#hattori jiro
mystic-rp-events · 7 days
Night Mission: Ghost Mode Hide and Seek. The electricity gets completely cut so it’s extremely dark. On each team, two members are hiders and one is a seeker. Hiders try not to get killed by other teams’ seekers, seekers try to kill other teams’ hiders. Hiders can’t fight back, all of their attacks will “go through” seekers. Seekers can fight each other though, but hiders can’t fight other hiders. Hiders get one coin for each hour of survival time, seekers get one coin per two kills (rounded down, so three kills = one coin), up to a maximum of three coins. However, killing another seeker counts as “two kills” or one coin in scoring. Seekers have a “seeker crown” or glowing gold crown halo thing floating over their head so it’s easy to know who’s a seeker, and also if a seeker kills another seeker they “steal” their halo so a seeker with seeker kills will appear to have a double/triple/etc halo. You can go anywhere within the property fence, except for the maze. Each team chooses who gets to be the seeker. 
(Felicette: BTW regular missions run from 2pm to 5pm, night missions run from 8pm to 10pm, and the time of sunset in this realm is around 4pm.)
Who does each team choose as their seeker?
nice :>
Soliel is unsure who to choose. He's not a fan of this mission.
"Do either of you have advantages for challenges like this?" Timorós asks Hattori and Yumiko. If their powers give them advantages for being a seeker, it'd be a good idea to choose them.
"Who should be seeker?" Chrysós doesn't want to be the one to make an important descision lol.
"So far it seems like Jiro would make the most sense as a seeker. Able to see in the dark, the cool shadow clone things, y'know. .. honestly those would be advantages in both roles. But still," Argyros shrugs.
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Thinking about Hattori seeing Jiro in the Inazuman crossover and immediately bursting into tears. Me too.
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tomohisahattori · 1 year
29 de Agosto
“Seu nome é Hana”
ーHana? ーrepetiu o homem mais velho, divertindo-se.
Uma flor que cuida de outras flores… o que poderia ser mais poético que isso?
Galanteador, não havia perdido o jeito com as palavras. Quando avistou o buquê de Columbines, aproximou-se, colhendo um dos ramos e o levou até o rosto. Os adorava por lembrar sua mãe, principalmente as aroxeadas. ー Acho que agora deixamos de ser estranhos… e podemos nos cumprimentar devidamente quando nos encontrarmos novamente pela rua, não acha? ー Perguntou em tom provocativo, embora imaginasse que ela não o tivesse notado em momento algum.
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Os encontros ocorriam ocasionalmente.
Havia alguns dias que havia voltado e, devido à reclusão, não escondia a ansiedade em sair de casa; mesmo que fosse apenas de carro, ou uma caminhada matinal, onde não encontraria ninguém pelas ruas.
A primeira vez que a viu, foi em um cruzamento próximo à Omotesando, não era muito cedo, talvez um pouco antes do meio dia.
Enquanto Jiro dirigia, no banco de trás, Hattori assistia o movimento das ruas, sentia-se saudoso pela sua cidade. Ao abrir um pouco a fresta da janela, queria sentir um pouco daquele calor de fim de verão, avistou a figura feminina que destacava-se pela enorme quantidade de flores em seus braços, muito mais do que podia carregar. Ele achou curioso, acabando por rir sozinho do que acabara vendo.
O segundo encontro veio após uns dias, um encontro rápido durante uma corrida matinal (o qual teimou bastante para que pudesse realizá-la sozinho). As orbes castanhas foram de encontro direto à jovem de rosto delicado e olhos pequenos, recordou-se da primeira vez que a viu, embora desta vez ela não carrega-se flores ou qualquer coisa nos braços, provavelmente estivesse apenas de passagem. Ele não era muito mais alto que ela, ficou mais visível a pouca diferença de altura principalmente quando ficaram lado a lado. Ficaram tão próximos, ao ponto de conseguir sentir o perfume floral memorável: “Jasmim?" pensou imediatamente. Quando o semáforo abriu, ela foi a primeira a dar o primeiro passo, então a viu se afastar, achando graça na situação mais uma vez.
A terceira e última vez foi próximo à estação de Shibuya, quando saía de uma reunião. Naquela altura muitos pensamentos já invadiam sua mente, o deixando ainda mais intrigado, afinal três encontros em menos de uma semana eram coincidências demai. ー A observou de longe, e mesmo com a multidão comum da região, arriscou-se em segui-la por entre as ruas estreitas o levante até uma charmosa floricultura, onde a mesma entrou cumprimentando as pessoas que estavam lá dentro. O local explicava por si só a razão pela qual ela carregava tantas flores na primeira vez em que se encontraram.
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colour-me-oceanred · 6 months
Hi I'm Red! (Not really but it works for now)
I use any pronouns and I'm AroAce, in other words my gender is yes and my sexuality is no.
This is an alt account, my main is just reblogs though, you can find my main in my bio.
So basically I'm doing this thing where I find characters and extract their automatic colour palettes (bright, colorful, muted, deep and dark) using adobe color and then you can vote on one!
(And please reblog and tell me which one you like the most and why, I love reading those!)
Here is a list of characters that I am doing;
Gravity Falls
The wind rises
Horikoshi Jirō
Satomi Nahoko
Honjō Kirō
Hans Castorp
Jiro's mother
Kayo Horikoshi
Kurokawa fujin
Giovanni Battista Caproni
Mitsubishi employee
Flight Engineer
Sally Face
Sal Fisher
Travis Phelps
Larry Johnson
Ashley Campbell
Luke Holmes
Charley Mansfield
Jim Johnson
Kenneth Phelps
Todd Morrison
Alyson Rosenberg
Henry Fisher
Lisa Johnson-Fisher
Cassandra Sanderson
Charley's pony (cause why not)
Dr Zimbardo
(sorry if any of these are misspelled, with any character but especially if they aren't English names, I'm bad with names so I just have to rely on the Internet)
Request in the ask box if you have anymore ideas!
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azu-sa · 4 years
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This was a FUN show. I laughed more than I thought I would. BALANCE: UNLIMITED!! 💴💴💴
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lee-etc · 4 years
weirdly specific things that haven't been specified as canon but seem like they are:
- Daisuke's hands are usually cold
- Haru taught himself how to cook
- Haru grew up in a suburb and moved to Tokyo by himself to join the police academy
- Daisuke occasionally plays chess against either Suzue or the butler Hattori
- Haru has a sibling/siblings
- Daisuke's mom, Sayuri, had her own garden
- Hoshino likes dogs, especially puppies
- When Daisuke and Suzue go shopping together, Daisuke goes straight to the stores he knows that he's going to buy something from while Suzue prefers to window-shop in whatever stores interest her before eventually buying what she came for
- Haru likes people who are out of his league
- Kamei knows all the best illegal streaming sites, and the MCPTF often borrow copies of illegally downloaded movies/series that they want to watch from him
- Saeki hates bitter coffee with an unrivaled passion
- Suzue, surprisingly, owns more cars than Daisuke
- Daisuke is not a morning person
- Daisuke is better with technology than Haru is
Feel free to add more!
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Do you regret bringing in any of the legends?
Hmmm... I don't really regret bringing any of them, as I love most of them. But there's a few troublemakers I've gone through a lot of stress trying to contain. Such as Caspian and Lucien, getting into thieves wars. It's a strange rivalry they have, they were once close, very close. But then... it got weird? Now one's always claiming the other took something, nd then the other countering that with an explosive of sorts. Then there's Thatch, he's not like Sidra, she's fine, and we don't fight really, but Thatch is constantly taking things from people, and doing the worst and most agonizing "pranks" possible. Azoth, Koji and Hattori are always arguing, sometimes devolving into fights, so I'm always breaking them up. Same with Jaeyun and Jiro. Speaking of Jiro, he's constantly sending out his shadows to play awful tricks. Petra and Thor are always destroying everything in their brawls. I wish they'd take it to the battlefield when it gets so hectic... Everyone has their "little" annoying things they do. Since I brought them in, it's mostly my job to handle it.
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artgajez · 6 years
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Brawlhalla dump!
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recentanimenews · 2 years
Legendary Manga Creator Fujiko A. Fujio Passes Away at 88
The NHK is reporting today that award-winning manga creator Fujiko A. Fujio, who is best known for creating The Laughing Salaryman, Ninja Hattori-kun and Obake Q-Tarou, passed away on the morning of April 7 in his home in Kawasaki City at the age of 88 years old.
  Fujiko A. Fujio, whose real name is Motoo Abiko, was part of the manga duo Fujiko Fujio, who created Doraemon, one of the biggest icons of Japan today, and worked closely with Osamu Tezuka in the 1960s and 1970s.
    Motoo Abiko in 2008 (Image via Mainichi)
  Abiko was born in Himi City in western Toyama Prefecture on March 10, 1934. In elementary school, Abiko met his creative partner, the late Hiroshi Fujimoto (known as Fujiko F. Fujio later in life), after moving into his class and discovering Fujimoto drawing in his notebook. The pair bonded over their passion for drawing and their love of Osamu Tezuka, who influenced greatly in their early days, eventually becoming a mentor to the pair. 
  They moved to Tokyo in 1954 to pursue becoming professional manga artists after having a few serializations in local periodicals. As Fujiko Fujio, they moved into the Tokiwa-so apartment complex after Tezuka offered them his old room. 
  During this time, Abiko was working on many serializations as well as as an assistant for Osamu Tezuka’s works. After being overwhelmed by the workload, the pair went pack to Toyama for New Year’s in 1955 and missed all of their deadlines. Not giving up their dream, they continued working hard as well as branching out into filmmaking, a passion for Abiko who loved films over manga.
  The pair got their first major serialized work published in 1959 in the then-brand-new Weekly Shonen Sunday magazine with Umi no Ouji. This began Fujiko Fujio’s long-running relationship with Shogakukan where the pair eventually published most of their work, including the original The Laughing Salesman, Doraemon and more.
  After seeing success in Shogakukan’s magazines, they opened a studio in 1963 under the name Studio Zero where they collaborated with anime producer Shinichi Suzuki, Cyborg 007 and Kamen Rider creator Shotaro Ishinomori, fellow manga creator Jiro Tsunoda, Osomatsu-kun creator Fujio Akatsuka, and many more talents. The studio helped animate Tezuka’s work, including Astro Boy, as well as produced hit manga such as Obake Q-Tarou.
  During Studio Zero’s heyday, they produced the first adaptation of Osomatsu-kun, both the live-action and some animated parts of Ninja Hattori-kun, and worked on the original Doraemon and Moomin anime series. 
  Fujimoto (left), Abiko (right), Doraemon (middle) (via middle-edge.jp)
  While Doraemon is now known as Fujiko F. Fujio’s work, the pair worked together on the series in the early days with Fujimoto in the lead role. During this time in the late 1960s, Fujimoto was working more on children’s stories, while Abiko wanted to make more mature manga, which is when The Laughing Salesman was first created. Shogakukan passed on Salesman as they thought it was too scary for children, with Abiko instead taking it to Jitsugyo no Nihon Sha’s Manga Sunday magazine.
  The Fujiko Fujio pair spilt in 1987 after more than two decades of success after it was found that Fujimoto has liver cancer and heart disease in 1986. Both of them continued to admire each other, with Abiko stating in 2005 at a party for the Disappearance Diary autobiographical manga by Hideo Azuma that “though I have received many manga awards under the name Fujiko Fujio, they were all actually Fujimoto’s works. I haven’t received any personally.” 
  Even after Fujimoto’s death in 1996, Abiko said that Fujimoto and Tezuka were his greatest influences and that without Fujimoto, Abiko wouldn’t have become a manga creator.
  In 2008, Abiko was made an Honorary Citizen of his hometown of Himi City for his contribution to the revitalization of the city, as well as receiving the Order of the Rising Sun 4th Class, Gold Rays with Rosette from the Japanese emperor.
    「忍者ハットリくん」などで知られる漫画家の藤子不二雄Aさんが死去しました。写真は2020年12月撮影。(航)#藤子不二雄a pic.twitter.com/eH3zD05DKr
— 朝日新聞 映像報道部 (@asahi_photo) April 7, 2022
    Abiko was known for leading a healthy lifestyle and never getting sick. This was until 2013 when he was diagnosed with colon cancer – which Abiko claimed was the first time he had ever gotten sick. In March 2015 while golfing, Abiko fainted and was found to have suffered from heart failure. Abiko continued golfing after his hospitalization.
  Abiko was found passed away in his home at 8:40 am on April 7, 2022. The police are currently investigating the details of his death.
  Source: NHK
Daryl Harding is a Japan Correspondent for Crunchyroll News. He also runs a YouTube channel about Japan stuff called TheDoctorDazza, tweets at @DoctorDazza, and posts photos of his travels on Instagram.
By: Daryl Harding
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toku-fangirl-2015 · 3 years
1 and 10 for the fandom ask meme ^_^
1. Characters I would hit. I answered this one, but since he’s also my answer for #10, I will add Hattori Hanpei from Kikaider. Most annoying “comic relief” character ever. I want to take Jiro’s guitar and whack him over the head with it.
10. Characters who deserved worse: Amatsu Gai. His whole “redemption” was very rushed, which I realize is mostly due to the episodes they had to cut because of the pandemic, but..I don’t like him, and giving him a robot puppy doesn’t fix how he treated everyone like shit.
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artificervaldi · 6 years
I watched an anime about sad androids, yaaaay
Jiro had made it back to Mitsuko and Masaru, after such a long time… He had made it back to them. He wasn’t quite sure that was going to be for the best, however. At least… At least not yet.
Masaru had been excited to see him, hopping up and down and throwing himself into Jiro’s arms with extreme vigor, telling him everything he’d missed and proudly showing Jiro his ‘fixed’ guitar… Mitsuko’s reaction had seemed more subdued at first, before she herself threw herself into his arms, sobbing and telling him how worried she had been.
He couldn’t help but feel bad for leaving them so long, but oh, was it good to be with them again.
After finally getting Masaru to sleep, he took his time to explain everything that had happened after he left. His brothers and sisters, Gill in Hakaider’s body, having to kill them all… Finally making the choice to come and find them. So much had happened, and it was hard to talk about it.
But Mitsuko and her father were very understanding, allowing him to lean on them emotionally. His heart still ached for all those he lost, but the ache had become more dull thanks to this. He wasn’t sure what he would do without them, other than continue to suffer as he had.
A family he could rely on… It was nice to know that. It made him feel warm.
...But he couldn’t forget his dead siblings. They would always come to mind when he least expected it. When he was alone and vulnerable and unable to let his pain and grief out in any way.
It made him afraid to not be at the side of at least one of them at any given moment.
But he couldn’t rely on them, not fully. They could be there for him, but the guilt and the pain was for him to bear. It wasn’t Mitsuko or her family that pushed him to slaughter his brothers in cold blood.
This didn’t mean that they weren’t catching onto the fact that something was eating at him. Their worry was clear, whenever they spoke to him or asked him how he was doing. Jiro had hoped to keep the fact it was still eating at him to himself, but he supposed it wasn’t working.
Eventually, it was apparently enough that they all decided something had to be done. And what did they decide to do about it? A vacation. The four of them, along with Detective Hattori and his assistant, would be going to a calmer part of Japan to help him get his mind off things.
He appreciated it, greatly, but he couldn’t help but also feel bad. They were doing this for him, after all, when he was sure they had plenty of things to do where they were. Insistence that what they did have to do could be done where they were going made it a little less bad, but still.
Maybe the vacation would end up being fun enough that he would stop feeling bad all together, though. Time would be sure to tell, right?
He looked back at the house, taking a deep breath before stepping outside and locking up. It was time for them to head out and spend some time away from the memories this place held.
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henshinhistory · 6 years
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THIS WEEK: “Those born of DARK must return to DARK!” Alexa broadcasts in LIVE from MURDER MOUNTAIN (the mountain that murders) as we follow the trail of the mechanical man Jiro, Android Kikaider! In addition, we have an official helicopter sighting; Jiro enjoys backflipping away from fights that he started; we debate the morality of an incomplete conscience circuit; we try out some new voicework; and FOOL! Professor Gill toots as he pleases!
If you’re interested in Android Kikaider, you can read the original Ishinomori manga, available in English on Comixology – or purchase the DVDs of the original 1972 series from Generation Kikaida!
Note: Due to production issues, rather than direct microphone recording, we had to use Discord audio for this week (big thanks to Yahweasel’s Craig bot). That’s why we sound a little different!
Android Kikaider (1972) 1-6
Gray Rhino King, Green Mantis, Orange Ant, Blue Buffalo, Yellow Jaguar, Black Horse
The second Henshin boom
Dramatis personae
Sven’s Science Corner: Power-to-weight ratio
Kikaider’s cinematography
Double-secret laboratories
The worst flute
Return of Hell Valley
Hanpei Hattori: Ace Detective~!
Tokusatsu budgets in 1971-1972
Hanpei vs Taki
The importance of suit damage
Androids as replacement children
Professor Gill as played by The Monarch
The… science behind DARK’s Death Bomb
Roundtable: Kikaider vs Kamen Rider (1971)
“Fight! Seven Riders!! Showa Rider Taisen” – Kamen Rider x Kamen Rider Fourze & OOO: Movie War Megamax
Yuuki Hide – “Go Go Kikaider” and “Fight! Android Kikaider”
NEXT WEEK: The advent of Gel-Shocker.
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kentootv · 8 years
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デスノート (DEATH NOTE)
Title: デスノート
Title (english): Death Note
Broadcast Network: NTV
Genre: Crime, sci-fi, suspense
Episodes: 11
Release Date: July 5 - September 13, 2015
Runtime: Sunday 22:30
TV Ratings: 11.55%
Yagami Light, (Kubota Masataka), is an ordinary university student. One day, he receives a death note which changes his life. The death note awakens his warped sense of justice and genius. He becomes murderer Kira and punishes criminals.
L, (Yamazaki Kento), is a well known private detective. L appears in front of Light. L defines Kira as evil and decides to catch Kira. Then N (Yuki Mio), who has a beautiful appearance but dangerous existence, appears.
Daisaku Nishino as the motion capture actor of Ryuk
Jun Fukushima as the voice of Ryuk
Yamazaki Kento as L / L Lawliet
Kubota Masataka as Yagami Light
Yuki Mio as N / Near / Mello
Sano Hinako as Amane Misa
Matsushige Yutaka as Yagami Soichiro, Light's father
Fujiwara Reiko as Yagami Sayu, Light's sister
Seki Megumi as Himura Akiko
Maeda Goki as Matsuda Touta
Yuge Tomohisa as Aizawa Shuichi
Sato Jiro as Mogi Kanzo
Seki Megumi as Himura Akiko / Halle Lidner
Oshinari Shugo as Mikami Teru
Hankai Kazuaki as Watari
Director: Inomata Ryuichi, Nishimura Ryo (西村了)
Original writing: Manga Death Note by Ohba Tsugumi and Obata Takeshi
Screenwriter: Izumi Yoshihiro
Chief Producer: Kamikura Katsu (神蔵克)
Producer: Suzuki Akino (鈴木亜希乃), Shigeyama Yoshinori (茂山佳則), Oomori Yoshitaka (大森美孝)
Music: Hattori Takayuki
Official Homepage: www.ntv.co.jp/drama-deathnote
Official Twitter: @drama_deathnote
source : AsianWiki + DramaWiki + Wikipedia
Yamazaki Kento played the role as L. Watch the full story of anime adapted 'Death Note' by download or stream here:
STREAM (with engsub)
*ALT = alternative
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naoparis · 7 years
【Grand chef cuisinier】【石井義典Ishii yoshinori】【UMU London】
【Grand chef cuisinier】【石井義典Ishii yoshinori】【UMU London】 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Michelin Red Guide 2018 Great Britain & Ireland: Restaurants & Hotels (Anglais) Broche 5 octobre 2017 Guide Michelin France 2017 【Grand chef cuisinier】【Araki Mitsuhiro 荒木水都弘】「THE ARAKI」ミシュラン三つ星獲得le restaurant The Araki a Londres obtient trois etoiles 言葉の違いで生じる取引上ミスを軽減するため、魚河岸にサカナの名前を日本語で教え、知ってる限りのサカナ情報を伝え市場の環境(衛生管理)さえも変えさせ売り上げ向上にも貢献のオークラ・アムステルダムの日本料理『山里』のTOMIKAWA Masanori料理長 【Grand Chef Cuisinier】【富川 正則TOMIKAWA Masanori】chef du restaurant Yamazato, etoile au Michelin. 【PARIS】【Sola】閉まったまま? 【GRAND CHEF PATISSIER CHOCOLATIER】 【ピエール・エルメPIERRE HERME】コルマール市のアンバサダーに任命されるColmar choisit le patissier Pierre Herme comme ambassadeur@France 3 Grand Est 【PARIS】【RUE DRAGON】 【Rue Cyril Lignac通り】 【キニナルCHEF】 【Cyril Lignac】【The ou Cafe】 14/10/2017 【PARIS】【Patrick Roger】【L'instant de Patrick Roger 2016】Patrick Rogerが手塩にかけて育てたワイン販売開始 【Patrick Roger】関連記事 【Tadaku】外国人料理教室 Tadaku(タダク)のKathyさんのフランス料理 フランパティシエ & なすトマト添えチキン。
  【Chocolat】Luxury French chocolates delivered worldwide
 【Grand Chef Chocolatier】 (1)
【Grand Chef Chocolatier】【Jacques GENIN】 (2)
【Grand chef cuisinier】 (4)
【Grand chef cuisinier】Alain Senderens (1)
【Grand chef cuisinier】Alexandre Couillon (1)
【Grand chef cuisinier】ERIC FRECHON (1)
【Grand chef cuisinier】Guillaume Gomez (1)
【Grand chef cuisinier】Guillaume Gomez (1)
【Grand chef cuisinier】Thierry Marx (2)
【Grand chef cuisinier】Yves Camdeborde (3)
【Grand chef cuisinier】【Araki Mitsuhiro 荒木水都弘】 (2)
【Grand chef cuisinier】【Cyril Lignac シリル・リニャック】 (3)
【Grand chef cuisinier】【Jamie Oliverジェイミー・オリヴァー】 (1)
【Grand chef cuisinier】【Jean-Francois Piege】 (1)
【Grand chef cuisinier】【Michel Roth】 (2)
【Grand chef cuisinier】【Michel Troisgros】 (1)
【Grand chef cuisinier】【石井義典Ishii yoshinori】 (1)
【Grand Chef Cuisinier】富川 正則TOMIKAWA Masanori (2)
【Grand Chef Patissier Chocolatier】 【ピエール・エルメPIERRE HERME】 (1)
【GRAND CHEF PATISSIER】 Christophe Michalak (1)
【GRAND CHEF PATISSIER】Fabien Rouillard (1)
【GRAND CHEF PATISSIER】【Cedric Grolet】 (1)
【GRAND CHEF PATISSIER】【Claire Heitzler】 (1)
【Guide Michelin】 (1)
 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 【グラン・シェフ】【Guillaume Gomez】 (3)  
【グラン・シェフ】【Joel Robuchonジョエル・ロブション】 (3)
【グラン・シェフGRAND CHEF】 (121)
【グラン・シェフ】 【Christophe Michalak】 (1)
【グラン・シェフ】 【HUGO&VICTOR】 (2)
【グラン・シェフ】 【Marc Veyrat】 (1)
【グラン・シェフ】 【Yves Camdeborde】 (1)
【グラン・シェフ】【Alain Ducasse】【スイーツ】 (2)
【グラン・シェフ】【Alexandre Gauthier】 (1)
【グラン・シェフ】【Anne-Sophie Pic】 (3)
【グラン・シェフ】【AOKI SADAHARU青木 定治】 (1)
【グラン・シェフ】【Arnaud Larher】 (3)
【グラン・シェフ】【Christophe Adam】 (1)
【グラン・シェフ】【Christophe Adam】 (1)
【グラン・シェフ】【Claire Heitzler】 (2)
【グラン・シェフ】【College culinaire de France】 (1)
【グラン・シェフ】【Cyril Lignac 】 (2)
【グラン・シェフ】【Cyril Lignac】 (2)
【グラン・シェフ】【Dominique Ansel】 (1)
【グラン・シェフ】【Eric Guerin】 (1)
【グラン・シェフ】【Gontran Cherrier】 (1)
【グラン・シェフ】【Guillaume Gomez】 (3)
【グラン・シェフ】【Guy Savoy】 (3)
【グラン・シェフ】【Helene Darroze】 (3)
【グラン・シェフ】【Hugo Desnoyer】 (1)
【グラン・シェフ】【Jacques Genin】 (1)
【グラン・シェフ】【Jean-Francois Mallet 】 (1)
【グラン・シェフ】【Jean-Paul Arabian】 (1)
【グラン・シェフ】【Jean-Paul Hevin】 (2)
【グラン・シェフ】【Jean-Yves Bordier】 (1)
【グラン・シェフ】【Julia Sedefdjian】【Les Fables de la Fontaine】 (1)
【グラン・シェフ】【Pascal Le Gac パスカル・ル・ガック】 (1)
【グラン・シェフ】【Patrick Duler】 (1)
【グラン・シェフ】【Patrick Roger】 (2)
【グラン・シェフ】【Patrick Roger】 (1)
【グラン・シェフ】【Paul Bocuseポール・ボキューズ】 (3)
【グラン・シェフ】【Pierre Gagnaire】 (1)
【グラン・シェフ】【Pierre Herme】 (2)
【グラン・シェフ】【Sebastien Gaudard セバスチャン・ゴダール】 (2)
【グラン・シェフ】【Stephane Bonnat】 (1)
【グラン・シェフ】【Virginie Basselot】 (1)
【グラン・シェフ】【Yannick Alleno】 (2)
【グラン・シェフ】【Yannick Lefort】 (1)
【グラン・シェフ】【Yves Camdeborde】 (1)
【グラン・シェフ】【Yves Le Guel】 (1)
【グラン・シェフ】【三國清三Kiyomi Mikuni】 (1)
【グラン・シェフ】【小野二郎Jiro Ono】 (2)
【グラン・シェフ】【杉村 圭史Keishi Sugimura】 (1)
【グラン・シェフ】【服部幸應Yukio Hattori】 (1)
【グラン・シェフ】山本征治Seiji Yamamoto (1)
【グラン・ソムリエ】【Virginie Routis】 (1)
0 notes
willarmstrong · 8 years
Blog #13
1) Personally, I felt that identifying Nemawashi in this film was very difficult. As I watched the movie, I kept in mind that in Japan, people lay the groundwork before meetings or decision, but I did not really see this in the movie. One reason I may have difficulty with this is because they didn't really have any “meetings” in the film where I felt the groundwork was laid beforehand. One possible example may be when Jiro was at the restaurant with Kurokawa and Mr. Hattori. Mr. Hattori asks Jiro how long he has been with the company and wanted him to lead a project. Jiro said he could do it but he wanted Honjo on the team.  Kurokawa said no and so Jiro accepted that and didn’t argue. When they walked away, Jiro bowed. Although Jiro didn’t approach his bosses in this example, I could see it as Nemawashi because Jiro maintained harmony and conflict by agreeing with his boss when they said no to Honjo. Since they discussed this in a small group, if they were to have a meeting, they would already have a consensus and would not need to discuss the matter any further. 
2) One example of Sempai-Kohai is when Jiro was new to the company and was introduced to everyone. After he said his name, he bowed to all of the employees. Since Jiro was new to the business, he was Kohai and his coworkers were Sempai. Even though some of the employees may have been younger than Jiro, they were still Sempai because they had been working there longer. Another example, as mentioned above, was when Jiro bowed to his bosses. He did this out of respect since they were Sempai and he is Kohai. 
3) Kurosawa probably said this because of Omiai. Although Jiro and Naoko were not set up by arrangement, Kurosawa is probably old fashion and was used to the traditional ways of Omiai. With Omiai, the man and woman periodically see each other until they decide to get married. It is not like the United States when you live with a person for a year or two before deciding to marry. I think that Kurosawa just felt uncomfortable breaking tradition and allowing the unmarried couple to stay with him. Kurosawa may also feel this is violating the Japanese IE system of man and wife living together.
4) If Jiro and Naoko were Omiai, I feel they would have gotten married but not before she passed away. I think that they wanted to get married but just didn’t realize how little time she had left to live. If they had been Omiai, they wouldn’t have been able to live together without being married. I feel that although Jiro was able to successfully create his plane, it was not a happy ending because he lost the person he loved. In the end, Jiro not only lost Naoko but his planes were also being destroyed in the war. I think we was very sad to see all of the things that he cared about die.
5) One thing that I noticed when watching the movie is that I didn’t really see many examples of Nemawashi and during some parts such as the scene you’re describing, I saw the opposite of what the book said. Although I’m not completely sure, I think the meeting you’re talking about is when Jiro holds the design seminar and introduces the newest technology. One example of conflict is when Jiro advises to leave off the weapons in order to compensate for weight. All of his coworkers immediately started laughing which implied that they disagreed with his comment. I also saw Nemawashi being used because Jiro didn’t run his ideas by his bosses beforehand. After the meeting, they were surprised with what he said. 
6) Naoko went back to the sanatorium without telling anyone and leaves letters for them to read. She said she was going for a walk but never returned. She didn't want Jiro to see her while she died. 
7)  Naoko says “Darling, you must live. You must live...”. I think there are two different reasons for why she could have said this. The first reason could be that Jiro was thinking of killing himself out of grief for the loss of his wife and the fact that all of his planes were being destroyed in the war. It seems as though he was depressed and I think Naoko said this to tell him he had a purpose if life and needed to stay positive and live. The second reason for why I think she may have said this is to tell Jiro that he has created a legacy and must live on. Jiro accomplished so much in his lifetime and made a huge impact on the war. I think Naoko wants Jiro to live on because she know he is destined to do great things. 
8) As much as I would like to achieve my dream, I wouldn’t do it if I knew it was going to cause destruction or be harmful to humanity. Although I would like to support the military, I would not like to create a weapon that is used to kill others. I think Jiro was so focused on achieving his goal, I don't think he truly realized that his planes were going to be used for so much destruction. One exception may be if my country was in danger. In Jiro’s case, although he was a pacifist, he was protecting his country by creating a military weapon. In my case, I would trust my gut and would never do something morally wrong even if I had a strong desire to do so.
9) Out of all the terms associated with this movie, I saw the most of Gamabari. The reason for this is because I feel it is the easiest to identify and it stood out to me more than any of the other terms. The reason I saw gamabari is because Jiro was dedicated to his work and enjoyed what he did. Even when Naoko was dying, Jiro spent long nights at the office and came home very late. Another term I saw in this movie was Chinmoku. The reason I identified this term was because compared to American movies, there was a lot of silence in this film. For example, when Jiro is at the restaurant with his two bosses, Jiro took long pauses before he responded. The last term I was in this movie was Shudan Ishiki. This relates to how employees agree with one another so that they don't cause conflict or arguments. Shudan Ishiki is about creating group harmony and as mentioned earlier, I saw this term used when Jiro didn't argue with Kurosawa after he said Honjo could not be on the team. 
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