#kaiman rumite
raitrolling · 7 years
📱 ok but from Kai to rosie?
Assuming this is for back when she was alive:
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raitrolling · 7 years
so, who likes what kind of music? i got any fellow headbangers or classical enthusists in the crowd?
ill put under a readmore since i basically talk about everyone
liiore likes chillwave and other forms of low-fi music. he also doesnt mind future funk, and some k-pop and j-pop
raesul likes rock and punk music, both of the modern variety and older 50s + 70s stuff. since she likes that 50s aesthetic she also listens to a bit of swing
dismas ironically listens to edgy amv music
aislin listens to almost exclusively anime OPs and EDs, but she likes a bit of alt rock too, mostly bands like paramore and icon for hire
eichio likes whatever music the people around him likes, but he listens to a lot of cheery pop music when he’s on his own. mika is his absolute fav
zotick likes 70s/80s rock, as well as any sorts of pop and alternative music thats loud and easy to sing along to. he also likes meme songs
soroll loves screamo music like black veil brides, a day to remember, senses fail, and bullet for my valentine (which idk if they actually count as screamo or are just heavy metal but im basing his taste off people i used to know who loved screamo). he also still has an embarrassing love for blood on the dancefloor from his scene phase
charon unironically listens to edgy amv music
callan loves musicals, and has memorised an obscene amount of broadway songs. for some reason i also picture him really liking those mid-2000s dance music, like benny benassi, alex gaudino, shiny toy guns, or early david guetta. yknow the ones with those unnecessarily sexy video clips? that type of dance music
somerl doesnt really listen to a lot of music aside from like, sea shanties. boy loves his shanties
ananta likes chiptunes and video game soundtracks, particularly the soundtracks from indie rpgs
rosato listens to 80s new wave, as well as eurodance music
redeti exclusively listens to music that plays as insert songs on his crime shows. he can identify the exact moment each song plays in an episode of csi
mikiel is the Biggest Classical Elitist Ever, but he also doesnt mind bands who are known to be either pioneers of a genre or are considered to be the best of the best, such as the beatles and queen
aiolos listens to literally everything and doesnt have a particular taste in genres aside from anything with a good beat, but he really likes those watered-down radio friendly ‘rap’ artists like flo rida and jason derulo. unironically loves eminem
daimon likes death grips and ‘soundclown’ mashups
viltau like film soundtracks, broadway musicals, jazz and other 1920s era music, and electro swing. while he knows how to waltz and other ballroom dances, he’s not a big fan of the music associated with those dances
sigrun is so far behind the times that theyre only just discovering late 80s/early 90s pop, but they also really fuckin love their death metal
kaiman loves electronic music, techno/rave, and edm, but he doesn’t have much of a preference
belamy is The Jazz Guy. he doesnt have much of an interest in music that isnt jazz or at least jazz-inspired
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raitrolling · 7 years
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chibi strife 8/36: kaiman
help im not used to drawing characters facing the right
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raitrolling · 7 years
9, 14, 25, 27, 31, 40 and 41 for Indi
9. How do they manifest energy, exhaustion, tension, or other strong emotions?
indi is fairly even-tempered so he’s not really the type to express emotions in an extreme way. he gets very excitable when he’s out hunting for paranormal creatures and actually finds something, but that’s basically the most extreme he gets. he doesn’t really express a lot of negative emotions and prefers to keep them to himself, but when he’s feeling exhausted or stressed you might notice him trying to play up his excitement towards things more often.
14. What do they care deeply about? What kind of loyalties, commitments, moral codes, life philosophies, passions, callings, or spirituality and faith do they have? How do these tend to be expressed?
indi cares very deeply for his friends, and sees himself to be the glue that keeps his little group together. he understands that kai and mau have both gone through a lot, so he needs to be the one who is able to support them at all times. he also tries to always see the good in people, no matter how terrible they might actually be. he believes that no one is irredeemable, and thinks the good qualities in people should always be celebrated, rather than automatically casting people away due to their bad qualities.
his work as a professional ghost puncher paranormal investigator has caused him to meet some very angry and vengeful spirits, so he’s adopted a moral code that involves not harming the living so that he doesn’t end up being haunted by someone seeking revenge for their death. he sees no issue with fighting the supernatural (and in fact, loves to do so), since they’re either already dead or usually don’t have any ties to the living to be unable to pass on. he’s very passionate about his work, and seeks online fame for being able to capture legitimate evidence of cryptids and ghosts on camera. although, it’s not so much a strong desire for attention or to be known by others, but rather he likes the idea of fame as a concept.
25. What do they need and want out of relationships, and how do they go about getting it?
indi doesn’t have much of an idea of what he wants out of a relationship, especially when it comes to quadrants. he has ideas as to what sort of relationship he likes the sound of, but knows that his understanding of cute or funny relationships are quite unrealistic. he probably just wants a close companion rather than anything overly romantic, just someone he can hang out with and have a lot of fun being around. 
as for what he needs out of a relationship, he definitely needs someone who can help him with his own problems since he’s always looking after everyone else’s. preferably someone outside of his own group of friends so that he feels more comfortable coming to them whenever he’s feeling down, since whenever he’s with kai or mau he becomes too focused on their wellbeing rather than his own. someone who’s able to be somewhat of a voice of reason without trying to stop him from his more reckless acts would also be helpful.
indi isn’t actively pursuing any relationships, and is more likely to let things play out naturally rather than try and court someone. he’s more the type to make jokes that since they’ve known each other for so long, then their times spent together must have ended up being dates at some point.
27. What do they strongly like and dislike, in any category? Why?
indi loves anything related to the supernatural - ghosts, cryptids, aliens, unexplained phenomena, haunted locations, all that sort of stuff. he finds those sorts of things to be fascinating simply because they’re unknown and debated to as whether they truly exist. you’d think that by now science would be able to explain some of the things or people would have finally been able to properly identify what creature these cryptids were mistaken for, but the fact that no one has drives indi’s curiosity wild. he pursues them because he wants to prove to everyone that they really are real, and loves the idea of being able to say that he was the one who found the proof that everyone believed. he also just may have watched way too much x-files growing up.
he doesn’t really have anything that he strongly dislikes, though. since he’s always trying to see the best in everything, he tends to ignore the negatives in order to focus on anything that may be positive and will try to understand why people like the things he hates. he does find close-minded people to be annoying, and people who refuse to accept anything as possibly being real just because they don’t understand how it works. but, he’ll still try to look for any redeeming qualities in those people so at most he might just respectfully disagree with their opinions and drop the subject.
31. Is there anything that counts as a “dealbreaker” for them, positively or negatively? What makes things go smoothly, and what spoils an activity or ruins their day? Why?
again, i don’t think indi really has any ‘dealbreakers’ when it comes to anything? sure, an unsuccessful night out investigating may make him feel a little down, but there’s always next time to look forward to. if people try to make fun of him for his beliefs it’ll make him feel upset, but it wouldn’t ruin his day since that’s just one bad encounter amongst the hundreds of good ones. he doesn’t like conflict so he’ll put up with a lot of shit, even if it does eventually take it’s toll. but even then, his breaking point wouldn’t be that serious since he’ll bounce back fairly quickly.
40. What do they wonder about? What sparks their curiosity and imagination, and why? How is this expressed, if it is?
ive already gone over his love for the supernatural in question 27 so i’m not going to repeat myself, but indi expresses his curiosity in rather... unhealthy means. his drive to be famous and to actually see supernatural creatures with his own eyes, along with his already little regard for his own safety, causes him to chase his dreams through reckless stunts and near-suicidal ideas in order to get that perfect shot on camera. he loves the adrenaline rush that paranormal investigation gives him, and thinks of himself as being a lot hardier than he actually is. he’s not afraid to do outright stupid things like fuck with spirits and let himself become possessed or otherwise put himself in serious danger if it means finally catching proof on the cameras he always has rolling.
41. What associations do they bring to mind? Words or phrases, images, metaphors or motifs? Why?
indi and kaiman were created in tandem, and are meant to be each other’s opposite. indi seems quiet and calm on first appearance but is actually rowdy and reckless, while kai is a loud partyboy who is a lot more introspective than he lets on. indi prefers to do what is good for others, while kai always follows what he believes to be right and just. indi always sees the good in people, while kai tends to zone in on people’s flaws and can’t look past them.
and unlike kai who has a lot of ‘abstract’ associations (such as certain colours and aesthetics), indi doesn’t really have anything outside what is directly linked to his hobbies. 
also i only just noticed that both indi and callan’s primary motivations are fame, which kind of contrasts them a bit. callan is obsessed with fame because he wants the attention and wants to feel validated and loved/respected after spending his entire life being ignored. but indi is only obsessed with the concept of fame, and rather likes the idea of having his name out there and being known rather than actually desiring the attention that comes with it. it probably helps that indi is very sure of himself and doesn’t need other people to feel ‘complete’, while callan is hopelessly insecure and thrives off others’ opinions. and while indi’s motives are expressed in a more noble way than callan’s (investigations vs museum heists), callan is definitely a lot more careful when it comes to planning and then going through with his ideas.
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raitrolling · 7 years
pls write a drabble of hobby lanterns
One advantage of living on the beach is being mere inches away from instant relaxation: the soft waves gently lapping at your feet as you take a stroll down the shore, the calming rock pools and beautiful coral reefs where you could sit and watch the sea life go about their nightly routines for hours, and the hot sand where you love to just lie down and watch the starry sky, feeling at peace compared to your usual hectic lifestyle.
One disadvantage of living on the beach is how quickly those peaceful moments can be destroyed the moment a storm rolls in.
The waves crash against the walls of your hive, threatening to smash through them at any moment. The wind rattles the windows and pushes the colourful windchimes decorating your back porch into overdrive, their usual melodic tunes sounding more like alarm bells. Only those alarms are completely drowned out by the constant machine gun fire-like deluge of rain, offering no respite to anyone who would dare leave their hive. You hate this kind of weather, not because you’re scared of storms (as much as some people would love to tease you about), but because you hate being cooped up inside. You’re a social person by nature, you’d rather be stuck seeking shelter from this weather in a club than on your own, as horribly stuffy it would get inside from all the people around at least you’d have someone to talk to. In here, you’re just alone with your thoughts. While you sit curled up on your couch, waiting for the storm to pass and wishing you hadn’t wasted your laptop’s battery so quickly since you don’t know when the power will come back on, you can only wonder what sort of reckless madman would even attempt to brave this weather.
And that sort of reckless madman happens to be your best friend. 
You almost don’t hear him banging on the door, and his yells asking if you’re home are drowned out by the sounds of the storm, but as soon as you do, you throw the blankets off your lap (luckily not landing on one of the many candles you have lit) and race to the front door, throwing it open and staring wide-eyed at your wrigglerhood friend. He’s completely drenched, his usually fluffy hair plastered to his face and his clothes looking like… Well, someone who just sprinted over to his friend’s hive during the storm of the century. 
“Indi, what the hell were you thinking?” There’s a slight worry in your voice, but you’re mostly shocked. “Dude, wait right there, I’ll get some towels. You still got a change of clothes here, right? I’ll get ‘em-”
“Aww, really? Not even a ‘hello’?” He laughs, completely unfazed. “But nah, thanks Kai. I just thought you’d be feeling a little bored, yeah? Power’s been out for hours now, even I’m starting to feel the cabin fever.” 
“You’ll be catching a real fever if you’re not careful!” You respond, dragging him inside. Initial shock aside, you’re glad he’s just here because he’s bored and not because he’s in any danger. It’s not that you don’t like the fact he’s always pissing off supernatural creatures of some variety, that’s just what he does and you’re fine with it. You’d just prefer that those sorts of things happen when the weather is nicer. 
“Kai, man, seriously, it’s fine. I’m fine, see!” With perfect unintentional comedic timing, he pauses to sneeze. “... Mostly fine. But, anyway. I bought some games with me, good thing moduses aren’t affected by the weather, huh? You wanna play some Go Fish? I grabbed a couple boardgames too, if Scrabble or Mouse Trap is a better time waster.”
 As usual, he appears completely unaware that his actions would cause some concern. If it were anyone else, you’d think that someone who’d run through a fierce rainstorm just because they were bored was an idiot. But, it’s Indi. He’s an idiot, but he’s your idiot. He was probably well-aware that you would be feeling lonely cooped up inside until the storm passes. You also know that he’s probably thinking it would be a bummer if he does end up getting sick and has to give up cryptid hunting for a couple nights to recover, you’ve known him long enough to know his recklessness isn’t entirely self-sacrificial in order to help out friends (and you doubt certain other people know this, but that’s neither here nor there…). But still, you can’t help but love his attitude and desire to be that positive influence in your life. You sigh and roll your eyes in a jokey way, before chuckling and patting him on the back as you usher him towards the bathroom. 
“Aw, c’mon, at least go dry off a bit before you do end up sick. I’ll grab some snacks.”
He’s a reckless madman, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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raitrolling · 7 years
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kai’s sprites are done! i cant believe these only took me ~3hrs when spriting on firealpaca was taking me between 8 hours to 2 days jfc
im never drawing Beef(tm) again muscles are hell
bonus glowy version:
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raitrolling · 7 years
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rip i forgot to save a neutral expression version when i transferred the files over to my laptop
but some quick sprite tests in sai using kaiman, these need a lot of tweaking cuz i cant fuckign draw muscles rifp but i guess they look kinda alright??? shrugs
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raitrolling · 7 years
the opening sequence in this vid is the true Dining With Callan experience
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raitrolling · 8 years
👀 Zot, Miki, Indi and Davitt
Zotick’s favourite food is strawberry ladybugs. He also really likes coffee panna cotta.
Despite having a strong hatred for covers of classic songs, Mikiel adores the Across the Universe film and owns the soundtrack. It’s the sole exception.
Indi was taught how to swim by Kaiman when they were younger. He’s wanted to buy an underwater camera go cave diving one time, but Kai is hesitant to take him since he can’t hold his breath for that long.
Davitt has a bad habit of making impulse purchases on Amazon if he’s had too much to drink at the annual 12th perigees office party. Last half-sweep he bought a life size inflatable shark and a year’s worth of bowties for cats 
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raitrolling · 8 years
Top three stronkest, top three biggest nerds, top three most likely to die stranded on an island B)
Top Three Stronkest:1. shirei2. sigrun3. kaimanhonourable mention goes to somerl for being stupidly strong for his caste but he’s nowhere near a seadweller’s level
Top Three Biggest Nerds:1. aiolos (wow who didnt see that coming)2. aislin3. probs a tie between zotick and indihonourable mention goes to skathi for being super hella knowledgable about SCI~ENCE~!, but not really fitting into the ‘big nerd’ category
Top Three Most Likely To Die Stranded On An Island:1. redeti 2. rosato (he can barely look after himself in his own hive, let alone away from any signs of civilisation)3. indihonourable mention goes to daimon who, despite having some pretty dang good survival skills, would most likely meet his demise via death by coconut
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raitrolling · 8 years
while kai listens to mostly edm/loud rave shit, he had the biggest crush on ocean star back in the day
he still has all the merch lying around his hive, and his most prized possession is a signed + framed photo of him w. ocean star where he forked over an obscene amount of money to get tickets to a meet and greet
he finds the fact that you can no longer find anything about the idol anymore to be just as (if not more) fascinating than his obsession with aliens. he wants to believe...
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raitrolling · 8 years
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on todays episode of ‘i dont know how to draw’: muscles, esp. muscles on chibi refs
sorry kai
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and bonus repost of various alt colour variations cuz kai redyes his hair like once a week and like hell im gonna do a fullbody ref of anything but the default lmao
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