#kamisato ayato is touchstarved
littlemisssatanist · 2 years
Yeah… (Kamisato Ayato/Reader
I woke up a few days ago with a craving and wrote this in one sitting. It’s not finished. It has not been proof read because my beta-reader would have a conniption if she saw this (lesbians amiright).
Reader is gender neutral.
Not really smut.
Ayato is touch starved.
You reading this:
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You sighed as you leaned back in your chair as the last of the flame spluttered out, leaving you in total darkness. Tossing the quill you were holding aside, you pushed back your chair.
Rain was pouring heavily outside. It was drizzling earlier, clouds grey and tired, but that was just regular Inazuman weather. Lightning thundered once, then twice. You grimace. The Shogun must be extra angry today.
It wouldn’t be such a problem normally. Normally, everyone living at the Kamisato Estate would be inside the manor by this time of night. The rest of the servants had already gone to bed.
So why were you still up?
You scowled, standing up to grab a matchbox from the tiny shelf attached to your dresser-desk. It was a mix of the two, really. You walk back to your chair, fumbling with the match and huffing to yourself when light filled the room again.
You scanned over the report you had been writing. Technically, this responsibility fell to the Head of House. Technically, the Head of House took care of all paperwork.
The scratching of the quill against parchment relaxed you slightly. It was a familiar sound, one that joined you at least once or twice a day. You didn’t mind doing part of the paperwork. It was part of your job description, as the right hand of Kamisato Ayato.
Paperwork was his responsibility, yes, but helping him was your responsibility.
You glanced outside the window again, sighing once more when the rain showed no sign of stopping.
And still Kamisato Ayato was nowhere to be found.
He had left the Estate in the morning, to go someplace he hadn’t told you, which was unusual in its own right. You knew everything about where he went and what he did. (A wonder that knowledge didn’t drive you insane sometimes. Kamisato Ayato had a tendency to be a bit unbearable sometimes).
But you had no clue where he was right now. Which was the reason for the tight and uneasy feeling in your chest. You play with the skin around your fingernails, getting irritated.
This was absolutely ridiculous.
A thud outside your room brought you out of your thoughts. You startle, looking towards the door. It’s handle turned with a creak, and you reached for the blade hiding beneath your skirt.
The door opened. Kamisato Ayato fell through. Speak of the fucking Devil. You must have done something terrible in your past laugh, because Celestia was laughing in your fucking face.
“My lord!” You gasped, watching as your employer stumbled across the room towards you. He was holding a hand to his abdomen, something red dripping down onto the floor. “What- what happened!”
“Close- close the door. Please.” Kamisato Ayato breathed out, collapsing. You lunged forward, attempting to cradle him in your arms, but Archons, he was heavy.
“Just. Just close to the door.”
You nodded, frightened, dashing to close it. Then you rushed back to him, unsure of what to do next.
“Take off my clothes.” Kamisato Ayato instructs you next, wincing as he tries to sit up.
You stare at him. He notices, raising a thin eyebrow.
“Could I just- what the fuck happened?”
Kamisato Ayato let’s out a breath, shifting slightly. “I went out.”
“You went out.” You said in a flat tone. “Without telling me? Or anybody, for that matter?”
“I’m sorry.” His voice was soft, and his blue eyes looked at you with something like guilt in them. Your breath might have been taken away, but who can really say for sure. “I’ll let you know next time.”
You inhale sharply, glancing at his abdomen. “Never mind that now. Why are you bleeding?”
“Hm.” His voice definitely sounded a little less lifelike then. “Fight went wrong. Didn’t see it coming.”
“Ok. Ok.” You fling your hands around frantically, panic finally seeping in. “What do I do?”
“Take off my clothes.” Kamisato Ayato repeated. “Just the top parts. You can leave the pants on.”
“Yes. Uhm.”
You quickly set to work with untying the knots on his uniform. Why were there so many fucking layers? You cursed under your breath as you finally shrugged off the shoulders of the final kimono, revealing his smooth, pale, unblemished skin. You tried very hard not to think about the proximity, or what scandal might be started if someone were to walk in on you two that moment.
You held back a gasp at the sight of the bloody mess that was Kamisato Ayato’s stomach. It has been sliced open, blood still oozing from the wound.
“Rip apart some of the fabric.” He says in between short breaths, chest falling up and down. You watched the movement very carefully. “Wrap it around.”
You nodded, doing as he said so, glad that the ghastly wound was no longer visible.
“I think it might scar.” You mutter.
He lets out a laugh, immediately wincing.
“Let’s get you into the bed.” You say, wrapping your arms around his torso, feeling him tense.
“Are you alright?” You ask, worried, but Kamisato Ayato shakes his head and stands up on shaky legs. You shoot up after him, guiding him to your bed. He relaxes into it with an exhale.
“Do you need me to do anything else?”
He shakes his head again. His eyes were lidded now, as is he could barely keep them open.
“Are you hungry, my lord? I have some left over bread from dinner.”
He levels you with a stare, opening his mouth. You want to frown at him for expending too much energy but what he says next makes all thoughts fly out of you brain.
“Call me Ayato.”
You blink rapidly. The world might have ended. You wouldn’t know. Your heart was pounding too fast for you to hear anything, and your head was filled with that one sentence for you to think about anything.
Your eyes slowly focused back on the scene in front of you. Ayato tilted his head to the side, focusing intently on you.
“Anybody in there?”
“Oh.” Your mouth seemed to be working again. “Oh.”
Or maybe not.
Ayato’s lips quirked up. He looked almost amused. Part of you wanted to feel annoyed at that. The bigger part of you was still trying to figure out what to do next.
“You’re red.” Ayato observed.
Your eyes snapped towards his crystal ones, and suddenly your mind cleared.
He no longer seemed amused. His face turned very serious. “Say that again.”
He shifted, hands coming to grip your biceps, pulling you to tower above you. The air around you shifted.
“Again.” He breathed.
And so it went. You must have said it at least a hundred times, whispering when your voice got hoarse. Every time you said his name, Ayato would shudder beneath you. Just the slightest of trembles. You could feel his skin underneath your fingers, hot where you touched him.
You slide your hands up to his hair, brushing out any knots. Your fingernails scratched against his nape, and Ayato let out a delicious sound.
He was breathing harder now, as you touched him everywhere. His bare shoulders, his strong back, his warm cheeks, his arms that were still tightly gripping yours.
Yeah that’s it.
Maybe if this gets 100 likes I’ll actually write the smut but writing straight people smut scares me so… don’t expect anything.
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numberonenat · 1 year
making things clear:
biblically accurate angel?
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no ❌❌❌
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biblically accurate angels ✅✅✅
i saw kuras and i imediatly thought: he fking. looks. like simeon. > EVEN THE CLOTHES WHAT < they're both extremly hot angels ;)
kuras is literally simeon but with a genshin's ayato font :|
-also this is officially my entry in the touchstarved fandom (i literally started playing yesterday but yeah) now i really want to draw this two😭
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God is Underpaid, Overworked, and Touchstarved. Triple Threat!
An: Programmer Sagau, but you're also an underpaid genius. Multipart definitely, just had to cut it off here as it would be so so long if I didn't.
Tw: not really anything here, and no swears yet, but we will have our stupid yandere acolytes later. We're also just really touch starved.
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You were almost about to bang your head at the keyboard.
As a developer for Mihoyo, you were working on a piece of code for an upcoming character in Genshin Impact: their open-world RPG that just so happened to be having the worst case of spaghetti code you were seeing in about three years.
You were supposed to be working on gameplay mechanics for the character Ayato Kamisato. A character turning out to be quite popular within the fanbase and your workplace. Right now, you were trying to figure out how to make his elemental skill work after someone (most likely one of the interns) broke it so they could fix something else in the code.
Sipping your drink of choice, you brainstorm ideas, writing them down in a little Google Doc. 'Maybe I could just throw a hashmap at the problem, reverting the code to before it became like this could work too, you know what, what if I just deleted everything and started it over.' You tried all of your solutions except for the last one to no avail.
In the midst of the pandemic, you were now working from home, meaning that you could take breaks whenever as long as the work got done. You hid the tabs of messy code and opened an application on your files that almost no one knew about.
Or to you, Ai robot application assigned scheduling, holding information, therapy + accompaniment. (You really should've come up with a better name for it)
It had been based on a character for Genshin that you made up as a fun game. You and the others in your department would do that on breaks before Covid hit. You would all make up random things or people that could be whatever but they had to be related to the game. With how the writing department for the main story quests was falling apart, some of you even joked about replacing the writers themselves.
Araashita Kaedahara. A joke character who seemed to be connected to everything yet did not fit into any parts of the story. He was the heir to the Kaedahara clan (the family of one of your favourite in-game characters) yet ran away to pursue freedom, taking his younger brother with him. He had ties to Khanri'ah, having fallen into the abyss and swearing loyalty to the royalty of the godless nation, becoming knight commander, the highest rank available in their military. The loyal knight of the crown prince of Khanri'ah and the person to teach the eleventh harbinger how to use an element. Being said to have a foul legacy stronger than the eleventh harbinger and strong enough to bring even Rex Lapis to his knees.
As a little pet project, you decide to turn him into an AI. Or more specifically, create an AI persona of him.
You mainly used it to experiment with new coding strategies in an environment that you could easily modify without restraints. Though it did have other uses.
As said in its name, it could schedule things for you and act as a to-do list, remember or remind you of pieces of information, and act like someone you could talk to without feeling like a burden. Though you admit that the last function sounds kind of pathetic to you.
But really, what else could you do? You were single, living in an okay apartment with no one (you'd actually want to talk to) to talk to but your cat; just a little bit of fake human stimuli wouldn't hurt anyone.
You coded small games into it and taught it so much that if you were anyone else, you would've thought it to be a real person behind the screen
Except you really did need to lower that time complexity of the application though. The screen, after a couple of seconds more than it should've taken, had loaded in.
"Oh, your back! Good to see you again! How are you doing?"
The 3d model of Araashita greeted you with an animated head bob and smile. You had taken the template the 3d modelling department used as a start for Genshin's tall male characters and used it to create the model. It was perfectly legal as long as you didn't pass the template off as yours. But that wouldn't be possible as this was a private project anyway.
A dialogue box popped up, allowing you to say something back to the AI. You typed in a reply. You did not need to pretend you weren't frustrated here, after all, you wouldn't be hurting an actual person if you were mean to Araashita. Still, you did feel that being rude to the AI was unnecessary and could cause it to build similar habits, so you talked with it as though it were your friend.
"Hey, Araashita, just came here since I've been getting a bit frustrated over the development of Ayato Kamisato, one of the new characters in Genshin. Basically, the animation part of his skill broke so one of the interns tried to fix it, but now the animation works and the actual skill effects as in damage, hydro application etc do not work." Part of you felt silly about doing this, but it was a lot better the slamming your head into the nearest wall out of anger.
"That's unfortunate, here, I found some common solutions to problems similar to that." A text file popped up on the screen, a list of common mistakes in code (ranked from the highest probability of me causing it to lowest using data from code errors in the past) and ways to troubleshoot. Skimming through the list, you felt proud that the list would be quite informative and helpful if you hadn't already tried everything on it in two to three different ways.
You began typing back to the AI "Thanks, your advice is getting a lot better. It's just that these are all methods I've already tried and it still hasn't fixed the issue."
You swore on your life that if you showed this to anyone else, they would immediately think it was a real person. Araashita gave a sad smile, exactly as it learned to do when it was appropriate.
"How about you take a break then, eat some food, take a nap?"
"Not really in the mood for a nap right now and I ate half an hour ago." You replied, pulling up another tab and scrolling through the replies to the new character confirmation.
"Well then how about you go play some video games, or I know, Genshin impact! Yeah, that should be fun," The AI replied to you in such a way that you couldn't help but feel your spirits lift.
"Ok, guess I could play some Genshin. Here, I'll turn on your voice so you can talk to me while I play." Normally, the voice feature that allowed Araashita to use a voice box to talk was off as you could read pretty fast and the voice would just set you off. So normally you used the voice feature so that you could talk to Araashita while playing games or coding. You really did go all out with it, there wasn't any need to type in responses as you could just speak and it would recognize words, you just typed so it wouldn't error.
You opened Genshin impact, greeted with the image of Celestia and the door that lead you into Teyvat.
Suddenly, you were blinded by a bright light.
You felt as if you were falling, you could feel your ears pop. The sky looked to bright to be the same one outside, where were you? You freefell, closing your eyes.
"I'm sorry, but I love you."
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