss the significance so thoroughly when his eyes traced over the provocative packaging design now. But...perhaps that was for the best.
"You know what, never mind. You’re probably going to be fine..." you decided after a loaded pause, pointedly ignoring the flicker of victorious glee dancing through Soshiro's blown pupils at your deflated response. "We're going to be late for our dinner reservation if we dally much longer, so I'll explain more about it later tonight."
'He’ll probably be fine. He’s already insatiable anyway.' You thought silently.
Soshiro made a dubious noise at the back of his throat but thankfully rose to join you without further protest. As you tucked the crumpled confection box away in your clutch for the moment, he snaked one arm around your waist unexpectedly - lips brushing your hairline in an intimate nuzzle that had tingles erupting across your exposed nape.
"Lead the way, gorgeous," he husked in barely veiling hunger. "Though at this rate, I can't make any promises about keeping my hands off you once we're alone again later..."
You shivered despite yourself at the blatant forewarning, already feeling the banked embers of your own desire and anticipation rapidly catching light anew even in your husband's oblivious state. Honestly, you couldn't decide if Soshiro unknowingly devouring the aphrodisiac enhancements secretly boded fortunate or utter chaos for the night to come now...
By the time you were sliding into his car and buckling in for the short drive to the upscale bistro downtown, you couldn't quite shake the strange undercurrent of tension building between your forms. Almost like static charge crackling across exposed skin as Soshiro's heavy-lidded gaze continued pinning you with velvet intensity from the driver's seat.
It wasn't until he threw the vehicle into gear and began peeling away from the curb that you noticed the first visible cues that something was rapidly spiraling out of control, however.
Soshiro let out a harsh exhale, muscles in his jaw flexing tautly as his broad shoulders rolled in obvious tension. You watched curiously as one pale hand migrated from the steering wheel to rest heavily upon your thigh without preamble. Calloused fingers gripped the sensitive flesh with bruising intensity that made you inhale sharply.
"Babe?" you prompted in confusion as he began tracing slow, aimless circles against your inner thigh. There was a certain glazed edge to those blown crimson irises that set your nerves alight unexpectedly. "You okay over there?"
He grunted noncommittally, thick brows furrowed as if struggling against some unseen force. Another shudder rolled through his powerful frame, this one more pronounced. His hand clenched on your leg convulsively, making you gasp.
"Soshiro, what's—?"
In the blink of an eye, he cut you off with a strangled groan - body seizing up as both hands flew to grip the steering wheel in a white-knuckled vise. The car veered dangerously across the empty intersection before correcting, every tendon standing out in harsh relief along Soshiro's bared forearms.
"Fuck...!" he spat out harshly through gritted teeth. The muscle in his jaw leapt and flexed as if he fought for control against some inexplicable force wracking him from the inside. "Baby, are...shit, something's happening, I—!"
Another tortured keen ripped free of his broad chest as the car swerved again. By now, you could detect the sharp, musky scent of his arousal slowly thickening the air around you both in undeniable waves. Your eyes went wide, roving frantically over his contorted expression twisted in more agony than bliss so far.
"Soshiro!" you cried out sharply, reaching over to grip his bicep in mounting panic. "Oh god, what's wrong?! Talk to me right now before something—"
He whipped his head around to face you, effectively silencing your demands with one hauntingly intense look alone. Soshiro's pupils had blown to astronomical proportions, leaving only razor-thin rings of ruby irises visible. His nostrils flared in a harsh exhale, chest heaving as the tendons in his thick throat leapt convulsively.
Then his gaze raked down the length of your body with simmering hunger that sent a thrill of pure yearning zipping straight to your core. Soshiro seemed to scent the sudden flare of your arousal immediately, lips peeling back over blunt teeth in a primal snarl that stole what little breath you had left entirely.
"H-Holy shit..." he rumbled in a sandpaper rasp that was pure sin incarnate. "Is this what you meant about those fucking chocolates, [Y/N]...? Because if so, I might not...I might not be able to control—!"
The rest of his warning was swallowed up in another guttural growl, powerful frame bucking against the unyielding confines of his seat in desperation. You watched with a dazed sort of horror as his large hand abandoned your thigh in favor of palming the obvious bulge of his cock through his slacks - thick fingers flexing rhythmically against the growing swell until a choked whimper spilled over his lips.
"Oh god...fuck!" Soshiro rasped through clenched teeth, chest heaving rapidly. "M' pulling over so I can—fuck, baby, I can't focus when you smell so fucking good..."
You could only mutely comply, adrenaline and arousal warring in a heady cocktail that spiked your pulse into double time. Every minute shift and harsh exhalation from his wrecked form beside you sent liquid heat pooling lower and lower in your core with searing intensity.
By the time he’d managed to wrestle the car off onto the nearest side street and engage the parking brake, Soshiro was an absolute disheveled mess - utterly lost to the wanton throes overwhelming every rational impulse of self-restraint left. The instant he killed the engine, he seized you with bruising aggression - nearly tearing the seatbelt from your chest in his desperation.
"Off...get them off now," he demanded in something dangerously close to a snarl, huge palms already tugging at the hem of your dress furiously.
"Soshiro, wait—!" you tried weakly, still reeling from his frantic outburst and the dizzying arousal swimming through your own senses. "Those chocolates you ate, baby...they were...they had some kind of aphrodisiac—!"
But whatever explanation you tried to eke out dissolved on a throaty cry as he finally succeeded in rending your panties away with a bestial growl. His fingers delved straight into your dripping folds without ceremony, curling and pumping with blistering demand as slick obscene noises rapidly filled the compact space.
"No more talking..." Soshiro ground out in a voice utterly shredded by need. His scorching stare pinned you immobile as he ruthlessly chased your shuddering release without hesitation or restraint. "Can't wait...I have to fuck you, baby. Right. Fucking. Now."
His lips crashed down against yours with blistering ferocity that left you panting. One huge hand cradled your jaw firmly as his tongue delved deep in a filthy promise that had you moaning helplessly. Then, just as swiftly as he'd begun, Soshiro was withdrawing entirely - leaving you dazed and achingly empty in his wake.
"Get in the back," he commanded roughly, already fumbling at his belt and slacks with trembling urgency. "Need room to spread you open, gorgeous..."
"B-But what about our dinner res—ahhh!"
Your squeak of surprise melted into a whimper of pure lust as Soshiro bodily hauled you across the center console to settle across his lap. Those ravenous hands didn't hesitate to wrench aside the skirt of your dress and shove your upper thighs wider, forcing you into a wanton straddle.
"Don't need to eat a fucking thing when you're right here," he husked filthily, dragging one thick thumb through your sopping folds. You bit your lip at the lurid, wet squelch it produced that left no room for denial. "Now, let's see if I can get that pretty pussy sucking me all the way down, hm?"
You were still sputtering wordlessly as Soshiro aligned his thick cock with your aching slit and began hauling you down against his straining shaft with a guttural groan. Despite the frantic need lancing through every nerve ending, his fat tip barely pierced the molten velvet embrace of your tight channel before you were already whimpering in earnest.
"O-Oh my god, babe..." you stuttered breathlessly, hands scrabbling for purchase against his shoulders. "Please, I can't, you're too big and I—!"
"Shut up and take it," he snarled, hips jerking up brutally to force a few more inches deeper despite the searing resistance. "Need to...so bad, baby, I can't...fucking need it!"
You could only keen brokenly as he began rutting into your quivering core in sharp, jagged thrusts - the raw stretch of your inner walls around his impossibly thick cock driving the air from your lungs entirely. By the time Soshiro was hilted balls-deep inside your molten heat, your entire lower half felt stretched to the very limit.
"So good, so fucking good..." he mumbled nonsensically, pressing hot, sloppy kisses all along your neck and collarbones while his hands guided your hips to grind in filthy figure-eights. "Can feel you squeezing...hnnngh, fuck, baby, it's never been like this, feels so—!"
Your head spun at his wrecked rambling, overwhelmed by the intensity of sensation as your pussy fluttered around his cock in instinctive welcome. This was unlike anything the two of you had shared thus far - a feverish frenzy that had Soshiro’s face buried in your heaving breasts, hips pumping with single-minded desperation to drive his swollen dick even deeper into your cunt.
"Please, Soshiro..." you gasped out, fingers tangling in his silky black locks.
"M' close, m' so fucking close already, but it's not enough, babygirl..." he moaned in a hoarse rasp against your skin. "I need more, please, fuck...!"
And then you were squealing as his hands dug bruises into your hips and yanked you upright, forcing your quivering thighs wider in a punishing vise that would have your legs screaming in agony tomorrow. Soshiro didn't pause or even seem to notice your desperate whimpers, however, as his gaze fixated on the point where his pulsing cock speared you wide open.
"Oh fuck, I can see it..." he groaned, the filthy words spilling from his lips seemingly beyond his control. "So pretty—you're so pretty, baby. And all mine, yeah? Fuck, look at how much your greedy cunt wants me, too..."
You whimpered in dizzy agreement, unable to resist following his heated gaze downwards to the lurid spectacle he'd created. You could feel the hot brand of his stare tracing each flex and roll of his cock disappearing into your flushed, aching pussy - your folds glistening obscenely with the mixture of his precum and your own arousal.
"Soshiro...baby, please, it's so much," you choked out, unable to tear your eyes away from the sight either. Your inner walls were practically convulsing in overstimulated agony around his girth, each inch dragging along your clenching sheath in a sinful grind that had tears welling in your eyes. "It's too much, I'm going to—!"
A strangled scream tore loose as Soshiro abruptly began fucking into your pliant body in brutal lunges that had you keening and thrashing atop his lap. You were pinned in place, though, as his massive hands kept you anchored in the perfect position for his merciless assault.
"I can't—gonna fucking cum already, baby," he grunted, voice cracking as his pace faltered and stuttered wildly. "Gotta, fuck, wanna fill you up so bad, make you take every drop. Gonna breed that pretty pussy nice and full, babygirl, gonna—!"
His final words dissolved into an inarticulate bellow, hips slamming upwards against your ass in a frenzy as he chased his own release. You could feel his cock twitching, the hot splash of his seed flooding your tender depths as he pumped you full in endless ropes that left you whimpering.
He didn’t stop for a second, didn't even hesitate. Instead, Soshiro simply shifted you forward with a feral snarl and began rocking his hips upward in a fresh frenzy. His fat cock continued sawing into you at an unforgiving pace that had you crying out at the brutal friction.
"Mmm, fuck, so good..." he panted, burying his face between the valley of your tits and nuzzling shamelessly. "So warm and soft and...god, baby, I can't stop. Need it again, I—gonna fuck you again, alright?"
Your head swam dizzily at his filthy promise, still struggling to process the fact that he hadn't even gone soft in the slightest. But then he was hauling you against his chest, wrapping your arms and legs around him like a limpet while he slid from the driver's seat and into the back of the car.
"Get on top and sit on my cock, babygirl," he commanded with a throaty groan, rubbing his calloused palms up and down the slope of your spine soothingly. "Want to watch you ride me..."
You didn't have time to even protest the new position as Soshiro hauled you up and then down again in a single thrust that left you both seeing stars. He was already rutting up into your dripping pussy with wild abandon, the slick sound of your bodies coming together a lewd accompaniment to your desperate cries and his growls.
"Fuck, you feel so good, baby, I—shit, I can't...I can't stop fucking you," he confessed, pupils blown to the point that only the thinnest band of crimson remained. "Don’t wanna, don't...need it, need you, so much..."
All you could do was cling to him for dear life as he used your body in the most exquisite ways. You could feel the thick spurts of his cum dripping from your pussy with each punishing lunge, a ring of white frothing out around his swollen girth every time he bottomed out deep inside. It was dirty, and obscene, and you couldn't get enough.
"M' gonna cum again," Soshiro panted hoarsely, sweat beading his temples and soaking his shirt as his hips jackknifed upwards in a relentless rhythm. "Can't, shit, can't hold back, baby...! Need it, need you, god, I...please, please, m' cumming...!"
Another raw howl tore loose as his cock throbbed, another load of his thick cum painting your insides as he held you impaled on his length by your forearms. Soshiro didn't slow his frantic rutting for a second, though, even as his chest heaved with the effort and his eyes glazed over.
"Baby...please, I can't, I need..."he mumbled deliriously, burying his face between your breasts with a choked groan. "Don't wanna hurt you, baby, but...god, please, just let me...need to keep fucking you, m' sorry, I can't help it..."
You weren't sure how long you rode the waves of his insatiable lust in the cramped backseat of his car. The windows were fogged, and the scent of sex was heavy in the air. Your limbs ached, and your cunt was sore and leaking. Still, you couldn't bring yourself to deny him what he needed, not when he was so beautifully desperate.
"Please," Soshiro gasped out, hips rolling against yours in a lazy grind. "Baby, please, keep going, need...god, please, keep fucking me, need your pussy..."
Your hands cradled his jaw gently, pulling him into a sloppy, open-mouthed kiss that made his cock pulse against your sensitive walls. He groaned into the wet tangle of tongues, rutting into you like a man possessed.
"Keep fucking me," Soshiro murmured against your lips, his hands running down your spine and clutching at your hips. "Fuck me, fuck me, baby, please...!"
You did as he asked, rolling your hips and bouncing in his lap with a steady pace, the rhythmic clap of flesh on flesh filling the car. You kept at it, the sound of your bodies joining echoing around the small space. Soshiro kept his grip on you, using his leverage to guide your movements, his hips snapping up to meet yours on each downstroke.
"M' so close," he growled, his words slurring together. "M' so close, baby, m' gonna fill you up again..."
You leaned in and kissed him again, swallowing his moans and whimpers as his cock twitched and throbbed inside of you. With a shuddering gasp, he spilled into you once more, his seed spilling out around the thick base of his cock and soaking the leather beneath your knees.
"So good," Soshiro croaked, his lips trailing across your jaw and down the slope of your neck. "You feel so fucking good, babygirl..."
You moaned as his tongue trailed across the curve of your shoulder, his hips rocking against yours in a gentle motion, his cock still pulsing and twitching inside of you. With a trembling sigh, he buried his face in your chest, his breath hot against your skin.
"Don't want to stop," he mumbled, his words muffled. "M' sorry, baby, don't want to, need to feel your pussy more...!"
You shivered as his grip on your waist tightened, his fingers digging into the supple flesh. With a sharp tug, he pulled you down, grinding his cock deeper inside of you, a groan bubbling up from his throat.
"Please," he rasped, his voice cracking. "Fuck me, baby, please, m' gonna die if you don't..."
You whimpered as he shifted beneath you, his cock nudging deeper and causing you to tremble. Slowly, you rolled your hips against his, earning a ragged moan in response.
Whatever happened after that was a complete haze of unrelenting, carnal bliss - your husband's endless stamina and boundless need consuming both of you entirely. It was only after what seemed like an eternity later, the two of you sprawled limply amongst the plush cushions, that a semblance of sanity slowly began filtering back through your fogged senses.
"So that's what those chocolates were really for," Soshiro murmured hoarsely against the sweat-slick skin of your shoulder, sounding slightly dazed. His large hand idly kneaded the plush curve of your ass, the other stroking over the slight rounding of your lower abdomen that his copious seed had caused. "Huh, who would have thought?"
"Well, technically, it was your fault," you pointed out, still trying to catch your breath. "You ate the chocolates without asking first, remember?"
Soshiro snorted, shifting to pull you more securely into his side. "M' not complaining, babygirl. That was easily the best anniversary gift ever."
You huffed, rolling your eyes. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, you jerk."
His rich chuckle vibrated pleasantly against your chest, followed by the soft press of his lips against your temple. You hummed contentedly, snuggling into his embrace despite the fact that you were both a sticky mess of various bodily fluids right now.
"Guess we'll have to reschedule dinner for tomorrow, though," Soshiro mused, the hint of amusement dancing through his husky rasp impossible to miss. "Or possibly the week after…"
You didn’t have time to question his words before you felt the telltale twitch and swell of his cock stirring back to life where it was nestled against your thigh.
"What the hell was in those chocolates?" you demanded with a squeak of surprise.
He grinned wolfishly, rolling you onto your back and hovering over you like a predator cornering its prey. "Not sure, but I've got a few ideas of how we can burn it out of my system..."
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eizaamkc · 4 months
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Vice Captain Hoshina my beloved
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rhymo-s · 4 months
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apparently-artless · 4 months
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defense force 3rd division being such a total riot ( ̄▽ ̄)
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oldmama · 3 months
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Iharu chasing Reno like Kafka chases Mina is such a cool detail.
Iharu and Kafka are older, they were supposed to be the leaders, they were supposed to protect!!! Instead, Reno and Mina ended up being on the spotlight as some of the strongest prodigies of their generations.
Reno and Mina's responsibility sense is so strong it is tearing them apart: they think every death and failure is their fault. Mina from chapter 102 to 109, Reno in chapters 59 to 64... It hurts me sooo bad to see the truth they are hiding. No one can shoulder so much alone— and in the end, that's why Iharu ends up becoming like Kafka (or in one more parallel, what Jugo wanted to be for Hikari).
Just like Kafka and Jugo, Iharu struggles with the fact he won't be the person he envisioned he'll be within the Defense Corps. It started as motivation in the form of a rivalry, but the more the prodigies grew and left them behind, the more they realized it was no longer children's play. Hikari is the living example of it: she burned out, sacrificed herself to stop a monster and left Jugo struggling with the survivor guilt.
It drives one of my favorite themes of Kaiju No.8: rivalries that turn into unyielding support for the other, because they won't allow anyone to stay behind / they can't continue if one of them can't keep moving forward.
Kafka and Iharu had to understand that they still had a chance, that Mina and Reno wouldn't leave them alone deliberately because they didn't want to be alone. No one wants that, if they have a say in the matter. Unlike Jugo, who can't do anything else now that Hikari is dead, the new generation can aspire to support their way to victory.
So, really. It's simply cute that we see Kafka and Mina being such an influence to the new gen. The whole "I need to be by her side" and "I'll wait for you to reach me" is an amazing driving force for a story about people fighting a Kaiju apocalypse.
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sunder-the-gold · 1 year
[Kaiju No.8] The character development of Mina Ashiro
I think Mina Ashiro actually gets as much character development as Kikoru Shinomiya, if not more. It's just far more scattered, with some of the juiciest bits coming after Kikoru's.
This makes the individual pieces easier to forget and harder to collect into a clear picture.
Especially if you've been reading the manga bi-weekly for the last three years, rather than binging it in one week.
Chapter 1
We’re first introduced to Mina as this lonesome badass who killed a giant monster before the public announcement system could even finish warning the civilians to evacuate. She’s committed to her job and effective at it.
Her second appearance contrasts her against her subordinates. They accept the adulation of the crowds and wave back, but she’s facing straight forward and her mind is turned inward. She’s an introvert, not an extrovert, or else something weighs heavily on her heart. She doesn’t care about the signs waving her name around.
But while she’s amazingly powerful and mentally far away, the smears of blood and filth on her cheek and armor symbolically bring her down to earth. These imperfections show that she’s not untouchable, or afraid of getting dirty, or being seen in less than perfect condition. At the same time, the fact that she’s not tried to wipe away the mess on her face underscores how far away her mind is from her current situation.
Kafka observes that Mina’s division leaves such a dangerous mess of the kaiju they kill that the cleaners have a hard time telling the organs apart. Mina either doesn’t care, doesn’t know, or considers it a fair price for the cleaners to pay for the swiftness of her methods.
When she appears on television, the shot is a repeat of her walking through the crowds with her inward focus, but she’s been cleaned up. Letting eyewitnesses see her dirty is fine, but she or someone with authority doesn’t want a visual recording of such imperfection. Or it might have been the reporters digitally editing the visual record, which they had all day to do.
The report tells us that she’s only 27 years old (5 years younger than Kafka), but credits her with making Division 3 so effective and with neutralizing hundreds of kaiju. She’s pretty, she’s popular, she's successful, and her career only promises to get better.
But Kafka remembers her as a little girl who’d lost her home, struggling through her tears to put on a strong face.
When he remembers that moment again, he remembers how Mina mourned the death of her cat, or at least of a cat she knew.
In the present day, Mina once again displays her dedication to her job by arriving within minutes of the sirens going off. Also, she’s filled the void of the dead calico with a white tiger.
Mina pulls off her breather-mask to reveal the fullness of her disappointment in Kafka. She arrived soon enough to save his life and to see him broken and being protected by someone younger.
She did not arrive soon enough to see Kafka’s heroism in saving the younger man first and fighting bravely against impossible odds.
Despite her disappointment, she maintains her professionalism. She doesn’t say a word to Kafka, only issuing orders to her men to assist the wounded and help her look for any other kaiju in the area. She turns her back on Kafka and gets back to her life without him. She rides off on the tiger's back, side-saddle like a lady wearing a skirt despite wearing pants.
Chapter 2
Because of her chance encounter with Kafka, Mina remembers back when she felt daunted by the thought of fighting giant kaiju, and how Kafka comforted her with a promise that he would fight by her side when the time came.
She compares that older memory to the more recent memory of his broken and helpless state as a mere civilian, and bitterly calls him a liar.
But she once again sets aside her personal feelings to answer the call to exterminate a lowly, small-scale yonju. A task that she could have delegated to her subordinates. She was, after all, off the clock and taking a bath. She's at her off-duty home, not the barracks.
Chapter 4
Mina's vice-captain observes that she normally doesn't show any interest in things outside of killing kaiju. But Mina noticed that Kafka is among the candidates for the entrance exam, so she surprises her vice-captain by asking him to elaborate on the "interesting folks" that Kafka will compete against.
Chapter 5
Mina arrives to take part in proctoring Kafka's final exam, while taking care not to show undue interest.
Chapter 6
Mina instantly pays attention the moment that Kafka is felled by a kaiju, but she maintains a poker face and doesn't otherwise react. She trusts Hoshina to activate Kafka's shields if necessary.
Her expression becomes more closed off as Kafka insists on continuing with the test despite his injuries.
After Kikoru finishes the test, Mina surprises Hoshina by revealing Mina was familiar with the younger woman's reputation.
Chapter 9
To meet Kafka face-to-face, Mina takes the excuse of thanking Kafka and Reno for saving Kikoru.
But rather than walking right in to do only that, she takes the opportunity to listen in on Kafka speaking his mind to Reno. She wants to know what's on Kafka's mind.
Chapter 10
When the test examiners pronounce Kafka a failure and ask Mina for any objections, she hesitates. She knows she cannot afford to say anything without it looking like favoritism, but she has to fight the urge to say anything that would help.
She also might not trust herself to be objective about Kafka. Not like she trusts Hoshina's judgment of the man's suitability.
Chapter 11
The other men at the baths demand that Kafka reveal more about Mina's childhood. Among other things, Kafka tells them that "when she was in grade school, she used to take care of the animals". The class pets. After the loss of her pet calico, Mina sought other pets. Today, she has an adult white tiger.
Chapter 14
"Well, Kakfa. Here's what I'm like now."
There's a difference between humiliating a man and challenging him. At no point does Mina demean or degrade or insult or belittle Kafka. She doesn't set him up for a failure or draw the attention of others to him failing at something.
Instead, she makes a spectacle of herself. She shows Kafka the bar he needs to clear to even begin making good on his childhood challenge. Her display stands on its own as a gauntlet he can pick up or ignore, because only he (and Soshiro Hoshina) would even know what she meant by it.
If she humiliated anyone, it was the kaiju she double-tapped after it was already dead.
Chapter 21
Mina has a good enough relationship with Soshiro Hoshina to claim that "It's rare to see you in a slump."
She also doesn't once berate him for his failure. She trusts he did his best, and so merely asks for clarification about Number 8's strength. Was it really that strong, or did Hoshina fail because of some outside factor?
It's only after her vice-captain jokes that she caught him in his "least dignified moment" that she allows herself a show of humor, by taking a photograph of the occasion.
But despite being a long-range specialist, Mina takes the responsibility of hunting for Number 8 on herself, while ordering Hoshina to rest.
Chapter 23
Mina holds a private, one-on-one ceremony where she personally swears Kafka in as an officer.
We the audience already know that Mina remembers and values their childhood promise, but this is where she makes it clear to Kafka himself that she does.
When Kafka gets sucked into their old style of childhood banter and forgets to maintain decorum, she gives him one of those rare smiles that only Hoshina has ever thought he might have seen.
This is, in fact, only the second time we've ever seen her smile as an adult, both times because of Kafka wearing his heart on his sleeve and reaffirming his promise to her. (Actually, aren't all of her childhood flashback smiles because of Kafka, too?)
Of course, Mina still punishes him for the breach of decorum, because she cannot afford to show him any favoritism.
Which is why it is important to her that Hoshina advocated for Kafka, and that Kafka know this. She wants these two men to respect and appreciate each other.
Chapter 29
With Hoshina, Mina shows us that she's willing to admit her weaknesses, even when (judging by her blush) doing so clearly embarrasses her.
She's willing to ask others to cover her weaknesses, and she's willing to take a chance on someone whose specialty is currently "off-meta". She could have chosen someone with more balanced abilities to support her, but she went with someone whom no one else was willing to trust.
In some ways, it seems to me that Mina replaced Kafka with Hoshina. She would have extended the same kind of trust to Kafka, but he wasn't there, so she needed to rely on someone else to fight by her side.
In the present day, after she joins the battle, her first action is to give words of praise and encouragement to her vice-captain and division.
This is the first time we see Mina angry. Veins visibly throb on her face from the rage of seeing kaiju attack her people while she was gone.
Chapter 30
Every word she speaks to her people is encouragement, gratitude, and praise. "Thank you, Hoshina. I'm truly glad I picked you as my vice-captain."
Every time she focuses on Number 10, her veins throb with rage.
Chapter 31
She calls Hoshina's bluff and insists he rest after his fight with Number 10.
Chapter 32
After saving everyone, Kafka's arms and legs are shot. He's immobile and helpless.
Mina could have shot him dead and her superiors would have praised her for it. Her division would have accepted she made the right call, even if they quietly harbored doubts.
But she calls Kafka by name first, before catching herself and addressing him as a monster. And then she spares his life and takes him into custody.
Chapter 33
It isn't until Mina and Kafka are alone that she dares speak to him like a person.
"When you dashed in to save the base without a moment's hesitation, I was shocked to see you as a kaiju. But I also thought...
"’This is such a Kafka move.’" I think there's some faint exasperation on her face.
She then reassures him that she's done everything she can to prepare a case to vouch for his humanity and his usefulness to the defense force's leadership.
She additionally reveals that she took a roll-call to verify that no one in her division considers Kafka an enemy.
And when Kafka asks for permission to still fulfill their childhood promise, she gives him her third small adult smile.
"Sure. I'll be waiting."
And she lets him cry without condemnation.
Chapter 38
While Kafka recovers from his fight with Director-General Isao Shinomiya, he recalls a childhood memory:
Little Mina crying over her dead cat; wailing with grief.
Chapter 39
Mina promptly informs her subordinates of command's decision to spare Kafka's life. She now dares to publicly refer to him by his human name rather than his kaiju designation.
Chapter 56
Mina listens to Okonogi's reasonable concerns about the risks involved with weaponizing Kaiju No.10 while leaving its consciousness so intact.
But just as Mina took a chance on making Hoshina her vice-captain, she's willing to stake her career on his decision to take the risk. Mina explicitly calls it a "wager".
Chapter 57
Perhaps to reward Hoshina for the risk he's taking, she allows him to personally attend the Anti-'Kaiju No.9' Conference in her stead. This allows him to visibly receive the most credit for the information he bought humanity.
At the conference itself, Mina displays outright disdain for fellow-captain Gen Narumi.
We've seen her disappointed at Kafka, back in Chapter 2. But we've never seen her openly and publicly insult anyone before.
She not only tells the second division captain that reprimanding Narumi about his decorum is pointless, she goes on to say, "We all know that the only redeeming talent Narumi has is slaying kaiju."
Earlier in this chapter, Narumi's vice-captain informed us that the First Division and Third Division "get along like cats and dogs". Given that it's Hoshina on the ground bearing his fangs at Narumi, and not Mina, we might have thought this quarreling goes on despite her wishes.
But with her opinion of Narumi clearly revealed, Mina might actually be part of the reason why the two divisions mutually hate each other.
(So if Kafka develops a friendship with the man who is currently his captain, that could put him in a humorously uncomfortable position between Narumi and Mina.)
Chapter 58
Mina and Hoshina worked together to collate Number 10's information with the data they already had, and prepared a proposal for the defense force's strategy going forward. If her vice-captain is willing to risk so much for the information, Mina wants to ensure that information is put to the best use.
Mina also recommends Reno Ichikawa be trained to use their ultimate weapon: Gear No.6.
Chapter 64
Despite her own recommendation, Mina deliberately sent Reno Ichikawa to captain Ogata for the training.
"I don't want him to die. You're the leeriest about the use of Numbered Weapons, so I wanted to get your opinion on the matter."
Chapter 69
Mina just happens to be taking her lunch at the same place Kafka goes for the same. I suspect she planned that.
Even after Kafka chickens out from eating lunch with her, Mina calls him on it and invites him over.
Kafka has no idea how to reconnect with her, but she brushes aside his attempt at pleasant small-talk because she's already got something on her mind she wants to share.
Mina joined the defense force to protect the peace she lost the day that kaiju destroyed her home. She's older, stronger, more famous now, but her singular goal remains protecting the everyday peace enjoyed by ordinary people.
She enjoys little moments like this, to let herself believe that a future of peace is possible.
Mina gives Kafka her fourth little smile, even before he makes her laugh by slipping up on decorum again. But she also tells him to relax; she only insists on decorum between them when they're not alone.
She's not talking to him as a captain, but as a childhood friend. And as a childhood friend, she's deeply concerned.
She touches on their shared history, of how much Kafka worked as a child to look out for her, keep her hopes alive, no matter how scared he actually felt (and no matter how embarrassing it was). She greatly admired that about him, and tells him he's still the same as an adult.
That's why she's concerned about what Kafka told Hoshina: About how he knew what the doctors said about the risk of his condition getting worse if he continued to transform, and how Kafka intended to keep transforming to fight regardless.
So she's trying to tell Kafka now: I'VE changed. I'm stronger now. You're trying so hard to catch up to the 'me' I am now, but I'm the one who caught up to the 'you' of back then.
"I don't need to hide behind you, anymore. So you don't have to bear the weight alone. We made a promise, didn't we? We said we would wipe out the kaiju TOGETHER."
But he shuts her out, and she sees the moment that his heart closes. The look she gives him before she turns away is the saddest we've ever seen her as an adult.
'He hasn't changed a bit. And neither has that smile he flashes when he's pushing himself too hard.'
Mina didn't want Reno to throw his life away using Gear No.6, and so sent him to the one captain who was most likely to deny him the opportunity. Similarly, she wanted to convince Kafka to consider himself more, and to not throw himself away for the sake of their promise.
Instead, he rejected her plea, and the two of them made their own separate promises. Unspoken, unarticulated: Each promised themselves to try harder for the sake of the other.
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manga-miscellany · 6 months
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ladybyakuya · 3 months
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+cw. —f!reader, smut headcanon + scenarios format, sort of exs to lovers, mature content, angst and hurt, comfort, alcohol consumption, established relationship
+syn.— making amends after the fight. who apologizes first? does it always end up with sex? or is he sleeping on the couch tonight?
+wc. —1.5k
+notes. — wanted it to be super smutty but ended up with angst instead. enjoy and scream in tags if you like it| redirect to blog navigation.
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reno would stare at the screen of his mobile phone opening your message box yet not send a single text to you. he is a little stubborn. in the spur of the moment, he said, “maybe we had nothing, to begin with in the first place.” those were some heavy words. he won't disagree. even liquor isn't enough to drown his feelings about you. why do people drink to forget their love anyway? it's stupid. it's so stupid. he locks his phone and then buries his head in his hands murmuring, “god why can't I just call her?" the rusty fizzy flavor is threatening his throat again. his phone starts to vibrate and rings a little later making him jump a bit but his reflexes were quick enough not to get you a first full ring. “hello? babe? is that you?”
“just call her man.” Iharu drawls from the other side and disconnects the call even though he sits opposite him. Reno looks at him ungodly pissed until the prior speaks up, “don’t waste your anger on me, dude.” Reno’s phone rings again.
“you’re doing this on purpose, aren't you picking on me?” Reno tartly responds holding his phone towards him so sure about that Iharu is doing it again but that dimwit is so drunk that he has to lean forward, squint his eyes at the screen.
“no dudee. It's your girl—” Reno picks up the phone but he doesn't speak.
“are you at a bar right now? i just finished my work.”
“yes, I’m. can I go pick you up?”
“of’course you can but I got a cab. bye. text me the address.”
When you reach at the bar you could easily spot him. He is sitting at the corner in a secluded area. Ofcourse he is. Then, there is Iharu practically drooling on the table.
“why are you here?”
“what do you mean why I'm here? You texted the address.”
“yes but aren't you angry? At me?”
“yes but I know better than to take you seriously when you are that angry. ” he looks away from your face. “we can talk about it if you are still upset.” he shoots you a lazy smile and gets up.
“what about him?”
“what about who?” reno asks with pinched eyebrows.
Iharu’s snores are quite loud by now. You look at Reno holding your hand out. He doesn't protest. He gives you his phone and says his passcode. He gets you. His words are not drawly but rather slower than usual. At first, you intend to call Kafka but both of them being a pain in the ass you texted his vice-captain.
The can ride from bar to home was silent. Reno was laying his head down on your shoulder, eyes closed but a little fidgeting was there every now and then. As soon as you reach your apartment complex he got out, even leant against the wall while being on the elevator. He's sulking. It's adorable sometimes. When you reach your shared apartment he doesn't come in stands outside until you ask him to.
“i’m sorry.” reno says loud enough to kick out the drowsiness out of his body. “i'm sorry, babe.”
“well, it was partly my fault too but —” you grab his collar and pull him towards yourself. his defense system is useless against you. “but I'm going to make it memorable.” you say unbuckling his pants. As soon as his trousers hit the floor Reno closes the door with a kick while you go to your knees. “perhaps we should fight more,”
With his member in your hand you look up at him and then blink. once. twice. thrice. And then get up and walk inside your room. A few seconds of silence and then Reno is walking on your trail left by you apologizing for a few more times until you just shut him up with the most sloppiest toe curling blow job.
“do not walk away from me. I'm not done talking yet.” Narumi's voice is perfectly flat devoid any splotch of anger or even frustration. he is leaning against the door as you move from kitchen counter to the dinning table carrying the dishes, then cooked meals and a water bottle. his eyes are going back and forth waiting for you to say something, anything or just yell at him. he can handle your blood and tears, not this silent treatment.
“well, don't treat me like I'm one of your missions and we are good.” you exclaim with a low voice while waving a hand as if you were talking to yourself but actually you just wanted to beckon him for dinner.
“i don't us to be just good. I want us to be better, to be comfortable in each other's presence, even in thoughts. . .” and now he is going to lecture you, like one of his subordinates. there is an agonizingly awful silence filling the room as you wait for him to continue but he is just there, standing, still silent.
you turn your chair to spare a look at him. his stance is still the same, lazy and nonchalant. he isn't mocking you or your love for him. he genuinely cares for you.
“i mean it.” he starts walking towards you in faster pace than usual. “and you know that.” he stands in front of you looking like a kicked puppy. the moment you leave your seat he is going to pounce on you like a wounded animal. this has happened before and last time it hurt a lot. so you don't get up instead just turn around to eat.
He grabs your wrist before you can even touch the food. “I said we’re not done talking.” he almost yells. seeing you flinch he sighs deeply before he gets on his knees and rests his head on your lap. “we submit are phones after turning it off. that's why I didn't know— that you were coming early from work. we work in different departments so we have different rules too. you can ask around. they'll tell you.”
“why didn't you say that earlier? was the whole fight really necessary?” you said with utter frustration laced underneath your voice.
“shouldn’t i at least get the benefit of doubt?” he looks at you placing his chin on your thighs.
you stroke his hair and he closes his eyes. “yes but — umm— never mind.” you say running your thumb over his lips. he graces a glance at you before running his hands on your back tracing up to your shoulders, he is crouching now and then pull away your top. now you're naked and sitting on a chair as he is standing. he throws the top away and sits on his knees again. hooking his arms around your calf muscles he licks in between your legs. “this is payback.” he whispers. your panty is still on and all Narumi is doing is licking slowly over the cloth, sometimes barely touching but if this is the payback you don't mind it at all, unlike last time.
Hoshina is the one who gives you the silent treatment even if he is at fault. He doesn't want his anger to harm you in any way, be it due to you or due to himself. He is not much of an angry person to begin with but somehow he just loses it for you. Maybe that's his protective instinct for you or the fear of melting the cocoon he created for his own protection. Either way, it's frustrating. It's frustrating enough that he keeps telling you how you should not put yourself in danger to protect him in a field mission yet you keep disobeying him at every mission. Either you are mocking him or trying to take his position which by the way both are wrong given the fact that you are his subordinate. He sat on one of the benches in the training room. he is too frustrated to concentrate on training.
“you know, you can let your anger out right? on me?”
Hoshina looks at you, pupils ever so still like a moonlight pond on a windless night. That's exactly what he doesn't want. don't you get that? you're wearing your night dress not your suit, which means you were either waiting for him or going to bed.
“i'm not mad at you.” he sighs. “not even myself. just at the situation in general. i know it's your instinct to protect people but sometimes . . .” he trails off looking at his fisted hand. he unfists his hand again.
“i can take it all, you know?. be it your love or anger. . .” Hoshina looks at you keeping his bottle aside. he swallows before leaving his place and dragging you inside the training room, the door still not closed.
“are you sure about that my love?” he graces his hands in between your thighs while whispering. you give him a nod. “let's see how long you last.” as his hand rubs against your entrance his mouth starts to suckle over your nipples as his other hand pins both of your hands above your head. the night suddenly feels long and breezy.
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chiigii · 3 months
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— passing the baton to her is my job.
hoshina soushirou.
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