#kamen rider heisei generations
itsmissing · 1 year
i wish the fight choreography in the actual Drive series was this good... i don’t know why they went all out for the pac-man crossover movie of all things
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redsamuraiii · 1 year
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Chihiro Yamamoto, the Action Girl of Japan
Alice in Borderland 2 (2022)
Ultraman Geed (2017)
Shuriken Sentai Ninninger (2015)
Kamen Rider Heisei Generations: Dr. Pac-Man vs. Ex-Aid & Ghost with Legend Riders (2016)
Black Fox : Age of the Ninja (2019)
Kingdom 2 (2022)
Uzumasa Limelight (2014)
The 13 Lords of the Shogun (2022)
Teppachi (2022)
Don’t mess with her if you value your life, gentlemen. 😂
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mrrald · 11 months
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paladintomo · 10 months
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Life is Showtime!
Been trying to draw more of the Kamen Rider lineup and a friend suggested I try my hand at drawing Kamen Rider Wizard
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macmanx · 2 months
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Rider Kick!
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asknarashikari · 6 months
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Gosh if Toei only had an infinite budget... happy anniversary HeiGen Forever :))
(Also, it's been five years already? Wth-)
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....No comment
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Santa-Hopper-chan my beloved
*shoves Spanner into reindeer costume*
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t-u-i-t-c · 2 years
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Giftober 2022 │ Day 24: A Duo/Dynamic
Riders that share a form to fight as one
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tokusongs · 1 year
"Kamen Rider Heisei Generations Final Special Medley", from Kamen Rider Heisei Generations Final (2017). Performed by Pandora and Beverly (Be The One), Miura Daichi (Excite), Kishidan (We Think, Therefore We Are), Tsuchiya Anna (Switch On!), Gaim no Kaze (Just Live More), and Ohguro Maki (Anything Goes!).
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pulaasul · 10 months
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OMG!!! This is so funny!!!!
Yeah, why weren't you in HeiGen Final, Shinnosuke????
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carmypen · 2 years
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gotinterest · 1 year
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choco44443333 · 2 years
Kamen Rider Heisei Generations Forever 2018
Kamen Rider Heisei Generations Forever 2018
In the world of Sougo Tokiwa and Sento Kiryu, their “companions” are losing their memories one after the other as they’re replaced by other people. The Super Time Jacker, Tid , appears before them. He orders his powerful underlings, Another Double and Another Den-O, to pursue a young boy called Shingo. While fighting to protect Shingo, Sougo meets Ataru, a young man who loves Riders, but Ataru…
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hidengifs · 1 year
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Kamen Rider Build (2017) ↳ “Kamen Rider Heisei Generations Final”
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meltorights · 2 months
i was thinking abt vic's toku poll and while i can totally get why someone would encourage one to pick kamen rider or sentai in general over ultra when getting into toku i dont understand why one would suggest kamen rider (1971) or GORANGER over ultraman (1966) or ultra q.
i dont think all that many people have watched kamen rider (1971) or goranger or even ultraman (1966) to begin with but ultraman (1966) just seems to hold up in a way the other shows dont. like id suggest it any of the 70s ultras (even my beloved leo) and even a lot of heisei/new gen stuff. a true classic, as they say.
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mirai-e-jump · 10 months
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TV Guide, September 2023 Issue (Kanto Edition) ft. Kamen Rider Gotchard Cast Members (translations below)
Publication: August 23, 2023
"What's everyone's favorite previously released Kamen Rider series?"
Fujibayashi: I think of them as "generations," but I used to watch Den-O ('07-'08) alot. The first one I remember watching was much earlier though, with Kuuga ('00-'01). He was the first Heisei Rider, wasn't he?
Kumaki: That's right. For me, Kuuga was the one that left the biggest impact. When I was young, no Kamen Rider series were broadcast, so I don't think there were many people of my generation that were familiar with it. I have a younger brother, so we were able to watch Kuuga together.
Matsumoto: I have two older brothers, so we had alot of the Rider belts at home (laughs). I would watch TV together together with them, and they liked Den-O and Kiva ('08-'09), while I liked Wizard ('12-'13) and Gaim ('13-'14).
Motojima: I liked OOO ('10-'11), which wasn't too long ago, currently I'm watching Geats ('22-'23). Originally, I didn't know too much about Kamen Rider…but, after watching it again, I thought it was very interesting, and felt that I wanted to do the audition.
Abe: I had previously watched Fourze ('11-'12), and when I decided to take the audition, I went back and watched it one more time.
Tomizono: When I was young, I watched Ryuki ('02-'03)…
Fujibayashi: Ryuki was good too!
Tomizono: It really was. It was interesting seeing Riders with such different personalities. I even practiced the transformation poses from different angles in the mirror.
Fujibayashi: Before my audition, I actually practiced transformation poses. It's not really an audition strategy (laughs), but, I thought, "I should do it anyway," and come up with at least one transformation pose.
Kumaki: I did it too (laughs).
"How did you feel when you were finally chosen to appear in Kamen Rider Gotchard?"
Fujibayashi: I was overcome with emotion, and felt that I have finally been able to show something to my parents. I've auditioned for Kamen Rider many times, more times than I can count. Every time, my parents would still believe in me, so I think I'm finally able to return the favor.
Kumaki: I've also auditioned countless times, over the course of many years, so when I was able to pass, I shared the excitement with my family.
Matsumoto: I love Kamen Rider and have watched many of the previous series, so when I thought, "I'm finally going to be apart of this," I felt extremely happy.
Motojima: I joined my current agency in March of this year, where my manager told me, "There's an audition open." It was the first tokusatsu audition I've done for Kamen Rider. I was so happy when I heard I passed the audition, that I still clearly remember jumping up and down.
Tomizono: I was also very happy when I passed. I'm excited to be able to work on a single role for a whole year.
Abe: The moment my manager said, "There's an audition for Kamen Rider," I immediately informed my mother. She currently lives in Osaka, but she calls me every day, and I'll read her my lines over our video calls. When I told her I had passed the audition, she was so excited. Seeing her happy makes me happy, and it made me realize that I have to really work hard and do my best.
Fujibayashi: Kumaki-san and I have auditioned for Kamen Rider many times, but this was the first time for the three of us (Motojima, Abe, and Tomizono). How many times did Rinne (Matsumoto) audition?
Matsumoto: Two times.
Kumaki: That's amazing~.
Fujibayashi: She really is a talented person.
Motojima: I was happy when I was selected, but at the same time, I was worried about if I was actually capable of doing this. Before we started filming, I was actually really nervous. Once we actually started however, it's been alot of fun.
Matsumoto: I also thought the filming was alot of fun, going forward, I feel like I'll be able to improve in many ways.
Tomizono: I'm looking forward to playing Sabimaru for a whole year. Although, I do feel overwhelmed.
Motojima: I need to concentrate on the daily filming. I'd like to go through this year without forgetting to take this seriously.
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asknarashikari · 5 months
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You know the whole fandom would've been frothing at the mouth if this actually happened but at the same time they would worry about the show moving forward because there's no way in heck Toei can afford to bring back every single one of them without everything else giving out lmao
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