#kakyoin survived
fish0009 · 7 months
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Kakyoin if he was cool (pt4)
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cosmic--dandelion · 1 year
Miscellaneous JJBA headcanons:
👗 Lisa Lisa's single greatest passion in life after hamon is fashion design. She made all of her and Suzi's dresses and designed several of Caesar's outfits, too. When Joseph walks in on his fierce, ruthless hamon master patiently working on her sewing machine, it's a stunning contrast, to say the least.
🎨 Kakyoin is a very technically proficient artist, but he never had what it takes to make a career out of it. It's still a sore spot decades after he last applied to a formal art school, and to this day, it's one of his greatest regrets. He loves his job as a scientist, though, and displays his art proudly in his office.
🦷 Josuke grows up to a dentist. That way, he can fix up people's teeth lickity-split without causes his patients a ton of pain or emptying their bank accounts. Also he's not tempted to burn himself out trying to insta-heal every sick or dying person in the whole world. Josuke can't watch medical dramas because the thought of someone out there dying of some incurable disease when he could have saved them breaks his heart.
💘 Jonathan took great pains to have the Joestar mansion restored exactly as he remembered it. As much as he loved his father and was proud of his legacy, the real reason he did it was as one last "fuck you" to Dio. These days, it's a famous historical site and is more a museum than a home. The most popular exhibit for tourists is the original version of the statue of the goddess of love, still burned and stained rust red from Dio's blood.
🕊 Joseph had a terrible time trying to pay attention to his studies in university, and Suzi had to practically stand over him and make him do his homework. (If he had been born in a different era, he might have been diagnosed with ADHD.) When Suzi caught a cold and was to sick to help him study for his final exams, he set pigeons loose in every room and caused such an uproar the exams had to be rescheduled.
✏️ Jolyne was studying to be an architect in college. She doesn't get much time to think about it with everything else going on during part 6, but she's secretly heartbroken. She tells Hermès about it one night, and they both ending up comforting each other over their lost dreams.
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lieximhuman · 1 year
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Ik they’d never wear these but… I would 😔👍
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themoreeviltwin · 4 months
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guess who cried :')
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obituarybug · 7 months
Guys I promise I'm not a JJBA blog now I promise guys you need to trust me I promise I'm not
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dolche-tejada · 2 months
You know, I think this ending would have been slightly less of a fucking disappointment if the heroes hadn't been so unfairly favored by Horikoshi compared to the villains. I mean, seriously
Deku destroys every bone in his body multiple times throughout the story and is warned that if he continues, he'll permanently lose the use of his limbs ? Everything's fine, his body's just got used to being reduced to a bloody pulp somehow so there's no consequences for him. In fact even when he literally loses his arms to Shigaraki, he gets them back two minutes later thanks to Eri because guess what ? Her horn still works even when cut off from her body. How convenient.
Gran Torino gets his ribcage obliterated by Shigaraki ? Don't worry guys, he'll survive that despite his old age and injuries, and this to have no particular role in the plot afterwards.
Bakugo dies heroically trying to buy time before Deku arrives ? Lmao, did you really believe it ?? No of course not, Edgeshot just uses his last-minute Deus Ex Machina to save his life at the cost of his own and- Oops nope he's fine too, my bad !
Hawks murders a criminal fleeing for his life in cold-blood ? The best Hori has to offer is him completely free and in charge of the HSPC.
And no, losing his quirk isn't a real consequence for him because not only it literally played a major part in saving the world with Vestige!Hawks raising an insurrection among AFO's quirks, but also because his quirk has always been the element through which people exploited him.
Endeavor abused his family for years and completely destroyed his eldest son ? No jail time and no media backlash for that, the only blame he received was due to the heroes' failure to stop the League during the Raid Arc.
And don't even get me started on this bs about facing hell or whatever for what he's done : He's literally free and wealthy ; he have Rei, Fuyumi, Shoto, his sidekicks and Hawks on his side ; and all the difficulties he's apparently going to suffer are off-screened.
Deku had to sacrifice OFA and his future hero career to save the world ? Guess what, Bakugo invested all his time and money to make him an Iron-Man suit and now he can still be a hero with everyone else.
There are plenty more examples of this but I think you get the idea. Now let's take a look at the villains' ending :
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Toya is now a piece of charcoal kept artificially alive for the few years he has left, unable to move a finger, and whose few minutes a day during which he can stay awake will be spent talking to his father who abused him as a child.
Toga, a literal teenager, killed herself to save Ochako and because she knew it's still better than rotting at Tartarus her whole life.
And not only did she die but she did by bleding to death. Let me repeat for those who have trouble grasping what I've just said : In a manga where the heroes can survive having their heart blown to bits, being impaled Kakyoin-style or smashed against buildings like a fly on a windshield, one of the main antagonists died of a fucking hemorrhage…
As for Shigaraki, after learning that his very birth and all the tragedies of his life have been orchestrated by AFO, after all this development and narrative promises about him being saved in the end... Deku just kills him.
Because despite all his speeches about saving him, it seems like the best he could do was beating him both physically and mentally until he crumbles to dust…
Compress on his side is apparently locked up for life and kept alive by machines too.
A begging Kurogiri tried in a desperate attempt to save Shigaraki, only to be unceremoniously blown up by Bakugo and dying off-screen without anyone giving a shit, including Aizawa and Mic.
And Spinner will now spend the rest of his life struggling with the extra quirks inside him that affect his body and mind, while having to cope with the thought that his boyfriend best friend and companions have either died alone or are locked away for life in horrifying circumstances.
Clearly not the same as with the heroes...
Now don't get me wrong, even if they suffered just as much from the consequences of their actions or the plot as the League, this ending would still be a disaster in terms of writing but AT LEAST it wouldn't reek that much of hypocrisy.
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kots-kots · 1 month
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this is a what if kakyoin survives au concept so.. part 4 kakyoin!!!?
Kak has always been one of my favorites >_<
I think in part 4, he’d be like.. a game developer or some sort of artist/psychologist? maybe a mix of all three considering he’s a huge freaking nerd
I also like the head canon that Hierophant is a very clingy stand if that makes sense
I kinda wish I’d given him more of a different wardrobe but that’s a problem for future me LOL
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silent-sanctum · 6 months
hiii mijin! hope you are doing well 💕 can i req a beach day with jotaro and the crusaders, y/n getting hit on, joot getting jealous, pol and kak clowning him, those shoujo anime cliche we all know and love 😂 thanks !
Hello anon! Your beach day request has been heard! Initially, I had this planned to only be at most 600+ words, but then I went ahead and found the plot to be... a lot more 😬 Also this takes place in an au where everyone survives post-DIO's World. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! ♡
Volleyball - Jotaro x Reader
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word count: 2.2k
It’s been 3 months since DIO’s defeat and no one else deserves a break more than the Crusaders.
Everyone had time to recover from their injuries and although some had worse wounds than others, they still managed to make it out of the otherwise deadly voyage alive.
It was Joseph’s idea for the team to meet-up once more in a popular beach near New York-to hang out as friends for once rather than just allies or colleagues. He promised that any expenses in relation to this one-time hangout would be covered using the “good old Joestar funds” as the old man put it.
And since the new school year wouldn’t start until a month after, and that being around familiar faces was a nice experience, Jotaro wasn’t opposed into joining, more so after knowing you were going too.
Speaking off, a part of him held onto this ounce of pride when you and Jotaro decided to be something more than being “just close friends” and who would’ve guessed that this decision would be made in the middle of a mission to save his mother.
Now, not only is Holly alive and well but he also gained a new lover for her to dote on and gush with.
And whether it was conscious or not, you both stuck around for each other, often finding ways to meet one way or another. It felt nice to have you here with him no matter the place.
So having to hop on board a plane yet again and fly off to the States for a day or two wouldn’t be too excruciating when he knew you’d be there to make the sudden meeting a bit more tolerable.
Day after arrival, here he was- sitting underneath a beach umbrella in his dark shorts, drinking juice while watching his grandfather and Polnareff compete at a game of volleyball. You were there beside him in the shade, dressed in a loose blouse and shorts, applying sun screen as you attempted to convince him to play a game with the crew.
I’d rather be at home. Despite your many tries, Jotaro stayed stubborn and said he’d be fine watching you play with the guys. You didn’t push the offer again and after a sip of your citrus drink and a quick peck on his cheek, off you went to lead a waiting Kakyoin to the playing field.
And for the next few hours, it mostly stayed like this- Jotaro and Avdol resting underneath the shade, him watching the volleyball match with his Walkman in hand listening to music, the Egyptian reading a worn-out book that’s most probably from his archives, and the rest of the group out in the sun playing their 3rd round.
Throughout his time there, Jotaro kept his eye on the game and on you specifically, mirroring your excited smile and laughter with his more subtle lip curl and huffs. In an addition to having himself be yours, the relationship helped him negate all the passing girls who took interest in him and tried to approach him.
Not that he had a hard time ignoring them to begin with it.
What Jotaro hadn’t considered was the onlooking men taking interest of you, and the thought struck him square in head when as a volleyball match ended, one of the nearby boys- an American with a blonde mop of hair and tan skin- walked over to you all smiling and shit.
Normally, you conversing with someone with the opposing sex wouldn’t bother him this much, but the second he watched the guy offering you an ice cream cone bought from the nearby vendor, he could hear himself scoff and scowl. “Why’d you accept that?” He muttered, continuing to glare at the man consistently keeping up a lively conversation with you. “What are they even talking about this long?”
“Such an irritating sight that is, right?” Jotaro glanced at Polnareff coming over to be annoying and take part in this dilemma. Behind him, Kakyoin followed. Both of them crouched by the delinquent and joined him in watching you talk with a stranger. “Can’t be helped when she’s just as attractive as you are.”
“You didn’t seem to mind it when boys from our school approached her though,” Kakyoin said.
“It’s because I know they won’t risk meeting me when they think of trying,” Jotaro replied. “But I got a feeling that guys from here are more gutsy than in Japan.”
To hammer down on that point, the blond began to point to his biceps and not-so-subtly flexed them for you to see, and you responded with a calm, wide-eyed “woah”. Jotaro rolled his eyes, rubbing a hand over his thick bicep once. “Why not head over there then? If you’re this jealous?” Polnareff said.
“I’m not jealous.” Both the cherry-haired and Frenchman stayed silent, giving him a mere deadpan. “… Fine. Just a bit.”
“So go there and introduce yourself as her boyfriend in your-” Kakyoin gestured over Jotaro’s frame. “-punk delinquent-esque ways.”
“And you can’t judge us for poor advice anymore when Nori here upgraded from telling you how to do things to instead doing things your way!” Kakyoin nodded, bumping fists with Polnareff.
Jotaro judged them regardless with one vertical look-over at the both of them. “I still don’t trust any of your advises. Besides,” he sighed. “After knowing her more, I don’t think she’d like me suddenly walking there and getting possessive.”
“But it’s not being possessive when you’re establishing boundaries monsieur Kujo,” Pol said.
“Don’t call me that,” Jotaro scowled. “Also I don’t get why you two are always in my business. It’s annoying. Leave me alone.”
Not that his “threats” were effective against this duo, who simply shared a look with each other before replying. “What are you talking about? We’re buddies!” Polnareff chuckled, wrapping an arm around the raven-haired teenager. “Who am I to leave a pal behind to wallow in their own self-pity?”
“Also to be honest, it’s entertaining to see you struggle over stuff like this,” Kakyoin said with a smirk. That and paired with those shades he bought from Egypt just made him all the more smug. “Gets all the ladies but can’t handle one-”
“You shut-”
“Hey!” All three paused to look at you waving from a distance with that damn American and his friends still standing near you. “These guys want to play a round but Grandpa Joseph’s tapping out for the day. I’m afraid his bones have become too brittle-”
“No it’s not!” Said the groaning old man plopping down on the sand the moment he reached his and Avdol’s shared blanket. “I didn’t want to overpower those kids that’s all!”
“We’re tougher than we look gramps!” The blond called out in return just as Jotaro was about to say something to you. And that didn’t help alleviate any increasing irritation boiling in him. “How about you guys?”
“Us?” Pol asked.
“Yeah! A friendly competition between us youngsters sound good?” He said, ball already in hand. “Just one set of 2v2!”
“I’m down-”
Whatever Kakyoin had to say about accepting the invite got cut off as Jotaro stood from his spot and walked over to your side with his hands in his short pockets. By the time you were beside him, the blond and his posse faltered for a second when they saw how much taller, built, and intimidating this supposed teenager from Japan was compared to them.
“I’m joining.”
You gazed up at him with widened eyes and a dash of pink to your cheeks. “Jotaro-ssi…”
“O-Oh for sure man,” the American cleared his throat, nervous as he looked over his shoulder to his friends. “How about you guys-”
“You chickening out?” Jotaro said in his characteristic blunt mannerisms. “You wanted to play volleyball, looked for a player, and now that he’s here, you’re passing the torch to your buddies?” From the corner of his vision, you crossed your arms facing them, more amused than pissed at his intervention.
He could spot the single bead of sweat dripping down the side of his face and his Adam’s apple bobbing as he tried to play off his cold feet with false bravado. “Nothing wrong than wanting to let my pals have a shot at a game, but since you’re asking for it,” he made show as he tossed and caught the ball. “It’s game on. Though I got to warn you, I have a nasty spike.”
“It’s true!” Polnareff yelled out from the sidelines. “I saw how he moves on the other net.”
Jotaro rolled his eyes and walked off to your side of the field. “Hey, do you even know how to play volleyball?” You said with a whisper. “You haven’t played once during our time here.”
“I’ve watched you and the others play this entire afternoon enough times for me to figure out how to do it,” he said with casual ease, glancing down at you with a shrug. “If a novice can beat an expert Darby at his favorite baseball game, then this will be nothing.”
“Well yeah but you know playing a video game is drastically different than playing an actual game, right?”
He huffed, unbothered. “Makes this better for me.”
With everyone in their respective spots, one of the blond’s friends served as the referee and starting from the other guy’s side, the whistle blew and the ball flew.
True to his word and his ability to study and adapt on the spot, Jotaro managed to keep up with you and his opponents on the playing field, exchanging the ball countless times without break. All the while, the Crusaders watched this one game like die-hard fans at the Superbowl.
It shouldn’t be that much of a shocker when he knew that both of you had physical advantages: Your lithe self allowing you to be more agile and nimble to traverse the court and catch the ball before it fell, while he had the strength and height to send the ball back to the other side, often times targeted to the edges.
And just as the timer was about to hit the 29 minute mark, Jotaro noticed the American get into a stance with a smirk plastered over his tan face. He cocked his head and rose a brow. The nasty spike I assume.
You sent the ball flying to their side and just as he predicted, the blond took over center field and leapt, arm reared and hand poised to deliver his so-called “nasty spike”.
His palm got into contact with the ball’s surface and with a clear smack, the ball was sent flying over to your side. But as he was about to receive, a glint of rose gold zipped past his vision and next thing he knew, the ball was up in the air as if it was caught mid flight to the ground.
One second glimpse at your knowing look, Jotaro didn’t hesitate to follow your footsteps. He leapt off the sand and rose his hand. In that split second, Star Platinum’s purple gloved hand enveloped his and upon contact with its surface, the ball practically launched itself at the American at a raging speed akin to an incoming missile.
The sand erupted in a loud boom, causing a shallow crater with plumes of sand flying off in many directions as the ball hit the ground. It rolled off the now-incapacitated blond stranger’s body.
His friends couldn’t even move nor make the effort to blow the whistle from the shock of it all.
Jotaro tongued the inside of his cheek, casually pocketing his hands back in his shorts as he glared at the American. “Nasty spike ,” he scoffed. “What a joke.”
You whistled, impressed as you looked down the crater. “You did a number on him.”
He reached over to grab your wrist. “Let’s get out of here.” With a gentle tug, you complied to his wish and followed him out the sandy court. He didn’t even bother meeting up with the Crusaders, who were equally stunned at what had happened.
“You’re not at all questioning why I’m not at all offended at you knocking the man out?”
“I’m questioning why you decided to cheat and use Sanctuary midway.”
“The game was ending in a minute anyways,” you said. “And I wanted to finish it off with a bang.”
“By letting me launch a ball at his face?” You smiled and nodded. “And you’re okay with that?”
“He’s a weirdo,” you grimaced. “His fetishes were showing when he said something about how exotic and pretty I was, and it pissed me off.”
Hearing that made Jotaro want to turn around to the guy for one more solid punch to the face. “But I saw you talking to him for that long.”
“Made you jealous, didn’t it?” You said, smug. “I lowkey wanted to bait you into playing a game with me by riling you up a bit, and for you to finish off that creep with what he deserved.”
“I wasn’t-” He bit his tongue, not finishing his train of thought. “I was a bit jealous and I’m glad I got to wreck that shit-eating face of his in the process, but can you not make me feel like this on purpose? It doesn’t sit right with me.”
“Duly noted and I’m sorry,” you said, eyes cast downward as you bowed your head a bit in sincere apology. “I’ll just tell you outright who and when to punch someone next time, promise!”
Jotaro paused in his tracks and with one good look at your determined sparkling eyes, couldn’t help but sigh and smile at you with uncharacteristic fondness.
“Yeah... I’d prefer that.”
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missallanious · 5 months
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😔 he had to be donut’d eventually, even in my own au
(But he survives this one!! And Jotaro goes berserk lmao)
Still playing w the specifics, and the sketches are kinda sorta connected, but def gets hit with an arrow (shot from Dio’s longbow, the bastard), tbd on whether or not he’s with Jotaro or if his (unconscious) body is found later, both suck in different ways >:)
Also peep Jotaro giving Kakyoin the stink-eye in the first one,,,, he’s still just studying his eye color lmao but Kakyoin is STRESSIN
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santiago3263 · 13 days
I hate how the JJBA fandom dumbs down characters, especially for part 3. For example; Kakyoin is just “twink milf hunter who loves cherries.” Polnareff is just an idiot with big hair and big boobs. Avdol is just an extension of Polnareff. It goes on, unfortunately.
All of the stardust crusaders are insanely clever. Polnareff is definitely impulsive and can be lacking in the brain cell department at times but he’s still a very clever individual. If they were truly idiots, they wouldn’t have survived the trip as long as they did.
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fish0009 · 7 months
Can't stop serving cunt with disabled Kakyoin
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pechebeche · 7 months
the thing about jotaro/kakyoin that no other protag/rival has is that on a fundamental level they trust each other, in a way that it is generally impossible to trust anyone but yourself, coordinating their battle strategies from literally miles away, kakyoin dying knowing with absolute certainty that so long as jotaro learns what he's learned, that he will survive. and the thing about joseph/caesar that no other protag/rival has is theyre both idiots
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jolyfics · 7 months
Hello! I really like your posts ❤️ please can you do something like a date or first-kiss-situation with Noriaki? Or your HC for him (maybe even for 3+ , if he had survived, parts). It will be wonderful!
𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚
𝘬𝘢𝘬𝘺𝘰𝘪𝘯 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
summary: you and kakyoins first kiss
notes: i’m so sorry this took so long!! i hope you enjoy it ml <3
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it was a dark night, cold per usual, you hated how Egypt’s weather fluctuated due to the time of day. you lay awake staring at the fire, it seemed to be the only thing causing you comfort on a night like this. it was your turn to keep watch while the rest of the crusaders slept, a job that everyone had to do if you were sleeping on the road instead of a hotel.
you yawned, tiredness slowly creeping up on you, what you’d do to know what time it was. you just wanted to sleep.
“hey..” a tired voice came from your left. startled, you turned your head, only to be met with kakyoins sleepy eyes.
“good morning, kak” you responded, turning your head back towards the fire. it seemed to keep you awake for the time being.
before long, you heard rustling and then a heavy blanket placed over your head, you turned around to see kakyoin smiling. he too was underneath the blanket.
“you looked cold, i figured i should help out, did it work?” he asked, scooting closer towards you for heat, as well as to make sure the blanket stayed on both of you.
“i am, thank you” you gave him a ‘thank you’ smile before laying your head to rest on his shoulder. you had almost forgot how much muscle kakyoin actually had, giving that he was smaller than the rest of the crusaders.
he rested his head atop of yours. you both lay there for a few moments, basking in the fires cracking flames, as well as eachother. it was nice, comfortable even. you two had been pretty good friends for this trip, being the closest to eachother.
he lifted his head, you did so too, looking up to see why he moved. his head was pointed at the sand, like he was contemplating something. before you could ask whats wrong, he lifted his hand and placed it on your cheek; then, he placed his lips ontop of yours. you could feel your cheeks heating up every second, though, you didn’t want him to stop
he parted away from you, he seemed shocked at what he did, “(name).. i’m so sorry i-“ you cut him off, “it’s okay, i liked it”
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lieximhuman · 2 years
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Thank u sm @yael-things for the script!! ^w^
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mordenandmerry · 11 days
If Kakyoin survived and was in part four him meeting Rohan would be like the art kid in class realizing there’s another art kid in class. Rohan would declare war.
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cyphyree · 9 months
Still unsure how Polnereff survived All That and Kakyoin didn't, but then again I guess Kakyoin only ever won a solo battle against a baby while Pol had to fight a mini boss anytime he goes to the washroom
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