#kalim x all
gay-salt-amber · 9 months
Picture Light Music Club singing this while at Noble Bell College and took Rollo on stage where he gets kissed by some of his partners
This was def amyirs and rollos idea
Oo azul joins in and plays piano and he's dressed like a old school jazz person
Idia and the art club had alot of fun with the set decor
This song is practically kalims child he loves it so much
Everyone's gonna have a great night with kalim lmao
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Rashad: So who exactly are you dating? Kalim: Uhhhhhh
Rashad: ???
Kalim: Yes
Hcs of Kalim coming out to his siblings/ how the other bois parents react to his big poly?
Kalim's conversation makes me think of the beginning of "Boy Bi"
But I got this boo!
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Kalim Coming Out to his Siblings:
Obviously this is when he visited home for break with Jamil, who at this point already told Najma/Najma knew from the get go with their reactions together
Kalim was nervous, obviously, and was even debating on just not saying it today
Then Rashad opened his mouth during a dinner without their parents or Jamil's parents, "So, Neige's been extra busy the last few months. And Arie said that he, Neige, and Chenya's been are NRC often. Have you seen them around?"
Kalim nearly dropped his food with Jamil looking surprised.
Honestly you two should've known those three wouldn't be quiet with their relationship
Kalim admitted rather loudly that yes indeed he knows because he's dating them. In fact he's dating others. And they're all dating each other. And he's so happy and in love!
A lot of his siblings were happy for him, some were too young to fully get it and why it has to be a secret but none the less they love seeing their brother happy
THE OTHERS COMING OUT TO THEIR FAMILIES: I will order these from best to worst or meh
They all made gameplans to not do it alone or in private without discussing things over with everyone else
Heartslabyul -
Trey was actually pretty excited to come out to his family since he himself having secrets with his family
So Trey went on a video call with his family and chatted with them as Riddle and Cater and Chenya who snuck in joined in a bit and said their hellos before Trey said, "So, um, there's someone else here..." And invited Kalim in who snuggled between Cater and him. As Trey started saying his thing Chenya was hugging Kalim's neck, Cater had his hand on Trey's, and Riddle held Kalim's hand across Trey's lap which made it easier to say, "Mum, dad, I'm gay. I'm in a poly relationship."
He teared up when they said he was proud of him and laughed when they went on complimenting his partners
Deuce was very nervous about it, he knows his mother wouldn't really be mad or throw him out over it, but he was still nervous it'll go wrong somehow.
Lucky for him Kalim was physicals there when he came out alongside Jamil and Ace when the two Scarabian beans came to the Queendom of Roses for break and they all sat at a cafe when Deuce's mum had a break off work and told her. He actually cried when she hugged him and told him how much he loves him and is proud of him, which caused Kalim to cry
Cater tried to act like this wasn't a issue but he was nervous as shit inside. Like Deuce he knew his family wouldn't throw him out but the fear that they would be grossed out by his relationship and he's have his anxiety picking up (I hc he has anxiety he's working with now)
He arranged a meet up with his sisters and mum for brunch in the Mostro Lounge in which Azul and the Tweels worked extra hard to make good impressions and food for the three as Cater built up the conversation talking about school, club activities, oh and his besties from his dorms and club before drifting to, "Uh, speaking of Kalim, Lilia, Riddle, and Trey-" and slowly started talking about his feelings with them, voice cracking some, before ending with, "You know I'm pan, and um...I..well we...um...I'm in a relationship...w-with them..." He didn't look at his family for a while until they all came to his side of seating and hugged him, telling him it'll take time for them all to be used to it but they love him no matter what
Ace did a two part coming out since I headcanon thanks to you his parents are divorced and it makes sense to me He was surprisingly super energetic and excited for this and he went out of his way arranging a lunch date with his mother at a cool 50's themed diner in Sage's Island and invited his partners as well.
The lunch was going well, people came and were ordering, Cheka was there and having fun, and Ace was having a good confident talk with his mum. Until he said the words "These are my romantic partners" and she walked out. People left and right had many waves of emotions of this reaction but Ace followed her out to the parking lot to talk more and she tried telling him she wishes he can have a "normal" relationship with a girl. His mood was crushed after watching her leave and just came back inside and sat down silent. Then Azul ordered them all milkshakes and cherry pies and Cater ate a lot even though they all know how much he hates sweets
With his dad and brother he was more alone but had his partners on his phone with the mic off and in his pocket. He sat on the couch while they're watching the basketball game, nervous as shit since his confidence dashed when he came out to his mum, and slowly started by saying, "So, you know how I said after the game you both visited for that I was going to a club meet afterwards? Well...I was actually not with my club...I was...with my partners...Because...I'm bi..." and he slowly started to tear up as he started to ramble before both his dad and bro stopped him and told him that it's a lot to take in but they still love him regardless. Yeah he was a snotty mess at that moment and denies it afterwards
Riddle broke the rule. He went to talk to his mum without informing the others
He went home during winter break while Kalim and Jamil stayed back for Azul Jade and Floyd since they can't go home during winter and told his mum
Everyone got a text from him right after in the group chat saying what he did and that he's arriving back to NRC imminently, so Octatrio and Jamil and Kalim rushed to the mirror and were met with a red faced teary eyed Riddle who's barely standing from crying so much and Ace and Deuce and Leona and Ruggie and Vil and Idia came back early to help comfort him while they all joined in a video call later that night, Riddle just heartbroken as he sobbed what his mother said and shaking
Savanaclaw -
Ruggie was nervous for different reasons, he brought Kalim, Leona, Vil, Rook, Jamil, and the Octatrio to his neighborhood during break off the school for a week and was scared they'd be mugged or assaulted but luckily it wasn't Leona's first rodeo in the slums thanks to being friends and dating Ruggie so he made sure their identities of wealth and power were covered and a lot of people assumed Vil and Jamil were women so they were extra respectful and Jamil's like "That's nice but why-"
It went well him coming out to his grandmother as she said Ruggie works hard making everyone happy and he deserves so much happiness in return
Jack's pretty chill as it was back to back with Epel's family and he brought his partners on a group video call to meet them properly and his siblings kept going on about how pretty they are and "Bro bro talks about you a lot though and how you smile so cute-" and he's all blushy
Leona did it alone after talking to them all and he visited home He mostly was taking small cause of how big it was, starting with Cheka building it up, watching Cheka play with everyone and tells him about them a lot and kind of implying in a way a kid would he loves them before he sat Cheka down and talked to him about it and Cheka's cute ass face lit up like "You're gonna marry all of them?" and he's like "I'll have to try" He then dropping hints while on phone calls with his brother
Soon by the time he came home and chilled there as usual for a bit, he waited for the right moment and told Kifaji first and told him his plans to tell his brother, sister-in-law, and parents during the dinner in which Kifaji was honored he was told first
So the dinner happens and unlike everyone else who had words and speeches prepared he just casually said like as if he was asking someone to pass the butter. It didn't go as well and he assumed that and remained calm and composed when things were said yelling was made so announce he'll stay with someone else for the rest of the vacation and left the room. Though Kifaji comforted him and he finally cracked and cried a bit before leaving dead in the night for Ruggie's home
Octavinelle -
Azul was just nervous as shit and worked hard to not show it or mess up
He had set up a nice day for his mother and step-father to visit and set up a nice dinner at the Mostro Lounge for them where he did a good presentation display of the food and his schooling conversations. When the mood felt right he took a breath and said it, and was quickly met with his mother hugging him tight telling him how proud they are and smooching his face up and just being that sweet but honestly embarrassing mother
Dylan already knew cuz same dorm-
Jade and Floyd were pretty indifferent with their coming out since their parents didn't really care who they date as long as they both and all respect each other well and all that jazz
They both came out during a parent teacher day where they came out of their poly relationship and the parents looked at Kalim, them at them, then at Kalim and went, "You sure you want to date our boys? We love them but they can be a bit crazy-"
Both Mama Ashengrotto and Mama Leech were showing embarrassing cute pictures of their babies to the partners
Scarabia -
Jamil has a legit panic attack before he could do or say anything Just beyond scared shitless and was about to literally throw up
Kalim pulled him aside and told him he didn't have to say it if he doesn't want to and so he just didn't. They'll hear from Kalim in the end and that eased his emotions a bit
Pomfiore -
Rook was excited as hell. Like puppy dog energy!
But the second he appeared home with his partners in tow, introduce some who didn't meet, and announced everyone wasn't surprised they just went "Oh honey we knew, but FINALLY!"
Epel was back-to-back with Jack as mentioned and he was sweating bullets throughout the whole thing
Basile and Aicha knew rather early after walking on on Epel getting his flirty make-out grind on with Neige and Kalim before Kalim had band club and Neige was going out on a date with Vil and Rook and they were taking their time, but they swore secrecy. . . for a price
It was clumsy in the end since he blurted it out and squeezed his eyes shut, only to get silence and opened his eyes to his family staring at him. Jack held his hand to keep him steady and his family reacted rather calmly, yeah there was one aunt and uncle who started some bullshit but Jack ended that real fast
Vil met with his dad in town after a photoshoot in the weekend and arranged for him to meet Kalim, Leona, Esther, and Cater during lunch in a nice yet isolated spot in a cafe
Taking a breath, he gave a well planned for ahead of time speech to Eric and confessed he's in a relationship with all of them, how it happened, etc. Eric took it really well, he accepts whoever Vil dates as long as they treat him well and all that jazz
Vil with his mother though was rough She called him every name in the book through the phone and was all like "What would the tabloids say? Did you even think what the neighbors would say about me?!" Before Kalim reached over and hung up the call for him
Ignihyde -
Ortho knew from the beginning cause Idia vents to him a lot and he just sensed something was afoot when he noticed them coming to his dorm a lot for study sessions and one time walking in one "study" and took a mental note of how slightly messy Kalim's hair was and his brother's ashamed looking face and the heighten heart rate of the two
As for the parents (Slight Chapter 6-7 spoilers but it's mostly location and parents) he took them to the Island of Woe which gave Riddle, Leona, Azul, Jamil, and Vil flashbacks to that one time they got kidnapped by Idia of all people and they all hung out for a day before the second night being a dinner with the parents in which Idia came out there
Parents reaction? "Idia, sweetheart, we've seen your anime harem internet history we know and we're so proud of you for meeting such beautiful and kind people~ Everyone please treat our boy well!" And Floyd gave Idia a knowing smirk
Diasmona -
Silver and Lilia were left out cuz Lilia is Silver's adopted dad and also duh-
Well they planned with the idea with jokes- Silver: "Father, I have a confession to make..." Lilia: "What is it my boy?" Silver: "I...am gay father." Lilia: giggles "Oh my dear boy, I am also gay" Silver: dramatic gasp Lilia: snorts Silver: "Father, I have another confession to make..." Lilia: "What is it my boy?" Silver: "I...am in a poly relationship with someone..." Lilia: he giggles "I am also in a relationship... with your boyfriend and future step-father" Silver: makes a face cause he didn't that Lilia: cackling
Sebek, like I mentioned before, shot himself in the foot one evening during summer break
His siblings made a comment about Kalim and Sebek went red and went "How did you know?!" and is met with confusion and he excused himself to go to the other room to make a quick phone call with them all and asked if he can say it without them
After they gave him to okay, he came back and came out
Malleus was on a phone call with his grandmother after talking to the others and was in the room alone and said it, it went well since he rarely gets romantic with people and without it blowing up in his face with rejections or failed love
Esther's family I think was fine with this since Esther is getting SO MUCH LOVE but also they see Kalim and went, "If you ruin that boy's innocent soul-"
Royal Sword Academy -
Chenya came out the same week Riddle was in town, he was the most excited of them all since he's been very open since day one
His parents were confused but his grandpa and siblings were happy to hear the news
Neige was nervous but soon calmed down and came to the dwarfs who were more surprised they didn't notice and a bit concerned of some of the partners but they calmed down enough to meet them properly
They join in on NRC hang-outs but get stuck with chilling with Ortho which they ain't complaining
Arie, well-
It went with him wanting to go alone and promises to return back right after and knows it won't be good but everyone's trying to convince him to let them come with in which he was not budging
A couple hours passed and Arie texted Esther that he's going through the mirror and everyone waited for him, only to see him with a bruised face and eyeliner tear streaks on his cheeks and a red swollen lip "Yeah it didn't go so well..." He said trying to be whatever with it and walked calmly pass everyone, "What did I expects? He hates me so why would he like me being in love with men like this?"
He tried to drink the wine Rook brought for their date and Vil stopped him, he argued a bit until Silver took his hands and he shakes his head, "I'm fine guys, really, I'm fine..." He kept repeating "I'm fine" until he finally cracked and started sobbing into Silver's chest
They all watched as many movies they can rent at the Scarabia dorm with Idia's movable projector while having wine, foods of all kinds, and make-up and Arie started to feel much better
Nobel Bell Academy -
Rollo just didn't tell his family. Forget that idea
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gay-salt-amber · 9 months
Trans male of non-binary Idia hcs?
Hmm I think of him as nb so we're going with that lol
Since he was really nervous abt coming out, he decided to express himself in what he wore instead and just hoped people would figure it out eventually
The first people he came out to was actually kalim because he knew kalim would accept him and reassure him
All the pride stuff
"Hehe, my pride flag is my favorite colors! Pog!"
Actually his first date with kalim and some of the other poly peeps was to a pride parade
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