cwwl · 1 year
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nevadawolfe · 6 months
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A collection of Dragonia pictures so far from BG3 with minimal context. Please look at my blorbo dragon wizard lady I love her okay thanks
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heysawbones · 1 year
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Yeah, it does. In some ways, trad media is easier and more intuitive because it has material properties, and those properties give you cues you can react to. Digital media can’t provide most of those cues, so it’s trial and error (like with traditional media), plus another layer of trial and error predicated on how a particular brush has been programmed. You can’t know how it will respond based on what the tool looks like, or even how the digital pigment looks on a digital canvas. You have to learn by doing it over and over, which does suck some of the get-up-and-go out of it. Some of the greatest upsides of digital art - the undo, the eraser that ignores fake material properties - are also products of the fact that this is necessary in digital art in ways it isn’t in traditional media.
So, long story short, doing something like this that isn’t so clean - something sort of feral - feels pretty flail-y done digitally due to the lack of material cues. Still, the “happy accidents” mantra applies to digital art, and keeping it in mind helps.
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jozstankovich · 11 months
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[ anonymously describe me in one word ]
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lookninjas · 8 days
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So I usually try to do music from a bunch of different countries on these playlists, but now that the Latvian thing has become an acknowledged running joke, it's time to take it to the next level. Also, while I dunk on the algorithm as much as any tumblr user... it really has taken my love of Citi Zēni and turned into a plethora of awesome artists that I've had an amazing time listening to. So I'm gonna just give Latvia some love here.
The game is simple: Pick a song from one of my bad descriptions. You do not have to recognize the song to pick it. Just go with the description that suits your mood. Feel the vibes. Vote, reblog so other people can vote, and at the end of a week I will make a playlist out of the results, from the song with the least votes to the song with the most votes.
If you are burningly curious about a song and don't want to wait a week, shoot me an ask and I will tell you what the song is. And if you want to hear the playlist (I promise you do), leave a comment asking to be tagged, or ask to be tagged when you reblog, and I will tag you.
Except I'm tagging @not-kaiva now, because you asked for recs that were similar to Bermudu Divstūris on the country poll, and I didn't really get back around to answering, but there will probably be something on this playlist you like, so stay tuned.
Okay, that's it. Please vote, please reblog, and please listen to something new this week. It's fun.
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karvoja · 10 months
Elämäntapaälypuhelittomuus alkaa olemaan päivä päivältä vaikeampaa.
Mun kivikautisen puhelimen verkkoyhteys ei enää ole toiminyt vuosiin ja nyt bluetooth-yhteys on sanoutunut irti. Siis, kuinka saada junalippu mukaan matkalle? Joko ottamalla kone mukaan TAI noudattamalla seuraavaa, lyhyttä ohjeistusta:
Lataa matkalippu sähköpostista koneelle
Avaa puhelimen takakansi
Ota akku irti
Irroita puhelimesta muistikortti
Muistele, missä olet viimeksi nähnyt muistikortinlukijan
Kaiva kaapin perukoilta pölyttynyt muistikortinlukija
Totea muistikortin ja -lukijan epäyhteensopivuus
Totea oma tyhmyytesi, sillä tottakai kortti on asetettava lukijaan "väärin päin"
Siirrä tarvittavat tiedostot muistikortille
"Poista laite näkyvistä" ja nyi lukija koneen kyljestä
Tunge muistikortti ja akku puhelimen sisuksiin
Veivaa puhelin käyntiin
Totea tiedostot kelvottomiksi
Aloita alusta
Rukoile jumalia
Totea, ettei matkalippu aukea edes koneella
Lataa matkalippu sähköpostista koneelle uudestaan
Itkeä tuherra hieman lisää
Siirrä uusi matkalippu puhelimen muistikortille
Sulje puhelimen takakansi, rukoile ja itke
Avaa matkalippu puhelimella ja onnistu
Ole huojentunut ja pitäydy kannassasi, että älypuhelin ei ole edelleenkään vaihtoehto, sillä vanha puhelin toimii edelleen ihan hyvin
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arkipaivainen · 10 months
Kaiva kännykkä ja soita taksi, työnnä suohon jo se helvetin Ooppeli
- Anssi Umpikela
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rubbertplant · 1 year
Kesäherkkuresepti: Oman roskiksen dyykkymehu
5-6 sitrushedelmää bioroskiksesta
Huomaa 6 sitrushedelmän istuneen työpaikkasi keittiötasolla jo ainakin kaksi viikkoa. Kuule aamulla työpaikallasi olevan viidenkymmenen euron arvoinen sitruspuristin.
Hoida muut päivän askareesi ja ole toimetonna, jotta voit päättää tehdä sitrushedelmistä mehua. Kerro aikeesi ääneen työtovereille.
Kuule, että työtoveri heitti aiemmin päivällä hedelmät juuri roskiin. Kaiva ne roskiksesta ja pese ne valuvan veden alla. Anna yhden homeenalkuisen hedelmän jäädä virumaan bioastiaan.
Halkaise hedelmä veitsellä leikkuulaudan päällä. Tutkaile ja nuuhkaise puolikasta hedelmää arvioidaksesi hedelmän kuntoa. Purista puolikkaan hedelmän mehu viidenkymmenen euron arvoisella kummallisella sitruspuristimella noin 1,4 litran vetoiseen mitta-astiaan. Toista nämä askeleet, kunnes olet puristanut kaikista sitrushedelmistä mehut astiaan ja osittain tasolle tai silmääsi.
Ole saanut aikaiseksi noin 3,4 desilitraa appelsiinimehua. Maista mehua. Totea sen olevan aivan hyvää mehua. Aseta 1,4 litran vetoinen astia jääkaappiin, jotta mehu viilenee. Ole tyytyväinen siihen, ettet antanut tasolle unohtuneiden hedelmien tulla haaskatuksi.
Tarjoa myöhemmin mehua työtovereillesi, jotka hylkäävät tarjouksen. Juo noin 3,4 desilitraa puristamaasi dyykkymehua itse. Nauti!
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pupucino · 5 months
mä seuraan tyyliin tuhatta blogii, koska haluun et minä tahansa ajan hetkenä, ku päivitän mun etusivun, feedissä on uutta viihdyttävää sisältöä. mut silti siel pyörii jotku viikon takaset postaukset, ku tumppu bugittaa, ja uusia näkyy vaan niilt tyypeilt, jotka postaa jotai täysin tuulesta temmattua diskurssia. miksen näe uusimpia postauksia? miten nää ihmiset jaksaa tätä diskursointiaan päivästä toiseen? eikö se tee niit vaa vihasiks ja katkeriks? eikö jokanen postaus kaiva niit vaan syvemmälle synkkyyden syöveriin? mä oon liian masentunu tähän. tyhjennän mun koko seurattujen listan ja alotan alusta vittu saatana. voisko tää diskurssikulttuuri jo kuolla pois? perkele.
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alucardsinep · 6 months
Maata syö, syvään kaiva, vettä juo
is the new
Live, Laugh, Love
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reinahwanggg · 1 year
I Met You At Sunrise • CBG Profile 1
Profile 1 - Daily Dose of Slay
(detailed description below cause i like those)
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•Y/N (beachcocktails)
part time college student, full time server at Marcus; a beautiful kind of high end restaurant in the Grand Hyatt area of Baha Mar. she and shakyla have been friends since 1st grade, and contrary to popular belief, they love each other very much. y/n has also been friends with jake sim for years, ultimately meeting his friend group in the process. she's a media journalism major. she and shakyla fight on twitter all the time💀✋🏽 but if someone was to ever say something about kyla (and vice versa) then there was gonna be a problem. doesn't believe in soulmates, but does believe in love at first sight. hehe :)) '02 liner !! (mmmh.bitch) is her priv where she has all of enha, keeho, jen and kyla. ik that's only ten i haven't thought of the other two yet.
•Keeho (stephenyoon)
full time music performance major at hybe university. (yes i put him in hybe u and what about it) he met shakyla and y/n while on vacation in 2019, and although many miles apart, they are still the best of friends. social butterfly of the group, and avid follower of Hybe's In The Scoop drama page. oldest of the group, yet sometimes acts like the youngest. practically the reason (although he didn't realize) why beomgyu and the BHS Trip Boys got there in the first place, so if you think about it ... technically Keeho is the reason this will all happen (keep that in mind) '01 liner
•Yunjin (huh.jennifer)
full time music composition major and part time barista at the hybe o'clock cafe close to the park chanwon school of music. she loves y/n with all of her heart and she makes sure everyone knows. met y/n through shakyla in 2017 since kyla and yunjin were internet friends before meeting. the three girls are practically inseparable. sometimes she feels left out of the group, but she knows she isn't and that they wouldn't do her like that ... but keeho hogs the girls okay, i said it ! she's planning on introducing her friend group in south korea to kyla and y/n in person soon, but not now. eunchae's still a growing gurl. '01 liner
•Shakyla (KaylaKai)
part time fashion design major, full time clerk at Marcus! you can't mention y/n without mentioning kyla, since they've been friends for so long. didn't really believe y/n when she said she was friends with jake until jake interacted with her tweet somehow. she also vlogs sometimes and has about 200k subscribers. '02 liner !! her name is Shakyla, but everyone calls her Kayla because her full name is (get this guys lol) Shakyla Kaiva Le'Kayla Jones. so the Kayla is from her middle name, as she was called such my her family and close friends. she decided to make it her brand. avid sade listener and won't hesitate to smack someone for her friends. (shakayla.02) is her priv. she has yunjin in there don't worry i just added yunjin in at the very last minute please excuse all of that.
masterlist | profile 2
y'all 💀💀 typing with nails is so hard sometimes like ... bruh i pressed e not w stop playin with me i know what i pressed ! anyways here are the first profiles for IMYAS. i totally added yunjin in today so she won't be in the first daily dose of slay messages, but imma add her, don't worry.
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nevadawolfe · 5 months
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“It’s nice to see heroes are as awful as the rest of us.”
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bokujo-monogatari · 1 year
@not-kaiva this is where the games were announced
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kmp78 · 9 months
"Surely a billionaire with looks and still-semi-youth could do better with his life. 🤦🏼‍♀️"
Да встречаются они, глупая ты старая клуша
Kaiva esiin sanakirja jos kiinnostaa.
Mua ei. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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inky-duchess · 1 year
👊❄📏💧 for Kiva
💗🔥☄️💔 for Alekks
👊 PUNCH - are they quick to violence?
Yes, when left with no other alternative
❄️ SNOWFLAKE - do people consider them cold? if so, what made them this way?
Yes. He distances himself from people because he's been hurt by people too much.
📏 RULER - is your oc well educated? where did they get their learning from?
Not very. He's whip smart but he didn't get a good education.
💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon
Kaiva's dad knows he has a son. He doesn't care nor as he met his son.
💗 GROWING HEART - if they have a crush, is it noticable? what changes when they're in love?
Alekks isnt hard to read, people generally know things about him before he does
🔥 FIRE - do they have any self destructive tendencies? what habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self?
Alekks tends to blame himself for people being angry around him. It's a defensive mechanism and can hold him back.
☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right?
That he's rigid and a bit of a goody-two-shoes. And that he's really innocent. He is.
💔 BROKEN HEART - what could their partner do that would absolutely break their heart?
Leave him.
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kesenjaan · 1 year
KAIVA mengambil alih untuk berbicara sejenak, menyampaikan beberapa hal dasar yang penting untuk diketahui tentang akun dan karakter ini.
⠀⠀⠀ : . . . untuk OOC.
⠀⠀⠀ . . . / “ . . . ” untuk IC.
⠀⠀⠀ #K͟ atau K͟AIVA untuk mun!talk.
⠀⠀⠀ Menggunakan bahasa Indonesia
⠀⠀⠀ dan bahasa Inggris, juga mungkin
⠀⠀⠀ bahasa daerah (kebanyakan Sunda).
⠀⠀⠀ Menggunakan orang pertama atau
⠀⠀⠀ orang ketiga untuk perspektif.
⠀⠀⠀ Deskriptif / Mirrored!Lit.
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