#callan ranpoe
raitrolling · 4 months
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"lmaglne not thlnklng capes are cool. Couldn't be me because l have a palr of eyes and a great fashlon sense, thank you very much!"
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trolloled · 3 years
Gerrel continues his therapy.
Others’ characters referenced (in order):
Eichio Maccau ( @raitrolling ) Callan Ranpoe (Raitrolling) Viltau Espino  (Raitrolling) Katrin Rissah (Raitrolling)
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cloudbattrolls · 3 years
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today is the day in which i draw stupid shit
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raitrolling · 6 months
💫please and thank yuouu
The random generator has given you: Callan!
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Callan is a self-proclaimed genius on-tray-pren-ewer when it comes to coming up with new recipes in the kitchen that are super simple and totally just as good as the real deal. such smash hit dishes include 'spaghetti' (instant ramen noodles with tomato sauce), 'chicken soup' (the flavour packet that came with said ramen noodles and hot water), and 'cookie cereal' (pouring milk into an oreo cup)
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raitrolling · 6 months
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"l gotta say, thls guy's fashlon ls on polnt!"
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raitrolling · 7 months
the 12th perigee ball if the sogno dell'arlecchino theme wins
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raitrolling · 8 months
👑 1, 9, 10, 15, 18 :)
1 - My smartest muse
i don't think i have an overall smartest muse, but i do have a lot of characters who have highly specialised knowledge in one field but are generally average in everything else
Vallis is a scientist who specialises in both troll and marine biology, Viltau is very knowledgeable when it comes to his own hobbies (cooking, literature, cinema) and generally enjoys learning about everything he can, Sharle speaks four languages and knows a lot about open-wheel race cars, and Mikiel has a lot of (very biased) knowledge about classical music and the arts, just to name a couple
9 - The muse who has changed the most
physically? i mean Vallis became a horrorterror hybrid and Celise got turned into a zombie lmao
but in terms of general character development, i'd say the Velour has done a lot recently. he's been learning to move on from his past mistakes that were always holding him back, take time off his work to manage his stress and anxiety (after a controversy involving a fan nearly tanked his whole career), and has found a new close group of friends and a moirail who are all very supportive of him while also making sure he keeps it real
10 - The muse with the most outfits
Velour, again. the man's a fashion designer, and his talksprites have like 7 alternate outfits not including toggleable accessories
15 - My most dangerous muse
Mikiel and Fleure in terms of raw power, given that the former is an incredibly powerful psiionic and the latter is an even more powerful mage + dragon shifter. both will only attack if they feel provoked, though (or in Mikiel's case, he has to do it for his job), so they can hold a civil conversation and be reasoned with
in terms of general dangerousness, you do not want to get on Viltau's bad side. man really loves his torture. and point-blank assassinations. and petty revenge. and he used to kidnap people's lusii and cook them if they really pissed him off, and only stopped because his matesprit disapproved
18 - My most extroverted muse
probably a toss-up between Callan, Amarys, and Glasya. i don't tend to write extroverted characters because i am very much Not one, so most of mine tend to lean more towards introvert / ambivert
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raitrolling · 9 months
None of your characters can lie for twenty-four hours. Who's just fine and who will end up hunted for sport by the end?
gonna assume this isnt a m!a as i dont think anyone else on my dash who got this question is treating it that way sO
it would be highly dependant on a number of factors like who characters are talking to and what questions are asked during that time (and assuming characters cant just ignore / avoid answering entirely)
like, velour is generally an honest person but he has a lot of secrets that would fuck him over multiple times, ashe and vallis could both land in hot water if they have to talk about being Not Quite Trolls around certain people, and nerrev is very normal
viltau and dismas are both pros at speaking in half-truths so it would be difficult to get anything out of either of them
glasya would get hunted for sport regardless of whether or not theyre forced to tell the truth
and callan would likely find out that he could be forced into revealing that he's the phantom thief, only to discover that no one actually believes him which would annihilate his ego
everyone else is kinda fine, maybe one or two things would trip them up but there's nothing too devastating going on there
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raitrolling · 9 months
callan ⭐💢⛰️
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⭐ whats your favorite thing about your abilities?
No one can catch me because l'm just so sexy and mysterlous that the leglslacerators keep falllng over themselves trylng to ask me out whenever l'm at the scene of a crlme, obvlously.
💢 do your abilities have downsides? how do you deal with them?
Do you know how many tlmes l have to keep relntroduclng myself to people because l wore a dlfferent outflt or declded to change my halr? Or that my own molrall stlll struggles to recognlse me sometlmes?
But we deal wlth lt. l'm a blg boy, l can handle lt.
=> You do not. It makes you want to curl up on the couch with a big tub of ice-cream and cry every time people who you think are cool can't remember you.
⛰️ what are some limits of your abilities?
Uhhhhhhhh l mean, the whole 'can't turn lt off thlng' ls klnd of an lssue. Just a blt. A tad. A teeny-weeny problem-eeny.
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raitrolling · 1 year
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i was reading bad incorrect quotes blogs again
@cloudbattrolls @goddesstrolls @trolloled @scrambledtrolls
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raitrolling · 1 year
The fact that Glas also hangs out at bars on occasion and chats people up / might make out with them if their usual teasing leads down that path means that it is absolutely possible that Callan tried to shoot his shot with them and got turned down
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raitrolling · 1 year
Can They Purr: Mains + Some Extras Edition
katrin: yes, but if someone can ever make her happy enough to do so i will eat my hat
nancor: more likely to make Happy Bird Noises, but possibly
callan: unlikely, and would probably get embarrassed if he did because Dude That’s Cringe
ashell: like a lawnmower, but then would die of embarrassment if its ever pointed out that he is a purring machine
mikiel: if he ever looks even remotely happy let alone purrs assume hes been killed and replaced with a doppelganger (or Thrixe accidentally starfishbrained him again)
lusien: rarely, and more likely to happen if he’s sleepy and then oops the purrs become snores
viltau: very unlikely, but he does squeak when he’s caught by surprise
glasya: yes, but only around people they’re super comfortable around because they’re allergic to genuine vulnerability
vallis: yes, but much more likely to hum when he’s happy (or experiencing any sort of emotion really). can also make all sorts of Weird As Fuck animal noises like clicks, chitters, squeaks, hell maybe even whale songs if he wanted
dismas: That’s classified information.
eichio: it doesn’t come naturally to him, so he has to mimic someone else who purrs. can also make Bird Noises
velour: yes, but good luck getting him to relax enough to do so
linnae (and by extension fleure): only in dragon form
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raitrolling · 2 years
ashe is a Big 12th Perigees Fan and loves that him and cheran can decorate the hive + clinic together. i like to think that every year they go out and pick a new decoration to add to the collection together, so ashe’s 12th perigees trees is slowly getting his cheap store-bought baubles replaced with fun ones
lucy isnt super big on decorating but will put up a tree because Tradition. he mostly just likes to try his hand at cooking 12th perigees food and attempting to bake, though his cookies always turn out a bit plain because he doesn’t use a lot of sugar
vil is the kinda guy who has multiple 12th perigees trees up in his hive because he loves decorating and can’t settle for just one tree when he has so many ideas. though he packs them away as soon as the holiday is over because he needs the space for his new sweep eve party plans
glas doesnt really bother to decorate their hive, but they’ll decorate their office so more people will see their tinsel hell and collection of the worst 12th perigees decorations they could find at those kitschy stores. they’re also the type of co-worker who will sneak up behind you and shove some antlers on your head. get rudolphed nerd
nancor of course has those Goth 12 Perigees Vibes. black 12th perigees tree, decorated with animal skulls, taxidermied critter on top dressed in a little santa outfit. 12th perigees isn’t his favourite holiday, but he still likes it all the same. he’d run a special fortune telling booth earlier in the perigee so people can learn if they’re gonna die before the holiday too
callan’s 12th perigees tree is just this.
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raitrolling · 2 years
glas is very physically affectionate in palerom. they love giving and receiving hugs, cuddling or just sitting close together, wrapping their arm around mik or touching his shoulders / back, letting him rest his head on their lap. they like to make their presence Known basically
mikiel is the opposite, but the fact that he lets thrixe be physically affectionate towards him is a huge sign of trust. i think he’ll warm up (heh) to it eventually, especially since he knows he can’t really harm thrixe with his psiionics, and then start properly hugging him back. at the moment he’s more likely to just lean against him for a bit of comfort, especially if he’s feeling tired or in a somewhat low mood
callan is somewhere in the middle, being naturally physically affectionate but not necessarily in a pale way. he’ll take gerrel’s hand to drag him to wherever he wants to go, and is pretty big on the Reassuring Shoulder Shake or patting him on the arm / back, but he doesn’t really do hugs unless gerrel hugs him first. he probably knows he can get a bit clingy cuz he’s lowkey desperate for affection / attention lmao. and like miki he’ll lean against people he likes quite a bit and will rest his head on gerrel’s shoulder if he’s tired, but he can also be a bit full-on with it sometimes lmao
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raitrolling · 2 years
They're a 10 but- wait, are they? I cant remember their face
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Yeah nah, obvlously l'm a ten. My vlbes are so sexy you must just be ln denlal that someone can score that hlgh, duh.
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raitrolling · 2 years
i think its rly cute how obtaining duplicate copies of operators in arknights is characterised by them giving you a token thats meant to be a gift, so Of Course im thinking of what my own ocs’ tokens would be
katrin: a handful of trinkets stolen from other people’s pockets and bags. it seems katrin did not know what she was supposed to give you, and lacked the means to give something nice.
nancor: an old scrapbook. each page contains newspaper clippings of the obituaries section from years past, but more recently pressed flowers have been stuck on top to symbolise the beauty of life and death. 
dismas: a mysterious USB drive. within it contains all the information he could find to ruin the life of your greatest enemy. 
eichio: a bouquet of yellow roses. eichio says that he’s heard that they symbolise friendship.
callan: a poorly-drawn self portrait. callan’s signature takes up a large amount of one corner, so you can remember who gave this to you.
ashell: a personal first-aid kit. it is filled to the brim with everything one might need to face any danger in their daily life, and ashell has included a card with his contact number in case of emergencies.
celise: a lavender-scented heat bag in the shape of a frog. it can keep you warm and relieve your stress during a long night of writing.
mikiel: a pair of ice skates. he remembered you once mentioned that you would like to try skating one day, and now you understand why he asked for your shoe size recently.
lusien: a mug handmade out of clay. it has been glazed well to ensure that it is safe to drink out of, and to make the starry sky painting on the outside shine in the right lighting.
sharle: a motorcycle helmet and leather jacket. if you ever want to ride on the back of his bike, he would like you to be safe.
viltau: an expensive pair of silk gloves with a matching tie. viltau then invited you out so you have an excuse to wear them.
glasya: a bag of handmade candies, flavoured to your liking. glasya chose a number of candy moulds to match both yours and their aesthetic tastes.
vallis: a squishy toy cephalopod. it has stretchy tentacles and can stick to surfaces if you smush it hard enough, and matches a toy from his own collection.
linnae: a shiny holofoil trading card. this one is really pretty and really rare, so please don’t lose it!
fleure: a tyrian-coloured scarf. there is magic woven within the threads of the garment, and wearing it makes you feel as calm as a still lake. 
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