#kambe kikuko
andromedomaii · 4 years
ok, so... fkbu ep 7, huh... well, shit certainly did escalate quickly lol. and now i feel so invested in this anime that i’m seriously compelled to write down my thoughts and theories. beware the spoilers below. let’s fucking go
so apparently, takei was the one who hid/destroyed/delivered the locker key evidence 19 years ago and he’s the one who got rid of imura now. i gotta say, that came as a total surprise to me, ngl. plus, it seems that daisuke somehow has some evidence to connect him with these two cases, something solid enough to go after the man, making him (and me as well) think that he’s dead smh
i think the initial reason for takei’s misdeeds in the case from 19 years ago was about takei wanting to rise up in the force
 the director was most likely taking orders from someone else as well, as indicated several times through the episode, and takei wanted to get the clout too. so he was probably the director’s puppet instead of being directly involved with someone higher
and when he followed the director’s order, he was promoted while both cho-san and kiyomizu were demoted, even though, as kiyomizu says, there was no reason for him to be demoted with cho-san
in his artificially induced vision, at the part about the locker key, we see that takei knows where the locker that the key would open is, but he is incredibly scared to open it or look inside. so my take on this is that takei was threatened to be killed if he looked inside, and he either never saw what was actually in the locker or he did look inside the locker despite the threat and is scared of being killed because of that, judging by the overwhelmed reaction he gives
i’m not too sure whether or not takei knows who directly ordered that locker to stay un-investigated but when cho-san asks him if he knows who the person that would kill him is, he is straight up terrified so maybe he figured that out too and wants to keep quiet about that
after that, when imura tells him that she knows it’s takei who killed her, he denies, probably because he was technically indirectly involved with her death but the interesting thing at that scene is who he calls
the person he calls, the former director, is dead today, so logically, he wouldn’t be calling him to report the death of imura. i’m not too sure about this part too but the reason is probably that the former director was the reason takei was involved in this whole mess in the first place, so maybe he still blames him? idk.
btw, the director’s cause of death is a car accident, much like the death of shigemaru, and that feels somewhat fishy to me, so he was probably “taken care of” after he served his purpose
i think takei is still working for someone even after the case from 19 years ago, since he was ordered to take imura down and at this point, i feel like he’s being blackmailed into further cooperation to keep his status and protect his family. but i have to admit, after this episode, despite the justifications he may have, he’s certainly not my fave lol
the next point is about the deaths of sayuri and shigemaru
so, i’ve seen a lot of people say that shigemaru was the one who murdered sayuri but i really don’t think that’s the case
i think sayuri and shigemaru was working on this new chemical thing together and it was probably something that would benefit the kambe family in a financial sense but was also something that was dangerous for... idk the public, the environment? yeah.
people think that sayuri moved into a random flat to escape shigemaru but i think shigemaru was trying to protect her by keeping her away from the kambe family
shigemaru himself would be fine even if he refused to share the knowledge about this chemical thing since he was the eldest son of the family but sayuri probably wasn’t as safe as he was, so he distanced her from the rest of the family
i think both of them were killed because someone else within the family wanted to be the next heir of the family or wanted to rival the entire family (that is, if someone from the kambe family is connected with the mizuo future technologies stuff as a challenger) and went for their heads, killing sayuri, making it look like shigemaru killed her and then committed suicide, because that car accident feels fishy as fuck too ngl
at first i thought that maybe shigemaru faked his death to close the case because he was the one who killed sayuri, but if he was to be the next heir of the family, why wouldn’t he act to claim his place for 19 years? 
that’s why i think he’s truly dead 
from the photos we see, i truly don’t think shigemaru would want to kill sayuri. in the photos, both of them looked doting over tiny daisuke too, and shigemaru doesn’t feel like an absent or bad father/husband to me. idk, maybe i’m wrong
kikuko was probably helping them escape or stay hidden, so that’s why she was reluctant to disclose information. or, as some people have theorized, she’s the evil master mind and is still close to daisuke and suzue because they have no idea about who she really is
but tbh, throughout this episode, there was too much emphasis on the kambe family as a whole instead of just shigemaru or sayuri or even daisuke. so i think someone inside the family wanted daisuke’s parents dead to achieve whatever personal goal they have
which brings me to the final point
i think that first lady with the obscured face from the op with the jewelry and the nail job is another kambe but not suzue
the second lady we see near the end of the op is suzue, despite wearing different clothes and jewelry from the way we have seen suzue throughout the episodes so far
but the two ladies are still distinctively different from each other
because if they were the same lady, we wouldn’t get the second lady from the same angle and half unseen face but with a more realistic (and familiar) color palette while the first one’s colors still keep changing and still feels mysterious
plus, daisuke is standing behind the first lady, looking at her from the corner of his eyes while there are security laser beams at the background, so it’s either someone he’s aware and is wary of or someone he will meet later on who will be dangerous to him
and that’s why i think the first lady is connected with the kambe(s) who killed sayuri and shigemaru 19 years ago. she looks young, so she could be someone’s daughter and daisuke’s cousin
but if the two ladies really are the same person and that person is suzue, i feel like some back-stabbing and betraying stuff will happen and i really don’t wanna see that -- i genuinely like suzue, she’s best girl uwu.
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azu-sa · 4 years
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This was a FUN show. I laughed more than I thought I would. BALANCE: UNLIMITED!! 💴💴💴
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Kikuko: Do you trust me, Daisuke?
Daisuke: Yes, i do, grandmother
Kikuko [Kills Sayuri]: Rule no. 1, never trust anybody.
Daisuke: D:
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syll-simpsss · 4 years
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daiiharu · 4 years
i really really don’t want to say there is something off about the grandmother but first there was this
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and then they slapped us with this
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just WHAT exactly are you hiding, miss???
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onabikaa · 4 years
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Episode 11, a summary
For @thisismytrashok , thank you for providing us with post-episode memes every week without fail
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sabe-e · 4 years
i honestly can’t get over the fact that the only reason why ep 4 took place is because daisuke didn’t like natto
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like a freaking five-year-old child
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sxchae · 4 years
"birds of a feather flock together" followed by "I should have peeled daisuke away from you a lot sooner" and then "shigemaru allowed himself to get distracted by one woman and had been led astray" is prime evidence that grandma kambe thinks daiharu is happening 100%
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shuotaizawa · 4 years
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How To Be a Millionaire Detective: A Guide for Daisuke Kambe
Learn to listen to your superiors.
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leviathans-tail · 4 years
Idk if there’s any other Greek fugou keiji fans out there but that finale reminded me of this old Greek series «οι εφτά θανάσιμες πεθερές» or “the seven deadly mother-in-laws” in English where mother-in-laws hate the spouse of their child and either try to poison them or kill them or at the very least break up the relationship bc they believe they’re not a good match. And I’m like grandma Kikuko would fit right in lmao
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fluffyyagiza · 4 years
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Plot twist: she's actually Muzan Kibutsuji's secret thirteenth demon moon (jk, but that's the first thing that came into my mind as soon as I saw her with red eyes)
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digital-dhampirs · 4 years
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episode 5
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xxwinterchillxx · 4 years
Can’t believe all those theories and meta turned out wrong lol. Who knew it was Granny?
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moodysnowflake · 4 years
Let’s rant about - Fugou Keiji
This is the most disorganized post I could possibly write. Nice. Spoiler alert guys, if you’re not caught up to episode 5 of Fugou Keiji Balance: Unlimited.
I did warn you.
When I recognized the armored limo, I thought ‘It makes sort of sense, ‘cause since he’s not driving the Cadillac, and he’s traveling with the President, he’s automatically in a life-threatening situation as well.’ We can all argue that his car might not be armored, but come on… I bet my tonsil (they are extremely useful organs if you have still functioning ones)that the Cadillac has to; you just don’t stroll around in a vehicle equipped with military level stuff in it and don’t have it disaster-proofed. And speaking about military…we might finally have some clue, or it is better to say a clearer lead, on the Kambe family business: security and/or military related. He provided the president with freakin HMMWV - High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle, a.k.a. Humvee - vehicles and other special protection equipment. That might explain why there doesn’t seem to be a damn bottom in his wallet, nor limits his power can’t overcome. Well, until now, but I’m gonna rant about it later. It makes sense, ‘cause this area is way more lucrative than any other. Stark Industries and the Yard division of Wayne Enterprises showed us as much, right? I scrunched up my face when Daisuke said “I’m simply here as proxy for my grandmother.” I connected the dot ‘Oh, so that’s why he was looking so cold/pensive (laughing fit because my stupid brain made the connection between pensive and Purple Hyacinth [if you don’t know this webcomic, please check it out on Webtoon, it’s a good story]) with the news at the beginning of the episode. Granny Kambe was sick or something, so she might have persuaded him into going.’ I still don’t get why Haru didn’t know, but I’m sure Daisuke had his reasons… I also thought that Daisuke is not the only one available, right? What about best girl Suzue? Daisuke is not exactly a people person, but what do we know, maybe she was going to go and Daisuke got in the way to not have her have to deal with nasty issues.
What I was definitely not see coming was Daisuke’s “No. There will not be a day where I succeed as head of the family.”
My plot bunny had a seizure right then and there. Daisuke? Sir? I replayed it again and again, and I was struck by a new idea every time I did, and his cold-blooded tone, robotic aseptic expression didn’t help in the least. He’s impassive while he speaks, he’s emotionless. And that’s terrifying. It’s a horrible display, at least for me, because episode 4 showed us he cares, he’s capable of feeling emotions, and pretty strong ones too.
I need to focus on this because I think it’s important; everybody saw episode 4 as it was the most randomic, epic fujo-bait episode ever. Welp, sorry for disrupting the rose-tinted dream, but no. I mean, yes it was, but it wasn’t as well. I’ll try to elaborate, because I think that episode shouldn’t be discarded as just another episode. I think Fugou Keiji is very similar to Id:Invaded in this respect: nothing is thrown there by chance, nothing happens without a purpose, everything has a meaning. This is an one core show, with 11 episodes scheduled, which a pretty odd number, and if the story is meant to end in 11 episode (which I think it is), that means you can’t fuck around with filler episodes. [If you haven’t seen Id:Invaded, you should give it a chance. It’s rated R-17, so please proceed with caution. I mean it; it’s not just a very physically violent show. There are shades of ‘Dead Dove: Do Not Eat’ level shit in there.]
The progression might feel a bit fast to an old school, at least 2 core, 25+ episodes trained anime watcher like me, but as long as it’s organic, that’s totally fine. Episode 1 introduced our MC, said us ‘look, there’s this angry fluff boi, which is called Katou Haru, ad there’s this dripping ice-cold asshole boi called Kambe Daisuke: Shenanigans ensures.’ From episode 2, evolution started, as it should have. We needed to reach the end of the episode to see it, but we got it; when Haru roughs Daisuke up, we expected for him to have no reaction, and many may think that’s what happened, but I think that’s not the case. I think Daisuke was seriously ruminating about Haru’s overreaction, and his look was a deep thinking one. He’s not an impassive robot anymore. Episode 3 cemented it, showing us am astounding variety of emotions effectively coming out: he’s annoyed (glare shoot while Haru’s running him mouth, blabbering about being a good senpai), angry (Haru snitching him, then having to formally thank and ask for guidance), tired (sighing at Haru, stuck  dangling by the pole), salty (”Are you working hard, Inspector Katou?” [Can we blame him? Haru snitched him out, then the next day he had to hear from Kamei that he needed backup. I still think that he might have been waiting for him outside the station from the beginning, and just got confirmation from Kamei. Which made him, obviously, even saltier.], “This is precisely the moment I would like some coaching.”). Also, incredibly trusting and perceptive; he’s watching Haru like a hawk, giving him access to HEUSC (which he didn’t have to, but he thought he had to give him a chance), helping getting into the Shinkansen (he gave his mask to Haru, either because he knew the smoke used was not really harmful, or because he trained to hold his breath long enough to get himself out of its range), giving him his gun and - last but not least - getting himself between Haru and a gun. Granted, all of his suits have to be bulletproof - you cannot make me think otherwise -, but if you get shot, it still hurts as fuck, and you can get bruised, or even slightly crack a rib if the shot is close enough. So yeah, it wouldn’t have been pleasant. What’s the purpose of episode 4 then, except for fangirls to drool over it? Hands out, I’m not insulting the category, I’m gonna speak about it later, so put that on hold and don’t chew me for the time being. Like everybody perceived, episode 4 served other various purposes. Like the metaphors of dog: Daisuke is kind of a 27-years old puppy, because he can’t survive in the outside world without help. He can use rocket grapples, breach police communications, erase data from the internet, use a torch to melt a windshield, fire a rocket launched and Karma only knows what else, but he can’t do groceries to save his life, nor cut a potato without almost chopping his fingers off [insert Cloud’s pouting “I’m doing my best…” icon here]. He’s snarky, but soft (to Haru, the kids (ep3 and ep4 ones), and Suzue). He’s spoiled, but open-minded (he appreciate convenience store ramen, he values Haru’s cooking over pre-packed food). He’s cautious, but yields if he feels (reasonably) reassured (You think the kid is good? Fine by me, I’m gonna help. You think he’s not gonna shoot? Fair enough, I believe you. You need HEUSC to snoop up something to prove he’s okay? Just ask it. You think I don’t need a band-aid and lick the cut? Bit weird, but okay.). Like a dog, he can behead you with a bite, but if he trusts you, you can belly rub him to death. Episode 3 was Daisuke’s “I’ve got your back.” as well as episode 4 was Haru’s “I’ve got yours too.” This is what episode 4 is too: it’s Haru having Daisuke’s back. It’s Haru having patience and understanding, after Daisuke giving him his absolute trust and resources. Unlimited. They started sensing each other out from episode 1. With not really good results at the beginning, but it’s an understandable situation. Think from each other’s perspective: Haru’s a experienced police officer, who has Daisuke crashing into his life with very unorthodox methods and no chills, throwing money around without a second thought, pretentious and disrespectful. It’s almost physiological for him to try to deck him down at first glance. From Daisuke’s point of view, he might not know better, he’s socially awkward, civilian life interaction none existent. But most of all, we don’t know why he chose MCPD, nor how was he trained. Heck we have come clues, but not guarantees until we hear it from his mouth.
Yeah, I’m talking about you, Nakamura Chosuke, from that weird-ass look you gave each other in episode 2 coming out of the interrogation rooms, from the fact that in the OP you’re standing still while the rest of the team is moving forward and only Daisuke is going the opposite way towards you, from the fact that you might know way more than we may be comfortable with. You and Daisuke know each other, or at least know what’s up, and we’re gonna find out. Preferably soon, without having one of you dying. Please.
Daisuke needs to test the waters, to see who can be trusted and who can’t; it is very likely that he’s a pretty serious issue, something which he need someone to trust his life with. That, and also that his ‘training’ might have made him ‘somewhat selfish’, sometimes too cold, too unresponsive for his own good. But watch my words, he might be like this sometimes, because reasons, but he’s always on his toes, and he’s always listening. He listened to Haru while he ranted at him in episode 2, he listened to Haru while he asked him for help in episode 3, he listened to Haru while he herded him around in episode 4. Episode 4 served to provide Daisuke an alternative. It was not just about a tantrum. Story-wise, it gives Daisuke a space in which he feels safe, a zone his Kambe life can’t break into, as long as he doesn’t want it to reach him. Or at least, this is what he perceives.
Like someone said, when he’s saying that he’s not gonna inherit the Kambe Group, he’s talking with an indifferent, apathetic look. Mechanical, stolid, like when he talks with Kikuko. It’s the exact same face. Precisely. He doesn’t feel, he doesn’t react, if not prodded. Either because: 1. He really doesn’t want: he’s not a violent person, he doesn’t enjoy hurting others. He could just pay his way out of a murder, if he wanted to. He never acts to kill or harm. It makes sense that he wouldn’t want to be the heir of such a vicious empire. At least from what we know until now… 2. He’s been prevented or not supposed to: he might want to do it, but it might not be possible, because he might not be the designed one (OP’s women?), or be who we think he is. Maybe he really is ‘Shiro’s brother’, a replacement for someone else.
In both cases, it makes sense that he’s not granted access to weaponry/military information. It would also make sense to keep them from him in order to kill him. This leads into episode 5. He might have been trapped in Kikuko’s place, and grandma Kambe might not have anything to do with it, but at this moment everything could be possible. That being said, HEUSC confirmed Daisuke - and revealed us - that he’s disposable, a spare paw that can be disposed of at any given time, without concern nor regrets; he very well might have known this all along. He looks (really) slightly troubled to have to prod HEUSC for information about the bomb, because the AI butler is actually not interacting that much. And…Daisuke is like…going to die in the next 4 minutes? And Suzue is not coming? And that SHOULD be a problem, right? Daisuke dying SHOULD be in the ‘NO GOOD’ list in HEUSC programming. HEUSC SHOULD be trying its hardest to help him. Right? Daisuke is of course maintaining his collected cool, but surely the other two doofuses yapping around aren’t helping him. Put it with HEUSC not being helpful, it’s understandable for him to snap at it, asking for blueprints and directions. Because he was expecting them from the very beginning… When HEUSC answers come, he’s not shocked. We saw him alarmed, that’s not how his scared face looks like. He just seems disappointed, a hopeless realization, borderline frustrated, like he’s thinking “Is it? This is really the truth, they’re letting me die here”. Then he morphs into some sort of cold resolution, like “Bitch no, I’m not gonna kick the bucket without trying.” When I heard we were dealing with VX gas I said ‘Welp, someone really wants to be sure you dead, Mr. President.’
As some of you might be wondering, what is Daisuke doing? Why is he flooding the bathroom? Why is he drowning his jacket? The bomb is a gas one, and VX, also known as sarin gas, is one the deadliest chemical ever created. Basically what it does is shutting down your neurotransmissions, which means no impulse flowing, which stops every brain function and muscle in your body. Heart and diaphramm included, so no blood circulating and no oxigen.Not good. 10mg can kill a man. So, what they said in the episode is not fantasy, guys. That’s really bad juju. If it gets onto your skin (but for the love of Karma, I hope you’ll never have to experience it), you have to get it off as fast as you can washing and with a binding powder. In the meantime, you have two(three actually) guys to keep working: heart and lungs. As long as they run, there’s hope. Therefore, inject atropin every 10-15 minutes until resolution (to keep your heart galloping as fast as it can), pralidoxime (to actively compete with the substrate the gas attacks and help your diaphram and lungs not to stop) and diazepam (for the rest of your muscles not to tear themselves apart because of the other two compounds trying to save your life but not doing a really great job at keeping everything else in check). If you inhale that shit without atropin within arm’s reach, you have less than 2/3 minutes.
That’s why Daisuke unceremoniously tackles Haru out of the way.
So, why the jacket? Simply enough, soaking it, he creates a sort of barrier, or to be more specific, a medium (water) in which the gas is going to be trapped into before being released into the air. In the first seconds,the molecules produced by the canisters will be dissolved into the water, effectively trapping the gas withing the fabric of the jacket, as long as the water saturates. After that, if the gas continues to go, there would be a point were there’s gonna be too much of it in the water, and some of it will start to escape into the air. It takes time, depending on the pressure applied and the amount of water that the fabric can hold. That’s why Daisuke is keeping the jacket under the sink until the very last moment; the more water clinging, the better chances to survive. Even if, like the guard said, it’s not gonna work for long. I’m still not really sure why he’s going for the punch tho. He loosens the bow and the shirt to likely be able to pull it over his face just in case, since he is the one IN FRONT of the fucking bomb. The only option I can think of is that he’s trying to break the pump (and possibly bend a tube); VX is liquid at room temperature, so as long as you don’t inflate the canister and vaporize it into the air, you’re not in immediate danger. He’s hoping so hard for this to work, because he doesn’t want to die, as opposed of what he might have been thinking up until now. Because now, contrarily to what he said us in the very first line of episode 1, the boredom is gone. Now he has something to fight for (a truth he’s looking for) and someone to care of.
Yes, he might have not-so-gently wacked Haru away, but he was also pretty sure not be able to see the Sun again. He lost his composure and almost yelled at Haru for help. We can see that Haru doesn’t argue further, he immediately gets that something’s dangerous is going on, because if it makes Daisuke worry, that’s definitely not good. How can we be sure it’s gonna work? As they were being lead into the room, the guard explained that that was a NBC proof room: Nuclear Biological Chemical proof room. Which means it can withstand a nuclear blast, radiations, biological agents (viruses, bacteria, molds, other nasty living beings, organically poisonous compounds) and chemical agents (inorganic gases, hazardous solutions like strong acids or bases, explosives, corrosives etc…) because it’s airtight and has its own air and water independent reservoirs and systems. NOTHING can get in. Which also means that NOTHING can get out. Therefore, even if the gas is released, it’s contained.
For all the previously said things, that’s the reason Daisuke looks sad, discouraged and tired when he’s standing outside the embassy, with his hands in his pocket, his shoulder almost sagging down, the circle under his eyes darker than they have ever been. Because yes, you might not have noticed it but he always had those, except from ONE time, specifically one morning. I’ll let you guess which one… Then he snaps out of it hearing Suzue’s voice, probably not to worry her. Yes, I think that Suzue might be a watchdog, to make sure Daisuke fulfill his role and gets him out of trouble when he can’t, help him when he needs, but I think that as soon as he will be marked as not useful anymore, she might meet the same fate. She grew attached, she cares. Best girl might not even know it, and if she knows, she’s definitely doing her best to help him as much as she can. We all love you so much Suzue. Please don’t die. Please please please.
Episode 5 is the catalyst. Now Daisuke can’t trust anything anymore. He might not have done it in the first place, but now everything got shattered. If HEUSC has not authorized him, it means the AI butler is also monitoring the access. Which means Daisuke is gonna be under surveillance (or at least, stricter than it already was).
If episode 4 didn’t happen, Daisuke will be dead, or almost drowning in desperation, because he would have no one to turn to, no safe place to go to. We know this is not the case. We know Haru can help. Daisuke might not be a fan of this, and it might take a bit for him to put himself back together and explain, but we know it’s gonna happen. We know Haru is gonna listen, and he’s very much gonna want to help him. Now Daisuke knows it too, because he experienced it. We also know that Daisuke listens to Haur’s words, so I’m sure he remembers even Haru’s druk rambling about being a hero and a civil servant, and he’s gonna pull that out at some point. He might get something mixed up, since he was a bit fazed, but not enough not to flinch at Haru’s questioning… even if he wormed into the bathtub to sleep XD Best of all, he’s not even fazed by it. He just open his eyes and wakes up. Also, he sits by the table SLOUCHING. Kambe Daisuke. Slouching. In the morning. I love him so much. Haru taking care of him all the freaking way, feeding him and teaching him the ways of the peasant’s world. I love him just as much. Daisuke listens and processes; when Haru says him that, even if there’s almost no chance to find Shiro, he says that he’s gonna try regardless. Daisuke responds with “I see.”. Which means ‘You’ll keep trying, so I should do that as well.’ This is Japan guys. Read the air. There’s as much stuff unsaid that said.
A question is Kikuko then: is she best grandma or are we dealing with another Aizen situation (I made you strong so I could have a decent challenge)?
Nakamura Chosuke, Sir, you need to start singing soon…
Now, I have a very strong fear: in the OP, there’s the same scene repeating itself: at the beginning with Haru, Daisuke and Shizue in a room, then Haru is not there anymore. I’m still recovering from Banana Fish, and I watched it while it was airing…
Last thing, before I forget. About fangirls. You might have guessed, by the amount of word vomit I garbled over, that I am one as well. Everybody can react to the story as they want. I squeaked like a hamster too when I saw Daisuke wearing the ‘boyfriend outfit’, when he winced when he cut himself and licked his cut, when he waited for Haru to start eating before doing it himself, when he praised him for the cooking, when he understood why he replaced Shiro, when he lent him the money to return home, when he smiled to Hattori and Suzue, and when he used Haru’s natto recipes. I’m here for the ride as much as you are. I’m here for the fluff we’re obviously not gonna get. I’m here for a whipped Daisuke, wrapped around Haru’s finger, screaming in pain because of the loss, pleading to save the detective and take him instead. I’m here for the fall from grace, I’m here for him realizing he’s been living a beautiful nightmare, that justice is more than meets the eyes, that there’s so much more that he can be. I’m here for him realizing all of this with Haru being taken away, triggerim him into madness.
The wind exists even if you can’t see it.
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lee-etc · 3 years
if they got their money illegally though, it would be impossible to have a balance unlimited bank account without interference from illegal authorities. like if you look at drug cartels like pablo escobar's medellin cartel and the cali cartel, they had more money than governments, but had to find legal ways of explaining where they got it. pablo escobar had so much money he couldn't even keep it in the bank and had to physically bury large amounts. as bourgeoisie, the kambe definitely had illegal ways to obtaining wealth, but the bulk of their money had to fall within legal allowances.
Thank you for your addition, anon!
Alongside your argument, and after reading through @kishi-is-here and @livesinabluebox's thoughts on the subject (you can find them in the comments of the og post. I want all of you reading this to go and read their theories !!!), I've realised that it's nearly impossible to gain that much money through completely legal means, but I also like your argument that the majority of the money cannot be illegal either.
I'll admit, I had to do a bit more research on Pablo Escabar before replying but damn I'm glad that I did because his life is super interesting to read about, so thank you for that. It's interesting to compare him to the Kambe family, perhaps even Shigemaru Kambe, and I like to think that they've got more in common than one would first think - or maybe not.
Anyways, there are two main theories regarding how the Kambes amassed their wealth.
The first theory relies on the Kambe fortune being a modern, self-made fortune, perhaps made by Shigemaru Kambe or his father, Kikuko's husband (who we don't know :/ ). One could argue that Shigemaru gained status and a notable salary as a scientist, and then began to invest in (and perhaps even purchase) up and coming businesses. Or, their fortune could be attributed to selling their technology to the military and government, etc. however I think that is rather a reason why they remain one of the richest families, if not the richest family in the world.
As for the illegal side of things, the Kambe family could have used bribery or flat out cheating (pump & dumps, etc.) in their investing, as well as getting a hold over banks in Japan, and then international banks. Or, my one of my personal favourite theories: they illegally distributed technology, weapons, drugs and sources of energy (e.g. oil) internationally and within Japan. This could explain why Kikuo was so intent on keeping adollium secret, as it would have then been a highly desirable and valuable resource that only the Kambes could distribute.
The second theory relies on the Kambe fortune being generational. Clara (@livesinabluebox) had an excellent theory that (to paraphrase:) the Kambe family started up as a zaibatsu and gained their wealth during the Meiji era. Their wealth probably had something to do with technology, perhaps in cars (or, imo, in weaponry as well?). It's likely that they successfully evolved into a keiretsu after WW2.
I like this theory because it makes a lot of sense actually and also proves that the Kambe family has numerous allies in business. Also it's inspired by history and I just adore learning about anything history-related!! Anyways, I am once again asking to go and read Clara's theory.
These theories are inspired by kishi and clara's theories as well as @onabikaa 's insights on rich people (lol). I'd love to hear more though! Keep 'em coming, y'all. :)
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onabikaa · 4 years
Haru: Can i tell you something Kambe? Your smile is the prettiest thing i’ve seen
Daisuke: Thank you. May i tell you something too?
Haru: Sure?
Daisuke: this smile only exists when I’m with you
Haru: *blushes*
Grandma Kambe, in handcuffs next to them: i’m going to throw up
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